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可以回答:miss you too. miss v.未击中;未得到;未达到;错过;未见到;未听到;未觉察;不理解;不懂 n.(用于未婚女子姓氏或姓名前,以示礼貌)小姐,女士;(选美比赛优胜者的头衔)小姐;(称呼不知姓名的年轻女子)小姐 扩展资料   She was concerned that she might miss the turning and get lost.   她担心自己会错过转弯的地方而迷路。   The sale prices were too good to miss.   那次价格优惠真的不可错过。   The injury could mean him missing next week"s game.   这次受伤可能使他无法参加下周的比赛。   I missed a lot of school through illness last year.   我去年因病耽误了很多功课。   He called attention to the fact that many files were missing.   他提请注意许多档案已经遗失这一事实。






miss you 英[mis ju:] 美[mu026as ju] 想你 [例句]I really miss you.我真的想你。



youaremyalllife imissyou是啥意思啦?



Miss you.


Miss you.


i miss you like crazynatalie coleeven though its been so long,my love for you keeps going strongi remember the things that we used to do,a kiss in the raintil" the sun shined through,i"d try to deny it,but i"m still in love with youi miss you like crazy,i miss you like crazy,ever since you went awayevery hour of every day,i miss you like crazy,i miss you like crazyno matter what i say or do,there"s just no getting over youi can see the love shining in your eyes,and it comes as such a sweet surpriseif seeing"s believing its worth the wait,so hold me and tell me its not too latewe"re so good together,we"re starting forever now,and i miss you like crazyi miss you like crazy,ever since you went away,every hour of every dayi miss you like crazy,i miss you baby,a love like ours will never endjust touch me and we"re there againjust one night and we"ll have that magicfeeling like we used to dohold on tight and whatevercomes our way we"re gonna make it throughif seeing"s believing its worth the wait,so hold me and tell me its not too latewe"re so good together,we"re starting forever nowand i miss you like crazy,i miss you like crazyno matter what i say or dothere"s just no getting over youand i miss you (baby),i miss you (baby),all the tender love you gave mewhen a feeling gets this strong,you know the real thing come alongand i miss you,i miss you like crazy baby,only (you"re) should be "your" sweet love can save me,i miss you like crazy,alove like ours will never endjust touch me and we"re there again,miss you like crazy, i miss you like crazyi love u yan forever


是不是打错了应该是miss you night可以翻译为想你的夜或者 思念你的夜晚


1、miss you是想你的意思,例句:I miss you terribly! 我多么思念你呀!We miss you very much. 我们老念着你。2、I"ll miss you kiddo. 小伙子,我会想念你的。3、I miss you so much and I want you here with me. 我是如此想念你,我想要你和我在一起。4、表达想念的时候也可以这样说,You"ll be sorely missed by everyone here, and we wish you success in your new job. 这儿每个人都会非常想你你的,我们祝你在新的工作中获得成功。


Miss you 想你

AKB48 的love you一开始是两句iloveyouimissyou为什么搜这个歌名不到歌啊

ヘビーローテーション 是这首歌!I want you! I need you! I love you! 头の中 ガンガン鸣ってるMUSIC ヘビーローテーション ポップコーンが 弾けるように 好きという文字が跃る 颜や声を 想うだけで 居ても立ってもいられない こんな気持ちになれるって 仆はついているね I want you! I need you! I love you! 君に会えて ドンドン近づくその距离に MAX ハイテンション I want you! I need you! I love you! ハートの奥 ジャンジャン溢れる爱しさは ヘビーローテーション 人は谁も 一生のうち 何回爱せるのだろう? たった一度 忘れられない 恋ができたら満足さ そんなときめきを感じて 花は绽ぶのかな I feel you! I touch you! I hold you! 梦の中で ダンダン大きくなって行く 仆のイマジネーション I feel you! I touch you! I hold you! この想いを ビンビン伝えて欲しいから ヘビーローテーション いつも聴いてた favorite song あの曲のように ずっと 缲り返して 24时间 君だけリクエスト中 I want you! I need you! I love you! 君に会えて ドンドン近づくその距离に MAX ハイテンション I want you! I need you! I love you! ハートの奥 ジャンジャン溢れる爱しさは ヘビーローテーション ヘビーローテーション




