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电脑不能重装系统,安装系统盘准备时出现蓝屏,然后出现以下字:check for viruses on your computer.remo


电视蓝屏,check for viruses on your computer.


电视蓝屏,check for viruses on your computer.

可以通过更改硬盘工作方式来解决蓝屏check for viruses on your computer的问题。具体步骤如下:1、开机时,按F2进入BIOS的主界面。2、在BIOS的主界面,把硬盘工作方式更改为ATA(或IDE)模式。3、更改好硬盘工作方式后进入系统,运行regedit 。4、在运行regedit后的界面中,找到HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\USBSTOR。5、在USBSTOR文件夹中,找到并右键单击“Start”。6、在“Start”的“数值数据”选项框中,输入“0”并点击“确定”。7、最后,重启电脑即可解决蓝屏check for viruses on your computer的问题。

为什么电脑蓝屏有check for viruses on your computer.字符出现?


新换的硬盘,做系统出现check for viruses on your computer,有大神知道为什么嘛


电脑蓝屏 有check for viruses on your computer.字符出现


how to stop campus violence作文

As to how to solve the campus violence,some people think that the key is to prevent the occurrence of school violence.The media is concerned,we should increase the report,make the whole society to care about the topic of school violence,so that students in a harmonious atmosphere at ease in learning.Also,some people think that school violence increased,largely because the culture of violence:the city.This is probably too publicize the culture of violence consequences of its.So to ban the culture of violence praise.At the same time I think the education to the student should is the most important,not only is the school education and family,society.To start may want to have some suitable punishment measures,is not to punish and punishing,is to stop and punishment.Moral punishment may be more effective!



If you continue to indulge in computer games like this, your future will be at stake.

【答案】:A本题是对介词短语的考查。题干:如果你继续沉迷于电脑游戏,你的未来就危险了。题干划线词at stake意为“处于危险中”。四个选项:in danger意为“处于危险中”,withoutquestion意为“没问题”,on guard意为“站岗,警惕”,at large意为“大多数,详尽地”,所以正确答案为A。


  没有加密算法,怎么得到密文。。。  有明文、密钥,那一般应该是移位式,就是恺撒变换,比如C用H代替,O用T代替,依次可得以下密文:  htruyxjw

you is computer enginer对吗

不对,enginer错误,正确的单词是:engineer,全句意思是:你是电脑工程师。重点词汇:engineer英[endu0292u026a'nu026au0259(r)]释义:n.工程师,设计师;(航班)机械师,(轮船)轮机长;技师,机修工;工兵;机车司机,火车司机;责任人。v.设计,建造;策划,精心安排;改变……的基因(或遗传)结构。[复数:engineers;第三人称单数:engineers;现在分词:engineering;过去式:engineered;过去分词:engineered]短语:chief engineer[劳经]总工程师;轮机长;工程部经理。词语使用变化:engineerv.(动词)。1、engineer的基本意思是“设计”,指从工程学的角度对某个建筑事项(如公路、桥梁等)在动工之前所进行的必要的测量、计算、安排等。引申可表示为“策划”“图谋”“安排”“处理”等。2、engineer只用作及物动词,接由名词或代词充当的简单宾语。作“计划”“建造”解时,常用于被动结构。


MaxCompute中支持以下几种表连接(join)方式:1. 内连接(inner join):只返回两个表中共同存在的数据,即两个表中都有的数据。语法:SELECT ... FROM table1 JOIN table2 ON condition。2. 左外连接(left outer join):返回左表中所有的数据和右表中共同存在的数据,如果右表中没有和左表匹配的数据,则返回NULL。语法:SELECT ... FROM table1 LEFT JOIN table2 ON condition。3. 右外连接(right outer join):返回右表中所有的数据和左表中共同存在的数据,如果左表中没有和右表匹配的数据,则返回NULL。语法:SELECT ... FROM table1 RIGHT JOIN table2 ON condition。4. 全外连接(full outer join):返回左表和右表中所有的数据,如果有不匹配的数据,则返回NULL。语法:SELECT ... FROM table1 FULL JOIN table2 ON condition。5. 交叉连接(cross join):返回两个表中所有的数据的组合,即笛卡尔积。语法:SELECT ... FROM table1 CROSS JOIN table2。需要注意的是,在使用多张表进行连接查询时,需要注意表之间的关联条件,避免出现笛卡尔积等不必要的结果。同时,MaxCompute在进行表连接时,会自动进行数据倾斜优化,提高查询效率和稳定性。

Any proposals____the computer room___closed must be resisted. A.which;be B.that;must be C.that;be

因为proposal是提建议的意思,用法跟suggest一样,后面的建议内容即名词从句要用should do sth,其中should可以省略,所以后面本来是should be closed省略了should就只剩下be closed,前面指代这个建议内容的不能用which,只能用that,所以选C同位语从句吧。。

Computer Aided Design 计算机辅助设计是什么?

CAD:Computer Aided Design 计算机辅助设计一般认为,CAD是指工程技术人员在人和计算机组成的系统中,以计算机为辅助工具,通过计算机和CAD软件对设计产品进行分析、计算、仿真、优化与绘图,在这一过程中,把设计人员的创造思维、综合判断能力与计算机强大的记忆、数值计算、信息检索等能力相结合,各尽所长,完成产品的设计、分析、绘图等工作,最终达到提高产品设计质量、缩短产品开发周期、降低产品生产成本的目的。CAD的功能可以大致归纳为四类,即几何建模、工程分析、动态模拟和自动绘图。

英语作文:computer and education

The importance of Computer Education Computer is playing vital role in modern life. Computer education has great importance because use of computer has reached almost all spheres of life. The modern life of today includes information and contacts with people all over the world. Computer has helped considerably to achieve this. This is possible through computer education when a person knows the use of computer, he can employ in his business, for planning and chalking out programmed. Calculations and statical works. The internet helps to have contact with any one in any part of the world. Today, by the help of internet, business has progressed very much. This is also possible with the knowledge of computer. Today computer education is must for the job of even an ordinary clerk in the office. The knowledge and use of computer is essential for him. In modern countries the running of trains, machines, the flight of planes, the work in the bank and progress of business, all these are controlled by computer. This is possible only by the knowledge and use of computer. Computer education enables the artist in creating the realistic images. In the field of entertainment too, musicians, having computer education, create multiple voice composition and the play back music with hundreds of variations. Not only this, the knowledge of computer helps in domestic work likes making the home budget doing calculations, and playing with confidence.

