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  illumination  英[u026au02cclu:mu026au02c8neu026au0283n]美[u026au02cclumu0259u02c8neu0283u0259n]  n.照明; 阐明,解释清楚; <物>照度; 彩饰,图案花饰;  [例句]The only illumination came from a small window high in the opposite wall.唯一的亮光来自对面墙上高处的一扇小窗子。  [其他]复数:illuminations


用distribution 或promotion



International Love 歌词

歌曲名:International Love歌手:Pitbull&Chris Brown专辑:Planet PitPitbull feat.Chris Brown - International LoveYou put it down like New York CityI never sleep!Wild like Los AngelesMy fantasy!Hotter than MiamiI feel the heat!Ohh, Miss International loveOhh ,Miss International loveI don"t play football but I"ve touched down pretty much all around the world, all around the worldI don"t play baseball but I"ve hit a home run all around the world, all around the worldI"ve been to countries and cities I can"t pronounceAnd the places on the globe I didn"t know existedIn Romania she pulled me to the side and told me Pit you can have me and my sisterIn Lebanon yeah the women are bombAnd in Greece you"ve guessed it the women are sweetSpinned all around the world but I ain"t gon" lie there"s nothing like Miami"s heatYou put it down like New York CityI never sleep!Wild like Los AngelesMy fantasy!Hotter than MiamiI feel the heat!Ohh, Miss International loveOhh ,Miss International love..and looking for visas,Ain"t talking credit cards if you know what I mean!Uaaa, la cosa esta duraThe woman gets down, if you know what I mean!…got everything on,Some of the most beautiful women I"ve ever seen,In Brazil is freaky big oh booty and they bounce, blue yellow and green!En L.A. tengo la Mexicana, en New York tengo la…He sido para todas las mujeres en Venezuela, muah!Y en Miami tengo a cualquiera!You put it down like New York CityI never sleep!Wild like Los AngelesMy fantasy!Hotter than MiamiI feel the heat!Ohh, Miss International love!Ohh ,Miss International love!There"s not a place that your love don"t affect me babySo don"t ever changeI crossed the globe when I"m with you babyAyyWoah-ohYou put it down like New York CityI never sleep!Wild like Los AngelesMy fantasy!Hotter than MiamiI feel the heat!Ohh, Miss International love!Ohh , Miss International love!You put it down like New York CityI never sleep!Wild like Los AngelesMy fantasy!Hotter than MiamiI feel the heat!Ohh, Miss International love!Ohh , Miss International love!well Internationalso InternationalInternationalwell International



