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can i,must i,i can,i must的区别

can:能够、会.must:必须,不得不. can i,must i都是作为疑问句用来提问的.can i……?我能……吗?must i……?我必须……吗? i can:我能够/会…….i must:我必须/不得不…….

can i,must i,i can,i must的区别

can:能够、会.must:必须,不得不. can i,must i都是作为疑问句用来提问的.can i……?我能……吗?must i……?我必须……吗? i can:我能够/会…….i must:我必须/不得不…….

I must改为一般疑问是must i还是must you

I must的一般疑问句是Must i

must i start now什么意思


must I do 是不是倒装


我必须什么时候赶那班公交车英语翻译什么must i什么the bus

Must i catch up with the bus?

Must I_____to school at 7:00.


must i sweep the floor什么意思

填 sweep (must 后面跟一般现在时 ) 和 swept (一般过去时,指过去发生的事)

musti wash

正确答案:A 解析:A:你不需要;B:不,必须不能; C:是的,你需要;D:是的,你必须; 根据句意:You can do it tomorrow,你可以明天做, 所以排除C,D(表示今天必须做) mustn"t禁止,不符合题意,所以A为正确答案


must表示必须,多指现在或将来的情况,强调说话者的主观语气,即说话者认为有必要或有义务做某事。对其一般疑问句的肯定回答用must,否定回答用neednt或者dont have to。 扩展资料   例句:Everyone must take notes in Professor Li"s class.   每个人都必须在李教授的课上仔细记笔记。   例句:Must I finish the work tonight?   Yes,you must.   No,you needn"t/don"t have to.   must与have to的区别   (1)must多表示依说话者或听说话者而定的"义务,强调主观性,而have to多表示来自“外界”的义务,强调客观性。   例句:I know I must study hard.(主观意愿)   例句:She has to stop the car and wait for the policeman.(客观情况)   (2)must只有现在时一种形式,而have to有多种时态形式。   (3)must的否定式为mustn"t,意为“不准,不许”,而have to的否定式为don"t have to,意为“不必”,相当于needn"t。   例句:——Hurry,Mum!The bus is coming.   ——Wait a minute,dear.You mustn"t cross the street until the traffic lights are green.   表示推测   must表示推测时,指有把握的、有根据的推测,只能用于肯定句。可以对现在(注:对现在情况的推测用“must+动词原形”)、过去(注:对过去情况进行推测时用must have done)或将来的情况进行推测。   例句:(1)——Excuse me,whose book is this?   ——It must be John"s.It has his name on it.   (2)The two boys look very much alike.They must   be twins.   表示偏要、偏偏   在疑问句中must可以用来表示一个人较强烈的感情。   例句:(1) Why must you find another job while you have got one?   (2) Why must it rain on Sunday?

need和must的用法 (详细)(初中)


must i need i

肯定回答 否定回答 can can can"t may can/may may not/ mustn"t must must need not need need need not


A 是正确的. Must I ……?问句 的肯定回答是:Yes,you must.否定回答是:No,you needn"t.或者 No,you don"t have to.表示“不,你不需要.”

must i 和need i 句型肯定和否定回答

yes you can no you can"t yes you must no you don"t/mustn"t yes you need no you needn"t / no you don"t need to yes you may no you can"t

