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她剪短发 、穿着前卫 ,被称为“不包头的时尚王妃” ,现在她即将要成为《Vogue》主编团队的一员 ,由她执掌的阿拉伯版《Vogue》杂志将在明年出版 ,我们当然要抢先来认认脸啦 。


身为王室成员,但是她自己也有自己 的梦想啊,王室成员也是人 啊


post-professional应该是某种“高级职业(教育)”,有点是说从事某种职业,已经是 professional 了,然后去接受更高的教育的意思。 可以理解为`继续深造`希望对你有帮助哦`

sci投稿处在submitted to journal 时改投其他杂质算一稿两投吗


journal of affectivedisorders为什么一直显示submitted to journal


relevant financial activities outside the submitted work 什么意思

relevant financial activities outside the submitted work提交工作以外的有关财务活动重点词汇financial activities财务活动,筹资活动outside在外面; 向外面; 在户外; 露天; 外面; 外道; 外侧; 周围; 外部的; 集团外的; 非常小; 可能性最大的; 在[向]…的外面; 超出…的范围; 除了submitted顺从( submit的过去式和过去分词 ); 听从; 屈服; 甘受

投稿状态Submitted to Journal三周了,该发邮件询问一下吗

以下是英文投稿过程中的十种状态,楼主已经走到第4步了。1.SubmittedtoJournal当上传结束后,显示的状态是SubmittedtoJournal,这个状态是自然形成的无需处理。2.Witheditor如果在投稿的时候没有要求选择编辑,就先到主编那里,主编会分派给别的编辑。这当中就会有另两个状态:①Editorassigned 编辑分派②EditorDeclinedInvitation 编辑拒绝邀请,这时主编不得不将投稿文章重新分派给其它编辑。3.Reviewer(s)invited说明编辑已接手处理,正在邀请审稿人中。有时该过程会持续很长时间,如果其中原因是编辑一直没有找到合适的审稿人,这时投稿者可以向编辑推荐审稿人。4.Underreview审稿人的意见已上传,说明审稿人已接受审稿,正在审稿中,这应该是一个漫长的等待(期刊通常会限定审稿人审稿时间,一般为一个月左右)。当然前面各步骤也可能很慢的,要看编辑的处理情况。如果被邀请审稿人不想审,就会decline,编辑会重新邀请别的审稿人。5.requiredreviewcompleted审稿结束,等编辑处理,该过程短则几天,长则无期,科学堂有一篇文章出现requiredreviewcompleted状态已近一个月了,还是没有消息。6.DecisioninProcess到了这一步就快要有结果了,编辑开始考虑是给修改还是直接拒,当然也有可能直接接受的,但可能性很小,呵呵。7.Minorrevision/Majorrevision小修/大修,这个时候可以稍微庆祝一下了,因为有修改就有可能。具体怎么改就不多说了,谦虚谨慎是不可少的(因为修改后一般会再发给审稿人看,所以一定要细心的回答每一个审稿人的每一个问题,态度要谦逊,要让审稿人觉得他提的每个问题都很有水准的,然后针对他的问题,一个一个的做出答复,能修改的就修改,不能修改的给出理由,而且都要列出来,文章的哪一段哪一行修改了最好都说出来,记住:给审稿人减少麻烦就是给你自己减少麻烦!另注:有时,审稿人会在修改意见里隐讳里说出要你仔细阅读某几篇文献,这时可要注意了,其中某些文章可能就是评审者自己发表的,这时你最好在你的修改稿中加以引用),修改后被拒绝的例子也多不胜数的。8.RevisionSubmittedtoJournal修改后重新提交,等待编辑审理。9.Accepted如果不要再审,只是小修改,编辑看后会马上显示这个状态,但如果要再审也会有上面的部分状态。一步会比较快,但也有慢的。看杂志的。10.Rejected相信大家见了Rejected,都会很郁闷。但也不要太灰心,耐心将评审意见看完,一般评审者会给出有益的建议,相信看后你会有所收获

求教,投elsevier期刊5周多状态仍然是Submitted to Journal,怎么办

投elsevier期刊5周多状态仍然是Submitted to Journal,这是正常情况。在投稿过程中,这是一个常见的等待阶段,特别是对于高质量的期刊来说,审稿过程可能会比较长。你可以通过以下步骤来查看和处理这个问题:1. 确认投稿状态:首先,你需要确认你的文章确实已经被成功提交给了编辑。你可以通过查看期刊的官方网站或者投稿系统来确认这一点。如果你的文章确实已经到了编辑手中,那么你可以放心等待编辑的处理。2. 耐心等待:在投稿到最终决定发表之间,需要经过一些步骤,包括编辑审核、同行评审、作者修改等。这是一个需要时间的过程,因此,你需要耐心等待。通常来说,这个过程可能需要数周或者数月的时间。3. 联系编辑部:如果你觉得等待时间过长,你可以通过电子邮件或者其他方式联系期刊的编辑部,询问他们有关你文章的进展情况。这可以帮助你更好地了解审稿和编辑的进度,同时也可以让他们知道你的关注和耐心等待。4. 做好备份和准备:在等待的过程中,你需要做好备份和准备。这包括保存好你的文章、更新你的简历或者CV、以及寻找其他的发表机会。总之,在这个过程中,你需要耐心等待,同时也要做好备份和准备。如果你有任何疑问或者需要帮助,可以联系期刊的编辑部或者寻求其他专业人士的帮助。

Submitted to Journal一般要多久

期刊投了文章,一审后要求大修或小修。将修改稿上传了,状态就会变成"Revision Submitted to Journal"这个时间长短不一定,但应该不会太长后续应该会是Revision Submitted to Journal,with editor,under review有些杂志大修或小修也要送给审稿人看的,1个月都正常,所以,楼主还是耐心等待吧!

submitted to journal一般多久 carbon

“通常来说,多数期刊都是一周集中处理一次新稿,所以一周以内的submitted to journal 都是正常的.”一审后要求大修或小修。将修改稿上传了,状态就会变成"Revision Submitted to Journal"这个时间长短不一定,但应该不会太长后续应该会是Revision Submitted to Journal,with editor,under review有些杂志大修或小修也要送给审稿人看的,1个月都正常

