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Economics是一门社会科学专业 ,研究州、国家和全球市场如何分配资源,研究本地或全球市场、人类行为、商品和服务等。社会科学(Social Science)是用科学的方法,研究种种社会现象的各学科总体或其中任一学科。它是研究各种社会现象的科学,比如社会学研究人类社会(主要是当代),政治学研究政治、政策和政治活动,经济学研究资源分配。社会科学所涵盖的学科包括:经济学、政治学、法学、伦理学、历史学、社会学、心理学、教育学、管理学、人类学、民俗学、新闻学、传播学等。一些学科,如人类学、心理学、考古学,是社会科学和自然科学的交叉。中国大陆将心理学列为自然科学,如组建中国科学院心理研究所的南京大学心理学系在1956年以前(包括民国时期)都设在理学院下;而香港特区跟随欧美地区把它归入社会科学。政治学、经济学、社会学、法学、军事学等学科是典型的狭义上的社会科学。而有些学科,如历史学,则是狭义的社会科学和人文学科的交叉,通常理解为人文学科。广义的“社会科学”则包含了人文学科,如中国社会科学院设有社会科学和人文学科两类研究所。在现代科学的发展进程中,新科技革命为社会科学的研究提供了新的方法手段,社会科学与自然科学相互渗透,相互联系的趋势日益加强。


economics 英[u02cci:ku0259u02c8nu0252mu026aks] 美[u02cci:ku0259u02c8nɑ:mu026aks] n. 经济学; 经济,国家的经济状况; [例句]He gained a first class Honours degree in economics.他获得了经济学一等荣誉学位。[其他] 复数:economicses


economics美 [.ekə"nɑmɪks]英 [.ekə"nɒmɪks]n.经济学;经济情况;经济因素;经济意义经济学专业;经济学研究所;经济系  经济学是研究价值的生产、流通、分配、消费的规律的理论。经济学的研究对象和自然科学、其他社会科学的研究对象是同一的客观规律。  经济是价值的创造、转化与实现;人类经济活动就是创造、转化、实现价值,满足人类物质文化生活需要的活动。经济学是研究人类经济活动的规律即研究价值的创造、转化、实现的规律——经济发展规律的理论,分为政治经济学与科学经济学两大类型。政治经济学根据所代表的阶级的利益为了突出某个阶级在经济活动中的地位和作用自发从某个侧面研究价值规律或经济规律,科学经济学用科学方法自觉从整体上研究人类经济活动的价值规律或经济规律。新常态经济学就是科学经济学。经济学的核心是经济规律。在新常态经济学看来,资源的优化配置与优化再生只是经济规律的展开和具体表现,经济学的对象应该是资源优化配置与优化再生后面的经济规律与经济本质,而不是停留在资源的优化配置与优化再生层面。停留在资源的优化配置与优化再生层面的,是政治经济学而不是科学的经济学。要研究经济发展的规律就必须从整体上统一研究经济现象,宏观经济与微观经济是统一的经济体中对称的两个方面,所以在新常态经济学范式框架中,有宏观经济与微观经济之分,没有宏观经济学与微观经济学之别;而政治经济学总是把经济学分为宏观经济学与微观经济学。


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economic well-being经济实力We are now concerned for the economic well-being of the country.我们现在担心这个国家的经济实力。



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Michael Ball的《Somewhere》 歌词

歌曲名:Somewhere歌手:Michael Ball专辑:Songs Of LoveSomewhere- Matt MonroThere"s a place for usSomewhere a place for usPeace and quiet and open airWait for us SomewhereThere"s a time for usSome day a time for usTime together with time to spareTime to learn time to careSomeday SomewhereWe"ll find a new way of livingWe"ll find a way of forgivingSomewhereThere"s a place for usA time and place for usHold my hand and we"re halfway thereHold my hand and I"ll take you thereSomehow Someday SomewhereSomeday SomewhereWe"ll find a new way of livingWe"ll find a way of forgivingSomewhereThere"s a place for usA time and place for usHold my hand and we"re halfway thereHold my hand and I"ll take you thereSomehow Someday Somewherehttp://music.baidu.com/song/9074959



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Michael Jackson新作Hollywood Tonight的MV里,那个跳舞的女孩叫什么?有那么几处真的好像MJ啊!!

