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Texting is a great way to communicate and teenagers are doing just that. New research shows tha...

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英语in the total community怎么翻译?

in the total community : 在整个社区

Growing up in one of the poorest, most crime-ridden(犯罪猖獗的) communities on the south si

rmance dimensiuring team s

Communications link failureuff1aThe last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ag

出现异常”The last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ago.“的大部分原因是由于数据库回收了连接,而系统的缓冲池不知道,继续使用被回收的连接所致的。第一种解决办法,就是将mysql回收空闲连接的时间变长,mysql默认回收时间是8小时,可以在mysql目录下的my.ini中增加下面配置,将时间改为1天。单位是秒,最大好像是24天:[mysqld]wait_timeout=86400第二种解决办法,可以通过配置,让缓冲池去测试连接是否被回收,如果被回收,则不继续使用,以dbcp为例:#SQL查询,用来验证从连接池取出的连接dbcp.validationQuery=SELECT 1#指明连接是否被空闲连接回收器(如果有)进行检验,如果检测失败,则连接将被从池中去除dbcp.testWhileIdle=true#在空闲连接回收器线程运行期间休眠的时间值,以毫秒为单位,一般比minEvictableIdleTimeMillis小dbcp.timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis=300000#在每次空闲连接回收器线程(如果有)运行时检查的连接数量,最好和maxActive一致dbcp.numTestsPerEvictionRun=50#连接池中连接,在时间段内一直空闲,被逐出连接池的时间(1000*60*60),以毫秒为单位dbcp.minEvictableIdleTimeMillis=3600000--------------------- 作者:云枫 来源:CSDN 原文: 版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,转载请附上博文链接!

求:OVA《穿越时空之壁(munto)》两话全 迅雷高速下载



  ユメミタソラ  歌:日高ユメミ(相沢舞)  作词/作曲:yozuca* 编曲:chokix  ムント(Munto)剧场版アニメ「天上人とアクト人最后の戦い」テーマソング  いつもと同(おな)じ笑颜(えがお) いつも见惯(みな)れたこの坂道(さかみち)  itsumoto ona ji egao itsumo ken mina retakono sakamichi  ここから见(み)える空(そら)に 君(きみ)が生(い)きる世界(せかい)がある  kokokara mi eru sora ni kimi ga i kiru sekaigaaru  またどこかで巡(めぐ)り会(あ)う  matadokokade megu ri a u  时空(とき)の壁(かべ)を超(こ)えて行(ゆ)ける  toki no kabe wo ko ete yu keru  君(きみ)の温(ぬく)もり その温(あたた)かさ 伝(つた)わる祈(いの)りが  kimi no nuku mori sono atata kasa tsuta waru ino riga  教(おし)えてくれた大切(たいせつ)なこと  oshi etekureta taisetsu nakoto  今(いま)をあきらめない  ima woakiramenai  ずっと…信(しん)じてる  zutto ... shin jiteru  确(たし)かな想(おも)い胸(むね)に  tashi kana omo i mune ni  羽根(はね)を広(ひろ)げ飞(と)べる心(こころ)も  hane wo hiro ge to beru kokoro mo  臆病风(おくびょうかぜ)が吹(ふ)いて  okubyoukaze ga fu ite  迷(まよ)い立(た)ち止(ど)まる心(こころ)も  mayo i ta chi do maru kokoro mo  その全(すべ)てを舍(す)てないわ  sono sube tewo su tenaiwa  本当(ほんとう)の强(つよ)さを知(し)った  hontou no tsuyo sawo shi tta  见上(みあ)げた空(そら)に映(うつ)る世界(せかい)が  mia geta sora ni utsu ru sekai ga  今日(きょう)もこれからも  kyoumokorekaramo  変(か)わらずそこに在(あ)りますように  ka warazusokoni a rimasuyouni  愿(ねが)い続(つづ)けるから  nega i tsudu kerukara  ずっと…いつまでも…  zutto ... itsumademo ...  君(きみ)の温(ぬく)もり その温(あたた)かさ 伝(つた)わる祈(いの)りが  kimi no nuku mori sono atata kasa tsuta waru ino riga  教(おし)えてくれた大切(たいせつ)なこと  oshi etekureta taisetsu nakoto  今(いま)をあきらめない  ima woakiramenai  ずっと…忘(わす)れない…  zutto ... wasu renai ...


好端端的为啥硬要码个中文出来= =....它ova们的后缀名字是中文的没错= =第1作没有后缀 就叫munto第2作是 munto 穿越时空之壁第3作貌似是 munto 仰望天空的少女瞳孔中所映照的世界 (但因为要tv了的关系所以第三作腰斩。)

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IET Communications Journals全部释义和例句>> IET通信期刊IET Communications journal平均审稿周期6个月

《The Leader Cultin Communist》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《The Leader Cult in Communist Dictatorship》(Balazs Apor)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: s4pd书名:The Leader Cult in Communist Dictatorship作者:Balazs Apor出版社:Palgrave Macmillan出版年份:2005-1-15页数:288内容简介:The first book to analyze the distinct leader cults that flourished in the era of "High Stalinism" as an integral part of the system of dictatorial rule in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. Fifteen studies explore the way in which these cults were established, their function and operation, their dissemination and reception, the place of the cults in art and literature, the exportation of the Stalin cult and its implantment in the communist states of Eastern Europe, and the impact which de-Stalinisation had on these cults.作者简介:S. DAVIES Senior Lecturer, University of Durham, UK B. ENNKER Professor of History, University of Tübingen, Germany C. KELLY Professor of History, New College Oxford, UK A.V. KLIMO Visiting Professor, International University, Bremen, Germany I.



good points and bad points about Democracy, Monarchy, Dictatorship, Communism (philosophy)?



nico 上的一个功能,是给用户建立一个虚拟社区(community),大多翻唱歌手也会建立自己的fan club,用作生放送或上载community 限定动画(co限) 社群名称:★柿チョコさんFC★ (柿チョコ桑的Fans Community)    社群类型:公开社群开设日:2009年09月07日  拥有人(社群作成者u30fb管理者):めろた    社群简介    是为正在niconico动画的【翻唱类别】中活跃的  柿チョコ桑声援的社群 关於在生放送常会出现的单词的摘要。  这些是属於柿生限定用语、记得不要将它们带到动画或其他的生放送中。どんまい(Don"t mind):在2010年的秋左右自然产生出来的柿生名物。  在柿失误的场合、听众都会有兴高采烈地送出「どんまい」「u0285(u203eu25e1u25dd)u0283」评语的习惯。另外、如果在歌放送 没有どんまい出现的场合、「のーどんまいだと…!? (竟然是nodon"t mind…!?)」「完走おめ(恭喜跑完全程)」也有说这种话来庆祝u30fb懊恼的习惯。  是充满対柿的爱的评语。请大家一定也要参与どんまい弾幕。  だんまっくさん(弹幕桑):  也就是弹幕职人(注4) 。不过、因为起初只有1个弹幕职人、所以就变成指那个特定的人的称呼。之后第2个弹幕职人出现了、就被取了另一个新的名字【マークⅡさん(Mark II 桑)】。    かしてぃー(歌词ty):  也就是歌词职人(注5) 。虽有多个有名称的歌词职人的様子、但全员都无分区别地叫作歌词ty。    なっすー(茄子):  因为由酪农桑所画的柿的肖像画怎样看也只能看成是茄子从而衍生出来的昵称。为了拟合「かっきー(kakki)」 这个昵称的语感所以就变成「なっすー (nassu)」。まっめー(豆):因为有[在远方看柿的话只能看见一粒豆] 这个级别的小脸蛋而衍生出来的昵称。为了拟合「かっきー(kakki)」 这个昵称的语感所以就变成「まっめー (mamme)」。    FNDu30fbKTu30fbNNST:  依照顺序是「请践踏我」「请用脚踢我」「请辱骂我」的意思。  在 live「VOCALOUDPARK」中、有谁向在舞台上的柿呼叫「FND!」(可能是酪农桑?)的这件事是其由来。    病院送り(送入医院):  混音师的madamxx氏、在「「Marygold」歌ってみた【柿チョコ】」的投稿的时候在singlink的日记中记载了「和柿チョコ吵架到了要互相殴斗」这件事、此外、「2周年记念「MIDI MASTER!!」ひとりノリノリで歌っ てみた【柿チョコ】」up报告的放送中也作出了同様内容的评语、所以产生了「被柿チョコ拜托 去mix的人都会被送入医院」这个大家默认的共识。(※实际上似乎只是対人声的音量大小的轻轻争论这种程度的対话)    他力本愿:  柿的座右铭。  柿本人的性格基本上是容易厌倦加上懒散怕麻烦的、所以似乎没有びび桑(びびあん)或まだむ桑(madamxx) 或 其 他的各位来帮助她就不行。    甘えて生きていきたい(想过着被宠爱着的生活)  柿的名言。  [如果可以投胎 转世的话男和女哪边较好呢?]说到这个话题的时候、柿回答了「女孩子较好」、要说为什麼的话就是因为「想过着被宠爱着的生活」。 经常出现在柿生中的niconico有关人士 ,和柿在现实也亲近的人们,以下提及的只是其中的一部分びびあん桑 …持有BSP(back stage pass)。和柿相亲相爱的旦那。  madamxx桑 …持有BSP。柿最能放心信頼的混音师大人。   イナカモノ桑 …持有BSP。[柿的粉丝同时是翻唱歌手]的代表性的存在。  贫血王子桑 …通称王子。柿的现实朋友。   かづきん桑 …柿所喜爱的嫁。  酪农仮面桑 …演奏者。茄子u30fbFND这些词的生父。 即使在柿生常驻的听众中、在其他听众之间的认知度也被认为是特别高的人们。  虽说是听众但和柿有很多牵连、名字也频繁地出现、知道他们的话会更好。  另外、以下的人们虽然可能比较特别、在柿生中的评语比较容易被理会、但注意这不是因为他们有用到固定名称、或因为用了有颜色的文字、或因为用了较大的文字等等的理由而被柿理会。  因为这是有数百人来场的生放送、所以在那儿请要懂得礼貌地行动。  ※柿仍未导入comment viewerあくあ桑 …画家。女性。柿生或柿びび放送的thumbnail(就是在生放链接的缩图)有很高机率是あくあ桑的画。  ·あす桑 …被认为即使是在听众中也算是属於最早期参加的成员。男性。无论国内外也要经常地出差。  苍-SOH-桑 …说到广告的话就是这个人。男性。银票窗框大致上都是全靠这位人兄所以让我们感谢他吧。  弹幕桑 …初代弹幕职人。男性。也能担任歌词ty的万能的职人桑。  ばーてん桑(Bartend桑) …正如其名字是一个调酒师(Bartender)。男性。似乎是在新宿的某间用Vocaloid或翻唱类别的曲来作BGM的鸡尾酒吧所聘请的店长。 1.只是大约,仅供参考  2.Don"t mind canceller = 完美唱过一次,没有Don"t mind过  3.有*号的是译注  4.至2011年11月,之后的可参看吧里的生歌合集 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------· 会いたい【あいた-】シグナルP/Dios様  Don"t mind canceller。    · アウト オブ エデン【あう-】kouhei様  · 红一叶【あか-】黒うさP様  虽然是Don"t mind canceller曲、但在立了Flag的时候也是一首会体验到恶梦的曲。    · AGAINST【あげ-】buzzG様  在live中唱过2次。    · a tail of the wind【あて-】Caz様  CD収录曲。    · 天ノ弱【あま-】164様  · 饴か梦【あめか-】doriko様  · 饴と锁【あめと-】otetsu様  · ARiA【あり-】とくP様  CD収录予定曲。(*现已収录在アコミク with VOCALISTS THE 39"s中)    · ARPK【ある-】baker様  · Es ~dirty aspiration~【い-】新井健史様  · 裏表ラバーズ【う-】wowaka(现実逃避P)様  · え?あぁ、そう。【え-】蝶々P(papiyon)様  · 恐山ルu30fbヴォワール【おそ-】かぴたろう様  Piano ver.→sm16015743    · 想イ出カケラ【おも-】ダルビッシュP様  Don"t mind canceller。在初live中唱了。    · 火葬曲【かそ-】No. D様  · カナリア【かな-】あわあわP様  把听众的点曲请求全部无视而唱了的曲。    · からくりピエロ【から-】40u334dP様  · Calc.【かる-】ジミーサムP様  虽然似乎在某处的音调弄错了但这种小事怎样也好。    · カンタレラ (原キー)【かん-】黒うさ様  · 聴こえていますか【きこ-】やながもP様  · 君に捧ぐファンタジア【きみ-】PolyphonicBranch様  · キリトリセン 【きり-】40u334dP様  · GALLOWS BELL【ぎ-】buzzG様  · glow【ぐ-】keeno様  · 恋は戦争【こいは-】ryo様  · COIN【こいん-】buzzG様  · Cosmos【こす-】otetsu様  · Corruption Garden【こら-】Caz様  在live中唱过2次。(*EGOIST 収录曲)    · God knows...【ご-】凉宫ハルヒの忧郁  · 最悪のカーニバル【さいあ-】ライブP様  · Cyclone【さいく-】黒うさ様  · 桜前线异常ナシ【さく-】ワタルP様  有2/5左右用nya nya nya唱了的don"t mind量产曲。    · SADISTIC VAMPIRE【さで-】オーP様  · シザーハンズ【しざ-】NemP様  · ショットガンu30fbラヴァーズ 【しょ-】のぼる↑様  · シリョクケンサ)【しり-】40u334dP様  · 心拍数u266f0822 【しん-】蝶々P(papiyon)様  · ジェンガ【じぇ-】40u334dP様  · Just a game【じゃすとあ-】takamatt様  · Just Be Friends【じゃすとび-】DixieFlatline様  Piano ver.→sm7732589    · 13cm【じゅ-】クラフトP様  在第一次听众请求唱时有「唱这个真的可以吗?!自重什麼的我可不会哦?!」这种罕见的反应。    · 人生リセットボタン 【じん-】kemu様  · スキキライ【すき-】HoneyWorks様  · SPICE!【すぱ-】minato(流星P)様  · Sleepless Night【すり-】あわあわP様  因为没有karaoke版本所以唱时用了本家动画。    · 千夜月-senyaduki-【せんや-】矶P様  CD収录曲。因为没有karaoke版本所以唱时用了本家动画。    · 体温【た-】光収容の仓库様  · Child"s Garden【ち-】otetsu様  · 罪と罚【つ-】DECO*27様  · 天乐【て-】ゆうゆP様  只唱过1回所以可能会变成幻之生歌。    · Dear 【でぃ-】19"s Sound Factory様  · Desire 【でざ-】otetsu様  · 东京テディベア【とうきょうて-】NeruP様  只唱过1回所以可能会变成幻之生歌。    · トカレフと少女【とか-】もちーべP様  · トリノコシティ【とり-】40u334dP様  · ナーバス【な-】shizuru様  · 二息歩行【に-】DECO*27様  · 虹色蝶々【に-】黒うさ様  · ノーザンクロス 【の-】マクロスF  · ハッピーシンセサイザ【はっ-】EasyPop様  · バイビーベイビーサヨウナラ【ばい-】saiB様  · Bad Apple!!【ばっどあ-】东方  · Bad Sweets【ばっどす-】T-POCKET様  BadBye【ばっどば-】こまん様  在柿生中说到「べい(bei)」就是指这首歌。(*这里不太懂,大概是柿犯傻读错了badbye吧...)    · バビロン 【ばび-】トーマ様  · パズル【ぱず-】クワガタP様  · パンダヒーロー【ぱん-】ハチ様  Don"t mind量产曲。    · ピアノ×フォルテ×スキャンダル【ぴ-】OSTER project様  · Fleeting Reality【ふ-】ゆーきー様  在live中唱了的曲。    · Blackjack 【ぶらっくじ-】ゆちゃ様  Don"t mind canceller。    · ブラック★ロックシューター【ぶらっくろ-】ryo様  · 星屑ユートピア【ほし-】otetsu様  · Holography【ほろ-】ダルビッシュP様  · マイリスダメー!【まい-】ライブP様  最后的台词是绝对不会说的。    · magnet【まぐ-】minato(流星P)様  CD収录予定曲。(*现已収录在アコミク with VOCALISTSTHE 39"s中)    · マトリョシカ【まと-】ハチ様  · マリオネット【まりおねっと-】クリーム市长様  · マリオネットシンドローム【まりおねっとし-】すこっぷ様  · Mr.Music【みす-】れるりり様  合作up曲。曾有过一边自己一个人去模仿全员一边唱的事。    · 迷的サイバネティックス【めい-】otetsu様  · MEGANE【めが-】ultra noob様  曲间的[哈~哈~]的喘气声是曲本身就有的和声所以不要想歪。    · メグメグ☆ファイアーエンドレスナイト【めぐ-】SAM(samfree)様  · メランコリック【めら-】Junky様  · モザイクロール【もざ-】DECO*27様  · モノクロ∞ブルースカイ【もの-】のぼる↑様  · 暗色アリス【や-】SAM(samfree)様  · 魔法骑士レイアース ゆずれない愿い【ゆ-】魔法骑士レイアース  · 欲求不満マーチ 【よ-】20世纪P様  up曲之中也算是属於鬼畜曲所以请求首先就不会通过、可是曾试过在ライブP的请求之下唱过。    · La Fiesta【らふ-】れれれP様  · 初音ミク ラブアトミックu30fbトランスファー【らぶ-】蝶々P(papiyon)様  · リスキーゲーム 【りす-】黒うさ様  Don"t mind canceller。    · RIP=RELEASE【りっ-】minato(流星P)様  up曲。只唱过1回所以可能会变成幻之生歌。    · リリリリ★バーニングナイト【りり-】SAM(samfree)様  · リンネ【りん-】ハチ様  Don"t mind canceller。    · 恋爱サーキュレーション【れんあ-】化物语  · 恋距离远爱【れんき-】DECO*27様  · 炉心融解【ろし-】iroha(sasaki)様  只唱过1回所以可能会变成幻之生歌。    · ロミオとシンデレラ【ろみ-】doriko様  · ローリンガール【ろー-】wowaka(现実逃避P)様


