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nature的意思是自然,种类。一、nature短语1、Nature Boy自然男孩,自然之子,本色少年。2、Second Nature第二天性,第二自然,杀手本性、第二本性。3、Nature conservation自然保护,自然保育,自然保持,自然保护学。4、nature park自然公园,天然公园,诺基亚手机游戏,内砌。二、nature的双语例句1、The most amazing thing about nature is its infinite variety.大自然最让人惊叹的地方在于它的无限多样性。2、She trusted people. That was her nature.她信任人,那是她的天性。3、Science can penetrate many of nature"s mysteries.科学能揭示自然界的许多奥秘。4、The book contrasts modern civilization with the ideal of the noble savage who lived in harmony with nature.这本书将现代文明同与自然界和谐相处的高尚野蛮人的理想进行了对比。

nature怎么读 英语nature怎么读

1、nature英[u02c8neu026atu0283u0259(r)]美[u02c8neu026atu0283u0259r],n.自然界; 大自然; 自然; 自然方式; 天性; 本性; 性格。 2、[例句]Science can penetrate many of natures mysteries.科学能揭示自然界的许多奥秘。




nature的意思是自然,种类。一、nature短语1、Nature Boy自然男孩,自然之子,本色少年。2、Second Nature第二天性,第二自然,杀手本性、第二本性。3、Nature conservation自然保护,自然保育,自然保持,自然保护学。4、nature park自然公园,天然公园,诺基亚手机游戏,内砌。二、nature的双语例句1、The most amazing thing about nature is its infinite variety.大自然最让人惊叹的地方在于它的无限多样性。2、She trusted people. That was her nature.她信任人,那是她的天性。3、Science can penetrate many of nature"s mysteries.科学能揭示自然界的许多奥秘。4、The book contrasts modern civilization with the ideal of the noble savage who lived in harmony with nature.这本书将现代文明同与自然界和谐相处的高尚野蛮人的理想进行了对比。

nature 什么意思



英国著名杂志《Nature》是世界上最早的国际性科技期刊,其办刊宗旨是“将科学发现的重要结果介绍给公众,让公众尽早知道全世界自然知识的每一分支中取得的所有进展”,nature四大子刊有Nature Astronomy、Nature Biomedical Engineering、Nature Biotechnology、Nature Catalysis。 扩展资料 nature四大子刊有Nature Astronomy、Nature Biomedical Engineering、Nature Biotechnology、Nature Catalysis。


nature的形容词形式是natural,意思是自然的,物质的。 扩展资料   nature是什么意思   nature是一个英语名词,它的意思是自然,性质,本性,种类。   nature形容词形式是什么   nature的形容词形式是natural,意思是自然的,物质的。   nature的常用短语   in nature 本质上,事实上   human nature 人性,人类本性   by nature 天生地,生性   nature reserve 自然保护区   second nature 第二天性,老习惯   nature同近义词辨析   nature与complexion,personality,disposition,character,temper这几个单词都有“性格、气质、性情、习性”的意思,其区别是:   1、nature:属于天生的`、不可改变性格。   2、complexion:由思维方式、态度和情绪所决定的本质特征。   3、personality:指一个人稳定的心理特征。   4、disposition:指人的主要爱好或思想、精神方面的重要习性、气质。   5、character:对个性或人格所作出的客观评价,常常与道德有关。   6、temper:指从感情方面体现出来,决定处理问题或应付形势的方式的性格或性情,这种性情可以是暂时的也可以长久的。




nature发表最顶级的文章,综合性刊物。低一档的nature chemistry等等的定位也很高,发表的是相应学科的landmark paper,而且一年也就发两三百篇文章,所以发表还是很难,从某种程度上可以认为Nature学科类子刊的质量和NS没有明显区别,差的可能只是NS上的文章更加具备general interest。至于Nature communications,nature给它的定位是介于pnas和nature之间,在线发表一些重大成果,无纸质刊物,基本全是是开源的,一方面也是走现在期刊开源的一个潮流,现在一年发文量也已经达到了5000篇左右。至于SR, 不多说,自己看一下文章质量就懂,nature集体下面的低档期刊。整个ngp里面就像手机一样,有高档,中档,低档的期刊,其实就是为了覆盖更大,赚钱嘛,通过品牌期刊获取流量,然后通过下面期刊(NC/SR)获取金钱,并美其名曰开源,嗯,很有互联网思维。当然NC文章的质量还是非常优秀的,虽然一直被人诟病太贵!


nature n.自然;天性;天理;类型例句:She was very anxious to get away from cities and back to nature. 她特别渴望离开城市,回归自然。natural adj.自然的;天生的;物质的;不做作的例句:It is only natural for youngsters to crave the excitement of driving a fast car 年轻人追求开快车的刺激是太正常不过的事情。








Nature是一份著名的国际科技期刊,出版许多子刊,包括:1. Nature Astronomy2. Nature Biomedical Engineering3. Nature Biotechnology4. Nature Catalysis5. Nature Cell Biology6. Nature Chemical Biology7. Nature Chemistry8. Nature Climate Change9. Nature Communications10. Nature Digest11. Nature Ecology & Evolution12. Nature Electronics13. Nature Energy14. Nature Genetics15. Nature Geoscience16. Nature Human Behaviour17. Nature Immunology18. Nature Machine Intelligence19. Nature Materials20. Nature Medicine21. Nature Metabolism22. Nature Methods23. Nature Microbiology24. Nature Milestones25. Nature Nanotechnology26. Nature Neuroscience27. Nature Photonics28. Nature Physics29. Nature Plants30. Nature Protocols31. Nature Reviews Cancer32. Nature Reviews Cardiology33. Nature Reviews Chemistry34. Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology35. Nature Reviews Disease Primers36. Nature Reviews Drug Discovery37. Nature Reviews Endocrinology38. Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology39. Nature Reviews Genetics40. Nature Reviews Immunology41. Nature Reviews Materials42. Nature Reviews Microbiology43. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology44. Nature Reviews Nephrology45. Nature Reviews Neurology46. Nature Reviews Neuroscience47. Nature Reviews Physics48. Nature Reviews Rheumatology49. Nature Reviews Urology50. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology51. Nature Sustainability总的来说,Nature出版集团出版了51种子刊,涵盖了各个科学领域。


nature 基本词汇 英 ["neu026atu0283u0259(r)]     美 ["neu026atu0283u0259r]    n. 自然界;性质;自然;自然状态;本性;类型In fact, nature is much better at recycling than we humans are.事实上,自然界在再循环方面比人类做得更好。To a great extent, that is the nature of my own work.在很大程度上,这就是我工作的性质。The goal of life is living in agreement with nature.人生的终极目标是和自然和谐相处。Why is the state of nature a state of war?为何自然状态是一种战争的状态?I"m trying to prevent the reversion of my garden to nature.我正在试图防止我的花园返回一片荒芜的自然状态。




nature 英[u02c8neu026atu0283u0259(r)] 美[u02c8netu0283u025a] n. 自然; 天性; 天理; 类型; [网络] 大自然; 景物; 杂志; [例句]The most amazing thing about nature is its infinite variety.大自然最让人惊叹的是它的无限多样性。[其他] 复数:natures

三角形abc中,内角A.B.C的对边分别为a.b.b。且√3bsinA=acosB (1)求角B大小 (2)若b=√3,a=3,求三...


