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about stationary wave

更新1: 但系我系书上面又见到句咁既野:wave speed of the a stationary wave is not zero. It refers to the speed of the o wave travelling in oppostie direction which result in the stationary wave.咁姐系点? 更新2: if stationary wave 既speed系0既话 咁v=f入又可唔可以apply系佢度?另外 我系书度又见到以下呢一条mc: 一个stationary wave有个4个loops 入=0.4m A vibrator vibrates at 50Hz to produce a stationary wave. What is the wave speed of the stationary wave? A.10 ms^-1 B.20 ms^-1 C.30ms^-1 D.40ms^-1 答案是b 咁姐系点? speed of the stationary wave点解系呢度又唔系0?? 更新3: 很感谢你一直答我问题。我在维基看的:由于波的行进速度v为「其频率f和波长λ的乘积」,且为「弦所受张力F *** 的线密度μ的比值之平方根」,可知弦上形成驻波时,其频率f为:f=v/入=nv/2L 如果V of 驻波=0 那么frequency不就是0吗?这可行? As the name implies a "stationary wave" is NOT moving (though it has vibration of its particles). The speed of the wave is thus zero. A stationary wave is formed by o travelling waves moving in opposite direction to each other. The resultant wave has zero velocity as can be observed on any one of the crests (called antinodes) that always remains at the same position. The wer of 4.8 m/s is just the speed of one of the travelling wave that produces the resultant stationary wave. 2011-09-13 21:23:16 补充: The speed of a stationary wave is clearly NOT equal to the speed of the travelling waves from which the stationary wave is formed. The speed of a wave is the speed of motion of the crest (or trough). The crest (antinode) of a stationary wave possesses no trlational motion at all. 2011-09-18 15:48:32 补充: The equation: v =f.入 applies to a travelling wave. 2011-09-18 15:50:21 补充: The wer to your quoted question is certainly not right. 20 m/s is the speed of the travelling waves from which the stationary wave is formed. The speed of stationary wave = [20 + (-20)] m/s = 0 m/s 2011-09-18 15:51:21 补充: You cannot take the speed of a travelling wave as the speed of the stationary wave.

途锐汽车出现setup only when vehicle is stationary 是什么意思


stationary pendulum 什么意思

stationary pendulum的中文翻译stationary pendulum 静止的钟摆

your stationary

B.for等介词 后面肯定跟doing 形式,这个规律可以记住,很有用.另外knock off 是撞得掉下来的意思,knock on 是敲门的敲.意思上当然是B正确了.

请教,what is “company stationary”

what is “company stationary”什么是“公司文具”我是来自于“百度资源共享”芝麻团的团长:善良的我啊你答案满意请采纳谢谢思密达

在fluent的MRF方法中,将wall设置成stationary和设置成相对于临近网格静止有何区别? 谢谢。


一首英文歌,女生唱的,歌词里有I just wanna know 还有 figure out,

会不会是come in with the rain?



i just wanna let you know是哪首英文歌的歌词

backstreet boys-just want you to know (jason nevins radio edit)lookin at your picture from when we first met you gave me a smile that i could never forget nothing i could do could protect me from you that night wrapped around your finger always on my mind the days would belend cause we stayed up all night yeah you and i were everything everything to me i just want you to know that i"ve been fighting to let you go some days i make it through and then theres nights that never end i wish that i could believe that there"s a day you"ll come back to me but still i have to say i would do it all again just want you to know all the doors are closing i"m trying to move ahead and deep inside i wish it"s me instead my dreams are empty from the day the day you slipped away i just want you to know that i"ve been fighting to let you go some days i make it through and then theres nights that never end i wish that i could believe that there"s a day you"ll come back to me but still i have to say i would do it all again just want you to know that since i lost you i lost myself no i can"t fake it there"s no one else i just want you to know that i"ve been fighting to let you go some days i make it through and then theres nights that never end i wish that i could believe that there"s a day you"ll come back to me but still i have to say i would do it all again just want you to know cause i can"t fight to let you go some days i make it through and then theres nights that never end i wish that i could believe that there"s a day you"ll come back to me but still i have to say i would do it all again just want you to know

moveless car和 stationary car区别


stationary value

应该可以用中文回答的吧,需要英文版追问我. 先求导f"(x)=4ax^3-6x^2+2bx+2 有因式(x+1),即当x=-1,f(-1)=0=a+2+b-2=a+b (1) 当x=1/2时有极值,即f"(1/2)=0=4a*1/8-6*1/4+2b*1/2+2=a/2-3/2+b+2=0 (2) 由方程(1)(2)列方程组,即可解得a=1,b=-1


Pollution污染 penetration穿透 perforation孔 pacification 和平 paction 契约 presumtion 专横 population 人口 position n.位置。。。。

stationary department是什么意思


stationary computer什么意思?


stationary problem是什么意思?

stationary problem平稳问题例句1.Then a conditional stationary problem is transformed into an unconditional stationary problem.从而将条件驻值问题转化为无条件驻值问题。2.Stationary Problem about a Stochastic Control of Impulse Type一类脉冲型随机控制的平稳问题3.A Class of Stationary Problem on Reflected Follower一类反射跟踪模型平稳问题的研究4.on the stationary thermistor problem with joule效应的稳态热敏电阻问题5.Non-linear Prediction Problem of Quadruple Markov Stationary Processes四重马氏平稳过程的非线性预测问题6.The Stationary Point and Nonsingularity Conditions of A Generalized Nonlinear Complementarity Problem一种广义互补问题的稳定点与非奇异性条件

stationary wave条件

The o travelling waves must be of EQUAL AMPLITUDE. Stationary wave is characterized by the presence of nodes and antinodes. If the o waves forming the stationary wave are not of the same amplitude nodes (positions where there are entirely no vibration i.e. zero amplitude) would never be formed. Also the o waves need to be 180 degrees out of phase. This is the reason why stationary waves are usually formed from the superposition of a wave and its reflection. 不需要。 Stationary wave 是由两个同性质的波(wave of same nature)沿两个相反方向而互相干涉(interference)的效果。在一个closed system入面,只要wave的frequency乎合string的resonance frequency,stationary waves便可以出现。 两个wave一定要有以下的性质。 a. 它们有一个固定的相位差(phase difference),简单说即要同频率(same frequency)。 b. 它们要是同性质的。 c. 它们的amplitude要是相似的(similar),不一定要相同。


stationary 固定的;不能被移动的 still 静止的,静寂的 moving的反义词是stationary

途锐汽车出现setup only when vehicle is stationary 是什么意思?

setup only when vehile is stationary.仅当车辆静止时设置。setup体制;组织方式;建制;陷害;栽赃;安装,

stationary point怎么求

stationary point 就是y=5x^3-3x^5的一阶到等于0,然后就可以求出stationary point 的X的坐标,然后代进y=5x^3-3x^5求Y的坐标就行了。Nature就是 这个点是Local max 或者是local min

stationary bike是什么意思

你好,为你解答,正确答案为:stationary bike健身车;固定自行车;固定脚踏车;固定式自行车不明白请及时追问,满意敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢

Stationary wave和standing wave有什么区别

事实上,这两个是一个意思,只不过stationary wave 是英国用法,standing wave 是美国用法。

fixed stationary 之间有区别吗?


