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2014 MISA上海夏季音乐节哪天开始


sound horizon moira 演唱会中演 MISA的是谁?

大misia是栗林みな実具体资料看百度百科。。http://baike.baidu.com/view/1918140.htm小misia叫黑泽tomoyo,资料见此处http://talent.yahoo.co.jp/pf/profile/pp3430(小misia资料为soundhorizon吧的yamayuri提供。。)下面是广告时间。。欢迎对sound horizon有爱的各位来soundhorizon吧友好访问。。。鞠躬。。欢迎对sound horizon的歌姬remi有爱的各位来remi吧友好访问。。鞠躬。。


MISA是21集恢复记忆的 月是24集恢复的。



死亡笔记 弥海砂的名字不是Amane Misa吗? 为什么别人叫她misamisa

弥海砂(あまね ミサ,Amane Misa)2006-12-17 14:49出生地 京都 生日 1984年12月25日 身高 152cm 体重 36kg 血型 AB型 职业 杂志模特 艺名 MISA☆ 爱称 ミサミサ(misa misa) 于是misamisa是她的爱称XD






月是最后被硫克写上死亡笔记死了海砂动画里没死<<死亡笔记>>漫画的单行本.第13册[真相]里面说海砂在2月14日死了.是作者说的呢. 月从来没有喜欢过海砂哦




很常用太多人叫这个名字了 建议不要起


歌曲名:KIZNA歌手:MISA专辑:POD JACK遥(はる)か远(とお)く星(ほし)の果(は)て 纺(つむ)いでゆく KI&#8231;Z&#8231;NA<在遥远的星星尽头 羁绊渐渐织成>misa - KI&#8231;Z&#8231;NA<羁绊>Lyrics:ELEMENTASArrange:NeiziroAlbum:A-One/POD JACK原曲:东方妖々梦/无何有の郷 ~ Deep Mountain人(ひと)はみな泣(な)きながら 生(う)まれてきて缲(く)り返(かえ)す<人一边在哭泣 一边不断重生>最後(さいご)までわからずに 过(あやま)ちは限(かぎ)りなく<直到最後仍不明白 自己犯下无数错误>今(いま)はただ重(かさ)ね合(あ)う 温(ぬく)もりを确(たし)かめて<现在重新相合 确认彼此的温暖>指先(ゆびさき)に触(ふ)れる风(かぜ) 痛(いた)みだけ残(のこ)してく<指尖能触到的风 只留下伤痛>悲(かな)しみを胸(むね)に抱(だ)いて 仆(ぼく)らはただ立(た)ち尽(つ)くす<在心中抱著悲伤 我们只能茫然伫立>无(な)くした羽根(はね)取(と)り戻(もど)して まだ见(み)ぬ空(そら)めざそう<取回失去了的羽翼 向未见的天空去吧>流(なが)れ星(ほし)に愿(ねが)うとき 辉(かがや)きだす KI&#8231;Z&#8231;NA<在向流星许愿时 羁绊发出光芒>今日(きょう)もまたうつむいて 道标(みちしるべ)を探(さが)してる<今日仍然在俯望 寻找著路标>红(あか)く燃(も)える太阳(たいよう)が 魂(たましい)をまた焦(こ)がす<鲜红燃起的太阳 仍在不断将灵魂烧焦>こぼれてく想(おも)い出(で)を 灭(ほろ)びゆく宿命(しゅくめい)を<思念不断涌出 命运趋向破灭>受(う)け入(い)れたその时(とき)に 真実(しんじつ)を分(わ)かち合(あ)う<当被接受了的一刻 真实就会被分明>暗闇(くらやみ)を越(こ)えたなら その答(こた)えがわかるはず<若穿越了黑暗的话 应能明白那答案>二度(にど)とはないこの时(とき)に 羽根(はね)を広(ひろ)げ飞(と)びたて<在这不再重复的时间 展开羽翼高高飞翔吧>http://music.baidu.com/song/23930836