有人投过这个期刊吗?Computer Engineering and Intelligent Systems,审稿速度怎么样?

是这个吗? Computer Engineering and Intelligent Systems(计算机工程与智能系统),ISSN 2222-1719 (Paper), ISSN 2222-2863 (Online)。我们学院的一个哥们投过,审稿速度和编辑素质还是蛮高的。。。。。1.5个月搞定。 被EBSCO, British library, Google Scholar, Lockss等一些数据库收录吧,IISTE(International Institute for Science, Technology and Education)编辑出版的,在我们学校(中部211,非985)可以算一篇国家级期刊论文,算好几个课时的工作量,这类期刊还是不错的。



ampun bang jago歌词翻译?

你打错了,正确的应该是campus bang jago

ampun bang jago翻译?

排放冷却是对流冷却的另一种。与再生冷却不同,用于排放冷却的冷却剂对推力室冷却吸热后不进入燃烧室参与燃烧,而是排放出去。直接排放冷却剂会降低推力室比冲,因此需要尽可能减少用于排放冷却的冷却剂流量,同时只在受热相对不严重的喷管出口段采用排放冷却。还有一种是辐射冷却,其热流由燃烧产物传给推力室,再由推力室室壁想周围空间辐射散热。辐射冷却的特点是简单、结构质量小。主要应用于大喷管的延伸段和采用耐高温材料的小推力发动机推力室。在组织推力室内冷却时,是通过在推力室内壁表面建立温度相对较低的液体或气体保护层,以减少传给推力室室壁的热流,降低壁面温度,实现冷却。内冷却主要分为头部组织的内冷却(屏蔽冷却)、膜冷却和发汗冷却三种方法。推力室采用内冷却措施后,由于需要降低保护层的温度,所以燃烧室壁面附近的混合比不同于中心区域的最佳混合比(多数情况下采用富燃料的近壁层),造成混合比沿燃烧室横截面分布不均匀,使燃烧效率有一定程度的降低。膜冷却与屏蔽冷却类似,是通过在内壁面附近建立均匀、稳定的冷却液膜或气膜保护层,对推力室内壁进行冷却,只是用于建立保护层的冷却剂不是喷注器喷入的,而是通过专门的冷却带供入。冷却带一般布置在燃烧室或喷管收敛段的一个横截面上。沿燃烧室长度方向上可以有若干条冷却带。为提高膜的稳定性,冷却剂常常经各冷却带上的缝隙或小孔流入采用发汗冷却时,推力室内壁或部分内壁由多孔材料制成,其孔径为数十微米。多孔材料通常用金属粉末烧结而成,或用金属网压制而成。此情况下,尽可能使材料中的微孔分布均匀,是单位面积上的孔数增多。液体冷却剂渗入内壁,建立起保护膜,使传给壁的热流密度下降。当用于发汗冷却的液体冷却剂流量高于某一临界值,在推力室内壁附近形成的是液膜。当冷却剂流量低于临界值流量时,内壁温度会高于当前压力下的冷却剂沸点,部分或全部冷却剂蒸发,形成气膜。除了以上热防护外,还有其他热防护方法如:烧蚀冷却、隔热冷却、热熔式冷却以及室壁的复合防护等。3 高焓气体发生器热防护方案综合上述方法结合实际情况,便得到高焓气体发生器的热防护方法。高焓气体发生器的燃烧室与液体火箭发动机的不同,省去前面的推力室部分,使得其结构更简单而有效。那么,所涉及到的热防护即为对燃烧室室壁的热防护部分。由于燃料进入燃烧室内迅速分解并放出大量

高手请写下should computer games be prohibited ?正方的一辨稿~也就是电脑应该被废止,英文的哦~谢谢

Shall computer games be prohibited?Even if the computer was designed mainly as a help in human"s work, it has been very quickly regarded as an excellent way of relaxing. These days PCs are able to play music, video animations and movies. This causes that they are slowly replacing radio, TV, cinemas and even theatres. However, it"s more than certain that computers cannot completely substitute these elements, and it"s even better. A very intensive form of relaxing in front of the PC has its own way of amusing people: computer games.A PC game is an application which allows a player to become somebody (or something) extraordinary, which allows them to challenge other human players via the internet. There aren"t only games played via the net but let me concentrate only on them right now.There are many groups of PC games and the most popular one is the kind, where the creators allow you to become someone supernatural. Some kind of person you are not able to become in real life: a private detective who has to arrest dangerous criminals, a commander of an army who must lead his forces to victory, a pilot of a spacecraft fighting the alien fleet... The possibilities are almost infinite. Like everything which has any influence on our lives, computer games have some bright and dark sides. Besides being a good form of relaxing, they have some more advantages:First of all they shape our imagination, increase knowledge and sharpen our reflexes. They can also teach responsibility and there are many other useful qualities for our future life skills. For instance economic simulators are an excellent introduction to real economic science. Despite horrible news from newspapers and TV they are a good way to reduce stress.On the other hand, though, computer games are an incredibly addictive hobby. There is one of many striking cons which cannot be disregarded: violence. Some games shouldn"t be played by children, because of the bad influence they have on their personality. Even TV nor newspapers can"t stand a month without an article about teenagers who murdered some people, because they played a game the ‘kill as much as you can" type. Well, there"s always a bit of truth in these stories, but it"s impossible for parents to always control their children when they use their PCs.Nowadays there are a lot of so called “School-Runnings”. Young people rush into a school and try to kill as many people as they can. Most of them kill themselves after their massacre. I think most of you know the “Bowling for Columbine” massacre, or the School-Running in Erfurt. As we cannot prohibit using knives because somebody uses them to stab victims, we cannot prohibit computer games either even if they could be dangerous when they are played by emotionally immature persons. You have to see that number of bad news about computer game players in relation. There are over 50 million people playing via the internet at this moment. The newspapers and television just pick out these bad examples and compare them with the rest of the community. People who aren"t familiar with that scene get a creepy impression and transfer the problems of the addicts or the assassins mentioned to the rest of the community.

