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Nikki 尼基(女名),Nikkie在词末加了e, 感觉是法语的节奏,因为是词末加e表阴性,更像法语女名。Nicole 尼科尔 (女名,等于Nichole)。













闪耀暖暖Nikki x VOGUE个人杂志 看完使你更加了解暖暖

闪耀暖暖 与VOGUE个人杂志进行合作,对暖暖做了一期访谈,让我们来看看具体内容有哪些吧,看完,你会更加了解暖暖内心的想法。 u200bu200b粉色是一种很特别的颜色,它可以很可爱,也可以很温柔,当然也可以很酷u2026u2026它有很多的可能性,我也是这样。我愿意用这个颜色来诠释自己,也愿意用自己来诠释粉色。” 暖暖Nikki x VOGUE个人杂志Q&A 每个人见到暖暖,都会用粉色去定义这个女孩,但是她对粉色,对自己,对搭配有很多特别的看法。她会如何诠释自己,让我们跟她聊聊吧。 “无限就是我的风格” 1.介绍一下你自己。 暖暖:你好,我是暖暖,现在大一,在学设计,同时还是一名搭配师。 2.你会怎么选择自己每天的搭配? 暖暖:现在我每天其实也会根据自己的心情和当天的安排来搭配。从十五六岁开始,我就会跟大喵玩“搭配游戏”。比如要去野餐了,那么搭配主题就是“春天的野餐会”,然后大喵会按自己的审美给我的搭配打分。 3.大喵是这只在吃五花肉的小肥猫吗? 暖暖:大喵说他不是猫。他对搭配也有很多自己的看法,经常给我的搭配打F,就是fail,完全失败。不过我通常——就这么顶着失败的搭配出门了。 4.你认为搭配是什么? 暖暖:我认为搭配不是对缺陷的掩饰,而是自我魅力的展示,它是有力量的。 5.为什么说搭配是有力量的? 暖暖:因为搭配就是对自己的定义,会让我们成为想要成为的自己。这样的自己会给予我们力量,去努力成长,去面对人生中重要的时刻。 6.有什么特别的搭配习惯? 暖暖:有,比如说u2026u2026最近出门总要戴5个配饰。 7.你觉得将来自己会是什么样的搭配风格? 暖暖:将来啊u2026u2026不知道。真的不知道。我觉得与其设想太多,不如让自己关心当下,穿自己想要穿的衣服。至少u2026u2026短时间内,我还是想要尝试更多不同的风格和可能性。而且我越来约感觉到,无限的探索和尝试也许就是最适合我的那种风格? “想成为像Coco Chanel那样厉害的设计师” 1.你希望大家认可你哪个身份?搭配师?设计师?模特?偶像? 暖暖:大多数人认识我是因为搭配师这个身份,但我希望自己不仅仅是搭配师。我很享受在不同的身份下经历的一切,比如最近尝试了唱歌跳舞,在舞台上的时候感觉自己会发光,我很喜欢这样的自己。 2.以后呢? 暖暖:想成为像Coco Chanel那样厉害的设计师。 3.自己设计第一套衣服是怎样一个创作过程? 暖暖:我设计的第一套衣服是一条草莓裙,那个时候我还不太懂设计,因为看到红红的草莓特别可爱,就想把草莓穿在身上,于是就按照家里草莓的样子,把它们一颗一颗画在了裙子上,最后效果竟然意外的不错。 4.今天有什么设计灵感吗? 暖暖:想设计一套毛茸茸的衣服,因为来的路上被一只小猫咪蹭了蹭脚,那种柔软的感觉到现在还记忆深刻。 5.你设计过最特别的衣服是哪一件? 暖暖:是大喵的斗篷,虽然他嘴上没说,但我知道他特别喜欢,他做了10件一模一样的。 “粉色有很多可能性,我也是这样。” 1.粉色头发对你来说意味着什么? 暖暖:我觉得粉色是一种很特别的颜色,它可以很可爱,也可以很温柔,当然也可以很酷u2026u2026它有很多很多的可能性,我也是这样。我愿意用这个颜色来诠释自己,也愿意用自己来诠释粉色——但不需要它一定是我的发色。所以哪怕偶尔把粉色藏起来,也不会再担心“我”会不见了。 2.就像今天的造型? 暖暖:是的。金色的短发,搭配酒红色的上衣,我觉得有种温润的质感。 3.有什么别人不知道的特长吗? 暖暖:我是我们学校足球队的金牌守门员,可能是反射**比较好,可以很快地意识到球过来了。 4.最想拥有的超能力? 暖暖:想拥有哆啦A梦的随身口袋,可以把衣柜里所有衣服都放进去。 5.看到你有自己的社交账号,平时和粉丝是怎么互动的? 暖暖:我会分享自己的生活,其实挺琐碎的,不过有很多我觉得有趣的事情。我经常划一些手帐po出来,之前看到过粉丝说自己学习了我的排版做手帐。我觉得很开心,可以通过这种方式了解大家,也被大家了解。 6.会收到一些恶评吗? 暖暖:有u2026u2026我知道对方并不了解我,不去在意就好了。但其实真的不在意还是挺难的。不过我有更多的人在喜欢我啊!难过的时候,看看大家给我的评论和私信就觉得没什么了~u200bu200bu200bu200b

