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I shall not frequent your society long, natty ! 纳蒂啊,看来我们的友谊是长不了啦! Ben pump sides with natty . 本邦普站在纳蒂一边。 With natty bumppo the difficulty bees crucial . 处理纳蒂班波这个角色,困难到了极点。 It is impossible, however, to trick natty out in other colours than his famipar ones, 可是费尽心机也不能使纳蒂摆脱本色。 The touch of the past stirs a strange anguish, in the reader as in natty bumppo . 旧梦重温,读者和纳蒂班波一样,都感到一种难以言状的凄楚。 But at the end huck, pke natty bumppo, must get away from civipzation if he is to save himself . 然而到了最后,象纳蒂邦波一样,赫克如要拯救自己,必须离开文明社会。 With natty bumppo the difficulty bees crucial 处理纳蒂?班波这个角色,困难到了极点。 He " s natty dread , she is the best one in the flowerman pany 是natty dread ,是男人花公司的头牌 The touch of the past stirs a strange anguish , in the reader as in natty bumppo 旧梦重温,读者和纳蒂?班波一样,都感到一种难以言状的凄楚。 His cap was a dainty thing , his closebuttoned blue cloth roundabout was new and natty , and so were his pantaloons 他的帽子很精致,蓝色的上衣扣得紧紧的,又新又整洁,他的裤子也是一样。

人教版高中英语选修6《Unit 5 The power of nature》教案

  人教版高中英语选修6《Unit 5 The power of nature》教案【一】   教学准备   教学目标   1. Knowledge objectives   Know that the -ing form can be used as various kinds of adverbials   Understand the differences among “doing”, “having done”, “being done” and “having been done”   2. Ability objectives   Master the usage of the -ing form as adverbials and properly use it in writing   Polish oneu2019s writing with the -ing form as adverbials   3. Emotional objectives   Cultivate teamwork and confidence   Feel free to use English grammar in daily life   教学重难点   教学重点 Understanding four -ing forms used as adverbials and five tips on how to use the -ing form as adverbials   教学难点 Master the usage of the -ing form as adverbials and properly use it in writing   教学过程   Lead-in: Song appreciation   (1) Play the song Take me to your heart before class.   (2) Start the class with a clip of the song sung by the teacher.   (3) Lead the Ss to notice the -ing form used as adverbials in the lyrics.   This is a warming-up step designed to arouse Ssu2019 enthusiasm and to come to the point.   Step 1: We Choose   Task 1: Observe the -ing form in each sentence and decide what it refers to.   (reason, result, concession, time, manner, condition)   1. Being very rich, he spends as much money as he likes. (reason)   2. Working hard, youu2019ll surely succeed. (condition)   3. They sat there, waiting for the beginning of the sports meeting. (manner)   4. Walking on the street, he came across a long-lost friend. (time)   5. The polar bear was not careful enough, falling on the icy ground. (result)   6. Not understanding what you are talking about, I still admire you. (concession)   It is intended to remind Ss that the -ing form can be used as various kinds of adverbials. Ask several Ss to answer and, if necessary, interpret the sentences for them with adverbial clauses.   Task 2: Check the words in red and decide their relation with the subject and the predicate. (A. active B. passive C. meanwhile D. before-after)   Laughing and jumping, he left school.   Having finished his homework, he left school.   Being talked about at that time, he left school.   Having been punished, he left school.   First, let Ss choose the correct relation between the -ing form and the subject and that between the -ing form and the predicate in each sentence. Then lead Ss to sum up the differences among “doing”, “having done”, “being done” and “having been done”.   Task 3: Read the sentences aloud and recall the tips.   When the reading is finished, ask Ss how to use the -ing form as adverbials.   It is intended as a transition from “what” to “how” and the second step is naturally introduced.   Step 2: We Change   Task 1: (Group work) Identify the mistakes in the following sentences and change the sentences into correct ones. Discuss your reason.   1. I had a wonderful childhood, travel around the world.   2. When crossed the road, you should be careful.   3. Having not finished his homework, he was punished by his parents.   4. Working hard, your dream will come true.   It is aimed to revise the usage of the -ing form as adverbials. By group discussion, Ss may find it easier to solve the problem. Matters such as non-predicate, relation, conjunction, negative words and logical subject are all involved.   Task 2: (Pair work) Orally change the adverbial clauses or compound sentences into the -ing form as adverbials.   e.g. After we have been informed of Mr. Liu2019s birthday, we hurried to express our best wishes on the blackboard.   (Notice that only the clause part will be changed: predicateu2192non-predicate)   Having been informed of Mr. Liu2019s birthday, we hurried tou2026u2026   1. Because we hoped to convey our concern for him, we asked Miss Zhu to bring him a card.   2. When we danced together, we felt very excited.   3. Although we had not met him before, we still treated him as an old friend.   4. If you think it over, you will have a good idea.   5. She stood on the stage and played with her hair.   6. He was so humorous that he made us burst into laughter.   It is designed for Ss to put into practice the tips mentioned in the previous task.   Step 3: We Chat   Task 1: Using the correct form of the given verbs, help me to complete the caption of my moment.   Last month, I led my students to join in the oral English competition.   (live) far away from the site, we had to get up early in the morning. (not eat) anything before, I felt hungry. As for the students, though tired, they were still enthusiastic about the coming challenge, (talk and laugh) on the bus. When (arrive) at the site, they were very excited.   (devote) to practicing before, they did a wonderful job in the competition, (bring) glory to our school. As far as I am concerned, (make) great efforts to practice, any of you can also stand out.   It is a revision of the tips mentioned. In addition, it sets an example of how to use the -ing form as adverbials in our daily life.   