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very,are,noodles,nice的正确顺序是Noodles are very nice.面条非常好。

malaysia yellow noodles是什么食物?

Malaysian yellow noodles直译为马来炒面 ,又名印度炒面。Malaysian yellow noodle = Mee goreng,印度炒面(mee goreng)是道味道非常特别的面食。由于meegoreng是马来文,所以又有人称之为马来炒面。其实,这道面食是出自印裔回教徒(又称嘛嘛mamak)。扩展资料Malaysian yellow noodles 特色印度炒面特别之处,在于它的调味料中,加入了蕃茄酱和辣椒酱,吃起来酸酸甜甜的,有点类似淋上蕃茄酱的意大利面。一般的印度炒面,材料有马铃薯、炸豆干、豆芽、鸡蛋等,多是蔬菜。其实,材料方面可以随个人喜好,只要知道炒印度面的基本调味,就可以自行变化。想吃素的,可以只放蔬菜,不喜欢吃鸡肉的,可以虾仁、鱼板、鱿鱼等取代。若没有酸柑汁,可以柠檬汁或白醋取代。若喜欢吃口感比较硬一点的面条,在炒面的过程中,可以少放一点水;反之,则多一些。这道面食一定要趁热吃才好吃。参考资料百度百科--印度炒面

Malaysia yellow noodles是什么?

Malaysian yellow noodles直译为马来炒面 ,又名印度炒面。Malaysian yellow noodle = Mee goreng,印度炒面(mee goreng)是道味道非常特别的面食。由于meegoreng是马来文,所以又有人称之为马来炒面。其实,这道面食是出自印裔回教徒(又称嘛嘛mamak)。扩展资料Malaysian yellow noodles 特色印度炒面特别之处,在于它的调味料中,加入了蕃茄酱和辣椒酱,吃起来酸酸甜甜的,有点类似淋上蕃茄酱的意大利面。一般的印度炒面,材料有马铃薯、炸豆干、豆芽、鸡蛋等,多是蔬菜。其实,材料方面可以随个人喜好,只要知道炒印度面的基本调味,就可以自行变化。想吃素的,可以只放蔬菜,不喜欢吃鸡肉的,可以虾仁、鱼板、鱿鱼等取代。若没有酸柑汁,可以柠檬汁或白醋取代。若喜欢吃口感比较硬一点的面条,在炒面的过程中,可以少放一点水;反之,则多一些。这道面食一定要趁热吃才好吃。参考资料百度百科--印度炒面

mutton and tomato noodles

在这个情况下,tomato 用单数或复数都可以,其意思是一样的: noodles with mutton and tomato noodles with mutton and tomatoes 但如果你是卖家,用 复数 你必须至少放两只 tomatoes 在面里,要不就不诚实啦.

onion and mutton noodles

D 考查名词做定语,当名词修饰另一个名词,修饰词只能为单数,表示所修饰词的特点,onion and mutton修饰noodles,句意:他想要洋葱和羊肉面条。故选D。


  noodle 英[u02c8nu:dl]  美[u02c8nudl]  n. 面条; 傻子, 笨蛋;  vi. 弹拨乐器,(即兴)演奏(乐师); [口语] 长时间地思考,反复酝酿;  全部释义>>  [例句]They cut, slice, pull and even use a chopstick to create different noodle shapes.  为了做出形状各异的面条,师傅们采用了切、削和擀的手法,有时甚至还会用上一根筷子。  mutton 英[u02c8mu028ctn]  美[u02c8mu028ctn]  n. 羊肉; 绵羊;  全部释义>>  [例句]Think it tastes like normal mutton, fussy dog?  觉得这羊肉味道对不对啊,小刁嘴?

rice noodles可数吗

rice是不可数名词。noodles是可数名词。 rice: n.大米;稻米;稻; vt.筛选; 第三人称单数: rices现在分词: ricing过去式: riced过去分词: riced noodles: n.面条; noodle的第三人称单数和复数 扩展资料   The people cultivate mainly rice and beans.   这里的人们主要种植稻子和豆类。   As a rough guide, allow half a cup of rice per person.   大致定个标准,就是每人半杯米。   Serve the stir-fry with "instant" noodles.   将炒菜和“方便”面一起端上桌。   Eat the noodles while they are hot.   这面趁热吃吧。   I really can"t finish such a big bowl of noodles.   这么一大碗面条我实在吃不了。

Noodles and rice后面跟are还是is?为什么?



noodle是面条的意思,属于可数名词,一般都以复数形式出现,因为吃面煮面不能只吃一根,所以,常见的形式是noodles,很少见noodle; rice是不可数名词,要加量词来表示数量,一粒米是a grain of rice,一袋米是a bag of rice。 扩展资料   例句:   Here are your birthday noodles.   这是给你的生日面。   I like noodles and I like meat.   我喜欢面条,我喜欢肉。   Fried noodles are my favorites.   炒面是我的.最爱。   Would you prefer rice or noodles?   你喜欢吃米饭还是面条?   Farmers grow rice in the rich soil.   农民们在肥沃的土地上种水稻。   The staple crop is rice.   主要农作物为水稻。




noodle是可数名词,通常用复数。 rice为不可数名词,作名词时意为“稻;米饭”。 扩展资料   Serve the stir-fry with "instant" noodles.   将炒菜和“方便”面一起端上桌。   Eat the noodles while they are hot.   这面趁热吃吧。   Could you give the rice a stir?   你把米饭搅一搅好吗?

