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你好,momentum中文名“莫曼顿”,是捷安特公司因应人们对于日常舒适休闲,以及流行时尚品味的需求,于2009年所推出的新移动文化单车品牌。以好看又好骑的休闲单车,带领消费者领略不同的生活体验,于自在悠游的态度风尚中,传递「快乐向前行」的品牌信念。全线共五大车系(iNeed时尚通勤车,iRide街头玩乐车,iThink轻便小轮车,iSee城郊休旅车,iFun欢乐青少童车), 满足国人各类需求,不同的骑行角度,相同的快乐感受,从3岁到63岁,您绝对能在莫曼顿找到全家都适合的休闲单车!实际上就是基本上原来捷安特GIANT品牌的城市通勤休闲系列的车子现在都成momentum中文名“莫曼顿”了,品质就是原来捷安特的好品质,请放心购买。



momentum 复数是什么?

不可数名词,复数形式还是momentummomentum 英音:[mu0259u"mentu0259m] 美音:[mo"mu025bntu0259m] 名词 n. 1.【物】动量,冲量[U][C]The truck gained momentum as it rolled down the steep road. 卡车沿着陡峭的道路往下开时,冲力愈来愈大。 2.气势,冲力[U]a campaign that gained momentum 势头增大的一场运动 3.动力[U][S1]



momentum 是啥自行车牌子



momentum 英[mu0259u02c8mentu0259m] 美[mou028au02c8mentu0259m] n. 势头; 动力; [物] 动量; 要素,契机; [例句]This campaign is really gaining momentum该运动的势头越来越猛。[其他] 复数:momentums




momentum美 [mou028a"mentu0259m]英 [mu0259u028a"mentu0259m]n.动量;势头;动力;推进力 要素;动量指标;冲力复数:momenta例句筛选1.It must have momentum, and yet it has no kinetic energy.它一定有动量,但它却没有动能。2.Even so, it is unclear how much momentum the shift to inland growth really has.即便如此,我们仍不清楚这一内陆发展的转变,其后劲到底有多足。

The moment ______I saw you,I recognized you.

这 是一个常用的结构,表示"一....就....",类似as soon as....还有:The minute(instant)等 ,如:I sent you the news the instant ( that ) I heard it. 我一听到 此消息,便通知你了.《现代英汉综合大词典》I"ll tell him the minute ( that ) he gets there. 他一到那里,我就告诉他.《简明英汉词典》

The moment I missed the boat作文?

Over the past decade, whenever the end of large and medium cities in China, a surge of heat will be rushing toward us. Christmas, the Chinese people have a strange only in the movies to see the festival, the Chinese people"s attention to a high degree of one. A certain extent, with the improvement of living standards, coupled with restrictions on firecrackers, as well as an increase in vacation travel, Christmas is almost with China"s most traditional festivals - Spring Festival - on an equal footing of.Speaking of Christmas, now 20-year-old young people are very familiar to the state on Christmas Eve, Christmas night, carnival night, know that Christmas commemorates the birth of Jesus, aware of Santa Claus, should get to know trees, hung a beautiful The lantern, gift bags, know Nazhi socks. In the last week of each year, many young people gather in small groups together to the hotel, bars and even churches to participate in Christmas celebrations, and even a lot of young parents with young children are also involved in the meantime, to experience exotic culture, brought about by the different the concept of pleasure.

“活在当下” 英文语境 Living in the moment 和Live in the present 有什么不同 ?用在什么时候说

你好。你能给个语境吗:活在当下,- - - - - ?(给个完整的句子)

Momentos (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:Momentos (Live)歌手:Andrea Bocelli专辑:Under The Desert SkyAndrea Bocelli - Momentos (Live)Y yo me cobijaba por tu cuerpo,De noche nos pasamos las horashablando de mil cosas por hacery tu echabas los sentidos a volary a veces en peques discusionesperdidos en la noche y el silenciollegaba a amanecer.Y siempre amanecia con un beso y todespu me preparabas un cafy yo me desped cada d sondo con volver.Paramos el tiempo d a dquer descubrirte cada vezprendido de tu viday t?prendida de la mel mundo parec a nuestros pies.Ya ves que todo pasa qui dirya ves que poco queda del ayerapenas los recuerdosmomentos que no vuelven otra vez.Te acuerdas de las veces que dijimos,que nada nos podr separarel viento que escuchaba tus palabrascantaba tu cantar.sobamos sor.La vida se hace siempre de momentos,de cosas que no sueles valorary luego cuando pierdescuando al fin te has dado cuentael tiempo no te deja regresar.Ya ves que todo pasa,ui dirya ves que poco queda por contarapenas los recuerdosmomentos que no vuelven nunca m.

