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打开短信功能,和平时发普通短信以及imesssage文字短信一样,进入发送短信的界面2在短信文字输入框里我们可以看到除了灰色的‘imessage"字样外,右边还有一个灰色的麦克风图标,这就是语音消息的开启方法!3用手按住麦克风图标,对着手机说话就可以了,说话时我们可以看到,有个进度条上面有时间在走,证明语音消息已经开始录制了4说完话松开手就可以了,这是进度条上的时间停止,录制完毕,我们此时点击灰色的短信符号(里面有个向上的箭头符号),也就是语音消息发送按钮,此时语音消息便发送出去了!5如果录制时不想发送,直接在录制时顺着灰色短信图标里的箭头方向,向上滑动手指,便可取消语音消息!设置->信息->iMessage 打开即可如果不行,注销苹果ID然后重新登录激活试下


iMessage [词典] iMessage是苹果WWDC2011发布的iOS5,Mac os x 10.8内置一项名为iMessage的即时通信功能软件,能够在iOS,Mac os 设备之间发送文字、图片、视频、通信录以及位置信息等,并支持多人聊天。; [例句]In addition, iPad, iPod Touch and Mac users can send messages to other Apple users through iMessage.此外,iPad、iPod Touch和Mac用户也可以通过iMessage向其他苹果用户发送消息。


苹果imessage信息的意思是通过网络来发送信息。imessage是苹果公司于2011年推出的一款即时通讯软件。imessage具有发送文本信息、位置信息、照片、视频等功能。 苹果imessage信息的意思是通过网络来发送信息。imessage是苹果公司于2011年推出的一款即时通讯软件。imessage具有发送文本信息、位置信息、照片、视频等功能。




iMessage 是指通过网络来发送信息的。iMessage是苹果公司推出的即时通信软件,可以发送短信、视频等,其拥有非常高的安全性。不同于运营商短信/彩信业务,用户仅需要通过WiFi或者蜂窝数据网络进行数据支持,就可以完成通信。利用 iMessage,你可以与任何使用 iPad、iPhone、iPod touch 的用户或运行 Mountain Lion 的 Mac 用户相互收发信息,还可以发送照片、视频、位置信息和联系人信息。如果你有不止一台 Apple 设备,iMessage 可以在所有设备上保持不间断的对话。而且,你可以通过蜂窝网络向其他手机发送文本信息、照片和视频。甚至还能让Siri帮你发文本信息。只要说出“告诉小丽我已经在路上”,Siri 便会帮你编写和发送信息。

IMESSAGE 这个英文念什么?求语音 汉字

哎 灭西之


总流量的 不收钱 不过如果对方手机没联网 是收不到的 要等到联网的时候才能收到




苹果IOS5里自带的,只要把iMessage选择为打开状态,那么如果对方也是IOS用户,包括ITOUCH,IPHONE,并且对方也打开了这个功能的话,那么你们互相发信息是免费的,但是要走流量。 当你发送普通信息时,信息的背景是绿色的。你输入短信息时,“发送”这个按钮平常是绿色的,但是当你和对方都打开iMessage后,这个按钮会在几秒内自动变成蓝色。也就是说需要几秒就会自动检测到对方是可以使用iMessage的。这时你发出的信息也会变成蓝色的背景框。


iMessage是苹果公司推出的即时通信软件,可以发送短信、视频等,其拥有非常高的安全性。不同于运营商短信/彩信业务,用户仅需要通过WiFi或者蜂窝数据网络进行数据支持,就可以完成通信。利用 iMessage,你可以与任何使用 iPad、iPhone、iPod touch 的用户或运行Mountain Lion 的 Mac 用户相互收发信息,还可以发送照片、视频、位置信息和联系人信息。如果你有不止一台 Apple 设备,iMessage 可以在所有设备上保持不间断的对话。而且,你可以通过蜂窝网络向其他手机发送文本信息、照片和视频。甚至还能让Siri帮你发文本信息。只要说出“告诉小丽我已经在路上”,Siri 便会帮你编写和发送信息。参考资料百度.百度[引用时间2017-12-28]


iMessage信息是什么意思绿色为普通短信 蓝色为云信息,即不是用的短信发送的,而是走的数据业务区 当对方也是苹果IOS5软件版本下,互相发信息就可以采用云信息发送 。imessage是什么在苹果的iOS5移动操作系统里,出现了一个新的功能和名词,它就是iMessage。对于苹果帝国来说,他们有的设备,具有GSM通信功能,譬如iphone,它能通过电信运营商发送短信,或者通过像是微信,Whatsapp这样的第三方App透过GPRS数据连接来收发短信。而后者,由于是基于数据连接技术,因此并不会说像短信那样按条收费,而是根据你的数据用量。对于目前的智能手机来说,很多人都在入网的时候,或多或少加入了数据包这一选项,从而每个月能获得至少2-30MB的免费数据流量,这就为“免费”发送短信(iMessage除非发送图片或者音频文件,一般发送信息也就耗费1KB,而1024KB才是1MB容量)制造了可能。而对于苹果来说,由于还有一些设备并不具备GSM功能,例如是iPad或者是iPod,这种设备,还是可以通过Wi-Fi连接上互联网,从而拥有数据交互能力。这个时候,它可以通过微信或者Whatsapp来和别人进行信息交流。苹果也看到了这一点,它希望能提供一个内建在iOS操作系统里的功能软件,让Mac,iPhone,iPad,iPod,以至于将来所有的苹果设备,只要能联通互联网,就能相互通信。所以,iMessage诞生了。如果要你很好的理解,你可以把它看成是一个不能发语音信息的微信。但iMessage又和微信略不同,iMessage只能在苹果设备里使用,就是说目前如果你使用的是Windows电脑,Android手机,WP手机的话,你不能使用这一功能,在可见的将来,封闭的苹果看似 也不打算把iMessage迁移到其他平台上。iMessage怎么用iMessage在苹果设备里直接集成到了“信息“功能里(就是我们在iphone上发短信那个程序),要查看是否支持iMessage,请在 设置->通用->关于本机,查看你的iOS版本是否为5.0以上。在所有的iOS设备上,包括iphone4s,iMessage功能默认未开启,你必须先于 设置->信息 菜单里激活imessage,


