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Prospect - Nesian Mystik 的 歌词 是什么意思?(中英文)

This serene madness This deceptive rashness Wonder wonder Tundra tundra Gritty splendour Sink into the sand And now I"m lost Gloriously tossed Into the mass Of ravenous gladness Turner Turner Reverse your stroke Brush a sky As clear as Rye Singing thunder Humming gale Melting diamond Soft wet hail Toyah Ruggedy ruggedy Smooth rough kiss You dig me up To picture this Come little baby Put your lips to my breast Summer snow-fall Petal-blossom Ice Rocky land slide Sugar grit eyes I cradle you with love I"m dreaming in your fears Enough is enough Of narcissus tears Ruggedy ruggedy Smooth rough kiss You dig me up To picture this Sift every speck Spick and span My hand pan man I love the feel of things closing in I love the sound of my fists against brick I love to resist Sugar sweet, sugar sharp, sugar grit, sugar sin Do you like what you see beneath my skin Ruggedy ruggedy Smooth rough kiss You dig me up To picture this Toss me prospect Sift every speck Spick and span My hand pan man Ruggedy ruggedy Beneath my skin Smooth rough kiss Beneath my skin Ruggedy ruggedy Smooth rough kiss

求Nesian Mystik唱的Prospect歌词中文翻译,!!!!

Nesian MystikProspectSmall town boy got big city dreamsHe feels the chill of the night through his jeansIt bites the skin like the knife he carriesShadows his face underneath his hoodyWalks to a home that the government ownsHoles fill the walls where the photos should goLast night"s takeaways is still in the stoveHe takes a...Seat at the table and go over his notesHe"s trying make itWhile trying to hideTwo edgesTo his double lifeSchool ofThought to his leftAnd hard knocksTo his rightHe"s just trying surviveStreetwise way beyond his yearsCan launch his fists like he handles ShakespeareNobody knows and he doesn"t careAll that matters are the colours he wearsHungry for something that he can"t eatCalms his nerves with every word that he seesLights his cigarette, has a cup of teaHe takes a seat at the table and continues to readHe"s trying make itWhile trying to hideTwo edgesTo his double lifeSchool ofThought to his leftAnd hard knocksTo his rightHe"s just trying surviveRise and shine but nothing looks brightBooks camouflaged by cansHe jumps on his bikeDad gave it as a gift last nightWonder if he"s changed for good this timeShrugs and hopes for the best,got his headphones onPrepares for the test mouthing words to the songMiss gave him props on a job well done“An A parents must be proud of you son”Smiling back with a nod little does she knowEnrolled himself with no help from homeHides the bike in the bushesScared it might be hot so he doesn"t want to push itGame face hardRaise hoodie full mastSet sail through the yardPlay jester of the classHe"s trying make itWhile trying to hideTwo edgesTo his double lifeSchool ofThought to his leftAnd hard knocksTo his rightHe"s just trying survive展望小镇男孩怀着大城市的梦想总感觉凉夜风透彻他的衣裳好像他带着的小刀划破脸庞遮掩住帽檐下他满脸哀伤游荡到政府楼前属于照片的墙上满是创伤昨晚的外卖还在炉子里他以为..餐桌上抹去了他刻下的笔划他努力寻找它但它却试图隐藏他的生活游走在两个边缘校园的生活穿过他思想的左边残酷的现实穿过他思想的右边他只是想生存外界的方式超过了他的年龄肆意的拳头就像他对待莎士比亚没人知道,他也不在意所有事情都是他习惯的色彩饿了有些东西不能他不能吃他看到的每一个词语都让他每一个神经都冷静点一支烟,喝一口茶他找了个位置坐下继续阅读他努力寻找它但它却试图隐藏他的生活游走在两个边缘校园的生活穿过他思想的左边残酷的现实穿过他思想的右边他只是想生存起床但没有什么是光明的把书装进包里骑上他的自行车那是昨晚父亲给他的礼物以期望他能转变他耸耸肩,希望如此他带上了耳机也许是为了听到那哀伤的歌老师表扬他做得不错说“父母必须为为有这样的儿子而骄傲”点头微笑过后却有太多的她不知道。他努力寻找它但它却试图隐藏他的生活游走在两个边缘校园的生活穿过他思想的左边残酷的现实穿过他思想的右边他只是想生存。重新翻译了一遍 我也是找不到自己翻译的

我在美国的男朋友经常说:You are my Qua...请问Qua是什么意思?

You are my Qua(你是我的作为)Qua(作为)



my reading manga漫画看不了




急需一篇英语作文My dream jop 我的梦想是成为一名漫画家

My Dream Job: Becoming a Manga ArtistEver since I was young, I have been passionate about drawing and reading manga. As I grew older, my interest in manga turned into a dream of becoming a professional manga artist.To me, being a manga artist means being able to create and share stories with people around the world. It means having the freedom to express myself creatively and to bring my characters to life on the page.However, I know that becoming a manga artist is not an easy path. It takes years of practice and dedication to hone one"s skills and develop a unique style. It also requires a deep understanding of storytelling, character development, and visual communication.Despite the challenges, I am determined to pursue my dream. I have been working hard to improve my drawing skills and to learn as much as I can about the art and craft of manga creation. I have also been studying the works of my favorite manga artists and analyzing their techniques and storytelling strategies.In the future, I hope to have the opportunity to publish my own manga series and to share my stories with readers all over the world. I believe that with hard work, persistence, and a passion for creativity, I can make my dream of becoming a manga artist a reality.



高一英语必修一第十三页my new teacher翻译


我的电脑配置玩Zombie Army Trilogy(僵尸三部曲)为什么开最低配置都卡呢



Zombie Army Trilogy 中的4 -Pack是指僵尸军团三部曲4包Zombie Army Trilogy,中文名:《僵尸部队三部曲》,是由Rebellion工作室出品的第三人称射击类单机游戏,于2015年3月6日正式发行。《僵尸部队三部曲》是继《狙击精英V2》、《狙击精英:纳粹僵尸部队》和《狙击精英:纳粹僵尸部队2》之后发行的

zombie army trilogy这个游戏什么来头

Zombie Army Trilogy,中文名:《僵尸部队三部曲》,是由Rebellion工作室出品的第三人称射击类单机游戏,于2015年3月6日正式发行。《僵尸部队三部曲》是继《狙击精英V2》、《狙击精英:纳粹僵尸部队》和《狙击精英:纳粹僵尸部队2》之后发行的包括《狙击精英:纳粹僵尸部队3》在内的独立游戏。三部曲收录之前已经发售的前两部作品《狙击精英:纳粹僵尸部队》,《狙击精英:纳粹僵尸部队2》和之前未发售的第三部作品《狙击精英:纳粹僵尸部队3》。另外三部曲还加入了一个新的“部落模式(horde mode)”。沿用了之前作品中夸张荒诞的背景设定:一个由恶魔,神秘力量和不死超级士兵组成的纳粹德国。另外系列作品中的最终击杀慢镜头也予以保留。新作将由8名英雄可供选择操作,包括四名女角色。这部游戏拥有15个单人及合作生存任务,除此之外还包含独占的全新内容,包括全新的第三方战役,全新的据守模式以及新角色内容等等。玩家也要面对多种多样的恶魔敌人,除了对抗僵尸和骷髅外,还能挑战恶魔化的希特勒。

