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continual 表示整个过程的持续,不排除中间有间断; 而continuous 则是毫无间断地持续。所以持续了个把月的雨应该说 a continual rain of over a month, 不能说 a continuous rain of over a month --- 一场毫无间断地下了个把的月太恐怖了,不是洪水滔天才怪。


continual /ku0259nu02c8tu026anju028au0259l/ CET4 TEM41. ADJ A continual process or situation happens or exists without stopping. 持续不断的 [ADJ n]例:The school has been in continual use since 1883.该校自1883年以来一直在不断使用中。柯林斯英汉双解大词典 continuous /ku0259nu02c8tu026anju028au0259s/ CET4 TEM41. ADJ A continuous process or event continues 【for a period of time】 without stopping. 持续的 (过程、事件)例:Residents report that they heard continuous gunfire.居民们说他们听到了持续的枪声。continuous更强调【一段时间内】的持续不断,continual是一个连续不断的【过程】

The Sumner County Symphony的《Renew》 歌词

歌曲名:Renew歌手:The Sumner County Symphony专辑:At My ClazziestDare not to inflict upon my wishesDare not to obstruct upon my pathDare not to pretend to lick my woundsWhen all it means is opening anotherDare not to inflict upon my wishes!Dare not to obstruct upon my path!Dare not to pretend to lick my wounds!When all it means is opening another...Purity comes with rebirth reassigned through the slitSpawned out of the shadows, the light is once again litFalse regrets!Deepest of despairFalse visions!Reservoir of griefFalse regrets!Whatever presenceFalse visions!That graced my spiritWhiffs of clarityAnd universal understandingCome and goI"m too young and too oldTo continue this worthless fightI"ve seen through the darknessTo understand the value of lightThough I seek validityFrom the Ides of MarchI watch the darkness open its -- its jawsWhatever presence that graced my spirit!Is for whomever I choose to inherit!Dare not to inflict upon my wishesDare not to obstruct upon my pathDare not to pretend to lick my woundsWhen all it means is opening anotherFalse regrets!Deepest of despairFalse visions!Reservoir of griefFalse regrets!Whatever presenceFalse visions!That graced my spirithttp://music.baidu.com/song/14983474


continuous和continual的区别: (1)搭配区别: continuous做表语和定语 be continious或continious+名词 continual只做定语 continual+名词 (2)词意的不同: continual:反复,不停止(happen repeatedly) eg:continual knocks on the door反复的敲门声 continous:连续性的=unbroken(lack of interruption) eg:a continuous line一条不间断的线 continuous pain/headache持续的痛/头痛 而continuing的含义是继续,例如:continuing education持续教育/继续教育 还有continuing development (sustainable development) 没有反复的含义


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: continuous和continual的区别: (1)搭配区别: continuous做表语和定语 be continious或continious+名词 continual只做定语 continual+名词 (2)词意的不同: continual:反复,不停止(happen repeatedly) eg: continual knocks on the door反复的敲门声 continous:连续性的=unbroken(lack of interruption) eg: a continuous line一条不间断的线 continuous pain/headache持续的痛/头痛 而continuing的含义是继续,例如:continuing education持续教育/继续教育 还有continuing development (sustainable development) 没有反复的含义


continuous和continual的区别: (1)搭配区别: continuous做表语和定语 be continious或continious+名词 continual只做定语 continual+名词 (2)词意的不同: continual:反复,不停止(happen repeatedly) eg: continual knocks on the door反复的敲门声 continous:连续性的=unbroken(lack of interruption) eg: a continuous line一条不间断的线 continuous pain/headache持续的痛/头痛 而continuing的含义是继续,例如:continuing education持续教育/继续教育 还有continuing development (sustainable development) 没有反复的含义1 constant 表示“稳定的”、“不断的”或“不变的”、“可靠的”。例如: We"ve had constant rain for three days.雨连续下了3天。 He is constant in his determination.他的决心不变。2 continuous 只用来表示不停止的动作。例如: There was continuous fighting on the frontier all day yesterday.昨天一整天,边境上战斗没有停止。 The aeroplane is capable of five days continuous flight.这种飞机可以连续飞行5天。 3 continual 经常用来指不时重复的动作(包括使人不快的动作)。常译为“不断的”、“连续的”,即认为没有止境。例如: I can"t work with these continual interruptions.这样不断地打搅,我无法工作。 The noise of hammering was continual.锤打的噪音连续不断。




以下是 continuous和continual的区别:(1)搭配区别:continuous做表语和定语becontinious或continious+名词continual只做定语continual+名词(2)词意的不同:continual:反复,不停止(happenrepeatedly)eg:continualknocksonthedoor反复的敲门声continous:连续性的=unbroken(lackofinterruption)eg:acontinuousline一条不间断的线continuouspain/headache持续的痛/头痛而continuing的含义是继续,例如:continuingeducation持续教育/继续教育还有continuingdevelopment(sustainabledevelopment)没有反复的含义


continuous: [ kən"tinjuəs ] 形容词a. 连续的,继续的,连棉不断的continually: [ kən"tinjʊəli ] ad. 不断地,频繁地 副词

能个解释一下continuing, continuous, continued, continual的区别?

continuing是现在分词,表示主动的继续,continuous是持续不断的意思, continued是过去分词,表示被动的继续, continual也是持续不断的意思,但通常含有贬义。

continual和 continuous有什么区别? 举出具体的例子最好啦,谢谢

continual [ku0259n"tinjuu0259l] adj. 持续不断的;频繁的】I actually think that film is becoming a more continual grow as one of the primary form of communication It is already.其实我觉得电影已经成为,一种不间断的,最主要的交流方式,已经是这样了。continuous adj. 连续的,持续的;继续的;连绵不断的They"re trying to lay out an argument which is consistent and continuous and keep surprise to a minimum.他们试图自然地建立起一个论点,使之一致,使我们的诧异最小化。


continual 有间断的连续,如电话铃不停的响,但每响一声中间有间断EG: Continual practise is necessary to become a champion.这句是说,持续练习对成为冠军是必要的,但是持续练习不可能不吃饭不睡觉一直练下去吧,所以是有间断的连续coutinuous 无间断的连续,如河水不停地流EG: Two rivers connected to form one coutinuous waterway.