姓名:户田惠梨香 假名:とだ えりか 罗马字:Toda Erika 出身年月:1988年8月17日 国籍:日本 身高:163.5cm 体重:42kg 脚尺:24 cm 鞋码:24.0 3围:B75/W56/H78 职业:演员、模特 教育程度:高等教育 性格:好胜、顽强、幽默、可爱、直爽干脆 血型:AB型 星座:狮子座 爱好:料理、钢琴、少林拳法、书法2段、擅长运动 目标的艺人:大竹忍、中谷美纪 喜欢的一句话:以心传心 喜欢的类型:诚实、幽默 初恋年龄:小学3年级 家庭成员:父母,大6岁的哥哥,小6岁的妹妹 最满意自己的那个部分:手、及头发 有没有自己感到自卑的地方:哈哈的笑声!比较困惑呢! 喜欢的动漫人物:哆啦A梦 喜欢的颜色:黑、白、红 喜欢的食物:印度咖喱 最想合作的中国演员:成龙大哥 出演的第一部电影:死亡笔记 第一次主演的电视剧:诈欺游戏(LIAR GAME) 第一次主演的电影:海胆煎饼 所属经纪公司:flamme 经济公司联系地址:东京都港区赤坂7-6-52 ハイツ赤坂406フラームジェクト内 邮政编码:〒107-0052 出道时间:2000年

Misa Misa的相关资料





这是“对不起,我爱你”韩文的缩写 misa=(mi a ne, sa lang e )






MISA是韩剧<对不起,我爱你>中韩语前两个字母的缩写 : Mi an ha da (对不起) Sa lang ha da (我爱你)--MISA.

KON新曲《I Miss You So Bad》音译歌词是什么意思

i miss you so bad(中文歌词翻译)  希望这不是为你而唱的最后一首歌  这不是为你而写的最后一封信  这不是向你走去的道路尽头  我祈祷着 就请你跟我说不是  希望这是我因你的最后一次落泪  这是我想你的最后一个夜晚  没有你在 我仿佛什么都不是  不是这样 不是这样 不是这样  I miss you bad  我是疯了丢下这么可爱的你  想抓住你的双手却渐渐远去  或许有挽回的可能 我无数次的  每晚清冷的月光下 跪着期待  最后这样的话请别说出口  如果还是相爱请别离开我  已经破裂的碗我会再次还原  打翻洒下的水我会重新盛起  渐渐遗忘了吧 一个两个都拭去了吧  我早崩溃了吧 所以你觉得厌烦了吧  究竟还有多少这样的日子  到底还要清空多少个杯子  害怕你离我而去打下的电话  被挂断后的只剩下寂寞我知道我错太多  只期望你幸福就好  希望这不是为你而唱的最后一首歌  这不是为你而写的最后一封信  这不是向你走去的道路尽头  我祈祷着 就请你跟我说不是  希望这是我因你的最后一次落泪  这是我想你的最后一个夜晚  没有你在 我仿佛什么都不是  不是这样 不是这样 不是这样  I miss you bad  你曾抚慰我的指尖太过温暖  在我怀里与你亲密的回忆变得模糊  只是短暂的想念我却忍不住泪水  WOO WOO  Real talk baby  Let"s go  我执着于光明耀眼的你闭上眼睛  不留足迹地在背后抓住你  和骄傲同时留下最后的悔意  不要如风一样来去只剩下香气  像沼泽上零落的几片枫叶  这般渺小的我被你温柔的救起  狂风呼啸着横肆在胸间  除了你余下满满的都是迷恋  我能理解 对比这期间和我在一起  想起曾有的时光难忍住眼泪  太抱歉you gotta move on  很久很久以后  或许还是朋友  希望这不是为你而唱的最后一首歌  这不是为你而写的最后一封信  这不是向你走去的道路尽头  我祈祷着 就请你跟我说不是  希望这是我因你的最后一次落泪  这是我想你的最后一个夜晚  没有你在 我仿佛什么都不是  不是这样 不是这样 不是这样  I miss you bad

false和mistake 有什么区别?



She promised that she would study harder next term.她曾承诺过,她下学期将会更努力学习。promise多用于过去时态,从句用过去将来时

I promise love 意思


兄弟姐妹们,有两个BEC英语方面问题要请教,如下: 1 ,___at these accounts today,I promise .