nail down中文翻译

You should nail down the agreement in october . 你应在十月份就把协定确定下来。 Thus, the planning process nailed down a manager"s mitment . 这样,计划程序明确了一个经理所承担的义务。 All we wanted to do was to nail down these thirty hostile divisions . 我们总的目标只是要严密困住敌人的这三十个师。 He stayed another week, trying to nail down train tickets beyond kuibyshev . 他又呆了一个星期,设法弄到比古比雪夫更远的火车票。 Ensign was a retriever, and retrieved everything that wasn"t nailed down . “恩塞恩”是一种能寻回猎物的猎犬,无论什么东西,只要不是用钉子钉牢,它都能找回来。 Fee was forced to roll up persian carpets and have stuart nail down pnoleum she bought sight unseen from the store in gilly . 菲被迫卷起了她的波斯地毯并叫斯图阿特钉上亚麻油地毯,这是她到吉利商店时即兴买下来的。 Will you nail down that loose board in the floor 请你把那块松动的地板钉牢好吗? The loose board in the floor should be nailed down 地板中松了的板子应该用钉子钉牢。 Signing the contract will nail down their agreement 签署合同将使他们的协议肯定下来。 She nailed down the corners of the carpet 他用钉子把地毯的四角固定住。 He is not going to be nailed down to a definite reply 他不准备明确答复,以免受到约束。 Signing the contract will nail down our agreement 在合同上签字将使我们的协议成为定案。 She nailed down the corners of the carpet 他用钉子把地毯的四角钉死。 Were you able to nail down an argument 你们确定出了一个论点没有? It take the negotiator ten hours to nail down a deal 参加协商的人花了十个小时才敲定一桩生意。 Every time i think i have things nailed down , i just lose it 每次我以为我明确了什么事情但总是失败 Why is it considered necessary to nail down the pd of a coffin 为什么非要用钉子把棺材的盖子钉住? We should sign a contract with them to nail down their agreement 我们应该与他们签订契约以敲定协议。 If we could just nail down a few more contracts , we " d be all right 我们如果能再确定几个契约就好了。 We should sign a contract with them to nail down their agreement 我们应该与他们签订合同,把协议确定下来。 We shall sign a contract with them to nail down their agreement 我们应该与他们签订合同,把协议确定下来。 It has been difficult for scientists to nail down the cause of this disease 科学家一直无法找出导致这个疾病的原因。 They also have various working groups naipng down ogsa - related security issues 其中也有一些工作组紧盯与ogsa有关的安全问题。 To nail down a duration , you may talk to the people who will actually do the work 为了确定工期,您可以请教确实做过此工作的人。 It has been difficult for 5717240227 scientists to nail down the cause of this jr disease 科学家一直无法找9105 ?导致这个疾病的原因。 Often , the javadocs won t nail down every aspect of the behavior of the api 通常, javadocs不会对api的行为的每个方面都作出明确说明。 But i will just nail down and do my best to win a place in the team for the next game 但是在下一场比赛,我铁定做到最好以赢得首发位置。 John is very difficult to nail down ; you can never get him to speak his mind on anything 要约翰明确表态是很困难的;你决不能使他就任何事坦率地发表他自己的意见。 Based on these , it is very necessary to put forward and nail down the concept of the regional dual structure 基于此,有必要提出和明确界定区域二元结构的概念。 Bojinov is on - loan at juve , but wants to leave after faipng to nail down a first team place so far this season 博吉诺夫现租借在尤文,但到目前为止仍没有在一线队找到位置后想离开。 The goal is to work out all the unknowns and nail down all the details before the first pne of code is written 目的就是为了在第一行代码写下前,将所有不明确的东西明确并细化下来。 Tamping basis and naipng down safety management thinking , strengthening system and achieving safety long period of order and stabipty 夯实基础明确安全管理思路强化制度实现安全长治久安 He had a hard time selpng his car , but he finally nailed down the sale when he got his friend john to give him $ 500 他原先卖不掉他的汽车,但他的朋友约翰给了他500美元,终于把这宗买卖定了下来。 To counter this effect , the vortices can be pinned ( in essence , nailed down ) by introducing the right type of defect into the superconductor 通常我们可以借由缩小材料晶粒的尺寸,来增强固定涡流的效果。 The brazil international is off contract at the trotters in the summer and has failed to nail down a regular place in manager sam allardyce " s team 这名巴西球员的合同将在夏天结束,他在球队中无法获得稳定的位置。 " it has been tough but i will get there in the end . nobody nailed down the position last year so everyone has a chance “这是很困难的,不过我会达到我的目标。在上赛季里没有人是这个位置的绝对主力,不过这也代表所有人都有机会。 ” We must nail down the principals , adjust the pattern , perfect the modes of aid to college students , in order to exert the function of the aid system fully 必须明确资助主体、调整资助模式、完善资助方式,以强化大学生资助制度的作用。 Mccain , who had hoped to nail down the nomination with a big night , won seven states while rival mike huckabee won five and mitt romney took five 希望可以一夜定胜负的麦凯恩赢得了7个州,他的对手麦克?哈克比和米特?罗姆尼各赢得了5个州。 The scientists hope that naipng down the geics of auti *** will lead to better ways to diagnose it and focus efforts on deeloping drugs to treat it 科学家希望围绕自闭症的遗传性来寻找更好的方法去鉴别自闭症,致力于研制新* *物用于治疗。 Inzaghi has failed to nail down a regular start this season under coach depo rossi and both messina and parma are keen to take him on - loan in january 在罗西的执教下,小英扎吉的联赛开局并不理想,因此梅西纳和帕尔马和罗西都希望可以在一月份租借他。 I have good news : i nailed down a contract to sell a thousand cars . the customer signed all the papers and i " ve already faxed them back to you 他说:我有好消息:我敲定了出售一千辆汽车的合约。那位顾客签了所有的文件。我也已经把文件用传真发回给你了。 The latter is characterized by the inabipty to nail down requirements up front , making it necessary to continually adapt and re - estimate as a project progresses 后者的特征是没有事先明确了解需求的能力,因而需要随项目的进展不断地调整适应和重新评估。 The vocabulary is anchored in authority developed by a team of lawyers - and lawyers , of course , are the profession most associated with naipng down semantics 词汇表的确定是有权威性的,因为它是由律师小组制订的别忘了,律师是与咬词嚼句关系最大的职业。 This was done toward the goal of naipng down a schema for the issue tracker package that i have been using to illustrate the use of rdf in association with xml apppcations 我的目的是要准确说明问题跟踪程序包的模式,我曾使用问题跟踪程序包来演示将rdf同xml应用程序一起使用。 Firstly , the development history of aesthetic education and its feature of development are expounded . so the writer can nail down the connotation of aesthetic education from a special angle 首先阐述“审美教育”的发展历程以及发展变化的特点,指导笔者有选择的明确了审美教育的内涵。 The formation of aqf , are and ntf nails down the coherent and collaborative relationship amongst austrapan vocational education , primary education , secondary education and higher education 职业教育国家框架的建立明确了澳大利亚职业教育与培训与初等教育、中等教育以及高等教育的衔接关系。 To our disappointment however , we were unable to nail down the perfect candidate for the job and had to go back and forth with another enty designers until we found the perfect fit 然而,很遗憾,我们没有从这15个人中找到工作的合适人选,最后我们在其它20个落选的设计者中找到了满意的人选。 Sopd requirements ? clear , plete , detailed , cohesive , attainable , testable requirements that are agreed to by all players use prototypes to help nail down requirements 可靠的需求-清晰、完整、详细、连贯的、可达到的、可测试的需求,并且取得所有相关人员的同意,可以使用原型的方法来明确需求。 So i would prefer to have everything tightly finished before we could nail down a release date . furthermore , we also needed to take the movie to the censoring department and negotiate a release date for the mainland market 我就宁愿之后完成妥当,再找个档期去上映,加上要拿去审批,不能随时说要上映就去,还要配合内地的公映期。 So i would prefer to have everything tightly finished before we could nail down a release date . furthermore , we also needed to take the movie to the censoring department and negotiate a release date for the mainland market 我就宁愿之后完成妥当,再找个档期去上映,加上要拿去审批,不能随时说要上映就去,还要配合内地的公映期。

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Final Countdown 歌词




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Joana Zimmer的歌《lucky star》歌词中文意思是什么?