Task 2: Writing   o Choose a picture to post.   o Write the caption for it.   o Try to use the -ing form as adverbials. (3 minutes)   Ss are asked to choose a picture from five and write the caption for it by using the -ing form as adverbials in 3 minutes. This is to integrate what has been covered and put it into practice.   Task 3: Sharing   o Move around the classroom.   o Share your moment.   o Get “like” or “comment”.   (You may also leave your comment when discovering any grammatical mistake.)   An example is shown to clarify the instruction. Then Ss are given five minutes to share their moments with their classmates. This is a peer proof-reading activity.   Task 4: Presenting   o How many“ likes” have you got?   o What about “comments”?   o Who would like to share with the whole class your moment or the comments you got?   This is for several volunteers to present their works and notice the common mistakes when using the -ing form as adverbials.   Step 4: Summary   Summarize what we have learnt today:   o 6 kinds of adverbials   o 4 forms of -ing   o 5 tips   This is to remind Ss of what they have learnt today.   课后习题   Homework   o Review the usage of the u2013ing form as adverbials.   (You may refer to a mini-lecture. )   o Polish your caption and share it with your friends.   o Finish exercise 3 - 5 on Page 64 of your exercise book.   The homework is intended to familiarize Ss with the rules of the -ing form used as adverbials and to develop their writing skills.   人教版高中英语选修6《Unit 5 The power of nature》教案【二】   教学准备   教学目标   教学目标:   1 深入理解课文,分析文章长难句,培养快速阅读、整体理解和写作的能力。   2 通过合作探究,主动质疑,学会概括主旨,分析句子的方法。   3通过学习Sara的故事,培养学生在紧急情况下自救的意识和能力。   4以高度的热情投入学习,享受英语阅读的快乐,在原来基础上有所进步。   教学重难点   教学重点和难点   重点:   1. Let students read the passage and get the main idea and the structure of the passage.   2. Help the students get the detailed information.   2. Get students to discuss and learn how to protect ourselves from disasters.   难点:   1. Develop studentsu2019 reading and writing ability.   2. Enable students to learn to how to protect ourselves and keep away from danger.   教学过程   教学过程:   课前环节:Check the answers.   学生活动:核对预习学案答案,自我检查学生预习情况。   【设计意图】核对预习学案答案,检查学生预习情况,把课文中会影响学生阅读理解的绊脚石扫除,为下文深层次的理解打好铺垫。   课堂环节:Lead-in.Enjoy a short video and let students know the danger of flood.   学生活动:关注问题What happened to the lady? 带着问题去观赏。   【设计意图】利用观看网络视频,引起学生自我保护、远离洪水的意识。用视频导入新课,能更好地激发学生学习英语的热情,也能让学生认识到洪水猛兽就在我们身边,加强自我保护意识非常必要,学习自我保护尝试非常重要。   Step1 Fast-reading :Get main idea .   学生活动:快速整体阅读并找一人到黑板展示答案,每空1分。   The text is a story about______, the mother of James, who was_________ by the flood,although her husband, _______had called to remind her of the danger.   Step2 Get the structure of the text.   学生活动:一人到黑板展示答案,每空2分。Step1&2可以同时进行。   Before the flood: Para1-----   During the flood: Para -----   【设计意图】第一次阅读,让学生快速略读,提高迅速获取信息的技能,从总体上把握文章的主旨大意和篇章结构。   Step3 Careful Reading.   学生活动:仔细阅读,规范书写,小组交流,共同探究。每题3分。   1.Who told Sara to go to her motheru2019s house and why?   2.Who was in the house with Sara?   3.Why did Sara climb onto the roof of her car?   【设计意图】这三个问题属于细节理解问题,需要学生细致深入地详读课文,这能逐步培养学生的获取具体信息和提取具体信息的能力。通过再次细读文章,想让学生独立思考,小组交流,然后老师指正。老师设疑,学生质疑,通过师生共同探究,达到释疑的目的,同时也锻炼的学生的书面表达和概括能力。   Step4 Enjoy the sentences.   学生活动:合作探究,仔细分析,注重理解,背诵记忆,学以致用。每题5分。   1. If she went to her motheru2019s house, Tony wouldnu2019t get his present for days.   解析:if引导的是一个含有 _______ 的 ____ 状语从句   翻译:   2. Sara dressed baby James in warm clothes and collected the things that she would need for hom over the next few days.   分析:Sara发出两个动作:________和________.that引导的是一个______从句,先行词是   __________,在从句中作need的_______语。dress sb inu2026意思是:__________________   翻译:   3. Using the car seat as a step, she climbed first onto the front of the car and then onto the roof.   “v-ing形式作状语”的情况在文章中(Para2、3、5、6)共出现了六次,你都找到了吗?   [高考连接]:   _________(see)that she was going to sleep,I asked if sheu2019d like that little doll on the bed. (08北京)   Step5 Discussion   学生活动:集体讨论,小组合作,组长记录,信息共享,主动参与。20分。   1.Do you think Sara did the right thing? Is there anything wrong?   2. What should we do facing the flood?   【设计意图】本环节通过小组讨论合作学习,学生在加深对文中理解的同时,自己的语言表达能力也得到了很大的提升,而且学生相互学习,取长补短,对于加强自身的保护意识非常重要。   Step 6 Writing. 30分   学生活动:态度端正、认真打草、定好人称、选好时态、书写规范、卷面整洁、衔接连贯、过度自然、用好小词、句子通畅、高级句式适当运用、碰到难关学会迂回、认真书写、完美展现。   Use your imagination to invent an ending to the story.   1. 50---60 words.   2. Discuss with your teammates.   3. Write down your opinion.   4. Each group choose the best to show your writing.   【设计意图】本环节旨在通过写作,进一步巩固对文章的理解和运用,尤其是对文章中重点单词、短语和句式的针对训练,以此提高学生的写作能力和自我保护意识。   Step 7 评测练习.   学生活动:仔细审题、认真作答、人称时态、固定搭配、主谓一致。20分。   Sarau2019s husband Tony(1) _____to remind that she had better(2) _____a few things and go to her motheru2019s place, because it had been(3) ______heavily for weeks and the river was(4)_____ higher. He feared that the whole valley would be(5)________.   Tonyu2019s birthday was coming, but he wouldnu2019t get his(6)_______ for days. Just as she was(7)_______ for the car keys, Sara heard the flood coming. She put her baby on to her backpack. With the help of the car, she(8)________to the roof of the house.   【设计意图】本环节旨在考察学生对课文具体细节信息的理解和重点词汇的运用,同时有意识地向高考题型靠拢,让学生感受语法填空的出题思路和解题技巧。   课后习题   评测练习   短文填空:(20分)   Sarau2019s husband Tony(1) _____to remind that she had better(2) _____a few things and go to her motheru2019s place, because it had been(3) ______heavily for weeks and the river was(4)_____ higher. He feared that the whole valley would be(5)________.   Tonyu2019s birthday was coming, but he wouldnu2019t get his(6)_______ for days. Just as she was(7)_______ for the car keys, Sara heard the flood coming. She(8) her baby on to her backpack. (9) the help of the car, she(10)________to the roof of the house   评测结果:   通过核实答案,95%的学生得分在16分以上,取得了令人满意的成绩,但个别同学尚存问题。整体效果良好,目标达成度较高。   突出问题:时态问题.   (1)called误用成了call.   (3)rained 误用成了rain.   (4)rising误用成了rose.   (5)flooded误用成了flooding.   (7)reaching误用成了reached.   (10)climbed误用成了climb.   突破措施:   很显然,学生在做短文填空这个问题时,对于动词时态和语态的把握不准是导致出现失误的重要原因。所以我们在日常的教学活动中,要时刻引导学生关注动词的时态在具体语言环境中的运用,把时态和语态与短文填空、短文改错联系起来,甚至让学生相互出题,相互检测。我们教师也可选编部分针对时态和语态的问题,有针对性地进行练习。