Diana Ross & The Supremes的《Baby Doll》 歌词

歌曲名:Baby Doll歌手:Diana Ross & The Supremes专辑:Early ClassicsBabyDollwritten,composed & arranged by:a.k.a.dRESS(ave;new)Vocal:ave;new feat.白沢理恵 Lrc:GarsiazeroIn My Dream ねぇ、ダーリン Baby DollIn My Dream ねぇ、ダーリン きっとずっとねIn My Dream ねぇ、ダーリン Baby DollIn My Dream ねぇ、ダーリン KISSして华やかな梦透明な日差しの中で触れ合うように优しく见诘め合う抱きしめるたびに爱(いと)しさの密度(みつど)が饰りをつけたみたい溢れ出してく唇(くちびる)に浮(う)かぶ永远(とわ)の愿いはいつまでも恋のMelody何度も交わした爱の言叶は変えたくないDestiny绮丽な瞳映る明日は谁よりも辉いて握り缔めた手を放さないよ眩しい笑颜みせて赈(にぎ)やかな午後少しお休みして二人幸せな窓辺の景色みて傍にいるだけで爱してるの温度が満たされていくから嬉しいんだ抱きしめた ぬくもりに感じてるさがし求めたSynergyまだ少し梦心地(ゆめこころち)の気分何だかそう、Fantasyキスで目覚める朝も一人の时も星の降るような夜もどんな瞬间(とき)も大切にしたいわかちあいたいから切ない涙に濡れる颜も不机嫌な横颜(よこがお)も気づいたらいつも隣にいた光に包(つつ)まれて




群星 - Selena Gomez & The Scene - Bang Bang Bang Yeah... Yeah... Woah... woah... oh My new boy used to be a model He looks way better than you, he looks way better than you My new boy gets it how to get me His love is deeper, you know, he"s a real keeper, you know, oh Bang, bang bang, I"m breaking in Stealing all my love back, giving it to him Bang, bang bang, this time I"ll win, it thought your love was all that, Until I let him in You"re gonna be the one, you"re gonna be the one, You"re gonna be the one, you"re gonna be the one that"s mopin" You"re gonna be the one, you"re gonna be the one, When I"m out having fun, your gonna be the one that"s broken My new boy knows the way I want it, He"s got more swagger than you, he"s got more swagger than you do My new boy really likes to flaunt this, He"s not hiding me, you know, he"s showing me off, you know Bang, bang bang, I"m breaking in Stealing all my love back, giving it to him Bang, bang bang, this time I"ll win, it thought your love was all that, Until I let him in You"re gonna be the one, you"re gonna be the one, You"re gonna be the one, you"re gonna be the one that"s mopin" You"re gonna be the one, you"re gonna be the one, When I"m out having fun, you"re gonna be the one that"s broken I hope you slip and fall and trip all over my heart, And just lay there alone, yeah you got what you wanted On your hands and knees, grasping for air, grasping for me Baby don"t hold your breath, I"ve moved on to the next Oh woah On to the next one, on to the next one Oh woah On to the next one, on to the next one Bang, bang bang, I"m breaking in Stealing all my love back, giving it to him Bang, bang bang, this time I"ll win, it thought your love was all that, Until I let him in You"re gonna be the one, you"re gonna be the one, You"re gonna be the one, you"re gonna be the one that"s mopin" You"re gonna be the one, you"re gonna be the one, When I"m out having fun, you"re gonna be the one that"s broken Bang, bang bang, I"m breaking in Stealing all my love back, giving it to him Bang, bang bang, this time I"ll win, it thought your love was all that, Until I let him in

What can we do to manage stage fright?

What can we do to manage stage fright? A.Drink some wine before giving the speech. B.Practice your speech as much as you can. C.Stimulate the real speaking environment when practicing your speech. D.Record yourself and watch your videos when practicing your speech. 正确答案:BCD

Round and round—Selena Gomez这首歌曲的歌词中文翻译。谢。

sorry,别问我S妞的,但是可以问我小正太B宝的,因为 我是Belieber。


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runaway 歌词

Avril Lavigne-RunawayGot up on the wrong side of life today yeahCrashed the car and I"m gonna be really lateMy phone doesn"t workcause it"s out of rangeLooks like it"s just one of those kind of daysYou can"t kick me downI"m already on the groundNo you can"t cause you couldn"t catch me anyhowBlue skies but the sun isn"t coming out noToday it"s like I"m under a heavy cloudAnd I feel so aliveI can"t help myself,don"t you realizeI just wanna scream and lose controlThrow my hands up and let it goForget about everything and runaway yeahI just want to fall and lose myselfLaughing so hard it hurts like hellForget about everything and runaway yeahSo So is how I"m doingif you"re wonderingI"m in a fight with the worldbut I"m winningStay there come closerit"s at your own riskYeah you know how it is life can be a bitchBut I feel so aliveI can"t help myself,don"t you realizeI just wanna scream and lose controlThrow my hands up and let it goForget about everything and runaway yeahI just want to fall and lose myselfLaughing so hard it hurts like hellForget about everything and runaway yeahRunaway Runaway......Album:The Best Damn ThingI just wanna scream and lose controlThrow my hands up and let it goForget about everything and runaway yeahI just want to fall and lose myselfLaughing so hard it hurts like hellForget about everything and runaway yeahI just wanna scream and lose controlThrow my hands up and let it goForget about everything and runaway yeahI just want to fall and lose myselfLaughing so hard it hurts like hellForget about everything and runaway yeahAvril Lavigne-Runaway

急求Runaway的中文歌词 艾薇儿的

Avril Lavigne RunawayGot up on the wrong side of life today yeahCrashed the car and I"m gonna be really lateMy phone doesn"t workcause it"s out of rangeLooks like it"s just one of those kind of daysYou can"t kick me downI"m already on the groundNo you can"t cause you couldn"t catch me anyhowBlue skies but the sun isn"t coming out noToday it"s like I"m under a heavy cloudAnd I feel so aliveI can"t help myself,don"t you realizeI just wanna scream and lose controlThrow my hands up and let it goForget about everything and runaway yeahI just want to fall and lose myselfLaughing so hard it hurts like hellForget about everything and runaway yeahSo So is how I"m doingif you"re wonderingI"m in a fight with the worldbut I"m winningStay there come closerit"s at your own riskYeah you know how it is life can be a bitchBut I feel so aliveI can"t help myself,don"t you realizeI just wanna scream and lose controlThrow my hands up and let it goForget about everything and runaway yeahI just want to fall and lose myselfLaughing so hard it hurts like hellForget about everything and runaway yeahRunaway Runaway......Album:The Best Damn ThingI just wanna scream and lose controlThrow my hands up and let it goForget about everything and runaway yeahI just want to fall and lose myselfLaughing so hard it hurts like hellForget about everything and runaway yeahI just wanna scream and lose controlThrow my hands up and let it goForget about everything and runaway yeahI just want to fall and lose myselfLaughing so hard it hurts like hellForget about everything and runaway yeah

