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medical condition是什么意思

medical condition英[ˈmedikəl kənˈdiʃən]美[ˈmɛdɪkəl kənˈdɪʃən][医]医疗条件[例句]A medical condition may have made weight loss extremely difficult for charley.查理的身体状况或许决定了他很难减肥。

medical insurance是什么意思

医疗保险就是医疗保险啊 相信我

medical condition是什么意思

medical condition医疗条件双语对照词典结果:medical condition[英][ˈmedikəl kənˈdiʃən][美][ˈmɛdɪkəl kənˈdɪʃən][医]医疗条件; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.A medical condition may have made weight loss extremely difficult for charley. 查理的身体状况或许决定了他很难减肥。

sun medical是什么意思


medical care是什么意思


medical evacuation是什么意思

abbr. [军] Medical Evacuation Vehicle, 医疗后送车 n. [物] 兆电子伏

medical center是什么意思

你好,很高兴为你回答,medical center 的意思是“医疗中心”短语Medical beauty center 医学美容中心例句And being in a medical center, we always wonder where does this research lead us. 身在这样一家医疗中心,我们一直想知道这一研究的导向这里。

medical care是什么意思



medical [med·i·cal || "medɪkl]n. 医生; 体格检查adj. 医学的; 药的;内科的treatment ["treat·ment || "trɪːtmənt]n. 治疗, 处置, 待遇

medical history是什么意思




medical science是什么意思


medical service是什么意思

medical service [词典] 医疗服务,医疗费;


northwestern 表示西北部medical表示医学的


medical   ["medikəl]adj.1.医学的;医术的;医疗的;医用的2.内科的3.[古语] 药的;治疗的n.1.[口语]2.体格检查 3.医生,医科学生

medical condition是什么意思

medical condition医疗条件双语对照词典结果:medical condition[英][ˈmedikəl kənˈdiʃən][美][ˈmɛdɪkəl kənˈdɪʃən][医]医疗条件; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Do you understand your wife"s medical condition right now? 你知道你妻子现在的身体状况吗?

medical b.v 是什么意思

medical b.v荷兰医学b.v医学medical 英[ˈmedɪkl] 美[ˈmɛdɪkəl] adj. 医学的; 医疗的; 医药的; 内科的; n. 体格检查; [网络] 形容词; 治疗; 体检; [例句]Physiology and anatomy are basic to medical science.生理学和解剖学是医学的基础。[其他] 复数:medicals 形近词: medicos pedicab medicon

medical purpose是什么意思

medical:医学的 purpose:目的 医学目的

medical service是什么意思

medical service医疗服务双语对照词典结果:medical service[英][ˈmedikəl ˈsɜːvɪs][美][ˈmɛdɪkəl "sɝvɪs]医疗服务,医疗费;

medical claims 什么意思

medical claims的中文翻译medical claims医疗索赔

medical condition是什么意思

medical condition[英][ˈmedikəl kənˈdiʃən][美][ˈmɛdɪkəl kənˈdɪʃən][医]医疗条件; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.A medical condition may have made weight loss extremely difficult for charley. 查理的身体状况或许决定了他很难减肥。.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮






medicalsn.医学的( medical的名词复数 ); 医疗的; 医术的; 内科的; 例句:1.The brazilian player is actually in london for the medicals. 据说这名巴西球员已经到伦敦体检。2.Extra care should be taken when handling these medicals. 处理这些化学药品要特别当心。




medical医疗双语对照词典结果:medical[英][ˈmedɪkl][美][ˈmɛdɪkəl]adj.医学的; 医药的; 医疗的; 内科的; n.体格检查; 复数:medicals以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.It sounds as if the nature of medical research is changing. 听起来医学研究的本质正在发生变化。