need i must i

第一个问题,MUST开头的一般疑问句否定用NEEDN"T 第二个问题,NEED开头的一般疑问句可以用NEED来表示肯定回答

求作业答案:—Must I park my car



must的读音是:英[m?st]。must的读音是:英[m?st]。must的例句是用作助动词(aux.)Something must be done about it.必须得想个办法。must的意思是aux.必须;应当;很可能;n.必须做的事;未发酵的葡萄汁;发霉。一、详尽释义点此查看must的详细内容aux.(助动词)一定,必须,应当,必然很可能,谅必n.(名词)霉,发霉,霉臭必须做的事,不可不做的事,必须做、看、听的事果汁(未发酵)葡萄汁,葡萄液,新葡萄酒必需的东西,绝对必要的事物,必不可少的事物狂暴状态交配期的象麝香一定要看的东西必须必修课程adj.(形容词)必须的,绝对必要的,绝对需要的,不能缺少的狂暴的必做的基本的v.(动词)谅必,八成,有可能一定要,坚持要,必然要,偏要一定是,必定会应当,应该要只好必须,必然,得,一定二、英英释义Noun:a necessary or essential thing;"seat belts are an absolute must"grape juice before or during fermentationthe quality of smelling or tasting old or stale or mouldyAdjective:highly recommended;"a book that is must reading"三、网络解释1. 一定要:应该(SHOULD)给与客户端正收到一个空的消息正文,此时一定不能(MUSTNOT)给任何接受方发送任何消息.(6).对不能识别的命令一定不能(MUSTNOT)缓存.(7).当本地的TCP输入缓冲区为空时,一定要(MUST)立即发送所有待发的2.must:malnutrition universal screening tool; 营养不良普遍筛选工具四、例句Something must be done about it.必须得想个办法。In England traffic must keep to the left.在英国,车辆必须靠左行驶。We must make allowance for his youth.我们应当考虑到他还年轻。One must honor his contract and keep his word.任何人都应当尊重合同,信守诺言。The dictionary must be on the bookshelf in my bedroom.词典很可能丢在卧室的书架上。A raincoat is a must in the rainy season.在雨季雨衣是必备之物。His new novel is a must for all lovers of crime fiction.他的新小说是罪案小说爱好者必须一读的。五、常见句型用作助动词(aux.)If you can"t finish the book by then, you must come and renew it.这本书如果你到时候还看不完,就应当来续借。The children must be back by 4 o"clock.孩子们必须四点钟以前回来。You must remember to write home.你必须记着给家里写信。We mustn"t waste our time.我们不应该浪费时间。“May I take this magazine out?”“No, you mustn"t.”“我可以把这本杂志借走吗?”“不,不行。”“Must I go tomorrow?”“Yes, please.〔No, you needn"t.〕”“明天我必须去吗?”“是的,请吧。〔不,你不必去。〕”He said he must go tomorrow.他说他明天必须去。We must all die.人都是要死的。If you must marry my daughter, take her.如果你非要娶我女儿,就把她带走吧。How long must this go on?What"s the sense of this?这种局势要持续多久呢?它有什么意义呢?He must be mad.他一定是疯了。You must be joking.你一定是在开玩笑吧。This house must belong to John.这栋房子一定是约翰的。She must have been young when she got married.她结婚时一定很年轻。You must win, if you do your best.如果你全力以赴,一定能赢。If you must smoke, at least you could use an ashtray.如果你一定要吸烟,起码总可以用一个烟灰缸吧。Why must you always be finding fault with that girl?你干吗总是要找那个姑娘的错呢?The car must break down just we were starting our holidays.我们刚开始休假,汽车偏偏坏了。六、情景对话打错电话A:Hello. Is Susan there?喂,是苏珊吗?B:Who?谁啊?A:Li Ming.李明。B:Youmust have the wrong number.你一定打错电话了。A:Oh, I"m sorry.噢,对不起。用餐A:Is this my meal?这是我的菜吗?B:What did you order?您点了什么?A:The fried scallops.炸干贝。B:Oh, sorry. Theremust be some mistake.哦,抱歉,一定是弄错了。A:Would you get me some more water, please?麻烦你再帮我加点水,行吗?must什么意思B:OK.好的。道别A:Well, Imust be off now. I have an appointment at six.嗯,我现在得离开了。我六点有个约会。B:In that case, I won"t keep you any longer. Drop in any time.如果是那样的话,我不再挽留你了。(欢迎)随时到我这里来。must的意思A:OK. Goodbye.我会的。再见。must的意思B:See you later.再见。七、词语用法aux.(助动词)must表示义务或强制,含意是“必须”“应当”; 其否定结构表示“不许可”或“不应该”; 用于一般疑问句时,表示征求对方的意见,其肯定答语用Yes, please或I"m afraid so,否定答语用needn"t或don"t have to; must在间接引语中表过去。must表示必然性,一般只用于肯定句中,有时表示“意愿”,带有感情色彩。must表示推测,暗含很大的可能性,一般只用于肯定句中,在否定句中表示推测用can"t而不能用mustn"t。“must+be”“must+be+ v -ing”“must+表示状态的动词”可表示现在或一般的情况; “must+have”表示过去的情况; “must+表示动作的动词”表示将来的情况。must可表示讽刺或抱怨,此时须以you为主语。must表示客观上不愉快的情况,意为“偏偏”。must的相关近义词have to、ought tomust的相关临近词mustache、mussel、musth、Musto、Musta、Muste、Musti、Mustel、Mustec、Muston、Mustay、Mustoe点此查看更多关于must的详细信息

—Must I finish my homework now?—No, you _______.


must提问怎么回答 肯定、否定回答分别是什么?