神秘花园的the promise歌词

Nothing is promised to me and youSo why will we let this thing goBaby I promise that I"ll stay trueDon"t let nobody say it ain"t soAnd baby I promiseThat I will never leaveThat everything will be alright, II promise these things to youGirl just believeI promiseShould of known the things you said been rightForever is such a very long timeWe never even had a fightDon"t let no one change your mindCause they don"t know how much I careThey don"t know the things we share unless they"re here babeBut since they"re notHow can they say I"m not true, oh, oh, ohIf you need a love, I got the love that you needAin"t no way they can take that from meAnd I pray to God that one day they will seeNothing is promised to me and youSo why will we let this thing goBaby I promise that I"ll stay trueDon"t let nobody say it ain"t soAnd baby I promiseThat I will never leaveThat everything will be alright, II promise these things to youGirl just believeI promiseWhen I think of all the times I saidThat I will see you another dayBaby nothing"s gonna change, yes it isSaid you mean the world to meAnd babygirl I keep you first, yeahCause that"s the kind of love you deserveAnd to know I got a love if you need a love, yeahIf you need a love, I got the love that you needAin"t no way they can take that from meAnd I pray to God that one day they will seeNothing is promised to me and youSo why will we let this thing goBaby I promise that I"ll stay trueDon"t let nobody say it ain"t soAnd baby I promiseThat I will never leaveThat everything will be alright, II promise these things to youGirl just believeI promiseYou"re the only I want in my lifeAnd I promise everything is alright babeYou"re the only I want in my lifeI promise, promise, promise you babyYou"re the only I want in my lifeAnd I promise everything is alright babeYou"re the only I want in my lifeI promise, promise, promise you babyYou"re the only I want in my lifeAnd I promise everything is alright babeYou"re the only I want in my lifeI promise, promise, promise you baby

promise doing和promise to do有什么区别呢?

从未见过to do的结构

I promise to help YOU! YOU 为什么大写??

书面语中表强调。例如 Never LICK the metal poles or bars in chilling winter days! 别特么作死去在大冷天的舔金属栏杆!


[BoA]我侧耳倾听 总被时间逼迫就好像身后被推着 无法消失I don"t give up[Xiah]随心所欲地打开一个新世界I balieve 自由地飞向天空[All]摆脱掉辛苦的一天Oh~Any Dream 再次梦想无论何地 我们在一起Promise You[Xiha]我抬起头 用想象描画出茫然的梦在那手中[All]Enjoy your life 给你力量抓住我的手<Chorus>[All]唤醒梦境的回声Any&Talk Play Oh~ Any Love牵引你的 Melody笑得更大声吧 为了你的世界Oh Any Dream 再次梦想无论何地 我们在一起Promise You[Tablo]I Promise youEverybody 大声喊叫 现在你和我的声音震响整个世界火光熄灭的时候也是 you are my sunshine呼吸停止的时候也是 with you I"ll be fineYou"re divine,you"re my everythingYou are the one that makes my singNotting in the universe can change thatYou"re like a song on a constantplaybackI promise you 我会守护你I promise you 我会相信你I promise you 用我的拥抱抹掉你所有痛苦 come to me now[BoA]在任何等待也遥不可及的梦里如果另一个辛苦的日子来临请记起我[Xiah]踩着我的声音站起来再次画出 Any dream[All]I believe you自由飞翔天空重复<Chorus>[BoA]记住我[All]Anytime Anyday with you *9

Frankie J 的 I Promise You 歌词

Frankie J - I Promise You i promise that you"ll never be alonethis house will always be your homeand our hearts will always beat as oneas long as i can breathe i sweari promise that i will never let you downbe strong for you, i"ll always be aroundlook into my eyes you"ll see that we were meant to be together (oh)this love of ours was sent from up abovetogether i know that we could touch the skynothing ever felt so rightgirl i..this i promise you, this i promise you, this i promise you(girl i"ll be there) i will be there (i will be there) i will be therethis i promise you, this i promise you, this i promise you(girl i"ll be there) i will be there (i will be there)i promise all my lifethere"s something that you really gotta knowi"m with you til the end of the road (end of the road)i"ll never let you goi swear i"ve never felt like this beforecos everyday i love you more and moreyou lift me up so high, i look into your eyes i see foreverthis love of ours was sent from up abovetogether i know that we could touch the skynothing ever felt so rightgirl i, i, i..this i promise you, this i promise you, this i promise you(girl i"ll be there) oh i"ll be there (i will be there) oh i"ll be therei promise my time (this i promise you),i promise my heart (this i promise you),i promise my love (this i promise you)girl i"ll be there, girl i"ll be therethrough the fire we could hold each other upi"ll be your shelter cos the storms are gonna comeso don"t worry anymorecos this is no ordinary loveand this i promisethis i promise you, this i promise you, this i promise youhttp://www.elyricsworld.com/i_promise_you_lyrics_frankie_j.html(girl i"ll be there) i promise baby (i will be there) i will be therei promise my time (this i promise you),i promise my heart (this i promise you),i promise my love (this i promise you)(girl i"ll be there) i"ll be there (i will be there) i will be therethis i promise you, this i promise you, this i promise you(girl i"ll be there) i"ll be there (i will be there) i"ll be therei promise my time (this i promise you),i promise my heart (this i promise you),i promise my love (this i promise you)(girl i"ll be there) i will be right there (i will be there)i promise all my lifeoh baby baby baby baby baby this i promise you