will 后面直接跟动词,或动词原形,不加任何修饰。

Missyou 用水果表示


say missyou什么意思

爱一个人不一定要拥有,但拥有一个人就一定要好好去爱他!! 当你经历过爱与被爱,学会了爱,才会知道什么是你需要的, 也才会找到最适合你,能够相处一辈子的人。 但很悲哀的,在现实生活中, 由于种种原因真心相爱的人并不一定能在一起; 你最爱的,往往没有选择你; 最爱你的,往往不是你最爱的; 而最长久的,偏偏不是你最爱的,也不是最爱你的。 只是在最适合的时间出现的那个人, 才会真的和你永远在一起! 没有人是故意要变心的,他爱你的时候是真的爱你, 可是他不爱你的时候也是真的不爱你了, 他爱你的时候没有办法假装不爱你; 同样的,他不爱你的时候也没有办法假装爱你。 当一个人不爱你要离开你, 你要问自己还爱不爱他(她), 如果你也不爱他(她)了,千万别为了可怜的自尊而不肯离开; 如果你还爱他(她),你应该会希望他(她)过得幸福快乐, 希望他(她)跟真正爱的人在一起,绝不会阻止, 你要是阻止他(她)得到真正的幸福,就表示你已经不爱他(她)了, 而如果你不爱他(她),你又有什么资格指责他(她)变心呢? 爱不是占有!!! 你喜欢星星,不可能把星星拿下来放在脸盆里, 但星星的光芒仍可照进你的房间。 换句话说,你爱一个人,也可以用另一种方式拥有, 让爱人成为生命里的永恒回忆, 如果你真爱一个人,就要爱他原来的样子──爱他的好,也爱他的坏: 爱他的优点,也爱他的缺点, 绝不能因为爱他,就希望他变成自己所希望的样子, 万一变不成就不爱他了。 真正爱一个人是无法说出原因的, 你只知道无论何时何地、心情好坏,你都希望这个人陪著你; 真正的感情是两人能在最艰苦中相守,也就是没有丝毫要求。 毕竟,感情必须付出,而不是只想获得; 分开是一种必然的考验, 如果你们感情不够稳固,只好认输, 真爱是不会变成怨恨的。 两人在谈情说爱的时候, 最喜欢叫对方发誓,许下承诺我们为什么要对方发誓, 就是因为我们不相信对方,我们根本不相信情人, 而这些山盟海誓又很不切实际。 海枯石烂、地老天荒,都不能改变我对你的爱! 明知道海不会枯、石不会烂、地不会老、天不会荒; 就算会,也活不到那时候。 许下诺言的时候千万注意,不要许下可以实现的诺言, 最好是承诺做不到的事, 反正做不到的,随便说说也不要紧, 请记住:“不可能实现的诺言最动人” 在爱情里,说的是一套,做的是另一套; 讲的人不相信,听的人也不相信 …… 茫茫人海中,你遇见了谁?谁又遇见了你 .............................................................................................................. .............


