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assistant用英语怎么说如下:assistant,美 /u0259u02c8su026astu0259nt/,英 /u0259u02c8su026astu0259nt/。n.助手,助理,助教。adj.辅助的,助理的;有帮助的。复数:assistants双语例句:1.The assistant manager is mad with us because of our low sales.副经理对我们很生气,因为销量太低了。2.I think I am the best person for the post of assistant.我认为我是这个助理岗位的最佳人选。3.He works part-time as a shop assistant in his spare time.他利用课余时间兼职做售货店。4.The boss asks his assistant to check his schedule.老板让助理查看一下他的日程安排5.I will have my assistant double-check the scope statement.我会让我的助理再确认一下范围大小的。6.Alan is overdue for a promotion to assistant manager.Alan早该升任为副经理了。


  1、assistant的英语发音:英[u0259u02c8su026astu0259nt],美[u0259u02c8su026astu0259nt]。   2、assistant:n.助理; 助手; 助教(在国外留学的大学生,教授本国语);adj.助理的; 副的。   3、例句:Kalan called his assistant, Hashim, to take over while he went out.考兰叫助理哈希姆在自己外出时代理其职。


assistant 英[u0259u02c8su026astu0259nt]美[u0259u02c8su026astu0259nt]n. 助手,助理;[化学](染色的)助剂;辅助物;店员,伙计adj. 助理的;辅助的;有帮助的;副的名词复数:assistants[例句]u2022 Title : financial assistant to thechairmanu2022职务:董事长财务助理


assistant 英[u0259u02c8su026astu0259nt]美[u0259u02c8su026astu0259nt]n. 助手,助理;[化学](染色的)助剂;辅助物;店员,伙计adj. 助理的;辅助的;有帮助的;副的名词复数:assistants[例句]Is the boss "s assistant a neutral observer?助理们是中立的观察者吗?



helper 和 assistant的区别~谢谢各位~

helper:助手,帮手assistant:助手,助理;助教;店员起辅助作用的事物都做助手讲的时候,没有区别,可以互换assistant是正式场合用词,常用于公务,如administrative assistant(行政助理)。helper职业化的痕迹较淡,更为随便,指热情帮忙的人,helper 多为义务帮忙,给人一种温暖的印象.表示不拘形式的亲密关系。与此相对,assistant则包含上下级关量的含义。

assistant 在前面和后面的区别

如果一个英语单词是个名词或代词,在其前面数词,而对于这个可以以数量表达的名词或代词为一个时,对这个词最前面发音的不同,使用a或者an是有区别的。1、当这个词前面第一个字母为元音时,应加an,如an apple,读做“哦奶扑欧”,你所说的assistant的第一个字母是元音,所以加an2、当这个词前面第一个字母为辅音时,则加a,你可以多读一些关于英语语法的参考书,这一本没有,另一本会有,注意这些细微的东东,很有意思的。祝你进步!


英文缩写:asst 英文全称:assistant中文解释:助理


- -?我没看懂LZ想选哪个~什么叫“而且前面的useful可以让assistance在冠词后”?assistant是可数名词,assistance是不可数名词,前面有a这个不定冠词,所以应该用assistant直译过来就是“这电子词典对我的英语学习来说会是一个有用的助手”,也就是非常有帮助的意思assistance的用法不是这样的,assistance是不可数名词,作为抽象意义名词,意思同help


词尾-ant表示人或者物。类似的:accountant 会计 assistant 助手 applicant 申请人 elephant 象 giant 巨人 immigrant 移民,侨民 merchant 商人 peasant 农民,小农 restaurant 餐馆,饭店-ant 表示人或物 :servant inhabitant assistant attendant excitant stimulant coolant -ant 作形容词词尾: resistant ignornant reliant


As an AI assistant, I am designed to help users with various tasks such as scheduling appointments, sending emails, and providing useful information.


词根assistn. 帮助; 援助;机器助手;辅助装置; vt. 帮助;援助;帮助某人做某事;搀扶(某人)上下车 -ant后缀,表示人或物examinant 主考人inhabitant 居民informant 提供消息者servant 仆人assistant 助手,助理registrant 管登记者coolant 冷却剂digestrant 消化剂excitant 兴奋剂stimulant 刺激物


assistant[英][u0259u02c8su026astu0259nt][美][u0259u02c8su026astu0259nt]n.助手,助理; [化学](染色的)助剂; 辅助物; 店员,伙计; adj.助理的; 辅助的; 有帮助的; 副的; 复数:assistants例句:1.You need an assistant? 你需要一名助理?2.Where"s assistant director? 助理导演哪去了?



德勤的Assistant Associate,发展前景和待遇如何?求行内人解答

四大会计师事务所的你还要求什么呢?能够拿到OFFER就是胜利。Assistant Associate一般是针对优秀应届生的职位,Associate这个职位提升应该很快,因为这是最基本的职位。一般能用得起德勤的公司基本上都是规模较大企业或者是外企,在审核的过程中自然能够接触到各种企业的核心财务。这个你将来跳槽都是很大的资本,不管你是想去大企业的核心财务部门,还是继续在会计师事务所这一行业做,都是相当牛逼的资本,但是你要能够忍受出差和加班,这个是不可避免的。




以太网(Ethernet)是最广泛安装的局域网技术。正如现在在IEEE 802.3标准中指出的,以太网原来由Xerox开发,后来由Xerox, DEC和Intel共同开发的。以太网一般使用同轴电缆和特种双绞线。最通常的以太网系统是10BASE-T,它的传输速率可达10 Mbps。 连接在电缆上的设备争用线路、冲突采用CSMA/CD协议控制。以太网是当今现有局域网采用的最通用的通信协议标准。该标准定义了在局域网(LAN)中采用的电缆类型和信号处理方法。以太网在互联设备之间以10~100Mbps的速率传送信息包,双绞线电缆10 Base T以太网由于其低成本、高可靠性以及10Mbps的速率而成为应用最为广泛的以太网技术。直扩的无线以太网可达11Mbps,许多制造供应商提供的产品都能采用通用的软件协议进行通信,开放性最好。 Internet是一个网络之上的网络。它具有这样的能力:将各种各样的网络联接起来,而不论其规模、数量、地理位置。同时,把网络互联起来,也就把网络上的资源组合了起来,这当然比独个网络的价值要高出许多。因此,Internet的实质是物理网络和信息资源相结合形成的一个信息网络实体。(


你好!assistant 英[əˈsɪstənt] 美[əˈsɪstənt] n. 助手,助理; [化学] (染色的) 助剂; 辅助物; 店员,伙计; adj. 助理的; 辅助的; 有帮助的; 副的; [例句]Kalan called his assistant, Hashim, to take over while he went out考兰叫助理哈希姆在自己外出时代理其职。



assistant怎么读 assistant英语怎么读

1、assistant的英语发音:英[u0259u02c8su026astu0259nt],美[u0259u02c8su026astu0259nt]。 2、assistant:n.助理; 助手; 助教(在国外留学的大学生,教授本国语);adj.助理的; 副的。 3、例句:Kalan called his assistant, Hashim, to take over while he went out.考兰叫助理哈希姆在自己外出时代理其职。


hello大家好,今天我们要学习的单词是assistant,assistant是一个名词也是一个形容词,作为名词的意思是助手、助理、助教,作为形容词的意思是辅助的、助理的、有帮助的,复数形式是assistants,接下来我们来看看assistant这个单词可以划分为几个音节呢?我们一起来看一看,这个单词可以划分为两个音节【assis】和【tant】,第一个音节assis发音为【??s?s】,第二个音节tant的发音为【t?nt】,合在一起的话它的发音就是【??s?st?nt】;我们再来看看assistant的近义词,是,作为名词有friend、aid、mate、helper,作为形容词有helpful、useful、aided,我们再看看用法,assistant通常翻译为助理,例如下面这句,He was given the title of assistant manager,他被授予经理助理的职位,assistant还可以翻译为助手,例如,She made him her assistant,她挑选他做她的助手,还有下面这句,The lab assistant was wearing a white overall,实验室助手穿着一件白罩衣,assistant这个单词你学会了吗?

ethernet 和 internet 有什么区别?

以太网(Ethernet)是一种计算机局域网组网技术。IEEE制定的IEEE 802.3标准给出了以太网的技术标准。它规定了包括物理层的连线、电信号和介质访问层协议的内容。以太网是当前应用最普遍的局域网技术。它很大程度上取代了其他局域网标准,如令牌环、FDDI和ARCNET。以太网的标准拓扑结构为总线型拓扑,但目前的快速以太网(100BASE-T、1000BASE-T标准)为了最大程度的减少冲突,最大程度的提高网络速度和使用效率,使用交换机(Switch)来进行网络连接和组织,这样,以太网的拓扑结构就成了星型,但在逻辑上,以太网仍然使用总线型拓扑的CSMA/CD介质访问控制方法。历史:以太网是由日本施乐公司与DEC和Intel公司于1980年合作开发的一个局域网协议。Internet是将以往相互独立的,散落在各个地方的单独的计算机或是相对独立的计算机局域网,借助已经发展得有相当规模的电信网络,通过一定的通讯协议而实现更高层次的互联。在这个互联网络中,一些超级的服务器通过高速的主干网络(光缆,微波和卫星)相连,而一些较小规模的网络则通过众多的支干与这些巨型服务器连接。在这些连接中,包括:物理连接和软件连接。所谓物理连接就是,各主机之间的连接利用常规电话线,高速数据线,卫星,微波或光纤等各种通信手段。那么软件连接是什么呢?是全球网络中的电脑使用同一种语言进行交流。换句话说,就是使用相同的通讯协议。


音标是[u0259"sistu0259nt] 汉语拼音读成eseistn(n读成英语字母的音然后把t和n拼到一起就行了)t 注意重音在第一个s那 连起来就能读出来

assistant attendant有什么区别?

assistant一般是指某人的助手比如TA (teacher"s assistant)助教attendant是指一个人,他的工作是在某个工作岗位上,比如你例句中的停车场的岗位,这里不是某个人,因此他不是助手

