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french vanilla怎么煮?




Vanilla Twilight 歌词

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 歌曲名:Vanilla Twilight歌手:Owl City专辑:Ocean Eyes (Deluxe Edition)Vanilla TwilightOwl CityThe stars lean down to kiss you And I lie awake and miss you Pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere "Cause I"ll doze off safe and soundly But I"ll miss your arms around me I"d send a postcard to you dear "Cause I wish you were here I"ll watch the night turn light blue But it"s not the same without you Because it takes two to whisper quietly The silence isn"t so bad Till I look at my hands and feel sad "Cause the spaces between my fingers Are right where yours fit perfectly I"ll find repose in new ways Though I haven"t slept in two days "Cause cold nostalgia chills me to the bone But drenched in vanilla twilight I"ll sit on the front porch all night Waist-deep in thought because when I think of you I don"t feel so alone I don"t feel so alone I don"t feel so alone As many times as I blink I"ll think of you tonight I"ll think of you tonight When violet eyes get brighter And heavy wings grow lighter I"ll taste the sky and feel alive again And I"ll forget the world that I knew But I swear I won"t forget you Oh, if my voice could reach back through the pastI"ll whisper in your earOh,darling.I wish you were herehttp://music.b***.com/song/331914

vanilla custard是什么意思

vanilla custard[英][vu0259u02c8nu026alu0259 u02c8ku028cstu0259d][美][vu0259u02c8nu026alu0259 u02c8ku028cstu0259d]香草乳蛋软冻; Pretty soon they"re off in a lovely daydream about dancing cupcakes,singing turnips, and soaking in a bathtub filled with warm vanilla custard. 他们很快就会做起可爱的白日梦,梦见跳舞的蛋糕、唱歌的萝卜,或者浸泡在充满香草蛋羹的浴盆里。



七彩虹Colorfly CT972 Q.Vanilla 怎么升级固件

升级方法在其官网上,有个 CT972 Q.Vanilla对应的固件刷机工具及用户操作指南的压缩包,里面有操作说明的

谁有vanilla twilight 的谐音读法?

vanilla[vəˈnɪlə] twilight[ˈtwaɪˌlaɪt]来自Owl City的香草黄昏。据说是AY写给团内的一位小提琴手写给已去世的白血病女友的第一封情书改编中文谐音:委妮拉 特歪来

vanilla 翻译 If you do not leave me, we will die to

If you do not leave me, we will die together.翻译一:如果你不离开我,我们会死在一起。(中学水平)翻译二:如果不滚开,我就和你同归于尽。(四级水平)翻译三:你若不离不弃,我必生死相依。(六级水平)翻译四:问世间情为何物?直教人生死相许。(八级水平)翻译五:天地合,乃敢与君绝。(专家水平)翻译六:你在或不在,爱就在那里,不增不减。(活佛水平)请采纳,谢谢支持!


vanilla girl. vanilla是香草的意思。 所以这两个词的意思就是香草女孩。

vanilla flavour是什么意思




Vanilla审核题. 一.选择题 1.我们接的单子不是( ) A.转单B._手单C.三昌单?

A. 转单我们接的单子不是转单,而是手工单或三昌单。手工单是指客服根据客户的要求定制或安装等需要人力来完成的复杂工作,且一般由客服根据客户的情况进行收费。而三昌单是指客服提供给客户的另类服务,比如代购、代理、代发等,也是客户需要定制服务的情况下使用。这两种服务都是不属于转单的,转单指的是客服将客户的需求转给其他部门进行处理。

Vanilla Sky 歌词

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 歌曲名:Vanilla Sky歌手:Paul McCartney专辑:Paramount Pictures 90Th Anniversary Memorable SongsVanilla(Step Mix)作曲:Ian Thomas、Dele Ladimeji作词:夏至编曲:Man Keung、Mica监制:Edward Chan、Charles Lee、King Kong @ Novasonic演唱:HotchaHotcha-Vanilla(Step Mix)R: 柔滑那构造形状诱惑不经意制造清新味道质感硬度喜欢冰冻香草雪糕W: 留住那份甜溶在舌尖温馨会发现咀边可感应身体的温暖室温跟心境高速演变ALL: 来谈谈溶化滋味酸软感令人麻痹香草色的惊喜请给我专利来尝尝柔软滋味体贴感近乎完美爱上幼细质地分享我口味C: 怀念某份甜糖份舔唇边给我纪念几多年前一起缠绵可惜相爱结果总太短R: 随便去或留溶掉快感总要接受W+R: 一口都足够W+C: 香草的色诱ALL: 根本不须天天拥有ALL: vanilla gala gala ooh…vanilla bai ya bai ya ah...vanilla gala gala ooh...vanilla bai ya bai ya hm…ALL: 来谈谈溶化滋味来尝尝柔软滋味何妨来谈谈你经历咀角竟突然麻痹窝心口感好比几款爱口味何妨来谈谈你品味掩盖得极为神秘试试当我知己分享你口味http://music.b***.com/song/8702804




vanilla “香子兰”一般用于颜色就是表示“兰色”了



Vanilla 对应的情侣另一个名字是什么





亮灰色 深军蓝 香草色

GACKT的《Vanilla》 歌词

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 歌曲名:Vanilla歌手:GACKT专辑:VanillaVanilla唱:Gackt词:Gackt C曲:Gackt C君は诚実なmoralist 绮丽な指でボクをなぞる仆は纯粋なterrorist キミの想うがままに 革命が起きる恋に缚られたspecialist 长い爪を立てられたボク爱を确かめたいegoist キミの奥までたどりつきたい君の颜が远ざかるah ボクがボクで无くなる前に爱してもいいかい? 揺れる夜にあるがママでいいよ もっと 深く狂おしいくらいに惯れた唇が 溶け合うほどにボクは キミの Vanilla“ナンテ気取りすぎ”そんなcoolな君はplastic热い眼差しにはecologist その燃えるくちづけがもどかしい歪んでいく君の颜がah 仆がボクでいられマスように爱してもいいかい? 揺れる夜にあるがママでいいよ もっと 速く苦しいくらいに 濡れた唇が 言叶なんてもう君と 仆 not Burning loveah いくつ朝を迎えれば ah 夜は终わるのだろうかah 空に散りばめられた ah 白い花に囲まれていく爱してもいいかい? 揺れる夜にあるがママでいいよ“I"ve seen a tail.”悔しいくらいに キミにハマってるのにA crew sees cring knees,I wanna need. Not betray!!爱してもいいかい? 揺れる夜にあるがママでいいよ もっと 君を狂おしいくらいに惯れた腰つきが 溶け合うほどに君は ボクの 番人だedit by icq:328083006http://music.b***.com/song/54411847

老外老说vanilla 是什么意思



意思是:像香草一样的人。重点词汇:vanilla英[vu0259'nu026alu0259]释义:n.香子兰,香草adj.香草味的短语:Vanilla Sky魂离情外天;香草的天空;香草天空扩展资料:近义词:plain英[pleu026an]释义:adj.平的;简单的;朴素的;清晰的n.平原;无格式;朴实无华的东西adv.清楚地;平易地n.(Plain)人名;(英)普莱恩;(法)普兰[复数:plains;比较级:plainer或more plain;最高级:plainest或most plain]短语:Chengdu Plain川西平原





跪求这首歌中文歌词 歌名《vanilla》歌手“ハルカトユミキ”真的挺好听虽然是日本歌曲







villain是指坏人、恶棍、坏蛋,vanilla意思是说普通的、 寻常的,两个词的意思正好相反,这样南方使用坏蛋,女方使用普通人,这是个不错的有创意的情侣网名!