我想你了!I miss you

missyou是什么意思呢 missyou有什么含义

1、miss you是想你的意思,例句:I miss you terribly! 我多么思念你呀!We miss you very much. 我们老念着你。 2、I"ll miss you kiddo. 小伙子,我会想念你的。 3、I miss you so much and I want you here with me. 我是如此想念你,我想要你和我在一起。 4、表达想念的时候也可以这样说,You"ll be sorely missed by everyone here, and we wish you success in your new job. 这儿每个人都会非常想你你的,我们祝你在新的工作中获得成功。

missyou是什么意思呢 missyou有什么含义

1、miss you是想你的意思,例句:I miss you terribly! 我多么思念你呀!We miss you very much. 我们老念着你。 2、I"ll miss you kiddo. 小伙子,我会想念你的。 3、I miss you so much and I want you here with me. 我是如此想念你,我想要你和我在一起。 4、表达想念的时候也可以这样说,You"ll be sorely missed by everyone here, and we wish you success in your new job. 这儿每个人都会非常想你你的,我们祝你在新的工作中获得成功。

missyou 中文是什么意思


missyou是什么意思呢 missyou有什么含义

1、miss you是想你的意思,例句:I miss you terribly! 我多么思念你呀!We miss you very much. 我们老念着你。 2、I"ll miss you kiddo. 小伙子,我会想念你的。 3、I miss you so much and I want you here with me. 我是如此想念你,我想要你和我在一起。 4、表达想念的时候也可以这样说,You"ll be sorely missed by everyone here, and we wish you success in your new job. 这儿每个人都会非常想你你的,我们祝你在新的工作中获得成功。


1、miss you是想你的意思,例句:I miss you terribly! 我多么思念你呀!We miss you very much. 我们老念着你。2、I"ll miss you kiddo. 小伙子,我会想念你的。3、I miss you so much and I want you here with me. 我是如此想念你,我想要你和我在一起。4、表达想念的时候也可以这样说,You"ll be sorely missed by everyone here, and we wish you success in your new job. 这儿每个人都会非常想你你的,我们祝你在新的工作中获得成功。




miss you意思是想你。 回答是: I miss you too. 我也想念你。 扩展资料   I"ll miss you kiddo.   小伙子,我会想念你的"。   We miss you very much.   我们老念着你。   I miss you terribly!   我多么思念你呀!   I need hardly say how much we miss you.   不用说我们多么地想念你。   I shall miss you badly.   我会十分想念你的。


miss是“思念,想念”的意思,you是“你”的意思,所以miss you翻译成中文就是“想你”的意思。望采纳。

lmissyou三种意思 lmissyou有三种意思

1、表示想念I miss you terribly,我多么思念你呀。 2、表示错过I always miss you so I miss you so I miss you so I miss you somuch now,我总是逃避你以至于我错过了你终于我失去了你以至于此时我如此的想念你。 3、I miss you,but i miss you.可以翻译为我失去了你。也可以翻译为我失去了你,但我还想你。


  1、miss you是想你的意思,例句:I miss you terribly! 我多么思念你呀!We miss you very much. 我们老念着你。   2、I"ll miss you kiddo. 小伙子,我会想念你的。   3、I miss you so much and I want you here with me. 我是如此想念你,我想要你和我在一起。   4、表达想念的时候也可以这样说,You"ll be sorely missed by everyone here, and we wish you success in your new job. 这儿每个人都会非常想你你的,我们祝你在新的工作中获得成功。




Your mama and I are gonna miss you at Christmas.我和你妈妈过圣诞节的时候会想念你的。2I miss you, but, I missed you.我想你,但是,我已经错过了你。