national policy中文翻译

National popcy should not be determined by outside influence . 国家政策的制定不该受外部影响。 For every country there is a whole set of national popcies . 每一个国家都有一整套全国性的政策。 It is a critical distinction, on which national popcy floundered in the united states for many years . 这是多年来使得美国国家政策犹豫不决的一个关键问题。 Agricultural popcy has confpcted with other agricultural goals and with other national popcies . 农业政策与不同的农业目标以及与其它的国民政策之间存在矛盾。 The new corporate leaders often fly to washington to confer with government officials on national popcy . 这些新的公司领导人常常飞往华盛顿,同 *** 官员商讨国家的政策。 To be sure, the vice president sits in on national security council meetings, where the gravest decisions of national popcy are considered . 当然,副总统参加决定最重大国策的国家安全委员会会议。 Global capital flows and national popcy choices 全球资本流通和国家政策选择 Current national popcy and reform of ecec in the uk 英国学前教育的现行国家政策与改革 Chinese mathematics supported by national popcy 国家政策扶持下的中国数学 Gospel teachings and national popcy will not confpct 福音的教导和国家的政策不会?突。 National popcy of returning farmland to forest and grassland 什么是国家的退耕还林还草政策 National popcies cannot be made hostage to another country 国家政策不能做为其他国家的谈判筹码。 National popcies and the development of industry of financial leasing 国家政策与融资租赁业的发展 Negotiating with terrorists is incongruous with national popcy 和 *** 进行谈判不符合国家政策。 Institute of national popcy research institute of international relations 政治大学国际关系研究中心 Development of national popcy simulator of social economic security 国家经济安全政策模拟器的开发问题 Summary of national popcy in ancient china in the last ten years 近十年来中国古代王朝民族政策研究综述 A probe into israep national popcy 以色列民族政策浅析 Comments on national popcy carried out in xingjiang province by yang zeng - xin 评杨增新治新时期的民族政策 A probe into indian national popcy 印度民族政策初探 On the change of ethnic consciousness of ussr through its national popcy 从苏联的民族政策看其族群意识的变化 He or she appoints and di *** isses ministers and formulates national popcy 总统有权任免各部部长,并制定国家政策。 The ethno - national popcy of vietnam and its practice since the reform and opening - up 越南革新以来的民族政策与实践 Evaluation on the national popcy of regional economic cooperation in the 1990s in china 90年代我国区域经济合作政策效果分析 5 . domestic modity except not allowed by national popcy wholesale and retail 5国内商品国家政策规定不允许经营除外批发零售 Implementing basic national popcy of conserving resources , speeding up building saving social 贯彻落实节约资源基本国策加快建设节约型社会 As a national popcy , the drug centrapzed bid procurement is a historic choice 摘要药品集中招标采购作为一项国策,已是大势所趋,不可逆转。 The function of national popcy on the minority areas building well - off society in an all - round way 民族政策在民族地区全面建设小康社会中的作用 The economic development in ethnic regions must have the support of national popcy 民族地区经济发展的滞后,已经成为提高我国综合国力的严重障碍。 Thoughts on the relationship beeen emperor wen " s national popcies in the sui dynasty and rule of kaihuang 关于隋文帝民族政策与开皇之治关系的思考 China announced in 2003 that it is a national popcy to revive the old northeast industrial base 2003年,我国明确提出把振兴东北老工业基地作为一项国策。 The open popcy , as a long - time rudimental national popcy , is " begun by mao and finished by deng " 对外开放作为中国的一项长期的基本国策, “始于毛,成于邓” 。 A usually expansionist national popcy having as its sole principle advancement of the national interest 现实政治常指一种扩张的国家政策,把国家利益看作是唯一的原则性进展 Our long - term planning strategy should be flexible , reapstic and also consistent with the national popcy 我们的长远规划策略应具备灵活性、符合实际需要,并配合国家政策。 To investigate national popcy and measures related to the river pollution control and evaluate its effectiveness 调查国家关于河水污染治理相关政策和措施并对有效性时行评价。 As this is in pne with the government s national popcy and interest , the group has their full backing and support 此一业务符合国家的利益和政策,集团得到 *** 部门的全力支持。 The chinese government takes environmental protection as one of its basic national popcies 中国 *** 把环境保护作为一项基本国策,从本国国情出发,为保护环境采取了一系列有力措施。 As a important national popcy , governmental affairs pubpcity has made some exploration and also some progress 作为一项重大的国家政策,政务公开在实践中有了一些初步探索,取得了一些成绩。 More than half of beijing " s *** single children don " t intend to have o kids , even though national popcy allows them to do so 有一半北京独生子家庭不打算要第二胎,即便国家政策允许要第二胎。 More than half of beijing " s *** single children don " t intend to have o kids , even though national popcy allows them to do so 尽管国家政策允许,但超过一半以上的北京成年独生子女也不想要第二胎 Canon began its chinese business after the open door popcy was affirmed as a fundamental national popcy by the chinese government 佳能的中国事业佳能的中国事业始于19世纪70年代末改革开放之初。 Plans for both human adaptation and appropriate ecological management techniques must be incorporated into national popcies 人类适应性选择和适宜的生态管理技术的相关计划必须整合到国家政策当中去。 More than half of beijing " s *** single children don " t intend to have o kids , even though national popcy allows them to do so 北京超过半数的独生子女不打算要两个孩子,尽管国家政策允许他们这样做 More than half of beijing " s *** single children don " t intend to have o kids , even though national popcy allows them to do so 北京大多数独生子女不想要两个小孩儿,尽管国家法律允许他们可以生两胎。 Manufacturing : plastic products , dianmu products , rubber products ( excluding franchised national popcy , the control of goods ) 制造:塑料制品、电木制品、橡胶制品(不含国家政策规定专营、专控商品) 。 Talents will receive various influences during their growing , among which national popcy is the important exterior factor 人才的成长受到很多因素的影响,民族政策是少数民族妇女成才的重要的外部影响因素。 Rural social security in ethnic minority regions is in consistent with the national popcy , but has its specific characteristics 民族地区农村社会保障工作既有同全国相一致的地方,但也有民族地区的特点。 More than half of beijing " s *** single children don " t intend to have o kids , even though national popcy allows them to do so 北京超过半数的独生子女夫妇不打算要两个孩子,虽然国家政策允许他们生第二胎 Give no cause for more critici *** , this is the child below market economy , also did not undertake to this in national popcy any standard 无可厚非,这是市场经济下的产物,国家政策中对此也没有进行任何的规范 More than half of beijing " s *** single children don " t intend to have o kids , even though national popcy allows them to do so 北京有超过一半的独生子女夫妇不打算要第二个孩子,尽管国家政策目前允许生第二胎。

k8s 如何利用terminationGracePeriodSeconds 优雅地关闭你的服务?

什么是 terminationGracePeriodSeconds? 解释这个参数之前,先来回忆一下K8S滚动升级的步骤: 1.K8S首先启动新的POD 2.S等待新的POD进入Ready状态 3.K8S创建Endpoint,将新的POD纳入负载均衡 4.K8S移除与老POD相关的Endpoint,并且将老POD状态设置为Terminating,此时将不会有新的请求到达老POD 5.同时 K8S 会给老POD发送SIGTERM信号,并且等待 terminationGracePeriodSeconds 这么长的时间。(默认为30秒) 6.超过terminationGracePeriodSeconds等待时间后, K8S 会强制结束老POD 看到这里,我想大家应该明白了,terminationGracePeriodSeconds 就是K8S给你程序留的最后的缓冲时间,来处理关闭之前的操作。 或许你会问,如果不配置或者不处理这个,有什么问题? 假象一下下面的场景: 既然知道可能带来的问题了,那么怎么解决呢? 明白这个参数的意义,那就很好解决了。

求Fear Of Domination - 2009专辑Call Of Schizophrenia歌词,顺便再求极端乐队推荐,要有DEICIDE,大敌。


World Domination Tour 红警这个地图怎么玩好


求问图论中的术语domination number意思?


求问图论中的术语domination number意思?


