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need的读音是:英[ni?d]。need的读音是:英[ni?d]。need的意思是v.需要;必需;n.需要;必要;缺乏;aux.需要,必须(无时态、人称变化,后与不带 to 的动词不定式连用,多用于疑问句和否定句)。need【近义词】call for。一、详尽释义点此查看need的详细内容v.(动词)需要,必须,有…必要,一定生活穷困要尽可发疯n.(名词)需求,要求,迫切要求需要,必要,特别需要 ,必须贫穷,困窘必要之物,需用的东西危急缺乏,不足,短缺危急的时候, 一旦有事的时候欲望adj.(形容词)必须的,需要的adv.(副词)必须地二、双解释义v.(动词)vt. 需要; 必须 want; require; deserveaux.(助动词)必须 have ton.(名词)[U]需要,需求 the condition in which sth necessary desirable, or very useful is missing, wanted[U]责任,必要 necessary duty, what must be done[P]需要的东西 sth one wants or must have[U]贫穷; 困窘 the state of not having enough food or money三、词典解释Need sometimes behaves like an ordinary verb, for example "She needs to know" and "She doesn"t need to know" and sometimes like a modal, for example "She need know", "She needn"t know", or, in more formal English, "She need not know." need有时用作普通动词,例如:She needs to know (她需要知道),She doesn"t need to know (她不需要知道)。有时 need 用作情态动词,例如:She need know, She needn"t know 或更为正式的说法:She need not know。1.(为做成某事或正常生活)要求有,必须有,需要If youneed something, orneed to do something, you cannot successfully achieve what you want or live properly without it.e.g. He desperately needed money...他迫切需要钱。e.g. These diets provide everything your body needs...这些饮食提供了你身体需要的所有营养。2.(表示某一做法对某事物或地方有益)应该,应当,需要If an object or placeneeds something doing to it, that action should be done to improve the object or place. If a taskneeds doing, it should be done to improve a particular situation.e.g. The building needs quite a few repairs.该建筑有好几处应该修缮。e.g. ...a garden that needs tidying...应该清整的花园3.必要;需要If there is aneed for something, that thing would improve a situation or something cannot happen without it.e.g. Mr Forrest believes there is aneed for other similar schools throughout Britain...福里斯特先生认为全英国都需要有类似的学校。e.g. "I think we should see a specialist." — "I don"t think there"s anyneed for that."...“我想我们应该见见专家。”——“我认为没有任何必要。”4.不必,没有必要(用于告知或建议)If you say that someoneneedn"t do something, you are telling them not to do it, or advising or suggesting that they should not do it.e.g. "I"ll put the key in the window." — "Youneedn"t bother," he said gruffly...“我会把钥匙放在窗户里。”——“不必麻烦了,”他粗声说道。e.g. Look, you needn"t shout...嗨,你不必大喊大叫。5.(与否定词连用)不必,没有必要If you tell someone that theyneedn"t do something, or that somethingneedn"t happen, you are telling them that that thing is not necessary, in order to make them feel better.e.g. You needn"t worry...你不必担心。e.g. This needn"t take long, Simon...西蒙,这花不了多长时间。6.(与否定词连用)准许不做,可以不做You useneedn"t when you are giving someone permission not to do something.e.g. You needn"t come again, if you don"t want to...如果你不想来,可以不用再来。e.g. Well, you needn"t tell me anything if you don"t want to.好吧,如果你不想告诉我,可以什么也不说。7.(与否定词连用)未必,不一定If somethingneed not be true, it is not necessarily true or not always true.need是什么意思e.g. What is right for usneed not be right for others...对我们来说是对的东西,对别人来说未必正确。e.g. Freedomneed not mean independence.自由不一定意味着独立。8.(与否定词连用)本来不必,本来不需要If someoneneedn"t have done something, it was not necessary or useful for them to do it, although they did it.e.g. She could have made the sandwich herself; her mumneedn"t have bothered to do anything...她本来可以自己做三明治的;她妈妈原本不必费心做任何事情。e.g. I was a little nervous when I announced my engagement to Grace, but I needn"t have worried...我宣布和格雷丝订婚时有点紧张,但我本不必担心的。9.(与否定词连用)无需说,不必说You useneed in expressions such asI need hardly say andI needn"t add to emphasize that the person you are talking to already knows what you are going to say.e.g. I needn"t add that if you fail to do as I ask, you will suffer the consequences.如果你没按我的要求做的话,后果请自负——这话我就不必再说了吧。10.还需要再说吗;还要我继续说吗You can useneed in expressions such as "Need I say more" and "Need I go on" when you want to avoid stating an obvious consequence of something you have just said.e.g. Mid-fifties, short black hair, grey moustache, distinctive Russian accent.Need I go on?五十四五岁,黑色短发,灰色八字胡,明显的俄国口音,还需要我继续说吗?11.贫困的;困难中的Peoplein need do not have enough of essential things such as money, food, or good health.need的反义词e.g. The education authorities have to provide for children inneed...教育主管部门得救助贫困儿童。e.g. Remember that when both of you were inneed, I was the one who loaned you money.记住,在你们两个都有困难的时候,是我借钱给你们的。12.有…的需要;有…的必要If you arein need of something, you need it or ought to have it.e.g. I was all right but inneed of rest...我没事,就是需要休息一下。e.g. He was badly inneed of a shave...他早就应该刮一下胡子了。13.需要的话;如有必要(英国英语中亦作 if needs be)If you say that you will do something, especially an extreme action,if need be, you mean that you will do if it is necessary. In British English, you can also sayif needs be .e.g. They will now seek permission to take their case to the House of Lords, and, ifneed be, to the European Court of Human Rights.他们现在将争取获准将案件呈交上议院审理,并且,如有必要,会上诉到欧洲人权法院。14.没有必要;不必You can tell someone thatthere"s no need for them to do something as a way of telling them not to do it or of telling them to stop doing it, for example because it is unnecessary.e.g. There"s noneed to call a doctor...没有必要叫医生。e.g. There"s noneed for that kind of language in this magazine...这份杂志没必要出现那种语言。15.没人需要;没谁需要You can say "Who needs something?" as a way of emphasizing that you think that this thing is unnecessary or not useful.e.g. With apologies to my old history teacher, who needs history lessons?...这话对不住我亲爱的历史老师,不过有谁需要历史课呢?e.g. Cigarettes, who needs them?香烟,谁会要呀?四、例句You look tired. You need a good rest.你看来累了。你需要好好休息一下。If I need you to come and help, I"ll call you.如果我需要你来帮忙,我会打电话的。If the ground is too dry, then you need to water it.如果地面太干燥,那么你就需要给它浇浇水。You need some warm clothes for the winter.冬天来了,你必需准备一些保暖衣物。I need to spend more time studying.我必需花更多时间来学习。The doctor told me I was in need of a good rest.医生对我说,我需要好好休息。I don"t have the need for such an expensive car like that.我还不需要一辆那么昂贵的汽车。I feel a need to talk to you about it.我觉得有必要跟你谈谈那件事。There isn"t much need for further research.没有多大必要进行进一步研究。We are collecting money for children in need.我们在为贫困儿童募捐。My neighbors helped me a lot in my time of need.我的邻居在我缺衣少食的日子里帮了我很多忙。五、词汇搭配用作动词 (v.)~+名词need clothes需要衣服need education需要受教育need food需要食物need help需要帮助need money需要钱need rice需要大米need water需要水~+副词need critically极为重要地需要need desperately不顾一切地需要need directly直接地需要need economically经济上地需要need genuinely真正地需要need horribly惊人地需要need imperatively紧急地需要need sorely非常需要need spiritually精神上需要need urgently强烈地需要~+介词need for为…而需要need in在…需要用作名词 (n.)动词+~create need创造需求fill one"s needs满足自己的需要fit〔meet〕 the needs适合〔适应〕需要have need to必须,需要have no need of不需要minister to sb"s needs满足某人的需要形容词+~basic need基本需要daily〔everyday〕 needs日常必需品feminine needs妇女必需品great need急需material needs物质需求personal〔spiritual〕 need个人〔精神〕需求pressing〔universal〕 need迫切〔普遍〕的需要psychological〔physical〕 need心理〔身体〕上的需求short-term need短期需要unfulfilled need未满足的需求名词+~emergency needs紧急需求talent needs人才的需要介词+~according to the need根据需要at need紧急时below needs不能满足需要in need迫切需要六、情景对话租房A:Ineed to find a new (place to live/ apartment/ home).我要另找一个(地方/公寓/房子)住。need的近义词B:Why?为什么?有/没有A:We are (out of everything/ don"t have anything/need everything.)我们(什么也没了/都没有了/什么都要(买))。B:All right.对。帮忙B:(May/ Can) I help you?我(能够/可以)帮助你吗?A:Yes. Ineed to check-in.好的,我要办理登机手续。七、词语用法v.(动词)need用作实义动词的基本意思是缺少急切需要的东西,强调急需。need是及物动词,可接名词、代词、动词不定式、动名词作宾语,也可接以动词不定式或过去分词充当补足语的复合宾语。need用作实义动词时,可用于肯定句、否定句、疑问句等各种句式,有动词的全部变化形式。aux.(助动词)need用作情态动词时没有人称、时态及语态的变化,后面须接不带to的动词不定式一起用作谓语,表示“必须,必要”。一般只用于否定句或疑问句中,也可用于含有否定意味的肯定句中。need not后可接动词不定式的被动式、进行时及完成时。当接动词不定式的完成式时常表示“做了本来不必做的事情”。n.(名词)need用作名词作“需要,需求”解时,其后常接介词for或of短语作其定语,当表示“责任,必要”时,其后常接动词不定式。need的复数形式needs可以表示多种需要。need的相关近义词call for、demand、lack、yearn、for、distress、poverty、wantneed的相关反义词affluence、excess、wealthneed的相关临近词needle、nee、needl、Neede、needly、needed、needer、needily、needful、Needham、needfire点此查看更多关于need的详细信息



