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Avril Lavigne-Innocence 天真无邪 Album:The Best Damn Thing Waking up I see that everything is ok 醒来后发现一切安好 The first time in my life 是我生命中第一次 and now it"s so great 像现在这样如此美妙 Slowing down I look around 慢慢地环视四周 and I am so amazed 我是如此吃惊 I think about the little things 回想一切细小的东西 that make life great 使我的生命如此美好 I wouldn"t change a thing about it 不愿改变任何一点 This is the best feeling 因为这是最好的感觉 This innocence is brilliant 这份天真是如此灿烂 I hope that it will stay 希望它能永驻 This moment is perfect 这个瞬间是如此完美 please don"t go away 请不要离开 I need you now 我需要你 And I"ll hold on to it 我会坚持 don"t you let it pass you by 不要让它与你错过 I found a place so safe 我发现了如此安全的一个地方 not a single tear 没有一滴眼泪 The first time in my life 是我生命中第一次 and now it"s so clear 感到如此澄清 Feel calm I belong 感到平静有归属感 I"m so happy here 如此快乐 It"s so strong 感觉如此强烈 and now I let myself be sincere 我让自己变的虔诚 I wouldn"t change a thing about it 不愿改变任何一点 This is the best feeling 因为这是最好的感觉 This innocence is brilliant 这份天真是如此灿烂 I hope that it will stay 希望它能永驻 This moment is perfect 这个瞬间是如此完美 please don"t go away 请不要离开 I need you now 我需要你 And I"ll hold on to it 我会坚持 don"t you let it pass you by 不要让它与你错过 It"s the state of bliss you think 你觉得这是上天的福佑 you"re dreaming 是你所梦想的 It"s the happiness inside 存在于内心深处的幸福 that you"re feeling 让你感到 It"s so beautiful 这是如此美好 it makes you wanna cry 让你想要哭泣 It"s the state of bliss you think 你觉得这是上天的福佑 you"re dreaming 是你所梦想的 It"s the happiness inside 存在于内心深处的幸福 that you"re feeling 让你感到 It"s so beautiful 这是如此美好 it makes you wanna cry 让你想要哭泣 It"s so beautiful 这是如此美好 it makes you want to cry 让你想要哭泣 This innocence is brilliant 这份天真是如此灿烂 it makes you want to cry 让你想要哭泣 This innocence is brilliance 这份天真是如此辉煌 please don"t go away 请不要离开 Cause I need you now 因为我需要你 And I"ll hold on to it 我会坚持 don"t you let it pass you by 不要让它与你错过 This innocence is brilliant 这份天真是如此灿烂 I hope that it will stay 希望它能永驻 This moment is perfect 这个瞬间是如此完美 please don"t go away 请不要离开 I need you now 我需要你


innocence歌手:avril lavigne Waking up I see that everything is okayThe first time in my life and now it"s so greatSlowing down I look around and I am so amazedI think about the little things that make life greatI wouldn"t change a thing about itThis is the best feelingThis innocence is brilliantI hope that it will stayThis moment is perfectplease don"t go away, I need you nowAnd I"ll hold down to itdon"t you let it pass you byI found a place so safe not a single tearThe first time in my life and now it"s so clearFeel calnm I belongI"m so happy hereIt"s so strong and now I let myself be sincereI wouldn"t change a thing about itThis is the best feelingThis innocence is brilliantI hope that it will stayThis moment is perfectplease don"t go awayI need you nowAnd I"ll hold down to itdon"t you let it pass you byIt"s the state of bliss you think you"re dreamingIt"s the happiness inside that you"re feelingIt"s so beautiful it makes you wanna cryIt"s the state of bliss you think you"re dreamingIt"s the happiness inside that you"re feelingIt"s so beautiful it makes you wanna cryIt"s so beautiful it makes you want to cryThis innocence is brilliantit makes you want to cryThis innocence is brillianceplease don"t go awayCause I need you nowAnd I"ll hold down to itdon"t you let it pass you byThis innocence is brilliantI hope that it will stayThis moment is perfectplease don"t go awayI need you nowAnd I"ll hold down to itdon"t you let it pass you by


先告诉一下楼上的,innocence是圣洁的意思哦。。。。。话说你看过驱魔吗,看过的话应该知道的吧而且居然还写错了。我来帮你介绍吧,哦呵呵呵,咱可是驱魔的忠实粉丝啊。。。。。。。下面,送上~~~~~ 1.咱滴主角,亚连------ innocence:神之道化(寄生型|左手) 武器是左手的巨大化变形。第一阶段的第一形态拥有锐利的指甲,并有着怪力及以音速攻击的能力,大小可自由地变换,同时可以对复数的恶魔做出“十字架之墓”攻击。第二形态是可以射出无数实体棒状光线的枪炮型,第三形态的光线也可以成为像把刀一般的刀剑型,与左眼的诅咒并用甚至可以提早对尚未接近的恶魔或人类形态的恶魔做出攻击。最大限度发动是放出巨大的手臂型能源体(在拯救变成咎落{或称降咎}的斯曼·达克时曾经发动),但持续的时间很短,而且使用后手臂受伤程度也很高,在一时间中不能发动圣洁(INNOCENCE)。由于诺亚缇奇·米库的破坏,圣洁化为粒子雾状,在LV3恶魔袭击亚洲支部并试图掳走艾伦的战斗中,第二阶段产生,称为“Crown Clown 神之道化(神的小丑)”(台译神丑),形态为披风及左手的黑红色利爪。后来,亚连载方舟中和缇奇战斗时,与圣洁同步率达到100%以上,成为临界者,力量级数等同于元帅orz。。。。。 招数:退魔之剑、破灭之爪、道化之带、爪之王轮、十字架之墓、十字死亡斩、皇冠爪、破坏咆哮 2.咱最爱的优~~ ------ innocence:六幻(装备型|刀) 优的招式『灾厄招来·界虫一幻』大量的虫状生物从刀锋飞出攻击敌人。『灾厄招来「二幻刀」』六幻化为双刀,二刀流攻击.『二幻式「八花螳螂」』,攻击力极强,和「一幻」一样,为远距离攻击技能。『三幻式』吸收神田的生命力作为攻击能量。『三幻式[爆破斩]』漫画182话中出现攻击等级4的招式, 从漫画看,把等级4的上半体断成了两半并且有类似闪电的效果,详解不明。在对战等级四恶魔后,修好的的六幻更有日本武士道的风范。漫画182话中神田优用六幻(最后一击)顺利杀死了等级4。在195话中,神田与阿鲁玛打斗时使出了四幻式。196话中出现了五幻式。 招数:界虫一幻、二幻刀、二幻式八花螳螂、禁忌三幻式、三幻式爆魂斩、四幻式、五幻·裂闪爪 3.中国驱魔师,李娜丽-------innocence:以前——黑靴(装备型|靴子)、现在——黑靴(结晶型|靴子) 常用招式‘圆舞雾风"。   咎落篇时用的‘音枷"。   和LV3恶魔进行海上之战时用的‘水枷",最大解放的‘铁枷"。   前往江户在海上与LV3恶魔战斗后,其圣洁变为结晶化。诺亚和LV4进攻黑色教团时,李娜丽赌上性命喝下圣洁的液体,通过血液从双脚流出重新获得“黑靴”。其武器的进化特征与装备型或寄生型都不符合,考姆伊将其暂时定名为‘结晶型",为装备型之进化型,拥有介乎于装备型与寄生型之间的威力,外型为红色的脚环。只要持有者本身的血液不消失,那么圣洁就能不断复原。 招数:技能:圆舞雾风 第二解放:音枷、水枷 最大解放:铁枷    4.书翁继承人,拉比-------innocence:铁锤(装备型|槌) 武器为‘大槌小槌"。为一把拥有槌子外型的圣洁(innocence),其变形为将槌体巨大化的“满”以及将握柄伸长缩短的“伸”。第二开放状态则可以选择特定带有属性影响的攻击方式,称为“判”。 在圣洁(innocence)开放的状态时,拉比本人感觉不到重量的变化,但如果其他人持有则重量会随槌子的变形而增加。招数:技:满、伸   第二解放:判——劫火灰烬 火判、直火判、雷霆同天 天判、天地盘回 木判、混合判 刚雷天 5.书翁-----innocence:天堂之针(天针)(装备型|针)MS没什么好说的了呃。。。。。。。招数:咒缚之针·北罪、加护之针·东罪 6.阿雷斯塔·克劳利 三世 ----------innocence:无名称(寄生型|牙) 7.米兰达·洛特----innocence:盘刻   招数:时间恢复、时间停止、时间吸收 8.罗伊斯·马里-------innocence:圣人之诗篇(装备型|弦)   招数:第二开放:叹息之旋律 9.乔治·韩--------innocence:无名称(装备型|腕轮) 10.黑布拉斯卡---------innocence:石箱(寄生型|箱) 以下为,元帅~~~ 11.库洛斯·马里昂---------innocence:断罪者(装备型|枪) 招数:原罪之箭   圣母之柩(寄生型|女性的尸体) 技:圣母之加护,脑傀儡 但是后来,在漫画中,黑布拉斯卡说断罪者告诉她,库罗斯已不再是他的适合者了12.提艾多尔·提耶多鲁-------innocence:乐园之雕刻(装备型|凿)   招数:艺术、拥抱之庭 13.克劳德·那音------innocence:劳·西弗(寄生型|对恶魔野兽)   招数:破甲炮“劳·庚兹” 14.伊尔卡----- innocence:无名称(装备型|锁链) 15.索格尔------innocence:神狂 (装备型|镰刀)招数:神狂·火葬舞 16.澄沙·巴利-------- innocence:邻人之钟(装备型|铃铛) 漫画中:17.科莫西--------innocence:凭神(寄生型|珠子) 可以用来附体的圣洁,技能也是附体,9岁,教团目前最年轻的驱魔师,初入团时,还让教团为他花的不少钱,以至于室长后来的秘书直接建议室长为鲁利贝耶长官跪下呃。。。。。 18.阿尔玛--------innocence为寄生型阿尔玛好可怜的啦,其实,和优一样是第二驱魔师,与圣洁产生同步也是9年前还是人类的时候的事了被优所杀,,9年后复活时因为愤怒变成了恶魔 。他的圣洁是寄生型也是我猜的,因为当时他的手好像变为武器了呃、、、、、、、超大的武器。。。。。 呼呼,写了好久才写出来的,赏个脸吧,呵呵~~~~~~~要是你也喜欢驱魔的话,不介意就加个好友吧,那样的话稍稍写一下,你也是喜欢驱魔的,要不我会认错的,呵呵。。。  