标有vanilla的就是香草味~ 原味的是Original 或者plain






vanilla [vu0259"nilu0259] n. 香子兰,香草adj. 香草味的


,「香草」两字所指的香草应该是"Vanilla(音译:梵尼兰)",别名"香草兰",是一种「兰科」植物。叶片厚、有蜡质。 香味主是来源是其长长的「荚果」内的种子,因为产量少,因此是一种相当昂贵的香料,市面上以「乾豆荚」的方式销售,但在大陆应该相当少见,不易取得。 所以我们一般的冰激凌,其「香草」的香,是化学合成香料,远远不是天然"Vanilla"的那种优雅清新、馀味深远的香气所能比拟。采纳哦


维妮雅·梦拉 维妮雅·梦拉(Vanilla Mola)品牌是北京连洋鞋业有限公司旗下的意大利高档时尚女鞋品牌,定位在准奢侈品市场的高端女性客户群,目标消费群的高贵成熟女性。“时尚、优雅、品质、成熟”是维妮雅·梦拉品牌和产品的精炼概述。梦拉旗下的所有系列产品均选用欧洲优质皮革材料,秉承意大利一贯精雕细琢的优良工艺,将优美、纯粹、高雅而女性化的鞋履精品奉献给追求时尚个性的成熟女性。


vanilla  中文名称:香草   拉丁文: Vanilla planifolia   植物描述: 喇叭状的黄花能结出剑鞘般的绿色果实,繁复的曝晒腌渍手续后,香草豆才会呈现咖啡色外皮   植物属性: 兰香科草属   重要产地: 马达加斯加   精油萃取部位:果实香草豆(溶剂)   药学属性:强力抗焦虑,催情,促进循环;解肝毒,软化动脉血管;健胃,补肾,利尿,利胆   适用症候:所含儿茶素(cathechin)可防蛀牙;催情,祛胀气,激励;抗痉挛,通经   心理处方:卸下冷漠的面具,心满意足   使用禁忌:过量可能引起皮肤炎、头痛、失眠   专辑中文名: Vanilla    歌手: Leah Dizon   版本: 单曲(初回限定版)   发行时间: 2008年06月25日   地区: 日本   语言: 日语   简介:   唱片公司:Victor Entertainment   专辑介绍:   Leah Dizon的2008年第二弹单曲,找来了知名音乐人知野芳彦担任监制,他会与ha-j联手为Leah打造「Vanilla」。「Vanilla 」描写简单纯洁的爱,是一首散发R&B味道的舞曲,而「LOVE SWEET CANDY」则是一首中板reggae乐曲,旋律如波浪般充满动 感,表现出Leah可爱的一面。   专辑曲目:   01. Vanilla   02. LOVE SWEET CANDY   03. Vanilla (instrumental)   04. LOVE SWEET CANDY (instrumental) 开放分类: 音乐专辑,精油 香草 “vanilla”相关词条: 什么是相关词条 我来完善 “vanilla”在英汉词典中的解释(来源:百度词典): vanillaKK: []DJ: [] n. 1. 【植】香子兰;香草[C] 2. 香子兰浸液;香草精[U] a. 1. 香草的;香草味的 2. 平凡的;普通的;乏味的




任何英文字都可以做名.vanilla都算系名 不过冇乜人用. vanilla=香草/香精 甜可以做雪糕 vanilla可以译做云尼拿 英文嘅同音字就改少少串法:v变f ll变l都得. 参考: 我 英汉字典 其实...英文名就任你喜欢 如果你想问算唔算呢... 我就揾过D英文名既网就冇Vanilla 不过Vanilla呢个读音都几好听 做英文名都唔错 同埋有一队女子乐队叫Vanilla Ninja Vanilla既解释系 n. 1. 【植】香子兰;香草[C] 2. 香子兰浸液;香草精[U] a. 1. 香草的;香草味的 He loves vanilla ice-cream. 他喜欢香草冰淇淋。 2. 平凡的;普通的;乏味的 对唔住~帮唔倒你~><" 但系希望你可以揾倒一个好听既英文名啦~^^ Vanilla算系一个英文名 意思系:清新的女孩,香草。 同音字我就揾唔到 希望可以帮到你! 参考: 自己


"Vanilla"是一个英语单词,可以用作名词、形容词或动词。它的基本意思是"香草",但在日常口语和文学中,"vanilla"还可以用来表示某种东西或人非常平凡、普通、缺乏特色或创意。以下是"vanilla"的一些常见用法:作为名词时,"vanilla"表示香草,通常用来描述食品、香水等的味道或气味,例如:I love the smell of vanilla in the morning.(我喜欢早晨的香草味道。)This ice cream has a rich vanilla flavor.(这款冰激凌有浓郁的香草味道。)作为形容词时,"vanilla"表示平凡、普通或缺乏特色的,通常用来形容人、物或想法,例如:His speech was so vanilla that I fell asleep.(他的演讲非常乏味,我都睡着了。)The hotel room was nicely decorated, but a bit too vanilla for my taste.(酒店客房布置得很漂亮,但对我来说有点过于平凡。)作为动词时,"vanilla"表示给某物添加香草味,例如:The chef decided to vanilla the cream for the dessert.(厨师决定给甜点奶油加上香草味。)需要注意的是,"vanilla"的贬义用法可能会让某些人感到不悦或冒犯,因此在使用时需要注意语境和情境。


词典结果:vanilla[英][vu0259u02c8nu026alu0259][美][vu0259u02c8nu026alu0259]n.香子兰,香草; 香子兰荚; 香子兰精,香草精; adj.香草的; 香草味的; 相对没有新意的,普通的; 复数:vanillas例句:1.Lightly beat together the eggs and vanilla and stir them into the dough. 轻轻把鸡蛋和香草精混到一起,然后揉到面里。2.Add a couple drops of vanilla extract for a light and natural scent. 然后加入两滴香草精,这样可以增添一点自然清新的香味。

willy-nilly 一词的由来

willy-nilly 其实是 will I, nill I 的缩写。Nil 是古英语,即不愿意,Will I, nill I 就是 I am willing, I am not willing 原来的意思是 我愿意、我不愿意,表示迟疑不决。a willy-nilly person 就是一个优柔寡断的人 ,经过多年变化,这个副词被加上了这些意思:不管三七二十一无奈地拖延的无计划的。满意请及时采纳,谢。