英译中翻译nothing gonna change my love for you的歌词

if i had to live my life without you near me 如果我不得不过一种没有你陪伴的生活the days would all be empty 白天会变得很空虚 the nights would seem so long 黑夜会变得很漫长 you i see forever oh so clearly 我看见你 是如此的清晰i might have been in love before 我可能曾经爱过but i"ve never felt this strong 但从没有像这次感觉这般强烈 our dreams are young and we both know 我们两个都知道 我们的梦想还很年轻 they"ll take us where we want to go 它们会带我们到达我们向往的地方hold me now touch me now 现在 抱紧我 触摸我i don"t want to live without you 我不想过没有你的生活nothing"s gonna change my love for you 没有什么能够改变我对你爱you oughta know by now how much i love you 你现在应该知道我有多爱你one thing you can be sure of 你可以确信一点 i never ask for more than your love 除了你的爱 我别无所求 nothing"s gonna change my love for you 没有什么能够改变我对你的爱you oughta know by now how much i love you 你现在应该知道我有多爱你 the world may change my whole life through 这世界可能会将我的一生改变but nothing"s gonna change my love for you 但没有什么能够改变我对你的爱if the road ahead is not so easy 如果前面的路不是那么容易走 our love will lead the way for us like a guiding star 我们的爱会像启明星一样迎领我们前行 i"ll be there for you if you should need me 当你可能需要我时 我就会出现you don"t have to change a thing 你不需要做什么改变 i love you just the way you are 我爱你 就爱你现在这样so come with me and share the view 所以 跟我来吧 一起分享风景i help you see forever too 我会永远帮助你去感受hold me now touch me now 现在 抱紧我 触摸我i don"t want to live without you 我不想过没有你的生活 让我们一起支持方大同!




#{}占位符:占位使用#{}意味着使用的预编译的语句,即在使用jdbc时的preparedStatement,sql语句中如果存在参数则会使用?作占位符,我们知道这种方式可以防止sql注入,并且在使用#{}时形成的sql语句,已经带有引号,例,select * from table1 where id=#{id} 在调用这个语句时我们可以通过后台看到打印出的sql为:select * from table1 where id=‘2" 加入传的值为2.也就是说在组成sql语句的时候把参数默认为字符串。如果传入的是基本类型,那么#{}中的变量名称可以随意写如果传入的参数是pojo类型,那么#{}中的变量名称必须是pojo中的属性.属性.属性?${}拼接符:字符串原样拼接如果传入的是基本类型,那么${}中的变量名必须是value如果传入的参数是pojo类型,那么${}中的变量名称必须是pojo中的属性.属性.属性?注意:使用拼接符有可能造成sql注入使用${}时的sql不会当做字符串处理,是什么就是什么,如上边的语句:select * from table1 where id=${id} 在调用这个语句时控制台打印的为:select * from table1 where id=2 ,假设传的参数值为2从上边的介绍可以看出这两种方式的区别,我们最好是能用#{}则用它,因为它可以防止sql注入,且是预编译的,在需要原样输出时才使用${},如,select * from ${tableName} order by ${id} 这里需要传入表名和按照哪个列进行排序 ,加入传入table1、id 则语句为:select * from table1 order by id如果是使用#{} 则变成了select * from ‘table1" order by ‘id" 我们知道这样就不对了。另,在使用以下的配置时,必须使用#{}

Hibernate错误:Could not find a getter for userName in class com.pojo.Myproject


hibernate 处理 mysql longtext ,在pojo 和 hbm.xml 中都用什么类型或者


MyBatis详解 与配置MyBatis+Spring+MySqlMyBatis 是一个可以自定义SQL、存储过程和高级映射的持久层框架。MyBatis 摒除了大部分的JDBC代码、手工设置参数和结果集重获。MyBatis 只使用简单的XML 和注解来配置和映射基本数据类型、Map 接口和POJO 到数据库记录。相对Hibernate和Apache OJB等“一站式”ORM解决方案而言,Mybatis 是一种“半自动化”的ORM实现。需要使用的Jar包:mybatis-3.0.2.jar(mybatis核心包)。mybatis-spring-1.0.0.jar(与Spring结合包)。MyBatis简介 MyBatis 是一个可以自定义SQL、存储过程和高级映射的持久层框架。MyBatis 摒除了大部分的JDBC代码、手工设置参数和结果集重获。MyBatis 只使用简单的XML 和注解来配置和映射基本数据类型、Map 接口和POJO 到数据库记录。相对Hibernate和Apache OJB等“一站式”ORM解决方案而言,Mybatis 是一种“半自动化”的ORM实现。需要使用的Jar包:mybatis-3.0.2.jar(mybatis核心包)。mybatis-spring-1.0.0.jar(与Spring结合包)。

MyEclipse Persistence Tools 怎么生成pojo类





1创建maven工程,新建project,右键选择New Project,勾选快速创建选项,这个选项可以快速创建简单的maven工程。2项目创建成功后,项目目录主要有:主代码目录、主资源目录、测试代码目录、测试资源目录、输出目录(代码编译存放的目录)。3添加项目依赖,查找项目依赖通常有两种方式:1. 直接在eclipse上查找,2. 在私服nexus上查找再复制依赖信息到pom.xml中。在eclipse中查找右键项目或pom.xml,输入关键信息查找,选中要引入的构件,点OK就可以自动引入。4在nexus中查找依赖,打开nexus输入关键信息点击查找按钮,在搜索结果中找到对应的jar包,复制右下角的那段信息到pom.xml的dependencies下,如图所示。5在MyEclipse上运行mvn命令,右键项目选择Run As--》Maven clean。mvn命令有很多,简单说明下比较常用的命令:1. clean 用于清理输出目录target/2. compile用于编译项目主代码 3. test 用于编译运行测试代码4. package 接受编译好的代码,打包成可发布的模式5. install 将包安装到maven本地仓库6. Deploy将最终的包复制到远程仓库执行以上命令时,clean是不会自动执行的,因为clean和其他5个命令是不同的生命周期,因此需要使用组合命令。6在MyEclipse中运行组合命令,右键项目选择Run As--》Maven build...7前面介绍了怎么运行一些命令,现在讲下怎么样运行实例。在主代码目录和测试目录上添加代码。8运行命令clean install,运行结果如图所示,从结果可以看到,命令运行成功,运行了一次测试并且运行通过,同时,将jar打包到项目的target目录下,也安装到maven的的本地仓库上了。9将jar包部署到私服nexus上,在pom.xml中添加一些配置,最后发布运行命令