这句拉丁文是什么意思?Pereunt et Imputantur




华为交换机interface Ethernet1/0/1什么意思



morning 是不一样的month 和Monday 一样

Party Rock Anthem的中英文歌词。 麻烦要一句一句对应的中英歌词,谢谢。会有高悬赏~。~ 请大家多多帮忙

[ti:Party Rock Anthem][ar:LMFAO][al:][00:01.65]Party Rock Anthem[00:04.25]Lmfao[00:07.46][00:18.35]PARTY ROCK[00:19.23][00:22.47]YEA[00:23.60][00:26.05]Wooo![00:27.92][00:29.29]LETS GO!![00:30.33]Party rock is in the house tonight派对摇滚就在今晚[00:34.05]Everybody just have a good time所有人都乐开怀[00:37.94]And we gonna make you lose your mind我们会让你失去理智[00:41.41]Everybody just have a good time所有人都乐开怀[00:44.54][00:45.09]Party rock is in the house tonight派对摇滚就在今晚[00:48.87]Everybody just have a good time所有人都乐开怀[00:52.69]And we gonna make you lose your mind我们会让你失去理智[00:56.20]We just wanna see yaa!我们只是想看你[00:57.65][00:58.92]Shake That !摇摆[00:59.56][01:14.43]In the club party rock look up on your girl夜店里 派对摇滚 看好你的女孩[01:16.80]She on my jock non stop when we in the spot她很对我的胃口 不要停 看我们已出场[01:19.52]Booty move away like she on the block扭动臀部 好似她主宰街头[01:21.75]What the track I gots to know这是啥歌 我想知道[01:23.10]Top jeans tatto cause I"m rock and roll牛仔裤纹身 因为我超级摇滚[01:25.51]Half black half white diamino黑白相间钻石项链[01:27.05]Gane the money out the door在门外 赚着钞票[01:28.89]Yoooo!!哟[01:29.85]I"m runnin through these hoes like drano我征服这些小妞就像德莱尼人(魔兽种族)[01:31.83]I got that devilish flow rock and roll no halo我拥有恶魔般的节奏 摇滚 没有光环[01:35.85]We party rock yea! that"s the crew that I"m reppin我们派对摇滚 这就是我们力挺的团队[01:39.65]On the rise to the top no led in our zeppelin我们攀登顶点 我们的齐柏林飞船没有领队[01:43.66]Hey!!![01:44.38]Party rock is in the house tonight派对摇滚就在今晚[01:47.94]Everybody just have a good time所有人都乐开怀[01:50.93][01:51.76]And we gonna make you lose your mind我们会让你失去理智[01:55.26]Everybody just have a good time所有人都乐开怀[01:58.96]Party rock is in the house tonight派对摇滚就在今晚[02:02.64]Everybody just have a good time所有人都乐开怀[02:06.56]And we gonna make you lose your mind我们会让你失去理智[02:10.06]We just wanna see yaa!我们只是想看你[02:12.17][02:12.90]Shake That !摇摆[02:13.93][02:15.13]Everyday I"m shuffelin每一天我都在跳曳步舞[02:16.77][02:29.89]Shuffelin曳步舞[02:30.38]Shuffelin曳步舞[02:31.02][02:32.13]Step up fast and be the first girl 动作加快 成为第一个[02:33.97]to make me throw this cash让我花钱的女孩[02:35.50]We get money don"t be mad now stop hatein is bad我们超有钱 别生气 快停下 嫉妒不是好事[02:37.56][02:39.06]One more shot for us再给我们倒一杯[02:40.39]Another round再一回合[02:40.95]Please fill up my cup请把酒杯倒满[02:42.15]Don"t mess around别搞砸[02:42.89]We just wanna see我们只是想看你[02:43.95]You shake it now摇摆的样子[02:44.67]Now you wanna be现在你想要[02:45.63]Your naked now想要裸体[02:46.65]Get up get down put your hands up to the sound往上 往下 伴随音乐挥舞双手[02:50.05]Get up get down put your hands up to the sound往上 往下 伴随音乐挥舞双手[02:53.70]Get up get down put your hands up to the sound往上 往下 伴随音乐挥舞双手[02:57.43]Put your hands up to the sound伴随音乐挥舞双手[02:59.27]Put your hands up to the sound伴随音乐挥舞双手[03:01.11]Get up Get up Get up Get up....跳起来 跳起来 跳起来 跳起来 [03:09.60]Put your hands up to the sound伴随音乐挥舞双手[03:11.27]To the sound挥舞双手[03:12.17]Put your hands up !挥舞双手[03:13.13]Put your hands up !挥舞双手[03:13.89]Put your hands up !挥舞双手[03:14.81]Put your hands up !挥舞双手[03:15.79][03:16.52]Party rock is in the house tonight摇滚派对就在今晚[03:20.15]Everybody just have a good time所有人都乐开怀[03:24.14]And we gonna make you lose your mind我们会让你失去理智[03:27.60]Everybody just have a good good good time所有人都乐开怀[03:30.91][03:32.67]Ohhhhhh![03:36.27]Ohhhhhh![03:40.01]Ohhhhhh![03:43.68]Ohhh![03:45.16]望采纳!!!我制作的,花了不少时间呀!

Party Rock Anthem 歌词是甚麼

在线视频:http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/Kx7tmJwdu70/请对照歌词:歌曲:Party Rock Anthem歌手:LMFAO ft Lauren Bennett & GoonRockPART ROCKYEAWooo!!!!LETS GO!!Party rock is in the house tonightEverybody just have a good timeAnd we gonna make you lose your mindEverybody just have a good time [X2]We just wanna see yaa!Shake That !In the club party rock look up on your girlShe on my jock non stop when we in the spotBooty move away like she on the blockWhat the track I gots to knowTop jeans tatto cause I"m rock and rollHalf black half white diaminoGane the money out the doorYoooo!!I"m runnin through these hoes like dranoI got that devilish flow rock and roll no haloWe party rock yea! that"s the crew that I"m reppinOn the rise to the top no led in our zeppelinHey!!!Party rock is in the house tonightEverybody just have a good timeAnd we gonna make you lose your mindEverybody just have a good time [X2]We just wanna see yaa!Everyday I"m shuffelinShuffelin shuffelinStep up fast and be the first girl to make me throw this cashWe get money don"t be mad now stop hatein is badOne more shot for usAnother roundPlease fill up my cupDon"t mess aroundWe just wanna seeYou shake it nowNow you wanna beYour naked nowGet up get down put your hands up to the sound [X3]Put your hands up to the sound [X2]Get up [X9]Put your hands up to the soundTo the soundPut your hands up !!!!!Party rock is in the house tonightEverybody just have a good timeAnd we gonna make you lose your mindEverybody just have a good good good timeOhhhhh!!Ohhhhhh!!!Ohhhhhh!!!Ohhh!

Party Rock Anthem 的歌词

Party rockYeaWooo!Let"s go!Party rock is in the house tonightEverybody just have a good timeAnd we gonna make you lose your mindEverybody just have a good timeParty rock is in the house tonightEverybody just have a good timeAnd we gonna make you lose your mindWe just wanna see yaa!Shake ThatIn the club party rocklook up on pretty girlShe on my jocknon stop when we in the spotBooty move away like she on the blockWhat the trackI gots to knowTop jeans tatto cause I"m rock and rollHalf black half white diaminoGane the moneyout the doorYoooo!I"m runnin through these hoes like dranoI got that devilishflow rock and roll no haloWe party rock yea!that"s the crew that I"m reppinOn the riseto the top no led in our zeppelinHey!Party rock is in the house tonightEverybody just have a good timeAnd we gonna make you lose your mindEverybody just have a good timeParty rock is in the house tonightEverybody just have a good timeAnd we gonna make you lose your mindWe just wanna see yaa!Shake ThatEveryday I"m shuffelinShuffelin shuffelinStep up fastand be the first girl to make me throw this cashWe get money don"t be mad now stophatein is badOne more shot for usAnother roundPlease fill up my cupDon"t mess aroundWe just wanna seeYou shake it nowNow you wanna beYou naked nowGet up get downput your hands up to soundGet up get downput your hands up to soundGet up get downput your hands up to soundPut your hands up to soundPut your hands up to soundGet upGet upGet upGet upGet upGet upGet upGet upGet upPut your hands up to soundTo soundPut your hands upPut your hands upPut your hands upPut your hands upParty rock is in the house tonightPut your hands upEverybody just have a good timePut your hands upAnd we gonna make you lose your mindPut your hands upEverybody just have a good good good timeOhhhhhPut your hands upOhhhhhhOhhhhhhPut your hands upOhhhPut your hands upShake ThatEveryday I"m shuf-fe-felinPut your (put your)Put your (put your)Put your (put your)hands upPut your (put your)your hands upyour hands upPut your hands up我自己做的


Tom wants to play basketball onMonday morning.即汤姆需要周一上午打篮球。

What if she is an angle sent here from heaven? What am I supposed to do ?


Heaven Must Have Sent You [Here In The Night] [Live] 歌词

歌曲名:Heaven Must Have Sent You [Here In The Night] [Live]歌手:Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons专辑:Reunited LiveI"ve cried through many endless nightsWhile holding my pillow tightThen you came into my lonely daysWith your tender and your sweet waysNow I don"t know where you come from, babyDon"t know where you"ve been, my babyHeaven must have sent you, honeyInto my armsNow in the mornin" when I awakeThere"s a smile on my faceYou"ve touched my heart with gladnessWiped away all my sadnessSo long I"ve needed love right near meA soft voice to cheer meHeaven must have sent you, babyInto my lifeIt"s heaven in your armsBoy, it"s the sweetness of your charmsMakes me love you more each dayIn your arms I wanna stayWanna thank you for the joy you brought meThank you for the things you taught meThank you for holding me closewhen I needed you the mostNow I don"t know much about you, babyBut I can"t live without you, babyHeaven must have sent you, babyTo love only meIt"s heaven in your armsBoy, it"s the sweetness of your charmsMakes me love you more each dayIn your arms I wanna stayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7487922



Heaven Must Have Sent You 歌词

歌曲名:Heaven Must Have Sent You歌手:The Elgins专辑:The Motown AnthologyI"ve cried through many endless nightsWhile holding my pillow tightThen you came into my lonely daysWith your tender and your sweet waysNow I don"t know where you come from, babyDon"t know where you"ve been, my babyHeaven must have sent you, honeyInto my armsNow in the mornin" when I awakeThere"s a smile on my faceYou"ve touched my heart with gladnessWiped away all my sadnessSo long I"ve needed love right near meA soft voice to cheer meHeaven must have sent you, babyInto my lifeIt"s heaven in your armsBoy, it"s the sweetness of your charmsMakes me love you more each dayIn your arms I wanna stayWanna thank you for the joy you brought meThank you for the things you taught meThank you for holding me closewhen I needed you the mostNow I don"t know much about you, babyBut I can"t live without you, babyHeaven must have sent you, babyTo love only meIt"s heaven in your armsBoy, it"s the sweetness of your charmsMakes me love you more each dayIn your arms I wanna stayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/10058938

Heaven Must Have Sent You 歌词

歌曲名:Heaven Must Have Sent You歌手:Bonnie Pointer专辑:The Best Of The Pointer Sisters 20Th Century Masters The Millennium CollectionI"ve cried through many endless nightsWhile holding my pillow tightThen you came into my lonely daysWith your tender and your sweet waysNow I don"t know where you come from, babyDon"t know where you"ve been, my babyHeaven must have sent you, honeyInto my armsNow in the mornin" when I awakeThere"s a smile on my faceYou"ve touched my heart with gladnessWiped away all my sadnessSo long I"ve needed love right near meA soft voice to cheer meHeaven must have sent you, babyInto my lifeIt"s heaven in your armsBoy, it"s the sweetness of your charmsMakes me love you more each dayIn your arms I wanna stayWanna thank you for the joy you brought meThank you for the things you taught meThank you for holding me closewhen I needed you the mostNow I don"t know much about you, babyBut I can"t live without you, babyHeaven must have sent you, babyTo love only meIt"s heaven in your armsBoy, it"s the sweetness of your charmsMakes me love you more each dayIn your arms I wanna stayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8579059