community的读音:美【ku0259u02c8mjuu02d0nu0259ti】。n.社区居民;社区;社区所在地;群体;团体;界;共同参与;共性;共同体;共性;一致性;区(威尔士、苏格兰自20世纪70年代中期后最小的行政单位);群落。复数:communities。记忆技巧:com 共同+mun公共的+ity具备某种性质,状况、公共状态 、社会,社区。community college社区学院;社区大学;两年制的社区大学。European Community欧洲共同体;欧共体;欧洲共同市场;欧洲团体。virtual community虚拟社区;虚拟共同体。Caribbean Community加勒比共同体;加勒比共同市场;共同体。East African Community东非共同体;共同体;东部非洲共同体;希望东部非洲共同体。Taizé Community泰泽团体。FA Community Shield英格兰社区盾;社区盾;社区盾杯;英格兰慈善盾。international community国际社会;国际共同体;国际社区;国际社群。community service社区服务;社会服务;服务社会;服务领域。双语例句:1、Crime and the fear of crime preoccupy thecommunity.犯罪和对犯罪的恐惧占据了这个社区的思绪。2、There is a strong sense ofcommunity in this town.这个镇上有一种强烈的社区意识。3、The centre will serve the wholecommunity.这个中心将为整个社区提供服务。4、They played a part in the life of theircommunity.他们在自己的社区生活中发挥了作用。5、The residents formed acommunity action group.居民组成了社区行动组。6、community leaders say a complete departmental shake-up is needed.社区领导人说需要进行一次彻底的部门大改组。7、The sense ofcommunity is lost.团体意识没有了。8、It was a tightcommunity and newcomers were not welcome.这个社区很团结,不欢迎新来的人。9、Two of our greatest strengths are diversity andcommunity.我们的两个最大优点是多样性和团体精神。10、Integrating the kids with thecommunity is essential.使孩子们融入这个社区是非常必要的。

那里有菲律宾电视剧《美人鱼》中的Aking Mundo - Julie Ann San Jose MP3,要可以下载的那种


implicit/explicit communication

implicitKK: []DJ: []a.1. 不言明的;含蓄的Her silence gave implicit consent.她的沉默表示默许。2. 内含的;固有的[(+in)]It is implicit in our agreement that she will be a partner.我们的协议中含有她将成为合伙人这一意思。3. 无疑问的;无保留的;绝对的[B]The crew had implicit faith in the captain"s judgment.全体船员都绝对相信船长的判断。4. 【废】缠绕的

谁有主题是“Importance Of Communication”英语演讲稿

Communication between people is of utmost importance. The importance cannot be stressed too much. It is said in the Bible that once upon a time, humans communicated with each other in one language. So they attempted to build the Babel Tower to communicate with God, only to find such dream was a castle in the air. In the aftermath, humans were trapped into troubles due to the misunderstandings between them. The jealous God plunged us into such bitterness. Even now, people with different races and religions are dragged into endless wars. People are crying and dying! Such consequences are rooted deeply in the lack of communication. Therefore, lack of communication will lead to perish of human beings. On the contrary, mutual understanding can be well-established between people if we communicate with each other. That is, the rapport between two countries will be strengthened and the misunderstanding will be reduced if there is a dialogue channel. Likewise, friends can become closer if they argue with each other. No one likes to but it is necessary to be healthy. Arguments between people are a way of communication, by which we can find a solution to the conflictions between us. Consequently, we promote the mutual understanding. To conclude, through communication, mutual understanding can be promoted and fostered between people with difference races, religions, sex and ideologies. One way is to argue (not totally means quarrels) during the communication to clarify the different views. Lack of communication will surely lead to perish of mankind.

急!!the importance of communication

1,humans communicated with each other in one language2,humans were trapped into troubles due to the misunderstandings between them. 3,Therefore, lack of communication will lead to perish of human beings

英语作文《The Importance of Communication》 跪求成稿

Communication between people is of utmost importance. The importance cannot be stressed too much. It is said in the Bible that once upon a time, humans communicated with each other in one language. So they attempted to build the Babel Tower to communicate with God, only to find such dream was a castle in the air. In the aftermath, humans were trapped into troubles due to the misunderstandings between them. The jealous God plunged us into such bitterness. Even now, people with different races and religions are dragged into endless wars. People are crying and dying! Such consequences are rooted deeply in the lack of communication. Therefore, lack of communication will lead to perish of human beings. On the contrary, mutual understanding can be well-established between people if we communicate with each other. That is, the rapport between two countries will be strengthened and the misunderstanding will be reduced if there is a dialogue channel. Likewise, friends can become closer if they argue with each other. No one likes to but it is necessary to be healthy. Arguments between people are a way of communication, by which we can find a solution to the conflictions between us. Consequently, we promote the mutual understanding. To conclude, through communication, mutual understanding can be promoted and fostered between people with difference races, religions, sex and ideologies. One way is to argue (not totally means quarrels) during the communication to clarify the different views. Lack of communication will surely lead to perish of mankind.

英语作文《The Importance of Communication》 跪求成稿

Communication between people is of utmost importance. The importance cannot be stressed too much. It is said in the Bible that once upon a time, humans communicated with each other in one language. So they attempted to build the Babel Tower to communicate with God, only to find such dream was a castle in the air. In the aftermath, humans were trapped into troubles due to the misunderstandings between them. The jealous God plunged us into such bitterness. Even now, people with different races and religions are dragged into endless wars. People are crying and dying! Such consequences are rooted deeply in the lack of communication. Therefore, lack of communication will lead to perish of human beings. On the contrary, mutual understanding can be well-established between people if we communicate with each other. That is, the rapport between two countries will be strengthened and the misunderstanding will be reduced if there is a dialogue channel. Likewise, friends can become closer if they argue with each other. No one likes to but it is necessary to be healthy. Arguments between people are a way of communication, by which we can find a solution to the conflictions between us. Consequently, we promote the mutual understanding. To conclude, through communication, mutual understanding can be promoted and fostered between people with difference races, religions, sex and ideologies. One way is to argue (not totally means quarrels) during the communication to clarify the different views. Lack of communication will surely lead to perish of mankind.