Many Classic Moments 歌词

歌曲名:Many Classic Moments歌手:Globe专辑:15年150曲 COMPLETE BOXGlobe - Many Classic Moments作词:小室哲哉(Rap词:Marc)作曲者名 小室哲哉by Madedge321ちょっと今から思えば 不思议で 変で なつかしいかな<如今回想起来 感觉好不可思议 好怪 却又令人怀念>病んでいたもんね 心とか体とかじゃなく 立っていたポジションが<病了的 并非心灵也不是肉体 而是身处的位置>风にただ流されて 引力とか軽くなってた<随风漂流 地心引力也变轻>俯瞰で见たら 宇宙(そら)をはかなげに浮いているわたし<从上俯瞰 看见在宇宙虚无飘渺的我>伤つけたり 伤ついたり 失ったり 失わせたり<伤人 受伤 失去 被迫失去>全部なくなるなら 全部あとすこしなら<若说一切终将湮灭 若说全部皆所剩无几>何かひとつだけでいいから与えて私に瞬间を<请给我一点点哪怕只是瞬间>そばにいて あなたなら<留在我身边 只要是你>そばにいて あなたじゃなきゃいや<留在我身边 除了你我谁都不要>KISSをして あなたなら<给我一个吻 只要是你>KISSをして あなたじゃなきゃいや<给我一个吻 除了你我谁都不要>贯いて 揺らぎながらでもいつの日にか 消えていくのなら<穿透我 就算动汤不安 如果终有一天 一切都将消失>贯いて かまわないから いつの日か 2人共に消えていくのなら<穿透我 反正我不在乎 如果终有一天 我俩将一同消失>Take the time to close your eyesThe sky is dark风は冷たい<风很冷>The time has comeEvery trace is gonew/z a low whisper荒い息飞び出す<呼出重重的喘息>砂に书いた未来<写在砂上的未来>谁にも消せない<没有任何人能抹去>There"s a place in my heartLooking for a magic kissLet"s go out and feel the nightWe could dream this night awayAs long as we liveShaking in the windTo the last gasp今からでも遅くないかな<是否现在还不算太迟>今からでも歩けるかな<是否现在还能迈出脚步>今からでもつくれるかな<是否现在还能创造>至福の瞬间(とき)が 缀れおられ 彩られていく<无上幸福的一刻 书写下来 著上色彩>そばにいて あなたなら<留在我身边 只要是你>そばにいて あなたじゃなきゃいや<留在我身边 除了你我谁都不要>KISSをして あなたなら<给我一个吻 只要是你>KISSをして あなたじゃなきゃいや<给我一个吻 除了你我谁都不要>あなたとわたしの筑き上げた<你和我一同搭起的>砂の城でもない シンデレラ城でもない<不是砂之城 也不是灰姑娘的城堡>记忆の城を见つけました<我们找到的是记忆的堡垒>この场所でこれから1人过ごします<今後我将独自在这里度过>この地球(ほし)の最後を告げる 钟の音が鸣りひびくまで<直到宣告地球结束的钟响 开始响起>そばにいて あなたなら<留在我身边 只要是你>そばにいて あなたじゃなきゃいや<留在我身边 除了你我谁都不要>OH Many Classic MomentsOH Many Classic MomentsOH Many Classic MomentsOH Many Classic MomentsOH Many Classic Moments…The End






moment 英[ˈməʊmənt] 美[ˈmoʊmənt] n. 时刻; 瞬间,片刻; 重要,紧要; [物] 力矩; [例句]In a moment he was gone.一转眼他就不见了。[其他] 复数:moments 形近词: loment msment foment

这是我独享的 moment是什么梗?

建议去看下王自如的三星Galaxy Fold的评测视频10:25


moment短语归纳for a moment 一会儿;in a moment一会儿之后;a few moments alter过一会儿;a moment ago刚才;at any moment随时,立刻;at the moment此刻,现在;at that very moment 就在那时。注意:the moment可起连词作用,表示“一……就”。如:The moment the teacher entered the classroom,the students stood up.老师一进教室,学生们就站起来了。[应用]完成句子①你最好不要离开,主席随时会到这里。The chairman will be here______ ______ ______,so you"d better not be off.②我稍等一下,他一会儿就到。Just______ ______,he will come here______ a moment.Key:①at,any,moment ②a, moment,in


李昶旻-momentIn your eyes In your mind 撒浪嘿 可哟就屋里 莫里in 搜够卡留进忒多Love is you哈浪gio内 那里有 可里有 米内妈额们 搜里句gioh oh ohLove is the moment(起)卡无多可来 可 孙干苏鲁那 内就 卡孙那 内就撒不多木拉 ohLove is the moment(起)卡嘎多可那 可 孙干hi几苏 噢(不)搜恰哭多 oh 拉Close your eyes Close your ears撒浪嘿 呢kio就弄日恰西不 特多 阿几步 特多Love is you黑撒搜给 卡留进 可里有米呢妈额们球咧句giLove is the moment(起)卡无多可来 可 孙干苏鲁那 内就 卡孙那 内就撒不多木拉 ohLove is the moment(起)卡嘎多可那 可 孙干hi几苏 噢(不)搜恰哭多 oh 拉oh oh oh ohLove is the moment弄日不咧 可来可孙干新加你梦求 洗噶你梦求撒古满啊怕 ohLove is the moment弄日多啦 可来可孙干 撒浪度多啦 恰古妈阿怕In your eyes In your mind 撒朗嘿


那个是过去进行时,表示在过去某一时刻或某一时间内正在进行或发生的动作,在那时、在当时就是过去某一时刻,用at that moment 表示.希望采纳.




momentn.瞬间,片刻; 时刻; 重要,紧要; [物]力矩importantadj.重要的; 权威的; 有势力的; 有地位的


可数名词:1. 片刻,瞬间,刹那2. 时刻;时候3. 时机,机会4. 重要(或极好、得意等)的时刻5.(历史或事物发展的)关头,转折点6. 重大,重要7.【哲】环节,契机8.【物】力矩,矩9.【统】矩,动差10.【地】时期同义词:instant,minute,second;consequence,import;bit,minute,second;here and now,present moment。反义词:inconsequence。单词分析:这些名词均含“瞬间、片刻”之意。moment:较minute所表示的时间短,指一刹那或一段很短时间。有时也含持续的意味。minute:指极短的时间,但可觉察到时间的持续。instant:常与moment换用,指一瞬间,但更侧重时间短促,多用于表示紧迫、瞬变等情况。

有关MOMENT 的几个词组和意思

补充一个:the moment 作连词,引导时间状语从句,相当于 as soon as.e.g. The thief was caught the moment he slipped into the room. 小偷一溜进房间就被抓住了。

moment (urgent)