I promise 怎么回答

only time will tell

yes,daddy,i promise课文译文


男朋友给我备注Make I promise是什么意思?

Make I promise(许一世诺言)


承诺,诺言[C][(+of)][+(that)][+to-v] Give me your promise that you"ll never be late again. 答应我你绝不再迟到了。 2. 希望,前途[U][S] The young man shows promise as a po et. 这位青年有成为诗人的希望。 vt. 1. 允诺,答应[+to-v][+that][O1][O5] He promised me the book. 他答应给我这本书。 He promised to help us. 他答应要帮助我们。 I can"t give you the book; I"ve promised it to Susan. 我不能把这本书给你;我已经答应给苏珊 了。 2. 给人以...的指望;有...的可能[+to-v] It promises to be fine tomorrow. 明天有希望是个好天气。 3. 【口】向...保证,向...断言 vi. 1. 允诺,作出保证 2. 有指望,有前途[Q] That project promises well. 那个工程很有希望成功。

李弘基的 I promise 的拼音歌词


有谁知道这首歌的歌名?歌词是这样~if you wanna ..........i promise to

貌似是wanna be 超级女生里面某某人唱过的?

Deep的《Promise》 歌词

歌曲名:Promise歌手:Deep专辑:Love Story「Promise」作词∶DEEP/Jeff Miyahara作曲∶DEEP/Jeff Miyahara/Yuichi Hayashida歌∶DEEPI Promise...Everyday 离れてても Everytime 侧にいるよあの约束抱きしめてEverynight 君を想う ただそれだけで明日もきっと辉けるよ突然鸣った 懐かしいメロディーいつ振りだろう 君からのCall少し大人びた 君の声に 戸惑う唇 oh『ごめんね。。。ねぇ、今 大丈夫?』 『どうしたの?』受话器から蘇る 最後の言叶I Promise...Everyday 离れてても Everytime 侧にいるよあの约束抱きしめてEverynight 君を想う ただそれだけで明日もきっと辉けるよあのころはまだ 幼なかったねくだらない事も笑ってくれたね今もまだあの时のキミの笑颜もう一度见れるかな oh出会いと别れ缲り返して 辿り着いたもう君以外爱さない もう离さないI Promise...Everyday 离れてても Everytime 侧にいるよあの约束抱きしめてEverynight 君を想う ただそれだけでここまで来れた二人の时计の针が今重なり合い刻み始めるもう二度と离さないと誓うよ(だから I Promise You)Everyday 离れてても Everytime 侧にいるよあの约束抱きしめてEverynight 君を想う ただそれだけで明日もきっとI Promise...Everyday 离れてても Everytime 侧にいるよあの约束抱きしめてEverynight 君を想う これから先も君と二人一绪だよだからずっと…辉けるよ【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/5544378