英语作文《The Importance of Communication》 跪求成稿

Communication between people is of utmost importance. The importance cannot be stressed too much. It is said in the Bible that once upon a time, humans communicated with each other in one language. So they attempted to build the Babel Tower to communicate with God, only to find such dream was a castle in the air. In the aftermath, humans were trapped into troubles due to the misunderstandings between them. The jealous God plunged us into such bitterness. Even now, people with different races and religions are dragged into endless wars. People are crying and dying! Such consequences are rooted deeply in the lack of communication. Therefore, lack of communication will lead to perish of human beings. On the contrary, mutual understanding can be well-established between people if we communicate with each other. That is, the rapport between two countries will be strengthened and the misunderstanding will be reduced if there is a dialogue channel. Likewise, friends can become closer if they argue with each other. No one likes to but it is necessary to be healthy. Arguments between people are a way of communication, by which we can find a solution to the conflictions between us. Consequently, we promote the mutual understanding. To conclude, through communication, mutual understanding can be promoted and fostered between people with difference races, religions, sex and ideologies. One way is to argue (not totally means quarrels) during the communication to clarify the different views. Lack of communication will surely lead to perish of mankind.

Edmund Hilary是谁?

Edmund Hilary(1919年7月20日-2008年1月11日)是新西兰的登山家,探险家和慈善家。1953年5月29日,他和 Nepalese Sherpa登山队的Tenzing Norgay 成为第一个达到珠峰顶峰的人。他被time评为20世纪最有影响的100人之一。他在中学时期编队登山运动产生浓厚兴趣,1939年他第一次攀登,登顶Mount Ollivier。第二次世界大战期间,他曾为新西兰皇家空军的一名航海家。1953年珠峰探险之前,已于1951年登顶卓奥友峰。1958年,作为联邦横穿南极考察队一员,他到达南极大陆,随后前往北极。亲,希望能够帮到你,好多资料都是英文,就不全部翻译了,望采纳~!

remuneration, payroll, salary, wage 有啥区别

SALARY一般指月薪 WAGE指周薪/日新 PAYROLL 只工资条/单remuneration 指报酬、赔偿等



Jormungand为啥会翻译成军 火 女王。。? 是意译吗。。?

楼主可以这么理解了~而且ヨルムンガンド才是原作的名字,英文名完全是愿意翻译,国内才改的,我对漫画不是太了解 因为刚完结没来得及看 所以不太清楚是不是有台湾授权出版的繁体漫画 如果有也很有可能是以该出版社的名字命名的,至于原本的意思就是北欧神话里洛基的孩子了,巨蛇怪耶梦加得,其实直译感觉要好听的多诶,只是意译倒也符合COCO的形象~以上~

communication intern是做什么

communication intern传播实习生1Analyze 403 articles on nurse-patient communication records written by undergraduate intern nurse 403篇护理本科实习生护患交流记录剖析临床实习生的医德教育2Huang Ying, a3rd year online communication student at Wuhan University, now is working as an intern entertainment editor in SINA, one of china"s largest Internet portals. 黄莹,武汉大学网络传播专业三年级学生,现在在中国最大的门户网站之一的新浪担任实习编辑。

csgo的指令 mp_respawn_immunitytime和 mp_spawnprotectiontime 有什么区别

死亡竞赛改不了,你只能把不同的地图【休闲模式】改成死亡竞赛的类似模式:在控制台输入以下代码:mp_t_default_primary weapon_AWP 【T主武器 AWP】mp_ct_default_primary weapon_AWP 【ct主武器 AWP】mp_t_default_secondary weapon_GLOCK 【T副武器 GLOCK】mp_ct_default_secondary weapon_hkP2000 【CT副武器 P2000】————————————————————————mp_give_player_c4 0【爆破地图输入这个 没有C4】mp_hostages_max 0 【人质地图输入这个 没有人质】——————————————————————————mp_respawn_on_death_t 1 【T死后复活】mp_respawn_on_death_ct 1 【CT死后复活】mp_death_drop_defuser 0 【死后不掉落拆弹器】mp_death_drop_gun 0 【死后不掉落武器】——————————————————————————mp_roundtime_defuse 20【爆破地图输入 回合时间20分钟】mp_roundtime_hostage 20 【人质地图输入 回合时间20分钟】mp_roundtime 20【歼灭地图输入 回合时间20分钟】————————————————————————mp_buytime 0 【没有购买时间】mp_randomspawn 1 【随机出生点】mp_maxrounds 1 【最大回合数 1】sv_infinite_ammo 2 【无限备用子弹,没有效果就在输入之前先输入SV_CHEATS 1】————————————————————额外:如果想要玩全敌对模式,就输入这些【雷达依旧回显示原本同一阵营的玩家/BOT】mp_teammates_are_enemies 1 【友军视为敌人】——————————————————————想要在雷达上看见敌人就输入这个:mp_radar_showall 1 【将双方显示在雷达上】还缺什么再问。


必须zabbix啊 现在很多新上的监控都逐渐迁移到zabbix 毕竟它将nagios与cacti的功能综合了,而且安装配置简单,功能强悍无比

帮我以how to overcome communicative barries为题写英语短文,150字.拜谢了..兄弟姐妹们....


communication barriers什么意思

communication barriers 沟通障碍;沟通的障碍;交际障碍例句筛选1.when you feel that there are communication barriers, what do you think themain cause is?当你感觉有交流障碍时,你认为主要原因是什么?2.Communication Strategies to break through Communication Barriers inEnglish突破英语交际障碍的应变策略



Appium1.10.1+python3如何避免每次安装AppiumUnlock,appium Settings


capsule communicator是什么意思

就是唯一能直接与宇航员进行通讯联络的通讯员Capsule :胶囊、封装。Communicator :通讯员。NASA 的飞行控制室里,总指挥和各系统主管七嘴八舌地讨论出一堆东西,但最终总结 (打包、封装 Capsule) 成简单直白的指令,由通讯员 (Communicator) 发布到天上。

Finis Mundi 歌词

歌曲名:Finis Mundi歌手:Battleroar专辑:To Death And Beyond标题:Finis Mundi艺术家:To Death and Beyond...It"s the end of the year nine hundred ninety nineFor nobles and countrymen, peasants and lordsThe edge of oblivion draws nearMedieval darkness, cradle of magicOn through the night, the fears are growingNo more tomorrow, a merciless endingNowhere to run, the time is comingThe time is coming!In the name of the LordThe Pope and the Bishops preachThe beast of damnation will rise from the seaThe serpent of hell devoursSinners are chanting, pay for salvationYou"d better prepare when judgement calls youIs it too late now? Omens are clearEnd of the world, the Finis MundiThe Finis Mundi!God, hear the call of the sons of the EarthWe will stand tall in this time of despairProphecies old from the dawn of all daysOnly the pure will survive this dark ageThis is the end of all times, it"s the Finis MundiDamned are the souls left behind, it"s the Finis MundiAngels descend from the sky, it"s the Finis MundiWatching this world as it dies, it"s the Finis Mundi金属梦:66032164



carpet muncher 什么意思


Culture is the beliefs, () and way-of-life of a community or society.

Culture is the beliefs, () and way-of-life of a community or society. A.traditions B.habits C.customs D.costumes 正确答案:C

No. 7 Shing Mun Road TSUEN WAN 是香港什么地方?

7 SHING MUN ROADTSUEN WAN香港考试及评核局荃湾评核中心地址:荃湾城门道7号前往方法:地铁荃湾线(红色)大窝口地铁站B出口直行约5分钟,见荃湾警署过对面马路即达地图: (没有号码,在2号建筑物明爱中心旁边,8号建筑物警署对面)就近酒店:悦来酒店(荃湾区)

Mundy的《Addicted》 歌词

歌曲名:Addicted歌手:Mundy专辑:24 Star HotelLyrics By: linsa.leeI"m so addicted toAll the things you doWhen you"re going down on meIn between the sheetsAll the sounds you makeWith every breath you takeIt"s unlike anythingWhen you"re loving meOh girl lets take it slowSo as for you well you know where to goI want to take my loveand hate you till the endIt"s not like you to turn awayFrom all the bullshit I can"t takeIt"s not like me to walk awayI"m so addicted too all the things You dowhen you"re going down on meIn between the sheetsAll the sounds you makeWith every breath you takeIt"s unlike anythingWhen you"re loving meYeahI know when it"s getting roughAll the times we spendTrying to makeThis love something better thanJust making up againIt"s not like you to turn awayAll the bullshit I can"t takeJust when I think I can walk away,I"m so addicted to all the thingsYou do when you"re going on meIn between the sheetsAll the sounds you makeWith every breathIt"s unlike anythingI"m so addicted to the things you doWhen you"re going down on meAll the sounds you makeWith every breath you takeIt"s unlike anything when you"re loving meWhen you"re loving meHow can I make it throughAll the things you doThere"s just got to be more to you and meI"m so addicted to all the things you doWhen you"re going down on meIn between the sheetsAll the sounds you makeWith every breath you takeIt"s unlike anythingIt"s unlike anythingI"m so addicted toAll the things you doWhen you"re going down on meAll the sounds you makeWith every breath You takeIt"s unlike anythingI"m so addicted to youAddicted to youBy: linsa


communication 英[ku0259u02ccmju:nu026au02c8keu026au0283n] 美[ku0259u02ccmjunu026au02c8keu0283u0259n] n. 交流; 通讯,通信; 书信; 传达; [例句]The ambassador has brought with him a communication from the President.大使带来了总统的口信。[其他] 复数:communications ADHOC abbr. advanced data handler for on-line control 联机控制用高级数据处理程序; analysis of degradation due to hot carrier 热载流子引发性能退化分析<一种电路级热载流子可靠性模拟程序>; [例句]Using these sensors, they have demonstrated the formation of adhoc networks.利用这些传感器,他们所表现出的形成临时性网络。

Erasmus Mundus什么意思?