艾薇儿的《runaway》 歌词

歌曲名:runaway歌手:艾薇儿专辑:the best damn thingAvril Lavigne-RunawayGot up on the wrong side of life today yeahCrashed the car and I"m gonna be really lateMy phone doesn"t workcause it"s out of rangeLooks like it"s just one of those kind of daysYou can"t kick me downI"m already on the groundNo you can"t cause you couldn"t catch me anyhowBlue skies but the sun isn"t coming out noToday it"s like I"m under a heavy cloudAnd I feel so aliveI can"t help myself,don"t you realizeI just wanna scream and lose controlThrow my hands up and let it goForget about everything and runaway yeahI just want to fall and lose myselfLaughing so hard it hurts like hellForget about everything and runaway yeahSo So is how I"m doingif you"re wonderingI"m in a fight with the worldbut I"m winningStay there come closerit"s at your own riskYeah you know how it is life can be a bitchBut I feel so aliveI can"t help myself,don"t you realizeI just wanna scream and lose controlThrow my hands up and let it goForget about everything and runaway yeahI just want to fall and lose myselfLaughing so hard it hurts like hellForget about everything and runaway yeahRunaway Runaway......Album:The Best Damn ThingI just wanna scream and lose controlThrow my hands up and let it goForget about everything and runaway yeahI just want to fall and lose myselfLaughing so hard it hurts like hellForget about everything and runaway yeahI just wanna scream and lose controlThrow my hands up and let it goForget about everything and runaway yeahI just want to fall and lose myselfLaughing so hard it hurts like hellForget about everything and runaway yeahAvril Lavigne-Runaway

一首歌 英文 女生的 歌词里有 my wanna take with me

without you

Avril Lavigne的《Runaway》 歌词

歌曲名:Runaway歌手:Avril Lavigne专辑:The Best Damn ThingAvril Lavigne-RunawayAlbum:The Best Damn ThingGot up on the wrong side of life today yeahCrashed the car and I"m gonna be really lateMy phone doesn"t workcause it"s out of rangeLooks like it"s just one of those kind of daysYou can"t kick me downI"m already on the groundNo you can"t cause you couldn"t catch me anyhowBlue skies but the sun isn"t coming out noToday it"s like I"m under a heavy cloudAnd I feel so aliveI can"t help myself,don"t you realizeI just wanna scream and lose controlThrow my hands up and let it goForget about everything and runaway yeahI just want to fall and lose myselfLaughing so hard it hurts like hellForget about everything and runaway yeahSo So is how I"m doingif you"re wonderingI"m in a fight with the worldbut I"m winningStay there come closerit"s at your own riskYeah you know how it is life can be a bitchBut I feel so aliveI can"t help myself,don"t you realizeI just wanna scream and lose controlThrow my hands up and let it goForget about everything and runaway yeahI just want to fall and lose myselfLaughing so hard it hurts like hellForget about everything and runaway yeah(Runaway Runaway……)I just wanna scream and lose controlThrow my hands up and let it goForget about everything and runaway yeahI just want to fall and lose myselfLaughing so hard it hurts like hellForget about everything and runaway yeahI just wanna scream and lose controlThrow my hands up and let it goForget about everything and runaway yeahI just want to fall and lose myselfLaughing so hard it hurts like hellForget about everything and runaway yeah


Got up on the wrong side of life today yeahCrashed the car and I"m gonna be really lateMy phone doesn"t workcause it"s out of rangeLooks like it"s just one of those kind of daysYou can"t kick me downI"m already on the groundNo you can"t cause you couldn"t catch me anyhowBlue skies but the sun isn"t coming out noToday it"s like I"m under a heavy cloudAnd I feel so aliveI can"t help myself,don"t you realizeI just wanna scream and lose controlThrow my hands up and let it goForget about everything and runaway yeahI just want to fall and lose myselfLaughing so hard it hurts like hellForget about everything and runaway yeahSo So is how I"m doingif you"re wonderingI"m in a fight with the worldbut I"m winningStay there come closerit"s at your own riskYeah you know how it is life can be a bitchBut I feel so aliveI can"t help myself,don"t you realizeI just wanna scream and lose controlThrow my hands up and let it goForget about everything and runaway yeahI just want to fall and lose myselfLaughing so hard it hurts like hellForget about everything and runaway yeahRunaway Runaway......Album:The Best Damn ThingI just wanna scream and lose controlThrow my hands up and let it goForget about everything and runaway yeahI just want to fall and lose myselfLaughing so hard it hurts like hellForget about everything and runaway yeahI just wanna scream and lose controlThrow my hands up and let it goForget about everything and runaway yeahI just want to fall and lose myselfLaughing so hard it hurts like hellForget about everything and runaway yeah 今天已经走向生活错误的方向,把车给撞了,我也真的要迟到了~手机没信号不通了~看起来就象曾经的某一天。你不能把我给踢倒因为我已经在地面上了对,你不能,因为至少你抓不到我天空是兰色的 但是太阳不会出来了不。。今天我就象站在一片大大的乌云下。我觉得好有活力我已经不能自制,你难道没看出来吗?我只想喊叫,失去控制举起双手,放空一切忘记所有的事, 就此跑走我想有失重的感觉我努力的大笑但象地狱一样难受。忘记所有的事, 就此跑走所以如果你想要知道的话,这就是我想要做的我在和世界对抗但我是赢家留在这,在靠近点,但 是你在冒险~~是啊 你知道,就象这样,生活有时候就象个婊子但是我还是很有活力


Runaway ----逃跑 i wannna know 我想知道 the structure of your heart 你到底是怎么想的 why did you tear 你为何要哭泣 my broken soul apart 我的心被撕成两半 is it a dream 这是梦 or my reality 还是现实 loved and without 爱过又失去 after warranty 虽说你给过誓言 OoO i want to runaway 哦 我想逃跑 you tell me nothing else but lies 你对我说过的全是谎言 i"m singin 我唱着 OoO i try to runaway 哦 我试着逃跑 cause i just want to live my life 我只是想过我自己的生活 i"m singin 我唱着 OoO i want to runaway 哦 我想逃跑 as long you are by my side 只要你在我身旁 i"m singin 我唱着 OoO i try to runaway 哦 我试着逃跑 but i can′t find a place to hide 但是我却找不到藏身之处 no i am not 不不 your Xing second choice 你再重新想想(这句英语写的不对没法翻译) no i am not 不 我无法 turnin down my voice压底我的 声音 until you understand 直到你明白 there"s nothing to command 没有什么能被控制 until you realize 直到你意识到 that we can touch the sky 你可以触摸天空 can"t you feel 你感觉到了吗 inside us control 我们在维持 can"t you feel 你还不明白吗 there"s nothing at all 我们之间什么也没有 OoO i want to runaway 哦 我想逃跑 you tell me nothing else but lies 你对我说过的全是谎言 i"m singin 我唱着 OoO i try to runaway 哦 我试图逃跑 cause i just want to live my life 我只是想过我自己的生活 i"m singin 我唱着 OoO i want to runaway 哦 我想逃跑 as long you are by my side 只要你在我身旁 i"m singin 我唱着 OoO i try to runaway 哦 我试图逃跑 but i can′t find a place to hide但是我却找不到藏身之处

谁 帮我翻译一下 艾微儿 runaway 的歌词?谢!