must后面加动词原形。例如:You must talk to them about their study。你必须同他们谈谈关于他们学习的事。must是情态动词,情态动词后面都加动词原形,情态动词有:baiwill,should,can,shall,would,could,may,might,have to,must...,类似这类的词语后面都加动词原形。must的用法1、表示“必须”“一定要”,用法注意:(1) 可用于肯定句、否定句或疑问句;用于否定句时,mustn"t 意为“一定不要”“(可)不能”。如:You must phone him this evening. 今天晚上你必须给他打电话。You mustn"t phone him this evening. 今天晚上你可不能给他打电话。Must I phone him this evening? 我今天晚上必须给他打电话吗?注意,回答must引起的一般疑问句,如果要作否定回答,一般是用 needn"t(不能用 mustn"t)。如:A:Must I go there today? 我必须今天去吗?B:Yes, you must. 是的,你必须今天去。B:No, you needn"t. 不,你不必今天去。(2) 含有 must 的陈述句,其反意问句有两种可能:若must表示“必须”,反意问句用 mustn"t;若 must 表示“有必要”,反意问句用 needn"t,但是由于在没有上下文的情况下,很难分清must是表示“必须”还是表示“有必要”,所以有时两者都可用。如:You must go there at once, needn"t [mustn"t] you? 你必须(有必要)马上去那儿,不是吗?2、表示推测,意为“准是”“一定是”,注意以下用法:(1) 对现在情况作推测,后接动词原形;对现在正在进行的情况作推测,后接动词进行式;对一直在进行的情况作推测,后接动词完成进行式;对过去已发生的情况作推测,后接动词完成式。如:The man must have a lot of money. 这个人一定有不少钱。must 表示对现在情况的推测后接动词原形时,该动词通常为状态动词(如be, have, know 等),若为动作动词,通常要转换其他说法。(2) 表示推测的 must 通常只用于肯定句,在否定句或疑问句中要用 can 代之。如:If this is true, that must be false. 如果这个是真的,那个必然是假的。(3) 表示推测用于反意疑问句时要注意,反意问句的助动词不能用must,而要根据其后动词的形式来决定。如:He must be mad, isn"t he? 他一定是疯了,不是吗?当“must+have+过去分词”不连用具体的过去时间状语时,反意问句通常用完成式,有时也用过去时;但是若连用了具体的时间状语,通常只用过去时。3、有时表示巧合,说明某事发生得不早不迟,就在某个当紧的时候,多指某些不受欢迎的事情的发生,在汉语中通常译为“偏偏”。如:Just when I was busy, the neighbor must come and chatter. 正当我忙碌的时候,邻居偏偏过来聊天。有时表示主观上的偏执或固执,常可译为“偏”“偏要”。如:Why must she be so nasty to me? 为什么她偏对我这样恶劣?有时可译为“非要”“非得”“硬是”“硬要”等。如:Must you make so much noise? 你就非得弄出这么大的声音吗?

must i come here

B 考查:由must开头的一般疑问句,肯定回答应用must,否定回答应用needn"t,句意:我必须在八点到这吗?不,你没有必要,你可以来晚一点。所以选B。

当问及“我是否不得不做...”的时候,是用Must I开头还是Do I have to开头?

Should I .....

Must I_____(arrive)at school on time


must i take a taxi什么意思

must i take a taxi我必须搭乘出租车吗?

Must I...?啥意思

Must I...?意思就是:我必须。。。?

区别一下问句must I...?Can I ..?的回答


may i和must i的答句是什么? 肯定和否定

may i 肯定:yes,you may.否定:No,you may not. must i 肯定:yes,you must 否定:No,you needn"t

有没有MUST I这种问法?= =我糊涂了,,,


高中英语 这里的must I 表什么 我必须?


Must I...肯定回答否定回答

Yes, you must. No, you needn"t.亲:祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V!望采纳,thx!Mr Gao


一、must表示“必须”、“一定要”1、可用于肯定句、否定句或疑问句;用于否定句时,mustn"t 的意思是“一定不要”、“不能”,而不是“不必”:You must finish it today. 你一定要在今天完成它。2、主要表示现在或将来,但有时(如在间接引语中)也可表过去(=had to):She asked if she must (had to) leave. 她问她是否一定要离开。3、对于must 开头一般疑问句,若要作否定回答,可用needn"t,不用mustn"t:"Must I come over tonight?" "No, you needn"t." “我今晚必须过来吗?”“不必。”4、其后可接被动结构或进行形式:Something must be done to stop it. 必须采取措施来阻止它。二、must表示推测其意为“准是”、“一定是”,注意以下几点:1、通常只用于肯定句,在否定句或疑问句用 can 代之:It must be true. 那一定是真的。比较:Can it be true? 那可能是真的吗? / It can"t be true. 那不可能是真的。2、后接动词原形,表示对现在情况的推测:He must be wrong. 他一定错了。

can i,must i,i can,i must的区别

can:能够、会.must:必须,不得不. can i,must i都是作为疑问句用来提问的.can i……?我能……吗?must i……?我必须……吗? i can:我能够/会…….i must:我必须/不得不…….

He ____ ____,so he must ____ ____.他得麻疹了,因此他必须吃药。

has measles, take medicine

Any personal information must be后面填什么


电脑显示Reader PCSC Driver Error!You Must Reinstall Reader Driver!