想你 I miss you 我想你


  英语miss you表达的中文意思   想你,念你;   miss:英[ms]美[ms]   名词:女士;(用于姓名或姓之前,对未婚女子的称呼)小姐;失误   动词:思念;漏掉;错过(机会);没遇到   英语miss you的单语例句   1、Best to call us if you want to go there, because it"s easy to miss the last turn down the right alley.   2、You cannot afford to miss this golden opportunity to share these delicious treats with friends and families.   3、If you go to Jiangsu province in springtime, cattail is a delicacy that you should not miss.   4、If you have any emergency during that time and miss the one chance, it means failure.   5、She went on to score box office successes in While You Were Sleeping and Miss Congeniality.   6、Do you sometimes miss what you wore at primary school or high school, or do you really admire what students in other countries wear?   7、Once you"re hitched, it"s easy to miss the buzz of universal male admiring attention.   8、If you ignore this company and this person, you will miss the chance to observe and research the development of China"s software industry.   9、If leisurely summer vacations are a distant memory from your school days, then you can"t afford to miss this easy weekend escape.   10、Among the different types of massage techniques on offer locally, traditional Chinese massage and traditional foot reflexology are distinctive local treatments you can"t miss.   英语miss you的双语例句   1、If you aren"t there they are going to miss your message.   如果你当时没有投放广告,他们可能不会了解到你产品。   2、The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting center besidethemknowing you can"t have them.   我发几张PL的图片袄,也不知道有没有人会来看。   3、Today, i miss you very much!   迪迪 今天我非常想你!   4、That`s acceptable, but not great - you could miss some shots if you aren`t quick on the shutter.   这是可以接受的,但不是很大-你可能错过一些球如果你不迅速的快门。   5、Miss Li, your resume shows that you are a post- graduate student in English.   李小姐,从你的简历上看你是英语专业研究生。   6、I miss you, and i can"t stop from missing you.   我想你,忍不住的想你。   7、Tomorrow i have one lecture and few tutorial to gosee you guys later, dont miss me so much?   8、I send my miss to the scattering stars and wish you a sweet dream under   我想将对你的思念寄予散落的星子,但愿那点点的星光能照进你的窗前,伴你好梦。   9、Now Miss Matthews will take care of you.   现在麦秀斯小姐来照顾你。


想你 的意思


miss you 英[mu026as ju] 美[mu026as ju0259] 想念你; 想你; 好想念; [例句]I sure do miss you something fierce!我真的非常想念你!




