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How is the weather in June in Nanping?是什么意思?

南平六月的天气如何?How is the weather in June in Nanping?拜托了~~~

求几首类似joey moe的my last serenade风格的英文歌曲 特别是这种好听的前奏

call you tonight

amusement 用ana还是a







1. 用Then and now写英语作文,六年级水平 Working hard with friends and teachers is the most important thing to do nowThen and now Time has past by and I".I thank my teachers for helping me and also my clas *** ates who teach me a lot in different subjects;ll be relaxed because the important test is over but I will miss my friends and teachers;ll bee a middle school student and that time I".Next year I"m in Grade Six now. Now we are busy and then I hope that we meet again some time 2. Then and now英语作文怎么写 Then and Now When I was a little boy,I used to be shy,but now,I can speak loudly in front of the audience. When I was a little boy,I used to cry,but now ,i learn to be tough. When I was a little boy,I used to think the world is unfair,but now,I catch sight of the shining in this world. When I was a little boy,I don"t know how to love,but now,Iknow how to cherish what I have. The gone days have gone,and the past has just past.Maybe the gone represents blood,toil,tears,andglory,pleasure,but what I care is that the gone days taught me how to live my own life,it help me to grow up. The gone days prove progress in my life,but now,I"m living in the present.Fet the gone days,pay my all attention to the present,and I will have a wonderful life。 3. 作文,Then and now Now and thenTime has past by and I"m a 9th grader now.I"m facing the high school entrance exam in o months so now I"m preparing hardly and trying my best to get better grades.Next year I"ll bee a high school student and that time I"ll be relaxed because the important test is over but I will miss my friends and teachers.Working hard with friends and teachers is the most important thing to do now.I thank my teachers for helping me and also my clas *** ates who teach me a lot in different subjects.Now we are busy and then I hope that we meet again someday。 4. 一篇英语作文 题目是Then and now Then and Now When I was a little boy,I used to be shy,but now,I can speak loudly in front of the audience. When I was a little boy,I used to cry,but now ,i learn to be tough. When I was a little boy,I used to think the world is unfair,but now,I catch sight of the shining in this world. When I was a little boy,I don"t know how to love,but now,Iknow how to cherish what I have. The gone days have gone,and the past has just past.Maybe the gone represents blood,toil,tears,andglory,pleasure,but what I care is that the gone days taught me how to live my own life,it help me to grow up. The gone days prove progress in my life,but now,I"m living in the present.Fet the gone days,pay my all attention to the present,and I will have a wonderful life. 5. 以then and now写一篇40个单词的作文 Then and now I think the life today is better than it was 50 years ago.We have better education.Especially girls have the same chance as boys in education.But at the same time,there are more pollution. In the past,the traffic was poor,but now theres much traffic.And in the past,the environment was good,but now its bad because of the pollution.In the past,it was not easy to go to school,and it cost so much money for a child to study at school.But now,the education is free from Grade 1 to Grade 9.Thats must thanks to our goverment.In the past,people used to go to work on foot or by bike.But now,they go to work by bus or car instead of walking or cycling.In the past,there were few medicines. But now,there are so many medicine that works are freer and freer and freer.And in the past, there wasnt enough light at nights so the entertainment in the evening wasnt very good.But now,its wonderful. Many people maroups and they often dance or sing together.Its a good way to keep healthy.In the past,there wasnt any traffic accident because of the poor transport.But now there are many traffic accidents.Many people died or hurt in these accidents.Do you agree with me? What do you think about our life now and then? 6. 作文,Then and now Now and then Time has past by and I"m a 9th grader now.I"m facing the high school entrance exam in o months so now I"m preparing hardly and trying my best to get better grades. Next year I"ll bee a high school student and that time I"ll be relaxed because the important test is over but I will miss my friends and teachers.Working hard with friends and teachers is the most important thing to do now.I thank my teachers for helping me and also my clas *** ates who teach me a lot in different subjects. Now we are busy and then I hope that we meet again someday. 7. Then and now英语作文怎么写 and you win money,how great is that! And when the team you bet on it goes the unexpected way,what a sad story because your money will say bye-bye to you. All in all, online betting is no big deal, and perhaps it can enhance and be a catalyst for you to enjoy a football match. However, never put all your money on that, there"s abig difference beeen having fun and mitting suicide.。

i wanna be the very best no one i was 开头的歌词是这个 中间有一段 I got you more。

Pokemon ThemeIwanna be the very best,That no one ever was.To catch them is my real test,To train them is my cause.Iwill travel across the world,Searching far and wide.Each Pokemon to understandThe power that"s insidePokemon,(gotta catch them all) its you and meI know its my destinyPokemon, oh, you"re my best friendIn a world we must defendPokemon,(gotta catch them all) a heart so trueOur courage will pull us throughYou teach me and I"ll teach youPo-ke-mon, gotta catch "em allEverychallenge along the wayWith courage I will faceI will battle every dayTo claim my rightful placeComewith me, the time is rightThere"s no better teamArm in arm we"ll win the fightIt"s always been our dreamPokemon!(Gottacatch "em all)It"syou and meI know it"s my destinyPokemon!Oh,you"re my best friend,In a world we must defend.Pokemon!Aheart so true.Our courage will pull us through.You teach me and I"ll teach you.Pokemon!(Gottacatch "em all)x5Yeah!Pokemon!It"syou and meI know it"s my destinyPokemon!Oh,you"re my best friend,In a world we must defend.Pokemon!Aheart so true.Our courage will pull us through.You teach me and I"ll teach you.





reduce, diminish, eliminate, decrease的区别


以Natrual disaster为题写一篇作文.

Natrual disaster I believe that each everyone of you have paid attention to the earthquake,and also the Taifeng in Japan,therefore it is obvious that we all know the great power of natural disasters.If things happened in Japan is a little bit far from our habitat,then I would like to call for your memory about the big earthquake in Sichuan three years ago.Thousands of people lost their properties,their families,or even their own life.There are just so many examples of the terrible disasters that I can list,but I will just stop here. With the name natural disaster,it is easy to tell it occurs naturally.Hard to prodict,hard to provent,hard to find out ways to get rid of them.So,what can we do about these disasters.Of course there got to have some ways of dealing with them.To invent better ditectors,to teach people how to safe their life while disasters come,to build stronger buildings.These are just simple ideas come to my mind right away. Then the next question come up to me.Have we done all these?Have we get ourselves fully propared for the next natural disasters yet?The answer to both of the questions are no!And this is my key point of this speech.I think it is time for us to learn the ways of protecting our life while disasters happen.

一篇关于natural disasters(自然灾害)的演讲稿

Natural Disasters - 自然灾害 A natural disaster is the consequence of a natural hazard, such as floods, droughts, mud-rock flows, seismic sea waves, earthquakes, windstorms and the stretching of new deserts which affects human activities. But do not always blame, it mainly is caused by human being. Because human have cut down too many trees in the forests, dump rubbish into the landfill and invented nuclear bomb. These have badly polluted the environment. It is very late when we people realize the climates have become abnormal, rainwater rushes down hillsides angrily, and the underground energy goes up to revenge itself on us. The disasters have killed millions upon millions of people, destroyed countless homes, and wiped out numerous pieces of fertile land. Now more and more people become aware that those disasters have much to do with what we have done to the earth because the earth is our only home-planet. It is urgent for us to stop damaging it, and to do our best to protect it and make it a lovely place suitable to live in, for we have nowhere to go and survive except where we are now.

以natural disaster 为题目的英语作文

就这些了~~~ In the past hundred years, there have heen frequent natural disasters, such as floods, droughts, mud-rock flows, seismic sea waves, earthquakes, windstorms and the stretching of new deserts. The disasters have killed millions upon millions of people, destroyed countless homes, and wiped out numerous pieces of fertile land.Now more and more people become aware that those disasters have much to do with what we have done to the earth. We have cut down too many trees in the forests,we have badly polluted the environment, we have shocked our own home-planet time and again with tremendously powerful explosions of nuclear bombs. As a result, climates have become abnormal, rainwater rushes down hillsides angrily, and the underground energy goes up to revenge itself on us.The earth is our only home-planet. It is urgent for us to stop damaging it, and to do our best to protect it and make it a lovely place suitable to live in, for we have nowhere to go and survive except where we are now.