一、什么是“Erasmus Mundus”项目?“Erasmus Mundus” 项目是在高等教育领域的一个合作性的学生交流项目:- 支持高质量的欧洲研究生课程(“Erasmus Mundus”研究生课程),每一课程都是由欧洲几所大学联合经营,并能把欧洲及世界上其他国家的学生紧密地联系在一起;- 提供优厚的奖学金,以便使来自全世界的学生都能全身心地投入到“Erasmus Mundus”研究生课程的学习。二、“Erasmus Mundus”这个名字的含义?Desiderius Erasmus(1469-1536)把他的毕生精力用于促进全球性性的智慧概念,他认为这是人与人之间的相互理解的关键。 Erasmus不但精通于神学、教育、修辞学、和古典研究,还在法国、英格兰、意大利、瑞士和现在的比利时学习和教书。鉴于他作为一个流动的欧洲学者的显赫的事业,欧洲委员会决定把首个欧洲学生的流动项目奖以他的名字命名:即1987年颁发的Erasmus奖,使得有超过一百万的欧洲学生争取到欧洲其他国家学习的机会。2004年,为了新开辟一项目以支持欧洲同世界其他各国的学生交流,欧盟决定将“Mundus”(拉丁语中的“世界”的意思)加在现有的“Erasmus”上。三、谁有资格申请到“Erasmus Mundus”的奖学金?凡拥有优异学习成绩及优秀研究成果的全世界的研究生(欧盟、欧盟候选国、列支敦士登、挪威、冰岛等国的公民除外),均可申请此奖学金。 四、此奖学金包含什么?颁发多少?“Erasmus Mundus”奖学金包括研究生在欧洲求学期间的旅费和住宿费。 在2004-2008年间,将有7000名学生获得此奖学金。每年颁发的数量在逐年增加,因此给学生提供了一个至少可以在欧洲两个国家生活和学习的机会。五、怎样申请?学生可直接申请研究生课程,以下是申请程序:- 直接登陆到“Erasmus Mundus”网站上申请: 找到并点击你所感兴趣的学科。整个欧洲有关的学术课程目录将会呈现出来供你选择。- 在所提供的学术课程中,找到那个你最想要的。你将发现每一个专业都有自己独立的网页及申请步骤。你所要做的就是马上申请即可!- 请确认你已经仔细阅读了你所要学的专业的申请及入学条件。六、选择“Erasmus Mundus”的理由?你是一个正在寻找国际教育的研究生?以下是申请“Erasmus Mundus”奖学金的10种理由:1. 能在欧洲最好的大学中接受到高质量的教育2. 应用不同的理论和实践方法把欧洲所有大学中的专业知识强项结合起来学习。3. 从广泛的学术学科范围来进行选择,包括创新的跨学科课程。4. 拥有官方承认的双学位或专为博士学位或对职业感兴趣的人开设的课程。5. 可以亲身体验在欧洲的生活经历,并至少可以在两个不同的欧洲国家学习。6. 抓住机遇,如果你愿意,可以使用两种欧洲国家的语言并生活在多种不同的语言环境中(尽管我们只用一种语言教学)。7. 在不同的欧洲学校充分享受到热烈的欢迎和优质的住宿服务。8. 提高你的跨文化背景,并通过跟来自全世界各地的学生一起学习和交流,使你的头脑更灵活。9. 感谢“Erasmus Mundus”校友会,能使你在全世界范围内都能和朋友建立长期的联系。10. 为了适应全球市场的需要,迫使你必须进行国际化操作以提高国际知识水平和社交能力,





civil rights are the freedoms and rignts ___as a member of a community,state,or nation.

c 定从, civil rights are the freedoms and rights (that) a person may have/ as a member of a community , state or nation

Chipmunk&Chris Brown的《Champion》 歌词

歌曲名:Champion歌手:Chipmunk&Chris Brown专辑:TransitionDid you realize that you were a champion in their eyes?Yes I did, so I packed it up and brought it back to the cribJust a lil" somethin" show you how we liveE"r"body want it but it ain"t that serious - uh huh...That"s that shitSo if you gon" do it, do it just like thisDid you realize that you are a champion in their eyes?You don"t see just how wild the crowd is?You don"t see just how fly my style is?I don"t see why I need a stylistWhen I shop so much I can speak ItalianI don"t know I just wanted better for my kidsAnd I ain"t sayin" we was from the projectsBut everytime I want a layaway or a depositMy dad"ll say "when you see clothes close ya eyelids"We was sorta like Will Smith and his sonIn the movie I ain"t talkin" "bout the rich ones"Cause every summer he"ll get someBrand new hare-brained scheme to get rich fromAnd I don"t know what he did for doughBut he"d sent me back to school wit" a new wardrobe and hey! eh, eh, eh(Did you realizeThat you were a champion in their eyesI think he did, when he packed it up and brought it back to the cribJust a lil" somethin" show you how we liveE"r"thing I wanted man it seemed so serious. uh huh...That"s that shitSo if you gon" do it, do it just like this(Did you realize that you were a champion in their eyes?When it feel like livin"s harder than dyin"For me givin" up"s way harder than tryin"Lauryn Hill say her heart was in ZionI wish her heart still was in rhymin""Cause who the kids gon" listen to? Huh?I guess me if it isn"t youLast week I paid a visit to the instituteThey got the drop out keepin" kids in the schoolI guess I"ll clean up my act like Prince"ll doIf not for the pleasure, least for the principleThey got the CD then got to see me drop gemsLike I dropped out of P.E.They used to feel invisibleNow they know they invincibleDid you realize that you were a champion in their eyesThis is the story of a championRounders in the mob and they pop the gunsStand up stand up! Here he comesTell me what it takes to be number one?Tell me what it takes to be number one?This is the story of a championRounders in the mob and they pop the gunsStand up stand up! Here he comesTell me what it takes to be number one?Tell me what it takes to be number one?(Did you realize that you were a champion in their eyesYes I did, so I packed it up and brought it back to the cribJust a lil" somethin" show you how we liveE"r"body want it but it ain"t that seriousThat"s that shitSo if you gon" do it, do it just like thisDid you realize that you were a champion in their eyes

Alvin and the Chipmunks里主人公给花栗鼠们做的第一首歌,关于呼啦圈的


有人爱看 Dramatic Chipmunk 吗


cocos2dx v3.x封装了chipmunk,那到底封装了box2d没有?如果要用box2d需要用box2d的代码来写?

这个两个物理引擎都有,但同时只能使用一个,默认是chipmunk。你vs里面的预定义宏有一句CC_ENABLE_CHIPMUNK_INTEGRATION=1 默认打开了,如果要开box2d ---》》CC_ENABLE_CHIPMUNK_INTEGRATION=0 然后添加CC_ENABLE_BOX2D_INTEGRATION=1 直接换成这一句也ok。如果都=1程序就挂了。

Chipmunk&Trey Songz的《Take Off》 歌词

歌曲名:Take Off歌手:Chipmunk&Trey Songz专辑:Take Off2PM【中日对照】 - Take Off (Japanese)君と出会ったのはただの偶然じゃない【我和你的相遇并不是偶然】これを运命と呼ぶんだ【这就是命运】その瞳に映る 仆たちが辉いていられるように【为了能让眼中闪耀照映的我们彼此】ずっと见つめ続けて【所以一直注视著】(I"ll be)いつの日も君に【(I"ll be) 平常的你】(With you)笑颜を绝やさない【(will you) 总是面带微笑】今ここで誓いたい(you and me)【现在就想在这里发誓 (you and me)】(Please be)だからもしこの胸が【Please be)如果有一天这颗心】(With me)道に迷う日には【(will be) 日子里迷失了方向】未来への扉を开いてほしい【请帮我打开通往未来的那扇门】Ready ready ready for the take off未知なる世界へと舞い上がるんだ【向未来的世界飞翔】だからその手放さないで【所以(所以)请不要放开手】Ready ready ready for the take off梦が目指す场所へ 掴んだこの绊握りしめて【梦想指定的场所 紧紧握著被抓紧的羁绊】谁もが挑む时【不管是被谁挑衅的时候】不安にかられる【或是被不安包围的时候】そんな时はそっと背中押してよ【那个时候请在我身旁支持我】(Please be)君のその一言は【(Please be)你的一句话】(With me)次に进むための 强い勇気になる魔法の言叶【(With me)都是让我可以拥有勇气继续向前迈进的魔法】Ready ready ready for the take off地平线目指すんだ【朝向地平线的那个方向】あの向こうで君と谁かが待っている【在那个地方 一定有你或是某个人在等待著】Ready ready ready for the take off生まれ変わる场所へ【为了重新诞生的场所】舞い降りるんだ 一つになるために【慢慢的飘落 为了合而为一】Low low low to the flowWe got a future 感じろ【We gotta feel~~~ 感受吧!】Baby make that and break downLet"s jump up!Let"s jump up!(oh!)We"re gonna go hight时代解决求めて【时间分秒一定办的到】Do you want it?Oh my God!Everybody do it now そのまま【Everybody do it now 直接】We will show you howBaby it"s my dreambut それはjust joking【but 直接ust joking】Let"s me hear 君に届ける【Let"s me hear 把他传送给你】We are ready,let"s take off!出会いが命を运んでいくんだ【相遇是因为命运的安排】Ready ready ready for the take off梦が目指す场所へ【梦想指定的地方】手にしたこの绊握りしめて【牢牢抓住手中的羁绊】

Incommunicado 歌词

歌曲名:Incommunicado歌手:Marillion专辑:A Singles Collection 1982-1992: Six Of One, Half-Dozen Of The Other--- Track 7 of _Clutching At Straws_ ---I"d be really pleased to meet you if I could remember your nameBut I got problems with my memory ever since I got a winner in the famegameI"m a citizen of Legoland travellin Incommunicadoand I don"t give a damn for the Fleet Street afficionadosBut I don"t want to be the backpage interviewMarillionI don"t want launderette anonymityI want my handprints in the concrete on Sunset Boulevarda dummy in Tussauds you"ll se IncommunicadoI"m a Marquee veteran, a muti-media bonafide celebrityI"ve got an allergy to Perrier, daylight and responsibilityI"m a rootin-tootin cowboy a Peter Pan with street credibilityalways making the point with the dawn patrol fraternitySometimes it seems like I"ve been here beforewhen I hear opportunity kicking in my doorcall it synchronicity call it Deja VuBut I don"t want to be a tin can tied to the bumper of awedding limousine, or currently residing in the where are the now filea oupee on the cabaret sceneI want to do adverts for American Express cardsand talk shows on prime time t.v., a villa in Francemy own cocktail bar and that"s where you"re gonna find meincommunicadoSometimes it seems like I"ve been here beforeWhen I hear opportunity kicking in my doorCall it synchronicity call it deja vuI just put my faith in destiny it"s the way that I choose- incommunicado(Rainbow Room, LA; St. Moritz Club London)

《Nature Commun》:合金的层错能研究取得新进展

层错是晶体面序列上的不规则性。因此,晶体基态结构中的层错与过剩的能量有关,称为层错能(SFE)。 在此,来自美国俄亥俄州立大学的Maryam Ghazisaeidi等研究者,重新讨论了层错能(SFE)的意义和致密合金中晶格位错平衡解离的假设。相关论文以题为“Stacking fault energy in concentrated alloys”发表在Nature Communications上。 论文链接: SFE测量了相对于另一个原子平面的剪切能量成本,因此,直接与晶体对变形的响应有关。根据Frank法则,在晶格位错分解为部分位错以降低弹性能的过程中,会产生层错。因此,层错区域的大小(部分位错之间的距离),是由部分位错之间的排斥性弹性相互作用和它们之间产生层错的能量之间的平衡所决定的,即SFE。 在面心立方(fcc)晶体中,SFE和位错的解离宽度会影响位错的迁移率、交叉滑移的能力和孪晶的形成,所有这些因素都决定着晶体的力学行为。 通过合金化引入化学变化,进一步影响SFE,进而影响力学响应。在fcc晶体中,层错区域以部分位错为界,由两个具有六方致密排列(hcp)结构的原子平面组成。Suzuki等人研究表明,该区域溶质的平衡浓度可能与平均体积浓度不同。溶质向或从层错区偏析或耗尽,改变了SFE,进而影响位错行为。而这种现象,已在许多合金体系中广泛观察到。 随着合金的成分变得更加复杂,例如,在不锈钢或高温合金中,SFE的合金化效应,在决定相互竞争的变形机制中起着更加突出的作用。例如,钢中马氏体相变和机械孪生等二次变形模式的激活均与SFE直接相关。随着SFE的减小,变形机制由位错滑移向位错滑移和孪晶(孪生诱导塑性效应或TWIP效应)转变为位错滑移,γfcc转变为u03f5hcp马氏体相变(相变诱导塑性效应或TRIP效应)。 高熵合金(HEAs)将成分的复杂性带到一个新的极端。HEAs是等浓度或接近等浓度的多组分合金,其中溶质和溶剂的概念不存在。在这种情况下,SFE很可能受到局部原子构型的影响,因为一些原子键比其他原子键更难打破。Smith等人观察了CoCrNiFeMn中层错宽度沿位错线的局部变化,证明了HEAs中局部效应的重要性。 但在这里,有两个基本问题急需解决:(1)SFE还能被认为是晶体特有的固有属性吗?(2)解离距离和位错迁移率仍然受SFE控制吗? 鉴于此,研究者使用NiCo系统模型进行了计算演示,该模型完全可混溶,可以检测一系列成分和温度。此外,hcp和fcc的有利度以及SFE的符号可以通过改变成分来调整。此外,该体系不容易形成SRO,因此,可以将这种效应从随机合金中仅由成分波动引起的效应中分离出来。 研究表明,SFE在纯金属中具有独特的价值。然而,在超过稀释极限的合金中,SFE值的分布取决于局部原子环境。通常,部分位错之间的平衡距离是由部分位错之间的排斥性弹性相互作用和SFE的唯一值之间的平衡决定的。这种假设被用来从金属和合金中位错分裂距离的实验测量来确定SFE,通常与计算预测相矛盾。研究者在模型NiCo合金中使用原子模拟,研究了在具有正、零和负平均SFE的成分范围内的位错解离过程,令人惊讶的是,在所有情况下,在低温下都能观察到稳定的、有限的分裂距离。然后,研究者计算了去相关应力,并检查了部分位错的力平衡,考虑了对SFE的局部影响,发现即使SFE分布的上界在某些情况下也不能满足力平衡。此外,研究者还证明了在浓固溶体中,位错与局部溶质环境相互作用产生的阻力,成为作用于部分位错的主要力。在这里,研究者证明了高溶质/位错相互作用的存在,而这在SFE的实验测量中是不容易测量且容易忽略的,从而使得SFE的实验值不可靠。(文:水生) 图1 等原子CrCoNi介质熵合金离解位错的表征。 图2 晶格位错离解过程中能量的示意图变化。 图3 NiCo随机合金中边缘位错的解离。 图4 解离过程中作用在肖克利部分位错上的力。 图5 NiCo随机合金有限温度fcc-hcp自由能与局部层错能的比较。 图6 NiCo随机合金中边缘位错的去相关过程。 图7 fcc Co中存在部分位错的Ni溶质相互作用能图。 图8 溶质/位错相互作用的估计。 图9 解离过程中作用在肖克利部分位错上的各种力的图解演示。

