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i am going to science museum 不加the 对吗?

I"m going to the science museum我要去科学博物馆要加的

The Science Museum, ______ we visited during a recent trip to Britain, is one of London’s touri..

A 试题分析:考查定语从句。先行词the Science Museum,which指代先行词在句中作为visit的宾语。What不能引导定语从句。Where在句中做状语,that不能引导非限制性定语从句。句意: 在最近去英国的一次旅行中我们参观的那一家自然博物馆是伦敦的一个旅游景点。点评:定语从句的考查关键是分析句子成分,如果句子缺少主语,宾语,表语,定语则使用关系代词;如果句子很完整,则使用关系副词。

seience museum 用英语怎么说

science museum?科技馆

the science museum是什么从句

1、which.原因有2:1、先行词museum后有个逗号,说明这是个非限制性定语从句,而先行词是museum,是物,在定语从句(也就是后半句话)中作宾语成分,所以只能用which:2、we visited 后缺宾语,而先行词是物,所以在“where”和“which”中只能用which,这一情况只能在有选项的前提下判断,否则会有多种答案. 2、where 原因和上面的有一点相似,都是在先行词后有逗号,所以是非限制性定语从句.而这里的Washington(先行词)作为定语从句,也就是后半句的地点状语,所以用where ,且有且仅有一种答案. 希望你能明白. 【如需更详细的关于where 和which,我会尽力帮你解答的】

What’s in the Science Museum?回答


science museum和post office是合成词吗


What’s in the Science Museum?回答

翻译:科学博物馆里有什么?There are many wonderful devices designed by scientists. 有很多科学家设计的了不起的装置。


There is a science museum.改为一般疑问句:Is there is a science museum?

the science museum算不算第三人称单数?

the science museum.是第三人称单数。 例如:The Science Museum is very popular. There are many people like to visit it.其中的系动词用三单的 is, 在动词不定式的我宾语中用三单的it。

Visit the Science Museum 作文

A few days ago, I went to the Science Museum near Xincheng Square with my Grandparents. It was fun. There were many things I had tried at the Science Museum. I remembered one funny mirror. I think they used one stripe of mirror and one stripe of glass. The mirror showed a stripe of your side and a stripe of the other side. It looked odd. We looked the show of the little robots, too. There is a robot which would dance to the music and it will do different actions, it"s really cool. There also is another robot which can speak, it can speak some English. When the museum workers knocked its head. It shouted out, “Ow! Don"t always knock my head, it hurts so much!” I also remembered one which is very interesting, it"s got a shovel and a little sweep. There"s a heavy cup also. You can sweep into the shovel and pour some sand into the cup. And if you rock the cup gently. It will make out a pattern. I think the cup"s got some tiny holes beneath it. There"s also the giant bottle with pumping bubbles. One bottle didn"t have any water inside at all. It was very hard to pump, I tried all my might, but my palm still hurts after I pumped the water hard. I watched many things at the Science Museum. They are all very interesting. But I think the most interesting parts are these. I wonder what change will it have next time for the Science Museum. 《262 words》

How to get to the science museum_怎样去科学博物馆英语作文

We are going to the science museum tomorrow. There is an old thing show in the Museum. Do you know how we can get to the science museum? The science museum is next to the Peopleu2019s Park. Itu2019s isnu2019t far from our school. So we can go there on foot .Walk straight to the west from our school, next turn left at the post office and walk for about 5 minutes, then turn right at traffic lights. You can find the Peopleu2019s Park on the right . Walk straight, and youu2019ll see the science museum. 【要领点评】 这篇作文的题目是“怎样去科学博物馆”。怎样才算是一篇好作文呢?通过你的叙述,能让别人很容易找到博物馆,这应是最基本的要求。小作者在文中告诉我们什么呢?首先他写了去博物馆的位置,最后浓墨重彩,指明从学校去博物馆的具体路线,这条路线够清晰吧! 小朋友们在写这类作文的时候,总有些无从下手的感觉,不知从何说起。其实介绍路线,无非就是告诉他人某段路的起点和终点,还有就是如何从起点走到终点。要给他人说清楚,你自己首先得清楚,然后再通过自己的叙述,将路线清清楚楚得呈现出来。一定要注意行文中一些关键的地方,如在哪儿转弯,向哪儿转,经过哪些重要的交通标志或显眼的标志建筑等。这样,你就能说清,别人也能弄明白。