Waking up I see that everything is okayWaking啊的死地答everything死okayThe first time in my life and now it"s so great的first台的买来恩闹收归Slowing down I look around and I am so amazed死楼恩当爱look可老乃收没I think about the little things that make life great爱心个宝 的雷欧心是美格莱归I wouldn"t change a thing about it爱我的村扎心个宝地This is the best feeling地西的best feelingThis innocence is brilliant, I hope that it will stay地西因呢森死 is比里连 ,爱后单里will死得This moment is perfect, please don"t go away,地西moment ,is扑饭,扑里当够e为I need you now爱呢you闹。。。。。And I"ll hold down to it, don"t you let it pass you by恩爱后单土it ,东秋拉地怕西白I found a place so safe not a single tear爱反的配收safe拿的心可踢The first time in my life and now it"s so clear的first台的买来恩闹收可力Feel calnm I belong, I"m so happy hereFell空买比龙爱收哈皮hereIt"s so strong and now I let myself be sincereIt"s收死状恩闹let买小比森西儿I wouldn"t change a thing about it爱我的村扎心个宝地This is the best feeling地西的best feelingThis innocence is brilliant, I hope that it will stay地西因呢森死 is比里连 ,爱后单里will死得This moment is perfect, please don"t go away地西moment ,is扑饭,扑里当够e为I need you now爱呢you闹。。And I"ll hold down to it, don"t you let it pass you by恩爱后单土it ,东秋拉地怕西白innocence3:高潮It"s the state of bliss you think you"re dreaming因西地呢否不心若具南It"s the happiness inside that you"re feeling因西哈皮呢系因赛若feelingIt"s so beautiful it makes you wanna cry因西beautiful因没秋弯那快It"s the state of bliss you think you"re dreaming因西地呢否不心若具南It"s the happiness inside that you"re feeling因西哈皮呢系因赛若feelingIt"s so beautiful it makes you wanna cry因西beautiful因没秋弯那快高潮:It"s so beautiful it makes you want to cry因西beautiful 因没秋弯那快This innocence is brilliant地西因呢森死 is比里连高潮:it makes you want to cry因没秋弯那快This innocence is brilliant地西因呢森死 is比里连please don"t go away扑里当够e为Cause I need you now可是爱呢you闹。。。。。And I"ll hold down to it,恩爱后单土itdon"t you let it pass you by东秋拉低怕西白This innocence is brilliant,地西因呢森死 is比里连I hope that it will stay爱后单里will死得This moment, is perfect地西moment ,is扑饭,please don"t go away扑里当够e为I need you now爱呢you闹。。。。And I"ll hold down to it恩爱后单土itdon"t you let it pass you by东秋拉低怕西白--------------------带着点英文,希望你看的懂说明一下:单 句是原歌词,双 句是中文谐音



Sarah Buxton innocence的中文歌词

★中英文同步对照歌词: Innocence [00:08.25]Waking up I see that everything is ok醒来发现一切都好 [00:11.20]The first time in my life生命中第一次 [00:13.33]and now it"s so great现在真的很好 [00:14.77]Slowing down I look around我静下来看看四周 [00:16.80]and I am so amazed非常吃惊 [00:18.49]I think about the little things回想那些 [00:20.78]that make life great让生活精彩的小事情 [00:23.09]I wouldn"t change a thing about it我不会做任何改变 [00:29.10]This is the best feeling这种感觉最棒 [00:33.94] [00:35.90]This innocence is brilliant这种纯真实在太妙 [00:40.44]I hope that it will stay我希望它能够留下 [00:43.22]This moment is perfect这个时刻太完美 [00:47.25]please don"t go away请不要离去 [00:50.22]I need you now我现在需要你 [00:55.65]And I"ll hold on to it我会始终坚持 [00:59.49]don"t you let it pass you by别让它悄悄溜走 [01:04.04] [01:10.18]I found a place so safe我找到一处安全的地方 [01:12.31]not a single tear一滴泪也没有 [01:13.88]The first time in my life生命中第一次 [01:15.88]and now it"s so clear现在如此清晰 [01:17.47]Feel calm I belong在这里我很平静 [01:19.38]I"m so happy here在这里我很高兴 [01:20.92]It"s so strong这种感觉如此强烈 [01:21.98]and now I let myself be sincere现在让我真诚起来 [01:25.76]I wouldn"t change a thing about it我不会做任何改变 [01:30.64]This is the best feeling这种感觉最棒 [01:37.12] [01:38.42]This innocence is brilliant这种纯真实在太妙 [01:43.08]I hope that it will stay我希望它能够留下 [01:45.61]This moment is perfect这个时刻太完美 [01:49.77]please don"t go away请不要离去 [01:52.42]I need you now我现在需要你 [01:58.26]And I"ll hold on to it我会始终坚持 [02:02.09]don"t you let it pass you by别让它悄悄溜走 [02:06.48]It"s the state of bliss you think [02:07.79]you"re dreaming 这是你梦寐以求的极乐状态 [02:09.34]It"s the happiness inside [02:11.10]that you"re feeling这是你感觉到的心中的幸福 [02:12.48]It"s so beautiful它实在太美 [02:14.26]it makes you wanna cry让你想哭泣 [02:17.16] [02:19.32]It"s the state of bliss you think [02:21.33]you"re dreaming这是你梦寐以求的极乐状态 [02:22.93]It"s the happiness inside [02:24.74]that you"re feeling这是你感觉到的心中的幸福 [02:26.31]It"s so beautiful它实在太美 [02:27.93]it makes you wanna cry让你想哭泣 [02:32.36] [02:33.27]It"s so beautiful这实在太美了 [02:34.80]it makes you want to cry以致你想要哭 [02:37.56]This innocence is brilliant这种纯真实在太妙 [02:41.06]it makes you want to cry以致你想要哭 [02:43.74]This innocence is brilliance这种纯真太美妙 [02:47.86]please don"t go away请不要离去 [02:50.74]Cause I need you now因为我现在需要你 [02:56.25]And I"ll hold on to it我会始终坚持 [03:00.34]don"t you let it pass you by别让它悄悄溜走 [03:04.61]This innocence is brilliant这种纯真实在太妙 [03:07.80]I hope that it will stay我希望它能够留下 [03:11.18]This moment is perfect这个时刻太完美 [03:14.52]please don"t go away请不要离去 [03:18.02]I need you now我现在需要你 [03:23.65]And I"ll hold on to it会始终坚持 [03:27.63]don"t you let it pass you by别让它悄悄溜走 [03:32.59] 偶也烂喜欢这首歌啊,英雄所见略同 (*^__^*) 嘻嘻

求 蓝井艾露 - INNOCENCE中文歌词 就是刀剑神域的第二季片头曲 中文日文对照好哦~

innocence〉隠してた感情が悲鸣を上げてる 确かな誓いを手に▋压抑的情感正不断的哭泣,▋于是我抓紧了唯一确切的那份希望。  奇迹だけを求め 消えない暗を彷徨うここにいれば二度と 未来见る事出来ない▋仅是追寻着奇迹,在不会消失的黑暗中彷徨。▋但只要驻足于此,就永远无法寻得未来。  今宵も月が诱って まだ言叶出せないけど 心の中叫び続けた▋今夜的月亮也怂恿着,▋但现在也还无法将之化为言语,▋于是我就在心中持续呼喊。  隠してた感情が悲鸣を上げてる 确かな誓いを手にあとほんの少しだけ强くなれたなら目の前にあるこの空 越えてゆくからこの先にある未来に手を伸ばすから▋渐渐无法阻止心中的那份思念,只能抓紧唯一确切的那个愿望。▋如果自己还能够再坚强一点点的话,▋是否就能够穿越存在于眼前的这片天空?▋也是否就能拥有抓住未来的那份勇气了呢?  素直な声响いて はやる胸の高鸣り君が描いた地図に 梦の在処(ありか)を探す▋在渐渐加速的心跳中,倾听自己率直的心愿。▋于你所描绘的世界里,我寻找着梦的所在地。  云间に射し込む光 微かに走るこの痛み あの空にまた飞び立てたなら▋在贯穿云层的光芒间背负着些微痛楚,但只要能再次飞翔于那片天空的话——  果てしなく広がった澄み渡る世界 眩しさに目を细め信じられる强さを胸に抱いたら云一つないこの空 飞び廻るから▋看着没有边界的纯净世界,因为太过耀眼而不禁眯上了眼睛,▋只要怀抱那份确切的思念,▋就能在这没有任何一片云朵的天空底下,自由飞翔了吧?  无くすものは何も无い 震える指握りしめ君の无垢な笑颜だけを焼き付け▋已经一无所有,所以握紧原本颤抖的手指,▋仅将你纯真的笑容烙印于心中——  终わらないエピソードの果てに掴めたら 君との想いが今幼き日の欠片を繋ぎ彩ってふたりで描いた心の轨迹辿るから▋如果在这没有结局的章节尽头能够抓住你的话,▋现在那些与你的思念,▋就会与那些年幼时的记忆一起变得光彩迷人;▋而我,也将会追寻我们画出的那些回忆吧。  隠してた感情が悲鸣を上げてる 确かな誓いを手にあとほんの少しだけ强くなれたなら目の前にあるこの空 越えてゆくから▋再也无法压抑心中的那份思念,于是我抓住了唯一确切的那份心愿。▋如果自己还能够再更坚强一些的话,▋我就能够飞越眼前的这片天空,  この先にある未来に手を伸ばすから…▋也就能够,抓住眼前的未来了吧。本人翻译之歌词在从日文转换中文的过程中,会依个人的见解做词汇修正与补充,因此并非单纯的语言转换与翻译,若来客是要学习日文翻译的,建议不要参考本翻译。