Barry Manilow的《Mandy》 歌词

歌曲名:Mandy歌手:Barry Manilow专辑:Forever Friends "Just For You"MandyWritten by Barry ManilowPerformed by Barry ManilowI remember all my liferaining down as cold as ice.Shadows of a mana face through a window cryin" in the nightthe night goes intoMorning just another dayhappy people pass my wayLooking in their eyesI see a memory I never realizedhow happy you made me.Oh Mandy wellyou came and you gave without takingbut I sent you away.Oh Mandywell you kissed me and stopped me from shakingand I need you today. Oh Mandy!I"m standing on the edge of timeI"ve walked away when love was mine.Caught up in a world of uphill climbingthe tears are in my mindand nothin" in rhyming.Oh Mandy wellyou came and you gave without takingbut I sent you away.Oh Mandy wellyou kissed me and stopped me from shakingand I need you today. Oh Mandy!Yestoday"s a dream I face the MolinCry"in our breathThe pay"s callin"Oh Mandy wellyou came and you gave without takingbut I sent you away.Oh Mandy wellyou kissed me and stopped me from shakingand I need you today. Oh Mandy!you came and you gave without takingbut I sent you away.Oh Mandyyou kissed me and stopped me from shakingand I need you

Barry Manilow的《Mandy》 歌词

歌曲名:Mandy歌手:Barry Manilow专辑:The Essential Barry ManilowMandyWritten by Barry ManilowPerformed by Barry ManilowI remember all my liferaining down as cold as ice.Shadows of a mana face through a window cryin" in the nightthe night goes intoMorning just another dayhappy people pass my wayLooking in their eyesI see a memory I never realizedhow happy you made me.Oh Mandy wellyou came and you gave without takingbut I sent you away.Oh Mandywell you kissed me and stopped me from shakingand I need you today. Oh Mandy!I"m standing on the edge of timeI"ve walked away when love was mine.Caught up in a world of uphill climbingthe tears are in my mindand nothin" in rhyming.Oh Mandy wellyou came and you gave without takingbut I sent you away.Oh Mandy wellyou kissed me and stopped me from shakingand I need you today. Oh Mandy!Yestoday"s a dream I face the MolinCry"in our breathThe pay"s callin"Oh Mandy wellyou came and you gave without takingbut I sent you away.Oh Mandy wellyou kissed me and stopped me from shakingand I need you today. Oh Mandy!you came and you gave without takingbut I sent you away.Oh Mandyyou kissed me and stopped me from shakingand I need you

Barry Manilow的《Mandy》 歌词

歌曲名:Mandy歌手:Barry Manilow专辑:Always & ForeverMandyWritten by Barry ManilowPerformed by Barry ManilowI remember all my liferaining down as cold as ice.Shadows of a mana face through a window cryin" in the nightthe night goes intoMorning just another dayhappy people pass my wayLooking in their eyesI see a memory I never realizedhow happy you made me.Oh Mandy wellyou came and you gave without takingbut I sent you away.Oh Mandywell you kissed me and stopped me from shakingand I need you today. Oh Mandy!I"m standing on the edge of timeI"ve walked away when love was mine.Caught up in a world of uphill climbingthe tears are in my mindand nothin" in rhyming.Oh Mandy wellyou came and you gave without takingbut I sent you away.Oh Mandy wellyou kissed me and stopped me from shakingand I need you today. Oh Mandy!Yestoday"s a dream I face the MolinCry"in our breathThe pay"s callin"Oh Mandy wellyou came and you gave without takingbut I sent you away.Oh Mandy wellyou kissed me and stopped me from shakingand I need you today. Oh Mandy!you came and you gave without takingbut I sent you away.Oh Mandyyou kissed me and stopped me from shakingand I need you

Barry Manilow的《Mandy》 歌词

歌曲名:Mandy歌手:Barry Manilow专辑:Burning Hearts: Best Sad Songs for Your SoulMandyWritten by Barry ManilowPerformed by Barry ManilowI remember all my liferaining down as cold as ice.Shadows of a mana face through a window cryin" in the nightthe night goes intoMorning just another dayhappy people pass my wayLooking in their eyesI see a memory I never realizedhow happy you made me.Oh Mandy wellyou came and you gave without takingbut I sent you away.Oh Mandywell you kissed me and stopped me from shakingand I need you today. Oh Mandy!I"m standing on the edge of timeI"ve walked away when love was mine.Caught up in a world of uphill climbingthe tears are in my mindand nothin" in rhyming.Oh Mandy wellyou came and you gave without takingbut I sent you away.Oh Mandy wellyou kissed me and stopped me from shakingand I need you today. Oh Mandy!Yestoday"s a dream I face the MolinCry"in our breathThe pay"s callin"Oh Mandy wellyou came and you gave without takingbut I sent you away.Oh Mandy wellyou kissed me and stopped me from shakingand I need you today. Oh Mandy!you came and you gave without takingbut I sent you away.Oh Mandyyou kissed me and stopped me from shakingand I need you

小时代四nile说的我再也快乐不起来……就像爱人一样 英文完整的句子是什么

I"m not happy anymore,but I always miss you daring 我再也开心不起来了,但我会永远想念你,像爱人一样爱着你

求VANILLA-H第42套 Hime Ayase 绫瀬ひめ的套图可用大量其他套图换~

到网上搜 cartoon tube 选择第一个 那里有很多动漫 二维 三维的都有 就是不知道有没有你找的 漫画的话有 网上搜E HENTAI 然后选择第一个 在里面输入你要的动漫的名字用英语 或用主角的名字 用罗马音 日语都行 中文的话后面加个Chinese

Vanilla Ninja的《Liar》 歌词

歌曲名:Liar歌手:Vanilla Ninja专辑:Traces of Sadness [Pony Canyon/Bros]Vanilla Ninja - LiarAlbum: Traces Of SadnessWe found a place to beSo far from despondencyBut you found a thousand waysTo shadow up my face-Your kisses turned from hot to cold-And I felt like a centerfold-Cheap "n" nasty with dirty men-Lookin" for love-That they never will getSitting in the dark just feeling lowI"m ruined to the heart - I"m on the roadTo nowhere - to nowhereIf you wanna lie to me againThere is a rotten place they call the endJust go there - and stay thereLiar (Oh oh oh oh-oh oh oh oh-oh oh oh oh-oh oh oh oh)You took a quick escapeBut left your lies in perfect shapeAs long as my memories liveI never will forgive you-So if we meet somewhere tonight-You"d better be set to fight-In the darkness of missing stars-You won"t see me-But you"ll feel me inside-The winds of change blow through my soul-And the warlords try to take control-I will never rely on you-And the pain will hit you-Shame on youLiar<END>

lotion corps a la vanille vanilla body lotion这是什么牌子的护肤品 是身体乳吗


关于JAVA DOM 导出XML的问题,什么情况下会有 xsi:nil="true"

那个是bank_code 的属性;

经典斯堪的纳维亚风格—丹麦Pernille Vest作品(组图)

