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Mid journey关键词艺术风格关键词gothic/哥特式sci-fi/科幻风格,可以和烟雾、激光配合使用DaVinci style/达芬奇风格Ukiyoe/日本浮世绘风格Traditional Chinese painting/中国国画cyberpunk/赛博朋克concept art/概念艺术,做原画可以选这个Pixelart/像素艺术Ancient Greek art/古希腊艺术coil painting/油画realism/现实主义film noir/黑暗风格watercolour painting/水彩画surreal, hyperrealist c/超现实主义Mid journey关键词艺术风格关键词futuristic/未来主义Disney style/迪士尼风格Picos style/皮克斯风格illustration/插画风格actions hot/动作镜头,可以让主体的动作更动态Japanese manga style/日本漫画风格digital il us tration/数字插画dark fantasy style/黑暗幻想风格,配合金材质一起用,效果很好Popart/波普艺术Romanticism/浪漫主义Renaissance /Art文艺复兴风格Neoclassicism/古典主义academic art/学院派hyper realism/写实主义Mid journey关键词艺术风格关键词Japonism/日式风格Baroque/巴洛克式impressionism/印象派Neo-impressionism/后印象派fauvism/野兽派expressionism/表现主义abstract expressionism/抽象表现主义cubism/立体主义folkart/民间艺术contemporary art/当代艺术anime style/动画风格ww 3 style/ww3风格,很绚丽的动画ink painting/水墨画cartoon/卡通Mid journey关键词艺术风格关键词visionary art/视觉艺术ancient Egypt/古埃及comicbook/漫画书stream punk/蒸汽朋克dark theme/黑暗主题miniature model film/微缩模型电影DC Comics/能生成美漫封面的漫画画面pix iv/纯二次元风格人像manuscript/手稿fantasy/适合科幻场景style of Al Williamson/Bauhaus Style/包豪斯风格Warhol/安迪·沃霍尔风格Lumin sm/光色主义(强调光和气氛的现实熏染)Mid journey关键词艺术风格关键词Academicism/学院主义Miserablism/愁苦主义Synchronism/同步性Constructivism/建构主义Hyperrealistic/超现实主义MagicRealism/魔幻现实主义FantasticRealism/奇幻现实主义ClassicalRealism/批判现实主义ContemporaryRealism/当代写实主义Non-Fiction/非虚构的,纪实的Fiction/科幻的ScienceFiction/科幻(不同文字显示出图片风格不一)Imagined/构想的Imaginative/富有想象力的


MJ关键词画风流派篇Realism —— 现实主义Impressionism —— 印象派Cubism —— 立体派Surrealism —— 超现实主义Abstract Expressionism —— 抽象表现主义Pop Art —— 波普艺术Romanticism —— 浪漫主义Renaissance —— 文艺复兴Minimalism —— 极简主义Pointillism —— 点彩派Fauvism —— 野兽派Art Nouveau —— 新艺术运动Baroque —— 巴洛克Dadaism —— 达达主义Post-Impressionism —— 后印象派Symbolism —— 象征主义Romantic Realism —— 浪漫现实主义Neo-Classicism —— 新古典主义Abstract Art —— 抽象艺术Photorealism —— 照片写实主义Academicism —— 学院派Expressionism —— 表现主义Art Deco —— 装饰艺术Geometric Abstraction —— 几何抽象Neo-Expressionism —— 新表现主义Postmodernism —— 后现代主义Social Realism —— 社会现实主义Constructivism —— 构成主义Suprematism —— 极致主义Fantastic Realism —— 幻想现实主义Contemporary Art —— 当代艺术Precisionism —— 精确主义Naive Art —— 天真艺术Neo-Realism —— 新现实主义Magic Realism —— 魔幻现实主义Conceptual Art —— 概念艺术Street Art —— 街头艺术Digital Art —— 数字艺术Land Art —— 地景艺术Installation Art —— 装置艺术Kinetic Art —— 动态艺术Graffiti Art —— 涂鸦艺术Outsider Art —— 外来者艺术Performance Art —— 表演艺术Sound Art —— 声音艺术Body Art —— 身体艺术Environmental Art —— 环境艺术Video Art —— 视频艺术Collage Art —— 拼贴艺术Interactive Art —— 互动艺术Neo-Pop Art —— 新波普艺术Biomorphism —— 生物形态主义Optical Art —— 光学艺术Hyperrealism —— 超写实主义Post-Modern Classicism —— 后现代古典主义Post-Painterly Abstraction —— 后画家抽象Neo-Figurative Art —— 新具象艺术Neo-Surrealism —— 新超现实主义New Image Painting —— 新形象绘画Digital Impressionism —— 数字印象派


MJ关键词虚空之地篇Abyssal Void —— 深渊虚空Eerie Silence —— 怪异的寂静Cosmic Horrors —— 宇宙恐怖Void Rift —— 虚空裂隙Haunting Shadows —— 令人不安的阴影Otherworldly Entities —— 异世界实体Cursed Wasteland —— 被诅咒的荒地Voidborn Creatures —— 虚空生物Unfathomable Depths —— 难以理解的深渊Twisted Reality —— 扭曲的现实Void Essence —— 虚空精华Echoes of Despair —— 绝望的回声Stellar Anomalies —— 恒星异常Void Infestation —— 虚空侵扰Eternity"s Embrace —— 永恒的拥抱Eldritch Abominations —— 奇异的可怕存在Vortex of Chaos —— 混沌的漩涡Void Enigma —— 虚空之谜Desolate Ruins —— 荒凉的废墟Void Corruption —— 虚空腐化Shattered Realms —— 破碎的领域Eldritch Whispers —— 奇异的低语Abyssal Terrors —— 深渊恐怖Void Portal —— 虚空传送门Cosmic Distortion —— 宇宙扭曲Haunted Existence —— 被困扰的存在Voidborn Monstrosities —— 虚空生物怪物Cursed Relics —— 被诅咒的遗物Unseen Horrors —— 不可见的恐怖Twisted Aberrations —— 扭曲的畸变Void Energy —— 虚空能量Echoing Desolation —— 回荡的荒凉Stellar Phenomena —— 恒星现象Void Mutation —— 虚空突变Eternal Abyss —— 永恒深渊Eldritch Madness —— 奇异的疯狂Vortex of Destruction —— 毁灭的漩涡Enigmatic Void —— 神秘的虚空Despair"s Embrace —— 绝望的拥抱Void-Infused Beings —— 虚空注入的存在Shattered Realities —— 破碎的现实Eldritch Secrets —— 奇异的秘密Abyssal Dread —— 深渊恐惧Void Nexus —— 虚空纽带Cosmic Anarchy —— 宇宙无序Haunting Echoes —— 令人不安的回声Voidborne Horrors —— 虚空诞生的恐怖Cursed Vortex —— 被诅咒的漩涡Unseen Entities —— 不可见的实体Twisted Dimensions —— 扭曲的维度Void Essence Corruption —— 虚空精华腐化Echoes of Sorrow —— 悲伤的回音Stellar Cataclysm —— 恒星灾变Void Devastation —— 虚空毁灭Eternal Desolation —— 永恒的荒凉Eldritch Presence —— 奇异的存在Abyssal Monstrosities —— 深渊怪物Void-Infused Artifacts —— 虚空注入的神器Shattered Realms" Boundaries —— 破碎领域的边界Eldritch Enlightenment —— 奇异的启迪



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MJ关键词汇未来装备篇Augmented Reality Glasses————增强现实眼镜Holographic Displays————全息显示器Neural Implants————神经植入物Exoskeletons————外骨骼Quantum Computers————量子计算机Teleportation Devices————传送装置Nanotechnology————纳米技术Hoverboards————悬浮板Energy Shields————能量护盾Drone Technology————无人机技术Virtual Reality Headsets————虚拟现实头戴式显示器Genetic Engineering————基因工程3D Printing————三维打印Robotics————机器人技术Smart Clothing————智能服装Mind-Controlled Devices————脑控装置Self-Driving Vehicles————自动驾驶车辆Energy Storage Devices————能量储存装置Biometric Identification————生物特征识别Quantum Communication Devices————量子通信装置Space Exploration Equipment————太空探索装备Solar Power Technology————太阳能技术Advanced Prosthetics————先进假肢Personal AI Assistants————个人人工智能助手Advanced Medical Devices————先进医疗设备Flying Cars————飞行汽车Virtual Reality Training Simulators————虚拟现实训练模拟器Biomechanical Enhancements————生物力学增强装置Smart Home Automation Systems————智能家居自动化系统Energy-efficient Appliances————节能家电Space Elevators————太空电梯Self-Healing Materials————自愈材料Quantum Encryption Systems————量子加密系统Advanced Energy Sources————先进能源源Molecular Assemblers————分子装配器Brain-Computer Interfaces————脑机接口Advanced Surveillance Systems————先进监控系统Zero-Gravity Exercise Equipment————零重力运动设备Anti-Gravity Boots————抗重力靴Personalized Medicine Devices————个人化医疗设备Air Pollution Filtering Systems————空气污染过滤系统Advanced Agriculture Technology————先进农业技术Climate Control Devices————气候控制装置Time Manipulation Devices————时间操控装置Advanced Transportation Systems————先进交通系统Renewable Energy Harvesting Devices————可再生能源收集装置Advanced Communication Networks————先进通信网络Fusion Reactors————聚变反应堆Personalized Virtual Reality Worlds————个性化虚拟现实世界Advanced Security Systems————先进安全系统Mind-Uploading Devices————意识上传装置Anti-Aging Technology————抗衰老技术Space Colonization Equipment————太空殖民装备Neuro-Enhancement Devices————神经增强装置Advanced Energy Harvesting Systems————先进能源收集系统Gravity Manipulation Devices————重力操控装置Time Travel Machines————时光旅行机器Personalized Nutrition Devices————个人化营养设备Advanced Defense Systems————先进防御系统Quantum Transportation Devices————量子传输装置


