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如何看待Vanatic Music和Mico刘为的撕逼



  【Uprising】起义  The paranoia is in bloom, the PR  这些偏执狂正在颠峰  The transmissions will resume  这些遗传将会继续下去  They"ll try to push drugs  他们将会试著下药麻痹  Keep us all dumbed down and hope that  让我们所有人保持沉默并且如此希望  We will never see the truth around  而我们将永远看不见围绕在身边的真相  (So come on!)  Another promise, another scene, another  其他的承诺,其他的景象,那些其他  A package not to keep us trapped in greed  一个包装好的包裹无法设计我们陷入贪欲之中  With all the green belts wrapped around our minds  那些用绿色的皮带包裹我们所有的心智  And endless red tape to keep the truth confined  而无穷无境的终点线让真实被永远限制住  (So come on!)  They will not force us  他们不能强迫我们  They will stop degrading  他们将会停止使我们堕落  They will not control us  他们将不能支配我们  We will be victorious  而我们会获胜  Interchanging mind control  交换自我的控制权  Come let the revolution take its toll  if you could  来使这场革命敲响革命的钟,若你可以  Flick the switch and open your third eye, you"d see that  轻敲开始的开关,打开第三只眼,你将会看见  We should never be afraid to die  我们应该永不害怕死亡  (So come on!)  Rise up and take the power back, it"s time that  这正是时候,抬起自我,取回我们的力量  The fat cats had a heart attack, you know that  那些肥猫已经受到致命的攻击,你知道的  Their time is coming to an end  他们的时代已经结束了  We have to unify and watch our flag ascend  而我们必须合一,让我们的旗帜飘起  They will not force us  他们不能强迫我们  They will stop degrading us  他们将会停止使我们堕落  They will not control us  他们将不能支配我们  We will be victorious  而我们会获胜  Hey .. hey ... hey .. hey!  They will not force us  他们不能强迫我们  They will stop degrading us  他们将会停止使我们堕落  They will not control us  他们将不能支配我们  We will be victorious  而我们会获胜  Hey .. hey ... hey .. hey!  They will not force us  他们不能强迫我们  They will stop degrading us  他们将会停止使我们堕落  They will not control us  他们将不能支配我们  We will be victorious  而我们会获胜

6. What is interracial communication?

Interracial communication occurs when the sender and the receiver exchanging messages are from different races.===

Frida Amundsen的《Echo Of Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Echo Of Me歌手:Frida Amundsen专辑:September BlueEcho of Me -- Frida AmundsenCan"t you see how much I"ve changedHardly any part of me remainsSo you and I could be the sameI tried to be the way you areBut all that I"ve achieved so farIs driving us apartBut I won"t be your mirrorI can"t keep doing what I doBleaching myself into youWho you want me to beIs an echo of meIf I keep losing what I"ve gotTurning into someone I"m notAll you love, don"t you seeIs an echo of meI can"t be you, I can"t pretendI don"t know why you don"t comprehendYou wouldn"t want me in the endI never gave a guaranteeI"d adjust till I could barely breatheI can"t be all the things you needCause I won"t be your mirrorI can"t keep doing what I doBleaching out myself till I"m youWho you want me to beIs an echo of meIf I keep losing what I"ve gotTurning into someone I"m notAll you love, don"t you seeIs an echo of meYou stole my heartAnd so much of meNow I am only halfOf what it takes to feel completeI can"t keep doing what I doBleaching out myself till I"m youWho you want me to beIs an echo of meIf I keep losing what I"ve gotTurning into someone I"m notAll you love, don"t you seeIs an echo ..I can"t keep doing what I doBleaching out myself till I"m youWho you want me to beIs an echo of meIf I keep losing what I"ve gotTurning into someone I"m notAll you love, don"t you seeIs an echo of me

Morgenstunde hat Gold im Munde 这句德语什么意思?


hamilton,bermuda 是哪个国家

它不属于哪个国家,它位于北大西洋的马尾藻海,是由英属百慕大群岛、美属波多黎各及美国佛罗里达州南端所形成的三角区海域,首都 汉密尔顿(Hamilton) 位于北大西洋,是英国的自治海外领地 是属于英国的吧

hamilton,bermuda 是哪个国家


Ge You is ______ popular film star in China, who likes listening to musi

A 考查冠词的用法。句意“葛优在中国是一个很受欢迎的电影明星,他喜欢听音乐。”泛指“一个”,用不定冠词a/an。Popular首字母发音是辅音,故用a。故选A。

Ge You is ___ popular film star in China, who likes listening to music. 为什么要用a不能用the??

找了段冠词的知识点①特指 可用于各类名词,包括物质名词、抽象名词及专有名词。如: I own a dog. The dog is brown. ②与可数名词单数及某些形容词、分词连用,表示类别。如: Bell invented the telephone. The rich get richer, and the poor get children. ③用于表示民族、阶级、党派的名词前。如: The Chinese is a great people in the world. ④表示世界上独一无二的事物,名词前用定冠词。如: The earth runs around the sun. ⑤与姓氏的复数连用,表示一家人。如: The Smiths are on holiday now. ⑥用于表示方向、方位的名词前。如: It rains more often in the south of China than in the north. ⑦在最高级、序数词及next,last,same等词前常用定冠词。如: The last one is the most important one. ⑧用于乐器名称前。如: He is good at playing the piano. 2.不定冠词的基本用法: ①泛指 表示"某一个",用于可数名词单数前。如: We need a pen to write with. ②与可数名词单数连用,表示类别。如: An ox is a useful animal. ③在某些词组中,代替介词per。如: I go back home once a month. ④表示人的职业或工作。 I am a teacher, teaching in a college. ⑤专有名词也可以加不定冠词,表示专有名词的普通化。如: He wishes to be an Edison. 3.零冠词的基本用法(即不用冠词的情况) ①表示一般概念的物质名词、抽象名词前不用冠词。如: Unity is strength. ②在复数名词与不可数名词前不用冠词表示类别或泛指。如: They are teachers, not students. ③表示人名、地名等专有名词在一般情况下不用冠词。但是,表示江河、海洋、山脉、群岛等地理名词及含有普通名词的国名、组织机构名词前需要用定冠词the,人名、地名在特指时也需要加定冠词 the。如: Beijing is the capital of China. ④表示季节(除in the fall外)、月份、星期、日期、节日等名词前一般不用冠词。如: I often swim in summer. ⑤在作表语或宾语补定语表示职位、身份、头衔等的名词前常不用冠词。如: George W. Bush, president of U. S., declared the war against Iraq. ⑥具有抽象意义的个体名词和一些介词构成短语时,一般不用冠词。如: The peasants are in trouble because of the bad harvest. ⑦表示使用某种交通手段时,名词前不用冠词。如: I usually go to my office by bus. ⑧学科名词前一般不用冠词。如: The boy is very interested in physics. ⑨表示某顿饭的名词在一般情况下通常不加冠词。如: After supper, I often go out for a walk with my wife. ⑩表示运动项目的名词前不用冠词。 I prefer playing basketball to playing football.