化验单上的wbc bchgbhctmcvmchpltlvmmxd eutlvmmxd eut dwpdwmpup-lcr各代表什么名称

wbc——白细胞rbc——红细胞hgb——血红蛋白hct——血细胞比容mcv——平均红细胞容积mch——平均红细胞血红蛋白量 plt——血小板lym——淋巴细胞mxd——中间细胞neut——中性粒细胞 rdw——红细胞体积分布宽度pdw——血小板分布宽度 mpv?——平均血小板体积p-lcr——血小板大细胞比率 同志,剩下的自己查好么?不同的体检单在使用单位,绝对计数或者相对计数及百分比的选取不一样,会出现不同的数据,不能和你手头上的那份对应起来也就没用了吧,而且内容真的很多。你自己查的也更详细,我中文全给你列出来了你查着也方便。mpu我不知道是什么,查也没查到。lvm应该是你看错或打错了,是lym淋巴细胞吧。



A problem has been detected and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.


computer dinner eraser发音哪个不同?

computer ,dinner,eraser 中的 er发音相同,都是读[ə]其他没有相同的读音。



win7用户名下appdata/Roaming/Apple computer/mobilesync/backup是什么文件?

如果短期内不用再更新IPHONE ,可以删除






完全不同 前者提切尔 后者康票游特


computer英 [kəm"pjuːtə]美 [kəm"pjutɚ]n. 计算机;电脑;电子计算机


computer英 [ku0259mu02c8pju:tu0259(r)] 美 [ku0259mu02c8pjutu025a] n.(电子)计算机,电脑The car was designed by computer. 这款车是由电脑设计的。


computer[英][ku0259mu02c8pju:tu0259(r)][美][ku0259mu02c8pjutu025a]n.(电子)计算机,电脑; 网络计算机; 计算机,电子计算机; 电子计算机; 复数:computers 双语例句 I could do all my work on the computer.我所有的工作都能在计算机上完成。


computer 英[ku0259mu02c8pju:tu0259(r)]美[ku0259mu02c8pjutu025a]n. (电子)计算机,电脑名词复数:computers[例句]My major is applied computer science.我的专业是应用计算机。




computer 英[ku0259mu02c8pju:tu0259(r)] 美[ku0259mu02c8pjutu025a] n. (电子)计算机,电脑 名词复数:computers [例句]My major is applied computer science.我的专业是应用计算机


英[ku0259mu02c8pju:tu0259(r)] 美[ku0259mu02c8pjutu025a]


英 [ku0259mu02c8pju:tu0259(r)]美 [ku0259mu02c8pjutu025a]n. (电子)计算机,电脑网 络计算机;电脑;电子计算机;台电脑复数: computers1. The memory expansion cards are useful adjuncts to the computer. 更多牛津内存扩充卡是计算机很有用的附件。来自《权威词典》2. The research shows that computer games may cause aggression.研究显示,电脑游戏可能引起好斗情绪。来自《权威词典》3. the basics of computer programming计算机编程概要来自《权威词典》4. The computer program searches, and bingo! We"ve got a match.电脑程序在搜索,瞧!找到匹配的了。来自《权威词典》5. a brand new computer全新的计算机来自《权威词典》







Computer Aided Design怎么读

英文原文:Computer Aided Design英式音标:[ku0259mu02c8pjuu02d0tu0259] [u02c8eu026adu026ad] [du026au02c8zau026an] 美式音标:[ku0259mu02c8pjutu025a] [u02c8eu026adu026ad] [du026au02c8zau026an]




computer怎么:英[ku0259mu02c8pjuu02d0tu0259(r)],美[ku0259mu02c8pjuu02d0tu0259r]。一、computer基本释义computer:英[ku0259m"pjuu02d0tu0259]、美[ku0259m"pjutu025a]:n.计算机;电脑;电子计算机。二、computer词组短语1、computer simulation计算机模拟;computer technology电脑技术;2、computer science计算机科学;computer network计算机网络;3、computer system计算机系统;on a computer用电脑。三、computer计算机简介计算机(computer)俗称电脑,是现代一种用于高速计算的电子计算机器,可以进行数值计算,又可以进行逻辑计算,还具有存储记忆功能。是能够按照程序运行,自动、高速处理海量数据的现代化智能电子设备。由硬件系统和软件系统所组成,没有安装任何软件的计算机称为裸机。可分为超级计算机、工业控制计算机、网络计算机、个人计算机、嵌入式计算机五类,较先进的计算机有生物计算机、光子计算机、量子计算机等。计算机发明者约翰·冯·诺依曼。计算机是20世纪最先进的科学技术发明之一,对人类的生产活动和社会活动产生了极其重要的影响,并以强大的生命力飞速发展。它的应用领域从最初的军事科研应用扩展到社会的各个领域,已形成了规模巨大的计算机产业,带动了全球范围的技术进步,由此引发了深刻的社会变革,计算机已遍及一般学校、企事业单位,进入寻常百姓家,成为信息社会中必不可少的工具。计算机的应用在中国越来越普遍,改革开放以后,中国计算机用户的数量不断攀升,应用水平不断提高,特别是互联网、通信、多媒体等领域的应用取得了不错的成绩。1996年至2009 年,计算机用户数量从原来的630万增长至6710万台,联网计算机台数由原来的2.9万台上升至5940万台。



the 8.3 name creation is deactivated on your computer.是什么意思

the 8.3 name creation is deactivated on your computer. 8.3名创建将在您的计算机上。重点词汇释义name名字; 名声; 有…名称的; 著名的人物; 确定; 决定; 给…取名; 说出…的名字; 著名的; 据以取名creation制造,创造; 创造物,产物; 创造天地,宇宙; 封授deactivated解除动员( deactivate的过去式和过去分词 ); 使无效; 复员; 使不活动your你的,你们的; 尊; 玉; 乃computer计算机,电脑