后街男孩的歌词 中文英文都要,还有西域男孩《my love》

As Long As You Love Me 只要你爱我   Although loneliness has always been a friend of mine. 孤独一直是我的朋友   I"m leaving my life in your hands. 自从你离开我的生活   People say I"m crazy and that I am blind. 朋友说我疯了太盲目   Risking it all in a glance. 一眨眼全部忽略   How you got me blind is still a mystery.你为何能使我如此盲目仍是个谜   I can"t get you out of my head. 我就是无法忘了你   Don"t care what is written in your history.我不在乎你过去的种种   As long as you"re here with me. 只要你陪在我身边   I don"t care who you are. 我不在乎你是怎样的人   Where you"re from.你从哪里来   What you did.你做过什么   As long as you love me.只要你爱我就好   Who you are.你是怎样的人   Where you"re from.你从哪里来   Don"t care what you did.我不在乎你做过什么   As long as you love me.只要你爱我就好   Every little thing that you"ve said and done.所有你说过的话和做过的事   Feels like it"s deep within me.都深深的烙印在我心里   Doesn"t really matter if you"re on the run.我甚至于不在乎你是否就要逃开   It seems like we"re meant to be.我以为我们是一对的   I don"t care who you are.我不在乎你是谁   Where you "re from.你从哪里来   What you did.你做过什么   As long as you love me.只要你爱我就好   Who you are.你是怎样的人   Where you "re from.你从哪里来   Don"t care what you did.我不在乎你做过什么   As long as you love me.只要你爱我就好   As long as you love me.只要你爱我就好   I"ve tried to hide it so that no one knows.我试着把感情隐藏起来不让任何人知道   But I guess it shows.但我无法不流露真情   When you look in to my eyes.当你凝视着我时   What you did and where you"re coming from.你做过什么从哪里来   I don"t care As long as you love me,baby!我不在乎,只要你爱我就好,宝贝!   I don"t care who you are.我不在乎你是怎样的人   Where you"re from.你从哪里来   What you did.你做过什么   As long as you love me.只要你爱我就好   Who you are.你是谁   Where you"re from.你从哪里来   Don"t care what you did.我不在乎你做过什么   As long as you love me.只要你爱我就好   Who you are.你是谁   Where you"re from.你从哪里来   What you did.你做过什么   As long as you love me.只要你爱我就好   Who you are.你是怎样的人   Where you"re from.你从那里来   As long as you love me.只要你爱我就好   Who you are.你是怎样的人   As long as you love me.只要你爱我就好   What you did.你做过什么   I don"t care.我不在乎   As long as you love me.只要你爱我就好 An empty street 空旷的大街   An empty house 空荡的房子   A hole inside my heart 空洞的心   I"m all alone 我是如此寂寞   And the rooms are getting smaller 无边的孤寂包围着我   I wonder how 我不知道我怎么了   I wonder why 我不明白为什么会这样   I wonder where they are 我想知道它们在哪里   The days we had 那些我们共度的日子   The songs we sang together 我们共同吟唱过的歌曲   Oh,yeah   And oh my love 我的爱   I"m holding on forever 我始终坚持着    Reaching for a love that seems so far 但得到这一份爱却是那样遥不可及   So I say a little prayer 于是我低声祈祷   And hope my dreams will take me there 希望梦想能把我带到那儿   Where the skies are blue 那里有湛蓝的天空   To see you once again,my love在那里能与你再次相见,我的爱   Over seas from coast to coast 翻越大海,从此岸到达彼岸    To find the place I love the most 去找寻我钟爱的地方   Where the fields are green 那里有翠绿的田野   To see you once again 在那里能与你再次相见    My love 我的爱   I try to read 我努力阅读   I go to work 我认真工作   I"m laughing with my friends 我与朋友们欢笑着   But I can"t stop to keep myself from thinking 但我还是无法停止对你的思念    Oh,no 无法停止   I wonder how 我不知道我怎么了    I wonder why 我不明白为什么会这样   I wonder where they are 我想知道它们在哪里   The days we had 那些我们共度的日子   The songs we sang together 我们一起吟唱过的的歌   Oh,yeah   And oh my love 我的爱    I"m holding on forever 我始终坚持着   Reaching for a love that seems so far 但得到一份爱却是那样遥不可及   So I say a little prayer 所以我低声祈祷   And hope my dreams will take me there 希望梦想能把我带到那儿   Where the skies are blue 那里有湛蓝的天空   To see you once again,my love 在那里能与你再次相见,我的爱   Over seas from coast to coast 漂过大海 翻山越岭   To find the place I love the most 去找寻我钟爱的地方   Where the fields are green 那里有翠绿的田野   To see you once again 在那里能与你重逢   To hold you in my arms 将你拥入怀中   To promise you my love 向你许下诺言   To tell you from the heart 发自内心地告诉你   you are all I"m thinking of 我从没有停止过对你的想念   Reaching for a love that seems so far 我仍然在找寻那份遥不可及的爱    So I say a little prayer 于是我低声祈祷   And hope my dreams will take me there 希望梦想能把我带到彼岸   Where the skies are blue 那里有湛蓝的天空   To see you once again,my love 在那里能与你再次相见,我的爱   Over seas from coast to coast 漂过大海 翻山越岭   To find the place I love the most 去找寻我钟爱的地方   Where the fields are green 在那里有翠绿的田野   To see you once again 在那里能与你重逢   My love 我的爱   I say you little prayer 我向你低声祈祷   My dreams will take me there 希望我的梦想能带我到那儿   Where the skies are blue 那里有湛蓝的天空    To see you once again 在那里能与你再次相见    Over seas from coast to coast 漂过大海 翻山越岭   To find the place I love the most 去找寻我钟爱的地方   Where the fields are green 在那里有翠绿的田野   To see you once again 在那里能与你再次相见   My love 我的爱

im living my life in your hand是哪首歌歌词

是as long as you love me,这首歌是后街男孩(Backstreet Boys)于1997年9月29日推出的专辑《Backstreet"s Back》中的第二波主打单曲。它不但是后街男孩代表作之一,也是其最脍炙人口的歌曲之一。歌词如下:Although loneliness has always been a friend of mine孤独一直是我的朋友I"m leaving my life in your hands自从你离开我的生活People say I"m crazy and that I am blind人们说我被感情冲昏了脑袋Risking it all in a glance竟转眼间赌上未来How you got my blind is still a mystery你怎会让我不顾一切还是个谜I can"t get you out of my head我就是无法忘了你Don"t care what is written in your history我不在乎你过去的种种As long as you"re here with me只要你陪在我身边I don"t care who you are我不在乎你是怎样的人Where you"re from你从哪里来What you did你做过什么As long as you love me只要你爱我就好Who you are你是怎样的人Where you"re from你从哪里来Don"t care what you did我不在乎你做过什么As long as you love me只要你爱我就好Every little thing that you have said and done所有你说过的话和做过的事Feels like it"s deep within me都深深的烙印在我心里Doesn"t really matter if you"re on the run我甚至于不在乎你是否就要逃开It seems like were meant to be我们似乎命中注定I don"t care who you are我不在乎你是怎样个人Where you"re from你从哪里来What you did你做过什么As long as you love me只要你爱我就好Who you are你是怎样个人Where you"re from你从哪里来Don"t care what you did我不在乎你做过什么As long as you love me只要你爱我就好As long as you love me只要你爱我就好As long as you love me只要你爱我就好I"ve tried to hide it so that no one knows我试着把感情隐藏起来不让任何人知道But I guess it shows但我无法不流露真情When you look in to my eyes当你凝视着我时What you did and where you"re coming from你做过什么从哪里来I don"t care as long as you love me baby我不在乎,只要你爱我就好,宝贝!I don"t care who you are我不在乎你是怎样个人Where you"re from你从哪里来What you did你做过什么As long as you love me只要你爱我就好Who you are你是怎样个人Where you"re from你从哪里来Don"t care what you did我不在乎你做过什么As long as you love me只要你爱我就好Who you are你是怎样个人Where you"re from你从哪里来What you did我不在乎你做过什么As long as you love me只要你爱我就好Who you are你是怎样个人Where you"re from你从哪里来As long as you love me只要你爱我就好Who you are你是怎样个人As long as you love me只要你爱我就好What you did你做过什么I don"t care as long as you love me我不在乎 只要你爱我就好

后街男孩的歌词 中文英文都要,还有西域男孩《my love》

stay,?è′êoü′¥?ˉè? taylor swift μ??è??oüo?ìy£? Haroula Rose -I need you vs i need you?·??Holy Virgin?·?÷óò?Do¢£o??my love?·??lay

我的文档中“我的音乐”文件夹如何改成英文名称“My Music”?