更新1: for 35 the left graph is T against (y/L) and the slope is +600 the right graph is Fh against (y/L) and the slope is -300 更新2: and 1 more question: A crate in the form of a cube with edge lengths of 1 .2 m contains a piece of machin ery; the center of mass of the crate and its contents is located 0.30 m above the crate"s geometrical center. 更新3: The crate rests on a ramp that makes an angle 0 with the honzontal. As 0 is increased from zero an angle will be reached at which the crate will either tip over or start to slide down the ramp. If the coefflcient of static friction g beeen ramp and crate is 0.60 更新4: (a) does the crate tip or slide and (b) at what angle 0 does this occur? If p : 0.70 (c) does the crate tip or slide and (d) at what angle g does this occur? (Hint: At the onset of tipping where is the normal force located?) I know how to calculate the wer but I don"t know how to present it 更新5: can some1 show me how to present it better? 23. (a) Let F be the force exerted by the triceps muscle.Take moment about the humerus 15g x 35cos(30) = F x 2.5cos(30) + 2g x 15cos(30)where g is the acceleration due to gravityi.e. F = 1942 N = 1.942 kN(b) It is already given in the question that the force is vertically upward( c) For vertical equilibrium 15g + 1942 = 2g + F"where F" is the force given by the hermerushence F" = 2070 N = 2.1 kN(d) It is clear that F" must be downward for equilibrium to be maintained. 31. For vertical equilibrium the y-ponent of the force on each hinge= 27g/2 N = 132 NThe coordinate of the centre of mass of the door is at (0.455 m 1.05 m)Take moment about the lower hinge 27g x 0.455 = (Fx).(0.9 – 0.3 – 0.3)where Fx is the force along the x-axis at the upper hinge and ((0.9 – 0.3 – 0.3) m is the distance from the lower hinge.i.e. Fx = 80 N in the –x direction in order to provide a counterclockwise momentFor equilibrium in the horizontal direction the horizontal force at the lower hinge must be at the +x direction. Therefore the o forces are (-80)i + (132)j N and (80i + 132j) N 35. Sorry the graphs are not clear can"t help 37. Let F be the reaction at the roller which makes an angle of 20 degrees with the horizontalLet R be the normal reaction at the bottom of the plankHence frictional force = uR where u is the coefficient of frictionFor horizontal equilibrium: F.cos(20) = uR ------------- (1)for vertical equilibrium: 445 = R + F.sin(20) -------------- (2)Take moment about the bottom of the plank 445 x 3.05cos(70) = F.(3.05/sin(70))hence F = 143 NFrom (2) R = 396.1 NHence from (1) u = 143.cos(20)/396.1 = 0.34 2011-10-25 17:42:12 补充: 41. The angle at which the ladder makes with the ground = arc-cos(0.762/2.44) = 71.8 degrees Consider the right hand portion of the ladder take moment about the top of ladder 2011-10-25 17:43:01 补充: R.(2.44cos(71.8)) = F.(2.44/2).sin(71.8) ------------ (1) Where R is the normal reaction on the right foot of the ladder F is the tension in the tie-rod Consider the left hand portion of the ladder take moment about the top of ladder 2011-10-25 17:43:30 补充: 854 x (2.44-1.8).cos(71.8) + F.(2.44/2).sin(71.8) = R"(2.44cos(71.8)) where R" is the normal reaction at the left foot of the ladder But for vertical equilibrium R + R" = 854 --------- (3) Hence 854 x (2.44-1.8).cos(71.8) + F.(2.44/2).sin(71.8) = (854 – R) x (2.44cos(71.8)) ----- (2) 2011-10-25 17:43:39 补充: Solving (1) and (2) for R and F gives F = 211 N and R = 320 N Hence from (3) R" = 534 N 2011-10-25 20:46:06 补充: Because of words limit here...Q41 is given in "opinion (意见) section"

at a moment是什么意思意思


moment please

Just a moment, please.请稍等。


与moment有关的短语①forthemoment暂时=forthepresent②foramoment片刻③inamoment不久,立刻.马上④atthemoment此时.现在⑤themoment一……就……=theminute/instant[例句] Wearen"tgoingtomakeanychangeforthemo-ment.我们暂时不做任何改变。Thenewcouplearetravelingabroadatthemoment.那对新婚夫妇跟下正在国外旅行。 【考例】--DidyouremembertogiveMarythemoneyyouowedher?--Yes,Igaveittoher____Isawher.A.whileB.themomentC.suddenlyD.once[考查目标] 此题主要考查连词问题。[答案与解析]B先排除C项,因为suddenly是副词,能引导从句。从上下句看。所欠的钱已还过,而且是.一看见她就还了,所以又排除D项,因为once舍有条件意味。while强调一段时间。



moment 的短语

a moment ago


moment[英]["mu0259u028amu0259nt] [美]["mou028amu0259nt] 生词本简明释义n.瞬间,片刻;时刻;重要,紧要;[物]力矩复数:moments易混淆的单词:Moment以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 百科释义 短语词组 同反义词1.N-COUNT片刻;瞬间You can refer to a very short period of time, for example a few seconds, as a moment or moments .In a moment he was gone... 一转眼他就不见了。She stared at him a moment, then turned away...她凝视他片刻,然后转过脸去。


moment单词释义:瞬间;重要时刻;指定时刻;重要,契机相关词语辨析moment 较minute所表示的时间短,指一刹那或一段很短时间。有时也含持续的意味。minute 指极短的时间,但可觉察到时间的持续。instant 常与moment换用,指一瞬间,但更侧重时间短促,多用于表示紧迫、瞬变等情况。请点击输入图片描述3.用法及例句That were remarks made in the heat of the moment.那是一时激动之下所说的话。I"ll wait for a seasonable moment to speak to her.我要等个适当时机跟她说话。I wanted to savour every moment.我要尽情享受每分每秒。相关短语at the moment 此刻;当时for a moment 片刻,一会儿;暂时for the moment 暂时,暂且;目前at this moment 现在;在这个瞬间of the moment 此刻every moment 时时刻刻in a moment 立刻one moment 等一下;[口]马上at that moment 在那时刻,就在那时at any moment 随时wait a moment 等一会儿;稍等一下bending moment 弯矩;弯曲力矩;挠矩a moment ago 刚才,片刻之前just a moment 等一会儿,稍等一下last moment n. 最后一刻;紧急关头

moment 中文意思是?一分钟了解英文「moment」的意思!

moment 中文意思是指片刻,瞬间,刹那,也就是一个非常短的时间。 下面列出moment的英文例句与中文意思,赶快学起来吧! 1. moment 片刻,瞬间,刹那 moment 中文意思是指很短很短的一段时间。 例:Can you wait a moment? 你能等一下吗? 例:I"ll be ready in just a moment. 我一会儿就准备好。 2. moment 时刻、此刻 moment还有另外一个中文意思是指「时刻、此刻」。 例:Sorry, he"s not here at the moment. 对不起,他现在不在这儿。 例:Don"t leave it untill the last moment. 不要拖到最后一刻。 moment, moment 中文, moment 中文意思, moment 意思, moment 翻译, moment 英文例句, 时刻 英文, 此刻 英文, 片刻 英文


