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What us called the queen of the musical instruments?能帮忙翻译吗


It is ____good food that I eat too much. 空白处填so还是such更合适?为什么?


be much better off中文意思

better off 小康 富裕

much better off than是什么意思

We are much better off than ever before:我们的生活比过去任何时候都要好得多. much在此处修饰better 表示好得多,off表示远离的

有一首英语歌,女生唱的,开始是how mucn times,这首歌的歌名是什么

the answer is blowing in the wind

he should , or rather must.........这里有OR了,那么逗号可以省去吗


"Avoid the rush hour"must be slogan of large citi




Few-Shot Object Detection with Attention-RPN and Multi-Relation Detector

为了让RPN学习到支持集和查询集之间目标的潜在联系,避免RPN在查询集的未知样本上出现随机游走的情况。 为什么池化尺度为 1 VS. Conventional RPN Overlap 0.5:0.9130 vs. 0.8804 ABO(Average Best Overlap Ratio):0.7282 vs. 0.7127 为什么构建? 将支持集和查询集的目标通过全局、局部、块区三个层级全面联系起来,让网络学习到目标在这个三个层级之间的潜在关联,使得网络最终能更好的从支持集泛化到查询集的未见目标上。 Global Relation:学习一个全局匹配的深度embedding; Local Relation:学习一个像素级和深度互相的关系; Patch Relation:学习一个深度非线性度量关系。 实验结果 实现细节 假设支持特征 和查询候选区的特征 ,特征大小为 Global-Relation Head concat avg pool MLP = relationship Local-Relation Head Patch-Relation Head Naive Traning Strategy 从支持集和查询集中抽取一对同类别样本 对网络进行训练。 Ours idea basic:一个好的模型不仅可以匹配不同的类别,同时可以区分不同的类别。 类似于Triplet loss的训练方式,除了构建一对同类别的训练对,同时从支持集中引入一个不同类别的样本,作为对抗样本,即 。 采样选择 采用对抗样本训练策略后,网络不仅要学习同类别样本的关联,也要学习不同类别样本的区别,而同类别样本总是稀少的,使得不同类别样本产生大量背景候选框主导训练,因而需要对正负样本进行采样。 采样比例为 , 对比实验结果 刨除Attention RPN的微小增益,足以说明让网络学习区分不同类别物体的相当重要的。


没有用就是看最后的一个点后面是啥 格式就是啥 那些点其实就是让你知道文件的类型的

LTM Multiples是什么意思?


multiples of 10 are factors of 102

非常简单的数学基础.自己做就行. 预定义如下: 13s:代表13的整数倍序列,如13、26、39... 5是10的因数,10是5的倍数. 1.a) 通过从0开始列出13s,证明13是13的因数. b) 哪些整数是它们自身的因数?并解释原因. 2.a) 通过从1开始列出1s,证明1是8的因数. b) 哪些整数以1作为因数?并解释原因. 3.改写以下两条语句,语句中不得出现“因数”而以“倍数”替换,且语句的含义不变. a) 12的最大因数是12. b) 任一整数(除0以外)的最大因数是其自身.













for two consecutive multiples of 4

是这样的: 对于两个连续的4的倍数,大的数字比小的数字的2倍小至少16.求这两个数的最小值. 设小的数字为x,则大的数字为x+4 列不等式:2x-(x+4)≥16 所以得x≥20 所以这两个数字最小值为20,24

什么叫profit multiple

Profit and sales multiples are the most widely used valuation benchmarks used in valuing a business. The information needed are pretax profits and a market multiplier, which may be 1, 2, 3, or 4 and usually a ceiling of 5. The market multiplier can be found in various financial publications, as well as analyzing the sale of comparable businesses. This method is easy to understand and use. The profit multiple is often used as the valuation ceiling benchmark.商务英语里面的 盈利倍数

multiples of修饰可数还是不可数名词

不是multiples of,而是multitudes of,修饰可数名词。multitudes of表示众多,许多的意思,修饰可数名词。例句有:In the United States,multitudes of premiums for new devices were awarded at country fairs and at the industrial fairs in major cities。在美国,奖励新发明的大量奖品在乡村集市和大城市的工业博览会上颁发。Among multitudes of bitter trials,the Buddha was given such manifest proof of his Dharma,his infinite pity for all creatures was inspired, and so he determined to help by showing all how their world of suffering may be transformed into happiness。佛陀出生在人间,生长、成道也在人间,佛陀29岁,体悟人间之因缘,多种不同的苦,佛陀顿悟得智慧,开启他悲天悯人的慈悲心,度化众生离苦得乐。