站起来就站错了边生活啊 撞向汽车,我在哪里,真正做到晚 我的电话是行不通的事业,它的出射程 看起来,这只是其中一人种天 你不能踢我,我已经对地面 没有你不能使你无法追上我无论如何 蓝色的天空,但太阳是不是走出来,没有 今天,它就像我下一个沉重的云 只 会 这些了

hannah montana 第一季第三集台词



Got up on the wrong side of life today, yeahCrash the car and I"m gonna be really lateMy phone doesn"t work cus it"s out of rangeLooks like it"s just one of those kind of daysYou can"t kick me down I"m already on the groundNo you can"t, but you couldn"t catch me anyhowBlue skies, but the sun isn"t coming out, noToday is like I"m under a heavy cloudAnd I feel so aliveI can"t help myselfDon"t you realizeI just wanna scream and lose controlThrow my hands up and let it goForget about everything and run away, yeahI just wanna fall and lose myselfLaughing so hard it hurts like hellForget about everything and run away, yeahSo-so"s how I"m doing, if you"re wonderingI"m in a fight with the world but I"m winningStay there, come closer it"s at your own riskYeah you know how it is life can be a bitchAnd I feel so aliveI can"t help myselfDon"t you realizeI just wanna scream and lose controlThrow my hands up and let it goForget about everything and run away, yeahI just wanna fall and lose myselfLaughing so hard it hurts like hellForget about everything and run away, yeahRun away, run awayRun away, run awayRun away, run run awayRun away, run awayRun away, run run awayRun away, run awayI just wanna scream and lose controlThrow my hands up and let it goForget about everything and run away, yeahI just wanna fall and lose myselfLaughing so hard it hurts like hellForget about everything and run away, yeahI just wanna scream and lose controlThrow my hands up and let it goForget about everything and run away, yeahI just wanna fall and lose myselfLaughing so hard it hurts like hellForget about everything and run away, yeah


Say it"s true, there"s nothing like me and you Not alone, tell me you feel it too And I would runaway I would runaway, yeah, yeah I would runaway I would runaway with you Cause I have, have fallen in love With you, no never have I"m never gonna stop falling in love, with you Close the door, lay down upon the snow And by candlelight, make love to me through the night through the night Cause I have runaway I have runaway, yeah, yeah I have runaway, runaway I have runaway with you Cause I have, have fallen in love fallen in love... With you, no never have I"m never gonna stop falling in love, with you With you.... And I would runaway I would runaway, yeah, yeah I would runaway I would runaway with you Cause I have, have fallen in love fallen in love... With you, no never have I"m never gonna stop falling in love, with you Fallen in love fallen in love... With you, no never have I"m never gonna stop falling in love, with you With you, my love... With you, With you...

Avril的runaway歌词中是不是有一句life can be a bitch……


可儿家族 《runaway》歌词

Got up on the wrong side of life today yeahCrashed the car and I"m gonna be really lateMy phone doesn"t work cause it"s out of rangeLooks like it"s just one of those kind of daysYou can"t kick me down I"m already on the groundNo you can"t cause you couldn"t catch meanyhowBlue skies but the sun isn"t coming out noToday it"s like I"m under a heavy cloudAnd I feel so aliveI can"t help myself, don"t you realizeI just wanna scream and lose controlThrow my hands up and let it goForget about everything and runaway yeahI just want to fall and lose myselfLaughing so hard it hurts like hellForget about everything and runaway yeahSo So is how I"m doing if you"re wonderingI"m in a fight with the world but I"m winningStay there come closer it"s at your own riskYeah you know how it is life can be a bitchBut I feel so aliveI can"t help myself, don"t you realizeI just wanna scream and lose controlThrow my hands up and let it goForget about everything and runaway yeahI just want to fall and lose myselfLaughing so hard it hurts like hellForget about everything and runaway yeahRunaway Runaway……I just wanna scream and lose controlThrow my hands up and let it goForget about everything and runaway yeahI just want to fall and lose myselfLaughing so hard it hurts like hellForget about everything and runaway艾薇儿《runaway》





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concrete operational stage是什么意思