ohmygodilosecontrol什么歌?ohmygodilosecontrol是《Lose Control 》这首歌


用法不同continual是一种形容词,其用法就和其他常规形容词一样,只不过它是用来修饰动词的,是一种简单的语法顺序。continuous虽然也是形容词,但是它的用法却变成了修容了名词,因为它的用法常常是做表语和定语。例如:There was continuous fighting on the frontier all day yesterday。昨天边境上的战斗都没有停止过。这里fighting就是动词的名词形式,表示战斗,这种的用法更高级更复杂一点。continuous,successive,constant,persistent区别:1、continuous语意最强,强调在时间和空间上没有间断。2、successive强调事物一个接一个地发生,无间断。3、constant多指习惯性的重复和不变的持续。4、persistent普通用词,可指不懈的努力,也可指任何连续不断或重复出现的事物。

entries are continuous在数学中是什么意思



  1、continuous可以做表语和定语,可做becontinious或continious+名词的搭配。continual只做定语,可做continual+名词的搭配。2、含义不同:continual是反复,不停止的意思。continous连续性的、不间断的意思。  一、用法不同  1、continuous  可以做表语和定语,可做becontinious或continious+名词的搭配。  例句:Thereisacontinuousstreamofphonecalls.  电话接连不断。  2、continual  只做定语,可做continual+名词的搭配。  例句:Theschoolhasbeenincontinualusesince1883.  自1883年以来,该校从未停办过。  二、含义不同  1、continual  是反复,不停止的意思。  例句:continualknocksonthedoor  反复的敲门声  2、continous  连续性的、不间断的意思。  例句:Thereisacontinuousstreamofphonecalls.  电话接连不断。


两个词都是持续的的意思continuous表达的意思是静态的,更偏向于对一种不间断的状态的描述。ongoing表达的意思是对动态的描述,更加有紧迫感和时效性。 比如He needs a continuous supply of blood解释为他需要不间断的血液供给,更多的是在描述一种状态或需求,更多是强调不间断。而this is an ongoing process解释为这是一个正在进行的程序,给人一种即时发生的感觉,更多是强调还没结束,言外之意是这件事的发生是从现在持续到未知的将来。


"Continuous"和"lasts"都可以表示持续性的意思,但它们在使用时略有不同。"Continuous"通常表示一个动作或状态持续不断地进行,没有中断或停止的意思。例如,你可以说:"The rain has been continuous for three days."(连续三天都在下雨。)在这个例子中,“continuous”表示雨一直下着,没有停过。"Lasts"则强调一个动作或状态的持续时间,通常意味着这个状态或动作最终会停止或结束。例如,你可以说:"The rain lasted for three days."(雨持续了三天。)在这个例子中,“lasted”表示雨持续了三天然后停了。因此,“continuous”侧重于强调持续性,而“lasts”侧重于强调持续的时间和结束。


区别如下:continual: 强调重复或持续发生,但连续之间允许有间断。He still smokes despite the continual warnings of his doctor.continuous: 语意最强,强调在时间和空间上没有间断,连绵不断。The brain needs a continuous supply of blood.全部手打,请采纳,谢谢!


continue:v.持续;继续存在;不断发生; continuous:adj.不断的;持续的;连续的 扩展资料   The effect of the continuous attacks has been to wear out his troops.   接连不断的攻击就是要拖垮他的军队。   At the horizon the land mass becomes a continuous pale neutral grey   陆地在地平线处变成了一片浅灰。   There is a continuous stream of phone calls.   电话接连不断。


两个单词都有“连续的,不断的”意思!总的来说,他们之间的差异正逐渐消失,特别是continual也含有continuous相同的意义,尤指不愉快的事:Life was a continual struggle for them.生活对他们来说是不断的挣扎。continuous 连续不断的(强调一个动作没有间断过)continual 反复的,频繁的(强调一个动作在某个时期反复出现)


continuous英 [ku0259nu02c8tu026anjuu0259s] 美 [ku0259nu02c8tu026anjuu0259s] adj.不断的;持续的;连续的;延伸的;遍布的;反复的;频繁的派生词: continuously adv.continual 英[ku0259nu02c8tu026anjuu0259l]美[ku0259nu02c8tu026anjuu0259l]adj. (令人厌烦地) 多次重复的,频繁的; 接连不断的; 连续的; 频频的;用法和搭配不同1、continuous可以做表语和定语,可做be continious或continious+名词的搭配。例句:There is a continuous stream of phone calls. 电话接连不断。2、continual只做定语,可做 continual+名词的搭配。例句:The school has been in continual use since 1883.自1883年以来,该校从未停办过。


"Continuous"是一个英语词汇,它的意思是"连续的"、"不间断的"或"持续的"等。以下是一些常见的关于"continuous"的用法和例句:"The rain has been continuous for three days now."(雨已经连续下了三天了。)这个例子中,"continuous"被用来描述雨的连续时间,即雨已经连续下了三天。"The factory has been in continuous operation for over 50 years."(这家工厂已经连续运营了50多年。)这个例子中,"continuous"被用来描述工厂的持续运营时间,即这家工厂已经连续运营了50多年。"The music was played without any breaks, creating a continuous flow of sound."(音乐没有任何间断,创造了连续的音乐流。)这个例子中,"continuous"被用来描述音乐的连续性,即音乐没有任何间断,创造了连续的音乐流。

「连续的、不间断的」英文是 continual 或 continuous?中文意思差异?

你知道 「连续的」英文应该是continual 还是 continuous ?这两个英文单字是易混淆字,因为意思很接近。虽然这两个英文单字都有「连续的」的意思,但是还是有细微的差别喔!如果你还不知道的话,那就赶快来看这篇文章吧! 下面说明 continual、 continuous 的中文意思差异! 1.continual 不间断的 continual 的意思是指「不间断的、不停的」,而且这种连续,可以是指断断续续的那种连续。比方说某人三天两头就会迟到,可能今天准时,下次又迟到了,这种会一直迟到,但是又断断续续的迟到,就可以用continual 这个英文单字。 另外,continual 也可以指不停间的、持续的,而非断断续续的那种连续,此时 continual = continuous 。 例: Her continual lateness caused him to lose her job. 她的重复迟到害她丢了工作。 例: I am tired of this continual rain. 我对连续不断的雨感到厌倦。 例: I hate these continual arguments. 我讨厌这些持续不断的争论。 2.continuous 连续不断的、持续的 continuous 的意思是指「连续不断的、持续的」,而且这种持续是指一直持续发生的那种持续喔。 下面列出continuous 英文例句与中文意思。 例: Excellence is a continuous process; it"s not an accident. 卓越是一个连续的过程,并非偶然。 例: continuous pain 持续的疼痛 continual, continual 中文, continual 意思, continuous, continuous 中文, continuous 意思, 连续 英文, 连续的 英文


continuous 英[ku0259nu02c8tu026anjuu0259s] 美[ku0259nu02c8tu026anjuu0259s] adj. 连续的; 延伸的; 绵; 联绵; [例句]Residents report that they heard continuous gunfire.居民们报告说他们听到了连续不断的枪声。


continuous rolling英 [ku0259nu02c8tinjuu0259s u02c8ru0259u028alu026au014b] 美 [ku0259nu02c8tu026anjuu0259s u02c8rou028alu026au014b] 词典连续轧制双语例句 1Simulation Research of Dynamic Characteristic of Cold Continuous Rolling Process基于冷连轧过程动态特性的仿真研究2An introduction of a son of new style slide rails design for continuous rolling mill reheating furnace. 介绍了一种用于轧钢厂连续式加热炉中的新型滑轨。


continuous[英][ku0259nu02c8tu026anjuu0259s][美][ku0259nu02c8tu026anjuu0259s]adj.连续的; 延伸的; 绵; 联绵; 例句:1.A small battery will provide several days of continuous use. 一个小型电池将提供数天时间持续使用。2.The fertility fall was continuous. 生育率还在不断降低。


continuous 英[ku0259nu02c8tu026anjuu0259s] 美[ku0259nu02c8tu026anjuu0259s]

paul smith和GANT哪个档次高?