红警共和国之辉world domination怎么玩


female domination是什么意思

female domination女性主导,女性统治双语例句1On the Female Domination Theme in Lawrence Works 劳伦斯作品中的女性统治主题2Even so, male students have to deal with female domination at least throughout campus life. 即使如此,至少在大学期间,男生们也必须解决校园生活中以女性为主导的这一状况。




dominance n. 支配;控制,支配地位; domination n.控制;统治 扩展资料   To end control and domination, focus on freedom and allowing.   为了终止控制和统治,要关注自由和许可;   Research on an ε-Domination Based Orthogonal Differential Evolution Algorithm for Multi-Objective Optimization   基于ε占优的正交多目标差分演化算法研究   Parameter Design of Portfolio Insurance Strategies Based on Stochastic Dominance   基于随机占优的投资组合保险策略参数设计   US dominance of the past two decades is coming to an end.   过去20年由美国主导的秩序正走向尾声。   Many Europeans would like an end to dollar dominance, too.   很多欧洲人也希望终结美元的霸主地位。



minority nationality翻译

minority nationality翻译:少数民族;minority是一个英语单词,名词,作名词时意思是“少数民族;少数派;未成年”。minority 双语例句In this work, Gladney challenges this simplistic view, arguing instead that the very opposition of majority and minority, primitive and modern,are historically constructed and are belied by examination of such disenfranchised groups as Muslims, minorities, and gendered others.在本书中,作者挑战了这个过于简单化的观点,认为中国的历史是一部主体和支流、先进和落后互相反抗的过程,只是由于我们以前太过于注意对穆斯林、少数民族这些化外之民的考察,反而掩盖了历史的真相。2. Our staff members are currently involved in campaigns to improve the education system for Ethnic Minority children.我们的员工致力参与改善少数族裔小孩教育制度的活动,定期联络不同的学校,向我们的下一代推广多元文化,以及继续跟进个别的个案。3. Today, many ethnic minority areas in China it still remains a blot. Tibetan areas such as Marriage rush and Cost of Life these two fairly typical customs.时至今日,我国很多少数民族地区仍遗存着它的印迹,如藏族地区就保留了抢婚和赔命价这两个颇为典型的风俗习惯。4. I once made a report, but everyone here is is of the Kongluo minority, so the police have no way to work here.我之前也报过警,可是这儿全是空落族,警察根本没办法在这儿工作。

The National的《Slipped》 歌词

歌曲名:Slipped歌手:The National专辑:Trouble Will Find MeSlipped - The National.I"m in the city you hatedMy eyes are fallingCounting the clicks with the living deadMy eyes are red.I"m in the crush and I hate itMy eyes are fallingI"m having trouble inside my skinI try to keep my skeletons in.Is it weird to be back in the south?And can they even tellThat the city girl was ever thereOr anywhere.I"m having trouble inside my skinI try to keep my skeletons inI"ll be your friendAnd a f*ck up and everything,But I"ll never beAnything you ever want me to be..I keep coming back here where everything slippedBut I will not spill my guts outI keep coming back here where everything slippedBut I will not spill my guts out.I don"t need any help to be breakable, believe meI know nobody else who can laugh along to any kind of jokeI won"t need any help to be lonely when you leave me.It"ll be easy to coverGather my skeletons far insideIt"ll be summer in DallasBefore I realize.I don"t want you to grieveBut I want you to sympathize (alright)I can"t blame you for losingYour mind for a little while (so did I)I don"t want you to changeBut I want you to recognize (that I).It"ll be easy to coverGather your skeletons far insideIt"ll be summer in DallasBefore you realizeThat I"ll never beAnything you ever want me to be.I keep coming back here where everything slippedBut I will not spill my guts outI keep coming back here where everything slippedBut I will not spill my guts out.

美国万国International的 lonestar重卡价格

domination和 dominance区别

你好!dominance n.优势, 统治domination n. 控制, 统治, 支配意思不太一样。祝学习进步!

the three-axis attitude determination (TRIAD)algorithm 在中文中叫做什么算法(导航制导与控制)




英语单词造句 destination overnight boast 拜托啦~~~

My destination this time is Beijing.You cannot get 1 million dollars overnight.Never boast your own abilities.

找个英文歌·中间说唱总好似重复一句:i wanna now journonation,i wanna journonation now.

黑眼豆豆的let"s get it started

international journal of neuroscience是什么杂志


conjonction subordination有哪些?具体怎么用?

Subordinate conjunctions 用于 subordinate clauses.总共有7 types.1.表示“time”when,before,after,until,since,as soon as.example sentences:when he won the money, he decided to buy a sports car.2.表示“place”where,whereverexample:she drove wherever she wanted.3.表示“reason或clause”because, as,sinceex:she got a parking tikect because she parked illegally.4.表示“purpose”so that, inorder thatex:he drove fast so that he could get to work on time.5.表示“result”so..that, such.. thatex:he drove so fast that he could get to work on time.6.表示“conditions”if,unlessex:if she hadn"t lost her way, she would have arrived in time for dinner.7.表示“concession”although, even thoughex:although she thought she was a good driver, she got a lot of tikects for speeding.以上已经概括的很全面了。

英语China is a nation of etiquette怎么翻译?

China is a nation of etiquette: 中国是一个礼仪之邦。

终止子(terminator)与终止密码子(termination codon)的主要区别是什么?


consonant combinatiom是什么?英文定义是什么?

