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interpretvt. 1. 解释; 说明2. 把…理解为;领会3. 演绎(按自己的感觉演奏音乐或表现角色)vt. & vi. 1. 口译; 翻译

We saw the mountain when the clouds_______(lift)

1. We saw the mountain when the clouds_had lifted_(lift)lift 在此句是不及物动词“消散”, 不能用被动语态2. had been liftedlift 这一动作发生在过去动作found 之前, 是过去的过去,故用过去完成时的被动语态如不明白请追问,如果满意请采纳手机提问者如果满意,请在客户端右上角评价点“满意”即可, 谢谢!祝学习进步




直接加ed to say the least

i like to climb the mluntion.的同意句

I love climbing the mountain


1、这里的mountains加s应该是指那一片的山,就是群山吧不加s的单数mountain是特指某一座山,但是像世界上的很多山都是连在一起的,不好特别指定某一座【这个加不加s其实可以不扣的那么严,主要是根据句子的背景来看】2、用in来修饰更加准确些,就如同中文的【不识庐山真面目,只缘身在自山中】一个道理,爬山是在山间进行,那些小道啊树啊都是在山间的。【这种用法跟长在树上苹果apples in the tree是同个原理】全是手敲得,童鞋们不要复制我的= =


interpreter( 也可用Interpretor,前者比较常用)[in5tE:pritE] n. 解释程序, 解释者, 口译人员, 翻译员, 讲解员, 注释器

There is a mountain of which the top is always covered with snow.

前面半句和后面半句要连起来,“the top of the mountain", which 指代mountain,也可以变成这样 There is a mountain whose top is always covered with snow.

mountain 是用in还是on?


东方神起mountain sping歌词





加the,是on the mountain ,还要加介词。



the biggest the mountain the better the view 是什么意


Move The Mountain 歌词

歌曲名:Move The Mountain歌手:Stratovarius专辑:elysium 2011Move The MountainFrom 灵云武汉大学:Lye,耶律蠢材,の,炀帝Would you move the mountain,Would you build a tower,Would you drink the sunshine,Like a wilted flower?Would you waste that hourIf you knew this fullmoon would beThe last one you"d see?Would you gaze in wonderWhile the world was turning,While the moon made quietAll the years of yearning?Would the flame keep burning,If you knew the powers that beCould set you free?Don"t know why you had to goIn the storylight, a flame in the darkness,And we"ll never really knowIf you"ll ever see me again.Swam around in circles,In a meandering ocean,Had a dream of safetyThat"s lost emotion.Could a faded notionMake you find your way back to shore,Looking for more?So we head for safety,But we never get thereAnd I brush the shadowsFrom a staring nightmare.On the road to nowhere,Would you help me carry my crossAnd set me free?Don"t know why you had to goIn the storylight, a flame in the darkness,And we"ll never really knowIf you"ll ever see me again珞珈山梦境联盟驻于武大樱顶Oh why you had to go?In the storylight,And we"ll never know, we"ll never really knowIf you"ll ever see me again.珞珈山梦境联盟http://music.baidu.com/song/28160782


hill一般指小山,on the hill. 一般是矮小的。但是如果是高山,有名字的山脉,就必须是mountain了。on the mountain. 如果没有语境,两个都可以用。平常用hill更多。

climb the mountain中间要加the吗



interpretedv.解释( interpret的过去式和过去分词 ); 理解; 把…理解为; 演绎(按自己的感觉演奏音乐或表现角色); 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Local regulators interpreted them differently and many failed to enforce them. 各地的管理者对它们有不同的解释并且很多内容未能实施。

this is the mountain

主要是分析从句的句子成分: where做地点状语 what做主语或宾语 which作主语或宾语 This is the mountain village where I stayed last year

the birds are on the mountain对on the mountain提问

1. Where; live 2. What; do; eat 3. How; many 4. Does; have

climb the mountain是什么意思


[A] interpret[B] intervene[C] insulate[D] interact


l climbed the mountain

looks their for 好了 望采纳最佳答案 谢谢



climb the mountain中间要加the吗 还是 climb mountain 或 climb a mountain

如果你在前文中曾经提到过这座山,就要加the 第一次提要爬某一座山,且强调这座山,通常用climb a mountain 如果只想表达爬山,就用climb mountain


interpret 口译translation 笔译


is climbing a mountain.have climbed a mountain.Climbed a mountain.is going to climb a mountain.