we will go where the people need us哪个是状语?

We will go where the people need us.我们会去人们需要我们的地方。状语是where

we should help the people in need为题英语作文

Nowadays,the press has been focusing on a series of news that some fallen elderly on the pavement were in great need of help but other lookers-on fail to give a hand in terms of self-protection.The most famous ones include that one elderly woman tumbled along a pavement resorting for help but just stayed there long without a helping hand.A recent case having been heatedly debated on is about a little girl named Xiaoyueyue who has been crashed into by two cars but nevertheless failed to receive help from eighteen passers-by,and eventually lost her life.Majority of folks support the idea that we should give a hand to those who need help when walking alongside the streets,rivers and so on.Sympathy is an instinct of ours and if we fail to save other lives in terms of fearing danger or troubles,we would more or less receive moral condemnation and pubic critics.Besides,it is crucial for the victim to receive help while it is easy for us to give a hand.On the other respect,minority of individuals refute that it is too disturbing and dangerous for us to engage ourselves in such cases.They argue that when we are trying to assist a stranger such as a girl sinking into the sea,we may actually be risking our life.Apart from this,even if we successfully rescue the life of others,ill-disposed comments may point to us and to make matters worse,we may finally become a suspect of all the case rather than a hero to be praised.After weighing the pros and cons,I am prone to agree that we should save the life of others when they demand help.But as a premise,we should first call the police or relevant personnel for helo and ask other people to help together in consideration of danger or other factors.

单选题( )We ___help the people in need. A. can B.ought to C.should D.could


寻一首女歌手唱的英文歌 歌词大概有what you want and what you need 提供试听


what you want what you need用中文怎么说


tell me what you want,tell me what you need......


we should go where we are needed是什么从句

we should go where we are needed是状语从句。解析:句中where为连词,引导地点状语从句,修饰动词go。句意:我们应该到最需要我们的地方去。一、we1、含义:pron. 我们。2、用法:we是复数第一人称代词的主格形式,其宾格形式是us。在句中用作主语时须用主格形式; 用作宾语时用宾格形式; 用在动词be后作表语时有时可用主格形式,有时可用宾格形式,如we作为后面句子的真正主语而被强调,则须用主格形式。We have seen the film.我们已经看过这部电影。二、should1、含义:aux. 应该;可能;应当;竟然;将要。2、用法:should是助动词shall的过去式,只用于第一人称:用于陈述语气:构成第一人称过去将来时、过去将来完成时以及过去将来进行时。用于主句中构成虚拟语气:“should+动词不定式的原形”表示虚拟结果时指现在,表示推测结果时指将来。“should+动词不定式的完成式”也表示虚拟结果或推测结果,但使用范围较窄,一般表示一件事情根据条件本可能实现,但由于没有根据条件或条件不存在,因而没有实现,即表示与过去事实相反。You should take advantage of it.你应该好好利用这个机会。三、go1、含义:v. 去;离开;变得;进行。2、用法:go用作不及物动词时,常可接带to的动词不定式,这动词不定式并不是用作状语表示目的,而是与go构成一个动词短语,意思是“去做某事”,在非正式英语中,这种结构常可变为go and do sth,而在美式英语中and常被省去。The boat rolled gently with the come and go of small waves.小船随着细浪来回轻轻荡漾。四、where1、含义:adv. 在哪里;在那个地方。2、用法:where用作副词的基本意思是“什么地方,哪里”,可用作疑问副词,引导特殊疑问句。where也可用作关系副词,意思是“在〔往〕哪里”; 引导限制性和非限制性定语从句,用于表示地点的词语之后。Where did she get the news?她从哪儿得到这个消息的?五、needed1、含义:adj. 需要的。动词need的过去式和过去分词形式。2、用法:need用作实义动词的基本意思是缺少急切需要的东西,强调急需。need是及物动词,可接名词、代词、动词不定式、动名词作宾语,也可接以动词不定式或过去分词充当补足语的复合宾语。A mug of hot chocolate was just what she needed.一马克杯的热巧克力正是她所需要的。

i need money 什么意思


翻译free of need and strife



i;m yoursgravity-cool play 版本也可以,embrace版本都很好oceans deep*-----sons of day 版本out of nothing--embrace beautiful onesdrawn from memorylimp bizkit - behind blue eyesI Knew I Loved YouTruly Madly Deeply-SavageGarden my oceanGravity-Coldplayoceansdeep-sons of dayDON"T WORRY BE HAPPYi"ve never been to me(女生哼唱版)DesperadDown by the Salley GardensListen To Your Heart-DHTdrawn from memory