东方绀珠传 ~ Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom.的角色介绍

博丽灵梦种族:人类称号:飞翔于天空的不可思议的巫女能力:主要是在空中飞的能力大家都熟悉的巫女,博丽神社的巫女。月都使者终於正式现身。虽然不知道她们的目的,可是对完全客场作战的她而言,  肯定是许久未曾遇过的艰苦战斗。  这次被迫进行不允许任何失误的战斗。净土的士兵终於现身。完美无缺的性质拒绝了生物的生死。以能够追踪敌人的诱导弹为特征。中弹判定也稍微小一些。扩散火力:追踪护符集中火力:信仰神针符卡:灵符「梦想封印」 雾雨魔理沙种族:人类称号:普通的魔法使  能力:使用魔法的能力  居住在幻想乡的普通魔法师,有搜集癖。  因缘际会之下,偶然捡到月都的力石。  正当魔理沙开始察觉,就是这颗力石让都市传说具体化的时候,月都使者终於现身。不知何时存在的月都力石,具备扰乱幻想乡文化的力量。以低速、高速均是高火力为特征。  移动速度快,而且道具回收更加容易。  扩散火力:幻象雷射(IllusionLaser)  集中火力:魔法飞弹(MagicMissile)  符卡:恋符「MasterSpark」 东风谷早苗种族:人类称号:住在山上的奇迹现人神  能力:引发奇迹的能力  住在山上神社的巫女。  查觉到妖怪之山确实发生了异变。  可是不知道妖怪们是否看不见,居然没有任何妖怪做出反应。  感觉到诡异的她,跑去找灵梦商量。出现在妖怪之山的金属制蜘蛛,在她眼中像是火星探测器.好奇号。低速、高速都是广范围攻击。  因为低速射击自动追踪敌人,可以专心躲避。  扩散火力:地精扩散(KoboldSpread)  集中火力:飞天大蛇(Sky serpent)  符卡:蛙符「诡计蛤蟆」 铃仙·优昙华院·稻叶种族:人类①称号:地上的月兔  能力:操纵波长的能力住在永远亭的月兔。  对这次的任务感到不安。为什麼永琳师傅不只派自己,还同时委托人类呢。  难道有甚麼事物是只有人类才看得见的吗?  绀珠之药具备经验未来的能力。  只要是月都的居民,人人都知道这种秘药。只有月亮之力能对抗月亮之力,永琳的药具有体验未来的力量。低速攻击为贯通弹。  符卡是中三次子弹也没问题的高性能符卡(中弹判定会变得大一些)  (*完成一关后剩余的护罩会消失。)  扩散火力:Lunatic Gun  集中火力:Mind Wave  符卡:「障壁波动(EvilUndulation)」 ①这里应该是ZUN在编写人物设定时出现的一点小失误。在正式版中修改为月兔 1面BOSS 浅葱色的Eagle Rabbit清兰(セイラン)Seiran主题曲:兎は舞い降りた(兔子跳着舞降临)种族:月兔能力:从异次元发射子弹程度的能力名副其实的炮灰。在被称为Eagle Rabbit的地面调查部队之中负责潜伏渗透这项最危险的工作。尽管工作危险,薪水却很低。月都虽然都有心灵感应能力,但从不会认真进行交谈。似乎是在休息中为伙伴捣年糕时遭到了袭击。2面BOSS 橘色的Eagle Rabbit铃瑚(りんご)Ringo主题曲:九月のパンプキン(九月的南瓜)种族:月兔能力:吃团子越多变得越强程度的能力在被称为Eagle Rabbit的地面调查部队中负责情报管理这项闲职。尽管很轻松等级却很高的职位。不知是否因为一直在收集情报,她的兴趣转移到了地面。她的任务只是调查。虽然也被允许进行战斗,但并没有胜利的必要。3面/EX面道中BOSS 梦的支配者哆来咪·苏伊特(ドレミーu30fbスイート)Doremy Sweet  主题曲:永远の春梦(永远的黄粱梦)种族:獏能力:食梦、造梦程度的能力爱做白日梦的妖怪。栖息在梦中世界。一切生物所做的梦其实在根本都是相互联系的。在梦中前往不曾知晓的地点、遇到不曾相识的人、发现不为所知的BUG都是因为这个原因。她能够消灭、创造、替换这些梦境。只要擅于利用梦中世界,就可以前往任何地方,成为任何人物。她为了不让发现了这个事实的人破坏秩序,而不断地监视着。4面BOSS 招来口舌之祸的女神  稀神探女(稀神 サグメ)Kisin Sagume主题曲:逆転するホイールオブフォーチュン(逆转的命运之轮)种族:月之民  能力:从口中说出便可使事态逆转的能力  月之民。  平时,在月之民中担任高官,并不会经常在外界面前出现。  虽然算是神灵,但是其性质非鬼非神亦非精灵。  性格寡言,其理由源自能力。  对于某种事态,一旦经过自己的口中(尤其是对和事情有关的人),  这个事态就会向反方向发展。  相似的角色还有天邪鬼,但她是位居天邪鬼之上的神灵。  天邪鬼只会说自己反对的事情,但她会通过自己说的事情让世界向反方向发展。  如果她想做成什么事情,那一定悉数失败,  如果有什么坏事发生,那她的能力一定可以使事态好转。  但那并不意味着会对自己好转。  正所谓,祸从口出的神灵。  月之民的贤者们,为了防止纯狐的攻击导致的污秽侵蚀,将月都冻结了。  与此同时,他们令月之民前往梦境避难。  梦境中的都城,正如大家所想,是往日的月都。  在那里的月之民们,无一不深信着这里就是真正的都城。  然而,也不能将他们一直关在梦境之中。  长久的梦是容易侵蚀精神的。  为此,贤者们为了保险,制定了「月之都迁都计划」。  「月之都迁都计划」,旨在将幻想乡净化,在那里建造都城。  所谓净化,乃去除生死之意。  也就是说,是将所有地上的生物歼灭。  然而这并不简单。对手是住在幻想乡的妖怪们。  她觉得在幻想乡传播都市传说是一个近道。  她利用她的能力制作了秘密的力量石。  那个力量石有着可以用话语改变世界的力量。  只需要在力量石附近,就可以把不应存在的流言(都市传说)具现化,  是一个可怖的道具。  在都市传说开始具现化的时候,只要等有人传播一个著名的都市传说,  这就是她的计划。  著名的都市传说,那便是「阿波罗计划阴谋论」。  「NASA隐瞒了在月上所见的真相」,这种闲话。  也就是说,如果有人流传NASA隐瞒了在月球上所见的文明,  月之文明,也就是月都,便会在幻想乡中具现。  ……然而,这个计划仅仅是保险起见。  她也并不是真心要去实行,也根本没有月民期望迁都。  他们都想尽可能返回月球。  尽管如此,也到了无法不采取行动的地步,  纯狐的攻击就是如此令人无计可施。  就在这时,幻想乡的人类到来了。  虽然她从未想过哆来咪会让人类进入月都,  但她试验了人类的力量,知道她们很强之后便下定了决心。  在这些人类身上赌一把吧。  如果我说出了真相,事态便会以这些人类为中心逆转。  虽然自己一直以来进行的迁都作战会悉数失败,但纯狐的作战也会失败,所以是公平的。  之后不管这些人类会怎样,只要月都得救……5面BOSS 地狱的妖精  克劳恩皮丝(クラウンピース)Clownpiece主题曲:星条旗のピエロ(星条旗的小丑)种族:妖精能力:使人发狂程度的能力  地狱的妖精。  赫卡提亚的部下。  妖精存在于几乎任何场所。地狱当然也不例外。  然而,拒绝了生死的月之民会除掉妖精。  月都周边几乎没什么妖精。  她受赫卡提亚的命令,令静海充满了自己从地狱带来的妖精们。  静海因她的伙伴们变成了妖精乐园。  然后由于纯狐的能力,她们觉醒了。  她们的存在,可以说是纯粹的生命力的集合。  「只要你们一直在这里玩下去,月之民就无法动手。  只要他们没有人自愿去接受污秽,他们就会一直固守城池。」  听到这样的话语,她开始盛大地玩耍起来。  月面虽然是荒凉的世界,但和地狱比起来,是一个更美、更欢乐的世界。  妖精们盛大地嬉戏着。  这进一步将月之民束缚了起来。  而这次,虽然月都长久以来都没什么动静,  但终于有人类从月都中冲了出来。  「如果,有人从月都里出来,你做什么都好。」  想起这番话的她,真是绝佳的心情。6面/EX BOSS  纯狐Junko主题曲:ピュアヒューリーズ ~ 心の在処(Pure Furies ~ 心之所在)种族:神灵  能力:纯化程度的能力  对于月之民抱有怨恨的存在。  自身也是被怨恨纯化的灵。  她已经连自己是什么人的情报都不需要了。  她对月之民嫦娥有着强烈的怨恨。  详情与游戏的一部分结局重复,在此并不细说,  她似乎是一个每次袭击月之都,最终都被贤者镇压其愤怒的存在。  丈夫杀死了自己的儿子,这是最初的怨恨,但怨恨早已纯化,  失去了控制。  其存在只有一部分月之民知道。  因为月之民不需要有畏惧敌人的生活。  嫦娥是否知晓她的存在还尚不明确,但应该不会毫不知情吧。  嫦娥,虽然在本作中并未登场,是被幽禁在月都的月之女神。  她是月兔的支配者,也有着强大的力量,但并不会出现在外界面前。  嫦娥是使用了蓬莱之药的罪人。  这次的月都袭击计划的概要如下。  「将月的正面,用纯化了生命力的妖精充满,  将月球本身,化为生命之星。  这样一来,月都就只好逃窜了。  趁其不备,斩杀藏匿其中的嫦娥。」  厌恶地面充斥污秽(生命)而移居月球,是月都的开端。  她想让相同的事情,发生在月球。  计划十分顺利。  静海开始被生命填满。  地狱的妖精们,将月球当作了乐园。  地狱的环境便是如此严苛。  月之民,对于她的生命之星计划束手无策。  然而,纯狐却已经知道。  月之民不会就这样居住在污秽附近,他们一定会逃往梦境之类的地方。  所以,预测到这一切的她,将朋友送到了那边。  不知该说是正如所料,还是说预料之外,月之民超过半年都没什么动静。  纯狐也攻击月都攻到厌倦了。双方都无法出手,陷入了胶着状态。  逐渐,她的愤怒有所舒缓,开始考虑今后该如何行动。  就在此时,想不到人类居然出现了。  而且是污秽被净化的人类。是某种药物的影响吗。  不厌恶生命,又感受不到生命。  虽然想不到会打出如此这般牺牲人类的奇计,但她却放心了。  月之贤者所做之事超乎所料。  这是她的乐趣所在。  然后,终于,这次的复仇大戏,将要落下帷幕了。EX BOSS 地狱的女神  赫卡提亚·拉碧斯拉祖利(ヘカーティアu30fbラピスラズリ)Hecatia Lapislazuli主题曲:パンデモニックプラネット(Pandemonic Planet)种族:神明  能力:拥有三个身体程度的能力  司掌月球、地球、异界三界地狱的谜之神明。  她在三个世界同时拥有身体,可以自由地在不同的世界中来去。  另外,由于月球、地球、异界都有地狱存在,而其核心的灵魂都在地狱,  所以对敌人来说是一个无计可施的麻烦的神明。  顺便梦境就相当于异界。  她也是对嫦娥抱有怨恨的神明。  因为,嫦娥的丈夫,是击落了太阳(阿波罗)的人物。  本来,没有太阳便无法存在的地狱。  由于失去了强烈的光明,地狱的黑暗也因之减弱。  就算这样说,她憎恨嫦娥的理由,很大程度上也是受了纯狐的影响。  在纯狐的本次计划当中,需要有一个处在能自由操控妖精的立场上的人,  以及一个能自由来回梦境的人。  她正是符合需要的人物。  纯狐与她很快便意气相投。  可能是原本就好战的性格的功劳。  她将自己的部下克劳恩皮斯交给纯狐随意差遣。  月之民逃进的梦境。  她令那梦境中的伪月都的周边,也充满了生命力。  由此,月之民完全被封杀了。  最后,只剩下斩杀嫦娥了——  就在这时,纯狐却宣布自己告负。  看来,是月之民打出了超越纯狐计谋的奇计。  那就是,死亡的概念消失,被净化的人类。  将「绀珠的人类」送进月球的作战。

foundations of computational mathematics怎么样


hibernate里‘query’和‘ Criteria’分别什么时候用




请问hibernate Criteria 如何进行子对象关联查询,谢谢

第一个:Criteria criteria = hibernateTemplate.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createCriteria(Dept.class);criteria.add("name", "%aa%"));第二个:Criteria criteria = hibernateTemplate.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createCriteria(Dept.class);Criteria senduser = criteria.createCriteria("a");//这个小a是Dept中关联A.class的属性名criteria.add("name", "%AA%"));最后返回return criteria.list();


可以的,我也这样用的,没有遇见什么问题啊。只是当你输入的查询时间是2009-12-11到2009-12-11的日期(即当天)要注意一下,endDate可能要改为2009-12-11 23:59:59 ,否则查不出来

criteria跟dynamic这两个词怎么记. 怎么样都记不住,怎么办.