the mountain is

C.The higher;the thinner the +形容词比较级,the+形容词比较级,越.越.的意思


韦式和牛津的解释都一致。late Middle English:from Old French interpreter or Latin interpretari "explain, translate",


前者是口译, 后者是翻译,笔译也行,就是那个翻译过程。





over the mountain与across the mountain的区别

over the mountain由下往上穿过山across the mountain在下面穿过山

in the mountain和onthe mountain那个正确?有区别吗

in the mountain正确,表示:在山里。

英语 in the mountain和on the mountain的区别

in the mountain在山里(微观角度,着眼山上的树什么的) 如:He once got lost in the mountain.他曾经在山里迷路过. on the mountain在山上(宏观角度,把山当成是个平面物体) 如:Finally,I managed to climb on the moutain.最后我终于爬上山了. 侧重点不同,强调的不同.


interpret for(v.+prep.) 为(某人)做翻译。英语(英语:English)是一种西日耳曼语支,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言。英国人的祖先盎格鲁部落是后来迁移到大不列颠岛地区的日耳曼部落之一,称为英格兰。这两个名字都来自波罗的海半岛的Anglia。该语言与弗里斯兰语和下撒克森语密切相关,其词汇受到其他日耳曼语系语言的影响,尤其是北欧语(北日耳曼语),并在很大程度上由拉丁文和法文撰写。英语已经发展了1400多年。英语的最早形式是由盎格鲁-撒克逊人移民于5世纪带到英国的一组西日耳曼语支(Ingvaeonic)方言,被统称为古英语。中古英语始于11世纪末,诺曼征服英格兰;1476年,威廉·卡克斯顿将印刷机介绍给英国,并开始在伦敦出版第一本印刷书籍,扩大了英语的影响力。自17世纪以来,现代英语在英国和美国的广泛影响下在世界各地传播。通过各类这些国家的印刷和电子媒体,英语已成为国际主导语言之一,在许多地区和专业的环境下的语言也有主导地位,例如科学、导航和法律。

at/on/in the mountain的区别?

at 在---上,在山上。 就在山上面, 在一个面上on /in看得见用on看不见用inon the moutain: 在山上,不是山顶那个面上,比如在山坡上in the moutain: 在山里面,看不到人。

in the mountain和onthe mountain那个正确?有区别吗



interpretation主要用作为名词,意为解释;翻译;演出。短语搭配intended interpretation 预期释义 ; 预期解释,visual interpretation [遥感] [测] 目视判读 ; 目视判释 ; [科技] 目视解译 ; 可视化解译,restrictive interpretation 缩小解释,photo interpretation 照片阐释 ; 照片判读 ; 像片判读 ; 照相判读,Cultural Interpretation 文化诠释 ; 文化阐释 ; 文化解释 ; 文化演绎,My Interpretation 解释 ; 我来诠释,Escort Interpretation 我国对于陪同口译 ; 陪同翻译 ; 陪同口译,free interpretation 自由口译 ; 免费翻译,Graphics Interpretation 图表解析 ; 图形理解 ; 图形分析 ; 利用图形当中的数据来补充题目描述中的缺失信息。



interpret是什么意思,解释吗?但是,interpret a dream为什么是圆梦的意思?




climb mountain 山前边要加冠词吗

要。一般说climb the mountain

climb the mountain的中文



I interpret this text from English to Chinese.

We clim the mountain on the weekend否定句?

We don"t climb the mountain on the weekend.行为动词做谓语,一般现在时态主语是复数变否定句,直接在主语后加助动词 don"t

Climb mountains中mountain为什么要加s


carpentersville 是哪里


climb the mountain是什么意思?

你好,这个短语的意思是 爬山,满意请采纳,不满意欢迎追问

名词后面加the要加复数吗,例如:climb the mountain?

the属于定冠词,后面既可以跟可数名词单数,也可以跟可数名词复数,还可以跟当作单数看待的不可数名词。你的理解是片面的,应该具体情况具体对待。例句:the apple 这个苹果(可数名词单数)the children 这些孩子(可数名词复数)the juice 这种果蔬汁(不可数名词)

get the top of the mountain还是get to the top

正确答案:C.根据句意我觉得到达山顶是非常困难的,其中划线处缺少一个代词作found的宾语,hard是宾补,动词不定式to get to…则是句子真正的宾语,因为其太长了,为了保持句子平衡而将其后置,划线则应用it作形式宾语,故选择C."find+it+形容词+to do"这一固定结构表示觉得做某事….