歌词i promise i promise i will be there with my lov

应该是列昂刘易斯的Leona Lewis - Footprints In the Sand ~~~于2008年3月9日以单曲的形式在英国发行发行,2008年4月被Lewis收录在《Better in Time》这张单曲碟里,主题是凸显在别人需要帮助时施以援手”~


i promise you


实例 : 当执行第一个promise = promise.then(testRes)时,会立即执行testRes方法,而参数就是初始化的a,因为在上面,promise的初始值就是一个成功状态的promise,并且resolve的值是a,赋值后的promise也是一个promise对象,并且resolve的值就是处理一次的a对象,最后打印: 这个用法是 axios 库的拦截器中使用到,使用过的朋友应该知道,axios的拦截器就是将config或者response进行一层一层的传递,处理。 直接看例子: 推荐最后一种写法 指的是定义一个pending状态,然后先定好promise成功情况后操作,然后由外部控制这个promise什么时候变成resolved状态,去执行.then操作,先看一个最简单的例子: 再看一个较为复杂的例子,由内部控制promise resolve执行的逻辑,外部只是控制promise的状态,主要运用到函数的参数知识: 这就是超人鸭这次分享的几个promise用法,主要是在学习axios库时总结的dome,感觉自己对promise的理解也是非常浅,如果你对promise有更好的理解,欢迎指教。


我们先来看看Promise最基本的语法, 这里我们使用定时器来模拟异步事件 我们平时可能有这样的需求, 同时发出请求1 和 请求2, 当请求1和请求2同时成功了就去执行成功的操作, 当其中有一个发生错误就立即停止并处理错误, 这种情景就可以使用 Promise.all 将所有的异步任务包裹起来一起做

I Promise I Do 歌词

歌曲名:I Promise I Do歌手:Peabo Bryson专辑:Missing YouI promiseBabyfaceBabyface-I promiseMaybe I was scaredJust a little bit confused,yesTo do all the things that I did,to hurt you, like thatBut if I had a second chanceI"d be a better man, yes I willThere"d be no more tears on your faceYou could trust in me againOnce againAnd I promise I"ll love youTil the end of our daysI promise I"ll love youBaby I"ll changeI promise I"ll love youLets start over againAgain, againAll the things that I wasn"tI promise to beJust give me a chanceA changed man you will seeThat"s a promise you can put that down on everythingA promise, from meoohh yea, from meNow that you"re goneGirl I understand, I really doHow it feels to reach out someoneAnd find there aint nobody thereSee, when i should have been right there holding youNo one"s softer at heart, than youThere"ll be no more cheese or rainy daysI"d give anything just to see you smileonce againAnd I promise I"ll love youTil the end of our daysI promise I"ll love youBaby I"ll changeI promise I"ll love youLets start over againAgain, againAll the things that I wasn"tI promise to beJust give me a chanceA changed man you will seeThat"s a promise you can put that down on everythingA promise, from meI learned the grass wasn"t greenerWhen you get to the other sideGirl, I learned from my mistakesI wanna make it up somewayWithout you nothing"s going rightI just need you back in, back in my lifeAnd I promise I"ll love youTil the end of our daysI promise I"ll love youBaby I"ll changeI promise I"ll love youLets start over againAgain, againAll the things that I wasn"tI promise to beJust give me a chanceA changed man you will seeThat"s a promise you can put that down on everythingA promise, from meAnd I promise I"ll love youTil the end of our daysI promise I"ll love youBaby I"ll changeI promise I"ll love youLets start over againAgain, againAll the things that I wasn"tI promise to beJust give me a chanceA changed man you will seeThat"s a promise you can put that down on everything...http://music.baidu.com/song/8707991

英语中: I promise / I guarantee 请问两者有何区别和意义?


i promise i promise i promise 是什么歌


i promise 后面用什么时态

您好!用将来时最好。【许诺的事还没有发生】望采纳 !谢谢!

Babyface的i promise中文歌词是什么意思?

