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会有点怪 不过听起来好听Camellia山茶属,或称茶属,是双子叶植物纲,山茶科的一大属。品种约有150种。主要分布中国的长江以南至云南及越南一带的地区,在东亚与东南亚地区也有分布。在密码学中,Camellia是一种为许多组织所推崇的块密码(block cipher),包括欧盟的NESSIE项目(作为选定算法)和日本的CRYPTREC项目(作为推荐算法)。该算法由三菱和日本电信电话(NTT)在2000年共同发明,它和早期的块算法(E2及MISTY1)有相似的设计思想。






“Camellia” 中文翻译为“山茶花”,它是一种很美丽的花,寓意着浪漫、温馨和纯洁。男生给女生备注“Camellia”,可能是因为他觉得你很美丽,或者寄托了对你的浪漫情怀和爱慕之情。当然,这仅仅只是个人的猜测,具体意图需要问问那个男生才能知道。


韩国 也不算牌子吧 是个卖衣服的网站







Ruth Gemmell ,请问有人了解这个演员么

Ruth Gemmell(鲁思 金姆尔)出生年份:1967年出生 地:英国 达勒姆 达林顿职 业:女演员(活跃年份:1991-至今)配 偶:Ray Stevenson(1997–2005)早期生活Gemmell出生在英国达勒姆达林顿。她有三个兄弟。她就读于达林顿的波兰霍女子学校。当她还是个小孩的时候她就父母离异,随后,她跟随母亲离开了达林顿,来到了巴纳德城堡,之后她又搬到伦敦与她父亲一同生活,去追寻她的演艺梦想。她说:“我搬到伦敦因为我必须在这里学习艺术……我不知道还有什么更好的。没有与我的父亲住在一起之前,我想这是一个理想追去的机会,多么疯狂呀!” 个人生活1997年Gemmell与演员Ray Stevenson在伦敦的威斯敏斯特举行婚礼,她在1995年拍摄电视剧Band of Gold,她在2005年离婚。职业生涯Gemmell主要演剧院和电视剧。1997年,她主演了Fever Pitch和演了 Colin Firth的主角,2004年她主演了Tracy Beaker"s Movie of Me 。电视剧名Band of Gold (1995)The Bill (1999, 2003, 2009)Silent Witness (1996, 2006)Dalziel and Pascoe (2002): For Love Nor MoneyTracy Beaker(2004) (Carly Beaker)Midsomer Murders (2005)A Touch of Frost (2006)Waking the Dead (2008, 2009)Summerhill (2008)EastEnders (2009, 2010-) (Debra Dean)Primeval (2009)Lewis (2009): Your Sudden Death QuestionCasualty (2010): "No Place Like Home" (Kate Margolin)Moving On (2010): "Losing My Religion" (Joanne)电影作品Fever Pitch (1997)January 2nd (2006) Good (2008)戏剧做平The WeirNabokov"s GlovesThe Turn of the ScrewOthelloMeasure for MeasureUncle VanyaAn Ideal HusbandThe Winter"s TaleThe Second Mrs TanquerayThe Importance of Being EarnestA Tale of Two CitiesDeath and the Maiden



索菲娅·格林的Smells of roses歌词,谢谢

  Smells of Roses  (把悲伤留给自己)  Here in the garden, among the flowers  Smells of roses that fill my head  And the sun beams through the tree trunks  Dancing around me in purple red  And the river"s always flowing  And like love it finds its way  I sing my song when the wind blows  All misgivings I will allay  But what if night time lingers over  Stay forever around my heart  And the shadows will all surround me  Could I see though it"s so dark  And what if your love goes away now  Leave me lost here and all alone  Oh, Could I find a way through it  Could I live here when you are gone, are gone  Cos I"ve been searching through my whole life  For a place to call my own  Now I finally have found what I love  Among roses I found my home  But what if night time lingers over  Stay forever around my heart  And the shadows will all surround me  Could I see though it"s so dark  And what if your love goes away now  Leave me lost here and all alone  Could I find a way through it  Could I live here when you are gone  Here in the garden among the flowers  Smells of roses that fill my head  Now I finally have found what I love  Among roses I found my home, my home  Now I finally have found my home, my home  Among the roses, among roses, among roses...