innocence歌词中文翻译 我们并肩漫步在云端 我们一同寻觅那梦幻 但是我所看见 真心的后面 你的背影也在变 离我越来越远 轻轻抚摸你面孔 发自于心底的悸动 多希望 我们心灵能相通 无奈悲哀笑容 请将爱溶于其中 思念水晶般的玲珑 天空飘着雪绒 阻隔于你与我之间的海洋一定会找到相通彼此的那桥梁 你追逐在心底深深的埋藏的那美丽梦想 信任放射光芒 我们诚心天空下祈愿 我们茫然迷路在海边 对未知的遥远 睁开了双眼 无法透过心理解 停滞的时间 沐浴绚烂流光中 不怕卷入时间黑洞 就这样 并肩奔跑的南风 发丝轻轻舞动 你的心凝望彩虹 无尽深处寂寞长空 不知可否与共? 深夜中静谧里一个人歌唱直到苍穹透露出阳光,万物照亮 对记忆里的你人期望,用尽自己的力量,闪烁于遥远彼方 ※绽放着那梦想尚未显露的力量,在双眼中悄悄地隐藏 航向中注视着的远方,拥有光芒的翅膀,飞往彩虹方向 阻隔于你与我之间的海洋一定会找到相通彼此的那桥梁 你追逐在心底深深的埋藏的那美丽梦想 信任会放射光芒


innocence    Avril Lavigne - Innocence   专辑:The Best Damn Thing  (注:Innocence的中文意思是“清白”) 歌词   Waking up I see that everything is ok   睁开双眼 我发现 一切如期上演   The first time in my life and now it"s so great   我的生活从未如此美好呈现   Slowing down I look around and I am so amazed   放慢脚步环顾四面 我感到惊艳   I think about the little things that make life great   那些让生活美好的细节我开始看见   I wouldn"t change a thing about it   我不会让它改变   This is the best feeling   这感觉毫无缺陷   This innocence is brilliant,   这份纯真 如此迷人   I hope that it will stay   我希望它留存   This moment is perfect,   完美的一瞬   please don"t go away,   请就此停顿   I need you now   现在是我需要你的时候   And I"ll hold on to it,   我会深深留住这感受   don"t you let it pass you by   别让它从你身边溜走   I found a place so safe, not a single tear   这片空间 很安全 我不再有泪眼   The first time in my life and now it"s so clear   我的生活从未如此清晰呈现   Feel calm I belong, I"m so happy here   不再狂躁开始留恋 这是我的乐园   It"s so strong and now I let myself be sincere   强烈的震撼现在我让自己变得诚虔   I wouldn"t change a thing about it   我不会让它改变   This is the best feeling   这感觉毫无缺陷   This innocence is brilliant,   这份纯真 如此迷人   I hope that it will stay   我希望它留存   This moment is perfect,   完美的一瞬   please don"t go away,   请就此停顿   I need you now   现在是我需要你的时候   And I"ll hold on to it,   我会深深留住这感受   don"t you let it pass you by   别让它从你身边溜走   It"s the state of bliss you think you"re dreaming   命运的眷顾让你以为这是梦幻   It"s the happiness inside that you"re feeling   而你真切感到幸福的浸染   It"s so beautiful it makes you wanna cry   如此美丽令你不禁泪眼潸然   It"s the state of bliss you think you"re dreaming   命运的眷顾让你以为这是梦幻   It"s the happiness inside that you"re feeling   而你真切感到幸福的浸染   It"s so beautiful it makes you wanna cry   如此美丽令你不禁泪眼潸然   It"s so beautiful it makes you want to cry   如此美丽令你不禁泪眼潸然   This innocence is brilliant,   这份纯真 如此灿烂   it makes you want to cry   令你不禁泪眼潸然   This innocence is brilliance,   这份纯真 如此珍贵   please don"t go away   请不要消退   Cause I need you now   因为现在是我需要你的时候   And I"ll hold on to it,   我会深深留住这感受   don"t you let it pass you by   别让它从你身边溜走   This innocence is brilliant,   这份纯真 如此迷人   I hope that it will stay   我希望它留存   This moment is perfect,   完美的一瞬   please don"t go away,   请就此停顿   I need you now   现在是我需要你的时候   And I"ll hold on to it,   我会深深留住这感受   don"t you let it pass you by   别让它从你身边溜走


Waking up I see that everything is ok 睁开双眼 我发现 一切如期上演 The first time in my life and now it"s so great 我的生活从未如此美好呈现 Slowing down I look around and I am so amazed 放慢脚步环顾四面 我感到惊艳 I think about the little things that make life great 那些让生活美好的细节我开始看见 I wouldn"t change a thing about it 我不会让它改变 This is the best feeling 这感觉毫无缺陷 This innocence is brilliant, 这份纯真 如此迷人 I hope that it will stay 我希望它留存 This moment is perfect, 完美的一瞬 please don"t go away, 请就此停顿 I need you now 现在是我需要你的时候 And I"ll hold on to it, 我会深深留住这感受 don"t you let it pass you by 别让它从你身边溜走 I found a place so safe, not a single tear 这片空间 很安全 我不再有泪眼 The first time in my life and now it"s so clear 我的生活从未如此清晰呈现 Feel calm I belong, I"m so happy here 不再狂躁开始留恋 这是我的乐园 It"s so strong and now I let myself be sincere 强烈的震撼现在我让自己变得诚虔 I wouldn"t change a thing about it 我不会让它改变 This is the best feeling 这感觉毫无缺陷 This innocence is brilliant, 这份纯真 如此迷人 I hope that it will stay 我希望它留存 This moment is perfect, 完美的一瞬 please don"t go away, 请就此停顿 I need you now 现在是我需要你的时候 And I"ll hold on to it, 我会深深留住这感受 don"t you let it pass you by 别让它从你身边溜走 It"s the state of bliss you think you"re dreaming 命运的眷顾让你以为这是梦幻 It"s the happiness inside that you"re feeling 而你真切感到幸福的浸染 It"s so beautiful it makes you wanna cry 如此美丽令你不禁泪眼潸然 It"s the state of bliss you think you"re dreaming 命运的眷顾让你以为这是梦幻 It"s the happiness inside that you"re feeling 而你真切感到幸福的浸染 It"s so beautiful it makes you wanna cry 如此美丽令你不禁泪眼潸然 It"s so beautiful it makes you want to cry 如此美丽令你不禁泪眼潸然 This innocence is brilliant, 这份纯真 如此灿烂 it makes you want to cry 令你不禁泪眼潸然 This innocence is brilliance, 这份纯真 如此珍贵 please don"t go away 请不要消退 Cause I need you now 因为现在是我需要你的时候 And I"ll hold on to it, 我会深深留住这感受 don"t you let it pass you by 别让它从你身边溜走 This innocence is brilliant, 这份纯真 如此迷人 I hope that it will stay 我希望它留存 This moment is perfect, 完美的一瞬 please don"t go away, 请就此停顿 I need you now 现在是我需要你的时候 And I"ll hold on to it, 我会深深留住这感受 don"t you let it pass you by 别让它从你身边溜走


http://www.qq530.com/GC/154856.shtml 看歌词 有些东西只能意惠会 言传不了


Avril Lavigne - Innocence歌词Album:The Best Damn ThingAvril Lavigne-InnocenceWaking up I see that everything is okThe first time in my life and now it"s so greatSlowing down I look around and I am so amazedI think about the little things that make life greatI wouldn"t change a thing about itThis is the best feelingThis innocence is brilliant, I hope that it will stayThis moment is perfect, please don"t go away, I need you nowAnd I"ll hold on to it, don"t you let it pass you byI found a place so safe,not a single tearThe first time in my life and now it"s so clearFeel calm I belong, I"m so happy hereIt"s so strong and now I let myself be sincereI wouldn"t change a thing about itThis is the best feelingThis innocence is brilliant, I hope that it will stayThis moment is perfect, please don"t go away, I need you nowAnd I"ll hold on to it, don"t you let it pass you byIt"s the state of bliss you think you"re dreamingIt"s the happiness inside that you"re feelingIt"s so beautiful it makes you wanna cryIt"s the state of bliss you think you"re dreamingIt"s the happiness inside that you"re feelingIt"s so beautiful it makes you wanna cryIt"s so beautiful it makes you want to cryThis innocence is brilliant, it makes you want to cryThis innocence is brilliance, please don"t go awayCause I need you nowAnd I"ll hold on to it, don"t you let it pass you byThis innocence is brilliant, I hope that it will stayThis moment is perfect, please don"t go away, I need you nowAnd I"ll hold on to it, don"t you let it pass you by

Innocence 艾薇儿 歌词


innocence 这个单词怎么读?






有一首英文歌貌似有这么两句。I,M gonna break cycle,I,M gonna sha

One Step At A Time(Main Version) - Jordin Sparkshurry up and waitso close, but so far awayeverything that you"ve always dreamed ofclose enough for you to tastebut you just can"t touchyou wanna show the world,but no one knows your name yetwonder when and where and how you"re gonna make ityou know you can if you get the chancein your face as the door keeps slammingnow you"re feeling more and more frustratedand you"re getting all kind of impatient waitingwe live and we learn to takeone step at a timethere"s no need to rushit"s like learning to flyor falling in loveit"s gonna happen and it"ssupposed to happen that wefind the reasons whyon step at a timeyou believe and you doubtyou"re confused, you got it all figured outeverything that you wished forcould be yours, should be yours, would be yoursif they only knewyou wanna show the world,but no one knows your name yetwonder when and where and how you"re gonna make ityou know you can if you get the chancein your face as the door keeps slammingnow you"re feeling more and more frustratedand you"re getting all kind of impatient waitingwe live and we learn to takeone step at a timethere"s no need to rushit"s like learning to flyor falling in loveit"s gonna happen and it"ssupposed to happen that wefind the reasons whyon step at a timewhen you can"t wait any longerbut there"s no end in sightit"s the faith that makes you strongerthe only way you get thereis one step at a timetake one step at a timethere"s no need to rushit"s like learning to flyor falling in loveit"s gonna happen and it"ssupposed to happen that wefind the reasons whyon step at a timeone step at a timethere"s no need to rushit"s like learning to flyor falling in loveit"s gonna happen and it"ssupposed to happen that wefind the reasons whyon step at a time


L:左主音箱 R:又主音箱 CENT:中置音箱 RL:左后置音箱 RR:又后置音箱 两个大的接L和R。其他三个应该懂了。 Tape是磁带。Tuner不知道,但意思不用管,Input(输入)三个组功能都一样,三个名字只是让输入和输出(Output)对应,方便连接,所以随便插哪组。 MAIN:主音箱 REAR:环绕音响、后置音箱 CENT:中置音箱 S.B.IN:超重低音输入(有些把中置音箱和重低音合成一个频道) S.B.OUT:超低中音输出。输给低重音音箱的,用不到。 有一点要注意,虽然有5个音箱,要是没有5声道的输入,那只有两个主音箱奏效,或者使用功放自带的虚拟多声道。


1."CHANNEL HIGH POWER AMPLIFIER"的前面应该还有数字,如 "2 CHANNEL HIGH POWER AMPLIFIER" ,数字代表声道数量.2.以 2 CHANNEL HIGH POWER AMPLIFIER为例,其意思是两声道大功率功放. 3.此类汽车功放多数外壳就是散热片,用作降低里面元件的温度,汽车功放里面有升压电路,将汽车的12V电压升到某一电压如50V等,使输出功率更大.