到了Hibernate3.0以后,关联关系的对象默认都是使用延迟加载,例如<one-to-many>时.但我在映射<one-to-one>,<many-to-one>关系时指定了lazy="true",但是在查询对象时,我只想查询一个对象,仍然会把这个对象所关联的<one-to-one>,<many-to-one>对象一起查询出来,这样造成了极大的性能浪费.在不指定lazy属性时,<many-to-one>所关联的对象反而会延迟加载,这让我大为困惑,还以为是Hibernate的bug. 在网上查找资料,说在为了延迟加载<one-to-one>,<many-to-one>所关联的对象,需要设置被关联的对象<class name="" lazy="true">,我也这样做了,但是仍然没有效果. 仔细阅读了Hibernate的手册,才发现原来要延迟加载<one-to-one>,<many-to-one>所关联的对象时,除了要指定lazy="true"外,还需要运行期字节码增强,而我省去了这一步,所以延迟加载没有效果.同时还发现在默认情况下,<one-to-one>,<many-to-one>的lazy属性是"proxy"而不是"true"!因此如果直接采用lazy的默认值,是可以延迟加载的. 总结一下: <many-to-one>默认的属性是lazy="proxy",此时默认是会延迟加载的.在指定了lazy="true"之后,必须要经过运行期字节码增加,延迟加载才有效果. 而<one-to-one>相对要复杂一点,延迟加载还要受到constrained属性的限制.constrained="false"时表明实体和被关联到的实体的约束不是强制的,即存在一个实体时,它通过<one-to-one>关联的实体可能存在,也可能不存在,这时在查询实体时,Hibernate总会发起一次查询检查<one-to-one>所关联的实体是否存在,而这时已经可以把one-to-one关联的实体查询出来了,因此在<one-to-one>关系中,如果constrained="false",总是会立即加载关联到的实体. 如果当constrained="true",且lazy="proxy"(默认),是可以延迟加载的. 如果当constrained="true",且lazy="true"时,需要经过运行期字节码增加,延迟加载才会奏效.使用hibernate后,观念应该转变过来, 一个对象应该是完整, 所以没法返回一个只包含某几个属性(字段) 的对象。 例如,一个人,就不能只返回一个头, 还是手什么的 如果数据量过大, 当然还是有这个必要. 也可以做到, 但是返回的不会是对象,而是字段数组. hibernate 管这叫投影 Criteria criteria=session.createCriteria(User.class); ProjectionList proList = Projections.projectionList();//设置投影集合 proList.add(Projections.groupProperty("userName")); proList.add(Projections.groupProperty("password")); criteria.setProjection(proList); 最后返回的List是 Object[] , [0] = userName, [1] = password 如果你真的只用来查 userName,password, 那就小题大做了 我想直接取出view(String userName,String password)的形式, 即hql:select new view(userName,password) from .... 两种方法 1 属性的延迟载入 在hbm.xml的属性上加 lazy=true 2 轻量设计 单独设计一个类, 只包含 userName 和password我的意思就是设计了一个类用来存放username和password,但是Criteria能返回这个bean类型的一个List吗?再写一个xml啊, 没人规定一张表只能映射一次 轻量的employee映射

hibernate Criteria 如何实现 having查询


hibernate 用criteria 查询最大值 怎么写?

这句话错了Student stu=(Student)list.get(0); 改成Integer max = (Integer) list.get(0);问题解决

gonna get it歌词翻译

Janet jackson---Get it out meWhat more can I say "bout you我还可以说你些什么?Boy , you"re so hot小子,你真火辣Oh yeah , baby I ain"t never噢YEAH,宝贝,我永远都不是Felt that there boyDon"t you stop你不会停下吗?You found my spot你发现了我的污点Cause you know I likes it when you do it mo" better 因为你知道,我喜欢你做得更好Like when you say to me 旧像你那时你对我说Awww Jan your body feels like (none I"ve ever felt) 啊,Jan(人名),你的身体让人感觉(我从来未感觉过)You know it makes the you know what come out 你知道这会有什么事情发生Oh , I know you"re with it come and get it 噢,我知道你会来得到它Cause you know it 因为你知道It"s true, it"s you 这是真的,就是你It"s something that you do 是你做的某些事情Ain"t nobody been able to get it out me 并不是没有人能够把这从我身上弄开Get it out me 把这弄开It"s you 就是你It"s something that you do 是你做的某些事情Ain"t nobody been able to get it out me 并不是没有人能够把这从我身上弄开Get it out me 把这弄开What it is I do not know it is 我不知道这究竟是什么But you make me want to let it go 但你让我想放手Let me break it down one time 让我一次把它毁掉Hope you on"t mind 希望你不介意But I really wanna try something that you think is taboo 但我真的很想尝试那些你认为是禁忌的事情but you will be more than satisfied 你会更加满足Boy I"m getting wild now watch me go way out 小子,现在我变得狂野,看着我找到出路Into another place, into another space 去到另一个地方,另一个空间We can make this as creative as you like 我们可以使这变得有创造力,和你喜欢的一样Feel free to express yourself 自由地表达你(的感受)I"m gonna get it , love it , take it我会得到它,爱上它,掌握它till there"s nothing left直到没有东西剩下(那一刻)It"s true, it"s you 这是真的,就是你It"s something that you do 是你做的某些事情Ain"t nobody been able to get it out me 并不是没有人能够把这从我身上弄开Get it out me 把这弄开It"s you 就是你It"s something that you do 是你做的某些事情Ain"t nobody been able to get it out me 并不是没有人能够把这从我身上弄开Get it out me 把这弄开Ain"t too many people that can get it out me 不是有太多人能把这从我身上弄开Something about your swagger 一些你得意洋洋的事情And the way you talk to me 还有你和我说话的方式Break it down now现在毁掉它Break it down now现在毁掉它Break it down now现在毁掉它It"s true, it"s you 这是真的,就是你It"s something that you do 是你做的某些事情Ain"t nobody been able to get it out me 并不是没有人能够把这从我身上弄开Get it out me 把这弄开It"s you 就是你It"s something that you do 是你做的某些事情Ain"t nobody been able to get it out me 并不是没有人能够把这从我身上弄开Get it out me 把这弄开What it is I do not know我不知道这究竟是什么But you make me wanna let go但你让我想放开


/** * 使用对象的查询方法 * * @param c:查询的类 * @param obj:查询的对象 * @param orber:按那个字段排序 * @param row:每页多少条记录 * @param page:第几页 * @return List: 集合 */ public List find(Class c, Object obj, String[] orber, int row, int page) { List list = null; try { Criteria criteria = HibernateSessionFactory.getSession() .createCriteria(c); if (obj != null) { Example example = Example.create(obj); example.enableLike(MatchMode.ANYWHERE);// 匹配模式,使用模糊查询必填项。 example.excludeNone();// 空的不做查询条件 example.excludeZeroes();// 0不要查询 example.ignoreCase(); // 不区分大小写 criteria.add(example); } if (row > 0 && page > 0) { criteria.setMaxResults(row);// 最大显示记录数 criteria.setFirstResult((page - 1) * row);// 从第几条开始 } // 判断是否有排序请求,如果有加入到排序方法中 if (orber != null) { for (int i = 0; i < orber.length; i++) criteria.addOrder(Order.desc(orber[i])); } list = criteria.list(); return list; } catch (HibernateException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } finally { HibernateSessionFactory.closeSession(); } } /** * 使用HQL查询语句 * * @param hql:hql语言 * @param row:每页显示多少记录 * @param page:显示第几页 * @param params: * 所传的对应参数 * @return List: 返回集合 */ public List find(String hql, int row, int page, ArrayList params) { try { query = HibernateSessionFactory.getSession().createQuery(hql); if (null != params) {// 循环把给参数赋值 for (int i = 0; i < params.size(); i++) { query.setParameter(i, params.get(i)); } } if (row > 0 && page > 0) { query.setMaxResults(row);// 每页显示多少条记录 query.setFirstResult((page - 1) * row);// 显示第几条记录 } return query.list(); } catch (HibernateException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } finally { HibernateSessionFactory.closeSession(); } }

请教Hibernate 的 Criteria 的 in 查询

Criteria criteria = createCriteria(shenroll.class); criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("shActId",shActId)); criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("shUserId",shUserId));

FORTRAN 中E:1111111111.for(23) : Error: This name does not match the unit 遇到这个问题怎么办啊?


refer my name的汉语意思

refer my name提到我的名字

hibernate criteria模糊查询 怎么写

Hibernate-Criteria 模糊查询Criteria Query通过面向对象化的设计,将数据查询条件封装为一个对象。简单来 讲,Criteria Query可以看作是传统SQL的对象化表示,如: Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(User.class); criteria.add(Expression.eq("name","Erica")); criteria.add(Expression.eq("sex",new Integer(1))); 这里的criteria 实例实际上是SQL “Select * from t_user where name="Erica" and sex=1”的封装(我们可以打开Hibernate 的show_sql 选项


criteria是hibernate特有的查询的方法,是面向对象的一种查询,可以让没有sql基础的开发者也能够准确的使用hibernate来操作数据库。而query也分为两种,一种是普通的sql,另一种是hql。这里解释一下hql,hql就是面向对象的一种sql,表名对应的是类名,而表中的字段对应的就是类的属性。例如:sql : select * from user_info where id = 1;hql : from UserInfo where id = 1;



英文名Narissa的读音 含义?