I Need Love 歌词

歌曲名:I Need Love歌手:Jennifer Lopez专辑:BraveI need loveOh, oh oh...This is where my story beginsStanding here with youI"m about to give inAnd I"m gonna give all I can giveEven though in previous relationshipsI might have been mischievousI wasn"t already readyI admit to thisBut what a good feeling it isI"ve had a lot of crushesClose to nothing like thisEverytime the subject would comeI made up every excuse that I could think ofI used to run but now I"m getting warmed upIn a few words this feeling I could sum upI need loveFor the first time in my lifeI need loveAin"t no love up in the clubI need loveWant to cuddle up to somethin"That make me feel like I"m somethin"Gettin" sick and tired of frontin"I need loveFor the first time in my lifeI need loveAin"t no love up in the clubI need loveWant to cuddle up to somethin"That make me feel like I"m somethin"Gettin" sick and tired of frontin"I needI was hangin" out with my friendsSeven nights a weekIf there"s a party I"m inI started getting sick of itBut when I looked back I didn"t know what it meantI guess I wasn"t interestedIn finding something realThough I was looking for itYou should"ve been looking for meBut you opened up my eyesAnd now I can seeAnd everytime the subject would come upWhen they say "I love you"Then I only dumb upA lot of guys ??? a girl or shut upBut you"re the only guy that told me your love was endlessA lot of words with feeling can not sum upBut first I had to figure out who I wasTo try and understand that there ain"t no shortcutsNow the only thing that"s missing is your loveI need loveFor the first time in my lifeI need loveAin"t no love up in the clubI need loveWant to cuddle up to somethin"That make me feel like I"m somethin"Gettin" sick and tired of frontin"I need loveFor the first time in my lifeI need loveAin"t no love up in the clubI need loveWant to cuddle up to somethin"That make me feel like I"m somethin"Gettin" sick and tired of frontin"Slow dance, hold handsI needAll I want is romanceIf it"s real, let me know it"s realBaby take a chance"Cause I been looking for a man who could understand meAnd I got a lot of love to giveBaby don"t you hear meSlow dance, hold handsAll I want is romanceIf it"s real, let me know it"s realBaby take a chance"Cause I been looking for a man who could understand meAnd I got a lot of love to giveBaby don"t you hear meFor the first time in my life

Do you need stamps? Stamps换成stamp可否?

不能哦,要么就a stamp ,要不就stamps邮票是可数名词。

needless to say后边加不定时还是动名词

要加东西 只能是that从句

need 的用法

[A] need 动词:需要/必需1. This page needs to be checked again; 需要2. This page needs checking again; 需要3. Do you need any help? 需要4. You need to work hard if you want to succeed; 必需5. They don"t need to come until six o"clock; 必需6. She needn"t have given me such an expensive present. 必需7. They need not come.不需要来[B] need 名词:1. Food is one of our basic needs. 需要2. Many people are in great need. 贫穷,困难3. There is no need for panic. 必要[C] 其他用法:1. There is an urgent need 名词 for teachers in this city. 缺少2. We"re in need 名词 of more money; You"re badly in need 名词 of a haircut. 需要3. needy: 形容词 You must help needy people. 贫穷的4. needless: 形容词 You are doing a lot of needless work; Needless to say, he couldn"t do it.不必要的.

need 有哪些形容词 needed算不算


Needless op2 歌词 《Scarlet Bomb》 残念な仕草と反対で 欲望の行方はマイノリティー 飞び散るモラルの雫

虽然是一件令人遗憾的动作和反对欲望的结果是少数飞散的道德之水滴不知,因此抗议scarlet bomb !lip in the scarlet bomb !最大的失败是感伤不习惯互相承认了熵俄吞下惊险之中不要因为记者采访时称:“偷scarlet bomb !你把刀子的视线痛的夏娃和苹果罪宁静而激烈。这实在可惜这是第几次了?热的确很冷不可能永远的夜晚指甲咬住星比较近我想看不拘小节you make up endless and no life美国不可能存在的魔鬼sisters梦欺骗时间就出现了几分fallin"to love !在废墟或vienna waltz廻れ融化一样过错名单也有来…动机不纯,就一定要离开早就知道没有想过要疯狂garnet ring手臂银的子弹很满足了吗?爱是乐园再见,狱门岛好,我后悔,其中低声私语数吗?


2130年,受第三次世界大战的影响,日本各地均出现了被称为“BS(Black Spot)”的巨大污染区域。“BS”被作为废墟用巨大墙壁隔离,然而不久,这荒芜的大地出现了居民。他们被住在“城市(City)”里的人称为“无用者(Needless)”,而当中也有特殊能力者存在。故事的开端是名为库鲁斯·西尔特的少年,他与他的姐姐亚路佳·西尔特所属的反抗组织的目标是从西美翁的暴力统治中解放“BS”。在一次埋伏亚当·阿库莱特的战斗中反抗组织被反埋伏且被全数攻破,在逃亡过程中库鲁斯的姐姐因保护弟弟不幸阵亡,库鲁斯只身一人逃进地下水道。眼看追兵将至,已放弃希望的库鲁斯遇到了与阿库莱特相貌及其相似的亚当·布雷特,后者将他救出,后库鲁斯和布雷特后来来到了教会,并且遇见了众多同伴,以此为契机,库鲁斯开始了在教会的生活和战斗。


needless不必要的例句:Needless to say, theory and practice sometimes diverged.不用说,理论和实践有时候并不相符。Needless to say, I agree.无须说,我是同意的。“needless to say”的同义词:certainly读音:英 [u02c8su0259u02d0t(u0259)nli] 、美 [u02c8su025cu02d0rtnli]表达意思:adv. 当然;行(用于回答);必定相关短语:Sure Certainly 当然可以Certainly others 的确有一些 ; 当然其他人 ; 当然其他of certainly 的肯定 ; 定的 ; 肯定certainly 当然 ; 一定 ; 无疑 ; 无疑地We certainly 对我们的肯定Certainly promising 肯定有前途needless to say:vi. 不用说例句与用法: Needless to say, he kept his promise.不用说,他信守了他的诺言。 Needless to say, learning without thinking is useless.不用说,学而不思则罔。 Needless to say, I survived.不用说, 我得救了.


直接去百度NEEDLESS贴吧找就能在线观看。。我也很喜欢NEEDLESS。。原来还有高清的= =24集就12多G。。。结果前天我把电脑给格式化了呜呜。。。。所有的东西全都没有了。。包括我下的NEEDLESS漫画= =不过你可以去NEEDLESS贴吧去看那24集动画。。不过就是画质有点渣。。。还有问题可以追问我哦~以及有关NEEDESS的相关问题也可以哦

needless to say是状语吗

状语,和generally,actually,in a word,first of all等词一样的成分. 英语语法演变过程中产生了许多类似needless to say的用法,不必刻板的追究它到底是什么结构.每种语言中都有一些固定的看似没有规律的说法. 传统说法It"s needless to say that you are a good man.经过简化后: Needless to say,you are a good man.最初简化时显然没人理睬needless to say是什么成分,就是为了方便,研究语言的人非要给它一个身份,哪只能说是状语了.

need 的过去式和过去分词是什么





NEEDLESS死刑判决.zip 请及时转存或下载 你的采纳是我前进的动力! 记得好评和采纳,答题不易,互相帮助, 手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点满意即可. 如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击采纳为满意回答按钮!