01 iMessage是由苹果公司推出的即时通信软件,当你和对方都是iphone或者ipad,在有wifi情况下发短信不通过电信商户,不收取短信费,只需要流量。 imessage信息就是你和对方都是iphone或者ipad,在有wifi情况下发短信不通过电信商户,不收取短信费,只需要流量。iMessage是由苹果公司推出的即时通信软件,不仅可以发送短信,同时还可以发送视频、通讯录以及位置信息及照片等服务。 而最值得称道的是iMessage具备超高的安全性,据称连FBI都难以解密Message中的信息。 打开苹果手机主屏幕,然后点【设置】-【信息】-【iMessage】,将滑动框拖至右边,即显示为蓝色即表示开启。 轻触【接收方式】设置iPhone的联系地址,输入正确的Apple ID即可。 开通iMessage服务后,接着进入短信界面,输入短信内容,如果对方也开通了iMessage,此时手机自动转化成iMessage方式发送,内容会以蓝色标记显示。

imessage是什么 imessage是什么意思

1、iMessage是苹果WWDC2011发布的iOS5,Mac os x 10.8内置一项名为iMessage的即时通信功能软件,能够在iOS,Mac os 设备之间发送文字、图片、视频、通信录以及位置信息等,并支持多人聊天 2、2018年7月,中国青年报·中青在线记者调查发现,尽管iMessage对通信内容建有安全保护屏障,但无力抵挡汹涌的垃圾信息冲击,基于iMessage的地下广告业务已发展成产业链。 3、7月25日报道,苹果已经为受影响的用户提供了支持页面,用户可以在该页面过滤掉来自未知发件人的iMessage信息。 4、2020年3月10日,据MacRumors消息,苹果内部正在测试iMessage的新功能,包括提及“@”和撤回消息,这些功能可能最快在iOS14发布。 5、2020年5月11日据国外媒体报道,美国专利与商标局(PTO)近日公布的一项专利申请文件显示,苹果公司或为iOS系统自带的即时通信软件iMessages增加一些新功能,包括对已发送消息进行重新编辑。


iMessage是苹果公司推出的即时通信软件,可以发送文字、视频、语音等文件,形式与常规的短信很像。但是iMessage不同于运营商短信/彩信业务,用户仅需要通过WiFi或者蜂窝数据网络进行数据支持,即可完成通信。 演示机型:Iphone 12 系统版本:iOS14 iMessage是苹果公司推出的即时通信软件,可以发送文字、视频、语音等文件,形式与常规的短信很像。但是iMessage又不同于运营商短信/彩信业务,用户仅需要通过WiFi或者蜂窝数据网络进行数据支持,即可完成通信。


苹果imessage信息的意思是通过网络来发送信息的。iMessage,苹果公司推出的即时通信软件,可以发送短信、视频等,其拥有非常高的安全性。不同于运营商短信/彩信业务,用户仅需要通过WiFi或者蜂窝数据网络进行数据支持,就可以完成通信。2018年7月,中国青年报·中青在线记者调查发现,尽管iMessage对通信内容建有安全保护屏障,但无力抵挡汹涌的垃圾信息冲击,基于iMessage的地下广告业务已发展成产业链。7月25日报道,苹果已经为受影响的用户提供了支持页面,用户可以在该页面过滤掉来自未知发件人的iMessage信息。2020年3月10日,据MacRumors消息,苹果内部正在测试iMessage的新功能,包括提及“@”和撤回消息,这些功能可能最快在iOS 14发布。扩展资料:利用 iMessage,可以与任何使用 iPad、iPhone、iPod touch 的用户或运行Mountain Lion 的 Mac 用户相互收发信息,还可以发送照片、视频、位置信息和联系人信息。如果有不止一台 Apple 设备,iMessage 可以在所有设备上保持不间断的对话。而且,可以通过蜂窝网络向其他手机发送文本信息、照片和视频。甚至还能让Siri帮发文本信息。只要说出“告诉小丽我已经在路上”,Siri 便会编写和发送信息。



Messed-up girl 歌词

歌曲名:Messed-up girl歌手:Maximilian Hecker专辑:I Am Nothing But Emotion, No Human Being, No Son, Never Again SonWhere have you been, my messed-up girl?Staying up all night and losing our pearl?Why are you lying?Why are you sighing, my love?There"s this light in your eyesYour cheeks are all redIt"s hard for you to hide that you betrayed me in his bedBut still you don"t leave meStill you don"t leave, oh my loveWhat keeps you from running into his arms?What keeps you from falling prey to his charms?Is it your love?Oh, do you still love me, my dear?Well, I can"t be your sunBut I"ll be your moonBrightening your night, but fading too soonBrightening your path with my borrowed light, oh my loveYou"re my pale-faced princessSilver liningNoble sweetnessAlways shiningHow can you do this?Oh, how can you do this to me?So, where have you been, my messed-up girl?Staying up all night and losing our pearl?Why are you lying?Why are you sighing, my love?Oh, my love

messenger bag是什么意思


什么款式就叫波士顿包,Messenger 包


messenger fee 在美国海运进口本地费中出现是什么意思呢


Chikka Messenger 是什么

是菲律宾国家的一种即时通软件,用于手机和互联网间的信息联系。相当于中国的飞信。另外,下次提问题的时候,请给悬赏分,要不谁给你回答?给大家点鼓励。Send free SMS to mobile phones in the Philippines.Chikka is an instant messenger that lets you send free text messages to mobile subscribers, wherever you are, from the web or from a downloadable messenger.The new Chikka currently supports mobile subscribers of Smart, Sun and Globe.Other features of the new ChikkaAccess your Chikka account from your mobile phoneReply to Chikka messages, add buddies, or change your account settings from your phone when you create a unified Chikka account. Chikka Text mobile replies now cheaperYour mobile buddies can avail of our Easy Reply plans so they can reply to your Chikka messages for less than a peso*. Plus, at off peak rates daily, all mobile replies to Chikka Text messages are only PHP 1.00!*Sign in with your mobile number or email addressYou can create a Chikka account in 2 minutes or under even without a mobile number of your own. You simply verify an email address you nominate for us when you sign up, and start sending free text messages.Forward offline messages to your mobile phone or emailNo more missed messages when you go offline. You can opt to receive your offline messages on your verified mobile phone number or email address and also save the last 20 messages that you sent and received.What we"re working on right nowFree Chikka Text messaging to other countries including the US, UK, Italy, Spain, Hong Kong, Guam, and SaipanChikka for iPhoneMMS for select countries and carriers







英文简历中Messenger ID是什么?