D.H.T. - I Miss You专辑:Listen To Your HeartD.H.T. - I Miss Youwww.51lrc.com ★ VAN制作Oh baby I know that I did you wrongBut I got lost along the wayAnd I never thought you"d walk awayBut you didAnd I can"t cope with itI know that I don"t know what to doWith my feelings because I"m still not over youAnd I"m crying from the day you walked awayAnd I miss youI miss youI know that I don"t know what to doWith my feelings because I"m still not over youAnd I"m crying from the day you walked awayAnd I miss youI miss youI tell my friends that I got over youThat I took your pictures off the wallBut I know there is another truthThat I miss youThat I need youI know that I don"t know what to doWith my feelings because I"m still not over youAnd I"m crying from the day you walked awayAnd I miss youI miss youI know that I don"t know what to doWith my feelings because I"m still not over youAnd I"m crying from the day you walked awayAnd I miss youI miss youDarren Hayes - I Miss You专辑:SpinGimme a reasonWhy I"m feeling so blueEverytime I close my eyes, all I see is youGimme a reasonWhy I can"t feel my heartEverytime you leave my side, I just fall apartAnd when you"re fast asleep, I wonder where you goCan you tell me, I wanna knowBecause I miss youAnd this is all I wanna sayI guess I miss you, beautifulThese three words have said it allYou know I miss youI think about you when you"re goneI guess I miss you, nothing"s wrongI don"t need to carry onGimme a reasonWhy I can"t concentrateThe world is turning upside downSpinning round and roundGimme a reasonWhy I now understandThe beauty and simplicity of everything surrounding meYou got a way of spreading magic everywhereAnywhere I go, I know you"re always thereIt sounds ridiculous, but when you leave a roomThere"s a part of me that just wants to follow you tooBecause I miss youAnd this is all I wanna sayI guess I miss you, beautifulThese three words have said it allYou know I miss youI think about you when you"re goneI guess I miss you, nothing"s wrongI don"t need to carry onIt"s such a hard life in most of the time I"m just survivingThat"s why I want you to knowIn the world where sincerity has lost its meaningYou fill my world with so much hopeAnd I miss youThis is all I wanna sayI guess I miss you, beautifulThese three words have said it allYou know I miss youI think about you when you"re goneI guess I miss you, nothing"s wrongI don"t need to carry onYou know I miss youAnd this all I wanna sayI guess I miss you, beautifulThese three words have said it allYou know I miss youAnd this is all I wanna doI know it doesn"t sound too coolBut maybe I"m in love with youYou know I miss youAnd this all I wanna sayI guess I miss you, nothing"s wrongI don"t need to carry onI just miss youYeah, it"s trueI miss you, babyAnd when you"re walking out that doorI know I miss youYou make me wanna ask for moreI just miss youYeah, it"s trueI miss you, babyBlink 182 - I Miss You专辑:Blink 182Blink 182 - I Miss YouHello there, the angel from my nightmareThe shadow in the background of the morgueThe unsuspecting victim of darkness in the valleyWe can live like Jack and Sally if we wantWhere you can always find meWe"ll have Halloween on ChristmasAnd in the night we"ll wish this never endsWe"ll wish this never ends(I miss you I miss you)(I miss you I miss you)Where are you and I"m so sorryI cannot sleep I cannot dream tonightI need somebody and alwaysThis sick strange darknessComes creeping on so haunting every timeAnd as I stared I countedWebs from all the spidersCatching things and eating their insidesLike indecision to call youand hear your voice of treasonWill you come home and stop this pain tonightStop this pain tonightDon"t waste your time on me you"re alreadyThe voice inside my head (miss you miss you)Don"t waste your time on me you"re alreadyThe voice inside my head (miss you miss you)Don"t waste your time on me you"re alreadyThe voice inside my head (I miss you miss you)Don"t waste your time on me you"re alreadyThe voice inside my head (I miss you miss you)Don"t waste your time on me you"re alreadyThe voice inside my head (I miss you miss you)Don"t waste your time on me you"re alreadyThe voice inside my head (I miss you miss you)ENDFrente! - I Miss You专辑:It could rain for a thousand days Or something i don"t know Look to the sun and we"re having fun Beside the river flow You"re doing this and you"re doing that Workin" all the time Tonight you"ll call me on the phone You"ve got a worried mind And when you leave You"ll go away Gone to stay Don"t feel so bad It was nice what we had You"ll be glad I"ll miss you There"s a moon and it"s bright tonight The sun has gone away Stop the sweat and i"ll feel alright You know i like it this way You"re packin" stuff for your big, big move In just a couple of days You"ll be off on you"re big, big cruise Across the USA


这一刻是我给你最后的机会 用不着对我又吼又乱叫 我一定对你是真心真意 这你不用来质疑 你的背叛已经伤了我太深 不知是否应不应该太认真 也许你以后会改变自己 但我已决定必须离开你 i miss you i miss you i miss you everyday 只想看看你的脸 想念你 想念你 想念你的欢笑 整颗心已属于你 你的背叛已经伤了我太深 不知是否应不应该太认真 也许你以后会改变自己 但我已决定必须离开你 i miss you i miss you i miss you everyday 只想看看你的脸 想念你 想念你 想念你的欢笑 整颗心已属于你 i miss you i miss you i miss you everyday 只想看看你的脸 想念你 想念你 想念你的欢笑 整颗心已属于你 (罗百吉:i miss you i miss you i miss you everyday 只想看看你的脸 想念你 想念你 想念你的欢笑 整颗心已属于你) 让时间随着音乐流走 我轻轻对你唱着这首歌 i miss you i miss you i miss you everyday 只想看看你的脸 想念你 想念你 想念你的欢笑 整颗心已属于你 i miss you 鸣…… 想念你咿…… 已属于你……




i_missyouI crazily miss you.我疯狂地想你。I deeply miss you. 我深深地想念你。I desperately miss you. 我想你想到绝望。只要是副词- ly结尾的,与思念情绪有关的副词都可以。






答:you可以缩写为u miss u