读后续写 a bowl of noodles

阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。Jenny was the only child in her home.She had a quarrel (争吵) with her mother that afternoon and she ran out of the house angrily.She couldn"t help crying sadly when she thought of the angry words from her mother.After she walked aimlessly in the street for hours,she felt hungry but had no money.She stood in front of a shop which sold noodles for several minutes, but she had to leave.The seller of the noodle shop came out and noticed the young girl. “Hey, girl, you want to have noodles?” “Oh, yes, but I have no money on me,”she replied. “Oh, that"s nothing. I"ll treat you today,”the owner said,“come in.” The seller brought her a bowl of noodles, whose smell was so attractive.As she was eating, Jenny cried silently. “What is it?” asked the man kindly. “Nothing, actually I was just touched by your kindness!” said Jenny as she wiped her tears.“Even a stranger on the street will give me a bowl of noodles, while my mother drove me out of the house.She showed no care for me.She is so merciless compared to a stranger!” Hearing the words, the seller smiled, “Girl, do you really think so? I only gave you a bowl of noodles and you thanked me a lot.But it is your mother who has raised you since you were a baby.Can you number the times she cooked for you? Have you expressed your thanks to her?” Jenny sat there, speechless and numb with shock;she remembered mother"s familiar face and weathered hands.“Why did I not think of that? A bowl of noodles from a stranger made me feel indebted (感激的), but I have never thanked my mum for what she has done for me.” On the way home, Jenny made up her mind to say sorry to her mother for her rudeness as soon as she arrived home. Paragraph 1: Approaching the doorway, Jenny took a deep breath._____________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Paragraph 2: A gentle touch on her hair called her mind back. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ [参考范文] Paragraph 1: Approaching the doorway, Jenny took a deep breath. When she knocked at the door, she found the door was locked and her mother was not in. Tired and sad, she sat down in front of the house.“Where could my mother be?” she wondered. “Was she still angry with me?” Again, the scene of the quarrel appeared in her mind.She remembered her rudeness to her mother.Realizing that all the scoldings from her mother was due to the fact that her mother really cared a lot about her, she felt rather ashamed, and tears began to roll down her cheeks. Paragraph 2: A gentle touch on her hair called her mind back. She raised her head and saw the familiar face of her mother.“Here you come! I"ve been looking for you,” she said, tired and relieved.Jenny couldn"t help throwing herself into her mother"s arms.“Mum, I"m so sorry and thank you for all you have done for me.” She expressed her sincere apology and great gratitude.Hearing this, her mother smiled, patting her back gently.

make beef noodles简单一点的的 的英语作文

Do you like beef noodles? I like it and I can make it .First ,we should check youe ingredient .We need noodles,beef,tomatoes,salt,a teaspoon and a bowl .Next ,cook the noodles .wash the tomatoes and cut it up .Cut the beef up .After that ,take them into the noodles ,and boil some minutes .Then ,take out them to a bowl .Add a teaspoon of salt to the noodles .Finaly ,you can eat it .It was delicious!Now ,can you make it?




i tired of noodles这句话对吗?语法方面不对,应该是:I am tired of noodles.

noodles 后边接is还是are?


noodles 后边接is还是are?


some noodles可数吗

some noodles是可数名词。some noodles:一些面条; noodle是可数名词,一般都以复数形式出现,常见的形式是noodles,很少见noodle。例如:一碗面a bowl of noodles;吃面have some noodles。 扩展资料   noodle作为名词时,是可数名词。含义如下:   面条,鸡蛋面粉条;傻子,笨蛋,傻瓜;<俚>脑袋头;填饲剂子;填鹅。   常用词组:细面条Thin Noodles、一些面条some noodles、浆面条Soybean Milk Noodle、爽口面条cold wheat noodles、超级面条Super Noodles。   noodle作为动词时,有如下含义:   随随便便即兴演奏乐器胡乱击键;愚弄;想出一个主意,思考出一个结论。   过去式noodled,过去分词noodled,现在分词noodling,第三人称单数noodles。   例句:   How about you? I"d like some noodles.   你呢?我要一些面条。   And I want some noodles and some meat.   一碗面条和一些肉。   Let"s buy a cake and some noodles.   我们买个蛋糕和买些面条吧。   Can I have some noodles, please? Sure, Here you are.   请问我可以要一些面条吗?可以,给你。   When he arrived, Third Blossom prepared some noodles and a little wine.   他应邀而至。三花备了点酒,还下了点面条款待他。

instant noodles是什么意思

方便面; 即食面;


noodles 是可数名词复数,应该用areThere are a lot of noodles in the bowl.

英语作文带翻译cold rice noodles

英[ku0259u028ald rau026as u02c8nuu02d0dlz]

英语作文:cold rice noodles

Last sunday. I and my father, mother, grandparents, brother went to niushoushanby bus. In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired,it began to rain,My West Lake silk umbrella missed,. Dad said to me,“Jill, don"t do anything halfway.”at last,So I insisted reached the top, the top of the scenery so beautiful.We were flying kites, ate cold rice noodles .finally we went home.finally,Since then, I"ve kept the umbrella。i was very happy





求Ariana Grande / Iggy Azalea的 Problem (Noodles & Devastator Remix)MP3下载



a noodle bowl of highways高速公路的面条碗

but try chopsticks for noodles什么意思?



iwill_noodles在_上填什么--》i will make noodlesmake noodles 网络 做面条; 擀面条; [例句]She used to make noodles of various flavors.她一向就会做好多种花样的面条。noodles 英["nu:dlz] 美["nu:du0259lz] n. (常复数) 面条; [网络] 面; 面类; 炸酱面; [例句]Your noodles and beef.你的面条和牛肉。[其他] 形近词: toodles doodled boodler 双语例句 柯林斯词典 百度知道相关单词:Noodles [词典] 面点



fired noodle是什么意思


—Would you like some more noodles, Celia? —Yes, just _________, please.

a little 修饰不可数a few 修饰可数此时noodles加了s希望能帮到你

My fu03b1ther___(cook)noodles for me last night

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