细致的深色调与经典斯堪的纳维亚白色,传统与现代总能被欧洲人如此随意的完美结合。来自丹麦设计师Pernille Vest的一组当代室内设计。 Pernille Vest —— 经典斯堪的纳维亚风格(图一) Pernille Vest —— 经典斯堪的纳维亚风格(图二) Pernille Vest —— 经典斯堪的纳维亚风格(图三) Pernille Vest —— 经典斯堪的纳维亚风格(图四) Pernille Vest —— 经典斯堪的纳维亚风格(图五) Pernille Vest —— 经典斯堪的纳维亚风格(图六) Pernille Vest —— 经典斯堪的纳维亚风格(图七) Pernille Vest —— 经典斯堪的纳维亚风格(图八) Pernille Vest —— 经典斯堪的纳维亚风格(图九) Pernille Vest —— 经典斯堪的纳维亚风格(图十) Pernille Vest —— 经典斯堪的纳维亚风格(图十一) Pernille Vest —— 经典斯堪的纳维亚风格(图十二) Pernille Vest —— 经典斯堪的纳维亚风格(图十三) Pernille Vest —— 经典斯堪的纳维亚风格(图十一) Pernille Vest —— 经典斯堪的纳维亚风格(图十二) Pernille Vest —— 经典斯堪的纳维亚风格(图十三)


什么是Mini-LED?Mini LED是采用更精密器件及新的封装方式实现0.2-0.9毫米像素... 联建光电Mini LED显示屏的LED灯管采用四合一阵

《vanilla twilight 》的中文翻译歌词

The stars lean down to kiss you 繁星弯下腰来亲吻你And I lie awake and miss you 而我无法入睡不断想你Pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere 给我一剂大气的药量"Cause I"ll doze off safe and soundly 这样我才能安睡But I"ll miss your arms around me 但我依然还念你双臂环绕我的感觉I"d send a postcard to you dear 亲爱的,我会寄张明信片给你"Cause I wish you were here 因为我希望此刻你在我身边I"ll watch the night turn light blue 我会看着天空慢慢过渡到浅蓝But it"s not the same without you 没有你在身边,一切都暗淡无光Because it takes two to whisper quietly 因为需要两个人才能低声细语The silence isn"t so bad 寂静并没有那么糟Till I look at my hands and feel sad 知道我低下头看着我的手才感觉难过起来"Cause the spaces between my fingers Are right where yours fit perfectly 因为手指间的空隙只有你的手才能完美填补I"ll find repose in new ways 我会再换个新姿势Though I haven"t slept in two days 尽管已经两日无眠"Cause cold nostalgia chills me to the bone 因为真四年刺骨寒冷But drenched in vanilla twilight 但在香草幕光的笼罩下I"ll sit on the front porch all night 我愿意一整晚都坐在门厅前Waist-deep in thought because when I think of you 沉浸在如齐腰般的思念中I don"t feel so alone 当我想起你时,我并不孤单I don"t feel so alone 我不会觉得孤单……I don"t feel so alone 我不会觉得孤单……As many times as I blink 每一次我眨眼睛I"ll think of you tonight 今晚我就会多想念你一次I"ll think of you tonight When violet eyes get brighter 当紫罗兰色的眼睛变的明亮时And heavy wings grow lighter 当沉重的羽翼变得轻盈时I"ll taste the sky and feel alive again 我会尝一尝天空的味道,感觉好像又活过来了And I"ll forget the world that I knew 然后我会忘记我所熟知的世界But I swear I won"t forget you 但我发誓我绝不会忘记你Oh, if my voice could reach back through the past 噢,如果你的声音可以穿越过去I"ll whisper in your ear 我会在你耳边轻轻的说Oh,darling.I wish you were here 亲爱的,多希望你在这

vanilla twilight 中文歌词

The stars lean down to kiss you 繁星弯下腰来亲吻你And I lie awake and miss you 而我无法入睡不断想你Pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere 给我一剂大气的药量"Cause I"ll doze off safe and soundly 这样我才能安睡But I"ll miss your arms around me 但我依然还念你双臂环绕我的感觉I"d send a postcard to you dear 亲爱的,我会寄张明信片给你"Cause I wish you were here 因为我希望此刻你在我身边I"ll watch the night turn light blue 我会看着天空慢慢过渡到浅蓝But it"s not the same without you 没有你在身边,一切都暗淡无光Because it takes two to whisper quietly 因为需要两个人才能低声细语The silence isn"t so bad 寂静并没有那么糟Till I look at my hands and feel sad 知道我低下头看着我的手才感觉难过起来"Cause the spaces between my fingers Are right where yours fit perfectly 因为手指间的空隙只有你的手才能完美填补I"ll find repose in new ways 我会再换个新姿势Though I haven"t slept in two days 尽管已经两日无眠"Cause cold nostalgia chills me to the bone 因为真四年刺骨寒冷But drenched in vanilla twilight 但在香草幕光的笼罩下I"ll sit on the front porch all night 我愿意一整晚都坐在门厅前Waist-deep in thought because when I think of you 沉浸在如齐腰般的思念中I don"t feel so alone 当我想起你时,我并不孤单I don"t feel so alone 我不会觉得孤单……I don"t feel so alone 我不会觉得孤单……As many times as I blink 每一次我眨眼睛I"ll think of you tonight 今晚我就会多想念你一次I"ll think of you tonight When violet eyes get brighter 当紫罗兰色的眼睛变的明亮时And heavy wings grow lighter 当沉重的羽翼变得轻盈时I"ll taste the sky and feel alive again 我会尝一尝天空的味道,感觉好像又活过来了And I"ll forget the world that I knew 然后我会忘记我所熟知的世界But I swear I won"t forget you 但我发誓我绝不会忘记你Oh, if my voice could reach back through the past 噢,如果你的声音可以穿越过去I"ll whisper in your ear 我会在你耳边轻轻的说Oh,darling.I wish you were here 亲爱的,多希望你在这






Mini LED和OLED的区别是原理不同、亮度不同、对比度不同、响应时间不同、刷新率不同。1、原理不同Mini LED和OLED在显示原理上,有着本质的区别。Mini LED仍然是基于LCD的显示技术,需要配备LED背光模组。而OLED具有像素自发光的特性,不需要背光灯。2、亮度不同绝大部分Mini LED显示器都能拥有超过500cd/㎡的亮度,部分高端机型的峰值亮度甚至能突破1000cd/㎡。这是由于Mini LED背光体积小,在相同尺寸显示器中能装入更多的背光灯,亮度自然也就大幅提升。OLED的亮度相对而言就要低很多,主流级OLED显示器的亮度大多在250cd/㎡以内,这其中主要原因是OLED显示器采用的发光材料发光效率不高,并且为了避免“烧屏”,亮度会有所限制。尽管OLED显示器亮度没有Mini LED显示器高,但是作为日常使用也已经够用。3、对比度不同多款Mini LED显示器的实测数据来看,大部分都只有1000∶1的对比度,数据与以往的W-LED显示器并没有提升,甚至不及VA面板的显示器。而OLED显示器在全开全关下的对比度甚至能接近无穷大,这是因为OLED显示器在亮度最低的时候,背光灯的亮度接近关闭状态,对比度自然更高。4、响应时间不同Mini LED显示器中有很多采用的IPS面板,其响应时间在1ms,有的甚至能达到0.5ms。这样的数据已经完全赶上了已经被淘汰的TN面板。OLED显示器的响应时间更加抢眼,能达到0.1ms。如此快的响应时间,让OLED更适合应用电竞显示器中。5、刷新率不同主流级Mini LED显示器刷新率都能达到4K@144Hz或2K@165Hz及以上。OLED目前虽然都能达到4K分辨率,但是刷新率普遍不高,目前在售的主要以4K@120Hz和4K@138Hz为主,个别旗舰机型能达到4K@175Hz。


