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有呀,Zipzap就非常不错,是一款免费的 AI 助手,页面陪伴AI精灵⁞༜由 ChatGPT API 提供支持,现在用的人比较多哦。


经多人使用推荐,Zipzap比较好,由 ChatGPT API 提供支持,许多人大力推荐。操作十分简单,你问的它都会,真的可以帮助你节省非常多的时间。


不少同行让我用Zipzap的,我试了试,真心好用,许多人大力推荐。还可作为位于浏览器角落的多浏览器扩展程序使用,具有ChatGPT 3.5的所有功能哦。












如果找这样的,我推荐Zipzap,是一款免费的 AI 助手,页面陪伴AI精灵由 ChatGPT API 提供支持,比一般的都好用。


我看我身边朋友都是用的Zipzap,拥有强大的AI智能页面侧边栏工具,使用由 ChatGPT API 提供支持,许多人大力推荐。支持划词、划段、网页翻译、PDF翻译哦。


推荐Zipzap的,可作为位于浏览器角落的多浏览器扩展程序使用,具有ChatGPT 3.5的所有功能且免费ָ


Zipzap我比较看好,是一款免费的 AI 助手,由 ChatGPT API 提供支持,具有ChatGPT 3.5的所有功能,有需求,可以看看,许多人大力推荐。


OpenAI就好比做一个超级对话机器人,你问他问题,它会进行数据提取然后回答你,我觉得这个软件真的是人类的福音,因为真的可以帮助你节省许多的时间,比如大学生写论文需要的资料可以快速且精准的查到ָ可以帮IT编程工程师检查并修改代码,你遇到的不会的工作、作业呀它都能为你解答。我一直在用ZipZap ,它是一款免费的 AI 助手,页面陪伴AI精灵,由 ChatGPT API 提供支持,可作为位于浏览器角落的多浏览器扩展程序使用。具有ChatGPT 3.5的所有功能。


可能会的,随着越来越多的人加入 ChatGPT,也会使它多的能力越来越完善,这就是AI的特点,就目前 ChatGPT 的表现来看,已经可以替代大部分简单的CRUD,随着它的完善,对程序员的工作我相信是有一定的冲击的,最直接的就是导致大量底层程序员的失业。言归正传,我直到最近才有时间体验ChatGPT,体验之后感觉现阶段的ChatGPT已经有以下几个比普通人强的点。ChatGPT的经验能力强于普通人ChatGPT回答简易问题的能力很适合我这种不太会说套话的人,在回答一些知乎类问题、普通文档、运营方法等也不在话下,此外对于中文的理解有些突破我的想法,比如说如下案例。1、前端国际化技术体系怎么做2、帮我润色工作周报3、给我一些学习 Rust 的资料综上所述,chatgpt 已经可以胜任普通的没有技术含量的工作,尤其是那些找资料只会百度的员工。ChatGPT的编程能力强于普通人ChatGPT 除去内容能力外,对于简单的编程能力其实也不在话下,比如说如下这个很常用的提取 URL 用 JS 来实现的题目,写出来还是很不错的,其实 OpenAI 还提供 “Codex JavaScript Sandbox”这个比问答类的更好玩,可以将你一步一步的想法通过代码帮你来实现,比如说我让它画一只猫。1、编程写 JS 的能力2、让它写CSS 也没大问题所以我一开始就说,ChatGPT的出现和完善,最直接的就是导致大量底层程序员的失业。ChatGPT写文章的能力强于普通人OpenAI 除简单的编程实现,还有一个写文章的能力,编剧也没问题,也很适合写所谓的论证文,不过还是感觉还是有些“正规话术”,但是在某些场合其实还是很吃香的,比如说如下这种类似于活动安排、论证主题、模版申请啥的还是不错的,居然还可以“教你做菜”,简直了。1、如何编剧入门2、正规申请怎么写






远程登陆Jupyter Notebook使用OpenAI的gym库时,在显示结果时会报错错误一一开始遇到的问题是ImportError: Library “GLU” not found解决的方法如下:Stackoverflow_GLUOn Ubuntu 16.04: apt install freeglut3-dev错误二解决完上面的问题之后又出现另一个错误pyglet.canvas.xlib.NoSuchDisplayException: Cannot connect to “None”在网上查了很多资料,汇总一下解决方法这个小姐姐给了很多参考的方法知乎_解决方案最终我是在StackOverflow上找到了适合我的解决方法










由于近日ChatGPT使用人数众多,导致服务器不堪重负,OpenAI对会话的时效、输出的时间等做了更严格的限制,而往往因为消息内容过长导致输出时间超时出现"Network error"时,再次发送就会报错"Too many requests"了。本文提供一种思路,由于英文输出的速度比中文输出的速度更快,让ChatGPT用英文输出可以在一定程度上避免由于输出时间超时导致的"Network error"。并且,本文还提供了限制词数的,或者让ChatGPT尽可能精简输出,以达到规避输出超时的效果。




chat.openai自动写代码好用吗?Github 出品了一款辅助写代码的插件Copilot ,只需要写一段注释,就能帮你自动补全代码,非常的好用;今天的主角ChatGPT,同样也能自动写代码的功能,不仅会写,还会帮你讲解原理,分析优缺点;哪怕是注释,都写的非常完美;

日语中 的‘对不起’,有的发音是‘si ma nai’,有的发‘go mai nai’或者‘go mai na sai’之类。


hip hop police-chamillionaire的中文翻译

hip hop是一种音乐曲风,俗称嘻哈音乐 police是警察的意思,chamillionaire是南方说唱歌手的意思。chamillionaire是个歌手的名字,他唱的一首歌叫hip hop police ,可翻译成嘻哈警察。希望对你有帮助