英文名sherry 好还是anny好,分别的含义?!

sherry意思是雪利酒,而人名的:雪莉“指的是Shirly; anny意思是安妮

One year anniversary什么意识


求拉字至上:Q世代 第二季2021年百度云资源,Jennifer Beals主演的

资源拉字至上https://pan.baidu.com/s/1X8CTtwgnsXy1lJnyE0pv4g提取码:e3hthttps://pan.baidu.com/s/1axULw9uaYdAr6IiaUChbVQ提取码:28bzhttps://pan.baidu.com/s/1oSeZizDLeDbOcChkVIPYJw提取码:tdpkhttps://pan.baidu.com/s/1UBuLP6adU8L3qhq7uDytbA提取码:kg5e从芝加哥大学刚毕业的Jenny(Mia Kirshner饰)搬去了洛杉矶和她男朋友Tim(Eric Mabius饰)一起居住,也开始了她的职业作家生涯。一些连续的事情,使她生活变得沮丧,当她参加了她男朋友邻居,Bette(詹妮弗·比尔斯Jennifer Beals饰)和Tina(劳蕾尔·霍勒曼Laurel Holloman饰),一对经历7年约会而走到一起的同性恋恋人举办的晚会。在晚会上的一些遭遇也使Jenny确信进入这个女同性恋团体,一个新的世界。第二季承接第一季的故事情节。出轨的贝蒂伤透了蒂娜的心,贝蒂想方设法求得蒂娜回心转意。詹妮的生活 方式让蒂姆大发雷霆,决定搬离洛杉矶。Alice(蕾莎·海利Leisha Hailey饰)与Dana(爱琳·丹尼尔斯 Erin Daniels饰)的地下恋情发展迅速。Shane(凯瑟琳·莫宁 Katherine Moennig)与Carmen(萨拉·沙希 Sarah Shahi饰)一见钟情,打得火热。汉密哈顿“星球”餐厅重新开张,海伦娜(蕾切尔·雪莉 Rachel Shelley饰)带着浩浩荡荡的摄影队伍出现在蒂娜眼前……在“The L World”里,好像每个人的生活都出现了大大小小的问题,可生活(Life)与爱(Love)仍在继续。




常见写法:one year anniversaryone-year anniversary罕见: one-year-anniversary 的写法意思是:一周年(之际);一周年(纪念)等.如:Today is our one-year anniversary from our first meeting.今天是我们认识一周年纪念日。

one year anniversary什么意思?

1st。one year anniversary.一周年。1st是在日常生活中常指的第一,第一个。1th只是在日期中表示1日。1st是first的缩写,一般用在日期中,指某月的一号的意思。例句:I was born on October 1st,1981.我生于1981年10月1日。本刊:在我们庆祝新三思加入MTS系统有限公司一周年之际,您认为这一年中的亮点在哪里?《MTS》:As we celebrate the one year anniversary of SANS joining MTS Systems Corporation, what do you see as the highlights?一周年快乐!宝贝这给你的花!Happy one year anniversary! Here"re your flowers baby!今年5月18日是Facebook IPO一周年。May 18 will be the one-year anniversary of the Facebook IPO.





电影《足球尤物》里面的Olivia Lennox奥莉维亚.雷诺克斯





序列号:F2LNL0QFFNNM型号:MF383CH/A设备型号:iPhone 5s 16GB 金色(GSM+CDMA)—A1533出厂时间:2014年10月19日-2014年10月25日销售地:中国运营商:中国电信产地:郑州富士康置换机:否(参考)是否有锁:无锁(只能使用中国电信卡)购买时间:2014年11月08日激活状态:已激活(2014年11月08日)电话技术支持:未过期(2015年02月06日)硬件保修截止:未过期(2015年11月07日)剩余保修天数:346天延保状态:未延保如果你购买此iPhone5s的时间为2014年11月08日前后(11月07日,11月08日,11月09日),则为全新国行电信版iPhone5s,支持电信2G、3G、4G,使用卡贴可以支持联通2G、移动2G。

Rihanna的Only Girl (In The World) 中文歌词

La la la la La la la la La la la la  I want you to love me, like I"m a hot pie  我要让你爱我 就像我是热辣的家伙  Keep thinkin" of me, doin" what you like  保持不变地想我 做你喜欢做的事  So boy forget about the world cause it"s gon" be me and you tonight  所以男孩忘记这个世界 因为今晚只有我和你  I wanna make you beg boy, then imma make you swallow your pride  男孩我要让你下跪求饶 我要让你把自尊都丢掉  [CHORUS]  Want you to make me feel like I"m the only girl in the world  想让你使我感到 就像自己是这世上唯一的女孩  Like I"m the only one that you"ll ever love Only Girl (In The World) 就像我是你深爱着的唯一的女孩  Like I"m the only one who knows your heart  就像我是懂你心思的唯一的女孩  Only girl in the world…  这世上唯一的女孩  Like I"m the only one that"s in command  就像我是唯一对你发号施令的女孩  cause I"m the only one who understands how to make you feel like a man  因为只有我才知道 该如何让你感到自己是个男子汉 Want you to make me feel like I am the only girl in the world  想让你使我感到 就像自己是这世上唯一的女孩  Like I "m the only one that you"ll ever love  就像我是你深爱着的唯一的女孩  Like I"m the only one who knows your heart  就像我是懂你心思的唯一的女孩  Only one…  唯一的  [VERSE 2]  Want you to take me like a thief in the night  想让你带走我 就像深夜中的盗贼  Hold me like a pillow, make me feel right  像怀抱枕头般紧抱着我 使我感到安心  Baby I"ll tell you all my secrets that I"m keepin", you can come inside Loud 宝贝我会告诉你我所有隐藏的秘密 让你可以进入我的世界  And when you enter, you ain"t leavin", be my prisoner for the night  并且让你无法离开 做我漫漫长夜的俘虏  [CHORUS]  Want you to make me feel like I"m the only girl in the world  想让你使我感到 就像自己是这世上唯一的女孩  Like I"m the only one that you"ll ever love  就像我是你深爱着的唯一的女孩  Like I"m the only one who knows your heart  就像我是懂你心思的唯一的女孩  Only girl in the world…  这世上唯一的女孩  Like I"m the only one that"s in command  就像我是唯一对你发号施令的女孩  cause I"m the only one who understands,  因为只有我才会理解你  like I"m the only one who knows your heart,  就像我是懂你心思的唯一的女孩  only one…  唯一的  [BRIDGE]  Take me for a ride  带我踏进一段旅程  Oh baby, take me high  噢宝贝 让我冲入云端  Let me make you first  让我成为你的唯一  Oh make it last all night  噢 让它持续整个夜晚  Take me for a ride  带我踏进一段旅程  Oh baby, take me high  噢宝贝 让我冲入云端  Let me make you first  让我成为你的唯一  Make it last all night  让它持续整个夜晚  [CHORUS]  Want you to make me feel like I"m the only girl in the world  想让你使我感到 就像自己是这世上唯一的女孩  Like I"m the only one that you"ll ever love  就像我是你深爱着的唯一的女孩  Like I"m the only one who knows your heart  就像我是懂你心思的唯一的女孩  Only girl in the world…  这世上唯一的女孩  Like I"m the only one that"s in command  就像我是唯一对你发号司令的女孩  Cuz I"m the only one who understands how to make you feel like a man  因为只有我才会理解你 该如何让你感到自己是个男子汉  Only girl in the world…  这世上唯一的女孩  Girl in the world…  世上唯一的女孩  Only girl in the world…  这世上唯一的女孩  Girl in the world...  世上唯一的女孩

Funny Little World 歌词

歌曲名:Funny Little World歌手:Alexander Rybak专辑:FairytalesFunny Little WorldAlexander RybakSuddenly I"m famousAnd people know my nameI"ve got a thousand girls just waitingAnd therefore it"s a shameThat my heart has been capturedBy your funny little smileAnd finally I"m happyIf only for a whilePeople call me stupidFor treating you like a queenBut I don"t even worry"Cause you"re my unforeseenAnd I hope that you"ll be with meIf only in my dreams.But here you are next to meAnd you"re glad, or so it seemsAnd I don"t know for sureWhere this is goingStill I hope for more, and more"Cause who would know that youWould treat me like a boyAnd I treat you like a girlIn this funny little worldDon"t promise me for everJust love me day by dayNo one knows the futureWe"re young, but that"s OK"Cause you"ll always be a part of meWhatever life will bringAnd people have to bear with youThis silly song I sing.Your boyfriends might be angryMy girlfriends might be blueBut no one can deny itFrom now on I love youAnd I have to say it"s new to meThis feeling in my heartGuess I"ve been kind of lonelyAnd you"ve been kind of smartAnd I don"t know for sureWhere this is goingStill I hope for more, and more"Cause who would know that youWould treat me like a boyAnd I treat you like a girlIn this funny little world.And I don"t know for sureWhere this is goingStill I hope for more, and more"Cause who would know that youWould treat me like a boyAnd I treat you like a girlIn this funny little world.In this funny little world.http://music.baidu.com/song/1341890