Narissa - name meaning and originRate this: What do you think of the name Narissa?The girl"s name Narissa (a)-rissa, nar(is)-sa is a variant of Nerine (Greek) and Nerissa (Italian), and the meaning of Narissa is "sea nymph; black-haired". The baby name Narissa sounds like Naryssa and Norissa. Other similar baby names are Carissa, Karissa, Darissa, Larissa, Marissa, Narcissa, Narsissa, Narkissa and Parissa. Narissa is an uncommon first name for women and an equally uncommon last name for both men and women. (1990 U.S. Census) Displayed below is the baby names popularity trend for the girl name Narissa. Compare Narissa with its source forms and related girl names.


就像 I am looking at a cat 我在看一只猫 别人不知道你说的是那只猫I am looking at the cat with a broken leg. 我在看一只脚伤了的猫 别人知道你说的是什么猫

chinese navy eassy

The development of the Chinese navy Marine development base of support all aspects of the involved, including the heaven, air, sea and shore-based and underwater element.The marines say heaven first base of support development. Warships and aviation aircraft to predict the weather and charts are needed to battle, which requires heaven meteorological satellite and ocean Marine geographic satellite. Weather forecasting meteorological satellite oceanic sea fleets and provide aviation aircraft fleet and help yourself to the aircraft choice to combat, Marine geographic satellite can provide warships, help warships electronic chart make navigation in complex surface ships don"t get lost. China"s meteorological satellite cloud 1, and have 2-3, 4, and the sea, the service for meteorological satellite. China"s Marine geographic satellite oceanic 1, 2 and 3 ocean ocean, has been formed stereo Marine geographic detection nets. So we are the technical support for the sky.Besides air support. Said In data chain and radio navigation system, Chinese radio land-based navigation system has built three Roland C at chain, and established with the corresponding data chain in China, covering all right belongs to the region. This is the Chinese naval combat air to provide technical support, Chinese naval aircraft had the beacon chain navigation, a data chain tactics, China supported do be afraid of naval aircraft. Therefore said the air base of support is acceptance.The base of support. The content covers the base of support from offshore shallow sea, the meteorological and hydrological, to the oceans and to the navy and joint exercises of the arctic and Antarctic expedition to the Chinese navy, hydrological and meteorological data provide more real, route of channel parameters and the geographic data port and berths, including the world"s oceans, hydrology, meteorology and port and garages material. Chinese navy after decades of scientific exploration and practice transatlantic visits and military exercises, has the base of support solidify, which can ensure the Chinese navy could perform all operations.Shore-based support base. This is the base of support, don"t say that China has got from coastal shore-based support power construction, add after the founding of the positive development of the shore, missiles and shore-based shore-based defense systems and other equipment. Certainly, said China will give invaders shore-based fire left a sea channel, the invaders from sea to shore is only dream of.Underwater base of support. Submarine underwater navigation by sonar communication and navigation, overseas media said, China is now established east yellow sea and bohai sea, the sea and the monitoring network, such underwater sonar underwater support foundation has, this can detect the sea water, and can defend China threat to the territorial sea from underwater target.The Chinese navy, defenses are built navy choose? This from the Chinese navy hard. The author"s view is: a battleship hard power but a few top in strong saturated attack aircraft. So the author thinks that Chinese navy at the defense capability should be in Chinese naval combat radius of the aircraft, the local Chinese navy aircraft to just can win defensive, or no air is only passive beaten.Currently, about the strength of China"s hainan through the second and third chain chain of strength, but still far to the first archipelago PLA naval positive. This is the first archipelago far from east China, this is exactly 1,300 kilometers distances in China"s aerial enemy aircraft type 11 and the radius of the enemy within the scope of cover, Of course also in China, FeiBao warplanes to Sue - 30 June boom and within the scope of the new aircraft bombed, If you want to add an oil boom 6 and 78 refuelling also included 8-2 in China within the scope of the new machine attack, Of course also in China of a ballistic missile firing range. 4 above, once the first archipelago is war, can use a lot of PLA for the first archipelago of ballistic missile attack military targets, and then KJ2000 out and eight beam two airborne warning aircraft and combat radius to cover 1,300 kilometers within the scope of the entire first archipelago of 10 and 11 capture enemy fighters airpower, due to the enemy and fighters and China, large number of equipment can be suppressed the enemy aircraft first archipelago, so with ballistic missile hna seize control of air is absolute liberation: no problem. Take control of air, 30, new FeiBao is Sue, new boom 16th and Chinese tf performance. So China"s air combat aircraft under the radius from the east coast of the whole distance 1,300 kilometers within the scope and the south China sea (SCS in China with Chinese military airport) will be the winner tf absolutely. Modern Chinese navy can safely say that can win all right belongs to sea battle.Analysis of Chinese naval offensive, you must look beyond the sea battle in the right. Starting with the Chinese naval, there are six new boom of long-range cruise missiles carry considerable damage, but this just point of attack, attack the XingBuCheng whole effect. Besides, the Chinese navy tf said now equipped with large integrated supply and large sea vessel, which can help medical Chinese advanced destroyers, submarines and composed of frigate formation export operations from sea power portal, but due to the lack of China, China"s escort fighters tf offensive ability, also slightly thin air, sea and do not fight effects of three-dimensional underwater. This will make China"s ocean attack at a discount greatly, the only way is to develop carriers, thus forming solid comprehensive offense. Currently, China has said the media are actively developing Chinese aircraft carrier aircraft carriers, the service is the Chinese navy ocean offense stero-prototyping.Chinese naval base of support development road, navy, have established the rights of all maintenance sea win new war, which is the continuous development of 60 years. The lack of ability is insufficient, the ocean offensive attack XingBuCheng still three-dimensional effect. The only way to solve a carrier, is the development of the Chinese navy aircraft carriers can make people trust the export of China"s strategic interests protection of China, then the navy"s all-round navy.

Hong Kong is a busy city on the_of the South China Sea and it has a_of seven million.



Vietnam Officially the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (SRV; ), is the easternmost country on the Indochina Peninsula in Southeast Asia. With an estimated 90.5 million inhabitants as of 2014, it is the world"s 13th-most-populous country, and the eighth-most-populous Asian country. The name Vietnam translates as "Southern Viet" (synonymous with the much older term Nam Viet); it was first officially adopted in 1802 by Emperor Gia Long, and was adopted again in 1945 with the founding of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam under Ho Chi Minh. The country is bordered by China to the north, Laos to the northwest, Cambodia to the southwest, and the South China Sea to the east.[8] Its capital city has been Hanoi since the reunification of North and South Vietnam in 1976.Vietnam was part of Imperial China for over a millennium, from 111 BC to AD 938. The Vietnamese became independent from Imperial China in 938, following the Vietnamese victory in the Battle of Bu1ea1ch u0110u1eb1ng River. Successive Vietnamese royal dynasties flourished as the nation expanded geographically and politically into Southeast Asia, until the Indochina Peninsula was colonized by the French in the mid-19th century. Following a Japanese occupation in the 1940s, the Vietnamese fought French rule in theFirst Indochina War, eventually expelling the French in 1954. Thereafter, Vietnam was divided politically into two rival states, North and South Vietnam. Conflict between the two sides intensified, with heavy intervention from the United States, in what is known as the Vietnam War. The war ended with a North Vietnamese victory in 1975.Vietnam was then unified under a communist government but remained impoverished and politically isolated. In 1986, the government initiated a series of economic and political reforms which began Vietnam"s path towards integration into the world economy. By 2000, it had established diplomatic relations with all nations (except South Sudan). Since 2000, Vietnam"s economic growth rate has been among the highest in the world, and, in 2011, it had the highest Global Growth Generators Index among 11 major economies.Its successful economic reforms resulted in its joining the World Trade Organization in 2007.However, regardless of the advancements that have been made in recent years, the country still experiences high levels of income inequality, disparities in access to healthcare, and a lack of gender equality.