歌词中有i just wanna be with you uuuu~男生唱的

i just wanna run


  Igotalotofthings  我得到了很多事情  Ihavetodo  我必须做  Allthisdistractions  所有这一切都分心  Ourfutureiscomingsoon  我们的未来是即将推出  Werebeingpulled  正在退出  Ahundreddifferentdirections  一百不同的方向  Butwhateverhappens  但无论发生什么情况  IknowI"vegotyou  我知道我有你  Youreonmymind  您选择在我脑海  Youreinmyheart  您选择在我心中  ItdoesntmatterwhereweareWellbealright  它无论身在何处,我们都很不错  Evenifweremilesapart  即使是相距甚远  AllIwannado  所有我想做的事情  Isbewithyou  是与你同在  Bewithyou  与你同在  Theresnothingwecantdo  这里没有我们不能做的  Justwannabewithyou  只想与你同在  Onlyyou  只有你  Nomatterwherelifetakesus  无论身在何处,使我们的生活  Nothingcanbreakusapart  没有任何东西可以打破我们分开  Youknowitstrue  你知道这是真的  Ijustwannabewithyou  我只想与你同在  Hey...  嘿...  Justbewithyou  只要与你同在  Oh,yeah,yeah,yeah  噢,是啊,是啊,是啊  Youknowhowlifecanbe  您知道如何才能生活  Itchangesovernight  它的变化在一夜之间  Itssunnythenraining  先是阳光然后下雨  Butitsalright  但是这样很好  Afriendlikeyou  一个像你一样的朋友  Alwaysmakesiteasy  经常让这很简单  Iknowthatyougetme  我知道,你让我  Everytime  每一次  Througheveryup  通过各种上升  Througheverydown  通过各种下降  YouknowIllalwaysbearound  你知道,我总是在这周围  Throughanything  通过各种东西  Youcancountonme  你可以指望我  AllIwannado  所有我想做的事  Isbewithyou  就是和你在一起  Bewithyou  和你在一起  Theresnothingwecantdo  这里没有什么事我们不能做的  Justwannabewithyou  只想与你同在  Onlyyou  只有你  Nomatterwhereliketakesus  无论身在何处,使我们的生活  Nothingcanbreakusapart  没有任何东西可以打破我们分开  Youknowitstrue  你知道这是真的  Ijustwannabewithyou  我只想与你同在  Ijustwannabewithyou  我只想与你同在

still 和 stationary的区别?



你的问题前后好像不对应,题目写的是stationary,下面写的是Purchased stationery,这两者在会计学上不是一回事。如果是购买固定资产,当然是cash at bank 和 stationary,然后作为asset的一部分,列报在财务报告里了。如果是低值易耗品(如文具),那就是归于存货科目,当实际领用时,计入费用科目。



journal of hydrology审稿为什么一直处于editor assigned状态

1. 当然是确定你要投的期刊(可以在网上搜,一般他的网页都有,他喜欢的一些稿件类型) 2. 然后你可以找一些专业的,帮你的文章做一下相应的格式修改,英文溶色。 3.就是投稿了,投稿之后的状态,又有以下10种! (1). Submitted to Journal 当上传结束后,显示的状态是Submitted to Journal,这个状态是自然形成的无需处理。 (2). With editor 如果在投稿的时候没有要求选择编辑,就先到主编那里,主编会分派给别的编辑。这当中就会有另两个状态: ① Editor assigned 编辑分派 ② Editor Declined Invitation 编辑拒绝邀请,这时主编不得不将投稿文章重新分派给其它编辑。 (3). Reviewer(s) invited 说明编辑已接手处理,正在邀请审稿人中。有时该过程会持续很长时间,如果其中原因是编辑一直没有找到合适的审稿人,这时投稿者可以向编辑推荐审稿人。 (4). Under review 审稿人的意见已上传,说明审稿人已接受审稿,正在审稿中,这应该是一个漫长的等待(期刊通常会限定审稿人审稿时间,一般为一个月左右)。当然前面各步骤也可能很慢的,要看编辑的处理情况。如果被邀请审稿人不想审,就会decline,编辑会重新邀请别的审稿人。 (5). reuired review completed 审稿结束,等编辑处理,该过程短则几天,长则无期,曾有一篇文章出现reuired review completed状态已近一个月了,还是没有消息。 (6). Decision in Process 到了这一步就快要有结果了,编辑开始考虑是给修改还是直接拒,当然也有可能直接接受的,但可能性很小,呵呵。 (7). Minor revision/Major revision 小修/大修,这个时候可以稍微庆祝一下了,因为有修改就有可能。具体怎么改就不多说了,谦虚谨慎是不可少的(因为修改后一般会再发给审稿人看,所以一定要细心的回答每一个审稿人的每一个问题,态度要谦逊,要让审稿人觉得他提的每个问题都很有水准的,然后针对他的问题,一个一个的做出答复,能修改的就修改,不能修改的给出理由,而且都要列出来,文章的哪一段哪一行修改了最好都说出来,记住:给审稿人减少麻烦就是给你自己减少麻烦!另注:有时,审稿人会在修改意见里隐讳里说出要你仔细阅读某几篇文献,这时可要注意了,其中某些文章可能就是评审者自己发表的,这时你最好在你的修改稿中加以引用),修改后被拒绝的例子也多不胜数的。 (8). Revision Submitted to Journal 修改后重新提交,等待编辑审理。 (9). Accepted 如果不要再审,只是小修改,编辑看后会马上显示这个状态,但如果要再审也会有上面的部分状态。这一步会比较快,但也有慢的,看的。 (10). Rejected 相信大家见了Rejected,都会很郁闷。但也不要太灰心,耐心将评审意见看完,一般评审者会给出有益的建议,相信看后你会有所收获。 希望对你有帮助!