GANT属于中高档品牌。 GANT是世界著名三大休闲品牌之一,是欧洲经典与美国东海岸休闲的完美结合。产品包括:男装、女装、童装、家居家纺、配饰、香水等。被誉为全球最具美感的高品质经典生活方式品牌。源于美国,融合了欧洲简约化设计精髓的著名时尚品牌GANT。由美国起步,再接在欧洲,GANT独特的积极健康的形象始终没有改变,美国东海岸的休闲与欧洲经典风格的融合就是GANT为他的精英客户们设计的形象。GANT倡导的是一种都市精英人士健康的生活方式,现代感的产品设计,积极向上的态度,系列化的产品,全方位地打造了GANT品牌健康的形象。目前GANT品牌已经成为拥有男装、女装、男孩装、女孩装、童装、家饰、鞋、手表、香水、眼镜等全系列产品的高档时尚品牌。


continuous[英][ku0259nu02c8tu026anjuu0259s][美][ku0259nu02c8tu026anjuu0259s]adj.连续的; 延伸的; 绵; 联绵; 例句:1.Continuous manufacturing could transform the pharmaceuticals industry. 连续制作模式会改变整个制药行业的面貌。2.The settlement of all those social problems is based on continuouseconomic achievement. 解决所有这些社会问题是建筑在是连续的经济成就的基础上的

This Moment 歌词

歌曲名:This Moment歌手:Disturbed专辑:Transformers (Music from the Motion Picture)This MomentDisturbedTransformers (2007) OSTTitle: "This Moment"Artist: DisturbedAlbum: Transformers (2007) OST(uploaded by Sah)You will remember this moment as you dig into meAnd from your smile now it seems as if you liked itYou better cherish this moment as you dig into meYou"ll never get another chance at thisI won"t stand another minute of your questioning meYou hear me these are the interrogations of herI can"t handle the feeling of your pestering meHow would you like to meet my favorite fist?No you can"t rethinkI"d love to see you think I"mDream this moment as you run awayYou would only separate me from all I believeThis moment in brutalityYou"re the one who kept on pushing till I made you bleedIt seems your pride has been stolen since you stood up to meI take it now you know I think I really like itSome other lesson from someone that will never repeatHow many tragic mistakes of his pastI hope you see from this moment as your still on your feetSo keep me cryin" now I think your gonna like itWords have no consequences when they"re spoken to meBetter be careful when you"re writing chequesDon"t you question how IStand above you now IDream this moment as you run awayYou would only separate me from all I believeThis moment in brutalityYou"re the one who kept on pushing till I made you bleedNow you know the answersSave yourself from dangerI cannot forget howAll of this beganI know you know the answerSave yourself from dangerBeaten by a strangerBlood still on his handsI"ll be this moment as you run awayYou would only separate me from all I believeThis moment in brutalityYou"re the one who kept on pushing till I made you bleedhttp://music.baidu.com/song/58959185

This Moment 歌词

歌曲名:This Moment歌手:Melissa Etheridge专辑:LuckyThis MomentDisturbedTransformers (2007) OSTTitle: "This Moment"Artist: DisturbedAlbum: Transformers (2007) OST(uploaded by Sah)You will remember this moment as you dig into meAnd from your smile now it seems as if you liked itYou better cherish this moment as you dig into meYou"ll never get another chance at thisI won"t stand another minute of your questioning meYou hear me these are the interrogations of herI can"t handle the feeling of your pestering meHow would you like to meet my favorite fist?No you can"t rethinkI"d love to see you think I"mDream this moment as you run awayYou would only separate me from all I believeThis moment in brutalityYou"re the one who kept on pushing till I made you bleedIt seems your pride has been stolen since you stood up to meI take it now you know I think I really like itSome other lesson from someone that will never repeatHow many tragic mistakes of his pastI hope you see from this moment as your still on your feetSo keep me cryin" now I think your gonna like itWords have no consequences when they"re spoken to meBetter be careful when you"re writing chequesDon"t you question how IStand above you now IDream this moment as you run awayYou would only separate me from all I believeThis moment in brutalityYou"re the one who kept on pushing till I made you bleedNow you know the answersSave yourself from dangerI cannot forget howAll of this beganI know you know the answerSave yourself from dangerBeaten by a strangerBlood still on his handsI"ll be this moment as you run awayYou would only separate me from all I believeThis moment in brutalityYou"re the one who kept on pushing till I made you bleedhttp://music.baidu.com/song/579794

This Moment 歌词

歌曲名:This Moment歌手:Matthew Sweet专辑:Sweet Relief - A Benefit For Victoria WilliamsThis MomentDisturbedTransformers (2007) OSTTitle: "This Moment"Artist: DisturbedAlbum: Transformers (2007) OST(uploaded by Sah)You will remember this moment as you dig into meAnd from your smile now it seems as if you liked itYou better cherish this moment as you dig into meYou"ll never get another chance at thisI won"t stand another minute of your questioning meYou hear me these are the interrogations of herI can"t handle the feeling of your pestering meHow would you like to meet my favorite fist?No you can"t rethinkI"d love to see you think I"mDream this moment as you run awayYou would only separate me from all I believeThis moment in brutalityYou"re the one who kept on pushing till I made you bleedIt seems your pride has been stolen since you stood up to meI take it now you know I think I really like itSome other lesson from someone that will never repeatHow many tragic mistakes of his pastI hope you see from this moment as your still on your feetSo keep me cryin" now I think your gonna like itWords have no consequences when they"re spoken to meBetter be careful when you"re writing chequesDon"t you question how IStand above you now IDream this moment as you run awayYou would only separate me from all I believeThis moment in brutalityYou"re the one who kept on pushing till I made you bleedNow you know the answersSave yourself from dangerI cannot forget howAll of this beganI know you know the answerSave yourself from dangerBeaten by a strangerBlood still on his handsI"ll be this moment as you run awayYou would only separate me from all I believeThis moment in brutalityYou"re the one who kept on pushing till I made you bleedhttp://music.baidu.com/song/9728068