Knockout js 之 pureComputed和computed的区别

在一个持久化视图模型中使用pure computed observables会带来计算上的性能好处。在临时视图模型中使用它们,会带来内存管理上的好处。实例: function AppData() { this.firstName = ko.observable("John"); this.lastName = ko.observable("Burns"); this.prefix = ko.observable("Dr."); this.computedLog = ko.observable("Log: "); this.fullName = ko.pureComputed(function () { var value = this.prefix() + " " + this.firstName() + " " + this.lastName(); // Normally, you should avoid writing to observables within a pure computed // observable (avoiding side effects). But this example is meant to demonstrate // its internal workings, and writing a log is a good way to do so. this.computedLog(this.computedLog.peek() + value + "; "); return value; }, this); this.step = ko.observable(0); = function () { this.step(this.step() === 2 ? 0 : this.step()+1); };};ko.applyBindings(new AppData());如果是computed,在上方绑定的所有值更新的时候,computed都会更新自己的求值。但是如果是pureComputed,将只在应用求值时才会动态更新。简单来说:如果在viewmodal中,一个computed会在绑定属性值change时立即重新计算自己的值。而computed只会在生效时,动态更新自己的值。也就是在最后一步,ko.applybindings(new AppData())才会去开始动态更新值。减少了很多,生效前的动态计算


Jump up and down excitedly兴奋地跳上跳下词汇解析:1、Jump up and down英文发音:[du0292u028cmp u028cp u0259nd dau028an]中文释义:上下跳;跳来跳去例句:You can also have a telekinesis effect by making confetti jump up and down on a table!您也可以隔空效应,使纸屑跳上跳下放在桌上!2、excitedly英文发音:[ik"saitidli]中文释义:adv. 兴奋地;激动地例句:The dog rose awkwardly to his feet and licked the man"s hand excitedly.那只狗笨拙地站起来,兴奋地舔着那个男人的手。扩展资料excitedly的近义词:1、exciting英文发音:[u026ak"sau026atu026au014b]中文释义:adj. 令人兴奋的;使人激动的例句:You and your client are embarking on an exciting journey together.你和你的客户一起开始了一个令人兴奋的旅程。2、excite英文发音:[u026ak"sau026at]中文释义:v. 使兴奋;刺激,使紧张不安;激起,引发;激发例句:Daniel"s early exposure to motor racing did not excite his interest.丹尼尔早期对赛车运动的接触并没有激起他的兴趣。

《Computer Systems》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Computer Systems》(Randal E. Bryant)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: 639u书名:Computer Systems作者:Randal E. Bryant豆瓣评分:9.7出版社:Prentice Hall出版年份:2008-3页数:1000作者简介:Randal E.Bryant 1973年于密歇根大学(University of Michigan)获得学士学位,随即就读于麻省理工学院的研究生院,并在1981年获计算机博士学位。他在加州理工学院(California Institute of Technology)做了三年助教,从1984年至今一直是卡内基-梅隆大学的教师。他现在是计算机科学的大学教授和计算机科学学院的院长。他同时还受邀于电子和计算机工程系。他从事本科生和研究生计算机系统方面课程的教学超过30年。在讲授计算机体系结构课程多年后,他开始把关注点从如何设计计算机转移到程序员如何在更好的了解系统的情况下编写出更有效和更可靠的程序。他和O"Hallaron教授一起在卡内基梅隆大学开设了15-213“计算机系统导论”课程,那便是此书的基础。他还教授一些有关算法、编程、计算机网络和VLSI(超大规模集成电路)设计方面的课程。Bryant教授的主要研究内容是设计软件工具来帮助软件和硬件设计者验证其系统正确性。其中,包括几种类型的模拟器,以及用数学方法来证明设计正确性的形式化验证工具。他发表了150多篇技术论文。包括Intel、FreeScale、IBM和Fujitsu在内的主要计算机制造商都使用着他的研究成果。他还因他的研究获得过数项大奖。其中包括Semiconductor Research Corporation颁发的两个发明荣誉奖和一个技术成就奖,ACM颁发的Kanellakis理论与实践奖,还有IEEE授予的W.R.G.Baker奖、Emmanuel Piore奖和Phil Kaufman奖。他还是ACM院士、IEEE院士和美国国家工程院院士。David R.O"Hallaron 现为Intel匹兹堡实验室主任,卡内基-梅隆大学电子和计算机工程系副教授。在弗吉尼亚大学获得计算机科学的博士学位。他教授本科生和研究生的计算机系统方面的课程,例如计算机体系结构、计算机系统导论、并行处理器设计和Internet服务。他和Bryant教授一起开设了“计算机系统导论”课程,那便是此书的基础。2004年他获得了CMU计算机学院颁发的Herbert Simon杰出教学奖,这个奖项的获得者是基于学生的投票产生的。O"Hallaron教授从事计算机系统领域的研究,主要兴趣在于科学计算、数据密集型计算和虚拟化方面的软件系统。其中最著名的是Quake项目,一群计算机科学家、土木工程师和地震学家致力于提高对强烈地震中大地运动的预测能力。2003年,他同Quake项目中其他成员一起获得了高性能计算领域中的最高国际奖项—Gordon Bell奖。