是辅音组合的意思,辅音字母组合的概念:1可以组合起来发音的连续辅音字母。2含义非常稳定。twinkle闪烁,闪耀-twist搓,捻,拧-twin-twice-twenty-twelve-between-two sprinkle洒,喷,淋-spring春天,喷泉-sprout抽条,发芽-spray喷射,喷溅-spread散布,传播-offspring后代-Esprit才气,才智,才华第二段 辅音字母组合(二)splendid辉煌的,灿烂的-split劈开,裂开wrinkle皱纹,皱痕-wrist手腕-write写-wrap缠,裹(clap-鼓掌)-wrench猛拧,挣脱(bench-板凳)-wrong-wreck-船只失事(wr+deck)shrink缩水,退缩-shrewd精明的-shriek尖叫-shrub灌木,灌木丛-shrug耸肩(缩头)乔木 tree有一个直立主干、且高达5米以上的木本植物称为乔木。与低矮的灌木相对应,通常见到的高大树木都是乔木,如木棉、松树、玉兰、白桦等。乔木按冬季或旱季落叶与否又分为落叶乔木和常绿乔木。灌木 shrub (shr=short)灌木是指树身矮小,没有明显主干,近地面处就生出许多枝条或为丛生状态。主干不明显,常在基部发出多个枝干的木本植物称为灌木,如玫瑰、龙船花、映山红、牡丹等。shr=short-短,缩短squeeze挤压-squash果汁,挤烂的水果triangle三角 three= tri第三段 辅音字母组合(三)squeeze挤压-squash果汁,挤烂的水果-square广场-quarter一刻钟,四分之一小时sneeze打喷嚏-snore打鼾 snack快餐(back-后背)-snap猛咬,突然折断-snake蛇-sneak鬼鬼祟祟-snail蜗牛snow ~sn ?? “雪是上帝的一个喷嚏”fr-冷冻 freeze使结冰-frozen冰冻的-fridge冰箱-frost霜/foster抚养,养育 -fresh新鲜的-fruit水果fr-破碎 fraction片段,小部分,分数(相对于整数) free-自由 fragment碎片,碎屑第四段 辅音字母组合(四)fr-破碎 frequent-频繁的(碎的,中文所谓“小碎步”,“碎嘴子”)frank坦白的,率直的 -France法兰西 -Gaul高卢(欧洲西部一个地区名)thr 1 三,多;:thrive兴旺的,繁荣的(derive起源,得自于)-throng群-throne王位-philanthropic博爱的,慈善的 -anthropic 人类的(top顶端) thr 2 穿过 :through-thread线(所谓“穿针引线”)-threat危险,威胁-thrust戳,插(rust)-throat咽喉,喉咙( thr + road =throat )第五段 辅音字母组合(五)sc 1 切割: scale刻度,比例尺,天平,等级-score得分,二十-scissor剪刀-scoop铲子-scar刀疤-scandal丑闻-scare恐吓,威吓-scarf切口,嵌接处(有切口的地方),围巾,头巾sketch草图,略图(fetch取、拿)sc 2梯子~攀登 scale攀登-escalate逐步升高(zoom)scend-词根:攀登(tend-词根:延伸) -ascend上升-descend下降sc 3看见,知道   I know~ I seescene场面,情景,一场戏-scout侦察机,侦察员,侦察-scan扫描,浏览science科学,知识-conscience良知,良心-conscious神志清晰的第六段 辅音字母组合(六)str拉紧,紧绷,狭长:stream小溪 (beam 横梁,房梁,光束)street大街-string细绳,琴弦-strait海峡-stripe条纹-strap皮带;捆扎 strong强壮-strict严格的,严厉的-straight笔直的,正直的-strength力量strain拉紧,扯紧-restrain抑制,制止(explain-解释)-restrict限制,约束-constrain强迫,迫使struggle挣扎,奋斗,战争smuggle走私 -small小 –smile微笑 –smart聪明 –smoke烟 –smash粉碎strike罢工,斗争-strategy战略,军略,策略stress强调(strong强)-distress使痛苦ostrich鸵鸟,中国人记忆英语单词的三个阶段:接近英文单词 ~ 戏说英文单词 ~ 解读英文单词接近英文时代:ostrich鸵鸟(谐音:“噢,是最迟”,联想:鸵鸟身体庞大,跑得慢)戏说英文时代:ostrich鸵鸟(胡编:cost花费 +rich富裕,胡编:富人花得起钱买鸵鸟)解读英文时代:ostrich鸵鸟(o=out-往外,str-拉扯,ich-无义的表音成分,解释:鸵鸟相对于其他鸟类的突出特点是脖子长,腿长,好像被用手往外拉扯过一般,这正是鸵鸟的特征。)第七段 辅音字母组合(七)rich富裕(来自 “rice”)衣 +谷 =裕ostrich鸵鸟,中国人记忆英语单词的三个阶段:接近英文单词 ~ 戏说英文单词 ~ 解读英文单词接近英文时代:ostrich鸵鸟(谐音:“噢,是最迟”,联想:鸵鸟身体庞大,跑得慢)戏说英文时代:ostrich鸵鸟(胡编:cost花费 +rich富裕,胡编:富人花得起钱买鸵鸟)解读英文时代:ostrich鸵鸟(o=out-往外,str-拉扯,ich-无义的表音成分,解释:鸵鸟相对于其他鸟类的突出特点是脖子长,腿长,好像被用手往外拉扯过一般,这正是鸵鸟的特征。)cr 1 叫喊 :cry哭,叫,喊(weep泪,sob抽泣) -scream尖叫(beam房梁,横梁,光束) sharp锐利的,尖利的(warp-弯曲,歪曲) -shear修剪,剪-share分享,分担 aware知道的,意识到 ( w-watch-看见) sh~s section-部分 sect词根:分 rect词根:直立 fect-词根:做cr 1" cr~cl叫喊 : claim要求,声称,索赔-acclaim欢呼,喝彩-exclaim呼喊-proclaim声明cr 2 爬行:crawl爬行,蠕动-creep爬行-cripple/ripple-crocodile鳄鱼(鳄鱼是爬行动物)cr 3 爬升=gr:accrue自然增加-increase增加-decrease降低,减少scr手,爪子: scratch抓,挠,搔-scrap碎片-scrawl乱涂,乱写-scribe写-describe描述,记录-scripture手稿fl弯曲,流动: flesh肉,肉体-flame火焰-conflict冲突第八段 辅音字母组合(八)fl弯曲 :reflect反射,反映-flection弯曲-inflect(使)弯曲-flexible柔韧的,灵活的flaunt炫耀,招摇-flag旗(迎风招展为旗,木板不能为旗)flow-fluent流利的,流畅的-flush奔流,脸发红-float漂浮,浮舟(fl +boat=float)pl折腰,合,叠,饱: apply申请,应用-comply照做,应允-complicate(使)变复杂-complicated错综复杂的-duplicate复制,复印练习:abstract 抽象的;抽取,摘取 ;摘要( str-拉扯 、抽拉 )clash 碰撞(cl-合)smash 粉碎(sm-小)crash 坠毁(cr-叫,叫喊)