开始程序里有一个msn messager(两个小人图像),这个软件是做什么用的?请各位赐教

呃..纠正楼上几位的错误, MSN不是用来聊天的, 准确说应当是用来交流工作的. 所以它不象QQ那样,可以随便找陌生人.---------------------msn messager 你试试打开不就知道怎么用了么..不过, 我们都用live的了..呵呵





enigma messenger是什么软件

enigma messenger是一款社交软件,用户能在线建立群组,让好友都加入进来,所有人的信息都是有保障的,软件不会泄露用户的个人隐私,让用户能在安全的环境下社交。 演示机型:Iphone 12&&华为P40&&小米11 系统版本:iOS14.4&&EMUI11&&MIUI12.0.7 APP版本:enigma messenger1.7.6 enigma messenger是一款社交软件,用户能在线建立群组,让好友都加入进来,所有人的信息都是有保障的,软件不会泄露用户的个人隐私,让用户能在安全的环境下社交。









MSN 和 Messenger 有什么区别?

都一样 MSN是缩写



MSN和MSN Messenger是一个东西吗?Messenger翻译成中文是什么意思?

QQ不是ICQ ,ICQ是另外的通讯软件




分类: 电脑/网络 >> 软件 >> 其他软件 解析: Windows Messenger 提供实时视频、音频和文本通讯功能,提供应用程序共享、白板共享及文件传输功能。Windows Messenger 支持联机状态检查。意思是:在您联系对方之前,即可了解到处于联机的人。利用 Windows Messenger,您还可以启动“远程协助”、多人游戏及其它应用程序 可以删,方法看这里:chinafix/edu/Article/200607/18-1



Messenger与WhatsApp Messenger区别在哪里?

主要区别是,性质不同、功能与特点不同、授权不同,具体如下:一、性质不同1、MessengerMSN Messenger 是微软公司推出的即时消息软件。2、WhatsApp MessengerWhatsApp(WhatsAppmessenger)是一款目前可供iPhone手机、Android手机、Windows Phone手机、WhatsApp Messenger、Symbian手机和黑莓手机用户使用的、用于智能手机之间通讯的应用程序。二、功能与特点不同1、Messenger使用MSN Messenger可以与他人进行文字聊天,语音对话,视频会议等即时交流,还可以通过此软件来查看联系人是否联机。2、WhatsApp Messenger本应用程序借助推送通知服务,可以即刻接收亲友和同事发送的信息。可免费从发送手机短信转为使用WhatsApp程序,以发送和接收信息、图片、音频文件和视频信息。三、授权不同1、Messenger使用已有的一个Email地址,即可注册获得免费的MSN Messenger的登录账号。2、WhatsApp Messenger收费。参考资料来源:百度百科-MESSENGER参考资料来源:百度百科-WhatsApp Messenger


MESSENGER即MSN MESSENGER。MSN Messenger是微软公司推出的即时消息软件,凭借该软件自身的优秀的性能,目前在国内已经拥有了大量的用户群。使用MSN Messenger可以与他人进行文字聊天,语音对话,视频会议等即时交流,还可以通过此软件来查看联系人是否联机。MSN Messenger 界面简洁,易于使用,是与亲人、朋友、工作伙伴保持紧密联系的绝佳选择。使用您已有一个Email地址,即可注册获得免费的MSN Messenger的登录账号。


意思:送信者美式读音:u02c8mesu026andu0292u0259r英式读音:u02c8mesu026andu0292u0259r过去式:messengered过去分词:messengered现在分词:messengering第三人称单数:messengers复数:messengers例句:1、John messengers packages to town every two days.约翰每隔两天到镇上送包裹。2、The new shoots of the trees are the messengers of spring.树木新发的嫩枝是春天的使者。3、With the development of science, people"s understanding of cell messengers is deepening.随着科学的发展,人们对细胞信使的认识不断深入。4、The documents were delivered by a special messenger.文件是由特派信使送来的。