电脑开机后提示“Reader PCSC Driver Error,you must Reinstall Reader Driver",这是出现了什么问题呢?读卡器驱动错误,重装读卡器驱动。解决方案 1 在控制面板中进入管理工具(进入计算机管理)。管理窗口的左栏中打开“服务和应用程序”,点击“服务”。(或者可以通过控制面板进入) 2 找到名称为“Smart Card”的服务,双击打开。在“常规”处“启动类型”选为自动;在“登录”处,“登录身份”选择本地系统帐户,点击确定。 3 在该项上单击鼠标右键,选择“启动”,即可启动windows智能卡服务。“由于用优化大师卸载工具卸载某一软件,导致系统重新启动出现这个问题提示错误” 进入DOS后,键入以下命令: 1.scardsvr reinstall 2.regsvr32 scardssp.dll (中间有空格。回到window视窗系统后,重新启动服务,默认为手动,改为自动后,点击启动。)如使用DOS命令仍然不能导入IC卡信息,重新安装操作系统。pcsc驱动开发以下内容是翻译国外网站上的:如果想完全了解pcsc协议,可以去PC/SC Workgroup网站上下载协议看.该网站包括了大量pcsc主题方面的信息 也可以去啃MSDN , 也可发现相关文档. DDK中也包含了一些smartcard例子,留给有信心有毅力的一定要写出pcsc驱动的人.这可不是一件轻松的事,pcsc驱动有它自己的内部构造(pcsc驱动会与smclib连续),很多地方比较晦涩难懂,非驱动老手,还要多从各种可能的地方获取信息。当然ddk是开发驱动一个不错的出发点。把pcsc协议搬到这里来讲,个人认为并不是什么好办法,这里主要讲讲对pcsc的理解来让读者入门。例子中的pcsc驱动不是一个服务读卡器和智能卡的全功能的pcsc驱动,如大家所知,驱动安装以后,系统就能识别pcsc读卡器,应用程序就可以通过微软的smartcard组件来访问智能卡。现在流行的usbkey(国外习惯叫usbtoken或usb dongle)是一种安全认证的设备,集成了读卡器和卡片,上层应用利用pcsc框架调用微软的csp进行数字签名,身份认证等功能。 如果不走pcsc架构,这些功能的开发可以说一点不比开发驱动容易。pcsc架构有几个层次:ICC - integrated circuit cards; 卡片IFD - interface device (读卡器); IFD handler - handler of interface device (简单的说就是驱动); Resource Manager - service, 管理和控制应用程序所有对任何读卡器中智能卡访问. 比如多个应用程序同时对一张卡操作,那么Resource Manager会对请求进行管理排队,从而保证系统和设备不会打架。 Service Providers - 如cryptographic (CSP) and noncryptographic(SCSP) service providers 这部分通常是建立的基于智能卡的应用服务。用户的智能卡能当作什么用途,就是在这里实现的。这部分要由用户自行开发。pcsc驱动屏蔽了设备和其他一些通讯协议方面的事情,这样不管你的读卡器是串口,并口,usb口,不管你的通讯协议是怎么定义的。用户要对你的智能卡进行开发,都只需调用windows提供的pcsc函数,而不需管底层的实现细节。把设备和应用开发划分成了两个独立的模块。这两块都用windows的pcsc函数进行接口。这样只要符合pcsc协议的设备,都可以拿来为你所用,而你开发的软件,无需任何修改也可以应用到许多不同厂商的设备上。如果你的pcsc驱动满足某些条件,那么你可以开发出很奇特的设备,比如usbkey(把读卡器和卡固定地做在一起),然后让系统识别它为插入卡的读卡器。那么usbkey可以替代读卡器+卡模式完成windows的域登录等。开发usbkey的成本比开发读卡器加卡的成本要低得多。可能只有三分之一不到。当然,我也承认目前这方面的争论很大,但是我们面对争论的办法,只是让研究继续……生产usbkey比较大的厂家国内有华大,握奇,明华,海泰等,国外有aladdin,rainbow等。小结:无论对于usbkey或者读卡器来说PC/SC驱动是非常重要的部分。 希望这个例子能够对那些对pcsc驱动有兴趣的人有所帮助。基本上比较正确。但是在98系统下,PCSC架构的驱动有硬伤,98智能卡补丁中的SCRM不支持读卡器的即插即用,即使设备本身是PNP的。所以在98系统可以考虑只使用USB驱动。卡商一般在驱动以上会封装一层设备API层,本层通过SCRM访问驱动,或者直接和通过USB驱动访问设备。设备API层上面再封装一层应用API层,封装了7816指令,对上层的应用屏蔽了7816指令的细节。再往上就是CSP,当然也可能在CSP和应用API层之间加上P11层,以实现CSP和P11的无缝连接和互用。例子中最重要的函数是SendSmdReader().此函数应当在外部硬件(卡上或usbkey)上执行。为了模拟虚拟卡片的插拔动作,我建立了一个额外的线程WORKER thread (function VdVendorIOCTL),还用函数IoCreateSynchronizationEvent建立了一个事件 SC_INSERT_REMOVE。 用户应用程序(ins_rem.exe) 触发这个事件和驱动模拟卡片插拔。第二个应用程序 (sc_mon.exe) 报告虚拟卡片目前的状态。并且也可以用工具软件PCSCInf.exe等来检测卡片状态。此驱动支持系统事件日志SYSTEM EVENT LOG, 保存相应的状态信息和错误信息。所有的信息都可以用系统标准的事件查看器查看。复位应答数据、用二进制文件来模拟卡片上内存的文件,都保存在驱动源码中。能通过注册表对它很容易地修改和设置。虚拟读卡器的名称是"COMRAD 000001 0"PC/SC driver测试工具:1. TAPDUDemoCard from Vizvary Istvan此工具用来与虚拟的智能卡通讯,无需写一行代码,通讯是双向模式的。 2. APDU command test from Vizvary Istvan;和第一个工具很相似。 3.PCSC Info from ZeitControl cardsystems GmbH; 工具,用来测试任何pcsc兼容读卡器,它能控制读卡器中卡的状态,并报告当前卡状态虚拟读卡器能用在win2k的域登录上。智能卡登录是win2k的一项非常棒的功能特性。在你的智能卡或usbkey中存放证书,这样登录时系统会检查你的证书,认可方能登录。此例中,当虚拟智能卡拔出和系统锁定pc机时,虚拟读卡器才向资源管理器报告。首先,把lock_pc。reg文件导入注册表,激活win2k登录设置。即"请 CTRL+ALT+DEL登录", 参数 "Winlogonscremoveoption" 能被置 "1"或 "2", 意味着 "卡拔出时锁定计算机" 和"卡拔除时注销当前用户". 如果驱动正确安装,你就能看到域登录窗口弹出来. 请用ins_rem工具模拟虚拟卡片的插拔动作.