求一篇Visit the Science Museum的英语作文

It was fine today , Lily and I went to visit the Science Museum . It is about two kilometers away from our homes , so we decided to go there by bike . We set off at 8 o"clock. At the museum we saw a lot of interesting things . We could operate some equipment . There we met many classmates and friends . Wekhc

在science museum前用什么介词 是on 还是at或in

如果说在科学博物馆里面,用 in如果说在附近,用 at

science museum造句

I go to science museun today

求The Science Museum in London课文翻译要快


初三上册the Science Museum in London英语课文翻译

伦敦科学博物馆——托尼·史密斯 科学博物馆是伦敦最与众不同的博物馆。在大多数博物馆中,没有人喧哗或奔跑,而且你也不许触摸展品。但科学博物馆就不一样……因为那里面很热闹!人们谈论着他们在那儿能看到什么、能做什么,有些机器还发出响声。参观科学博物馆很有趣,并且这也是了解科学的一个好方法,因为你能寻求答案、尝试想法。 参观科学博物馆时,我总要去“起飞坪”。这是我最喜欢的展厅,因为可以在那做物理实验。例如,如果想在一个袋子里装满下落的沙子,你就得将一种装有轮子的卡车移至合适的位置。我还会去看火箭展。在那里,你能了解如何到宇宙空间旅行并返回。 然后,我会去人类与自然厅。在那里,你可以同动物比速度。你听到一声响,就按键。如果你不够快,狮子就会逮到你!我比我所有同伴都快,可狮子还是能抓到我。 还有关于交通、环境、空间技术以及数学、物理和化学的展厅。 你可以在这个博物馆里做很多事情,但你也要遵守一些规则。比如你不能拍摄馆内展品。但你可以在博物馆商店里买到它们的明信片。 更重要的是科学博物馆是免费参观的。也就是说,你可以顺便进去看一会儿,也可以愿意停留多久停留多久——它每天都开放,从上午10点到下午6点。所以你如果去伦敦的话,一定要去参观科学博物馆。它是这个世界上我最喜欢的博物馆了。

is there a science museum in yuor city ?什么

你们的城市有科学博物馆吗?yes there is

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science museum怎么读?


“science museum ”怎么读?

Science Museum 的音标是: /u02c8sau026au0259ns/ /mjuu02c8ziu02d0u0259m/扩展资料:名词的意思是:科学;理科;学科;技术,知识1.The best discoveries in science are very simple.最伟大的科学发现都非常简单。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》2.Physics is the best example of a science which has developed strong, abstract theories.物理学是自然科学中发展出了强有力的抽象理论的最好例子。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》3.His work advanced the science of microbiology.他的工作促进了微生物学这门科学。《汉英大词典》

英语作文the science museum

 it was fine today, lily and i went to visit the science museum. it is about two kilometers away from our homes, so we decided to go there by bike.  we set off at 8 o"clock. at the museum we saw a lot of interesting things. we could operate some equipment. there we met many classmates and friends. we thought we had learned a lot and were more interested in science.  at half past eleven we left the museum for home. we enjoyed ourselves in the museum today.

science museum里有什么


Where is the science museum?是什么意思


英语语法一问:1.Mercury's velocity is so much greater th

第一个里面,是有一个it takes somebody/something …to do sth 这里it 是形式主语,主语是后面的不定式。第二个那个it应该是多余的,怀疑你打错了?或者原句有问题。

How can I get to the science museum?的意思

How can I get to the science museum?我怎样才能到达科学博物馆?我怎样才能到达科学博物馆?


science museum 英[u02c8saiu0259ns mju:u02c8ziu0259m] 美[u02c8sau026au0259ns mjuu02c8ziu0259m] [释义] 科学博物馆;

science museum要大写

看science museum这里是不是专有名词,如果仅仅是泛指科学博物馆就不需要大写.如果是上海科技馆、中国科技馆这类专属的名词,就需要大写. 谢谢!



1.have you ever been to a science museum?为什么不能说成2

到过哪里应该用be in比较好。比如Have you ever been in Beijing. go是一个动作,表示去,如果用一般过去时可以(Did you ever go to ……),而visit是指参观,即参观过,这个经历一直延续到现在,所以可以。

如何用英语解释science museum


how can i get to the science museum什么意思


science museum怎么读?


scienence museum怎么读

science museum英 ["saiu0259ns mju:"ziu0259m]     美 ["sau026au0259ns mju:"zu026au0259m]    科学博物馆The tour included a visit to the Science Museum.旅游项目中包括参观科学博物馆。I went to the biggest science museum in town yesterday.我昨天去了镇上最大的科学博物馆。

science museum是什么意思?