MV的女主角是索菲亚·波多拉(Sofia Boutella),1982年4月3日出生于阿尔及利亚,后移居法国,18岁成为法国奥运会国家体操队成员,现在则是一个跳嘻哈和街舞为主的知名舞者,尤其以她为耐克女装做的系列广告而著名。索菲亚·波多拉后来为麦当娜的“舞池告白”(Confessions Tour)巡演担任伴舞,并在耐克广告后,和麦当娜、Jamiroquai和蕾安娜(Rihanna)等歌星合作。据称2009年她也被迈克尔·杰克逊选做“就是这样”(This Is It)巡演的女伴舞之一,只是因为她与麦当娜的合同在身,不得不放弃

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解决方法如下1、首先打开IE浏览器后,自动跳转到了Edge浏览器。2、下面来阻止它的跳转。打开Edge浏览器,点击右上角的三个圆点,选择“设置”。3、在左边菜单中选择“默认浏览器”。4、在“让Internet Explorer 在 Microsoft Edge 中打开网站”后面的下拉菜单中选择“从不”。5、关闭Edge浏览器,打开IE浏览器。可以看到,IE浏览器成功打开了,不会再跳转到Edge浏览器了。Internet Explorer(简称:IE)是微软公司推出的一款网页浏览器。原称Microsoft Internet Explorer(6版本以前)和Windows Internet Explorer(7、8、9、10、11版本)。在IE7以前,中文直译为“网络探路者”,但在IE7以后官方便直接俗称"IE浏览器"。2015年3月微软确认将放弃IE品牌。转而在Windows 10上,用Microsoft Edge取代了Internet Explorer。2016年1月12日,微软公司宣布于这一天停止对Internet Explorer 8/9/10三个版本的技术支持,用户将不会再收到任何来自微软官方的IE安全更新;作为替代方案,微软建议用户升级到IE 11或者改用Microsoft Edge浏览器。



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Michael Jackson的In The Closet这首歌的详细信息。

ITC,流行之王Michael Jackson著名专辑Dangerous中的第三首歌。这首歌也作为专辑的第三支单曲发行,英国:最高排名#8 美国:最高排名#6 拍摄时间、地点:92年,在内华达州的拉斯维加斯外的沙漠和MJ一起拍摄MV的是黑人模特坎贝尔(Naomi Cambell )导演:Michael Jackson and Herb Ritts 另,创作背景未知。只知道当初这首歌是准备和麦当娜一起唱的(也准备一起拍MV),麦姐也给歌曲写了具有挑逗意味的歌词,后来不知什么原因Michael不准备和麦当娜一起表演这首歌了(有小道消息说是麦当娜建议拍MV时她扮男人,Michael扮女人,迈不同意,俩人就不合作了)

Michael Jackson 的那首《In the closet》MV里的那个女的是谁啊?

姓名:纳奥米·坎贝尔 英文:Naomi·Campbell 性别:女 生日:1970-05-22 角色:演员 眼睛:黑褐色 头发:黑褐色 身高:5"10 三围:34-24-34 居住:纽约 代理公司:[纽约] 国籍:英国Streathem 相关介绍: 纳奥米·坎贝尔5岁时,在学校附近的CoventGarden公园被Elite公司的一位模特经纪人发掘。从小就在英国最著名的艺术学校---ItaliaConti学习古典舞。喜欢意大利食物。最喜欢的作家是美国小说家ToniMorrison。 星路历程: ·纳奥米·坎贝尔988年8月---成为第一个上法国《时尚》杂志(FrenchVogue)封面的黑人,也是第一个上英国《时尚》(BritishVogue)和《时代》(Time)杂志封面的黑人。 ·影片《寻火》(QuestforFire)。 ·电视节目theCosbyShow的嘉宾。 ·与MichaelJackson合拍HerbRitts导演的《在密室中》(IntheCloset)。 ·在影片《冷若冰霜》(CoolasIce)中扮演一名歌手。 ·参与乔治 ·迈克的电视节目《自由》(Freedom)。 ·影片《迈阿密狂想曲》(MiamiRhapsody)、《拉链拉下来》(Unzipped)、《6号女朗》(GirlSix)、《侵犯隐私》(InvasionofPrivacy)。 ·与名模KathyIreland和Vendela一起出现在Lay薯条的商业广告中。 ·《名模》(TopModelMagazine#3)为其发行专刊。 ·因在米兰的一次时装表演上身穿毛皮,被“人道对待动物”委员会(PETA)解除了其作为PETA代言模特之职。这也不是她第一次犯错,上次曾因身穿毛皮,被谴责为无知。 ·合著小说《天鹅》(Swan)。 ·首张音乐专辑《小妇人》。 ·并出过一本时装画册。 ·曾与意大利制片人LucaOrlandi有过一段罗曼史,现任男友是JoaquinCortes。