ftisland primadoona的歌词

uc5d0ud504ud2f0 uc544uc77cub79cub4dc-Primadonna (uc2dcuc791ud574ubcfcuae4c?)ub0b4 uad00uc2ec ubc16uc758 uc77cuc785ub2c8ub2e4 uc5ecuc790 uce5cuad74 uc0acuadc8 uc774uc720uac00 uc5c6uc8e0ub0b4 uc778uc0dduc758 uc8fcuc778uacf5 ubc14ub85c ub098ub2c8uae4cuc694ub0a8uc790ub4e4ub07cub9ac ub098ub20c uc598uae30 ub4e4uc5c8ub2e4 ub194uc57c ud560 uc138uc0c1uc774uc0acub78cub4e4uc758 uace0ubbfcubcf4ub2e4 uac00ubccdub2e4uace0 uc0dduac01ub9c8uc694uadf8ub7acub358 uadf8 ub9d8uc774 ub098 ubcc0ud588uc2b5ub2c8ub2e4uadf8ub140ub294 ud504ub9acub9c8ub3c8ub098 ub0b4 uccaducd98uc774ub780 ubb34ub300 uc704uc5d0uadf8ub140uac00 ub098ud0c0ub098 uc8fcuc778uacf5uc774 ub410uc8e0uc624uc624 ub098uc758 ud504ub9acub9c8ub3c8ub098 uac78uc74cuac78uc774ub294 ubc1cub808ub9acub098uaf80uaf2cub9ac uac19uc740 ubaa9uc18cub9b4 ub4e4uc73cuba74ub9c9 ub6f0ub358 uc2ecuc7a5uc774 uc6c3ub294 uac83 uac19uc544uc694 ud504ub9acub9c8ub3c8ub098ud574ud53cuc5d4ub529uc774 ub3fcuc57cub9cc ud574uc694ub0b4 ub208uc5d4 ubc18uc9dduc774ub294 ubcc4uc774 ub728uace0uce5cuad70 ubcc0ud588ub2e4 ub180ub824ub3c4 uc0acub791ud574uc694ubc1cub808ub9acub098 ubc1cub808ub9acub098uc5ecuc790 ub9c8uc74cuc740 uac08ub300ub77cuace0 uc120ubc30ub4e4 uc598uae30ub97c ub4e4uc5c8uc8e0ub0a8uc790ub4e4 uc758ub9acub9ccuc774 ub298 uc601uc6d0ud558ub2e4 ubbffuc740 uac70uc8e0uadf8ub7acub358 uadf8 ub9d8uc774 ub098 ubcc0ud588uc2b5ub2c8ub2e4uadf8ub140ub294 ubb54uac00uac00 ub2ecub77cuc694 uce5cuad6cub4e4uc740 ucf54uc6c3uc74cuacfcud558ub8e8 uc544uce68uc5d0 ub09c ubc14ubcf4uac00 ub410uc8e0uc624uc624 ub098uc758 ud504ub9acub9c8ub3c8ub098 uadf8ub140 ub4a4uc5d0uc120 ube5buc774 ub098uc694ud558ub8e8 uc885uc77c ud0a4uc2a4ud558uace0 uc2f6ub2e4uc544ub9c8 uaf43 ud5a5uae30uac00 ub0a0 uac83ub9cc uac19uc544uc694ud504ub9acub9c8ub3c8ub098 (ud504ub9acub9c8ub3c8ub098)uc601uc6d0ud55c uadf8ub300 ubc14ubcf4uc774uace0 uc2f6uc5b4uadf8ub300uac00 uc785uc744 uc5f4uba74 uc2dcuac00 ub418uc694 uc644uc804ud788 ubbf8ucce4ub2e4uace0 ub180ub824ub3c4uc624 ub77cub77cub77cub77c~ uc774 uc138uc0c1uc740 uc0b4ub9cc ud588uace0 ud589ubcf5uc740 ucc3eub294 uc0acub78c ubaabuc774uc5c8uc8e0Guitar~uc624uc624 ub098uc758 ud504ub9acub9c8ub3c8ub098 uac78uc74cuac78uc774ub294 ubc1cub808ub9acub098uaf80uaf2cub9ac uac19uc740 ubaa9uc18cub9b4 ub4e4uc73cuba74 ub9c9 ub6f0ub358 uc2ecuc7a5uc774 uc6c3ub294 uac83 uac19uc544uc694ud504ub9acub9c8ub3c8ub098 (ud504ub9acub9c8ub3c8ub098)ud574ud53cuc5d4ub529uc774 ub3fcuc57cub9cc ud574uc694ub0b4 ub208uc5d4 ubc18uc9dduc774ub294 ubcc4uc774 ub728uace0uce5cuad70 ubcc0ud588ub2e4 ub180ub824ub3c4 uc0acub791ud574uc694ud504ub9acub9c8ub3c8ub098 (ud504ub9acub9c8ub3c8ub098) uadf8ub140 ubc16uc5d0 ub09c uc548ubcf4uc774ub124uc694ud504ub9acub9c8ub3c8ub098 (ud504ub9acub9c8ub3c8ub098) ud504ub9acub9c8ub3c8ub098 (ud504ub9acub9c8ub3c8ub098) ud504ub9acub9c8ub3c8ub098 ud504ub9acub9c8ub3c8ub098ud504ub9acub9c8ub3c8ub098 ud504ub9acub9c8ub3c8ub098 那是我毫不关心的事情 没有要交女朋友的理由 因为我人生的主人公正是我自己 在男人之间 说出的话要拿的起放得下的世界里 不要觉得这比人们的苦恼要来的微小 我曾经那样的心思 已经改变了 她就是Primadonna 在我叫做青春的舞台上 她出现了 成为主角 哦哦 我的Primadonna 迈着步的芭蕾舞女孩 听到你黄莺般的声音 猛然狂跳的心脏都好像在笑 Primadonna 我们一定要是Happy Ending 我眼中有着闪闪发光的星星 朋友说我变了 取笑我 我也爱你 芭蕾女孩-芭蕾女孩- 从前辈那里听说过 女人的心是芦苇 常常坚信着只有男人的义气是永远不变的 曾经那样的心思 我已经改变了 她有什么是与众不同的 朋友们都说从某天早晨我变成了傻瓜 哦哦 我的Primadonna 她的背后发出光芒 一天到晚想要Kiss 好像会发出花香味一般 Primadonna 想成为你永远的傻瓜 现在是你开口的时间了 就算说我完全疯了嘲笑我也.. 哦~ LaLaLaLa~ 这世界上只要活着的人 都有寻找幸福的份儿吧 寻找爱吧 哦哦~ 我的Primadonna 迈着步的芭蕾女孩 听到你黄莺般的声音 猛然狂跳的心脏都好像在笑 Primadonna 我们一定要是Happy Ending 我眼中有着闪闪发光的星星 朋友说我变了 取笑我 我也爱你 Primadonna 我们一定要是Happy Ending Primadonna 除了她我谁也看不见 Primadonna Primadonna Primadonna


应该是中毒后被杀掉了 然后残余文件 他默认开机运行 文件被删了 找不到原来的文件就会这样了 运行 - 输入- msconfig - 启动 把垃圾钩除 开机就不自动运行了 重启


Namazu(又名 Onamazu)是日本神话中的巨型鲶鱼,负责制造地震。这种生物被认为生活在地下,当它游过那里的水下海洋和河流时,会引发地震。尽管如此,在雷神武御神命的压制下,生津仍然是一股不可忽视的力量,即使他有时能带来好运、财富的重新分配以及破坏。 日本列岛在其历史上一直遭受周期性和毁灭性的地震(世界上 10% 的地震活动发生在日本),而将这些可怕事件拟人化的怪物的创造是一种机制,可以让人们解释和证明这些看似随机发生的事件是合理的. 因此,鲶鱼生津在地底深处的水域中游泳是对地球运动原因的回答。Namazu 与雷神密切相关,被视为地下的对应物。还有另一位地震神,内神,他出现在公元 7 世纪左右,后来被认定为 Namazu。明治时代(公元 1868-1912 年)内之神再次分离并赋予了自己的人格化。 生津虽然有大破坏的能力,但还是得到了英勇的雷神和武神竹御土命(又名鹿岛大明神)的帮助,因为他有一块特殊的石头,要石( “钉住岩石”) ,然后挖到土里,他用石头压住生津的头,限制他的行动,从而限制地震的频率,或者至少是强度。在东京东北部的日立鹿岛神社,可以看到这块仍然从地球表面突出的巨大石头的 15 厘米尖端。因此,有一句流行的说法:“即使地球在移动,也不用害怕,因为鹿岛神(精神)掌握着要石 到位”(德系,220)。 NAMAZU 的努力可能会带来破坏和绝望,但他确实有积极的一面:被称为 YO-NAOSHI 的世界的定期更新。 一个传说讲述了德川光国(公元 1628-1700 年)可能怀着怀疑的态度,试图挖掘kaname - ishi石头,看看它到底有多深,但在挖掘了 7 天后他还是放弃了。没有找到石头的底部。不幸的是,Namazu 并不总是被牵制,因为当 Takemikazuchi-no-mikoto 必须参加出云的众神年会时,鲶鱼可以比平时更蠕动一点,并通过甩尾引起一两次地震。尽管如此,在神社放置类似于kaname - ishi的石头以试图防止或减少地震的想法传播开来。Namazu的努力可能会带来破坏和绝望,但他确实有积极的一面。鲶鱼代表了被称为 yonaoshi 的世界的定期更新,受到穷人的欢迎,这是一个动摇富裕阶层、重新分配他们积累的财富、重新开始的机会。在江户时代(公元 1600-1868 年)发生一系列地震后,这一想法变得特别流行,地震多次将富人减少到穷人的水平,并为穷人提供了在混乱中改善自己命运的短暂机会紧接着这样的灾难。yonaoshi _ _ 想法包括希望穷人继承富人的财富,而这种角色转换意味着 Namazu 有时与好运联系在一起,或者更具体地说是一种暂时的财富。这体现在神社或仓库中,神社或仓库中具有生津的一面。被称为kuramay a,人们可能会向他们借用碗和器皿,但如果不照顾和使用后归还,Namazu会带来个人不幸。 Takemikazuchi 和 Namazu 是日本绘画中的热门题材,尤其是浮世绘版画,它们在江户时代被用作人们家中的护身符,以防止发生严重地震并在发生地震时求助于 Takemikazuchi。Namazu 的图像今天仍然存在,例如,可以在日本气象厅生产的数字警报设备上看到。 此内容是在英国笹川基金会的慷慨支持下完成的。



关于这个英语名字 是Yona 还是Youna ?