请教 must I be with him 语法

1. with him是介词短语做表语,表明主语的状态。表语就是用来说明主语的身份、性质、品性、特征和状态的,表语常由名词、形容词、副词、介词短语、不定式、动词的-ing、从句来充当,它常位于系动词之后。2. am is are又叫be动词,它们的动词原形都是be。

I must do something to make my life more colorful



你好safely[英][u02c8seu026afli][美][u02c8seflu026a]adv.安全地; 平安地; must[英][mu0259st][美][mu028cst]aux.必须; 必然要; (做出逻辑推断); (表示坚持); n.必须做的事,必不可少的事物; 葡萄汁; 霉臭; 麝香; -----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【满意】按钮

sage 和mustard 是什么颜色

sage 是灰绿色 mustard 是芥末黄色

nuendo输出音频文件出现The left and right locators must be set要怎么弄?


Another point l must point out here is thatu2026u2026


mistakes are made must be corrected

B主语从句 no matter what=whatever但是no matter what只能引导状语从句 C

英语谚语:Young man may die but old men must die 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Young man may die but old men must die 中文意思: 年轻人可能会死,老年人难免不亡。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Don"t climb a tree to look for fish 勿缘木求鱼。 Don"t count your chicken before they are hatched 不要过早乐观。 Don"t cross the bridge till you get to it 不要杞人忧天。 Don"t cry out before you are hurt 还没受苦,就别叫苦。 Don"t fly till you wings are feathered 羽毛未丰不要飞。 Don"t halloo till you are out of the wood 没有脱离危险不要先欢呼。 Don"t have thy cloak to make when it begins to rain 切莫临时抱佛脚。 Don"t keep all your eggs in one basketball 勿孤注一掷。 Don"t put off till tomorrow what should be done today 今日事,今日毕。 Don"t speak all you know but know all you speak 不要尽言所知,而要尽知所言。 英语谚语: Young man may die but old men must die 中文意思: 年轻人可能会死,老年人难免不亡。