G.W.F.黑格尔在他的著作中使用该词指处在整体中的、与整体的其他部分密切联系着的环节。他把哲学史比作是包含着许多小圆圈的大圆圈,认为历史上出现的每个哲学体系,同其他的哲学体系互相关联着,都是哲学史这一全体或整体的一个必然环节。在事物由量到质的发展和转化过程中,关节点就是一种连接由量变过渡到质变的契机。在人们的社会实践活动和科学理论研究中,把握契机,即掌握好事物发展或转化的关键 、枢纽 、决定性环节 ,对顺利实现事物的质变、飞跃,推动事物的发展,具有重要意义。


什么是moment:理解moment的含义与用途1. 什么是momentMoment是一个JavaScript库,用于解析、验证、操作和格式化日期。它可以在浏览器和Node.js环境中使用,可以使日期的处理变得更加简单。2. Moment的用途Moment可以帮助我们处理日期和时间,具体而言,它可以:- 解析和验证日期:Moment可以将各种形式的日期转换为Date对象;- 操作日期:Moment可以对日期进行加减、比较等操作;- 格式化日期:Moment可以将日期格式化为指定的文本格式。在前端开发中,Moment是一个非常常用的库。例如,我们可以将日期格式化为指定的文本格式,或者将用户输入的日期解析为Date对象。使用Moment:如何安装和使用Moment3. 安装MomentMoment可以通过npm安装:```npm install moment```4. 使用Moment在浏览器中使用Moment:``````在Node.js中使用Moment:```const moment = require("moment");```5. 解析和验证日期使用Moment解析日期非常简单:```const date = moment("2021-10-01");```要验证一个日期是否合法,可以使用Moment的isValid()方法:```const date = moment("2021-02-32");const isValid = date.isValid(); // false```6. 操作日期Moment可以对日期进行加减操作,例如,将一个日期减去一天:```const date = moment("2021-10-01");const yesterday = date.subtract(1, "day");console.log(yesterday.format("YYYY-MM-DD")); // 输出 2021-09-30```还可以比较两个日期的大小,例如,比较两个日期是否相等:```const date1 = moment("2021-10-01");const date2 = moment("2021-10-02");const isEqual = date1.isSame(date2, "day"); // false```7. 格式化日期Moment可以将日期格式化为不同的文本格式。例如,将日期格式化为"MM/DD/YYYY"格式:```const date = moment("2021-10-01");const formattedDate = date.format("MM/DD/YYYY"); // "10/01/2021"```可以使用不同的格式选项来定制日期格式。8. 总结Moment是一个非常有用的JavaScript库,可以帮助我们简化日期的处理。它能够解析、验证、操作和格式化日期,可以在浏览器和Node.js环境中使用。如果你需要处理日期相关的操作,那么Moment是一个非常不错的选择。


Moment.js 是一个强大到有些不正经的日期处理库。 支持 TS 国际化 ,一些函数的输出会根据当前语言环境。 高度自定义 有了它只要后台不是自创的格式我们都可以解析,解析问题可见 这篇文章 在转换为文字上颇有门道 本文将抛砖引玉,简单介绍一些基本概念和常用的API,方便日常工作时快速了解。 可以创建一个 moment 对象,仅指定一些单位,其余的将会默认为当前的日期、月份、年份,小时、分钟、秒钟和毫秒默认为 0 以对象形式指定: 支持解析 hmm、Hmm、hmmss 和 Hmmss: 默认的 设置后 在 moment 上调用 moment() 将会克隆它。 通过 clone 开启前 开启后 如果数值超过当前单位,会向上一个单位冒泡哦 可以为负数 转义格式字符串中的字符 fromNow 链接 同时支持一些判定API isBefore 、 isSame 、 isAfter 、 isSameOrBefore 、 isSameOrAfter 、 isBetween 。 减去API: subtract 结束API: endOf isValid() parsingFlags 返回一个对象 通过 invalidAt 确认那个单位无效 得到js的 Date 对象 得到数组形式 得到对象形式 链接 默认毫秒 支持传单位 更精确的转换 可直接传递对象 支持传递字符串形式 很对用于操作moment的API对duration也生效 原文 当从字符串创建 moment 时,需要首先检查字符串是否与已知的 ISO 8601 格式匹配,如果未找到已知的格式,则在降维到 new Date(string) 之前检查字符串是否与 RFC 2822 日期时间 格式匹配,浏览器对于解析字符串的支持是不一致的 webpack 会打包所有的 Moment.js 语言环境, 优化可看 round 对时间四舍五入 地址 . Moment-那些让人眼前一亮的API




Moment翻译是一个流行的JavaScript库。用于操作时间和日期。它可以帮助开发人员轻松地解析、验证、操作和格式化时间数据,同时提供了一系列高级的功能来处理时区和日历等问题。Moment的最大优势是它的简单易用性。它的代码清晰明了,使得使用者能够快速入手并完成任务。同时,Moment还支持自定义格式和本地化,适用于全球不同国家和地区的开发需求。Moment可以通过Node.js和NPM进行安装,也可以直接在HTML页面中使用CDN引入。安装完后,只需要在JavaScript代码中导入Moment并调用相应的方法即可完成日期和时间的操作。拓展资料JavaScript一种直译式脚本语言,是一种动态类型、弱类型、基于原型的语言,内置支持类型。它的解释器被称为JavaScript引擎,为浏览器的一部分,广泛用于客户端的脚本语言,最早是在HTML网页上使用,用来给HTML网页增加动态功能。在1995年时,由Netscape公司的Brendan Eich,在网景导航者浏览器上首次设计实现而成。因为Netscape与Sun合作,Netscape管理层希望它外观看起来像Java,因此取名为JavaScript。但实际上它的语法风格与Self及Scheme较为接近。为了取得技术优势,微软推出了JScript,CEnvi推出ScriptEase,与JavaScript同样可在浏览器上运行。为了统一规格,因为JavaScript兼容于ECMA标准,因此也称为ECMAScript。