翻译硕士英语的Multiple choice是单选吗


trading multiples是什么意思

trading multiples交易连锁商店multiples[英]["mu028cltu026aplz][美]["mu028cltu026aplz]n.<数>倍数( multiple的名词复数 ); [电工学]并联; 连锁商店; 下有多个分社的旅行社; 例句:1.But thanks to falls in earnings, multiples have actually risen since last august. 但由于收益下降,自去年8月以来,其市盈率实际上一直在上升。2.Japanese-style deflation, where reducing prices put long-lasting downward pressure on profits, also pushes down multiples. 日本式的通缩也会推低市盈率在这种通缩状况下,不断下降的物价对利润构成长久下行压力。


数>倍数( multiple的名词复数 ); [电工学] 并联; 连锁商店; 下有多个分社的旅行社; [例句]It made it almost impossible for the smaller retailer to compete against the multiples.这使得小零售商几乎不可能跟连锁店竞争。精,,,,锐

求high school musical1和2的所有歌词

HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 2 CAST LYRICS What Time Is It? [Chorus:] What time is it? Summertime! It"s our vacation! What time is it? Party time! That"s right say it loud! What time is it? Time of our lives! Anticipation! What time is it? Summertime! School"s out scream and shout! [Troy:] Finally Summers is here, Good to be chilling out, I"m off the clock, The pressure"s off, And my girlfriend"s all about... [Gabriella:] Ready for some sunshine, I"m about to take a chance, I"m here to stay, Not moving, No way, Ready for a summer romance... [Troy & Gabriella:] Everybody ready going crazy are we right? Come on and let me here you say it now, Right NOW! [Chorus:] What time is it? Summertime! It"s our vacation! What time is it? Party time! That"s right say it loud! What time is it? Time of our lives! Anticipation! What time is it? Summertime! School"s out scream and shout! [Sharpay:] No rules, no summer school, I"m free to shop "till I drop, [Ryan:] An Education Vacation, [Sharpay:] And the party never has to stop, Got things to do, I"ll see you soon, [Ryan:] And we"re really gonna miss you all, [Sharpay:] Missing you and you, [Ryan:] and you and you, [Sharpay & Ryan:] Bye bye and see you next fall... [Sharpay & Ryan:] Everybody ready going crazy are we right? Come on and let me here you say it now, Right NOW! [Chorus:] What time is it? Summertime! It"s our vacation! What time is it? Party time! That"s right say it loud! What time is it? Time of our lives! Anticipation! What time is it? Summertime! School"s out scream and shout! [Troy & Gabriella:] No more waking up at 6 a.m. Now our time is all our own, Enough already we"re waiting c"mon lets go.. [Everyone:] We"re out of control!!! [Bridge:] School"s out, lets show it! Champions we know it! Wildcats! Are the best! Red, White and Gold! When it"s time to win we do it! Number 1, we proved it! Let"s say it loud! All together! That"s what the summer is all about! [Chorus:] Summer"s here! Summer time is finally here, Lets Celebrate! We want to hear you loud and clear now! School"s Out! We can sleep as late as we want to! It"s our time! Now we can do what ever we want to! Summer"s Here! It"s our time! Celebrate! Come on and say what you know! Summer"s Here! It"s our time! Celebrate! The time of our lives!