a storm is coming from the South China Sea 怎么翻译


南海英文名为什么不叫South Sea of China


South China是什么意思

华南中国南方应该是:southern China

“南海属于中国”用英语怎么说 ?南海应该是South china sea 是吧,别直译啊!!

southern China Sea

South China Sea是否真的是国外对中国南海的称法?


failed to download the manage module怎么解决

最近升级虚拟化平台,从ESXI5.0升级至ESXI6.0.0 Update1,中间经过了Windows vCenter5.1迁移至VCSA6.0、View 5.1 升级至 Horzion View 6.1、防毒系统升级、vShield Manager升级等等,过程中也遇到了很多从来没有遇到过的问题,在此分享给大家,希望对于后续各位的升级有所帮助;关于MOVE AV无代理防毒异常处理报错信息:1、显示vShield Endpoint Host status,如下图所示:2、查看vShield显示未安装状态,如下图所示:3、重新安装,安装5分钟还是5%,如下图所示:4、安装失败,显示Failed to download VIB错误,如下图所示:6、查看vShield Manager管理平台发现,报错信息:A connection between the ESX module and the vShield Endpoint solution,MOVE AV Agentless,faild.7、查看ePO发现服务已经启动,但是SVM异常;事件描述: Scanner service warning, unable to contact the hypervisor. Please update the SVM policy on ePO and provide credentials for the hypervisor.原因分析:问题一:安装5分钟最后失败报无法下载对应的VIB文件查看相关文档显示vShield Manager需要以下端口通讯正常;因ESXI、ePO、vShield Manager三者需要通讯,而192.168.0.187策略为未保证三者正常通讯;display current-configuration | include 0.77rule 77 deny tcp source destination 0 destination-port eq 22rule 78 deny tcp source destination 0 destination-port eq 443解决方法:允许规则:rule 52 permit ip source 0 destination 0rule 53 permit ip source 0 destination 0rule 54 permit ip source 0 destination 0rule 56 permit ip source 0 destination 0rule 57 permit ip source 0 destination 0rule 58 permit ip source 0 destination 0重新刷新:vShield Endpoint 防毒模块安装正常;vShield Manager显示正常:问题二:安装正常以后,但是虚拟机还无法正常杀毒,原因分析:通过vShield Manager查看,虚拟机精简代理未启用(Thin agent enabled)原因:系在安装VMware tools的时候未安装VMCI造成;解决方法:重新安装VMware tools工具,注意选择对应的驱动程序;检测是否安装成功,通过fltmc命令:测试杀毒正常:错误三:lost communication with ESX modulevShield Manager 显示错误信息“Lost communication with ESX module”. 导致这个问题的原因是ESX/ESXi 和正在运行的vShield Manager 时间戳不匹配。vShield Manager在它第一次运行的时候会建立一个新的证书.如果时间戳不一致,会导致证书验证失败并且该错误信息会提示。 这个错误还可能引起受保护的虚拟机脱机解决方法:要解决这个问题请确保vShield Manaer 与ESX/ESXi 的时间同步卸载程序,再重新安装对应的vshield;重新安装完成以后,ESX Modle是成功的,但是MOVE AV无代理防毒会出现异常,如下图所示:同时在vShpere Client也会报对应的错误,这时候我们需要重新导入防毒系统的OVF重新配置即可;

i wanna be there for you是什么意思?


MDK st-link下载STM32程序出现Internal command error和Error:Flash download failed. Target DLL


《thats not my name》的中文歌词

That"s not my name 这不是我名字Four letter word just to get me along 四封信只是让我变得更加孤独It"s a difficulty and i"m biting on my tongue and I 这是一个困境,我咬自己的舌头I keep stalling, keeping me together 我不断拖延,让我在一起People around gotta find something to say now 周围的人现在发现有些可说的了Holding back, everyday the same 抑制自己,每天都是如此 Don"t wanna be a loner 不想做个孤独者Listen to me, oh no 听我说,oh不I never say anything at all 我不再说任何事But with nothing to consider they forget my name 不用考虑任何事 但他们忘记我的名字(ame, ame, ame) They call me "Hell" 他们叫我"地狱"They call me "Stacey" 他们叫我"史"They call me "her"他们叫我"她"They call me "Jane" 他们叫我"简"That"s not my name 这不是我名字That"s not my name 这不是我名字That"s not my name 这不是我名字That"s not my name 这不是我名字They call me "quiet girl" 他们叫我"安静的女孩" But i"m a riot 但我很骚乱Mary, Jo, Lisa 玛丽祚,丽莎Always the same 总是相同的That"s not my name 这不是我名字That"s not my name 这不是我名字That"s not my name 这不是我名字That"s not my name 这不是我名字I miss the catch if they throw me the ball 我错失了捕捉 如果他们丢给我球I"m the last chick standing up against the wall 我是最后一个站起反对墙壁的小孩Keep up, falling, these heels they keep me boring 跟上,落后,这些步骤他们令我感到沉闷 Getting glammed up and sitting on the fence now 现在经过盛装扮后然后坐在栅栏上So alone all the time and i 晚上经常感觉很孤独 Lock myself away 把自己封锁起来Listen to me, i"m not 听我说,我不是Although i"m dressed up, out and all with 虽然我盛装打扮了Everything considered they forget my name 所有得事都考虑了 但他们忘了我的名字 (ame, ame, ame) They call me "Hell" 他们叫我"地狱"They call me "Stacey" 他们叫我"史"They call me "her" 他们叫我"她"They call me "Jane" 他们叫我"简"That"s not my name 这不是我名字That"s not my name 这不是我名字That"s not my name 这不是我名字That"s not my name 这不是我名字 They call me "quiet girl" 他们叫我"安静的女孩" But i"m a riot 但我很骚乱Mary, Jo, Lisa 玛丽祚,丽莎Always the same 总是相同的That"s not my name 这不是我名字That"s not my name 这不是我名字That"s not my name 这不是我名字That"s not my name 这不是我名字Are you calling me darling? 你叫我亲爱的吗? Are you calling me bird? 你叫我小鸟吗?Are you calling me darling? 你叫我亲爱的吗? Are you calling me bird?你叫我小鸟吗?Four letter word just to get me along 四封信只是让我变得更加孤独It"s a difficulty and i"m biting on my tongue and I 这是一个困境,我咬自己的舌头I keep stalling, keeping me together 我不断拖延,让我在一起People around gotta find something to say now 周围的人现在发现有些可说的了Holding back, everyday the same 抑制自己,每天都是如此 Don"t wanna be a loner 不想做个孤独者Listen to me, oh no 听我说,oh不I never say anything at all 我不再说任何事But with nothing to consider they forget my name 不用考虑任何事 但他们忘记我的名字(ame, ame, ame) They call me "Hell" 他们叫我"地狱"They call me "Stacey" 他们叫我"史"They call me "her" 他们叫我"她"They call me "Jane" 他们叫我"简"That"s not my name 这不是我名字That"s not my name 这不是我名字That"s not my name 这不是我名字That"s not my name 这不是我名字They call me "quiet girl" 他们叫我"安静的女孩" But i"m a riot 但我很骚乱Mary, Jo, Lisa 玛丽祚,丽莎Always the same 总是相同的That"s not my name 这不是我名字That"s not my name 这不是我名字That"s not my name 这不是我名字That"s not my name 这不是我名字I miss the catch if they throw me the ball 我错失了捕捉 如果他们丢给我球I"m the last chick standing up against the wall 我是最后一个站起反对墙壁的小孩Keep up, falling, these heels they keep me boring 跟上,落后,这些步骤他们令我感到沉闷 Getting glammed up and sitting on the fence now 现在经过盛装扮后然后坐在栅栏上So alone all the time and i 晚上经常感觉很孤独 Lock myself away 把自己封锁起来Listen to me, i"m not 听我说,我不是Although i"m dressed up, out and all with 虽然我盛装打扮了Everything considered they forget my name 所有得事都考虑了 但他们忘了我的名字 (ame, ame, ame) They call me "Hell" 他们叫我"地狱"They call me "Stacey" 他们叫我"史"They call me "her" 他们叫我"她"They call me "Jane" 他们叫我"简"That"s not my name 这不是我名字That"s not my name 这不是我名字That"s not my name 这不是我名字That"s not my name 这不是我名字 They call me "quiet girl" 他们叫我"安静的女孩" But i"m a riot 但我很骚乱Mary, Jo, Lisa 玛丽祚,丽莎Always the same 总是相同的That"s not my name 这不是我名字That"s not my name 这不是我名字That"s not my name 这不是我名字That"s not my name 这不是我名字Are you calling me darling? 你叫我亲爱的吗? Are you calling me bird? 你叫我小鸟吗?Are you calling me darling? 你叫我亲爱的吗? Are you calling me bird?你叫我小鸟吗?