MPU:Micro Processor Unit(微处理器)MPU是单一的一颗芯片,而芯片组则由一组芯片所构成,早期甚至多达7、8颗,但目前大多合并成2颗,一般称作北桥(North Bridge)芯片和南桥(South Bridge)芯片。MPU是计算机的计算、判断或控制中心,有人称它为”计算机的心脏”。   MPU (Microprocessor Unit)微处理器  微机中的中央处理器(CPU)称为微处理器(MPU),是构成微机的核心部件,也可以说是微机的心脏。它起到控制整个微型计算机工作的作用,产生控制信号对相应的部件进行控制,并执行相应的操作。   在微机中,CPU被集成在一片超大规模集成电路芯片上,称为微处理器(MPU),微处理器插在主板的cpu插槽中。   通常所说的16位机、32位机是指该计算机中微处理器内部数据总线的宽度,也就是CPU可同时操作的二进制数的位数。目前常用的CPU都是64位的,即一次可传送64位二进制数。MCU:MCU(Micro Control Unit)中文名称为微控制单元,又称单片微型计算机(Single Chip Microcomputer)或者单片机,是指随着大规模集成电路的出现及其发展,将计算机的CPU、RAM、ROM、定时计数器和多种I/O接口集成在一片芯片上,形成芯片级的计算机,为不同的应用场合做不同组合控制

如何从LCCT到The Royale Chulan Kuala Lumpur酒店

ROYALE CHULAN 是新开的五星酒店,但是使用公共交通工具去酒店比较不方便,出入都只能打车。经济的途径是先坐机场巴士到中环KL SENTRAL,下车后再打出租过去酒店,车费打表大概就RM10。

Kuala Lumpur是什么意思

Kuala Lumpur[英][ˈkwɑ:ləˈlumpuə][美][ˈkwɑləlʊmˈpʊr]n.吉隆坡(马来西亚首都); 例句:1.Hours earlier, arsonists descended on three churches in kuala lumpur. 抗议进行前的几个小时,纵火犯袭击了吉隆坡的三个教堂。2.And kuala lumpur has regularly attacked american foreign policy in the islamic world. 该国政府还曾经常性地攻击美国在伊斯兰世界的外交政策。

kuala lumpur是哪个国家的

kuala lumpur是马来西亚国家的。吉隆坡(马来语、英语:Kuala Lumpur,简称“隆市”或“KL”,全称“吉隆坡联邦直辖区”)是马来西亚首都和最大城市。吉隆坡是一座对东南亚的文化、教育、体育、财政、经济、商业、金融都具有极大影响力的国际大都会。因许多在东南亚召开的国际级外交会议都会在吉隆坡和新加坡举行,因此吉隆坡也被视为是东南亚外交的两大中心之一。吉隆坡也被联合国教育、科学及文化组织命名为“2020年世界图书之都”。吉隆坡每年拥有高达1230万名外国游客到访,超越了北京、罗马、台北、上海等,在最吸引外国游客的城市排名中位居全球第十名。历史沿革:18世纪,英国势力虽然进入马来半岛,但英国采取不干预政策,对其他马来土邦基本上不闻不问。1860年,吉隆坡建城。1867年以后,英国开始改变政策,趁着各马来土邦的政治纷争,将其影响力渗透至霹雳、雪兰莪、森美兰和彭亨,派驻参政司(Resident)协助管理。1893年,霹雳参政司瑞天成(Sir Frank Swettenham)建议把四州组成一个统一的行政单位,以划一行政,节省费用,并可利用其他三州的经济资源来解救彭亨的财政困难。1896年,马来联邦正式成立,以吉隆坡为首府,俗称“四州府”。以上内容参考:百度百科-吉隆坡

KUL-KUALA LUMPUR是吉隆坡的哪个机场?坐国航从北京到马来西亚降落的机场是哪个?

KUL-KUALA LUMPUR是吉隆坡国际机场;国航从北京到马来西亚吉隆坡是在主要的吉隆坡国际机场。具体介绍:一、吉隆坡国际机场简介吉隆坡国际机场(英语:Kuala Lumpur International Airport,简称KLIA)是马来西亚最主要的国际机场之一,位于雪兰莪州南部的雪邦,离吉隆坡约50公里。此机场正式启用於1998年6月27日,取代之前的梳邦国际机场。吉隆坡国际机场的标语是「把世界带到马来西亚,把马来西亚带往世界」(Bringing the World to Malaysia and Malaysia to the World)。吉隆坡国际机场也是袋鼠航线的停留点之一,由于英国航空、奥地利航空与澳洲航空已停飞吉隆坡国际机场,所以只剩马来西亚航空停留在此机场。机场管理公司仍保持乐观态度,希望英国航空与澳洲航空可以重新将吉隆坡国际机场作为袋鼠航线的一个停留点。吉隆坡国际机场由日本建筑师黑川纪章设计,采用的概念是「森林中的机场,机场中的森林」,机场四周被绿荫环绕,机场卫星大楼中央设有露天室,外面有热带雨林的风景。机场内指示牌以英文、马来文、汉语、日文和阿拉伯文书写。另外,机场亦使用英语、马来语、汉语及日语做机场资讯及通知的广播的语言。 马来西亚机场集团由马来西亚政府控股40%,旗下拥有包括吉隆坡机场在内的39个机场。二、主要设施1、航空交通指挥大厦及指挥塔吉隆坡国际机场指挥塔吉隆坡国际机场的指挥塔高130米,世界第2高,比新曼谷国际机场的指挥塔矮了几米。2、跑道机场现有两条平行的跑道,14L/32R 及 14R/32L,每条跑道长4000米,宽60米。当同时使用两条跑道时,机场每小时能处理120架次的起降。2006年,机场管理机构已开始进行跑道加宽工作,以便能让马来西亚航空以及其他航空公司的空巴A380飞机降落。在吉隆坡国际机场2020大蓝图中,此机场将增建2至3条新跑道。3、行李处理系统(BHS)吉隆坡国际机场的行李处理系统24小时操作,以条形码来辨别与分配行李。该系统抵吉隆坡,离开吉隆坡,转机行李、都利用全长3300米的世界最快的输送带传送行李。条形码扫描器负责阅读国际航空运输协会的行李条码,并运送他们到其他目的地。大部份的行李会在航机降后30分钟,送到17个旋转行李领回输送带。三、保安工作吉隆坡国际机场的安全和保安工作由辖下的机场警察负责。911 事件过后,机场管理机构已提升保安措施,如购买新的先进扫描器等。2006年开始,机场管理机构将向国际旅客收取 RM6的保安税,国内旅客则是RM3。此税将纳入机票内。

关于吉隆坡Kuala Lumpur LCCT (KUL)机场和KLIA机场的疑问?