api PostMessageA 怎么用哟

PostMessage(hWnd,WM_SYSKEYDOWN,VK_MENU,0); PostMessage(hWnd,WM_SYSKEYDOWN,0x41,0); Sleep(50); PostMessage(hWnd,WM_SYSKEYUP,0x41,0); PostMessage(hWnd,WM_SYSKEYUP,VK_MENU,0); 有人解释说,按下组合键的时候系统是发两条消息的 但是看到Win32 SDK,感觉上就发一次就可以了…… 偶然间又看到最后一个参数的说明,有所发现!先看WM_SYSKEYDOWN的help The WM_SYSKEYDOWN message is posted to the window with the keyboard focus when the user holds down the ALT key and then presses another key. It also occurs when no window currently has the keyboard focus; in this case, the WM_SYSKEYDOWN message is sent to the active window. The window that receives the message can distinguish between these two contexts by checking the context code in the lKeyData parameter. WM_SYSKEYDOWN nVirtKey = (int) wParam; // virtual-key code lKeyData = lParam; // key data Parameters nVirtKey Value of wParam. Specifies the virtual-key code of the key being pressed. lKeyData Value of lParam. Specifies the repeat count, scan code, extended-key flag, context code, previous key-state flag, and transition-state flag, as shown in the following table: Value Description 0-15 Specifies the repeat count. The value is the number of times the keystroke is repeated as a result of the user holding down the key. 16-23 Specifies the scan code. The value depends on the original equipment manufacturer (OEM). 24 Specifies whether the key is an extended key, such as the right-hand ALT and CTRL keys that appear on an enhanced 101- or 102-key keyboard. The value is 1 if it is an extended key; otherwise, it is 0. 25-28 Reserved; do not use. 29 Specifies the context code. The value is 1 if the ALT key is down while the key is pressed; it is 0 if the WM_SYSKEYDOWN message is posted to the active window because no window has the keyboard focus. 30 Specifies the previous key state. The value is 1 if the key is down before the message is sent, or it is 0 if the key is up. 31 Specifies the transition state. The value is always 0 for a WM_SYSKEYDOWN message. 之前曾经修改过keyData的16-23位为VK_MENU,第30位参数为1,但没效果 请看位29的说明!! The value is 1 if the ALT key is down while the key is pressed; 当值为1时表示ALT键被按下!这不正是我需要的吗?于是把29位设置为1,函数调用变成 PostMessage(hWnd,WM_SYSKEYDOWN,0x41,1<<29); 经过测试,发现这个就是Alt+A的效果!!原来这么简单,但为什么很多人弄得那么复杂,我当时查找的时候也是迷惘啊,浪费了N多小时。 类似有个WM_SYSKEYUP,WM_SYSCHAR(这个不知道干什么用) 记录一下免得 又便成了 找不到资料的傻子了 postmessage(edit1.handle,wm_keydown,vk_down,$20000000) Ctrl : $10000000; Shift: $08000000; Alt:20000000 Delphi键盘按键伪码 if key = chr(VK_RETURN) then... 常数名称 十六进制值 十进制值 对应按键 VK_LBUTTON 01 1 鼠标的左键 VK_RBUTTON 02 2 鼠标的右键 VK-CANCEL 03 3 Contol-break 执行 VK_MBUTTON 04 4 鼠标的中键(三按键鼠标) VK_BACK 08 8 Backspace键 VK_TAB 09 9 Tab键 VK_CLEAR 0C 12 Clear键 VK_RETURN 0D 13 Enter键 VK_SHIFT 10 16 Shift键 VK_CONTROL 11 17 Ctrl键 VK_MENU 12 18 Alt键 VK_PAUSE 13 19 Pause键 VK_CAPITAL 14 20 Caps Lock键 VK_ESCAPE 1B 27 Ese键 VK_SPACE 20 32 Spacebar键 VK_PRIOR 21 33 Page Up键 VK_NEXT 22 34 Page Domw键 VK_END 23 35 End键 VK_HOME 24 36 Home键 VK_LEFT 25 37 LEFT ARROW 键(←) VK_UP 26 38 UP ARROW键(↑) VK_RIGHT 27 39 RIGHT ARROW键(→) VK_DOWN 28 40 DOWN ARROW键(↓) VK_SELECT 29 41 SELECT键 VK_EXECUTE 2B 43 EXECUTE键 VK_SNAPSHOT 2C 44 Print Screen键 VK_INSERT 2D 45 Ins键 VK_DELETE 2E 46 Del键 VK_HELP 2F 47 Help键 VK_0 30 48 0键 VK_1 31 49 1键 VK_2 32 50 2键 VK_3 33 51 3键 VK_4 34 52 4键 VK_5 35 53 5键 VK_6 36 54 6键 VK_7 37 55 7键 VK_8 38 56 8键 VK_9 39 57 9键 VK_A 41 65 A键 VK_B 42 66 B键 VK_C 43 67 C键 VK_D 44 68 D键 VK_E 45 69 E键 VK_F 46 70 F键 VK_G 47 71 G键 VK_H 48 72 H键 VK_I 49 73 I键 VK_J 4A 74 J键 VK_K 4B 75 K键 VK_L 4C 76 L键 VK_M 4D 77 M键 VK_N 4E 78 N键 VK_O 4F 79 O键 VK_P 50 80 P键 VK_Q 51 81 Q键 VK_R 52 82 R键 VK_S 53 83 S键 VK_T 54 84 T键 VK_U 55 85 U键 VK_V 56 86 V键 VK_W 57 87 W键 VK_X 58 88 X键 VK_Y 59 89 Y键 VK_BZ 5A 90 Z键 VK_NUMPAD0 60 96 数字键0键 VK_NUMPAD1 61 97 数字键1键 VK_NUMPAD2 62 98 数字键2键 VK_NUMPAD3 63 99 数字键3键 VK_NUMPAD4 64 100 数字键4键 VK_NUMPAD5 65 101 数字键5键 VK_NUMPAD6 66 102 数字键6键 VK_NUMPAD7 67 103 数字键7键 VK_NUMPAD8 68 104 数字键8键 VK_NUMPAD9 69 105 数字键9键 VK_MULTIPLY 6A 106 *键 VK_ADD 6B 107 +键 VK_SEPARATOR 6C 108 Separator键 VK_SUBTRACT 6D 109 -键 VK_DECIMAL 6E 110 .键 VK_DIVIDE 6F 111 键 VK_F1 70 112 F1键 VK_F2 71 113 F2键 VK_F3 72 114 F3键 VK_F4 73 115 F4键 VK_F5 74 116 F5键 VK_F6 75 117 F6键 VK_F7 76 118 F7键 VK_F8 77 119 F8键 VK_F9 78 120 F9键 VK_F10 79 121 F10键 VK_F11 7A 122 F11键 VK_F12 7B 123 F12键 VK_NUMLOCK 90 144 Num Lock 键 VK_SCROLL 91 145 Scroll Lock键


这句话的default吧MessageBox ( title, text {, icon {, button {, default } } } )因为messagebox提示有多种button按钮组合,如果是多个按钮他默认选择按钮为序号1的,如果你要改变可以填写这个数字譬如:MessageBox("Result","xxxxx",&Exclamation!, OKCancel!, 2) 这里的2就是弹出提示框指定选中cancel按钮如果想弹出选中OK,数字可以不写,也可以写1一下为HELP里内容Description Displays a system MessageBox with the title, text, icon, and buttons you specify.Syntax MessageBox ( title, text {, icon {, button {, default } } } )Argument Descriptiontitle A string specifying the title of the message box, which appears in the box"s title bartext The text you want to display in the message box. The text can be a numeric data type, a string, or a boolean valueicon (optional) A value of the Icon enumerated data type indicating the icon you want to display on the left side of the message box. Values are:?Information! (Default)?StopSign!?Exclamation!?Question!?None!button (optional) A value of the Button enumerated data type indicating the set of CommandButtons you want to display at the bottom of the message box. The buttons are numbered in the order listed in the enumerated data type. Values are:?OK! ?(Default) OK button?OKCancel! ?OK and Cancel buttons?YesNo! ?Yes and No buttons?YesNoCancel! ?Yes, No, and Cancel buttons?RetryCancel! ?Retry and Cancel buttons?AbortRetryIgnore! ?Abort, Retry, and Ignore buttonsdefault (optional) The number of the button you want to be the default button. The default is 1. If you specify a number larger than the number of buttons displayed, MessageBox uses the default

sap message type s是什么意思

MESSAGE 的一般用法:MESSAGE "xxxxx" TYPE "S".报一个正确的XXXXX消息。。。

error C2664: “CWnd::MessageBoxW”: 不能将参数 1 从“char *”转换为“LPCTSTR”

改为CString str;str.Format(_T("%s"),pBuf);MessageBox(str);

sms messages 是什么


SMS(short message service)是什么意思?