因为一个是篮球运动员自己的标志,另一个是中国的运动品牌。1:乔丹篮球鞋是耐克品牌生产鞋的一种。乔丹的篮球鞋主要适用于篮球爱好者穿着。因为舒百适,时尚的设计以及良好的保护性能,深受广大篮球运动爱好者的喜爱。2:乔丹体育股份有限公司成立于2000年,主要从事乔丹品牌运度动鞋、运动服装及运动配饰的设计、研发、生产和销售。拓展资料:知迈克尔·乔丹(Michael Jordan),简称乔丹。1963年2月17日出生于美国纽约市布鲁道克林区,NBA前职业篮球运动员。主打位置为得分后卫或小前锋,球衣背号为23号,被称为“空中飞人”。乔丹出生在布鲁克林,童年是在北卡的威明顿(Wilmington,North Carolina)度过的。他进入Emsley A. Laney 高中,在那里他是一个平均成绩B+和三栖体育明星--橄榄球,棒球,篮球。近期终于迎来了维权的胜利曙光。中国最高人民法院最终裁定,中国乔丹的图形和乔丹商标被撤。个人认为胜诉第一步,美国乔丹接下来将对中国乔丹开出巨赔偿金。这让中国乔丹感到恐慌。第一,两个标志属于两个不同的公司AIR JORDAN是迈克尔乔丹自己创立的的AIR JORDAN品牌,品牌针对性很强,品牌价值极高。AIR JORDAN属于耐克公司旗下系列品牌,专门为乔丹设计打造,air jordan有着自己的专属的logo标志,美国AIR JORDAN系列已经出道34年了,拥有经典款式。中国乔丹是体育股份有限公司旗下体育用品品牌,主要从事乔丹系列品牌运动鞋、服装、等体育用品的设计、生产、销售。公司成立于2000年。中国乔丹在中国市场长期占据部分市场,是一家口碑不错的品牌企业。第二,两个乔丹标识AIR JORDAN系列品牌,是以飞人版的迈克尔乔丹是标识,中国乔丹就是这个曲膝姿势的乔丹标识。中国乔丹标识带给大家模糊的潜意识输入性引导,这就是迈克尔乔丹。这一切也基于乔丹巨大的影响力和光环效应。对此美国AIR JORDAN品牌公司长达数年的维权。说实话,中国乔丹利用别人的影响力外加一定的模糊包装,在中国市场上也是赚的盆满钵满了。第三,乔丹本人利益从属迈克尔乔丹的市场价值已经超出人们的想象,AIR JORDAN是迈克尔乔丹自己创立的的AIR JORDAN品牌,是美国球星迈克尔·乔丹本人自己的品牌,乔丹本人拥有者绝对的利益在其中。中国乔丹是中国人自己注册的一个品牌,和美国球星迈克尔·乔丹没有任何关系,和nike公司也没有任何关系。乔丹本人也并未授权其使用乔丹品牌。



为什么X-Japan的歌词里总是提到蔷薇。 比如RUSTY NAIL和ENDLESS RAIN的歌词!!!


法语选择题 应该选“connais”还是“sais”?



Rinai(林内)上海林内有限公司成立于1993年9月,由上海燃气(集团)有限公司、日本林内株式会社和日本株式会社琦酸三方合资组建,总投资额1500万美元,注册资金970万美元。以生产高性能的燃气热水器、燃气灶具、采暖炉、吸油烟机为主,公司秉承了日本林内集团90多年的技术底蕴,依托先进的设备、工艺和研发能力,始终坚持“以质量和诚意奉献于客户”的理念,正一步一个脚印地发展成为中国燃气具行业的先锋。上海燃气集团合资企业 上海林内有限公司 地址:上海浦东北路1520号 电话:(021)68466982 68466422(销售部) 传真:(021)68467179 邮编:201208 上海林内有限公司售后服务中心 地址:上海市浦东北路1500号 维修专线:10109100(限上海地区) 咨询电话:(021)68469990 邮编:201208 知道的说下。。。

The Day You Went Away -- M2M这个视频里的哥到底叫什么 怎么找不到

掘江由衣 ――Coloring 望采纳 这个开场的歌是什么

i want my tears back -- nightwish 试听



























X JAPAN的《Rusty Nail》 歌词

歌曲名:Rusty Nail歌手:X JAPAN专辑:DAHLIARusty Nail作词:YOSHIKI 作曲:YOSHIKI记忆のかけらに描いた蔷薇を见つめて迹切れた 想い出重ねる变わらない梦にOh- Rusty Nailどれだけ泪を流せば贵方を忘れられるだろうJust tell me my life何处まで步いてみても泪で明日が见えない序章に终わった周末の伤忘れて流れる时代に抱かれても胸に突き刺さるOh- Rusty Nailどれだけ泪を流せば贵方を忘れられるだろう美しく色褪せて眠る蔷薇を贵方の心にさかせてI wanna dieI wanna liveI wanna die to set me freeDay and nightNight and dayI wanna live to set me freeI can dieI can liveI can die to set me freeDay and nightNight and dayI wanna live to set me free...素颜のままで生きて行ければきっと瞳に映る夜は辉く梦だけ残して朝を迎える孤独を忘れて赤い手首を抱きしめて泣いた夜を终わらせて记忆の扉を记したままで 震えて迹切れた 想いを重ねる靑い脣にOh- Rusty Nailどれだけ泪を流せば贵方を忘れられるだろうJust tell me my life何处まで步いてみても泪で明日が见えない苦しくて心を饰った... 今もあなたを忘れられなくて...