你需要建立自己的规则库,生成**.fis文件,并且将fis文件导入到工作空间,然后双击模糊控制器,将fis文件名输入到对话框中。你在matlab工作空间中输入FUZZY,就会出现fis editor,你就可以自己用图形的方式绘制隶属函数


得先把fis装载进入工作空间,然后再simulink中连接。步骤1:在空座空间中输入 name1=readfis("name2") 其中,name1是你自己随便取的,name2是已经保存的fis文件名,不加.fis;步骤2:在simulink中,右击Fuzzy logic controller→look under mask,在新窗口的fis wizard 双击,输入name1,即可。先做步骤1,然后打开simulink文件做步骤2


从simulink library browser ——> fuzzy Logic Toolbox ——> fuzzy logical controller 拖到simulink中。双击 fuzzy logical controller ,输入与你做好的模糊控制器名称name。运行simulink前先运行模糊控制器name.fis file—— export —— to workspace 或者直接读入:name= readfis("name.fis") 。再运行simulink

Mutha S Day Out的《Blank Page》 歌词

歌曲名:Blank Page歌手:Mutha S Day Out专辑:My Soul Is WetSmashing PumpkinsBlank Pageblank page was all the ragenever meant to say anythingin bed I was half deadtired of dreaming of restgot dressed drove the state linelooking for you at the five and dimestop sign told me stay at hometold me you were not aloneblank page was all the ragenever meant to hurt anyonein bed I was half deadtired of dreaming of restyou haven"t changedyou"re still the samemay you rise as you fallyou were easy you are forgottenyou are the ways of my mistakesI catch the rainfallthrough the leaking roofthat you had left behindyou remind meof that leak in my soulthe rain fallsmy friends callleaking rain on the phonetake a day plant some treesmay they shade you from memay your children play beneathblank page was all the ragenever meant to say anythingin bed I was half deadtired of dreaming of restgot dressed drove the state linelooking for you at the five and dimebut there I was picking pieces upyou are a ghostof my indecisionno more little girl

to be loved,one must love怎么改



Must Be Dreaming 歌词

歌曲名:Must Be Dreaming歌手:Frou Frou专辑:DetailsPay close attentionDon"t listen to me from nowGeorge"ll be flying this oneAnd it"s anyone"s guess how he doesThis is the right turnWrong universeOnly taking me in full bloomfirlballCareful with that thereSee what you made me doI must be dreaming Or~We"re onto somethingI must be dreaming For~I don"t fall in love lawlesslyI must be dreaming Or~Pinch me to wakingSo undeniably yoursAs long as I"m losing it so completelyIncendiary glanceBe come and collide in meSoon and in heartsOh! While I go helplesslySky high magic eyeSugar rushingAnd don"t stopI must be dreaming Or~We"re onto somethingHey just watcha make me For~I don"t fall in love lawlesslyI must be dreaming Or~Pinch me to wakingSo undeniably yoursAs long as I"m losing it so completelyeuphoria i can"t take any more of yaheuphoria i can"t take any more of yahi"m losing itI must be dreaming Or~We"re onto somethingHey just watcha make me For~I don"t fall in love lawlesslyI must be dreaming Or~Pinch me to wakingSo undeniably yoursAs long as I"m losing it so completelyi"m losing it

I don’t think that he would commit robbery, much less would he commit viole


这个句子as后面的成分怎么划分? The police have excluded robbery as a motive for the murder.

The police / 主语 have excluded/谓语 robbery/宾语 // as a motive for the murder.定语as a motive for the murder 动机为蓄意谋杀修饰 robbery ,作其后置定语,意思是:警方排除此次抢劫存在谋杀动机。

robbery 和mug 有什么区别?




robbery 和mug 有什么区别?


在High school musical里,有一个词发音为 科皮斯 我记得是C开头,意似乎为懂吗的意思,请问这是何词?

应该是copy that?


don"t come too much (closer) to me 别再走靠近我了。





It was very hot yesterday, but it is _______ today. 请问这里为什么不能用much more hot?