EMMELLE阿米尼自行车 阿米尼是欧洲地区的流行品牌,尤其在英国可以说是家喻户晓,阿米尼也是有中华集团引进中国市场,在初入中国市场的阶段,也是广受追求潮流和国外品牌的用家。自1998年以来,全国少年自行车锦标赛均由中华集团赞助。在历届比赛中,不断涌现出大批优秀选手,为国家自行车队培养了大批优秀人才,体现了中华振兴民族工业、倡导全民健身运动的企业文化精神,也充分体现了中华集团产品卓越、技术精湛、性能完美。




Marshmello是美国DJ、电音制作人总是带着像棉花糖的面具出现,所以被叫为棉花糖。棉花糖(Marshmello),原名克里斯康斯托克,艺名“Dotcom”,美国DJ、电音制作人,总是带着面具出现。棉花糖的真实身份是美国DJ克里斯康斯托克,因为二人的音乐风格极其相似,而且DJ史奇雷克斯(Skrillex)在一次采访中称呼棉花糖为“克里斯”。另外,Dotcom有些纹身与棉花糖的一样,2019福布斯100名人榜,棉花糖排名第87位,2019年10月,棉花糖升至《DJMAG》“百大DJ”第5位。DJ的分类1、形式上分类:唱片主义DJ,是用黑胶唱机搓盘玩各种玩法,还有混音也是通过黑胶来完成,全部DJ操作都是用黑胶来操作;混音DJ,这类DJ是比较普遍的就是利用现在的主流CD唱机也就是打碟机来混音也可搓盘。2、音乐DJ分类:搓盘DJ,搓盘DJ也就是我们经常都会在网上或听到了解到的一类DJ,这类DJ热衷于对战和比赛,利用两张唱片来搓出不同音效和节奏;Beat Juggle DJ,Beat Juggle就是运用两个唱盘将两张唱片的鼓声旋律人声节奏重新组合起来。3、职业DJ分类:俱乐部DJ,也叫酒吧DJ顾名思义就是在酒吧驻场的DJ;派对DJ,也叫行动DJ移动DJ和嘉宾DJ有的可以和演出公司签约那里有邀请就到那里去演出,有的是户外有的是室内,能独立完成整场表演;乐队DJ,就是和三几个好友一起组成一个乐队,DJ就利用放歌混音或者搓盘配合其他成员。

marshmello 到底是谁



aroma [u0259"ru0259umu0259]n.1. (酒、菜肴、植物等的)香味,香气,芳香,(酒的)水果香,芬芳2. (广义的)气味3. (艺术品等的)格调,风格,风味,风韵,韵味scent [sent]n.1. 气味,味道2. 香味;香3. [口语]香水4. 嗅觉5. 察觉能力,洞察力6. (动物等的)臭迹,遗臭7. 踪迹;线索8. (“狗追兔子”游戏中的)纸屑(表示兔子的遗迹)9. 【狩猎、钓鱼】混合饵(料)vt.1. 嗅,闻;闻出,嗅到:to scent a whiff of fragrance闻到一股香味2. 使充满(…的)气味(或香味):to scent tea with jasmine让茶叶饱含茉莉花香3. 往…洒香水,使香:to scent the bedroom往卧室里洒香水4. 察觉,发觉;感觉到:to scent danger感到有点危险vi.1. 发出(…的)气味(of):to scent of a smell发出一股臭气2. 有(…的)迹象(of):These marks scented of being touched.这些痕迹表明有人动过。3. 嗅着气味追赶,嗅猎:the fox to be scented after被追猎的狐狸fragrance ["freiɡru0259ns]n.1. 芬芳,芳香2. 香味;香气;香水;香料vt.使散发香气smell [smel]vt.1. 闻,嗅;闻到,嗅到:The tiger smelled the meat and went away.老虎闻了闻那块肉,然后走开了。I smelled the odor of money.我闻到了一股铜臭气。2. 把…闻闻看,把…嗅嗅看:Smell the meat to see if it was fresh.闻闻那块肉,看新鲜不新鲜。3. 有…的气味,发出…的气味:The book which I bought this morning smelled printing ink.我今天上午买的书还散发着油墨味。4. 发觉,感觉到:to smell foul play感到了犯罪的迹象vi.1. 闻,嗅;有嗅觉 (at):to smell at something闻闻某物The trained dog can well smell.经过训练的狗有更敏锐的嗅觉。2. 发出气味(或香味):Do my flowers to you smell?我送你的花香吗?3. 有臭味,发臭:Go to take a bath; you smell.去洗个澡,你身上都发臭了。4. 发出特定的气味,闻着有种特定的气味 (of):to smell delicious闻着很香to smell of blood有血腥味5. 调查;研究 (about):to smell about a case调查一个案子6. [口语] 变得糟糕;显得丑恶:The play is good, but the director smells.这部剧是不错的,可导演太差了,把个好剧搞砸了。n.1. 嗅觉2. 气味,气息;香味;臭味3. 闻,嗅4. 气息;特色;痕迹5. 少许,一点儿望采纳