reflections. on. natural. disasters. 为主题的作文

那美丽的鲜花,因为有了绿叶的依偎,才显得清纯和鲜润;那蓝蓝的天空,因为有了白云的打扫,才显得静穆和安详;那宽广的大地,因为有了万物的拥吻,才显得和平和馨香.而一个人,一个家庭,一个社会,甚至一个国家,不也是因为互相依存,互相映衬,互相促进,一起共同发展,才呈现出那五彩斑斓的和谐吗?和谐犹如一幅画,好似一首歌曲.和谐产生美丽,和谐生发了力量. 和谐不是强行的,而是顺其自然的.不和谐的生活不会产生共鸣,无法演奏生活美好的乐章!和谐不是停滞,也不是凝固的,而是一种积极的前进的状态.在一个地方,今天和谐了,明天又会被新的矛盾所打破;我们又要做新的努力去争取达到新的更高的和谐. 和谐之美在于宽容.因为拥有宽容才有和谐.因为拥有宽容才有和谐.宽容是人类情感中的种子,她能在人类的心灵这片净土上扎根发芽,再爱的保护下茁壮的成长.宽容之心是多么伟大的,她能够熄灭怒火,她能感化邪恶播散善良,她能够无私奉献,从不计较.她让我们享受阳光一般的温暖.雨珠一般的滋润——宽容之和谐,竟妙不可言. 诚信是一颗珍贵的钻石,是和谐之美的结晶.诚信好过一支玫瑰,在花园之中,她是最美的,美得妍艳欲滴;美得热人心潮;美得高尚;美得完美无瑕.有了诚信之后,和谐的美足以体现了! 和谐之美绝不容忍名利所缚,只有淡泊名利才可以称为和谐之美.老鹰是为了搏击长空而在天空自由翱翔,而不是为了炫耀自己的羽翼因此无限的天空赐予了它自由快乐的空间;风帆只为乘风破浪而在海中搏击风雨,而不是夸耀自己的樯桅.因此浩瀚的大海给予了它豪壮宽阔的乐园.其实,你也一样,只要你用一颗平凡的心去看待,也会找到属于自己的星群! 有一种美,给生命带来温暖,和谐之美——无时无刻与我们现在,只是没有人留意到,而我却在无意中有所发现.我相信大家都听过这句话:“亲善产生幸福,文明带来和谐.友谊是一种和谐的平等.” 生命之歌 我想唱首歌,这是一首生命之歌. 2003年7月7日,4时30分.我从信箱里匆匆取出《新民晚报》,如同往日一样,虽然临近考试,可看报仍是我多年的习惯.视线划过一版、二版、……十五版.猛然,眼前一亮:伊朗连体姐妹欲做分头手术!伴着一声惊叫,这对姐妹花的照片映入我的眼帘,除了一部分头骨连在一起外,她俩和普通人并无任何区别,只是两双略带忧郁的明亮大眼睛充满了对未来的憧憬.得知了她们已有29岁了,我又是一惊:她们哪来这么大的勇气?这手术可是九死一生啊!我真的替她们担心.面对死亡的威胁,姐妹俩都愿意把生的希望留给对方,这又是多么美丽的心灵! 7月8日.取到报纸,我打破常规,直接翻到了十五版.据我推断,这则新闻应有连续报道.果然不出所料,整个版面几乎都刊登了这则消息.然而,醒目的大字标题让我新一凉:手术遇到麻烦!我感到似乎周围的空气凝固了,只听见自己的心跳声.原来她们的头骨比预计的要厚,所以手术耗时要多一些,医生在切割时只能一毫米一毫米地进行.我简直比她们还要害怕,我能做的是,只有为她们祈祷,再祈祷. 7月9日.一到时间我就急地奔下了楼,快速取出报纸,我迫不及待地翻到了十五版.“啊,怎么会这样!”我失声大喊,几乎不相信自己的眼睛.可是报纸上却清清楚楚,写着这对姐妹花死亡的消息.顿时,鼻子一酸,我的脸颊上挂满晶莹的泪珠,姐妹俩的照片被放大后刊登在报纸上,然而她们那微笑却已成为一种永恒……连头姐妹在近三十年中克服种种困难,顽强生活的情景,飞速在我眼前闪过.如今,为了更灿烂的明天,她们付出了何等巨大的代价! 我真的想为这对姐妹花唱首歌,一支含着泪水唱出的美丽哀婉的歌,在为她们活出如此绚丽的生命乐章而骄傲的同时,祝福她们在去天国的路上走好.也许,这也是全世界知道这对姐妹的人心底里最想唱的歌,这是一首以死为代价的追求生命的歌…… 祖国之歌 生活里充满了美吗?是的,它就在你双眸闪动的春光里,就在你手中擎起的秋叶里……歌是对美的感悟,是一种宣泄. 咏叹调———东方之珠清晨,蓝色的云霞里矗起一道细小的抛物线,这线红得透亮,闪着金光,冲破云霞,这就是初升的旭日.耀眼的光辉顿时洒向东方明珠,使剔透的球体再次复苏,重现它们的本色,犹如水晶般散发异彩、夺人视线,将阳光反射向四周……东方明珠的确具有别具一格的“磁性”与独特的魅力.她让人心动,让人为之感叹!渐渐地,红与白完美融为一体的巨型建筑物便占据了我的双眼.在她与我之间,浦江上仿佛铺出了一条碎光闪烁的路,让人忍不住飞奔而去,以平静激烈跳动的心脏. 我想唱:啊,这颗耀眼的明珠是中国的一个亮点,它将永远矗立于世界东方,咏叹美好的生活. 小夜曲———卢浦大桥飞虹横跨浦江,明月在水上泼洒出点点闪烁的银光,浦江之上又画出了一道神奇的风景线.抬头仰望,在灯光的映衬下,How magnificent(雄伟极了)!如童话般的“彩虹”展现在世人眼前,流光溢彩.曲线比直线更富有变幻的魅力,引导着视线作无穷的追逐.卢浦如同一座优美的雕塑:圆拱形的彩色大理石碑身,飞架碑身的三道银色钢结构弧线,隽永的金色魏碑体碑文,静静地诉说着这个国度里发生的又一个奇迹. 我想唱:啊,卢浦是中国独特的一条曲线,她体现的,即“美是生活”. 进行曲———三峡工程溯流而上,漫步在长江上游.走近大坝,见到的是两侧动与静的对比.坝身上游水波不兴,一平如镜;下游一侧导流底孔喷出的汹涌波涛,如无数条奔腾舞动的巨龙,在空中溅起数米高银白色的飞珠碎玉,撞击着,直泻而下.问苍茫大地,哪一处江河曾经积淀了如此厚重的文化?哪一方水域曾经荟萃了如此众多的灵秀?承载着这沉甸甸文化与灵气的江水,汇聚到三峡大坝时,怎能不迸发出强大的能量?由此,我们触摸到了祖先的分量,历史的分量,江山的分量. 我想唱:啊,三峡之水蕴藏着怎样的美丽,它将行进到底,因为那是我们永远的精神家园. 祖国诉说不尽的美,勾勒出涌动在我心中的一首歌,让我情不自禁的想将它唱出.我要用歌声赞美它们:明珠的夺目,三峡的雄伟,卢浦的独特,这是人们用双手创造的美,这是祖国改革开放飞速发展的写照!总有一天,中国必将成为全世界瞩目的焦点,屹立于世界民族之林. 祖国,我为你歌唱.(卢湾区A类卷) 青春之歌 十六岁的花季,多么美好啊!我想唱首歌,青春是美丽的! 青春是美丽的风景线,有的人匆匆溜过,一无所获,到老了总是后悔莫及!有的人却欣赏到了那只属于他的精彩,令人神往,到老了总是回味无穷!这是两种截然不同的人,是否也给我们带来一丝感慨? 我想唱首歌,青春是美丽的!因为青春充满活力!我们总是孜孜不倦地遨游在知识的海洋中,不会累,因为我们是富有生命力的小草,坚韧不拔!瞧,志愿者服务队中,总有我们的身影,为孤老服务,当小交通员……我们忙得不亦乐乎,虽然有珍珠般的汗淌了下来,但那是珍珠啊,多么珍贵!我们要把我们的活力注入整个社会中! 我想唱首歌,青春是美丽的!因为青春充满智慧!遇到了难题,我们总会迎刃而解,所谓“自古英雄出少年”,我们当然要好好表现一番!在各项竞技场中,我们“初生牛犊不怕虎”!勇摘桂冠,那全是靠我们的智慧和奋斗!在科技发明方面,我们也当仁不让,我们细心地联系生活,结合实际,大胆地创造出了一个又一个令成人叹为观止的发明!谁说我们是小孩,我们人小志气大!我们要把智慧播散到社会的各个角落中去! 我想唱首歌,青春是美丽的!因为青春并不会太长!昙花一现是短暂的,可谁能说它不美呢?正是因为它的短暂,带给人无限留恋!可是昙花一现可有无数次,每个人的青春只有一次,何不牢牢把握它呢? 让我们一起高声歌唱:青春是美丽的! 友谊之歌 一次无意中,我从书桌中翻出了一本积满灰尘的相册,在第二排,我找到了你,我的同桌,顿时一首歌回荡在耳边,那首《同桌的你》. “你是否还会想起,问我借半块橡皮?”记得你是个健忘的人,考试经常不带橡皮,老是问我借,害得一次考试后老师找我谈话,说我和你用橡皮打小抄,可怜的我被老师罚站一节课.幸好你不是那种忘恩负义之人,下课后会递上一块口香糖,使我在苦中找到甜蜜. “你是否还会想起,猜不出问题的你?”记得你的成绩如此优秀,但你是个不折不扣的地理盲.语文课上生龙活虎的你,在地理课上简直成了一只小鸡,蜷缩了起来,连举手的勇气也没有,可老师偏偏喜欢请你发言.哎,也真是难为了同学们的耳朵了———你说英国和美国是邻国,中国和日本海间隔者印度洋,甚至你说全世界只有两大洲,亚洲和非洲……正因为有了你的“胡言乱语”,平时我最喜欢的课,除了体育课,就是地理课了. 哦,对了.说到体育课,你可真厉害.外表看上去,那么漂亮的女孩子,竟是个体育狂热爱好者,100米短跑8秒1搞定,立定跳远超过了所有的男同学,因此有这么多男同学愿意和你踢球.你和我,便成了球场上的两个箭头,弄得对方守门员时时手忙脚乱.记得吗?上次我们踢了(2)班一个6比0,你还大为不爽呢! “谁把你的长发盘起……”你有着一头乌黑、漂亮的长发,但你却不去整理,也许这与你的性格有关吧,但你不至于让我这样一个堂堂男子汉为你梳头时,幸好还很早没有人看到,不然,又要到办公室报到了. 毕业典礼那天,你哭了.因为你要远行去日本念书.我们最后一次坐在一起了,毕竟5年了.我也忍不住流下了眼泪.当时气氛真的好奇怪,我强忍着内心的不舍,终于道出了一句缓和气氛的话:“这下你终于知道中国和日本之间是什么海了吧?”你笑了,笑得多么灿烂啊!