1我知道有一个叫尤娜Yuna 日文女孩名,原意为"夜"。yuna也是一种花尤娜(YUNA)是由史克威尔艾尼克斯(Square-enix)游戏公司出品的电视游戏《最终幻想X》及《最终幻想X-2》中的女主角。游戏中,尤娜承父志,与来自于异世界扎那尔港多(Zanarkand)的明星水球手泰达(Tidus)一同踏上了打倒危害人民千年之久的辛(Sin)的漫漫不归路。2Yona 1. 名词 约纳(位于关岛,东经 144°47" 北纬 13°24")

求Verona Tiamo 中文歌词

歌词:TI AMO 我爱你UMBERTO TOZZI Ti amo 我爱你Un soldo, ti amo 一枚硬币,我爱你In aria, ti amo 在空中,我爱你Se viene testa vuol dire che basta: lasciamoci. 若头像朝上代表够了,让我们分手吧Ti amo我爱你Io solo, ti amo 我只爱你In fondo un uomo 在一个男人的内心Che non ha freddo nel cuore, nel letto comando io. 并不冷酷,在床上由我来主导Ma tremo davanti al tuo seno, 但在你的乳房前颤栗Ti odio e ti amo, 我既恨且爱你E" una farfalla che muore sbattendo le ali. 如同一只死前颤抖双翅的蝴蝶(ti amo, ti amo) (我爱你,我爱你)L"amore che a letto si fa (ti amo, ti amo) 在床上 可以做爱(我爱你,我爱你)Rendimi l"altra metà (ti amo, ti amo) 让我的另一半回归(我爱你,我爱你)Oggi ritorno da lei (ti amo, ti amo, ti amo, ti amo) 今天回到她那儿(我爱你,我爱你)Primo maggio 五月一日Su coraggio! (ti amo) 鼓起勇气To ti amo e chiedo perdono (e chiedo perdono) 我爱你,求你原谅 (求你原谅)Ricordi chi sono (ricordi chi sono) 记得我是谁吗 (记得我是谁)Apri la porta a un guerriero di carta igienica 为一个纸制的战士开门E dammi il tuo vino leggero (ti amo, ti amo) 给我一杯薄酒(我爱你,我爱你)Che hai fatto quando non c"ero (ti amo, ti amo) 在我不在时酿制(我爱你,我爱你)E le lenzuola di lino (ti amo, ti amo) 和亚麻床单(我爱你,我爱你)Dammi il sonno di un bambino. (ti amo, ti amo, ti amo, ti amo) 给我个孩童的梦田(我爱你,我爱你)Che "ta" sogna cavalli e si gira 能梦见马群,转身E un po" di lavoro 为一些工作Fammi abbracciare una donna che stira cantando. 让我拥着一个熨衣时歌唱的女人E poi fatti un po" prendere in giro (ti amo, ti amo) 让我逗逗你(我爱你,我爱你)Prima di fare l"amore (ti amo, ti amo) 在作爱之前(我爱你,我爱你)Vesti la rabbia di pace 给愤怒披上平静的外衣Le sottane sulla luce 灯下的村裙Io ti amo e chiedo perdono 我爱你,求你原谅Ricordi chi sono记得我是谁吗Ti amo, ti amo, ti amo, ti amo, ti amo我爱你,我爱你,我爱你,我爱你,我爱你E dammi il tuo vino leggero给我一杯薄酒Che hai fatto quando non c"ero在我不在时酿制E le lenzuola di lino和亚麻床单Dammi il sonno di un bambino给我个孩童的梦田Che "ta" sogna cavalli e si gira能梦见马群,转身E un po" di lavoro 为一些工作Fammi abbracciare una donna che stira cantando. 让我拥着一个熨衣时歌唱的女人


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"La Donna è Mobile" 歌词

歌曲名:"La Donna è Mobile"歌手:London Symphony Orchestra&Luciano Pavarotti&Richard Bonynge专辑:The Best Of Luciano Pavarotti 20Th Century Masters The Millennium CollectionLa donna è mobile 女人善变 胡子自作La donna è mobilequal piuma al vento,muta d"accentoe di pensiero.Sempre un amabileleggiadro viso,in pianto o in riso,è menzognero.La donna è mobilqual piuma al vento,muta d"accentoe di pensier,e di pensier,e e di pensier.è sempre miserochi a lei s"affida,chi le confidamal cauto il core!Pur mai non sentesifelice appienochi su quel senonon liba amore!La donna è mobilqual piuma al vento,muta d"accentoe di pensier,e di pensier,e e di pensier


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我编程的时候提示declaration terminated incorrectly,这句英语到底是什么意思啊

// - -~~~~把代码贴出来,估计是写多了大括号、分号,或者写少了。自己多留意下。。。不行贴出来我们帮你找。

business magnate是什么意思

business magnate大亨;商业巨头例句1.Steven Paul Jobs (born February 24, 1955) is an American business magnate and inventor.史蒂夫。保罗。乔布斯(生于1955年2月24日)是一名美国商业巨头,也是个发明家。2.U. S. oil magnate Hamer , for profit, like a small pencil attached great importance to the business.美国石油大王哈默,对于利润小的铅笔生意一样十分重视。3.His visit sparked speculation the social networking magnate is looking for business opportunities in the world"s largest internet market.有人据此猜测,该社交网络巨头正在中国这个世界上最大的互联网市场寻找商机。4.Magnate n. A powerful or influential person, especially in business or industry巨头:有权威的或有影响力的人,尤指工商界或工业界5.Les Echos, the top business daily, is owned by a luxury-goods magnate, Bernard Arnault.顶级商业日报LesEchos为奢侈品巨头BernardArnault所有。