苏州大学等Nat. Commun.: 弗兰克尔缺陷结构用于高效催化析氢

01 导读 二维材料由于其独特的电子结构和原子构型已经被广泛研究用于电催化领域,特别是催化析氢反应。之前的诸多研究成果已经表明二维材料的边缘处为催化反应提供了活性位点。然而,相比于二维材料基面而言,其边缘原子数毕竟是少量,所以调控激发其基面大量原子参与催化反应是提高其整体催化活性的重要研究内容。目前,报道的优化方法主要是通过在二维材料基面上构造原子空位(肖特基缺陷)或者掺杂异原子来提高其基面催化性能。这些方法或催化活性有待提高或需要消耗贵金属等等。所以如何简便地在二维材料基面上精准构造一类具备高效催化活性的原子缺陷结构,一直以来都是具有挑战性的科学难题。 02 成果掠影 近日, 苏州大学李彦光教授、天津理工大学罗俊教授、湖南大学刘松教授以及华东理工大学戴升教授(共同通讯) 联合在国际著名期刊 Nature Communications 上发表题为“Frenkel-defected monolayer MoS2 catalysts for efficient hydrogen evolution”的文章。 许杰、邵功磊以及唐璇 为本文共同第一作者。作者们首次在单层MoS2基面上制备出弗兰克尔新型缺陷结构,并借助球差校正电镜解析出不同缺陷的原子结构,最后通过微纳电化学装置巧妙测试出单层MoS2基面上不同缺陷结构的电催化析氢性能。结果表明一定浓度的弗兰克尔原子缺陷结构甚至比Pt单原子掺杂在MoS2基面上的析氢催化性能更加优异。本文为研究不同种类原子缺陷结构对催化活性的影响提供了新思路和研究对象。 03 核心创新点 1、首次在单层MoS2上制备出弗兰克尔原子缺陷结构,并通过球差校正电镜确认其原子构型。 2、通过微纳电化学装置测量出单层MoS2基面上不同原子缺陷结构的电催化析氢性能,结合理论计算分析出不同缺陷结构表面的电荷分布对其催化活性影响。 04 数据概览 图1:单层MoS2基面上不同原子缺陷结构对应的原子像。 (a-c)单层MoS2原子像及原子模型;(d-f)单层MoS2上弗兰克尔缺陷结构原子像及原子模型;(g-i)单层MoS2上Pt单原子掺杂原子像及原子模型。 图2:单层MoS2基面上不同原子缺陷结构电催化性能测试。 (a)微纳电化学装置示意图;(b)单层MoS2上暴露的基面区域,用于测试的窗口;(c-d)MoS2基面上不同原子缺陷结构对应的电催化性能指标。 05 成果启示 本文作者们在单层MoS2基面上通过简易手段首次构造出一类新型原子缺陷结构(弗兰克尔缺陷)用于高效催化析氢反应。结合理论计算等手段,表明不同缺陷结构会直接影响二维材料基面上电荷分布情况,进而直接决定其催化活性。另外,本文也为研究各类不同原子缺陷结构对催化剂性能的影响提供了很好的思路。 文献链接:Jie Xu, Gonglei Shao, Xuan Tang, et al. Frenkel-defected monolayer MoS2 catalysts for efficient hydrogen evolution. Nature Commun. 13, 2193 (2022).


community的基本意思是“社区,社会,团体”,表示在某地区居住、具有相同文化和历史背景的民众或社区。用作主语时,谓语动词通常用单数。community [ku0259"mju:niti]n. 社区;[生态] 群落;共同体;团体eg:What makes it a community is ultimately in-person meetings.正是亲身的会面最终形成了一个社区。造句举例:At the moment, he"s studying English at a community school to pave way for his further medical study in a state university.蚂蚁之间也懂得守望相助呢!Even ants know how to keep watch and help each other!棋盘式的村庄规划,以守望相助为建筑理念。Instead villages planning to help for the construction of concepts.参加者守望相助,互相提点,避免碰到障碍物。Participants helped each other to avoid obstacles on the way.它们两个最终成为最好的朋友,并且总是守望相助,互相扶持。And the two became the best of friends. Always sticking together. Alwayssticking up for one another.人人做警察,伸张公理,提倡正义;人人做义工,守望相助,相互扶持。Be a policeman: promote righteousness and justice. Be a volunteer: watch andhelp each other.凝聚社区共识,发挥守望相助精神,提供学童安全环境,建立祥和社区。Reach consensus of neighborhood watch to provide safe environment andpeaceful community for students.千百年来,新疆各族人民和谐相处,在一个大家庭里守望相助,各展风采。Different ethnic groups in Xinjiang have lived side by side for centurieslike one big family.在绿意盎然和美丽的周遭事物之间,居住在这村庄是清新空气和守望相助的保证。Amidst the greenery and sometimes even picturesque surroundings, living inthe village promises fresh air and strong neighborliness.守望相助的精神,是这家人的原动力,现在志工每个月,也为他们带来生活补助金。Helping each other in times of crisis has kept the family going. Nowvolunteers are also helping out by bringing them monthly financial aid.若人人恭 敬师长,孝养父母,乡里守望相助,和 睦共处,就是娑婆世界的人间乐土。If everybody respectful division commander, the filial piety foster parents,native place mutual attention, the harmonious coexistence, this is this worldparadise.让我们视他人为至亲,他们期望得到我们的关注和尊重,好使大家和衷共济,守望相助。We live it also by recognizing others as people who belong to the same familywe belong to and who expect our attention, respect and close solidarity.开学期间,请同学发挥守望相助之精神,养成携带门禁卡及关门习惯,以杜绝宵小觊觎。Help each other, take the dormitory card with yourself and close dormitorydoor always.体育活动使社会民众情感交流,守望相助,发展群性,并培养道德勇气和冒险犯难之精神。It makes the social crowd cultivate the friendship helps one another in needdevelop the feelings of the group and drill the moral courage and the spirit ofadventure. 4.最后,本研究提出社区守望相助、广设心理辅导机构、照顾残障者生活等防制纵火行为的建言。Preventing measures of arson behavior were given as following: helping amongneighbors, establishing institutes of consultation widely, taking good care ofthe handicapped by government.可以在凉亭里小歇与未来的邻居聊聊天,守望相助、睦邻友好的幸福家园感染着每一位亲临现场的人。in the pavilion contemporary and future neighbors chat, help andgood-neighborly happy home of every person infected site.从“守望相助”到“吏治应以团练为先”——由团练组织的发展演变看国家政权与基层社会的互动关系。From " Defending Itself " to " Overtopping the Officials"——A Discussion ofthe Relationship between Government and Grass-Roots.1897年宾州,一处守望相助的社区,发现了骇人听闻的事实,一种上古神秘怪物就群聚在社区周围的林间。The story of the village of Covington, Pennsylvania in 1897 and thehorrifying legend of "mythical creatures" that live in the woods beyond thevillage.



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gitlab community edition gitlab社区版community英 [ku0259u02c8mju:nu0259ti] 美 [ku0259u02c8mjunu026ati]n.社区; 社会团体; 共同体; [生态] 群落爱心社区;社群;社区;共同体复数: communities edition英 [u026au02c8du026au0283n] 美 [u026au02c8du026au0283u0259n]n.版次,版本; (报纸、杂志的)一份; (广播、电视节目的)一期; (书、报、杂志等的)一版印刷总数版本;版次;版;本版复数: editions

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2. The Council with the Munchkins 第二章 初逢芒奇金人