这句如何翻译 Your Viber code is: 3550. Close this messa

这么简单的东西都没人翻译?刷分了。。Your Viber code is: 3550. 你的Viber码是:3550Close this message and enter the code into Viber to activate your account.关闭此条信息并在viber中输入此号码来激活你的帐号。

C# 怎样用sendmessage 鼠标双击消息?急急急!!!!在线等!!!

欧巴,你光发LBUTTONDBLCLK 还不够。再给他发一个WM_LBUTTONUP事件public const int WM_LBUTTONUP=0x0202;//给本窗体发送单击消息SendMessage(this.Handle, WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK, 0, 0);SendMessage(this.Handle, WM_LBUTTONUP, 0, 0);如果问题解决请设为满意,谢谢

腾讯Tencent Messenger是什么?








For account and risk of Messer这是什么意思啊


“犯错的人” 的人 怎么说。 有这样一个名词吗,就一个名词,不是合成词组 a messer??




Messer是什么意思 《德语助手》德汉

Messer音标: [`mεsu0250]词义:刀,刀具。

server error message是什么意思



在Windows使用SetWindowsHookEx来实现hook(钩子)。钩子分类很多,其中消息钩子可以获取对象所接受大部分Message消息。不管是消息钩子或键盘钩子或其他钩子,安装钩子的SetWindowsHookEx函数需要一个回调函数指针。Windows收到某个消息以后确认并且发送应用程序前通知我们的回调函数。钩子有两种1)全局钩子,也就是说我们的程序可以拦截所有外部程序收的的消息。2)非全局钩子,拦截当前进程所收到的消息。为了实现全局钩子,回调函数必须在DLL中。好像用VB不能编写真正的动态链接库。以下是简单代码:"Option Explicit"uses" Windows, Messages, SysUtils, TlHelp32;"Delphi 中一些头引用,相当于C++的 *.h"键盘HOOK类型Private Type tagKBDLLHOOKSTRUCT vkCode As Long scanCode As Long flags As Long time As Long dwExtraInfo As LongEnd Type"定义API函数指针,VB不支持该定义"RegSerProc=Function(dwProcessID,dwType:Integer):Integer;stdcall;Const WH_KEYBOARD_LL = 13Const WH_MOUSE_LL = 14"钩子消息及指针Private lpMsg As TagMsgPrivate lpHook As Long"动态调用DLL函数指针Private hDll As Long"VB不支持该定义"RegPointer:POINTER;"RegServiceProc:RegSerProc;"版本Private OsInfo As OSVERSIONINFO"QQ窗口的一些句柄Private buf_hWnd As Long "前台窗口句柄Private CheckBuf_hWnd As Long "判断是否还是前台窗口句柄Private RichChat_hWnd As Long "RichEdit20A句柄Private CheckPaste As Long "判断是否在进行粘贴"定时执行程序Sub TimerWork() MessageBox 0, "一个消息", "哈哈", 64End Sub"粘贴代码Sub PasteMsg() Dim hMem As Long Dim pStr() As Byte Dim S As String S = vbCrLf + vbCrLf + "恭喜你,你已经中招了!哈哈" hMem = GlobalAlloc(GHND Or GMEM_SHARE, (LenB(S) * 2) + 4) pStr = GlobalLock(hMem) lstrcpy pStr(0), S GlobalUnLock hMem OpenClipboard 0 EmptyClipboard SetClipboardData CF_TEXT, hMem CloseClipboard GlobalFree hMem "发送WM_PASTE对QQ2006 and 2007 已经不起作用 "PostMessage(lphWnd,WM_PASTE,0,0); CheckPaste = True keybd_event VK_CONTROL, MapVirtualKey(VK_CONTROL, 0), 0, 0 keybd_event Ord("V"), MapVirtualKey(Ord("V"), 0), 0, 0 keybd_event Ord("V"), MapVirtualKey(Ord("V"), 0), KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0 keybd_event VK_CONTROL, MapVirtualKey(VK_CONTROL, 0), KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0 CheckPaste = FalseEnd Sub"Enum窗口Function EnumProc(ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Boolean Dim RichName As String, ParentName As String "RichEdit20A,AfxWnd42类名 Dim RichBuf As String * 255, ParentBuf As String * 255 Dim ParenthWnd As Long "获取父窗口,通过AfxWnd42进行窗口查找 ParenthWnd = GetParent(hWnd) GetClassName hWnd, RichBuf, 256 RichName = Left(RichBuf, InStr(RichBuf, vbNullChar) - 1) If RichChat_hWnd > 0 Then EnumProc = False Exit Function End If If LCase(RichName) = "richedit20a" Then "获取父窗口类名 If ParenthWnd <> 0 Then GetClassName ParenthWnd, ParentBuf, 256 ParentName = Left(ParentBuf, InStr(ParentBuf, vbNullChar) - 1) End If "通过父窗口类名进行比较,判断是否为输入窗口 If LCase(ParentName) = "afxwnd42" Then PasteMsg RichChat_hWnd = hWnd EnumProc = False Exit Function End If End If "继续查找子窗口 EnumChildWindows hWnd, AddressOf EnumProc, 0 EnumProc = TrueEnd Function"Hook代码Function HookProc(ByVal nCode As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long Dim qqBuf As String * 255 Dim frmBuf As String * 255 Dim frmName As String "窗口名称 Dim clsName As String "获取类名 Dim p As KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT "键盘按键指针类型 If nCode = HC_ACTION Then If (wParam = WM_KEYDOWN) And (Not CheckPaste) Then begin "p:=PKBDLLHOOKSTRUCT(lParam); "此处应该翻译为以下: CopyMemory p, ByVal lParam, Len(p) "判断是否Ctrl+V发送 If (p.vkCode = VK_RETURN) And ((GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) And &H8000) <> 0) Then "获取当前前台窗口 buf_hWnd = GetForegroundWindow GetWindowText buf_hWnd, frmBuf, 256 GetClassName buf_hWnd, qqBuf, 256 frmName = Left(frmBuf, InStr(frmBuf, vbNullChar) - 1) "该地方只是一个处理而已 clsName = Left(qqBuf, InStr(qqBuf, vbNullChar) - 1) "通过判断是否还是当前窗口,如果不是则执行重复操作 If (CheckBuf_hWnd <> buf_hWnd) Then CheckBuf_hWnd = buf_hWnd "查找QQ窗口 If (InStr(clsName, "#32770") > 0) And ((InStr(frmName, "聊天中") > 0) Or (InStr(frmName, " 群") > 0)) Then "重新初始化QQ编辑控件句柄 If RichChat_hWnd <> 0 Then RichChat_hWnd = 0 "遍历子窗口进行查找 EnumChildWindowsmbuf_hWnd , AddressOf EnumProc, 0 End If "如果是原来窗口,那么直接进行处理操作 ElseIf (InStr(clsName, "#32770") > 0) And ((InStr(frmName, "聊天中") > 0) Or (InStr(frmName, " 群") > 0)) Then PasteMsg End If End If End If HookProc = CallNextHookEx(lpHook, nCode, wParam, lParam)End FunctionPublic Sub Main() "注册钩子时先判断操作系统版本 OsInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = Len(OsInfo) GetVersionEx OsInfo If OsInfo.dwPlatformId = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT Then "如果是NT系统那么向系统注册钩子 lpHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD_LL, AddressOf HookProc, hInstance, 0) 如果向系统注册钩子失败 If lpHook <= 0 Then SetTimer 0, 0, 500, AddressOf TimerWork Else "向9x注册系统服务 hDll = LoadLibrary("kernel32.dll") RegPointer = GetProcAddress(hDll, "RegisterServiceProcess") If RegPointer <> 0 Then "VB不支持该指针,所以就不翻译了 "RegServiceProc:=RegSerProc(RegPointer); "RegServiceProc(GetCurrentProcessID,1); Else "如果没有向9x注册成功服务器,以Timer进行操作 SetTimer 0, 0, 500, AddressOf TimerWork End If End If "消息循环,永驻内存 Do While GetMessage(lpMsg, 0, 0, 0) TranslateMessage lpMsg DispatchMessage lpMsg LoopEnd Sub