对于这个问题很是一个麻烦文件夹里有一个ini文件对应注册表中的某个项目删除ini文件或者修改注册表项目或者有效注册表位置:HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerUser Shell Folders提示:ini文件可能和注册表对应,这个对应本人一直没搞清楚.但是可以肯定和WMP有关

Misty Mystery 中文谐音歌词(准点)



mistymynx这个牌子中国有 无锡大东方百货mistymynx这是泰国超火的一个品牌,几乎每个泰国女星都穿过这个牌子的衣服,这是著名设计师Toh Phatcharawatt独创的品牌,走的是淑女名媛风,比较符合绝大多数泰国人的审美,穿起来给人一种很大气的感觉,所以喜欢这个风格衣服的人也比较多。

misty mystery柯南主题曲,帮忙分个句

why mienuasuetokitai komearuiterunomada kimiwoomou to chuu mi tainizawamekuwa ka re to na mi da hi ki ka e ni na ni wo so no te ni shi ta noi no ri da ke ki mi ni to do ku to i u i za yo i no tsu ki ni de a ua re wa to o i ma chi no zan zou me gu ri me gu ru a ma i tsu i o kuma ru de na tsu no a ra shi no you na scene mi se ru da keka na shi mi wa shi zen na gen syou ya su gi wa ta da no in syouko ko ro mo you to ki a ka su keyword aa sa ga shi tesou gen no hi ka ri ka ze ni ki e ru you misty mysterywhy a i no tsu yo sa wo ta me su mi ta i na ma i ni chii ma ya sa shi sa nan te to o ku fu ku ka ze no yousa bi shi sa ko do ku ta e ru ta bi na ni ga ko ko ni no ko ru none ga u ko to ya me ta so no a to ni so ra no ha te na sa ni ki zu kuhe ra bu u me mi te ru sou zou ku ru shi mi wa to ki ni hi soutsu yo i hi za shi me mo ma bu mu you na scene mi te ru da kei ta mi na ra ta da no han nou ju ne tsu wa su gi ru shin syou ko ko ro mo you yu re u go ku to ki aa mo to me teyuu gu re ni so tto no ma re te ku you misty mystery

谁有 misty mystery 的中文谐音?

Misty Mystery 谐音歌词(在罗马音下面)BY 默木why mienuasuheto kitaikomearuiterunowhy 咪唉奴啊死海多 gi打咦过买啊陆咦带路喏matakimiwoomoutochuumitainizawameku嘛打ki咪我哦默唔多jio咪打咦你咋哇买古wakaretonamidahikikaeni naniwosonotenishitano哇嘎来多那咪打hi gi嘎爱你 那你我所喏带你喜打喏inoridakekiminitodokutoiu izayoinotsukinideau咦喏里大概ki咪你多多古多咦唔 咦咋哟咦喏字gi你带啊呜arehatooimachinozanzou megurimeguruamaitsuioku啊来哈多哦咦嘛及喏咋嗯做唔 买古理买古录啊妈一字咦哦古marudenatsunoarashinoyouna scene miserudake嘛录带那字喏啊啦喜喏哟那 scene 咪噻录打该kanashimihashizennagensyou yasugihatadanoinsyou卡那喜咪哈喜怎那该嗯xio 呀死gi哈达打喏咦嗯xiokokoromoyoutokiakasu keyword aa sakashite阔过落寞有多gi啊嘎死 keyword 啊啊 撒嘎喜带sougennohikari kazenikieruyou misty mystery所该嗯喏hi嘎里 卡在你gi爱录哟 misty mysteryarehatooimachinozanzou megurimeguruamaitsuioku啊来哈多哦咦嘛及喏咋嗯做 买古理买古录啊妈一字咦哦古marudenatsunoarashinoyouna scene aa sakashite嘛录带那字喏啊啦喜喏哟那 scene 啊啊 撒嘎喜带sougennohikari kazenikieruyou misty mystery所该嗯喏hi嘎里 嘎在你gi爱录哟 misty mystery

misty mystery的歌词

why 见えぬ明日へと   期待込め歩いてるの   まだ君を思う   途中みたいにざわめく   别离と涙引き换えに   何をその手にしたの   祈りだけ君に届くと言う   十六夜の月に出会う   あれは远い街の残像   巡り巡る甘い追忆   まるで夏の岚のような scene   见せるだけ   哀しみは自然な现象 安らぎはただの印象心模様解き明かす keyword   あぁ さがして   草原の光 风に消えるよう   Misty Mystery   あれは远い街の残像   巡り巡る甘い追忆   まるで夏の岚のような scene   あぁ さがして   草原の光 风に消えるよう   Misty Mystery   why 爱の强さを   试すみたいな毎日今   优しさなんて 远く吹く风のよう   寂しさ 孤独耐える度   何が此処に残るの愿うことやめたその后に   空の果てなさに気づく   灭ぶ梦见てる想像   苦しみは时に悲怆强い日射し   目も眩むような scene   见てるだけ痛みならただの反応   情热は过ぎる心象心模様揺れ动くとき あぁ   求めて夕暮れにそっと 饮まれてくよう   Misty Mystery如果你需要罗马音歌词的话在下面~Why mi e nu a su we to ki ta I ko me a ru I te ru no Ma da ki mi wo o mo u to chyuu mi tai ni za wa me kuWa ka re to na mi ta hi ki ka e ni na ni wo so no te ni shi ta noI no ri da ke ki mi ni to do ku to I u I za yo I no tsu ki ni de a uA re wa do o I ma chi no zan zooMe gu ri me gu ru a ma I tsu I o ku Ma ru de na tsu a ra shi no yoo na scene mi se ru da ke Ka na shi mi wa shi zen na gen shyoo Ya su ra gi wa ta da no in shyooKo ko ro mo yoo to ki a ga su keywordAa sa ga shi teSoo gen no hi ka ri ka ze ni ki e ru yoo misty mysteryWhy a I no tsu yo sa wo ta me su mi ta I na ma I ni chi I ma ya sa shi sa nan te doo ku fu ku ka ze no yooSa bi shi sa ko do ku ta e ru ta bi na ni ga ko ko ni no ko ru no Ne ga u ko to ya me ta so no a to niso ra no ha te na sa ni ki dzu kuo na ji yu me mi te ru soo zoo ku ru shi mi wa to hi ni hi suutsu yo I hi za shi me no ku ra mu yoo na shade mi te ru da ke I ta mi na ra ta da no han noojyoo ne tsu wa su gi ru shin shyooko ko ro mo yo yu re u go ku take it aa mo to me te yuu gu re ni so tto no ma re te yu ku yoo misty mysterya I wa a I no man ma de ka ta chi wo ka e te yu ke ru ma da shi na nu na ni ka ru to yuu na ra I"ll keep to stayA re wa do o I ma chi no zan zooMe gu ri me gu ru a ma I tsu I o ku Ma ru de na tsu a ra shi no yoo na scene mi se ru da ke Ka na shi mi wa shi zen na gen shyoo Ya su ra gi wa ta da no in shyooKo ko ro mo yoo to ki a ga su keyword yeah~Ku ri ka e shi yu re ru gen sooYo ru wo ko e ru na ga I kan shyooAa soo gen no hi ka ri ka ze ni ki e ru yoo misty mysteryTo ki ha na te mu boo na shyoo doo