判断:John is very hard_working man.( )Mr Smith likes talking to John very much.( )


请问Communication Specialist 这个职位一般怎么翻译?


有男女声合唱的,我只记住里面有一句歌词是l like musical,很欢快,有谁知道歌名

歌名:《lucky》歌手: Jason Mraz/Colbie Caillat所属专辑:《Lucky》语言:英语歌词:Do you hear me,I"m talking to youAcross the water across the deep blue oceanUnder the open sky. Oh my, baby I"m tryingBoy I hear you in my dreamsI hear your whisper across the seaI keep you with me in my heartYou make it easier when life gets hardLucky I"m in love with my best friendLucky to have been where I have beenLucky to be coming home againOooohhhhThey don"t know how long it takesWaiting for a love like thisEvery time we say goodbyeI wish we had one more kissI"ill wait for you I promise you, I willLucky I"m in love with my best friendLucky to have been where I have beenLucky to be coming home againLucky we"re in love every wayLucky to have stayed where we have stayedLucky to be coming home somedayAnd so I"m sailing through the seaTo an island where we"ll meetYou"ll hear the music fill the airI put a flower in your hairThough the breezes through treesmove so pretty you"re all I seeAs the world keeps spinning roundYou hold me right here right nowLucky I"m in love with my best friendLucky to have been where I have beenLucky to be coming home againLucky we"re in love every wayLucky to have stayed where we have stayedLucky to be coming home somedayOoohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh oohOoooh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

英语谚语:Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life 中文意思: 音乐可洗去灵魂中日常生活所沾染的污垢。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: It is harder to marry a daughter well than to bring her up well 养女容易嫁女难。 It is hard to please all parties 取悦各方,谈何容易。 It is impossible that a man who is false to his friends should be true to his country 对朋友不义,不可能对国家效忠。 It is more blessed to give than to receive 施恩比受惠更有福。 It is more pain to do nothing than something 什么都不做要比做一点更不好受。 It is my own fault if I am deceived by the same man twice 在同一个人那里上两次当只能怪自己。 It is no honour for an eagle to vanquish a dove 老鹰胜鸽,不足为荣。 It is not every couple that is a pair 成双并非皆配偶。 It is not good to make a sleeping lion 弄醒睡狮不是好事。 It is not helps but obstaceles not facilities but difficulties that make men 造就人的,不是帮助,而是磨难,不是方便,而是困难。 英语谚语: Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life 中文意思: 音乐可洗去灵魂中日常生活所沾染的污垢。

Thank you very much!(改写句子,保持原意)

Thanks a lot!

thanks very much和thank you very much有区别吗?

前者是错句 可以是 thanks a lot thanks是名词 不能用副词 very much 修饰

一句话最后面加上thank you very much可以怎么翻译?


thank you very much 有几种意思


翻译下,thank you very much。

John can"t go into hiking, he also had to fix that breakdown car. I took great trouble to tidy up the room. Although Hamilton take much better than most of the drivers, but his face without too much excite.ment He is looking forward to the next number first. In the past year, I met many difficulties, but I get a lot of life experience.

very much 为什么放在thank you的后面 谢谢


Thank you very much哪个字母可以连读?

thank you very much和thak you so much有什么区别

都是表示很感谢,但thank you so much注入了更多的激情和兴奋 too much 太多 There is too much water in the toilet. so much 如此多 I"m very happy to see so much money. very much 非常 Thank you very much. 意义上有区别 祝开心,

Thanks,Thank you,Thank you very much有何区别

Thanks:是一般谢谢的意思.Thank you:是谢谢你的意思.Thank you very much:是非常礼貌的讲谢谢.一般,例如下面的对话:A:Thank you very much.(非常感谢你.)B:You are welcome.(不客气.)

Thank you very much,后面接姓名怎么说?

Thank you very much,Miss Zhang.直接接你需要感谢的人的姓名就可以了

第8.10题,thank you very much

C 和will一起构成谓语D begin with以...开始

Tank you very much的意思是什么?


thank you very much 有几种意思


thank you very much


Thanks you very much的 错误并改正


thankyou very much是什么意思


thank you very much的同义句

Thank you very much. 的同义句—thanks

I thank you very much后面可以跟句子或短语吗?可以的话还需要加什么.

可以跟句子或短语. 但需加for,例子: 句子I thank you very much for what you have done for me. 我非常感谢你为我做的一切. 短语I thank you very much for asking me. 我非常感谢你邀请我.

英文thank you very much怎么回答

Not at all.别客气;不用谢;哪儿的话. You are welcome.不用谢. Please don"t mention it.不用客气;不用谢. It"s [It was] a pleasure.不用客气;不用谢. A pleasure.不用客气;不用谢. 扩展资料   Pleasure is (was) all mine.不客气;不用谢.   No trouble at all.没什么;别客气.   No problem.不客气;不用谢.   It"s [It was] nothing.没什么;不客气.   Think nothing of it.没什么.   That"s all right.没什么;不用谢.   That"s OK.没什么;不用谢.   Any time.不用谢;不客气;有事说一声.   It is (was) my pleasure.别客气,这是我高兴做的.   My pleasure.不客气,这是我高兴做的事.

thank you very much的同义句是什么?

与Thank you very much同义的句子如下。Thanks。Thanks a lot。Thank you以上都是Thank you very much的同义句。其实,英语学习也应如此。我们的母语汉语是一种语言,同样的,英语也只是一门语言,其实语言本身并没有任何竞争力,主要是看使用者能否灵活的运用。中国在最初打开国门,进行英语教学时,教学理念就出现了偏差:把英语的学习纯粹的当做一种语言的学习,并未注重它的运用能力,从而造成了一种应试教学模式。

用英语来回答thank you very much。

you are welcome! 或者 that is ok

Thank you so much同thank you very much 有咩唔同??