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求michi- You Gotta Be 歌词

《You Gotta Be》歌手:MiChi所属专辑:《SWeeeeT!!! ~R&B Covers》发行时间:2009-09-09发行公司: メディアファクトリー歌词:Listen as your day unfolds,Challenge what your future holds,Try to keep your head up to the sky...Loversthey may cause you tears,Go ahead release your fears,Stand up and be challengedDont be ashamed to cry..You gotta be, you gotta be bad, you gotta be bold, you gotta be wiser,You gotta be hard you gotta be tough you gotta be stronger,You gotta be cool, you gotta be calm, you gotta stay together,All I know all I know is love will save the day.Herald what your mamma said,Read the books your father read,Try to solve the puzzles in your own sweet mind,Some may have more cash than you,Others take a different view,My oh my, hey hey hey,you gotta be bad, you gotta be bold, you gotta be wiser,You gotta be hard you gotta be tough you gotta be stronger,You gotta be cool, you gotta be calm, you gotta stay together,All I know all I know is love will save the day.Time asks no questions, it goes on without you,Leaving you behind if you cant stand the pace,The world you cant stop it and if you try to,The best part is danger staring you in the face,Oh oh rememberListen as your day unfolds,Challenge what your future holds,Try to keep your head up to the sky...Lovers they may cause you tears,Go ahead release your fears,My oh my, hey hey heyyou gotta be bad, you gotta be bold, you gotta be wiser,You gotta be hard you gotta be tough you gotta be stronger,You gotta be cool, you gotta be calm, you gotta stay together,All I know all I know is love will save the day. (x2)Time asks no questions, it goes on without you,Leaving you behind if you cant stand the pace,The world you cant stop it and if you try to,Yea yea ye ye yeayou gotta be bad, you gotta be bold, you gotta be wiser,You gotta be hard you gotta be tough you gotta be stronger,You gotta be cool, you gotta be calm, you gotta stay together,All I know all I know is love will save the day.(You gotta be bad, You gotta be bold)Mmm...(You gotta be cool, You gotta be calm)Gotta be stonger(You gotta be bad, You gotta be bold)Oh yeah, yeah(You gotta be cool, You gotta be calm)(You gotta be bad, You gotta be bold)You gotta be wiser(You gotta be cool, you gotta be calm)you gotta be stronger(You gotta be bad, You gotta be bold)Yeah..(You gotta be cool, you gotta be calm)Gotta stay togetherLast edit by aimanmage



The host came on the stage ( ) a microphone ( ) her hand

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Michael Jackson 《Jam》的歌词

Michael Jackson 《Jam》 Nation to nation all the world must get together face the problems that we see.全世界所有的国家必须团结起来面对我们所看到的问题。Then maybe somehow we can work it out.然后可能在某种程度上我们能解决这些问题I asked my neighbor for a favor.我请求我的邻居帮个忙She said later.她说等会儿What has come of all the people?所有的人都怎么了?Have we lost love of what it"s about?我们失去了爱的意义吗?I have to find my peace cuz no one seems to let me be false prophets cry of doom.我不得不寻找我的安宁,因为似乎没有人想让我错误的对未来抱悲观态度What are the possibilites?可能性是什么?I told my brother there"ll be problem, times and tears for fears.我告诉过我的兄弟这样会出事的,会有时间来害怕得哭泣But we must live each day like it"s the last.但是我们必须象昨天一样过好每一天。Go with it. Go with it .和问题协调,和问题协调。Jam, it ain"t too much stuff.阻碍并不是太多It ain"t too much并不是太多It ain"t too much for me to对我来说这并不是太大的困难。Jam ,it ain"t too much stuff.It ain"t 不多Don"t you你不认为这样吗?It ain"t too much for me toThe world keeps changing, rearranging minds and thoughts predictions fly of doom.这个世界总是在变化,改变了原有持有悲观的预想观点和思维The baby boom has come of age.人口的昌盛是时代的产物We"ll work it out.我们能解决它I told my brother, don"t kyou ask me for no favors.我告诉我的兄弟,你不要再请求我不给你帮助I"m conditioned by the system我被这个系统所影响Don"t you preach to me.你不要对我说教Don"t scream and shout.不要尖叫和叫嚷She pray to god, to buddha她向上帝佛祖祈祷Then she sings a talmud song.然后她唱了一支德太法典之歌Confusions contradict the self.惶惑使她迷失了自我Do we know right from wrong?我们能从错误中汲取教训吗?I just want you to recognize me.我只是想让你认识我I"m the temple.我是神庙You can"t hurt me.你不能伤害我I found peace within myself.我找到了心中的安宁Go with it. Go with it.Jam. It ain"t too much stuff.It ain"t too muchIt ain"t too much for me to.Jam. It ain"t too much stuff.It ain"tDon"t youIt ain"t too much for me toJam. It ain"t too much stuff.It aint too muchIt ain"t too much for me toJam. It ain"t too much stuff.It ain"t Don"t you Jam. Jam.Here comes the man, hot damn一个男人从这儿过来,极度不满The big boy stands moving up a hand,making funky tracks with my man, Michael Jackson,Smooth Criminal.这个大男孩站在那挥动着他的一只手。就是这个人和我的男人Michael Jackson合作出了新式的唱片Smooth Criminal.That"s the man.就是这个男人Mike"s so relaxed.Mike是那么轻松。Mingle mingle jingle in the jungle bum rushed the door 3 and 4"s in a bundle.现代都市里的游民中的简短歌曲却要了一捆巨款的三到四成。Execute the plan, first I cooled like a fan.完成了这一计划,我第一次感觉到了象个歌迷Got with Janet, than with Guy.和Jant合作,然后是GuyNow with Michael.现在是MichaelCause it ain"t hard to因为这并不困难Jam. It ain"t too much stuffIt ain"t too much.It ain"t too mcuh for me to (以下省略。都是重复的)