She was awakened by a shock, so sudden and severe that if Dorothy had not been lying on the soft bed she might have been hurt. As it was, the jar made her catch her breath and wonder what had happened; and Toto put his cold little nose into her face and whined dismally. Dorothy sat up and noticed that the house was not moving; nor was it dark, for the bright sunshine came in at the window, flooding the little room. She sprang from her bed and with Toto at her heels ran and opened the door. 突然,房子剧烈地震动了一下,把朵洛茜惊醒,要不是躺在柔软的床上,她可能就会受伤。朵洛茜吓得屏住呼吸,不知道发生了什么。托托也害怕,把鼻子紧贴在朵洛茜的脸上,呜呜地哼叫着。房子却不再动,明媚的阳光从窗口照进房间,洒满了整间小屋。朵洛茜站起来跳下床,走到门口打开房门,托托也紧跟着跑出去。 The little girl gave a cry of amazement and looked about her, her eyes growing bigger and bigger at the wonderful sights she saw. “哇!”朵洛茜被眼前的一切惊呆了,眼睛睁地大大得,吃惊地看着周围的景色。 The cyclone had set the house down very gently--for a cyclone--in the midst of a country of marvelous beauty. There were lovely patches of greensward all about, with stately trees bearing rich and luscious fruits. Banks of gorgeous flowers were on every hand, and birds with rare and brilliant plumage sang and fluttered in the trees and bushes. A little way off was a small brook, rushing and sparkling along between green banks, and murmuring in a voice very grateful to a little girl who had lived so long on the dry, gray prairies. 龙卷风停了,小屋稳稳地落在一处神奇美丽的王国上。一片片绿油油的草地,一棵棵结满诱人果子的果树,一丛丛鲜艳夺目的花朵随处可见。身着艳丽羽毛的鸟儿在树丛之间嬉戏歌唱。不远处,绿色草丛之间,一条小溪潺潺流过,闪着清凉的水花,发出叮叮咚咚的响声,正在轻柔地向来自干枯、荒凉草原的小姑娘诉说着。 While she stood looking eagerly at the strange and beautiful sights, she noticed coming toward her a group of the queerest people she had ever seen. They were not as big as the grown folk she had always been used to; but neither were they very small. In fact, they seemed about as tall as Dorothy, who was a well-grown child for her age, although they were, so far as looks go, many years older. 正当朵洛茜好奇地望着周围神奇美丽的景色时, 迎面走来了一群奇异怪人,他们虽没有成年人高,也不算很矮,就像朵洛茜那般高。朵洛茜还是小女孩,他们却老多了。 Three were men and one a woman, and all were oddly dressed. They wore round hats that rose to a small point a foot above their heads, with little bells around the brims that tinkled sweetly as they moved. The hats of the men were blue; the little woman"s hat was white, and she wore a white gown that hung in pleats from her shoulders. Over it were sprinkled little stars that glistened in the sun like diamonds. The men were dressed in blue, of the same shade as their hats, and wore well-polished boots with a deep roll of blue at the tops. The men, Dorothy thought, were about as old as Uncle Henry, for two of them had beards. But the little woman was doubtless much older. Her face was covered with wrinkles, her hair was nearly white, and she walked rather stiffly. 他们有三个男的一个女的,穿着古怪的衣服,头上顶着圆圆的帽子,帽子高高的,有一英尺高,有着尖尖的顶端,帽子边缘还挂了些小铃铛,随着他们走动,发出清脆的叮当声。那些男子戴着的是蓝色的帽子,小妇人的帽子却是白色的。她披着一件有褶皱的长袍,上面布满小星星,在阳光下像钻石一样闪闪发光。那些男的身上穿着蓝色的衣服,头上戴着相同的帽子,脚上穿着擦得干干净净的长筒靴,闪着湛蓝的光芒。朵洛茜觉得这些男的和叔叔亨利一样老,其中两个人都已长满胡须。但那个小妇人比他们都要老,她不仅脸上布满皱纹,头发也近花白,走路也不稳。 When these people drew near the house where Dorothy was standing in the doorway, they paused and whispered among themselves, as if afraid to come farther. But the little old woman walked up to Dorothy, made a low bow and said, in a sweet voice: "You are welcome, most noble Sorceress, to the land of the Munchkins. We are so grateful to you for having killed the Wicked Witch of the East, and for setting our people free from bondage. 他们走近小木屋时,朵洛茜正站在门口。他们好像有些害怕,停了下来,相互低声交谈着。那个小妇人却朝朵洛茜走了过去,鞠了一躬,用一种甜美的嗓音说道:“欢迎你,最神圣的魔法师,来到芒奇金王国。非常感谢你为我们除掉了邪恶的东方女巫,让我们摆脱了她的邪恶统治。” Dorothy listened to this speech with wonder. What could the little woman possibly mean by calling her a sorceress, and saying she had killed the Wicked Witch of the East? Dorothy was an innocent, harmless little girl, who had been carried by a cyclone many miles from home; and she had never killed anything in all her life. But the little woman evidently expected her to answer; so Dorothy said, with hesitation, "You are very kind, but there must be some mistake. I have not killed anything." 听了这些话,朵洛茜感到非常奇怪,这个小妇人为什么叫我魔法师呢?为什么说是我杀死了邪恶的东方女巫?朵洛茜一直都是一个天真善良人畜无害的小姑娘,因为龙卷风而远离家乡来到这里,她从来没有伤害过任何东西呀。小妇人却在等着朵洛茜回答,等了一会儿,朵洛茜回答说:“你心地真好,但你一定弄错了,我从来没有伤害过任何东西呀” "Your house did, anyway," replied the little old woman, with a laugh, "and that is the same thing. See!" she continued, pointing to the corner of the house. "There are her two feet, still sticking out from under a block of wood." “但你的房子杀死了邪恶的东方女巫。”小妇人微笑着回答,“和你杀死了她一样”小妇人指着小木屋的角落里的继续说“那就是她的两只脚,还在木堆里呢” Dorothy looked, and gave a little cry of fright. There, indeed, just under the corner of the great beam the house rested on, two feet were sticking out, shod in silver shoes with pointed toes. 朵洛茜看过去,吓得大叫起来。那边,在房子的横梁下面,确实伸着两只脚,脚尖绷紧,穿着银白色的靴子。 "Oh, dear! Oh, dear!" cried Dorothy, clasping her hands together in dismay. "The house must have fallen on her. Whatever shall we do?" “天呀!”朵洛茜非常害怕,两只手慌张地握在一起,“肯定是房子落在了她身上,我们该怎么办呀?” "There is nothing to be done," said the little woman calmly. “什么也不需要做”小妇人平静地回答。 "But who was she?" asked Dorothy. “她是谁?”朵洛茜问。 "She was the Wicked Witch of the East, as I said," answered the little woman. "She has held all the Munchkins in bondage for many years, making them slave for her night and day. Now they are all set free, and are grateful to you for the favor." “她是邪恶的东方女巫,”小妇人回答,“她统治芒奇金人无数年了,不管白天黑夜,一直都把芒齐金人当做奴仆,现在芒奇金人自由了,他们对你非常感激。” "Who are the Munchkins?" inquired Dorothy “谁是芒奇金人?”朵洛茜问道。 "They are the people who live in this land of the East where the Wicked Witch ruled." “他们是居住在被邪恶女巫统治的东部地区的人。” "Are you a Munchkin?" asked Dorothy. “你是芒奇金人吗?”朵洛茜问道。 "No, but I am their friend, although I live in the land of the North. When they saw the Witch of the East was dead the Munchkins sent a swift messenger to me, and I came at once. I am the Witch of the North." “我虽不是芒奇金人,但我是他们的朋友,我住在北部地区。当他们见到邪恶女巫死了,立刻就告诉了我,我马上就赶了过来,我就是北方女巫。” "Oh, gracious!" cried Dorothy. "Are you a real witch?" “哇,太棒了!”朵洛茜吃惊道。“你真的是女巫吗?” "Yes, indeed," answered the little woman. "But I am a good witch, and the people love me. I am not as powerful as the Wicked Witch was who ruled here, or I should have set the people free myself." “嗯,我确实是女巫。”小妇人回答道。“但我是善良的女巫师,人们都爱戴我,我的法力却没有邪恶女巫强大,否则我早就解放这里的人们了。” "But I thought all witches were wicked," said the girl, who was half frightened at facing a real witch. "Oh, no, that is a great mistake. There were only four witches in all the Land of Oz, and two of them, those who live in the North and the South, are good witches. I know this is true, for I am one of them myself, and cannot be mistaken. Those who dwelt in the East and the West were, indeed, wicked witches; but now that you have killed one of them, there is but one Wicked Witch in all the Land of Oz--the one who lives in the West." “我本来以为所有的女巫都是坏蛋呢。”朵洛茜说道,刚遇到一个真实的女巫,她现在心里还很害怕呢。“不对,这是一个天大的错误。在整个奥兹国,一共有四位巫师,其中两个分别住在南方和北方,是好巫师,我就是其中一位,所以这肯定没错。另外两个分别住在西方和东方,是邪恶的坏蛋,现在你已经杀死了一个,但还有一个邪恶女巫住在西方。” "But," said Dorothy, after a moment"s thought, "Aunt Em has told me that the witches were all dead--years and years ago." “但是,爱玛婶婶告诉过我,很久很久以前,巫师已经全死了。”朵洛茜想了想问道。 "Who is Aunt Em?" inquired the little old woman. “爱玛婶婶是谁?”小妇人问道。 "She is my aunt who lives in Kansas, where I came from." “她是我婶婶,住在肯萨斯大草原,我也来自那里。” The Witch of the North seemed to think for a time, with her head bowed and her eyes upon the ground. Then she looked up and said, "I do not know where Kansas is, for I have never heard that country mentioned before. But tell me, is it a civilized country?" 北方女巫低着头看着地面,好像在想什么事。然后她抬起头问道“我不知道肯萨斯在什么地方,我从来也没有听说过这个地方,那是一个文明国度吗?” "Oh, yes," replied Dorothy. “是的”朵洛茜回答道。 "Then that accounts for it. In the civilized countries I believe there are no witches left, nor wizards, nor sorceresses, nor magicians. But, you see, the Land of Oz has never been civilized, for we are cut off from all the rest of the world. Therefore we still have witches and wizards amongst us." “这就对了,我想在文明的国家里,早就没有女巫了,也不会有男巫和魔法师以及魔术师,但这片土地却与世隔绝,还未开化,依然存在着巫师。” "Who are the wizards?" asked Dorothy. “这些巫师都是谁呀?”朵洛茜问道。 "Oz himself is the Great Wizard," answered the Witch, sinking her voice to a whisper. "He is more powerful than all the rest of us together. He lives in the City of Emeralds." “奥兹本人就是伟大的巫师,”女巫悄悄地告诉朵洛茜。“他比其他所有巫师的法力都要强,他就住在翡翠城内。” Dorothy was going to ask another question, but just then the Munchkins, who had been standing silently by, gave a loud shout and pointed to the corner of the house where the Wicked Witch had been lying. 朵洛茜还想问个问题,忽然静静站在一旁的芒奇金人指着邪恶女巫死亡的地方惊叫起来。 "What is it?" asked the little old woman, and looked, and began to laugh. The feet of the dead Witch had disappeared entirely, and nothing was left but the silver shoes. “怎么了?”小妇人问道,她看了一眼,笑了。死去的邪恶女巫的双脚完全消失了,只剩下了一双银白色靴子。 "She was so old," explained the Witch of the North, "that she dried up quickly in the sun. That is the end of her. But the silver shoes are yours, and you shall have them to wear." She reached down and picked up the shoes, and after shaking the dust out of them handed them to Dorothy. “她太老了,”北方女巫解释道,因此邪恶女巫的双脚在太阳下很快就干枯消失,她就这样死了。这双银靴就是你的了,穿上吧。北方女巫弯下腰,捡起那双银靴子,擦掉上面的灰尘,递给朵洛茜。 "The Witch of the East was proud of those silver shoes," said one of the Munchkins, "and there is some charm connected with them; but what it is we never knew." “东方女巫一直以这双银靴子为骄傲,”一位芒奇金人说道,“它们有些神奇的地方,但我们却不知道。” Dorothy carried the shoes into the house and placed them on the table. Then she came out again to the Munchkins and said:"I am anxious to get back to my aunt and uncle, for I am sure they will worry about me. Can you help me find my way?" 朵洛茜拿着银靴子走进小屋,放在桌子上,然后又走出去对那些芒奇金人说道:“我非常想念我叔叔婶婶,他们也一定很担心我,你们能帮我回家吗?” The Munchkins and the Witch first looked at one another, and then at Dorothy, and then shook their heads. 芒奇金人和女巫互相看了一下,转向朵洛茜,摇了摇头,不知道怎么办。 "At the East, not far from here," said one, "there is a great desert, and none could live to cross it." “在不远的东方,是一片无边的沙漠,没人能走出去。”其中一个说道。 "It is the same at the South," said another, "for I have been there and seen it. The South is the country of the Quadlings." “南面也是这样,”另一人说,“我去过那里,见过,南部是一个叫做库町泞的国家。” "I am told," said the third man, "that it is the same at the West. And that country, where the Winkies live, is ruled by the Wicked Witch of the West, who would make you her slave if you passed her way. ”我听说,西方也是这样,”第三个人说道,“那里是西方女巫温克思的地盘,一直被她统治着,经过那里的人都会被她收做奴仆。” "The North is my home," said the old lady, "and at its edge is the same great desert that surrounds this Land of Oz. I"m afraid, my dear, you will have to live with us." “北方是我的家,”老妇女说道,“边缘也是环绕奥兹国的大沙漠,亲爱的小姑娘,恐怕你不得不要和我们一起生活了。” Dorothy began to sob at this, for she felt lonely among all these strange people. Her tears seemed to grieve the kind-hearted Munchkins, for they immediately took out their handkerchiefs and began to weep also. As for the little old woman, she took off her cap and balanced the point on the end of her nose, while she counted "One, two, three" in a solemn voice. At once the cap changed to a slate, on which was written in big, white chalk marks: 听到要和一群陌生人生活在一起,朵洛茜感到特别孤独,开始抽泣。她的泪水使好心的芒奇金人也感到悲伤,纷纷拿出手记擦伤泪水。那位老妇女却摘下帽子,倒放在自己的鼻尖上,用神圣的口音念道“一、二、三”,忽然间,帽子变成了一块石板,上面用粉笔写着一行字迹: "LET DOROTHY GO TO THE CITY OF EMERALDS" “请朵洛茜去往翡翠城” The little old woman took the slate from her nose, and having read the words on it, asked, "Is your name Dorothy, my dear?" 小妇人把石板从鼻子上取了下来,一边读着上面的字迹,问道“亲爱的小姑娘,你是朵洛茜吗?” "Yes," answered the child, looking up and drying her tears. “我是朵洛茜。”小姑娘擦掉眼泪,抬起头回答道。 "Then you must go to the City of Emeralds. Perhaps Oz will help you." “那你必须要去翡翠城,奥兹大法师可能会帮你的。” "Where is this city?" asked Dorothy. “翡翠城在哪呢?”朵洛茜问道。 "It is exactly in the center of the country, and is ruled by Oz, the Great Wizard I told you of." “它就坐落在这片土地的中心,由我告诉过你的奥兹大法师统治。” "Is he a good man?" inquired the girl anxiously. “他是一位好人么吗?”朵洛茜担心地问道。 "He is a good Wizard. Whether he is a man or not I cannot tell, for I have never seen him." “他是一位好心的巫师,我没见过他,不知道他是男是女。” "How can I get there?" asked Dorothy. “我怎么去那里呢?”朵洛茜问道。 "You must walk. It is a long journey, through a country that is sometimes pleasant and sometimes dark and terrible. However, I will use all the magic arts I know of to keep you from harm." “你必须徒步走去,路途很长,需要穿过一个国家,其中即会有愉悦,也会有黑暗与恐怖。但我会用我全部的魔法来保护你。” "Won"t you go with me?" pleaded the girl, who had begun to look upon the little old woman as her only friend. “你和我一起吗?”朵洛茜恳求道,她已经把小妇人当作她唯一的朋友了。 "No, I cannot do that," she replied, "but I will give you my kiss, and no one will dare injure a person who has been kissed by the Witch of the North." “不,”女巫回答道,“但我会把我的吻给你,没有人敢伤害被北方女巫吻过的人。” She came close to Dorothy and kissed her gently on the forehead. Where her lips touched the girl they left a round, shining mark, as Dorothy found out soon after. 女巫走近朵洛茜,轻轻在她前额上吻过。