Name The Pet的《In & Out》 歌词

歌曲名:In & Out歌手:Name The Pet专辑:Name The PetIN & OUT堂本光一作词:白井裕纪/新美香作曲:堂本光一编曲:SHARKBPM:125收录:2010.09.01《BPM》焦らした肌 张り付く吐息【焦躁不安的肌肤 贴合上喘息】汗ばむ心 见破る瞳【渗出汗水的心脏 将人看穿的瞳孔】 Shining(Shining)さぁ始めよう【那么 让我们开始吧】 LOVE GAME(LOVE GAME)惑うダイヤに ハート隐して【困惑是否选择方块 还是将红心埋藏】诱うクラブで 爱を赌けるよ【由于梅花的引诱 宁愿将爱赌上】 Midnight(Midnight)スペードに泣く【却令黑桃哭泣】 LOVE FAME(LOVE FAME)Show me what you gotMake me feel like you feel, Make me lose my control想像よりも 大胆に【比想象的 更为大胆】Ah AhMake me feel like you feel, Make me lose my controlそんなCARDじゃ 君に胜ち目はない【不是那张牌 你已没有胜算】One Break One Play  One MakeGo… IN and OUT  IN and OUT もう戻れない【已经无法后悔】One more time  One more night  Go High君と【与你一起】 IN and OUT  IN and OUTその心を【将那颗心】Touch and feel you inside热くさせたい【想令其发热】その唇に 触れる指先【将那双唇 触碰的指尖】邪な声 欲张る体【邪恶的声音 贪婪的身体】 Burning(Burning)抑えきれない【已无法再抑制】 Motion(Motion)不意に振られた DICE気にして【意外的被拒绝了 太过在意过往模式】恋の行方を 占う君は【占卜着爱情趋向的你】 Victim(Victim)逃れられない【让我无法逃走】 Dealer(Dealer)No way to get awayMake you feel like I feel, Make you lose your control纤细なほど 敏感に【如此纤细而敏感】Ah AhMake you feel like I feel, Make you lose your controlそっと気付かず 恋に落とすのさ【悄悄的不经意间 坠入爱河】One Break One Play  One MakeGo… IN and OUT  IN and OUT 爱诱(いざな)い【爱的诱惑】One more time  One more night  Go On君と【与你一起】 IN and OUT  IN and OUT胸の奥を【心中深处】Touch and feel you inside掻き乱したい【想将其扰乱】追いつめられた 怯える君が【被紧紧追逼着 恐惧的你】震えた指で 选び掴んだ【用颤抖的手指 做出选择】 LAST GAME(LAST GAME)引き当てたのは【选中的是】JOKER(JOKER)No way for you to winMake you feel like I feel, Make you lose your control想像よりも 大胆に【比想象的 更为大胆】Ah AhMake you feel like I feel, Make you lose your controlそんなCARDじゃ 君に胜ち目はない【不是那张牌 你已没有胜算】One Break One Play  One MakeGo… IN and OUT  IN and OUT もう戻れない【已经无法后悔】One more time  One more night  Go High君と【与你一起】 IN and OUT  IN and OUTその心を【将那颗心】Touch and feel you inside热くさせたい【想令其发热】Make you feel like I feel, Make you lose your control纤细なほど 敏感に【如此纤细而敏感】Ah AhMake you feel like I feel, Make you lose your controlそっと気付かず 恋に落とすのさ【悄悄的不经意间 坠入爱河】One Break One Play  One MakeGo… IN and OUT  IN and OUT 爱诱(いざな)い【爱的诱惑】One more time  One more night  Go On君と【与你一起】 IN and OUT  IN and OUT胸の奥を【心中深处】Touch and feel you inside掻き乱したい【想将其扰乱】I won, and I know you"ll fall in loveI won, and I know you"ll fall in love「终わり」


stationary 固定的静止的不能被移动的;固定的不变的still n.寂静, 剧照, 照片adj.静止的, 静寂的adv.还, 仍, 更, 还要, 尽管如此, 依然静止画面,静态图片前面一个应该是moving的反义词


stationery英音:["steiu0283u0259nu0259ri]美音:["steu0283u0259n,u025bru026a] 名词 n.1.文具;信纸[U]不可数 stationery and envelopes 信纸信封


stationary adj 不动的 n 固定物


stationary是文具的意思。pencil铅笔 pen 钢笔ruler尺子 rubber 橡皮stapler 订书机 扩展资料   stationary其他意思:   adj.不动的;静止的;固定的`;不可移动的;不变的;稳定的   n.不动的人;驻军;固定物   复数: stationaries   例句:   Stationary cars in traffic jams cause a great deal of pollution   交通堵塞中静止不动的汽车产生了大量污染。   The car collided with a stationary vehicle.   小汽车撞到一辆停着的车上。   I remained stationary.   我待着没动。


stationariesn.不变的; 静止的; 不可移动的; 不动的( stationary的名词复数 );



nothing gonna stop us歌词

nothing gonna stop us now 打印此页 歌手:starship Starship Nothings Gonna Stop Us By Jefferson Starship Looking in your eyes I see a paradise This world that I"ve found is too good to be true Standing here beside you, want so much to give you This love in my heart that I"m feeling for you Let "em say we"re crazy, I don"t care about that Put your hand in my hand baby don"t ever look back Let the world around us just fall apart Baby we can make it if we"re heart to heart And we can build this dream together Stand this storm forever Nothings gonna stop us now And if this world runs out of lovers We"ll still have each other Nothings gonna stop us, Nothings gonna stop us now I"m so glad I found you, I"m not gonna lose you Whatever it takes I will stay here with you Take it to the good times, see it through the bad times Whatever it takes here"s what I"m gonna do Let "em say we"re crazy, what do they know Put your arms around me baby don"t ever let go Let the world around us just fall apart Baby we can make it if we"re heart to heart And we can build this dream together Stand this storm forever Nothings gonna stop us now And if this world runs out of lovers We"ll still have each other Nothings gonna stop us, Nothings gonna stop us now Oh, all that I need is you All that I ever need And all that I want to do Is hold you forever, and ever and ever And we can build this dream together Stand this storm forever Nothings gonna stop us now And if this world runs out of lovers We"ll still have each other Nothings gonna stop us, Nothings gonna stop us now

Mary just told us a very fascinating story.




christina的专辑15 Songs For You的全部歌词

求Michael Learns To Rock-Eternal Love 中文翻译

don"t 由do (动名词)和not(不)组成,lose(遗失,丢失,失去),your(第二人称,你的),组合起来的意思就是“不要遗失你的爱情”