Funny Little World 歌词

歌曲名:Funny Little World歌手:Peter Blakeley专辑:The Pale HorseAlexander Rybak - Funny Little WorldSuddenly I"m famousAnd people know my nameI"ve got a thousand girls just waitingAnd therefore it"s a shameThat my heart has been capturedBy your funny little smileAnd finally I"m happyIf only for a whilePeople call me stupidFor treating you like a queenBut I don"t even worry"Cause you"re my unforeseenAnd I hope that you"ll be with meIf only in my dreams.But here you are next to meAnd you"re glad, or so it seemsAnd I don"t know for sureWhere this is goingStill I hope for more, and more"Cause who would know that youWould treat me like a boyAnd I treat you like a girlIn this funny little worldDon"t promise me for everJust love me day by dayNo one knows the futureWe"re young, but that"s OK"Cause you"ll always be a part of meWhatever life will bringAnd people have to bear with youThis silly song I sing.Your boyfriends might be angryMy girlfriends might be blueBut no one can deny itFrom now on I love youAnd I have to say it"s new to meThis feeling in my heartGuess I"ve been kind of lonelyAnd you"ve been kind of smartAnd I don"t know for sureWhere this is goingStill I hope for more, and more"Cause who would know that youWould treat me like a boyAnd I treat you like a girlIn this funny little world.And I don"t know for sureWhere this is goingStill I hope for more, and more"Cause who would know that youWould treat me like a boyAnd I treat you like a girlIn this funny little world.In this funny little world.http://music.baidu.com/song/7683850


Dear Mike: I am so glad to hear from you. In your letter, you asked me how do Chinese people celebrate the Spring Festival. Well, we have an official week off for this festival. During the Spring Festival, all the family members will get together and stay at home to enjoy the moment of reunion with warmth. We can eat various delicious food, play the fireworks--which is a symbol of good luck and happiness, and we can get new clothes, too. In a word, this is a festival of happiness, warmth and good wish for the next year. If you are intereted in this, I may tell you more next time. With regards.

Ronnie Lane的《Only You》 歌词

歌曲名:Only You歌手:Ronnie Lane专辑:See Meonly you(音译中文翻译)ga lai na no sa su no si gaku lai lu sou ne li bu ta la sa a nu lai o gei ka banao de ta qi ba o ei pi ge qi ja nagong qiou rou ga xi a wu su wei geikai su mi ong ji yi na bana no lu sa la ha na baao di lu no di lu da la na su ja xi ni yi sou(不可以买到一颗星星呢)(那我就可以和你远走高飞了)(看吧 暖光照耀在你的心上)(像梦一样治愈你的心灵)(我的心在朝着你动)(我好象爱上了你)(我可以陪你走遍天涯海角oh baby~ qi ji na gei gei ta yu wa jo su no niyu wo ni na wa ha gei ang sang langku du ma lu no ya ku du ma lu no yaku de gei lu yi ji ji maki mi louno lu bu na qi gai lu no bo bowei jie gei em sou wei ga ya ku la bu tou a gou namo ha na sou nei a na pi nu gokai su mi ong ji yi na bana no lu sa la ha na baao di lu no di lu da la na su ja xi ni yi souOh baby (能回到我的身边吗)(可以相伴我一生的人)(那就是你) (那就是你)(不要向我叹息)(我的眼里只有你一个)(我的耳边只有你的声音)(我什么都干不了了)(我的心在跳)(我深爱着你)(我可以陪你走遍天涯海角)oh baby~ qi ji na gei gei ta yu wa jo su no niyu wo ni na wa ha gei ang sang langku du ma lu no yaOh baby (能回到我的身边吗)(可以相伴我一生的人)(那就是你)nou ma ka mo dou no dou jiu wana wa ha gai han jiu oh jiu ha sa langa na jiu na hai jiuna lu sa lang hai jiu yu wo ni gai to hi sokai su mi ong ji yi na bana no lu sa la ha na baao di lu no di lu da la na su ja xi ni yi sou(只要有你 我可以放弃一切)(可以相伴到永远的你)(抱着我 告诉我 你爱着我)(永远在我的身边)(我唯一的爱)(我深深得爱着你)(我可以陪你走遍天涯海角)oh baby~ qi ji na gei gei ta yu wa jo su no niyu wo ni na wa ha gei ang sang langku du ma lu no ya ku du ma lu no ya(能回到我的身边吗)(可以相伴我一生的人)(那就是你) (那就是你)野百合hmily编译http://music.baidu.com/song/27004684

用LCC-win32进行C语言编写hello world 是出现cannot open output file,问题如图所示,求高手解答啊!


C语言写hello world 出现 cannot open output file e:c"lcchello: 怎么办




innocence 是什么意思

英语中的Innocence 英音:["inu0259sns]  美音:["u026anu0259sns]  名词n.  1.无罪;清白[U]  HewassureofJack"sinnocence.他确信杰克是无辜的。  Thefriendsoftheprisonerweresureofhisinnocence.犯人的朋友们肯定他是无罪的。  2.天真无邪,纯真[U]  theinnocenceofachild孩子的天真  destroytheinnocenceofachild伤害孩子的童心  3.无知;幼稚,头脑简单[U]  innocenceofthecraftofwriting  对写作技巧的一无所知  4.无害[U]  5.【古】无罪的人,无辜者[C]  6.一种蓝色小花;矢车菊


清白,无罪,纯洁 没有找到,下面的是自己翻译的,本人英语水平有限,翻译的不好,请大家见凉! 当我醒来,我发现,一切都是那么美好 我第一次感觉到 它是如此美妙 我慢慢的环顾四周 惊奇的发现 原来小小的事情竟可以让生活变的美好 我不会去做任何改变 因为这种感觉如此美妙 一份纯真的感情 我希望它能够停留 这一刻是多么的完美 请不要离开 我需要你 我要抓住这时刻 不会让你与我擦身而过 我发现一个让我倍感安全的地方 我希望它能够停留 这一刻是多么的美好 生命中我第一次感到 它是如此的清晰 我的心静如止水 我感到高兴 这种感觉如此强烈 此刻,我敞开自己的心扉 我不会去做任何改变 因为这种感觉如此美妙 一份纯真的感情 我希望它能够停留 这一刻是多么的完美 请不要离开 我需要你 我要抓住这时刻 不会让你与我擦身而过 这是你内心的祈祷 你梦想它成为真实 你感到内心愉悦 它是如此美好 感动的让人好想落泪 它是如此美好 感动的让人好想落泪 一份纯真的感情 我希望它能够停留 这一刻是多么的完美 请不要离开 我需要你 我要抓住这时刻 不会让你与我擦身而过 一份纯真的感情 我希望它能够停留 这一刻是多么的完美 请不要离开 我需要你 我要抓住这时刻 不会让你与我擦身而过

我叫唐宁~想取个英文名,从大家的提议里边,我觉得Tanny Tanya比较跟我的名字皆音,想问一下大家的意思

shining词典释义]a. 1. 光亮的 2. 华丽的 3. 优秀的 4. 醒目的 [网络释义]1.发光的,闪光的 2.发光的,灿烂的 3.光亮的




答案:D A 没有付出就没有收获;B 众人拾柴火焰高;C 我相信熟能生巧;D 我不会过度劳累的.根据"You shouldn"t stay up late tonight"可知,D符合语境,故答案为D



Running On Empty 歌词

歌曲名:Running On Empty歌手:Chrishan专辑:用力指向天空Chrishan feat. Auburn - Running On EmptyLighting, dark skiesOpen, your eyesAnd run to meLike you never did beforeRaindrops, fallingHear you, callingI run to youLike I never did beforeCause I don"t careIf there"s nobody out thereDon"t careIf it"s cloudy out therePromise to find you babyAnd when I find youHold on to meI"ll never leaveCus we can"t keep on running on emptyKeep on runningHold on to meIf you believeWe can conquer this whole world togetherConquer this whole world together baby(Ooh) ohh(Ooh) ohhYeah yeah yeahTime goes, slowlyI feel so, lonelyGotta see your faceLike I never have beforeNo sleep, at nightWithout you, by my sideGotta feel your touchLike I never have beforeCause I don"t careIf there"s cloudy out thereDon"t careIf it"s lonely out thereAs long as I find you babyAnd when I find youCan you run, babyLike you never run beforeRun, babyLike you never run beforeRun, babyLike you never run beforeOhh ohh ohh ohhBaby ohhNo ohhOhh yeah yeah yeahhttp://music.baidu.com/song/18938777



vanness 和vanessa的发音一样吗?