not (或 never)for a moment决不at every moment不停地by the moment 到那个时候have one"s moments作“有快乐的时候”解时, moment要用复数形式。the moment可作“此刻”解,常与现在时态连用; 也可作“那时”解,常与过去时态连用; 还可作“一…就…”解,此时可用作准连词,引导状语从句。动词+~ await the moment 等待时机 devote moment to 把时间都花在… enjoy each moment 每一时刻过得都愉快 have one"s moments 走红,得意 save moment 节省时间 seize the moment 抓住时机 take a moment 用〔需要〕一分钟时间 wait a moment 等一会儿 while away a moment 消磨时光 形容词+~ best moment 全盛时期,最好的时光 great moment 伟大的时刻 happy moment 幸福的时刻 historical moment 历史性的时刻 last moment 最后时刻 little moment 不大重要 many moment 大量的时间 no moment 不重要 precious moment 宝贵的时间 propitious moment 有利时机 psychological moment 心理上的适当瞬间,最适当的时机 sad moment 悲惨的时刻 spare moment 空闲时间 名词+~ rush moment 高峰时刻 介词+~ at any moment 在任何时候 at that moment 当时,那时 at the moment of 在…的时刻 at the last moment 最后的时刻 for a moment 一会儿 for the moment 一瞬间 from the first moment 从一开始起 in a moment 一会儿 in all moment of 在所有…的时刻 up to the moment 直到目前 ~+介词 moment of danger 危险的时候 接下来是造句、、He said he would arrive today, and I expect him at any moment.他说他今天到达,所以我想他随时都可能到。He"s never late, but he often arrives at the very last moment.他从不迟到,但他常常在最后一刻赶到。He caught his train at the last moment.他在最后一刻赶上了火车。The police arrived right at the moment of the explosion.警察就在爆炸的那个时候赶到了。Mrs. Li speaks with a precise northern accent at the precise moment.李女士恰恰在那个时候用十足的北方口音讲话。He"s unemployed at the moment and has been for over six months.他目前失业,已经有半年多了。I"m busy at the moment, but I"ll do it later.我此刻很忙,过后我会处理这件事的。He might have popped in for a moment, since he was passing this way.既然他从这里经过,说不定他会突然来呆一会儿的。Could I borrow your English dictionary for a moment, please?我能否借一下你的英语词典?We"re happy living in a flat for the moment but we may want to move to a house soon.目前我们住单元房很满意,不过不久也许我们想要住个单门独院的房子。For the moment we are content to watch and wait.目前我们甘心在一旁观察和等待。I have nothing to do for the moment.我暂时无事可干。I don"t want to discuss this for the moment.我此刻不想讨论这个话题。She is helpless for the moment however bright a girl she is.不管她是多么聪明的姑娘,在这时也是没办法的。God,I have my moments.上帝,我居然也有得意的时候。My job is not a very glamorous one but it does have its moments.我的工作虽不算十分吸引人,但也自有其乐所在。It was a dull film on the whole, though it had its moments.总的来说,这是一部乏味的电影,不过其中也有一些精彩的片断。I"ll come in a moment.我一会儿就来。I really must be getting home in a moment.我真的必须立即回家。In a moment the house was in flames.屋子一下子就着火了。“Have you ever thought of that?” “Not for a moment.”“那件事你想到过吗?”“从来没有。”I never believe what he said for a moment.我一点儿也不相信他说的。I recognized her the moment I saw her.我一眼就认出了她。He was taken into custody the moment he stepped off the plane.他一走下飞机就被拘捕了。The moment she appeared on the stage, there arose a loud applause.她一出现在台上就赢得了热烈的掌声。I"ll let you know all about it the moment he returns.他一回来,我就把其中的一切统统告诉你。 如果想知道每个句子用的是什么词组,可以再问我哦。我会给你一一指出来的。 给我加分吧,,给我满意吧,给我悬赏吧!!!


moment有2个音节:mo·ment。moment音节划分:mo·ment,英 ["mu0259u028amu0259nt]美 ["mou028amu0259nt]。一个音节至少有一个元音字母。即a,e,i,o,或u,有时也可以是y。当两个元音字母中间只有一个辅音字母时(辅音字母r除外),而且左边的元音又是按重读开音节规则发音,这个辅音字母通常划入右边的音节。有些辅音字母经常在一起,只发一个辅音,或者联系很紧密。划分音节时,也不能将其分开。用法:moment的基本意思是“瞬间,片刻”,指很短的一点时间或一段时间; 也可指在某一事件发生的同时,即“就在那时,当时”; 还可指做某事的最佳“时刻,时机”。moment引申可指“重要性”。moment通常与介词at或for连用。for a moment常与否定句连用,作“一点也不,绝不”解。have one"s moments作“有快乐的时候”解时, moment要用复数形式。   


moment的意思是"瞬间、片刻"。以下是详细解释:moment是指极短暂的时间,可以理解为“瞬间”或“片刻”的意思。在日常生活中,我们可以用这个词来形容一些瞬间性的事物,如说话时的停顿、思考时的沉默等。moment通常作为名词出现,用来修饰时间或行为。例如,我们可以说“in a moment”过一会儿、“a moment of silence”默哀、“a moment of hesitation”犹豫的片刻等等。moment还有一些相关的英语单词,如moments瞬间,片刻的复数形式、momentarily一会儿,暂时地等等。这些单词都有着与moment相似的意思,可以根据语境选择合适的词汇使用。moment也可以作为前缀出现在一些词汇中,如momentum动量、momentary短暂的、momentary lapse of reason片刻的疏忽,这些词汇都与时间、动量等概念相关。总之,moment意为“瞬间、片刻”,可以用来形容一些非常短暂的时间或行为。在实际应用中,我们可以灵活运用moment及其相关的词汇,表达出更准确、丰富的语言意义。扩展知识:英语单词(English words)的产生是汉英两种语言双向交流的产物,一些带有中国特色的名称和概念进入了英语词汇,同时还有一些英语词汇进入了汉语,在文化环境中衍生出新的含义,形成了英语词汇的语义文化特征。背单词记忆算法的特点是结合权威的记忆理论,充分调动用户的眼、耳、口和手等各种感官,根据用户的实际情况和使用环境智能确定内容和方法,根据用户的使用情况进行动态调整。