1、原理不同OLED:OLED具有像素自发光的特性,不需要背光灯,Mini LED:Mini LED是基于LCD的显示技术,需要配备LED背光模组。2、特点不同OLED:由于OLED的自发光特性,屏幕背后的每一个像素都可以单独控制,所以亮度、对比度方面表现出色,此前被很多厂商所看好。Mini LED:Mini LED作为一种全新的背光技术,其采用了单位更小的二极管光源,这就意味着在相同面积上会出现更多的调光区域。3、适用范围不同MiniLED是将原来LCD的一整块背光层,换成大量的独立微型LED元件,因此MiniLED适用于各种屏幕。OLED采用的是自发光技术,不能长时间工作,适合于小屏设备。


1、原理不同OLED:OLED具有像素自发光的特性,不需要背光灯,Mini LED:Mini LED是基于LCD的显示技术,需要配备LED背光模组。2、特点不同OLED:由于OLED的自发光特性,屏幕背后的每一个像素都可以单独控制,所以亮度、对比度方面表现出色,此前被很多厂商所看好。Mini LED:Mini LED作为一种全新的背光技术,其采用了单位更小的二极管光源,这就意味着在相同面积上会出现更多的调光区域。3、适用范围不同MiniLED是将原来LCD的一整块背光层,换成大量的独立微型LED元件,因此MiniLED适用于各种屏幕。OLED采用的是自发光技术,不能长时间工作,适合于小屏设备。




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你要问的是不是 mainly ["meinli] adv.1. 主要地,大部分地,大体上,基本上2. [废语]大大地,丰富地,强烈地,非常或者是你打错了 没有 manily这个单词希望对你有帮助 如有疑问 请在线交谈 祝你天天开心 心想事成 O(∩_∩)O ...



stay是nick写给miley的吗 以及Niley的种种问题




funnily enough怎么读

funnily[英][u02c8fu028cnu0259li][美][u02c8fu028cnu026alu026a]adv.有趣地,滑稽地enough[英][u026au02c8nu028cf][美][u026au02c8nu028cf]adv.足够地,充足地; 十分地funnily enough有趣的是例句:Funnily enough whenever I ask the question “ but are those plans ever right?”可笑的是,无论我什么时候问,“那些计划可曾正确过吗?”I have always given, but funnily enough, I gave out of fear.我总是布施,不过滑稽的是,我是出于恐惧而布施。

如何评价落日飞车新Ep《VANILLA VILLA》(香草度假村)?

这是很轻的一张Ep。这个乐队没有强迫症,它不想把此刻的情绪挖得彻底,而只是想要把某种很妙的感觉,传达得到位。那么这张Ep,自然将轻飘飘的这种感觉,传达得妙不可言。序曲Welcome To是纯音乐,在一张仅有三支乐曲的迷你专辑里,安放一支序曲是很特别的。听起来,用我自己的语言来形容,就像在薄雾笼罩的梦幻雨林里不断上浮,脑海里被热带鲜果的气息充斥,不需要考虑接下来要去做什么。这里没有音浪与汽笛声,无论时间过去多久,这个人世外的角落都一直如此。而Vanilla,她跟Jinji Kiko一样都是很美的女孩,白得透亮,涂红色的指甲,那种红色比车厘子和勃艮第都要好看。谁也不知道不知道她从到底哪里来,只知道她从哪儿又到了哪儿。如果说金桔希子是横跨过去,现在,未来的迷人女性角色,毫无或许金桔希子有点失真,而Vanilla则是来自过去,她用自己缔造了一场让人难以忘记的梦境,真实的梦境。Villa是全专中我最喜欢的,明明这张ep已经很自由,不受限制了,但在我看来这段音乐是全专中最不受限制自由发挥的。在我脑海中海岛度假村和夏天的感觉被描绘得妙极。温柔自然又随性。落日飞车的音乐很有画面感,也很有想像空间,让人进入温暖而怀旧的世界,也是台湾乐团少有的声音样貌。团队成员每个人都有自己的风格和样子,喜欢的音乐也不尽相同,但他们用这个乐团塑造了一种迷幻且迷人的音乐。