Can"t you see you are 你看不到你自己the one I"m always thinkin of那个我日思夜想的人 In my Dreams you are already mine在梦境中你是我的 If you show me love 如果你让我看到爱I promise I"ll be there for sure 我发誓我会在这里I would stay forever by your side永远陪伴你身边 look at me now 现在,注视着我can"t you see all the love in my eyes难道你看不到我眼中的爱意? And will you give it a try 你是否会给它一个尝试的机会?Will you be my lucky star 你是否会成为我的幸运星?Be the one to show me who you are 成为那个能让我知道你是谁的人will you guide me through the nights 你是否会在夜里为我指引方向be my every shining light 成为耀眼的光芒will you be my lucky star你是否会成为我的幸运星? Be the one to show me who you are成为那个能让我知道你是谁的人 cause I know this could be love我知道这必定是爱 shining on my heart 沐浴我的心房wu m What if I would tell 如果我向你倾诉exactly how I feel for you我对你的一切爱意Would you oh would you let me down你是否,是否会让我失望? look at me now 现在,注视着我Will you give this love a try你是否会给这份爱一个尝试的机会? I got nothing to hide 我没有什么好躲藏的Will you be my lucky star你是否会成为我的幸运星? Be the one to show me who you are 成为那个能让我知道你是谁的人will you guide me through the nights 你是否会在夜里为我指引方向be my every shining light 成为耀眼的光芒will you be my lucky star你是否会成为我的幸运星? Be the one to show me who you are成为那个能让我知道你是谁的人 cause I know this could be love我知道这必定是爱 shining on my heart 沐浴我的心房m ho ye look at me now 现在,注视着我Will you give this love a try你是否会给这份爱一个尝试的机会? I got nothing to hide 我没有什么好躲藏的Will you be my lucky star你是否会成为我的幸运星? Be the one to show me who you are 成为那个能让我知道你是谁的人will you guide me through the nights 你是否会在夜里为我指引方向be my every shining light 成为耀眼的光芒will you be my lucky star你是否会成为我的幸运星? Be the one to show me who you are成为那个能让我知道你是谁的人 cause I know this could be love我知道这必定是爱 shining on my heart 沐浴我的心房

Joana Zimmer的歌《lucky star》歌词中文意思是什么?


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lana的《American 》歌词翻译

Play house, put my favorite record onGet down, get your Crystal Method onYou were like, tall, tan, drivin" "round the cityFlirtin" with the girls like, "You"re so pretty"Springsteen is the king, don"t you thinkI was like, "Hell yeah, that guy can singLike ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh-oohOoh, ooh, ooh-ooh-ohYou make me crazy, you make me wildJust like a baby, spin me "round like a childYour skin so golden brownBe young, be dope, be proudLike an AmericanOoh-ooh ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh ooh ooh-oohLike an AmericanOoh-ooh ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh ooh ooh-oohDrive fast, I can almost taste it nowL.A., I don"t even have to fake it nowYou were like so sick, everybody said itYou were way ahead of the trend, ge-get itElvis is the best, hell yesHoney, put on that party dressLike ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh-oohOoh, ooh, ooh-ooh-ohYou make me crazy, you make me wildJust like a baby, spin me "round like a childYour skin so golden brownBe young, be dope, be proudLike an AmericanOoh-ooh ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh ooh ooh-oohLike an AmericanOoh-ooh ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh ooh ooh-oohEverybody wants to go fastBut they can"t compareI don"t really want the restOnly you can take me thereI don"t even know what I"m sayingBut I"m praying for youYou make me crazy, you make me wildJust like a baby, spin me "round like a childYour skin so golden brownBe young, be dope, be proudLike an AmericanOoh-ooh ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh ooh ooh-oohLike an AmericanOoh-ooh ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh ooh ooh-oohLike an AmericanOoh-ooh ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh ooh ooh-oohLike an AmericanOoh-ooh ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh ooh ooh-oohLike an American过家家,把我最喜欢的纪录下来,让你的晶体的方法你就像,高大、棕色,drivin‘圆这个城市与女孩喜欢莫莉哈奇特,“你这么漂亮“斯普林斯汀是国王,你不觉得我当时想,“地狱啊,那个家伙会唱歌喜欢哦,哦,哦哦哦哦,哦,哦哦哦你让我疯狂,你让我发狂就像一个婴儿,我旋转的圆的像个孩子你的皮肤如此金黄色是年轻的,是笨蛋,是骄傲的像是美国哦哦哦哦,哦哦哦哦哦像是美国哦哦哦哦,哦哦哦哦哦开得快,我几乎可以品尝它现在洛杉矶。,我甚至不需要假的现在你是喜欢所以生病了,大家都说它你是走在前面的这一趋势,ge得到它猫王是最好的,地狱是的亲爱的,穿上,礼服喜欢哦,哦,哦哦哦哦,哦,哦哦哦你让我疯狂,你让我发狂就像一个婴儿,我旋转的圆的像个孩子你的皮肤如此金黄色是年轻的,是笨蛋,是骄傲的像是美国哦哦哦哦,哦哦哦哦哦像是美国哦哦哦哦,哦哦哦哦哦每个人都想去快但是他们不能比较我不真的想要休息只有你可以带我去那儿甚至不知道我在说什么但我为你祈祷你让我疯狂,你让我发狂就像一个婴儿,我旋转的圆的像个孩子你的皮肤如此金黄色是年轻的,是笨蛋,是骄傲的像是美国哦哦哦哦,哦哦哦哦哦像是美国哦哦哦哦,哦哦哦哦哦像是美国哦哦哦哦,哦哦哦哦哦像是美国哦哦哦哦,哦哦哦哦哦像是美国采纳哦O(∩_∩)O谢谢

money的歌词,ana zimmer的

Look at me I"m a star看着我 我是明星In my dreams I even play guitar在梦里 我甚至还会弹吉他I"m so cool makes you drool我这么炫酷 让你们垂涎三尺Me myself and I-self is the rule在这里 我想怎样就怎样All my shit spin in pink我睡在粉色的世界里Smell the flowers like a cup of drink闻着花香如痴如醉And when I gunk, I see glitter恍惚间 好像看见璀璨的光And you can hear about it if you go on Twitter如果你有推特 你一定听过We don"t need your money我们不需要你的钱We don"t need your fame我们不需要你的名We will make it honey, someday亲爱的 钱和名我们早晚会有I"ll bring the game, bring the game我们来打赌 打个赌We don"t need your money我们不需要你的钱We don"t need your fame我们不需要你的名We will make it honey, someday亲爱的 钱和名我们早晚会有I"ll bring the game, bring the game我们来打赌 打个赌From the ashes arose with the silver bones浴火重生拥有钢筋铁骨I chose to be bright, and the brightest我要变得光鲜亮丽 我要自己最闪耀Call myself an artist我要成为艺术家All this people hating让所有人嫉妒All this people waiting让所有人翘首以盼And trying, and trying, and trying一直努力 一直努力 一直努力You can spit in my face I"ll reply some grace你们可以唾弃我 我会优雅回应Cause I can"t be replace show yourself any tase有点品位吧 即便如此我也无可取代And that"s what I thought我就是这么想的We don"t need your money我们不需要你的钱We don"t need your fame我们不需要你的名We will make it honey, someday亲爱的 钱和名我们早晚会有I"ll bring the game, bring the game我们来打赌 打个赌We don"t need your money我们不需要你的钱We don"t need your fame我们不需要你的名We will make it honey, someday亲爱的 钱和名我们早晚会有I"ll bring the game, bring the game我们来打赌 打个赌Hey, I got my bitch and my homieshey 我有闺蜜和家人Most of this people funny他们都很有趣The richest in the world is up is the most lonely在这个世界里最富有的人却最孤独Gamble with my talent in my image there"s a balance在我的想法里 用才华去赌一生 这很公平I"m a king but there ain"t no room for fortune in my palace我独一无二 但是却没地方施展我的才华I"m the realest我真实的存在I need a witness我需要关注I"ve been the vilain我一直胆小如鼠Nam some victims牺牲别人 保全自己Hurting my feelings这让我很惭愧Stay on my business但我却一直这么做I got so many friends who sold their soul for what they own那么多人出卖自己的灵魂换取名利I"ve been a pose but now I know我一直是个傀儡 但现在我意识到So work is hard you need a KO尽管工作辛苦 你还是要努力We don"t need your money我们不需要你的钱We don"t need your fame我们不需要你的名We will make it honey, someday亲爱的 钱和名我们早晚会有I"ll bring the game, bring the game我们来打赌 打个赌We don"t need your money我们不需要你的钱(I"ve been listen on my haters cause they"re lazy)(我不会在意那些嫉妒我的人 因为他们只希望不劳而获)We don"t need your fame我们不需要你的名(Now blahblahblah made me)现在我要做自己We will make it honey, someday亲爱的 钱和名我们早晚会有(i"ve been "round the world and I made my own way)我一直兜兜转转 做我自己I"ll bring the game, bring the game我们来打赌 打个赌(I don"t care about you"re money even care about your fame)(我不在意你的钱 更不在意你的名)We don"t need your fame我们不需要你的名We will make it honey亲爱的 钱和名我们会有Then we"ll bring the game然后我们来打个赌Look at me I"m a star注视我 我是明星In my dreams I even play guitar在梦里我会弹吉他I"m so cool makes you drool我这么酷 让你呆住Me myself and I-self is the rule