为什么我的windows live messenger显示服务暂时不可用



hWnd:指定该对话框的所有者窗口。如果该参数为空(0),则该对话框不属于任何窗口(?)。lpText:显示在对话框中的消息。lpCaption:在对话框标题栏中显示的字符串表达式。如果该参数为空(vbNullString),则使用默认的“错误”作为对话框的标题。wType:指定显示按钮的数目及形式,使用的图标样式,缺省按钮是什么以及消息框的强制回应等。可以为下列常数之一或某几个数值相加的和。指定按钮样式:MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE显示 Abort、Retry 及 Ignore 按钮。MB_OK只显示 OK 按钮。(默认)MB_OKCANCEL显示 OK 及 Cancel 按钮。MB_RETRYCANCEL显示 Retry 及 Cancel 按钮。MB_YESNO显示 Yes 及 No 按钮。MB_YESNOCANCEL显示 Yes、No 及 Cancel 按钮。指定图标样式:MB_ICONEXCLAMATION, MB_ICONWARNING显示 Warning Message 图标。MB_ICONINFORMATION, MB_ICONASTERISK显示 Information Message 图标。MB_ICONQUESTION显示 Warning Query 图标。MB_ICONSTOP, MB_ICONERROR, MB_ICONHAND显示 Critical Message 图标。指定默认按钮:MB_DEFBUTTON1第一个按钮是缺省值。(默认)MB_DEFBUTTON2第二个按钮是缺省值。MB_DEFBUTTON3第三个按钮是缺省值。MB_DEFBUTTON4第四个按钮是缺省值。指定对话框模式等:MB_APPLMODAL应用程序强制返回;应用程序一直被挂起,直到用户对消息框作出响应才继续工作。MB_SYSTEMMODAL系统强制返回;全部应用程序都被挂起,直到用户对消息框作出响应才继续工作。MB_TASKMODALMB_DEFAULT_DESKTOP_ONLYMB_HELP将Help按钮添加到消息框。MB_RIGHT文本为右对齐。MB_RTLREADING指定文本应为在希伯来和阿拉伯语系统中的从右到左显示。MB_SETFOREGROUND指定消息框窗口作为前景窗口。MB_TOPMOSTMB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATIONMB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION_NT3XMB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION返回值:如果没有足够内存创建消息对话框,则返回0。如果函数成功运行,则返回下列数值之一:IDABORT用户点击了 Abort 按钮。IDCANCEL用户点击了 Cancel 按钮。IDIGNORE用户点击了 Ignore 按钮。IDNO用户点击了 No 按钮。IDOK用户点击了 OK 按钮。IDRETRY用户点击了 Retry 按钮。IDYES用户点击了 Yes 按钮。如果对话框显示 Cancel 按钮,则按下 ESC 键与单击 Cancel 按钮的效果相同。原文:The MessageBox function creates, displays, and operates a message box. The message box contains an application-defined message and title, plus any combination of predefined icons and push buttons.Declaration:Declare Function MessageBox Lib user32 Alias MessageBoxA (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpText As String, ByVal lpCaption As String, ByVal wType As Long) As LongParameters:?hWndIdentifies the owner window of the message box to be created. If this parameter is NULL, the message box has no owner window.?lpTextPoints to a null-terminated string containing the message to be displayed.?lpCaptionPoints to a null-terminated string used for the dialog box title. If this parameter is NULL, the default title Error is used.?uTypeSpecifies a set of bit flags that determine the contents and behavior of the dialog box. This parameter can be a combination of flags from the following groups of flags.Specify one of the following flags to indicate the buttons contained in the message box:MB_ABORTRETRYIGNOREThe message box contains three push buttons: Abort, Retry, and Ignore.MB_OKThe message box contains one push button: OK. This is the default.MB_OKCANCELThe message box contains two push buttons: OK and Cancel.MB_RETRYCANCELThe message box contains two push buttons: Retry and Cancel.MB_YESNOThe message box contains two push buttons: Yes and No.MB_YESNOCANCELThe message box contains three push buttons: Yes, No, and Cancel.Specify one of the following flags to display an icon in the message box:MB_ICONEXCLAMATION,MB_ICONWARNINGAn exclamation-point icon appears in the message box.MB_ICONINFORMATION, MB_ICONASTERISKAn icon consisting of a lowercase letter i in a circle appears in the message box.MB_ICONQUESTIONA question-mark icon appears in the message box.MB_ICONSTOP,MB_ICONERROR,MB_ICONHANDA stop-sign icon appears in the message box.Specify one of the following flags to indicate the default button:MB_DEFBUTTON1The first button is the default button.MB_DEFBUTTON1 is the default unless MB_DEFBUTTON2, MB_DEFBUTTON3, or MB_DEFBUTTON4 is specified.MB_DEFBUTTON2The second button is the default button.MB_DEFBUTTON3The third button is the default button.MB_DEFBUTTON4The fourth button is the default button.Specify one of the following flags to indicate the modality of the dialog box:MB_APPLMODALThe user must respond to the message box before continuing work in the window identified by the hWnd parameter. However, the user can move to the windows of other applications and work in those windows.Depending on the hierarchy of windows in the application, the user may be able to move to other windows within the application. All child windows of the parent of the message box are automatically disabled, but popup windows are not.MB_APPLMODAL is the default if neither MB_SYSTEMMODAL nor MB_TASKMODAL is specified.MB_SYSTEMMODALSame as MB_APPLMODAL except that the message box has the WS_EX_TOPMOST style. Use system-modal message boxes to notify the user of serious, potentially damaging errors that require immediate attention (for example, running out of memory). This flag has no effect on the user"s ability to interact with windows other than those associated with hWnd.MB_TASKMODALSame as MB_APPLMODAL except that all the top-level windows belonging to the current task are disabled if the hWnd parameter is NULL. Use this flag when the calling application or library does not have a window handle available but still needs to prevent input to other windows in the current application without suspending other applications.In addition, you can specify the following flags:MB_DEFAULT_DESKTOP_ONLYThe desktop currently receiving input must be a default desktop; otherwise, the function fails. A default desktop is one an application runs on after the user has logged on.MB_HELPAdds a Help button to the message box. Choosing the Help button or pressing F1 generates a Help event.MB_RIGHTThe text is right-justified.MB_RTLREADINGDisplays message and caption text using right-to-left reading order on Hebrew and Arabic systems.MB_SETFOREGROUNDThe message box becomes the foreground window. Internally, Windows calls the SetForegroundWindow function for the message box.MB_TOPMOSTThe message box is created with the WS_EX_TOPMOST window style.MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATIONWindows NT only: The caller is a service notifying the user of an event. The function displays a message box on the current active desktop, even if there is no user logged on to the computer.If this flag is set, the hWnd parameter must be NULL. This is so the message box can appear on a desktop other than the desktop corresponding to the hWnd.For Windows NT version 4.0, the value of MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION has changed. See WINUSER.H for the old and new values. Windows NT 4.0 provides backward compatibility for pre-existing services by mapping the old value to the new value in the implementation of MessageBox and MessageBoxEx. This mapping is only done for executables that have a version number, as set by the linker, less than 4.0.To build a service that uses MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION, and can run on both Windows NT 3.x and Windows NT 4.0, you have two choices. 1. At link-time, specify a version number less than 4.0; or2. At link-time, specify version 4.0. At run-time, use the GetVersionEx function to check the system version. Then when running on Windows NT 3.x, use MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION_NT3X; and on Windows NT 4.0, use MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION.MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION_NT3XWindows NT only: This value corresponds to the value defined for MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION for Windows NT version 3.51.Return values:The return value is zero if there is not enough memory to create the message box.If the function succeeds, the return value is one of the following menu-item values returned by the dialog box:IDABORTAbort button was selected.IDCANCELCancel button was selected.IDIGNOREIgnore button was selected.IDNONo button was selected.IDOKOK button was selected.IDRETRYRetry button was selected.IDYESYes button was selected.If a message box has a Cancel button, the function returns the IDCANCEL value if either the ESC key is pressed or the Cancel button is selected. If the message box has no Cancel button, pressing ESC has no effect.