must be something这首歌表达的是什么意思

一个女孩暗恋一个人受伤然后内心挣扎歌词如下:Must Be Something - The Pierces You don"t have to say you"re sorry 你不必说对不起 All the lights are getting blurry 所有的光线越来越模糊 Cry yourself to sleep 哭泣着入睡 and in the morning 在清晨 we can start it over 我们能重新来过 Say your prayers 诉说你的祷告 and count your blessings 常怀感恩 Turn away as you"re undressing 你脱衣服时我转过身去 All the girls with your eyes 你眼里看着所有的女孩 you have been, 你一直都这般沉默 because they will never know you 因为他们永远不会懂你 Held down by the devil"s hand 受制于恶魔之手 Dressed up like a gentleman 打扮得像个绅士般 You got me crying out every time 每次你让我失声痛哭 There must be something wrong 一定是哪里出了差错 Lights on in the middle of the night 深夜灯光亮起 If I give a little more 如果我再愿意坚持一点 will it make it right 一切也就没那么糟 You know I"m trying, in the end 你知道我一直都在努力 直到最后 There must be something wrong 一定是哪里出了差错 On the floor my head is ringing 地板上 我的脑子嗡嗡作响 All the words you said are stinging 你所说的话都是那么的刺耳 Courage to the bone 瞬间那勇气侵入骨髓 but then you say 但然后你说 that you cannot remember 你不记得 I"m no match to wanna fight you 我从没想过与你抗衡 Everything I say ignites you 我所说的一切点燃你的怒火 Try to let it lie 曾试着不干涉 but then I find 但我会发现 that you will not surrender 你不会屈服 Held down by the devil"s hand 受制于恶魔之手 Dressed up like a gentleman 打扮得像个绅士般 You got me crying out every time 每次你让我失声痛哭 There must be something wrong 一定是哪里出了差错 Lights on in the middle of the night 深夜灯光亮起 If I give a little more 如果我再愿意坚持一点 will it make it right 一切也就没那么糟 You know I"m trying, in the end 你知道我一直都在努力 直到最后 There must be something wrong 一定是哪里出了差错 (what"s wrong with being wrong 会是什么差错 There must be something wrong 一定是哪里出了差错 what"s wrong with being wrong 会是什么差错 There must be something 一定有什么 Held down by the devil"s hand 受制于恶魔之手 Dressed up like a gentleman 打扮得像个绅士般 You got me crying out every time 每次你让我失声痛哭 There must be something wrong 一定是哪里出了差错 Lights on in the middle of the night 深夜灯光亮起 If I give a little more 如果我再愿意坚持一点 will it make it right 一切也就没那么糟 You know I"m trying in the end 你知道我一直都在努力 直到最后 There must be something wrong 一定是哪里出了差错 I"m taking the devil"s hand 我牵起恶魔之手 He"s been such a gentleman 他一定是绅士一般 He"s got me crying out every time 他每次都让我失声痛哭 There must be something wrong 一定是哪里出了差错 Lights on in the middle of the night 深夜灯光亮起 If I give a little more 如果我再愿意坚持一点 will it make it right 一切也就没那么糟 You know I"m trying in the end 你知道我一直都在努力 直到最后 There must be something wrong 一定是哪里出了差错 what"s wrong with being wrong 会是什么差错 There must be something wrong 一定是哪里出了差错 what"s wrong with being wrong 会是什么差错 There must be something wrong 一定是哪里出了差错 what"s wrong with being wrong 会是什么差错 There must be something 一定是哪里出了差错


Mustang(福特野马)是美国福特汽车公司推出的2005款野马汽车。由于Mustang I野马概念车的两座设计实用性太低,被福特高层驳回后,1963年10月,福特推出了Mustang II概念车,将布局改为了发动机前置,并采用四座布局。1964年4月17日,经过福特团队反复论证、修改后的第一代量产版Mustang于纽约世博会上正式发布,野马自此正式向全世界展示了它的风范。福特的时间表把握得非常之巧,此时正值战后生育高峰期的一代刚刚进入购车的年龄,这一代人对车的要求与其父母大相径庭,他们想张扬自己的个性,野马应运而生。车身侧面虽然仍以沉稳为主,但是一条梯形的凹线从前翼子板开始,直贯后翼子板,将整车的动感展露出来。尾部也以稳重为主,垂直尾灯采用了特征化条矩形式设计,怎么看都是一款轿车,要不是尾翼的提醒,很难将野马划为跑车之列。总的看来,野马的外形沉稳有余而动感不足,不过周身散发的那种稳重硬朗的气质,让人很容易感受得到。另外,野马给人一种极其质朴的感觉,如果驾驶野马牛仔装会比西装革履更加合适。以上内容参考:百度百科-福特野马



schema must be set怎么解决

schema一直报这个错误:Schema must be set解决方法是:将菜单options--->Require Schema

To keep your balance you must keep moving//中间有省略的?



由于must在这里表示判断,意思是一定、准,所以这句话的否定式改为:The girl over there can"t/can not/cannot be a student.那边的那个女孩不可能是学生。很高兴为你解答,祝你每天都开心:)望采纳,谢谢!

英语you must make the time怎么翻译?


there must have句型? 有这个句型吗?最好再有个例句, 那there have

没有 只有there be 句型,但是可以有多种时态 Thereis/are There will be There must be There must have been 表示对过去事实肯定的推测 e.g There must have been someone in the house, since the tea is still hot. 希望对你有帮助!