Michael Jackson 《Jam》的歌词

Nation to nationAll the world must get togetherFace the problems that we seeThen maybe somehow we can work it outI asked my neighbor for a favorShe said laterWhat has come of all the peopleHave we lost loveOf what its aboutI have to find my peace cuz no one seems to let me beFalse prophets cry of doomWhat are the possibilities?I told my brother there"ll be problemsTime and tears for fearsBut we must live each day like it"s the lastGo with itGo with itJAMIt aint too much stuffIt aint too much It aint too much for me toJAMIt aint It aintToo much stuffIt aintDont youIt aint too much for me toThe world keeps changin"Rearrangin" Minds and thoughtsPredictions fly of doomThe baby boom has come of ageWe"ll work it outI told my brothersDont you ask me for no favorsI"m conditioned by the systemDont you talk to meDont scream and shoutShe pray to God,To BuddhaThen she sings a talmud songConfusions contradict the selfDo we know right from wrongI just want you to recognize me in the templeYou cant hurt meI"ve found peace within myselfGo with itGo with itJAMIt aint It aint Too much stuffIt aint too muchIt aint too much for me to JAMIt aint It aint Too much stuffIt aintDon"t youIt aint too much for me toJAMUh-huhIt aint Too much stuffIt aint too muchIt aint too much for me to JAMIt aint It aint Too much stuffIt aintDon"t youIt aint too much for me to Whoo!Jam JamHere comes the manHot damnThe big boy stands Movin" up a handMakin" funny tracks with my manMichael JacksonSmooth criminalThat"s the manMike"s so relaxedMingle mingle jingleIn the jungleBum rushed the door3 and 4"s in a bundleExecute the planFirst I cooled like a fanGot with Janet then with guyNow with MichaelCause it ain"t hard to...JAMIt aint It aint Too much stuffIt aint too much It aint too much for me toJAMJagonnetIt aint Too much stuffIt aint Dont stopIt ain"t too much for me toJAMIt aintIt aint Too much stuffIt aintDont youIt aint too much for me to JAM(whoo whoo!)It aintIt aint Too much stuffIt aintDont youIt aint too much for me to Whoo!It aint too hard for me to jamIt aint too hard for me to jamIt aint too hard for me to jamIt aint too hard for me to jamIt aint too hard for me to jamIt aint too hard for me to jamIt aint too hard for me to jamIt aint too hard for me to jamWhoo!DagonnetJAMIt aint It aint Too much stuffIt aintDont youIt aint too much for me to JAMUh-huhIt aint Too much stuffIt aint too muchIt aint too much for me to JAMUh-huhIt aint Too much stuffIt aint too muchIt aint too much for me to JAMToo muchIt aint Too much stuffIt aint Dont youIt aint too much for me to(muttering, then end...)