negative可以这样理解的。Negative sixty degree Celsius Minus sixty degree Celsius 这两个都表示“零下六十度”

native; negative ; mountainous ;这英语在美音中怎么读? 求谐音的。。



是掌握控制权属性的人。dominance&submission,控制与服从,Dom对应统治方,是S的一种,Sub对应服从方,是M的一种。很多人都会dom和sud非常疑惑,不知道它们是什么意思,其实这两个词是用来形容爱情中的两种地位,一种是dominance 掌握控制权的人,另一种就是 submission选择服从的人。相关内容:特有属性和共有属性:对象(事物)的属性有的是特有属性,有的是共有属性。对象的特有属性是指为一类对象独有而为别类对象所不具有的属性。人们就是通过对象的特有属性来区别和认识事物的。如两足、无毛、直立行走、能思维、会说话、能制造和使用生产工具进行劳动是“人”的特有属性。从而将“人”与其他高等动物区分开。而有五官、四肢、有内脏和血液循环等则不仅为人所具有,也为其他高等动物所具有,我们称为共有属性。共有属性没有区别性。dominance造句:1、Review on Dominance Hierarchy of Non-human Primates.非人灵长类社会等级现象的研究进展。2、Ex-colonial countries began to challenge the cultural dominance of Europe.摆脱了殖民统治的国家开始挑战欧洲的文化统治。3、The latest fighting appears to be an attempt by each group to establish dominance over the other.最近的战斗似乎是冲突各方在试图争夺控制权。4、The Concept and Dominance of Language Culture in Proverbs.论概念的语言文化显性。5、Inverts the current field dominance of a selected clip.反转被选择片段的当前场优势。

native; negative ; identical;这英语在美音中怎么读? 求谐音的。。


who says selena gomez 的歌词 谁知道的?帮忙找一下,谢谢!

SELENA GOMEZ – “WHO SAYS” – LYRICSYou made me insecure 你让我没安全感Told me I wasn"t good enough 你告诉我我不够好But who are you to judge 可是你有什麼资格批评我呢When you"re a diamond in the rough 你自己也是未经打磨的钻石I"m sure you got some things 我知道你一定有才华的You"d like to change about yourself 你会想改变自己But when it comes to me 不过如果你问我I wouldn"t want to be anybody else 我不想作除了自己的任何人Na na naI"m no beauty queen 我不是美丽女皇I"m just beautiful me 我只是美丽的我Na na naYou"ve got every right 你拥有每个权利To a beautiful life 去活得漂亮cmonWho says 谁说Who says you"re not perfect 谁说你不完美Who says you"re not worth it 谁说你不值得Who says you"re the only one that"s hurting 谁说只有你在伤心Trust me 相信我That"s the price of beauty 这就是美丽的代价Who says you"re not pretty 谁说你不漂亮Who says you"re not beautiful 谁说你不美丽Who says 谁说It"s such a funny thing 这真的很有趣How nothing"s funny when it"s you 当所有事和你有关就变得有趣You tell ‘em what you mean 你告诉他们你是什麼意思But they keep whiting out the truth 不过他们一直扭曲事实It"s like a work of art 就像一件艺术品That never gets to see the light 永远无法面世Keep you beneath the stars 让你一直在星辰下Won"t let you touch the sky 不让你触碰天空Na na naI"m no beauty queen 我不是美丽女皇I"m just beautiful me 我只是美丽的我Na na naYou"ve got every right 你拥有每个权利To a beautiful life 去活得漂亮CmonWho says 谁说Who says you"re not perfect 谁说你不完美Who says you"re not worth it 谁说你不值得Who says you"re the only one that"s hurting 谁说只有你在伤心Trust me 相信我That"s the price of beauty 这就是美丽的代价Who says you"re not pretty 谁说你不漂亮Who says you"re not beautiful 谁说你不美丽Who says 谁说Who says you"re not start potential 谁说你没有巨星潜质Who says you"re not presidential 谁说你没有当总统的潜能Who says you can"t be in movies 谁说你不能拍电影Listen to me, listen to me 听我说,听我说Who says you don"t pass the test 谁说你不会及格Who says you can"t be the best 谁说你不能做最好的Who said, who said 谁说过, 谁说过Won"t you tell me who said that 你会告诉我谁说过吗Yeah, oh



Selena Gomez & The Scene - Who Says歌词

I wouldn"t wanna be anybody else.You made me insecureTold me I wasnu2019t good enoughBut who are you to judgeWhen youu2019re a diamond in the roughIu2019m sure you got some thingsYouu2019d like to change about yourselfBut when it comes to meI wouldnu2019t want to be anybody elseNa na naNa na naIu2019m no beauty queenIu2019m just beautiful meNa na naNa na naYouu2019ve got every rightTo a beautiful lifeC"mon[Chorus]Who saysWho says youu2019re not perfectWho says youu2019re not worth itWho says youu2019re the only one thatu2019s hurtingTrust meThatu2019s the price of beautyWho says youu2019re not prettyWho says youu2019re not beautifulWho says[Selena Gomez - Verse 2]Itu2019s such a funny thingHow nothingu2019s funny when itu2019s youYou tell u2018em what you meanBut they keep whiting out the truthItu2019s like a work of artThat never gets to see the lightKeep you beneath the starsWonu2019t let you touch the skyNa na naNa na naIu2019m no beauty queenIu2019m just beautiful meNa na naNa na naYouu2019ve got every rightTo a beautiful lifeC"mon[Chorus]Who saysWho says youu2019re not perfectWho says youu2019re not worth itWho says youu2019re the only one thatu2019s hurtingTrust meThatu2019s the price of beautyWho says youu2019re not prettyWho says youu2019re not beautiful[Bridge]Who saysWho says youu2019re not start potentialWho says youu2019re not presidentialWho says you canu2019t be in moviesListen to me, listen to meWho says you donu2019t pass the testWho says you canu2019t be the bestWho said, who saidWonu2019t you tell me who said thatYeah, oh[Chorus]Who saysWho says youu2019re not perfectWho says youu2019re not worth itWho says youu2019re the only one thatu2019s hurtingTrust meThatu2019s the price of beautyWho says youu2019re not prettyWho says youu2019re not beautiful



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Coordinated (Science)强调相互协调的,合作的,同等的, 并列的Groups A and B are coordinated together in order to achieve a faster output.Integrated (Science)强调结合在一起的,综合的, 完整的Groups A and B are integrated as one team now in order to have a higher efficiency.