Rihanna <cry>Another tactic to get my heart brokenAnother tactic to get upset and cryCuz I never leave my heart openNever hurts me say goodbyeRelationships don"t get deep to meNever got the whole in love thingAnd someone can say they loved me trulyBut at the time it don"t mean a thingMy mind is goneI"m spinning roundAnd deep insideMy tears ill drownI"m loosing gridWhat"s happening?I stray for luckThis is how I feelThis time was differentFelt like I was just a victimAnd it cut me like a knifeWhen you walked out of my lifeNow I"m in this conditionAnd I got all the symptomsOf a girl with a broken heartBut no matter whatYou"ll never see me cryDid it happened when we first kiss?Cuz it"s hurting me let it goMaybe cuz we spent so much timeAnd I know that is no moreI should have never let you hold me babyMaybe why I"m sad and he"s apartI didn"t give it to you on purposeTo take a ride it stole my heartMy mind is goneI"m spinning roundAnd deep insideMy tears ill drownI"m loosing gridWhat"s happening?I stray for luckThis is how I feelThis time was differentFelt like I was just a victimAnd it cut me like a knifeWhen you walked out of my lifeNow I"m in this conditionAnd I got all the symptomsOf a girl with a broken heartBut no matter whatYou"ll never see me cryHow did I get here with you?I"ll never knowI never meant to let it get so personalAnd after all I tried to doStay away from love with youI"m broken-heartedI can"t let you knowAnd I Won"t Let It ShowYou won"t see me cryThis time was differentFelt like I was just a victimAnd it cut me like a knifeWhen you walked out of my lifeNow I"m in this conditionAnd I got all the symptomsOf a girl with a broken heartBut no matter whatYou"ll never see me cryThis time was differentFelt like I was just a victimAnd it cut me like a knifeWhen you walked out of my lifeNow I"m in this conditionAnd I got all the symptomsOf a girl with a broken heartBut no matter whatYou"ll never see me cry另一个策略让我的心破碎另一个策略,以底价获得呐喊cuz我从来没有离开我的心开放从来没有伤害我说再见关系不深,我从未得到整个爱情事有人可以说,他们喜欢我的真正但在当时,它并不意味着东西我脑海中消失我纺轮深内我的眼泪溺死生病我松动格有什么事情发生?我流浪好运这是我的感觉这次不同就象我只是一个受害者它削减就像一把刀当你走出了我的人生现在,我在此情况我得到的所有症状一个女孩破碎的心但不管是什么你永远不会看见我哭泣它发生时,我们第一次吻?cuz它的伤害,让我走cuz也许,我们花了这么多时间我知道这是没有更多我应该永远让你拥有我的宝宝也许为什么我难过,他除了我没有给你的目的就以乘坐它偷走了我的心我脑海中消失我纺轮深内我的眼泪溺死生病我松动格有什么事情发生?我流浪好运这是我的感觉这次不同就象我只是一个受害者它削减就像一把刀当你走出了我的人生现在,我在此情况我得到的所有症状一个女孩破碎的心但不管是什么你永远不会看见我哭泣怎么我这里得到你?我永远不会知道我绝不让它得到这么个人毕竟我已经尽远离爱你我断心肠我不能让你知道我不会让它展你不会看见我哭泣这次不同就象我只是一个受害者它削减就像一把刀当你走出了我的人生现在,我在此情况我得到的所有症状一个女孩破碎的心但不管是什么你永远不会看见我哭泣这次不同就象我只是一个受害者它削减就像一把刀当你走出了我的人生现在,我在此情况我得到的所有症状一个女孩破碎的心但不管是什么你永远不会看见我哭泣

that no my name的歌词

李玖哲- 想太多 陈奕迅- 好久不见 蔡健雅- 无底洞 李玖哲/周笔畅- 你好吗 曹格- 背叛 王力宏- 爱错 张敬轩- 过云雨 阿桑- 你要离开的一些时候 蔡健雅- 陌生人 李玖哲- 解脱 林嘉欣- 恋之风景 张智成- 凌晨三点钟 张智成- 后来才知道 叶子》《一直很安静》《寂寞在唱歌》 《无底洞》《路口》《双栖动物》 《我们说好的》 《G大调的悲伤》《我走以后》 《记事本》《可惜不是你》《哭砂》《亲吻寂寞旅人》 如果歌曲好听满意请采纳o(∩_∩)o...哈哈



NAT ADDERLEY的《Sun Dance》 歌词

歌曲名:Sun Dance歌手:NAT ADDERLEY专辑:Introducing Nat AdderleySam Roberts - sundance★ lrc 编辑 妙一法师I"ve been dragged from the deepOut of my restless slumberAnd told to fight to keep my world from going underAnd time won"t stop when the land is torn apartIf you want to run, it"s too lateAnd with the guns came the sound of thunderAnd even the Sundance Kid would find it hardTo shoot his way out of this hole I"m inYeah, even the Sundance Kid would find it hardTo shoot his way out of this hole I"m inAnd there are no straight lines in any human designsWe live the same livesIn different timesAnd I thank the supreme beingFor giving me my eyesAnd the days that I had for livingAnd now I"m laughingCause I can"t find tears to cryAnd even the Sundance Kid would find it hardTo shoot his way out of this hole I"m inYeah, even the Sundance Kid would find it hardTo shoot his way out of this hole I"m inYou can rise above yourselfBut never the times that you live inYou can escape from your chainsBut never the days that you"re givenNo I never robbed a bank in an Andean townAnd I have no one to thank for any happiness that I have foundAnd guns blazeThey burn as bright as the sunAny eye can see that there are manyBut in the end, well, it only takes oneAnd even the Sundance Kid would find it hardTo shoot his way out of this hole I"m inEven the Sundance Kid would find it hardTo shoot his way out of this hole I"m inEnd

Directional light为毛怎么弄都不出阴影啊

shadow 没打钩/或者物件没设定成可产生阴影跟显卡也有关系,我几年前的破电脑集显,破解版都没阴影。换了个独显就行了。不过没阴影烘培也是能烘上影子的。选中场景中的灯光object,在inspector里边有个影子类型 看是不是选了Directional light灯光里面有个shadow Type属性能调阴影是不是unity 3d 中的平行光,对面片树不能产生阴影呢? 我昨天导进去的场景,主体建筑有阴影,就是面片树没有呢。把DX11的勾去掉就好了



directional blur是什么意思

directional blur                        方向模糊;定向模糊;多种特殊模糊效果;方向性模糊

directional pad是什么意思

directional pad定向垫例句:1、Use your Directional Pad to move left, right, up or down. 使用方向键移动向左,向右,向上或向下。 2、Well, the CL61 has two, but they"re underneath the directional pad. 嗯, CL61有两个,但他们还是下方向键。


bidirectional英 [bau026adu026a"reku0283(u0259)n(u0259)l; -dau026a-]美 [,bau026adu0259"ru025bku0283u0259nl]adj. 双向的;双向作用的

directional valve是什么意思

directional valve的意思: 定向阀,方向阀英语句子Grooved butterfly valves direct connect to pipe using iron pipe size couplings. Grooved valves are easiest to install.管状蝶阀:采用铸铁管接头直接与管道连接。管状阀门安装最容易。This Butterfly Valve is bi-directional and may be installed in either direction.这种蝶阀是双面的,可以在任何一面安装。The valve of the heart allows the blood to pass in one direction only.心脏的瓣膜使血液只能朝一个方向流动。


Omni-directional全方位双语例句1The moving system combines non-rail sling driving mode and omni-directional wheel driving mode together.机器人移动系统采用的是无轨吊索和轮式全方位移动相结合的方式,保证机器人系统在壁面上自由运动。2Cavity-Backed Planar Antenna with Suppressed Radiation in ZenithDirection and Omni-Directional Radiation in Horizontal Direction顶部抑制和水平面全向辐射的平面背腔天线

Failed to enable crypto这是什么问题

不是大问题2---stream_socket_client(): unable to connect to ssl:// (Unknown error)---/var/www/ck/push.php---132---stream_socket_client(): SSL: connection timeout---/var/www/ck/push.php---132---stream_socket_client(): Failed to enable crypto---/var/www/ck/push.php---13只是一些警告信息。

ansys里面分析结果中的directional deformation指的是什么意思?


miscRNA 是什么?有什么功能?