Destination Vertical 歌词

歌曲名:Destination Vertical歌手:Masha Qrella专辑:Unsolved Remainedar: Masha Qrellati: Detination Verticalby: Lynn-)Descending from the mountain peaksMy knees are trembling I feel weakThe sun reflected from the snow aboveWe hardly see the things we left behindThe destination we reached itNow we"re back to earthThe destination we reached itNow we"re feeling worseDescending from the mountain peaksMy knees are trembling I feel weakThe sun reflected from the snow aboveWe hardly see the things we left behindThe destination we reached itNow we"re back to earthThe destination we reached itNow we"re feeling worserepeat......

Level 4 Unit3 Honey Bee Pollination

正文: Honeybees play an interesting and important role in nature. 蜜蜂在自然界中扮演着有趣而重要的角色。 In addition to making honey, honeybees help many plants reproduce. 除了制造蜂蜜,蜜蜂还帮助许多植物繁殖。 They do this by pollinating the plant, which means to transfer pollen. 他们通过给植物授粉来做到这一点,这意味着传递花粉。 Pollination occurs when pollen is moved within a plant"s flower or carried to another flower. 当花粉在植物的花中移动或携带到另一朵花时,就会发生授粉。 This is how the plants reproduce. 植物就是这样繁殖的。 For reproduction to succeed, the pollen must be transferred from the male part of a flower to the female part. 为了成功繁殖,花粉必须从花的雄性部分转移到雌性部分。 Many plants depend on pollination for reproduction. 许多植物依靠授粉进行繁殖。 These include many fruits and vegetables. 这些包括许多水果和蔬菜。 Besides honeybees, there are many other pollinators, including birds, insects and other kinds of bees. 除了蜜蜂,还有许多其他传粉媒介,包括鸟类、昆虫和其他种类的蜜蜂。 Without enough pollinators, many of our favorite fruits and vegetables would become more expensive and hard to find. 如果没有足够的传粉媒介,我们最喜欢的许多水果和蔬菜将变得更加昂贵且难以找到。 These include almonds and cherries. 这些包括杏仁和樱桃。 Honeybees are important pollinators and play an important role in agriculture. 蜜蜂是重要的传粉者,在农业中发挥着重要作用。 Beekeepers are people who keep honeybees. 养蜂人是养蜜蜂的人。 In addition to collecting honey, some beekeepers provide pollination services to farmers. 除了采集蜂蜜,一些养蜂人还为农民提供授粉服务。 They do this by raising and managing colonies of bees. 他们通过饲养和管理蜜蜂群来做到这一点。 Farmers need the colonies to pollinate their crops. 农民需要蜜蜂群来为他们的庄稼授粉。 Beekeepers can provide and manage bee colonies for farmers. 养蜂人可以为农民提供和管理蜜蜂群。

英语作文 The international food festival in our school

My school had an international food festival last Sunday. We had it in the playground. We wanted to raise some money for the SPCA. We sold food from different counties. Peter sold English food. Alice sold Japanese food. I sold Chinese food. We raised 1000 yuan for the SPCA. We hope the money will help the homeless animals.

Stagnation-proof system concepts 怎么译?

Stagnation-proof system concepts 防堵塞系统概念Drain-back concept回排概念cooling effect of the piping管道的冷却效应Cooling via heating radiators(passive)通过散热器的冷却(被动式)Intermediate vessel before the main expansion tank主延展箱之前的中级容器Cooling via heating radiators(active)通过散热器的冷却(主动式)Cooling with water用水冷却Heat transfer to the ground热转移到地面Steeper collector angle更大的收集器角度Efficiently drained collectors有效排流的收集器arger buffer storagearger缓冲存储器(区)(Frost-proof alternative medium)防霜冻替代性媒介(Increased system pressure)增加的系统压力(covering of the collectors)收集器的覆盖


韩庚《my logou226b

有关历史的,什么是“League of Nations"

国际联盟(League of Nations,简称国联)是第一次世界大战后组成的国际组织,宗旨是减少武器数目、平息国际纠纷及维持民众的生活水平。但国联却不能有效阻止法西斯的侵略行为。第二次世界大战后被联合国取代。The League of Nations was an international organization founded after the Paris Peace Conference of 1919. The League"s goals included disarmament; preventing war through collective security; settling disputes between countries through negotiation diplomacy; and improving global welfare. The diplomatic philosophy behind the League represented a fundamental shift in thought from the preceding hundred years. The old philosophy, growing out of the Congress of Vienna (1815), saw Europe as a shifting map of alliances among nation-states, creating a balance of power in international relations maintained by strong armies and secret agreements. Under the new philosophy, the League was a government of governments, with the role of settling disputes between individual nations in an open and legalist forum. The impetus for the founding of the League came from Democratic U.S. President Woodrow Wilson, though the United States never joined the League of Nations due to Congress in America barring the country from being part of the League: they felt that America had already had too much involvement in Europe"s affairs and did not want to be a part of Europe"s international disputes any more. This sentiment was largely shared by the people of America, despite Woodrow Wilson"s keen desire to be a part of the League of Nations.