they Don"t Care About Us 他们不在乎我们 skin head 人面兽心 dead head 行尸走肉 everybody 所有人 gone bad 变坏 situation 见风使舵 speculation 投机倒把 everybody 所有人 allegation 起诉 in the suite 在庭上 on the news 新闻里 everybody 所有人 dog food 一文不值 Bang bang 嗙嗙 shock dead 吓死 Everybody"s 所有人 gone mad 愤怒了 all i wanna say is that 我只是想说 they don"t really care about us 有谁在乎我们 all i wanna say is that 我只是想说 they don"t really care about us 有谁在乎我们 beat me 打击我 hate me 憎恨我 you can never 你永远无法 break me 击垮我 will me 利诱我 thrill me 威胁我 you can never 你永远无法 kill me 杀死我 jew me 我是犹太人 sue me 你就要告我 everybody 一个不剩 do me 都想整我 kick me 踢我 kike me 我是犹太人 don"t you black or white me 你颠倒是非黑白 all i wanna say is that 我只是想说 they don"t really care about us 有谁在乎我们 all i wanna say is that 我只是想说 they don"t really care about us 有谁在乎我们 tell me what has become of my life 告诉我我的生活变成了什么 i have a wife and two children who love me 我有个爱着我的妻子和两个孩子 i"m a victim of police brutality, now 我现在是个警察暴力的受害者了 i"m tired of bein" the victim of hate, 我已厌倦作为厌恶的受害者 your rapin" me of my pride 你在掠夺我的自豪 oh for god"s sake 噢 究竟为了什么 i look to heaven to fulfill its prophecy... 我这是想把人间变为天堂…… set me free 放过我 skin head 人面兽心 dead head 行尸走肉 everybody 所有人 gone bad 变坏了 trepidation 恐慌 speculation 投机 everybody 所有人 allegation 指控 in the suite 在庭上 on the news 新闻里 everybody 所有人 dog food 一文不值 black man 小人 black mail 告密 throw the brother 患难同胞 in jail 投入监狱 all i wanna say is that 我只是想说 they don"t really care about us 有谁在乎我们 all i wanna say is that 我只是想说 they don"t really care about us 有谁在乎我们 tell me what has become of my rights 告诉我什么是我的权力 am i invisible "cause you ignore me? 你对我视而不见我就不存在了吗? your proclamation promised me free liberty, now. 你曾向我承诺自由 i"m tired of bein" the victim of shame 我已厌倦成为阴谋的受害者 they"re throwin" me in a class with a bad name 他们把对我进行肆意的毁谤 i can"t believe this is the land from which i came 我无法相信这就是养育我的那片土地 you know i really do hate to say it 你知道我真的不想这么说 the government don"t wanna see 政府也不想看到这 but it Roosevelt was livin", he wouldn"t let this be, no no. 但罗斯福活着,他绝不会让这一切发生,不,不 skin head 人面兽心 dead head 行尸走肉 everybody 所有人 gone bad 变坏了 situation 见风使舵 speculation 投机倒把 everybody 所有人 litigation 互相告 beat me 打击我 bash me 怒殴我 you can never 你永远无法 trash me 击废我 hit me 袭击我 kick me 践踏我 you can never 你永远无法 get me 打垮我 some things in life they just don"t wanna see 生命中有些事是他们不想看到的 but if Martin Luther was livin" 但如果马丁路德金活着的话 he wouldn"t let this be 他绝不会允许它发生 skinhead 人面兽心 deadhead 行尸走肉 everybody 每一个人 gone bad 变坏 situation 见风使舵 segregation 种族隔离 allegation 告来告去 everybody 所有人 litigation 都来起诉 in the suite 在公堂上 on the news 在新闻里 everybody 所有人 dog food 分文不值 kick me 绊倒我 kike me 毁谤我 don"t you wrong or right me 你指手画脚 all i wanna say is that 我只是想说 they don"t really care about us 有谁在乎我们 all i wanna say is that 我只是想说 they don"t really care about us 有谁在乎我们 all i wanna say is that 我只是想说 they don"t really care about us 有谁在乎我们 all i wanna say is that 我只是想说 they don"t really care about us 有谁在乎我们 (注: 1. “Jew me、Kick me”:皆为“我是犹太人”之意;本曲最大的争议,几乎遭禁 2. “skin head”:本意--英国“光头党”,一群奉行白人至上主义的光头年轻人 3. “Deadhead”:本意--庸人、蠢人)

the big a boss to be i want town of连成一段话?