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MJ关键词词汇超级英雄篇Superman —— 超人Batman —— 蝙蝠侠Wonder Woman —— 神奇女侠Spider-Man —— 蜘蛛侠Iron Man —— 钢铁侠Captain America —— 美国队长Hulk —— 绿巨人浩克Thor —— 雷神索尔Black Widow —— 黑寡妇Hawkeye —— 鹰眼Black Panther —— 黑豹Doctor Strange —— 史蒂芬·斯特兰奇(奇异博士)Captain Marvel —— 惊奇队长Ant-Man —— 蚁人Wasp —— 黄蜂女Aquaman —— 水行侠Green Lantern —— 绿灯侠The Flash —— 闪电侠Martian Manhunter —— 火星猎人Supergirl —— 超女Batwoman —— 蝙蝠女侠Nightwing —— 夜翼Green Arrow —— 绿箭侠Daredevil —— 超胆侠Jessica Jones —— 杰西卡·琼斯Luke Cage —— 卢克·凯奇Iron Fist —— 铁拳Punisher —— 惩罚者Wolverine —— 金刚狼Deadpool —— 死侍X-Men —— X战警Ghost Rider —— 幽灵骑士Blade —— 刀锋Superboy —— 超级少年Batgirl —— 蝙蝠女侠Storm —— 风暴Rogue —— 罗格Cyclops —— 眼镜蛇Jean Grey / Phoenix —— 珍·格雷 / 凤凰女Gambit —— 甘比特Nightcrawler —— 夜行者Beast —— 野兽Invisible Woman —— 隐形女人Human Torch —— 火焰人Thing —— 石头人Silver Surfer —— 银色冲浪手Scarlet Witch —— 红巫女Vision —— 幻视Quicksilver —— 闪电侠Star-Lord —— 星爵Gamora —— 卡魔拉Drax the Destroyer —— 歼灭者德拉克斯Rocket Raccoon —— 火箭浣熊Groot —— 格鲁特Shazam —— 沙赞Constantine —— 康斯坦丁Swamp Thing —— 沼泽怪物Zatanna —— 扎坦娜Hellboy —— 地狱男爵The Tick —— 蜘蛛侠




MJ ---------- Marc Jacobs  Marc Jacobs是一位美国设计师。他是时装品牌Marc Jacobs及其副线品牌Marc by Marc Jacobs的首席设计师。Jacobs同时也是现任法国著名奢侈品品牌Louis Vuitton的艺术总监。

MJ的you rock my word 歌词

Amerie harmonizes][LL] 10..[Am] Mm, MMM, mmm, mmmIf you need me baby I"m, FOR, realThe rest of your life, I"ll take you to paradise..If you want it baby just, BE, realThe rest of your life, I"ll take you to paradiseI"m gonna give-a-you all my love, yeahWe went through this beforeActin like the L"s can"t bag "em no moreNightgown draggin on the heated marble floorFlash Cartier when you open up the door - slide these on babySo butter, still relate to the gutterJust your lifestyle"s different, spirit upliftedFell in love with a cat who"s giftedTurn you back to paradise, damn I missed itPop a bottle, light a purple candleI got somethin that you can"t quite handle, that"s why you love mePour bubbly, glow from the flame make your skin shine lovelyI"m sayin babyTouch it why don"tcha (ohh) touch it why don"tcha (ohh)Touch it why don"tcha (ayy) touch it why don"tcha (mmm)Hey girl.. aw, girl!Hey girl, I wanna rock your worldIf you need me baby I"m, FOR, realThe rest of your life, I"ll take you to paradise..(Paradise, is very nice)If you want it baby just, BE, realThe rest of your life, I"ll take you to paradise (uh, uh)I"m gonna give-a-you all my love, yeahNext phase is thisBlack sand, Tahiti, ten days to reminisceGod"s my witness (uh)I paid the price for paradise, so I"m livin thisI never limit myself, the L"s fearlessLay back while I illuminate the darknessLike it smooth don"tchaMake it move won"tcha, think I won"t?Take you to your peak I know them other cats don"tAnd it won"t stop - this is beyond paperFirst I get your mind right, then I might drape yaNever pimpin, raise my girls wellYoung thoroughbreds get schoolled by Uncle L.L.C-double, L tattooed on the bubbleI lay the mink down, let you walk over a puddleTrue love is so rareBut don"t you worry I ain"t goin nowhereIf you need me baby I"m, FOR, realThe rest of your life, I"ll take you to paradise..(Paradise, is very nice)If you want it baby just, BE, realThe rest of your life, I"ll take you to paradise (uh, uh)I"m gonna give-a-you all my love, yeahTrust me, trust me, trust - me, babyRest of your life I"ll take you to paradiseI"ll take you to paradise, oooohhSo won"t you try me, try me - try, this, ladyRest of your life I"ll take you to paradiseI"m gonna give-a-you all my love, yeahBelly to belly, one hand on the jellyAt the telly on the celly - get that money EllePlease believe it, if the mind can conceive itthen the man can achieve it; you gotta breathe itAnd I breathe deep, I"m one with the universeMinimum, ten percent go to God firstLay back baby, close your eyesIce on the pinky finger froze your thighsSo much shade baby, the waterbed friesWalk around nude in the suite yellin, "Recognize!"Do your dance, baby pour me a classIt feels so good to have the world in a smashTouch it why don"tcha (ohh) touch it why don"tcha (ohh)Touch it why don"tcha (ayy) touch it why don"tcha (mmm)Hey girl.. aw, girl!Hey girl, I wanna rock your worldIf you need me baby I"m, FOR, realThe rest of your life, I"ll take you to paradise..(Paradise, is very nice)If you want it baby just, BE, realThe rest of your life, I"ll take you to paradise (uh, uh)I"m gonna give-a-you all my love, yeah[Amerie ad libs]Yea yea, gotta keep your eyes on the prize babySky"s the limitIf you can see it, you can be itHa ha, it"s on you, word upEverybody put your hands in the airIt"s high time babyOne love, one God, recognize, uhh(If you need me), just call meSaid if you want me, just be for reallllAnd if you like me, come and talk to meAnd if you want me, tell me how you feeelllIf you need me baby I"m, FOR, realThe rest of your life, I"ll take you to paradise..(Paradise, is very nice)

MJ有首歌 歌词有句是someone tell me why 来着吧。。那个歌叫什么名来着

You Are Not Alone 你并不孤单 Another day has gone 又一日过往 I"m still all alone 我依然孤单 How could this be 怎会如此? You"re not here with me 你不在我的身边 You never said goodbye 你从不说再见 Someone tell me why 谁能告诉我为什么 Did you have to go 你真得走吗? And leave my world so cold 我的世界一片凄凉 Everyday I sit and ask myself 每天坐下来问自己 How did love slip away 爱情怎会远离 Something whispers in my ear and says 冥冥之中有人贴耳低语: That you are not alone 你并不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though you"re far away 不管你多远 I am here to stay 我守候在天边 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though we"re far apart 不管天涯海角 You"re always in my heart 你在我心间 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 "Lone, "lone 孤单啊孤单 Why, "lone 为什么 孤单 Just the other night 几天前的晚上 I thought I heard your cry 我想我听到了你哭泣 Asking me to come 呼唤我的到来 And hold you in my arms 紧拥你在怀间 I can hear your prayers 我听到了你的祈愿 Your burdens I will bear 我愿肩承你的负担 But first I need your hand 但首先我需要你的手 Then forever can begin那么永恒可以开始了 Everyday I sit and ask myself 每天坐下来问自己 How did love slip away 爱情怎会远离 Something whispers in my ear and says 冥冥之中有人贴耳低语: That you are not alone 你并不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though you"re far away 不管你多远 I am here to stay 我守候在天边 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though we"re far apart 不管天涯海角 You"re always in my heart 你在我心间 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 Whisper three words 悄悄说出那三个字(我爱你) and I"ll come runnin" 我将飞奔而来 AND I和我 And girl you know that I"ll be there 和女孩啊,你知道我会在这里 I"ll be there 常在你身边 That you are not alone 你不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though you"re far away 不管你多远 I am here to stay 我守候在天边 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though we"re far apart 不管天涯海角 You"re always in my heart 你在我心间 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 That you are not alone 你不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though you"re far away 不管你多远 I am here to stay 我守候在天边 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though we"re far apart 不管天涯海角 You"re always in my heart 你在我心间 But you are not alone 你不会孤单


MJ关键词词汇达达主义篇Absurdity — 荒诞Anti-Art — 反艺术Collage — 拼贴Ready-Made — 现成品Non-Sense — 无意义Provocation — 挑衅Irrationality — 不合理性Satire — 讽刺Subversion — 颠覆Found Objects — 找到的物体Chance — 偶然性Absence of Meaning — 缺乏意义Performance Art — 表演艺术Deconstruction — 解构Irony — 讽刺Disruption — 干扰Assemblage — 装置艺术Conceptual Art — 概念艺术Surrealism — 超现实主义Readymades — 现成品Non-Traditional Materials — 非传统材料Absurd Humor — 荒诞幽默Playfulness — 打趣Unconventional Techniques — 非传统技术Paradox — 悖论Iconoclasm — 图像破坏主义Absurd Narratives — 荒诞叙事Automatism — 自动写作Displacement — 替代Absurd Combinations — 荒诞组合Parody — 恶搞Fragmentation — 碎片化Nonsense Poetry — 胡言乱语诗Subversive Actions — 颠覆行动Chance Operations — 偶然操作Absurd Theatre — 荒诞剧场Shock Value — 冲击力Decontextualization — 解构背景Found Poetry — 找到的诗歌Absurd Landscapes — 荒诞风景Non-Sequitur — 不合逻辑Paradoxical Imagery — 悖论意象Pop Art Influence — 波普艺术影响Absurd Portraits — 荒诞肖像Deconstructed Reality — 解构现实Absurd Characters — 荒诞角色Subversive Messages — 颠覆性信息Found Footage — 找到的片段Absurd Situations — 荒诞情境Non-Traditional Narratives — 非传统叙事Paradoxical Concepts — 悖论概念Collage Techniques — 拼贴技巧Absurd Objects — 荒诞物体Deconstructed Forms — 解构形式Absurd Architecture — 荒诞建筑Subversive Symbols — 颠覆性符号Absurd Abstractions — 荒诞抽象Dada Manifestos — 达达宣言Absurd Still Life — 荒诞静物Deconstructed Identities — 解构身份