aroma香味,指一种强烈的,弥漫的香味,如好的点着的烟叶,咖啡或美味食品的香味.The aroma of fresh coffee permeated the air 新鲜咖啡的香味弥漫在空气中scent清(幽)香,此词指一种淡淡的幽香,天然的或人造的,弥散于或可以弥散于空气中There is a pleasing scent given off by a sachet hung in the middle of the room 有一缕宜人的清香从悬挂房间中央的香袋散发出来There is a scent of osmanthus in the air 空气中有一股桂花的幽香perfume香味;芳香,指香味,尤指由花精中所散发的香味.Magnolias have a wonderful perfume 木兰花有一种奇异的芳香A breeze blew,laden with the perfume of fresh fields 微风吹拂,满是春天田野的芳香fragrance芳香,指比scent更为甜美,清新,更为弥漫的香味.Do you remember the lingering fragrance of lilacs after a rain?你可记得那雨后丁香花缭绕的芳香?I like the fragrance of her hair 我喜欢她头发的香气This soap is made in several fragrances 这种肥皂是以几种香味制成的

the smelly gas come out of the cracks中come out 是什么意思

come out 出来,出现的意思. 固定搭配The smelly gas come out of the cracks一股难闻的气体从裂缝中冒了出来

《老友记》中,Pheobe有很多歌。除了《Smelly cat》之外,其他的歌后来又没有重新制作成单曲过?