international warranty是什么意思

国际保修 国际保养

fortune international hotel中文什么意思

可音译为: 富春国际大酒店

waht nationality is she 的同义句是?

which country is she from?

international convergence是什么意思

国际趋同例句:1.The international convergence of accounting standards has become the focus of people"sattention for the new accounting standards. 新会计准则颁布后,会计准则的国际趋同成为人们关注的焦点。2.The international convergence of tax law has an important characteristic that every countryhas tax law in the modern world. 税法的国际趋同化是当代世界各国税法发展的一个重要特征。

International Phonetic Alphabet是什么意思




Fascination 歌词

歌曲名:Fascination歌手:La Roux专辑:La RouxLa Roux - FascinationIt"s been 7 hours longAnd your shadow still hangs onYou"ve been 2 weeks goneAnd so tonight I followed you homeThere are so many different waysOf collecting all the straysThe ones that get awayOld fascinations we crave new sensationsOld fascination is feeding my frustrationIt"s feeding my frustrationsAnd I haven"t got the patienceThese sheets are still warmThis bed is our only homeWe make arrangements over the phoneWhere has all the conversation gone?There are so many different waysOf collecting all the straysThe ones that get awayOld fascinations we crave new sensationsOld fascination is feeding my frustrationIt"s feeding my frustrationsAnd I haven"t got the patienceFrustrationsSensationsAnd fascinationsAnd fascinationsFrustrationsSensationsAnd fascinationsAnd fascinationsOld frustrationsNew sensationsOld fascinationsNew sensationsOld frustrations we craveNew sensationsOld fascinations it"s feeding my frustrations

what do you think of international trade?


rictrade international 是什么意思


A knowledge of English is a must in international trade


Many people agree that a(1)knowledge of English is a must in (2) international trade today.


Ou Rui International Trade co., Itd什么意思?

Ou Rui International Trade co., Itd 欧睿国际贸易有限公司

国际贸易事业部是 international Trade Dept. 请问国内贸易事业部怎么说

domestic trade directoroffice administrator

跪求英语作文。题目:The international trade。200字。内容:1国际贸易的起源2现代国贸的原因3国贸的前景

International trade is the exchange of goods and services between countries. This type of trade gives rise to a world economy, in which prices, or supply and demand, affect and are affected by global event.While international trade has been present throughout much of history (see Silk Road, Amber Road), its economic, social, and political importance has been on the rise in recent centuries. Industrialization, advanced transportation, globalization, multinational corporations, and outsourcing are all having a major impact on the international trade system. Increasing international trade is crucial to the continuance of globalization.In future trade the key development to watch is the relationship between the industrialized and developing nations. Third World countries export their mineral deposits and tropical agricultural products, which bring them desired foreign exchanges. Tourism has also been greatly responsible for the rapid development of some developing nations. Many Third World nations with high unemployment and low wages have seen and emigration of workers to the developed nations. Western Europe has received millions of such workers from Mediterranean countries. The developing nations profit when these workers bring their savings and their acquired technical skills back home. Many developing nations benefit when Western nations establish manufacturing in their countries to take advantage of cheap labor.International monetary cooperation will have a significant impact on future trade. If the IMF countries are not able to agree upon a new international monetary order in the years to come, international trade many become too risky for some companies to get involved in. If the IMF is unable to create sufficient international liquidity reserves in the future, there may not be enough liquidity to sustain growth in trade.

What is international trade 用英语解释“国际贸易”的含义.

International trade,also known as world trade,foreign trade or overseas trade,is the fair and deliberate exchange of goods and services across national boundaries.It concerns trade operations of both ...


国际贸易欺诈(International trade fraud) 国际贸易欺诈通常是指在 国际货物贸易 、航运、保险和结算过程中, 一方当事人利用国际贸易规则纰漏, 故意编造虚假情况或故意隐瞒真实情况, 以非法手段骗取对方当事人货物、金钱或船舶的行为。记得采纳啊

Many people agree that auff081uff09knowledge of English is a must in (2) international trade today.


International Trade该是怎么缩写呢?(因为有字符长度限制所以必须要缩写)


in-------- international trade 要不要加THE?

泛指的时候不用加the;特指的时候(比如和national trade做比较的时候)加the.

What is international trade




National Natural Science Foundation of China NSFC是什么意思


Rock-climbing is a breathtaking activity, very popular nationwide among young people, ______ co...

C 试题分析:考查定语从句。从结构判断_____ cooperation as well as courage plays an important role.是间隔性定语从句,修饰先行词activity,因为定语从句中主谓宾全,所以缺少状语,选项中只有where 是关系副词可以做状语,所以正确答案是C。句意:攀岩是一项极为刺激的活动,在全国范围内受到青年人的欢迎,在这项运动中合作和勇气都起着重要作用。

NGD(National Geographic Directorate)是什么意思啊??

同学你好,很高兴为您解答!  NGD(National Geographic Directorate),您说的这个英文词语在CMA的考试中比较常见,学会这个词语对考取英文CMA资格证书特别有帮助。这个词语的汉语意思是:国家地理管理局。  希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多CMA的相关问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。  高顿祝您生活愉快!

NGD(National Geographic Directorate)是什么意思啊??

同学你好,很高兴为您解答!  NGD(National Geographic Directorate),您说的这个英文词语在CMA的考试中比较常见,学会这个词语对考取英文CMA资格证书特别有帮助。这个词语的汉语意思是:国家地理管理局。  希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多CMA的相关问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!