如何填报牛津financial declaration

你好,有学校规定一定要有5000美刀的经济支柱,当然你是在校学生填零也是可以的。financial declaration:财务申报。牛津大学(University of Oxford),简称"牛津"(Oxford),位于英国牛津,世界顶尖的公立研究型大学,采用书院联邦制。 其与剑桥大学并称为牛剑,是罗素大学集团成员,被誉为"金三角名校"和"G5超级精英大学"。牛津大学的具体建校时间已不可考,但有档案明确记载的最早的授课时间为1096年,之后在1167年因得到了英国王室的大力支持而快速发展。牛津大学是英语世界中最古老的大学,也是世界上现存第二古老的高等教育机构。 该校涌现了一批引领时代的科学巨匠,培养了大量开创纪元的艺术大师、国家元首,其中包括28位英国首相及数十位世界各国元首、政商界领袖。 牛津大学在数学、物理、医学、法学、商学等多个领域拥有崇高的学术地位及广泛的影响力,被公认为是当今世界最顶尖的高等教育机构之一。 从1902年起,牛津大学还设立了面向全世界本科生的"罗德奖学金"。 截止至2019年3月,牛津大学的校友、教授及研究人员中,共有72位诺贝尔奖得主(世界第九)、3位菲尔兹奖得主(世界第二十)、6位图灵奖得主(世界第九)。2020-2021年度,牛津大学位列2021泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名第1 ,2022QS世界大学排名第2 ,2021U.S. News世界大学排名第5 ,2020软科世界大学学术排名第9 。特别的是,牛津大学于2017-2021年连续五年在泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名荣膺世界第1。

跪求 chris medina what are words 的中文歌词

Anywhere you are, I am nearAnywhere you go, I"ll be thereAnytime you whisper my name, you"ll seeHow every single promise I keepCuz what kind of guy would I beIf I was to leave when you need me mostWhat are wordsIf you really don"t mean themWhen you say themWhat are wordsIf they"re only for good timesThen it"s onWhen it"s loveYeah, you see them as lover"s wordsThey never go awayThey live on, even when we"re goneAnd I know an angel would sayJust from me and now know I"m meantTo be where I am and I"m gonna beStanding right beside her tonightAnd I"m gonna be by your sideI would never leave when she needs me mostWhat are wordsIf you really don"t mean themWhen you say themWhat are wordsIf they"re only for good timesThen it"s offWhen it"s loveYeah, you see them as lover"s wordsThey never go awayThey live on, even when we"re goneAnywhere you are, I am nearAnywhere you go, I"ll be thereAnd I"m gonna be here forever moreEvery single promise I keepCuz what kind of guy would I beIf I was to leave when you need me mostI"m forever keeping my angel close不管你在哪儿,我都会在你身边,不管你去哪儿,我都将会在那儿,不管什么时候你轻声喊我名字,你将会知道我是如何守护每一个誓言的,因为我将会成为一种当你最需要我的时候我时刻准备出发的人。当你说那些话的时候如果你不是有意指那些东西那些话又代表着什么呢?如果那些话只是对过去美好时光而言的那么当它进行时那些话又代表着什么呢?当那些话是指爱情时,是的,你把它看做是情话,它们从不消失,甚至当我们已经消失的时候,它们也一直存在着。我知道天使将会说,只对我说而且我现在知道了我应该在我应该在的地方而且今晚我将会一直守护在她身边。当她最需要我的时候我不会离开我会这样一直守护在她身边。当你说那些话的时候如果你真的不是有意指那些东西那些话又代表着什么呢?如果那些话只是对过去美好时光而言的那么当它逝去时,那些话又代表着什么呢?当那些话是指爱情时,是的,你把它看做是情话,它们从不消失,甚至当我们已经消失的时候,它们也一直存在着。不管你在哪儿,我都会在你身边,不管你去哪儿,我都将会在那儿,我将会永远在这儿守护我守护的每一个誓言,因为我将会成为一种当你最需要我的时候我时刻准备出发的人。我会永远把我的天使守护好

RoHS analysis report 和 RoHS declaration 有什么区别?

analysis report 是第三方的测试报告,需要将样品送到客户认可的第三方测试机构进行测试,测试完后测试机构出具的报告,而RoHS declaration只要是宣告就行,可以不进行测试,只是自己声明我的产品中含不含有害物质,格式一般根据客户要求的格式或者自己写宣告即可。实际上,一般ROHS项目都是要求出报告的,declaration更多的是针对一些如SVHC(一百五十多项),等项目较多的有害物资,因为这些内容测一次费用实在太高,而且欧洲法规也只要求宣告,所以一般公司要求宣告即可。如果答案满意,希望采纳~



North carolina 是个什么地名·· 能给我100字的英文介绍吗?

北卡罗莱那North Carolina (IPA: /nu0254u02d0u0279θ u02ccku025b.u0279u0259u02c8lau026a.nu0259/) is a state located on the Atlantic Seaboard in the southern region of the United States of America. It was one of the original Thirteen Colonies, originally known as Carolina, and the home of the first English colony in the Americas. On 20 May 1861, it became the last of the Confederate states to secede from the Union, and was readmitted on 4 July 1868. It was also the location of the first successful powered heavier-than-air flight by the Wright brothers at Kill Devil Hills near Kitty Hawk in 1903. Today, it is a fast-growing state with an increasingly diverse economy and population. As of 1 July 2006, the population estimate is 8,856,505[3] - a 10% increase since 1 April 2000.Due to its wide range of elevation, from sea level on the coast to almost 6,700 feet (2,042 m) in the mountains, North Carolina has the most variation in climate of all the mid-atlantic states. The climate in the coastal and Piedmont regions of eastern and central North Carolina is similar to other southern states such as Georgia and South Carolina, while the climate in the western mountains is closer to that found in New England or the upper Midwest. While the coastal plains, especially the tidewater areas, are strongly influenced by the Atlantic Ocean, the western, mountainous part of the state is more than 300 miles (500 km) from the coast, resulting in considerably less maritime influence. As such, the climate of the state ranges from a warm, humid subtropical climate near the coast to a humid continental climate in the mountains. Most of the state falls in the humid subtropical zone.

英语constantly nagging怎么翻译?

英语:constantly nagging翻译为中文意思是:不断唠叨

direct path load和conventional path load的区别

direct path load和conventional path load的区别还是比较大的比如如果数据库上有插入触发器,那么传统路径插入,会触发触发器,而direct path load就不会触发对于constraint来说,传统路径插入会满足所有的constraint,而direct path load不是满足所有的constraint,只满足primary key、unique、not null传统路径插入可以插入到cluster table,而direct path load不能插入cluster table对于传统路径插入,在插入时,别的用户可以操作该表,对于direct path load,在插入时,别的用户不能操作该表


conventional[英][ku0259nu02c8venu0283u0259nl][美][ku0259nu02c8vu025bnu0283u0259nu0259l]adj.传统的; 习用的,平常的; 依照惯例的; 约定的; 1He abhors the wheeling-and-dealing associated with conventional political life.他憎恨传统政治生活中的尔虞我诈。

请教:conventional invoice verification 和logistics in

个人观点:conventional invoice verification :常规的发票校验,一般都是在财务那边做金额校验即可。logistics invoice verification:后勤发票校验,一般是需要对发票上的物料,数量,单价,金额做后勤常规校验。

conventional cell和primitive cell两个名词的区别

(a)conventional cell是搞晶体材料的经常用的,其特点是所选的cell在视觉上有非常好的对称性,但里面会存在重复的原子.也就是说,它不是晶体最小的重复单元.(b)primitive cell是晶体最小的重复单元.(c)晶格常数是最小晶体中最小重复单元的参数(d)所以晶格常数是primitive cell的数值

conventional oven是什么意思


conventional cost具体指什么

你这里没有上下文可以说明,估计是会计或者经济有关内容,那么可以是指:"常规,经常性出现的成本, 费用等等,例如: 办公费用,工资,销售成本,营运开销" 等等大致这些, 具体会视乎行业而有一些不同.希望帮到你.