Heaven Must Have Sent You 歌词

歌曲名:Heaven Must Have Sent You歌手:The Elgins专辑:True 70S LoveI"ve cried through many endless nightsWhile holding my pillow tightThen you came into my lonely daysWith your tender and your sweet waysNow I don"t know where you come from, babyDon"t know where you"ve been, my babyHeaven must have sent you, honeyInto my armsNow in the mornin" when I awakeThere"s a smile on my faceYou"ve touched my heart with gladnessWiped away all my sadnessSo long I"ve needed love right near meA soft voice to cheer meHeaven must have sent you, babyInto my lifeIt"s heaven in your armsBoy, it"s the sweetness of your charmsMakes me love you more each dayIn your arms I wanna stayWanna thank you for the joy you brought meThank you for the things you taught meThank you for holding me closewhen I needed you the mostNow I don"t know much about you, babyBut I can"t live without you, babyHeaven must have sent you, babyTo love only meIt"s heaven in your armsBoy, it"s the sweetness of your charmsMakes me love you more each dayIn your arms I wanna stayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7572123

Heaven Must Have Sent You 歌词

歌曲名:Heaven Must Have Sent You歌手:The Elgins专辑:Big Motown Hits & Hard To Find Classics - Volume 1I"ve cried through many endless nightsWhile holding my pillow tightThen you came into my lonely daysWith your tender and your sweet waysNow I don"t know where you come from, babyDon"t know where you"ve been, my babyHeaven must have sent you, honeyInto my armsNow in the mornin" when I awakeThere"s a smile on my faceYou"ve touched my heart with gladnessWiped away all my sadnessSo long I"ve needed love right near meA soft voice to cheer meHeaven must have sent you, babyInto my lifeIt"s heaven in your armsBoy, it"s the sweetness of your charmsMakes me love you more each dayIn your arms I wanna stayWanna thank you for the joy you brought meThank you for the things you taught meThank you for holding me closewhen I needed you the mostNow I don"t know much about you, babyBut I can"t live without you, babyHeaven must have sent you, babyTo love only meIt"s heaven in your armsBoy, it"s the sweetness of your charmsMakes me love you more each dayIn your arms I wanna stayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8368431

Heaven Must Have Sent You 歌词

歌曲名:Heaven Must Have Sent You歌手:The Elgins专辑:Out Of Sight: More Sounds From The In CrowdI"ve cried through many endless nightsWhile holding my pillow tightThen you came into my lonely daysWith your tender and your sweet waysNow I don"t know where you come from, babyDon"t know where you"ve been, my babyHeaven must have sent you, honeyInto my armsNow in the mornin" when I awakeThere"s a smile on my faceYou"ve touched my heart with gladnessWiped away all my sadnessSo long I"ve needed love right near meA soft voice to cheer meHeaven must have sent you, babyInto my lifeIt"s heaven in your armsBoy, it"s the sweetness of your charmsMakes me love you more each dayIn your arms I wanna stayWanna thank you for the joy you brought meThank you for the things you taught meThank you for holding me closewhen I needed you the mostNow I don"t know much about you, babyBut I can"t live without you, babyHeaven must have sent you, babyTo love only meIt"s heaven in your armsBoy, it"s the sweetness of your charmsMakes me love you more each dayIn your arms I wanna stayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7659839

Heaven Must Have Sent You 歌词

歌曲名:Heaven Must Have Sent You歌手:Bonnie Pointer专辑:Disco GoldI"ve cried through many endless nightsWhile holding my pillow tightThen you came into my lonely daysWith your tender and your sweet waysNow I don"t know where you come from, babyDon"t know where you"ve been, my babyHeaven must have sent you, honeyInto my armsNow in the mornin" when I awakeThere"s a smile on my faceYou"ve touched my heart with gladnessWiped away all my sadnessSo long I"ve needed love right near meA soft voice to cheer meHeaven must have sent you, babyInto my lifeIt"s heaven in your armsBoy, it"s the sweetness of your charmsMakes me love you more each dayIn your arms I wanna stayWanna thank you for the joy you brought meThank you for the things you taught meThank you for holding me closewhen I needed you the mostNow I don"t know much about you, babyBut I can"t live without you, babyHeaven must have sent you, babyTo love only meIt"s heaven in your armsBoy, it"s the sweetness of your charmsMakes me love you more each dayIn your arms I wanna stayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/9925716

Heaven Must Have Sent You 歌词

歌曲名:Heaven Must Have Sent You歌手:The Elgins专辑:The Motown StoryI"ve cried through many endless nightsWhile holding my pillow tightThen you came into my lonely daysWith your tender and your sweet waysNow I don"t know where you come from, babyDon"t know where you"ve been, my babyHeaven must have sent you, honeyInto my armsNow in the mornin" when I awakeThere"s a smile on my faceYou"ve touched my heart with gladnessWiped away all my sadnessSo long I"ve needed love right near meA soft voice to cheer meHeaven must have sent you, babyInto my lifeIt"s heaven in your armsBoy, it"s the sweetness of your charmsMakes me love you more each dayIn your arms I wanna stayWanna thank you for the joy you brought meThank you for the things you taught meThank you for holding me closewhen I needed you the mostNow I don"t know much about you, babyBut I can"t live without you, babyHeaven must have sent you, babyTo love only meIt"s heaven in your armsBoy, it"s the sweetness of your charmsMakes me love you more each dayIn your arms I wanna stayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8577204

英国签证的appointment confirmation是直接打印那个邮件吗


Heaven Must Have Sent You 歌词

歌曲名:Heaven Must Have Sent You歌手:The Elgins专辑:Heaven Must Have Sent You - The Holland/Dozier/Holland StoryI"ve cried through many endless nightsWhile holding my pillow tightThen you came into my lonely daysWith your tender and your sweet waysNow I don"t know where you come from, babyDon"t know where you"ve been, my babyHeaven must have sent you, honeyInto my armsNow in the mornin" when I awakeThere"s a smile on my faceYou"ve touched my heart with gladnessWiped away all my sadnessSo long I"ve needed love right near meA soft voice to cheer meHeaven must have sent you, babyInto my lifeIt"s heaven in your armsBoy, it"s the sweetness of your charmsMakes me love you more each dayIn your arms I wanna stayWanna thank you for the joy you brought meThank you for the things you taught meThank you for holding me closewhen I needed you the mostNow I don"t know much about you, babyBut I can"t live without you, babyHeaven must have sent you, babyTo love only meIt"s heaven in your armsBoy, it"s the sweetness of your charmsMakes me love you more each dayIn your arms I wanna stayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8578992

Heaven Must Have Sent You 歌词

歌曲名:Heaven Must Have Sent You歌手:The Elgins专辑:Kevin Roland Presents Motown Made To MeasureI"ve cried through many endless nightsWhile holding my pillow tightThen you came into my lonely daysWith your tender and your sweet waysNow I don"t know where you come from, babyDon"t know where you"ve been, my babyHeaven must have sent you, honeyInto my armsNow in the mornin" when I awakeThere"s a smile on my faceYou"ve touched my heart with gladnessWiped away all my sadnessSo long I"ve needed love right near meA soft voice to cheer meHeaven must have sent you, babyInto my lifeIt"s heaven in your armsBoy, it"s the sweetness of your charmsMakes me love you more each dayIn your arms I wanna stayWanna thank you for the joy you brought meThank you for the things you taught meThank you for holding me closewhen I needed you the mostNow I don"t know much about you, babyBut I can"t live without you, babyHeaven must have sent you, babyTo love only meIt"s heaven in your armsBoy, it"s the sweetness of your charmsMakes me love you more each dayIn your arms I wanna stayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8573991

appointment confirmation是什么意思

appointment confirmation委任确认双语例句1The appointment does not require Senate confirmation.这项任命不需要议会的批准。2The rapid appointment and confirmation of a credible and fully empowered Palestinian prime minister is an essential step to address the current dangerous situation.迅速任命并确认一位可信任和有实权的巴勒斯坦

请问这个歌词是什么歌she is the heaven-sent angel you met

She 她,唱上帝是女孩的那个组合唱的


you can go upstairs by escalator. Do you own or rent your video? There is a drugstore on the street.He went the theater last night.

i am hope you were not heaven sent 出自哪首歌

Why Would I Ever-Sam Watters why would i ever, why would i ever why would i ever think of leaving you why would i ever, why would i ever why would i ever think of leaving you wait a minute baby tell me whatu2019s up lately i been knowin you too long why you hidin something thought we was through with frontin i can tell that somethingu2019s wrong how could you even think that i wouldn"thave your back it"s me and you against the world no matter what we go through i"m a always roll with you i promise i"ll be your girl chorus: why would i ever why would i ever why would i ever think of leaving you (somebody say) why would i ever baby iu2019d never cuz i just wouldnu2019t know how to get through (somebody say) cuz you put together every piece of me and baby youu2026you know exactly what i need to be (talk to me) why would i ever, why would i ever why would i ever think of leaving you wait a minute hold up jsaid when you rolled up you was yellin off the chain get mad when i canu2019t make time shoulda known that iu2019m on my grind babe you know itu2019s all in your brain now we been through some problems trust me we can solve them we got too mjuch in it to lose youu2019ve always been my best friend stop placin your bets when baby i not leaving you why would i ever why would i ever why would i ever think of leaving you (somebody say) why would i ever baby iu2019d never cuz i just wouldnu2019t know how to get through (somebody say) cuz you put together every piece of me and baby youu2026you know exactly what i need to be (talk to me) why would i ever, why would i ever why would i ever think of leaving you chorus tell me why did you ever (questionquestion everything we stand for) between us (we got that) have you seen us (we got that love) we got that love why would i ever why would i ever why would i ever think of leaving you (somebody say) why would i ever baby iu2019d never cuz i just wouldnu2019t know how to get through (somebody say) cuz you put together every piece of me and baby youu2026you know exactly what i need to be (talk to me) why would i ever, why would i ever why would i ever think of leaving you i"m not leaving you i"m not leaving you i won"t leave you in acold i"m not leaving you i"m not leaving you baby you know i love you why would i ever , why would i ever why would i ever think of leaving you

Heaven Sent You ( Lp Version ) 歌词

歌曲名:Heaven Sent You ( Lp Version )歌手:Donna Lewis专辑:Blue PlanetThat was solid chemistry that was there with you and meThat was still a long time comeHinder - Heaven SentIt"s freaking me out, that I didn"t seeYou"re so damn hot girl, it"s crazyAnd without a doubt I still can"t believeThat you were right there in front of meNever saw the chemistry that was there with you and meIt"s been a long time comingJust waiting on an angel to take me out of my headI"m falling for youJust coming out of thin airYou came out of nowhere out of the blueWhen heaven sent youNight after night, when I didn"t sleepBut that was before you lay beside meWhen all of my demons were dancing with meI"m glad you came down ‘cause I was in too deepNever saw the chemistry that was there with you and meIt"s been a long time comingJust waiting on an angel to take me out of my headI"m falling for youJust coming out of thin airYou came out of nowhere out of the blueWhen heaven sent youJust waiting on an angel to take me out of my headI"m falling for youJust coming out of thin airYou came out of nowhere out of the blueJust waiting on an angel to take me out of my headI"m falling for youJust coming out of thin airYou came out of nowhere out of the blueRight out of the blueWhen heaven sent youRight out of the blueWhen heaven sent youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/702499

Heaven Sent的《Love Is...》 歌词

歌曲名:Love Is...歌手:Heaven Sent专辑:Songs SupremeLove Is...