Eternal Love 歌词

歌手:Eternal Love作词:ud790ub7ec OST Part.1歌手:Michael Learns To RockIt"s a beautiful feeling这是一种美妙的感觉what we got deep inside深藏于我们的心底we got a flame that will last forever我们拥有永恒的火焰together you and I你和我一起Such a rush of emotions这种感觉便会汹涌无比there"s no way we can push it away我们无法将它推开cuz they"ll never tear our love apart因为他们从不会把我们的爱分开our bond will never break我们之间的联系永远不会断Do you believe in the power你是否相信这种力量of everlasting love这种永恒之爱的力量we can make it if we stay together我们最终会成功 只要我们在一起our love is just enough我们之间的爱已足够Promise me this forever请承诺我这会是永远we"ll always stay this way我们之间永远会这样we can start at the end of time我们可以在时间的尽头重新开始and do it all again重新再来一次Oh my love哦 我的爱I"m all yours我的一切都属于你and there will never be another one我的心里永远就只有你一个人"cause I"m eternally yours因为我永远只属于你My heart"s a flame我的心如熊熊火焰and it"s burning in your name在你的名字间燃烧even through the sands of time即使时间如沙流逝my love will always grow我的爱也永远都在and I won"t let go我永远不会离开你No matter if you"re near of far不管你是身处何处our bond will never break我们之间联系永存Promise me this forever答应我这会是永远we"ll always stay this way我们之间永远不变we can start at the end of time我们可以在时间的尽头重新开始and do it all again重新再来一次Oh my love哦 我的爱I"m all yours我的一切都属于你and there will never be another one我的心里永远就只有你一个人"cause I"m eternally yours因我永远只属于你My heart"s a flame我的心如熊熊火焰and it"s burning in your name在你的名字间燃烧even through the sands of time即使时间如沙流逝my love will always grow我的爱也永远都在and I won"t let go我永远不会离开你It"s a beautiful feeling这是一种美妙的感觉we"ve got deep inside深藏于我们的心底and there"ll never be another one我的心里永远就只有你一个人"cause I"m eternally yours因我永远只属于你My heart"s a flame我的心如熊熊火焰Such a rush of emotions这种感觉便会汹涌无比burning in your name在你的名字间燃烧we can"t push it away我们无法将它推开even through the sands of time即使时间如沙流逝my love will always grow我的爱也永远都在My eternal love我对你永恒的爱

请问哪位有love the way you lie 和eternal flame的弹唱版钢琴谱 请发送


MKJ的Eternal sunshine口白歌词是什么

歌曲名:Eternal Flame歌手:Human Nature专辑:Here And Now - The Best Of Human NatureHuman Nature - Eternal FlameClose your eyes, give me your hand, darlingDo you feel my heart beatingDo you understandDo you feel the sameAm I only dreamingIs this burning an eternal flameI believe it"s meant to be, darlingI watch you when you are sleepingYou belong with meDo you feel the sameAm I only dreamingOr is this burning an eternal flameSay my name, sun shines through the rainA whole life so lonelyAnd then you come and ease the painI don"t want to lose this feelingSay my name, sun shines through the rainA whole life so lonelyAnd then you come and ease the painI don"t want to lose this feelingClose your eyes, give me your handDo you feel my heart beatingDo you understandDo you feel the sameAm I only dreamingOr is this burning an eternal flameClose your eyes, give me your hand, darlingDo you feel my heart beatingDo you understandDo you feel the sameAm I only dreamingOr is this burning an eternal flame

我要eternal flame首歌 的中文歌词


Eternal Flame 中文歌词的翻译


eternal flame mltr 中文歌词翻译

门是开启,而您在您的方式 全世界的目光都在你一天 火灾是在你的心深 希望从一开始燃烧 你的感觉就像一个冠军深处 合唱:梦想的黄金机构的钢 驾驶你让你觉得 第二, 0票反对美国再次 你履行的薪火 打破记录的力量和速度 您的信心,现在是自己所有,您需要 眼泪的机会已经消失时, 欢乐的幸运者 然后,我们庆祝一个世界同一个谁 合唱:梦想的黄金机构的钢 驾驶你让你觉得 第二, 0票反对美国再次 你履行的薪火 合唱:梦想的黄金机构的钢 驾驶你让你觉得 第二, 0票反对美国再次 你履行的薪火 合唱:梦想的黄金机构的钢 驾驶你让你觉得 第二, 0票反对美国再次 你履行的薪火 你履行的薪火 第二, 0票反对 你履行的薪火

高分悬赏:求《吸血鬼日记》Caroline唱给Matt的歌《Eternal flame》 吉他谱!

有MP3现场版本的 你给个邮箱!

Eternal Flames 歌词

歌曲名:Eternal Flames歌手:Weeping Willows专辑:Broken Promise LandTiffany Giardina - Eternal Flame(Edited By YoYo)Close your eyesGive me your handDarling, do you feelMy heart beating?Do you understand?Do you feel the sameAm I only dreaming?Is this burningAn eternal flame?I believe it"s meant to be,darlingI watch you when you"re sleepingYou belong with meDo you feel the sameAm I only dreaming?But is this burningAn eternal flame?Say my nameSun shines through the rainOf all life so lonelyThen you come and ease the painI don"t wanna lose this feelingOhSay my nameSun shines through the rainOf all life so lonelyThen you come and ease the painI don"t wanna lose this feelingOhClose your eyesGive me your hand, darlingDo you feel my heart beating?Do you understand?Do you feel the sameAm I only dreaming?Or is this burningAn eternal flame?Close your eyesGive me your hand, darlingDo you feel my heart beating?Do you understand?Do you feel the sameAm I only dreaming?Or is this burningAn eternal flame?E-N-D

Eternal Flame 歌词

歌曲:Eternal Flame歌手:The BanglesClose your eyesGive me your handDarling, do you feelMy heart beating?Do you understand?Do you feel the sameOr am I only dreaming?Is this burning?An eternal flameI believe it"s meant to be darlingI watch you when you"re sleepingYou belong with meDo you feel the sameOr am I only dreaming?But is this burning (burning)?An eternal flameSay my nameSun shines through the rainOf all life so lonelyThen come and ease the painI don"t want to lose this feelingOhOh, ohSay my nameSun shines through the rainOf all life so lonelyNow come and ease the painI don"t want to lose this feelingOhClose your eyesGive me your hand, darlingDo you feel my heart beating?Do you understand?Do you feel the sameOr am I only dreaming?Or is this burning?An eternal flameClose your eyesGive me your hand, darlingDo you feel my heart beating?Do you understand?Do you feel the sameOr am I only dreaming?Or is this burning?An eternal flameClose your eyesGive me your hand, darling(Ooh yeah yeah)Do you feel my heart beating?Do you understand?Do you feel the sameOr am I only dreaming?Is this burning?An eternal flameClose your eyesGive me your hand, darlingDo you feel my heart beating?Do you understand?Do you feel the sameOr am I only dreaming?