美国流行音乐之王迈克尔·杰克逊肯定是被人故意谋杀的!迈克尔·杰克逊的死绝对不可能是误杀或者是私人医生个人的谋杀而已!在这背后有着巨大的阴谋,医生只不过是一粒棋子,一个替罪羔羊,后面有更大的幕后黑手操纵故意谋杀了杰克逊!原因很简单,政治上的利益和金钱上的利益,还有种族歧视!其实从93年的那次娈童案之后 杰克逊的背后就有一个强大的黑势力迫害他 这次的英国演唱会只是个幌子,主办方事先就花1500万录制Michael的彩排录像 大家仔细动动脑子这样的做法符合常理吗?商人 投资总的有利可图,有目的,如果演唱会会如期,没有问题的举办50场的话,那演出公司完全可以在现场拍Michael的演唱会录像,然后在全球发行,他们有必要花几乎演唱会门票收入六分之一的钱去录彩排吗?这说明了什么????除非有人觉得Michael的50场可能他的体力,精 力坚持不下去的,除非有人已经知道Michael的演唱会开不成了,早点录好录像,除非有人知道Michael将不久于人世。。。 世界金融危机 美国最为严重,迈克尔杰克逊被一些幕后集团迫害,这很现实,不要以为他真的是心脏病发而死的,没这么简单,彩排的时候好好的,第二天就走了 ,想想猫王,李小龙,不都是迷吗? 其实Machael 光拥有那一堆版权,猫王。披头士 所有的歌曲版权 就被一堆人恨死了 更何况 他还拥有sony公司 所有歌曲50%版权 美国种族歧视根深蒂固 ,美国是以白人为主的国家,黑人是受种族歧视最深的一个群体,天王巨星杰克逊是黑人,却不是白人!那些美国种族歧视狂是绝对不会忍许一个黑人杰克逊拥有这一切的,更不愿意看到黑人超过白人,并成为流行音乐之王的,他们对杰克逊是绝对不会善罢甘休的。。。。。。 这本来就是策划的天衣无缝的计划。谋杀杰克逊的计划!谋杀杰克逊幕后黑手最大嫌疑犯肯定是AEG(迈迈的唱片公司)和SONY公司!很多人认为Aeg公司害死迈迈的可能性最大,如果演唱会办成,门票收入的大部分要归迈克,Aeg只有一少部分利润,如果演唱会开不成,Aeg不用支付给迈迈任何薪酬,同时歌迷不会退票,Aeg便可不费吹灰之力将几千万的门票收入揽入囊中,再有迈迈生前的最后彩排录影更是价值连城.Aeg市值才一亿美元,这对它来说可是笔大数字,它有足够理由这样做!事实上我在怀疑这从头至尾就是个圈套,也许他们压根就没有让迈克开演出会的意思,只是设计了这个全套一步步的为迈克投保,收巨额门票,拍摄彩排录影,一切准备就绪,在演唱会前夕害死迈克,为自己带来巨额利润 另外迈克死后我没有从Aeg公司看出任何的惊慌失措,一切都是井井有条,所以杀害迈迈的凶手就是Aeg配备给迈迈的私人医生穆雷无疑,而幕后推手就是,迈克伦敦演唱会主办方Aeg公司! Aeg现在拿着迈克的最后彩排录影拍卖,底价五千万美元,但最后成交价肯定会远高于这个价,对一个市值仅一亿美元的公司这意味着什么??? 有些人说Aeg这样做是杀鸡取卵,但是别忘了,迈迈说这是他的谢幕演出,而Aeg是演出制作公司,它以后还能赚上迈克的钱吗?待最后杀鸡狠狠赚上一笔,现在不杀更待何时?? 有一本书是,迈克尔杰克逊生命只剩六个月,是去年十二月出的,那时距演唱会还有六个多月,这个作者显然知道有些人(Aeg)根本不可能让迈克上台,迈克会死在演唱会前夕!?这个阴谋其实早在上次MJ和歌迷一起反抗Sony就开始了.Sony出面害MJ那太明显了,多年布置,Aeg加盟,他们成功了.Aeg清空MJ身边所有人,逼着MJ开50场演唱会,放个杀手医生在身边.到时候死了就是医生的责任.MJ死后家里人还没到医院,他们就把MJ用飞机运去尸检?我记得这个是要家里人签了死亡书才能去做尸检.MJ家里的监视带子被剪载还有空白.咦!怎么SONY这个时候很安静嘛,记得SONY最后一次是很义气的在MJ向银行贷款做担保.之后来了个Aeg帮MJ保住NeverLand.这两只狼分先后把MJ推向黑暗!Aeg出面让MJ开个唱没有人怀疑,更怀疑不到Sony.MJ只有前进,没有后路了.(只是我觉得奇怪的是MJ不是和Sony的版权2010年就到期了,MJ还差Sony四张专辑没有发行,MJ现在要开50场个演就要到明年了,SONY不为自己想吗)MJ死后谁的获利最大?肯定是Sony!Aeg自然有他的采排版权保险(MJ开个演前彩排总共也才去了3次,他们居然能拍出80多个小时!还专门投资1500万来拍彩排!)MJ上了这个车就下不去了.等着吧!这个采排版权,不管是多少钱,都会被Sony买走,他们本是一家人! 阴谋动机!Sony早就对MJ名下所有版权虎视耽耽了,再加上Sony还存在严重的种族歧视,MJ每年收入除了版权费还有自己专辑的销量钱比Sony拿的还多!合同2010年到期,现在死最好!今后一年里疯狂的用MJ赚大钱! 一些聪明人都知道 SONY欠MJ很多钱,而且是一大笔巨款,而且他还想要MJ的价值连城的版权,如果MJ复出开演唱会成功,就解决了流动资金周转不灵的问题,完全打坏了他们拖垮MJ让他出卖版权的阴谋,更何况迈在官司期间无法进行活动没法赚钱(而不是赚不到钱),还需要支付美国那昂贵的官司费用,所以才会负债,也没办法再有精力(再打官司更加大欠债了,而且他也可能没法再贷款或者借债了)对付SONY让他付出应给予的销量版税的收入,所以最害怕MJ复出的肯定是SONY公司,如果MJ复出赚取大额收入的话,SONY要等他出售版权那要等到头发斑白,天荒地老,他要下手,最有理由不过了。 Aeg在经过去年的金融危机后,身体肯定还虚着呢.和Sony合作正好可以大大赚一笔! 医生会睡着或不在,可能吗,他会不知道事情的严重性?这肯定是阴谋,看着美国的警察真的好失望,过了一个月才开始搜查医生,验尸报告一推再推,现在想好了要推出个替罪羊了,媒体更配合,还把医生让12岁大儿子亲眼目度抢救过程发出来,转移人们视线所有目光都集中在医生身上,而真正的阴谋者却还在利用MJ大赚特赚,Aeg说过:“MJ生是我们的合伙人,死也是我们的合伙人。”TMZ参考:Aeg要参与MJ遗嘱听证会,他们凭什么要听,与他们什么关系?目的是什么? 为什么在2010前MJ会死去?为什么在彩排完死去?请相信吧,这绝对是个巨大的阴谋,越来越心寒了,真相要石沉大海了。。。。


MJ是迈克尔杰克逊吧,look是看,所以意思是 看!杰克逊!




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求MJ《Keep Your Head Up》这首歌的谐音歌词!

  There"s a place in your heart ( 在你心中有一片净土,)  And I know that it is love (我知道那里充满了爱。)  And this place could be (这个地方会比明天更灿烂。)  Much brighter than tomorrow  And if you really try (如果你真的努力过,)  You"ll find there"s no need to cry (你会发觉不必哭泣。)  In this place you"ll feel (在这个地方, )  There"s no hurt or sorrow (你感觉不到伤痛或烦忧。)  There are ways to get there ( 到那个地方的方法很多,)  If you care enough for the living (如果你真心关怀生者,)  Make a little space ( 营造一些空间。 )  Make a better place... (创造一个更美好的地方...)  Heal the world ( 拯救这世界,)  Make it a better place ( 让它变得更好,)  For you and for me and the entire human race (为你、为我,为了全人类。)  There are people dying (不断有人死去,)  If you care enough for the living (如果你真心关怀生者,)  Make a better place for you and for me (为你,为我,创造一个更美好的世界。)  If you want to know why ( 如果你想知道缘由,)  There"s a love that cannot lie ( 因为爱不会说谎。)  Love is strong (爱是坚强的, )  It only cares of joyful giving (爱就是心甘情愿的奉献。)  If we try (若我们用心去尝试,)  We shall see (我们就会明白,)  In this bliss (只要心里有爱,)  We cannot feel fear or dread (我们就感受不到恐惧与忧虑。)  We stop existing ( 我们不再只是活着, )  And start living (而是真正开始生活。)  Then it feels that always (那爱的感觉将持续下去。 )  Love"s enough for us growing (爱让我们不断成长,)  So make a better world (去创造一个更美好的世界,)  Make a better world... (去创造一个更美好的世界... )  Heal the world (拯救这世界, )  Make it a better place (让它变得更好, )  For you and for me and the entire human race ( 为你、为我,为了全人类。)  There are people dying (不断有人死去, )  If you care enough for the living (如果你真心关怀生者, )  Make a better place for you and for me (为你,为我,创造一个更美好的世界。)  And the dream we were conceived in (我们心中的梦想, )  Will reveal a joyful face (让我们露出笑脸。 )  And the world we once believed in (我们曾经信赖的世界,)  Will shine again in grace (会再次闪烁祥和的光芒。 )  Then why do we keep strangling life ( 那么我们为何仍在扼杀生命,)  Wound this earth (伤害地球, )  Crucify its soul (扼杀它的灵魂? )  Though it"s plain to see (虽然这很容易明白, )  This world is heavenly be God"s glow ( 这世界天生就是上帝的荣光。)  We could fly so high (我们可以在高空飞翔 )  Let our spirits never die (让我们的精神不灭 )  In my heart I feel you are all my brothers (在我心中,你我都是兄弟 )  Create a world with no fear (共同创造一个没有恐惧的世界 )  Together we"ll cry happy tears (我们一起流下喜悦的泪水 )  See the nations turn their swords into plowshares (看到许多国家铸剑为犁)  we could really get there(我们需要去那里)  If you care enough for the living (如果你真心关怀生者,)  Make a little space ( 营造一些空间。 )  To make a better place... (创造一个更美好的地方...)  Heal the world (拯救这世界, )  Make it a better place (让它变得更好, )  For you and for me and the entire human race (为你、为我,为了全人类。 )  There are people dying (不断有人死去, )  If you care enough for the living (如果你真心关怀生者, )  Make a better place for you and for me (为你,为我,创造一个更美好的世界。)  ... ...  You and for me (为你为我 )  You and for me (为你为我 )  You and for me (为你为我)  Heal the world we are live in(拯救我们生活的这个世界)  Save it for our children(为了我们的孩子而拯救它)