Heaven Sent的《Come On In》 歌词

歌曲名:Come On In歌手:Heaven Sent专辑:Songs Supreme2.Come On永远爱着荷荷的Sn.Come on baby Come on lady看看到底是谁先倒Come on baby Come on ladyWHO WHO WHOCome on baby Come on lady现在到底是谁先倒Come on baby Come on lady嘿 你目啁没有脱窗 你没有看错这真的是我 Baby我就是你嘴里 那个那个爱作梦的 白痴智障有没有看到 Oh my baby我就站在你的面前有种就上台来抢我的MicI"m waiting for youCome on baby Come on lady看看到底是谁先倒Come on baby Come on ladyWHO WHO WHOCome on baby Come on lady现在到底是谁先倒Come on baby Come on lady嘿 我走在街上 常常会想到你当时的贱模样真的没有一个人 可以比你在我心里占更大的位置我真的很想念你baby 不要忙着想遮你的脸尽管像从前一样来笑我Hey Hey Come onCome on baby Come on lady看看到底是谁先倒Come on baby Come on ladyWHO WHO WHOCome on baby Come on lady现在到底是谁先倒Come on baby Come on lady每当我闭上双眼 我就会预见你试图再次侵入我的世界每当我睁开双眼 我就会看见 你不屑我的脸Come on5432Come on baby Come on lady看看到底是谁先倒Come on baby Come on ladyWHO WHO WHOCome on baby Come on lady现在到底是谁先倒Come on baby Come on ladyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8236504

Heaven Sent You 歌词

歌曲名:Heaven Sent You歌手:STANLEY CLARKE专辑:Time ExposureCinema Bizarre - HeavensentA hundred million miles from homeThe only one left in the darkAlone with everybody"s thoughts(talking to me)My only company the starsthe starsClose your eyes It"s all pretendLet them know you"re heavensentand we are love we are love (heavensent)you and me we"re not like themsearch to find it"s in your veinsand we are love we are loveheavensentand we are love we are lovesteamy window hungry eyesand I just want to see the worldhelp me out just one last time(reach out to see)the only ones who hear this farthe starsClose your eyes It"s all pretendLet them know you"re heavensentand we are love we are loveheavensentyou and me we"re not like themsearch to find it"s in your veinsand we are love we are loveheavensentand we are love we are loveClose your eyes It"s all pretendLet them know you"re heavensentand we are love we are loveheavensentyou and me we"re not like themsearch to find it"s in your veinsand we are love we are loveheavensentand we are love we are loveheavensentand we are love we are loveheavensenthttp://music.baidu.com/song/8239769

Heaven Sent 歌词

歌曲名:Heaven Sent歌手:Dina Carroll专辑:The CollectionThat was solid chemistry that was there with you and meThat was still a long time comeHinder - Heaven SentIt"s freaking me out, that I didn"t seeYou"re so damn hot girl, it"s crazyAnd without a doubt I still can"t believeThat you were right there in front of meNever saw the chemistry that was there with you and meIt"s been a long time comingJust waiting on an angel to take me out of my headI"m falling for youJust coming out of thin airYou came out of nowhere out of the blueWhen heaven sent youNight after night, when I didn"t sleepBut that was before you lay beside meWhen all of my demons were dancing with meI"m glad you came down ‘cause I was in too deepNever saw the chemistry that was there with you and meIt"s been a long time comingJust waiting on an angel to take me out of my headI"m falling for youJust coming out of thin airYou came out of nowhere out of the blueWhen heaven sent youJust waiting on an angel to take me out of my headI"m falling for youJust coming out of thin airYou came out of nowhere out of the blueJust waiting on an angel to take me out of my headI"m falling for youJust coming out of thin airYou came out of nowhere out of the blueRight out of the blueWhen heaven sent youRight out of the blueWhen heaven sent youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/332573

Heaven Sent 歌词

歌曲名:Heaven Sent歌手:Donnie专辑:The Colored SectionThat was solid chemistry that was there with you and meThat was still a long time comeHinder - Heaven SentIt"s freaking me out, that I didn"t seeYou"re so damn hot girl, it"s crazyAnd without a doubt I still can"t believeThat you were right there in front of meNever saw the chemistry that was there with you and meIt"s been a long time comingJust waiting on an angel to take me out of my headI"m falling for youJust coming out of thin airYou came out of nowhere out of the blueWhen heaven sent youNight after night, when I didn"t sleepBut that was before you lay beside meWhen all of my demons were dancing with meI"m glad you came down ‘cause I was in too deepNever saw the chemistry that was there with you and meIt"s been a long time comingJust waiting on an angel to take me out of my headI"m falling for youJust coming out of thin airYou came out of nowhere out of the blueWhen heaven sent youJust waiting on an angel to take me out of my headI"m falling for youJust coming out of thin airYou came out of nowhere out of the blueJust waiting on an angel to take me out of my headI"m falling for youJust coming out of thin airYou came out of nowhere out of the blueRight out of the blueWhen heaven sent youRight out of the blueWhen heaven sent youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1482133

Heaven Sent 歌词

歌曲名:Heaven Sent歌手:Hinder专辑:Take It To The LimitThat was solid chemistry that was there with you and meThat was still a long time comeHinder - Heaven SentIt"s freaking me out, that I didn"t seeYou"re so damn hot girl, it"s crazyAnd without a doubt I still can"t believeThat you were right there in front of meNever saw the chemistry that was there with you and meIt"s been a long time comingJust waiting on an angel to take me out of my headI"m falling for youJust coming out of thin airYou came out of nowhere out of the blueWhen heaven sent youNight after night, when I didn"t sleepBut that was before you lay beside meWhen all of my demons were dancing with meI"m glad you came down ‘cause I was in too deepNever saw the chemistry that was there with you and meIt"s been a long time comingJust waiting on an angel to take me out of my headI"m falling for youJust coming out of thin airYou came out of nowhere out of the blueWhen heaven sent youJust waiting on an angel to take me out of my headI"m falling for youJust coming out of thin airYou came out of nowhere out of the blueJust waiting on an angel to take me out of my headI"m falling for youJust coming out of thin airYou came out of nowhere out of the blueRight out of the blueWhen heaven sent youRight out of the blueWhen heaven sent youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1399487

Heaven Sent 歌词

歌曲名:Heaven Sent歌手:All 4 One专辑:A41All 4 One - Heaven SentHeaven sent an angel to meI"m in paradise, when I look in her eyesAt a time when my heart couldn"t seeThank God, heaven sent an angel to meI used to pray for heaven to sent me a loveCause heaven knows a lonely man can"t get enoughEach night and dayI search my soul, ask God aboveBut I"d still be home all alone by myselfIn a world where the rain could last foreverMy heart was crying for someAfter all of the times I said "I"ll never"That"s when my angel came alongHeaven sent an angel to meI"m in paradise, when I look in her eyesAt a time when my heart couldn"t seeThank God, heaven sent an angel to meI used to wonderWhat it would be like to touch the skySomeone to love meAnd wipe away these tears I cryHeld up my handsAnd hope one day my heart would flyBut I didn"t know God was listening to meIn a world where pain could last foreverMy heart was crying for loveAfter all of the times I said "I"ll never"That"s when my angel came from above, ohHeaven sent an angel to meI"m in paradise, when I look in her eyesAt a time when my heart couldn"t seeThank God, heaven sent an angel to meWith every moment and every smile she bringsI want to love her, give her my everythingI"m on my knees thanking God up aboveJust how good it feels to be lovedHeaven sent an angel to me (Heaven sent)I"m in paradise when I look in your eyesAt a time when my heart couldn"t seeThank GodHeaven sent an angel to me (heaven sent an angel)I close my eyes at night (Heaven sent an angel to me )I pray that you might send me somebody, somebody(I"m in paradise when I look in your eyes)At a time when my heart couldn"t seeThank God, heaven sent an angel to meHeaven sent an angel to me (Heaven sent, heaven sent)Heaven sent an angel to me (oh oh, heaven sent)Heaven sent an angel to me (Heaven sent, oh, oh to me)http://music.baidu.com/song/1019209



Heaven Sent 歌词

歌曲名:Heaven Sent歌手:Viktoria专辑:SwitchCinema Bizarre - HeavensentA hundred million miles from homeThe only one left in the darkAlone with everybody"s thoughts(talking to me)My only company the starsthe starsClose your eyes It"s all pretendLet them know you"re heavensentand we are love we are love (heavensent)you and me we"re not like themsearch to find it"s in your veinsand we are love we are loveheavensentand we are love we are lovesteamy window hungry eyesand I just want to see the worldhelp me out just one last time(reach out to see)the only ones who hear this farthe starsClose your eyes It"s all pretendLet them know you"re heavensentand we are love we are loveheavensentyou and me we"re not like themsearch to find it"s in your veinsand we are love we are loveheavensentand we are love we are loveClose your eyes It"s all pretendLet them know you"re heavensentand we are love we are loveheavensentyou and me we"re not like themsearch to find it"s in your veinsand we are love we are loveheavensentand we are love we are loveheavensentand we are love we are loveheavensenthttp://music.baidu.com/song/2773514

heaven sent中文翻译歌词

来自天堂。 来自天堂。 现在,您可以等待你的整个生命疑惑 当它来到或要去的地方的了。 您可能已经打破了你的心 有几次在过去 过去从来没有强有力的,因为它用, 不觉得好,因为它用(前) 和所有的东西你曾经说过的那样, 你用来做了正确的出了门 Oeh没有更多,你是一个 这就是你告诉大家你身边 但是你知道,他们已经听到它面前人人 什么你能说 当爱情不会让你走开 你不能帮助你爱谁 和你发现自己给它距离 当你认为你是爱 我想成为一个你认为谁 在你的心里是发送(发送的天堂) 有一块我是谁当你离开了 因为您发送(发送的天堂) 我想成为一个你认为谁 在你的心里是发送(发送的天堂) 有一块我是谁当你离开了 因为您发送(发送的天堂) 现在,您可以等待你的整个生命tryna变化 什么害怕什么这是 您可能已经把你的整个生命投入到一个男人 爱你以为可以一直。 Nooo这是当您更改 当您不觉得不如你用(前) 和一切你曾经说过的那样, 一切您使用权做了明确的大门 Oeh没有更多,你是一个 这就是你告诉大家你身边 但是你知道,他们已经听到它面前人人 什么你能说 当爱情不会让你走开 你不能帮助你爱谁 和你发现自己给它距离 当你认为你是爱 我想成为一个你认为谁 在你的心里是发送(发送的天堂) 有一块我是谁当你离开了 因为您发送(发送的天堂) 我想成为一个你认为谁 在你的心里是发送(发送的天堂) 有一块我是谁当你离开了 因为您发送(发送的天堂) 大家说 我想成为一个你爱 我要(来自天堂) 我想成为一个你信任 我要(来自天堂) 我想成为一个你需要 我要(来自天堂) 我想成为一个 我想成为一个(送天堂) 我想成为一个你认为谁 在你的心里是发送(发送的天堂) 有一块我是谁当你离开了 因为您发送(发送的天堂) 我想成为一个你认为谁 在你的心里是发送(发送的天堂) 有一块我是谁当你离开了 因为您发送(发送的天堂) 我想成为一个你认为谁 在你的心里是发送(发送的天堂) 有一块我是谁当你离开了 因为您发送(发送的天堂)