"must" 是一个情态动词,用于表示必须、必需或肯定的意思。以下是 "must" 的常见用法:表示必须或强烈建议:用于表达某事是必须的或强烈建议的情况。You must finish your homework before you go out.(你必须在出门前完成作业。)We must be on time for the meeting.(我们必须准时参加会议。)表示推测或肯定:用于表示根据某种证据或逻辑推断出的肯定情况。He must be tired after working all day.(他一整天工作下来一定很累。)The road is closed, so there must be an accident ahead.(道路关闭了,所以前面一定发生了事故。)表示强烈的意愿或命令:用于表示强烈的意愿或命令。You must apologize for what you said.(你必须为你说的话道歉。)You must follow the rules of the game.(你必须遵守游戏规则。)需要注意的是,"must" 在否定句和疑问句中使用时,通常会改用 "must not" 或 "mustn"t"。例如:You must not smoke in this area.(在这个区域内禁止吸烟。)Mustn"t we finish this task by tomorrow?(我们不是必须在明天完成这个任务吗?)

文具盒里一定有铅笔,用must be造句

文具盒里一定有铅笔There must be a pencil in the pencailcase.

He felt very ____[A.strong B.strongly]that there must be something unusual happening to his school.

A因为 feel是系动词,就最好加形容词 构成系表结构。

There Must Be A Reason 歌词

There Must Be A Reason歌手:Sophie ZelmaniDecided to leave mypast years to the godsIt wouldn"t be fairit wouldn"t be rightTo choose myself to be the judgeI learned to keep my mouth shutand I tried to understandThat you must have a good heartif you could win,my mother"s handsI"m sorry motherthere must be another reasonI"m sorry motherbut now we are done!She was caught in the middlewanted to save her from warsSo I started to live for the dayI could move my life outdoorsThe distance buriedmy thoughts of revengeIt was a relief to thinkof you as a friendNow it occurs to me,how we have changedSince I"ve grown upit suddenly stoppedI"m sorry motherThere must be a another reasonI"m sorry motherbut now we are doneI"m sorry motherThere must be a another reasonI"m sorry motherbut now we are done

There must be_______.


there must be wrong with it

There must be(B.something)wrong with the clock. It doesn"t work. A.nothing B.something C.everything D.anything 考查不定代词的用法。因为钟表不能正常工作,说明它出了问题,使用something;套用句式There is something wrong with …。

there must be 后面加什么动名词?

there be情况,There be+sb/sth加动名词表示“有某人或某物正在做某事”,例:There is a boy crying on the playground

there must be 反意问句北京四中

there be 结构通常理解为倒装句,如: There must be a boy in the classroom,isn"t there?(主语为a boy) There must be some money in your bag,isn"t there?(主语为some money) There must some students in the classroom,aren"t there?(主语为some students)

at present there must be nothing we can do to prevent the juvenile crimes


There must be some reasons to make you happy in your real life,write down th

There are over 6 billion people living in this world, they are all different and they all have their own thinking about happiness. Immanuel Kant thinks that “Rules for Happiness: something to do, someone to love, something to hope for.” However, Dale Carnegie said that “It isn"t what you have or who you are or where you are or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about it”. For me, I used to have the same thinking as both of them, but a heavy rain made I change my mind. Something is as simple as living with my family that all makes me happy.First, my family is a safe harbor where I can be myself. I never have to explain myself to my family because they really know who I am. I can cry too hard or laugh too loud and never worry what they will think of me. It is happy when I have a home to come back after a hard working day. I don"t need to fear that someone may lie to me or hurt me, because I know that my family will do the best thing to me. Moreover, my family members will give me advice if I want it, but they will not judge me or make me ashamed of my behavior. Those are the reasons why Dan Wilcox said that “I don"t care how poor a man is; if he has family, he"s rich”.Second, living with family, I can see and take care for them all my time, which always makes me happy. Some people say that, a person will change her or his thinking about happiness at each stage of life. They may be right, but one thing which I am sure that it will never change is the hope of a healthy and happy family. Have you ever seen your son playing games with their friends with a smile? I think the answer is “yes”. With me, the time when I buy for my younger brother a cheap toy which he likes, or it is when I and my brother do some surprise things to make our father laugh is happiness. And it is when I and my father had the courage to step into the kitchen, cooking foods which my mother like on Women"s Day, though the soup could be a bit salty, the rice are not cooked, yet she still smiled.Finally, the main reason that makes I am happy is I am cared and loved by my family members when I live with them. Do you remember that I have said that a heavy rain made I change my mind about happiness? The rain helped I realize my family members interested me more than anyone else. When I finished my English class, although it torrential rains I did not bring an umbrella or raincoat. In this time, I think about my father, he would have brought for me a raincoat if I had studied near my home. However, the fact that no one could help me and I must overcame it alone. Then, when I got back to my dorm, my friend asked me why I came home late? Because of me, the food was cold. I did not angry with her, but I really hoped that my mother had been there, she has would worry for me and I have would feel the warm from her. It was enough to make I was happier than anything elseAll in all, nothing is better than a family. I am happy because I have a home welcome me all the time, I can love and be loved by my family members. I hope that they can go with me to the end of life. If you still live with your family, give them the most wonderful thing. Don"t find happiness on material things and forgot the real meaning of happiness around you.根据自身水平和实际情况修改内容,该内容可参考借鉴,希望能够帮到你!【ABC.Snap】