1. Thank you much 不能用, 错 Grammar。 2. Thank you very much 是比较 formal (拘谨的)。 一般会用于默生人、长辈或顾客服务行业。 3. Thank you so much 比较 casual (不拘礼节的)。 如果整句都是平音的话,其实跟 Thank you 没什么区别。 但是如果重音是在 so 的话,你所表达的意思就是 --- 非常感激您 ! 相同意思的一句话是 : Thank you ever so much! (虚伪的英国人经常用的) 其实都系一样架﹐没什么唔同

thank you very much的同义句有哪些?

与Thank you very much同义的句子如下。Thanks。Thanks a lot。Thank you以上都是Thank you very much的同义句。其实,英语学习也应如此。我们的母语汉语是一种语言,同样的,英语也只是一门语言,其实语言本身并没有任何竞争力,主要是看使用者能否灵活的运用。中国在最初打开国门,进行英语教学时,教学理念就出现了偏差:把英语的学习纯粹的当做一种语言的学习,并未注重它的运用能力,从而造成了一种应试教学模式。

外国人说thank you very much之后,我应该怎么回应??????

不用谢。 You"re welcome. 不用谢。 You are welcome. 不用谢。 It was my pleasure. 谢谢。不用谢。 Thanks a lot.Don"t mention it. 谢谢。不用谢。 Thank you. Not at all. 谢谢。不用谢。 Thank you. You are welcome. 那没什么,不用谢。 That"s all right,you"re welcome. 算不了什么,不用谢 Forget it 不用谢,我不要任何报酬,不用记在心上。 No thanks,I don"t want any payment - skip it. 我知道你很感激,不过那没什么,不用谢。 I know you"re grateful,but that"s all right,any time

Thank you very much的同义句是什么?

与Thank you very much同义的句子如下。Thanks。Thanks a lot。Thank you以上都是Thank you very much的同义句。其实,英语学习也应如此。我们的母语汉语是一种语言,同样的,英语也只是一门语言,其实语言本身并没有任何竞争力,主要是看使用者能否灵活的运用。中国在最初打开国门,进行英语教学时,教学理念就出现了偏差:把英语的学习纯粹的当做一种语言的学习,并未注重它的运用能力,从而造成了一种应试教学模式。

thank you very much,是什么意思

Thank you very much! 非常感谢您!省略主语 I (thank you very much!) 。thank是谓语you是宾语very much是程度副词作状语。Thank you very much=thanks very much.thanks 是thank的名词语境一般如下-Here is your present.-Oh! That is very nice.Thank you very much.

Thank You very much的回答是什么?

thank you very much意思是:非常感谢你。回答是:You're welcome,意思是:不客气。重点词汇:much英[mu028ctu0283]释义:adv.非常,很adj.大量的n.许多,大量pron.许多,大量n.(Much)人名;(德)穆赫;(英)马奇[比较级more;最高级:most]短语:how much多少;多少钱;数量词语辨析:much,a great deal of,a lot of,a number of,lots of,many,many a这组词(组)都表示“许多”的意思。1、many是普通用语,其后只能接可数名词复数;2、many a是书面用语,后接单数可数名词,当修饰主语时谓语动词要用单数形式;3、much是普通用语,是对量和程度而言的,只能修饰不可数名词;4、a number of可用来修可数名词复数;5、a lot of和lots of既可接可数名词,也可接不可数名词,多用于肯定句。6、a great deal of后接不可数名词,谓语动词用单数,且常用于肯定句中。

thank you very much的回答是什么?

thank you very much意思是:非常感谢你。回答是:You're welcome,意思是:不客气。重点词汇:much英[mu028ctu0283]释义:adv.非常,很adj.大量的n.许多,大量pron.许多,大量n.(Much)人名;(德)穆赫;(英)马奇[比较级more;最高级:most]短语:how much多少;多少钱;数量词语辨析:much,a great deal of,a lot of,a number of,lots of,many,many a这组词(组)都表示“许多”的意思。1、many是普通用语,其后只能接可数名词复数;2、many a是书面用语,后接单数可数名词,当修饰主语时谓语动词要用单数形式;3、much是普通用语,是对量和程度而言的,只能修饰不可数名词;4、a number of可用来修可数名词复数;5、a lot of和lots of既可接可数名词,也可接不可数名词,多用于肯定句。6、a great deal of后接不可数名词,谓语动词用单数,且常用于肯定句中。

Thank you very much和thank you有什么不同?

Thank you very much.非常感谢你。Thank you.谢谢你。表示感谢的程度不同

Thank you very much是什么意思

Thank you very much非常感谢你;[例句]Thank you very much for coming to meet me.非常感谢你来接我。

Thank you very much的答语有哪些

  1. You"re welcome./ Not at all. 不客气。  Thank you for everything. 感谢您做的一切。  You"re welcome./ Not at all.不客气。  这是大家从教科书上学到的标准说法,也是最常用的“还礼”方式了,很正式,用起来没什么问题,但是如果你老是用这两句的话就显得有点干巴巴了,来看看还有没有其他方式吧。  2. It"s my pleasure./ My pleasure. 乐意效劳。  You"ve been a big help. 你帮我大忙了。  It"s my pleasure./ My pleasure. 乐意效劳。  当别人有求于你时,你很乐意去做,并表示自己荣幸之至。很正式,也很优雅,尤其是男士如果在适当的场合运用这句话,会显得很gentleman.  3. That"s all right. 不用谢。  Thanks a lot. 十分感谢。  That"s all right.不客气。  当你为别人做了好事,别人对你表示感谢时,你常用它来做答语。意思是“不用谢,不客气。”隐含着默认接受别人感谢的意思,多用于好朋友或关系亲近的人。  4. No problem. No worries.  “不要紧,没什么,不用谢”,很像汉语里面大家常说的“没事儿,小事儿一桩,不必言谢。”公司的美国外教很喜欢用No problem,听起来很随意,亲切。  Thank you so much. 太感谢了。  No problem. 没什么。  5. Don"t be silly./ Don"t be daft. 别犯傻了,算不了什么。  You"re a genius Bob, thanks. 你真是个天才啊,Bob,太感谢你了。  Don"t be daft./ Don"t be silly.  一种很随意的口语表达,常用于关系很亲密的朋友或者同事之间,意思是关系这么近,帮你是应该的,谈感谢就见外了。

把Thank you very much改成同义句

thank you so much

thank you very much。翻译中文??


thank you very much什么意思

thank you very much非常感谢你例句:Thank you very much for coming to meet me. 非常感谢你来接我。Thank you very much indeed, Doctor, I am extremely obliged to you. 大夫,太感谢您了,您真是我的大恩人。Thank you very much 非常感谢。I thank you very much indeed for this interview. 我十分感谢您这次接见。

thank you very much什么意思


thank you very much的回答是什么?