Heaven Sent 歌词

歌曲名:Heaven Sent歌手:Keyshia Cole专辑:Just Like You (Deluxe Version)Keyshia Cole - Heaven SentSent from heaven.Sent from heaven.Now you can wait your whole life wonderingWhen it"s gonna come or where it"s been.You may have got your heart brokenA few times in the pastNever last as strong as it used to,You don"t feel as good as it used to (before)And all the things you used to say,Things you used to do, went right out the doorOoo no more, will you be the oneThat"s what you tell everyone around youBut you know they"ve heard it all beforeWhat more can you sayWhen love won"t let you, walk awayAnd you can"t help who you loveAnd you find yourself giving it awayWhen you think you"re in loveI wanna be the one who you believeIn your heart is sent from (sent from heaven)There"s a piece of me who leaves when you goneBecause you"re sent from (sent from heaven)I wanna be the one who you believeIn your heart is sent from (sent from heaven)There"s a piece of me who leaves when you goneBecause you"re sent from (sent from heaven)Now you can wait your whole life tryna changeWhat the fear from what it"s beenYou may have put your whole life into a manLoving what you thought it could"ve been.I don"t wanna swing your changeWhen you don"t feel as good as you used to (before)And everything you used to say,Everything you used to do went right out the doorOoo no more, will you be the oneThat"s what you tell everyone around youBut you know they"ve heard it all beforeWhat more can you sayWhen love won"t let you, walk awayAnd it can"t help who it lovesAnd you find yourself giving it awayWhen you think you"re in loveI wanna be the one who you believeIn your heart is sent from (sent from heaven)There"s a piece of me who leaves when you goneBecause you"re sent from (sent from heaven)I wanna be the one who you believeIn your heart is sent from (sent from heaven)There"s a piece of me who leaves when you goneBecause you"re sent from (sent from heaven)Everybody sayI wanna be the one you loveI wanna be (sent from heaven)I wanna be the one you trustI wanna be (sent from heaven)I wanna be the one you needI wanna be (sent from heaven)I wanna be the one whoI wanna be the one (sent from heaven)I wanna be the one who you believeIn your heart is sent from (sent from heaven)There"s a piece of me who leaves when you goneBecause you"re sent from (sent from heaven)I wanna be the one who you believeIn your heart is sent from (sent from heaven)There"s a piece of me who leaves when you goneBecause you"re sent from (sent from heaven)I wanna be the one who you believeIn your heart is sent from (sent from heaven)There"s a piece of me who leaves when you goneBecause you"re sent from (sent from heaven)Kevin Boul & Larry Cheng, share with you!http://music.baidu.com/song/31214316

Heaven Sent 歌词

歌曲名:Heaven Sent歌手:Gladys Knight & The Pips专辑:VisionsCinema Bizarre - HeavensentA hundred million miles from homeThe only one left in the darkAlone with everybody"s thoughts(talking to me)My only company the starsthe starsClose your eyes It"s all pretendLet them know you"re heavensentand we are love we are love (heavensent)you and me we"re not like themsearch to find it"s in your veinsand we are love we are loveheavensentand we are love we are lovesteamy window hungry eyesand I just want to see the worldhelp me out just one last time(reach out to see)the only ones who hear this farthe starsClose your eyes It"s all pretendLet them know you"re heavensentand we are love we are loveheavensentyou and me we"re not like themsearch to find it"s in your veinsand we are love we are loveheavensentand we are love we are loveClose your eyes It"s all pretendLet them know you"re heavensentand we are love we are loveheavensentyou and me we"re not like themsearch to find it"s in your veinsand we are love we are loveheavensentand we are love we are loveheavensentand we are love we are loveheavensenthttp://music.baidu.com/song/16588227

Heaven Sent 歌词

歌曲名:Heaven Sent歌手:Keyshia Cole专辑:Massive R&B WinterKeyshia Cole - Heaven SentSent from heaven.Sent from heaven.Now you can wait your whole life wonderingWhen it"s gonna come or where it"s been.You may have got your heart brokenA few times in the pastNever last as strong as it used to,You don"t feel as good as it used to (before)And all the things you used to say,Things you used to do, went right out the doorOoo no more, will you be the oneThat"s what you tell everyone around youBut you know they"ve heard it all beforeWhat more can you sayWhen love won"t let you, walk awayAnd you can"t help who you loveAnd you find yourself giving it awayWhen you think you"re in loveI wanna be the one who you believeIn your heart is sent from (sent from heaven)There"s a piece of me who leaves when you goneBecause you"re sent from (sent from heaven)I wanna be the one who you believeIn your heart is sent from (sent from heaven)There"s a piece of me who leaves when you goneBecause you"re sent from (sent from heaven)Now you can wait your whole life tryna changeWhat the fear from what it"s beenYou may have put your whole life into a manLoving what you thought it could"ve been.I don"t wanna swing your changeWhen you don"t feel as good as you used to (before)And everything you used to say,Everything you used to do went right out the doorOoo no more, will you be the oneThat"s what you tell everyone around youBut you know they"ve heard it all beforeWhat more can you sayWhen love won"t let you, walk awayAnd it can"t help who it lovesAnd you find yourself giving it awayWhen you think you"re in loveI wanna be the one who you believeIn your heart is sent from (sent from heaven)There"s a piece of me who leaves when you goneBecause you"re sent from (sent from heaven)I wanna be the one who you believeIn your heart is sent from (sent from heaven)There"s a piece of me who leaves when you goneBecause you"re sent from (sent from heaven)Everybody sayI wanna be the one you loveI wanna be (sent from heaven)I wanna be the one you trustI wanna be (sent from heaven)I wanna be the one you needI wanna be (sent from heaven)I wanna be the one whoI wanna be the one (sent from heaven)I wanna be the one who you believeIn your heart is sent from (sent from heaven)There"s a piece of me who leaves when you goneBecause you"re sent from (sent from heaven)I wanna be the one who you believeIn your heart is sent from (sent from heaven)There"s a piece of me who leaves when you goneBecause you"re sent from (sent from heaven)I wanna be the one who you believeIn your heart is sent from (sent from heaven)There"s a piece of me who leaves when you goneBecause you"re sent from (sent from heaven)Kevin Boul & Larry Cheng, share with you!http://music.baidu.com/song/59470621

Heaven Sent 歌词

歌曲名:Heaven Sent歌手:Inxs专辑:Inxs Box Digital EditionCinema Bizarre - HeavensentA hundred million miles from homeThe only one left in the darkAlone with everybody"s thoughts(talking to me)My only company the starsthe starsClose your eyes It"s all pretendLet them know you"re heavensentand we are love we are love (heavensent)you and me we"re not like themsearch to find it"s in your veinsand we are love we are loveheavensentand we are love we are lovesteamy window hungry eyesand I just want to see the worldhelp me out just one last time(reach out to see)the only ones who hear this farthe starsClose your eyes It"s all pretendLet them know you"re heavensentand we are love we are loveheavensentyou and me we"re not like themsearch to find it"s in your veinsand we are love we are loveheavensentand we are love we are loveClose your eyes It"s all pretendLet them know you"re heavensentand we are love we are loveheavensentyou and me we"re not like themsearch to find it"s in your veinsand we are love we are loveheavensentand we are love we are loveheavensentand we are love we are loveheavensenthttp://music.baidu.com/song/7356027

heaven sent中文翻译歌词

  来自天堂Sentfromheaven.  来自天堂Sentfromheaven.  现在,您可以等待你的整个生命疑惑  当它来到或要去的地方的了。  您可能已经打破了你的心  有几次在过去  过去从来没有强有力的,因为它用,  不觉得好,因为它用(前)  和所有的东西你曾经说过的那样,  你用来做了正确的出了门  Nowyoucanwaityourwholelifewondering  Whenit"sgonnacomeorwhereit"sbeen.  Youmayhavegotyourheartbroken  Afewtimesinthepast  Neverlaststrongasitusedto,  Don"tfeelasgoodasitusedto(before)  Andallthethingsyouusedtosay,  Thingsyouusedtodo,wentrightoutthedoor  Oeh没有更多,你是一个  这就是你告诉大家你身边  但是你知道,他们已经听到它面前人人  什么你能说  当爱情不会让你走开  你不能帮助你爱谁  和你发现自己给它距离  当你认为你是爱  Oehnomore,willyoubetheone  That"swhatyoutelleveryonearoundyou  Butyouknowthey"vehearditallbefore  Whatmorecanyousay  Whenlovewon"tletyou,walkaway  Youcan"thelpwhoyoulove  Andyoufindyourselfgivingitaway  Whenyouthinkyou"reinlove  我想成为一个你认为谁  在你的心里是发送(发送的天堂)  有一块我是谁当你离开了  因为您发送(发送的天堂)  我想成为一个你认为谁  在你的心里是发送(发送的天堂)  有一块我是谁当你离开了  因为您发送(发送的天堂wannabetheonewhoyoubelieve  Inyourheartissentfrom(sentfromheaven)  There"sapieceofmewholeaveswhenyou"regone  Becauseyou"resentfrom(sentfromheaven)  Iwannabetheonewhoyoubelieve  Inyourheartissentfrom(sentfromheaven)  There"sapieceofmewholeaveswhenyou"regone  Becauseyou"resentfrom(sentfromheaven)  大家说  我想成为一个你爱  我要(来自天堂)  我想成为一个你信任  我要(来自天堂)  我想成为一个你需要  我要(来自天堂)  我想成为一个  我想成为一个(送天堂)  Everybodysay  Iwannabetheoneyoulove  Iwannabe(sentfromheaven)  Iwannabetheoneyoutrust  Iwannabe(sentfromheaven)  Iwannabetheoneyouneed  Iwannabe(sentfromheaven)  Iwannabetheone  Iwannabetheone(sentfromheaven)  我想成为一个你认为谁  在你的心里是发送(发送的天堂)  有一块我是谁当你离开了  因为您发送(发送的天堂)  我想成为一个你认为谁  在你的心里是发送(发送的天堂)  有一块我是谁当你离开了  因为您发送(发送的天堂  Iwannabetheonewhoyoubelieve  Inyourheartissentfrom(sentfromheaven)  There"sapieceofmewholeaveswhenyougone  Becauseyou"resentfrom(sentfromheaven)  Iwannabetheonewhoyoubelieve  Inyourheartissentfrom(sentfromheaven)  There"sapieceofmewholeaveswhenyougone  Becauseyou"resentfrom(sentfromheaven  我想成为一个你认为谁  在你的心里是发送(发送的天堂)  有一块我是谁当你离开了  因为您发送(发送的天堂)  Iwannabetheonewhoyoubelieve  Inyourheartissentfrom(sentfromheaven)  There"sapieceofmewholeaveswhenyougone  Becauseyou"resentfrom(sentfromheaven