超能力大战 needless 男主角有什么用


NEEDLESS(死刑判决)ED 假名歌词

  不一定准确,在网上找的,假名括号里都有~  NEEDLESS【死刑判决】ED - Aggressive zone 歌词  おまかせ Girl style (Hi!)  强(つよ)い方(ほう)でしょ? 认(みと)めなさい (Hi!)  いかさま Boys attack (Hi!)  やり直(なお)してよ もっとちゃんと kiss  NEEDLESS【死刑判决】ED - Aggressive zone  作词:畑 亜贵  作.编曲:高田 暁  vocal:ニードレス★ガールズ+  イヴ(喜多村英梨),セツナ(后藤沙绪里),クルス(远藤绫),未央(牧野由依),ディスク(加藤英美里)  毎日(まいにち)どーしたい?(wao!) テンポいいじゃん  その调子(ちょうし)ついて来(こ)い☆ (Go.go.go.go!)  ボコボコになっちゃえ(なっちゃう?)  甘(あま)えたキモチ Bye-bye-bye (あ.ま.え.る.な!)  まだOK? (Give up?) 次(つぎ)の人(ひと)が狙(ねら)ってるよ  こわがりさんっ(Ya.ya.ya.ya!)  この辺(へん)でよしとこう(よしとく?)  一撃(いちげき)でアウト!  割(わり)とスルーなキミガ  意地悪(いじわる)な 言叶(ことば)で戸惑(とまど)うトコが新鲜(しんせん)  退屈(たいくつ)させたら おしおきしちゃうぞ(So,I do!)  偶然(ぐうぜん)飞(と)び込(こ)んだ Aggressive Zone  メチャクチャ大変(たいへん) トラブルが舞(ま)い降(お)りて  Jumping free zone 私(わたし)たちメイクミラクル  纳得(なっとく)してないね? でも気(き)にしないもーん  おまかせ Girl style(Hi!)  强(つよ)い方(ほう)でしょ? 认(みと)めなさい (Hi!)  いかさま Boys attack(Hi!)  やり直(なお)してよ もっとちゃんと kiss  先日(せんじつ)なんでだい?(why?) 点差(てんさ)ちょっぴー  あの感(かん)じ続(つづ)けなさいu266a (Hey.hey.hey.hey)  コテコテがだいすき(すきだ!)  半端(はんたん)なやんちゃ No-no-no (ば.か.ば.か.しぃ!)  でもJK? (じゃんけん?) グーを选(えら)ぶ押(お)しの弱(よわ)さ  ざんねんくんっ(Say.say.say.say.!)  后(あと)出(だ)しで胜(か)っとけ (负(ま)けるな!)  禁(きん)じ手のゴール!  时(とき)にタブーなことが  降(ふ)ってきたら 力(ちから)で解决(かいけつ)なんて野蛮(やばん)  口先(くちさき)だけでも かかってきなさい (Who try me?)  騒然(そうぜん)狙(ねら)い打(う)ち Profusion heart  ハチャメチャ成功(せいこう) ロマンスも命(いのち)がけ  Rock"n roll heart キミの中(なか)チェンジパワフル  说得(せつとく)してないよ? ほら他人事(ひとごと)だもーん  ☆。。。u2669。。。u266a。。。u266c。。。☆  そしてスルーなキミが  意地悪(いじわる)な 言叶(ことば)で戸惑(とまど)うトコが新鲜(しんせん)  退屈(たいくつ)させたら おしおきしちゃうぞ  偶然(ぐうぜん)飞(と)び込(こ)んだ Aggressive zone  メチャクチャ大変(たいへん) トラブルが舞(ま)い降(お)りて  Jumping free zone 私(わたし)たちメイクミラクル  纳得(なっとく)してないね? でも気にしないもーん  おまかせ Girl style (Hi!)  强(つよ)い方(ほう)でしょ? 认(みと)めなさい (Hi!)  いかさま Boys attack (Hi!)  やり直(なお)してよ だってそうじゃない?  だってそうでしょ? もっとちゃんと kiss!  ~终わり~


unnecessary还有多余的意思 needless没有

needless to say是什么意思?



播出时间:2009年7月 - 12月全话数:24话作为「Ultra Jump创刊10周年企画」第5弹,今井神先生原作的漫画『NEEDLESS』将改编为动画,制作公司是avex。年轻漫画家今井神的漫画《NEEDLESS》日前宣布动画化。本作最早作为短篇集《NEEDLESS ZERO》登场,在集英社青年漫画杂志《Ultra Jump》上连载中。漫画虽以战争为题材,但也夹杂有很多服务画面和喜剧元素,评价甚高,本作的单行本已发行了9卷,作品还于2007年9月推出了由小林由美子担任主役的Drama CD。动画版已确定由曾制作《黑冢》、《CHAOS;HEAD》、《背骑少女》的MADHOUSE负责。监督是曾在《怪物王女》、《假面女仆》中担任同职的迫井政行。系列构成是《Happiness!》、《绝对可怜女孩》的西园悟。人设则是《阿滋漫画大王》、《六天使》的加藤裕美。