“science museum ”怎么读?

Science Museum 的音标是: /u02c8sau026au0259ns/ /mjuu02c8ziu02d0u0259m/ 扩展资料:名词的意思是:科学;理科;学科;技术,知识

science museum 怎么读


science museum是什么意思


science museum怎么读

塞烟丝 miu zen m 前面一个单词还能用中文...后面拼音自己理解一下呗.... 好的话就选我哈。

启用WMF(Wireless Multicast Forwarding)是什么


dead sea mud mask面膜好吗


set maximum TLP payload size for the PCI express devices the unit is byte 是什么意思

设置PCI Express设备的最大TLP有效载荷大小的单位是字节

造句 主语+be+not so much+表语+as 表语

He is not so much a writer as a reporter. He is not so much a scholar as a writer.

I should say Henry is not_____much a writer as a reporter.A.that C.this Dsuch


I should say Henry is not _______ much a writer as ...


He is ________a writer as a reporter. A more B rather C not much D not as much


not so

not so是一个常用的并列连词,其含义相当于rather than,意为"与其说是……倒不如说是……"。和其它连接词一样,它可以连接词与词,短语与短语以及句子与句子。例如: He isn"t so much ill as depressed.(=He"s depressed rather than ill.)他不是生病,而是情绪低落。 Oceans don"t?so much divide the world as unite it.(=Oceans unite the world rather than divide it.)与其说海洋分隔了世界,倒不如说海洋联结了世界各国。 当连接句子时,not so连接的往往是because或that引起的从句,意思是"倒不是因为……而是因为……"。as后的that有时可省去。例如: You feel lost,sick at heart before such unmasked hatred,not so much because it threatens you as because it shows humans in such an inhuman light.面对这毫不掩饰的仇恨,你感到不知所措,惶恐不安,这倒不是因为它威胁了你,而是因为它显示了人类居然如此没有人性。It"s not so much that the machine is out of order as(that)I have not learned to operate it.倒不是机器出了故障,而是我还没有学会操作。 该并列连词中的as可用but(rather)替换,即出现该连词的一种变体:not somuch...but(rather)...。例如:It is not so much the actual population of the world but its rate of increase which is important.重要的与其说是实际的世界人口总数,倒不如说是世界人口增长率。

much of后面加什么?

首先要搞清楚,是修饰可数名词或不可数名词,而不是单数或复数名词.可数名词都有复数形式,而不可数名词没有复数形式.a large deal of、a plenty of和a good supply of 在多数情况下修饰不可数名词,如:a plenty of water,a geat deal of time,不过它们也可以修饰可数名词,如a plenty of men.a quantity of在多数情况下修饰可数名词,如a quantity of boxes,不过也可修饰不可数名词,如a quantity of milk.quantities of与上述的一样一、只能修饰可数名词的词语有:many,many a(n),a good / great many,a (great / large) number of,scores of,dozens of等.例如:Scores of people went there in the first few days after its opening.开张后的头几天,很多人去了那儿.I have been there dozens of times.我已去过那儿很多次了.There"re a number of students reading English in the classroom.教室里有许多学生在读英语.Many a student has(=many students have)visited the Great Wall.(谓语动词用单数)很多学生都游览过长城.In winter,a good many animals sleep under the snow.冬天很多动物在雪下冬眠.注意:many所修饰的复数名词前若有限定词,many 后面要接of,表示“……中的很多”.例如:A great many(of the) graduates have found jobs.毕业生中很多人已经找到了工作.二、只能修饰不可数名词的词语有:much,a great deal of,a great / large amount of等.例如:Is there much water in the bucket?桶里有很多水吗?He always has a great amount of work to do.他总是有很多工作要做.三、既能修饰可数名词又能修饰不可数名词的词语有:a lot of,lots of,plenty of (以上三个词语后谓语动词的数依of 后的名词的单复数而定),a great / large quantity of (其后谓语用单数),quantities of (其后谓语用复数).例如:There is still lots of snow in the garden.花园里还有许多雪.There is plenty of rain here.这儿的雨水很多.A great quantity of flowers was placed in the hall.大厅里放了很多鲜花.There are large quantities of food in the cupboard.橱柜里有许多食物.在所有这些表示“很多”的词语中many,much 是最常用的词,它们既可以用于肯定句,也可以用于疑问句和否定句.例如:Are there many people in the street?街上有很多人吗?There isn"t much time left.剩下的时间不多了.其它的词语都用于肯定句,日常会话中常用lots of,a lot of 或plenty of; 正式文体中常用 a great many,a (large) number of,a great deal of,scores of 或 dozens of 等.但若肯定句中有too,so,as,very或how 等词修饰时,则必须使用 many,much.例如:The number of the people who lost their homes reached as many as 250,000.无家可归的人数多达250,000人.There is too much work to do.要做的工作太多了.