不一样 前者重音在第一个音(va)后者在第二个音(ne)上

Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: base

Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: base. Please verify its path and try again 1.备份现有repo仓库 mv /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo.backup 2.使用阿里云仓库repo curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo https://www.xmpan.com/Centos-6-Vault-Aliyun.repo #https链接报错就用http 3.更新yum yum clean all yum makecache

T.I.的《Winner》 歌词

歌手: T.I.所属专辑: 《It S The King》Jamie Foxx - WinnerT.I.POooooooooohYou know you looking at a winnerYou know you so out there" so out thereyour so not hereyou see were so up thereI"m wakin"Up in the morningHustlin" to the stage" if I been performin"Bustlin" in through the hate and bustin" the door inlately nothin" misses I must have been scorin"Speakin" of the missesI"m watchin" em pourin"Just like a drink that I"m enjoyin"And don"t mean bottles you welcome to join inJust look at me soarin"Feelin" like JordanOn top but you just don"t get it yetI don"t get cutI make "em cut the checkCan"t hear me in the standsLemme say it againOn top but you just don"t get it yetI never got cut but I make "em cut the checkSo hate on but guess whatI feel like I can"t missI know they want me to fallBut ain"t nothing bigger than thisSo just pass me the ballYou know you looking at a winner" winner" winnerI can"t miss" Can"t lose" Can"t missYou know you looking at winner" winner" winner"Cause I"m a winnerYeah I"m a winnerI"m stepping out in the eveningKeep women in screaminYou gotta be cheatin"But I"m so pleasingI make this look easythem thinking I"m seasonedYou gotta believe meI went from TV"sTo Screens and DVD"sTo CD"s"To MP3"s OverseasI got no timeThe talking is boringJust look at me soaringFeeling like JordanJamieOn top but you just don"t get it yetI never got cutI make "em cut the checkCan"t hear me in the standsLemme say it againOn top but you just don"t get it yetI never got cut but I make "em cut the checkSo hate on but guess whatI feel like I can"t missI know they want me to fallBut ain"t nothing bigger than thisSo just pass me the ballYou know you looking at a winner" winner" winnerI can"t miss" Can"t lose" Can"t missYou know you looking at winner" winner" winner"Cause I"m a winnerYeah I"m a winner3:Thats rightYou see the Porsche PanameraGot em in hysteriaThe turbo super fast and that McClaren even scarierHear me turning corners burning rubber in your areaI"m hard to follow once I pop the clutch and hit the throttleI"m recession proofI don"t run the money the money run to meThis economy I"m considered an anomolyGot this Maserati" new Ferrari"s I"ve got one of eachMy future bright tight like in front of meTurn pain to progression in every studio sessionPassion into perfection the failure I"m an exceptionYou wanna lose battle me is a blessingYou couldn"t die in the hands of a better manI ran from the bottom to the best no autotuneBeen in the lead you say Usain can"t follow whomNever that" I"m the freshest go ask whoever thatThe king back money long as an old CadillacI feel like I can"t missI know they want me to fallBut ain"t nothing bigger than thisSo just pass me the ballYou know you looking at a winner" winner" winnerI can"t miss" Can"t lose" Can"t missYou know you looking at winner" winner" winner"Cause I"m a winnerYeah I"m a winner-Hey man you thought a little vacation could hold me back homeboy" man I"m back manBrighter than ever" you understand that"If you didn"t like me then you gon hate me now!

big tymers的《sunny day》 歌词

歌曲名:sunny day歌手:big tymers专辑:hood rich"Sunny Day"(feat. Gotti, Mikkey, TQ)Just like a sunny day, I"m gon" shineYou betta cover yo face, or you"ll be blindOh big shiny blades, that"s how I rideJust like a sunny day, watch me shineHey, eh, uhn-uhn-ah, uhn-uhn-ah hold on, ro, huhYou see them chrome on dem whodi?Oooh-wee, bad mother fucker, chrome pipes, and chromed out mufflersPaint my cars, and dip these rodsRe-do the inside, cuz stunna gon" ballShine my teets, when I hit these streetsCall hot boy Elvin, to slide me a pieceSlipped it girl, fed her some gasBig TymersI buh-a burn, I buh-a, buh-a burn ya assBrawlers, bars, and marble"s garageMinks on the floor, with them platinum toysIts 500 degrees, its hot as fuck (uh uh-a, uh uh-a)Believe me boy, my shit diced upI stay one way, I play every dayIts February 15th, stunna, hows the day?Now if you believe, like I believeWe can get to the mountain topWe can achieve what Martin was talkin boutWhats all the barkin bout?I"m a man playa, on my two feet, thats how I"m walking outAlot of these chumps niggas say I just bling too muchBut alot of yall ain"t doing nothing, y"all just dream too muchAnd all of y"all niggas ain"t coming up to nuttin but a big ole zeroAnd in case you didn"t know nigga, I"m the hood heroIts like a sunny day, plus I"m getting money todayWith no funny play, cuz I got the gun at my waistAnd like stunna say, feeling like a hunter todayMillion, mommy fine, but she got bumps in her faceBut it ain"t nothing but a G thang babySo I"ma hit it in the back of my MercedesWe on dubs, its all love, this shit crazyAnd Cash Money is the label that made meMikkey take em church, its on you what you take from this verseWe like a cedar, we just straight from the dirtSo its in us, we stuck, like its in us tocock..that..thang..back..and dumpPlease, you don"t want it wit usNow they say money makes the world go roundBut for the right price,Stunna said yo girl done with the opposite of upMore than music this is rap hustlinThis is money mackin and publishinDeath before struggling, thats shine daddyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/14518037

Pet Shop Boys的《Winner》 歌词

歌曲名:Winner歌手:Pet Shop Boys专辑:WinnerJamie Foxx Ft. Justin Timberlake & T.I. - WinnerMaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop source(T.I.)T.I.Phey Jamie, JT(Jamie Foxx)(Yo, Uh) Ooooooooooh(Talk to me) You know you looking at a winner(T.I.)You know you so out there, so out thereyour so not hereyou see were so up there(Verse 1: Justin Timberlake)I"m wakin"Up in the morningHustlin" to the stage, if I been performin"Bustlin" in through the hate and bustin" the door inlately nothin" misses I must have been scorin"Speakin" of the missesI"m watchin" em pourin"Just like a drink that I"m enjoyin"And don"t mean bottles you welcome to join inJust look at me soarin"Feelin" like Jordan(Bridge: Justin Timberlake)(Aaah Ah) Hold up I ain"t finished yetOn top but you just don"t get it yetI don"t get cutI make "em cut the checkCan"t hear me in the standsLemme say it again(Aaah Ah) You ain"t heard I"m the sh-tOn top but you just don"t get it yetI never got cut but I make "em cut the checkSo hate on but guess what(Chorus)I feel like I can"t missI know they want me to fallBut ain"t nothing bigger than thisSo just pass me the ballYou know you looking at a winner, winner, winnerI can"t miss, Can"t lose, Can"t missYou know you looking at winner, winner, winner"Cause I"m a winnerYeah I"m a winner(Verse 2: Jamie Foxx)I"m stepping out in the eveningKeep women in screaminYou gotta be cheatin"But I"m so pleasingI make this look easythem thinking I"m seasonedYou gotta believe meI went from TV"sTo Screens and DVD"sTo CD"s,To MP3"s OverseasI got no timeThe talking is boringJust look at me soaringFeeling like Jordan(Bridge: Jamie Foxx)(Aaah Ah) Hold up I ain"t finished yetOn top but you just don"t get it yetI never got cutI make "em cut the checkCan"t hear me in the standsLemme say it again(Aaah Ah) You ain"t heard I"m the sh-tOn top but you just don"t get it yetI never got cut but I make "em cut the checkSo hate on but guess what(Chorus)I feel like I can"t missI know they want me to fallBut ain"t nothing bigger than thisSo just pass me the ballYou know you looking at a winner, winner, winnerI can"t miss, Can"t lose, Can"t missYou know you looking at winner, winner, winner"Cause I"m a winnerYeah I"m a winner(Verse 3: T.I)Thats rightYou see the Porsche PanameraGot em in hysteriaThe turbo super fast and that McClaren even scarierHear me turning corners burning rubber in your areaI"m hard to follow once I pop the clutch and hit the throttleI"m recession proofI don"t run the money the money run to meThis economy I"m considered an anomolyGot this Maserati, new Ferrari"s I"ve got one of eachMy future bright tight like in front of meTurn pain to progression in every studio sessionPassion into perfection the failure I"m an exceptionYou wanna lose battle me is a blessingYou couldn"t die in the hands of a better manI ran from the bottom to the best no autotuneBeen in the lead you say Usain can"t follow whomNever that, I"m the freshest go ask whoever thatThe king back money long as an old Cadillac(Chorus)I feel like I can"t missI know they want me to fallBut ain"t nothing bigger than thisSo just pass me the ballYou know you looking at a winner, winner, winnerI can"t miss, Can"t lose, Can"t missYou know you looking at winner, winner, winner"Cause I"m a winnerYeah I"m a winner(T.I - Talking)Hey man you thought a little vacation could hold me back homeboy, man I"m back manBrighter than ever, you understand that,If you didn"t like me then (ha) you gon hate me now!MaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop sourcehttp://music.baidu.com/song/16362688

求音乐:winner jamie foxx的歌词

Winnerjamie foxx&JT$T.I[Justin Timberlaker]I"m wakin, up in the morningHustling to the stage and fuckin performin"Bustlin" through the hate and bustin" the door inLately nothing misses I must"ve been scorin"Speaking of the Misses I"m watchin" "em pour inJust like a drink that I"m enjoyingI don"t mean bottles - you"re welcome to join inJust look at me soarin" - Feeling like JordanOh-ohHold up I ain"t finished yetOn the top, but you just don"t get it yetI don"t get cut, I make "em cut the checkCan"t hear me in the stands, let me say it againOh-ohYou ain"t heard, I"m the shitOn the top, but you just don"t get it yetI never got cut, but I make "em cut the checkSo hate on, but guess what?I feel like I can"t missI know they want me to fallBut ain"t nothin" bigger than thisSo just pass me the ballYou know you lookin" at a winner, winner, winnerI can"t miss, can"t lose, can"t missYou know you lookin" at a winner, winner, winnerCause I"m a winner, yeah I"m a winnerI"m steppin", out in the eveningPeople in there screaming, you gotta be cheatingBut I"m so breezy, I make this look easyNo faking I"m seizing, you gotta believe itI went from TV"s, to screens, to DVDsTo CDs, to MP3s, overseas - I gotNo time, the talkin" is boringJust look at me soarin" - Feeling like JordanOh-ohHold up I ain"t finished yetOn the top, but you just don"t get it yetI don"t get cut, I make "em cut the checkCan"t hear me in the stands, let me say it againOh-ohYou ain"t heard, I"m the shitOn the top, but you just don"t get it yetI never got cut, but I make "em cut the checkSo hate on, but guess what? I feel like I can"t missI know they want me to fallBut ain"t nothin" bigger than thisSo just pass me the ballYou know you lookin" at a winner, winner, winnerI can"t miss, can"t lose, can"t missYou know you lookin" at a winner, winner, winnerCause I"m a winner, yeah I"m a winnerThat"s rightYou see the - Porsche Panamera got "em in hysteriaThe turbo super fast, and that Mclaren even scarierHemme turnin" corners, burnin" rubber in your areaI"m hard to follow once i pop clutch and hit the throttleReI"m recession-proofI don"t run to money - money run to meIn this economy guess I"m considered an anomalyBugattis, Maseratis, new Ferraris - I got one of eachMy future bright, tightLike the bitch I got in front of meTurn pain to progression in every studio sessionPassion into perfection, to failure I"m an exceptionFuck if you wanna lose, to battle me is a blessingYou couldn"t die at the hands of a better manI ran from the bottom to the best - no Auto-TuneBeen in the lead, so you seen can"t follow whomNever that, I"m the freshest go ask whoever thatKing back, money long as an old CadillacI feel like I can"t missI know they want me to fallBut ain"t nothin" bigger than thisSo just pass me the ballYou know you lookin" at a winner, winner, winnerI can"t miss, can"t lose, can"t missYou know you lookin" at a winner, winner, winnerCause I"m a winner, yeah I"m a winner



sg wannabe和玉珠贤演唱的page one的中文歌词


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running out什么意思



announcement英 [u0259"nau028ansm(u0259)nt]美 [u0259"nau028ansmu0259nt]n. 公告;宣告;发表;通告[网络短语]Announcement 公告,论坛公告,通告Latest Announcement 最新公告public announcement 公告,公开宣告,机上广播


请判断单词的重音所在的音节位置announcement[??na?nsm?nt] A.1B.2C.3正确答案:B



英语What’s so funny怎么翻译?