Michael Jackson 《Jam》的歌词

Michael Jackson 《Jam》 Nation to nation all the world must get together face the problems that we see.全世界所有的国家必须团结起来面对我们所看到的问题。Then maybe somehow we can work it out.然后可能在某种程度上我们能解决这些问题I asked my neighbor for a favor.我请求我的邻居帮个忙She said later.她说等会儿What has come of all the people?所有的人都怎么了?Have we lost love of what it"s about?我们失去了爱的意义吗?I have to find my peace cuz no one seems to let me be false prophets cry of doom.我不得不寻找我的安宁,因为似乎没有人想让我错误的对未来抱悲观态度What are the possibilites?可能性是什么?I told my brother there"ll be problem, times and tears for fears.我告诉过我的兄弟这样会出事的,会有时间来害怕得哭泣But we must live each day like it"s the last.但是我们必须象昨天一样过好每一天。Go with it. Go with it .和问题协调,和问题协调。Jam, it ain"t too much stuff.阻碍并不是太多It ain"t too much并不是太多It ain"t too much for me to对我来说这并不是太大的困难。Jam ,it ain"t too much stuff.It ain"t 不多Don"t you你不认为这样吗?It ain"t too much for me toThe world keeps changing, rearranging minds and thoughts predictions fly of doom.这个世界总是在变化,改变了原有持有悲观的预想观点和思维The baby boom has come of age.人口的昌盛是时代的产物We"ll work it out.我们能解决它I told my brother, don"t kyou ask me for no favors.我告诉我的兄弟,你不要再请求我不给你帮助I"m conditioned by the system我被这个系统所影响Don"t you preach to me.你不要对我说教Don"t scream and shout.不要尖叫和叫嚷She pray to god, to buddha她向上帝佛祖祈祷Then she sings a talmud song.然后她唱了一支德太法典之歌Confusions contradict the self.惶惑使她迷失了自我Do we know right from wrong?我们能从错误中汲取教训吗?I just want you to recognize me.我只是想让你认识我I"m the temple.我是神庙You can"t hurt me.你不能伤害我I found peace within myself.我找到了心中的安宁Go with it. Go with it.Jam. It ain"t too much stuff.It ain"t too muchIt ain"t too much for me to.Jam. It ain"t too much stuff.It ain"tDon"t youIt ain"t too much for me toJam. It ain"t too much stuff.It aint too muchIt ain"t too much for me toJam. It ain"t too much stuff.It ain"t Don"t you Jam. Jam.Here comes the man, hot damn一个男人从这儿过来,极度不满The big boy stands moving up a hand,making funky tracks with my man, Michael Jackson,Smooth Criminal.这个大男孩站在那挥动着他的一只手。就是这个人和我的男人Michael Jackson合作出了新式的唱片Smooth Criminal.That"s the man.就是这个男人Mike"s so relaxed.Mike是那么轻松。Mingle mingle jingle in the jungle bum rushed the door 3 and 4"s in a bundle.现代都市里的游民中的简短歌曲却要了一捆巨款的三到四成。Execute the plan, first I cooled like a fan.完成了这一计划,我第一次感觉到了象个歌迷Got with Janet, than with Guy.和Jant合作,然后是GuyNow with Michael.现在是MichaelCause it ain"t hard to因为这并不困难Jam. It ain"t too much stuffIt ain"t too much.It ain"t too mcuh for me to (以下省略。都是重复的)

Michael Nyman的《Memorial》 歌词

歌曲名:Memorial歌手:Michael Nyman专辑:Film Music 1980 - 2001Memori--黄威尔黑夜燃烧著眼滴这房间流得出回忆收音机播的歌 是我写的当时我们在一齐在那潮湿的雨季伤口变得好仔细太模糊的结局你再不下去爱就停止在这里Memori 我该如何怀念你想你推开我还是在我怀中听你说我爱你Memori 你会恨我还是忘记封锁我的呼吸只留著我的心里属于最简的回忆黑夜燃烧著眼滴这房间流出回忆太模糊的结局你再不下去爱就停止在这里Memori 我该如何怀念你想你推开我还是在我怀里听你说我爱你Memori 你会恨我还是忘记封锁我的呼吸只留著我的心里属于最简的回忆当时我故意没有让留住你人开口我没有被你原谅的理由Memori 我该如何怀念你想你的聪明还是孤独依然在伤害你Memori 你连沉寞都不会提起封锁我的呼吸只留著我的心里属于最简的回忆.γりǒu﹎http://music.baidu.com/song/2693069