You are welcome

thank you very much的中文翻译是什么?


Thank you very much.同义句


外国人说thank you very much之后,我应该怎么回应

That′s OK

Thank you very much dear

你好!Thank you very much dear非常感谢你亲爱的

thank you very much什么意思


thank you very much,是什么意思

thank you very much,的中文翻译thank you very much,非常感谢你,

thank you very much什么意思


thank you very much的意思。

与Thank you very much同义的句子如下。Thanks。Thanks a lot。Thank you以上都是Thank you very much的同义句。其实,英语学习也应如此。我们的母语汉语是一种语言,同样的,英语也只是一门语言,其实语言本身并没有任何竞争力,主要是看使用者能否灵活的运用。中国在最初打开国门,进行英语教学时,教学理念就出现了偏差:把英语的学习纯粹的当做一种语言的学习,并未注重它的运用能力,从而造成了一种应试教学模式。

Thank you very much!是什么意思?


thank you very much的同义句是什么?

Thank you very much.非常感谢你,多谢。同义句:Thank you.Thanks a lot.Thank you very much indeed.Many thanks to you.I am very grateful to you.重点词汇:1,Thank感谢,谢谢2,grateful感谢的,令人愉快的,宜人的扩展资料:Thank的用法:作动词,thank的基本意思是谢谢,感谢,指因某人所做的事或所给予的东西而在口头或文字上表示感谢。thank也可作,责怪,表示一种请求,现常作反语,含有埋怨,不耐烦的口气。thank是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,还可接复合宾语,其宾语补足语可由to be adj,结构或动词不定式充当。thank作责怪时,也可接以that从句作直接宾语的双宾语,that有时可以省略。

“Thank you very much”的答语有哪些?

1. You"re welcome./ Not at all. 不客气。Thank you for everything. 感谢您做的一切。You"re welcome./ Not at all.不客气

thank you very much是什么意思

thank you very much1. 非常感谢您。2. 非常感谢例句:1.Wi: thank you very much. 沃尔特:非常感谢大家。

thank you very much什么意思


thank you very much是什么意思


thank you very much是什么意思?

thank you very much是什么意思:非常感谢。

正式版将至!华为宣布,EMUI更名为Harmony OS

华为在2019年推出了全新的Harmony OS操作系统,该系统基于分布式架构,是面向未来的物联网系统,但是直到去年年底,华为才在部分智能手机上进行了Harmony OS的测试,之前仅仅用在智慧屏等设备上,支持的设备类型是比较少的;另外,消费者对于Harmony OS还有比较多的争议。 很多网友认为Harmony OS兼容安卓软件,实际上就是安卓系统,并非是一个完全自主研发的操作系统,而从Harmony OS的内部代码来看,其中有很多AOSP的开源代码,而安卓系统同样采用了AOSP的代码,这也说明Harmony OS和安卓目前还是存在很高的相似度。 而在近日,华为宣布将EMUI操作系统更名为“Harmony OS”,EMUI是华为基于安卓开发的操作系统,针对安卓做了很多本地化的优化,同时也针对自家的麒麟芯片做了一些更底层的优化,因此搭载EMUI的麒麟芯片手机在体验上非常优秀,这也是很多用户购买华为手机的原因之一。 更名之后,华为EMUI就成为Harmony OS,其实在这之前不少华为手机,已经升级了基于Harmony OS开发的EMUI,如今华为将EMUI直接更名为Harmony OS,这似乎说明Harmony OS正式版马上就要来了,之前华为手机上搭载的都是Harmony OS测试版,并非是正式版的系统。 那么华为为什么要推出鸿蒙OS呢?小宅认为有两个原因。 第一,Harmony OS本身是华为的备用方案,早期是用在物联网系统上的,但是随着谷歌切断了GMS服务的供应,华为手机在海外市场面临巨大的压力,因此华为推出了HMS服务来应对;但是到了今年,华为的压力更大,因为在这之前,谷歌已经停止向华为手机提供Android大版本的升级,所以华为必须要拿出自己的备用方案来使用,Harmony OS也算是仓促上马。 第二,目前智能手机行业已经达到了一个瓶颈期, 科技 公司想要继续发展,那必然是要走Alot路线,而现阶段的安卓似乎并不适用于这个发展方向,所以华为推出基于分布式架构的Harmony OS,也是面向未来的一个方案,在采用Harmony OS之后,华为的整个布局将走在行业的前列。 至于Harmony OS采用AOSP代码的问题,是完全符合法律规定的,因为法律规定只要符合开源社区的规定,就能使用AOSP的开源代码,Harmony OS是一个开源的系统,使用开源社区的代码也是理所当然的,另外AOSP这种开源代码实际上也是全球的开发者贡献的,并非是谷歌自己开发的。 Android系统中,谷歌开发的代码不超过百分之二十,大部分都是开源的,另外安卓本身就是基于Linux开发的,那要这么说的话,那安卓那就是Linux套娃,也不是一个自主开发的操作系统。