nikki cleary《i miss you》歌词大意

Saw you yesterday昨天看到你We were talking我们正在谈论的Comparing notes比较What"s happeneing什么是发生What"s not什么是不What you wanted你想要什么What you got你得到了什么Now you"re on your way现在你对你的方式It"s all about that这是关于:And nothing else没有别的I feel like I"m small我觉得我很小And I don"t matter in that world我不管在那个世界If I try to tell you would you laugh in my face如果我告诉你你会嘲笑我吗Tell me to grow up when I come clean and say告诉我长大的时候我坦白的说*Chorus**合唱I miss you我想念你The way we used to be我们使用的方法是Back when you calling me当你打电话给我Everyday (Yeah)每天(是的)You wanted to come over你想过来I miss you我想念你But it"s different and it"s strange但不同的是它的奇怪的Now that everything"s changed现在,一切都变了And it scares me "cause it"s weird that you don"t notice它让我害怕,因为它很奇怪,你不会注意到I miss you我想念你I....I....I.....我……岛……我.....Yes I do (yeah)是的我(是的)I....I....I.....我……岛……我.....Maybe it"s just me也许这只是我的But I don"t think so但我不这么认为I"m not insecure我不是不安全I just know我只知道What"s real什么是真实的What is gone and what I feel什么是走了,我的感觉I remember when we used to say that我记得我们曾经说We"d never change我们永远都不会改变Forget where we"ve been忘了我们曾经去过的地方I wanna go there again我想再去那里If I tried to tell you如果我想告诉你You"d turn into that kind你会变成这样Would you put up your defense你能把你的防御Say I was losing my mind说我失去理智*Chorus**合唱I miss you我想念你The way we used to be我们使用的方法是Back when you calling me当你打电话给我Everyday (Yeah)每天(是的)You wanted to get closer你想靠近I miss you我想念你But it"s different and it"s strange但不同的是它的奇怪的Now that everything"s changed现在,一切都变了And it scares me "cause it"s weird that you don"t notice它让我害怕,因为它很奇怪,你不会注意到Don"t you ever see my face outside your window你难道没有看见窗外的我的脸Are you up so high you can"t get back around你是如此之高,你无法回头Will you think of me some night when you get lonely你认为当你感到孤单的夜晚,我Will you need me你会需要我的When you"re on your way down...当你在路上…(Oh)(哦)Saw you yesterday昨天看到你We were talking我们正在谈论的Comparing notes比较What"s happeneing什么是发生What"s not什么是不What you wanted你想要什么What you got你得到了什么*Chorus* (repeated)*合唱(重复)I miss you我想念你The way we used to be我们使用的方法是Back when you calling me当你打电话给我Everyday (Yeah)每天(是的)You wanted to come over你想过来I miss you我想念你But it"s different and it"s strange但不同的是它的奇怪的Now that everything"s changed现在,一切都变了And it scares me "cause it"s weird that you don"t notice它让我害怕,因为它很奇怪,你不会注意到I miss you我想念你The way we used to be我们使用的方法是Back when you calling me当你打电话给我Everyday (Yeah)每天(是的)You wanted to get closer你想靠近I miss you我想念你But it"s different and it"s strange但不同的是它的奇怪的Nothing stays the same没有什么是一成不变的And it scares me "cause it"s weird that you don"t notice它让我害怕,因为它很奇怪,你不会注意到I miss you我想念你I....I....I.....我……岛……我.....I miss you我想念你I....I....I.....我……岛……我.....Yes I do是我做的I....I....I.....我……岛……我.....I miss you我想念你