“China number one”是什么意思?

直接翻译的意思应该是“中国第一名”。《china number one》是一款沙盒丧尸生存冒险游戏,游戏中玩家可以和世界其他国家的玩家一起享受竞争生存的快乐,通常都是中国玩家们团结在一起,将其他国家的玩家屠戮个干净。

CHINA number one是什么梗


Skye Sweetnam的《Number One》 歌词

歌曲名:Number One歌手:Skye Sweetnam专辑:Noise From The BasementSkye Sweetnam - Number OneI saw my boyfriendHanging with this girl that I hateHe didn"t have to tell meWhy last night he was lateI can"t believe what you tell meYour lies have come undoneNow I"m living on the runLooking out for number oneI took a ride to the cityHad to get out of this placeI just can"t stand the pityWhen the tears fall down my faceI used to think it was overBut it"s only just begunNow I"m living on the runLooking out for number oneOne day you"ll see meBut only when you"re dreamingOne day you"ll sayI was the oneI hitched a ride on a GreyhoundStashed away on a trainBought a ticket for the subwayPlaying guitar out in the rainI wanna follow the riversTo an island in the sunNow I"m living on the runLooking out for number oneOne day you"ll see meBut only when you"re dreamingOne day you"ll sayI was the oneLate at nightTrying to fightI just might think about himRight now I"m feeling fineI"m better off without himYeah Yeah Yeah YEAH!One day...One day...One day...You"ll sayI was the oneOne day you"ll see meBut only when you"re dreamingOne day you"ll sayI was the oneI know that one dayYou"ll see meI"ll haunt you when you"re dreamingOne day you"ll sayI was the oneI"m number one

sustainability initiatives什么意思

sustainability initiatives是指可持续发展计划

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private强调是个人隐私的,私密的,是你不愿公开透露让过多人知道的personal强调是个人的,与隐私不一定有关,只是与你个人有关的 查看原帖>>

confidential nature 是什么意思



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lunatica的新碟new shores歌词哪有?

Lunatica-《New Shores》1.New shoresA brand new thought is born in our minds,Growing and taking clear shapeWill you reach for our hands and believeThat we are leading you up to new shores?Caged, awakeSo come with us on a journey to irrationality.Dreams and history, the adventure of your life!Let yourself go, take a step into our world of melodies!That"s where hope means everythingEveryone can live their own dreamsIt"s just a matter of willTake a step ahead, don"t look backMay the wind be our eternal guideSo come with us on a journey to irrationality.Dreams and history, the adventure of your life!Let yourself go, take a step into our world of melodies!That"s where hope means everythingFollow your heart, lift your voice!Music can open a doorIt"s the oldest way of expressing our feelingsUp to new shores! We"ll go ahead2.Two DreamersYou"ve always had the gift to make people smileYou rest inside yourself so naturallyMaybe sometimes you are far too sensitive, you know?But that"s why you mean so much to meYou helped me to believe that there"s nothing that"s impossibleYou always knew that dreams are made for living them each dayYou get what you deserve, that"s an old law and the simple truthIf someone knows your deepest thoughts there"s nothing more to sayYour eyes are curious and so is your mindYou want to understand the nature of all thingsYou"re such an artist in everything you doIt is a blessing to be loved by youYou helped me to believe that there"s nothing that"s impossibleYou always knew that dreams are made fir living them each dayYou get what you deserve, that"s an old law and the simple truthIf someone knows your deepest thoughts there"s nothing more to say3.How Did It Come To ThisYou left me brokenTorn up insideAnd the sky has darkenedLike I"m buried aliveThis scar won"t stop to bleedBut I can"t make a soundTry to say what I feelBut nothing comes outHow did it come to this?I"m trapped behind these wallsI got on air to breatheIt"s like I"m under waterCan you hear me?My silent screamCan you hear me?My silent screamTry to reach the surfaceBut something pulls me downAnd there"s a voice withinDying to come outIn the corners of my headThe silence is so loudHow did it come to this?I"m trapped behind these wallsI got on air to breatheIt"s like I"m under waterCan you hear me?My silent screamCan you hear me?My silent screamCalling for yourBut I can"t break throughWill I be rescued?Before it"s too lateHow did it come to this?I"m trapped behind these wallsI got no air to breatheIt"s like I"m under waterCan you hear me?My silent screamCan you hear me?My silent scream4.The IncrediblesOnce upon a time there wasA planet so tiny and blueIt was perfect place to beBut one life form on it wanted moreBut they don"t see that it"s half past twelveTo run a blind eye is the easier wayAs lone as they feel safe in their bedsThere"s no need to wake up from their dreamBut the truth no longer hidesThey must see what they"ll leave behindWake up. mankind, your time is running outGive your children the chance to makes things rightNow the planet is striking backAnd, of course, the lamenting is bigGlobal warming, pollution as wellIs no enough to make them understandThat now is the time to changeTheir behavior and world"s fateWake up. mankind, your time is running outGive your children the chance to makes things right5.My Hardest WalkMy thoughts afre bothering me,there"s no sleep this nightWill be strong enough to rule the land?After this I"ll never be the same againMy whole life I was prepared for this one dayI was born with this dignityI will lead them to victoryIn my heart and my soulI know we have to win this fightFace the day with serenityIt"s a matter of destinyCome what may I will do my bestTo banish the eternal nightWhen the morning come I"ll be the next queenI must lead thousands to an unknown fateI know they"ll follow me wherever I may goAnd it"s pressing heavily upon my heartI was born with this dignityI will lead them to victoryIn my heart and my soulI know we have to win this fightFace the day with serenityIt"s a matter of destinyCome what may I will do my bestTo banish the eternal nightNow the moment is hereI"m on the crucial walkA thousand eyes are followingMy steps towards the swordForged by the GodsI was born with this dignityI will lead them to victoryThat"s the way that I have to goI know we have to win this fightFace the day with serenityIt"s a matter of destinyBecause I know there"s no timeTo take a restTo banish the eternal night6.Farewell My LoveI"ve been felling so uncertainSince the day you left my lifeNow I"m standing at the crossroadsNo direction left to goI"ve been thinking about the good timesAnd I"ve cried a lake of tearsIf loosing you is just a nightmareI hope I"ll wake up by your sideFarewell my loveForgive the things I"ve done to youMay your days be warm and brightMay your journey lead you to the lightSo many words have been left unspokenAnd some words were far too muchMaybe sometimes love is hurtingBut it"s the sweetest pain I knowFarewell my loveForgive the thins I"ve done to youMay your days be warm and brightMay your journey lead you to the light7.The Chosen OnesIn times of fear and loss, of strving and of pain,Struggling to escape from here, but trying in vainA group of the bravest men, born to change this plightAwaited but not expected, they came to turn things rightThey are the chosen ones, oh can"t you seeBorn to bring the light and end the miseryThe seed of hope is sown, it"s time for braveryFreedom to the land shall com, and no more slaveryThey are the chosen ones, oh can"t you seeBorn to bring the light and end the miserySeasons are changing, so is mankindFeelings unbound, setting free our mindsWhat does mankind want? What do they need?We all wan somebody to trust in.Someone to follow who leads us in hard times,who makes us believe in our strength, in ourselves.They are the chosen ones, oh can"t you seeBorn to bring the light and end the misery8.Heart Of A LionBroken heart broken dreamsNo idea of what love meansA girl on the run with much hope left insideShes alone that night but the starlight guidesHer small steps on this road leading back to youShes a fighter burns brighterThe heart of a lionAnd shes trying to get over you, my friendShes a dreamer, believerHer faith doesn"t leave herYou"re no longer part of her life, oh noNo more fear no more liesNo more tears in her eyesA new day has come with new chances in sightBack on her feet again she"s made a brand new startTo explore the whole world and the secrets withinShe"s a fighter burns brighterThe heart of a lionAnd shes trying to get over you, my friendShe"s a dreamer, believerHer faith doesn"t leave herYou"re no longer part of her life, oh noDon"t you keep waiting!You can"t hold her tightShe"s a leaf in the wind, she"s broken her chainsShes a fighter burns brighterThe heart of a lionAnd shes trying to get over you, my friendShe"s a dreamer, believerHer faith doesn"t leave herYou"re no longer part of her life, oh no9.Into The DissonanceInto the dissonance I fallCarried by an instant forceCraving for harmonyBut playing the oddsI see a light in the tunnelBut I step to the leftPut my hands to my hipsAnd do the danceI can"t hear you ground controlAnd it seems they cut the ropeWeightless I seem to fallAnd it feels so goodInto the dissonance i fallAnd I don"t wanna lose controlBut every moment i enjoyWill keep the dissonanceYes life was good to me i knowAnd I don"t wanna let it goI will come back soonAnd try againI"d be a raving fool to sayThat i wish it all awayYes i knew the consequencesLike i knew the gainsDo you think I"m out of tune?Or these tones don"t fit the songJust a little melodyIn a much bigger symphonyInto the dissonance I fallAnd I don"t wanna lose controlBut every moment i enjoyWill keep the dissonanceInto the dissonance i fallAnd I don"t wanna let it goBut every moment i enjoyWill keep the dissonantSet me free please could youExorcise me and iStart again please help meInto the dissonance i fallAnd I don"t wanna lose controlBut every moment i enjoyWill keep the dissonanceInto the dissonance i fallAnd I don"t wanna let it goBut every moment i enjoyWill keep it dissonant10.Winds Of HeavenThere is no place for meHere in this lunacyIts getting harder to breatheAnd hold my screamsI might"ve made it throughIf I"d just talked with youNow it"s too late to pursueOr hold this dreamOh, but I"d love to flyUp to the starry skyStep through the open doorLet the winds of heaven roarI might"ve been someoneBut I was on the runNow that it"s said and doneI"m free to stopOh, but I"d love to flyTo to the starry skyStep through the open doorLet the winds of heaven roar11.The Day The Falcon Dies100 years we are bound on this spellLovers separated in a cruel wayWhat did we do to deserve such a fate?Somebody free us before it"s too leateI"m the falcon and you are the wolfNever human shape at the same timeEach dawn some minutes is all that remainsI fear the daylightWith first sunshine I spread my wingsWatching over you and every step you takeAt night I can"t sleep, I know you are nearI listen to your howling, my eyes filled with tearsI"m the falcon and you are the wolfNever human shape at the same timeEach dawn some minutes is all that remainsI fear the daylightThe day the falcon dies I will be free(我找个歌词不容易,如果有人要引用请标明)