I want to be a big boss of the town.我想成为镇上的大老板。 满意望采纳

求英语对话 Job Hunting 五分钟左右

Let"s Learn How to Find a Job! 找工作 Billy: How"s life? Michael: Same old, same old. Billy: What are we going to learn today? Michael: This time we will continue to learn how to find a job with a foreign company. Billy: I learned a lot last week, but I need to know more about what questions will be asked at an interview. Come on, quickly, teach me more. 比利:近来如何? 迈克尔:老样子,老样子。 比利:今天我们将学些什么呢? 迈克尔:这次我们将学习更多的关于外企找工作的事情。 比利:上周我学了很多,但我需要了解更多在面试中提到的问题,快!教我更多吧。 NEW WORDS 新单词 1) Abroad (adv./n)(国外): out of your home country I have never been abroad; I have never been out of China. 我从来也没有出过国,我一直都呆在中国。 2) Accomplishment (n)(成就): something completed that you"re proud of Writing a book was my greatest accomplishment. 写本书是我最大的成就。 3) Automobiles (pl n) (机动车): Cars, trucks, buses and other vehicles There are too many automobiles in Beijing. 北京的车辆太多了。 4) Committed friend (worker)(忠实朋友/工人): Loyal, hard worker, or a good friend who is always there for you My secretary is a committed worker. 我的秘书是个忠心耿耿的同事。 5) CURRICULUM VITAE (CV) (简历、详细一些的简历): a longer document with your educational and work histories Always take an extra CV to the job interview. 面试的时候永远别忘了多带一份简历。 6) Expect (v) (期待): be prepared for, want I expect to earn 3,000 RMB a month at this job. 我对这份工作期望的薪金是每月3000元。 7) Occupation (n) (职业): job, career What is your occupation? 你的职业是什么? 8) Strengths (n)( 长处,擅长,优点): your good traits Working well with others is her personal strength. 与他人相处融洽是她的优点。 9) Resume (简历): a short, one page document with your educational and work history 10) Weakness (弱点): what you don"t do well My greatest weakness is the fact that I have never been abroad to study English. 我的弱点在于我从来也没有机会出国学英语。 LESSON 课文 To find out if you are the one for the job, the interviewer will ask some of the following questions. Remember to be as POSITIVE as possible in your answers. Always try to find the GOOD side in everything. Talk only about your best experiences, unless otherwise asked. 为了了解你是否适合这份工作,面试人员将会问你下面一些问题。在回答这些问题的时候,要尽量正面回答。始终要发掘自己的闪光点。除非被问到,否则要始终谈论你最好的业绩。 Example 1 Q: Why did you quit your last job? (what caused you to have to leave your last job?) 问:你为什么要辞去以前的工作呢?(是什么原因使得你辞去以前的工作?) A: My last job was at a small company with very little future. Your company, however, is growing very quickly and moving in very productive directions. (By answering this way, you show that you are motivated while also praising the interviewers company.) 答:我以前工作的公司是一个小公司,没有什么前途。可是贵公司发展迅速,前途光明。(如果这样回答问题,你就表现出了进取心,同时也表扬了面试你的公司。) Example 2 Q: Can you tell me about something special you did in your last job? (what did you learn from your last place of work?) 问:你能告诉我你在以前的工作中表现出色的地方吗?(你从以前的工作中学到了什么?) A: I was employee of the month three times. It taught me that organizational skills and working as part of a "team" are important. (Here you should boast. Praise yourself! Don"t be shy here.) 答:我连续三次被评选为“月度最佳职员”。这份工作教会我组织技巧和作为"团队"一部分的重要性。(这时你不必过分谦虚。表扬自己,不要感到不好意思。) Example 3 Q: What are your personal strengths? (what are you good at? Why are you special?) 问:你的个人优点是什么?(你擅长什么?你有什么与众不同之处?) A: I work well with others, and learn new things quickly. (It is wise to think about this carefully before the interview and remember your best points, especially those which are related to your work.) 答:我与同事相处融洽,而且接受新事物很快。(在面试前仔细想一象这些问题是很明智的做法,尤其是那些与你的工作相关的事情。) Example 4 Q: Can you tell me more about the classes you took in college? (explain your RESUME or CV in a bit more detail) 问:你能多告诉我一些你在大学所学的课程吗?(更详细地解释你的简历。) A: I took a series of business courses, both in micro and macro-economics. I also have done graduate work in analysis and field research. (Only mention the classes that you think will be useful to you in your new job.) 答:我学了一些商业课程,包括微观经济学和宏观经济学。我还做了一些有关分析和实际调查的研究生工作。(只谈论你认为会有助于你获得新工作的课程。) DIALOGUE: 面试时的基本对话 While you talk with the interviewer, always face him or her and keep your eyes looking at the interviewer"s eyes. Your feet and face should be directly opposite of the employer"s eyes and feet. 在进行面试谈话的时候,始终保持与面试人员的眼睛和脸正面接触。你的双脚和脸庞应始终正对着面试人员的双脚和脸庞。Interviewer BIG BOSS: Welcome to the ABC HOUSE Company. Chinese job seeker JOE HO: Thank you. (While shaking hands) My name is Joe Ho, and I"m here about the position in sales. Big Boss: Nice to meet you. I am the Big Boss. Please have a seat. Joe Ho: Thank you very much. Big Boss: Why did you quit your last job? Joe Ho: It was a small company with no future. Your company, however is growing very quickly in very productive directions. Big Boss: Do you feel you are a good worker? Joe Ho: I certainly do feel I am a good worker. As you can see from my RESUME, I have often been the best employee of the month. Big Boss: What did you do at your last job? Joe Ho: I sold all kinds of cars, motorcycles and trucks. Big Boss: Did you enjoy your job? Joe Ho: Always, of course. I enjoyed helping my customers best of all. I was happy when they were happy. Big Boss: So why do you want to sell houses now? Joe Ho: I want to sell houses because they are the way of the future in Beijing. Lately, many families are looking to buy a good house but need a friendly, intelligent salesperson to help them. I believe my experience with people, my hard work, and motivation make me perfect for this job. Big Boss: What are your personal strengths? Joe Ho: I work well with others and I am a committed friend. I believe customers should be treated like friends. Big Boss: What is your greatest weakness? Joe Ho: Although I have had many foreign customers and teachers, I have never been abroad to study English. I believe this is my greatest weakness. However, I hope to improve my English in the near future. Big Boss: Would you be willing to go abroad for English and Sales training? Joe Ho: It would be my pleasure to go abroad to study English and Sales. Big boss: Great. Do you have any questions for us? Joe Ho: I know that ABC sells houses, but what did you used to sell? Big Boss: We started off by selling garden houses. We still sell them sometimes. Joe Ho: How long would our contract be for? Big Boss: We ask our employees to sign two-year contracts. Joe Ho: One last question. Seeing my work experience and motivation, if I got the job, what salary could I expect? Big Boss: If you get the job, you will earn two thousand RMB a month plus commission (a percentage of what you sell). Joe Ho: (While shaking hands) Thank you, sir. I hope I have the chance to work with you in the future. Big Boss: And thank you for your time, Joe Ho. Good-bye. 面试者大老板:欢迎来到ABC住房公司。 求职者中国人胡乔:谢谢。(同时握手)我叫胡乔,我来这里是有关销售的职位。 大老板:见到你很高兴。我是大老板,请坐。 胡乔:多谢。 大老板:你为什么辞掉你的上一份工作? 胡乔:那是一家没有前途的小公司。而你的公司正朝着卓有成效的方向迅速发展。 大老板:你觉得你是一个好员工吗? 胡乔:我的确觉得我是一个好员工。如你可以从我的简历看到的,我经常是“本月最佳雇员”。 大老板:上一份工作你做什么? 胡乔:我销售各种各样的小汽车、摩托车和大卡车。 大老板:你喜欢你的工作吗? 胡乔:当然一直喜欢。我最喜欢帮助我的顾客。当他们高兴的时候我就高兴。 大老板:那你现在为什么想做房子销售? 胡乔:我想销售房子是因为房子是北京将来的发展趋势。最近,很多家庭正在寻找购买一处好住房,而需要一个友好、有智慧的销售人员帮助他们。我相信我和人们打交道的经验、我的努力以及积极性是我成为这份工作理想的人选。 大老板:你个人的长处是什么? 胡乔:我善长和其他人一起工作,而且我对朋友很好。我认为我们应该把顾客视为朋友。 大老板:你最大的弱点是什么? 胡乔:尽管我有很多外国的客户和老师,我从没有到过国外去学英语。我认为这是我最大的弱点。不过,我希望在不久的将来提高我的英语。 大老板:你愿意到国外去学习英语并接受销售培训吗? 胡乔:到国外去学习英语和销售是我的荣幸。 大老板:太好了。你对我们有什么问题吗? 胡乔:我知道ABC销售房子,不过以前你们销售什么? 大老板:我们以销售花园别墅起家。我们有时还销售花园别墅。 胡乔:我们的合同期有多长? 大老板:我们要雇员签两年的合同。 胡乔:最后一个问题。就我的工作经验和积极性而言,如果我得到这份工作,我能期望的薪水是多少? 大老板:如果你得到这份工作,你会得到每月两千人民币加提成(你销售的一个百分比)。 胡乔:(同时握手)谢谢,先生。我希望在将来有机会和你一起工作。 大老板:谢谢你的时间,胡乔,再见。

为什么AE:slider control 效果无法找到,无效表达式?


为什么AE:slider control 效果无法找到,无效表达式?