on the moment和in the moment的区别



moment意思如下:n:时刻;瞬间,片刻;重要,紧要;[物]力矩。复数: moments.例句:1、Could you wait a moment , please?请您稍等一下,好吗?2、We arrived not a moment too soon (= almost too late) .我们到得一点也不早。3、I"m waiting for the right moment to tell him the bad news.我得找个适当的时机告诉他这个坏消息。4、From that moment on , she never felt really well again.从那时候开始,她就再也没真正好受过。5、She was silent for a moment before replying.回答前她沉默了片刻。moment及其构成的短语:1、与不定冠词a或基数词one一起,构成祈使句,表示“请求对方作一短暂等候”的意思。例如:Just a moment,please.请稍等一会儿。One moment,please.请等一会儿。2、与不定冠词a一起构成短语,置于动词之后,作状语。例如:Wait a moment,please.请稍候。3、moment常与介词at,for或副词ago,later等构成固定短语,作时间状语。例如:(1)at the moment意为“此刻”、“现在”,相当于时间副词now,常用来说明目前的状态及正在发生的动作。(2)at that moment意为“在那时”、“在那一瞬间”、“其时”,相当于at that time,表示过去某一特定的时刻发生的动作,常用于一般过去时的句子里。(3)at any moment意为“任何时候”、“随时”,相当于at any time,指说话这一时刻之后的任何时候,常用于一般现在时或一般将来时。







求滨崎步JEWEL,momentum两首歌的 中日罗歌词


That moment pays off in Endgame, with为什么pay要加S




wait是不及物动词,不跟宾语常和for连用,但为什么wait me a moment后跟了宾语?难道wait也可以是及物动词

很肯定的告诉你,wait me a moment 是“等我一下”的中国式英语,是错误的。正确的说法是 wait a moment (这是英语里的口语,书面上一般不这样写)

gregorian moment of peace女主唱是谁?

Amelia Brightman.

Gregorian (moment of peace) 这首歌的歌词 还有中文意思啊?

Mm Mm Mm Mm MmAh Ah Ah Ah AhIn moment of pieceAh Ah Ah Ah AhAh Ah Ah Ah Ah(Chorus)Come now, come by our sideA place where you can hideWe are the sunshineRest your Soul here And you"ll find We are the energyWe give the world to theeHold up your heart now We will ease pain from your brow(Sarah Brightman)When the world is in tattersAnd destruction is nearYou can come with us hereWhen the people are strangersYou"ll rest here with me In a moment of peace(Repeat Sarah once)(Chorus)Light up the dark below, See through the stars, Reach to the earth"s flowDrift in the joy of our hearts, Unleash the energy, Taste of the wineDrink as a Soul That knows now, power divine(Repeat Sarah Twice)in a moment of peace

moment of peace这首曲子的中文意思是什么?

恩~ 啊~ 和平的时刻啊~ 啊~ (合唱) 来吧, 来到我们身边一个你可以躲藏的地方我们是阳光你的魂灵在此休息你还将发现我们是力量之源我们把世界交给你现在放松你的心我们将把你的痛苦从眉尖释放 (沙拉布莱曼) 把低处的黑暗点亮穿过星群看去直抵地球上的潮汐在我们心中的欢娱中漂流宣泄能量美酒的滋味尝起来就像灵魂如今它知道, 神赐的力量 (重复沙拉两次) 在和平的时刻!

Moment of Peace 歌词

歌曲名:Moment of Peace歌手:gregorian专辑:Christmas Chants And VisionsMoment of PeaceMasters Of Chants ChapterII格里高利圣咏(Gregorian)【英】Mm Mm Mm Mm MmIn moment of pieceAh Ah Ah Ah AhAh Ah Ah Ah AhAh Ah Ah Ah AhAh Ah Ah Ah Ah(Chorus)Come now, come by our sideA place where you can hideWe are the sunshineRest your Soul hereAnd you"ll findWe are the energyWe give the world to theeHold up your heart nowWe will ease pain from your brow(Sarah Brightman)When the world is in tattersAnd destruction is nearYou can come with us hereWhen the people are strangersYou"ll rest here with meIn a moment of peaceWhen the world is in tattersAnd destruction is nearYou can come with us hereWhen the people are strangersYou"ll rest here with meIn a moment of peace(Chorus)Light up the dark below,See through the stars,Reach to the earth"s flowDrift in the joy of our hearts,Unleash the energy,Taste of the wineDrink as a SoulThat knows now, power divine(Sarah Brightman)When the world is in tattersAnd destruction is nearYou can come with us hereYou can come with us hereWhen the people are strangersYou"ll rest here with meIn a moment of peaceWhen the world is in tattersAnd destruction is nearYou can come with us hereWhen the people are strangersYou"ll rest here with meIn a moment of peacein a moment of peaceLrC@HzZ@LOV_J

Moment of Peace 歌词

歌曲名:Moment of Peace歌手:gregorian专辑:The MasterpiecesMoment of PeaceMasters Of Chants ChapterII格里高利圣咏(Gregorian)【英】Mm Mm Mm Mm MmIn moment of pieceAh Ah Ah Ah AhAh Ah Ah Ah AhAh Ah Ah Ah AhAh Ah Ah Ah Ah(Chorus)Come now, come by our sideA place where you can hideWe are the sunshineRest your Soul hereAnd you"ll findWe are the energyWe give the world to theeHold up your heart nowWe will ease pain from your brow(Sarah Brightman)When the world is in tattersAnd destruction is nearYou can come with us hereWhen the people are strangersYou"ll rest here with meIn a moment of peaceWhen the world is in tattersAnd destruction is nearYou can come with us hereWhen the people are strangersYou"ll rest here with meIn a moment of peace(Chorus)Light up the dark below,See through the stars,Reach to the earth"s flowDrift in the joy of our hearts,Unleash the energy,Taste of the wineDrink as a SoulThat knows now, power divine(Sarah Brightman)When the world is in tattersAnd destruction is nearYou can come with us hereYou can come with us hereWhen the people are strangersYou"ll rest here with meIn a moment of peaceWhen the world is in tattersAnd destruction is nearYou can come with us hereWhen the people are strangersYou"ll rest here with meIn a moment of peacein a moment of peaceLrC@HzZ@LOV_J

moment of peace中文是什么意思 歌词

曾经有过的片刻和平 平静时刻宁静时刻

Every Moment Of My Life Sarah Connor 要这首歌的中文谐音 ,我不懂英文,但是很想学,希望大家帮个忙

诶吴瑞 木门特 噢付 买 睐付 撒吃 靠呢

Every Moment Of My Life怎么用中文唱?用中文唱英文歌。


Capturing every moment of my life.是什么意思?非常感谢!