Ah ! Si Vous Connaissiez Ma Poule 歌词

歌曲名:Ah ! Si Vous Connaissiez Ma Poule歌手:Maurice Chevalier专辑:Collection Disques PathéPatrick Bruel - Ah! Si vous connaissiez ma pouleParoles: Albert Willemetz, René TocheMusique: Charles Borel-Clerc 1938EDITEUR : Les nouvelles éditions MeridianDe RochecouartJusqu"à MénilmucheD"la rue d"Lappe à la rue de la GaitéY a pas une momeDans tout pantrucheQui avec la mienne puisse lutter.De tous les cotés quand on l"éplucheOn ne trouve rien à lui reprocherC"est un oiseau rareQue Roi des veinardsJ"ai eu le bonheur de dénicherAh ! Si vous connaissiez ma poule,Vous en perdriez la bouleMarlène et DarrieuxN"arrivent qu"en deuxLa Greta GarboPeut aller r"tirer son chapeau !Ils n"en ont pas à LiverpoolA New York, à HonoluluDe mieux foutueSi vous la voyiez,Vous en rêveriez !Ah ! Si vous connaissiez ma poule.Ah ! Si vous connaissiez ma poule,Vous en perdriez la bouleSes p"tits seins perversQui pointent au traversDe son pull-overVous mettent la tête à l"envers !Elle a des jambes faites au mouleDes cheveux fous, frisés partoutEt tout, et tout...Si vous la voyiez,Vous en rêveriez !Ah ! Si vous connaissiez ma poule.Marguerite de BourgogneAuprès d"elleN"avait que nib comme tempéramentIl faut l"entendreQuand elle apelleSon p"tit Momo au grand momentSon corps frissonneD"une facon telleQue la maison en tremble égalementEt ca vous expliqueLes secousses sismiquesDont les journaux parlent récemmentAh ! Si vous connaissiez ma poulevous en perdriez tous la bouleSes baisers moelleuxFont dresser les cheveuxSes baisers profondsVous font sauter jusqu"au plafond !Il faut la voir quand elle roucouleEt qu"on l"entend du fond de PassyCrier... Chéri !Si vous la voyiez,Vous en rêveriez !Mais... vous ne connaitrez pas ma poule.Fin


examinaion英文单词,名词,意思是检查、考试、询问、审问。短语搭配:physical examination体检,身体检查,健检室;competitive examination答辩考试,竞争考试,公开竞争考试,竞争性考试;gross examination肉眼检查,大体检查;medical examination体检,体格检查,健康检查,体格检验。

韩国正品the saem 得鲜天然蜗牛胶 snail soothing gel 补水修复好还是自然乐


Elvis Presley & The Jordanaires的《Surrender》 歌词

歌曲名:Surrender歌手:Elvis Presley & The Jordanaires专辑:The Top Ten HitsBen Lee - SurrenderWell I have felt an angel"s kissAnd I have seen the sweet sunsetI thought maybe I was thisI found out that I am thatLet goGive inGive upSurrenderLet goGive inGive upSurrenderAll the things I long to touchAnd all the tastes that seem so sweetThey don"t matter all that muchWhen I"m falling at your feetLet goGive inGive upSurrenderLet goGive inGive upSurrenderNo-one puts baby in the corner!Well I can"t promise I won"t fallAnd I can"t say I"m never scaredI can"t promise much at allBut when you call me I"ll be thereLet goGive inGive upSurrenderLet goGive inGive upSurrenderLet goGive inGive upSurrenderLet goGive inGive upSurrender


We are too young too naive.出自陈可辛导演的《中国合伙人》。 解释:我们太年轻也太天真了。 《中国合伙人》由香港导演陈可辛执导,黄晓明、邓超、佟大为主演。该片于2013年5月17日在中国上映。


应该是中毒后被杀掉了 然后残余文件 他默认开机运行 文件被删了 找不到原来的文件就会这样了 运行 - 输入- msconfig - 启动 把垃圾钩除 开机就不自动运行了 重启









too naive什么意思





toonaive应该是:too naivetoo 读音音标:英[tu:] 美[tu:]naive 读音音标:英[nau026au02c8i:v] 美[nɑu02c8iv]

sometimes naive谁说的

莎士比亚说的。全句为too young, too simple, sometimes naive。意思为太年轻了,太简单,有时太天真。莎士比亚:威廉·莎士比亚(英语:William Shakespeare,1564年4月23日—1616年4月23日),英国文艺复兴时期剧作家、诗人。1564年4月23日,出生于英国沃里克郡斯特拉福镇。1571年—1579年,进入斯特拉福文法学校读书。1587年,开始演员生涯,并开始尝试写剧本。1591年,创作的戏剧《亨利六世中篇》《亨利六世下篇》首演。1592年,创作的戏剧《理查三世》首演。1595年,创作的戏剧《罗密欧与朱丽叶》《仲夏夜之梦》首演。1596年,创作的戏剧《威尼斯商人》首演。 1601年,创作的戏剧《哈姆雷特》首演,引起文坛关注。1603年,创作的戏剧《奥赛罗》首演。1605年,创作的戏剧《李尔王》首演。1606年,创作的戏剧《麦克白》首演。1614年,离开伦敦,返回故乡。1616年4月23日,在故乡去世。