原因:语言不通,软件中英文版本不同,表达式无法找到相应的对象,表达式无法正常使用。将表达式中对应的名称进行修改即可。1、找到AE的安装目录打开Support Files---zdictionaries文件夹,2、语言文件都存放在这个文件下,找到 after_effects_zh-Hans.dat,务必记得备份源文件3、然后用记事本打开这个文件,按住Ctrl+F→在查找中输入(查找路径)AE/Slider_Control/LStr/0001,查找后会直接定位到需要修改的地方。4、将上面标记的7个内容修改成英文即可:5、保存并退出记事本,再次打开AE工程文件,问题就被解决了。

android编程时遇到Parcelable encountered IOException writing serializable object (name = xxx)


什么时候一定要implement Serializable?

Serializable接口属于支持序列化的一个接口,只有一个实现它的对象可以被序列化工具存储和回复,也就是说方便对象类的存储,复制等。Serializable接口没有定义任何成员,只用来表示一个累可以被序列化,若该类可以序列化,那么它的所有子类都可以。 下面是关于序列化的一个实例: 程序名称:SerializationDemo.java 程序主题:实现对象的序列化和反序列化 程序说明:该程序由实例化一个MyClass类的对象开始,该对象有三个实例变量,类型分别为String、int、double,是希望存储和恢复的信息。 import java.io.*; public class SerializationDemo{ public static void main(String args[]){ //Object serialization try{ MyClass object1=new MyClass("Hello",-7,2.7e10); System.out.println("object1:"+object1); FileOutputStream fos=new FileOutputStream("serial"); ObjectOutputStream oos=new ObjectOutputStream(fos); oos.writeObject(object1); oos.flush(); oos.close(); } catch(Exception e){ System.out.println("Exception during serialization:"+e); System.exit(0); } //Object deserialization try{ MyClass object2; FileInputStream fis=new FileInputStream("serial"); ObjectInputStream ois=new ObjectInputStream(fis); object2=(MyClass)ois.readObject(); ois.close(); System.out.println("object2:"+object2); } catch(Exception e){ System.out.println("Exception during deserialization:"+e); System.exit(0); } } } class MyClass implements Serializable{ String s; int i; double d; public MyClass(String s,int i,double d){ this.s=s; this.i=i; this.d=d; } public String toString(){ return "s="+s+";i="+i+";d="+d; } } 程序运行结果:object1和object2的实例变量是一样的,输出如下: object1:s=Hello;i=-7;d=2.7E10 object2:s=Hello;i=-7;d=2.7E10



途中红框中为什么是(serializable id)而而不是(String id)或者(int id)




android intent 传入序列化serializable 必须实现get和set方法吗

今天要给大家讲一下Android中Intent中如何传递对象,就我目前所知道的有两种方法,一种是Bundle.putSerializable(Key,Object);另一种是Bundle.putParcelable(Key, Object);当然这些Object是有一定的条件的,前者是实现了Serializable接口,而后者是实现了Parcelable接口,为了让大家更容易理解我还是照常写了一个简单的Demo,大家就一步一步跟我来吧!第一步:新建一个Android工程命名为ObjectTranDemo(类比较多哦!)目录结构如下图:第二步:修改main.xml布局文件(这里我增加了两个按钮)代码如下[plain] view plain copy<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent" > <TextView android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:text="Welcome to Mr wei"s blog." /> <Button android:id="@+id/button1" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:text="Serializable" /> <Button android:id="@+id/button2" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:text="Parcelable" /> </LinearLayout> 第三步:新建两个类一个是Person.java实现Serializable接口,另一个Book.java实现Parcelable接口,代码分别如下:Person.java:[java] view plain copypackage com.tutor.objecttran; import java.io.Serializable; public class Person implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -7060210544600464481L; private String name; private int age; public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public int getAge() { return age; } public void setAge(int age) { this.age = age; } }

如果java的某个类需要序列化并implements Serializable,这个类的属性类还需要Serializable吗?


implements java.io.Serializable是什么意思?

实现序列化接口 网络传输实体必需实现这个接口

java里面Serializable long int 之间关系 又怎么互相转型

你想表达什么?long转intlong l = 111111l; int i = (int) l;Integer.parseInt()只能将String转换成int

java里面 implements Serializable有什么作用?



这么简单自己算啊。你只要知道 1转=?counts 和 1分=60second 就能算出来


  orientation的动词是orientate  orientate  英[ˈɔ:riənteɪt]  美[ˈɔriɛnˌtet, -ən-, ˈor-]  vi. 面向; 朝向; 确定方向; 使适应;  [例句]Based on experimental teaching and inquiring, effects of integration education on orientate sports have been studied and evaluated.  通过教学实验,研究了定向运动教学对女大学生身心健康的影响.  [其他] 第三人称单数:orientates 现在分词:orientating 过去式:orientated 过去分词:orientated 形近词: orientals

HOW WE DO The Game 50 Cent 歌词

How We Do The Game 歌词 [Chorus - 50 Cent] This is how we do We make a move and act a fool while we up in the club This is how we do Nobody do it like we do it so show us some love This is how we do We make a move and act a fool while we up in the club This is how we do Nobody do it like we do it so show us some love [Verse I - Game] Fresh like, unhh; Impala, unnh Chrome hydrolics, 808 drums You don"t want, none Nigga betta, run When beef is on, I"ll pop that, drum Come get, some Pistol grip, pump If a nigga step on my white Air, Ones Since red, rum Ready here I, come Compton, unh Dre found me in the, slums Sellin that skunk, one hand on my gun I was sellin rocks when Master P was sayin "Unnnh" Buck pass the blunt Its G-Unit, girls just wanna have fun Coke and rum Got weed on the ton I"m bangin with my hand up her dress like, unh I"ll make her cum, purple haze in my lungs Whole gang in the front in case a nigga wanna, stunt [Verse II - 50 Cent] I put Lamborghini doors on that Es-co-lade Low pro so low look like I"m riding on blades In one year mang, a nigga"s so paid I have a straight bitch in the telly goin both ways (Ah!) Touch me, tease me, kiss me, please me I give it to ya just how you like it, girl You know I"m rockin with the best tre pound on my hip Teflon on my chest They say I"m no good Cuz I"m so hood Rich folks do not want me around Cuz shit might pop off, and if shit pop off Somebody gon" get laid the fuck out They call me new money, say I have no class I"m from the bottom, I came up too fast The hell if I care, I"m just here to get my cash Woozy ass bitches, you can kiss my ass [Chorus] [Verse III - Game] I put gold Daytonas on that Cherry Six-Four White walls so clean it"s like I"m ridin on bulbs Hit one switch mayn, that ass so low Cali got niggaz in New York ridin on hundred spokes Touch me, tease me, kiss me, please me I give it to ya just how you like it, girl You know I"m rockin with the best fo" pound on my hip Gold chain on my chest (Ah!) [Verse IV - Game and 50 Cent] [50 Cent] 50, unh Bentley, unh Em" came "n gotta nigga fresh out the, slum Automatic, gun Fuck "em one-on-one We wrap up ya punk ass, stunt "n ya done Homie, it"s Game time [Game] You ready? Here I come Call Lloyd Banks and get this motherfucker, crunk It took two, months But Fifty got it done Signed with G-unit Had niggaz like, "huh?" Don"t try to front I"ll leave yo" ass, slumped Thinkin I"m a punk Get your fuckin head, lumped Fifty got a, gun [50 Cent] Ready here he come Gotta sick, vendetta To get this, chedda Meet my Ba, Retta The dra-ma, setta Sip Am-a, retta My flow sounds, betta Than average On Tracks I"m a savage I damage Any nigga tryin" to front on my clique (G-Unit!)回答者:slightlee