Mr. Black has two cats(猫). One is big(大的) and the other is small(小的). He likes them very mu

小题1:C小题2:A小题3:C小题4:A小题5:B 试题分析:本文中的布莱克先生是个死脑筋,在门上留了一大一小两个洞来让猫通过,根本没想到小猫可以在大的洞里面通过。小题1:根据Mr. Black has two cats(猫). One is big(大的) and the other is small(小的).可知选C。小题2:根据One day his friend Mr. Green comes to see him.可知选A。小题3:根据“To let them in or out,” Mr. Black answers.可知选C。小题4:根据“ How can the big cat go through(通过)the small hole?” he says.可知选A。小题5:联系常识,可知那只小的猫也能通过大洞,故选B,小洞不必要。点评:本文中长句较多,一时很难读懂句子含义,注意多读几遍,不要强求非得理解一词一句的含义,能把握文章大意就行。然后带着问题阅读短文,一般就能顺利找出答题依据。对于不能直接找到根据的问题注意联系上下文,根据短文中心总结出正确答案。






最近许多朋友都在群里问使用P2pSearcher小工具的时候出现P2pSearcher无法连接eMule网络的现象,而且有的是在WIN7系统中无法实用P2pSearcher有的是在XP系统中无法使用P2pSearcher现象都一样都是出现无法连接eMule网络而且工具右下角的服务器连接状态是未连接或者未获得服务器这样的提示,起初我自己没有遇到这样的问题,群里的朋友提问本人也就忽略了这个问题,可是今天本人也遇到了一个这样的问题。 问题分析本人在两台XP中都使用了P2pSearcher这个小工具,但是其中一台XP系统却无法连接网络,两台计算机配置都一样,并且系统也都一样,这时本人也开始郁闷了起来,不过最好还是解决了这个小问题,问题就出在迅雷和电驴这样的软件上,如果您在实用P2pSearcher小工具前计算机中安装的有迅雷或者电驴占用了小工具的连接服务器就没办法获取网络。 P2pSearcher无法连接eMule网络解决办法: 卸载计算机系统中已安装的"迅雷"和"电驴"软件,再此重新安装一下即可解决,另外如果再次安装还是出现无法连接eMule网络的现象,就再次继续卸载已安装的迅雷和电驴,下载一个新版本的继续安装,总要有一次是可以成功的。本人保证可以解决问题,另外说明下P2pSearcher小工具是可以在WIN7下和XP下任意运行的,这里可以肯定的说明下此工具没有系统的兼容性问题。

Bad Day (Musicvideo) 歌词

歌曲名:Bad Day (Musicvideo)歌手:Daniel Powter专辑:Dp (Deluxe Edition)Bad DayDaniel PowterWhere is the moment we needed the mostYou kick up the leaves and the magic is lostThey tell me your blue skies fade to greyThey tell me your passion"s gone awayAnd I don"t need no carryin" onYou stand in the line just to hit a new lowYou"re faking a smile with the coffee to goYou tell me your life"s been way off lineYou"re falling to pieces everytimeAnd I don"t need no carryin" onCause you had a bad dayYou"re taking one downYou sing a sad song just to turn it aroundYou say you don"t knowYou tell me don"t lieYou work at a smile and you go for a rideYou had a bad dayThe camera don"t lieYou"re coming back down and you really don"t mindYou had a bad dayYou had a bad dayWell you need a blue sky holidayThe point is they laugh at what you sayAnd I don"t need no carryin" onYou had a bad dayYou"re taking one downYou sing a sad song just to turn it aroundYou say you don"t knowYou tell me don"t lieYou work at a smile and you go for a rideYou had a bad dayThe camera don"t lieYou"re coming back down and you really don"t mindYou had a bad day(Oh.. Holiday..)Sometimes the system goes on the blinkAnd the whole thing turns out wrongYou might not make it back and you knowThat you could be well oh that strongAnd I"m not wrongSo where is the passion when you need it the mostOh you and IYou kick up the leaves and the magic is lostCause you had a bad dayYou"re taking one downYou sing a sad song just to turn it aroundYou say you don"t knowYou tell me don"t lieYou work at a smile and you go for a rideYou had a bad dayYou"ve seen what you likeAnd how does it feel for one more timeYou had a bad dayYou had a bad dayHad a bad dayHad a bad day

pa nuo mu duo tu tuo里那个是三拼音节?

nuo duo tuo是三拼音节。三拼音节是指在声母和韵母之间还有一个介母,形成一个音节有三个拼音成分

You must not be______at feeling the difficulities.

put out“put out”是个多义词,它可以指扑灭, 出产, 灭, 熄。 这里应该是 后退或者是,胆怯。

"Lang Lang is also the first chinene pianist solo in word all famous music hall "这句对吗?