用first,next,after that,later on andfinally

First I opened an internet browser,next I went on Baidu site,after that I ask other people to do it.Later on,some nice people gave the answer and finally I submitted it and everyone is happy.




ordinary〓强调一般性和普通性,含不突出的意味。 regular〓指已有模式、有规律或定期的。






分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: regular [5re^julE] adj. 规则的, 有秩序的, 经常的, (花)整齐的, 常备军的, 等边的, 合格的, 定期的n. 正规军, 正式队员 adv. 经常地 n. 正常体 ordinary [5C:dinEri] adj. 平常的, 普通的, 平凡的 n. [律] 推事, <英>[宗]罪犯的忏悔牧师

finally,i settled on a mountain top.


关于we see apples and bananas on the ground.中的后置定语

对,on the ground 做 apples 和 bananas 的定语成分,只修饰bananas也用on the ground一样的!

Fx的一个节目中 Victoria突然出现 成员都哭了 Sulli直接就跑过去 Luna哭的很厉害 那是什么节目?? 急啊

f(x)"s Koalar



exclusively foreign-owned company in china是什么意思?


谁有Luna Man - Luna Girl这首歌的下载地址啊?

Luna Man - Luna Girl

We find it important for us teenagers to learn team spirit.我对这个句子有疑惑,us 代词后接名词。

这样是对的,我们青少年,英语里面有很多这样的用法。如we children like computer games. teachers are kind to us students.

bst dna聚合酶有逆转录酶活性吗

没有。Bst DNA聚合酶是Bacillus stearothermophilus DNA聚合酶,不是逆转录酶。



魔兽世界3.13 Ragnarok插件


Do try to quote from the original message where relevant. 怎么翻译?


关于 魔兽世界插件材质 PITBULL材质 ACE库材质 ragnarok材质

打开 按搜索! tga格式 搜搜

bst dna聚合酶的工作原理是怎么回事?和常规的聚合酶有什么区别?环等介导等温扩增是什么样的一个原理?

在编号的程序中,将光标悬在30度上,然后选择modify再选择正/负,再选0.2就行了,那这样就得80个循环。我现在用的是TORCH DOWN技术,是这么用的,不知对你有没有帮助。


PVP的计时UI? 你把把wtf里的相关lua文件删掉 就是WTF文件夹里你账号下的RAGNAROK.LUA




-/tcdt reset--这是个重置配置下面这些是未知的预设配置。-/tcdt horizontalright-/tcdt horizontalleft-/tcdt verticaldown-/tcdt verticalup其实不用怎么设置,/tcdt unlock解锁之后放到你想放的位置,然后/tcdt lock锁定就行了。对方技能开始CD之后自动显示图标。 大小倒是很好调。tCooldownTracker.Icons{i}:SetHeight(28)tCooldownTracker.Icons{i}:SetWidth(28)tCooldownTracker.Icons{i}.border:SetHeight(28)tCooldownTracker.Icons{i}.border:SetWidth(28)你打开tCooldownTracker.lua找到这4行代码。后面的28改大就行了。里面的尖括号,都是方括号,因为和论坛代码冲突只能这么打。至于监视的技能就比较麻烦了...tCooldownTracker.Spells = {[1766] = 10, -- kick[6554] = 10, -- pummel[2139] = 24, -- counterspell[19647] = 24, -- spell lock[63410] = 60, -- barkskin[63411] = 60, -- barkskin[22812] = 60, -- barkskin[10890] = 27, -- fear priest[47476] = 120, -- strangulate[47528] = 10, -- mindfreeze[51514] = 45, -- hex[54428] = 60, -- divine plea time duration[29166] = 300, -- innervate time duration[34490] = 20, -- hunter silencing shot[26090] = 30, -- pummel hunter gorilla}需要知道技能的代码,以及冷却时间- -




《诸神的黄昏》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看:链接: 提取码:r6jw故事讲述在虚构的小镇埃达,年龄不断增长的人们被迫应对气候变化。冰盖正在以前所未有的速度融化。人们经历了长期的干旱,冬天太暖和了。人们越来越频繁地经历极端的寒冷发作。无论如何,极端天气条件。世界在变化,有些人可能声称我们正朝着新的仙境传说而去。除非有人及时介入。

仙境传说单击版ragnarok setup一直跳出来!


wow Ragnarok插件设置问题。


为什么我的Ragnarok 插件右键点击图标没什么反应?

点左键 重装看看

《雷神3:诸神黄昏》(Thor: Ragnarok)有哪些不为人知的细节与彩蛋?

片尾的两个真?彩蛋里,第二个没什么好多说的,第一个彩蛋中出现的极可能是灭霸的飞船。【更新:漫威老大Kevin Feige已经确认这艘飞船确实属于灭霸,名叫Sanctuary II】在之前泄漏的复联3预告片中,开头就是雷神无意识地在太空中漂泊撞上了银河护卫队的飞船,所以比较合理的猜测是阿斯加德的飞船被灭霸攻击,雷神不敌灭霸被扔到了太空里。继续说几个有关复联3无限战争的彩蛋。洛基去地下藏宝库复活Surtur时看了一眼放在那里的空间宝石——宇宙立方。这里几乎可以百分百确定洛基趁机拿走了空间宝石,因为导演特意给了一个停顿,而且在泄漏的预告片中也有洛基手拿宇宙立方的镜头。海拉刚到阿斯加德的地下藏宝库时,看了一眼放在那里的无限手套,轻蔑地说了一句"fake"就把它推了下去。这解决了之前粉丝们持续数年的猜想:为什么阿斯加德和灭霸会各有一个无限手套(其实两只手套并不完全相同,灭霸的是左手,阿斯加德的是右手)。海拉还看了一眼雷神1中冰霜巨人们的Casket,然后表示这个太弱了。确实,和无限宝石比起来这些一般的“宝物”根本算不上宝物了。

《雷神3:诸神黄昏》(Thor: Ragnarok)有哪些不为人知的细节与彩蛋?