亚当·布雷德(アダムブレイド)CV:子安武人(少年时代:朴璐美)男主角,制造“神”的克隆人“亚当计划”中的检体A79号(颈圈型号:A79.AB)。加入了夏娃计划的研究资料,是唯一没有对植入的伊甸之种产生拒绝反应的检体,但由于植入的伊甸之种被降低了浓度,失去了zero的积极反馈能力。是个暴力神父,圣经里面没有书页,直接藏了一颗手榴弹,看到美少女就会神魂颠倒,是个极其严重的美少女控及丝袜控。能力:ZERO。小时候令人意外的是一位可爱的少年(初次见面时被夏娃叫做“石田”),长大後不知道怎麼搞的完全变了个样(小时候痛苦记忆的冲击?),关於这一点基多博士正在努力反省当中。(实际上是过去小时候,将自己的身体的一部分移植给了夏娃,同时看到当时库鲁斯的装束而产生的后果,可以说他的现在的萝莉控行为的源头可以说是库鲁斯,也因为失去了身体的一部分,其实是大脑的一部分,也就因此失去了变身能力,同时也影响了“学习”能力(学习过后的能力如果过久会遗忘的,在此之前是一旦学习过就永远记住的),而且身上的“圣痕”也消失不见了。和库鲁斯小时候认识。   夏娃·诺伊休凡·舒坦因(イヴノイシュヴァンシュタイン)CV:喜多村英梨女主角,诞生于“夏娃计划”。记忆力超差的少女,所以常帮人乱取外号方便记忆。例如被她唤做山田的库鲁斯,以及被唤做内田的照山最次,能力是变身。作为神的伴侣而诞生(缺点是能量消耗过快,是布雷德最先认识的女孩)。在时空错乱中,和库鲁斯认识并且其服装都是源自于库鲁斯,幼年曾经被融化掉身体,仅剩大脑存活,被布雷德移植一部分大脑获得变身的能力,实际上半个大脑是香橙技术员的,最终与布雷德合为一体。 库鲁斯·西尔特(クルスシルト / 山田(やまだ))CV:远藤绫自称是「BS解放军」抵抗组织一员的少年,本作的第二男主人公。14岁。身高160cm。头发为嫩竹色。在故事中勉强算是另外一个主角视点。为了解放BS中名为西美翁势力的暴力支配而战斗,失败后逃走。逃入地下水道的时候,遭圣约袭击,被暴力神父-亚当?布雷德救出。自此在教会中滞留。通常担当吐槽与被蹂躏的角色。只有逃跑的速度很快。但是对所处状况的判断能力极高,面对危机时他头脑的冷静程度让人惊讶。在短时间内就将右天与左天的能力、以及胡桃的所在地全数看破。是布雷德阵营中参谋一样的存在。同时,做杂务与料理能力意外的好。能力是Aegis之盾。被夏娃称为山田以来,全员都叫他山田。这个名字的意义西班牙语为十字架。抵抗组织将两块芯片在他本人不知情的情况下交给了他,其中一块在库鲁斯随身携带的吊坠里,另一块在其受重伤时被植入脑中。目前两块都被阿克莱特得到。由于被通缉所以一直以女装形象跟布雷德一起行动。(据推测,他所拥有的Aegis之盾实际上是他的能力中的一个分支或者变形,也就是说,他的全部能力完全还是一个谜——因为布雷德无法复制。并且根据第99话未央口中的天使和第100话中亚路佳的遗言”神之右手“和”神之左手“可以推测出,并且库鲁斯拥有的瞳孔颜色与AP计划的两人一致,能力应该跟AP计划相当的,可能是”无效化“。根据103话,AP计划中的黑历史的女研究员——MIZUHA,推测库鲁斯应该跟基督二世拥有不浅的关系) 基多(ギド / 六道银(りくどう ぎん))CV:内海贤二在BLACK SPOT照顾布雷德和夏娃的人,同时是“亚当计划”和“夏娃计划”一员,本名:六道银,在演说中由于过于紧张说错了自己的名字,之后被称为“基多博士”,其实自己改造成了亚当系列的一员,为了复活香橙不惜毁灭整个世界,最终想要带夏娃去外宇宙复活香橙失败,死于穿越“门”的途中。   迪斯克(ディスク)CV:加藤英美里(门胁舞以)年龄:100岁以上 身高:130cm外出型用的身体 140cm轻量型身体 发色银色。住在钢铁山里的情报商人,外号“百科辞典”。半机器人。外表看起来像小孩,实际上已经100岁以上了。其实迪斯克还有相当多的疑团,他那么多的大炮有什么必要啊。能力是分析-可看穿敌人的能力,也可扫描对方的三围,漫画结局与众人一起继续旅程。 亚路佳·西尔特(アルカシルト)CV:伊濑茉莉也库鲁斯的亲姐姐;是西美翁派遣到抵抗势力的间谍,在抵抗势力歼灭战中,让库鲁斯独自逃走,并让库鲁斯误认为自己被圣约杀死。真实身份是西美翁四天王之一,在四天王中受阿克莱特的信任仅次于楼阁寺离瑠。能力是失落的环节.炎神之吹息,此外还拥有超强的身体能力,拥有强大的力量导致她的自尊心变的极强。性格扭曲:同时有冷酷残忍的一面与温柔可爱的一面。在第17话的时候为了抹去最大的污点杀死自己的亲弟弟库鲁斯,在库鲁斯的记忆中是一个极其温柔及过度保护弟弟的姐姐。实际上亚路佳做的一切都是为了保护弟弟库鲁斯以及他脑中的芯片,实际上想要对抗西美翁,最终被阿克莱特杀死。 亚当·阿克莱特(アダムアークライト)CV:东地宏树(过去:小松史法)西美翁的总帅,与布雷德相同是“亚当计划”中的检体A78号(颈圈型号:A78.AA)。由于在植入的伊甸之种后产生拒绝反应,而失去了右眼与心脏。所以策划夺取布雷德的身体,为了成为完全的神。能力:积极反馈.zero。 楼阁寺离瑠(ろうかくじ りる)CV:丰口惠美西美翁四天王之一,阿克莱特的心腹,能力是被称为是最强能力的“念动力”。不惜将身体献给阿克莱特使之重生,实际上也是夏娃系列,但是比夏娃·诺伊休凡·舒坦因要早出现,最终被真正的阿克莱特操控的少女部队啃食分尸而死。 左天(さてん)CV:谷山纪章主要能力:ZERO 第四波动西美翁四天王之一,能力是热能控制,拥有第四波动跟第五波动等招式,虽然是西美翁四天王,却总是在暗地偷偷帮助布雷德一行人。在动画版中,其真正身份是原六道银(基多)的助手神无月总司,在A-78(亚当·阿克莱特)与圣骸融合时的大爆炸中幸存,被666组织改造成“亚当计划”系列,也拥有ZERO能力,曾表明自己喜欢夏娃。且以拯救世界的理由做下了一系列颠覆阿克莱特势力的事情,真实目的却只是为了得到夏娃;漫画版中实际上真正的A78,最终BOSS之二,被变成全能者的布雷德击杀。 右天(うてん / デューンツァウバークンスト)CV:山口真弓西美翁四天王之一,能力:创世(使物体透明化)。能力本身充满谜团,被库鲁斯破解后惨死。在抵抗组织歼灭战中,透明化数台圣约在暗中保护阿克莱特。混乱中楼阁寺离瑠在保护阿克莱特,亚路佳与左天去找数据芯片,撤退的抵抗组织的杀害,几乎都是他一个人干的。库鲁斯被亚路佳打成重伤灵魂出窍的时候,在烟雾中看到右天、卡夫卡、扎卡特,三人在打麻将。库鲁斯问到这里是天国吗?三人齐声回答:这里是地狱。 刹那(セツナ)CV:后藤沙绪里西美翁四大天王之一『离瑠』的直属暗杀部队『少女部队』的成员之一,是少女队三名成员中的姐姐型,说话有礼貌.性别:女身高:165CM年龄:18发色:水蓝色胸围:89cm腰围:59cm臀围:86cm内裤:条纹能力:速度(以迅雷不及掩耳的速度发动攻击,速度以马赫为单位.)◆必杀技◆【超速极限 FH】速度达两马赫的连续攻击【超速极限 BB】速度达三马赫的连续攻击【超速极限 RT】速度达九马赫的贯穿攻击 未央实际上漫画后期与山田产生了好感,加入了对抗西美翁的一行人,最终与众人一起继续旅行CV:牧野由依发色:粉色能力:力量武器:超重小熊(未央说是兔子)必杀技:未央酱屁屁攻击未央酱屁股盖印内裤:小熊   栀CV:茅原实里少女部队成员之一。最终在大决战中被阿克莱特操控杀死。发色:金内裤:蕾丝随身带写字板,无口型。事实上也会说话能力:香气(使用从手上风扇里吹出的各种附带麻痹、催眠等类型的香气攻击或控制对手)奥义:莉莉丝的诱惑(发动时会说话,然后会使敌人进入幻想乡即为敌人最想得到的地位或获得的能力.人物等 )   胡桃(くるみ)CV:嶋村侑能力:黑色诱惑力 用ESP病毒控制别人,在动画中控制了夏娃,与漫画中一样被山田识破了机关并设计杀死。内裤:蕾丝   基督二号实际上是天使之一进入了其身体中使其变成临界全能者,拥有所有的能力,最终被人类陷害杀死。  天使本宇宙外的外宇宙的生命体,文明程度远远超越地球,背景中战前曾经研究的次元武器爆炸引起的波动吸引了2个天使降临地球,导致了整个故事的开端。最终门被封闭,3个天使均已死亡。  

英语needless to say怎么翻译?