Eternal Flame 歌词

歌曲:Eternal Flame歌手:The BanglesClose your eyesGive me your handDarling, do you feelMy heart beating?Do you understand?Do you feel the sameOr am I only dreaming?Is this burning?An eternal flameI believe it"s meant to be darlingI watch you when you"re sleepingYou belong with meDo you feel the sameOr am I only dreaming?But is this burning (burning)?An eternal flameSay my nameSun shines through the rainOf all life so lonelyThen come and ease the painI don"t want to lose this feelingOhOh, ohSay my nameSun shines through the rainOf all life so lonelyNow come and ease the painI don"t want to lose this feelingOhClose your eyesGive me your hand, darlingDo you feel my heart beating?Do you understand?Do you feel the sameOr am I only dreaming?Or is this burning?An eternal flameClose your eyesGive me your hand, darlingDo you feel my heart beating?Do you understand?Do you feel the sameOr am I only dreaming?Or is this burning?An eternal flameClose your eyesGive me your hand, darling(Ooh yeah yeah)Do you feel my heart beating?Do you understand?Do you feel the sameOr am I only dreaming?Is this burning?An eternal flameClose your eyesGive me your hand, darlingDo you feel my heart beating?Do you understand?Do you feel the sameOr am I only dreaming?

Eternal Flame 歌词

歌曲名:Eternal Flame歌手:Wayne Wonder专辑:Collectors SeriesHuman Nature - Eternal FlameClose your eyes, give me your hand, darlingDo you feel my heart beatingDo you understandDo you feel the sameAm I only dreamingIs this burning an eternal flameI believe it"s meant to be, darlingI watch you when you are sleepingYou belong with meDo you feel the sameAm I only dreamingOr is this burning an eternal flameSay my name, sun shines through the rainA whole life so lonelyAnd then you come and ease the painI don"t want to lose this feelingSay my name, sun shines through the rainA whole life so lonelyAnd then you come and ease the painI don"t want to lose this feelingClose your eyes, give me your handDo you feel my heart beatingDo you understandDo you feel the sameAm I only dreamingOr is this burning an eternal flameClose your eyes, give me your hand, darlingDo you feel my heart beatingDo you understandDo you feel the sameAm I only dreamingOr is this burning an eternal flame

Eternal Flame 歌词

歌曲名:Eternal Flame歌手:Human Nature专辑:Here And Now - The Best Of Human NatureHuman Nature - Eternal FlameClose your eyes, give me your hand, darlingDo you feel my heart beatingDo you understandDo you feel the sameAm I only dreamingIs this burning an eternal flameI believe it"s meant to be, darlingI watch you when you are sleepingYou belong with meDo you feel the sameAm I only dreamingOr is this burning an eternal flameSay my name, sun shines through the rainA whole life so lonelyAnd then you come and ease the painI don"t want to lose this feelingSay my name, sun shines through the rainA whole life so lonelyAnd then you come and ease the painI don"t want to lose this feelingClose your eyes, give me your handDo you feel my heart beatingDo you understandDo you feel the sameAm I only dreamingOr is this burning an eternal flameClose your eyes, give me your hand, darlingDo you feel my heart beatingDo you understandDo you feel the sameAm I only dreamingOr is this burning an eternal flame

Eternal Flame 歌词

歌曲名:Eternal Flame歌手:Bangles专辑:Forever Friends Thank You MumEternal FlameClose your eyes,give me your hand,darling.Do you feel my heart beating,do you understand.Do you feel the same,am I only dreaming.Is this burning an eternal flame.I believe it"s meant to be,darling.I watch you when you are sleeping ,you belong to me.Do you feel the same,am I only dreaming.Or is this burning an eternal flame.Say my name,sun shines through the rain.A whole life so lonely,and then you come and ease the pain.I don"t want to lose this feeling.Say my name,sun shines through the rain.A whole life so lonely,and then you come and ease the pain.I don"t want to lose this feeling.Close your eyes,give me your hand.Do you feel my heart beating,do you understand.Do you feel the same,am I only dreaming.Is this burning an eternal you I only dreaming.Is this burning an eternal you understand.Do you feel the same,am I only dreaming.Is this burning an eternal flame.

Eternal Flame的中文意思


Just We Two (Mona Lisa) 歌词

歌曲名:Just We Two (Mona Lisa)歌手:Modern Talking专辑:Original Album Classicsjust we two Modern talking hnpeanut 制作Good guys only win in the moviesEvil women telling storiesThere will never be another youIt"s trueDown in and out in Pris cityAll the things are tough and prettyStay with me until the night is goneJust we twoMona Lisa, breaks my heartJust we twoYou are a lovely work of artBaby, just we twoYou want me and I want youBaby, just we twoI don"t wanna lose for youEverybody loves their loverEverybody"s undercoverHalf a million miles I"ll be from homeHeaven must be missing an angelYou"re the hottest child of the cityI can ask for anymore than youIt"s trueJust we twoMona Lisa, breaks my heartJust we twoYou are a lovely work of artBaby, just we twoYou want me and I want youBaby, just we twoI don"t wanna lose for youBaby, just we twoI"m a firstclass foolBaby, just we twoAll my dreams come trueJust we twoMona Lisa, breaks my heartJust we twoYou are a lovely work of artBaby, just we twoYou want me and I want youBaby, just we twoI don"t wanna lose for you

英语作文study abroad or in china?120字左右~谢谢very much!

study abroadIn recent years, study abroad has flourished. Thousands of scholars and students have gone to foreign countries to study. Many people are sparing no efforts in applying for going abroad.Attending schools abroad has many advantages. Firstly, students who have studied abroad can act as mediators between peoples of different cultures so as to promote international understanding. Secondly, we can learn much more advanced knowledge of science and technology from the foreign countries. Thirdly, we can enjoy the contact with new and different cultures so as to increase the awareness of our own culture. Fourthly, we can learn a foreign language more quickly.However, study abroad may have disadvantages such as language barrier in the first few months or financial difficulties before getting a scholarship. Besides, being far away from home country, students may feel lonely. In spite of these, the advantages greatly outweigh the disadvantages. It is advisable to attend schools abroad.