Interpret和translate都有解释、翻译的意思,但在实际使用中有一些区别:1. Interpret一般指口译,是将一种语言的口语翻译成另一种语言的口语。而translate则更倾向于书面翻译。2. Interpret强调的是语言转换的过程,通常需要理解原始语言的含义,再将其转化为目标语言的表达方式。Translate则更强调语言内容的准确传递,通常需要对两种语言都有深刻的理解。3. Interpreting更加注重口才和音调,需要口译员在短时间内做出快速反应。Translate更加注重专业知识和术语的准确性,需要译员在长时间内耐心翻译和审核。总的来说,interpret更多的是面向口语,强调理解和表达技巧;而translate更多的是面向书面,强调专业知识和翻译经验。

是go to the mountain还是go to the mountains?


search in the mountain怎么错了?

嗯,在这句话中,mountain应该加s ,因为在这里需要使用复数形式。因此,这句话应该改为,search in the mountains,意思就是在山上搜索。

I went to the mountains中的mountain为什么要加s

I went to the mountains.我去了山脉.(指群山) I went to the mountain.我去了那座山.(特指一座山)

go to the mountain还是go to the mountains, 有区别吗

前者是一座特定的山,一般应该有上下文后者是“山区”============以下是老外的解释============They mean different things... you"d usually say "I prefer the mountains". This means you like mountains in general, or mountainous areas."I prefer the mountain." would mean you prefer one specific mountain to the seaside. I guess if you lived on a small island with only one mountain you might say that... but it"s a little strange!他们代表不同的东西,你可以说“我喜欢大山”,这代表你对大山的普遍喜欢,或者山区。“我喜欢山”意思就是你相对海边而言喜欢一个特定的山。我会猜想假如你住在一个小岛上而岛上只有一座山时你才会这样说。但是有点奇怪就是了。





是go to the mountain还是go to the mountains

两个也对 是看有多少座山了

英语-是at the top of the mountain还是on the top of the mountain

at 绝对的

in the mountain, in mountains区别是什么?绕来绕去的!monkeys

在这座山上(in the mountain) 在山区(in mountains) monkeys live in mountains

Alexander Graham Bell invented _______ telephone in 1876. A./ B.a C.the D.one


—— the mountain 前加什么介词


at/on/in the mountain的区别?

at 在---上,在山上. 就在山上面, 在一个面上 on /in 看得见用on 看不见用in on the moutain: 在山上,不是山顶那个面上,比如在山坡上 in the moutain: 在山里面,看不到人.

____ mainly for the invention of the telephone, Alexander

d吧感觉这题是靠句意去选答案的d读起来比较通:尽管他主要因为发明了电话而被人们记住,Alexander Graham Bell 投入了他的一生去帮助聋哑人。

请问,“在山上”翻译成英文是in the mountain还是on the mountain?两个的区别是什么?

在山上:on the mountain在山里:in the mountain

the mountain is tall正确吗?


The Mountain 歌词

歌曲名:the mountain歌手:Donovan专辑:slow down world语言:英语风格:流行歌词:It was up some laughing river where I"d gone to spend the day.I had such fantastic visions I could hardly stand to stay.And I stood within myself and suddenly felt free,And I stood above the burdens that puzzle you and me.I became awareness that was shared with all around,DonovanWith the trees, the sky, the flowers, and the wind, the sun, the ground.I heard the birds were singing and I found them same as me,And I understood our sorrows and why they should not be.I saw this plane of living, it was nothing more than faith,A skin that covered glory, far beyond our love or hate,A living crystal fairyland where loving is our grace,A pyromanic garden that knows no time nor space.I saw what we"ve been doing to it, saw it as insane,To crush all those damned infidels, defend what should be shame.And again I shared our sorrows and knew we all must bear the blame.I see it all as part of us to know and share alikeWith a universal willingness to know and do what"s right,To understand our brotherness and stop this awful race,Let our children grow in peace, know their life shall not be waste.First there is a mountain, then it seems the mountain"s gone,But then, if you take another look, why, it"s been there all along.We can be just like that river as it laughs along its way,Or stand beneath the shadows that take the sun away.