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china masturbation中国自渎china英 [u02c8tu0283au026anu0259] 美 [u02c8tu0283au026anu0259] n.瓷器;瓷餐具;杯、盘、碟等的总称;陶器China英 ["tu0283au026anu0259] 美 [u02c8tu0283au026anu0259];[电影]中国1971词典[地名] [墨西哥] 奇纳;[地名] [俄罗斯] 奇纳河;[地名] [美国] 柴纳

Coordinated Science和integrated science有什么区别

Coordinated (Science)强调相互协调的,合作的,同等的, 并列的Groups A and B are coordinated together in order to achieve a faster output.Integrated (Science)强调结合在一起的,综合的, 完整的 Groups A and B are integrated as one team now in order to have a higher efficiency

nick jonas numb歌词翻译

This is so dumb, 这如此愚蠢 this is so bad 这如此糟糕 Had to be a numb 已经麻木 to miss you like that 这样的想念你 You lift me up, 你曾鼓励了我 let me to fall 却又让我跌至谷底 Fuck with my head like 脑海里满是 was nothing that I want 我并不想要的一切 Ruin my sight, ruin my all 你毁了我的视线 毁了我的一切 I was your best, 我是你最好的选择 and you were my first 你是我的第一次尝试 Breaking my heart one 伤了我的心 wish at a time 每次渴望 What left, freezing my mind 留下的回忆 冻结了我的心 You don"t know 你不会了解 what it is that you do to me 你究竟对我做了什么 Yeah, you steal my heart 是的 你偷走了我的心 And all I have is a hole 那曾安放心的地方 where it used to be 只剩一个洞 And my heart is fighting 我的心抗争着 Now you"ve got some 而此刻你有了某个人 substitute for me, 取代我的位置 But it"s not the one! 但这不是唯一 You don"t know 你不会了解 what it is that you do to me 你究竟对我做了什么 Yeah, 耶 you leave me numb numb 你让我失去知觉 变得麻木 Yeah, 耶 you leave me numb numb 你让我失去知觉 变得麻木 Losing my mind, 失去意识 losing control 失去控制 Swallow my pride, 吞噬我的骄傲 you swallow me up 你将我吞没 Smile in my face to cover my hurt, 我脸上的微笑掩饰着我的伤害 Spending so much time, 耗费了那么久的时间 but what was I worth? 但我的价值又是吗 I"m broken-heart, 碎了的心 I"m saving it up 我存留下 Flaws in my hand, 手里的裂痕 mistaken for love 误认为是爱情 Dancing my back, 在身后张牙舞爪着 they told me to think 他们告诉我想清楚 They ain"t yours, 他们并不属于你 they ain"t yours! 他们并不属于你 You don"t know 你不会了解 what it is that you do to me 你究竟对我做了什么 Yeah, you steal my heart 是的 你偷走了我的心 And all I have is a hole 那曾安放心的地方 where it used to be 只剩一个洞 And my heart is fighting 我的心抗争着 Now you"ve got some 而此刻你有了某个人 substitute for me, 取代我的位置 But it"s not the one! 但这不是唯一 You don"t know 你不会了解 what it is that you do to me, 你究竟对我做了什么, Yeah, 耶 you leave me numb numb 你让我失去知觉 变得麻木 Yeah, 耶 you leave me numb numb 你让我失去知觉 变得麻木 numb 变得麻木 Yeah, you leave me 是的 你让我 I got dropped off at block-bus 我被送到大巴停车区 from match marks in your rage 从你愤怒标记处离开 You say we are mildly players, 你们说我们是温和的玩家 who"s still act off the stage 我们仍然蠢蠢欲动着 I kept begging you to stay like 我一直在乞求你留下来 "Baby, please don"t leave me" 宝贝 请不要离开我 "Know you want me "我知道你也想我 like bubble wants one more" 像是再一个泡沫" And I dream on, 我幻想着 you getting your plot 你制作着 and your scheme on 你的计划 And I"ll be here 我会在这里 with my jeans on, 穿着我的牛仔裤 He loved me, 他爱过我 翻译:he loved me, 他爱过我 no he don"t! 不 他没有 "Cause you made me feel 因为你让我感觉 like night before Christmas 像圣诞前夜 Love is a crime, 爱是犯罪 and I"m stuck in your prison 我困在你的监狱 All that you want, 这一切都是你想要的 baby I"ll go 宝贝我会离去 This is. If you"re numb, 如果你也麻木 I"m numb 我还是没有感觉 Then what is we"re feeling? 然后我们的感觉会是什么 You don"t know 你不会了解 what it is that you do to me 你究竟对我做了什么 Yeah, you steal my heart 是的 你偷走了我的心 And all I have is a hole 那曾安放心的地方 where it used to be 只剩一个洞 And my heart is fighting 我的心抗争着 Now you"ve got some 而此刻你有了某个人 substitute for me, 取代我的位置 But it"s not the one! 但这不是唯一 You don"t know 你不会了解 what it is that you do to me, 你究竟对我做了什么 Yeah, 耶 you leave me numb numb 你让我失去知觉 变得麻木 Yeah, 耶 you leave me numb numb 你让我失去知觉 变得麻木 Yeah, 耶 you leave me numb 你让我失去知觉 望采纳!!

求一首英文吉他歌,女生唱的,第一句歌词是..your name高潮有一句i am stay

Fool"s Day - BlurWake up straightCalled out by the sunOn the first day of AprilOut of bedLord it was a plane crashBut Iu2019m sure that I was dreamingTV on Of course caffeine and signsOf submission againAnother dayOn this little to islandJust a bell hangs onPorridge doneI take my kid to schoolIt was the pound shop Woolworthu2019s Under bridgeWhere the subway sees the daytimeAnd the West Way flies byThen on my bikeDown the Ladbroke GroveTo the forthcoming dramasThe studioAnd a love of all sweet musicWe just canu2019t let goLet go let go let go let go let goSo meditateOn what weu2019ve all becomeOn a cold day in springtimeCivil WarIs what we all were born intoRaise your left hand right singDonu2019t capitulateTo the forces of the market placeTheyu2019re long departedConsolidateThe love weu2019ve had togetherOn a cold day in springtime

【翻译】operational envelope 是什么意思?



eternal中文翻译:永恒的;不朽的;永恒的;无休止的;永不停止的;没完没了的;永恒的事物。eternal主要指时间上没有始终,用于上帝等时,指其永恒性,引申用于抽象事物,则指某一概念的无始无终。eternal也可指有始无终或者即使有终也无限遥远或无法确定。eternal用于贬义,可指“没完没了”。eternal往往强调一件事物在过去一直存在着,今后还会继续存在下去。eternal,everlasting这两个词都表示“永恒的”。eternal强调“无始无终的永恒”;everlasting强调“没有终点,没有止境的永恒和继续”。eternal的例句1、I am tired of their eternal arguments.我讨厌他们没完没了地争吵。2、The bad man will suffer eternal damnation.坏人将会受到永远的惩罚。3、A wedding ring is a symbol of eternal love between a married couple.结婚戒指是已婚夫妇的永恒的爱的象征。4、She felt eternal gratitude to him for saving her life.她终生感激他的救命之恩。5、The idea that the world is eternal is now seldom advanced.地球是永恒的这种看法现在很少提出了。

Japan lies________ the east of Asia, ______the east of China, It faces the Pacific ________the ...