英语谚语:What soberness conceals, drunkenness reveals 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: What soberness conceals drunkenness reveals 中文意思: 醉汉口里露真言。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Death when it es will have no denial 死亡来临时,无可抗拒之。 Debt is better than death 负债总比死亡强。 Deeds are fruits; words are but leaves 行动是果实,言语只是树叶而已。 Deeds are males and words are females 言柔弱无能,行刚强有力。 Deeds no words 不要光说不练。 Deep rivers move in silence shallow brooks are noisy 深水静静流,浅溪潺潺流。 Delays are dangerous 坐失良机必有忧患。 Deliberate before you begin then execute with vigour 著手前要深思熟虑,执行要果断有力。 Deliberate in counsel prompt in action 考虑要仔细,行动要迅速。 Deliberating is not delaying 慎思不是拖延。 英语谚语: What soberness conceals drunkenness reveals 中文意思: 醉汉口里露真言。




是go running。

求一手英文歌歌词歌名 是一个女歌手唱的 其中有两句 no one wants coffee no one wanna

是the weepies的Gotta have you

怎样看connected but alone

connected but alone翻译:连接在双语例句Seamount range Several seamounts having connected bases and aligned along aridge or rise. 海洋山脊范围有著连接的基底且沿著一个脊或隆起线排列的一些海洋山脊。

Kenny G的《Songbird》 歌词

歌曲名:Songbird歌手:Kenny G专辑:Songbird - The Ultimate CollectionTalking to the songbird yesterdayFlew me to a past not far awayShe"s a little pirate in my mindSinging songs of love to pass the timeGonna write a song so she can seeGive her all the love she gives to meTalk of better days that have yet to comeNever felt this love from anyoneShe"s not anyoneA man can never dream these kinds of thingsEspecially when she came and spread her wingsWhispered in my ear the things I"d likeThen she flew away into the nightGonna write a song so she can seeGive her all the love she gives to meTalk of better days that have yet to comeNever felt this love from anyoneShe"s not anyonehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7489162

Kenny G的《Songbird》 歌词

歌曲名:Songbird歌手:Kenny G专辑:Forever Friends - Mum In A MillionTalking to the songbird yesterdayFlew me to a past not far awayShe"s a little pirate in my mindSinging songs of love to pass the timeGonna write a song so she can seeGive her all the love she gives to meTalk of better days that have yet to comeNever felt this love from anyoneShe"s not anyoneA man can never dream these kinds of thingsEspecially when she came and spread her wingsWhispered in my ear the things I"d likeThen she flew away into the nightGonna write a song so she can seeGive her all the love she gives to meTalk of better days that have yet to comeNever felt this love from anyoneShe"s not anyonehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7500763

Kenny G的《Songbird》 歌词

歌曲名:Songbird歌手:Kenny G专辑:Greatest HitsI heard a voice so pure and easy,a songbird singing for me,I had no choice, only to listen,and surrender to her world;And she will fly over the rainbow,She will walk in fields of gold,And when she singsfrom the high walls of Heaven,Will the angels cry like me?At first alone,then with hundreds around me,Enchanted by her song,and the darkness is falling,But as the day is done,The songbird sings no more;And now she flies over the rainbow,And she walks in fields of gold,And when she singsfrom the high walls of Heaven,Will the angels cry like me?And when she singsfrom the high walls of Heaven,Will the angels cry like me,will the angels cry like me?http://music.baidu.com/song/744495


很多啊 你要哪一个啊 看看吧: 可能1:I Don"t Wanna Fall In Love Again lyricsI can feel it in the air I breathe Everytime you stand too close to me, baby I"m on the edge of something way to deep You"re running through my mind and I can"t sleep And I don"t wanna fall in love Cuz my heart can"t take the rush and ain"t nothing guaranteed for too long I don"t wanna say good bye when you"re leavingI don"t need to be deceived No fairytales, make believe and mistrust I don"t wanna fall in love with you I try to keep our distance miles away But anticipations"s killing me each day I"m reminiscing on your every touch And I can`t believe I"m missing you so much OOhI"m saying don"t pick up the phone girl leave that man alone The joy in love ain"t worth the pain that it causes I don"t wanna say good bye - when you"re leavingI don"t need to be deceived No fairytales, make believe and mistrust I don"t wanna fall in love with you See I heard about all the love going wrong and I"m afraid I"m gonna fall too hard I"m not strong And the little girl in me was made believe But this woman deals with reality I try to see what you want me to see But I can"t imagine what a real love should be, noI try to fight it but baby I get so weak I hang on your every word when you start to speakJust to hear you - just to feel you And to feel your heartbeat next to mineI don"t wanna say good bye when you"re leavingI don"t need to be deceived No fairytales, make believe and mistrust I don"t wanna fall in love with you可能2:I Don"t Wanna Miss A Thing i could stay awake just to hear you breathing watch you smile while you are sleeping while you"re far away and dreaming i could spend my life in this sweet surrender i could stay lost in this moment forever every moment spent with you is a moment i treasure i don"t wanna close my eyes i don"t wanna fall asleep "cause i"d miss you, baby and i don"t wanna miss a thing "cause even when i dream of you the sweetest dream will never do i"d still miss you, baby and i don"t wanna miss a thing lying close to you feeling your heart beating and i"m wondering what you"re dreaming wondering if it"s me you"re seeing then i kiss your eyes and thank god we"re together and i just wanna stay with you in this moment forever, forever and ever i don"t wanna close my eyes i don"t wanna fall asleep "cause i"d miss you, baby and i don"t wanna miss a thing "cause even when i dream of you the sweetest dream will never do i"d still miss you, baby and i don"t wanna miss a thing i don"t wanna miss one smile i don"t wanna miss one kiss well, i just wanna be with you right here with you, just like this i just wanna hold you close feel your heart so close to mine and stay here in this moment for all the rest of time don"t wanna close my eyes don"t wanna fall asleep "cause i"d miss you, baby and i don"t wanna miss a thing "cause even when i dream of you the sweetest dream will never do "cause i"d still miss you, baby and i don"t wanna miss a thing i don"t wanna close my eyes i don"t wanna fall asleep "cause i"d miss you, baby and i don"t wanna miss a thing "cause even when i dream of you the sweetest dream will never do i"d still miss you, baby and i don"t wanna miss a thing don"t wanna close my eyes don"t wanna fall asleep, yeah i don"t wanna miss a thing I don"t wanna say good bye when you"re leavingI don"t need to be deceived No fairytales, make believe and mistrust I don"t wanna fall in love with you I try to keep our distance miles away But anticipations"s killing me each day I"m reminiscing on your every touch And I can`t believe I"m missing you so much OOhI"m saying don"t pick up the phone girl leave that man alone The joy in love ain"t worth the pain that it causes I don"t wanna say good bye - when you"re leavingI don"t need to be deceived No fairytales, make believe and mistrust I don"t wanna fall in love with you See I heard about all the love going wrong and I"m afraid I"m gonna fall too hard I"m not strong And the little girl in me was made believe But this woman deals with reality I try to see what you want me to see But I can"t imagine what a real love should be, noI try to fight it but baby I get so weak I hang on your every word when you start to speakJust to hear you - just to feel you And to feel your heartbeat next to mineI don"t wanna say good bye when you"re leavingI don"t need to be deceived No fairytales, make believe and mistrust I don"t wanna fall in love with you

在(running man)四月六日那一期,Gary说为了你的主题曲是什么歌


找一首英文歌 女声 快歌 歌词只记得一开始是 time is running up tik tok 后面

Mike Posner - Please Don"t GoJust run awayFrom these liesBack to yesterdaySafe tonightI feel the sun creeping up like tik tokI"m trying to keep you in my head but if notWe"ll just keep running from tomorrow with our lips lockedYeah you got me begging begging baby please don"t goIf I wake up tomorrow will you still be hereI don"t knowIf you feel the way I doIf you leave I"m gonna find youBaby please don"t go go go goBaby please don"t go go go goBaby please don"t go go go goBaby please don"tBaby please don"tBaby please don"t runawayFrom my bed and start another dayStay insteadI feel the sun creeping up like tik tokI"m trying to keep you in my head but if notWe"ll just keep running from tomorrow with our lips lockedYeah you got me begging begging baby please don"t goIf I wake up tomorrow will you still be hereI don"t knowIf you feel the way I doIf you leave I"m gonna find youBaby please don"t go go go goBaby please don"t go go go goBaby please don"t go go go goBaby please don"tBaby please don"tI stay running from tomorrowI stay running from tomorrowWell I stay running from tomorrowSaid I stay running from tomorrowBaby please don"t go (please don"t go)If I wake up tomorrow will you still be hereI don"t knowIf you feel the way I doIf you leave I"m gonna find you(I"m gone, I"m gone, I"m gonna find you)Baby please don"t go go go goBaby please don"t go go go go(don"t leave me, leave me)Baby please don"t go go go goBaby please don"tBaby please don"tBaby please don"t Runaway