大家好我又来啦,继续为大家带来最完整的彩蛋总结。这次就不按时间顺序了,想到什么写什么吧,欢迎评论区补充:片尾的两个真?彩蛋里,第二个没什么好多说的,第一个彩蛋中出现的极可能是灭霸的飞船。在之前泄漏的复联3预告片中,开头就是雷神无意识地在太空中漂泊撞上了银河护卫队的飞船,所以比较合理的猜测是阿斯加德的飞船被灭霸攻击,雷神不敌灭霸被扔到了太空里。继续说几个有关复联3无限战争的彩蛋。洛基去地下藏宝库复活Surtur时看了一眼放在那里的空间宝石——宇宙立方。这里几乎可以百分百确定洛基趁机拿走了空间宝石,因为导演特意给了一个停顿,而且在泄漏的预告片中也有洛基手拿宇宙立方的镜头。海拉刚到阿斯加德的地下藏宝库时,看了一眼放在那里的无限手套,轻蔑地说了一句"fake"就把它推了下去。这解决了之前粉丝们持续数年的猜想:为什么阿斯加德和灭霸会各有一个无限手套(其实两只手套并不完全相同,灭霸的是左手,阿斯加德的是右手)。海拉还看了一眼雷神1中冰霜巨人们的Casket,然后表示这个太弱了。确实,和无限宝石比起来这些一般的“宝物”根本算不上宝物了。开头雷神自白时,说自己过去几年试图在各处追寻无限宝石,这也是他在复联2结尾提到自己要离开地球的原因。但是这里我想吐槽一下,你见奇异博士的时候人家脖子上就挂着一颗无限宝石你都没认出来,怪不得找了这几年一颗宝石都没找到……【二刷更新:回复一下几位评论的疑问,在奇异博士的结尾他确实把时间宝石放回了架子上,但这部里见雷神时阿戈摩托之眼还是挂在他脖子上的。】至于最后一颗无限宝石灵魂之石的下落,之前比较普遍的一种猜测是海姆达尔的双眼,主要原因是他的眼睛是和灵魂之石相同的橙色,而且海姆达尔能看见宇宙中所有生命的能力似乎也可以解释为是无限宝石让他能看见所有“灵魂”。在本片中段雷神与海姆达尔“神交”的时候,雷神的眼睛也变成了相同的橙色,或许海姆达尔的这些能力确实来自于灵魂之石,不然似乎没有必要特意做改变眼睛颜色的特效。开头在阿斯加德的戏剧中,演Loki的马特呆萌大家应该都认出来了,其实另外两位“龙套”也都大有来头。演雷神的是锤哥的亲哥Luke Hemsworth,演Odin的则是侏罗纪公园中的老爷子Sam Neill。戏剧中的雷神提到以前洛基曾经把他变成了一只青蛙,这是在致敬漫画中曾经出现过的青蛙版雷神Throg。另一个锤基间的小故事是在四人商议如何回到阿斯加德时,雷神说洛基知道他喜欢蛇,在他8岁的时候曾经先变成蛇的样子靠近他,然后突然变回人形捅了他一刀。雷神1的一段删减片段就是在雷神准备登基前,洛基为了让他放松不要太紧张,从手下递上的酒杯里变出了一条蛇。片中十分出彩的石头人Korg是导演Taika Waititi亲自扮演的(包括动作捕捉和配音)。Korg的迷人口音就是导演本人的新西兰口音,而主演锤哥又是澳大利亚人,所以本片中有许多关于澳洲元素的彩蛋。比如雷神从萨卡星逃走时偷的飞船名叫the Commodore,这个名字其实来源于上个世纪澳洲的一款经典跑车。开头雷神被绑时召唤喵喵锤却算错时间的尴尬场景和钢铁侠3中托尼被绑时远程召唤战甲如出一辙。说到钢铁侠,雷神试图语音解锁昆式战机时发现托尼给他设定的名字是Point Break。这是复联1中他们在空天母舰上争吵时钢铁侠随口给他取的外号。另一个明显的复联彩蛋雷神一直想要模仿复联2里黑寡妇让浩克变回人形的那句“The sun is getting really low“,在竞技场中他第一次尝试时的动作也和黑寡妇一模一样。复联2中红女巫给雷神的幻象是海姆达尔斥责雷神给阿斯加德带来了毁灭。本片中,最后确实是雷神自己决定放出火焰巨人摧毁了阿斯加德。在竞技场里,浩克抓着雷神往地上狂甩的动作相信大家都看出来了,是和当年对洛基一样的待遇,因此洛基在看台上十分激动地说“他终于知道这是什么感觉了!”本片的许多台词都是现场发挥的。让人印象深刻的“He"s a friend from work!“其实是一位通过慈善活动到片场参观的小粉丝现场建议的,导演和剧组都觉得非常好就直接采纳到了电影里。雷神和洛基在地球上找爸爸时,雷神把喵喵锤变成了一把雨伞,之后面对海拉将雨伞往地上一戳变回了原形。在漫画中雷神长期在地球作为Donald Blake生活时也是这么做的。洛基让奥丁住的养老院叫Shady Acres,这个是著名动画南方公园里养老院的名字。奥丁去世后海拉立刻通过传送门找到了兄弟俩,和复联3预告中灭霸通过出现在复仇者面前时使用的传送门非常像。虽然漫画中灭霸爱的死亡和海拉这个死亡女神并不是同一个人物,但考虑到结尾其实没有正面展示海拉死亡的镜头(Surtur的剑即将碰到海拉时她就消失了),或许无限战争中海拉会作为灭霸钟爱的死亡女神回归?海拉一见面就让两个弟弟跪下,洛基一脸懵逼地答道"I beg your pardon?",毕竟让别人跪下一直是他最喜欢干的事。海拉刚回到阿斯加德就几乎秒杀了三位仙宫战士,而第四位战士Sif则始终没有出现。这是因为……演员当时在拍另一部作品档期冲突了,于是逃过一劫……本片中的配乐大量采用了之前其他MCU电影中的元素。雷神和洛基见到奇异博士时的背景音乐采用了奇异博士主题曲的旋律;阿斯加德的戏剧里唱诗班哼唱的音乐就是雷神2中的背景音乐;结尾阿斯加德的飞船驶向地球时背景音乐是雷神1的主题曲;雷神在萨卡星上被绑在椅子上推到宗师面前那一段的背景音乐是电影Charlie and the Chocolate Factory的主题曲Come With Me(因为这一段的雷神就像刚进巧克力工厂的查理)。另外,片尾字幕也提到使用了复仇者联盟2的主题曲,这个我没注意听,应该是在竞技场里雷神模仿黑寡妇安抚浩克的时候。萨卡星上宗师的高塔上刻着历届竞技场冠军的头像,最上面是还没有完工的浩克。下面的几个人头也都是漫画中的著名角色,其中包括马面雷神Beta Ray Bill、战神Ares、类人体Man-Thing和双头机器人Bi-Beast。作为漫画中雷神系列的重要人物,马面雷神原本计划在本片中有短暂的亮相,但后来漫威认为这样一位角色配得上更多的出场时间,因此暂时将他从本片中删除而留到以后使用。萨卡星上给雷神剃头的理发师是Stan Lee的客串,这个大家应该都认出来了吧。瓦尔基里在萨卡星上的代号是142,这致敬了她第一次在漫画中出现的刊号——无敌浩克第142期。瓦尔基里的回忆中,在海拉面前为了保护她牺牲了自己的另一位瓦尔基里战士是漫画616宇宙中的瓦尔基里形象。宗师和之前出现过的收藏家在设定上是兄弟,同为宇宙长老。他们俩在电影中的遭遇也非常相似:开始时都是一地之主,一个收藏宝物一个收藏角斗士,结果因为手下的反叛导致最后一无所有。另一个与银河护卫队的联系:在讨论如何从萨卡星回阿斯加德时,瓦尔基里开始的提议是途径山达尔星补充燃料。这就是银河护卫队1中被罗南攻击的那颗行星。四人组最后决定通过最大的传送门Devil"s Anus离开萨卡星,班纳说这是个Einstein-Rosen bridge,这也是雷神1中地球科学家给彩虹桥起的名字。石头人Korg第一次遇见雷神时说了个冷笑话:我是石头做成的,但你不用害怕我,除非你是剪刀。也许导演对这个梗情有独钟,真的带着雷神3的剧组玩了一场石头剪子布比赛Korg和雷神一起挑选竞技场武器时,先拿了一把三叉戟,然后说这种武器除非敌人是三个串在一起的吸血鬼才有用。这是一个来自导演的另一部作品What We Do In The Shadows的梗,那里面真的有三个串在一起的吸血鬼。雷神回到王宫时看到一块被海拉拆下的天花板碎片,有一条裂缝正好划过了上面画着的雷神的右眼,暗示了之后他会像奥丁一样失去一只眼睛。最后班纳从飞船上纵身一跃却以人形摔在了桥上没有马上变身致敬了绿巨人的独立电影里(虽然当时的浩克还是诺顿)他从飞机上跳下却在空中没能成功变身的情节。



Ragnarok插件问题 急

监视目标调整一下有冲突,ragnarok的精华就在如何选对你的监视目标如果你的监视目标选对了,但是不显示技能就是你的监视技能有问题.监视技能分为 打断技能CD 关键技能CD 低温冷却CD这些你最好新建一个组 然后重新载入那些技能,都是不一样的