跪求nikki flores的个人资料

尼基弗洛雷斯(生于1988年10月17日)是美国的R&B和流行 歌手和歌曲创作者。16岁的Nikki弗洛雷斯已计划发行她的首张专辑,在弹出的R&B风味符合“2005年秋季”这个女孩。.索尼BMG音乐后惊叹头头与现场表演中,她演唱和弹奏了钢琴弗洛雷斯捞到了一个与合同Epic唱片于2003年。 她的父母都是音乐家自己的鼓励类,允许她在家庭中记录的家庭工作室,由12岁的她写给她的第一首歌曲(“呐喊”)的年轻人。 .在这个女孩的第一首单曲关是“罢工”,其中弗洛雷斯西班牙语唱中,英文。

nikki cleary的《The Game》 歌词

歌曲名:The Game歌手:nikki cleary专辑:nikki clearyMe and my girlfriends are always in competitionWe picked a guy,Made a bet who could be the first to kiss himThe game was "Make the poor boy beg"Be the one inside his headI played the game to winLeft the girls in the rearviewI got into first positionWhile they were hittin" on him,Flirtin" with him,I was turning his ignitionThought he was just a game to winBut now I"m hearng violinsAnd now the jokes on me...Get your hands off my babyThe bets offIt"s not a game anymoreYou see the plan"s gone wrong and you can"t touchNot playin" like I was beforeYou gotta keep the game our little secretHe can never know the scoreNow I love him,I don"t want him to hate me for itIt"s not a game anymoreWe were bored hangin" out just lookin" for a new distractionBut the plan backfired,Ended up as reverse attractionIt was just a little innocent funBut I"m the one who"s comin" all undoneAnd now the jokes on me...What he don"t know won"t hurt himStop flirtin"Leave us aloneLeave us alone
























读起来还蛮顺口的它的意思源自Victorious People [胜利的人民]



darling nikki 歌词

歌曲名:darling nikki歌手:Foo Fighters专辑:Medium RareBaby, can I talk to youI know somethings wrongThings just aint the sameBut deep down insideI know you still careSo tell me what to doTo get things back againThe way they used to beIf your words have meaningIf you really care about meTell me why cant I find love in your heartIf you are my loverOr come as a friend to meTell me why would you turn away from my loveSo darlin tell me what to doto make things rightDarlin tell me what to doto make things rightDarlin tell me what to doto make things right(Tell me what to do to make things right)If your words have reasonsThen they would turn away from meTrying hard to hide all truth that you might sayIf you listen to me girlIf you know how Im feeling insideThen maybe,you wouldnt shut meout of your life, babyAll Im asking for is a chanceTo let me love youGirl you know,with me is where you should beAnd if I change that we should findThat it can be for you and IThen girl Ive triedIve tried, oh babyGive anything for your love to beHow can I make you mineGirl you should know how I feel by nowThere are so many ways to loveSo just open your heartAnd Ill find a wayCant you seeAll Im asking for is a chanceTo let me love you(Cant you see)Girl you know,This is where you should be, ooh,And if I change that we should findThat it can be for you and IThen girl Ive tried