Miscellaneous RNA:是一类庞杂的小RNA分子。# Miscellaneous Small RNA: serves a variety of functions, including some enzyme-like catalysis; many are involved in processing RNA after it is formed; the remaining 2% of RNA * Recent evidence suggests that some of these small RNAs may serve as switches, turning genes on and off * Others, called RNAi, silence genes by tagging their mRNA for destruction misc RNA, RNA of unknown function详见附录

This is China


请教,Miscellaneous RNA是什么

Miscellaneous RNA:是一类庞杂的小RNA分子。 # Miscellaneous Small RNA: serves a variety of functions, including some enzyme-like catalysis; many are involved in processing RNA after it is formed; the remaining 2% of RNA * Recent

求Deaf Havana的Smiles All Round 歌词








[LINDA]_narulove完全版(火影忍者) 1 - 6 要中文版的

留幽香,别打@就能发纯数字可用汉字大写说下,1-6不是完全版完全版只有1-2 2部全彩1-6黑白,后两集未汉化完全版2未汉化 语冰






解决了,用流去读混淆过的apk没关系的,可以正常使用的。是权限的问题,B.apk复制到data/data/packagename/files下面后,要chmod 777 /data/data/packagename/files/B.apk ,否则安装B.apk会报包解析异常加权限代码:try{ String command = "chmod 777 " + destFile.getAbsolutePath(); Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime(); Process proc = runtime.exec(command);}catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace();}

LINDA]_narulove完全版(火影忍者 火影忍者-仙人掌)全集!仙人掌全



完全版是全彩的,只有12两部narulove1-6是黑白图的已发送,请及时采纳看清采纳,谢谢 语冰

REM的《Narcissus》 歌词

歌曲名:Narcissus歌手:REM专辑:Narcissu SoundtrackNarcissuありふれた 一日(いちにち)が终(お)えぬよう明日(あした)に届けNarcissu ~セツミのテーマ~作词:片冈とも作/编曲:Ebi歌:REM一月(いちがつ)の花を寻(たず)ねてみた憧れはナルキッソス(narukissosu)二人で望んでみたガラス越(こ)し 银の夜もしも愿えるのならばum..もっと近くにきてよ雨空(あまぞら)じゃ 颜も见えない星を灯(つ)けて华やかな 煌(きら)びやかな运命を梦见て 泣いた夜は银色の流星も泣いているナツシス(narushisu)に向けてあっけなく さよならを告(つ)げぬよう唇(くちびる)が告(つ)げぬように呟(つぶや)きに星空も木霊(こだま)するナツシス(narushisu)に向けていつまでも届け


放て胸の深くまで hanate mune no hukaku made释放吧 从你的内心深处刺さって抜けない音になれ sasatte nuke nai oto ni nare化为仿佛能刺穿一切的声音いつだって信じて放て itsu datte shinjite hanate一直坚定不移的 相信着 去放手一搏吧仆である为 boku de aru tame为自己存在而为雨上がり水たまりを飞び越えて ame agari mizu tamari wo tobi koete雨后初晴 从水洼上轻跃跳过映る世界を覗き込んだ utsuru sekai wo nozoki konda窥视着倒映的世界揺れる空に见とれた yureru sora ni mitoreta入目即为摇曳的天空気付けば目に见えない何かに kizukeba meni mienai nani kani回过神注意到时 已被什么无法被看到的东西押し溃されそうになるけれど oshi tsubu sare souni naru keredo压得快要崩溃振り返ると闻こえた huri kaeru to kikoeta当我回首时却听到胸を张れ背中押す声 mune wo hare senaka osu koe你鼓励我挺起胸膛的声音放て胸の深くまで hanate mune no hukaku made释放吧 铭记在内心深处刺さって抜けない音になれ sasatte nukenai oto ni nare让那透彻的声音穿透心底いつまでも色あせずに itsu mademo iro asezu ni它永不褪色强く鸣り响け tsuyoku nari hibike强烈回响在心间流れ过ぎ去ってく今を nagare sugi satteku ima wo将不断流逝的现在掴んで离さないでいて tsukande hansa naide ite紧握于手中绝不放手いつだって信じて放て itsu datte shinjite hanate永远地 相信着 去放手一搏仆である为 boku dearu tame为我的存在而为なにもない仆になにができるだろ nani mo nai boku ni nani ga dekiru daro一无所有的我到底能做到什么呢塞ぎ込んでた仆をよそに husagi kondeta boku wo yosoni闷闷不乐的我这样想着君は変わらず笑った kimi wa kawarazu waratta你一如既往的笑了何度も救われた nando mo suku wareta无数次被你拯救ごめんなありがと gomenna arigato对不起但是谢谢你立ち上がれたのは tachi agareta nowa让我重新翻身站起的君がいたから kimi ga itakara就是你一直的不离不弃高い空见上げた takai sora miageta抬头仰望高远的天空込み上げた涙の訳は komi ageta namida no wake wa它是我泪水盈满眼眶的借口叫べ强くなれなくても sakebe tsuyoku nare naku temo呐喊吧 就算现在还不够强大涙拭って歩いてゆけ namida nugutte aruite yuke也要擦干泪水大步向前谁か照らす光に dareka terasu hikari ni去成为照耀着某人的光芒いつかなれるように itsuka nareru youni终有一日 我就是你数え切れない日々の果て kazoe kire nai hibi no hate度过数不尽的日复一日あの日の音は闻こえるかい ano hino oto wa kikoeru kai耳边还能浮现那天的弦音吗いつだって怖くて不安です itsu datte kowakute huan desu就算一直恐惧着 不安着失くしたくない naku shitaku nai也不会丧失本心谁かに必要とされたいと dareka ni hitsu you to sare taito想成为某个人必要的存在思うならここにいちゃダメでしょ omou nara kokoni icya dame desyo这样的想法是不被允许的吗叹き悲しみ泣くだけならば nageki kana shimi naku dake naraba如果就一味悲叹哭泣自怨自艾そんな仆は必要ないんだ sonna boku wa hitsu you nain da那样的我没有存在的必要信じるモノは仆が决めるよ shin jiru mono wa boku ga kimeru yo我已经决定好了要去相信的事物目には见えないモノもあるんでしょ meniwa mienai mono mo arun desyo即使它无法用眼睛看到也是存在的对吧答えは仆が决める kotae wa boku ga kimeru既然已经决定好了答案さあ届け君の中まで saa todoke kimi no naka made直到把它传达到你的内心为止我都不会放弃放て胸の深くまで hanate mune no hukaku made就这样释放吧 把我内心最深处的声音刺さって抜けない音になれ sasatte nuke nai oto ni nare化为利箭破空而出いつまでも色あせずに itsu made mo iro asezu ni让那永不褪色的弦音强く鸣り响け tsuyoku nari hibike强有力地回响在我们心间流れ过ぎ去ってく今を nagare sugi satteku ima wo将不断流逝的现在掴んで离さないでいて tsukande hanasa naide ite紧握于掌心绝不松手いつだって信じて放て itsu datte shinjite hanate一直这样地坚信着 射出这一箭仆である为 boku de aru tame仅为我而为





naruro shippoop是谁制作的?

作者原名:kishinpain 作品原名:NARUTO SHIPPOOP!

火影忍者同人narulove全 求发





LZ让我全身发麻发红浮肿起鸡皮疙瘩的发音啊~~~颤颤naruhodo 是原来如此 表示认同的意思soudesune 是是这样啊 表示了解了 明白了 或者确认的意思

英语:NANCY,因为台风关系,我们无法按时提到货柜,请问能否安排“SI LATE COME”给我们?

we cannot get the goods shelves due to the typhoon. could you arrange a"late come" ? we"re much concerned that we may be not able to give you the SI on time. thanks!

なるんです是什么意思?na ru 的原形是哪个词? 还有变化的日语是什么?

变成的完成态。naru原型就是naru,变化是hen ga(名词)。

TNA 肌肉老爹那去了 貌似 Hulk Hogan加盟TNA 他就没出现了

你说的是Scott Steiner吧,的确很久没看到他出现了,他最后一次出场是在Final Resolution 2009上和Bobby Lashley打了一场Last Man Standing Match(最后站立者比赛),之后就没有出现了,资料上显示好像是在休假调整当中~目前他的资料已经移出TNA的名单了,不清楚他目前到底还是不是TNA的成员~

financial sector是什么意思啊?


financial sector是什么意思


quaternary sector中文什么意思?


出国留学钢琴专业personal statement!

    1.分析你的个性和经历;   2.区分、组织和取舍你的特质、经历、和成就来满足学校录取的要求和标准;   3.把所有这些编排好的信息归纳在一个叙述性的结构中;    4.写出一篇具有说服力能突出你的特质的文章来。 什么是个人陈述 个人陈述是在申请过程中按照学校要求来写一篇有关申请人背景,学术成就和未来研究和职业目标的文章。一篇成功的个人陈述应不但应该语言流畅,逻辑严谨,层次分明,更要充分显示申请人的才华并抓住审阅人的注意力。几乎所有学校都要求提交个人陈述。

Personal Statement跟CV有什么相同点和不同点?





短语personalresume对应的汉语是()。 A.邮政编码 B.个人简历 正确答案:B

resume personal这个语法对吗

personal resume 个人履历
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