in the mountains是什么意思


promise dont come easy歌词

诺言来之不易 I should have known all along there was something wrong 我本应一直明白,我们之间出现了问题 I just never read between the lines 我从来没有体读懂你的言外之意 then I woke up one day and found you on your way 于是有一天我醒来发现你已离去 leaving nothing but my heart behind 只留下了我的心 what can I do to make it up to you 我该如何补偿你呢 promises don"t come easy 承诺不是轻易作出的 but tell me if there"s a way to bring you back home to stay 告诉我是否有一种方法,可以让你回到我身边 well I"d promises anything to you 那样的话我愿向你承诺一切 I"ve been walkin" around with my head hanging down 我脑袋低垂,四处游荡 Wondering what I"m gonna do 不知道该去做什么 cause when you walked out that door 因为当你走出门时 I knew I needed you more than to take a chance on losing you 我知道我需要你,不愿失去你 what can I do to make it up to you 我该如何补偿你呢 promises don"t come easy 承诺不是轻易作出的 you know I"ve made up my mInd to make it work this time 我已下定决心这次一定可以 that"s the promise that I give to you 这就是我可以给你的承诺 you never thought I loved you 你过去从不觉得我爱你 I guess you never thought I cared 我猜 你从不觉得我在乎你 I was just too proud to say it out loud 但我只不过是太骄傲而无法大声表白 now I know to let my feelings go (so tell me) 现在我知道应该让情感释放 告诉我 what can I do to make it up to you 我该如何补偿你呢 promises don"t come easy 承诺不是轻易做出的 you know I"ve made up my mind to make It work this time 我已下定决心,这次一定可以 that"s the promise I can give to you 这就是我可以给你的承诺 what can I do to make it up to you 我该如何补偿你呢

promise dont come easy歌词

[ti:promise dont come easy][ar:caron nightingale]i should have known all alongthere was something wrong i just never read between the lines then i woke up one day and found you on your way leaving nothing but my heart behind what can i do to make it up to you promises dont come easy but tell me if theres a way to bring you back home to stay well id promises anything to you ive been walkin around with my head hanging downwondrin what im gonna do cause when you walked out that door,i knew i needed you more than to take a chance on losing you what can i do to make it up to you promises dont come easy you know ive made up my mind to make it work this time thats the promise that i give to you you never thought i loved you i guess you never thought i cared i was just too proud to say it out loud now i know, to let my feelings go (so tell me)what can i do to make it up to you promises dont come easy you know ive made up my mind to make it work this time thats the promise i can give to you what can i do to make it up to you


Montreal .

一道冠词选择题:Alexander Graham Bell invented ____ telephone in 1876.

我觉得选 C因为我们都知道了电话,然后是特指

Intel(英特尔)Atom N425 Dimondville CPU核心 1.8G主频【请行家告诉一下】这是单核还是双核的


Alexander Graham Bell invented _______ telephone in 1876. A./ B.a C.the D.one

the+单数名词,表类别,常用于正式语体。定冠词,不定冠词和零冠词都有这种功能。如: Galileo claimed that he had invented the telescope. An ox is a useful animal. Doctors are badly needed at the front. 参考 章振邦《新编英语语法教程》第6版 P75。

怎样区分法语中的arrondissement quartier commune ville département région district

region 是制一个大区,departement 是region 的下一级,省。arrondissement 是département 的下一级,指一个城市的分区,比如说里昂有好几个区,1区,2区~7区8区等等,这里用arrondissment;quartier,是指,比如说,这个范围,都是中国商店,亚洲人,亚洲店铺聚集多,这个就是quartier d"asie。commune用得比较少,通常指市镇之类的;ville 就是知城市,比如里昂,巴黎都是属于villedistrict就基本上没有用到,在日常的生活中!province就可能指外省,巴黎以外的吧。希望对你有所帮助!

sinterbronze 什么材料。可能是Bronze 6-6-3.具体还不是很清楚 ,请各位指教

sinter bronze代表“烧结青铜”Bronze 6-6-3在对应国内牌号“ZQSn6-6-3”ZQSn6-6-3属于国标铸造锡青铜牌号,执行标准:GB/T 1176-1974ZQSn6-6-3锡青铜做开合螺母不需要热处理ZQSn6-6-3具有较高的强度,良好的抗滑动磨擦性,优良的切削性能和良好的焊接性能,在大气、淡水中有良好的耐腐蚀性能。主要用于制造航空、汽车及其它工业部门中承受磨擦的零件,如汽缸活塞销衬套、轴承和衬套的内衬、副连杆衬套、圆盘和垫圈等。ZQSn6-6-3化学成分:Sn含5~7%,Zn5~7%,Pb2~4%,

【The child nodded,apparently content with the promise. 省略语法求赐教】


联想ThinkCentre E74YPC电脑怎么样

看你要派什么用处!家用或者一般性办公 足够了。一般的游戏也足以应对。而且省了显卡钱。4G的内存最好再加一条4G,搞个双通道!
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