《这就是街舞》第三季播出,第一期的节目非常精彩,不仅有四位队长的队长大秀,同时也有很多厉害的舞者亮相,像王嘉尔西部赛区的肖杰、杨凯以及黑马舞者小朝,而王一博东部赛区,不仅有Klash,还有法国的Hiphop战神布布,而布布一挑三的战绩,也让他成为本季的夺冠热门。 随着节目的播出,布布也成为本季节目的热门选手,而在布布的社交账号上,我们也看到一个熟悉的面孔Nikki,而Nikki正是布布的女朋友。 布布和Nikki一起聊天吃饭,逛街购物,两人的恋情也得到了很多观众的祝福,两位都是非常厉害的Hiphop舞者,看过第一季的观众,对Nikki也非常熟悉,看到两人走到一起,感觉非常甜。 布布是东部赛区的选手,王一博是这个赛区的考核队长 布布出场就自带光环,王一博甚至提前为他准备好了毛巾,而布布的表演非常精彩,不仅有很多招牌动作,在Battle方面也不输任何人。 《街舞3》第一个名场面就是布布参加的“3V3”比赛,王一博和王嘉尔两个街道的选手进行Battle,然后争夺毛巾,王一博战队的Klash虽然输给了杨凯,但是布布出场以后,凭借一己之力,力克对面三名选手,成功帮助王一博拿到两条毛巾。 布布在节目中一战成名,让很多街舞圈外的观众也对他刮目相看,但是令人意想不到的是,布布的女朋友居然是Nikki,怪不得中文说得这么好。 Nikki在第一季就有过很精彩的表现,在节目中也很圈粉,如今《街舞3》播出,布布在节目中表现精彩,很多观众只知道布布是法国国家队的成员,完全没想到布布的女朋友就是Nikki。 Nikki在第一季中选择了罗志祥,同时她也是何展成的翻译。 只是令她最为难的,就是何展成失误以后,表示希望自己淘汰,而Nikki在一旁听到何展成这么说,就不想给他翻译,因为她不想看到何展成淘汰。 Nikki是第一季中表现最出色的女舞者之一,黄子韬看到Nikki以后,直接表示想跟着她学习舞蹈,而当看到Nikki淘汰以后,黄子韬也表示,完全没想到陈妍臻会被淘汰,就算是节目录制接近尾声,黄子韬也非常遗憾陈妍臻没有选择自己。 Nikki在Hiophop方面实力非常强,也非常有范,当罗志祥淘汰Nikki而选择田一德的时候,黄子韬表示,这是节目录制到现在,给他冲击力最大的一次。 其实现在看来,布布能够参加《街舞3》,Nikki也做了很大的努力,而布布的参加,也让这一季的街舞,有更多的看点,让舞者整体的实力往上拔了一截,而且布布在Battle方面非常突出,极有可能成为本季的冠军。 不过观众最想看到的,还是在队长选人环节,布布参加了“一波王炸”战队,因为在海选的时候,就可以看得出来,王一博对布布非常喜欢,甚至还做出了布布的招牌动作。



新百战天龙 nikki 的演员是谁

李察·狄恩·安德森(Richard Dean Anderson),1950年1月23日生于美国明尼苏达明尼阿波利斯,是一位美国电视演员。


Niki Sanders由Ali Larter饰演Ali Larter在《英雄》中饰演一个拉斯维加斯的单亲母亲,她在镜子里发现了一个狂暴、无人性的自己Jessica Sanders,随后她在险境中极力保护着同样具有超能力的儿子。她曾出演了《死神来了》第一部和第二部,在者两部电影中,她的才华就得以展现,后来她又在《阴道独白》中扮演了角色。她还在《生化危机3》中出演了Claire Redfield。Lee现居住于洛杉矶,她的生日是12月13日。






















吸血鬼日记Ian最近曝光了自己和女友Nikki的结婚照,随后吸血鬼日记Ian老婆Nikki个人资料遭到了网友们的热搜,下面是详细的介绍,大家不妨来看看哦~! 《吸血鬼日记》36岁的男星Ian Somerhalder和26岁的《暮光之城》女星Nikki Reed在相恋9个月后,于4月26日在加州马里布结婚了!新娘选择了Claire Pettibone的白色婚纱…虽然无数女粉心都碎了,但这温馨感人的婚礼场面还是让人融化。也有不少网友感慨新娘不是妮娜。 《吸血鬼日记》剧组的Paul、狼女、Kai、bonbon、历史叔、福布斯警长以及编剧朱妈出席婚礼。Ian当天还发推称“这是最美的早晨!” 妮基·瑞德(Nikki Reed),1988年5月17日出生于美国加利福尼亚州国洛杉矶,美国影视演员,编剧。 2003年同时作为编剧和演员参与由导演凯瑟琳·哈德威克执导的电影《芳龄十三》,并通过此剧开始进入演艺圈 。2008年再度与哈德威克导演合作电影《暮光之城》,片中饰演Rosalie Hale而开始为大家所熟识。2009年因《暮光之城》获青少年选择奖最佳电影女新人提名。






这就是街舞Nikki跳舞背景音乐歌曲是什么? Nikki陈妍臻是出生在中国台湾的阿美族妹子,在13岁的时候还曾经出演转山的电影,而转山的电影是2010年拍摄的,由此可以知道Nikki陈妍臻今年是21岁,他是1997年出生的。当然除了电影之外Nikki陈妍臻还是圈内有名的舞者,一直以来她一直通过舞蹈在展示自己的个性,也被越来越多的人知道并且在“上海BIG SHOT”、“ZBD全国街舞嘻哈节”、“WHERE ARE YOU校园街舞大赛”、“AUDC武汉赛区”等国内外大型赛事中担任评委,业务能力毋庸置疑。 Nikki跳舞歌曲是《Get Up 》—Tedashii,在网易云音乐可以听哦!