["medikəl]adj. 医疗的,医学的,药物的,需治疗的


adj.医学的;药的;内科的n.医生;体格检查复数medicals例句1、This major medical breakthrough allowed people to overcome malaria.这一重大的医学突破使人们攻克了疟疾。2、These medical supplies will be shipped to the front lines of the war.这些医药用品将会被运往战争前线。常见词汇搭配medical attendants 医护人员medical certificate 健康证明书medical college 医学院medical examination 体格检查medical journal 医学期刊medical literature 医学文献


medical[英][ˈmedɪkl][美][ˈmɛdɪkəl]adj.医学的; 医药的; 医疗的; 内科的; n.体格检查; 复数:medicals以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.New orleans has become a medical and educational centre. 新奥尔良已经成为一个医学和教育中心。.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮


medical名词是medicine表示"药品",medical,英语单词,名词、形容词,作名词时意为“医生;体格检查”。作形容词时意为“医学的;药的;内科的”。双语例句House, school and medical insurance all link together with it.房子,学校和医疗保险都和它联系在一起。We have to pay the first $500 of any medical fees for each member of the family.我们需要为每一位家庭成员的任何一项医疗费用支付最初的500美金。Yes, we have an excellent retire plan and medical insurance as well.还有,我们公司还有一项极好的退休规划和医疗保险。扩展资料短语搭配medical insurance医疗保险 ; 医疗保险费 ; 医疗保障 ; 医疗安全medical school医学院 ; 医学系 ; 医学专科学校 ; 医学院校medical error医疗过失 ; 医疗差错 ; 含医疗疏失Registry Medical注册表医生 ; 表医生Medical prescription处方 ; 医学处方 ; 方剂 ; 药方子


medical,英语单词,名词、形容词,作名词时意为“医生;体格检查”。作形容词时意为“医学的;药的;内科的”。一、短语搭配medical insurance医疗保险 ; 医疗保险费 ; 医疗保障 ; 医疗安全medical school医学院 ; 医学系 ; 医学专科学校 ; 医学院校medical error医疗过失 ; 医疗差错 ; 含医疗疏失Registry Medical注册表医生 ; 表医生Medical prescription处方 ; 医学处方 ; 方剂 ; 药方子medical organization医疗机构Medical Facility医疗设施 ; 海洋珠宝号医疗设施medical procedure医疗程序二、双语例句1、House, school and medical insurance all link together with it.房子,学校和医疗保险都和它联系在一起。2、Yes, we have an excellent retire plan and medical insurance as well.还有,我们公司还有一项极好的退休规划和医疗保险。3、We have to pay the first $500 of any medical fees for each member of the family.我们需要为每一位家庭成员的任何一项医疗费用支付最初的500美金。


medical形容词:医学的;药的;内科的appointment n. 任命;约定;任命的职位medical+appointment 可以翻译成诊断

medical care是什么意思

medical care词典结果medical care[英][ˈmedikəl kɛə][美][ˈmɛdɪkəl kɛr]医疗处理; 

medical complain什么意思 疾病的意思吗?当名词用吗?


medical college是什么意思

medical(医学)college (学院) medical college :医科大

medical condition是什么意思


employment medical什么意思

employment-medical就业体检双语例句1. Their rights of marriage, employment, medical care and education are guaranteed, Xinhua said.新华社报道,他们结婚, 工作, 治疗,教育的权利都是有保证的.来自互联网2. Money should be directed to help small businesses, for employment and social security, for medical insurance.投资应该直接应用于扶持中小企业, 增加就业和提供社会保险, 医疗保险.来自互联网3. Enhancing the employment of medical psychology in pharmaceutical care, will meet the medicine developmental request.加强使用药学服务的心理学方法, 才能适应当今社会对医疗发展的要求.来自互联网

medical condition是什么意思


medical establishment是什么意思

medical establishment 英[ˈmedikəl isˈtæbliʃmənt] 美[ˈmɛdɪkəl ɪˈstæblɪʃmənt] [词典] [医] 医疗机构; [例句]A medical establishment run by a group of medical specialists.由一群医学专家经营的医疗机构。

medical devices是什么意思

medical devices[医]医疗用具; 例句:1.Apis are also enabling more intelligent medical devices. 借助API,医疗设备也更加智能。2.Manufacturers use the same technique to sterilize manydisposable medical devices like syringes and needles. 制造商使用相同的技术消毒一次性的医疗设备,如注射器和针头。

medical insurance是什么意思

medical insurance医疗保险双语对照词典结果:medical insurance[英][ˈmedikəl inˈʃuərəns][美][ˈmɛdɪkəl ɪnˈʃʊrəns]医疗保险; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.But why not collect their paycheck, buy medical insurance or pay theirs there as well? 既然如此,何不同时在Facebook领工资、买医疗保险或者向国税局(IRS)付账呢?