Capturing every moment of my life.

《Every moment of my life》的中文歌词?

[00:00.07]Rebecca Black - My Moment 我的时刻[00:08.85]Weren"t you the one who said that I would be nothing 你不是那个说我一无是处的人么[00:13.99]Well, I"m about to prove you wrong 但是现在我要向你证明我自己[00:16.64]I"m not the only one who believes in something 我不是那个唯一相信有奇迹的人[00:21.85]My one wish is about to come true 我的愿望将要实现[00:25.15]I"m not stopping for you 我不会因为你而停止[00:27.41]No matter what you do 不论你做什么[00:29.15]I"ll just keep on dreaming 我将一刻不停地怀有我的梦想[00:32.89]My head up in the clouds when nobody"s around to see... 即使没有人加油驻足,我也会昂起我的头[00:39.54][00:40.24]This is my moment, my moment 这是属于我的一刻,我的一刻[00:43.91]It"s my time, flying high, lime light 这是我的时刻,在高空飞翔,成为万众瞩目的焦点[00:48.04]Feels like my moment, my moment 感觉我的时刻,我的这一刻[00:51.76]I"ve waited for so long 我等待了太长时间[00:54.38]But now everybody knows this is my moment, my moment 但是每个人都知道,这是我的时刻,这是我的一刻[00:59.36][01:00.53]It"s my time, flying high, lime light 这是我的时刻,在高空飞翔,成为万众瞩目的焦点[01:04.23]Feels like my moment, my moment 感觉我的时刻,我的这一刻[01:07.84]I"ve waited for so long 我等待了太长时间[01:10.66]But now everybody knows this is my moment,但是每个人都知道,这是我的时刻,这是我的一刻[01:14.55][01:22.07]You knew it all along, I was afraid of you 你一直都知道,我有些害怕你[01:26.89]I thought I couldn"t be myself 我想这不是我自己[01:29.69]You tried to be my friend 你想做我的朋友[01:32.54]But I wouldn"t let you 但是我不会同意[01:34.79]Remember what you said 你记得你说过什么[01:37.95]Don"t miss out on your chance 不要错失你的机会[01:40.76]Your life is in your hands 你的生命在你自己手中掌握[01:42.70]So take it just as far as you can 那么尽你全力达到更远的地方[01:46.30]But trusting in youself, forget everyone else 要一直相信自己,忘记其他所有人[01:51.24][01:51.74]Believe... 相信```(以下是重复)[01:53.48]This is my moment, my moment [01:56.98]It"s my time, flying high, lime light [02:01.18]Feels like my moment, my moment [02:04.68]I"ve waited for so long [02:07.47]But now everybody knows this is my moment, my moment [02:12.87][02:14.13]It"s my time, flying high, lime light [02:17.36]Feels like my moment, my moment [02:21.18]I"ve waited for so long [02:23.56]But now everybody knows (重复至此)[02:26.13]Haters, said I"ll see you later 对我怀恨于心的人们,我要和你们说再见了[02:29.58]Can"t talk to you right now 我现在不愿和你们讲话[02:31.58]I"m getting my paper 我有自己的任务[02:33.42]Said I"m doing big things 我有重要的事情去做[02:35.64]Things you never dreamed of 那些你们想也想不到的大事[02:37.75]I hope you are happy cause I"m "bout to blow up 我希望你们会感到高兴,因为我将会一飞冲天[02:41.96](以下又重复)[02:43.92]This is my moment, my moment [02:48.15]It"s my time, flying high, lime light [02:52.12]Feels like my moment, my moment [02:55.97]I"ve waited for so long [02:58.43]But now everybody knows this is my moment, my moment [03:03.55][03:05.40]It"s my time, flying high, lime light [03:08.16]Feels like my moment, my moment [03:11.96]I"ve waited for so long [03:14.64]But now everybody knows this is my moment[03:20.09](至此结束)我帮忙凑了个数 翻译的不到位的地方见谅啊~~嘿嘿

求every moment of my life 歌词的中文意思


求英语作文:at that moment,I smiled


Not For A Moment (After All) 歌词

歌曲名:Not For A Moment (After All)歌手:Meredith Andrews专辑:Worth It AllNot For a Moment (After All)You were reaching through the stormWalking on the waterEven when I could not seeIn the middle of it allWhen I thought You were a thousand miles awayNot for a moment did You forsake meNot for a moment did You forsake meAfter all You are constantAfter all You are only goodAfter all You are sovereignNot for a moment will You forsake meYou were singing in the darkWhispering Your promiseEven when I could not hearI was held in Your armsCarried for a thousand miles to showNot for a moment did You forsake meAfter all You are constantAfter all You are only goodAfter all You are sovereignNot for a moment will You forsake meNot for a moment will You forsake meYou were singing in the darkAnd every step every breath you are thereEvery tear every cry every prayerIn my hurt at my worstWhen my world falls downNot for a moment will You forsake meEven in the darkEven when it"s hardYou will never leave meAfter allAfter all You are constantAfter all You are only goodAfter all You are sovereignNot for a moment will You forsake meNot for a moment will You forsake meNot for a moment will You forsake me

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加一层判断 ,如果是空 不进行强转formValues.effectiveStartDate==null?null:moment(formValues.effectiveStartDate, dateFormat),

This moment you nap, you will have a dream如何翻译?还有类似励志英语名言么?