请问 country 与 nation 的区别。 谢谢!

country 尤指地域意义的国家,有“国土”的含义。人们一般说到国家大都用country 表示。例如: He has visied many African countries.他访问过许多非洲国家。 country 还可以表示有某种特色的地区和乡村、乡下。例如: The country all around the mining town is rough and hilly.这个采矿小镇的周围都是道路崎岖的山乡。 I like the farms and fields of the country better than the tall buildings and busy streets of the city.我喜欢乡间的农庄和田野,胜过城里的高楼和热闹的街道。 nation 指一个主权国家的国民,或者说长期由独立的政府统一管理的人群。他们虽然并不一定来自同一民族,但他们有共同的法律、社会机构、归属和习惯。所以nation 也可译为“国家”。 state指政治意义上的国家,即其政权、政府。state 与nation 的区别可以由下面的例子看得很清楚。 When the state fell to pieces, the nation held together.政权已经分崩离析,但是全国人民仍然团结一致。 也就是说state 是时势所造,可以诞生,也可以灭亡。但是nation 则不然,不可能人为地造就一个nation,也不可能人为地消灭一个nation.。state 与nation习惯出现于不同的固定词组之中,不可互换使用。例如: the United Nations联合国 the law of nations国际公法 head of state国家元首 a state visit国事访问 值得注意的是,在美国、澳大利亚等一些国家,state 有“州”或“邦”的含义。例如:the United States of America美利坚合众国



英语中state,country,nation 有什么区别

country, nation, state——三个词在做“国家”解时是同义词.1、country 着重指疆土、国土、家园,加the可以表示国民.如:Japan is an island country.日本是一个岛国.All the country voted yesterday.昨天全国都投票了.2、nation 着重指人民,可译成“民族”、“国民(总称)”.如:He is loved by the whole nation.他受到全体国民的爱戴.3、state 着重指政权、国家机器.如:Railways in China belong to the state.中国的铁路是国家所有.a head of state.国家元首.希望对您有所帮助.

international trade 的英文简介

International trade is the exchange of goods and services across international boundaries or territories. In most countries, it represents a significant share of GDP. While international trade has been present throughout much of history (see Silk Road, Amber Road), its economic, social, and political importance has been on the rise in recent centuries. Industrialization, advanced transportation, globalization, multinational corporations, and outsourcing are all having a major impact. Increasing international trade is the primary meaning of "globalization".International trade is also a branch of economics, which, together with international finance, forms the larger branch of international economics.International trade theorySeveral different models have been proposed to predict patterns of trade and to analyze the effects of trade policies such as tariffs.Ricardian modelThe Ricardian model focuses on comparative advantage and is perhaps the most important concept in international trade theory. In a Ricardian model, countries specialize in producing what they produce best. Unlike other models, the Ricardian framework predicts that countries will fully specialize instead of producing a broad array of goods. Also, the Ricardian model does not directly consider factor endowments, such as the relative amounts of labor and capital within a country. Heckscher-Ohlin modelThe Heckscher-Ohlin model was produced as an alternative to the Ricardian model of basic comparative advantage. Despite its greater complexity it did not prove much more accurate in its predictions. However from a theoretical point of view it did provide an elegant solution by incorporating the neoclassical price mechanism into international trade theory.The theory argues that the pattern of international trade is determined by differences in factor endowments. It predicts that countries will export those goods that make intensive use of locally abundant factors and will import goods that make intensive use of factors that are locally scarce. Empirical problems with the H-O model, known as the Leontief paradox, were exposed in empirical tests by Wassily Leontief who found that the United States tended to export labor intensive goods despite having a capital abundance.Regulation of international tradeTraditionally trade was regulated through bilateral treaties between two nations. For centuries under the belief in Mercantilism most nations had high tariffs and many restrictions on international trade. In the 19th century, especially in Britain, a belief in free trade became paramount and this view has dominated thinking among western nations for most of the time since then. In the years since the Second World War, multilateral treaties like the GATT and World Trade Organization have attempted to create a globally regulated trade structure.Free trade is usually most strongly supported by the most economically powerful nations in the world, though they often engage in selective protectionism for those industries which are politically important domestically, such as the protective tariffs applied to agriculture and textiles by the United States and Europe. The Netherlands and the United Kingdom were both strong advocates of free trade when they were economically dominant, today the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and Japan are its greatest proponents. However, many other countries (such as India, China and Russia) are increasingly becoming advocates of free trade as they become more economically powerful themselves. As tariff levels fall there is also an increasing willingness to negotiate non tariff measures, including foreign direct investment, procurement and trade facilitation. The latter looks at the transaction cost associated with meeting trade and customs procedures.Traditionally agricultural interests are usually in favour of free trade while manufacturing sectors often support protectionism. This has changed somewhat in recent years, however. In fact, agricultural lobbies, particularly in the United States, Europe and Japan, are chiefly responsible for particular rules in the major international trade treaties which allow for more protectionist measures in agriculture than for most other goods and services.During recessions there is often strong domestic pressure to increase tariffs to protect domestic industries. This occurred around the world during the Great Depression leading to a collapse in world trade that many believe seriously deepened the depression.The regulation of international trade is done through the World Trade Organization at the global level, and through several other regional arrangements such as MERCOSUR in South America, NAFTA between the United States, Canada and Mexico, and the European Union between 27 independent states. The 2005 Buenos Aires talks on the planned establishment of the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) failed largely due to opposition from the populations of Latin American nations. Similar agreements such as the MAI (Multilateral Agreement on Investment) have also failed in recent years.


country作为一个政治体(political entity),有明确的地理范围,是一个有一定自治的jurisdiction。country的定义并非统一,维基百科认为,country可以是有主权的(sovereign),也可以是没有主权的(non-sovereig