Harlem Renaissance 歌词

歌曲名:Harlem Renaissance歌手:Immortal Technique专辑:The 3Rd World-ViperImmortal Technique - Harlem Renaissance"Let me welcome both of youuh, to the show this morning to talk about what I considerto be a very very important topic, uh, the Harlem RenaissanceBut before we get into that..."Immortal Technique:Yeah, Harlem once was red line district rated (uhh)Designated ghetto like the yellow star of DavidAnd you wonder why, people don"t own they homes (why?)Cause the racist bank wouldn"t fuckin mortgage a loanHarlem once was red line district rated (uhh)Designated ghetto like the yellow star of DavidAnd you wonder why, people don"t own they homes (why?)Cause the racist bank wouldn"t fuckin mortgage a loan {WAKE UP!}Harlem once was red line district rated (uhh)Designated ghetto like the yellow star of DavidAnd you wonder why, people don"t own they homes (why?)Cause the racist bank wouldn"t fuckin mortgage a loanUntil after the invasion of, gentrificationEminent domain intimidation, that"s not negotiationAnd it"s frustratin to look at, every dayLike watchin a porno, on 56-KBiohazard labs instead of store roomsWhat"s next motherfucker, projects as dorm rooms?You ain"t fool nobody in this community dukeWith your little fake Manhattanville community groupIvy league, real estate firms are corruptI lay siege to your castle like the Moors in EuropeThey treat street vendors like criminal riff-raffWhile politicians get the corporate kickbacks (snakes)Chorus: Immortal TechniqueHarlem Renaissance, a revolution betrayedModern day slaves thinkin that the ghetto is saved"Til they start deportin people off the propertyEthnically cleansin the hood, economicallyThey wanna kill the real Harlem RenaissanceTryin to put the Virgin Mary through a early menopauseThe savior is a metaphor for how we set it offGuerrilla war against the re-zoning predatorsImmortal Technique:When I speak about Harlem, I speak to the worldThe little Afghan boy, and the Bosnian girlThe African in Sudan, the people of KurdistanThe third world American, indigenous manPalestinians, Washington Heights, DominicansDisplaced New Orleans citizensBeachfront Brazilian favelas that you livin inThe hood is prime real estate, they want back in again (fuck outta here)I didn"t write this to talk shit, I say it becausesome of y"all forgot what the Harlem Renaissance wasWe had revolution, music and artisansBut the movement was still fucked up like Parkinson"sCause while we were givin birth to the culture we lovePrejudice, kept our own people out of the clubOnly colored celebrities in the party (fake nigga!)And left us a legacy of false superiorityW.E.B. Du Bois versus Marcus GarveyAnd we ended up, sellin out to everybodyThe Dutch {?} and the John Gotti"sBanksters, modern day gangsters, immobile armyThey wanna move us all out the N.Y.C.Like they did to the Jews with the Alhambra decreeSo support your own businesses and do the knowledgeCause the real Harlem Renaissance is economic (yeah)Chorus: Immortal TechniqueHarlem Renaissance, a revolution betrayedModern day slaves thinkin that the ghetto is saved"Til they start deportin people off the propertyEthnically cleansin the hood, economicallyThey wanna kill the real Harlem RenaissanceTryin to put the Virgin Mary through a early menopauseThe savior is a metaphor for how we set it offGuerrilla war against the re-zoning predators{"Green Lantern... The Evil Genius!"}"When they were saying it is the renaissance, of Harlemthey didn"t mean, that we had stake in thatThey meant to say that they could make money out of us""They are coming in with all kind of prejudicesIn Brooklyn they"re doing the same thingIn, um, Queens they"re doing the same thing; the BronxThere"s hardly any place which is affordableI mean these people are putting up condominiumswhich start from a million dollarsHow many people in this community make that kind of money?How many people have that kind of money?""People of Harlem, they are the natural allies of the oppressed peopleof the world, whether the struggle is in Panama, in Africa, Cuba""We spend money with the wrong peopleWe are looking for love, with people who don"t love usWhat"s wrong with us loving each otherand making sure that we are protected?"EndImmortal Technique - Harlem Renaissance