现在所有的亚航均搬到了LCCT, 因此, 你从北京飞吉隆坡,是到KLIA,需要从KLIA到LCCT, 两者相距大约9公里(如果我的记忆是正确的话),需要转车(车费是RM1.5)或乘出租(车费约RM30多元). 两个机场的跑道是共享的,但候机楼相差很远.

26,Jalan Badam 3,Taman Rakyat,Cheras,56100 Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia怎么翻译?


How do I take a screenshot or screen video on my computer? – Zynga Poker guide

Together with the description of your issue, screenshots or screen videos (for more complex issues) are a great way to help Zynga Player Support get a better understanding of your issue and find the correct solution for you. Your screenshot should always capture your entire screen , so that we can see your browser as well as other running programs that may be affecting your game experience. A screenshot can be attached as a file directly to your support ticket. The file format should be either .png or .jpg and the size should not exceed 5MB . A screen video is usually larger in size than a screenshot, therefore we suggest that you upload it to a free video hosting site and share the URL with us in your message . For the screen video, all your game information (e.g. Energy, Health, Coins, Cash, etc.) MUST be visible in the video . Note: Please do not capture any sensitive information (pass codes, passwords, billing info, etc.). In the event that you capture sensitive information, restart the capture process after hiding the sensitive information. If you are not familiar with how to capture a screenshot or a screen video, please click on the instructions below: How to capture and submit a screenshot: For PC users: Press the Prnt Scrn key on your keyboard. ** Open Microsoft Paint: Go to Start > All Programs > Accessories. Click Paint. Go to the Edit menu and click Paste . Click File > Save As . Change the Save As Type to JPG. Type a filename for your image. Choose a place to save, such as your Desktop, and click Save . Attach the picture when you create a support request. ** For some laptops, you may need to hold down the Fn (Function) key, then click PrtSc (Print Screen). For Mac users: Hold down the APPLE [Command] , and SHIFT keys. Press 3 for a screen shot of the entire screen. The screenshot appears as a file on your Desktop with the current date and time. Open the screenshot. Select FILE > SAVE AS from the top menu bar. In the Format dropdown, select JPG. Select SAVE. Attach the picture when you create a customer support ticket. How to capture and submit a screen video: Note: The suggested method of using Jing and Screencast is only one of many free options. It is not required to use Jing or Screencast to submit a screen video to Zynga Player Support. Download and install a free screen video software (Jing is commonly used: tech *** ith/jing-tool ). Locate the little yellow sun along the border of your primary monitor. Use the capture feature to designate the area of your screen you want to capture. Select ‘Capture Video/Film Icon" option to begin a screenvideo and start recording. Click the stop button to stop recording when you have captured the desired video. A new window with the screen video will be shown. Share the screen video via Screencast. Attach your UID to the end of the file name for customer support review. Check the history section (under the little yellow sun) to retrieve the URL link for the recorded screen video. Locate the saved screen video and select ‘Share" this will generate a new window with the URL located in the address bar . Submit the saved URL to your support incident for verification purposes.