nikki也叫妮可·基德曼,根据公开资料,暂时无法获知nikki的年龄,以下是nikki的简介:妮可·基德曼(Nicole Kidman),1967年6月20日出生于美国夏威夷,澳大利亚女演员、制片人。

这就是街舞布布女友Nikki资料介绍 两人是天造地设的一对

  《这就是街舞3》王一博战队里的布布是神一般的存在,每次出场都能惊艳四座,他也是冠军候选人之一,节目马上就要进入总决赛了,从预告来看,布布女友Nikki也会上台表演,对于《这就是街舞》的老粉来说,Nikki并不陌生,资料显示她之前也参加过这个节目,令人意想不到的是Nikki跟布布是情侣。  布布刚出场时吸引了所有人的注意,他是街舞圈的OG,实力非凡,也是王一博的偶像,王一博见到他后瞬间化身为迷弟,激动到表情失控。布布在抢毛巾大战中连赢三位舞者,为王一博战队获得毛巾,好像只要他一出场,就不会失败。   抢人大战的时候,四位队长都去布布房间,最后布布选择王一博战队。比赛截止到目前为止,十二强已经出炉,布布自然也在,下期预告里布布女友Nikki来了,两人还在现场秀了一波恩爱。  Nikki原名叫陈妍臻,微博昵称是“陈妍臻-Nikki”,上面显示陈妍臻是酷漾娱乐旗下的艺人,不仅是名舞蹈博主,还是演员,她长得漂亮,实力又强,跟布布真的很般配。陈妍臻是《这就是街舞》第一季的选手,止步于21强,可见跳舞非常厉害。陈妍臻和布布经常在社交平台上互动,不久之前两人还同游迪士尼乐园,从视频来看他们玩得很开心。  布布和陈妍臻都是有才的人,相互吸引也很正常,他们跳的hiphop都很棒,默契十足,第一季的时候陈妍臻是四位队长疯抢的女选手,虽然最后没能拿冠军,但她的实力有目共睹,这次布布来参加节目,有网友表示布布这是来为女友“报仇”的,从目前来看,布布获得冠军的几率很大,期待后面节目的播出。




nikki美 [nki] 妮基;妮姬;尼基;尼吉 扩展资料 I take it Nikki didn"t know about your past. 我想尼基不知道你的.过去吧? Nikki"s vision is good and good for the valley. 尼奇的想象力对于天鹅河谷是件好事。 Nikki, let your sister get her dog stuff. 妮琪,让你妹妹去拿狗的那些东西。

viki nikki stella vicky polly 这五个英文名给你们选 你们会选哪个【附上理由哦】


求悉尼奥运会闭幕式Nikki Webster的《We`ll be one》的完整歌词

I"m a child who has a dream a dream to be strong to stand for where I from now I can see all the world around me Holding me closed in this world where we belong And I know in my heart we"ll be flying For I believe the day has gone Where we all raise our hands together And hope that this day bring peace to own We can walk side by side forever to follow our dreams And hope that this needs will be one I"ll remember forever This day we say goodbye till we"re here most by your side And as the flame burns so bright in your eyes above Shining a light as our journey are tonight So let"s all raise our hands together And hope that this day brings peace to own We can walk side by side forever to follow our dreams And hope that this needs will be one I can"t believe the end has gone Friendship just be gone The nations join to be a better world So let"s our future to be solved Together we"ll get hold of that joy To all the world So let"s all raise our hands together So let"s all raise our hands together And hope that this day brings peace to own We can run side by side forever to follow our dreams And hope that this needs will be one And hope that this needs will be one