I"m just me.我就是我。


MJ关键词符文之地篇Runeterra————符文之地League of Legends World————英雄联盟世界Summoner"s Rift————召唤师峡谷Demacia————德玛西亚Noxus————诺克萨斯Piltover————皮尔特沃夫Zaun————祖安Ionia————艾欧尼亚Freljord————弗雷尔卓德Shurima————沙漠皇帝Targon————塔尔贡山Bilgewater————水下城市Shadow Isles————暗影岛Void————虚空Bandle City————班德尔城Mount Targon————塔尔贡山脉The Great Barrier————巨大屏障The Howling Abyss————咆哮深渊The Twisted Treeline————扭曲丛林The Crystal Scar————水晶之痕The Institute of War————战争学院The League of Legends————英雄联盟The Rune Wars————符文战争The Harrowing————恐怖节The Void Invasion————虚空入侵The Ionian Rebellion————艾欧尼亚起义The Freljord Civil War————弗雷尔卓德内战The Battle of the Howling Abyss————咆哮深渊之战The Demacian-Noxian Conflict————德玛西亚-诺克萨斯冲突The Rise of Shurima————沙漠皇帝的崛起The Fall of Icathia————伊卡西亚的陨落The Black Mist————黑雾The Ruined King————毁灭之王The Ascended————升华者The Voidborn————虚空生物The Shadow Isles Curse————暗影岛诅咒The Piltover-Zaun Conflict————皮尔特沃夫-祖安冲突The Battle for Bilgewater————水下城市的争夺战The Battle of Freljord————弗雷尔卓德之战The Battle of Targon————塔尔贡山之战The League of Legends Champions————英雄联盟英雄The Summoners————召唤师The Runes————符文The Nexus————水晶The Ancient Watchers————古老守卫者The Voodoo Lands————巫毒之地The Glacial Prison————冰封监狱The Golden Road————黄金之路The Crystal Scar Dominion————水晶之痕霸权模式The Void Gate————虚空之门The Piltover Customs————皮尔特沃夫海关The Iron Solari————铁铠军团The Shadow Order————暗影秘密组织The Arcane University————奥术大学The Freljord Watchers————弗雷尔卓德守卫者The Battlecast Army————战争机器人军团The Glorious Evolution————辉煌进化The Hextech Revolution————魔晶革命The Pirate Gangplank————海盗船长The Ionian Spirit Blossom Festival————艾欧尼亚灵魂花朵节

译|比赛- MJ《You Are My Life》歌词

我从MJ的歌中挑选了这首《You Are My Life》重新翻译了分享给大家 希望更多的人知道他听听他的心 这首歌就像他的人一样温暖 如果爱上了就倾尽所有 一腔热血满腹柔情 都予你《You Are My Life》- Michael Jackson Once all alone 曾经,我如此孤独 I was lost in a world of strangers 迷失在陌生的世界 No one to trust 无人可信 On my own, I was lonely 遗世独立 You suddenly appeared 你突然出现 It was cloudy before but now it"s all clear 一扫阴霾 You took away the fear 赶走恐惧 And you brought me back to the light 你让我找回光明 You are the sun 你是太阳 You make me shine 让我灿烂 Or more like the stars 更像星星 That twinkle at night 闪耀夜空 You are the moon 你是月亮 That glows in my heart 照我心房 You"re my daytime my night time 你是我的日夜 My world 我的世界 You are my life 你是我的生命Now I wake up everyday 现在的我 With this smile upon my face 每天微笑醒来 No more tears, no more pain 不再有泪水,不再有痛苦 Cause you love me 因为你爱着我 You help me understand 你让我明白 That love is the answer to all that I am 爱成就了现在的我 And I, I"m a better man 我变得更好 Since you taught me by sharing your life 因你让我进入你的生命 You are the sun 你是太阳 You make me shine 让我灿烂 Or more like the stars 更像星星 That twinkle at night 闪耀夜空 You are the moon 你是月亮 That glows in my heart 照我心房 You"re my daytime my night time 你是我的日夜 My world 我的世界 You are my life 你是我的生命You gave me strength 你给我力量 When I wasn"t strong 在我不够坚强 You gave me hope when all hope was lost 你给我希望,当希望渺茫 You opened my eyes when I couldn"t see 你让我睁开双眼,在我目不能视 Love was always here waiting for me 深情可待You are the sun 你是太阳 You make me shine 让我灿烂 Or more like the stars 更像星星 That twinkle at night 闪耀夜空 You are the moon 你是月亮 That glows in my heart 照我心房 You"re my daytime my night time 你是我的日夜 My world 我的世界 You are my life 你是我的生命


以下是已知的喜爱迈克尔杰克逊的歌手与明星:  中国:谢天华,宗振国,邓丽君,刘德华,张学友,郭富城,林志颖,周杰伦,古天乐,郑少秋,潘玮柏,辛晓琪,谭咏麟,杜德伟,F4,李玟,温兆伦,陈羽凡,薛之谦,钟丽缇,方大同,钟汉良,郑源,海鸣威,龚格尔,尚雯婕,李宇春,张杰,欧弟,罗志祥,张卫健,潘美辰,陈慧琳,金海心,萨顶顶,艾梦萌,侧田,棒棒堂,吴尊,卓文萱,马艳丽,张靓颖,朱桦,苏醒,阿朵,秦岚,成龙,孙楠,张惠妹,黄安。  新加坡:林俊杰  马来西亚:曹格  日韩:东方神起(特别是队长郑允浩,曾经说MJ是他的启蒙老师),李贞贤,BoA(宝儿),金大中,张佑赫,文熙俊,rain(郑智薰),仓木麻衣,李泰民(SHINee),se7en,文根英,朴敏智,松本润,太阳(BigBang).  欧美:戴安娜王妃,里根,克林顿,老布什,麦迪,艾弗森,席琳·迪翁(Celine Dion),布兰妮·斯皮尔斯(Britney Spears),伊丽莎白·泰勒(Elizabeth Taylor),马克·菲海利,奇恩·伊根,尚恩·菲南(三位西城男孩成员),后街男孩,贾斯汀·布莱克(Justin Timberlake),莎拉·寇娜(Sarah Connor),阿肯(AKON),ne-yo,黑眼豆豆(the Black Eyed Peas),碧昂丝·诺斯(Beyonce Knowles),安吉丽娜·茱莉(Angelina Jolie),维塔斯(Vitas),贝克汉姆,维多利亚,林赛·罗韩(Lindsay Lohan),迈克尔·乔丹,科比·布莱恩特,麦当娜,施瓦辛格、MLTR,玛丽莲-曼森,罗纳尔迪尼奥,克里斯蒂亚罗.罗纳尔多,埃尔顿约翰。

MJ12的《Let Me In》 歌词

歌曲名:Let Me In歌手:MJ12专辑:Pop Songs Vol.1Hot Hot Heat -- Let me inWoke up in smoke and flamesEye to eye with a strangerFive thousand photographsSolemn burnt up in angerAm I asleep still?Tell me, I could have beenDon"t let it tear us apart again limb from limbPlease let me inBut I don"t want to look at you this wayI"m staring through your windowI don"t want to think of you this wayI"m begging, baby, let me inBaby, just let me inI"m begging at your door just let me inJust let me inI drank the wine of youthEnded up in a comaYour wicked silver tongueNo wonder nobody told youThat I"m awake nowFirst time I"ve ever been able to see what I should have seenWay back when you let me inBut I don"t want to look at you this wayI"m staring through your windowI don"t want to think of you this wayI"m begging, baby, let me inBaby just let me inI"m begging at your door just let me inJust let me inThis willful waitingJust won"t end up savingI guess this is farewellUnless somehow, you let me inHeySee, I"m awake nowFirst time I"ve ever been able to see what I should have seenWay back when you let me inBut I don"t want to look at you this wayI"m staring through your windowI don"t want to think of you this wayI"m screaming baby let me inBaby just let me ini"m screaming at your door just let me injust let me inThis willful waitingJust won"t end up savingI guess this is farewellUnless somehow, you let me inhttp://music.baidu.com/song/15136155

求问http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjQwOTM5MjA4.html这个视频1分30秒响起的音乐出处 跪谢

墨香 九歌http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/sXr89hSVqPQ/


湘 M J Q 783这个车牌号个人认为还是相对不错,数字7和8寓意相对比较好,而且车子号牌怎么样关键还是个人心理作用。



求MJ最新的《Hold My Hand》和《Keep Your Head Up》这两首歌的谐音歌词!