munshiganj 是哪个国家

munshiganj 是【孟加拉国】的一个地区。Munshiganj (Bengali: u09aeu09c1u09a8u09cdu09b8u09bfu0997u099eu09cdu099c), also historically known as Bikrampur, is a district in central Bangladesh. It is a part of the Dhaka Division and borders Dhaka District。

annals of telecommunications是什么期刊

电信 纪事Annals of Telecommunications is an international journal publishing original peer reviewed papers in the field of telecommunications.annals of telecommunications - annales des télécommunicationsEditor-in-Chief: Guy PujolleManaging Editor: Veronique CharletISSN: 0003-4347 (print version)ISSN: 1958-9395 (electronic version)Journal no. 12243

annals allergy asthma immunol这个杂志中文名是什么

是Annals of Allergy Asthma & Immunol吧?中文是:过敏、哮喘与免疫学年刊

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community college社区学院名词复数:community colleges[例句]Community college looks like a great opportunity.社区学院看起来是一个不错的机会。





The Curse of Tutankhamun的主角

美国影星布兰登·弗雷泽 档案英文名:Brendan Fraser 生日:1968年12月3日 星座:射手座 国籍:美国 地域:欧美 身高:191cm 生平介绍:布兰登·弗雷泽(Brendan Fraser),1968年生于加拿大,父亲是一家旅游公司的负责人,经常携家人从一个城市搬到另一个城市去住。弗雷泽一家最早住在渥太华,先后搬到印第安纳波利斯、底特律,西雅图、伦敦和罗马等地居住。 弗雷泽从小受剧院艺术的感染,尤其是在伦敦受欧洲艺术潜移默化影响的经历,让他决定在艺术方面发掘自己的潜能。后来,他考取了西雅图的康沃尔艺术学院,学习表演艺术。毕业后,弗雷泽在《春色一箩筐》(Dogfight)中得到一个配角的角色,扮演一号水手。后来,他又在《沉睡野人》(Encino Man)和《高校风云》(School Ties)等影片中扮演了几个分量相对重一些的角色。 弗雷泽曾表示,他比较喜欢扮演那种让人感到象离水之鱼,“觉得有些生疏”的电影人物。又演了5年的配角之后,他最终在喜剧电影《森林泰山》(George of the Jungle)得到了出演男一号的机会。他在该片中的角色,为他提供了一个展示自己喜剧才华的大好机会,将他英俊的外表,迷人的气息完全派上了用场。弗雷泽后来表示,这个角色极大地改变了他的演艺事业。 弗雷泽在《众神与野兽》(Gods and Monsters)中成功塑造了憨厚、朴实的布恩,向人们展示了他在戏剧人物表演方面的才能,并为此赢得了影评界的高度评价。参与影片:《暗夜旅程 Journey to the End of the Night 》 (2006) ...Paul《撞车 Crash 》 (2004) ...Rick《华纳巨星总动员 Looney Tunes: Back in Action 》 (2003) ...DJ Drake/Himself/Voice of Tasmanian Devil and She-Devil《过气童星 Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star 》 (2003) ...Himself (uncredited)《第75届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼 The 75th Annual Academy Awards 》 (2003) ...Himself - Presenter: Film clip from "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers"《沉静的美国人 The Quiet American 》 (2002) ...Alden Pyle《盗墓谜城 The Mummy Returns 》 (2001) ...Richard "Rick" O"Connell《蹦蹦猴 Monkeybone 》 (2001) ...Stu Miley《神鬼愿望 Bedazzled 》 (2000) ...Elliot Richards/Jefe/Mary《骑警杜德雷 Dudley Do-Right 》 (1999) ...Dudley Do-Right《木乃伊/盗墓迷城 The Mummy 》 (1999) ...Richard "Rick" O"Connell《超时空宠爱 Blast from the Past 》 (1999) ...Adam Webber《第71届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼 The 71st Annual Academy Awards 》 (1999) ...Himself - Presenter: Best Live Action Short Film《诸神与野兽 Gods and Monsters 》 (1998) ...Clayton Boone《森林泰山 George of the Jungle 》 (1997) ...George, the King of the Jungle《爱情口难开 Still Breathing 》 (1997) ...Fletcher McBracken《1996麻雀变凤凰 Mrs. Winterbourne 》 (1996) ...Hugh/Bill Winterbourne《致命糖衣锭 Kids in the Hall: Brain Candy 》 (1996) ...Cameo appearance (placebo patient) (uncredited)《那些日子以来 Now and Then 》 (1995) ...Vietnam Veteran (uncredited)《摇滚总动员 Airheads 》 (1994) ...Chazz (Chester) Darvey《金牌天兵 In the Army Now 》 (1994) ...Link (uncredited)《乞丐博士 With Honors 》 (1994) ...Montgomery "Monty" Kessler《梦幻青春 Younger and Younger 》 (1993) ...Winston Younger《校园风云 School Ties 》 (1992) ...David Greene《春色一箩筐 Dogfight 》 (1991) ...Sailor #1《魔鬼王子 Child of Darkness, Child of Light 》 (1991) ...John"s friend

我想了解Sigmund Freud

Mind daytime and dark night □□Floyd"s psychoanalysis and personality theory Abstract: Very many people to the psychology understanding, all are start from Floyd. His theory has the extremely important influence to the psychology, also seeps to in ours daily life. Floyd is not studies unconsciousness and releases the dream the first person, but before this nobody brings into line with them the psychology in the huge system to perform to emphasize and the application, was Floyd has done this great work. Under we on start from Floyd, and if has the enormous connection to the psychoanalysis theory the personality theory to make a simple introduction. Psychoanalysis itself complex is abstruse, modern very many scholars also quite a lot questioned to it, I only could make the quite brief outline. Key word: Floyd; Psychoanalysis; Personality; Consciousness; Unconsciousness; Dream explanation First, Floyd"s biography and main introduction Sigmund □Floyd (Sigmund Freud), in 1856 is born and Austria fries the fort (presently to belong to Czechoslovakia) in Judea nationality business others. Long ago studied outstanding, started from 1876 to study the related neurology department aspect the topic. In 1885 he was engaged in neurosis in then world neurosis research center Paris the psychological reason research. In 1886, because lives compels, he left enable him to have in the nerve experiment aspect becomes famous the hope Vienna entire section hospital physiological laboratory, started his personal doctor the profession. It can be said that, his thought theory also is precisely gives in patient"s treatment in him to produce gradually. In 1896, Floyd first time used "the spirit □to analyze" this terminology. In 1900, his representative works "Dream Explanation" is published symbolizes the psychoanalysis theory birth. Hereafter, he has published "Daily life 心理病 Neo-Confucianism" one after another (in 1904), "Sexual desire Theory Three Lectures" (in 1905). These works have laid the psychoanalysis psychology foundation, and causes him 声名大噪. Along with research thorough, "Psychoanalysis Introduction" (in 1910), "Discussed Psychoanalysis Movement History" (in 1914), "Civilization If Does not fill" (in 1920), "Collective psychology And Self- Analysis" (in 1921), "Totem And Taboo" (in 1923), "Self- And This I" (in 1923) and so on the work publishes one after another, its theory influence spread the world. He calls self the life all is a scientist, was he has taken into the psychology research human"s in-depth inner world, unfolded a brand-new domain for the modern psychology. Speaking of the influence, Floyd has surpassed other any psychologists, he founds the psycho-analysis have attacked the modern west social consciousness and the social life nearly each side, played the role to the traditional experimental psychology which corrects errors and rectify abuses. By has no intention to recognize as the foundation the personality theory is the Floyd psychoanalysis theory core. Floyd"s personality theory and the psychoanalysis theory involves the scope to be extremely broad. Through several books and a publication chapter of reading, I try to recount his theory in this article. Mind daytime and dark night □□Floyd"s psychoanalysis and personality theory Abstract: Very many people to the psychology understanding, all are start from Floyd. His theory has the extremely important influence to the psychology, also seeps to in ours daily life. Floyd is not studies unconsciousness and releases the dream the first person, but before this nobody brings into line with them the psychology in the huge system to perform to emphasize and the application, was Floyd has done this great work. Under we on start from Floyd, and if has the enormous connection to the psychoanalysis theory the personality theory to make a simple introduction. Psychoanalysis itself complex is abstruse, modern very many scholars also quite a lot questioned to it, I only could make the quite brief outline. Key word: Floyd; Psychoanalysis; Personality; Consciousness; Unconsciousness; Dream explanation First, Floyd"s biography and main introduction Sigmund □Floyd (Sigmund Freud), in 1856 is born and Austria fries the fort (presently to belong to Czechoslovakia) in Judea nationality business others. Long ago studied outstanding, started from 1876 to study the related neurology department aspect the topic. In 1885 he was engaged in neurosis in then world neurosis research center Paris the psychological reason research. In 1886, because lives compels, he left enable him to have in the nerve experiment aspect becomes famous the hope Vienna entire section hospital physiological laboratory, started his personal doctor the profession. It can be said that, his thought theory also is precisely gives in patient"s treatment in him to produce gradually. In 1896, Floyd first time used "the spirit □to analyze" this terminology. In 1900, his representative works "Dream Explanation" is published symbolizes the psychoanalysis theory birth. Hereafter, he has published "Daily life 心理病 Neo-Confucianism" one after another (in 1904), "Sexual desire Theory Three Lectures" (in 1905). These works have laid the psychoanalysis psychology foundation, and causes him 声名大噪. Along with research thorough, "Psychoanalysis Introduction" (in 1910), "Discussed Psychoanalysis Movement History" (in 1914), "Civilization If Does not fill" (in 1920), "Collective psychology And Self- Analysis" (in 1921), "Totem And Taboo" (in 1923), "Self- And This I" (in 1923) and so on the work publishes one after another, its theory influence spread the world. He calls self the life all is a scientist, was he has taken into the psychology research human"s in-depth inner world, unfolded a brand-new domain for the modern psychology. Speaking of the influence, Floyd has surpassed other any psychologists, he founds the psycho-analysis have attacked the modern west social consciousness and the social life nearly each side, played the role to the traditional experimental psychology which corrects errors and rectify abuses. By has no intention to recognize as the foundation the personality theory is the Floyd psychoanalysis theory core. Floyd"s personality theory and the psychoanalysis theory involves the scope to be extremely broad. Through several books and a publication chapter of reading, I try to recount his theory in this article

什么是ASEAN Economic Community.