谁有invincible的歌词?歌手 nikki flores 谢谢

If i could tear down these walls that keep you and i apartI know i could claim your heart and our perfect love will start but girl youJust won"t approve of the things that i do when all i do is for you butStill you say it ain"t coolif there"s somebody else, he can"t love you likeMe and he says he"ll treat you well, he can"t treat you like me and he"sBuying diamonds and pearls, he can"t do it like me and he"s taking you allAcross the world, he can"t trick you like meSo why ain"t you feelin" me, she"s invincibleBut i can do anything, she"s invincibleEven when i beg and plead, she"s invincibleGirl won"t give in to me, she"s invincibleNow many times i"ve told you of all the things i would doBut i can"t seem to get through no matter how i try toSo tell me how does it seem that you ain"t checking for meWhen i know that i could be more than you could ever dreamIf there"s somebody else, he can"t love you like meAnd he says he"ll treat you well, he can"t treat you like me and he"s buyingDiamonds and pearls, he can"t do it like me and he"s taking you all acrossThe world, he can"t trick you like meSo why ain"t you feelin" me, she"s invincibleBut i can do anything, she"s invincibleEven when i beg and plead, she"s invincibleGirl won"t give in to me, she"s invincibleNow some way i"ll have to prove all that i said i would do giving youEverything, fulfilling your fantasy then maybe you"ll change your mind andFinally give in in time then i"ll be showing you what other men are supposedTo do for you my babyRapSo why ain"t you feelin" me, she"s invincibleBut i can do anything, she"s invincibleEven when i beg and plead, she"s invincibleGirl won"t give in to me, she"s invincibleSo why ain"t you feelin" me, she"s invincibleBut i can do anything, she"s invincibleEven when i beg and plead, she"s invincibleGirl won"t give in to me, she"s invincibleSo why ain"t you feelin" me, she"s invincibleBut i can do anything, she"s invincibleEven when i beg and plead, she"s invincibleGirl won"t give in to me, she"s invincible

急需Nikki Flores --Erase you 英文歌词

Nikki Flores - Erase YouLook out my window I could see the sunshineUp in my bedroom I can"t seem to stop cryingAnd my pillow is a swimming poolI just don"t understandWhy you did what you did yahMy girls told me that I should watch out for youI can"t help it" I"ve fallen so dumb for youSilly me" I could thinkI could make you fall in loveTied down to the groundDon"t know what I"m thinking nowMaybe it"s just meGot these clouds above my headAnd it won"t stop rainingMaybe it"s just meI just can"t understandWhy you left and I"m waitingI don"t wanna be your hostage anymoreI don"t wanna be your daydream no moreI"m pickin" up up" pickin" up the pieces nowBaby" Imma show you how you"ve been erased oohSo when the radio plays our favorite songAin"t no reminiscin"Baby Imma bout to turn it offAnd when I see your name on the telephoneBoy you must be crazyIf you think that I am playin alongCause I had you and you had meI played the fool" but now I seeIt"s better to erase you" erase you" erase youErase you" erase you" erase youLook in the mirror finally recognize myselfProblem is I can"t see me with somebody elseKeep all the thoughts about youBut knowin" you ain"t gonna changeI"ve got to get over it oohMy friends tell me that I gotta keep movin" onI know they"re rightBut why does it feel so wrongAnd everything was jaded from the bad startI"m lying hereTryna reach you from my broken heartMaybe it"s just meGot these clouds above my headAnd it won"t stop raining ohMaybe it"s just me yahNow it"s over and doneAnd I"m through with all the waitingI don"t wanna be your hostage anymoreI don"t wanna be your daydream no moreI"m pickin" up up" pickin" up the pieces nowBaby" Imma show you how you"ve been erasin" oohNow I"ve tried and triedTo give and giveI keep on lying to myselfAnd I cried and criedThrough the lonely liesAin"t no matter" seem like none gonna helpSo I forgive you" it"s time to forget youImma stitch up my scarsStop the bleeding right here" right nowGet you out of my memory" get rid of the miseryI gotta erase you somehow" hey ohPlays our favorite songAnd when I see your name on the telephoneIt"s better to erase you" erase you" erase youIt"s better to erase you" erase youBetter to erase you" erase you

有没有的歌词? By Nikki Webster


Nikki Kavanagh的《Falling》 歌词

歌曲名:Falling歌手:Nikki Kavanagh专辑:FallingFalling - Nikki KavanaghI could live every day in denialI could stray through the night like a fireflyI could try to forget all the memoriesBut I"d rush through the ground like a waterfall‘Cause if you leave me I won"t love againI might seem fine, but inside I feel like I"m drowningWhen you look me in the eye you seem so far awayI"m trying to pretend that I will be okayI can"t lie;if you leave me I"m falling (falling)Tell me why you don"t see me, I"m falling (falling)Hey… hey… oh-oh, oh-oh,I"m falling (falling)So tell me why you don"t see meI could search for new dreams to believe inI could put on a smile for my broken heartI could try to forget your reflectionBut my love isn"t strong like a waterfall‘Cause if you leave me I won"t live againI might seem fine, but inside I feel like dyingWhen you look me in the eye I know you"re on your wayTo trying to pretend that it will be okayI can"t lie; if you leave me I"m falling (falling)So tell me why you don"t see me, I"m falling (falling)Hey… hey… oh-oh, oh-oh,I"m falling (falling)Hey… hey…I can"t lie; if you leave me I"m falling (falling)So tell me why you don"t see me,I"m falling (falling)Hey… hey… oh-oh, oh-oh,I"m falling (falling)So tell me why you are leaving,I"m falling, I"m falling-End-