古舟子之歌 Samuel Coleridge

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner 古舟子咏 Samuel Taylor Coleridge 塞缪尔·T·柯勒律治 第一章 他是一个年迈的水手, 从三个行人中他拦住一人, “凭你的白须和闪亮的眼睛, 请问你为何阻拦我的路程? “新郎家的大门已经敞开, 而我是他的密友良朋, 宾客已到齐,宴席已摆好, 远远能听到笑语喧闹。” 他枯瘦的手把行人抓住, 喃喃言道:”曾有一艘船。” “走开,撒手,你这老疯子!” 他随即放手不再纠缠。 但他炯炯的目光将行人摄住—— 使赴宴的客人停步不前, 像三岁的孩子听他讲述, 老水手实现了他的意愿。 赴宴的客人坐在石头上, 不由自主地听他把故事讲: 就这样老水手继续往下说, 两眼闪着奇异的光芒。 “船在欢呼声中驶出海港, 乘着落潮我们愉快出航, 驶过教堂,驶过山岗, 最后连灯塔也消失在远方。 “只见太阳从左边升起, 从那万顷碧波的汪洋里! 它终日在天空辉煌照耀, 然后从右边落进大海里。 “它每天升得越来越高, 正午时直射桅杆的顶极——” 赴宴的客人捶打着胸膛, 当听到巴松管嘹亮的乐曲。 这时新娘已跨进大门, 她如鲜红的玫瑰一样漂亮; 行吟诗人走在她前面, 摇头摆尾快乐地歌唱。 赴宴的客人捶打着胸膛, 但不由自主地听他把故事讲; 就这样老水手继续往下说, 两眼闪烁着奇异的光芒。 “这时大海上刮起了风暴, 它来势凶猛更叫人胆寒; 它张开飞翅追击着船只, 不停地把我们向南驱赶。 “桅杆弓着身,船头淌着水, 像有人在背后追打叫喊, 却总是躲不开敌人的影子, 只好低着头任其摧残, 船儿在疾驶,狂风在呼啸, 我们一个劲儿往南逃窜。 “接着出现了浓雾和冰雪, 天气奇寒,冻彻骨髓; 如樯的冰山从船旁漂过, 晶莹碧绿,色如翡翠。 “冰山射出惨淡的光芒, 在飘流的云雾中若明若灭: 四周既无人迹也无鸟兽—— 只有一望无际的冰雪。 “这儿是冰雪,那儿是冰雪, 到处都是冰雪茫茫; 冰雪在怒吼,冰雪在咆哮, 像人昏厥时听到隆隆巨响! “终于飞来了一头信天翁, 它穿过海上弥漫的云雾, 仿佛它也是一个基督徒, 我们以上帝的名义向它欢呼。 “它吃着丛未吃过的食物, 又绕着船儿盘旋飞舞。 坚冰霹雳一声突然裂开, 舵手把我们引上了新途! “南来的好风在船后吹送; 船旁紧跟着那头信天翁, 每天为了食物或玩耍, 水手们一招呼它就飞进船中! “它在桅索上栖息了九夜; 无论是雾夜或满天阴云: 而一轮皎月透过白雾, 迷离闪烁,朦朦胧胧。” “上帝保佑你吧,老水手! 别让魔鬼把你缠住身!—— 你怎么啦?”——”是我用弓箭, 射死了那头信天翁。” 第二章 “现在太阳从右边升起, 从那万顷碧波的汪洋里; 但它终日被云雾缭绕, 然后从左边落进大海里。 “南来的好风仍在船后吹送, 但再不见那可爱的信天翁, 也不再为了食物或玩耍, 水手们一招呼就飞进船中! “我干了一件可怕的事情, 它使全船的人遭到了不幸; 他们都说我射死了那头鸟, 正是它带来了海上的和风。 他们咒骂我,这个恶棍, 他不该杀死那头信天翁! “当艳阳高照不再又暗又红, 而像上帝头上灿烂的光轮, 大家又改口说我做得对, 应该射死那带来迷雾的信天翁。 “惠风吹拂,白浪飞溅, 船儿轻快地破浪向前; 我们是这里的第一批来客, 闯进这一片沉寂的海面。 “风全停了,帆也落了, 四周的景象好不凄凉; 只为打破海上的沉寂, 我们才偶尔开口把话讲。 “正午血红的太阳,高悬在 灼热的铜黄色的天上, 正好直射着桅杆的尖顶, 大小不过像一个月亮。 “过了一天,又是一天, 我们停滞在海上无法动弹; 就像一幅画中的航船, 停在一幅画中的海面。 “水呵水,到处都是水, 船上的甲板却在干涸; 水呵水,到处都是水, 却没有一滴能解我焦渴。 “大海本身在腐烂,呵上帝! 这景象实在令人心悸! 一些长着腿的粘滑的东西, 在粘滑的海面上爬来爬去。 “到了夜晚死火出现在海上, 在我们四周旋舞飞扬; 而海水好似女巫的毒油, 燃着青、白碧绿的幽光。 “有人说他在睡梦中看见了 那给我们带来灾难的精灵; 他来自那冰封雾锁的地方, 在九寻的水下紧紧相跟。 “我们滴水不进极度干渴, 连舌根也好象已经枯萎; 我们说不出话发不出声, 整个咽喉像塞满了烟灰。 “呵!天哪!这全船老小 都向我射来凶恶的目光! 他们摘下我戴的十字架, 而把死鸟挂在我脖子上。

murder sans和dustsans的区别是啥?

murder 更疯狂


dust(n.)灰尘;(v.)掸掉灰尘。  语法 Grammar in use  must(1)  must是一个情态助动词,表示“必须”、“应当”,与have

在Protel 99 se中MultiLayer是什么意思?Mechanical1是什么意思?

MultiLayer 多义层,一般用于有孔焊盘的层设置;Mechanical1、Mechanical2.…… 机械1层、 机械2层.……,机械层可导入机械结构图纸(DXF),用于设计参考,比如上、下壳,开关等等;Mechanical1一般也可用于PCB外形层。



Body Language和Nonverbal Communication名词解释

Body language is a broad term for forms of communication using body movements or gestures instead of, or in addition to, sounds, verbal language, or other forms of communication. It forms part of the category of paralanguage, which describes all forms of human communication that are not verbal language. The relation of body language to animal communication has often been discussed. Human paralanguage may represent a continuation of forms of communication that our non-linguistic ancestors already used, or it may be that it has been changed by co-existing with language. Some species of animals are especially adept at detecting human body language, both voluntary and involuntary: this is the basis of the Clever Hans effect (a source of artifact in comparative psychology), and was also the reason for trying to teach the chimpanzee Washoe American Sign Language rather than speech — and perhaps the reason why the Washoe project was more successful than some previous efforts to teach apes how to dance. Nonverbal communication (NVC) is usually understood as the process of sending and receiving wordless messages. Such messages can be communicated through gesture; body language or posture; facial expression and eye gaze; object communication such as clothing, hairstyles or even architecture; symbols and infographics; prosodic features of speech such as intonation and stress and other paralinguistic features of speech such as voice quality, emotion and speaking style. The first scientific study of nonverbal communication was Charles Darwin"s book The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals (1872). He argued that all mammals show emotion reliably in their faces. Studies now range across a number of fields, including kinesics, linguistics, semiotics and social psychology. Proxemics refers to how people use and interpret space. While much nonverbal communication is based on arbitrary symbols which differ from culture to culture, a large proportion is also to some extent iconic and may be universally understood. Paul Ekman"s influential 1960s studies of facial expression determined that expressions of anger, disgust, fear, joy, sadness and surprise are universal. 好长…………