macroeconomically neutral是什么意思,中文翻译应该是宏观政策中性,具体含义

macroeconomically neutral 意思是: 国家的宏观经济达到收支平衡

求MIC男团的lonely night 歌词的翻译(每一句都要)详细一点!谢

孤独寂寞美丽的夜晚哦宝贝在孤独的夜晚宝贝,你要说再见哦,宝贝,来试着说Hell yeah哦宝贝在孤独的夜晚宝贝,你要说再见哦,宝贝,来试着说Hell yeah寂寞先生快去把你的手放在V去哦,我太太的腿是真正喜欢枪宝贝请小心车和现金更容易在倍更容易母亲举起你的手更容易想要酷的高炉其实都是动物夸张的电视给我一个电话外面的市嘉凯变成一个alevition麦当娜电视alevition crylevition爱布满腿直得像铅笔我想有一一二十一男人喜欢十二少麦当娜位列第二你喜欢那样的真实妈妈告诉我真实的感觉(我觉得这里的)我是孤独的孤独的夜晚我需要的女孩我是孤独的寂寞先生我在这里哦宝贝在孤独的夜晚宝贝,你要说再见哦,宝贝,来试着说Hell yeah哦宝贝在孤独的夜晚宝贝,你要说再见哦,宝贝,来试着说Hell yeah嘿,戏剧里说声婴儿没有办法梦里加个女士没有嘿不想像个不倒翁的左右摇摆的徘徊在那诗情画意窈窕如花的婴儿啦啦宝贝啦嘿所有女孩看着我但我只看到你别白来来美丽的夜晚我在一个差劲的梦孤独的人哦,去你卑鄙现在你看我现在可是你发现你不知道我现在所说的话我说了我是孤独的人在不好的梦然后我balalalala天旋地转我要吐了wulalalala yiyaya跟着我的节拍移动你的身体现在吸引我的梦想太不可思议了宇寂寞先生我在这里哦宝贝在孤独的夜晚宝贝,你要说再见哦,宝贝,来试着说Hell yeah哦宝贝在孤独的夜晚宝贝,你要说再见哦,宝贝,来试着说Hell yeah哦宝贝在孤独的夜晚宝贝,你要说再见哦,宝贝,来试着说Hell yeah哦宝贝在孤独的夜晚宝贝,你要说再见哦,宝贝,来试着说Hell yeah寂寞先生说再见

求MIC男团的lonely night 歌词的翻译(每一句都要)详细一点!谢


MIC男团 《lonely night》的歌词,要标明哪一句是谁唱的...

大概是这样的:(小鑫)Lonely night Lonely beautiful night Oh baby come on lonely night Oh baby u want say goodbye Oh baby come on try to say Hell yeah Oh baby come on lonely night Oh baby u want say goodbye Oh baby come on try to say Hell yeah(尧尧)Mr. Lonely 快 go on Put your hands on V go on Oh my lady"s leg is real like A gun Please baby take care car and cash easier Over times up easier mother put your hands up easier 想要cool的BF 其实都是animal 夸张的television 给我一个telephone 外面的realphone 变成一个 alevition Madonna televition alevition crylevition 爱布满leg 直得像pencil I got eleven try to got eleven two Man like twelve few Madonna take second U like so real Mom show me real feel (where"s my feel)(健次)I"m lonely lonely Lonely night i need girl I"m lonely lonely Mr. lonely I"m here(约翰)Oh baby come on lonely night Oh baby u want say goodbye Oh baby come on try to say(小鑫)Hell yeah(约翰)Oh baby come on lonely night Oh baby u want say goodbye Oh baby come on try to say(小鑫)Hell yeah Hey drama里 说声baby no way Dream里 加个lady no hey 不想像个不倒翁的左右摇摆的 徘徊在那诗情画意 窈窕如花的 Baby la la go Baby la la hey 所有女孩看着我 But I only see u 别白来 come on beautiful night I"m lonely man in a bad dream(王浩)Oh baby go u卑鄙now You look at me now But you find out You don"t know what I"m saying now 我说了我是lonely man in bad dream Balalalala wulala 天旋地转 I want throw up now Wulalalala yiyaya Follow my beat move u body now(小鑫)Woo My dream so incredible Woo Mr. lonely I"m here(健次)Oh baby come on lonely night Oh baby u want say goodbye Oh baby come on try to say(小鑫)Hell yeah(健次)Oh baby come on lonely night Oh baby u want say goodbye Oh baby come on try to say(小鑫)Hell yeah(王浩)Oh baby come on lonely night Oh baby u want say goodbye Oh baby come on try to say(小鑫)Hell yeah(王浩)Oh baby come on lonely night Oh baby u want say goodbye Oh baby come on try to say(小鑫)Hell yeah Mr. lonely say goodbye