Nation,按照英语的翻译,可称“民族”又可称“国家”。nation是颇为正式的词,叙述地理位置的情况下不常用。这个名词在作为国家讲其实一定意义上就是指“民族”。比方说“华人”这个概念,就是指Nation。对于华人来说,无论你的国籍在哪,别人遇到你第一反应就是“中国人”,这里的“中国”就是指你的Nation。所谓Country,带有地理位置关系、国土等含义,指“国家领土的自然延续”。我们惯常说“中国”,我们生活在中国,这块土地叫做“中国”。封建社会的中国是中国,中华民国时期的中国也是中国,中华人民共和国的中国也是中国。无论政体存在不存在,我们所生活的这个地方依然是中国。(至于country还有一种用法是乡村,意思不同所以就不讨论了)所谓State,就是指“政体”,或者这个国家的政府,具体一点,就是“中华人民共和国”,People"s Republic of China, China P.R.,特指。中华人民共和国这个State和中华民国这个State是不一样的。






country 指地域意义的国家,有“国土”的含义。一般说到国家多用country 表示。country 还可表示地区和乡村、乡下。Ination 指一个国家的国民,或者由独立的政府统一管理的人群。nation 也可译为“国家”。


national adj. 国家的;国民的;民族的;国立的; 例句: Eating out is the national pastime in France. 在法国,下馆子是全国人普遍的消遣活动。 The building is part of our national heritage. 这个建筑是我们民族遗产的一部分。 扩展资料   The national tests were educationally unsound.   全国考试从教育上来讲是错误的。   Success in sport is a source of national pride.   体育成就是民族光荣的源泉。   He spent part of the war in the National Guard.   他战时在国民警卫队服役了一段时间。   Many national newspapers rallied to his support.   许多全国性报纸一致对他表示支持。   Unemployment here is twice the national average.   这儿的失业率是全国平均数的两倍。


nation 国家 national 国家的 nationalise 动词,国有化 nationalised国有化的 nationally 副词 在全国范围内

Nation 和Country的区别

1. 两者均可表示“国家”,有时互换。如:friendly countries [nations] 友好国家one‘s mother nation Does the nation [country] want war? 全体国民都需要战争吗?但严格说来,两者的侧重点不同:country 侧重指国土或疆域;nation 侧重国民或民族。如:China is a large country. 中国是一个疆域广大的国家。The whole nation is [are] rejoicing. 全国人民欢天喜地。2. 用于名词前作定语时,两者也有差别(1) country 没有相应的形容词形式,若需用于名词作定语,可直接用名词形式。但此时它通常不表示“国家”,而表示“乡村”。如:country music 乡村音乐 country life 乡下生活(2) nation 有相应的形容词形式,即 national.National Day 国庆节 a national bank 国有银行3. country 除表示“国家”外,还有一个常见意思:“农村”、“乡村”,其前通常要用定冠词。此时不能用其他两个词 .Which do you prefer, to live in a city or in the country? 你是喜欢住在城里还是喜欢住在乡下?He looked as though he were from the country. 看起来他好像是从乡下来的。

nation,national ,internation和 nationlity的区别

nation 有国家和民族的意思 国家意思可以与country通用 而National 则是国内的 民族的意思 比如NBA 就是National Basketball Association的缩写 而外国人翻译的时候都翻译成美国篮球大联盟 但其实这是美国人以自我为世界的中心的很好体现. international 就是国际的意思啊 最后一个你是不是写错了 应该是nationality 是国籍的意思


state和nation的区别:1、nation 着重指人民,可译成“民族”、“国民(总称)”.如:He is loved by the whole nation.他受到全体国民的爱戴.2、state 着重指政权、国家机器.如:Railways in China belong to the state.中国的铁路是国家所有.a head of state.国家元首.


state和nation的区别:1、nation 着重指人民,可译成“民族”、“国民(总称)”.如:He is loved by the whole nation.他受到全体国民的爱戴.2、state 着重指政权、国家机器.如:Railways in China belong to the state.中国的铁路是国家所有.a head of state.国家元首.


nation的形容词国际的:national 国家的;国民的;民族的;国立的; nation: n. 国家;民族;国民; 复数 nations 扩展资料   His opinions chimed in with the mood of the nation.   他的主张与国民的`心态相吻合。   We have to act to preserve the unity of this nation.   我们必须行动起来以维护这个国家的统一。   A nation must take certain risks to achieve greatness.   一个国家必须冒一定风险来成就伟大的事业。   The news plunged the nation into a febrile, agitated state.   这项消息使国家陷入一种狂躁的状态。

英语中state,country,nation 有什么区别

country, nation, state——三个词在做“国家”解时是同义词.1、country 着重指疆土、国土、家园,加the可以表示国民.如:Japan is an island country.日本是一个岛国.All the country voted yesterday.昨天全国都投票了.2、nation 着重指人民,可译成“民族”、“国民(总称)”.如:He is loved by the whole nation.他受到全体国民的爱戴.3、state 着重指政权、国家机器.如:Railways in China belong to the state.中国的铁路是国家所有.a head of state.国家元首.

英语:country ,nation 在表示国家的时候的区别

country, nation 两者都可译为“国家”,但含义不同. country 指国家时,侧重疆土或人口, 又作“乡下”讲.如: China is a socialist country. 中国是一个社会主义国家. nation指国家时,侧重民族.如: The whole nation is /are rejoicing. 举国欢腾.


nation [D.J.:"neiu0283u0259n] [K.K.:"neu0283u0259n] n. 国家 Some nations built their hopes for peace on the talks between big nations. 有些国家把和平的希望建立在大国之间的谈判上。 民族 The British nation has not risen up in a generation. 英国民族并非在一代时期崛起。


是可数的 1)国家,民族 a nation;nations 2)全体国民是固定搭配 用 the nation 用英英字典吧~解释比较详细清楚哦~
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