SHE哪首歌是翻唱atomic kitten的《eternal flame》啊

eternal flame - she atomic kitten 专集 - 冬日音乐纪念册

想要 神起的eternal的中文翻译歌词

《Eternal》中文翻译街旁的树在舞动着像琥珀一样的树叶随风飘落在你有点冻僵的肩上轻轻披上外套你温柔的声音 你天真的表情就像那阳光的所在想一直守护着你 在我的臂湾中我们纯白的气息重合着向你倾注这份满溢出的思念在这柔和的时光里 感觉到了你的心跳对我直接的话语感到困惑的你就像小猫一样好几次不经意间紧紧握着你的手 宠爱着我已感觉到从今以后和你一起去描绘充满希望的未来的情景无论去哪里都将拍着翅膀 载着你的梦飞翔为你拭去过去的眼泪引导我们去向的光亮深深地连结我们俩的思念即使有时候找不到你但只要闭上眼睛就会浮现真实无论这个季节重来多少次我承诺 我对你的爱是永恒不变无论去哪里都将拍着翅膀 载着你的梦飞翔为你拭去过去的眼泪想一直守护着你 在我的臂湾中我们纯白的气息重合着向你倾注这份满溢出的思念在这柔和的时光里 感觉到了你的心跳淡淡恋情的诗歌只为你轻轻地吟诵====================================《like now》中文翻译用已碎了的我的小小的心 现在可以说明我的一切 教我爱的起点的她 再也不想放开她 一直忍受着我的你 对我说那么温柔的离别 现在我也变了 没有她的那么长的每天 能没有后悔的话吗 终于懂了那么长的彷徨的最后 (你给的) 奇迹般的爱 像现在 Then I will never cry 又 什么时候 我的心里能有你 枯燥的世界 在那里面我们不能结束 I know that we"re meant to be 相信不了 完全不一样的早晨 睁开眼睛 等我的特别的每一天 流逝的岁月 接墒的颜色变的时候 我可以重新笑的出吗 知道吗 I"ve waited for you to share my nights forever (so ever) 只有一个人 像现在 Then I will never cry 又 什么时候 我的心里能有你 枯燥的世界 在那里面我们不能结束 I know that we"re meant to be 你到的地方不管哪里我都会站在那里 还剩很多天 离别还很早 像现在 Then I will never cry 又 什么时候 我的心里能有你 枯燥的世界 在那里面我们不能结束 离别对我来说还早 像现在 Then I will never cry 又 什么时候 我的心里能有你 枯燥的世界 在那里面我们不能结束 I know that we"re meant to be==================================《spread out》中文翻译spread out(micky) I never thought that I coule love someone As I walk through your door Together as one You never know (max) 只有一天一天的增加 想着你的痛每天的不一样 你走你的路 (micky) 愿意的话我可以等 我还是一样 离开的是你一人 就那样回来的话就行 (hero) 是责怪我的错误的话 回来后也不晚 还有时间 (all) 会停在你离开时的那个模样 不再想用谎言来安慰我 第一次知道了爱情 要重新找到你 现在才感觉到为了你我才活着 (u-know) 愿意的话我可以等 我还是一样 离开的是你一人 就那样回来的话就行 (xiah) 是责怪我的错误的话 回来后也不晚 还有时间 (all) 会停在你离开时的那个模样 不再想用谎言来安慰我 第一次知道了爱情 要重新找到你 现在才感觉到为了你我才活着 (Rap) (micky) 好安静 就像被水淹了的世界 在做很长的冒险 真的我也努力着无法抹去你的模样 想着念着 (u-know) 以现在还爱你的理由 以在同样的空间里面的理由 你总是看着别的地方 My girl 有我在等你 (all) 会停在你离开时的那个模样 不再想用谎言来安慰我 第一次知道了爱情 要重新找到你 现在才感觉到为了你我才活着

eternal flame-The Bangles的歌词中文翻译·最好左边歌词右边翻译··谢谢

Close your eyes, 闭上眼睛Give me your hand, 把手交给我,Darling do you feel my heart beating? 亲爱的,你可听到我的心跳?Do you understand ? 你是否明白?Do you feel the same? 你是否与我有相同的感觉?Am I only dreaming? 难道我只是在做梦吗?Is this burning an eternal flame I believe it"s meant to be, 是熊熊燃烧的永恒爱火?我相信你我命中注定,Darling I watch you when you are sleeping 亲爱的 我凝视着熟睡的你You belong with me 你只属于我Do you feel the same? 你是否有相同的感觉?Am I only dreaming? 难道我只是在做梦吗?Or this burning an eternal flame 还是熊熊燃烧永恒的爱火Say my name,sun shines through the rain 你呼唤着我的名字,阳光穿透大雨A whole life so lonely And then come and ease the pain 我生命如此寂寞 由你来抚平我的伤痛I don"t want to lose this feeling 我不想失去这种感觉

求Eternal Flame的完整歌词及翻译

  Eternal flame - Bangles  Close your eyes, give me your hand, darling  Do you feel my heart beating?  Do you understand?  Do you feel the same?  Am I only dreaming?  Is this burning an eternal flame  I believe it"s meant to be, darling  I watch you when you are sleeping  You belong with me  Do you feel the same?  Am I only dreaming?  Or is this burning an eternal flame  Say my name, sun shines through the rain  A whole life so lonely  And then you come and ease the pain  I don"t want to lose this feeling  永恒的爱火 - 手镯合唱团  闭上眼睛,把手给我,亲爱的  你是否感觉到我的心跳?  你了解吗?  你也感受到了吗?  是否我只是在作梦?  现在燃烧的可是永恒的爱火?  我相信这是真的,亲爱的  当你沉睡时,我注视著你  你属於我  你也感受到了吗?  是否我只是在作梦?  现在燃烧的可是永恒的爱火?  呼唤我的名字,阳光穿过云雨  人生如此孤寂  然后你出现,抚慰我的伤痛  我不愿失去这感情  Eternal Flame(永恒的爱火),是Bangles(手镯)乐队在1988年的专辑《Everything》中的冠军单曲,这首歌虽然简单旋律,却异常抒情动人,配合多层次的编曲,总叫人百听不厌。是Bangles的颠峰之作,因为乐队在次年就解散了。但这首作品深入人心、广为流传,成为不朽的经典。多少年来一直被人多次翻唱,版本也因此而风格各异。

Eternal Flame 歌词

歌曲名:Eternal Flame歌手:蔡淳佳专辑:蔡淳佳Joi同名专辑Eternal FlameClose your eyes,give me your hand,darling.Do you feel my heart beating,do you understand.Do you feel the same,am I only dreaming.Is this burning an eternal flame.I believe it"s meant to be,darling.I watch you when you are sleeping ,you belong to me.Do you feel the same,am I only dreaming.Or is this burning an eternal flame.Say my name,sun shines through the rain.A whole life so lonely,and then you come and ease the pain.I don"t want to lose this feeling.Close your eyes,give me your hand.Do you feel my heart beating,do you understand.Do you feel the same,am I only dreaming.Is this burning an eternal flame.