Squall和Rinoa飞到那艘大飞船的上方,转动旋钮打开舱门,跳了进去,这是飞船的密封舱,通过它能够调节内外气压差,以便太空出入。飞空艇所在地Outer Space抽取点◎ Life(复活术),二楼架空走廊,可重复应用◎ Cura(康复术),一楼底舱走廊,可重复应用◎ Full-life(转生术),一楼小货舱(隐藏),不可重复应用存盘点● 空气舱密封隔间● 一楼小货舱可取得卡片无可取得物品无飞空艇平面图:Squall打开气压阀门,关上了舱顶。它们迈着“太空步”向前走到空气舱中,换下了笨重的太空服。Rinoa向Squall伸出双臂,要他拥抱一下,给予她生命存在的感受。可是Squall还在想着怎么回到地面,没有理会她的暗示。穿过空气舱,来了一条长长的架空走廊上。两人正准备走过去,突然从底下传来了异样的声音。它们立即蹲下,小心翼翼地伸着张望,看到走廊的下面有一_紫色尖嘴的怪兽,看起来很不友善的样子。Squall提醒Rinoa肯定小心。背景音乐:Residents然而,当走到走廊前面时,却发现眼前的门被从另一端反锁了,两人无奈只得右转下楼。刚下楼梯就被迎面来的紫色怪兽撞了个正着,进去战斗。实际上,躲开第一只紫色怪兽被证明是可能的,但需要一定的技巧和运气,后面讲解。如果你在战斗中选了Rinoa的特殊技指令,会发现她不能应用Angelo了,Combine后的选项变成了Angel Wing。由于宠物狗被留在了地面上,她暂时失去了一切和狗相关的Limit技。而新技能Angel Wing,则是她体内被灌输了Ultimecia的魔力后自然形成的。图为发动Angel Wing时的情况。发动Angel Wing后Rinoa会失去控制,每回和随机应用身上的任何一种对敌魔法(即默认对象为敌方),不会消耗个数,进攻力为正常的5倍。此时她对沉默、疯狂和混乱三种状态免疫(可解除原先的沉默状态)。关于Angel Wing有些小技巧:Angel Wing是倾向于发动低级魔法的,由于Scan也是默认应用对象为敌方的魔法,在她携带有Scan的情况下她经常会用出Scan来。因此要尽量避免这种情况。如果要最大化效果,就只给她身上留不会发动的魔法和一种强力进攻魔法,这样她就只会不断地释放这种进攻魔法。另外,如果Rinoa身上的魔法全都不能发动,或者根本就不携带魔法,她会不断进行物理进攻,进攻力不会有5倍加成。最终,由于Angel Wing被当做一种异常状态来处理,因此在无敌状态下不能发动,这点要引起重视。这种名叫Propagator的怪兽,HP很低弱,但进攻力和速度却非常高。特别是速度,在我方行动一次的时间里它往往能够行动2-3次甚至更多。其特技BiteBite是非常可怕的。但他的弱点也相当的明显——除了HP低以外,对任何状态都没有防御能力。在状态进攻上装备Death魔法,就能够像左图那样,轻轻松松一刀一_。这种怪兽在飞空艇里一共有8只,按颜色分成4对。只有连续打倒颜色相同的两只才会令它们真正死去。否则,当你打倒其他颜色时,原来的即会复活。打倒紫色后从底下的门向前,能够看到一只红的。快速向前在它扑来之前进去左方的岔道,看到另一只紫的。将其打倒,紫色怪消灭。然后,回到前一_场景解决掉红的,接着进岔道并从左方的门进去,在这儿能够看到中间的电梯板上站着一_绿的。从它身前走过,它不会主动进攻。往下打开被反锁的门回到2楼走廊上,打死这只红的。红色怪消灭。

网易520发布全平台游戏 《代号:Ragnarok(诸神黄昏)》惊艳亮相

在刚刚结束的网易游戏520线上发布会上,网易首款全平台大作《代号:Ragnarok(诸神黄昏)》携白金管弦乐团华丽亮相,并曝光完整版游戏宣传片。 “全平台大作”、 “北欧神话背景”、“动态开放世界”、“反抗命运的宏大史诗”……短短几分钟的展示里,日升月落,暮往朝来,动态光影中,诸神化为巨龙翱翔天际,令人心驰神往。 【网易520重磅发布 首推全平台游戏概念】 作为此次网易520线上发布会上为数不多的独立重磅发布的项目之一,《代号:Ragnarok(诸神黄昏)》宣布了 “全平台游戏”的概念,即未来在PC、手机和主机等不同的平台上,玩家都可以享受到3A级大作的游戏体验。同时,游戏选择以北欧神话这一国际性的庞大世界观为题材,这些无一不体现了网易游戏打造面向国际化世界级产品的目标。 【国际化开发团队 打造原汁原味的“诸神黄昏”】 “诸神黄昏”意为“诸神的末日”,指的是北欧神话体系中一连串灭世大劫难。神明陨落,天翻地覆,一切旧有的体系随之崩塌,而最终,幸存的神与人类重建了新世界——选取这个词作为游戏代号,正因为它是游戏剧情的写照。《代号:Ragnarok(诸神黄昏)》故事发生在诸神黄昏这一即将到来的灭世预言背景下,玩家扮演一名英灵,被召唤到中庭世界来反抗诸神毁灭的命运,一路尽情探索危险的戈壁、被遗忘的洞穴、古老的森林和奇幻的城邦,与矮人做买卖,追踪阴险的无面者,揭开诸神黄昏的真相。 据悉,为了更好的演绎北欧神话这一庞大的世界观,网易特意组建了顶级国际化开发团队来打造被称为米德加尔特的“中庭神话之地”。从宣传片中我们也看到了游戏呈现给玩家的,是一个充满浓厚的西方 魔幻 色彩的“动态开放世界”:玩家在游戏世界中自由的翻越、攀爬或翱翔,甚至可以驯服神话生物作为坐骑,暮色四合,猎风正起,冷漠的诸神高俯天际,巨人发出咆哮,战斗的本能在血管中翻涌。 【管弦乐团独舞表演 谱写磅礴史诗】 在520发布会上,《代号:Ragnarok(诸神黄昏)》从管弦乐团的宏大演奏中揭开面纱。乐团演奏的恢弘乐章正是游戏核心主题曲之一《The Ragnarok》,来自艾美奖得主、国际顶级音乐制作人Inon Zur,他还曾经为《波斯王子》《辐射》系列制作游戏音乐。配合着舞者曼妙的舞姿和大屏幕播放的游戏实录视频,游戏气势磅礴的史诗世界跃然眼前。 表演讲述的是游戏中锡瓦尔王国公主——艾丽西亚的故事,年仅20岁的艾丽西亚,身为下一任王国继承人,努力反抗恶魔灭世的预言,与悲剧的宿命抗争不休,怀揣坚定的信仰,毅然踏上冒险的漫漫长路。让人们对游戏的剧情和主人公的命运产生强烈好奇! 随着《代号:Ragnarok(诸神黄昏)》在520发布会的亮相,游戏官方预约站(也同步上线。诸神黄昏,宿命时刻,快来与我们一起加入中庭世界,为抗争命运而战吧!