[Verse 1]Maybe I was scared /或许我受惊了Just a little bit confused /或许只是有点困惑Yes /对To do all the things that I did, to hurt you, like that /做些那样的事情来伤害你But if I had a second chance /但是如果我有第二次机会I"d be a better man, yes I will / 我一定会做个更好的人,一定的There"d be no more tears on your face / 你的脸上也再有泪水You could trust in me again / 你可以再次相信我Once again /再一次[Chorus] /合唱And I promise I"ll love you /我承诺我爱你Til the end of our days /直到我俩死去的那一天I promise I"ll love you /我承诺我爱你Baby I"ll change /Baby, 我会改变自己的I promise I"ll love you /我承诺我爱你Lets start over again /让我们重新开始吧Again, again.All the things that I wasn"t /所有我没做到的事情I promise to be /我承诺一定去做Just give me a chance /只求你再给我一次机会A changed man you will see /你将会看到一个转变后的男人That"s a promise you can put that down on everything /这是一个你可以指望的承诺A promise, from me /我许的一个承诺oohh yea, from me / 我许诺~[Verse 2]Now that you"re gone, /现在你已离开Girl I understand, I really do /姑娘,我明白,我真的明白How it feels to reach out someone /向一个人敞开心扉的感觉And find there aint nobody there /却发现那里一个人都没有See, when i should have been right there holding you /看吧,当我应该在那儿抱着你的时候No one"s softer at heart, than you /没有人比你更温柔了There"ll be no more cheese or rainy days /也不会再有奶酪或者雨天(不太明白cheese到底应该怎么翻译)I"d give anything just to see you smile once again /我愿意放弃一切,只为你一展笑容Ohh baby /哦,宝贝儿[Chorus]And I promise I"ll love you Til the end of our daysI promise I"ll love youBaby I"ll changeI promise I"ll love you Lets start over againAgain, again.All the things that I wasn"tI promise to beJust give me a chanceA changed man you will seeThat"s a promise you can put that down on everythingA promise, from meoohh yea, from me//这是重复的,不翻译了[Verse 3]I learned the grass wasn"t greener /我听说小草已不再绿油油When you get to the other side /当你投入他人的怀抱Girl, I learned from my mistakes /姑娘,我已从错误中吸取教训I wanna make it up someway /我想要我俩和好Without you nothing"s going right /没有你,任何事物都没了意义I just need you back in, back in my life /我只希望你重回我身边,重新融入我的生活[Chorus X2]And I promise I"ll love you Til the end of our days (til the end of our days)I promise I"ll love youBaby I"ll change (I"ll change)I promise I"ll love you Let"s start over again (let"s start over again)Again, again.All the things that I wasn"t (All the things I wasn"t)I promise to be (I promise to be)Just give me a chance (give me a chance)A changed man you will seeThat"s a promise you can put that down on everything (down on everythingg)A promise, from meoohh yea, from meAnd I promise I"ll love you (I promise I"ll love youu)Til the end of our days I promise I"ll love you (I promise I"ll love youu)Baby I"ll change I promise I"ll love you (I promise I"ll love youu)Let"s start over again (over againn)Again, again.All the things that I wasn"t (All the things I wasn"t)I promise to be (I promise to be)Just give me a chance (give me a chance)A changed man you will seeThat"s a promise you can put that down on everything (down on everythingg)A promise, from meoohh yea, from me

I give you my word 和 I promise哪个语气更深

I give you my word 我向你许诺,我向你保证……有强调的成分。这个跟汉语的意思优点类似,比如:“你去把凳子拿过来”。和 “我让你去把凳子拿过来”。”I promise“只是保证的单词,没有强调保证。如果加一个”absolutely“I absolutely promise “我绝对承诺”就有强调作用了。从例句中也可以看出:I give you my word, I will do it. 我向你保证,我会去做的。I promise to do it. 我保证做到。前一句“我向你保证”和后一句的“我保证”,从语气上前一句更深一些。



求一些好听的R&B英文歌,类似missing you这种风格的

推荐两个歌手吧。。。Usher,Craig Dacid

Leave early if you want to miss rush hour


有一首英文歌女生唱的节奏不是很快 .里面大概有几句歌词是i miss you ,i love you



mistake、error 、fault 和wrong 四个词都可表示“错误”,但侧重点不同 1、mistake强调日常生活中判断和看法的错误 如:It was a mistake buying that house. 买那套房子是个错误。 2、error强调违反某一标准做的错事,包括道德上的错误。 He can"t forget the errors of his youth. 他忘不了他年轻时犯的错误。 3、wrong 坏事、冤屈、犯罪 4、fault强调责任或性格上的弱点 It "s my fault that we are late.我们迟到是我的错。






mistake:错误,指日常生活中判断和看法的错误,是可数名词; He made a lot of spelling mistake in the test.error:指违反某一标准做的错事,包括道德上的错误;fault:指“过失的责任或性格上的弱点”谢谢采纳 O(∩_∩)O~



辨析英文单词 fault ,mistake ,wrong ,error 的用法,含义和不同点

mistake、error 、fault 和wrong 四个词都可表示“错误”,但侧重点不同 1、mistake强调日常生活中判断和看法的错误 如:It was a mistake buying that house.买那套房子是个错误. 2、error强调违反某一标准做的错事,包括道德上的错误. He can"t forget the errors of his youth.他忘不了他年轻时犯的错误. 3、wrong 坏事、冤屈、犯罪 4、fault强调责任或性格上的弱点 It "s my fault that we are late.我们迟到是我的错.