oriented 是以。。。为方向的,是形容词。orientated是orientate的过去式,意为朝向,确定方向,是动词,建议下载一个金山词霸app,里面都有的。


orientate ["00:rienteit, "05u-] vi. 向东;定向 vt. 给...定位;使适应 [ 过去式orientated 过去分词orientated 现在分词orientating ] oriented ["00:rientid, "05u-] 你拼写错误 adj. 导向的;定向的;以…为方向的 v. 调整;使朝向(orient的过去分词);确定…的方位


orientation 扩展词汇 英 [u02ccu0254u02d0riu0259n"teu026au0283n]     美 [u02ccu0254u02d0riu0259n"teu026au0283n]    n.适应;定位;情况介绍;信仰;倾向;[计]定向;(学生)迎新会释义常用度分布图海词统计定位倾向适应情况介绍信仰neworientation是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:双解释义n.(名词)[C]方向,目标 a position or direction[U]熟悉情况,适应 activity of orientating oneself; state of being orientated行业释义英英释义orientation的用法和样例:例句用作名词 (n.)I needed some orientation at this stage.我在这个阶段需要熟悉情况。The arrangement must show a preferred orientation.排列还必须呈现特定的指向。


orientatedv.面向; 朝向( orientate的过去式和过去分词 ); 确定方向; 使适应;


orientate英[u02c8u0254:riu0259nteu026at]美[u02c8u0254riu025bnu02cctet, -u0259n-, u02c8or-]vi. 面向; 朝向; 确定方向; 使适应;[网络] 使向东,定方向; 使向东; 向东;[例句]Based on experimental teaching and inquiring, effects of integration education on orientate sports have been studied and evaluated.通过教学实验,研究了定向运动教学对女大学生身心健康的影响.[其他] 第三人称单数:orientates 现在分词:orientating 过去式:orientated 过去分词:orientated 形近词: orientals


TNT平台中的开发平台是基于微软Jupiter平台的快速开发工具,开发者可以通过界面属性设定的方法来完成对业务系统的快速开发,自动化生成C#和JAVA的二种语言的系统。 基本介绍 中文名 :TNT平台 性质 :开发工具 平台的特点,平台套用, 平台的特点 TNT平台的特点是既提供软体开发平台,又提供基于该平台生成的各种套用系统和原始码,三种产品相辅相成,实现“标准化+行业化+个性化”的套用模式。 TNT平台并不是独立销售的,而是集成了标准化软体的功能,如OA、CRM、进销存、文档管理、契约管理等模组。对最终用户和软体服务商来说,他们既可以单独采购这些标准化的软体,又可以采购软体+平台的套装,用以满足自己的通用化需求或个性化需求。 平台套用 TNT平台包括三部分的套用: 1)T——Tooles,开发工具 针对相关的业务系统模板和开源组件包,亚思捷软体提供了开发工具Tools: Jupiter业务基础平台。Jupiter业务基础平台是亚思捷软体的核心开发人员集超过200多人年的套用系统开发经验,结合软体开发主流技术和趋势,自主研发的套用系统原始码自动生成工具,使用人员通过界面属性设定的方法来完成对业务系统的快速开发,自动化生成C#和JAVA的二种原始码及相关文档。Jupiter定位于套用管理软体业系统原始码的快速生成工具,特别适合以数据表单+流程的套用管理软体业务系统的开发。 2)N——Nucleus,开源组件包 亚思捷软体推出开源组件包Nucleus,即可以为合作伙伴提供所有业务系统模板的原始码。开源组件包将适合于面向有一定开发能力的合作伙伴。开源组件包将打破传统软体产品及服务的限制,让最终客户得到更高质量、更低成本、更易用的套用管理软体解决方案。 3)T——Templates,业务系统模版 基于开发工具和开源组件包,生成的各种办公管理系统,可以直接提供给客户使用,包括办公管理系统(OA)、文档管理系统(DMS)、客户管理系统(CRM)、线上考试系统(ONES)、企业信息门户、人力资源管理系统(HR)、办公资产管理系统、采购管理系统、工程管理系统、绩效考核管理系统。



continue evaluation什么意思

Continuous Evaluation [词典] 不间断的评价; [例句]Information System"s Continuous Evaluation and Improvement信息系统的持续评估与改进

SQL Server Enterprise Evaluation是什么版本呀?

sql有6个版本:企业版,标准版,个人版,开发版,windows ce 版,企业评估版。你所说的正是企业评估版(SQL Server Enterprise Evaluation)