  Ragnarok使用教程、常见问题及目前国服台服可用版本  一、安装  把插件解压到Addons目录  二、保存配置  1、备份World of WarcraftInterfaceAddOnsRagnarok 里config.lua 文件  2、[导出配置]并复制全部内容  3、用文本文档(建议用Notepad++这个软件)打开config.lua文件,把复制内容覆盖到里面  4、每次出现问题或者更新后想还原自己配置的话就退出游戏,把config.lua复制回World of WarcraftInterfaceAddOnsRagnarok里覆盖原文件,把wtf里的相关lua文件删掉,你的心水配置又回来了  三、添加技能:  1,先查技能的ID号,命令 /sid 技能名字--聊天窗口就会显示出来了。  2, [技能设置]--[添加技能]--输入刚查到号码--回车确定。  3,在[技能设置]--[未知]--里面找刚加的技能,可以鼠标滚动寻找。  4,找到刚添加的技能  (小技巧:a: 刚输入的技能一般是没有图标的,所以注意看图标是 [?] 号的技能,就很容易找到了。  b: 找到技能后,先设定是属于哪个职业,这样设定完毕自动关闭后,可以在相应职业里找到,不用再次打开[未知],再仔细查找了。)  5,在 [技能设置]--相应职业里,就可以找到刚加的技能了,---手动添入: 光环时间,CD冷却时间等,单位都为秒计。  6,完成后,就可以在[技能监视]--相应职业里找到技能调用了 -- OK  7,如果在[从临时表填加技能]不行的话,就可以用以上方法自己手动添加。  8,笨方法,[综合设定]--[技能记录]--里面全打勾,然后找个相关职业使用技能,[技能设置]--[临时列表]里面就会添加了这个技能  四、监视对象:  自己/小队/团队 是指监视自己/小队/团队身上的光环,冷却与递减.  其他->友方/中立/敌对 是监视除了自己/小队/团队以外对象身上的光环,冷却与递减.  五、添加递减? 怎么监视递减?  A: 首先确认递减对应的减益技能是否存在,不存在的话照上面方法添加技能并且设置为减益.进入递减设置->添加递减->选择这个减益技能.  如果这个减益技能和其他减益共享递减可以这样添加: 递减设置->选择共享递减分组->添加递减->选择这个减益技能.  要监视递减需要在分组设置->显示递减中设定用什么方式显示递减.0.90.7以下默认的是不显示递减,以上是总显示递减.  设置完递减显示方式后再到监视技能->减益中选择需要监视的技能就能完成递减监视了  六、常见问题  1. 为什么删除配置后,重进游戏配置又会出来?  A: 插件目录下有个config.lua,这个是自带配置文件,每次进游戏会自动检查配置是否存在,不存在的话会自动导入配置.  如果确实不需要自带配置的话可以把config.lua文件删掉,对插件没任何影响,不过还是建议自己做一套自己喜欢的干净配置  2. 怎么设置队友对敌方的控制时间?  A: 监视对象选敌对, 监视技能选减益->你要监视的技能.  3. 删除了配置文件还是报错!  A: 退出游戏再删配置.  4. 我想看到敌对玩家对xx的递减,应该怎么做?  A: 监视对象选敌对, 监视技能选减益->你要监视的技能,分组设置->显示递减选择总显示或只显示.  5. 为什么吹风缠绕不显示递减?  A: 恩,设置没错? 用什么对象做测试的? 野外小怪??这个递减只对玩家生效...  6. 物品和BUFF同一个名字,应该怎么监视CD?  A: 用命令/sii 物品链接 得到buff的技能ID,添加技能->输入技能ID,设置好光环和冷却就能工作.  如果已经存在物品类里就先从物品里把它删掉,当成技能来添加就可以了.  7. 竞技场不能监视等疑难杂症.  A: 1、综合设定里自动加载、自动记录、同步时间全部关闭  2、清空技能设置-临时列表  8、为什么监视技能 》 施法 》 牧师 》 法力燃烧 无法选择,不能打钩然后监视?  1、技能设置-添加技能  2、技能设置-未知-职业选牧师  3、技能设置-牧师-法力燃烧-设定-这是施法技能打勾  4、监视技能 》 施法 》 牧师 》 法力燃烧可以打勾了  9、怎么设置我想要的效果?  分组设置--样式设置选图标或计时条  分组设置--图标(或计时条)里随意设定自己喜欢的效果  以上内容copy自:  另附插件作者答疑连接:

jonas brothers 中的Joe和袁成杰长得像吗?


Jonas Brothers的《Games》 歌词

歌曲名:Games歌手:Jonas Brothers专辑:The Jonas Brothers希望大家喜欢~~I"m waiting for you right outsideThe place we first locked eyes(oh!)I feel like we"re both losing sightWe don"t get to do this twiceAnd I wonderWill you careWhen I"m goneAnd it"s doneAnd I"ve really had enoughAnd I"m sorry for the troubleIt"s been costing us so muchSplitting apartIt"s getting harder to tell what you wantSo bored with these games(games)Games(games)The last time that I left these stepsWas after our first kissI wonder why you haven"t shownI"ll be leaving here aloneAnd I wonderWill you careWhen I"m goneAnd it"s doneAnd I"ve really had enoughAnd I"m sorry for the troubleIt"s been costing us so muchSplitting apartIt"s getting harder to tell what you wantSo bored with these games(games)Games(games)(Splitting apart its getting harder to tell what you want)(So bored with these games, yeah)(Splitting apart its getting harder to tell what you want)(So bored with these)(So bored with these games)(Splitting apart its getting harder to tell what you want)And I"m so Bored with theseI"m left in the darkNever thought you"d be breaking my heartAnd I"m so bored with these games(games)Games(games)Will you careWhen I"m goneAnd it"s doneAnd I"ve really had enoughAnd I"m sorry for the troubleIt"s been costing us so muchSplitting apartGetting harder to tell what you wantSo bored with these games(games)Games(games)Games(games)Woah games(games)Oh yeah games

jonas brothers 歌词中文

"O-M-G, did you hear?I"m dating a Jonas Brother! It"s so hot."“天哪,你听见了吗?我在跟乔纳斯兄弟约会,他是如此的性感”You met at work你在工作时遇见了You should"ve known better你应该知道得更清楚That it"s gonna suck那是多么糟糕When the camera stops rolling当相机停止运行And you"ll find out soon而你迅速的发现That the treatment wasn"t worth it这种待遇不值得They"re all the same他们都是一样的They all want the money他们都想要钱They"re all insane他们都疯了They live for fame, honey亲爱的,他们为了名誉而生存着They laugh at you他们嘲笑你When you"re not even being funny当你并不是很好笑的时候Well, I"ve been here before是的,我也曾经像你一样And I"ve seen firsthand我也曾看过第一手的The front row seat在第一排的This little thing they call a Video Girl被他们称作录像女孩儿Video Girl rocked my world录像女孩颠覆了我的世界For a whole two seconds只在整整两秒钟内And now I know现在我明白了I"m not about to be another victim我不会成为另一个录像女孩儿的受害者Of Video GirlGet out of my face从我的脸上消失Get out of my space从我的世界里消失Get some class and kiss the past让自己变得高尚,吻别过去"Cause I"m not about to be another victim因为我不想成为录像女孩综合征的另一个受害者Of Video Girl SyndromeYou know it"s bad你知道那是不对的When your mama doesn"t like her当你的妈妈表示不喜欢她All your friends sayin" she"s a liar你所有的朋友说她是个骗子Never ending phone calls aren"t enough从不停歇的电话还远远不够(It"s not enough, it"s never enough)不够,不够Move to LA, got no talent搬到洛杉矶,却没有任何才能Not even like you won a Miss Teen pageant甚至没有获得过少女选美比赛的任何奖项Daddy pays your bills爸爸为你买单But you still whine但你仍然哀号Well, I"ve been here before是的,我也曾经像你一样And I"ve seen firsthand我也曾看过第一手的The front row seat在第一排的What happens to a man发生在那个男人身上的事(What happens to a man)When he gets in the hands of a...当他被……掌控的时候Video Girl rocked my world录像女孩颠覆了我的世界For a whole two seconds只在整整两秒钟内And now I know现在我明白了I"m not about to be another victim我不会成为另一个录像女孩儿的受害者Of Video GirlGet out of my face从我的脸上消失Get out of my space从我的世界里消失Get some class and kiss the past让自己变得高尚,吻别过去"Cause I"m not about to be another victim因为我不想成为录像女孩综合征的另一个受害者Of Video Girl SyndromeYou are never gonna see me miss her你从不会看见我想念她Video Girl Syndrome那个录像女孩儿I"m not gonna be another victim我不会成为录像女孩综合征的另一个受害者Of Video Girl Syndrome大意是讲教育孩子吧,关于追星,关于成人 录像什么的!全手工打的哟!

Jonas Bollack现在在干嘛呢!


跪求Jonas Brothers 《S.O.S》的中文歌词

I told you I made dinner plans 我告诉你 我准备了一次晚餐聚会 for you and and me and no one else 仅仅为了你和我 that don"t include your crazy friends 也不包括你那些疯狂的朋友们 well I"m done 好了,我已经做好了准备 with awkward situations empty conversations 面对这次尴尬的你我之间的对话 oooh, this is an S.O.S 袄,这是一次求助 don"t want a second guess 不要再有别的猜想 this is the bottom line 这就是底线 it"s true 是真的 I gave my all for you 我已经给了你我的所有 now my heart"s in two 现在我的心成了两半 and I can"t find the other half 可是我找到不另一半 its like im walking on broken glass 它就像在碎了的玻璃四贱 better believe I bled 我相信我流了血 its a call I"ll never get 它是一种警告 我将远永得不到 So this is where the story ends 因此在这里结束这个故事 a conversation on I.M. 一场(激烈)的对会 这个i.m.也不会翻译…… well I"m done 好了我已经准备好了 with texting 还有纸条 sorry for the miscommunication 对不起那是给错了人 oooh, this is an S.O.S oh... 这是在求助 don"t want a second guess 不要用第二种想法 this is the bottom line 这已经是底线 it"s true 这是真的 I gave my all for you 我给了你我的所有 now my heart"s in two 现在我的成了两半 and I can"t find the other half 但我找不到另外的那半 its like im walking on broken glass 就像飞贱的碎玻璃 better believe I bled 我的心已受伤 its a call I"ll never get 那是种警告 我将永远得不到 Next time I see you 下次再见到你 giv"n you a high five 不能再与你拥抱 (a high five不知道什么意思,但从下文感觉是这个意思) cuz hugs are overated 因为拥抱已经不再可能 just FYI 仅供参考 (下面的都重复了) oooh, this is an S.O.S don"t want a second guess this is the bottom line it"s true I gave my all for you now my heart"s in two Yeah! ooh, this is an S.O.S don"t want a second guess this is the bottom line it"s true I gave my all for you now my heart"s in two and I can"t find the other half its like im walking on broken glass better believe I bled its a call I"ll never get call I"ll never get call I"ll never get----------------------------------就是一个小故事,说 这个人准备了一次晚餐 打算与他分手,这个人的心已经让他伤的很碎,可以说是“最后一次晚餐”…… 因为这个人感觉总让他伤害 而无法真正的得到他的心,感觉这样没有结果,所以就做个了解。中间解释了一下 上回的给他的信也是发错了人(当然是特意给他写的,但现在只能这么说了)还告诉那个人,这只是一次为了让他帮助的请他的客 不要让他多想……就这样了……