minilauncher.exe是挑战游戏内存程序。使用挑战刷钱挂机外挂。1:使用注册帐号登陆软件,选择您在挑战游戏里角色的游戏区服。2:登陆软件,全屏模式下请使用F12呼出挑战刷钱挂机外挂程序,F11隐藏。3:做好相应设置,即可使用手动、挂机及修改金钱/物品数量等功能。VIP功能模块设置说明:鉴于VIP功能的特殊性和对游戏世界平衡的破坏性,为了更好的维护VIP会员利益和维持游戏可持续健康发展,此功能模块暂只对VIP会员开放。望广大会员给予理解和支持。1:首先锁定当前挑战游戏内存程序minilauncher.exe,如果名称改变请自行重新自行锁定。2:参数设置 SENT/RECV参数设置:发送和接受数据包延迟时间设置,后台程序自动拦截到远程数据包时,解数据包/对比分析不同地址/寻找目标地址/修改目标地址/重新封装数据包/重新下载or上传数据包的过程时,所设定的时间。一般机器配置好,网络环境好的用户可以选择50-200毫秒,更大的提高修改物品成功机率。拦截远程数据包线程设置:选择使用多少寻轨数据流远程拦截数据包,一般机器配置好,网络环境好的用户可以选择5-8线程。ASCⅡ及HEX:选择分析数据时使用的代码模式,一般机器配置好,网络环境好的用户可以选择ASCⅡ,反之则选择HEX。数据流被跟踪则自动断线:当寻轨数据流程序被任何其他程序跟踪,监听,系统分析判定后则自动断线8秒,有效的防止GM。自动更新滤镜:每隔6小时,软件客户端自动访问极风数据库查询是否有更新滤镜文件,并自动下载保存在本地FLT文件夹内。因为游戏运营服务端的物品代码等数据是不定时更新的,而部分VIP用户未选择,导致滤镜程序过期而修改物品/金钱失败,所以我们建议初级用户一定选择此项。软件默认是选择模式,请不要轻易更改!3:修改数据模式:Normal一般模式如果你所修改的数据在数据包中的位置是固定的,可以用一般模式,这也是我们常用的模式。Advanced递进模式如果你所修改的数据在数据包中的位置不是固定的,只能用递进模式,以下两项只有选择了Advanced模式后才可以选择 Form thebeginning of the packet 从截获到的封包的第一个位置开始替换Form the position of the chain found 从数值被发现的位置开始替换连续数值。注意:修改金钱选择Normal模式,修改其他物品在未知具体参数情况下,首先选择Advanced模式,修改不成功再选择Normal模式。4:导入过滤器:选择安装文件夹内的FLT文件夹,点“刷新内存数据”,则自动将滤镜文件导入程序。5:修改物品/金钱模式:如果修改金钱数量,请先输入当前身上的金钱数,然后点“封包寻址”,此时自动查找内存中和金钱数目相同的变量,可能会查出很多,再把身上的金钱数量改变一次(卖NPC物品/买NPC物品/和其他玩家交易等等方式皆可),再点“封包寻址”此时自动在上一次找出的变量中寻找改变成当前数值的变量,找到后会弹出“已找到当前属性变量”对话框,如未弹出上述对话框,请循环重复上述操作步骤,直至找出。如果玩家机器硬较差,那么进行海量搜梭筛选会导致当前系统运行缓慢,等耐心等候十几秒种即可,软件自动搜梭完毕后自动释放内存,绝不会导致当机情况。寻找完毕后,请在“目标数量”输入想改变到的钱数,比如想把身上目前的钱变成60000,则输入60000,点“发送封包”即可完成修改过程。注意:单次修改钱的上限是200000000,大于此值则发生溢出内存事件,游戏自动关闭而且容易导致封/删角色、帐号处理。? 如果修改物品数量,原理同修改金钱相似,可自行试验,不再累述。注意修改物品时,身上有相应大小的空间!否则发生溢出内存事件。因为存在SANT/RECV延迟事件(也是根本无法避免的),故重新上传伪造数据包有一定的失败机率,无论成功或失败情况均不影响服务器玩家LOG档案数据,故不会发生导致被GM及其他工作人员发现的事情,请放心使用!修改成功率视网络速度和机器配置而定。建议拨号玩家去网吧或网速快的机器上登陆本软件,使用修改物品/金钱功能。(附:极风工作室在电信1M带宽/XP系统/P4 1.8G/128M内存/845PE主扳的环境下进行300次模拟实验,修改金钱成功率大约39.71%,修改物品成功率大约为22.58%)注册:

Nilsson的《Waiting》 歌词

歌曲名:Waiting歌手:Nilsson专辑:Harry / Nilsson Sings NewmanNe-Yo - Waiting(Mm,Mm)(Mm,Mm)Six o"clockSeconds feel like hoursAs I sit hereAnd watch them tick awayAnd just the thoughtOf seeing you againI wanna danceI"ve longed for this day(Mm)So I"ll be waitingCuz I can"t smileUntil I see your smileI"ll be waitingThere"s nothing else thatI would rather doI"ll be waitingCuz I can"t sleepUntil I feel your touchI"ll be waitingPatiently I"ll wait right here for you(Mm) waiting for you (yeah)Twelve a.m,Crowd is getting thinBut that"s okayCuz I"m not here for them, noI refuse,To move from this spotUntil I feel your heartPressed against mine again(Oh baby)So I"ll be waitingCuz I can"t smileUntil I see your smileI"ll be waitingThere"s nothing else thatI would rather doI"ll be waitingCuz I can"t sleepUntil I feel your touchI"ll be waitingPatiently I"ll wait right here for youI don"t care how long it takesI don"t mind, I"ll sit and waitTill the sun goes downAnd comes back up againCuz you"re the best thing in my lifeWithout you it just ain"t rightSo take as long as you likeI"ll still be waitingSo I"ll be waiting (waiting)Cuz I can"t smileUntil I see your smileI"ll be waiting (waiting)There"s nothing else thatI would rather doI"ll be waiting (waiting)Cuz I can"t sleepUntil I feel your touchI"ll be waiting (waiting)Patiently I"ll wait right here for youI"ll be waiting (waiting ooh)I"ll be waiting (waiting ooh)I"ll be waiting (waiting ooh)I"ll be waiting (waiting ooh)End

Barry Manilow的《Let Me Go》 歌词

歌曲名:Let Me Go歌手:Barry Manilow专辑:Live (Legacy Edition)Cristal Q - Let Me GoOhh, ohh, ohh yeahNo callin after 10No hustlin my friendsNo askin Cristal where she beenNo showin up at my houseNo you ain"t been aroundNo callin, no stalkin, no conversationsAnd that"s how it should beCause if it"s over, then it"s overHe should let me goSo why still in my dreamsYou should leave me aloneBoy, you have a hold of my mindYou should let it goWait a minute, babyI"m not the only one holdingI wanna call youWish you would fall throughKnock on the doorSay you love me, you miss meAnd to admit thatWish we could get backThought I would be throughBut the truth isI"m, I"m hung up on youCause everytime the telephone ringsI pick up, hopin it"s your call (your call)Everytime I turn on the radioThat damn radio, it"s playing our songWhy can"t I get over youI dunno what to doIf you"re gone then why won"t you just let me goLet me go, let me goI don"t understandThis wasn"t in the plansClean cut, break upNo regrets, no second thoughtsI said I wanted out, you said you wanted outYou said you wanted to do your own thingSo what am I trippin boutLook in the mirrorI"m sure that I"ve had enoughMy friends say go and have your funDon"t be in loveWhen you got a broken heartHaving fun is toughAnd if it wasn"t enoughStill wanna call youI wanna call youWish you would fall throughKnock on the doorSay you love me, you miss meAnd to admit thatWish we could get backThought I would be throughBut the truth isI"m, I"m hung up on youCause everytime the telephone ringsI pick up, hopin it"s your call (your call)Everytime I turn on the radioThat damn radio, it"s playing our songWhy can"t I get over youI dunno what to doIf you"re gone then why won"t you just let me goLet me go, let me goI never thought it would"ve happenedNot in my wildest dreams would I have imaginedOhh nooI"m been in such a mess, I"m stressedYes, I"m having, having trouble letting you goHaving trouble letting you goI never thought it would"ve happenedNot in my wildest dreams would I have imaginedI"m been in such a mess, I"m stressedYes, I"m having, having trouble letting you goCause everytime the telephone ringsI pick up, hopin it"s your call (your call)Everytime I turn on the radioThat damn radio, it"s playing our songWhy can"t I get over youI dunno what to doIf you"re gone then why won"t you just let me goLet me go, let me goCause everytime the telephone ringsI pick up, hopin it"s your call (your call)Everytime I turn on the radioThat damn radio, it"s playing our songWhy can"t I get over youI dunno what to doIf you"re gone then why won"t you just let me goLet me go, let me goI never thought it would"ve happenedI never thought that would be meI never thought it would"ve happenedI never thought that would be meI never thought it would"ve happenedI never thought