medical devices是什么意思

medical devices医疗设备medical devices[医]医疗用具; 例句:1.The system has powered nuclear power plants and medical devices, and rim is already using it to run its playbook tablet. 该系统一直被用于核电站和医疗设备,rim已经开始将它用于playbook平板电脑。

medical therapy是什么意思

medical therapy医学治疗;药物治疗;内科治疗例句1.Treatment of cerebrospinal fluid leakage in spinal surgery by integrated Chinese and western medical therapy脊柱手术后脑脊液漏的中西医结合治疗2.Conservative medical therapy, timely termination of pregnancy and surgical intervention are basic treatments.内科保守治疗为主,适时终止妊娠,外科介入为基本治疗原则。3.Measurement of optical properties of biological tissues is important for medical therapy and diagnosis.生物组织光学性质的测量在医学治疗和诊断中有着重要的应用。

medical care是什么意思


medical condition是什么意思

medical condition 英[ˈmedikəl kənˈdiʃən] 美[ˈmɛdɪkəl kənˈdɪʃən] [医]医疗条件 [例句]A medical condition may have made weight loss extremely difficult for charley.查理的身体状况或许决定了他很难减肥。

medical condition是什么意思

medical condition[英][ˈmedikəl kənˈdiʃən][美][ˈmɛdɪkəl kənˈdɪʃən][医]医疗条件;例句:双语英语1.A medical condition may have made weight loss extremely difficult for charley.查理的身体状况或许决定了他很难减肥。

medical procedure是什么意思

medical procedure:医疗流程;医疗程序;医疗项目


填后者medicine:药品medical:医药学的 medicine更常用的是名词而不是形容词,即使有这个意思也是很偏的,最好用大家都知道的



medical service是什么意思

medical service医疗服务双语对照词典结果:medical service[英][ˈmedikəl ˈsɜːvɪs][美][ˈmɛdɪkəl "sɝvɪs]医疗服务,医疗费;



medical medical center中的medical是什么意思

医学 医药的意思 医学中心


形容词 a. [B]1.医学的;医术的;医疗的a medical instrument 一台医疗仪器 a medical course 一门医学课程 2.内科的a medical ward 一个内科病房 名词 n. 1.【口】健康检查[C]I have to have a medical before going abroad. 出国前我得做一次健康检查。

medical 是什么意思?



medical是一个名词,意思是医生、体格检查,还可以作形容词意思是医学的、药的、内科的,medical这个单词可以划分为几个音节呢?我们一起来看一看,这个单词一共可以划分为三个音节【me】【di】和【cal】,第一个音节me的发音为【me】,而第二个音节di的发音为【d?】,而第三个音节cal的发音为【kl】,合在一起的话这个单词的发音就是【?med?kl】,我们再看一下用法,medical作为医学的、药的、内科的、医生、体格检查的意思来使用;例如在下面这两个句子,Medical treatment was sometimes given to children,without parental consent. 有时候没有征得父母的同意就对孩子进行了医疗救治,在这个句子中,medical就是作形容词指的是医学的, A medical is a thorough examination,of your body by a doctor. 一个体格检查就是医生给你的身体的一个全面的检查,medical还有一个短语,medical history,指的是病史、病历,He couldn"t get a new job,because of his medical history. 由于他的病史,他无法找到新工作,medical这个单词你学会了吗?