Heaven Must Have Sent You 歌词

歌曲名:Heaven Must Have Sent You歌手:The Elgins专辑:The Complete Motown Singles, Vol. 6: 1966I"ve cried through many endless nightsWhile holding my pillow tightThen you came into my lonely daysWith your tender and your sweet waysNow I don"t know where you come from, babyDon"t know where you"ve been, my babyHeaven must have sent you, honeyInto my armsNow in the mornin" when I awakeThere"s a smile on my faceYou"ve touched my heart with gladnessWiped away all my sadnessSo long I"ve needed love right near meA soft voice to cheer meHeaven must have sent you, babyInto my lifeIt"s heaven in your armsBoy, it"s the sweetness of your charmsMakes me love you more each dayIn your arms I wanna stayWanna thank you for the joy you brought meThank you for the things you taught meThank you for holding me closewhen I needed you the mostNow I don"t know much about you, babyBut I can"t live without you, babyHeaven must have sent you, babyTo love only meIt"s heaven in your armsBoy, it"s the sweetness of your charmsMakes me love you more each dayIn your arms I wanna stayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7388010

Heaven Must Have Sent You 歌词

歌曲名:Heaven Must Have Sent You歌手:The Elgins专辑:True Motown / Spectrum 3 Cd SetI"ve cried through many endless nightsWhile holding my pillow tightThen you came into my lonely daysWith your tender and your sweet waysNow I don"t know where you come from, babyDon"t know where you"ve been, my babyHeaven must have sent you, honeyInto my armsNow in the mornin" when I awakeThere"s a smile on my faceYou"ve touched my heart with gladnessWiped away all my sadnessSo long I"ve needed love right near meA soft voice to cheer meHeaven must have sent you, babyInto my lifeIt"s heaven in your armsBoy, it"s the sweetness of your charmsMakes me love you more each dayIn your arms I wanna stayWanna thank you for the joy you brought meThank you for the things you taught meThank you for holding me closewhen I needed you the mostNow I don"t know much about you, babyBut I can"t live without you, babyHeaven must have sent you, babyTo love only meIt"s heaven in your armsBoy, it"s the sweetness of your charmsMakes me love you more each dayIn your arms I wanna stayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8574292

Heaven Must Have Sent You 歌词

歌曲名:Heaven Must Have Sent You歌手:Deniece Williams&Johnny Mathis专辑:That"S What Friends Are ForI"ve cried through many endless nightsWhile holding my pillow tightThen you came into my lonely daysWith your tender and your sweet waysNow I don"t know where you come from, babyDon"t know where you"ve been, my babyHeaven must have sent you, honeyInto my armsNow in the mornin" when I awakeThere"s a smile on my faceYou"ve touched my heart with gladnessWiped away all my sadnessSo long I"ve needed love right near meA soft voice to cheer meHeaven must have sent you, babyInto my lifeIt"s heaven in your armsBoy, it"s the sweetness of your charmsMakes me love you more each dayIn your arms I wanna stayWanna thank you for the joy you brought meThank you for the things you taught meThank you for holding me closewhen I needed you the mostNow I don"t know much about you, babyBut I can"t live without you, babyHeaven must have sent you, babyTo love only meIt"s heaven in your armsBoy, it"s the sweetness of your charmsMakes me love you more each dayIn your arms I wanna stayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8722916

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Heaven Sent的《Baby Love》 歌词

歌曲名:Baby Love歌手:Heaven Sent专辑:Songs SupremeBaby Love作词:藤林圣子作曲·编曲:Funta谁もいない 教室で キミと2人きりで目が合って 近づいて… You&I メいっぱい游ぼうYou"re just my friend Just my friend みんなと同じもだちYou"re just my friend Just my friend だけど気になる存在ナゼだろう? 他のコと 笑ってると 胸の奥が キリキリしちゃぅ!ねぇ もしも キミが 覚えてたら(My heart is true)あの日した约束今でも ホソトでいいのにねえ もしかキミは 気付かないの?(My heart is blue)普通以上 恋未満で Love! かもしれないの放课後の公园で 偶然キミに出会う何気なく そばに来て… You&I もういっぱい游ぼうYou"re just my friend Just my friend 瞳が追いかけちゃうのYou"re just my friend Just my friend 胜手に过剰反応ときどき アクシデント 起こる度に 胸のどこか ドキドキしてるねぇ いつか キミも 大人になる(My heart is true)あの日した约束の意味は ただの思い出?ねぇ いつもキミは ともだちなの?(My heart is blue)普通以上 恋未満で Love! かもしれないの普通以上 恋未満で Love! かもしれないの…http://music.baidu.com/song/8236506

Heaven Sent (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Heaven Sent (Lp Version)歌手:Bryan White专辑:How Lucky I AmCinema Bizarre - HeavensentA hundred million miles from homeThe only one left in the darkAlone with everybody"s thoughts(talking to me)My only company the starsthe starsClose your eyes It"s all pretendLet them know you"re heavensentand we are love we are love (heavensent)you and me we"re not like themsearch to find it"s in your veinsand we are love we are loveheavensentand we are love we are lovesteamy window hungry eyesand I just want to see the worldhelp me out just one last time(reach out to see)the only ones who hear this farthe starsClose your eyes It"s all pretendLet them know you"re heavensentand we are love we are loveheavensentyou and me we"re not like themsearch to find it"s in your veinsand we are love we are loveheavensentand we are love we are loveClose your eyes It"s all pretendLet them know you"re heavensentand we are love we are loveheavensentyou and me we"re not like themsearch to find it"s in your veinsand we are love we are loveheavensentand we are love we are loveheavensentand we are love we are loveheavensenthttp://music.baidu.com/song/7447033

Heaven Sent - Keyshia Cole 歌词

  heaven sent  歌手:keyshia cole 专辑:just like you  Sent from heaven.  Sent from heaven.  Now you can wait your whole life wondering  When it"s gonna come or where it"s been.  You may have got your heart broken  A few times in the past  Never last strong as it used to,  Don"t feel as good as it used to (before)  And all the things you used to say,  Things you used to do, went right out the door  Oeh no more, will you be the one  That"s what you tell everyone around you  But you know they"ve heard it all before  What more can you say  When love won"t let you, walk away  You can"t help who you love  And you find yourself giving it away  When you think you"re in love  [CHORUS:]  I wanna be the one who you believe  In your heart is sent from (sent from heaven)  There"s a piece of me who leaves when you"re gone  Because you"re sent from (sent from heaven)  I wanna be the one who you believe  In your heart is sent from (sent from heaven)  There"s a piece of me who leaves when you"re gone  Because you"re sent from (sent from heaven)  Now you can wait your whole life tryna change  What the fear from what it"s been  You may have put your whole life into a man  Loving what you thought that could"ve been.  Nooo that"s when you change  When you don"t feel as good as you used to (before)  And everything you used to say,  Everything you used to do clear right out the door  Oeh no more, will you be the one  That"s what you tell everyone around you  But you know they"ve heard it all before  What more can you say  When love won"t let you, walk away  You can"t help who you love  And you find yourself giving it away  When you think you"re in love  [CHORUS]  I wanna be the one who you believe  In your heart is sent from (sent from heaven)  There"s a piece of me who leaves when you"re gone  Because you"re sent from (sent from heaven)  I wanna be the one who you believe  In your heart is sent from (sent from heaven)  There"s a piece of me who leaves when you"re gone  Because you"re sent from (sent from heaven)  Everybody say  I wanna be the one you love  I wanna be (sent from heaven)  I wanna be the one you trust  I wanna be (sent from heaven)  I wanna be the one you need  I wanna be (sent from heaven)  I wanna be the one  I wanna be the one (sent from heaven)  [CHORUS:]  I wanna be the one who you believe  In your heart is sent from (sent from heaven)  There"s a piece of me who leaves when you gone  Because you"re sent from (sent from heaven)  I wanna be the one who you believe  In your heart is sent from (sent from heaven)  There"s a piece of me who leaves when you gone  Because you"re sent from (sent from heaven)  I wanna be the one who you believe  In your heart is sent from (sent from heaven)  There"s a piece of me who leaves when you gone  Because you"re sent from (sent from heaven)

Heaven Sent 歌词

歌曲名:Heaven Sent歌手:Inxs专辑:The Very BestKeyshia Cole - Heaven Sent / 凯西亚·科尔 - 来自天堂Sent from heaven / 来自天堂Sent from heaven / 来自天堂Now you can wait your whole life wondering / 现在你可以穷尽一生来思索When it"s gonna come or where it"s been / 它何时会来临又曾经过何处You may have got your heart broken / 过去的岁月里你的心也许曾A few times in the past / 破碎过几次Never last as strong as it used to / 再不会像以前那样充满坚强You don"t feel as good as it used to (before) / 你心情也不再如以前那样好(那样好)And all the things you used to say / 还有那些你以前经常说的话Things you used to do, went right out the door / 经常做的事也都一去不回头Ooo no more, will you be the one / 喔你再不会再不会成为那个That"s what you tell everyone around you / 那个你曾信誓旦旦要做的人But you know they"ve heard it all before / 可人们却还都记着你的誓言What more can you say / 你还有何话可说When love won"t let you, walk away / 得不到爱的眷顾就只好走开And you can"t help who you love / 你帮不了你爱的人And you find yourself giving it away / 就在你以为已坠入爱河之时When you think you"re in love / 却发现爱差不多已被你送尽I wanna be the one who you believe / 我要做那个你相信In your heart is sent from (sent from heaven) / 打心底相信是来自(来自天堂的人)There"s a piece of me who leaves when you gone / 你一离去我灵魂也丢失了一部分Because you"re sent from (sent from heaven) / 因为你来自(来自天堂)I wanna be the one who you believe / 我要做那个你相信In your heart is sent from (sent from heaven) / 打心底相信是来自(来自天堂的人)There"s a piece of me who leaves when you gone / 你一离去我灵魂也丢失了一部分Because you"re sent from (sent from heaven) / 因为你来自(来自天堂)Now you can wait your whole life tryna change / 现在你可以穷尽一生去尝试What the fear from what it"s been / 将曾经的恐惧变成无所畏惧You may have put your whole life into a man / 你可能倾注生命给某个男人Loving what you thought it could"ve been / 把你的所爱想象成理所当然I don"t wanna swing your change / 我不想干涉你的转变When you don"t feel as good as you used to (before) / 在你心情不如以前好的时候(的时候)And everything you used to say / 还有那些你以前经常说的话Everything you used to do went right out the door / 经常做的事也都一去不回头Ooo no more, will you be the one / 喔你再不会再不会成为那个That"s what you tell everyone around you / 那个你曾信誓旦旦要做的人But you know they"ve heard it all before / 可人们却还都记着你的誓言What more can you say / 你还有何话可话When love won"t let you, walk away / 得不到爱的眷顾就只好走开And it can"t help who it loves / 爱帮不了它爱的人And you find yourself giving it away / 就在你以为已坠入爱河之时When you think you"re in love / 却发现爱差不多已被你送尽I wanna be the one who you believe / 我要做那个你相信In your heart is sent from (sent from heaven) / 打心底相信是来自(来自天堂的人)There"s a piece of me who leaves when you gone / 你一离去我灵魂也丢失了一部分Because you"re sent from (sent from heaven) / 因为你来自(来自天堂)I wanna be the one who you believe / 我要做那个你相信In your heart is sent from (sent from heaven) / 打心底相信是来自(来自天堂的人)There"s a piece of me who leaves when you gone / 你一离去我灵魂也丢失了一部分Because you"re sent from (sent from heaven) / 因为你来自(来自天堂)Everybody say I wanna be the one you love / 都来跟我说:我想做那个你心爱的人I wanna be (sent from heaven) / 我想做(来自天堂的人)Everybody say I wanna be the one you trust / 都来跟我说:我想做那个你信任的人I wanna be (sent from heaven) / 我想做(来自天堂的人)Everybody say I wanna be the one you need / 都来跟我说:我想做那个你需要的人I wanna be (sent from heaven)/ 我想做(来自天堂的人)Everybody say I wanna be the one who / 都来跟我说:我想做那个I wanna be the one (sent from heaven)/ 我想做那个(来自天堂的人)I wanna be the one who you believe / 我要做那个你相信In your heart is sent from (sent from heaven) / 打心底相信是来自(来自天堂的人)There"s a piece of me who leaves when you gone / 你一离去我灵魂也丢失了一部分Because you"re sent from (sent from heaven) / 因为你来自(来自天堂)I wanna be the one who you believe / 我要做那个你相信In your heart is sent from (sent from heaven) / 打心底相信是来自(来自天堂的人)There"s a piece of me who leaves when you gone / 你一离去我灵魂也丢失了一部分Because you"re sent from (sent from heaven) / 因为你来自(来自天堂)I wanna be the one who you believe / 我要做那个你相信In your heart is sent from (sent from heaven) / 打心底相信是来自(来自天堂的人)There"s a piece of me who leaves when you gone / 你一离去我灵魂也丢失了一部分Because you"re sent from (sent from heaven) / 因为你来自(来自天堂)Translated by Tony Chang from LK Lyrics Grouphttp://music.baidu.com/song/10709822