nail down中文翻译

You should nail down the agreement in october . 你应在十月份就把协定确定下来。 Thus, the planning process nailed down a manager"s mitment . 这样,计划程序明确了一个经理所承担的义务。 All we wanted to do was to nail down these thirty hostile divisions . 我们总的目标只是要严密困住敌人的这三十个师。 He stayed another week, trying to nail down train tickets beyond kuibyshev . 他又呆了一个星期,设法弄到比古比雪夫更远的火车票。 Ensign was a retriever, and retrieved everything that wasn"t nailed down . “恩塞恩”是一种能寻回猎物的猎犬,无论什么东西,只要不是用钉子钉牢,它都能找回来。 Fee was forced to roll up persian carpets and have stuart nail down pnoleum she bought sight unseen from the store in gilly . 菲被迫卷起了她的波斯地毯并叫斯图阿特钉上亚麻油地毯,这是她到吉利商店时即兴买下来的。 Will you nail down that loose board in the floor 请你把那块松动的地板钉牢好吗? The loose board in the floor should be nailed down 地板中松了的板子应该用钉子钉牢。 Signing the contract will nail down their agreement 签署合同将使他们的协议肯定下来。 She nailed down the corners of the carpet 他用钉子把地毯的四角固定住。 He is not going to be nailed down to a definite reply 他不准备明确答复,以免受到约束。 Signing the contract will nail down our agreement 在合同上签字将使我们的协议成为定案。 She nailed down the corners of the carpet 他用钉子把地毯的四角钉死。 Were you able to nail down an argument 你们确定出了一个论点没有? It take the negotiator ten hours to nail down a deal 参加协商的人花了十个小时才敲定一桩生意。 Every time i think i have things nailed down , i just lose it 每次我以为我明确了什么事情但总是失败 Why is it considered necessary to nail down the pd of a coffin 为什么非要用钉子把棺材的盖子钉住? We should sign a contract with them to nail down their agreement 我们应该与他们签订契约以敲定协议。 If we could just nail down a few more contracts , we " d be all right 我们如果能再确定几个契约就好了。 We should sign a contract with them to nail down their agreement 我们应该与他们签订合同,把协议确定下来。 We shall sign a contract with them to nail down their agreement 我们应该与他们签订合同,把协议确定下来。 It has been difficult for scientists to nail down the cause of this disease 科学家一直无法找出导致这个疾病的原因。 They also have various working groups naipng down ogsa - related security issues 其中也有一些工作组紧盯与ogsa有关的安全问题。 To nail down a duration , you may talk to the people who will actually do the work 为了确定工期,您可以请教确实做过此工作的人。 It has been difficult for 5717240227 scientists to nail down the cause of this jr disease 科学家一直无法找9105 ?导致这个疾病的原因。 Often , the javadocs won t nail down every aspect of the behavior of the api 通常, javadocs不会对api的行为的每个方面都作出明确说明。 But i will just nail down and do my best to win a place in the team for the next game 但是在下一场比赛,我铁定做到最好以赢得首发位置。 John is very difficult to nail down ; you can never get him to speak his mind on anything 要约翰明确表态是很困难的;你决不能使他就任何事坦率地发表他自己的意见。 Based on these , it is very necessary to put forward and nail down the concept of the regional dual structure 基于此,有必要提出和明确界定区域二元结构的概念。 Bojinov is on - loan at juve , but wants to leave after faipng to nail down a first team place so far this season 博吉诺夫现租借在尤文,但到目前为止仍没有在一线队找到位置后想离开。 The goal is to work out all the unknowns and nail down all the details before the first pne of code is written 目的就是为了在第一行代码写下前,将所有不明确的东西明确并细化下来。 Tamping basis and naipng down safety management thinking , strengthening system and achieving safety long period of order and stabipty 夯实基础明确安全管理思路强化制度实现安全长治久安 He had a hard time selpng his car , but he finally nailed down the sale when he got his friend john to give him $ 500 他原先卖不掉他的汽车,但他的朋友约翰给了他500美元,终于把这宗买卖定了下来。 To counter this effect , the vortices can be pinned ( in essence , nailed down ) by introducing the right type of defect into the superconductor 通常我们可以借由缩小材料晶粒的尺寸,来增强固定涡流的效果。 The brazil international is off contract at the trotters in the summer and has failed to nail down a regular place in manager sam allardyce " s team 这名巴西球员的合同将在夏天结束,他在球队中无法获得稳定的位置。 " it has been tough but i will get there in the end . nobody nailed down the position last year so everyone has a chance “这是很困难的,不过我会达到我的目标。在上赛季里没有人是这个位置的绝对主力,不过这也代表所有人都有机会。 ” We must nail down the principals , adjust the pattern , perfect the modes of aid to college students , in order to exert the function of the aid system fully 必须明确资助主体、调整资助模式、完善资助方式,以强化大学生资助制度的作用。 Mccain , who had hoped to nail down the nomination with a big night , won seven states while rival mike huckabee won five and mitt romney took five 希望可以一夜定胜负的麦凯恩赢得了7个州,他的对手麦克?哈克比和米特?罗姆尼各赢得了5个州。 The scientists hope that naipng down the geics of auti *** will lead to better ways to diagnose it and focus efforts on deeloping drugs to treat it 科学家希望围绕自闭症的遗传性来寻找更好的方法去鉴别自闭症,致力于研制新* *物用于治疗。 Inzaghi has failed to nail down a regular start this season under coach depo rossi and both messina and parma are keen to take him on - loan in january 在罗西的执教下,小英扎吉的联赛开局并不理想,因此梅西纳和帕尔马和罗西都希望可以在一月份租借他。 I have good news : i nailed down a contract to sell a thousand cars . the customer signed all the papers and i " ve already faxed them back to you 他说:我有好消息:我敲定了出售一千辆汽车的合约。那位顾客签了所有的文件。我也已经把文件用传真发回给你了。 The latter is characterized by the inabipty to nail down requirements up front , making it necessary to continually adapt and re - estimate as a project progresses 后者的特征是没有事先明确了解需求的能力,因而需要随项目的进展不断地调整适应和重新评估。 The vocabulary is anchored in authority developed by a team of lawyers - and lawyers , of course , are the profession most associated with naipng down semantics 词汇表的确定是有权威性的,因为它是由律师小组制订的别忘了,律师是与咬词嚼句关系最大的职业。 This was done toward the goal of naipng down a schema for the issue tracker package that i have been using to illustrate the use of rdf in association with xml apppcations 我的目的是要准确说明问题跟踪程序包的模式,我曾使用问题跟踪程序包来演示将rdf同xml应用程序一起使用。 Firstly , the development history of aesthetic education and its feature of development are expounded . so the writer can nail down the connotation of aesthetic education from a special angle 首先阐述“审美教育”的发展历程以及发展变化的特点,指导笔者有选择的明确了审美教育的内涵。 The formation of aqf , are and ntf nails down the coherent and collaborative relationship amongst austrapan vocational education , primary education , secondary education and higher education 职业教育国家框架的建立明确了澳大利亚职业教育与培训与初等教育、中等教育以及高等教育的衔接关系。 To our disappointment however , we were unable to nail down the perfect candidate for the job and had to go back and forth with another enty designers until we found the perfect fit 然而,很遗憾,我们没有从这15个人中找到工作的合适人选,最后我们在其它20个落选的设计者中找到了满意的人选。 Sopd requirements ? clear , plete , detailed , cohesive , attainable , testable requirements that are agreed to by all players use prototypes to help nail down requirements 可靠的需求-清晰、完整、详细、连贯的、可达到的、可测试的需求,并且取得所有相关人员的同意,可以使用原型的方法来明确需求。 So i would prefer to have everything tightly finished before we could nail down a release date . furthermore , we also needed to take the movie to the censoring department and negotiate a release date for the mainland market 我就宁愿之后完成妥当,再找个档期去上映,加上要拿去审批,不能随时说要上映就去,还要配合内地的公映期。 So i would prefer to have everything tightly finished before we could nail down a release date . furthermore , we also needed to take the movie to the censoring department and negotiate a release date for the mainland market 我就宁愿之后完成妥当,再找个档期去上映,加上要拿去审批,不能随时说要上映就去,还要配合内地的公映期。

The 60-year-old multi-millionaire from New York was sitting on board a Russian spaceship.

was sitting on a Russian spaceship就可以了,on board 与后面的Russian spaceship重复了。


词典结果:multi-millionaire[英][mu028cl"tu026amu026alu026au0259neu0259r][美][mu028cl"tu026amu026alu026arner]n.(拥有价值数百万英镑、美元财产的)大富翁; 复数:multi-millionaires以上结果来自金山词霸




nail[英][neu026al][美][nel]n.钉子; 指甲,趾甲; 钉状物; 纳尔; vt.钉住; 抓住; 使固定; 揭露; 例句:It was awful. She broke her nail right before the show. 情况糟透了,她在节目刚开始前弄断了指甲。


this statement is ok里面的歌叫什么,跪求啊!!!!!

no answer中岛美嘉 求歌名

no3b - answer

american renaissance名词解释

american renaissance 美国文艺复兴时 间 1830年代到南北战争结束的时期 代表作品 《红字》、《白鲸》美国文艺复兴(American Renaissance)又称新英格兰文艺复兴(New England Renaissance)。指1830年代左右到南北战争结束的一段时期,这一时期美国文学日趋成熟,成为一种反映民族精神的文学。这时美国文坛由一批新英格兰作家所主宰,其中著名的有朗费罗、霍姆斯(O. W. Holmes)以及洛威尔(J. R. Lowell)。这一时期最有影响力的是超验主义作家,包括爱默生、梭罗(H. D. Thoreau)。此外,还出现了一些伟大的富有想象力的作家,如霍桑、梅尔维尔(H. Melville)、惠特曼和坡。主要作品是霍桑的《红字》(The scarlet Letter)(1850),麦尔维尔的《白鲸》(Moby-Dick)(1851),和惠特曼的《草叶集》(Leaves of Grass)(1855)。 美国文艺复兴被认为是浪漫主义的继续,尤其在爱默生的超验主义(Transcendentalism)哲学中得到展现。