老友记里Phoebe唱过的歌2008-07-30 21:431 老友记里Phoebe唱过的歌 from episode 1.01 (extended version)Your LoveLove is sweet as summer showers Love is a wondrous work of art But your love, oh your love, Your love is like a giant pigeon Crapping on my heart. La la la la la... 作者: 贝克街的小猫 2007-2-24 21:19 回复此发言 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 回复:老友记里Phoebe唱过的歌 from episode 1.07No powerNew York City has no power, and the milk is getting sour. But to me it is not scary, "cause I stay away from dairy. LA la, la LA la, LA la... 作者: 贝克街的小猫 2007-2-24 21:21 回复此发言 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 回复:老友记里Phoebe唱过的歌 from episode 1.10SnowmanI made a man with eyes of coal and a smile so bewitchin". How was I supposed to know that my mom was dead in the kitchen? La lalala laaa la lala La lalala la la...Mother"s AshesMy mother"s ashes, even her eyelashes, are resting in a little yellow jar. And sometimes, when it"s breezy, I feel a little sneezy, and now I... 作者: 贝克街的小猫 2007-2-24 21:21 回复此发言 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 回复:老友记里Phoebe唱过的歌 from episode 1.11My ManYou don"t have to be awake to be my man. As long as you have brainwaves I"ll be there to hold your hand. Though we just met the other day, there"s something I have got to say... 作者: 贝克街的小猫 2007-2-24 21:21 回复此发言 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 回复:老友记里Phoebe唱过的歌 from episode 1.23BabiesThey"re tiny and chubby and so sweet to touch, and soon they"ll grow up and resent you so much. Now they"re yelling at you and you don"t know why, and you cry and you cry and you cry. And you cry and you cry and you cry and you cry...Trapped in the Hospital ClosetAnd they found their bodies the very next day, they found their bodies the very next day, la la la, la la la, la la la... 作者: 贝克街的小猫 2007-2-24 21:22 回复此发言 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 回复:老友记里Phoebe唱过的歌 from episode 2.06Shower SongI"m in the shower and I"m writing a song Stop me if you"ve heard it. My skin is soapy, and my hair is wet, and Tegrin spelled backward is Nirget. Lather, rinse, repeat and lather, rinse, repeat and lather, rinse, repeat as needed.I Play For MeWhen I play, I play for me I don"t need your charity La lalala lalalalalalala lalala lalala lalalalalalala.... Double-Jointed Boy...was the double, double, double-jointed boy.StephanieStephanie... knows all the chords. TerryTerry"s a jerk! And he won"t let me work! And I hate Central Perk! You"re all invited to bite me! Smelly Cat (incomplete version)Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat, What are they feeding you? Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat, It"s not your fault. 作者: 贝克街的小猫 2007-2-24 21:23 回复此发言 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 回复:老友记里Phoebe唱过的歌 from episode 2.08Two of Them Kissed Last NightThere was a girl, we"ll call her Betty And a guy, let"s call him Neil Now I can"t stress this point too strongly... This story isn"t real. Now our Neil must decide Who will be the girl that he casts aside? Will Betty be the one who he loves truly? Or will it be the one who we"ll call... Loolie? He must decide, he must decide, even though I made him up, he must decide! 作者: 贝克街的小猫 2007-2-24 21:23 回复此发言 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 回复:老友记里Phoebe唱过的歌 from episode 2.12GrandmaNow, Grandma"s a person who everyone likes, She bought you a train and a bright, shiny bike. But lately she hasn"t been coming to dinner, And last time you saw her she looked so much thinner. Now, your mom and your dad said she moved to Peru, But the truth is she died and some day you will too. Lalala LAlalala LAlalala LAlalala La La La La Lalala LAlalala LAlalala LAlalala La La La La Another Thing You Don"t Wanna DoThere"ll be times when you get older When you"ll want to sleep with people Just to make them like you But don"t. "Cause that"s another thing That you don"t wanna do Everybody! That"s another thing That you don"t wanna do. The Cow in the MeadowOh, the cow in the meadow goes moo, Oh, the cow in the meadow goes moo. Then the farmer hits him on the head and grinds him up, And that"s how we get hamburgers. Now, chickens! SometimesSometimes men love women Sometimes men love men, And then there are bisexuals Though some just say they"re kidding themselves. La lalala lalalalala la La la lalala lala la la 作者: 贝克街的小猫 2007-2-24 21:24 回复此发言 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 回复:老友记里Phoebe唱过的歌 from episode 2.17Smelly Cat (longest version Phoebe ever did in coffee house)Smelly cat, smelly cat, what are they feeding you? Smelly cat, smelly cat, it"s not your fault. They won"t take you to the vet. You"re obviously not their favorite pet. It may not be a bed of roses. And you"re no friend to those with noses. 作者: 贝克街的小猫 2007-2-24 21:27 回复此发言 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------16 回复:老友记里Phoebe唱过的歌 from episode 2.18 Crusty Old Man And a crusty old man said, "I"ll do what I can," and the rest of the rats played moroccas. 作者: 贝克街的小猫 2007-2-24 21:38 回复此发言 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------17 回复:老友记里Phoebe唱过的歌 from episode 3.14Sticky Shoes (sung with Leslie)My favorite shoes, so good to me, I wear them everyday. Down at the heel, holes in the toes, don"t care what people say. My feet"s best friends, pals to the end, with them I"m one hot chicky. Though late one night, not much light, I stepped in something icky. Sticky shoes, sticky shoes, always make me smile. Sticky shoes, sticky shoes, next time I"ll avoid the pile.Jingle BitchJingle Bitch screwed me over! Go to hell Jingle Whore! Go to hell, go to hell, go to hell-hell-hell. 