B 表示方位时, in表示在范围内,to 表示互不属于,on表示互不属于但接壤,所以答案B。

eternal damnation是什么意思

eternal damnation 永恒的诅咒;永远的惩罚;南木中的永罚双语例句1. The Titans were hurled down there by Zeus to suffer eternal damnation.提坦诸神就被宙斯拉到这儿承受永久的磨难.2. God is willing to snatch your soul from eternal damnation.上帝是愿意把你的灵魂从永恒的地狱中打救出来的.3. The bad man will suffer eternal damnation.坏人将会受到永远的惩罚.*********************************************************************祝学习进步!如果不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!**********************************************************************

Dana Key的《The Outlaw》 歌词

歌曲名:The Outlaw歌手:Dana Key专辑:The Journey标题:The Outlaw艺术家:HammerFallIt started with the holy water rising to a boilThe crops went bad, no life coul breed,beneath the rotten soilImprisoned for his make beliefs,impending dire viewsBecame accountable for every flaw,spread the newsDisturbing dreams of the future - reverieSeven flights of imaginationThese taunting dreams no one could reador even understandDesilutions of insanity, banned from his fatherlandJust leave the ship and swim ashore life"s hanging by a threadDays of mass destruction, hamrageddon, lies aheadDisrurbing dreams of the future -reverieSeven flights of imaginationBring out the Outlaw, how do you pleadTo the allegationBring out the Outlaw, charge him, decreeEternal damnationSo, seven years of devastation followed in the landOne for every prophecy, served by tha almighty handThe outlaw was imprisoned for scattering his dreamsNone stood up to hold his ground, spineless so it seemsDisturbing dreams of the future - reverieSeven flights of imaginationBring out the Outlaw, could you forseeThe allegationBring out the Outlaw, charge him, decreeEternal damnationA life could be saved, if someone stood up for his rightsNow cursed and condemned, mistreated on his last nocturnal flightBring out the Outlaw, how do you pleadTo the allegationBring out the Outlaw, charge him, decreeEternal damnationCall for the Outlaw, help us forseeGod"s allegationCall for the Outlaw, charge us, decreeEternal damnation金属梦:66032164

CS GO里面一局结束以后说的 什么 true true damnation ? 还是 什么dam

mvp音乐盒 可以购买说的是true ture domination(绝对统治力)

Rock N Roll Damnation 歌词

歌曲名:Rock N Roll Damnation歌手:Ac/Dc专辑:钢铁侠2Rock "N" Roll DamnationArtist: AC/DCAlbum: PowerageThey say that you play too loud,Well, baby, that"s tough!They say that you got to much,Can"t get enough!They tell you that you look the fool,And, baby, I"m a fool for you!They say that your mind"s diseased,Shake your stuff!And it"s a rock "n" roll damnation!Ma"s own whippin" boy!Rock "n" roll damnation!Take a chance while you still got the choice!You say that you want respect,Honey, for what?For everything that you"ve done for me,Thanks a lot!Get up off your bended knees,You could set your mind at ease!My temperature"s runnin" hot,And I"ve been waitin" all night for a bite o" what you got!And it"s a rock "n" roll damnation!Ma"s own whippin" boy!Rock "n" roll damnation!Take a chance while you still got the choice!(Damnation!) They"re puttin" you down,(Damnation!) All over town!(Damnation!) "Cause you"re way outta reach,Livin" on the streets, you gotta practice what you preach!And it"s a rock "n" roll damnation!Ma"s own whippin" boy!Rock "n" roll damnation!Take a chance while you still got the choice!(Damnation!) Left a happy home,(Damnation!) Just to live on your own!(Damnation!) You wanna live in sin,(Damnation!) It"s a rock "n" roll -Damnation! Just a bundle of joy,(Damnation!) You"re a toy for a boy!(Damnation!) You got dollars in your eye,(Damnation!) Chasin" that pie in the sky!(Damnation!) Rock "n" roll -Damnation!


以nation为后缀的单词有: damnation n. 非难,被罚下地狱,诅咒; declination n. 倾斜,衰微; denomination n. 命名,(长度,币值的)单位; designation n. 指定,名称,称呼; destination n.目的地,终点;目标; detemination n. 决定 扩展资料   May he burn in the fires of eternal damnation.   他将在烈焰中受到永恒的诅咒。   The bad man will suffer eternal damnation.   坏人将会受到永远的惩罚。   God is willing to snatch your soul from eternal damnation.   上帝是愿意把你的灵魂从永恒的地狱中打救出来的。   The variations of La Damnation de Faust in the transformation from literature to music   《浮士德的沉沦》从文学到音乐转换的.变异   They believe he will suffer damnation for his sins.   他们相信他会因他的罪孽而遭厄运的。

Autumn Leaves (Alternate Take) 歌词

歌曲名:Autumn Leaves (Alternate Take)歌手:Stan Getz专辑:Complete Roost RecordingsAutumn Leaves - Laura Fygi"千金百分百电视原声带"The falling leavesdrift by the windowThe autumn leavesof red and goldI see your lipsThe summer kissesThe sunburned handsI used to holdSince you went awayThe days grow longAnd soon I"ll hearold winter"s songBut I miss you most of all, my darlingWhen autumn leavesstart to fall

Inside the mind of a master procrastinator是什么意思

Inside the mind of a master procrastin...的中文翻译Inside the mind of a master procrastinator 在一个主拖拉的人心中

老师要求做一个presentation:Are you a procrastinator? 急需背景资料,英文的,谢~~~

presentation的题目是:“你这个人拖拉吗?”因为这个presentation是围绕着你做的,背景资料就是你自己。唯一能送的是procrastinator的definition:procrastinator: someone who postpones work (especially out of laziness or habitual carelessness)

The multi-millionaire has reached the point ___ money no longer makes much difference to him.



multi-millionaire英音:[,mu028cltimilju0259"nu025bu0259] 美音:[,mu028cltu026amu026alju0259"nu025d] 千万富翁,巨富 multi就是一个前缀 1.(词头)多 2.多,多数 3.多的10,000,000 ten millionmillion是百万的意思, 千万就是ten million望采纳~~~~~

multi-millionaire 怎么翻译成中文?为什么?用三位一个逗号的那种方式解释一下可以吗?谢谢!

a person with assets worth several million pounds or dollars 巨富 大富豪, 巨富


词典结果:multi-millionaire[英][mu028cl"tu026amu026alu026au0259neu0259r][美][mu028cl"tu026amu026alu026arner]n.(拥有价值数百万英镑、美元财产的)大富翁; 复数:multi-millionaires以上结果来自金山词霸





谁有Miranda Lambert的 I Wanna Die的歌词

You know it"s so complicated, first you love then you hate itSomeone"s laughing, someone"s crying, someone livin", someone"s dyingSombody always looses and we still play the gameAnd the fire will always burn you and we still light the flameLet"s make it up baby, cause I aint gonna fightIf you"re the death of me darlin", I wanna dieYou always say that you love me and there is no one above meNever giving, always takin", never bending, always breakingI know you aint a liar but you don"t tell the truthAnd you"re walkin" on a wire wearing someone else"s shoesIf you"re handing out misery I"ll be the first in lineIf you"re the death of me darlin" I wanna dieTear it up, break it downPut my heart on your sleeve and wear it all over townI know you"re a player but you don"t play by the rulesAnd I"m just another in a long line of foolsYeah it"s so complicated, I love then I hate itI"m laughing, you"re crying, you"re livin", I"m dyin"Somebody always looses and we still play the gameYeah the fire will always burn you and we still light the flameLet"s make it up baby, cause I aint gonna fightIf you"re the death of me darlin", I wanna dieTear it up, break it downPut my heart on your sleeve and wear it all over townI know you"re a player but you don"t play by the rulesAnd I"m just another in a long line of foolsYeah it"s so complicated, I love then I hate itI"m laughing you"re crying, you"re living, I"m dyin"I know you aint a liar but you don"t tell the truthAnd you"re walkin on a wire wearing someone else"s shoesIf you"re handing out misery I"ll be the first in lineIf you"re the death of me darlin" I wanna dieOHHHH I wanna dieTear it up Tear it upum um um

unapologetic bitch造句 unapologetic bitchの例文

" Unapologetic Bitch " is a reggae pop song, with a dancehall groove, air horns, miptary drum beats and dub sirens in its instrumentation. In December 2014, some reports suggested that the album was set to be named " Unapologetic Bitch ", since it was the title of one of the thirteen track demos that leaked to the Inter in December 2014, as well as the hashtag that she used frequently on Instagram while working on the album. However, she later confirmed the album to be titled " Rebel Heart ", while releasing six pleted tracks as pre-order for the album on iTunes Store, on December 20, 2014, as an " early Christmas gift " to avoid more material being leaked . " Unapologetic Bitch " was among the six tracks and it was revealed that Diplo produced it. It"s difficult to find unapologetic bitch in a sentence. 用 unapologetic bitch 造句挺难的