英语needless to say怎么翻译?适应一个陌生的环境的挑战。

needless to say什么意思


needless to say 这个短语,一般在什么情况下说能给个例子吗。

needless to say 意思是:as is self-evident or to be expected也就是:很显然,毋庸置疑,不用说。与它可以替换的词语或短语有:undoubtedly,unquestionably,without doubt,obviously或者也可以这样说:It"s needless to say that, (宾语从句)就相当于:It"s clearly that, ……Needless to say, learning without thinking is useless.不用说,学而不思则罔。Needless to say, I agree with you.不用说,我赞同你。 Needless to say, he never came again.很明显,他再也没有来。



I need a break为什么不加to?

答:need用作实义动词时是及物动词,后面可以接名词、代词、动词不定式、动名词作宾语,也可接以动词不定式或过去分词充当补足语的复合宾语。因此,这里就不必加上动词不定式符号to了。如果加上to的话,还得加上动词呢。即:I need a break.I need to have / take a break.

you need to take breaks 为什么break要加s?

you need to take breaks .翻译:你需要休息一下。休息:take a break=take breaks由于此处break前面没有加a,那么后面就要加s

without no seams nor needle work 翻译问题

without no...nor...没有…也不…

可以帮忙写一篇We Need A Green World的英语作文吗?80字左右,谢谢

All over the sky of dust storm, all kinds of animals are in danger of the world, melting glaciers, everything will disappear. This is our planet.u3000u3000Old and cool the verdant trees to die do not know where, colorful flowers and green grass is no longer come back. All this is caused by man himself. Even the Pacific will dry up; The world will become the biggest Sahara; Even mount Everest will be the biggest sand dunes; Even the earth will be the biggest sand grains in the space.u3000u3000Cutting down trees, to build factories, waste, destruction of vegetation, countless human crimes. But all this evil, or returned to the people"s own head, so people this species has finally gone...u3000u3000Then how to do? I don"t want to leave my home, I also want to survive!u3000u3000Can, of course, but there is only one way, that is, from now on the protection and preservation of our home, a bit green. Find the once beautiful.u3000u3000You can"t kind of a tree, but you can plant a tree grass, you can go to throw rubbish into the trash can, you can save a drop of water, save electricity, once if everybody can do it, that the disaster will never have.u3000u3000Can"t do great things, but can do little things, one small matter that is to happen.u3000u3000Reproduce a opportunity, let our earth again, make our home become beautiful.u3000u3000I believe that we"ll soon see the green. See the life, the love, that smile.u3000u3000Blowing straight the gentle cool breeze, the green, green shade under the waves of cool idea bring summer is relaxed.

求一首英文歌 男声的。歌词大概是 are all I need......let me by your side....I am yours..

Close my eyes and feel your mind轻轻地闭上双眼感受你的心境Time has passed I walk like a shadow时光逝去我宛如幽魂般地游走Never knew What I am going through从未知觉自己穿越过的事物You touch my heart and take my breath away你触动我的心弦 教我屏息Whisper on the wind so softly风儿捎来的耳语 如此地轻柔Let the bright stars fill our dreams with love就让耀眼星辰将爱注满我们的梦想吧Reach for your hand伸向你的手you"re holding my key你正握著我的钥匙and you show me the way你引导我方向Tonight I feel close to you今夜 我感觉更接近你You open my door and light the sky above你打开我心房 照亮了那天际When I need a friend you are there right by my side每当我需要朋友时 你就会陪伴在我身边I wish we could stay as one我多么希望我俩能合而为一 不分开I wish we could stay forever as one我多么希望我两能永远在一起 永不分离All the tears that haunt my past那些泪水纠结著我的过往You promised It"ll be better tomorrow你曾约定过的明天将会更好的play that song You and I listened to播放那首我俩曾聆听过的歌吧!And let it gently ease our pain让它轻柔地舒缓我们的伤痛Tender rain drops from the blue sky晴空飘下温柔的雨滴blue sky晴空Flowers blooming life is so divine丛花绽开生命是如此的神奇like sunlight on a stream仿佛溪水上闪烁耀眼的阳光般you"re holding my key你正握著我的钥匙You show the world to me你引导我看全世界Tonight I feel close to you今夜 我感觉更接近你You open my door and light the sky above你打开我心房 照亮了那天际When I need a friend you are there right by my side每当我需要朋友时 你就会陪伴在我身边I wish we could stay as one我多么希望我俩能合而为一 不分开So much love in this beautiful world在这美丽的世界上 处处充满著爱Search for the brightest star in the sky找寻那夜空中最明亮的星辰You will find the meaning of love你将会发现真爱的意义Don"t be afraid别害怕Don"t be afraid别害怕Just be yourself只要作你自己Just be yourself只要作你自己We need this love我们需要这份爱…(We need this love)这份我从未知道的爱I never knew我从未知道(I never knew)我从未知道Tonight I feel close to you今夜 我感觉更接近你You open my door and light the sky above你打开我心房 照亮了那天际When I need a friend you are there right by my side每当我需要朋友时 你就会陪伴在我身边I wish we could stay as one我多么希望我俩能合而为一 不分开Tonight I feel close to you今夜 我感觉更接近你You open my door and light the sky above你打开我心房 照亮了那天际When I need a friend you are there right by my side每当我需要朋友时 你就会陪伴在我身边I wish we could stay as one我多么希望我俩能合而为一 不分开I wish we could stay forever as one我多么希望我俩能合而为一 永远不分开


require 要求need 需要

something i need 汉语歌词 sitting on a telephone line singing something true一只黑色的鸟(管它是什么鸟哦!)在电话线上诉说着真实的故事Doesn"t need no rhyme or reason, she just suppose to不需要押韵,也不需要原因,就让它说吧Schoolgirl, backpack, riding on an old bike - looks a lot like you一个背着背包骑着一辆旧自行车的学生妹,看起来很像你Can"t erase you from my mind, no matter what I do不管我怎么做,我都无法忘记你And I see you walking out my door无法忘记你离开了我(Chorus)When I said that I want you more than I wanted to breathe当我说我需要呼吸,但是更需要你And I love my life when I"m by your side I need to believe当我说在你身边我更爱我的生活When I said that I loved you more, while we were sitting in bed当我们坐在床上我对你说,我爱你比你更多Tell me why did you leave, was it me or something that I said请告诉我你为什么离开我,是因为我,还是我说错了什么Was it something that I said是我说错了什么吗?Gypsy, taxi, solo in the back seat, roll baby roll流浪,一个人在出租车后座,走吧走吧Riding by the Empire State on the way to I don"t know路过帝国大厦去到一个我不知道的地方Conversation as a revelation has got me looking back那些对白就像现实一样一幕幕出现在我眼前Over every minute of every moment that we had让我想起我们在一起的每一分每一秒And I see you walking out my door也告诉我,你已经离开了我(Chorus)I know there"s no explaining it and that people come and go我知道天下没有不散筵席But you are like a force of nature too deep to ever know但你仿佛拥有大自然一样令我无法抗拒的力量,让我对你念念不忘I can"t help that I"m waiting and way too long"s gone by我已经等了太长的时间,但我还在等你的答案You can"t blame me for asking why请你不要责怪我还是要问,你为什么要离开我?Oh, why为什么?(Chorus)Blackbird sitting on a telephone line singing something trueDoesn"t need no rhyme or reason, she just suppose to