《Misty Mystery》 这首歌出现在柯南的那一集里?


misty mystery中文谐音完整版

why mienuasuheto kitaikomearuiterunowhy 咪唉奴啊死海多 gi打咦过买啊陆咦带路喏matakimiwoomoutochuumitainizawameku嘛打ki咪我哦默唔多jio咪打咦你咋哇买古wakaretonamidahikikaeni naniwosonotenishitano哇嘎来多那咪打hi gi嘎爱你 那你我所喏带你喜打喏inoridakekiminitodokutoiu izayoinotsukinideau咦喏里大概ki咪你多多古多咦唔 咦咋哟咦喏字gi你带啊呜arehatooimachinozanzou megurimeguruamaitsuioku啊来哈多哦咦嘛及喏咋嗯做唔 买古理买古录啊妈一字咦哦古marudenatsunoarashinoyouna scene miserudake嘛录带那字喏啊啦喜喏哟那 scene 咪噻录打该kanashimihashizennagensyou yasugihatadanoinsyou卡那喜咪哈喜怎那该嗯xio 呀死gi哈达打喏咦嗯xiokokoromoyoutokiakasu keyword aa sakashite阔过落寞有多gi啊嘎死 keyword 啊啊 撒嘎喜带sougennohikari kazenikieruyou misty mystery所该嗯喏hi嘎里 卡在你gi爱录哟 misty mysteryarehatooimachinozanzou megurimeguruamaitsuioku啊来哈多哦咦嘛及喏咋嗯做 买古理买古录啊妈一字咦哦古marudenatsunoarashinoyouna scene aa sakashite嘛录带那字喏啊啦喜喏哟那 scene 啊啊 撒嘎喜带sougennohikari kazenikieruyou misty mystery所该嗯喏hi嘎里 嘎在你gi爱录哟 misty mystery这是我曾经查到的,希望有帮助~↖(^ω^)↗加油,反正我是没练下来,好难啊~%>_<%

帮忙翻译 MySQL 软件里的英文

Detailed Configuration 详细参数Standard Configuration 标准参数Developer Machine 开发端Server Machine 服务端Dedicated MySQL Server Machine MySQL数据服务端Multifunctional Database 多功能数据库Transactional Database Only 仅处理事务数据库Non-Transactional Database Only 非处理事务数据库Decision Support(DSS)/OLAP 决策支持Online Transaction Processing(OLTP) 在线事务处理Manual Setting 人工设置Enable TCP/IP Networking 支持TCP/IP 网络Enable Strict Mode 支持约束模式Standard Character Set 标准角色设置Best Support For Multlingualism 多语言最佳支持Manual Selected Default Character Set/Collation 手动选择默认角色设置Install As Windows Service 装载Windows服务Launch the MySQL Server automatically 自动启动MySQL服务Include Bin Directory in Windows PATH 在Windows PATH 下包含Bin目录Modify Security Settings 修改安全设置Ready to execute 准备执行Processing configuration 处理参数


一、并发性并发性是oltp数据库最重要的特性,但并发涉及到资源的获取、共享与锁定。mysql:mysql以表级锁为主,对资源锁定的粒度很大,如果一个session对一个表加锁时间过长,会让其他session无法更新此表中的数据。虽然InnoDB引擎的表可以用行级锁,但这个行级锁的机制依赖于表的索引,如果表没有索引,或者sql语句没有使用索引,那么仍然使用表级锁。oracle:oracle使用行级锁,对资源锁定的粒度要小很多,只是锁定sql需要的资源,并且加锁是在数据库中的数据行上,不依赖与索引。所以oracle对并发性的支持要好很多。二、一致性oracle:oracle支持serializable的隔离级别,可以实现最高级别的读一致性。每个session提交后其他session才能看到提交的更改。oracle通过在undo表空间中构造多版本数据块来实现读一致性,每个session查询时,如果对应的数据块发生变化,oracle会在undo表空间中为这个session构造它查询时的旧的数据块。mysql:mysql没有类似oracle的构造多版本数据块的机制,只支持read commited的隔离级别。一个session读取数据时,其他session不能更改数据,但可以在表最后插入数据。session更新数据时,要加上排它锁,其他session无法访问数据。三、事务oracle很早就完全支持事务。mysql在innodb存储引擎的行级锁的情况下才支持事务。四、数据持久性oracle保证提交的数据均可恢复,因为oracle把提交的sql操作线写入了在线联机日志文件中,保持到了磁盘上,如果出现数据库或主机异常重启,重启后oracle可以考联机在线日志恢复客户提交的数据。mysql:默认提交sql语句,但如果更新过程中出现db或主机重启的问题,也许会丢失数据。五、提交方式oracle默认不自动提交,需要用户手动提交。mysql默认是自动提交。六、逻辑备份oracle逻辑备份时不锁定数据,且备份的数据是一致的。mysql逻辑备份时要锁定数据,才能保证备份的数据是一致的,影响业务正常的dml使用。七、热备份oracle有成熟的热备工具rman,热备时,不影响用户使用数据库。即使备份的数据库不一致,也可以在恢复时通过归档日志和联机重做日志进行一致的回复。mysql:myisam的引擎,用mysql自带的mysqlhostcopy热备时,需要给表加读锁,影响dml操作。innodb的引擎,它会备份innodb的表和索引,但是不会备份.frm文件。用ibbackup备份时,会有一个日志文件记录备份期间的数据变化,因此可以不用锁表,不影响其他用户使用数据库。但此工具是收费的。innobackup是结合ibbackup使用的一个脚本,他会协助对.frm文件的备份。八、sql语句的扩展和灵活性mysql对sql语句有很多非常实用而方便的扩展,比如limit功能,insert可以一次插入多行数据,select某些管理数据可以不加from。oracle在这方面感觉更加稳重传统一些。九、复制oracle:既有推或拉式的传统数据复制,也有dataguard的双机或多机容灾机制,主库出现问题是,可以自动切换备库到主库,但配置管理较复杂。mysql:复制服务器配置简单,但主库出问题时,丛库有可能丢失一定的数据。且需要手工切换丛库到主库。十、性能诊断oracle有各种成熟的性能诊断调优工具,能实现很多自动分析、诊断功能。比如awr、addm、sqltrace、tkproof等mysql的诊断调优方法较少,主要有慢查询日志。十一、权限与安全mysql的用户与主机有关,感觉没有什么意义,另外更容易被仿冒主机及ip有可乘之机。oracle的权限与安全概念比较传统,中规中矩。十二、分区表和分区索引oracle的分区表和分区索引功能很成熟,可以提高用户访问db的体验。mysql的分区表还不太成熟稳定。十三、管理工具oracle有多种成熟的命令行、图形界面、web管理工具,还有很多第三方的管理工具,管理极其方便高效。mysql管理工具较少,在linux下的管理工具的安装有时要安装额外的包(phpmyadmin, etc),有一定复杂性。