<<HOLD MY HAND>>this life don"t last forever (hold my hand)so tell me what we"re waitin for (hold my hand)better off being together (hold my hand)than being miserable alone (hold my hand)cause i"ve been there beforeand you"ve been there beforebut together we can be alright.cause when it gets dark and when it gets coldwe can just hold each other till we see the sunlightso if you just hold my handbaby i promise that i"ll do all i canthings will get better if you just hold my handnothing can come between us if you just hold,hold my, hold my, hold my hand.the nights are getting darker (hold my hand)and there"s no peace inside (hold my hand)so why make our lives harder (hold my hand)by fighting love, tonight.cause i"ve been there beforeand you"ve been there beforebut together we can be alright.cause when it gets dark and when it gets coldwe can just hold each other till we see the sunlightso if you just hold my handbaby i promise that i"ll do all i canthings will get better if you just hold my handnothing can come between us if you just hold my handi can tell that your tired of being lonley take my hand dont let go baby hold me talk to me an let me be your one and only cuz i can make it alright till the morningi can tell that your tired of bein lonley take my hand dont let go baby hold me talk to me an let me be your one and only cuz i can make it alright till the mornin hold my hand,baby i promise that i"ll do all i can things"ll get better if you just hold my hand nothin can come between us if you just hold my hand hold my hand,baby i promise that ill do all i can things"ll get better if you just hold my hand nothin can come between us if you just hold my hand 《Keep Your Head Up》She"s lookin" for a job and a finer place to stay, 她一直在寻找着一份工作和一个好一点的住处She"s lookin" for the hope in the empty promises, 她一直在各种空洞的承诺里寻找希望She"s workin" two jobs, 她做着双份工作Keepin" alive, 只是为了能够活下去She works in a restaurant night and day, 她日夜在餐厅打工She waits her life away, 她无奈地听凭着生命流逝She wipes the tears away, 只能擦去泪水[Hook]She cries inside every time she feels this way, 每次她有这种感觉时,心里总是在默默哭泣 And she"s dying inside every time her baby cries, (No~) 每当听到她的孩子哭时,她如此痛不欲生[Chorus]Keepin" your head up to the sky, 抬起你的头,看向天空Keepin" your mind just stay alive, 坚持住你的信念,为了活下去Keepin" your wings so we can fly, 展开你的翅膀,让我们能飞起来(Keep your head up tonight) (今夜,高昂你的头)Keepin" your head up to the sky, 抬起你的头,看向天空And we can just rise up tell me now, 现在告诉我,我们能够站起来Gimme your wings so we can fly, 伸出你的手,让我们能飞起来[2nd Verse]Giving up the life of the birds in the trees, 让栖息在树上的鸟儿不受约束的自由翱翔And we"re sucking up the air in the Earth from underneath, 让居住在地球上的我们自由地呼吸着空气 (It"s never too late) I can"t even breathe, (这永远不会太晚)我已经不能呼吸了(To see) I can"t even see, (看吧)我甚至已经看不下去(Oh keep) Keep your head up don"t give up today, (哦,坚持住)抬起你的头来,不要放弃今天How long can we wait? 我们还要等多久?I wish that love would come today, 我祈求爱今天就能来临[Hook]All you need is love, 你所需要的唯有爱Tell you I"m always coming soon, 告诉你我会刻不容缓地来到你身边And all you need is just a moment won"t do, 你所需要的只是你总是不会去做Keep your head up, 高昂你的头来[Repeat - Chorus]Keepin" your head up to the sky, 抬起你的头,看向天空Keepin" your mind just stay alive, (Just stay alive) 坚持住你的信念,为了活下去(为了活下去)Gimme your wings so we can fly, (Fly away, fly away, fly away) 展开你的翅膀,让我们能飞起来(飞起来,飞起来,飞起来)(Keep your head up tonight) (今夜,高昂你的头)Keepin" your head up to the sky, 抬起你的头,看向天空And we can just rise up tell me now, 现在告诉我,我们能够站起来Gimme your wings so we can fly, 伸出你的手,让我们能飞起来(Oh, why) (噢,为何)[Bridge]Everybody say the time is borrowed, 人们都说时光借来要还,不属于自己And hanging down your head just ain"t no good, 一旦感觉不如意就垂头丧气And if you dance and rise above tomorrow, (Give it a chance) 但是假如你明天能站起来跳着舞 (给它一个机会吧)Just give yourself a chance, 只需要给你自己一个机会Find the circumstance, 找到这一刻Rise and do it again, 站起来,再给自己一次改变[Repeat - Chorus w/Choir]Keepin" your head up to the sky, (Oh God, Oh no) Keepin" your mind just stay alive,Gimme your wings so we can fly, (Hoo-hoo!)(Yeah, yeah!)[Keep your head up!] Keepin" your head up to the sky,And we can just rise up tell me now, (Oh~)Gimme your wings so we can fly, (Hoo-hoo!)[Keep your head up!] Keepin" your head up to the sky,(I needed you then, I needed you now, I needed you night right through the day)(那时我需要你,现在我也需要你,我日夜都需要你)Keepin" your mind just stay alive, (I needed you now)(现在我需要你)Keepin" your wings so we can fly, (Hoo-hoo!)(Yeah!)[Keep your head up!] Keepin" your head up to the sky,(I needed you then, I needed you now, I needed you night right through the day)And we can just rise up tell me now, (I needed you now)Gimme your wings so we can fly, (Hoo-hoo-hoo!)[Ad-libs][Keep your head up!]What about everything? What about everything?(Those stars gonna rise (gonna rise) today! Today!)(今天这星辰将冉冉升起)[Keep your head up!]What about all their joy?What about everything? (Oh~)(Gonna shine, must fly, gonna rise (gonna rise) today! Today!)[Keep your head up!](What about everything?What about everything?)(Those stars gonna rise (gonna rise) today! Today!)[Keep your head up!]What about all their joy?What about everything?(Gonna shine, must fly, gonna rise (gonna rise) today! Today!)[Choir]Keep your head up!Those stars gonna rise (gonna rise) today! (Today)Gonna shine, must fly, gonna rise (gonna rise) today! (Today)(Oh~)Keep your head up!Those stars gonna rise (gonna rise) today! (Today)(I needed you then, I needed you now, I needed you night right through the day,I needed you now)Gonna shine, must fly, gonna rise (gonna rise) today! (Today)(Oh~)Keep your head up!


MJ关键词武器篇Laser Weapons —— 激光武器Stealth Technology —— 隐形技术Ballistic Missiles —— 弹道导弹Cruise Missiles —— 巡航导弹Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) —— 无人机Next-generation Fighter Jets —— 下一代战斗机Nuclear Weapons —— 核武器Cyber Warfare —— 网络战争Guided Missile Systems —— 制导导弹系统Sniper Rifles —— 狙击步枪Submarines —— 潜艇Tanks and Armored Vehicles —— 坦克和装甲车辆Anti-aircraft Defense Systems —— 防空系统Chemical and Biological Weapons —— 化学和生物武器Landmines and Explosive Devices —— 地雷和爆炸装置Air Defense Systems —— 防空系统Artillery Guns —— 火炮Body Armor and Protective Gear —— 防弹衣和防护装备Military Drones —— 军用无人机Electronic Warfare Systems —— 电子战系统Helicopters —— 直升机Rocket Launchers —— 火箭发射器Naval Warships —— 海军战舰Anti-tank Weapons —— 反坦克武器Grenades and Explosives —— 手榴弹和爆炸物Anti-ship Missiles —— 反舰导弹Infantry Weapons —— 步兵武器Electronic Countermeasures —— 电子对抗措施Close Quarter Combat Weapons —— 近身格斗武器Surveillance and Reconnaissance Systems —— 监视和侦察系统Mortars —— 迫击炮Anti-satellite Weapons —— 反卫星武器Riot Control Equipment —— 防暴装备Anti-personnel Mines —— 反人员地雷Flamethrowers —— 火焰喷射器Multinational Defense Cooperation —— 多国防务合作Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) —— 情报、监视和侦察Non-lethal Weapons —— 非致命武器Air-to-air Missiles —— 空对空导弹Military Satellites —— 军事卫星Tactical Communication Systems —— 战术通信系统Mine-resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) Vehicles —— 耐爆抗伏击车辆Riot Shields —— 防暴盾牌Sniper Scopes —— 狙击镜Anti-drone Systems —— 反无人机系统Mortar Launchers —— 迫击炮发射器Anti-material Rifles —— 反物质步枪Battlefield Surveillance Radars —— 战场监视雷达Chemical Warfare Suits —— 化学战服Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs) —— 无人地面车辆Rotary-wing Gunships —— 旋翼机枪舰Mine-clearing Vehicles —— 排雷车辆Automatic Grenade Launchers —— 自动榴弹发射器Electronic Counter-countermeasures (ECCM) —— 电子对抗对抗措施Anti-submarine Warfare Systems —— 反潜战系统Aircraft Carriers —— 航空母舰Sniper Ghillie Suits —— 狙击者草地迷彩服Anti-riot Vehicles —— 反暴力车辆Tactical Knives —— 战术刀具Military Camouflage Systems —— 军用伪装系统



MJ的 on the line 的歌词,谁有啊?

歌手:michael jackson 搜索"on the line"LRC歌词 搜索"on the line"mp3 [ti:on the line] [ar:michael jackson] on the line no sense pretending its over hard times just don"t go away you gotta take that chip off your shoulder it"s time you open up have some faith nothing good ever comes easy all good things come in due time yes it does you gotta have something to believe in i"m telling you to open mind chorus: gotta put your heart on the line if you wanna make it right you"ve got to reach out and try gotta put your heart on the line if you wanna make it right gotta put it all on the line you see yourself in the mirror and you don"t like what you see and things aren"t getting much clearer don"t you think it"s time you go for a change don"t waste your time on the past, no, no it"s time you look to the future it"s all right there if you ask this time if you try much harder you"ll be the best that cou can be (chorus) gotta put your heart on the linegotta put your heart on the line if you wanna make it rightif you wanna make it right you"ve got to reach out and tryyou"ve got to reach out and try gotta put your heart on the linegotta put your heart on the line if you wanna make it rightif you wanna make it right gotta put it all on the linegotta put it all on the line bridge: if you wanna make it right if you wanna do it now you gotta learn to try you can make it right somehow let love come free and that"s just so easy now you gotta go for what you want you gotta do what you got to do (repeat and fade out)


MJ关键词汇素描风格篇篇Moonwalk —— 月球漫步Thriller —— 惊悚Smooth Criminal —— 光滑的罪犯Billie Jean —— 比利·简Beat It —— 打败它Glove —— 手套Fedora Hat —— 软呢帽White Socks —— 白袜子Red Leather Jacket —— 红皮夹克Sparkling Glove —— 闪亮手套Moon —— 月亮Dance Moves —— 舞步Music Notes —— 音乐符号Microphone —— 麦克风Stage Lights —— 舞台灯光King of Pop —— 流行之王Black Fedora Hat —— 黑色软呢帽Silver Glove —— 银色手套Smooth Dance —— 平滑舞蹈Fancy Footwork —— 花样脚步Fans —— 粉丝MJ Logo —— MJ标志Dancing Shoes —— 舞鞋Moonwalk Slide —— 月球漫步滑步Sequin Jacket —— 亮片夹克Stage Performance —— 舞台表演Moonlit Night —— 月夜Sparkling Stage —— 闪耀舞台Pop Music —— 流行音乐Moonwalk Pose —— 月球漫步姿势Smooth Moves —— 平滑动作King"s Crown —— 王冠Silver Shoes —— 银鞋Moonlight Shadow —— 月光影子Dancing Shadows —— 舞动的影子MJ"s Signature —— MJ的签名Leather Pants —— 皮裤Moonlit Dance Floor —— 月光下的舞池Glittering Glove —— 闪闪发光的手套Stage Presence —— 舞台魅力Spin —— 旋转Moonlit Silhouette —— 月光下的剪影Shiny Sequins —— 闪亮亮的亮片Pop Icon —— 流行偶像Smooth Voice —— 柔和的声音Silver Microphone —— 银色麦克风Hat Tilt —— 倾斜的帽子Dazzling Performance —— 眩目的表演Moonlit Inspiration —— 月夜的灵感Dynamic Dance —— 动感舞蹈Glowing Moon —— 发光的月亮Sequin Gloves —— 亮片手套Moonlit Concert —— 月夜音乐会Iconic Pose —— 标志性姿势Spectacular Show —— 壮观的演出MJ"s Dance Crew —— MJ的舞蹈团队Moonlit Stage —— 月夜舞台Sparkling Outfit —— 闪亮服装Moonwalk Spin —— 月球漫步旋转Legendary Performer —— 传奇表演者