大学英语作文:无烟校园 Smoking Free Campus

【 #英语资源# 导语】学习英语贵在坚持,找到适合自己的方法,多运用多温故。以下“大学英语作文:无烟校园 Smoking Free Campus”由 !   【篇一】无烟校园 Smoking Free CampusAs we all know, the Chinese Ministry of Education released a smoking-free policy in campus on 29th January this year. And during the past 10 years, there were an alarming increase in students smoking which is quite disturbing. But in fact, smoking is such a bad habit that does great harm to smokers" health as well as the people around. 我们都知道,中国教育部在今年1月29日发布了校园禁烟政策。在过去10年内,学生吸烟的人数以惊人的速度增长,这引起了很大的不安。但事实上,吸烟是一个坏习惯,它不仅对吸烟者自己健康有很大危害,对周围人也有很大危害。 The factors lead to a great rise in campus smoking is really complex. First of all, with the increase of our living standard, we students have much pocket money which enables us to afford the cigarettes. And then, there are so many advertisements about cigarettes around us. What"s more, we can get access to them easily. Last but not least, in some students" opinions, smoking is really cool which may make them feel more mature than others. 引起学生吸烟人数大量增长的原因很复杂。首先,随着生活标准的提升,我们学生有着很多零花钱,这就使得我们可以买得起香烟。此外,在我们的周围有着铺天盖地的香烟广告。我们可以轻易的买到香烟。最后但同样重要的是,在很多同学的眼里,抽烟让他们觉得很酷,使得他们觉得比周围的同学更成熟。 It"s high time that we took actions to help them get rid of such a bad habit and build a smoking free campus. Firstly, I think there should be anti-smoking courses in our classes which would let us know about the danger of smoking. Secondly, there should not be any cigarettes on sale in the shops in campus which would help a lot. 是我们采取措施帮助他们改掉坏习惯并建立无烟校园的时候了。首先,我认为在课堂上应当有禁烟的教育课程,使得我们能够清楚的认识到抽烟的危害。第二,在校园里不应当出现任何店铺出售香烟。这也会起到很大作用。 Only in these ways can we build a smoking free campus. And only by building a smoking free campus can we protect our health from smoking. 只有通过这样的方法,我们才能建立一个无烟校园。并且只有通过建立无烟校园才能够保护我们不受抽烟的危害。  【篇二】兼职之我见 My view on part-time jobsSome people say that college students should take up part-time jobs because they have much more free time than in the high school. While the others worry about that taking part-time jobs may have negative effects on study. In my opinion, I think part-time jobs have both advantages and disadvantages. 一些人说大学生应该去兼职,因为他们有很多空余的时间。而另外一些人则认为参加做兼职会对学习有负面影响。在我看来,我认为兼职有利有弊。 On one hand, part-time jobs can broaden students" horizon and make their free time more colorful. They do not only have the life on campus but also have many social activities. In this way, they can lead to a varied life. What"s more, their personal development can be enhancing to a better level. Some part-time jobs can have great contribute to the society. For instance, to be a volunteer in the orphanage, or do some cleaning for the community. Through these work, the students will realize their personal value and know that they are capable people. The part-time jobs also help the students to realize that making money is not easy, they should appreciate that their parents hard working. With the money they earn, they can buy the things they want and reduce the family"s economic burdens. 一方面,兼职能够扩宽学生的眼界让他们的课余生活更加丰富多彩。学生们不光光有校园生活,也有诸多的社会活动。在这种情况下,他们的生活多姿多彩。更重要的是,他们的个人发展能上升到一个更好的水平。一些兼职,能对社会有很大的贡献。例如说,去孤儿院当志愿者,或者会社区做些清洁工作。通过这些工作,学生们会体会到个人价值,知道自己是个有用的人。而兼职也让学生们知道挣钱不易,他们应该体谅父母的辛勤劳动。通过兼职赚了钱,就能够减轻家里面的经济负担了。 On the other hand, part-time jobs could have negative effects, too. The part-time jobs may take up too much of the free time that students would have no time to relax and study. What"s worse, some students may play truant in order to make more money. Some students even go to jail because they come under the influence of bad people through part-time jobs. 另一方面,兼职也会有负面影响。兼职会占用过多的空闲时间导致学生没空学习休息。更糟糕的是,一些学 生可能会旷课去兼职,以此赚取更多的钱。一些学生甚至进了监狱因为在业余工作中受到坏人的影响。 In conclusion, doing part-time jobs have both advantages and disadvantages. Students have to find a balance between their study and the jobs. After all, the main job of the students is to study. 总的来说,做兼职有利有弊。学生们应该在兼职和学习中找到平衡点。毕竟,学生的主要工作是学习。  【篇三】电视对社会的影响 Effects of Television on our SocietyWith the ever-increasing speed of technology development, television, a widespread means of recreation for centuries, has applied a soaring number of advanced technologies to it, making it far more intriguing. Nevertheless, what kind of influence television has exerted on our society has aroused heated discussion in public. There is a part of our citizen claiming that television has wasted our time and spoilt the promising future of children, whereas I am firmly convinced that television has brought about profound changes to us. 随着科技的飞速进步,作为一个世纪以来的广泛普及的娱乐方式——电视机正在把更多的先进技术可以应用于其上,把自己变得更加富有吸引力。然而,电视机对人类社会到底有什么样的影响,这一个问题在大众之间激发了热烈的讨论。有一部分公民认为电视机浪费了我们的时间并且毁掉了孩子们的美好未来,而我却坚定的认为电视机给我们的生活带来了极为巨大的转变。 First and foremost, the leading factor that hits me is that television provides a brilliant source of information. Not only can it bring a great deal of information in a comparably short time, but it may also enable us to acquire new knowledge visually and acoustically, taking advantage over other media. 首先,我考虑到的第一个因素是电视机是一个极好的信息源。它不仅可以在短时间内呈现大量的信息,而且可以从视听多角度呈现信息,这一点使它优于其他的媒介。 Apart from that, what is more important, watching TV is a better way of recreation and entertainment. While watching TV, people invariably gain a sense of relaxation. According to a recent survey conducted by National University of Taiwan, 60% of the participants argued to relax themselves by watching TV series or animations and this did relieve their pressure effectively. After mentioning this example, conclusion easily comes to light that watching TV is a great approach to releasing pressure. 除此之外,更为重要的是,看电视是一个很好的休闲娱乐的方式。当人们看电视的时候,他们总是感到十分的放松。根据一所大学近期所做的一项调查,百分之六十的被调查者说他们通过看电视剧或者动画片来放松,这些方式的确很有效地缓解了他们的压力。从这个例子我们可以得到以下的结论:看电视是一个化解压力的好方法。 Admittedly, television does have its drawbacks such as its characteristic of alluring students into watching TV series and out of finishing their homework, making students addicted to it. Notwithstanding, when compared with its advantages, these demerits fall into secondary. What is more, for those people with self-abnegation, those disadvantages cann" t be a problem. 当然,电视机也有自身的弊病比如说吸引孩子未完成作业就看电视和让孩子们上瘾的特性。但是,和优点相比起来,这些不足显得不那么重要了。另外,对那些有自制力的人来说,这些弊病没多大问题。 From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that the positive effect TV exerts far outweighs its deleterious impact; it is suitable to consider television as one of the most preeminent inventions in history. I advocate that everyone should be encouraged to get access to it and make full use of its potential, making our vision wider. 经过以上讨论我们可以清晰地得出结论,电视机对人类社会产生了更多积极的影响,它可以被认为是人类历最伟大的发明之一。我建议我们每一个人都应当适度看电视来拓宽我们的知识面。

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求一篇英文作文How colleges can go green on campus?英语高手当做练笔呗

To live on a green planet is a repeated issue all over the world. For the universities, to construct a " green" campus is necessary and need participation of all the staff and students. For example,the university could reuse the wasted materials such as papers, plastic bottles, old computers, batteries of cell phones and so on,place the garbage cans in convenient place, purchase organic food from the farmer"s market, recycle the glasses, trays, chopsticks and other utensil in the canteen, use environmentally friendly detergent, etc. All the measures need the effort of all of us. So would you like to join us and do your bit to regain a green campus? I would say yes without hesitation.