你打错字了chinene 应为chinese朗朗是第一个走进世界著名音乐殿堂的中国独奏钢琴家

提问fee用什么疑问词?是how much 还是what is

Find out how much your surveyor"s and solicitor"s fees will be. 弄清你要向鉴定员和律师支付多少费用。

MUSE的《Showbiz》 歌词

歌曲名:Showbiz歌手:MUSE专辑:Showbizcontrolling my feelings for too longcontrolling my feelings for too longcontrolling my feelings for too longcontrolling my feelings for too longforcing our darkest souls to unfoldforcing our darkest souls to unfoldpushing us in to self destruuctionpushing us in to self destruuctionthey make memake me dream your dreamsand they make methey make me scream your screamstrying to please you for too longtrying to please you for too longvisions of greed you wallowvisions of greed you wallowvisions of greed you wallowvisions of greed you wallowand they make memake me dream your dreamsthey make methey make me scream your screamscontrolling my feelings for too longcontrolling my feelings for too longand forcing our darkest souls to unfoldand forcing our darkest souls to unfoldpushing us in to self destruuctionand pushing us in to self destruuctionand pushing us in to self destruuctthey make memake me dream your dreamsand they make methey make me scream your screamsooh



Muse的《Madness》 歌词

Madness词曲:Matthew Bellamy演唱:MUSEI, I can"t get these memories out of my mindAnd some kind of madnessIs starting to evolve, mmmm.And I, I tried so hard to let you go,But some kind of madnessIs swallowing me whole, yeah.I have finally seen the light,And I have finally realisedWhat you mean.Now, I need to know is this real love,Or is it just madnessKeeping us afloat, mmmm.When I look back, at all the crazy fights we hadIt"s like some kind of madnessWas taking control, yeah.Now, I have finally seen the light,And I have finally realisedWhat you need.That I have finally seen the light,And I have finally realisedI need your love,I need your love.Come to meJust in a dreamCome on and rescue meYes I knowI can"t be wrong.And baby, you"re too headstrong.Our love is madness.


龙卡MUSE信用卡用户在境外每笔1%返现 ,指定商户8%返现。1.龙卡MUSE信用卡用户在14家境外品牌商户刷卡消费,可以享受8%返现,每月最高600美元。另外,持卡人在5大境外免税店刷卡消费享8%返现。如果银行用户使用MUSE信用卡卡在境外通过VISA清算网络付款,可享每笔1%返现,每卡每月封顶500美元。2.建行龙卡信用卡境外消费返8%是建行信用卡自带活动,可以和上面的MUSE卡活动叠加使用,也就是双重加起来返16%,这个要在建行公号“龙卡信用卡”报名境外活动即可参加,但是目前要求在境内消费满额才可以,返现8%的最高限额也比较少。3.此外,MUSE信用卡返现店铺地址查询:全球店铺地点要在建行信用卡公号“龙卡信用卡”中回复MUSE”,查询具体可以返现的店铺地址,不在名单上的店铺是不能返现的。操作环境:微信app版本8.40,手机型号为华为mate30拓展资料:1.龙卡海外交易的返现率为百分之八。持卡人在中国使用龙卡信用卡,每个季度如果累计值达到境外消费满两万元,就会有机会去获得并且,参与本季度的在境外使用指定的龙卡信用卡消费金额,这个金额包括线上以及线下的百分之八的现金返现的资格。每位持卡人每季度百分之八的返现上限是:JCB渠道返现七百元等值,VISA渠道是一百美元,银联渠道七百元,而大额返现是达到消费标准后的固定返现。2.龙卡是建行发行的所有银行卡的总称,这个里面包括龙卡借记卡、信用卡、准信用卡等建行发行过得卡,所以建行所经营的全部的卡都是龙卡,龙卡的设计在外观上面的特点是卡面都有龙的造型,而建行所发行的借记卡以及信用卡的卡面设计都是上面有龙的,所以消费者习惯将这种类型的卡都叫作龙牌。建设银行对原有产品“龙卡储蓄卡”功能进行了全方面的升级,融合金融卡、银卡原理,面向大众客户推出综合性借记卡产品“龙卡通”。