辨析英文单词 fault ,mistake ,wrong ,error 的用法,含义和不同点

mistake、error 、fault 和wrong 四个词都可表示“错误”,但侧重点不同 1、mistake强调日常生活中判断和看法的错误 如:It was a mistake buying that house.买那套房子是个错误. 2、error强调违反某一标准做的错事,包括道德上的错误. He can"t forget the errors of his youth.他忘不了他年轻时犯的错误. 3、wrong 坏事、冤屈、犯罪 4、fault强调责任或性格上的弱点 It "s my fault that we are late.我们迟到是我的错.


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mission planner地面站EKF变红可以解锁吗


apm官网上apm planner 和 Mission Planner有什么区别

APM Planner 2.0是一个开源的地面站应用,可用于基于MAVlink的自动驾驶仪(包括APM和PX4/Pixhawk),可运行在Windows、Mac OSX还有Linux上。AP2可以让你配置飞机、飞行器、无人车,让它自动驾驶仪协同工作,使其成为自动驾驶载具。

promise to me 还是promise me





Its very hot in the room.Take off your coat.为什么,房间里很热,翻译成第一句。翻译 ,为什么翻译成这样?我翻译成:ln the room is very hot可以吗?如果不行为什么是 Its very hot in the room。在房间里它是非常的热

以My English teacher 为题写篇作文 Miss Tang 是我的英语老师,他长着大大的眼睛和小嘴巴,乌黑的头发,

Miss Tang is my English teacher,she has two big eyes but her mouth is small. She has black and long hair,Besides,she is very thin. The most important is she looks young and beautiful.Miss Tang is kind to everything and she likes animals very much .Moreover , she also likes singing and dancing .Her English is good and she speaks very fluently.We often play games on her class,her lesson is very interesting . Miss Tang is friendly to all of us,we all like her very much.

cats never become submissive___ 1 as dogs and horses 2 in the way that dogs and horses do


以mit miss为词根的单词

以mit miss为词根的单词介绍如下:miss,mit= send,cast,表示“送,放出”mission n "派遣;使命(miss+ion,送出→派遣)"missionary a 传道的n. 教士(mission使命+ary→[传教]使命的)commission n 委员会;委任(com共同+miss+ion→共同送出[选出]的人→委员会)dismiss v 解散;罢免(dis分开+miss→分开送→解散)emissive a 发出的,放射的(e出+miss送+ive→送出去)emission n 发出,放射(e+miss+ion)emissary n 使者,密使(e出+miss+ary人→送出去的人→使者)remiss a 怠慢的;粗心的(re不+miss→不送出去→怠慢的)remission n 宽恕;赦免(re再+miss+ion→再一次放过[别人]→宽恕)omission n 省略(o出+miss+ion→放出去→省略)permission n 允许(per始终+miss+ion→始终放入→允许)permissive a 准许的;纵容的(per+miss+ive)submission n 屈服(sub下面+miss+ion→放在下面→屈服)submissive a 服从的(sub+miss+ive)transmission n 转送;传达(trans横+miss+ion→横着送→传送过去)premise n 前提(pre预先+mise→预先送出→前提)promise n 答应;保证(pro前面+mise→在做事前送出的话→允诺)surmise v 推测,猜测(sur在下面+mise→在下面说出的话→猜测)demise v 让与;遗赠(de分开+mise→分开送→遗赠)admit v 许可入学等;承认(ad+mit→送来→许可进入)commit v 委托;委任(com共同+mit→共同送→委任)committee n 委员会(commit+t+ee)emit v 发光;发出(味等)(e出+mit→送出[气味]等)intermit v 一时停止,间断(inter在中间+mit→在中间送东西→打断,间断)intermittent a 间歇的(intermit+t+ent)omit v 省去,略去(o出+mit→送出→省略)permit v 许可,允许(per始终+mit→始终放出来→许可)remit v 汇款;饶恕(re再+mit→[把钱]再送出去→汇款)submit v 使屈服;提出(sub下面+mit→送下去→屈服)transmit v 寄送;传达(trans横+mit→横送过去→传达)


《Submissive Beauty》(Gayle, Eliza)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1jNndwfakZcitDRG9jL66YA 提取码: uapa书名:Submissive Beauty作者:Gayle, Eliza页数:322

submissive 与 obedient都为服从的意思,有什么区别?