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Computer Vision System Toolbox是怎么用的

为了帮助网友解决“如何使用Computer Vision ”相关的问题,中国学网通过互联网对“如何使用Computer Vision ”相关的解决方案进行了整理,用户详细问题包括:RT,我想知道:如何使用Computer Vision System Toolbox工具箱,具体解决方案如下:解决方案1:运动估计、运动检测。关键特性,包括 Viola-Jones detection and CAMShift trackingu25aa, video file I/ RANSAC-based estimation of geometric transformations or fundamental matricesu25aa 目标检测和跟踪、视频处理。这些功能以MATLAB函数; 特征提取和putative feature matchingu25aa、立体视觉, video display, SURF、Simulink块的形式提供, Shi & Tomasi, Harris;O、视频分析的算法, and compositingu25aa,该系统工具箱也支持定点算法和c代码产生; Video processing,包括 block matching。针对快速原型和嵌入式系统设计,包括 FAST。工具包括视频文件I/,绘图以及合成,视频显示; 特征检测, graphic overlays, optical flow;O、MATLAB系统对象:u25aa, and template matchingu25aa, and MSER detectorsu25aa  该工具箱包括用于特征提取、目标跟踪、目标检测

Komputer的《Diary》 歌词

歌曲名:Diary歌手:Komputer专辑:Market LedLay your head on my pillowHere you can be yourselfNo one has to know what you are feelingNo one but me and youI won"t tell your secretsYour secrets are safe with meI will keep your secretsJust ain"t goin" be as the pages in your diaryI feel such a connectionEven when you far awayOooo baby if there"s anything that you fearCome forth and call 4894608 and I"ll be hereI won"t tell your secretsYour secrets are safe with meI will keep your secretsJust ain"t goin" be as the pages in your diaryAnd only we know what talked about baby boyDon"t know how you can be driven me so crazy boyBaby when your in town why don"t you come around boyBe the loyalty you need you can trust me boyI won"t tell your secretsYour secrets are safe with meI will keep your secretsJust ain"t goin" be as the pages in your diaryEverybody say wooooo (wooooo)I"m saying woo-ooooo (woo-ooooo)Lemme hear you say I won"t tell (I won"t tell)I won"t tell (I won"t tell) I won"t tell (I won"t tell)...Ooo, your secrets,your secret,break it down

The computer for the 21th Century一文翻译


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有人知道UBC-Okanagan Campus 和UBC-Vancouver Campus的区别嘛


英语作文campus loan

u3000u3000Nowdays,about 20 per cent of the undergraduates can"t afford the high tuition and living expenses.Some of them have been financed,but sometimes the one who needs most can"t get the aid. Here are the reasons:First,they know few approachs to get the money.Even if the chance is given,there are plenty of procedures to carry on.This undoubtedly increases the difficulty of being financed.Second,some companis or persons often want to fund the most excellent one,while the undergraduates who are not that outstanding but very poor can"t get the help.Finally,the number for loans is limited,so the competition is inevitable.If you want to participate in application,maybe you should do more besides submitting material.In reaction to the phenomenon,it is necessary to set up a unified platform for all the undergraduates in poverty. By means of scientific and fair management,it is achieved that every impoverished undergraduate can get the finance aid.

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Ⅱ、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.I want to be a computer ________(program) when I grow up.


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computer-savvy网 络目标用户不是电脑使用者;能够熟练操作计算机双语例句1. He programmed his computer to compare all the possible combinations. 他给他的计算机编制了一套程序,以比较所有可能的组合。2. Who wants to buy a computer from a failing company? 谁愿意从一家要倒闭的公司买计算机呢?

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Computex 2019:华硕与BMW设计部门合作打造ROG Face Off概念笔电

ROGFaceOff上盖采对角斜切设计,并且加上跑车引擎般的散热鳍片造型,按键部分在空白键融合车辆油门踏板设计,而第一人称射击游戏中重要的A、W、S、D按键也特别独立设计。 华硕在此次Computex2019的ROG品牌展区中,实际展示与BMW旗下DesignWorks合作的概念笔电ROGFaceOff,其中导入BMW车辆形象设计,并且与ROGZephyrus原本设计机构融合。 目前暂时还无法确认ROGFaceOff具体搭配规格,目前仍处于概念设计阶段,因此也无法确定实际上市时间。 而从外观可以看见原本ROGZephyrus上盖对角斜切设计,并且加上跑车引擎般的散热鳍片造型,而连接埠也均集中机身背面,内侧键盘上方背光模组除了呈现隐约的ROG标志,预期还会有不同灯效呈现方式。 同时,按键部分也在空白键融合车辆油门踏板设计,而第一人称射击游戏中重要的A、W、S、D按键也特别独立设计,触控板也将对应滑鼠左右按键功能拆分,让使用者能有更扎实精准的点案触发操作,同时触控板表面也加上电路板设计。

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An invisible border divides those arguing for computers in the classroom on the behalf of stud

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Iwas told _____Bill Gates was thirteen ______ he began to play with computers


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英语作文 computer in our life

Computer has already become more and more important in our life.It can help us do many things.We can search for information on the Internet and do something interesting for the rest.Aslo,computer can bring some bad things for us.We should prevent us from that. In all, if we use computer correctly ,we can find mang interests and it can make our life better!我也是初二的 随便写写的哦!~ 你自己再加点 好了

英语作文:Computers--one of the most helpful inventions

Computers are popular in our lives.It"s hardly to imagine a world without computer. First of all.Scientists use computers to forecast weather tomorrow.It need 3 years to calculate the result if 100 people are doing the mission rather than one computer"s half an hour for the same work. Second,computers are necessary in banks,communication corporations and governments. The last.No computers no robots,frequency-changed air conditions or modern movies.Our lives will be drab.

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