作者: 贝克街的小猫 2007-2-24 21:39 回复此发言 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------18 回复:老友记里Phoebe唱过的歌 from episode 3.23Crazy UnderwearCrazy underwear, creepin" up my butt. Crazy underwear, always in a rut. Crazy underwear.... 作者: 贝克街的小猫 2007-2-24 21:39 回复此发言 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------19 回复:老友记里Phoebe唱过的歌 from episode 4.01Colors...and fuchsia and mauve. Those are the 66 colors of my bedroom. 作者: 贝克街的小猫 2007-2-24 21:40 回复此发言 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------20 回复:老友记里Phoebe唱过的歌 from episode 4.02Dumb, Drunken Bitch...dumb, drunken bitch! 作者: 贝克街的小猫 2007-2-24 21:40 回复此发言 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------21 回复:老友记里Phoebe唱过的歌 from episode 4.05Sticky Shoes (from Pheobe"s phlegmy, sick version)My sticky shoes, my sticky, sticky shoes, why you stick on me... baby.Goats are ParadingParading, goats are parading; parading down the street. Parading, goats are parading; leaving little treats.Paper Mache" ManI"m, I"m still waiting for my papier-mache" man. 作者: 贝克街的小猫 2007-2-24 21:41 回复此发言 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------22 回复:老友记里Phoebe唱过的歌 from episode 4.07Tiny TarzanLittle tiny Tarzan, swinging on an nose hair, swinging with the greatest of ease... 作者: 贝克街的小猫 2007-2-24 21:41 回复此发言 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------23 回复:老友记里Phoebe唱过的歌 from episode 4.10Holiday Song (first rendition)Happy Hanukkah, Monica. May your Christmas be snowy, Joey. Happy New Year, Chandler and Ross. Spin the dreidel, Rachel!Holiday Song (from second rendition)Happy happy Hanukkah, Chandler and Monica. Very merry... [note: at this point Chandler interrupts to say he"s not Jewish.] Holiday Song (from final rendition) Went to the store, sat on Santa"s lap. Asked him to bring my friends all kinds of crap. He said, "all you need is to write them a song." Now you haven"t heard it yet, so don"t try to sing along. So don"t sing along. Monica, Monica, have a happy Hanukkah. Saw Santa Claus, he said hello to Ross. And please tell Joey Christmas will be snowy. And Rachel and Chandler, [mumbles some nonsense that rhymes with "Chandler"]. Happy holidays everybody! 作者: 贝克街的小猫 2007-2-24 21:42 回复此发言 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------24 回复:老友记里Phoebe唱过的歌 from episode 4.12FetusAre you in there little fetus? In nine months will you come greet us? I will... buy you some Adidas. 作者: 贝克街的小猫 2007-2-24 21:43 回复此发言 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------25 回复:老友记里Phoebe唱过的歌 from episode 6.03Ode To a Pubic HairI found you in my bed! How"d you wind up there? You are a mystery, Little black curly hair! Little black curly hair! Little black, little black, Little black, little black, Little black curly hair! 作者: 贝克街的小猫 2007-2-24 21:43 回复此发言 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------26 回复:老友记里Phoebe唱过的歌 from episode 6.16Heart AttacksIt only takes two heart attacks to finally make you see. One of them won"t do it, but the second one will set you free. Tell all your hate and anger it"s time to say good-bye, And that is just what I will do, as soon as those bastards I work for die! La lalala lalalalala la, lalala lalala la la... 作者: 贝克街的小猫 2007-2-24 21:43 回复此发言 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------27 回复:老友记里Phoebe唱过的歌 from episode 7.01Monica (From extended DVD version of the episode)Twelve years old and addicted to pork, No one thought Monica would marry. She knew her way around a knife and a fork...ChandlerFirst time I met Chandler I thought he was gay, But here I am singing on his wedding day.Whenever I Get MarriedWhenever I get married, guess who won"t get to sing? Somebody named Geller and somebody else named Bing! She Just Stayed and Stayed We thought Phoebe would leave, but she just stayed and stayed. That"s right, I"m here all night, and Chandler will never get laid.Ceremony Who will perform the ceremony? Who will perform the ceremony? 作者: 贝克街的小猫 2007-2-24 21:44 回复此发言 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------28 回复:老友记里Phoebe唱过的歌 from episode 9.19ArgentinaAnd there"s a country called Argentina, It"s a place I"ve never seen. But I"m told for 50 pesos, You can buy a human spleen, Human spleen.The Woman Smelled Like GarbageIt wasn"t just that she was fat, the woman smelled like garbage. Everyone! It wasn"t just that she was fat, the woman smelled like garbage.The Food at Javu(sung to the tune of "Shave and a Haircut.") The food here at Javu will kill you! The food here at Javu will kill you! 作者: 贝克街的小猫 2007-2-24 21:44 回复此发言 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------29 回复:老友记里Phoebe唱过的歌 from episode 10.04Emma"s Birthday SongEmma, Your name poses a dilemna, "Cause not much else rhymes with Emma. Maybe the actor Richard Crenna (he played the commanding officer in Rambo) Happy Birthday Emma! 作者: 贝克街的小猫 2007-2-24 21:45 回复此发言 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------30 回复:老友记里Phoebe唱过的歌 from episode 10.17Best Day EverAahh, aahh, aahh... When the sun comes up, bright and beaming! And the moon comes... Don"t Take NoBum bum bum Don"t take no for an an

Raw flowers smell very sweet. 对不对?


twin/matrix lamellae in bundles意思


i smell something ____ in the kitchen. Can i call you back in a minute?


i smell something in the kitchen. can i call you back in a minute.


smell sth.____ (烧糊)```````````` 1.sth.和烧是被动 用BURNT 2.强调正在 用BURNING 哪个对?

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