Here is the code you need to change your steam login credentials


Marketing 里的 needs, wants 和demands的具体区别


need-pay off 是什么意思啊?



needle-detector-calibration-kit检针机校准试剂盒双语例句1. She passed the needle through the rough cloth, back and forth. 她一针一针地缝那块粗布。2. At 240 mph the needle went off the clock. 车速达到每小时240英里时,里程表上的指针显示超出了最高时速。

帮忙找首英文歌曲,i need you all my life all my heart

【Love Paradise-陈慧琳】 曲:陈光荣 词:Poman Lo 编:陈光荣 词 You re always on my mind All day just all the time You re everything to me Brightest star to let me see You touch me in my dreams We kiss in every scene I pray to be with you through rain and shiny days I ll love you Till I die Deep as sea Wide as sky The beauty of our love paints rainbows Everywhere we go Need you all my life You re my hope You re my pride In your arms I find my heaven In your eyes my sea and sky May life be our love paradise I ll love you Till I die Deep as sea Wide as sky The beauty of our love paints rainbows Everywhere we go Need you all my life You re my hope You re my pride In your arms I find my heaven In your eyes my sea and sky May life be our love paradise

I have a pen. I need _____. a.too much b.much two c.two more d.more too




刘宪华i know i need somebody是什么歌

刘宪华i know i need somebody是出自歌曲《how to love》。《how to love》是刘宪华翻唱的歌曲,整首歌节奏感很强,非常好听。《How To Love》是美国电子舞曲组合Cash Cash与美国女歌手Sofia Reyes联手合作的一支单曲,由华纳唱片公司于2016年04月29号正式发布,后收录于Cash Cash2016年6月24日发行的专辑《Blood, Sweat & 3 Years》中。歌词One two three一二三I been running from the pain我已脱离痛境Trying not to feel the same试着不再重蹈覆辙But it"s a shame that we"re sinking但遗憾的是我们都在沉沦See my confidence is shaking看见我的信心在动摇了And my heart is feeling vacant而我的内心也倍感空虚So you try to fill it in所以你尽力去填补空白You say "I can fix the broken in your heart你说“我可以修复你的玻璃心You"re worth saving darling"亲爱的你值得我拯救”But I don"t know why you"re shooting in the dark但我不明白你为什么要在深夜落荒逃离I got faith in nothing我对万事无自信But love, pray for me但是爱,它为我祈祷I never had somebody我从未幸得某人呵护So I don"t know how to love所以我不懂怎么去爱Pray for me请为我祈祷I know I need somebody我知道我需要某个人陪伴So I can learn how to love所以我可以学会去热爱I know it"s been a while我知道我已经恍惚很久Cause my memory"s on trial因为我在审判我的回忆For the way I used to be我曾经亦是如此My head is running miles我的思绪飞跃几英里Round in circles and I try循环往复而我在努力To find the little light in me去探寻心中的那盏小明灯You say "I can fix the broken in your heart你说“我可以修复你的玻璃心You"re worth saving darling"亲爱的你值得我拯救”But I don"t know why you"re shooting in the dark但我不明白你为什么要在深夜落荒逃离I got faith in nothing我对万事无自信But love, pray for me但是爱,它为我祈祷I never had somebody我从未幸得某人呵护So I don"t know how to love所以我不懂怎么去爱Pray for me请为我祈祷I know I need somebody我知道我需要某个人陪伴So I can learn how to love所以我可以学会去热爱I know I need somebody我知道我需要某个人陪伴I know I need somebody我知道我需要某个人陪伴I know I need somebody我很清楚我急需某人的陪伴So I can learn how to love所以我可以学会去热爱How to love怎么去爱How to love如何去爱你So I can learn how to love所以我可以学会去热爱How to love怎么去爱How to love如何去爱你How to love怎样才算热爱Love, love, love, love, love, love, oh爱,爱,爱,爱,爱,爱,唉I know I need somebody我知道我需要某个人陪伴I know I need somebody我知道我需要某个人陪伴I know I need somebody我很清楚我急需某人的陪伴So I can learn how to love所以我完全可以学会去爱你

why we need love

Because ---Love will keep us alive The EaglesI was standing All alone against the world outside You were searching For a place to hide Lost and lonely Now you"ve given me the will to survive When we"re will keep us alive Don"t you worry Sometimes you"ve just gotta let it ride The world is changing Right before your eyes Now I"ve found you There"s no more emptiness inside When we"re will keep us alive I would die for you Climb the highest mountain Baby, there"s nothing I wouldn"t do I was standing All alone against the worlk outside You were searching For a place to hide Lost and lonely Now you"ve given me the will to survive When we"re will keep us alive When we"re will keep us alive When we"re will keep us alive

i need a girl音译

I need a GirlTae YangI"m tired of being aloneSick of being singleI think I need a girlI need a girl likeSaenggak eopneun maltuEorein aedeul malguNal gamssa.ana julGamanisseodo namjanomdeulJeonhwagil naemiljimanJarangseureopgae nae sajineulKkeonaebo.I.neun georeun girlGirl, I need a girlMweolhaedo eeppeunMom.maedo eeppeunGirl, I need a girlBaby, I need youGirl, you need me, tooChimaboda chungbajiga deo jal eo.oolineun geureon yeojaKimchi bokkeumbapeun naega jal mandeul eoDaeshin jal meogeul su itneun manado eoryeobo.I.neun yeojaNan geureon yeojaga jodeora(Know what I mean)Bukkeureo.oon cheok hamyeonseodoPyungso.aen joshinhan cheokhaedo gatchi isseumyeonHmm, y"all know what I"m talking aboutGirl, I need a girlMweolhaedo eeppeunMom.maedo eeppeunGirl, I need a girlNan eereon yeojaga jodeoraWaemoneun not issue but meoseul aneun gwiyeo.oon girlChwimineun dallado chwihyangeun gataeYounghwana eumakeul bol ddaemyeon mali tonghaneun girl(Yes! ) I love girls, girls I do adoreSarangdeul apaesun jijo.itgae nolayoNae apaesun aing nan mollayoAchimae nal kkae.ooneun moksori(Morning Kiss) Harureul shijak.hagoshipeoBamaeneun ni mureupae gidaeJajanggareul deuleumyeo ni kkoom kkugoshipeoDashi nae gaseumeul ddwigae haejweoDashi dalkomhan norael mandeulgae hajweoYou know don"t need no moreDanji geureongae anya nae mameul jugo shipeun saramGirl, I need a girlGirl, I get, gotta make you"re mineI"m treat you right, babyGirl, I need a girlMweolhaedo eeppeunMommaedo eeppeunGirl, I need a girlBaby, I need youGirl, you need me, tooGirl, I need a girlGirl, I need a girlGirl, nae maleul deudgo itniBaby, I need youGirl, you need me, tooGirl, I need a girl

storange system needs attention 是什么意思

storange system needs attention贮存系统需要注意例句:1.But he gets their attention. 但他总能引起人们的关注。2.The case attracted international attention. 此案引起了国际社会的关注。

一首英文歌 女的唱的 节奏比较快 歌词有baby baby i love baby baby i need you 求大神帮忙


一首韩文歌 男女对唱 歌词里有i love you baby ,i need you baby

girl friends - maybe i love you

求一首男生唱慢的歌曲。里面的一句歌词是baby l love you baby l need you


求一首英文歌,男唱高潮baby i love you baby i need you音很高,最后结尾好像是almost i love you之类的

我也听过,只不过忘了,我记得是有一个女的在配音的,一个男的使劲唱,当唱到baby i love you baby i need you的时候几乎是说的而不是唱的,只是我也不记得歌名,不过我电脑上有这首歌,我也很喜欢

日语快歌 男生rap女生第一句是baby i love you baby i need you


劲舞团中有一首歌歌词是baby i love you baby i need you谁知道是什么歌曲?

kelly rowland nelly----dilemma

开头有Baby I Love You Baby I need you 这句歌词的韩文歌是什么?