Nikki Fletcher&Tim Hughes&Various Artists的《Catch Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Catch Me歌手:Nikki Fletcher&Tim Hughes&Various Artists专辑:Lifting HighDemi Lovato - Catch MeBefore I fall too fastKiss me quick, but make it lastSo I can see how badly this will hurt meWhen you say goodbyeKeep it sweet, keep it slowLet the future pass, and don"t let goBut tonight I could fall too soonTo this beautiful moonlightBut you"re so hypnotizingYou"ve got me laughing while I singYou"ve got me smiling in my sleepAnd I can see this unravelingAnd your love is where I"m fallingBut please don"t catch meSee this heart won"t settle downLike a child running scared from a clownI"m terrified of what you"ll doMy stomach screams just when I look at youRun far away so I can breatheEven though you"re far from suffocating meBut I can"t set my hopes to highCuz every hello ends with a goodbyeBut you"re so hypnotizingYou"ve got me laughing while I singYou"ve got me smiling in my sleepAnd I can see this unravelingYour love is where I"m fallingBut please don"t catch meSo now you see why I"m scaredI can"t open up my heart without a careSo here I go, it"s what I feelAnd for the first time in my life I know it"s realBut you"re so hypnotizingYou"ve got me laughing while I singYou"ve get me smiling in my sleepAnd I can see this unravelingYour love is where I"m fallingSo please don"t catch meIf this is love please don"t break meI"m giving up so just catch me

我想问一下,电影《女生向前翻》(又名《stick it 》)中的演员nikki soohoo就是杨云吗?

是啊 属于客串

A classic love poem by Nikki Giovanni


求The dream--Nikki的歌词

Shorty, I really wanted to be everything you need Come on, come on, come on baby Who knows what would"ve happened if you stayed that, that night with me Come on, come on, come on baby I told you to come and get with me, promise I wouldn"t leave you Come on, come on, come on baby You never thought that he would be the one, one, one, one to deceive you Come on, come on, come on baby Now it"s awful cold in the house he bought you and I"ve gotten over living without you Springtime, summertime, fall time, winter And all of our love we had just starting to remember But you was off the game and everything done changed cuz now I"m making love to Nikki And I don"t feel bad and no I ain"t sad cuz I been making love to Nikki He was the one that you ran to the one you gave your hand to so don"t say you didn"t plan to So every time that you think of me know I been making love to Nikki Love to Nikki She loves me back Now everything that he told you when you were with me, you believed it Come on, come on, come on baby Considering the fact that it was you, you were the one that was cheating Come on, come on, come on baby He told you I was with the girl up in The Palms We up in the studio, shorty all on my arms We all up at the park throwing back shots at patron My whole life was in a lane, what kind of shit were you on But it"s awful cold in the house he bought you and I"ve gotten over living without you So springtime, summertime, fall time, winter I"m here to leave you with the last thing you remember See you was off the game but now everything is changed cuz I"ve been making love to Nikki And no I ain"t mad, hell no I ain"t sad shorty I been making love to Nikki He was the one that you ran to the one you gave your hand to so don"t say you didn"t plan to And every time that you think of me know I been making love to Nikki Love to Nikki And she loves me back She loves me back She she she she loves me back She loves me, she she she she loves me back She loves me And now you calling me saying you didn"t mean to do me wrong You"ve died in my heart, so go ahead and live in his arms My loves out the window, that"s if you didn"t know Peace up, A-Town ride out Cuz I"m sitting in the six-four, Girl as the wind blow, baby I"m all cried out And your heart is broken, Gone "head pick it, gone "head pick it up Gone "head suck it up You was off the game now everything is changed I"ve been making love to Nikki Now... Shawty need my love Shhhhhhawty need my love dog Shawty need my love Shhhhhhawty need my love dog