即便是片刻的打盹,也会馈赠你一个甜蜜的梦想。I believe in the Golden Rule, I believe in practising it. __ Loretta YoungIntelligence and courtesy not always are combined ; often in a wooden house a golden room we find- Henry LongfellowEducation is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom.___ George Carver

at the moment与at one moment的意思与区别

at the moment重点在时间(现在),at one moment重点在时间很短。用哪一个主要要看你的文章是着重表现哪一部分。

at one moment 的含义


at the moment 能用于现在进行式和过去式吗 那at that time 和at present能吗?

at the moment 能用于现在进行式和过去式吗 那at that time 和at present能吗?【答】at the moment 能用于现在进行式时和过去时。 at that time (在那时)应该和过去时连用。 at present 的意思时“现在”、“目前”,通常与现在时连用。

At present 与now 与right now 与 at the moment 有什么区别?或是说搭配在句子的位置有什么区别?

at present 目前/现在,可以指当前的某个时间,不必指此时此刻一个固定的时间点now 现在,就是指此时此刻right now立刻 马上at the moment当时 可以用于过去或将来的某个动作发生的时间。

at present 与at the moment是否用法相同

at present=at this time; at this moment. 现在,目前,如:she"s busy at present and can"t speak to you.她现在很忙,不能和你谈话。 相当于一段的时间范围,强调的是有一定时间段持续。at the moment 是指此刻,又指极短的一段时间。相当于一点点时间范围,强调的那短暂的一刻。

In The Moment 歌词

歌曲名:In The Moment歌手:Charlie Haden专辑:The Montreal Tapes Box Set"In The Moment"Frankie JThe OneFrankie J!Oooh yeah...Baby I gotta say what"s on my mindGirl I think that it"s about timeI gotta let you knowThat I want a lil moreCuz this is killing meIt"s burning insideNo more holding backBaby you set my soul on fireGotta face the factThat I ain"t never this way beforeWe started off as friends and everything was cool...oooBut things started getting a lil serious between me and youLate night phone callsTalking til like 3 in the mornWe found ourselves caught upIn the momentDays we spent togetherAnd the nights we used to kick it at the clubJust like one of usYou always seemed to fit inYou always played your positionAnd I think that you could be the oneNo more holding backBaby you set my soul on fireGotta face the factThat I ain"t never this way beforeWe started off as friends and everything was cool...oooBut things started getting a lil serious between me and youLate night phone callsTalking til like 3 in the mornWe found ourselves caught upIn the momentI"m so...caught up...yeahYeah...yeah...yeahI"m so caught up...I"m so caught upDays we spent togetherAnd the nights we used to kick it at the clubJust like one of usYou always seemed to fit inYou always played your positionAnd I think that you could be the oneWe started off as friends and everything was cool...oooBut things started getting a lil serious between me and youLate night phone callsTalking til like 3 in the mornWe found ourselves caught upIn the momentFrankie J - "In The Moment"

at the moment多用于什么时态?

at the moment用现在进行时,表示此时如果要用到过去进行时的话,有几种情况:指明了过去的某个具体时间at thenat that moment(应该没有完整)

at the moment 与 at this moment 有什么区别

at the moment 的意思是“现在”“此刻”,常与一般现在时或现在完成时连用.例如:I have got enough to do at the moment.但是,at the moment 有时也作“当时”讲,用于过去时态.例如:I didn"t buy that book,because I had no money on me at the this (that) moment 的意思是“此时”、“当时”、“那时”,可与现在时、过去时连用.例如:Parents may feel sad at this moment.for a moment 是指“片刻”、“一会儿”,表示持续的时间.例如:For a moment she just stood there,unable to believe what had just a moment 的意思是“很快”、“立即”、“马上”.例如:I"ll be ready in a moment.a moment ago,刚才,表示刚才发生的事情.I saw Jim a a moment ago.

in a moment和at the moment的区别

in a moment和at the moment的区别:1、in a moment 是马上,跟英文口语in a minute一样意思,表示的是将来; 2、at the moment 是指当时,通常是指过去 。句子也用过去式。

at the moment用什么形态

at the moment用什么形态取决于翻译为什么意思。at the moment可以翻译为此时或者那时。1、如果翻译为此时,那么现在时和现在进行时都可以,甚至现在完成时也能用。2、如果翻译为那时,那么大多用过去时或者过去进行时。atthemoment造句:1、The system,for all it sfaults,is the best available at the moment.这个系统虽然缺点不少,却是现有最好的一个。2、We are working under extreme pressure at the moment.目前我们正在极大的压力下工作。

at a moment 与at the moment

at the moment 是现在at a moment 是特指某一时间

the moment前面一般加什么介词啊!!

at the momentfor a moment

at this moment和in this moment 有什么区别?该怎么用?谢谢。

at the moment 的意思是“现在”“此刻”,常与一般现在时或现在完成时连用。例如: I have got enough to do at the moment. 但是,at the moment 有时也作“当时”讲,用于过去时态。例如: I didn"t buy that book, because I had no money on me at the moment. at this (that) moment 的意思是“此时”、“当时”、“那时”,可与现在时、过去时连用。例如: Parents may feel sad at this moment. for a moment 是指“片刻”、“一会儿”,表示持续的时间。例如: For a moment she just stood there, unable to believe what had just happened. in a moment 的意思是“很快”、“立即”、“马上”。例如: I"ll be ready in a moment.a moment ago,刚才,表示刚才发生的事情。I saw Jim a a moment ago。

关于at the moment的英语作文60词

When it comes to the moment I smile most happily,I will certainly choose the visit to the home for the aged,because I have learned a lot during the experience.Last week,my classmates and I planned to pay a visit to the old people..We wanted to give some performances to the them.My job was to sing an old song.I practiced very hard every night.Though I faced some difficulty,I managed to come across them at last.The performance turned out to be a great success.At the moment,I smiled proudly,because I could do something to make others happy.I also realized that I should always do something for the people in need.Only if all the people feel happy,can I smile more often in the future.

at the moment 能用于现在进行式和过去式吗 那at that time 和at present能吗?

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