body of;scores of;a multituded of这三个的区别,最好造句说明

body of 后面是不可数名词scores of,a multituded of 后面都是可数名词但a multitude of 数量非常多,scores of 几十个a multitude of [英][u0259 u02c8mu028cltitju:d u0254v][美][e u02c8mu028cltu026au02cctud u028cv]大量; It has a multitude of trade barriers, weak labor unions, and an undervalued currency.中国也有大量贸易壁垒,软弱的工会,以及估值过低的货币。Scores of multinationals do the same.数十家跨国企业在做着同样的事情。Scores of restaurants and hotels have opened.那里有几十家餐厅和旅馆已经开张


由于must在这里表示判断,意思是一定、准,所以这句话的否定式改为:The girl over there can"t/can not/cannot be a student.那边的那个女孩不可能是学生。很高兴为你解答,祝你每天都开心:)望采纳,谢谢!

英语you must make the time怎么翻译?


there must have句型? 有这个句型吗?最好再有个例句, 那there have

没有 只有there be 句型,但是可以有多种时态 Thereis/are There will be There must be There must have been 表示对过去事实肯定的推测 e.g There must have been someone in the house, since the tea is still hot. 希望对你有帮助!


"must" 是一个情态动词,用于表示必须、必需或肯定的意思。以下是 "must" 的常见用法:表示必须或强烈建议:用于表达某事是必须的或强烈建议的情况。You must finish your homework before you go out.(你必须在出门前完成作业。)We must be on time for the meeting.(我们必须准时参加会议。)表示推测或肯定:用于表示根据某种证据或逻辑推断出的肯定情况。He must be tired after working all day.(他一整天工作下来一定很累。)The road is closed, so there must be an accident ahead.(道路关闭了,所以前面一定发生了事故。)表示强烈的意愿或命令:用于表示强烈的意愿或命令。You must apologize for what you said.(你必须为你说的话道歉。)You must follow the rules of the game.(你必须遵守游戏规则。)需要注意的是,"must" 在否定句和疑问句中使用时,通常会改用 "must not" 或 "mustn"t"。例如:You must not smoke in this area.(在这个区域内禁止吸烟。)Mustn"t we finish this task by tomorrow?(我们不是必须在明天完成这个任务吗?)


jQuery ajax中数据以键值对(Key/Value)的形式发送到服务器,使用ajax提交表单数据时可以使用jQuery ajax的serialize() 方法表单序列化为键值对(key1=value1&key2=value2…)后提交。serialize() 方法使用标准的 URL-encoded 编码表示文本字符mui怎样快速获取提交表单值,像jquery的serialize那样

文具盒里一定有铅笔,用must be造句

文具盒里一定有铅笔There must be a pencil in the pencailcase.

He felt very ____[A.strong B.strongly]that there must be something unusual happening to his school.

A因为 feel是系动词,就最好加形容词 构成系表结构。

There must be_______.


there must be wrong with it

There must be(B.something)wrong with the clock. It doesn"t work. A.nothing B.something C.everything D.anything 考查不定代词的用法。因为钟表不能正常工作,说明它出了问题,使用something;套用句式There is something wrong with …。

there must be 后面加什么动名词?

there be情况,There be+sb/sth加动名词表示“有某人或某物正在做某事”,例:There is a boy crying on the playground

there must be 反意问句北京四中

there be 结构通常理解为倒装句,如: There must be a boy in the classroom,isn"t there?(主语为a boy) There must be some money in your bag,isn"t there?(主语为some money) There must some students in the classroom,aren"t there?(主语为some students)

Listen! There must be someone _________ through the jungle. A. trek &nbs...