蕾哈娜的成名曲太多了,其中umbrella、 The monster、 Love the way you lie很好听


我昏死。回复的还说没有意义。。。按原意去翻译 肯定被河蟹。。。。。。翻译的都是字面的意思。。黑人 的歌曲 很多都很SEX有关的。。。。。。。。

截止到2014年 跪求Rihanna的所有冠单

2006 "SOS" 专辑A Girl Like Me2007 "Umbrella" 专辑Good Girl Gone Bad2008 "Take a Bow" 专辑Good Girl Gone Bad: Reloaded2008 "Disturbia" 专辑Good Girl Gone Bad: Reloaded2008 "Live Your Life" (T.I. featuring Rihanna) 专辑Paper Trail2010 "Rude Boy" 专辑Rated R2010 "Love the Way You Lie" (Eminem featuring Rihanna) 专辑Recovery2010 "What"s My Name?" 专辑LOUD2010 "Only Girl" 专辑LOUD2011 "S&M" 专辑LOUD2011 "We Found Love" 专辑Talk That Talk2012 "Diamonds" 专辑Unapologeticps 2014年Rihanna和Eminem合作的"The Monster“也是公告牌上的冠军单曲 也就是她的第13支公告牌冠军单曲 来自专辑The Marshall Mathers LP 2如果对你有帮助请采纳~谢谢

Rihanna - What Now 歌词讲的什么意思?大家听后体会是怎样

歌名: What Now歌手:Rihanna 所属专辑:Unapologetic发行时间:2012-11-19歌词:What Now-Rihanna&Jayko El Prototipo I"ve been ignoring this big lump in my throat 涩涩酸楚的鼻子 涩涩发紧的喉咙 I shouldn"t be crying, tears were for the weak 我不应该流泪 眼泪是留给弱者的 The days I"m stronger, now what, so I say 一路走来 我更加坚强 不曾软弱 但 But something"s missing 强势之路 有得有失 Whatever it is, it feels like 不管遗失的是什么 总感觉 It"s laughing at me 它在讥讽嘲笑着我 through the glass of a two-sided mirror 透过双面镜 Whatever it is, it"s just laughing at me 无论是什么 它一直在嘲笑着我 And I just wanna scream 我只想声嘶力竭的呐喊 What now? I just can"t figure it out 该如何 我已束手无策 What now? I guess I"ll just wait it out 该如何 也许时间才是解药 What now? Woah, what now? 该如何 该如何 I found the one, he changed my life 本以为是他改变了我的生活 But was it me that changed 其实是我自己变了 And he just happened to come at the right time 他只是在对的时间走到了我的身旁 I"m supposed to be in love 我本应该坠入爱河 But I"m not mugging 但我不是傻瓜 Whatever it is, it feels like 不管遗失的是什么 It"s laughing at me 它在讥讽嘲笑着我 through the glass of a two-sided mirror 总感觉透过双面镜 Whatever it is, 无论是什么 it"s just sitting there laughing at me 它就在那里一直在嘲笑着我 And I just wanna scream 我只想声嘶力竭的呐喊 What now? I just can"t figure it out 该如何 我已束手无策 What now? I guess I"ll just wait it out 该如何 也许时间才是解药 What now? Please tell me 该如何 请告诉我 What now? 该如何 There"s no one to call 我没有一个可以倾诉的朋友 cause I"m just playing games with them all 因为我一直在和他们玩名利游戏 The more I swear I"m happy, 我的表面看似越开心 he more that I"m feeling alone 内心实则越孤独 Cause I spent every hour 因为我悉心准备一切 just going through the motions 只换来儿戏一场 I can"t even get the emotions to come out 积压的情绪都不能发泄出去 Dry as a bone, but I just wanna shout 被包裹得像干尸 但我只想嘶吼 What now? I just can"t figure it out 该如何 我已束手无策 What now? I guess I"ll just wait it out wait it out 该如何 也许时间才是解药 What now? Somebody tell me 该如何 请告诉我 What now? 该如何 I don"t know where to go 我不知该去向何方 I don"t know what to feel 我不知如何去感触 I don"t know how to cry 我不知如何去哭泣 I don"t know ow ow why 我不知为何会这样 I don"t know where to go 我不知该去向何方 I don"t know what to feel 我不知如何去感触 I don"t know how to cry 我不知如何去哭泣 I don"t know ow ow why 我不知为何会这样 I don"t know where to go 我不知该去向何方 I don"t know what to feel 我不知如何去感触 I don"t know how to cry 我不知如何去哭泣 I don"t know ow ow why 我不知为何会这样 So what now 该如何呢 听了之后感觉非常不错,是她的风格。

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Rihanna的《What Now》 歌词

《What Now》演唱: Rihanna&Jayko El Prototipo 所属专辑:《Unapologetic》发行时间:2012-11-19歌词:I"ve been ignoring this big lump in my throat 涩涩酸楚的鼻子 涩涩发紧的喉咙 I shouldn"t be crying, tears were for the weak 我不应该流泪 眼泪是留给弱者的 The days I"m stronger, now what, so I say 一路走来 我更加坚强 不曾软弱 但 But something"s missing 强势之路 有得有失 Whatever it is, it feels like 不管遗失的是什么 总感觉 It"s laughing at me 它在讥讽嘲笑着我 through the glass of a two-sided mirror 透过双面镜 Whatever it is, it"s just laughing at me 无论是什么 它一直在嘲笑着我 And I just wanna scream 我只想声嘶力竭的呐喊 What now? I just can"t figure it out 该如何 我已束手无策 What now? I guess I"ll just wait it out 该如何 也许时间才是解药 What now? Woah, what now? 该如何 该如何 I found the one, he changed my life 本以为是他改变了我的生活 But was it me that changed 其实是我自己变了 And he just happened to come at the right time 他只是在对的时间走到了我的身旁 I"m supposed to be in love 我本应该坠入爱河 But I"m not mugging 但我不是傻瓜 Whatever it is, it feels like 不管遗失的是什么 It"s laughing at me 它在讥讽嘲笑着我 through the glass of a two-sided mirror 总感觉透过双面镜 Whatever it is, 无论是什么 it"s just sitting there laughing at me 它就在那里一直在嘲笑着我 And I just wanna scream 我只想声嘶力竭的呐喊 What now? I just can"t figure it out 该如何 我已束手无策 What now? I guess I"ll just wait it out 该如何 也许时间才是解药 What now? Please tell me 该如何 请告诉我 What now? 该如何 There"s no one to call 我没有一个可以倾诉的朋友 cause I"m just playing games with them all 因为我一直在和他们玩名利游戏 The more I swear I"m happy, 我的表面看似越开心 he more that I"m feeling alone 内心实则越孤独 Cause I spent every hour 因为我悉心准备一切 just going through the motions 只换来儿戏一场 I can"t even get the emotions to come out 积压的情绪都不能发泄出去 Dry as a bone, but I just wanna shout 被包裹得像干尸 但我只想嘶吼 What now? I just can"t figure it out 该如何 我已束手无策 What now? I guess I"ll just wait it out wait it out 该如何 也许时间才是解药 What now? Somebody tell me 该如何 请告诉我 What now? 该如何 I don"t know where to go 我不知该去向何方 I don"t know what to feel 我不知如何去感触 I don"t know how to cry 我不知如何去哭泣 I don"t know ow ow why 我不知为何会这样 I don"t know where to go 我不知该去向何方 I don"t know what to feel 我不知如何去感触 I don"t know how to cry 我不知如何去哭泣 I don"t know ow ow why 我不知为何会这样 I don"t know where to go 我不知该去向何方 I don"t know what to feel 我不知如何去感触 I don"t know how to cry 我不知如何去哭泣 I don"t know ow ow why 我不知为何会这样 So what now 该如何呢