if you listen to american music,开头的英语文章

All you sinners drop everything Everything Let the melody and the harmony ring Let it ring Lift arms up to Heaven and sing Ring-a-ding Sing you sinners woncha sway n" swing What a thing Start with clappin" y"hands all about All about Don"t be silent - Let the Lord hear y"shout Shout it out And jus" let the music come out Of yr snout Sing you sinners woncha sway n" swing Check it out (Dig the drift of what I mean) In a world where there"s no music (Old Scratch) Satan gets his kicks (He"s up to his tricks) He"ll be laughing up and down the banks (Hee,hee,hee) Of that river Styx You"re so wicked baby,and you"re depraved You can rave It"s apparent that you have misbehaved To your grave But if you should wanna be saved Jus" behave Take a listen now to the bird... Stop all that chewin" yer cud - and all that standin" in the mud there Swing people!Swing every chortle from yer mortal portal I dig that everyone believes that all cattle prodigies Are like a sneeze Hard blowin"-missin one lick of blowin" talent to show (If y"sing - y" gotta swing!) But remember that the day will come when you Will be just steak on a plate (Folks,y"know it"s fate) So dig the music of the swing-o-sphere - (before your swing arrives too late) That"s a little too dark Still,it"s true - we"ve got breath for such a limited time What are ya,stupid,ya cows?- you"d think to sing was a crime In defense now; hence now; Here"s comes Adele McCluck: Mrs.Mockingbird,I must say you haven"t heard The friendly bellowing swing of our friends the cows - As they shed their way from Teagarden to Fuller Instead of spendin" ev"ry day jus" sneakin" around To life another lick - These cats work on their cow-tone,so when they get up to blow They blow a fatter bone-tone into the ozone (And furthermore...) You tweety-birds are always singin" away Never givin" up thought of what you say We cows do - shedding takes up most of our day So when we start and settle in to play - we can say A moo is an array of what we"ve always known to be The best and only way to play (What we mean to say is...) Before the band will letcha sing (Sing with Fletcher Henderson) You"ve got to get y"self to swing (Like the Bean or Satch) So your horn can blow - a single note or two Of deeper thinking (That"s the way to swing) So set your mind upon a tone (When you"re shedding all alone) And you will have a cornerstone (Like the bass trombone) Blow your horn and take a bow So that you"re swinging like the cows Pythagoras would be so proud of us

Permutation and Combination

更新1: 9b) 我用左8!/(2!2!2!2!)做点解唔啱既... 9c) 我用(1/2)*(8!/4!4!)做...同埋我想问题目写左men sit to the "right" of women...咁解题时点样考虑"right"呢样野? 9a. 8! = 40 320.b. Consider each couple as a whole. Then there are 4! ways to arrange each couple. Also each couple can be permuted in 2! and since there are four couples the wer bees 4! (2^4) = 384.c. The men can be arranged in 4! ways. Similarly the women can be arranged in 4! ways. Therefore there are a total of (4!) (4!) = 576 ways.10 First choose 4 teachers among 6 teachers. There are 6C4 choices. Then there are 4! ways to assign the 4 teachers to 4 sections. Total binations = (6C4)(4!) = 360 11 The possible trportation modes and the corresponding ways are5 car 4 car 2 car ways5 3 1 9!/(5!3!1!) = 5045 2 2 9!/(5!2!2!) = 7564 4 1 9!/(4!4!1!) = 6304 3 2 9!/(4!3!2!) = 12603 4 2 9!/(3!4!2!) = 1260 Add them together and we find that no. of ways = 4410 你可以参考以下网址 ingzoo pf23 我自己都去开 希望可以帮到你~ ^T^ 比我20分!

Multi-elemental Neutron Activation Analysis of Chinese GeoChemical Reference Samples