第一刷子 zsmj;第一全能 burning;第一稳 周。光哥,loda早不行了,yaphets很强,但绝对不是第一。


架子鼓,钢琴..旋律挺简单的。风格是温柔婉约据说这首歌是杰克逊献给他爱的人和爱他的人们。  在这首歌里杰克逊把“you”比喻成恋人。

MJ经典歌曲《You Are Not Alone》翻译成中文的歌词是什么

You Are Not Alone 永远相伴 Another day has gone 又一日过往 I"m still all alone 我依然孤单 How could this be 怎会如此? You"re not here with me 你不在我的身边 You never said goodbye 你从不说再见 Someone tell me why 谁能告诉我因缘 Did you have to go 你真得走吗? And leave my world so cold 我的世界一片凄凉 Everyday I sit and ask myself 每天坐下来问自己 How did love slip away 爱情怎会远离 Something whispers in my ear and says 冥冥之中有人贴耳低语: That you are not alone 你并不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though you"re far away 不管你多远 I am here to stay 我守候在天边 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though we"re far apart 不管天涯海角 You"re always in my heart 你在我心间 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 "Lone, "lone 孤单啊孤单 Why, "lone 为什么 孤单 Just the other night 几天前的晚上 I thought I heard you cry 我想我听到了你哭泣 Asking me to come 呼唤我的到来 And hold you in my arms 紧拥你在怀间 I can hear your prayers 我听到了你的祈愿 Your burdens I will bear 我愿肩承你的负担 But first I need your hand 但先得执子之手 Then forever can begin 方能偕老白头 Everyday I sit and ask myself 每天坐下来问自己 How did love slip away 爱情怎会远离 Something whispers in my ear and says 冥冥之中有人贴耳低语: That you are not alone 你并不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though you"re far away 不管你多远 I am here to stay 我守候在天边 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though we"re far apart 不管天涯海角 You"re always in my heart 你在我心间 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 Whisper three words 说出那三个字(我爱你) and I"ll come runnin" 我将飞奔而来 And girl you know that I"ll be there 情人啊,我会常在你身边 I"ll be there 常在你身边 That you are not alone 你不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though you"re far away 不管你多远 I am here to stay 我守候在天边 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though we"re far apart 不管天涯海角 You"re always in my heart 你在我心间 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 That you are not alone 你不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though you"re far away 不管你多远 I am here to stay 我守候在天边 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though we"re far apart 不管天涯海角 You"re always in my heart 你在我心间 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 你不会孤单…… 求采纳


Sunlit Spaces —— 阳光照射的空间Soft Daylight —— 柔和的白天光Golden Hour Glow —— 黄金时段的光芒Sunbeam Filters —— 阳光透过滤镜Natural Illumination —— 自然照明Soft Natural Light —— 柔和的自然光Dappled Sunlight —— 斑驳的阳光Skylight —— 天窗采光Sunlit Interiors —— 阳光照射的室内Warm Sunrays —— 温暖的阳光射线Window Views —— 窗外景观Sunlit Landscapes —— 阳光照耀的风景Soft Illumination —— 柔和的照明Natural Sunlight —— 自然阳光Backlit Scenes —— 背光场景Golden Glow —— 黄金般的光芒Sunlit Corners —— 阳光照射的角落Ray of Light —— 光线的射入Natural Daylight —— 自然白天光Soft Sunbeams —— 柔和的阳光射线Filtered Sunlight —— 透过滤镜的阳光Sunlit Nature —— 阳光照耀的自然Sunlit Pathways —— 阳光照射的路径Warm Illumination —— 温暖的照明Natural Skylight —— 自然天窗采光Sun-kissed Landscapes —— 被阳光亲吻的风景Soft Sunsets —— 柔和的日落Sunlit Gardens —— 阳光照射的花园Natural Sunbeams —— 自然的阳光射线Illuminated Spaces —— 照亮的空间Window Light —— 窗户的光线Sunlit Sceneries —— 阳光照耀的景色Soft Sunrays —— 柔和的阳光射线Filtered Daylight —— 过滤的白天光Sunlit Exteriors —— 阳光照射的外部空间Natural Glow —— 自然的光芒Backlit Landscapes —— 背光的风景Sunlit Rooms —— 阳光照射的房间Soft Illuminated Scenes —— 柔和的照亮场景Natural Sunsets —— 自然的日落Sunbeam Rays —— 阳光射线Sunlit Forest —— 阳光照射的森林Soft Sunlight —— 柔和的阳光Illuminated Interiors —— 照亮的室内Natural Sunrays —— 自然的阳光射线Sunlit Landmarks —— 阳光照耀的地标Golden Hour Illumination —— 黄金时段的照明Sunlit Beaches —— 阳光照耀的海滩Filtered Sunrays —— 过滤的阳光射线Sunlit Skylines —— 阳光照耀的城市天际线Natural Illuminated Spaces —— 自然照亮的空间Sunlit Seascapes —— 阳光照耀的海景Illuminated Gardens —— 照亮的花园Sunlit Architecture —— 阳光照耀的建筑


MJ关键词词汇概念艺术篇Abstract Expressionism —— 抽象表现主义Conceptual Art —— 概念艺术Performance Art —— 表演艺术Installation Art —— 装置艺术Land Art —— 地景艺术Fluxus —— 流派艺术Minimalism —— 极简主义Pop Art —— 波普艺术Dadaism —— 达达主义Surrealism —— 超现实主义Photorealism —— 照片写实主义Socially Engaged Art —— 社会参与艺术Environmental Art —— 环境艺术Performance-based Installations —— 基于表演的装置艺术Conceptual Photography —— 概念摄影Interactive Art —— 互动艺术Video Art —— 视频艺术Body Art —— 身体艺术Sound Art —— 声音艺术Political Art —— 政治艺术Feminist Art —— 女性主义艺术Postmodernism —— 后现代主义Neo-Expressionism —— 新表现主义Appropriation Art —— 拿来主义艺术Digital Art —— 数字艺术Landscapes of the Mind —— 心灵的景观Abstract Sculpture —— 抽象雕塑Symbolism —— 象征主义Kinetic Art —— 动态艺术Found Object Art —— 废物物品艺术Street Art —— 街头艺术Biomorphic Art —— 生物形态艺术Ready-made Art —— 现成品艺术Collage Art —— 拼贴艺术Environmental Installations —— 环境装置艺术Intangible Art —— 无形艺术Virtual Reality Art —— 虚拟现实艺术Light Art —— 光艺术Biomimicry Art —— 模仿生物艺术Interactive Installations —— 互动装置艺术Narrative Art —— 叙事艺术Found Footage Art —— 发现素材艺术Street Performances —— 街头表演Conceptual Landscapes —— 概念景观Interventions —— 干预艺术Digital Installations —— 数字装置艺术Performance Photography —— 表演摄影Sound Installations —— 声音装置艺术Participatory Art —— 参与式艺术Time-based Art —— 时间为基础的艺术Site-specific Art —— 场所特定艺术Abstract Landscapes —— 抽象风景画Found Sound Art —— 发现声音艺术Interactive Sculptures —— 互动雕塑Performance Installations —— 表演装置艺术Conceptual Paintings —— 概念绘画Experimental Films —— 实验电影Social Installations —— 社会装置艺术Conceptual Drawings —— 概念素描Site-specific Installations —— 场所特定装置艺术


Wanna Be Stratin" Somethin"制造麻烦 词曲:Michael Jackson 演唱:Michael Jackson I said you wanna be startin" somethin" 我说过你是在想要挑动事端 You got to be startin" somethin" 你一定会挑动事端 I said you wanna be startin" somethin" 我说过你是在想要挑动事端 You got to be startin" somethin" 你一定会挑动事端 It"s too high to get over 事态已变得 Too low to get under 进退两难 You"re stuck in the middle 而你却被卡在中间 And the pain is thunder 痛苦犹如雷鸣一般 It"s too high to get over 事态已变得 Too low to get under 进退两难 You"re stuck in the middle 而你却被卡在了中间 And the pain is thunder 痛苦犹如雷鸣一般 I took my baby to the doctor 我带着我的宝贝看医生, With a fever, but nothing he found 除了有点发烧,但别无他恙 By the time this hit the street & 但与此同时,这传遍大街小巷 They said she had a breakdown 他们都传言说她身心崩溃 Someone"s always tryin" to start my baby cryin" 某人总想让我的宝贝哭泣 Talkin",squealin",lyin" 议论、争吵、撒谎 Sayin" you just wanna be startin"somethin" 说明你正在挑动事端 You love to pretend that you"re good 你喜欢装成好人 When you"re always up to no good 但你根本不算 You really can"t make him hate her 你真的没法令他恨她 So your tongue became a razor 于是你变得牙尖嘴利 Someone"s always tryin" to keep my baby cryin" 某人总想让我的宝贝一直哭泣 Tracherous,cunnin",declinin" 背叛、欺骗、堕落 You got my baby cryin" 是你让我的宝贝哭泣 I said you wanna be startin" somethin" 我说过你是在挑动事端 You got to be startin" somethin" 你一定会挑动事端 I said you wanna be startin" somethin" 我说你是在挑动事端 You got to be startin"somethin" & 你一定会挑动事端 It"s too high to get over 事态已变的 Too low to get under 进退两难 You"er stuck in the middle 而你却被卡在了中间 And the pain is thunder 痛苦犹如雷鸣一般 It"s too high to get over 事态已变得 Too low to get under 进退两难 You"re stuck in the middle 而你却被卡在了中间 And the pain is thunder 痛苦犹如雷鸣一般 you"er a vegetable you"re a vegetable 你只是一碟小菜 Still they hate you,you"re a vegetable 他们一直都讨厌你,你只是一碟小菜 You"re just a buffer, you"re a vegetable 你只是一份快餐,你只是一碟小菜 They eat off of you,you"er a vegetable 他们恨不得吃掉你,你只是一碟小菜 Billie Jean is always talkin" 比利·琼总爱嚼别人的舌根 When nobody else is talkin" 没人比她更爱嚼舌根 Tellin" lies and rubbin" shoulders 极爱撒谎又爱鬼混 So they called her mouth a motor 以至别人都把她的嘴称做“马达” Someone"s always tryin" to start my baby cryin" 某人总想让我的宝贝哭泣 Talkin",squealin",spyin" 议论、争吵、窥探 Sayin"you just wanna be startin" somethin" 说明你正在挑动事端 If you can"t feed your baby 如果你养不起你的孩子 Then don"t have a baby & 那么就不要生孩子 And don"t think maybe 别去考虑任何的可能性 If you can"t feed your baby 如果你养不起你的孩子 You"ll be always tryin" 你就应当尽量 To stop that child from cryin" 不要让孩子哭泣 Hustlin",stealin",lyin" 卖淫、偷窃、撒谎 Now baby"s slowly dyin" 正使得孩子慢慢死去 Lift your head up high 高高抬起你的头 And scream out to the world 对着世界呼唤: I know I am someone “我知道自己正是你们所说的‘某人" And let the truth unfurl 我要让事实公布于众” No one can hurt you now 没有人会伤害你 Because you know what"s true 因为你知道什么才是真理 Yes, I believe in me 是的,我相信我自己 So you believe in you 那么你也要相信你自己 Help me sing it, 跟我一起来唱这首歌吧! ma ma se,ma ma sa............. 望采纳,谢谢:)