PENTAX Digital Camera Utility 怎么用

  宾得PENTAX Digital Camera Utility4是随宾得最新数码影像产品宾得K-7一同发布的一款具有全新用户界面设计、综合浏览与设计处理功能为一体的专业影像后期处理软件。  在宾得曾经的影像处理软件中,宾得Pentax Browser以及宾得Pentax Laboratory为各自分开操作的软件。以往软件最大的问题在于宾得原始文件格式的浏览以及修改并不能在同一软件操作界面下进行,而PENTAX Digital Camera Utility 4的推出将浏览与影像处理功能放置于同一平台:在浏览过程中就可以寻找到需要处理的照片并能够进行色彩、饱和度、对比度、锐度等影像处理手段。而最为引人瞩目的,就是画面图像右侧的“自定义图像”、“曝光/色调”以及白平衡g工具栏。这三项功能近乎凝聚了宾得PENTAX Digital Camera Utility 4在功能上最为精髓的所在:丰富的办自动选项、全面的选择设置以及直观的操作界面。  从“自定义图像”功能来说,PENTAX Digital Camera Utility 4率先以相机自身拍摄数据来展现画面效果。除此外,宾得PENTAX Digital Camera Utility 4还提供了诸如“鲜明”、“自然”、“风景”、“人像”等拍摄效果能够供为选择。在所有类型拍摄设定功能下,用户能够针对画面需要对画面的色相、对比度、亮度等一共七大项共九项操作项目进行操作。  而“曝光/色调”工具栏主要针对画面曝光、感光度层级以及相应色调和阴影表现进行修改。修改的主要目的在于把握画面细节并能够将宾得所擅长的颜色和细节表现得更加详细。对于曝光的控制,PENTAX Digital Camera Utility 4主要进行分级进行操作。但是当进行操作时,由于功能分级间隔为0.5,因此画面亮度跳跃性过大,但是操作起来十分方便。可以说,如果是1/3的量级进行操作,效果将更加细腻。  最特别的是PENTAX Digital Camera Utility 4的白平衡功能。在保证延用原机白平衡设置的前提下,PENTAX Digital Camera Utility 4还具有强制设定和针对不同测试点的色温差别而进行不同画面色温变化是最新版本最为突出的特点。而直接通过数字直接设定色温以及该功能下方的“微调”都为PENTAX Digital Camera Utility 4的功能和效果提供了不少帮助。强制设定功能更像数码相机中的色温模式,针对不同拍摄素材和拍摄光源的变换而直接选取功能匹配项进行直接简单的操作。但是如果遇到复杂光源或者室外阴天情况,那这样的功能就不太科学。而在设定灰点设置白平衡功能下,移动鼠标光标位置为设定一参照点,在画面左侧下方为该灰点颜色色块显示,而一旦灰点确认,软件会自动将画面色温进行变化而产生与参考点——灰点色温相匹配的整体画面效果。而我个人十分喜欢通过数字直接调整,外拍灯或者棚灯的使用能够对画面色温进行准确的判断,直接、直观地进行科学的、准确的影像拍摄。  针对目前影像拍摄中对于非正常拍摄所引起的问题,比如杂色、镜头色边等问题,PENTAX Digital Camera Utility4 在操作界面的右下方进行了功能设置。通过单设置“镜头像差校正”以及“取出杂点”功能,PENTAX Digital Camera Utility 4能够将画面中所拍摄到一定程度的色斑、耀斑以及画面边缘紫边进行校正,使画面更自然、协调。因为画面光影的偏差问题又大都为镜头所制,而宾得PENTAX Digital Camera Utility 4适用机型仅限宾得旗下产品,因此以世界三大镀膜著称的宾得并没有将太多精力放在研制如何取出画面缺陷的问题上,毕竟消除画面的缺陷的代价就是降低画面分辨率。  以PENTAX Digital Camera Utility4目前对画面的操作能力和输出效果看,大程度的颜色操作成为它最为突出的亮点。但是,浏览界面与操作界面的统一并没有将软件效率进行提高,反而在1G内存的笔记本中颜色变化和画面细节表现实得有些拖沓。不过,从效果角度和整体功能角度去审视的话,宾得PENTAX Digital Camera Utility4是一款十分先进的影像后期处理软件平台。

SQL Server Enterprise Evaluation是什么版本呀?

普遍介绍:SQL Server Enterprise Evaluation是企业评估板。Evaluation 版本的特点是:1、“试用版”,它是功能齐全的版本。供测试用的目的,不能用于正式的商业环境中,另外有使用180天的限制;2、评估版,这种版本是即将发布正式版以前分发给测试人群测试用的。扩展资料sql还有其他5个版本:1、企业版:sql server 2000 企业版有着Internet 集成、可伸缩性和可用性、企业级数据库功能、易于安装部署和使用等特性功能。这款软件有着支持各种数据库建立联系、更新数据库中的数据、提取数据库数据等主要的作用。2、标准版:功能相对少一些,比较适合于中小规模的企业生产应用环境,作为小工作组或部门的数据库服务器使用。3、个人版:供移动的用户使用,这些用户有时从网络上断开,但所运行的应用程序需要SQL Server 数据存储。在客户端计算机上运行需要本地SQL Server 数据存储的独立应用程序时也使用个人版。4、开发版:供程序员用来开发将SQL Server 2000 用作数据存储的应用程序。虽然开发版支持企业版的所有功能,使开发人员能够编写和测试可使用这些功能的应用程序,但是只能将开发版作为开发和测试系统使用,不能作为生产服务器使用。5、windows ce 版:为快速开发能够将企业数据管理能力扩展到设备的应用程序而准备的精简数据库。


Volanta是一个意大利品牌。1968年,在capital five成立后,公司迁至时尚之都米兰&8964;2019年引入中国大陆,开始开拓大陆市场。






题主是否想询问“ubuntu文件夹下journal文件是什么”?一种文件类型。Ubuntu是一个完全基于Linux的操作系统 ,journal文件是一种文件类型,Ubuntu既适合服务器、也适合个人家用。

recepient and receiver



n。总统; 总裁; 校长; 董事长;

Pearl Jam的《Dissident》 歌词

歌曲名:Dissident歌手:Pearl Jam专辑:Rearviewmirror (Greatest Hits 1991-2003)DissidentPearl Jam LyricsShe nursed him there, ooh, over a nightI wasn"t so sure she wanted him to stayWhat to say...what to sayBut soon she was down, soon he was lowAt a quarter past...a holy no...She had to turn aroundWhen she couldn"t hold, oh...she folded...A dissident is hereEscape is never, the safest pathOh, a dissident, a dissident is hereAnd to this day, she"s glided onAlways home but so far awayLike a word misplacedNothing said, what a wasteWhen she had contact...with the conflict...There was meaning, but she sold him to the stateShe had to turn aroundWhen she couldn"t hold...she folded...A dissident is hereEscape is never, the safest pathOh, a dissident, a dissident is here, oh...oh...oh...She gave him away when she couldn"t hold...no...she folded...A dissident is hereEscape is never, the safest pathOh, a dissident, a dissident is here, oh...Couldn"t hold on...she couldn"t hold...no...she folded...A dissident is hereEscape is never the safest place, oh...A dissident is herehttp://music.baidu.com/song/9139954

ExampleInstrumentedTest studio的这个测试类有什么特殊的吗

测试 @Test public void useAppContext() throws Exception { // Context of the app under test.// Context appContext = InstrumentationRegistry.getTargetContext(); assertEquals("a", "a");// assertEquals("com.aa.safe.locked", appContext.getPackageName()); }



电脑开不开机出现1percent completed怎么办




请问instrumented C Code是什么意思?



  instrumental  英 [u02ccu026anstru0259u02c8mentl] 美 [u02ccu026anstru0259u02c8mu025bntl]  adj.仪器的; 乐器的; 有帮助的; 起作用的;  [例句]These meetings proved instrumental to achieving some success.  实际情况证明,这些对话有助于取得一些进展。  [其他]复数:instrumentals 形近词: instrumenter instrumented instrumentum

打开Windows media center后,要设置电视时,总弹出“找不到调谐器”的对话框,有线电视信号连不上?

很多电视卡都无法通过Windows media center所以只能用其他媒体中心

电脑开机每次都出现percent completed怎么办


电脑开机percent completed问题


电脑开机出现percent completed怎么回事,等很久会出现20%percent completed...请问怎么解决?

percent completed前面还有个数字bai,你的这张图du片显示96,就是已经到了96%了,zhi到了100就过去了。这是电脑硬盘分区有dao错误,电脑启动时自检检测错误并自动修复的过程,检测并修复之后就正常启动了


你好 很高兴回答你的问题 翻译为:instrumentaln. 器乐曲;工具字,工具格adj. 乐器的;有帮助的;仪器的,器械的望采纳 谢谢
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