i got you - Nikki flores 歌词中文翻译

I"ve been waiting for a long time For someone who can make my dreams come true You"ve been with me for a long time Helpin" me through, all that I have gotten through And I"m thankful for everything You do for me boy, and you know that I love you I"ll take care of anything you"ll ever need Ooh, when you"re all by yourself baby I got you If you need someone to call baby I got you There"s no need to be lonely I got you And I know that you got me too, boy Ohh ah, yeah Ohh ah, yeah When you smile at me, it makes me weak I can count on you boy to be there when I"m fallin" I didn"t have to change for you to see That nothing can ever come between you and me I need you for who you are And all that I am when I"m standin" next to you I"m so lucky to have you in my life Ooh, when you"re all by yourself baby I got you If you need someone to call baby I got you There"s no need to be lonely I got you And I know that you got me too, boy Ooh, when you"re all by yourself baby I got you If you need someone to call baby I got you There"s no need to be lonely I got you And I know that you got me too, boy Ooh when you"re all by yourself You need someone - call me I got you When you"re all by yourself I got you, I got you, I got you

nikki webster follow your heart歌词翻译

追随你的心在那里有你和我你我皆在他其中那里有清新的空气那里有湛蓝的天空。超越重山和地平线,美丽的彩虹悬挂在天际如果你相信,传说中的仙后就会降临。跟随你的心跟随你的梦想跟随他们为你引导的前方之路。光明之光为你我照亮灿烂的星星为你我导航跟随你的心跟随你的梦想正确的源于开始如果我有一个梦想我现在就会为之努力我会为之每天努力探索直到追寻到通往梦想的道路那个地方被柔美的月光环绕那个地方超越了阳光你可以在星星上翩然起舞重复的地方我没有再翻译,希望我的翻译可以帮助到你 ,翻译的不是很好,很漂亮,但是大概就是这个意思,很美的歌词,如果有时间的话把他翻译成更唯美的中文,一定是个好作品!!

求nikki&rich的那首next best thing歌词

Mmm... You know the difference between you and me?Everything.Do you know the reason why I left?I was bored.I"m sorry it just takes a little moreTo hold my attentionLets go back to the beginningGirl meets boy everything is looking sweetTime goes by and my eyes wander freeIt"s all my faultI"m the one to blameShame on me and my man-eating gameI can truly sayThat it"s not you it"s meYou can"t cage a birdWhen they"re made to be freeI"m looking all aroundBreaking hearts don"t make me happyI won"t give you excusesCan"t change my colorsIt"s just uselessYa got me looking for the next best thingGot, got mt looking for the next best thingGot me looking for the next best thingGot, got mt looking for the next best thingMaybe one day the day the best will hold aroundBut til that day comesI"ll be searching around, Nice girls always finish lastThe guy wants a bitchSo they feel like a manI can truly say that baby, it"s on meYou can"t fly a kiteWhen you ain"t got a stringI"m looking all around meBreaking hearts don"t make me happyI won"t give you excusesCan"t change my colorsIt"s just uselessYa got me looking for the next best thingGot, got me looking for the next best thingGot me looking for the next best thingGot, got me looking for the next best thingIt"s a matter of a opinionIf I lost or if I"m winningI"m a sucker for the sinningCan I get a witness?I may be a little selfishBaby, girls are players tooIt"s just always very differentWhen the tables turn on youI"m looking all aroundBreaking hearts don"t make me happyI won"t give you excusesCan"t change my colorsIt"s just uselessYa got me looking for the next best thingGot, got me looking for the next best thingGot me looking for the next best thingGot, got me looking for the next best thingGot me looking... Yeah oh hoYe yea yeahhh



NikkiReed 在暮光之城里饰演哪个角色

2012《暮光之城:破晓(下)》 饰 Rosalie Hale2011《暮光之城:破晓(上)》 饰 Rosalie Hale《第44条军规》 饰 Kara妮基·瑞德2010《暮光之城:月食》 饰 Rosalie Hale2009K-11 (pre-production) (rumored)《暮光之城:新月》 饰 Rosalie Hale2008《暮光之城:暮色》Twilight 饰 Rosalie Hale

求英文歌词:《lost in your love》- nikki flores

楼主,找不到她唱的《lost in your love》,只有其他人唱的












Nikki Nova (born January 5, 1978 in Hampton, Virginia) is an adult model and actress.She has performed in a number of R rated films, including All Nude Nikki and several fetish videos.[5]As of 2005 Nova was a co-host of Playboy TV"s Night Calls 411,[6] having replaced Tera Patrick in 2003.[5] She has also appeared on The Howard Stern Show[6] and the TV documentary Pornucopia.[4]On November 4, 2005, Nova was seriously injured after falling from a horse during a photo shoot. She had no health insurance, so her webmaster set up the web site to gather donations.[6] Her porn star friend Austyn Moore also held a fundraising auction for her.[7]不知道是不是您想要的