Eternal Flame中文是神马意思


Eternal Flame的中文意思

Eternal Flame (永恒的火焰/永垂不朽/永恒之火/永生不灭) The doors are open and you"re on your way 世界的大门正为你打开 The eyes of the world are on you to day 它(世界)的眼睛注视着你,等待着你的辉煌 Fire is deep in your heart 你内心深处有着热烈的火焰 Desire burning from the start 欲望亦在熊熊燃烧 You feeling like a winner deep inside 你深信自己就是那个胜利者 Dreaming of gold body of steel梦想有那金刚不坏之身 Druging you on making you feel 并且陶醉着,难以自拔 Second to none united again 这无敌力量结合的伟大 You carry the eternal flame 你拥有着那永生不灭的火焰 Breaking the records for power and speed 超越一切力量与速度的极限 Your faith in yourself now is all that you need 你只要相信自己 Tears when chances are gone 别放弃任何机遇 Joy for the lucky ones and then 就能品尝幸运的甘美香醇 We celebrate a world who join as one 我们欢呼,为这完美合一的世界 Dreaming of gold body of steel 梦想着不朽的身躯 Druging you on making you feel 并且陶醉着 Second to none united again 这无敌力量结合的伟大 You carry the eternal flame 而你,正拥有那永恒不灭的的火焰 Dreaming of gold body of steel 梦想着不朽的身躯 Druging you on making you feel 并且陶醉着 Second to none united again 这无敌力量结合的伟大 You carry the eternal flame 而你,正拥有那永恒的火焰 Dreaming of gold body of steel 梦想着不朽的身躯 Druging you on making you feel 并且陶醉着 Second to none united again 这无敌力量结合的伟大 You carry the eternal flame 就是你,拥有那永恒不灭的火焰


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Pride (In The Name Of Love) 歌词

歌曲名:Pride (In The Name Of Love)歌手:U2专辑:The Best Of 1980 - 1990 / B SidesPride (In the Name of Love)U2One man come in the name of loveOne man come and goOne man come, he to justifyOne man to overthrowIn the name of loveWhat more in the name of loveIn the name of loveWhat more in the name of loveOne man caught on a barbed wire fenceOne man he resistOne man washed on an empty beach.One man betrayed with a kissIn the name of loveWhat more in the name of loveIn the name of loveWhat more in the name of love(nobody like you...)Early morning, April 4Shot rings out in the Memphis skyFree at last, they took your lifeThey could not take your prideIn the name of loveWhat more in the name of loveIn the name of loveWhat more in the name of loveIn the name of loveWhat more in the name of loveby lune

King And Queens (Feat. Wale & Nas) 歌词

歌曲名:King And Queens (Feat. Wale & Nas)歌手:Tyga专辑:Careless World: Rise of the Last KingKing and Queen...King and Queen...King and Queen...King and Queen the fun...King and Queen...All night longKing & Queen - King And QueenSuper Eurobeat 018 - Extended VersionLyrics - ps2maxSpending all nightWalking "round downtownWe"re having much funI"m moving to the discoShaking my hairto the loud, loud soundThe DJ has foundThe new hit for the discosDancin" around I likeJump on the ground with meDance to the sound of the king and queenClappin" your hands toniteJust take your place besideCome to me tonite, you and me!King and Queen we dance at the discoKing and Queen the fun"s guaranteedKing and Queen the best satisfactionAll night longAmong the starsIn the night bright lightsThe best shining oneI know the door you"re knockingBeating insideRhythm of my lifeHigh energy goesThe music of my dreamingDancin" around I likeJump on the ground with meDance to the sound of the king and queenClappin" your hands toniteJust take your place besideCome to me tonite, you and me!King and Queen we dance at the discoKing and Queen the fun"s guaranteedKing and Queen the best satisfactionAll night longKing and Queen we dance at the discoKing and Queen the fun"s guaranteedKing and Queen the best satisfactionAll night longKing and Queen we dance at the discoKing and Queen the fun"s guaranteedKing and Queen the best satisfactionAll night long


蛇的英语:snake 一、读音:[sneu026ak] 二、短语: 1、tiger snake:澳洲虎蛇 2、Green Snake:翠青蛇 3、Queen snake:女王蛇 4、Fox snake:狐狸蛇 5、Dice snake:棋斑水游蛇 三、双语例句: 1、He prodded at the dead snake. 他捅了捅这条死蛇。 2、The snake coiled round the branch. 那蛇盘绕在树枝上。3、The horse shied at the snake on the road. 那马看到路上的蛇吓得直往后退。4、The snake twisted across the grass. 这条蛇蜿蜒爬过草地。5、A snake slithered into the thick grass. 一条蛇蜿蜒游进了草丛。四、补充: serpent: 蛇(尤指大蛇或毒蛇);狡猾的人

i was a teenage hand model 歌词

歌曲名:i was a teenage hand model歌手:Queens Of The Stone Age专辑:queens of the stone ageCozied up to the toiletFace stuck to the floorI met expectations that I was tryin to ignoreQueens Of The Stone AgeJob had such patienceI wonder, what"s that like?One hundred thousand millionBut I hearThat"s what you likeSo I was thinkinSo these cities are sproutingAnd this world isn"t waitingIt"s just passing me byI just peak in the windowLookin insideThe butcher"s got a fork in your faceI"m standing aliveAnd I was singin

I Wanna Be In Love 歌词

歌曲名:I Wanna Be In Love歌手:Larry Hoppen&The Unherd专辑:Looking For The LightJade MacRae - I wanna be in loveIt"s not alright, it"s not okIt"s the second time todayYou pushed me off and you"re acting kind of selfishDon"t you know, that it hurtsEvery time you walk awayI"m still here holding on, it"s not painlessI wanna be in love, I wanna be in loveI wanna be in love againI wanna be in love, I wanna be with youTalking like we did back thenI wanna be in love, I wanna be in loveI wanna be in love againHow long before it"s all gone?I wanna be in love againYou don"t know, you don"t carePutting cirlces in a squareWhen all I want is for us to be togetherWhat the hell can I do to get this through to you?Can I turn it around could we ever?Don"t you know I...I wanna be in love, I wanna be in loveI wanna be in love againI wanna be in love, I wanna be with youTalking like we did back thenI wanna be in love, I wanna be in loveI wanna be in love againHow long before it"s all gone?I"m so tired of falling in and out of everything we used to think was our loveI"m so tired of falling in and out of everything we used to think was our loveI"m so tired of falling in and out of everything we used to think was our loveI wanna be in love, I wanna be in loveI wanna be in love againI wanna be in love, I wanna be with you (I wanna be)Talking like we did back then (like we did back then)I wanna be in love, I wanna be in loveI wanna be in love again (love again)How long before it"s all gone?(I wanna be in love)I wanna be in love, I wanna be in loveI wanna be in love again?(I wanna be in love)I wanna be in love, I wanna be with you (with you)Talking like we did back then (like we did back then)I wanna be in love, I wanna be in loveI wanna be in love again (wanna be in love)How long before it"s all gone?(before it"s all gone)