《Party Time》。


MJ关键词汇ID设计篇Name Card —— 名片Employee ID —— 员工工号Student ID —— 学生证Membership Card —— 会员卡Library Card —— 图书馆借阅卡Access Card —— 出入证Driver"s License —— 驾驶执照Passport —— 护照Credit Card —— 信用卡ID Badge —— 身份证件徽章Health Insurance Card —— 医保卡Travel ID —— 旅行证件Visitor Pass —— 访客通行证Event Pass —— 活动通行证Security ID —— 安全身份证VIP Card —— VIP卡ID Tag —— 身份标签Loyalty Card —— 忠诚卡Club Membership Card —— 俱乐部会员卡ID Bracelet —— 身份手链Gym Membership Card —— 健身房会员卡Concert Ticket —— 演唱会门票Boarding Pass —— 登机牌Identity Card —— 身份证Visitor ID —— 访客身份证Event Ticket —— 活动门票Gaming ID —— 游戏身份证ID Wristband —— 身份腕带ID Keychain —— 身份钥匙扣ID Sticker —— 身份贴纸ID Lanyard —— 身份绳索ID Card Holder —— 身份证件持有人ID Wallet —— 身份证钱包ID Pin —— 身份徽章ID Embosser —— 身份证凸字机ID Scanner —— 身份证扫描仪ID Verification —— 身份验证ID Tracking —— 身份追踪ID Expiration Date —— 身份证有效期限ID Photo —— 身份证照片QR Code —— 二维码Bar Code —— 条形码Magnetic Strip —— 磁条Signature —— 签名Personal Information —— 个人信息Security Features —— 安全特征Designated Authority —— 设定的权威机构Background Design —— 背景设计Color Scheme —— 色彩方案Font Style —— 字体风格Logo —— 标志Holographic Design —— 全息设计Watermark —— 水印Embossed Design —— 凸字设计UV Ink —— 紫外墨Personalization —— 个性化Tamper-proof —— 防篡改Durability —— 耐久性Accessibility —— 易访问性Branding —— 品牌化


Hey BittyHey HeyB-I-T-T-Y the parties over here tonight. Hey bitty what youwanna do (hey) Whats up with me and you. B-I-T-T-Y theparties over here tonight. Hey bitty what you wanna do cuzI"m a put it on ya.Hey ma lets get it, I"m with it whats up with you and me. Theloudest brothers commin through your rep in NYC. (oh) Gotthe bittys over there still checkin me. Haters wondern what tobe, what is chasin me. I"m in the F-5 honey you ain"t catchinme. Mind over money set your honeys on the ?back seat?(oh). I need a bitty who"s pretty and keeps her game tight.The type of bitty who"s ready to flip the same night. Nowcould you be that girl that nasty naughty shorty gaudy. Shakethat thing, break that thing, I just wanna see you dance girl.(Oh Nitty your so fine your so fine you blow my mind heyNitty) What you wanna do (hey) whats up with me and you. B-I-T-T-Y the parties over here tonight. Hey bitty what youwanna do cuz I"m gonna put it on ya.They call me Nitty. Some bittys they call me shugga daddy.When I"m in Cali you might see me hangin out with Halle.(oh) Met her in a valley picked her right up in a Caddy. Bittyswas a trophy didn"t even need a grammy. This mommysnasty and shes always wearing freaky panties (oh). I bringthe heat to the g"s. just like a radiator. I"m navigating throughyour body like a Navigator. Can I lick you up and down like anow and later. Pull up to ya pump it to ya like a tailgater.Earthquaker no more haters. Shake ya like a salt shaker.(Oh Nitty your so fine your so fine you blow my mind heyNitty) What you wanna do (hey) whats up with me and you. B-I-T-T-Y the parties over heretonight. Hey bitty what ya wanna do cuz I"ma put it on ya.Come on mommy mommy (hit it) you"s a hottie hottie (hit it)Do your thing I wanna see you shake your boddy boddy (hitit) Come on work it mommy. Girl don"t hurt nobody. Tell yourfriends to get in my Benz so we can have a private party. Tellme where you want to go bittys up town. Bittys in the citiesI"m gonna go downtown. Hatters going down nobodys gonnastop me now. Bittys goin crazy gettin gravy don"t play now.(oh) I"m given money to honeys they know my name now.I"ma take her Benz with her friends this ain"t a game now(oh) niggas off the chain now hey now stay down your notgonna beat me at this. Your the same now. Put away nowdidn"t do your thing now. Bittys all over commin over trying tobreak out. Gotta ?news? world what you wanna do girl yougirl me and you girl really cruel girl cuz I"ma rock your world.Till I hit it in the crib?with the diamonds? to make your toescurl.(Oh Nitty your so fine your so fine you blow my mind heyNitty) What you wanna do (hey) whats up with me and you. B-I-T-T-Y the parties over here tonight hey bitty what youwanna do cuz I"ma put in on ya. (Oh Nitty your so fine yourso fine you blow my mind hey Nitty) What you wanna do(hey) Whats up with me and you. B-I-T-T-Y the parties overhere tonight hey bitty what you wanna do cuz I"ma put in onya.


MJ关键词词汇cs篇Counter-Strike —— 反恐精英Counter-Terrorists —— 反恐特警Terrorists —— 恐怖分子Bomb defusal —— 炸弹拆除Hostage rescue —— 解救人质Dust II —— 尘埃2号Mirage —— 幻影Inferno —— 地狱Nuke —— 核爆场Overpass —— 天桥Train —— 火车Cache —— 缓存Vertigo —— 晕眩Agency —— 特工机构Italy —— 意大利Assault —— 攻击Dust —— 尘埃Office —— 办公室Aztec —— 阿兹特克Cobblestone —— 鹅卵石Weapons —— 武器AK-47 —— AK-47M4A4 —— M4A4AWP —— AWPDesert Eagle —— 沙漠之鹰Glock-18 —— 格洛克18Knife —— 刀Grenade —— 手雷Flashbang —— 闪光弹Smoke grenade —— 烟雾弹Molotov cocktail —— 燃烧瓶Body armor —— 防弹衣Defuse kit —— 拆弹工具包Counter-Strike Global Offensive (CS:GO) —— 反恐精英全球攻势Competitive mode —— 竞技模式Casual mode —— 休闲模式Deathmatch —— 死亡竞赛Arms race —— 武器竞赛Demolition —— 炸弹拆除Wingman —— 双人组队Map pool —— 地图池Economy —— 经济Headshot —— 爆头Aiming —— 瞄准Recoil —— 后坐力Spray pattern —— 枪口抖动Bomb plant —— 放置炸弹Bomb explosion —— 炸弹爆炸Hostage rescue zone —— 解救人质区域Defuse time —— 拆弹时间Round timer —— 回合计时器Matchmaking —— 匹配Rank system —— 排名系统Skill groups —— 技能组Steam Workshop —— Steam创意工坊Skin market —— 皮肤市场Trade-up contract —— 升级交易合同Operation —— 战斗行动Major tournament —— 大型比赛eSports —— 电竞


Ai绘画丨Midjourney 新世纪福音战士关键词:福音派,Ayanami Reiin赛博朋克的未来风格lilia alvarado,商朝,andrzej sykutclose uplight紫罗兰色和金色,大胆,充满活力的色彩最优质,超级细节3D,vray



you really turn me on是MJ的那一首歌?

Michael Jackson 的 The Way You Make Me Feel如果满意,请采纳,有任何疑问也欢迎提问,谢谢。




MJ关键词词汇现实主义篇.Detailed Portraits — 细腻肖像Still Life — 静物Landscape Painting — 风景画Genre Scenes — 风俗画Historical Events — 历史事件Social Realism — 社会现实主义Naturalistic Depictions — 自然主义描绘Everyday Life — 日常生活Urban Scenes — 城市景观Rural Life — 农村生活Historical Figures — 历史人物Industrial Scenes — 工业景观Wildlife Paintings — 野生动物画Portrayal of Poverty — 贫困描绘Reflection of Society — 社会反映Regionalism — 地方主义Working Class — 工人阶级Realistic Still Life — 现实静物Historical Landmarks — 历史地标Interior Spaces — 室内空间Cityscapes — 城市景观Seascapes — 海景画Rural Landscapes — 农村风景Portrayal of Labor — 劳动描绘Historical Narratives — 历史叙事Social Injustice — 社会不公Wildlife Portraits — 野生动物肖像Depictions of Poverty — 贫困描绘Documentation of Real Life — 真实生活记录Industrial Revolution — 工业革命Depiction of Social Issues — 社会问题描绘Realistic Architecture — 现实建筑Historical Settings — 历史背景Natural Landscapes — 自然风景Realistic Wildlife — 真实野生动物Representation of Working Conditions — 工作环境描绘Historical Accuracy — 历史准确性Realistic Interiors — 现实室内Industrial Revolution Impacts — 工业革命影响Rural Communities — 农村社区Social Commentary — 社会评论Realistic Portraits — 现实肖像Depiction of Class Divide — 阶级分化描绘Everyday Objects — 日常物品Realistic Landscapes — 现实风景Portraits of Workers — 工人肖像Depiction of Historical Moments — 历史时刻描绘Realistic Lighting — 现实光影Representation of Social Struggles — 社会斗争描绘Narrative Realism — 叙事现实主义


Tune Up Vs. Italobrothers - Colours Of The Rainbow试听:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTU4MDMxNzg0.html下载:http://cgi.music.soso.com/fcgi-bin/m.q?w=Tune+Up+Vs.+Italobrothers+-+Colours+Of+The+Rainbow&p=1&source=1&t=1