polyol conventional是什么意思

请看例句The applications of low-monol polyether polyol in low modulus PU-RIM was researched,and compared with conventional polyether polyol system on technology and performance.对低单官能度聚醚多元醇在低模量PU RIM中的应用进行了研究 ,与普通聚醚多元醇体系在加工工艺和制品性能上进行了比较。conventional polyether polyol system 普通聚醚多元醇体系============polyol conventional普通多元醇

conventional or convection

1微波炉用餐具不可在传统烤箱或对流式烤箱内使用. 2Browning Element是指电热丝或石英加热管,为烤焦食物表面用.这句话是说微波炉用餐具不能在这样的加热器下面使用.

conventional energy是什么意思




traditional medicine和conventional medicine有什么区别啊?

这个要看你的理解了,中医叫traditional Chinese medicine,而“传统医学”(traditional medicine)在许多发达国家却表示常规医学(conventional medicine)或对抗医学(allopathic medicine),即中国所谓之西医学.


第一个 正统的 第二个 传统的 第三个 约定俗成的 用处不一样




三音节,con/ken/ ,ven/ven/,tion/{en/ ,nal/nl/发弱音 ,不算一个音节。


楼主您好conventional英 [ku0259nu02c8venu0283u0259nl] 美 [ku0259nu02c8vu025bnu0283u0259nu0259l] adj.传统的; 习用的,平常的; 依照惯例的; 约定的normal英 [u02c8nu0254:ml] 美 [u02c8nu0254:rml] adj.正常的; 正规的,标准的; [数学]正交的; 精神健全的n.标准; 正常,常态; [数学]法线最大的区别是:传统的与正常的还是比较好区分的


convention指的是是习俗,习惯。 behaviour and attitudes that most people in a society considerto be normal and right。也有会议条约的意思。比treaty专门,但是不如treaty正式。conventionality是传统性的意思比较多,conventional adj.传统的

请问conventional wisdom是什么意思?


conventional implicature是什么意思

conventional implicature传统的会话含义implicature[英][u02c8u026amplu026aku0259tu0283u0259(r)]n.会话含义; 词典结果:conventional[英][ku0259nu02c8venu0283u0259nl][美][ku0259nu02c8vu025bnu0283u0259nu0259l]adj.传统的; 习用的,平常的; 依照惯例的; 约定的; 易混淆单词:Conventional例句:1.This gives renewable electricity priority over conventional power. 这使得可再生能源发电比传统能源更有优势。2.China also has large conventional gas resources. 中国还拥有大量常规天然气资源

conventiional 与traditional 的区别

conventional ,常规的,约定的,习惯的,常用的; conventional method 常规方法;习用方法 conventional type 常规型式 conventional industries 传统产业 conventional weapon [军]常规武器 conventional forces 常规部队 traditonal传统的;惯例的; traditional chinese 繁体中文 traditional culture 传统文化 traditional medicine 传统医学;传统医药 traditional method 传统方法;传统法 traditional chinese painting 国画;中国画 从词面上分析,traditional与conventional在表现传统方面上,词义相近,但是conventional的词义要比traditional丰富,traditional词义贴近从文化上来论述,conventional则是此种从习俗上,在交叉的领域二者意思可以互换!


traditional更古老的,像春节类的。conventional是指一般的传统,被大众认可的,像恋人间的牵手是很传统。最好看英文解释:Traditional customs, beliefs, or methods are ones that have existed for a long time without changing. 传统的Someone who is conventional has behaviour or opinions that are ordinary and normal. (行为观念等) 传统的


是traditional和conventional的区别吧。 Traditional 是“传统的"表示有一定的历史渊源,如传统文化: traditional culture;Conventional 是”常规的“,”惯例的“意思,也有,”传统的“意思,表示符合一致意见、用法或惯常做法的,其表示的历史背景含义没有Traditional 深刻,如conventional industries 传统产业。


conventional,中文意思是传统的convenient反义词是:inconvenient,在convenient前面加上否定前缀-一“in”,即为该词反义词 inconvenient。翻译为不便、不方便的,打扰人的,麻烦的。convenient 的用法1、convenient有两个意思:一是“时间适合某人”,二是“附近的”。作“适合 某人”解时,其主语是事或物而非人,表示主语具有“适合某人”的特征。作“附 近的”解时,常修饰distance等名词。2、beconvenient的意思是“是合适的”“是方便的”,在以表示事或物的名词 作主语时,其后常接介词for 或to引起的短语。在动词不定式或that从句作主 语时常采用形式主语结构,动词不定式的逻辑主体可由介词for引出。3、convenient作“附近的”解时,如用作表语,其后常接介词for;如用作定语修 饰distance, 须用介词from短语,表示“离一近”。4、convenient在句中除用作定语、表语外,偶尔也可用作宾语补足语。convenient 的用法例句1.There wasn"t even a convenient place for students to assemble between classes.在课间,学生们连一个方便凑在一起的地方都没有。2."What time were you planning lunch?"-"Half past twelve, if that"s convenient."“你打算什么时候吃午饭?”“如果方便的话,12点半。”3.We cannot make this minority a convenient excuse to turn our backs. 我们不能拿少数这几个人作为一种方便的借口而对此置之不理。4.Martin drove along until he found a convenient parking place. 马丁一直往前开,直到找到了一个方便的停车场。5.Filtered water is always on tap, making it very convenient to use. 随时打开龙头都有过滤水,用起来很方便。


Conventional的东西有可能也是traditional,traditional的东西却不一定是conventional的。 convention是“社会上大部分人都认为正确的或恰当的行为”,但不一定有很长的历史背景。所以“条约、协定”就是convention。而tradition则是“长期存在的风俗或习惯”。 因此,它们的形容词虽然都可以翻译成“传统的、惯例的”,但是由于conventional的意思比traditional广,有些句子上两个词是不可以混同的。 例如:Conventional weapons是常规武器 却没有traditional weapons


traditional 传统的,习俗的conventional 约定俗成的,惯例的


Adjective:1.following accepted customs and proprieties; "conventional wisdom"2.conforming with accepted standards; "a conventional view of the world"3.(weapons) using energy for propulsion or destruction that is not nuclear energy; "conventional weapons"


你好!conventional 英[ku0259nu02c8venu0283u0259nl] 美[ku0259nu02c8vu025bnu0283u0259nu0259l] adj. 传统的; 习用的,平常的; 依照惯例的; 约定的; [例句]That"s a big plus over conventional remote controls that use infrared, a technology that doesn"t work through walls.这一点大大优于传统的红外遥控,这种技术隔着墙就不能用了。
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