C listen表示听的意思,引起人的注意,后面的句子通常用进行时态,结构为be+doing,trek的现在分词是trekking,故本题选C。

There must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood中visiting作什么成分


There must be something wrong with the the computer.(改为同义句)

The computer must have something wrong.

there must be some mistake

mistake是可数名词,只能说There must be some mistakes.Theremust be some mistake是错误的表达. 第二问: 我尝试用动词给你解答 I have reserved for a standard room/I have reserved a standard room. 名词:my reservation is for a standard room/my reservation is a standard room 不管是动词还是名词,都可以加for或者不加for 为什么? 因为reserve即可以做及物动词,又可以做不及物动词,不及物动词必须加介词接宾语 从reserve动词的用法你就能明白为什么名词形式里有for了 明白了吗?

There must be something wrong.


一定有贼闯进来了 这样翻译正确吗? There must be having a thief breaking it. 有了There be结构

 要克服这些差异,翻译时也就常有必要把一种表达方式 转换为另一种表达方式,使译文符合汉语表达习惯。. (一) 英语中有一些计量词,如 score, dozen, decade, quarter 等,在汉语中没有相应的表达方式, 所以在汉译时得对其加以转换。. 例如: f (1) Five score years ...

The light is on.There must be someone in the office??? 请各位不要所问非所答!!!

1.the light is on.是个独立的句子,它并不是原因状语.2.there be句型的形式主语当然是there,其实理解起来是 the office既然是地点状语,在此句中修饰动词be.有什么异义,不吝赐教.

反疑问句 There must be something in the bag _____?.

isn"t it

There must be something wrong with the key句子成份分析

主语:something谓语动词 (there) must be 定语:wrong状语:with the key

there must be individual effort and mutual help


这里为什么用there canbe而不是there must be?

can be 可能must be 一定而且,用must be 的话,句子会不通顺。

there must be someone

答案B 解析:本题考查现在分词做后置定语的情况.题意为:听,一定有人在敲门.listen一词说明是此刻正在发生的动作,因此应用现在分词形式做定语修饰主语someone,故正确答案为B.

There must be a lot more fun than taking a bus. 1.must在这的用法 2.more在这的用法 4.为什么是taking

1.must在这里是做情态动词用的,意思是——必定会.....;2.其实,more是“many/much——许多”的比较级,表示“更多”;more......than就是“比......更多”;3. 在这个句子中,用taking,而不用动词原形take,是因为前面的那个than,它的词性是介词,要注意,介词后面要跟名词,而动词变名词的方法,就是在动词后面加ing,所以,这里的take就变成了taking,也就是通常所说的动名词;4. 这个句子可以解释成;相比乘公共汽车而言,必定有乐趣得多。5.顺便说下,常见的介词,通常有这些:with, without, of, about, above,below, at, on, by, in, through, before, after, through.......希望这个回答对您会有帮助,谢谢!

There must be 和It must be有什么区别?

其中 must 是情态动词,是没有区别的。余下的就是 there be 和 it be 的区别了;there be 表示某个地方会出现或存在什么事物;it be 表示某个事物会出现什么性质。


There be+主语+其它这个本来就是主语,但在这个结构中,这个主语不会用人称代词的,所以,不存在主格宾格的问题。这个主语是名词通格。There must be some students in the classroom now.

there must be 一般疑问句怎么变


there must be something else to happiness than ju


There must be 和It must be有什么区别??急急!!

There must be 肯定有 It must be它一定是

There must be something wrong with the watch,()?

反义疑问句There be句型 There be 句型中,反义疑问部分必须为be 动词 + there There are some apples in the basket, aren"t there? There isn"t any milk left, is there?must .当陈述部分有情态动词must,问句有4种情况: (1)mustn"t表示“禁止,不可,必须”时,附加问句通常要用must. You mustn"t stop your car here,must you? 你不能把车停在这地方,知道吗? (2)must表示“有必要”时,附加问句通常要用needn"t. They must finish the work today,needn"t they? 他们今天要完成这项工作,是吗? (3)当must用来表示对现在的情况进行推测时,问句通常要根据must后面的动词采用相应的形式。 He must be good at English,isn"t he? 他英语一定学得很好,是吗?

请问there must be和there must have been有什么区别呢?

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