lonely night 歌词,,mic男团,,百度吉祥

Lonely night作词:小鑫 作曲:小鑫演唱:MIC男团Lonely night Lonely beautiful nightOh baby come on lonely nightOh baby u want say goodbyeOh baby come on try to sayHell yeahOh baby come on lonely nightOh baby u want say goodbyeOh baby come on try to sayHell yeahMr. Lonely 快 go onPut your hands on V go onOh my lady"s leg is real like A gunPlease baby take care car and cash easierOver times up easier mother put your hands up easier想要cool的BF 其实都是animal夸张的television 给我一个telephone外面的realphone 变成一个 alevitionMadonna televition alevition crylevition爱布满leg 直得像pencilI got eleven try to got eleven twoMan like twelve fewMadonna take secondU like so realMom show me real feel (where"s my feel)I"m lonely lonelyLonely night i need girlI"m lonely lonelyMr. lonely I"m hereOh baby come on lonely nightOh baby u want say goodbyeOh baby come on try to sayHell yeahOh baby come on lonely nightOh baby u want say goodbyeOh baby come on try to sayHell yeahHey drama里 说声baby no wayDream里 加个lady no hey不想像个不倒翁的左右摇摆的徘徊在那诗情画意 窈窕如花的Baby la la go Baby la la hey所有女孩看着我 But I only see u别白来 come on beautiful nightI"m lonely man in a bad dreamOh baby go u卑鄙nowYou look at me now But you find outYou don"t know what I"m saying now我说了我是lonely man in bad dreamBalalalala wulala天旋地转 I want throw up nowWulalalala yiyayaFollow my beat move u body nowWoo My dream so incredibleWoo Mr. lonely I"m hereOh baby come on lonely nightOh baby u want say goodbyeOh baby come on try to sayHell yeahOh baby come on lonely nightOh baby u want say goodbyeOh baby come on try to sayHell yeahOh baby come on lonely nightOh baby u want say goodbyeOh baby come on try to sayHell yeahOh baby come on lonely nightOh baby u want say goodbyeOh baby come on try to sayHell yeahMr. lonely say goodbye



《lonely night》 mic男团 歌词中文意思



jesse lee美国舞蹈公司JLS Entertainment大师级老师Jesse Lee Santos 主要擅长:L.A STYLEJesse从到LA之后因为自身出色的表现很幸运的获得了各个知名大牌艺人的青睐。曾先后为布兰尼,Jessica Simpson,Pink,RickyMratin,Mandy Moore的巡回演唱会的御用舞蹈员,其间更参加Will Smith,Madonna,Usher,britney spears,jessica simpson,女子组合TLC,Pink,Missy Eliotte,Janet Jackson Icon Show,Pop Stars with Eden"s Crush……等众多大牌艺人的MV拍摄及现场表演,作为舞蹈编导的生涯中,曾为Jessic Simpson,Pink,lil Bubba,Latin Grammy Awards,Ethnic Funk,show choir performance,Jonathan George,Angelina ……等的MV 和现场演出做为Artist drector和Choreographer,在大银幕方面,Jesse 获邀参加了知名舞蹈电影的演出,其名下的JLS entertainment更获邀加入了电影舞蹈编排。其他方面:为国际知名企业Pepsi百事,Nike的品牌宣传做广告拍摄的舞蹈指导。关于老师的详情,我想大家应该不会陌生,小甜甜拉斯维加演唱会上,唯一光头的一位男舞者大家应该印象深刻,在小甜甜I"m A Slave 4 U这个歌曲里面,小甜甜骑在这位舞者的身上载歌载舞,我想大家应该可以马上回忆起来的。这位老师后来给小野猫,pink,等明星作为编舞老师活跃在一线舞台,时至今日,老师约接近40岁了,初见老师,我觉得还是可以和演唱会视频里面的舞者联系起来的,老师个子不高,在欧美人里面算很不多见的,大约175左右,浑身都是肌肉,非常强壮的感觉,走路,服饰,各方面让人感觉都比较的低调。

我的英文名Michelle怎么读啊?给个音标、Thank you

[mi:"u0283el ] 米晒凹 Mi shai ao

Take Me To Your Heart(《吻别》英文版) Michael Learns To Rock歌词

In my search for freedomand and peace of mind在我寻找内心的自由和平静I"ve left the memories behind我已经把那段记忆留在过去(遗忘)Wanna start a new life我想开始一段新的生活but it seems to be rather absurd when I know the truth is that I always think of you但它似乎是十分荒谬的,当我明白事实上,我一直想着你Someday,someway,together we will be baby总会有一天,我们会一起变成孩子(我希望有一天我们能一起变成孩子)I will take and you will take your time我们一起慢慢的We"ll wait for our fate等待命运的到来(等待命中注定的那些事的到来)cos" nobody owns us因为我们不属于任何人(因为任何人都不能拥有我们)baby宝贝We can shake,we can shake the rock我们就等一起摇滚,摇滚 Try to throw the picture out of my mind一直尝试将这个画面从我脑海中删除try to leave the memories behind尝试着讲记忆留在过去(遗忘)Here by the ocean,wave"s carry voices from you但是当我站在海边,海浪带来了你的声音Do you know the truth I am thinking of youtoo你是否知道我也在想你 ?【重复】The love that we had together just fades away in time我们曾经的爱情正在随风飘逝(在时间长河中慢慢消逝)And now you"ve got your own world and I guess I"ve got mine现在你和我也各自有了属于自己的新生活But the passion that you planted in the middle of my heart is a passion that will never stop但是你带给我的那份激情在我心中永远不会停止Someday,someway,together we will be baby总会有一天,(某种意义上)我们会一起变成孩子I will take and you will take your time我们一起慢慢的We"ll wait for our fate等待命运的到来(等待命中注定的那些事的到来)cos" nobody owns us因为我们不属于任何人(因为任何人都不能拥有我们)baby宝贝We can shake,we can shake the rock我们就等一起摇滚,摇滚Someday,someway,together we will be baby总会有一天,(某种意义上)我们会一起变成孩子I will take and you will take your time我们一起慢慢的We"ll wait for our fate等待命运的到来(等待命中注定的那些事的到来)cos" nobody owns us因为我们不属于任何人(因为任何人都不能拥有我们)baby宝贝We can shake,we can shake the rock我们就等一起摇滚,摇滚... ... (是这个吧)