Zhang Yun jun,Li Xing bin,Song Lin shanInstitute of Geophysical and Geochemlcal Prospecting, Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources of ChinaYuan Ling, Chen Bao guanInstitute of Atomic Energy, Academia SinicaChen Bing ru,Wang Yu qi,Sun Jing xinInstitute of High Energy Physics,Academla SinicaThe concentrations of 36 elements in geochemical reference samples issued by the Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources of China were determined by neutron activation analysis.Three main variants of the technigue, instrumental,epithermal,and preirradiation separation neutron activation analysis(INAA, ENAA, PRAA), were employed in a systematic study of the samples by three laboratories: the Institute of Atomic Energy of the Academia Sinica(INAA,ENAA),the Institute of High Energy Physics of the Academia Sinica(INAA),and the Institute of Geophysical and Geochemical Prospecting of the Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources(INAA, PNAA).Both long and short irradiations and both Ge(Li)and HPGe detectors were used.A supplementary software package for data processinq was developed.About 81%of the data determined by neutron activation agreed with recommended values with in 15%.The Institute of Geophysical and Geochemical Prospecting of Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources bas prepared three series of geochemical reference samples: stream sediments(GSD), soils(GSS), and rocks(GSR).The eight stream sediment samples,GSD 1-8,were selected from areas believed to be representative of the types of sediments found in China.The provinces where the sampling sites are located and the lithology of the rocks in the basins sampled are given in a parer by Xie(1).EXPERIMENTALStandardsPrimary solution standards were used for standardization.Sets of 3-5 elements with no mutual interferences of main energies were combined to form multielement standards.Reference samples USGS GXR 1-6, USGS-AGV-1,NES-SRM-1362a,and CCRMP SY-2 and SY-3 were also used.Predetermined volumes of solution standards were pipetted onto plastic films or onto circular pieces of filter paper and the films or the papers were packed into aluminium foils of high purity(2).Sample preparation and irradiationThe homogeneous sample powders were dried in an oven at 90℃-110℃for over 3 hours and sample portions(20-100mg)were then precisely weighed onto aluminium foils.All samples and standards were placed in aluminium irradiation containers for INAA and PNAA, and in boron nitride(BN3)container for ENAA.The irradiation times were 2 to 5 min for Dy and Mn,72 to 150 hr for Ag and 3-23 hr for other elements.Both swimming pool and heavy-water reactors were used for irradiation.The thermal neutron fluxes were(1-2.4)*1013n1cm-2s-1and(5-7)*1013n1cm-2s-1respectively.Preirradiation separation techniques were used to improve the analytical sensitivities for gold and the rare earths.For gold the sample portion(10-20g)was dissolved in aqua regia and the Au then absorbed on activated carbon, whereas for the rare earths, sample portions(1g)werefused in sodium peroxide and the rare earths were extracted by PMBP(1-Pheny1—3-Methy1-4-Bnzoyl-5-Pyrazolone).Equipment and measurementTwo types of CANBERRA data acquisition systems(SCORPIO-3000 and JUPITER)were used for measuring the gamma spectra.The coaxial Ge(Li)detector covers the energy range from 60 to 2000 keV and the planar high purity germanium(HPGe)detector from 30 to 300 keV.All three laboratories used Ge(Li)for measurements, but in addition, the Institute of Geophysical and Geochemical Prospecting also used HPGe for many of the rare earths, Hf,Ta, and W.After a given decay period, the irradiated samples were transferred into counting vials in a glove-box.The distance between the irradiated sample and the detector is adjusted to avoid dead times of ADC(Analog-to-Digltal Converter)beyond 10%.Different cooling times were selected to determine isotopes with different half lives.The data acquisition times were 500, 1000 or 2000s, depending upon the intensity of the sample activity.Data processjngThe spectra of Various samples were transferred to discs and processed with software packages SPECT-RAN-F and SPCSUP to obtain element concentrations in samples and to print out various reports.The SPECTRAN-F was developed by CANBERRA;the SPCSUP,a software package to supplement SPECT-RAN-F, is in BASIC language and was designed by the laboratory of the Institute of Geophysical and Geochemical Prospecting.The method of least squares was used to calculate the calibration curves when the number of element standards is equal to or more than 3.The U fission interferences were corrected automaicaly both for standards and for samples.As many asfour gamma-lines were used to determine concentrations;the results obtained for each line are stored independently.Only results of gamma lines with tolerable interferences are included in averages, depending on the cooling time and complexity of sample matrix.The main parameters used in NAA and listed in table 1 were obtained from(3-5).RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONThe three neutron activation labs determined 36 elements in GSD 1-8 and these elements amount to 66.7%of the total number of elements(54)certificated for recommended values(1).The results of the 36 elements for GSD 1-8 obtained by NAA are presented in table 2 together with the recommended values(RV).Data for 31 elements were obtained by two or three NAA laboratories.The remaining five elements were furnished by one single NAA laboratory: Ga by the Institute pf Atomic Energy(IAE), Br and Ni by the Institute of High Energy Physics(IHEP),and Au and Ho by the Institute of Geophysical and Geochemical Prospecting(G&G).The standard deviations for most elements are less than or equal to 15%.Most of our data are agree well, not only among the three laboratories, but also with the recommended values, These values were calculated from data by 41 laboratories which used various analytical meth-ods.The Institute of Geophysical and Geochemicsl Prospecting did a statistical analysis of the differences, in%, between its NAA data obtained with a Ge(Li)detector and the recommended values.of the 214 differences,95,or 44.4%agree with the RV within 5%;173,or 80.8%agree within 15%;and 195, or 91.1%agree within 25%of the recommended values.This overall agreement of data by Ge(Li)detectors with the recommended values confirms the importance of application of NAA to geochemistry.The Institute of Geophysical and Geochemical Prospecting has obtained results for 9 elements(Ce, Gd,Hf,Nd,Sm,Ta,Tm,W and Yb)using HPGe with better resolution in the range of low energy than in the case of Ge(Li).For instance, the HPGe detector can better distinguish the following peaks:97.4 keV of Gd-153,100.3 keV ofTa-182 and 103.2 keV of Sm-153.It is unnecessary to wait a long ti me for Sm-153 to decay, or to correct the interference from Ta-182 for the measurement of the Gd-15397.4 keV peak.The ENAA is helpful in the suppression of the Na-24 interference in the determination of Ga and W, and sometimes of Br as well.The interference of Na-24 in the INAA of some geological samples is a severe problem and corrections for such interference should always be made.The Au preirradiation separation technique has the advantage of being able to avoid interferences(Eu-152411 keV and Ho-166m 410.8keV for Au198411.8 keV),and to reduce the detection limit of Au to 0.05 ppb.The use of large sample portions(10-20g)in the separation technique for gold,rather thanthe small sample portions <100mg)normally used in INAA procedures,helps to avoid the large variances in gold data that may occur because of the possible presence of a few small particles of free gold in the stream sediments.The REE preirradiation separation technique not only avoids similar effects, but it helps in the more precise determination of other rare earths such as Ho, Tm and Gd.It is quite difficult to determine Ho using INAA.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSWe are indebted to Chang-Cuo Li, Mei-Zhuo Zhao, and Jian-Wen Shi of the Institute of Geophysical and Geochemical Prospecting of the Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources, Yuan-Ji Zhang of the Institute of High Energy Physics of the Academia Sinica for their participation in this work.We are also thankful to Cheng-Wei Yu of the Central Laboratory of the Bureau of Geology of Province Shanxi, who helped in the separation of the rare earth elements.Special thanks are extended to F.J.Flanagan of USGS for his careful correction and editing of this paper.Table 1.Main parameters used in NAA(In column of GAMMA-RAYS the A,B and C are additional subscripts used by the Institute of Geophysical and Geochemical Prospecting in its data processing for identification of the same isotope with different primary gamma rays.G,Ge(Li)detector.H,HPGe detector)张玉君地质勘查新方法研究论文集Table 1(Cont"d.).Main parameters used in NAA(In column of GAMMA-RAYS the A,B and C are additional subscripts used by the Institute of Geophysical and Geochemical prospecting in its data processing for identification of the same isotope with different primary gamma rays.G,Ge(Li)detector.H,HPGe detector)张玉君地质勘查新方法研究论文集Table 2.Neutron activation determinations of elements in GSD stream sediment reference samples by three laboratories(In parts per million,except Au in parts per billion,and Fe,K,and Na in percent.SD,standard deviation.S,preirradiation separation.G, Ge(Li)detector.H,HPGe detector.RV,recommended value(1)张玉君地质勘查新方法研究论文集Table 2(Cont"d.).Neutron activation determinaions of elements in GSD stream sediment reference samples by three laborato-ries(In parts per million,except Au in parts per billion,and Fe,K and Na in percent.SD,standard deviation.S,preirradiation separation.G,Ge(Li)detector.H,HPGe detector.RV,recommended value(1)张玉君地质勘查新方法研究论文集Table 2(Cont"d.).Neutron activation determinations of elements in GSD stream sediment reference samples by three laboratories(In parts per million,except Au in parts per billion,and Fe,K and Na in percent.SD,standard deviation.S,preirradiation separation.G,Ge(Li)detector.H,HPGe detector.RV,recommended value(1)张玉君地质勘查新方法研究论文集Table 2.(Cont"d.).Neutron activation determinations of elements in GSD stream sediment reference samples by three laboratories(In parts per million,except Au in parts per billion,and Fe,K,and Na in percent.SD,standard deviation.S,preirradiation separation.G,Ge(Li)detector.H,HPGe detector.RV,recommended value(1)张玉君地质勘查新方法研究论文集Table 2(Cont"d.).Neutron activation determinations of elements in GSD stream sediment reference samp1es by three laboratories(In parts per million,except Au in parts per billion,and Fe,K,and Na in percent.SD,standard deviation.S,preirradiation separation.G,Ge(Li)detector.H,HPCe detector.RV,recommended value(1)张玉君地质勘查新方法研究论文集Table 2(Cont"d.).Neutron activation determinations of elements in GSD stream sediment reference samples by three laboratories(In parts per million,except Au in parts per billion,and Fe,K,and Na in percent.SD,standard deviation.S,preirradiation separation.G,Ge(Li)detector.H,HPGe detector.RV,recommended value(1)张玉君地质勘查新方法研究论文集RESUMEHuit échantillons géochimioues de référence prépares par le“Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources of China”ont éte analyses pour 36 éléments par trois méthodes différentes de 1"activation neutronique, instrumentale,épithermale et radiochimique,Trois laboratoires(“Institute of Atomic Energy of the Academic Chinica, the Institute of High Energies and the Institute of Geophysical and Geochemical Prospecting of the Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources”)оnt pacticiрé à cette étude d"une fason systématique, selon les méthodes en vigoeur dans chaque laboratoire.Dans l"ensemble, les résultats par l" activation neutronique se comparent parallèlement avec ceux recommandés.REFERENCES(1)Xie,X.J.e tal.(1985)Geochemical Reference samples,drainage sediment GSD 1-8,from China:Geostandards Newsletter,9:83-159.(2)D.De Soete,R Gijbels and J.Hoste(1972)Neutron Actlvation Analysis.(3)C.E.Crouthamel(1970)Applied Gamma-Ray Spectrometry,second edition.(4)R.L HeathGamma-Ray Spectrum Catalogue Ge(Li)and Si(Li)Spectrometry,Vo1.1 and 2.(5)Tables of Common Data of Nuclei,Beijing,Atomic Energy Press(1975).原载《Geostandards Newsletter》,1986,Vol.X,No.1.

