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Turn negatives into positives,把消极转化为积极英语作文300字

One day, a farmer"s donkey accidentally fell into a dry well, and the farmer tried to find a way to rescue the donkey, but a few hours passed and the donkey was still howling in pain in the well. Finally, the farmer decided to give up, and he thought the donkey was too old to waste time and effort to get it out, but anyway, the dry well was to be filled in. So the farmer asked his neighbor for help and poured the mud into the dry well. When the donkey learned of his situation, he began to cry miserably, but unexpectedly, the donkey soon quieted down. The farmer saw when dirt falls on the donkey"s back, the donkey will shake off earth at a side, then stood on the dirt pile, so his ass out of the well, and then in all surprised expression to quickly ran away. This story tells us three things. The first reason is that in the journey of life, we will inevitably encounter difficulties, but your help will only pay for the burial of your soil. So, the donkey teaches us to get out of the precipice -- to turn the negatives into positives. The second reason is that, no matter how hopeless, sometimes it is so easy to beat them. The third reason is that the donkey calmly walks out of the dry well, and the person who es out of the difficult situation should learn from the future.


褒义的: approving 赞许的 objective 客观的 impartial 公平的 optimistic 乐观的 sympathetic 同情的 reserved consent 有保留的赞成 cautiously approving 谨慎支持 中性的: ambiguous模棱两可的, neutral中立的 indifferent漠不关心的 贬义的: negative否定的,消极的,反面的 pessimistic 悲观的 apprehensive 忧虑的 reserved 有保留的,内向的 arbitrary武断的,biased有偏见的,偏心的 critical持批评态度的 depressing 令人沮丧的 disappointing令人失望的 doubtful怀疑的 gloomy沮丧的,忧愁的 indignant 愤怒的 objectionable引起反对的,令人反感的 opposed/opposing,partial 不公平的 radical激进的,极端的 scared惊恐的,恐慌的 sensitive敏感的 subjective主观的 suspicious可疑的,疑心的 够多了吧