(1/2)Autonomous units use voice - recognition software_ _ (interact )with children Nowaday...

自治单位使用儿童当今的声音 - 确认的软件__(互动)


autonomous agent英 [u0254:u02c8tu0254nu0259mu0259s u02c8eidu0292u0259nt] 美 [u0254u02c8tɑnu0259mu0259s u02c8edu0292u0259nt] [计]自主主体

Agents的《Dark Man》 歌词

歌曲名:Dark Man歌手:Agents专辑:Agents ...Is Beat!children intro:one and twohe′s comin′ after youthree and fouryou better close the doorfive and sixain′t no selfatrixseven and eightthe darkman′s on his wayclose your eyeswe will risecan you herr me?running′, running′, running′, running′....Refrain:Oh can you hear him coming"Is the darkman you better keep running"Oh can you hear him coming"Is the darkman you better keep running"running"Oh can you hear him coming"Is the darkman you better keep running"Oh can you hear him coming"Is the darkman you better keep running"running". musiC *Always believe in what ever you say or doThat"s the point that"s why I can"t say I love youI got more than a thousand problems on my mindI"m coming" from the dark and light"s so hard to findCan"t concentrate I steady loose controlThe pain in my brain make me wanna explodeLike the fugees day and night searching" for the scoreTo bring the vibes I"ll be the key to your doorIt all started off with a glass of wineBut now I need nine to feel fine before I signSomebody help me or else I"m gonna dieDon"t be shy ask why before passing" me byThe best things in life is what I heard are freeMichael Jackson will definately tell you the storyIt"s the darkmanflowing" of the micWith the flava in your ear to be or not to beOh can you hear him coming"Is the darkman you better keep running"Oh can you hear him coming"Is the darkman you better keep running"running"Oh can you hear him coming"Is the darkman you better keep running"Oh can you hear him coming"Is the darkman you better keep running" running"can you hear him comin, yeahcan you hear him comincan you hear him comin, yeahit′s the darkmancomin′ for your ass boyI take a look in the mirror I see somethin" wrongLast year I was strong somebody please blow the hornsDaily survival tactics and I prayDear lord forgive me and show me the wayTo the light and the place called paradiseNo matter when or how it I should I"ll fightYou better be ready before you come to the ringsideNo tears my friend only the strong surviveIt always comes hard and direct in my face but my manThat the deal that the rule of the game that we playEverydaywhat can I sayReal brothers don"t die "till they get their peace of the cakeGo for it go get yours stay on the coursePhysical force like a rebel no doubt without a pauseDarkman flowing" on the micWith the flava in your ear to be or not to beOh can you hear him coming"Is the darkman you better keep running"Oh can you hear him coming"Is the darkman you better keep running"running"Oh can you hear him coming"Is the darkman you better keep running"Oh can you hear him coming"Is the darkman you better keep running" running"darkman′s coming′ for youdarkman′s comin′ for youso whatcha gonna do,so whatcha gonna dokeep on runnin′keep on runnin oall night long, yeahknocking′ at your dooryou know you got the scoremama always said son you reep what you sowBut today now I know I can feel it through my body and soulSeparatethe good from the badYou better do your own thingthan ending up sadIt made me badI didn"t have the chance to ask dadNightmares in my sleep I wake up frightened and scaredWho caresa boy in young years all I wanted was to see the Lightin full gearYeahhere I come here I am here I slamRolling" with the clique with another dope party jamLook for what you want and finally succeed and believeYour dream will come true yes indeedMake a small step forward than a big step backAny other direction will probably break your neckIt"s the darkman Flowing" on the micWith the flava in your ear to be or not to beOh can you hear him coming"Is the darkman you better keep running"Oh can you hear him coming"Is the darkman you better keep running"running"Oh can you hear him coming"Is the darkman you better keep running"Oh can you hear him coming"Is the darkman you better keep running" running"Oh can you hear him coming"Is the darkman you better keep running"Oh can you hear him coming"Is the darkman you better keep running"running"Oh can you hear him coming"Is the darkman you better keep running"Oh can you hear him coming"Is the darkman you better keep running" running"http://music.baidu.com/song/2719843

The young man and the young woman paid ______ attention to the writer. a.none b.any c.not any d.no

1.如用not any,则The young man and the young woman didn"t pay any attention (相当于paid no attention.)to the writer.2.not any中的any一般放在助动词后面表否定,any后加名词单数表泛指3.由1解释可知not any不可选 希望在简洁中领悟