Juvenile的《g-code》 歌词

歌曲名:g-code歌手:Juvenile专辑:tha g-codeI ain"t terrified from nuthin"I"m young wild crazy and disgustin"Better watch me cuz I"m comingWith a oven by my stomachI"m scramblin" for the moneyTape ya up like a mummyCall ya people and tell "emI need 50 for this dummyI"m runnin" hidin" and duckin"Stuntin" ridin" and thugginDumpin" fire and bustin"Lovin, lyin" and lustin"Stealin" killin" and rapinRunnin" climbin and chasinStrugglin hustin" to makeGet it got it I take itWatch ya Chevy misterMove ya purse missCuz I tote heavy pistolsAnd man they burst quickIt"s too late to hesitateI was told there"d be better daysBut shit that was yesterdayJuvenileAnd still I haven"t ateBut dog that"s how ya labor when ya bein" a thugThese niggas don"t seem to feel me till they seein" they bloodCan"t hide it thoughI represent the 17th Carrollton HollygroveThat"s my G-code:]Now put ya box in the mudGet ya glocks in ya glovesRide drops on dubsWe gon" live by thatMake the snitches catch a cutSoldier pistol nigga whatHit the block and open upWe gon" die by thatWe raised up lookin" at trees and brick wallsForeign properties and pack some menthalsGot us a fire connect and went offGot jammed with this broad that rent carsWasn"t tryin" to change the game, just be in itDidn"t give a fuck if we balled for 3 minutesSnatch all the hoes and "bauds and ree" tennisNiggas can"t survive the shit that we been inThe ones that refuse we put "em to sleep in itGot up in the mornin" for class and play hookieSome of us is veteran some of "em stay rookieBitch couldn"t talk to us if she wasn"t fuckin"Ya either be bout it or look and keep truckinPolice drew causes and tried to cross linesWe stuck to the code we lived and died by itIf war ever came we held the fort downBack, slowed up, we switched and sold poundStayed on point to make some more greenGet our stash away from dope fiendsNigga had a habit he supplied his ownAlways stay hot cuz we ride with chromeWe kept a little work for the ki"s and bonesCrowds draw heat so we be"s aloneWe learned how to keep our mouth closed and watchThem other motherfuckers fall off the block24/7 all around the clockWe hustlin of course in the gamblin spotWe had a chance to stop, we still wasn"t readyShit kept comin" so we made more fettiPolice drew causes and tried to cross linesWe stuck to the code we lived and died by it




nilemar能组成单词mineral。n. 矿物; 矿物质; 汽水。例句:Mineral oils are used to lubricate machinery.矿物油被用来润滑机器。

niliria gd版音译歌词

【GD - Niliria(Feat. Missy Elliott)】Gdragon feature missy rappin and im snappin and I get crackin when I"m in the booth I"m blackin Yall just yappin yall just yappin We just laughing I got hits hits hits like a tennis racket Big bang clap it In another bracketRacks on rack it If the track is hot then missy smash it Party crash tragic Buss it like a prophylactic Tactics man this aint no practice Copycats u swagger jacking Who am iz Missy elliott E to the L to the I to the O two tt"s That"s effortless Supadupa fly aint that a b And my style be fresh like a peppermint On top I make em drop Gdragon this s is hot Don"t stop I make em bop Up in the club this how we rock Turn it up now let it rock Now til the clock Go tic tock Speakers loud until they pop Let it drop like wop wop wop wop wop wop drop it like wop wop wop wop wop wop drop it like wop wop wop wop wop wop drop it like wop wop wop wop Huh 恰浪丝老 汗古秒秒 带木奈 难古汗素 哈普 锡膏噶嫩 管囧One king one crown 奈 为怕来 他图赛漏问 系带也 吗 强qur welcome to my 王古I"m the ill what"s it gonna be 奈大 哈秒hit 奥料及 按起 恰特 为 jur 赛无嫩 yir奈该 看但 missy 哇那 特老bua那You don"t want none what what what what Get your freak on baby get your cray on baby 一高 来不漏 哈嫩 酷节叫 为giao baby怕系怕料 怕落 系怕里赛大 pua都 莫 卡叫都那波大 吗嫩 par加What what what what what what drop it like What what what what what what drop it like What what what what what what drop it like What what what what what what drop it likeNiliria Niliria奈噶 头拉干大drop it likeNiliria Niliria耐噶 头拉干大drop it like Niliria Niliria耐噶 头拉干大要加的len 他freaky freaky 嗨 外怕漏 要gi missy missy 带木奈 yeah难加的len 他jiggy jiggy 嗨 外怕漏 要gi gd gd 带木奈 yeah要加的len 他freaky freaky 嗨 外怕漏 要gi missy missy 带木奈 yeah难加的len 他jiggy jiggy 嗨 外怕漏 要gi gd gd 带木奈 yeah

求权志龙《nilira》的中文歌词。谢谢! 好象是这个。你看看

求 权志龙 Nilira 中文音译歌词,一句一句分开的那种

Niliria:中韩歌词韩:uc790ub791uc2a4ub7f0ud55cuad6d uba87uba87 ub54cubb38uc5d0ub09cuad6d ud55cuc228 ud558ud488uc2dduc5b4uac00ub294 uad00uc911中:我是韩国那个骄傲的谁谁也是见不得次品的观众之一韩:One king one crown ub0b4uc67cud314uc5d0ud0c0ud22cuc0c8ub85cuc2dcub300uc758ub9c9ucc3ducd9cwelcome to my uc655uad6d中:One king one crown 我左臂的纹身创造出新的时代welcome to my 王国韩:Im the ill whats it gonna be ub0c8ub2e4ud558uba74hit中:Im the ill what"s it gonna be 交出hit韩:uc5b4ub835uc9c0uc54auc9c0 ucc28ud2b8uc704uc904uc138uc6b0ub294uc77cub0b4uac90uac04ub2e8missyuc640ub098ub4e4uc5b4ubd24ub098中:这难度不大chart之上 是简单的missy和我都快来看看吧You dont want none what what what whatGet your freak on baby get your cray on baby韩:uc774uac74ub7a9uc73cub85cud558ub294uad6duc81cuc801uc678uad50baby中:用rap说来就是国际性的外交呀baby韩:88ub144ub3c48uc6d418uc77cuc0ddub531ubd10ub3c4ubb58uac00uc838ub3c4ub0a8ub2e4ub978ub9ceuc740ud314uc790中:88年又8月18日生一看就知道是跟别人不一样的八字What what what what what what drop it likeWhat what what what what what drop it likeWhat what what what what what drop it likeWhat what what what what what drop it like韩:ub2b4ub9acub9acuc57cub2b4ub9acub9acuc57cub0b4uac00ub3ccuc544uac04ub2e4drop it like中:Niliria Niliria 我走啦 drop it like韩:ub2b4ub9acub9acuc57cub2b4ub9acub9acuc57cub0b4uac00ub3ccuc544uac04ub2e4drop it like中:Niliria Niliria 我走啦 drop it like韩:ub2b4ub9acub9acuc57cub2b4ub9acub9acuc57cub0b4uac00ub3ccuc544uac04ub2e4drop it like中:Niliria Niliria 我走啦 drop it like韩:ub2b4ub9acub9acuc57cub2b4ub9acub9acuc57cub0b4uac00ub3ccuc544uac04ub2e4drop it like中:Niliria Niliria 我走啦 drop it like韩:uc5ecuc790ub4e4uc740ub2e4freaky freaky ud574uc65c中:为什么女人们都 freaky freaky韩:ubc14ub85cuc5ecuae30 missy missy ub54cubb38uc5d0 yeah中:因为 missy missy 在这里 yeah韩:ub0a8uc790ub4e4uc740ub2e4 jiggy jiggy ud574uc65c中:为什么男人都 jiggy jiggy韩:ubc14ub85cuc5ecuae30 gd gd ub54cubb38uc5d0 yeah X 2中:因为 gd gd 在这里呀 yeah X 2