MUSE的《Explorers》 歌词

歌曲名:Explorers歌手:MUSE专辑:The 2nd LawExplorersMUSEOnce I hopedTo seek the new and unknown.This planet"s overrun,There"s nothing left for you or for me.Don"t give in, we canWalk through the fieldsAnd feeling nature"s glowBut all the land is owned.There"s none left for you or for me.Who will win?‘cause I concede.Free meFree meFree me from this world.I don"t belong here,It was a mistake imprisoning my soul.Can you free me,Free me from this world.A world lush and blueWith rivers running wild,They"ll be re-routed south,With none left for you or for me.Don"t give in,Hear the engines roarAnd save our crops from drought.But when the black gold"s in doubt,There"ll be none left for you or for me.Fuse helium-3, our last hope.Free me Free meFree me from this world.We don"t belong here,It was a mistake imprisoning our souls.Can you free me,Free me from this world.Free meI"ll free youFree us from this world.We don"t belong here,It was a mistake imprisoning our souls.Can you free me,Free me from this world.Running around in circles feeling cagedBy endless rules.Can you free me, free me from this world.Shh, Go to sleep.

MUSE的《Supremacy》 歌词

歌曲名称:Supremacy歌手:MUSE所属专辑:The 2nd LawWake to see - your true emancipation is a fantasy.All the seas have risen up and overcome the brave.Greatness dies, unsung and lost, invisible to history.Embedded spies brainwashing our children to be mean.You don"t have long,I am on to youThe time, it has come to destroy...Your supremacyYou don"t have long,I am on to youThe time, it has come to destroy...Your supremacySupremacyYeah, yeah

Muse的《Unintended》 歌词

You could be my unintended Choice to live my life extended You could be the one I"ll always love You could be the one who listens to my deepest inquisitions You could be the one I"ll always love I"ll be there as soon as I can But I"m busy mending broken pieces of the life I had before First there was the one who challenged All my dreams and all my balance She could never be as good as you You could be my unintended Choice to live my life extended You should be the one I"ll always love I"ll be there as soon as I can But I"m busy mending broken pieces of the life I had before I"ll be there as soon as I can But I"m busy mending broken pieces of the life I had before Before you 意想不到 你可能是我意想不到的选择 使我的生命从此延长 你可能是我会永远爱着的人 你可能是倾听 我灵魂深处的声音的人 你可能是我将永远爱着的人 我会尽我所能 但我正忙于修补 我过去生活中的破碎 首先是那个人 打破我所有的梦想与平衡 她永远也不会像你那样好 你可能是我意想不到的选择 使我的生命从此延长 你应该是我永远爱着的那个人 我会尽我所能 但我正忙于修补 我过去生活中的破碎 我会尽我所能 但我正忙于修补 我过去生活中的破碎 你之前的 呜......





暮光之城暮色muse 中文的歌词

第一,二,三部的插曲分别是muse的 supermassive black hole, you belong to me, love is forever.



帮忙翻译MUSE的几首歌 有附英文歌词(请将歌名和歌词一起翻译)


缪斯女神是muse 还是muses?