想找一部disney channel的连续剧



《黑鲸 Blackfish》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看:链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/17MsDqU8pCUwxPGNCjjqH9w 提取码:4xnw《黑鲸 Blackfish》导演: 加芙列拉·考珀斯维特编剧: 加芙列拉·考珀斯维特、伊莱·B·德普雷主演: Suzanne Allee、Jeff Andrews、Kim Ashdown、Ken Balcomb、Samantha Berg、Dawn Brancheau类型: 纪录片制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语、西班牙语上映日期: 2013-07-19(美国)片长: 83分钟又名: 黑鲸鱼2010年2月24日,美国弗洛里达海洋世界发生了一起令人始料未及的惨剧。资深驯鲸员道恩·布兰切(Dawn Brancheau)突然被一只名为提里库姆的雄性虎鲸拖入水池,短短几分钟内这位拥有灿烂笑容与和善感染力的女性便被朝夕相处的虎鲸伙伴杀死。此案震惊全国,但从案件关系人的口中,却发现这一切绝非偶然,一连串令人齿冷的证据揭示了施暴者和遇难者彼此的悲剧真相。原本在海洋中快乐游弋玩耍的虎鲸家族,遭到了受利益驱动的商人和渔民的围捕。母子情深的虎鲸宝宝被迫和家人分开,从此生活在逼仄的水池内,日复一日重复单调的训练和表演。20世纪90年代,提里库姆曾在太平洋海洋之地制造过类似惨剧。然而关于它的“罪行”最终被商人们有意无意隐瞒下来。移籍海洋世界后,它迎来了以道恩为首的一群热爱海洋动物同时被高层隐瞒了诸多事故真相的驯鲸员。注定发生的终会发生,而类似悲剧难道还将继续...

Tonight I Wanna Cry 歌词

歌曲名:Tonight I Wanna Cry歌手:Keith Urban专辑:Keith Urban Days Go ByTonight I Wanna CryKeith Urban Alone in this house again tonightI got the TV on, the sound turned down and a bottle of wineThere"s pictures of you and I on the walls around meThe way that it was and could have been surrounds meI"ll never get over you walkin" awayI"ve never been the kind to ever let my feelings showAnd I thought that bein" strong meant never losin" your self-controlBut I"m just drunk enough to let got of my painTo hell with my pride, let it fall like rainFrom my eyesTonight I wanna cryWould it help if I turned a sad song on"All By Myself" would sure hit me hard now that you"re goneOr maybe unfold some old yellow lost love lettersIt"s gonna hurt bad before it gets betterBut I"ll never get over you by hidin" this wayI"ve never been the kind to ever let my feelings showAnd I thought that bein" strong meantnever losin" your self-controlBut I"m just drunk enough to let got of my painTo hell with my pride, let it fall like rainFrom my eyesTonight I wanna cryI"ve never been the kind to ever let my feelings showAnd I thought that bein" strong meant never losin" your self-controlBut I"m just drunk enough to let got of my painTo hell with my pride, let it fall like rainFrom my eyesTonight I wanna cryhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2619329

-A group of teen mountaineers have planned to conquer the second highest mountain in Europe.


Tonight I Wanna Cry这首歌的意思是什么?

{verse 1} ~ alone in this house again tonight i got the tv on, the sound turned down and a bottle of wine there s pictures of you and i on the walls around me the way that it was and could have been surrounds me i ll never get over you walkin away {chorus} i ve never been the kind to ever let my feelings show and i thought that bein strong meant never losin your self control but i m just drunk enough to let go of my pain to hell with my pride let it fall like rain from my eyes tonight i wanna cry {verse 2} would it help if i turned a sad song on all by myself would sure hit me hard now that you re gone or maybe unfold some old yellow lost love letters it s gonna hurt bad before it gets better but i ll never get over you by hidin this way {chorus} cause i ve never been the kind to ever let my feelings show and i thought that bein strong meant never losin your self control but i m just drunk enough to let go of my pain to hell with my pride let it fall like rain from my eyes tonight i wanna cry {chorus} i ve never been the kind to ever let my feelings show and i thought that bein strong meant never losin your self control but i m just drunk enough to let go of my pain to hell with this pride let it fall like rain from my eyes tonight i wanna cry 今夜又独自一人在家 我开着电视,那无关痛痒的声音以及瓶酒 还有那贴满四壁我俩的相片 就这样它溢上了我的心头 我永远都无法忘记离我而去的你 我从未曾有过这样的感情流露 而我想,这是如此的强烈只意味着没有了你的关注 可我只愿喝醉而能从痛楚中走出来 只愿我那苦楚的自尊像飘零的雨水那般,从我的眼中剥落 今夜我只愿哭泣 是否播一首伤感的歌会有些帮助 真的刺痛了我,就像此刻离我而去的你 也或许展开那些已泛黄残破的情书 在渐渐复原前它却痛得更深 可却永远都不会用忘记你这方式来隐藏 我从未曾有过这样的感情流露 而我想,这是如此的强烈只意味着没有了你的关注 可我只愿喝醉而能从痛楚中走出来 只愿我那苦楚的自尊像飘零的雨水那般,从我的眼中剥落 今夜我只愿哭泣 我从未曾有过这样的感情流露 而我想,这是如此的强烈只意味着没有了你的关注 可我只愿喝醉而能从痛楚中走出来 只愿我那苦楚的自尊像飘零的雨水那般,从我的眼中剥落 今夜我只愿哭泣

4名网络红人穿越时空完美合唱Eminem联手Rihanna新单Love The Way You Lie的歌词

VERSE ONEI"ve been tryna figure out a way of what I wanna sayBut everytime I"m about to say it, my pride just gets in the wayBut tonight that aint" the case, I came to say what I wanna sayMy mind can think whatever, I promise I won"t obeyI"ve been fighting through the stress, tryna get if off my chestBut I guess, you"re the only who truly knows me bestAnd we fighting every other day, but now it"s nothing newIt"s another typical day of the life of me and youSome things you just can"t fix, that"s the way it gotta beSo I put the blame on you, then you bring it back on meDon"t you see that we throwing these problems up in a circle?And if we continue with it, our love will never go furtherIt"s the truth babygirl, don"t act like you don"t knowEverybody else does, we easily let it showWe holding on to something that we will know never lastSo maybe we should call it quits and just leave it in the past, what you think...VERSE TWOBeen here for a while, feels like I"m stuck nowThis is the reason why I didn"t wanna settle downI know I love you, but love is so complicatedAnd now were both debating on something that love createdBut it"s so hard when you fall in love at such an early ageDifferent girl, same story, you"re just scared to turn the pageSo I break into a rage, fresh up outta the cageI can"t even look at you, I got nothing else to sayYou begging me to speak for at least 5 minutes40 minutes go by and we still ain"t even finishedWhat the hell do I do? To finally prove to youThat there ain"t another man that will love you like I doYou say you found another; I say I found another tooBut we both know deep inside that"s not really trueIt"s only me and you, and nothing will come between usSo if it"s really love, I just hope we really mean itVERSE THREEI try to hold in my tears, but I just cannot do itI know you ain"t worth it, but I am about to lose itWait, what am I saying?! Cus baby you are worth itAnd people call us crazy but we like to call it perfectOne second I wanna kiss you, the other, I wanna hit youLying, cheating, fighting, what couple don"t got issues?I"m about to snap, and like magnets we attractBut no matter how bad, we just keep on coming backI promise that I"ve changed,I promise I"m not the sameI can promise this that and that,But I know that I"ll never changeI can"t get away, I"m addicted to the painYou always made sure, I"ll never fall in love againYou"re the pieces to my puzzle, you complete me so it seemsIt was never my intention to smother you in my needsThe moral of the story, is I hope you understandThere" ain"t another man that will love you like I can

寂静岭女歌手Mary Elizabeth McGlynn的《Love Pslam》这首歌的歌词~~英文中文都行~

以下是英语歌词。Mary Elizabeth McGlynn "Love Psalm"Oh, this isn"t the life that I dreamed it could beI"m staring into the eyes of the shell left of meAnd now every decision I makeThe good, the pleasure and the painCould simply all be erased if I choose it to beThis nightmare unfolds like a rose that awakes to the springOh, it"s so close to the sanity I"m trying to cling toI"m tearing out the pages "cause it hurtsTo be forced to feel the heart"s breakHow much of this torture can I take?Is it not worth the risk to create just one more try?I know that I can fix itIf you could rewrite our life any way that you pleaseWould you tear out the pages of our memories?Would you take back the pain and all the hurt we create?Or could you be satisfied with the love that you made with me?If you could rewrite our life any way that you pleaseWould you tear out the pages of our memories?Would you take back the pain and all the hurt we create?Or could you be satisfied with the promise you made?And so we rewrite our life, but it"s not what we"ve madeIn the chaos we dance as we stand unafraidAlways one change away from making ourselves completeThe world will perish in flamesAnd I"ll watch as you fade from me.Rewrite our love psalmRewrite our love psalmRewrite our love psalmRewrite our love psalmRewrite our love psalm自己认真回答的,有问题请追问、希望及时采纳—— u2665 多谢 ⌒_⌒

Ailein Duinn 歌词

歌曲名:Ailein Duinn歌手:Meav Ni Mhaolchatha专辑:Celtic Woman Presents: MeavAilein DuinnGura mise tha fo eisleanMoch sa mhaduinn is mi g"eirighO hi shiubhlainn leatHi ri bho ho ru bhiHi ri bho ho rinn o hoAilein Duinn o hi shiubhlainn leatMa "s"en cluasag dhuit a ghaineanihMa "se leabaidh dhut an gheamainnO hi shiubhlainn leatHi ri bho ho ru bhiHi ri bho ho rinn o hoAilein Duinn o hi shiubhlainn leatMa "s en t-iasg do choinlean gealaMa "s na Righ do luchd-faireO hi shiubhlainn leatHi ri bho ho ru bhiHi ri bho ho rinn o hoAilein Duinn o hi shiubhlainn leatDh"olainn deoch ge b" oil le cach eDe dh"fhuil do choim "s tu "n deidh do bhathadhO hi shiubhlainn leatHi ri bho ho ru bhiHi ri bho ho rinn o hoAilein Duinn, o hi shiubhlainn leatEndhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2860983


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