my planes英语作文

I am a high school sthdent now.I am weak in English.The new term is coming.I want to improve my English.I think I shonld do some things. Firstly,I will spend 30 minutes remembering words in every day morning.Secondly,I must listen to the teacher carefully in class.And I am going to speak English with my classmate.I will do the homework every day.Thirdly,I will often use English with others. Every weekend,I will learn English on the Internet.This is my plan.

一首英文歌里有my name is bird

管它什么鸟 Promise--寂静岭

gummy 因为是男人 罗马拼音

Gummy - As A Man Saeroun sijageun eonjena duryeopjyoHajiman ibeonmankeumeun sarangira kkok mideoyoApatdeon ibyeol boda deo haengbokhaejiryeogoGeudaewa uri yeongwoneul yaksokhago maengsehajyoHajiman jajeun gwansimi jageun budami doegetjyoKkeunki sirheun gin tonghwareul jeomjeom gwichanhahagetjyoKeojineun sarangeul geudaen jipchagira hagoSigani galsurok nan ireoke jagajineungeolGeudaen namjaraseo namjaraseo jugeodo mollayoNaega bujokhaeseo neomu motnaseo geudaeman barabogo itjyoGeudaen namjaraseo namjaraseo nal ihae motajyoGeujeo jayuropgo sipgetjyo byeonhal suneun eopgetjyo namjaraseoNae gyeote inneunde wae mami heojeonhajyoSaranghandan maltuga wae nan yejeon gatji anchyoGinagin gidarimi nan galsurok eoryeowoPogihago sipdago subaekbeoneul saenggakhajyoGeudaega jamdeulgi jeon nan buranhae jam mot irugoBamsaedorok yeollagi kkeunkimyeon michyeobeorijyoManheungeol baraneun geureon yeojaga anindeMusimhan hanmadi mare nan tto muneojineungeolGeudaen namjaraseo namjaraseo jugeodo mollayoNaega bujokhaeseo neomu motnaseo geudaeman barabogo itjyoGeudaen namjaraseo namjaraseo nal ihae motajyoGeujeo jayuropgo sipgetjyo byeonhal suneun eopgetjyo namjaraseoNan yeojeonhi uri cheoeum mannan geunal gateundeGeudae miso ape haneobsi tto seolleineundeIreon jageun pyohyeon jocha uriegen eosaekhaeHajiman namjaraseo nae namjaraseo ajikdo geudael saranghaeyoGeudaen namjaraseo namjaraseo jugeodo mollayoNaega bujokhaeseo neomu motnaseo geudaeman barabogo itjyoGeudaen namjaraseo namjaraseo nal ihae motajyoGeujeo jayuropgo sipgetjyo byeonhal suneun eopgetjyo namjaraseo ................................新的开始总是让人害怕但只有这次我相信这是爱情从伤痛的离别 想变的更幸福 所以我们发誓永远的约定但是过度的关心变成小小的负担长时间的通话 变得越来越困扰越来越深的爱是对你的执著随著时间的增加我却变得渺小因为你是男人是男人 到死也不会明白我不够完美 我很笨 只想要看著你因为你是男人是男人 所以我无法理解你只想要自由 但不想改变因为是男人 因为是男人 因为是男人因为是男人 因为是男人 因为是男人我就在你身边 为何心仍感到寂寞说爱我的语气 为何我觉得变了漫长的等待越来越困难好几百次我都想放弃在你入睡之前 不安的我总是睡不著只要一晚联络不上 就快疯了我并不是个期待很多的女人你无心的一句话让我又一次崩溃因为你是男人是男人 到死也不会明白我不够完美 我很笨 只想要看著你因为你是男人是男人 所以我无法理解你只想要自由 但不想改变因为是男人 因为是男人 因为是男人因为是男人 因为是男人 因为是男人我依然和我们第一次相遇那天一样在你的微笑面前 没有一次不心动这小小的表现即使对我们来说是尴尬但因为是男人 因为是我的男人 所以我依然爱著你因为你是男人是男人 到死也不会明白我不够完美 我很笨 只想要看著你因为你是男人是男人 所以我无法理解你只想要自由 不想改变 因为你是男人

my plog是啥意思

plog,是以vlog派生的词汇 ,(photo-log)顾名思义是以图片以及照片的形式记录生活以及日常。 一般专门以plog形式运营的app有instagram、绿洲、黄油相机等。


区别如下:1、opponent:对手。泛指在战争或论战中不支持对方的人,可简单的认为是后二者的综合。 a political (...) opponent; an opponent of a war(...).2、enemy:敌人。泛指战争双方;暗指决不会妥协、不是你死就是我死的完全对立的关系。 The enemies of our enemies are our friends.3、competitor:竞争者,对手,敌人。泛指竞技性体育中的参赛选手;或者商业活动中争夺资源的双方;亦可指为了一个共同目标进行角逐的人,比如:总统竞选。 Over 30,000 competitors will run in the New York marathon.


区别如下:1、opponent:对手。泛指在战争或论战中不支持对方的人,可简单的认为是后二者的综合。 a political (...) opponent; an opponent of a war(...).2、enemy:敌人。泛指战争双方;暗指决不会妥协、不是你死就是我死的完全对立的关系。 The enemies of our enemies are our friends.3、competitor:竞争者,对手,敌人。泛指竞技性体育中的参赛选手;或者商业活动中争夺资源的双方;亦可指为了一个共同目标进行角逐的人,比如:总统竞选。 Over 30,000 competitors will run in the New York marathon.

You Are My Shepherd 歌词

歌曲名:You Are My Shepherd歌手:Tricia Brock专辑:You Are My Shepherd (Performance Tracks) - EPTricia Brock - You Are My ShepherdThere is one thing I desire, one thing I seek.To hide in You, abide in You. I"m Yours for You to keep.You prepare a table for me.You"re my portion and my cup.You are the source of strength.Lord, You have filled me up.You are my shepherd in the wilderness.Who shall I fear?You are the God who goes before me,My Rock and my Shield.In troubled times You will provideAnd I shall not wantYou are, You are my God.Though I walk through the valley of death,I will magnify and glorify You with every breathWhen the wicked stand against meI will follow as You leadYou are the truth and way,The lamp unto me feetYou are my shepherd in the wilderness.Who shall I fear?You are the God who goes before me,My Rock and my Shield.In troubled times You will provideAnd I shall not wantYou are, You are my God.So I"ll be of good courage for You have overcomeYou will not forsake me so I wait upon You LordSo I"ll be of good courage for You have overcomeYou will not forsake me so I wait upon You LordYou are my shepherd in the wilderness.Who shall I fear?You are the God who goes before me,My Rock and my Shield.In troubled times You will provideAnd I shall not wantYou are, You are my God.You are, You are my God.