求MJ独唱的we are the world 歌词中文版

MJ独唱的是这首歌的Demo版,歌词如下对不起,实在找不到歌词的中文我试着给你翻译,可是发现翻译过来后很不合逻辑,可能因为是样带(demo),只是个最初的样本,有些词没填好就先找另一个代替吧There is a timeWhen we should hear a certain call"cause the world, it seems it"s written in these lines"cause there"s a chance for takin"In leading our own livesIt seems we need nothing at allI used to feelI should give away my heartAnd it shows that we are needed in thereThen I read the headlinesAnd it said that got in thereAnd it showed that we are - - - in thereWe are the worldWe are the childrenWe are the one to make a brighter daySo let"s start givin"There"s a chance we"re takin"We"re takin all our livesIt"s true we"re make it a brighter day just you and meGiven your heartAnd you will see that someone cares"Cause you know that they can"t feed them allThen I read the papersAnd it said that you and IAnd it shows the - - - when we work hardWe are the worldWe are the childrenWe are the one to make a brighter daySo let"s start givin"There"s a chance we"re takin"We"re takin all our lifesIt"s true we"re make it a brighter day just you and meNow there"s a time when we must love at allAnd it seem the life, - - - make love at allBut - - - - -And I love you more and moreIt seem you and I will make a new dayWe are the world(The world!)We are the children(Are the children!)We are the ones to make a brighter daySo let"s start givin"(Let"s start givin"!)There"s a chance we"re takin"We"re takin all our livesIt"s true we"re make it a brighter day just you and meWe are the world(Are the world!)We are the children(Are the children!)We are the one to make a brighter daySo let"s start givin"(So let"s start givin"!)There"s a chance we"re takin"(Takin"!)We"re takin all our livesIt"s true we"re make it a brighter day just you and meWe are the world(Sharon!)We are the children(Shalingen!)We are the one to make a brighter day(Sharon!)So let"s start givin"("Cause that"s what we"re bein!)There"s a chance we"re takin"We"re takin all our livesIt"s true we"re make it a brighter day just you and me(Com"on! Yeah!)We are the world(Sharon!)We are the children(Shalingen!)We are the one to make a brighter day(Sharon!)So let"s start givin"("Cause that"s what we"re bein!)There"s a chance we"re takin"We"re takin all our livesIt"s true we"re make it a brighter day just you and me(Oooooooh Yeah!)We are the world(Sharon!)We are the children(Shalingen!)We are the one to make a brighter day(Sharon!)So let"s start givin"("Cause that"s what we"re bein!)There"s a chance we"re takin"We"re takin all our livesIt"s true we"re make it a brighter day just you and me


cry 哭泣 somebody shakes when the wind blows 风儿吹着 人儿抖动 somebody‘s missing a friend 有人失去了朋友 hold on 咬紧牙关 somebody‘s lacking a hero 有人失去了英雄 and they have not a clue when it‘s all gonna end 大家都摸不清头绪 世事的尽头何时出现 stories buried and untold someone is hiding the truth 真相遭到掩饰与密封 有人隐藏事实 hold on 咬紧牙关 when will this mystery unfold 秘密何时暴光? and will the sun ever shine in the blind man‘s eyes when he cries? 盲人哭泣的时候 阳光还会在他的眼里闪耀光芒吗? you can change the world 你可以改变世界 (i can‘t do it by myself)(我一个人做不到) you can touch the sky 你可以直触天际 (gonna take somebody‘s help)(我需要一臂之力) you‘re the chosen one 你就是众望所托 (i‘m gonna need some kind of sign) (我需要征兆引领) if we all cry at the same time tonight 假如今夜众人同时哭泣 people laugh when they are feeling sad 人们伤感时常用笑声掩盖 someone is taking a life 有人在努力过活 hold on 咬紧牙关 respect to believe in your dream 坚信你的梦想 stell me where were you when your children cried last night? 昨夜孩子哭泣的时候你究竟在哪儿? faces fill with madness Miracles unheard of 疯狂不安的脸孔 奇迹不再显灵 hold on 咬紧牙关 faith is found in the winds all we have to do is reach for the truth 风儿吹来信念的影踪 我们最该做的就是寻找真相 and when that flag blows there‘ll be no more wars 当旗帜扬起 世上不再有战争 and when all calls i will answer all your prayers 当众人呼唤时 我将会实现你的祈愿 CHANGE THE WORLD 改变世界吧!


MidJourney官方文档解析#参数篇Stylize风格化-- Stylize影响图片的艺术性Stylize风格化stylize参数定义了生成图像的艺术性和风格化,低stylize值生成的结果会更贴近prompt描述中使用的词语;高stylize值则会使AI在创作过程中更自由发挥,生成的图片更具有艺术性和创意。不同版本模型的stylize默认值和stylize值范围如何使用方法一:直接在prompt后面添加--stylize <value>或 --s <value>方法二:在输入框里键入/settings,在弹出的settings菜单中选择您想要的艺术化程度。V4示例(生物建筑)prompt:Bio-architecture by Dan Matutina --s 0v5示例(埃塞俄比亚欧泊宝石)prompt: Ethiopian opal gemstone --s 0V5.1示例(花冰块)prompt: flower ice cubeniji示例(神奇的生活玻璃烧瓶,纸艺术)prompt: mana life glass flask, paper art


MJ关键词日式风格篇Kimono - 和服Sakura (cherry blossoms) - 樱花Zen garden - 禅意花园Origami - 折纸Tea ceremony - 茶道Haiku - 俳句Shoji screen - 障子屏风Bonsai - 盆栽Japanese calligraphy - 日式书法Sushi - 寿司Samurai - 武士Zen Buddhism - 禅宗Onsen (hot springs) - 温泉Ikebana - 生花Geisha - 艺妓Noh theater - 能剧Japanese architecture - 建筑Manga - 漫画Judo - 柔道Matcha - 抹茶Japanese lantern - 灯笼Sumo wrestling - 相扑Kabuki theater - 歌舞伎剧场Zen rock garden - 枯山水Koi fish - 锦鲤Japanese traditional music - 日本传统音乐Samurai sword - 武士刀Japanese pottery - 日式陶瓷Aikido - 合气道Japanese tea set - 日式茶具Japanese cherry blossom festival - 日式樱花节Anime - 动漫Zen meditation - 禅修Japanese woodblock prints - 日式木版画Karate - 空手道Sake - 日本清酒Japanese garden - 日本庭园Kabuki makeup - 歌舞伎妆容Judo uniform - 柔道服Japanese street food - 日式街头小吃Japanese tea ceremony utensils - 日式茶道用具Haiku poetry - 俳句诗Japanese cherry blossom viewing - 赏樱Zen meditation hall - 禅堂Karaoke - 卡拉OKJapanese silk kimono - 日式丝绸和服Samurai armor - 武士盔甲Japanese bonsai garden - 日式盆景园Shinto shrine - 神社Japanese traditional dance - 日式传统舞蹈Japanese paper lantern - 日式纸灯笼Judo throw - 柔道投技Japanese traditional sweets - 日式传统糕点Noren (curtains) - 暖帘Japanese tea ceremony tea bowl - 日式茶道茶碗Calligraphy brush - 书法毛笔Japanese bamboo flute - 日本竹笛Zen temple - 禅宗寺庙Japanese lacquerware - 日式漆器Japanese street fashion - 日式街头时尚


MJ关键词日式风格篇Kimono - 和服Sakura (cherry blossoms) - 樱花Zen garden - 禅意花园Origami - 折纸Tea ceremony - 茶道Haiku - 俳句Shoji screen - 障子屏风Bonsai - 盆栽Japanese calligraphy - 书法Sushi - 寿司Samurai - 武士Zen Buddhism - 禅宗Onsen (hot springs) - 温泉Ikebana - 生花Geisha - 艺妓Noh theater - 能剧Japanese architecture - 日式建筑Manga - 漫画Judo - 柔道Matcha - 抹茶Japanese lantern - 日式灯笼Sumo wrestling - 相扑Kabuki theater - 歌舞伎剧场Zen rock garden - 枯山水Koi fish - 锦鲤Japanese traditional music - 日式传统音乐Samurai sword - 武士刀Japanese pottery - 日式陶瓷Aikido - 合气道Japanese tea set - 日式茶具Japanese cherry blossom festival - 日式樱花节Anime - 动漫Zen meditation - 禅修Japanese woodblock prints - 日式木版画Karate - 空手道Sake - 日式清酒Japanese garden - 日式庭园Kabuki makeup - 歌舞伎妆容Judo uniform - 柔道服Japanese street food - 日式街头小吃Japanese tea ceremony utensils - 日式茶道用具Haiku poetry - 俳句诗Japanese cherry blossom viewing - 赏樱Zen meditation hall - 禅堂Karaoke - 卡拉OKJapanese silk kimono - 日式丝绸和服Samurai armor - 武士盔甲Japanese bonsai garden - 日式盆景园Shinto shrine - 神社Japanese traditional dance - 日式传统舞蹈Japanese paper lantern - 日本式纸灯笼Judo throw - 柔道投技Japanese traditional sweets - 日式传统糕点Noren (curtains) - 暖帘Japanese tea ceremony tea bowl - 日式茶道茶碗Calligraphy brush - 书法毛笔Japanese bamboo flute - 日式竹笛Zen temple - 禅宗寺庙Japanese lacquerware - 日式漆器Japanese street fashion - 日式街头时尚

MJ的Give in ot me的中文歌词是什么

She always takes it with a heart of stone 她的心冷硬如石"Cause all she does is throw it back to me 她所做的就是将一切推给我I"ve spent a liftime looking for someone 我用毕生时间去找寻一个人 Don"t try to understand me 别试图理解我Just simply do the things I say 只需照我说的去做Love is a feeling 爱是一种感觉Give it when I want it 我要就给我"Cause I"m on fire 因为我欲火焚身Quench my desire 满足我的渴望Give it when I want it 我要就给我Talk to me woman 说吧 女人Give in to me 向我屈服Give in to me 向我屈服You always know just how to make me cry 你总能戳中我的痛处And never did I ask you questions why 我却从未问过你为何It seems you get your kicks from hurting me 看来你以伤害我为乐Don"t try to understand me 别试图理解我Because your words just aren"t enough 因为你的语言还不足够Love is a feeling 爱是一种感觉Quench my desire 满足我的渴望Give it when I want it 我要就给我Takin" me higher 让我更HIGHLove is a woman 爱犹如一个女人I don"t wanna hear it 我不想听Give in to me 向我屈服Give in to me 向我屈服You and your friends 你和你的朋友Were laughing at me in town 在城中将我嘲笑But it"s okay and it"s okay 这很好,这很好You won"t be laughing girl 当我不在你身边的时候,女儿When I"m not around 你就笑不出来了I"ll be okay and I"ll, I"ll not find 我会很好,我不会去寻求Gotta, the peace of mind 那内心的平静No 不Don"t try to tell me 别试图告诉我Because your words just aren"t enough 因为你的语言还不足够Love is a feeling 爱是一种感觉Quench my desire 满足我的渴望Give it when I want it 我要就给我Takin" me higher 让我更HIGHTalk to me woman 说吧 女人Love is a feeling 爱是一种感觉Give in to me 向我屈服Give in to me 向我屈服Give in to me 向我屈服Love is a feeling 爱是一种感觉I don"t want to hear it 我不想听Quench my desire 满足我的渴望I"m on fire 因为我欲火焚身Takin" me higher 让我更HIGHTell it to the preacher 向牧师去说吧Satisfy the feeling 满足这种感觉Give in to me 向我屈服Give in to me 向我屈服Give in to me 向我屈服I don"t wanna, I don"t wanna 我不想,我不想I don"t wanna hear it 我不想听Take it to the fire 扔进火里Talk to me woman 跟我说话 女人Quench my desire 满足我的渴望I"ll like it lady 我会喜欢的,女士Talk to me lady 跟我说话,女士Give in to me 向我屈服Take it to the fire 扔进火里Give in to me 向我屈服Give in to me 向我屈服Give in to me 向我屈服Give in to me 向我屈服


rock with you


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