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1、首先第一步就是打开我的电脑”上按下鼠标右键,选择管理(进入计算机管理)。注意的是管理窗口的左栏中打开“服务和应用程序”,点击“服务”。(或者可以通过控制面板进入)。2、接着就是要找到名称为“Smart Card”的服务,双击打开。注意的是在“常规”处“启动类型”选为自动;在“登录”处,这时候“登录身份”选择本地系统帐户,点击确定。3、然后就是要在该项上单击鼠标右键,选择“启动”,即可启动windows智能卡服务。4、或者也可以通过DOS完成的进入DOS后,键入以下命令:scardsvr reinstall.regsvr32 scardssp.dll 。中间有空格。回到window视窗系统后,重新启动服务,默认为手动,改为自动后,点击确定。5、最后一步就是都是设置完成之后,然后再重新启动电脑开机,这时候可以发现没

Art Blakey & the Jazz Messengers的《One By One》 歌词

歌曲名:One By One歌手:Art Blakey & the Jazz Messengers专辑:UgetsuHey.......Here am IYet another goodbye!He says Adiós, says Adiós,And do you know whyShe won"t break down and cry?- she says Adiós, says Adiós, Goodbye.One by one my leaves fall.One by one my tales are told.It"s no lieShe is yearning to fly.She says Adiós, says Adiós,And now you know whyHe"s a reason to sign- she says Adiós, says Adiós, Goodbye.One by one my leaves fall.One by one my tales are told.My, oh my!She was aiming too high.He says Adiós, AdiósAnd now you know whyThere"s no moon in her sky- he says Adiós, says Adiós, Goodbye.La-li-la-li-lang.......No GoodbyesFor love brightens their eyesDon"t say Adiós, say Adiós,And do you know whyThere"s a love that won"t die?- don"t say Adiós, say Adiós, Goodbye.