southern renaissance 的简介。。。。英文的。。。。

The Southern Renaissance (also known as Southern Renascence) was the reinvigoration of American Southern literature that began in the 1920s and 1930s with the appearance of writers such as William Faulkner, Caroline Gordon, Elizabeth Madox Roberts, Katherine Anne Porter, Allen Tate, Tennessee Williams, and Robert Penn Warren, among others.Prior to this renaissance, Southern writers tended to focus on historical romances about the "Lost Cause" of the Confederate States of America. This writing glorified the heroism of the Confederate army and civilian population during the Civil War and the supposedly "idyllic culture" that existed in the South before the war (known as the Antebellum South).The belief in the heroism and morality of the South"s "Lost Cause" was a driving force in Southern literature between the Civil War and World War I. The Southern Renaissance changed this by addressing three major themes in their works. The first was the burden of history in a place where many people still remembered slavery, Reconstruction, and a devastating military defeat. The second theme was to focus on the South"s conservative culture, specifically on how an individual could exist without losing a sense of identity in a region where family, religion, and community were more highly valued than one"s personal and social life. The final theme that the renaissance writers approached was the South"s troubled history in regards to racial issues. Because of these writers" distance from the Civil War and slavery, they were able to bring more objectivity to writings about the South. They also brought new modernistic techniques such as stream of consciousness and complex narrative techniques to their works (as Faulkner did in his novel As I Lay Dying).Among the writers of the Southern Renaissance, William Faulkner is arguably the most influential and famous, having won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1949.