开头是不是一个男的用英文说了几句 如果是的话 那这首歌也是我要找的

英文歌词 i still love you i still need you ……求歌名

i am still loving you

有一首歌曲歌词的高潮部分是“I still love you ,I still need you "请问是哪首歌里的?

Nelly In My Life (Feat. Avery Storm & Mase)Yo, Turn the mic upI haven"t been in here in 5 yearsAnd keep the lights onWe got companyWoooooYeeeahUh UhYeaOookI don"t think they gon" really understandthis one right herre manNot at all, not at allWe got a special guest in the house tonightWho is that?But first* OhhhYou see though I ain"t the one that"ll pay for your phoneWay you lookin maI might just pay for your homeRight out the ceremony give you the thronePut you somewhere you know birds cant comeI don"t wanna be your man booI wanna be the oneTo get inside your brainAnd give you my last nameI swurr I can changeI put that on er"rythingYou aint happy while happy wit me booThen gimme the blameDifferent color ring for erryday of the weekYou can go on and set it up for me n pops to meetCuz I"ma ask him for you handAnd show that I"m a man(What if he say that you cant)I"ma tell him my plans becauseMe and u was meant to be as one nowMe and u we gon have sum fun nowMe and u from sun up to sun downMe and u that"s one thing I know for sureI still luv uI still want uI still need you(LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!)in my lifein my*(MISTER)I STILL(this gon be real fun)I LOVE YOU(you might know him as)I WANT YOUI think ima let you introduce yourselfIN MY LIFEone man one cat made to winI heard your hear to change the game againMason Betha heaven sentNo game can change what you representYou cant call me with no money that I never spentThey don"t make planes to go where I never wentI aint gotta keep sinning to keep spinninI prefer pink dice and peach linenI teach these women what they in this earth forSearch yours, find out you really worth moreI change your esteemYou was made for a kingDo he really love you?He ain"t give you a ringI erase the hateThat made you meanGot you 20 lookin" 50And you only 18Then ya slate cleanIt"s not a fake dreamBye bye hatasWe off for high hatasI still love youI still want youI still need youIn my lifeIn my*I STILLI LOVE YOUI WANT YOU(They gon be mad at this one lil derrty)IN MY LIFEMe and you was meant to be as one nowMe and you we gon have sum fun nowMe and you from sun up to sun downMe and you that"s one thing I know for sureSo girl, tell me is there something I can do to see youMaybe you can make a lil time for me i"ll meet uI just gotta tell u what I"m goin" throughGotta let u know I still love youtheres so many things I wanna share with youso much is there to make me miss youfor what its worth girlI swear its truthgirl I wanna let u knowI STILL LOVE YOU!I still love youI still want youI still need youIn my lifeIn my*I STILLI LOVE YOUI WANT YOUIN MY LIFEI still love youI still want youI still need youIn my lifeIn my*(It"s Fo Reel)I STILLI LOVE YOU(This should be illegal right herreya know what i"m saying?)I WANT YOU(Ain"t no way we should be on the same track lil derrty)IN MY LIFEEND I My Life

i have to find you tell you i need you这是哪首歌的歌词

I need you

一首英文歌,有歌词i need you right now


Much ________ the young couple needed money to make the down payment for the apa

"答案B从句为让步状语从句,且much as=although符合句意:""尽管这对年轻夫妇非常需要钱。""如Much as she disliked the idea (=Although she disliked the idea) ,...虽然她很不喜欢那个意见,……。"

they need a new goalkeeper的

译文:他们需要一个新的门将原文:they need a new goalkeeper希望能帮助到你,谢谢

SIA权志龙开场vcr的背景音乐是什么歌 有句歌词是but i need you but i dont need


I Need You Come Back 歌名中文是什么

i need you come back(我需要你回来)演唱:欢子作词:陈宇宁作曲:陈宇宁i just wanna sing a song for you baby girl i need to see youwhy do you choose to leave meforever ever no下雨天空望窗外依稀感觉你还在回忆把爱带回来电影开始的对白被时间卷入大海飘进迷失的未来为你付出的一切你为什么还会离开难道这是因为爱你无法替我感觉只有音乐记录幻觉来纪念我们的爱i just wanna sing a song for you baby girl i need to see youwhy do you choose to leave meforever ever no在那熟悉的站台落下一地的空白眼前的爱已离开后来我终于明白传说乌托邦的爱需要彼此去灌溉为你付出的一切你为什么还会离开难道这是因为爱你无法替我感觉只有音乐记录幻觉来纪念我们的爱baby i want you back.i just wanna sing a song for youi just wanna sing a song for you baby girl i need to see youwhy do you choose to leave meforever ever nodon"t say so sorryeverynight tell me why难道这就是l.o.v.e当你无声离开没有什么表白只剩等待 oh 爱baby i still love youdon"t leave me

一首日文歌曲,女生唱的 里面有部分说唱是英文的,其中一句是i want you back now, i need you right now


我这电脑能玩”极速快感17:新全民公敌“(Need for Speed: Most Wanted)吗?

你这个配置没问题。 这个游戏本人觉得很好玩,你也玩玩 真的 可以,就是跟极品飞车16相比 17画面没什么亮点,我在玩的呢,推荐你玩玩!

极品飞车17:最高通缉《Need for Speed Most Wanted》开头曲


这个图是Need For Speed 17 Most Wanted的主题壁纸.主题图.求这个图大图



Need for speed most wanted Save Editor


在游民星空下的极品飞车17 不定时的Need for Speed Most Wanted已停止工作


Need For Speed Most Wanted PC DVD.ISO怎么安装


极品飞车9:最高通缉(Need for Speed Most Wanted)【中文版修改器】V1.6 及完美存档!!~


运行极品飞车9就提示 need for speed most wanted.exe 停止工作,要怎么处理???

可能程序不兼容, 可以更换个版本试试。另外建议参考下程序对配置的要求。或者右键需要运行的程序 选择兼容性 用兼容模式运行试试。

Need for Speed Most Wanted 极品飞车9 完全硬盘版怎么汉化?

极品9汉化的方法有两个 方法一:注册表法(注册表丢失,一般重新安装系统会丢失) 下载注册表:然后双击确定即可先看看游戏里面除了安装好的文件外还有没有其它压缩包什么的?找找!!有的话,点击运行它方法二:补丁法(原来就是英文版的请使用)复制即可下载:一定要放到游戏目录里面,也就是游戏的文件夹,随便什么都行希望对楼主有帮助!
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