combination 和permutation的区别

combination着重指两个或两个以上的人或事物为了共同的目的而结合在一起,结合后原来的部分可能仍然不会改变或生气其本来性质. The combonation of milk and water.partnership多指经济、生意上的合伙关系。union指“a combined group”,各部分完全、彻底、综合、和谐地,协调地合作,常指“联邦,合众国”,如:the Soviet Union,the United States,另外它常指一些社会团体,如the trade union,the students""union,the labor union(工会,学生会等)

ACDC - Touch Too Much歌词啊,中文的(估计也没有) 英文的也要

Touch Too MuchIt was one of those nightsWhen you turned out the lightsAnd everything comes into viewShe was taking her timeI was losing my mindThere was nothing that she wouldn"t doIt wasn"t the firstIt wasn"t the lastShe knew we was making loveI was so satisfiedDeep down insideLike a hand in a velvet gloveCHORUS:Seems like a touch, a touch too muchSeems like a touch, a touch too muchToo much for my body, too much for my brainThis damn woman"s gonna drive me insaneShe"s got a touch, a touch too muchShe had the face of an angelSmiling with sinThe body of Venus with armsDealing with dangerStroking my skinLike a thunder and lightening stormIt wasn"t the firstIt wasn"t the lastIt wasn"t that she didn"t careShe wanted it hardAnd wanted it fastShe liked it done medium rareCHORUSSeems like a touch, a touch too muchSeems like a touch, a touch too muchToo much for my body, to much for my brainThis damn womans gonna drive me insaneShe had a touch, a touch too muchTOUCH ME!Oh!Seems like a touch (touch too much)You know it"s much too much, (much too much)I really want to feel you (touch too much)Girl you know you"re giving me (much too much)Seems like a touchJust a dirty little touchI really need your touchCause you"re much too much too much too much Seems like a touch, a touch too muchSeems like a touch, a touch too muchGivin me a touch, a touch too muchBaby got a touch, a touch too muchSeems like a touch, a touch too muchA touch too muchA touch too muchA touch too muchTouch, come on and touch meYeah!

must和have to的区别和用法

must和have to的区别和用法如下:1、强调重点不同,两者都表示“必须”但must侧重于说话者的主观看法,have to则侧重指客观需要,含有“不得不”或“被迫”之意。2、所用时态不同,must只有现在时一种形式(在宾语从句中可以表示过去),而have to则有多种时态形式。3、非限定形式不同,have to可以有分词、动名词、不定式等形式,而must则没有这些形式。4、动词搭配不同,根据语义的需要,have to可以与情态动词搭配使用,而must本身作为情态动词,显然不能这样用。5、否定式的意义不同,must的否定式mustn"t意为“一定不要”“不允许”;而have to的否定式don"t have to意为“不必”(=needn"t)。(1)You mustn"t tell him about it.你一定不要告诉他这件事。(这可能是秘密)(2)You needn"t tell him about it.你不必告诉他这件事。(他可能知道了)


翻译如下murderer-plainly是凶手,显然的意思例句All the villages cared about was the identity of their murderer-plainly, three apparently healthy people did not all drop of natural causes on the same所有村民都关心的是凶手的身份——显然,三个看上去健康的人不是出于同样的自然原因。

英语翻译 以及语法解释 their sorrows shall be multiplied...

1.加速,增加2.another god3.泛指饮品。这里指浇祭的血4.同中文,排比等句子


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