理论上讲,MiniLED和MicroLED代表两种不同的东西。微型LED是新一代显示技术,具有矩阵的小型化LED。简而言之,LED背光更薄,更小型化,并且LED单元小于100微米。像OLED一样,每个像素都被单独寻址并驱动发光(自发光)。迷你LED,也被称为“亚毫米发光二极管”,是由晶元光电首次提出的尺寸约为100微米的LED。迷你LED是传统LED和微型LED之间的过渡技术,是传统LED背光的改进版本。微型LED具有更简单的结构和更好的性能,但最大的问题是传质。目前的挑战是如何微型化LED,这需要晶圆级技术。例如,4K微型LED屏幕需要超过2488万个LED芯片。在制造工艺方面,与微型LED相比,微型LED具有更高的成品率。与柔性基板耦合时,MiniLED也适用于凹口设计和高度弯曲的背光。局部调光功能也有助于迷你LED产品具有更好的显色性能。对于LCD面板,MiniLED技术可实现更多类别的HDR,而MiniLED产品可以像OLED一样薄,同时还可以节省功耗mini 2440的灯led1,led2,led3,led4分别接的是 gpf5 gpf6 gpf7 gpf8;低电平点亮小灯。 主函数调用:led_display(0x66); void led_display(int data) { //active is low.(led on) // gpf8 gpf7 gpf6 gpf5 //nled_4 nled_3 nled_2 nled_1 rgpbdat = (rgpbdat & ~(0xf<<5)) | ((~data & 0xf)<<5); } 这是test自带的程序;由于没有设置b口的gpbcon,灯的显示将达不到预期的效果 修改为 void led_display(int data) { //active is low.(led on) // gpb8 gpb7 gpb6 gpb5 //nled_4 nled_3 nled_2 nled_1 rgpbcon= (rgpbcon & ~(0xf<<5)) | (0x5<<5); rgpbup = 0x7ff; // the pull up function is disabled gpb[10:0] rgpbdat = (rgpbdat & ~(0xf<<5)) | ((~data & 0xf)<<5); } 首先设置 rgpbcon使得gpb5 ,gpb6, gpb7 , gpb8 为输出。然后设置rgpbup,不适用上啦电阻。这样就可以控制灯的亮灭了。具体为输入data 二进制的低四位,即bit_1,bit_2,bit_3,bit_4分别控制led1,led2,led3,led4,为1对应的led灯亮,为0对应的led灯灭。

brown sugar vanilla和SHOWER GEL GEL POUR LA DOUCHE分别是什么意思

你好,brown sugar vanilla意思是:香草黑糖, SHOWER GEL GEL POUR LA DOUCHE意思是:泡沫沐浴露,请予以采纳,谢谢

venilla suite是什么牌子?venilla suite什么档位?

venilla suite是现在很受欢迎的一个鞋子品牌,这个牌子的鞋子设计的非常好看,款式很多样,而且都特别百搭。下面我给大家讲讲venilla suite是什么牌子?venilla suite什么档位? venilla suite品牌 相信经常逛IT的人都对venilla suite这个牌子很熟悉了,她家的鞋子一直都特别火,我们一起来了解下这个品牌吧! 范妮拉之屋 (Venilla Suite) 是香港著名品牌I.T集团旗下的自创品牌之一,专门制作鞋履系列。其鞋履最大的特色就是融合了当今全世界范围内的顶尖潮流趋势,为顾客带来存于流行尖端的鞋履款式。范妮拉之屋 (Venilla Suite) 在香港的时尚年轻人中拥有很大的人气,穿着场合范围广,不论是上班、出游还是逛街都相当适合。范妮拉之屋 (Venilla Suite) 意在通过鞋履来渐渐改变女性的生活格调,让上班的心情不再沉闷,让出游的过程变得更丰富多彩,让逛街不再成为脚的负担,而是在体验舒适感的同时又时髦美观。自推出以来,品牌已经和香港创作男歌手Pakho Chau (周柏豪)和香港著名女艺人Niki Chow (周丽淇)展开过合作系列。venilla suite档次 venilla suite属于中档次级别的品牌了,鞋子一般都是在一千上下,不算太便宜,但是设计感和舒适度都特别棒。venilla suite怎么样 假期闲来无事,推荐我特别喜欢的平价鞋子品牌Venilla Suite,I.T集团旗下~每次去香港走过路过都会买,他们家鞋子款式超多,都很新颖,很多都是blingbling的,价格也便宜~ 这双是我之前在香港买的了,印象里不超过800,尖头平底,使用率很高,也没出现什么质量问题,和新的时候一样闪,不容易掉亮片,鞋头的钻特别闪,比较好走,胖脚也能穿,不撞鞋~就是有点硬,如果走路时间长了还是会疼的~ 实话说,我的jimmychoo亮片比它掉的厉害,还经常和别人撞鞋,价钱来说,一双可以买十双。我没有黑JC的意思,我还是非常非常爱它的!!!但是这种小众品牌的平价鞋,绝对是不可或缺的搭配神器! Venilla Suite,推荐给那些不想穿三无某宝鞋,不想穿烂大街的街款鞋,也不想花个把月工资买双鞋的小仙女们~女鞋购买注意事项 款式的选择。 相信很多时尚MM喜欢看娱乐节目,但是在看明星的绯闻娱乐开心自己的同时,注意女明星的鞋子款式,因为任何明星都是走在时尚的最前沿,他们的穿着打扮一般就代表时尚的最前沿。这个是最好的选择,最笨的方法就是可以去我们的的网站看一下我们所选择的女鞋款式和推荐的爆款产品,这么多的人都喜欢,那么就一定不会错。 质量的把握。 光样式好看不好用,也是不行的。那么怎么选择质量好点的女鞋呢?首先就是看价格,现在物价这么高,30元-40元的鞋子,就算样式再好,也是不顶用,就算是商家推广,招揽人气,也不可能做赔本的生意,这个地球人都知道。物美价廉的东西,现在基本没有了。其次价值要在正常的范围内,就可以看购买者的评论了。现在到网上购物差不多都是有带这个功能的,但是一般要多看几页的评论,现在职业炒作信誉的太多了,即使大部分的好评很多,但是往往就是那些很少的差评才是反影卖家的真实质量。
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