The Lord Is My Shepherd (23Rd Psalm) 歌词

歌曲名:The Lord Is My Shepherd (23Rd Psalm)歌手:Keith Green专辑:The Greatest HitsThe Lord is my Shepherd I shall not wantHe makes me lie down in green pastures.He leads me beside the still waters.He restoreth my soulAnd guides my path in righteousnessFor His name"s sake.Surely goodness and loving kindnessShall follow me al the days of my life.And I will dwell in the house of the LordForever and ever and ever.Though I walk through the valleyOf the shadow of deathI will not fear, Thou art with me.Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me.Thou preparest a tableBefore me in the presence of my enemies.Thou anointest my head with oilMy cup"s overflowingSurely goodness and loving kindnessShall follow me al the days of my life.And I will dwell in the house of the LordForever and ever and ever.The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want.

小弟在mysql 复制中执行start slave报错,请大侠们帮忙看一下,感谢!

修改slave服务器my.ini 在[mysqld]下增加以下内容: [mysqld] server-id=2master-host=192.168.1.xxxmaster-user=rootmaster-password=123master-port=3306master-connect-retry=1replicate-do-db=shirlytestlog-bin=mysql-binlog-slave-updatesbinlog-ignore-db=mysqlbinlog-ignore-db=shirlyslave-skip-errors=allmysql 帐号密码输入你自己设置的

求一首英文歌,里面有一句歌词是 l need you all my life lii my heart

Love Paradise 陈慧琳 You"re always on my mind All day just all the time You"re everything to me Brightest star to let me see You touch me in my dreams We kiss in every scene I pray to be with you through rain and shiny days I"ll love you Till I die Deep as sea Wide as sky The beauty of our love paints rainbows Everywhere we go Need you all my life You"re my hope You"re my pride In your arms I find my heaven In your eyes my sea and sky May life be our love paradise

please give him my regards. regards为什么加s

因为regard作为名词是“致意,问候”的意思,就像Best wishes一样,这是一种习惯和文化






java的开源的免费全文检索工具Lucene Lucene不是一个完整的全文索引应用,而是是一个用Java写的全文索引引擎工具包,它可以方便的嵌入到各种应用中实现针对应用的全文索引/检索功能。 Lucene的作者:Lucene的贡献者Doug Cutting是一位资深全文索...

myrtha pools 是什么


Samantha Ronson的Pull My Hair Out歌词

You make me wanna pull my hair out (you know) Set myself on fire (you know) Cause I"m so fucking tired (you know) Tired of hearin" all these lies I wanna turn my mind off (you know) Put my head through the mirror (you know) Sit and watch it bleed (you know) Just to watch it bleed And if you were me Do you like it when you hear me scream I know you like it cause you know what I mean I know one day I"m gonna be okay I know everything is gonna be okay You make me wanna break in pieces (you know) Hide and sleep so I don"t care (you know) Cause I just wanna kiss you (you know) Steal your breath and give it back I just wanna feel you (you know) Taste your skin so I remember (you know) Remember what it is I want (you know) Cause I think you"re what I want And I gotta know if you were me Do you like it when you hear me scream I know you like it cause you know what I mean I know one day I"m gonna be okay I know everything is gonna be okay Do you like it when you hear me scream I know you like it cause you know what I mean I know one day I"m gonna be okay I know everything is gonna be okay

ola is my classmate改为一般疑问句做出肯定和否定回答

Is your classmate from Japan?Yes,he/she is.No,he/she is not.


My aunt Liz.意思是:我的阿姨莉斯(Liz)。

哪首歌里有you are my everything you are my young lady歌词,英文歌,女声

My happy ending~艾薇儿

MySQL 5.6 整理表的碎片 可以看到,当前表的碎片率超高了,50.6%。 有三种办法整理碎片 这三种操作都是先创建一个临时表复制完成后再删除旧表,所以在执行操作的过程中磁盘会先增大。 会锁表 会锁表 pt-online-schema-change - ALTER tables 无需锁表。 整理结果很明显,整理后碎片率0.3%。 这里有几个参数需要介绍一下: --dry-run 这个参数不建立触发器,不拷贝数据,也不会替换原表。只是创建和更改新表。 --execute 表明你已经阅读了文档,并且确认要 alter the table。你必须配置这个参数来 alter the table。如果你不配置,那么工具将只进行一些安全检查然后就退出了。这帮助确保你已经阅读了文档,并且了解如何使用该工具。如果你没有阅读这些文档,那么不会设置该参数。 --critical-load 每次chunk操作前后,会根据show global status统计指定的状态量的变化,默认是统计Thread_running。目的是为了安全,防止原始表上的触发器引起负载过高。这也是为了防止在线DDL对线上的影响。超过设置的阀值,就会终止操作,在线DDL就会中断。提示的异常如上报错信息。 --max-lag type: time; default: 1s lag 滞后偏移 暂停数据拷贝,直到所有replicas的lag值低于该值。在每个 data-copy query (each chunk)后,工具会通过Seconds_Behind_Master查询所有replica的 replication lag 。如果任何replica lag大于该值,那么工具会sleep --check-interval 秒,然后再次检查所有replica。如果你指定 --check-slave-lag ,那么工具会检查那台server,而不是所有server。如果你想控制哪个提供工具的监控,配置DSN值 --recursion-method 。 工具会等待直到replicas停止lagging。如果任一replica停止,工具会一直处于等待状态直到该replica启动。 在所有replicas运行并且lagging不大的情况下,数据拷贝继续。 工具在等待的时候,会打印进程报告。如果replica停止了,会立即打印进程报告,然后在每个进程报告期间重复。 --check-interval type: time; default: 1 Sleep time between checks for --max-lag . --max-load 选项定义一个阀值,在每次chunk操作后,查看show global status状态值是否高于指定的阀值。该参数接受一个mysql status状态变量以及一个阀值,如果没有给定阀值,则定义一个阀值为为高于当前值的20%。注意这个参数不会像--critical-load终止操作,而只是暂停操作。当status值低于阀值时,则继续往下操作。是暂停还是终止操作这是--max-load和--critical-load的差别。 --charset 简写: -A; type: string 设置默认字符集。如果值为 utf8,设置 Perl"s binmode on STDOUT to utf8,传送 mysql_enable_utf8 参数到 DBD::mysql,然后在连接到MySQL后运行 SET NAMES UTF8 。其他的值也是在STDOUT设置 binmode,然后在连到MySQL后运行 SET NAMES 。 --check-replication-filters 检查复制中是否设置了过滤条件,如果设置了,程序将退出 --nocheck-replication-filters 不检查复制中是否设置了过滤条件 --set-vars 设置mysql的变量值 --check-slave-lag 检查主从延迟 --no-version-check 不检查版本,在阿里云服务器中一般加入此参数,否则会报错

As you like my pleasure 如何翻译?