Superstar 超级巨星 Where you from, how"s it going? 你从哪里来,最近好还吗? I know you 我知道你 Gotta clue whatcha doing 想提示你在做什么 You can play brand new, to all the other chicks out there 你可以向外面的那些女人们玩新招 But I know what you are 但我知道你是什么东西 What you are, baby 你是什么东西,宝贝 Look at you 看看你 Gettin" more than just a re-up 就像要再当兵一样 Baby, you 宝贝,你 Got all the puppets with their strings up 拿到所有连着线的木偶 Fakin" like a good one 假装是个好人 But I call"em when I see"em 但我看见他们时我会叫他们 I know what you are 但我知道你是什么东西 What you are, baby 你是什么东西,宝贝 Womanizer 好色之徒 Woman-womanizer 好色之徒 You"re a womanizer 你是个好色之徒 Oh, womanizer 噢,好色之徒 Oh, you"re a womanizer, baby 噢,你是个好色之徒,宝贝 You you you are 你,你,你是 You you you are 你,你,你是 Womanizer, womanizer 好色之徒,好色之徒 Womanizer, womanizer 好色之徒,好色之徒 Boy don"t try to front 小子,不用尝试去反抗了 I know just what you are 我就知道你是什么东西 Boy don"t try to front 小子,不用尝试去反抗了 I know just what you are 我就知道你是什么东西 (You)You got me goin" (你)让我走去 (You)You"re oh so charmin" (你)你是那么迷人 (You)But I can"t do it (你)但我不能这样做 (You)You womanizer (你)你,好色之徒 Boy don"t try to front 小子,不用尝试去反抗了 I know just what you are 我就知道你是什么东西 Boy don"t try to front 小子,不用尝试去反抗了 I know just what you are 我就知道你是什么东西 (You)You say I"m crazy (你)你说我疯了 (You)I gotcha crazy (你)我疯了 (You)You"re nothin" but a (你)你什么也不是 (You)Womanizer (你)就是个好色之徒 Daddy-o 爸爸噢 You"ve got the swagger of a champion 你像冠军般洋洋得意 To bad for you 但这对你并不好 You just can"t find the right companion 你找不到正确的升降口 I guess when you have one too many 我想,当你有一个已经太多 Makes it hard, it could be easy 让这变得困难,其实本来很容易 Who you are 你是谁 That"s just who you are, baby 那就是你,宝贝 Lollipop 棒棒糖 You must mistake me for a sucker 你一定误导我,当我是傻瓜 To think that I 认为我 Would be a victim, not another 是个受害者,不是其他 Say you"re playin" how you want it 说你在表演着你怎样想要它 But no way I"m never gonna fall for you 但这不可能,我永远不会为你而堕落 Never you, baby 永远不会,宝贝 Womanizer 好色之徒 Woman-womanizer 好色之徒 You"re a womanizer 你是个好色之徒 Oh, womanizer 噢,好色之徒 Oh, you"re a womanizer, baby 噢,你是个好色之徒,宝贝 You you you are 你,你,你是 You you you are 你,你,你是 Womanizer, womanizer 好色之徒,好色之徒 Womanizer, womanizer 好色之徒,好色之徒 Boy don"t try to front 小子,不用尝试去反抗了 I know just what you are 我就知道你是什么东西 Boy don"t try to front 小子,不用尝试去反抗了 I know just what you are 我就知道你是什么东西 (You)You got me goin" (你)让我走去 (You)You"re oh so charmin" (你)你是那么迷人 (You)But I can"t do it (你)但我不能这样做 (You)You womanizer (你)你,好色之徒 Boy don"t try to front 小子,不用尝试去反抗了 I know just what you are 我就知道你是什么东西 Boy don"t try to front 小子,不用尝试去反抗了 I know just what you are 我就知道你是什么东西 (You)You say I"m crazy (你)你说我疯了 (You)I gotcha crazy (你)我疯了 (You)You"re nothin" but a (你)你什么也不是 (You)Womanizer (你)就是个好色之徒 Maybe if we both lived in a different world 也许如果我们都活在一个不同的世界里 It would be all good 一切都会很好 And maybe I could be your girl 也许我会成为你的女友 But I can"t so we don"t 但(现在)我不可以,所以我们不可能 You 你 Womanizer 好色之徒 Woman-womanizer 好色之徒 You"re a womanizer 你是个好色之徒 Oh, womanizer 噢,好色之徒 Oh, you"re a womanizer, baby 噢,你是个好色之徒,宝贝 You you you are 你,你,你是 You you you are 你,你,你是 Womanizer, womanizer 好色之徒,好色之徒 Womanizer, womanizer 好色之徒,好色之徒 Boy don"t try to front 小子,不用尝试去反抗了 I know just what you are 我就知道你是什么东西 Boy don"t try to front 小子,不用尝试去反抗了 I know just what you are 我就知道你是什么东西 (You)You got me goin" (你)让我走去 (You)You"re oh so charmin" (你)你是那么迷人 (You)But I can"t do it (你)但我不能这样做 (You)You womanizer (你)你,好色之徒 Boy don"t try to front 小子,不用尝试去反抗了 I know just what you are 我就知道你是什么东西 Boy don"t try to front 小子,不用尝试去反抗了 I know just what you are 我就知道你是什么东西 (You)You say I"m crazy (你)你说我疯了 (You)I gotcha crazy (你)我疯了 (You)You"re nothin" but a (你)你什么也不是 (You)Womanizer (你)就是个好色之徒 Boy don"t try to front 小子,不用尝试去反抗了 I know just what you are 我就知道你是什么东西 Boy don"t try to front 小子,不用尝试去反抗了 I know just what you are 我就知道你是什么东西 Womanizer 好色之徒 Woman-womanizer 好色之徒 You"re a womanizer 你是个好色之徒 Oh, womanizer 噢,好色之徒 Oh, you"re a womanizer, baby 噢,你是个好色之徒,宝贝 IF YOU SEEK AMYOh baby, baby, have you seen Amy tonight 喔 甜心 你今晚见过 Amy 没? Is she in the bathroom, is she smoking up outside? 她是在洗手间化妆,还是在外面抽烟? Oh, baby, baby, does she take a piece of lime 喔 甜心 她是不是有吃片酸橙?(有歧义的地方) For the drink that I"m-a buy her, do you know just what she likes 我能出钱给她买点喝的,你晓得她打扮是什麽样吗? Oh, oh, tell me have you seen her, "cause I"m so, oh... 喔 请告诉下我你见到她没? 因为我好..喔 I can"t get her off of my brain 我实在无法忘记她 I just wanna go to the party she gon" go 我就想去下她要参加的派对 Can"t somebody take me home 谁都别想送我回家 Ha ha hee hee ha ha ho 哈哈 呵 哈哈 呵 Love me, hate me, say what you want about me 爱上我,忌恨我,口口声声说想拥有我! But all of the boys and all of the girls are begging to 但所有的男生女生们都在急切渴望 If U seek Amy 倘若你找到 Amy Love me, hate me, but can"t you see what I see 爱上我,忌恨我,但你无法瞧见我所目睹的 All of the boys and all of the girls are begging to 所有的男生女生们都在热切期盼 If U seek Amy 倘若你找到 Amy Amy told me that she"s gonna meet me up Amy 说了要和我碰头 I don"t know where or when and now they"re closing up the club 我压根不晓得该在哪时哪刻,他们都在酒吧裏蠢蠢欲动 I"ve seen her once or twice before she knows my face 在她懂我前我曾见过她几次面 But it"s hard to see with all the people standing in the way 但要在拥挤的人群中认出她简直难上加难 Oh, say what you want about me 喔 口口声声说想拥有我 Oh. but can"t you see what I see 喔 但却无法瞧见我所目睹的 Yeah, say what you want about me 耶,口口声声说要拥有我 So tell me if you see her 请你告诉我如果你见到她了 Let me know what she was wearing and what she was like 让我知道她到底打扮成什麽模样 "Cause I"ve been waiting here forever 因为我为她守候一生 Let me know if she was going out her mind 请告诉我如果她也准备好的话 Oh baby, baby, if U seek Amy tonight 喔 甜心 倘若你今晚见到Amy Oh baby, baby, we"ll do whatever you like 喔 甜心 我会为你奋不顾身 Oh baby, baby, baby, oh baby, baby, baby 喔 甜心 宝贝 喔 甜心 宝贝 CURCUSThere"s only two types of people in the world 世界上有两种人 The ones that entertain, and the ones that observe 一种是寻找乐趣的,一种是观赏者 Well baby I"m a put-on-a-show kinda girl 好吧,宝贝,我是那种被人观看的女孩 Don"t like the backseat, gotta be first (oh, oh) 不喜欢坐后排,要坐最前面 I"m like the ringleader 我就像是个头头 I call the shots (call the shots) 我喊“投掷”(喊投掷) I"m like a firecracker 我像个放烟花的人 I make it hot (make it hot) 我让它很精彩(让她精彩) I run a tight ship 我开着船 I feel the adrenaline moving through my veins (hah, hah, hah) 我感觉我的肾上腺素正在通过我的血管 Spotlight on me and i"m ready to break (hah, hah, hah) 聚光灯打在我身上,我已经准备好了爆发 I"m like a performer, the dancefloor is my stage (hah, hah, hah) 我就像个演员,跳舞的地方是我的舞台 Better be ready, hope that ya feel the same (hah, hah, hah) 已经准备好了,希望你也这么觉得 All the eyes on me in the center of the ring 站在舞台中央所有眼睛都注视着我 Just like a circus (ah, ah, ahaha-hah) 就像一个马戏团 When i crack that whip, everybody gonna trip 当我挥舞着鞭子,每个人都开始跳舞 Just like a circus (ah, ah, ahaha-hah) 就像一个马戏团 Don"t stand there watching me, follow me 别站着看着我,跟着我 Show me what you can do 让我看看你能做什么 Everybody let go, we can make a dancefloor 每个人都放开,我们能开辟一块舞蹈的地方 Just like a circus (ah, ah, ahaha-hah, ha, ha, ha, ha, ho, ho, ho) 就像一个马戏团 There"s only two types of guys out there, 世界上只有两种男人 Ones that can handle me, and the mamma boys are too scared 一种能掌握我,一个太可怕 So baby ,I hope the true can prepared 哦宝贝,我希望事实能准备好 I wanna ??? , so be there 我想要??(听不出来是什么)。所以我在这里 I"m like the ringleader 我就像是个头头 I call the shots (call the shots) 我喊“投掷”(喊投掷) I"m like a firecracker 我像个放烟花的人 I make it hot (make it hot) 我让它很精彩(让她精彩) I run a tight ship 我开着船 I feel the adrenaline moving through my veins (hah, hah, hah) 我感觉我的肾上腺素正在通过我的血管 Spotlight on me and i"m ready to break (hah, hah, hah) 聚光灯打在我身上,我已经准备好了爆发 I"m like a performer, the dancefloor is my stage (hah, hah, hah) 我就像个演员,跳舞的地方是我的舞台 Better be ready, hope that ya feel the same (hah, hah, hah) 已经准备好了,希望你也这么觉得 All the eyes on me in the center of the ring 站在舞台中央所有眼睛都注视着我 Just like a circus (ah, ah, ahaha-hah) 就像一个马戏团 When i crack that whip, everybody gonna trip 当我挥舞着鞭子,每个人都开始跳舞 Just like a circus (ah, ah, ahaha-hah) 就像一个马戏团 Don"t stand there watching me, follow me 别站着看着我,跟着我 Show me what you can do 让我看看你能做什么 Everybody let go, we can make a dancefloor 每个人都放开,我们能开辟一块舞蹈的地方 Just like a circus (ah, ah, ahaha-hah, ha, ha, ha, ha, ho, ho, ho) 就像一个马戏团