in the end, finally, at last 的区别

at last / in the end / finally三者都可作“最后;终于”解,但用法有所不同。at last只能指时间位置,而不能指时间顺序,在语义上指经过,周折,等待,耽搁后的“最后,终于”得到所期待的结果。1 At last , he passed the exam . 最后他终于通过了考试。(可用in the end代替)2 His chance came at last. 他的机会终于来了。(强调他为获得此机会进行的各种努力。)3 The war had been long and hard, but now there was peace at last. 经过漫长而艰苦的战争,现在和平终于到来了。 finally 指一系列事物或论点的顺序,在列举事物时可以用来引出最后一项内容 finally 在意义上与用法上与at last 有共同之处,但也有不同。finally 既可指时间位置(相当于at last和in the end),也可指时间的先后顺序。finally 有两个用法:一是在列举事物或论点时,可用来引出最后一项内容;二是用在句中动词前面,表示“等了好久才……”。 eg. Finally I"d like to thank you all for your coming . 最后我要感谢诸位的光临。(不能用at last)2 They waited and waited , and the concert finally started. 他们等啊等啊,最后音乐会终于开始了。3 Three policemen rode past on their motorbikes , then came the TV broadcasting car and finally the Marathon runners. 三个警察骑着摩托过去了,接着来了电视广播车,最后过来的是马拉松赛跑选手。in the end 表示结局,有时可与at last 换用,不同的是in the end 也可以用于指将来时,其余两个则不行。(1)All will come right in the end . 到头来一切都会好的。(2)He tried many times to pass the examination , and in the end he succeeded. 他多次努力想通过考试,最后成功了。你看下,明白没?没得话,我再解释!这里说实在的最主要的还是方法,方法掌握了,类似的问题都能解决了!希望我的回答对你有帮助,祝你好运!像这样的问题自己多尝试下,下次才会的!祝你学业进步!

at last和finally的区别

atlast和finally的区别主要是:finally既可以用于表示时间位置(相当于atlast,intheend),也可以用于表示时间的先后顺序(如同first,second,third,next,then,last),这种用法的finally相当于toconclude.atlast只能指时间位置,不能指时间顺序,而且在语义上是指经过周折,等待,耽搁的“终于”,“最后”。例如:  1)Finallythe“International”wassung.  最后唱了国际歌。  2)Whatdecisiondidyoufinallyarrivedat?  你们最终做出了什么样的决定?  3)Atlastmanlearnthowtomaketherightmachinetocarryhimthroughtheair.  人类终于学会了/掌握了制造载人穿越太空的理想器械的技术。  4)Atlasttheconfusionwascleared.  这种混乱状况终于澄清了。

at last和finally的区别

  finally既可以用于表示时间位置(相当于at last, in the end)  ,也可以用于表示时间的先后顺序  这种用法的finally相当于to conclude.  at last  只能指时间位置,不能指时间顺序,而且在语义上是  指经过周折,等待,耽搁的请采纳

at last, finally有什么区别?

at last和finally在意义和用法上有其共同的地方,也有其相异的地方。这里需要特别指出的,就是finally既可以用于表示时间位置(相当于at last, in the end),也可以用于表示时间的先后顺序(如同first, second, third, next, then, last),这种用法的finally相当于to last只能指时间位置,而不能指时间顺序,在语义上指经过,周折,等待,耽搁后的“最后,终于”得到所期待的结果。 At last , he passed the exam . 最后他终于通过了考试。finally 指一系列事物或论点的顺序,在列举事物时可以用来引出最后一项内容 finally 在意义上与用法上与at last 贰紶蹿咳讷纠寸穴丹膜有共同之处,但也有不同。finally 既可指时间位置,也可指时间的先后顺序。 eg. Finally I"d like to thank you all for your comin

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in the end,finally,at last 的区别

at last / in the end / finally 三者都可作“最后;终于”解,但用法有所不同. at last只能指时间位置,而不能指时间顺序,在语义上指经过,周折,等待,耽搁后的“最后,终于”得到所期待的结果. 1 At last ,he passed the exam .最后他终于通过了考试.(可用in the end代替) 2 His chance came at last.他的机会终于来了.(强调他为获得此机会进行的各种努力.) 3 The war had been long and hard,but now there was peace at last. 经过漫长而艰苦的战争,现在和平终于到来了. finally 指一系列事物或论点的顺序,在列举事物时可以用来引出最后一项内容 finally 在意义上与用法上与at last 有共同之处,但也有不同.finally 既可指时间位置(相当于at last和in the end),也可指时间的先后顺序.finally 有两个用法:一是在列举事物或论点时,可用来引出最后一项内容;二是用在句中动词前面,表示“等了好久才……”. eg.Finally I"d like to thank you all for your coming .最后我要感谢诸位的光临.(不能用at last) 2 They waited and waited ,and the concert finally started.他们等啊等啊,最后音乐会终于开始了. 3 Three policemen rode past on their motorbikes ,then came the TV broadcasting car and finally the Marathon runners.三个警察骑着摩托过去了,接着来了电视广播车,最后过来的是马拉松赛跑选手. in the end 表示结局,有时可与at last 换用,不同的是in the end 也可以用于指将来时,其余两个则不行. (1)All will come right in the end .到头来一切都会好的. (2)He tried many times to pass the examination ,and in the end he succeeded.他多次努力想通过考试,最后成功了. 你看下,明白没?没得话, 这里说实在的最主要的还是方法,方法掌握了,类似的问题都能解决了! 像这样的问题自己多尝试下,下次才会的! 祝你学业进步!

at last和finally的区别

finally,相当于中文的开始,然后,接着,最后中的最后。at last,相当于中文的结果,没有承接关系,仅仅说结果。个人理解。

at last与finally的区别是什么?

at last和finally在意义和用法上有其共同的地方,也有其相异的地方。这里需要特别指出的,就是finally既可以用于表示时间位置(相当于at last, in the end),也可以用于表示时间的先后顺序(如同first, second, third, next, then, last),这种用法的finally相当于to last只能指时间位置,而不能指时间顺序,在语义上指经过,周折,等待,耽搁后的“最后,终于”得到所期待的结果。 At last , he passed the exam . 最后他终于通过了考试。finally 指一系列事物或论点的顺序,在列举事物时可以用来引出最后一项内容 finally 在意义上与用法上与at last 贰紶蹿咳讷纠寸穴丹膜有共同之处,但也有不同。finally 既可指时间位置,也可指时间的先后顺序。 eg. Finally I"d like to thank you all for your comin
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