Who I Am Nick Jonas 中英文歌词


Who I Am Nick Jonas 中英文歌词这个帖子有《WHO I AM》所有中文歌词。包括WHO I AM决不是什么翻译器的,那个翻译起来怪。。

寻jonas brothers的《burning up》歌词翻译

歌曲名称:Burning Up歌手:Jonas Brothers所属专辑:A Little Bit Longer歌曲时长:2分55歌曲语言:英语歌词中文释意:你能告诉我你是否真的爱和失去和当你说再见的时候,告诉你是值得的如果你的爱只是一场游戏谁是一个承担责任的时候你,你不能在晚上睡觉因为内心深处我燃烧着你因为内心深处我燃烧着你因为内心深处我燃烧着你你让我失望了这么多次,这是真的你让我失望了这么多次,这是真的你让我失望了这么多次,这是真的你玩火,你会失去你玩火,你会失去你玩火,你会失去你玩火,你会失去我在燃烧,燃烧着你的思想。独自走在夜晚的街上然后她打电话给你因为她,她不能在晚上睡觉现在的夜晚结束了,她抓住我的手。她想知道,今晚我想回家她床冷,她不喜欢独自一人我在燃烧,燃烧着你的思想我在燃烧,燃烧着你的思想我在燃烧,燃烧着你的思想我在燃烧,燃烧着你的思想我在燃烧,燃烧着你的思想我在燃烧,燃烧着你的思想就把我带到离这里很远的地方就把我带到离这里很远的地方告诉那个房间,我不会显示我的恐惧告诉那个房间,我不会显示我的恐惧我不想让你知道真相我不想让你知道真相从你的思想中燃烧从你的思想中燃烧从你的思想中燃烧从你的思想中燃烧不想让你知道真相英文歌词:Could you tell me if you ever really loved and lost andtell was it worth it cause when you, you said goodbyeAnd if your love was just a game thenwho"s the one to take the blame whenyou, you can"t sleep at nightCause deep inside I"m burning up from youCause deep inside I"m burning up from youCause deep inside I"m burning up from youYou let me down so many times, it"s trueYou let me down so many times, it"s trueYou let me down so many times, it"s trueYou play with fire and you"re gonna loseYou play with fire and you"re gonna loseYou play with fire and you"re gonna loseYou play with fire and you"re gonna loseI"m burning up, burning up from the thought of you.You walk the streets at night alonethen she calls you on the telephonebecause she, she can"t sleep at nightAnd now the night comes to an end,as she grabs me by the hand.She wants to know, do I want come home tonighther bed is cold, she don"t like to be aloneI"m burning up, burning up from the thought of youI"m burning up, burning up from the thought of youI"m burning up, burning up from the thought of youI"m burning up, burning up from the thought of youI"m burning up, burning up from the thought of youI"m burning up, burning up from the thought of youJust take me somewhere far away from hereJust take me somewhere far away from hereTell that room where I won"t show my fearsTell that room where I won"t show my fearsI don"t want you to know the truthI don"t want you to know the truthBurning up from the thought of youBurning up from the thought of youBurning up from the thought of youBurning up from the thought of youDon"t want you to know the truth

Jonas brother Fly with me 歌词

If time was still The sun would never never find us We could light up The sky tonight I would see the world through your eyes Leave it all behind If it"s you & me forever If it"s you & me right now that"d be alrightBe alright We"re chasing stars to lose our shadow Peter Pan and Wendy turned out fine So won"t you fly with me Oh yeah Gonna fly with me now Now the past Can come alive and give it meaning And a reason To give all I can To believe once again If it"s you & me forever If it"s you & me right now that"d be alright Be alright We"re chasing stars to lose our shadow Peter Pan and Wendy turned out fine So won"t you fly with me Maybe you were just afraid Knowing you were miles away From the place where you needed to be And that"s right here with me It"s you & me forever You & me right now that"d be alright We"re chasing stars to lose our shadow Peter Pan and Wendy turned out fine So won"t you fly with me If it"s you & me forever If it"s you & me right now I"d be alright Be alright We"re chasing stars to lose our shadow Peter Pan and Wendy turned out fine So won"t you fly Fly fly with me





寻jonas brothers的《burning up》歌词翻译

歌曲名称:Burning Up歌手:Jonas Brothers所属专辑:A Little Bit Longer歌曲时长:2分55歌曲语言:英语歌词中文释意:你能告诉我你是否真的爱和失去和当你说再见的时候,告诉你是值得的如果你的爱只是一场游戏谁是一个承担责任的时候你,你不能在晚上睡觉因为内心深处我燃烧着你因为内心深处我燃烧着你因为内心深处我燃烧着你你让我失望了这么多次,这是真的你让我失望了这么多次,这是真的你让我失望了这么多次,这是真的你玩火,你会失去你玩火,你会失去你玩火,你会失去你玩火,你会失去我在燃烧,燃烧着你的思想。独自走在夜晚的街上然后她打电话给你因为她,她不能在晚上睡觉现在的夜晚结束了,她抓住我的手。她想知道,今晚我想回家她床冷,她不喜欢独自一人我在燃烧,燃烧着你的思想我在燃烧,燃烧着你的思想我在燃烧,燃烧着你的思想我在燃烧,燃烧着你的思想我在燃烧,燃烧着你的思想我在燃烧,燃烧着你的思想就把我带到离这里很远的地方就把我带到离这里很远的地方告诉那个房间,我不会显示我的恐惧告诉那个房间,我不会显示我的恐惧我不想让你知道真相我不想让你知道真相从你的思想中燃烧从你的思想中燃烧从你的思想中燃烧从你的思想中燃烧不想让你知道真相英文歌词:Could you tell me if you ever really loved and lost andtell was it worth it cause when you, you said goodbyeAnd if your love was just a game thenwho"s the one to take the blame whenyou, you can"t sleep at nightCause deep inside I"m burning up from youCause deep inside I"m burning up from youCause deep inside I"m burning up from youYou let me down so many times, it"s trueYou let me down so many times, it"s trueYou let me down so many times, it"s trueYou play with fire and you"re gonna loseYou play with fire and you"re gonna loseYou play with fire and you"re gonna loseYou play with fire and you"re gonna loseI"m burning up, burning up from the thought of you.You walk the streets at night alonethen she calls you on the telephonebecause she, she can"t sleep at nightAnd now the night comes to an end,as she grabs me by the hand.She wants to know, do I want come home tonighther bed is cold, she don"t like to be aloneI"m burning up, burning up from the thought of youI"m burning up, burning up from the thought of youI"m burning up, burning up from the thought of youI"m burning up, burning up from the thought of youI"m burning up, burning up from the thought of youI"m burning up, burning up from the thought of youJust take me somewhere far away from hereJust take me somewhere far away from hereTell that room where I won"t show my fearsTell that room where I won"t show my fearsI don"t want you to know the truthI don"t want you to know the truthBurning up from the thought of youBurning up from the thought of youBurning up from the thought of youBurning up from the thought of youDon"t want you to know the truth













Jonas 的 Much Better 的歌词加中文

我收到了代表打破心现在我做的超级巨星和所有的泪水在她的吉他我不苦现在,我看到我想一切都需要是女孩在我的前面她好多了我要与你作斗争撕毁与你的天空您要好得多我要与你作斗争弥补今晚与您您要好得多现在,我已经有了一些敌人他们都朋友突然BFFs永远但我不苦我相信这条公路的人导致帮助,找到一个你需要你要好得多,是啊我要与你作斗争撕毁与你的天空您要好得多你好多了,姑娘我要与你作斗争弥补今晚与您您要好得多我要与你作斗争撕毁与你的天空哦,你要好得多我要与你作斗争弥补今晚与您]您要好得多]你好多了,姑娘我要与你作斗争您要好得多你好多了,姑娘您要好得多 Jonas Brothers - Much Better I get a rep for breaking hearts Now I"m done with superstars And all the tears on her guitar I"m not bitter Now I see Everything I"d ever need Is the girl in front of me She"s much better I wanna fight with you Tear up the sky with you You"re much better I wanna fight with you Make up tonight with you You"re much better Now I"ve got some enemies And they"re all friends suddenly BFFs eternally But I"m not bitter I believe That the road that people lead Help to find the one you need You"re much better, yeah I wanna fight with you Tear up the sky with you You"re much better You"re much better, girl I wanna fight with you Make up tonight with you You"re much better I wanna fight with you Tear up the sky with you Oh, you"re much better I wanna fight with you Make up tonight with you You"re much better You"re much better, girl I wanna fight with you You"re much better You"re much better, girl You"re much better
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