As you like my pleasure 可以翻译为:如你所愿

求Tricky演唱的My Head歌词

歌曲:My Head歌手:Tricky所属专辑:Maryland MansionsI got in the carAnd turned the volume to tenI tried to scream alongThe words to something bigBut my lungs couldn"t handle itMy chest was strainedAnd my face was redBut the albums make it sound so easyPut your mouth to microphoneAnd the pressure gets releasedBut it never sounds the sameWhen you"re the one who"s screamingBetween the world and my brainThis voice supports everything I think on its backAnd its little spine is bendingI"ve listened all my life and you haven"t told me anythingWhere"s the embarrassment?Where"s the banality?I wanna hold the moments that you flush from your memoryOne day I"ll make songsSongs"ll make it permenantIn four-minute formsThe whole world might learn from thisAnd then all the hours of paralysis, imprisonmentIt might be worth it, might be worth it, might be...My head is spinningBut very, very slowlyAnd I hope one day my singingMight contain or control itThere"s a temporary sanityIn this anorexic vanity businessSatisfaction can"t existI love work, I love success

my life in quincy翻译。


My life in Quincy课文的翻译



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tutor,my tokyo tutor,tutor是什么意思,家庭教师,Tutor

tutor,my tokyo tutor,tutor我的导师,我的东京家庭教师,导师tutor,my tokyo tutor,tutor我的导师,我的东京家庭教师,导师

My quilt是不是一句话?


有首英文歌好好句歌词结尾都有say me say me.当中好像还有句 my love.一个女的唱的.求告诉!


Mommy boy是什么意思?


Just Mommy and Me(谁能帮忙翻译成中文)

如果我是一只猴子出现谁的树, 你是我的妈妈谁出现后,我 我们吃的香蕉,直到什么都没有, 然后小睡了在温暖,舒适的太阳, 当我们醒来时,我们唱我们最喜爱的歌曲, 同时鼓掌和跳跃和舞蹈一起... ... 如果我们是两只猴子谁发挥捉迷藏, 和我答应你,妈妈,我不会看到, 我们走了一个厨师,阴凉处, 看见谁可以使愚蠢的脸。 我们挑选一些花将在你的帽子, 我选择了他们,你知道我喜欢这一点。 如果我们只是两只猴子有一个球, 和你告诉我的故事时,你是小国, 我们采取了游泳的鱼和青蛙, 洒在水和推出的记录。 和snuggled了密切的,而我们看到的天空 观看坐在太阳和星星眨眼的眼睛... ... 如果我们这样做这些事情的所有整天,很快, 我们都睡着了光明先生根据月亮... ... 想象一下,多么幸福和乐趣会。 如果我们是两只猴子只有妈妈和我!



mommy pig will have baby pig什么意思?

你好,Mommy pig will have a baby pig : 其翻译是:猪妈妈将会有一个猪宝宝。


木乃伊是 mummy妈咪是 mommy 不过也有写成 mummy 的




Does mommy miss her grandma


mummy的意思有:妈妈;木乃伊;干瘪的人。mommy的意思有:妈咪、妈妈。mummymummy可数名词(英儿语)妈咪;木乃伊; 干尸2 干枯之物,瘦而干瘪之人。相关例句:I want to go home, Mummy.我想回家 妈咪。Mummy, I"ve got a tummy ache.妈妈,我肚子疼。Mummy and Daddy will be back soon.妈妈爸爸就要回来了。It hurts, Mummy!妈妈,疼!Scientists have spent a lot of time on the research of Egyptian mummies.科学家们花了很多时间研究埃及木乃伊。Mommymommy可数名词(美儿语)妈咪,妈妈。相关短语:Daddy Mommy 爸爸妈妈。Mommy song 蓝调摇滚。mommy tuck 妈咪拉皮术。Mommy Apleseed 妈妈阿普尔西德No Mommy 没有妈妈。Please Mommy 请妈妈。相关例句:What?-You cried for your mommy?怎么了-你为了你妈妈哭了?But I thought mommy was taking me.但我以为妈妈会带我去的。Your mommy lashes out at people prettier than she is.你妈妈就是看不惯比她漂亮的人。

mommy daddy 英文怎么读



mommy英 [u02c8mu0252mi] 美 [u02c8mɑ:mi] n.<儿>妈咪网络妈妈; 母亲; 妈妈复数: mommies 形近词: Mommy数据来源:金山词霸双语例句柯林斯词典英英释义百度知道1Mommy and I went in an aeroplane. 我和妈妈登上一架飞机。柯林斯例句库2When Mommy comes, just tell her I"m up here. 妈妈来了就告诉她我在这上面。柯林斯例句库3And then* Mommy and Daddy had me! 然后,妈妈和爸爸有了我!


区别是:mammy仅用于英国部分地区和美国。mommy较为通用,通常是用于儿童称呼妈妈。例句辨析:mammy1、Mammy threw me out, I"m afraid. 恐怕妈妈把我赶出来了。2、He"s my Dady. She"s my Mammy. 他是我的爸爸。她是我的妈妈。3、She"s my Mammy. She"s a nurse. 她是我的妈妈。她是个护士。4、With daddy and mammy standing by. don"t cry. 在爸爸和妈妈陪着你时。mommy1、Mommy and I went in an aeroplane. 我和妈妈登上一架飞机。2、When Mommy comes, just tell her I"m up here. 妈妈来了就告诉她我在这上面。3、And then* Mommy and Daddy had me! 然后,妈妈和爸爸有了我!4、Who"s Mommy talking to? 妈妈在和谁说话?


mommy英 [u02c8mu0252mu026a] n.(儿童用语)妈妈,妈咪


1、mommy妈妈,英 [?m?mi] 美 [?mɑ?mi]。2、When Mommy comes, just tell her Im up here。妈妈来了就告诉她我在这上面。3、Mommy and I went in an aeroplane。我和妈妈登上一架飞机。4、My mummy/ mommy always makes cakes for me。妈咪经常做蛋糕给我吃。


mommy life妈妈的生活双语例句1RunFasterMommy – Another mom sharing her experiences with running plusswimming and biking. Follow this mommy take on the challenges of balancing arunning life and a real life. 另一位分享自己跑步游泳骑行经验的母亲。关注一下这位妈妈是怎么平衡跑步和现实生活的吧!2My mommy always used to say that cross-class learning was the key to a rich andfulfilling life. 我妈妈常说跨职技能是让生活充实而满足的关键。


第一人称指的是汉语意思为“我, 我们”,第一人称单数为“I", 复数为“we“。第三称单数的含义,可以简单地理解为: 除了汉语意思为“我”“我们”“你” “你们”及复数之外的,都为第三人称单数。如:he, she , it , your brother , Tom, etc.所以,mommy 是第三人称单数, Mommy loves you.希望对你有帮助!

败犬里卢卡斯说的mommy boy是什么意思?还有shit?都脏话..都什么意思捏?

mommy就是mummy,翻译过来就是妈咪。mommy boy 大概意思就是说“小男生”,不男子汉的意思咯~恩至于shit,现在被很多人误解为“靠”或者是“操”之类的意思,其实不是的。它就是“呸”、“放屁”的意思,表示厌恶、恼怒等。


Does mommy miss her grandma?
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