求《Machine Learning: An Algorithmic Perspective 》电子版?谢谢啊

Machine Learning: An Algorithmic Perspective Book Summary of Machine Learning: An Algorithmic PerspectiveIntroduction to Machine Learning introduces this subject to computer science students and others who may not have a strong mathematical background. Focusing on algorithms and applications, the text presents three distinct sets of problems for each section: standard questions that test understanding of the material, structured programming exercises using code and data from the Internet, and suggested further investigations, often involving some basic programming. The book covers such fundamental topics as neuronal modeling, perceptron, multi-layer perceptron, classification, regression, decision trees, the naive Bayes" classifier, unsupervised learning, the self-organizing map, and genetic algorithms.看来真的比较难找。。。亲试下用http://www.zhaofile.com/

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听筒 麦克 扬声器

chemical resistance是什么意思

chemical resistance[英][u02c8kemiku0259l riu02c8zistu0259ns][美][u02c8ku025bmu026aku0259l ru026au02c8zu026astu0259ns]化学阻力,耐化学性; 例句:1.Grouts for tiles-part 1: determination of chemical resistance of reaction resin mortars. 第1部分:反应性树脂灰浆耐化学性的测定。2.We can apply silicone overcoats to foxy probes to improve chemical resistance, exclude ambient light and eliminate refractive index effects. 我们在foxy探测器上使用硅橡胶保护涂层以改进抗化学性,排斥周围光线和消除折射率影响。

启动就弹出“C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft Shared”,怎么能取消?

可能是由于删除文件或清理病毒、木马时不干净所造成,最可能是采用"添加删除程序功能"进行删除 1.最简单的先试,比如文件名为ABC.dll, 在开始 运行里输入 regsvr32 /u c:windowssystem32ABC.dll回车,将其反注册,可以解决一些简单的. 2.第一招不行,就在注册表里搜索ABC.dll,注意不要全字匹配,将搜索到的键值删除 不行的话,试试这个: 另外就是在启动项里去除相关的启动值。 一、运行“msconfig”,选择“启动”选项卡,找到相关项目将其禁运行。 二、打开注册表,展开“HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWOREMICROSOFTWINDOWSCURRENT VERSIONRUN”,找到相关项目将其删除. 建议: 对于软件删除,采用软件自带的删除文件将其删除程序,至于其他文件可手动删除,定期进行磁盘整理即可. ================================ 你可以用360安全卫士或AVG、超级巡警等清理一下流氓软件和插件!! 建议使用360安全卫士 AVG 超级巡警!!!! 来查杀木马!! 用瑞星或卡巴斯基来查杀病毒!!

C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft SharedDAO是空的,该怎么办呢?

应该是缺Microsoft DAO对象库文件dao360.dll,你可以到此网站上去下载: http://www.zhaodll.com/

C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft Sharedink这个文件是干吗的?


安装程序无法创建以下文件夹%commonfilesmicrosoft shareddao





宝马的显示器prompt efficientdynamics是为了提醒驾驶员发动机冷却系统缺少防冻剂,需要添加。以下是汽车防冻液的具体介绍:1.功能:在寒冷天气下,可防止零件因冷却问题而出现系统故障、膨胀、开裂,管理防锈,防止因水垢过多而堵塞管道,具有防腐、防垢、防沸、防冻、防锈功能。2.主要用途:防冻液全称防冻冷却液,具有防冻功能。可以防止冷却液在寒冷的冬天结冰,导致散热器爆裂,发动机缸体或缸盖结冰。防冻液是一种含有特殊添加剂的冷却液,主要用于液冷发动机的冷却系统。它的冰点随着乙二醇在水溶液中的浓度而变化。

宝马3系 efficient dynamics 仪表 什么意思

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