  《Unapologetic》是巴巴多斯女歌手蕾哈娜的第7张录音室专辑,由Def Jeam唱片公司于2012年11月19日发行,制作人包括Robyn Fenty、Roc Nation等。  《Unapologetic》首周凭借23万8千张的销量空降公告牌专辑榜冠军,使蕾哈娜收获她本人的第一张冠军专辑。该专辑首周也在英国专辑榜上空降榜首,使蕾哈娜收获她本人的第七张英国榜冠军专辑。该专辑获得由第56届格莱美奖授予的最佳当代城市音乐专辑奖。  《Unapologetic》处于比较乐观的状态,收录的歌曲都十分大胆前卫。专辑封面十分挑逗,这张专辑不像蕾哈娜以前的几张专辑那样是为了应付应付。  在歌曲方面,《Stay》以钢琴重复旋律为基调,是一首优雅的民谣,一直重复着该专辑的主题——真爱无法抵挡。该歌曲和米绮·埃柯共同演绎,是继2011年蕾哈娜和加尔文·哈里斯的《We Found Love》之后,又一成功的合作,也是该专辑中的一大亮点之一;《What Now》也用钢琴作伴奏,蕾哈娜在该歌曲中的音域较低;《Love Without Tragedy / Mother Mary》是蕾哈娜和卡洛斯·麦金尼联合创作的歌曲,长达七分钟,该歌曲从情歌摇身一变,仿佛充满忏悔之情,不与该专辑的主题接轨,这首歌曲是蕾哈娜的一个新的情感的空间;蕾哈娜还和她昔日的男朋友克里斯·布朗一起合作了《Nobody"s Business》,该歌曲比较引人注目,更加说明了蕾哈娜十分无悔;专辑中的《Diamonds》散发出阵阵忧郁,但是十分感人、动听,是写给蕾哈娜过世的外祖母的,唯一的缺点就是过于陈词泛滥。

china review international什么水平

国际刊号 ISSN: 2044-1398创刊时间 First publish year: 2007Start cooperation with Emerald since 2010出版周期 Frequency: 4 issues per year(季刊,每期6篇)海外合作出版商 Publisher: Emerald Group Publishing读者对象 Audience: 学术研究人员、金融从业者、政策制定者以及对中国和其他发展中经济体的金融市场感兴趣的其他个人和机构愿景——打造中国金融学科国际话语权的英文学术期刊目前的数据库收录情况:Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)-since 2016Scopus-since 2016FMS Journal Rating Guide (ranked 34/78, Finance )Business Source Premier (EBSCO)The Chartered Association of Business Schools" (ABS) Academic Journal Guide 2018The Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) Quality Journal ListABI/INFORM Complete, ABI/INFORM Global, ABI/INFORM Professional AdvancedCabell"s Directory of Opportunities in Publishing in Accounting, Economics and Finance一些代表性的高水平文章:u2022Textual analysis for China"s financial markets: a review and discussion by Alan Huang, (University of Waterloo), Wenfeng Wu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) and Tong Yu (University of Cincinnati), Vol. 10 No. 1 u2022Ownership identity and corporate donations: evidence from a natural experiment in China by Chun-Keung (Stan) Hoi (Rochester Institute of Technology), Jun Xiong (City University of Hong Kong) and Hong Zou (University of Hong Kong), Vol. 10 No. 2 u2022Implicit and explicit norms and tools of safety net management by Edward Kane (Boston College), Vol. 10 No. 3 u2022FinTech and household finance: a review of the empirical literature by Sumit Agarwal (National University of Singapore) and Yeow Hwee Chua (National University of Singapore), Vol. 10 No. 4u2022Consumer finance / household finance: the definition and scope by Jingjian Xiao (University of Rhode Island) and Chunsheng Tao (Minzu University of China), Vol.11 No. 12017年至2020年,CFRI期刊投稿平均接受率在14.5%左右2019年的模拟影响因子在WOS中相当于在Business& Finance领域中的Q2分区期刊截止目前CFRI被SSCI/ESCI期刊引用418次,施引期刊含Review of Finance、Journal of Financial Economics 、Accounting & Finance、Pacific-Basin Finance Journal等金融学科顶尖期刊,以及自然科学,工程学,数学等领域的优质期刊



Femme Fatale (Alternative Mix) 歌词

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 歌曲名:Femme Fatale (Alternative Mix)歌手:Duran Duran专辑:The Singles Box 1986 - 1995Femme fatale (starring Tim Keegan)emilie simon艾米莉 西蒙Come OnHere she comes, you better watch your stepShe"s going to break your heart in two, it"s trueIt"s not hard to realizeJust look into her false colored eyesShe builds you up to just put you down, what a clown"Cause everybody knows (She"s a femme fatale)The things she does to please (She"s a femme fatale)She"s just a little tease (She"s a femme fatale)See the way she walksHear the way she talksYou"re written in her bookYou"re number 37, have a lookShe"s going to smile to make you frown, what a clownLittle boy, she"s from the streetBefore you start, you"re already beatShe"s gonna play you for a fool, yes it"s true"Cause everybody knows (She"s a femme fatale)The things she does to please (She"s a femme fatale)She"s just a little tease (She"s a femme fatale)See the way she walksHear the way she talks"Cause everybody knows (She"s a femme fatale)The things she does to please (She"s a femme fatale)She"s just a little tease (She"s a femme fatale)wu ~~wu ~~http://music.b***.com/song/2578612

Sign Your Name 歌词

歌曲名:Sign Your Name歌手:Urban Knights专辑:Urban Knights IvSheryl Crow - Sign Your NameFortunately you haveSomeone who relies on youWe started out as friendsBut the thought of you just caves me inThe symptoms are so deepIt is much too late to turn awayWe started out as friendsSign your nameAcross my heartI want you to be my babySign your nameAcross my heartI want you to be my babyTime I"m sure will bringDisappointments in so many thingsIt seems to be the wayWhen you"re gambling cards on love you playI"d rather be in Hell with you babyThan in cool HeavenIt seems to be the waySign your nameAcross my heartI want you to be my babySign your nameAcross my heartI want you to be my ladyBirds never look into the sunBefore the day is goneBut oh the light shines brighterOn a peaceful dayStranger blue leave us aloneWe don"t want to deal with youWe"ll shed our stains showeringIn the room that makes the rainAll alone with youMakes the butterflies in me ariseSlowly we make loveAnd the Earth rotatesTo our dictatesSlowly we make loveSign your nameAcross my heartI want you to be my babySign your nameAcross my heartI want you to be my ladySign your nameAcross my heartI want you to be my babySign your nameAcross my heartI want you to be my lady

Sign Your Name 歌词

歌曲名:Sign Your Name歌手:Terence Trent D"Arby专辑:Do You Love Me Like You Say: The Very Best Of Terence Trent D"ArbySheryl Crow - Sign Your NameFortunately you haveSomeone who relies on youWe started out as friendsBut the thought of you just caves me inThe symptoms are so deepIt is much too late to turn awayWe started out as friendsSign your nameAcross my heartI want you to be my babySign your nameAcross my heartI want you to be my babyTime I"m sure will bringDisappointments in so many thingsIt seems to be the wayWhen you"re gambling cards on love you playI"d rather be in Hell with you babyThan in cool HeavenIt seems to be the waySign your nameAcross my heartI want you to be my babySign your nameAcross my heartI want you to be my ladyBirds never look into the sunBefore the day is goneBut oh the light shines brighterOn a peaceful dayStranger blue leave us aloneWe don"t want to deal with youWe"ll shed our stains showeringIn the room that makes the rainAll alone with youMakes the butterflies in me ariseSlowly we make loveAnd the Earth rotatesTo our dictatesSlowly we make loveSign your nameAcross my heartI want you to be my babySign your nameAcross my heartI want you to be my ladySign your nameAcross my heartI want you to be my babySign your nameAcross my heartI want you to be my lady
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