东盟经济共同体ASEAN abbr. 东盟(=Association of Southeast Asian Nations) 东南亚国家联盟(Association of Southeast Asian Nations, ASEAN),简称东盟,又称东南亚合作组织(东合),1967年8月8日成立,是一个集合了东南亚区域国家的国际组织。其成员国本着平等与合作精神,共同努力促进东南亚地区的经济增长、社会进步和文化发展,为建立一个繁荣、和平的东南亚国家共同体奠定基础,以促进该地区的和平与稳定。


使用Camunda前,首先介绍几个概念: ProcessDefinition(流程定义)就是一个流程的步骤说明,比如一个审批流程,申请人王三发起提交申请,李四作为部门经理进行审批,审批完成后,此申请到达下一级总经理王五,进行审批。就这么整个流程说明其实就是流程定义,不过在Camunda中整个流程定义是以helloworld.bpmn与helloworld.png格式存在的。 流程被设计好之后,得到.bpmn或者pngde 文件,那他如何被刘程引擎解析的,这时候就需要将流程定义部署到流程引擎上。流程每部署一次就会得到一个deploymentId 每开启流程一次就会生成一条相应的流程实例,开启流程其实就是将流程运转起来,就像请假流程,只有当用户发出请假申请(开启请假流程),就会生成一条请假实例。 一个流程实例就表示流程从开始到结束最大的流程分支。开启一个流程就只能有一个流程实例 启动流程,首先会创建流程实例,如果存在子流程、多实例、并行网关,会再次创建执行实例,当所有的执行实例按照一定规则结束执行后,流程实例也就随之结束。 执行实例的父级或者父级的父级就是流程实例。 下面是以并行网关为例介绍,流程实例和执行实例之间的关系; 下面是以多实例为例介绍,流程实例和执行实例之间的关系: 执行树的压缩和优化 引入活动实例树的第二个原因是,流程引擎运行时压缩和优化执行树。考虑一个并行网关有两个usertasks的例子。最初T1和T2都是活动的。在执行树中,我们将看到无效的并发根执行等待在并行网关,为每个任务之一。活动实例树具有相同的结构,但根节点对应的流程实例本身,并且它并不等待在并行网关. 当T2完成任务后,将压缩流程引擎执行树,去除T1的执行,并用根执行取代它。如果执行T1引用了变量或任务,那么它们将被移动到根执行中。活动实例树看起来不同的是:它仍然包含一个T1的活动实例和流程定义本身。 这种行为(behavior)的衍生,在执行树种并不存在"节点实例标识"(activity instance identity) 这种概念. 没有唯一标识来描述一个节点的实例。在一般情况下,是无法保证同一个进入节点实例执行将会完全一致的完成它。例如: 在上面的例子中T1 是以执行ID=2开始 以执行ID=1结束。 任务,当流程流转到某个阶段,需要用户审核或者其他操作的时候,这个需要用户来完成的操作就是一个任务,除了用户任务之外,还有系统任务等其他任务 如果需要让某个用户执行某个任务,首先需要将任务分配给用户,一般有3种分配方式 直接指定,这里通过Assignee来直接指定某一个具体的用户(一般是用户ID或者唯一的用户名),支持表达式以支持动态指定 指定候选人,通过candidateUser来指定一系列候选人,如果是多个用户,通过,号分隔 指定候选组,通过candidateGroup来指定某一个组里面的所有用户(实际测试中,发现候选人和候选组是并集关系) 如果指定了候选人和候选组,那么并不意味着所有的候选人都需要执行任务,这些人首先需要进行一个认领的操作,一个任务只能由一个人认领,认领完成后才能执行任务,相对的,也可以取消认领 流程存储服务RepositoryService主要的功能如下: 管理流程定义文件xml和静态资源的服务 对特定流程的暂停和激活 流程定义启动权限管理 部署文件构造器DeploymentBuilder 部署文件查询器DeploymentQuery 流程定义查询对象ProcessDefinition 流程定义的java格式BpmnModel 该类就是启动实例,查询与实例相关的一些信息


字段名称 | 字段类型| 可否为空 | 描述 :-------- | ----- | ---------- | :---------- ID_ | varchar(64) | | 主键 PROC_INST_ID_ | varchar(64) | | 流程实例ID BUSINESS_KEY_ | varchar(255) | NULL | 业务KEY PROC_DEF_KEY_ | varchar(255) | NULL | 流程定义KEY PROC_DEF_ID_ | varchar(64) | | 流程定义ID START_TIME_ | datetime | | 开始时间 END_TIME_ | datetime | NULL | 结束时间 REMOVAL_TIME_ | datetime | NULL | 移除时间 DURATION_ | bigint(20) | NULL | 耗时 START_USER_ID_ | varchar(255) | NULL | 启动人ID START_ACT_ID_ | varchar(255) | NULL | 启动节点ID END_ACT_ID_ | varchar(255) | NULL | 结束节点ID SUPER_PROCESS_INSTANCE_ID_ | varchar(64) | NULL | 父流程实例ID ROOT_PROC_INST_ID_ | varchar(64) | NULL | 流程实例根ID SUPER_CASE_INSTANCE_ID_ | varchar(64) | NULL | 父案例实例ID CASE_INST_ID_ | varchar(64) | NULL | 案例实例ID DELETE_REASON_ | varchar(4000) | NULL | 删除原因 TENANT_ID_ | varchar(64) | NULL | 租户ID STATE_ | varchar(255) | NULL | 状态 ID_ | varchar(64) | | 主键 PARENT_ACT_INST_ID_| varchar(64) | NULL | 父节点实例ID PROC_DEF_KEY_| varchar(255) | NULL | 流程定义KEY PROC_DEF_ID_ | varchar(64) | | 流程定义ID ROOT_PROC_INST_ID_| varchar(64)| NULL | 流程实例根ID PROC_INST_ID_ | varchar(64) | | 流程实例ID EXECUTION_ID_| varchar(64)| | 执行实例ID ACT_ID_| varchar(255)| | 节点ID TASK_ID_ | varchar(64)| NULL| 任务ID CALL_PROC_INST_ID_ | varchar(64)| NULL| 调用外部的流程实例ID CALL_CASE_INST_ID_ | varchar(64)| NULL| 调用外部的案例实例ID ACT_NAME_| varchar(255)| NULL| 节点名称 ACT_TYPE_ | varchar(255) | | 节点类型 ASSIGNEE_ | varchar(64)| NULL| 办理人 START_TIME_| datetime| | 开始时间 END_TIME_| datetime | NULL | 结束时间 DURATION_| bigint(20)| NULL| 耗时 ACT_INST_STATE_| int(11) | NULL | 活动实例状态 SEQUENCE_COUNTER_| bigint(20) | NULL| 序列计数器 TENANT_ID_ | varchar(64)| NULL| 租户ID REMOVAL_TIME_| datetime| NULL| 删除时间

Si Don Mun在哪个国家

爱沙尼亚共和国(Republic of Estonia,简称爱沙尼亚estonian),位于波罗的海东岸,芬兰湾南岸,西南濒临里加湾,南面和东面分别同拉脱维亚和俄罗斯接壤,与南方的拉脱维亚和立陶宛并称为波罗的海三国。国土总面积45339平方公里,首都塔林,官方语言为爱沙尼亚语,英语、俄语亦被广泛使用。



想知道: 2146, wonmun-ro, munmak-eup, wonju, gangwon-do, korea在哪

韩国江原道原州市当业洞(谷歌翻译的结果),具体地址谷歌地图可查。看起来是有点偏。省(特殊大都市/省):江原道(강원도)City(Si / Gun / Gu):Wonju-si(원주시)区(Eup / Myeon):Munmak-eup(문막읍)路:Wonmun-ro(원문로)

Edmundo Ros的《Manana》 歌词

歌曲名:Manana歌手:Edmundo Ros专辑:The World Of Edmundo RosManana-Santana我爱的吉他手:拉丁摇滚教父SANTANASometimes I wish I knew your nameAt times I want to say helloBut you seem so far awayTo let my feelings showAnd though I don"t know what to sayI feel that someday soon one dayLove will place you by my sideAnd it shall be our guideAnd then manana sera se siMeans our love will always beSomething special and also trueGirl I long to be with youOh manana sera se siMeans our love will always beSomething special and also trueGirl I long for youWhen I have you by my sideYou will always be my prideLove so simple yet so sweetI do think you"re all I needSo I thought I"d let you knowThat my heart forever growsCloser to your warm embraceEverytime I see your faceAnd then manana sera se siMeans our love will always beSomething special and also trueGirl I long to be with youOh manana sera se siMeans our love will always beSomething special and also trueGirl I long for you经常听这首歌,渐渐的喜欢上了它苦于没有找到歌词现在自己做了LRC,希望你们能喜欢!很多游戏都有自己的游戏音乐,我也为这首歌找到了它的匹配游戏!《GTA-3 》就是它在向往财富和阳光的阴暗环境中的游戏场景中,听这首歌。真是很有滋味!And so manana sera se siMeans our love will always beSomething special and also trueGirl I long to be with youOh manana sera se siMeans our love will always beSomething special and also trueGirl I long for youDo you know I don"t know youI wanna show you I do love youThat I do do, do love youOh babe, I think about youEven though I don"t know youI wanna show you I do love youAnd that I do do, I think about youOh babe, I do love youEven though I don"t know youI wanna show you I do love youI think about youOh do do, oh do do, oh do doM_N_A_N_A_N_A_N_A_N_A_N_A_N_A_N_A_N_A_N_A_N_A_N_A_N_A_N_A_N_A_N_ASantana可说是本世纪摇滚乐史上的一大传奇性乐团。1967年成军於美国旧金山的Santana他们的音乐中融合了摇滚及拉丁风味Santana自1969年推出首张同名专辑"Santana″至今,一共已发行过超过二十张专辑而Santana的灵魂人物Carlos Santana更是全球摇滚乐迷心中的传奇人物曾经推出过八张个人专辑,全球总销售量超过三亿张的惊人天文数字,而他在世界各地所举办的演唱会更吸引了超过一亿五千万人次的乐迷,说他是本世纪最伟大的摇滚吉他手之一真是当之无愧。

记一次Springboot集成druid系统间歇性报communications link failure

springBoot项目集成druid的时候,系统间歇性的报CommunicationsException:communications link failure的异常如下。由于是间歇性的,即并不是每次都报异常,而是过了一段时间之后就会出现,所以针对性的测试修复难度很大。 经过研究一段时间之后,发现配置文件中的两个配置要注意。test-while-idle 和 time-between-eviction-runs-millis,具体配置的说明如下。 如果想在开发环境复现这种问题的话, 首先设置mysql变量 set global interactive_timeout=30 set global wait_timeout=30; (超时时间由28800改为30秒) 然后再把项目druid的配置文件test-while-idle=false 最后启动项目,第一次请求sql才会初始化连接池,等待30+秒,再次请求sql就会出现以上错误(CommunicationsException异常也不是只有一种情况,这里解决的是 Can not read response from server. Expected to read 4 bytes, read 0 bytes before connection was unexpectedly lost.

crisis communication具体是什么意思

crisis communication危机公关

joyous; crisis; community ;relay 这几个英语怎么读?

joyous [u02c8du0292u0254u026au0259s]谐音:兆艾饿死 crisis [u02c8krau026asu026as] 谐音:科rua爱森思community [ku0259u02c8mjuu02d0nu0259ti] 谐音:科目有呢提relay[u02c8riu02d0leu026a] 谐音:瑞雷

crunch and munch 是什么意思

crunch and munch紧缩和咀嚼-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

crunch and munch 是什么意思?

应该是让我们来啃硬骨头吧。或让我们来享受这道大餐吧。crunch 嘎吱嘎吱地嚼 munch 出声地嚼柯林斯大猫系列”图书中有 一册叫 CrunchandMunch, 翻译为《美味的食物》
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