there must be somebody doing为啥用doing

光它后面的 不能用play是因为一个单独的句子当中只能有一个谓语动词,这里的playing是作为boys的后置状语的,是boys的逻辑动词

there must be something ensure in the box


Listen! There must be someone _________ through the jungle. A. trek &nbs...

C listen表示听的意思,引起人的注意,后面的句子通常用进行时态,结构为be+doing,trek的现在分词是trekking,故本题选C。

There must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood中visiting作什么成分


there must be some mistake

mistake是可数名词,只能说There must be some mistakes.Theremust be some mistake是错误的表达. 第二问: 我尝试用动词给你解答 I have reserved for a standard room/I have reserved a standard room. 名词:my reservation is for a standard room/my reservation is a standard room 不管是动词还是名词,都可以加for或者不加for 为什么? 因为reserve即可以做及物动词,又可以做不及物动词,不及物动词必须加介词接宾语 从reserve动词的用法你就能明白为什么名词形式里有for了 明白了吗?

There must be something wrong.


一定有贼闯进来了 这样翻译正确吗? There must be having a thief breaking it. 有了There be结构

 要克服这些差异,翻译时也就常有必要把一种表达方式 转换为另一种表达方式,使译文符合汉语表达习惯。. (一) 英语中有一些计量词,如 score, dozen, decade, quarter 等,在汉语中没有相应的表达方式, 所以在汉译时得对其加以转换。. 例如: f (1) Five score years ...

there must be something can be done 里面的 can be done 是从句吗 为什么没有引导词呢 be 是系动词还是

* there 引导 there be ... 句型, 表示“有”的意思。* 第1个 be 为系动词作谓语。* 第2个 be 为助动词。* done 为谓语,采用被动语态。* must, can 为情态动词。something 为不定代词。

这里为什么用there canbe而不是there must be?

can be 可能must be 一定而且,用must be 的话,句子会不通顺。

there must be someone

答案B 解析:本题考查现在分词做后置定语的情况.题意为:听,一定有人在敲门.listen一词说明是此刻正在发生的动作,因此应用现在分词形式做定语修饰主语someone,故正确答案为B.

There must be a lot more fun than taking a bus. 1.must在这的用法 2.more在这的用法 4.为什么是taking

1.must在这里是做情态动词用的,意思是——必定会.....;2.其实,more是“many/much——许多”的比较级,表示“更多”;more......than就是“比......更多”;3. 在这个句子中,用taking,而不用动词原形take,是因为前面的那个than,它的词性是介词,要注意,介词后面要跟名词,而动词变名词的方法,就是在动词后面加ing,所以,这里的take就变成了taking,也就是通常所说的动名词;4. 这个句子可以解释成;相比乘公共汽车而言,必定有乐趣得多。5.顺便说下,常见的介词,通常有这些:with, without, of, about, above,below, at, on, by, in, through, before, after, through.......希望这个回答对您会有帮助,谢谢!

There must be 和It must be有什么区别?

其中 must 是情态动词,是没有区别的。余下的就是 there be 和 it be 的区别了;there be 表示某个地方会出现或存在什么事物;it be 表示某个事物会出现什么性质。


There be+主语+其它这个本来就是主语,但在这个结构中,这个主语不会用人称代词的,所以,不存在主格宾格的问题。这个主语是名词通格。There must be some students in the classroom now.

there must be 一般疑问句怎么变


there must be something else to happiness than ju


There must be 和It must be有什么区别??急急!!

There must be 肯定有 It must be它一定是

There must be something wrong with the watch,()?

反义疑问句There be句型 There be 句型中,反义疑问部分必须为be 动词 + there There are some apples in the basket, aren"t there? There isn"t any milk left, is there?must .当陈述部分有情态动词must,问句有4种情况: (1)mustn"t表示“禁止,不可,必须”时,附加问句通常要用must. You mustn"t stop your car here,must you? 你不能把车停在这地方,知道吗? (2)must表示“有必要”时,附加问句通常要用needn"t. They must finish the work today,needn"t they? 他们今天要完成这项工作,是吗? (3)当must用来表示对现在的情况进行推测时,问句通常要根据must后面的动词采用相应的形式。 He must be good at English,isn"t he? 他英语一定学得很好,是吗?

请问there must be和there must have been有什么区别呢?

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