MySQL server error report:Array ( [0] => Array ( [message] => MySQL Query Error ) [1] => Array ( [s


林肯公园the messenger 这首歌的歌词 如果翻译了 更好

When you feel all aloneCut off from this cruel worldYour instincts tell you to runListen to your heartThose angel voicesThey"ll sing to you they"ll be your guideBecause when life leaves us blindLove keeps us kindIt keeps us kindWhen you"ve suffered enough And your spirit is breakingYour growing desperate from the fightRemember your loveAnd you always will beThe smell of tea will bring you right back homeWhen life leaves us blindLove keeps us kindWhen life leaves us blindLove keeps us kind Ohhh ohh-oh, ohhh ohh-oh Ohhh ohh-oh, ohhh ohh-oh 当你感觉到孤独与这个残酷的世界隔绝你的直觉告诉你要继续倾听你的内心那些天使的声音他们将会给你唱歌,给你指引因为当生活使我们盲目爱使我们仁慈使我们宽厚当你已经受够了苦你的精神崩溃绝望在战斗中不断增长记住你的爱永远记住茶的味道会指引你正确的回家之路当生活使我们盲目爱使我们仁慈当生活使我们盲目爱使我们仁慈哦,哦,哦,哦哦,哦,哦,哦英语不好,大概只能翻译成这样了,翻译有错的请指正,不要骂我。嘿嘿。

Speechless Mess 歌词

歌曲名:Speechless Mess歌手:Ruth专辑:AnorakRuth - Speechless MessI don"t have the heart, I don"t have the wordsI don"t have the song to make you feel like I do right nowThere"s not much love, left here to giveIf there ever was, I wasted it awayI"m so tired of screwing things up,Open my mouth and hurt everyoneAnd I just wanted you to knowI don"t want to, I don"t want toThere is no cause, to feel this way,anything I"ve asked for, you"ve given it to meI don"t have the right, to do you wrong,so I wrote this song to sing myself to sleep.I"m so tired of screwing things up,Open my mouth and hurt everyoneAnd I just wanted you to knowI don"t want to, I don"t want toI"m so tired of screwing things up,Open my mouth and hurt everyoneAnd I just wanted you to knowI don"t want to, I don"t want toI"m so tired of screwing things up,Open my mouth and hurt everyoneAnd I just wanted you to knowI don"t want to, I don"t want to


《无主之地2》运行后弹出MESSAGE,相信有部分玩家遇到了这样的情况的,下面就为大家解决这个问题。类似于这种错误,可以尝试一下如下方法:(点击查看大图)找到2K GamesBorderlands 2EngineConfig目录下的BaseEngine.ini文件。用记事本打开,Ctrl+F搜索bInitializeShadersOnDemandbInitializeShadersOnDemand=FalseDisableATITextureFilterOptimizationChecks=True将bInitializeShadersOnDemand设置为True。其实只改上面那一句应该就行了,不行再把下面的改了试下。Ctrl+F搜索DistortionDistortion=TrueFilteredDistortion=True将Distortion设置为False。然后保存并关闭。这回再试着运行游戏试试。。。 。。。

a bit of+不可数名词,那么为什么可以说a bit of a mess

mess在不同的释义下单复数情况也不同.最常用的是{混乱}这个解释,平时可以看到in a mess / in a dreadful mess这类词组,但解释为混乱时除了以上特殊用法它并不是可数名词.

X-Prophets的《Mess》 歌词

歌曲名:Mess歌手:X-Prophets专辑:Freak ShowB.Reith - MessSomebody get me out this mess I"m inSee I"ve been tryin" to do the best I canBut I keep on stumblin" over and over againI ain"t got no more excuses for yaAll that I can say is sorryWon"t you please come rescue me as quickly as you canIt"s crazy how far we goJust to put a little gas in our egoThat"s what happens when your self esteem is lowWe"ll do anything to get people to notice us I knowIt"s tough but hey, imagine us throwin" our lives awayBecause we"re listenin" to the voice inside that chantsSays we"ll never be significant if we can"tFit in so we get into all kinds of trouble tryin" to be somebody we"re notSince in the beginning we"ve been givin" into the lie that says that we gotTo keep up with the Jones"s or get left behindSo we end up in debt tryin" to catch up it"s messed up"Cause ten years from now we can"t press rewindI want to invest in what stands the test of timeI"m so sick and tired of being down and outTryin" to do what"s right but wrong keeps comin outI keep on tryin to write but songs ain"t comin outPlus now I"m getting older and time is runnin out I know,Growth"s a process but I can"t see my progressAnd I"m startin" to feel that my labor"s in vainSo I hold on to the promise instead of my problemsOtherwise this stress is gonna drive me insaneYes there"s more to life than workin" 9 to 5Buyin" things that make you feel fuzzy insideI tried it and it worked at first for five minutesBut left me in the cold to hang like icicles oh!Now I"m froze like a popsicleFeel"s like my mission"s impossibleI"m stuck up in a maze full of obstaclesKeep on ending where I"m not supposed to goI just want to be okay with who I am,not have to run awayI"m so tired of trends I can"t keep pretendingPlaying these foolish games

B.Reith的《Mess》 歌词

歌曲名:Mess歌手:B.Reith专辑:Now Is Not ForeverB.Reith - MessSomebody get me out this mess I"m inSee I"ve been tryin" to do the best I canBut I keep on stumblin" over and over againI ain"t got no more excuses for yaAll that I can say is sorryWon"t you please come rescue me as quickly as you canIt"s crazy how far we goJust to put a little gas in our egoThat"s what happens when your self esteem is lowWe"ll do anything to get people to notice us I knowIt"s tough but hey, imagine us throwin" our lives awayBecause we"re listenin" to the voice inside that chantsSays we"ll never be significant if we can"tFit in so we get into all kinds of trouble tryin" to be somebody we"re notSince in the beginning we"ve been givin" into the lie that says that we gotTo keep up with the Jones"s or get left behindSo we end up in debt tryin" to catch up it"s messed up"Cause ten years from now we can"t press rewindI want to invest in what stands the test of timeI"m so sick and tired of being down and outTryin" to do what"s right but wrong keeps comin outI keep on tryin to write but songs ain"t comin outPlus now I"m getting older and time is runnin out I know,Growth"s a process but I can"t see my progressAnd I"m startin" to feel that my labor"s in vainSo I hold on to the promise instead of my problemsOtherwise this stress is gonna drive me insaneYes there"s more to life than workin" 9 to 5Buyin" things that make you feel fuzzy insideI tried it and it worked at first for five minutesBut left me in the cold to hang like icicles oh!Now I"m froze like a popsicleFeel"s like my mission"s impossibleI"m stuck up in a maze full of obstaclesKeep on ending where I"m not supposed to goI just want to be okay with who I am,not have to run awayI"m so tired of trends I can"t keep pretendingPlaying these foolish games


mess是个名词,用法in a mess.加上s后就是messy,这是个形容词,直接拿来修饰



in such a mess

为您解答形容词,形容a mess表示到一定程度的,非常的of so extreme a degree or quality例如never heard such a hubbub

leave sb.somewhere、be in a mess.这句话什么意思?

be in a mess 在一种混乱中leave sb.somewhere (leave:离开 sb.:某人 somewhere:某地) 我不会翻译,这是一种固定词组
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