浏览器 Ubuntu 以 Firefox 为默认浏览器。自从 Quantum 版本发布以来,Firefox 已有显著提升。就个人而言,我经常使用多个浏览器来应对不同的工作。 Google Chrome 由于某种原因,Google Chrome 是最为广泛使用的浏览器。使用 Google 账号,你可以在不同设备无缝同步。大量拓展和应用进一步增强 Chrome 的能力。你可以 点击此处在 Ubuntu 上安装 Chrome。 Brave Google Chrome 可能是最广泛使用的浏览器,但也是隐私窥探者。一个 替代浏览器 是 Brave,它可以默认拦截广告和追踪脚本。它为你提供了更快、更安全的浏览体验。 音乐应用 Ubuntu 将 Rhythmbox 作为默认音乐播放器,这是个相当不坏的选择。不过,你当然可以安装更好的音乐播放器。 Sayonara Sayonara 是一个小型、轻量并具备漂亮的深色用户界面的音乐播放器。它拥有所有你期望的标准音乐播放器应有的关键功能。它与 Ubuntu 桌面环境整合良好并且不会大量消耗你的内存。 Audacity Audacity 与其说是音频播放器,不如说是音频编辑器。你可以使用这款自由且开源的工具录制和编辑音频。它支持 Linux、Windows 和 macOS。你可以从软件中心安装它。 MusicBrainz Picard Picard 不是一个音乐播放器,而是个音乐标签软件。如果你有大量本地音乐文件,Picard 可以帮助你自动更新音乐文件的正确的曲目、专辑、艺人资料和专辑封面。 流媒体音乐应用 在这个时代的互联网,听音乐的方式显然发生了改变。现在的人更依赖于流媒体音乐播放器而不是收藏上百首本地音乐文件。让我们看看你可以用于收听流媒体音乐的一些应用吧。 Spotify Spotify 是流媒体音乐之王。好消息是它具有官方 Linux 版本。Ubuntu 上的 Spotify 应用 与媒体键和声音菜单以及桌面通知中心整合良好。请注意,Spotify 服务可能在你的国家有,也可能没有。 Nuvola 音乐播放器 Nuvola 不是像 Spotify 那样的流媒体音乐服务。它是一款在单一应用内支持多个流媒体音乐服务的桌面音乐播放器。你可以使用 Spotify、Deezer、Google Play Music、Amazon Cloud Player 和更多类似服务。 视频播放器 Ubuntu 有默认的 GNOME 视频播放器(从前名为 Totem),表现尚可,但不支持多种视频编码。当然有很多播放器比 GNOME 视频播放器更优秀。 VLC 自由开源的 VLC 摘得视频播放器桂冠。它几乎支持全部的视频编码。它还允许你将音量增至最高的 200%。它也支持从最后一个已知位置继续播放。有很多 VLC 使用技巧 供你参考以尽兴使用。 MPV MPV 是款值得更多关注的视频播放器。别致轻量的界面和丰富的功能,MPV 拥有你对一个好的视频播放器的一切期望。你甚至可以在命令行使用它。如果你对 VLC 不够满意,你完全可以尝试 MPV。 云端存储服务 本地备份很好,但云端存储给你更多维度的自由。使用云存储,你再也不必总是随身携带 U 盘或担心硬盘故障。 Dropbox Dropbox 是最流行的云存储提供商之一。你会获得 2GB 免费存储空间,并通过推介给他人得到更多存储空间。Dropbox 提供了一个原生的 Linux 客户端,你可以从官网下载获得。它会在你的系统创建一个本地文件夹,以和云端服务器同步。 pCloud pCloud 是另一个优秀的 Linux 云存储提供商。它也拥有原生的 Linux 客户端,你可以从官网下载。你可以获得高达 20GB 的免费存储空间,如果你需要更多,价格也比 Dropbox 实惠。pCloud 总部位于瑞士,这个国家以严格的数据隐私法而闻名。 图片编辑器 我相信你一定会在某个时间点上需要一个照片编辑器。这里有些优秀的 Ubuntu 图片编辑应用。 GIMP GIMP 是一个自由开源的图片编辑器,它支持 Linux、Windows 和 macOS。它是 Adobe Photoshop 在 Linux 上最优秀的替代软件。你可以使用它执行任何图片编辑。网上有许多资源帮助你使用 GIMP。 Inkscape Inkscape 也是一个自由开源的图片编辑器,专用于矢量图形编辑。你可以在 Inkscape 上设计矢量图形和徽标。你可以把它比做 Adobe Illustrator。与 GIMP 一样,网上也有诸多 Inkscape 教程。 绘图应用 绘图应用和图片编辑器不完全等同,尽管它们有时功能重叠。以下是你能在 Ubuntu 使用的一些绘图应用。 Krita Krita 是一款自由开源的数字绘图应用。你可以用它创建数字绘画、漫画和动画。这是款专业软件,甚至被美术学校作为主要软件使用。 Pinta Pinta 虽然不像 Krita 功能强大,但也可圈可点。你可以把它视为 Linux 端的微软画图软件。你可以绘制、画图、添加文字和执行绘图应用可行的其他诸如此类的小任务。 摄影应用 摄影爱好者还是专家?你将随手获得大量 摄影工具,以下是一些推荐应用。 digiKam 使用开源软件 digKam,你可以专业地处理你的高品质摄影作品。digKam 提供用于查看、管理、编辑、增强、组织、标记和分享照片所需的所有工具。 Darktable darktable 是一款开源的摄影工作流应用程序,特别是专注于 raw 图像的开发。这会是你取代 Adobe Lightroom 的最佳替代品。它同样支持 Windows 和 macOS。 视频编辑器 Linux 上的视频编辑器 并不匮乏,毋庸赘述。看看 Ubuntu 中一些功能丰富但相对简单的视频编辑器。 Kdenlive Kdenlive 是 Linux 端最好的全能型视频编辑器。它与 iMovie 或 Movie Maker 相比功能毫不逊色。 Shotcut Shotcut 是视频编辑的另一个好选择。它是一款开源软件,拥有标准视频编辑器的所有功能。 图片和视频格式转换器 如果你需要为你的图片和视频 转换文件格式,这些是我的推荐。 Xnconvert Xnconvert 是一款优秀的批量图像转换工具。你可以批量调整图片尺寸、转换文件类型并重命名。 Handbrake HandBrake 是一款易用的开源工具,用于将多种格式的视频转换为一些现代流行的格式。 截图和录屏工具 以下是截图和录屏的优秀 Ubuntu 应用。 Shutter Shutter 是我截图的常用工具。你也可以对这些截图进行一些快速编辑,比如添加箭头、文字或调整图片尺寸。你在我们网站看到的截图都是用 Shutter 编辑的。绝对是 Ubuntu 上最好的应用程序之一。 Kazam Kazam 是我最喜欢的 Linux 上的录屏工具。这个是小巧的工具,可以让你录制全屏、某个应用程序窗口或选定区域。你也可以使用快捷键暂停或恢复录屏。我们的 YouTube 频道 上的教程都是用 Kazam 录制的。 办公套件 我无法想象你在使用计算机时没有文档编辑器。又何必把自己局限在一个文档编辑器上呢?去寻找一个完整的办公套件吧。 LibreOffice Ubuntu 预装了 LibreOffice,它无疑是 最佳的开源办公软件。它是个组件完整的办公软件,包括文档编辑器、电子表格工具、演示软件、数学工具和作图工具。你甚至可以用它编辑部分 PDF 文件。 WPS Office WPS Office 因酷似微软 Office 而广受欢迎。它的界面与微软 Office 几乎一样并且号称与微软 Office 更加兼容。如果你正在寻找类似微软 Office 的办公软件,WPS Office 是个好选择。 下载工具 如果你经常从网上下载视频或其他大型文件,这些工具会帮助你。 youtube-dl 这是本清单少有的基于命令行的 Ubuntu 应用之一。如果你想从 YouTube、DailyMotion 或其他视频网站下载视频,youtube-dl 是个绝好的选择。它提供了大量 视频下载高级选项。 uGet uGet 是一款功能丰富的 Linux 下载管理器。它允许你暂停和恢复下载、定时下载、监控剪贴板上的可下载内容。如果你的网络速度很慢、不稳定,或者每天的流量有限,这是一个完美的应对工具。 代码编辑器 如果你喜欢编程,默认的 Gedit 文本编辑器可能无法满足你的编程需求。下面就为你介绍一些比较好用的代码编辑器。 Atom Atom 是一款由 GitHub 推出的 自由开源的代码编辑器。早在它推出第一个稳定版之前,它就因其用户界面、功能和海量插件而成为程序员的至宠。 Visual Studio Code VS Code 是一款微软出品的开源代码编辑器。别忌惮微软之名,VS Code 是款很棒的 Web 开发编辑器,它还支持许多其他编程语言。 PDF 和电子书相关应用 在这个数字时代,你不能只依靠真正的纸质书籍,特别是当有大量的免费电子书唾手可得。这里有一些 Ubuntu 应用以供管理 PDF 和电子书。 Calibre 如果你是个书虫,并收集电子书,你应该使用 Calibre。它是一个电子书管理器,拥有 创建电子书、转换电子书格式和管理电子书库的所有必要组件。 Okular Okular 主要是一个 PDF 查看器,有编辑 PDF 文件的选项。你可以用 Okular 在 Linux 上做一些基本的 PDF 编辑,如添加弹出式备注、内联式备注、手绘、荧光笔、印章等。 通讯应用 我相信你在 Linux 上使用至少一款 通讯应用。以下是我的推荐。 Skype Skype 是最流行的视频通讯应用。它也被许多公司和企业用于面试和会议。这使得 Skype 成为 Ubuntu 必备的应用程序之一。 Rambox Rambox 本身不是一个通讯应用,但它允许你从单一窗口中使用 Skype、Viber、Facebook Messanger、WhatsApp、Slack 和其他一些通讯应用。 笔记和待办事项应用 需要一个待办事项应用或简单的应用来做笔记吗?看看这些吧。 Simplenote Simplenote 是 WordPress 创建者 Automattic 推出的一款自由开源的笔记应用。它适用于 Windows、Linux、macOS、iOS 和 Android。你的笔记会同步到云服务器上,你可以在任何设备上访问它们。你可以从官网下载 DEB 文件。 Remember The Milk Remember The Milk 是一款流行的待办事项应用。它适用于 Windows、Linux、macOS、iOS 和 Android。你可以在拥有的所有设备上访问你的待办事项。你也可以从浏览器访问它。它还有一个官方的 Linux 原生版本,你可以从官网下载。 密码保护和加密 如果有其他人经常使用你的电脑,也许你会考虑通过密码保护文件和文件夹来增加额外的安全。 EncryptPad EncryptPad 是一个开源文本编辑器,它允许你用密码锁定你的文件。你可以选择加密的类型。这个工具也有一个命令行版本。 Gnome Encfs Manager Gnome Encfs Manager 允许你 在 Linux 中用密码锁定文件夹。你可以将任何你想要的文件保存在一个加密文件夹中,然后用密码锁定它。 游戏 Linux 上的 游戏 体验比几年前改进很多。你可以在 Linux 上畅玩大量 游戏 ,而不用回到 Windows 了。 Steam Steam 是一个数字发行平台,允许你购买 游戏 (如果需要的话)。Steam 拥有超过 1500 款 Linux 游戏 。你可以从软件中心下载 Steam 客户端。 PlayOnLinux PlayOnLinux 允许你在 Linux 上通过 WINE 兼容层运行 Windows 游戏 。不要对它抱有太高的期望,因为并不是每个 游戏 都能在 PlayOnLinux 下完美运行。 软件包管理工具 [中高级用户] Ubuntu 软件中心满足普通 Ubuntu 用户的软件需求,但你可以使用以下应用程序对其进行更多的深入操作。 Gdebi Gedbi 是一款小巧的软件包管理器,你可以用它来安装 DEB 文件。它比软件中心更快,而且还能处理依赖问题。 Synaptic 十年前,Synaptic 是大多数 Linux 发行版的默认 GUI 软件包管理器。在一些 Linux 发行版中,它仍然是默认的软件包管理器。这个强大的软件包管理器在 查找已安装的应用程序并删除它们 方面特别有用。 备份和恢复工具 任何操作系统都应该有备份和恢复工具。让我们来看看 Ubuntu 上有哪些软件是你必须拥有的。 Timeshift Timeshift 是一个帮助你 对系统进行快照 的工具。这可以让你在系统配置混乱的情况下,在发生不幸的事时将系统恢复到以前的状态。不过要注意的是,它并不是你个人数据备份的最佳工具。对此,你可以使用U buntu 默认的 Deja Dup(也叫做“备份”)。 TestDisk [中级用户] 这是本清单里另一个命令行工具。TestDisk 可以让你 恢复 Linux 上的数据。如果你不小心删除了文件,使用 TestDisk 还有机会找回来。 系统调整和管理工具 GNOME/Unity Tweak Tool 这些调整工具是每个 Ubuntu 用户必备的。它们允许你访问一些高级系统设置。最重要的是,你可以使用这些调整工具 改变 Ubuntu 的主题。 UFW Firewall UFW 意指“不复杂的防火墙”,这一点是贴切的。UFW 为家庭、工作和公共网络预先定义了防火墙设置。 Stacer 如果你想释放 Ubuntu 的存储空间,可以试试 Stacer。这个图形化工具可以让你通过删除不必要的文件和完全卸载软件来 优化你的 Ubuntu 系统。可以从 官网 下载 Stacer。 其他工具 最后,我会列一些其他我很喜欢但无法归类的 Ubuntu 应用。 Neofetch 又多了一个命令行工具!Neofetch 可以显示你的系统信息,如 Ubuntu 版本、桌面环境、主题、图标、内存和其他信息,并附有 发行版的 ASCII 徽标。使用以下命令安装 Neofetch。 sudo apt install neofetch Etcher Ubuntu 已经带有一个即用 USB 创建工具,但 Etcher 能更好地完成这项任务。它同样支持 Windows 和 macOS。你可以 点击这里 下载 Etcher。 gscan2pdf 我使用这个小工具的唯一目的是 将图片转换为 PDF。你也可以用它将多张图片合并成一个 PDF 文件。 音频记录器 另一个小巧而又必不可少的 Ubuntu 应用,用于 在 Ubuntu 上录制音频。你可以用它来录制来自系统麦克风、音乐播放器或任何其他来源的声音。 我现在的主力系统是Linux mint19.3,虽然也是装的双系统,可是已经记不起上次重启进win10是什么时候的事情了。LM现在可以完全满足我的日常需求了。现在把我觉得一些优质软件应用推荐给大家,都是一些原生态的,不考虑wine。 上网:自带的firefox。 音乐类:网易云音乐 洛雪音乐助手。操作习惯、体验完全不存在障碍。 输入法:fcitx +搜狗输入法,操作习惯无缝对接。 网盘类:百度网盘,Linux版本感觉还更清爽,下载速度感觉也要快一点。 微信:Electronic WeChat,就是网页版的微信,可以发文件。 办公软件:强烈推荐国产WPS,关键还没广告,完全兼容Office 。 编辑器:vim ecmas,一个是编辑器之神,一个是神之编辑器,这个介绍太多了,不多说。 科学计算类:gnu-octave scilab maxima gnuplot ,不用担心被美帝卡脖子,都有各自的文档。 我平时主要就是用这些软件了,如果还有别的需求,可以给我留言。 没有使用过这些,现在电脑上使用的软件我是通过360安全卫士的软件管家来下载安装的。 个人觉得360浏览器就挺好用的,功能全,安全可靠。

vb中timer1.interval = 1000是什么意思

tiemr控件运行的间隔时间 以毫秒为单位 1000就是1秒
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