如果对敌人的话,就用submissive对上司,爸妈什么的,用OBEDIENTSUBMIT, OBEY 是两者的词根


顺从的 双语对照 词典结果: submissive [英][su0259bu02c8mu026asu026av][美][su0259bu02c8mu026asu026av] adj.顺从的,唯命是从的; 柔顺; 帖; 贴; 以上结果来自金山词霸 柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 同反义词 1.ADJ-GRADED顺从的;恭顺的;听话的If you are submissive,you obey someone without arguing. Most doctors want their patients to be submissive. 大部分医生希望病人能听从医嘱. submissively The troops submissively laid down their weapons. 各部队服从命令,放下了武器. 收起 例句: 1. It produces the submissive subject. 它产生出顺从的人. 2. Vietnamese girls are seen in much of asia as the paradigm of thesubmissive foreign bride. 亚洲大部分地区都把越南女孩视为恭顺的外籍新娘. 3. However it requires very sharp map awareness and more submissivehero positioning. 但是这需要很尖锐地图的认识和更柔顺的英雄定位. 4. He was looking for a quiet submissive wife who would obey his everywish. 他正在寻找一个娴静而温顺的妻子,她愿意对他百依百顺. China will no longer remain servile and submissive. 中国不会再卑躬屈膝、俯首帖耳. 很高兴为您解答 如果你对这个答案有什么疑问, 手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可. 互相帮助如果满意记得采纳哦·


《Submissive Beauty》(Gayle, Eliza)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1iv1feKpUKxEyMykfFetcoQ 提取码: cc6u书名:Submissive Beauty作者:Gayle, Eliza页数:322

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《Submissive Beauty》(Gayle, Eliza)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1we6NyLZa1xPm-rAICDAzOg 提取码: s9y7书名:Submissive Beauty作者:Gayle, Eliza页数:322



submissive and obedient son 翻译的理解

submissive and obedient son是指顺从听话的儿子submissive 英[su0259bu02c8mu026asu026av] 美[su0259bu02c8mu026asu026av]adj. 顺从的,唯命是从的;柔顺;帖;贴obedient 英[u0259u02c8bi:diu0259nt] 美[ou02c8bidiu0259nt]adj. 顺从的,服从的;忠顺的;孝顺的;驯良的submissive and obedient son字面上看来是没有贬义的,都是优良品质。但是在具体语境可能会有变化。如: Be the submissive and obedient son.做你听话顺从的儿子去吧。如果在吵架中,就是贬义,不会是褒义。Be a submissive and obedient son.一定要做个乖巧听话的儿子。就不是贬义,而是褒义。


submissive,英语单词,主要用作形容词,作形容词时译为“顺从的;服从的;柔顺的”。短语搭配:submissive personality 屈从性人格;obsequiously submissive 屈从的 ; 下心屈服于人;Submissive Woman 愿意渺小;submissive e 顺从的 ; 服从的;submissive display 屈服炫耀。Submissive attitude 服从性;almost submissive 近似服从;professional submissive 专业臣服;Submissive Urination 惊吓性撒尿 ; 小便 ; 罚以免造成惊吓性排尿。双语例句:1.A submissive wife says yes to everything her husband says .顺从的妻子对她丈夫所说的一切都唯唯诺诺。2.Vietnamese girls are seen in much of asia as the paradigm of the submissive foreign bride .亚洲大部分地区都把越南女孩视为恭顺的外籍新娘。3.However it requires very sharp map awareness and more submissive hero positioning .但是这需要很尖锐地图的认识和更柔顺的英雄定位。4.After the goldstone controversy he cannot afford to be perceived as weak and submissive .在《goldstone报告书》争议之后,他不能再被人觉得软弱和逆来顺受。


submissive[英][su0259bu02c8mu026asu026av][美][su0259bu02c8mu026asu026av]adj.顺从的,唯命是从的; 柔顺; 帖; 贴; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.It produces the submissive subject. 它产生出顺从的人。
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