缪斯女神有九个, 如果你说其中的一个就是muse,(单数) 很多文章里的介绍泛指的是9个,所以你就会看到the muses (复数))





【be your own muse】是什么意思啊,求英语高手........在此拜上




求muse的歌endlessly 的歌词中文翻译

歌名:《endlessly》歌手:muse语言:英语专辑:《absolution》风格:流行歌词:There"s part in me you"ll never know 有些事情深埋在我心底你永远不会知道The only thing I"ll never show 这些事我永远不会吐露Hopelessly I"ll love you endlessly 无奈,我会永远爱你Hopelessly I"ll give you everything 无奈,我会给你我所有But I won"t give you up 但我不会放弃你I won"t let you down 我不会让你失望And I won"t leave you falling 我不会离开你落下If the moment ever comes 我不会让你摔倒,无论何时It"s plain to see it"s trying to speak 它不难领会,却很难说出口Cherished dreams forever asleep 美好的梦永远沉睡着Hopelessly I"ll love you endlessly 无奈,我会永远爱你Hopelessly I"ll give you everything 无奈,我会给你我所有But I won"t give you up 但我不会放弃你I won"t let you down 我不会让你失望And I won"t leave you falling 我不会离开你落下If the moment ever comes 我不会让你摔倒,无论何时Hopelessly I"ll love you endlessly 无奈,我会永远爱你Hopelessly I"ll give you everything 无奈,我会给你我所有But I won"t give you up 但我不会放弃你I won"t let you down 我不会让你失望And I won"t leave you falling 我不会离开你落下If the moment ever comes 我不会让你摔倒,无论何时




是的。muse音箱用的是西雅仕单元。根据查询muse音箱消息得知,缪斯MUSE 斯坦威8号,5寸两分频,双面发声,前后都有单元的设计,是西雅士代工。


muse现在不少人在使用,可以跟全球的网友交流互动,并且使用起来也是非常方便。那么muse怎么删除 视频 呢?下面我就给大家仔细的介绍一下吧,希望能给大家带来帮助。 删除视频的方法: 1、首先进入【我的】页面,然后即可看到自己发布的视频,然后点击进入: 2、进入视频之后,选择右边的【...】图标: 3、点击之后即可出现删除的功能,点击确定删除即可。


发行日期 专辑名称 1999928 《Showbiz》 2001618 《Origin of Symmetry》 2002 《B-SIDE》 200271 《Hullabaloo Soundtrack》 2004929 《Absolution》 200673 《Black Holes and Revelations 》 2008314 《H.A.A.R.P》 2009914 《The Resistance》




上www.haoting.com查the Muse的专辑,它里面有歌词的,你可以复制到WORD里然后去打出来。我买的the Muse 的CD还真都没歌词。美国版不知道为什么这么抠门。

Muse的《Escape》 歌词

歌曲名:Escape歌手:Muse专辑:MuseYou would say anythingAnd you would try anythingTo escape your meaninglessAnd your insignificanceYou"re uncontrollableAnd we are unlovableAnd I don"t want you to think that I careI never would, I never could againWhy can"t you just love her?Why be such a monster?You burn me from a distanceYour brain needs some assistanceBut I"ll still take all the blame"Cause you and me are both one and the sameAnd its driving me madAnd its driving me madI"ll take back all the things that I saidI didn"t realize I was talking to the living deadAnd I dont want you to think that I careI never would, I never could againYou would say anythingAnd you would try anythingTo escape your meaninglessAnd your insignificance

MUSE的《Invincible》 歌词

《Invincible》演唱:Muse所属专辑:《Invincible》发行时间:2009-05-22 歌词:Follow throughMake your dreams come trueDon"t give up the fightYou will be all rightCos there"s no-one like you in the universeDon"t be afraidWhat your mind concealsYou should make a standStand up for what you believeAnd tonight we can truly say,‘Together we"re invincible."And during the struggle they will pull us downBut please, please let"s use this chance toTurn things aroundAnd tonight we can truly say,‘Together we"re invincible."Do it on your ownIt makes no difference to meWhat you leave behindWhat you choose to beAnd whatever they say,Your soul"s unbreakableAnd during the struggle they will pull us downBut please, please let"s use this chance toTurn things aroundAnd tonight we can truly say,‘Together we"re invincible.‘Together we"re invincible."During the struggle they will pull us downPlease, please let"s use this chance to turn things aroundAnd tonight we can truly say,‘Together we"re invincible."‘Together we"re invincible."
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