塞班岛Natural Nail Spa的具体地址在哪

Natural Nail Spa位于塞班市区,具体地址是Micro Beach Rd, 96950, Mariana Islands,开门时间一般是周日下午1:00-下午6:00周一-周六上午10:00-下午8:00。周边玩乐景点美国纪念公园与Natural Nail Spa距离0.32km麦克海滩与Natural Nail Spa距离0.68km军舰岛与Natural Nail Spa距离3.25km酒店星沙酒店与Natural Nail Spa距离0.2km海岛酒店与Natural Nail Spa距离0.25km塞班水湾酒店与Natural Nail Spa距离0.25km餐厅Tony Roma"s与Natural Nail Spa距离0.35kmMoby Dick Restaurant与Natural Nail Spa距离0.42kmCountry House(乡村之屋)与Natural Nail Spa距离0.43km。

跪求X Japan的rusty nail的按发音译成的中文歌词或者罗马音歌词!

kioku no kakera ni egaita bara wo mitsumete togireta omoi de kasaneru kawaranai yume ni Oh! Rusty Nail dore dake namida wo nagaseba anata wo wasurerareru darou Just tell me my life doko made aruite mitemo namida de ashita ga mienai jyosho ni owatta shuumatsu no kizu wasurete nagareru toki ni dakaretemo mune ni tsuki sasaru Oh! Rusty Nail dore dake namida wo nagaseba anata wo wasurerareru darou utsukushiku iroasete nemuru bara wo anata no kokoro ni sakasete sugao no mama de ikite yukereba kitto hitomi ni utsuru yoru wa kagayaku yume dake nokoshite asa wo mukaeru kodoku wo wasurete akai tekubi wo dakishimete naita yoru wo owarasete kioku no tobira wo tozashita mama de furuetetogireta omoi wo kasaneru aoi kuchibiru ni Oh! Rusty Nail dore dake namida wo nagaseba anata wo wasurerareru darou Just tell me my life doko made aruite mitemo namida de ashita ga mienai kurushikute kokoro wo kazatta... ima mo anata wo wasurerarenakute

我想要X-JAPAN的rusty nail的平假名歌词,或者帮我把歌词中这些汉字注上假名。

kioku no kakera ni egaita bara wo mitsumetetogireta omoi de kasaneru kawaranai yume niOH! RUSTY NAIL* dore dake namida wo nagasebaanata wo wasurerareru darouJUST TELL ME MY LIFEdoko made aruite mitemonamida de ashita ga mienaijyosho ni owatta shuumatsu no kizu wasuretenagareru toki ni dakaretemo mune ni tsuki sasaruOH! RUSTY NAILdore dake namida wo nagasebaanata wo wasurerareru darouutsukushiku iroasete nemuru bara woanata no kokoro ni sakasetesugao no mama de ikite yukereba kittohitomi ni utsuru yoru wa kagayaku yume dake nokoshiteasa wo mukaeru kodoku wo wasureteakai tekubi wo dakishimete naita yoru wo owarasetekioku no tobira wo tozashita mama de furuetetogireta omoi wo kasaneru aoi kuchibiru niOH! RUSTY NAIL* repeatkurushikute kokoro wo kazatta... ima moanata wo wasurerarenakute

求 X Japan 《Rusty Nail》 中文演唱的歌词,要的是怎么唱的 用拼音或中国字描述出来的。

用中文的音不准的。。。= =若真是X饭。。。从长远考虑~~~LZ可以考虑罗马音看看~~===罗马音~====Rusty Nail 作词 : YOSHIKI / 作曲 : YOSHIKI kioku no kakera ni egaita bara wo mitsumete togireta omoi de kasaneru kawaranai yume niOh- Rusty Nail dore dake namida wo nagaseba anata wo wasurerareru darou Just tell me my life doko made aruite mitemo namida de ashita ga mienaijyosho ni owatta shuumatsu no kizu wasurete nagareru toki ni dakaretemo mune ni tsuki sasaruOh- Rusty Nail dore dake namida wo nagaseba anata wo wasurerareru darou utsukushiku iroasete nemuru bara wo anata no kokoro ni sakasete I wanna die I wanna live I wanna die to set me free Day and night Night and day I wanna live to set me free I can die I can live I can die to set me free Day and night Night and day I wanna live to set me free......sugao no mama de ikite yukereba kitto hitomi ni utsuru yoru wa kagayaku yume dake nokoshite asa wo mukaeru kodoku wo wasurete akai tekubi wo dakishimete naita yoru wo owarasetekioku no tobira wo tozashita mama de furuete togireta omoi wo kasaneru aoi kuchibiru niOh- Rusty Nail dore dake namida wo nagaseba anata wo wasurerareru darou Just tell me my life doko made aruite mitemo namida de ashita ga mienai kurushikute kokoro wo kazatta... ima mo anata wo wasurerarenakute


也许吧 没研究过 但是在他家买过一次短袖 还不错 包装也挺好 其它的不太清楚
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