medical词典结果:medical[英][ˈmedɪkl][美][ˈmɛdɪkəl]adj.医学的; 医药的; 医疗的; 内科的; n.体格检查; 复数:medicals以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.It sounds as if the nature of medical research is changing. 听起来医学研究的本质正在发生变化。2.Healthcare, hospital, and medical applications 医疗、医院及医学应用


medical的意思是:医学的;医疗的。词态变化:复数:medicals。副词:medically。例句:1、It sounds as if the nature of medical research is changing.听起来医学研究的本质正在发生变化。2、Two days before christmas , lee checked into ucsf medical center for a lymph node biopsy.圣诞节前两天,李在加州大学旧金山分校医学中心进行了淋巴结活检。3、Fans of television medical dramas are probably aware of the grim condition known as septic shock.医学电视剧的粉丝也许知道败血性休克有多么可怕。4、To date , medical marijuana use is allowed in 20 states and the district of columbia.迄今为止,医用大麻的使用已经获得了20个州和哥伦比亚特区的许可。


medical的意思是:医学的;医疗的;伤病的;疾病的;内科的。短语搭配:1、medical insurance医疗保险;医疗保险费;医疗保障;医疗安全。2、medical school医学院;医学系;医学专科学校;医学院校。3、medical error医疗过失;医疗差错;含医疗疏失。4、Registry Medical注册表医生;表医生。5、Medical prescription处方;医学处方;方剂;药方子。6、medical organization医疗机构。7、Medical Facility医疗设施;海洋珠宝号医疗设施。8、medical procedure医疗程序。9、Medical expenses医药费;医疗费;医疗费用;医药费用。例句:1、These two medical instruments work on the same principle.这两种医疗仪器的工作原理是一样的。2、To that end re-education sites on the Li measures taken for medical treatment.劳教场所为此对李采取了保外就医措施。3、Do they need more medical oversight?他们需要更多的医疗监督吗?4、Ancient medical practitioners sometimes cut tumors out, but the prognosis was known to be grim.古时候的从医人员有时候会切除肿瘤,但预后诊断通常都不乐观。5、Connect internal LAN to external medical insure net using ACL and NAT.利用ACL与NAT完成内部HIS与外部医保网的对接。6、Willie and Katie son no longer need to worry about the medical fee.威利和凯蒂不再需要为儿子的医疗费而操心了。7、Museum of Medical History,Shanghai College of Traditional Chinese Medicine.上海中医学院医史博物馆。8、The thought of aesthetic education to the medical students.浅谈医学生的医学美学教育。

past medical history是什么意思

past medical history [词典] [医] 既往病史; [例句]Her past medical history included hyperlipidaemia, hypertension and bullous emphysema.她的既往史包括:高脂血症、高血压和大疱性肺气肿。


medical certification医疗认证

Associate MA TA manager, Medical


aggressive medical treatments啥意思

你好。aggressive medical treatments翻译成中文是:积极的治疗。——————希望帮到你,满意请采纳。

medical purpose是什么意思

医学目的例句:1.He went over to america for the purpose of studying medical science. 他为了研究医学而去了美国

medical purpose是什么意思

medical purpose网 络中医用;医学上的目的;医学用途;医用喷雾器双语例句1. The most important purpose of our Health Care is to support you when making a claim for medical treatment. For that reason the claims procedure is as simple and helpful as possible. 我们的医疗保健服务最重要的目的是在您申请医疗服务时提供帮助。正因为如此,申请程序会尽可能地简单有效。2. The purpose of the occasion was to raise money for medical supplies. 那次活动是为筹集资金购买医药物资。3. He went over to America for the purpose of studying medical science. 他为了研究医学而去了美国.4. His purpose was to graduate from medical school and become a great surgeon. 他的目标是从医科学校毕业成为一名外科医生.5. Purpose: Used in X - ray image intensifier , flasher, analytically reagent medical and special optical etc.用途: 红外光谱和闪烁器的光学材料, 用于特种玻璃、医药及用作分析试剂.

medical affairs是什么意思

medical affairs医疗事务双语对照词典结果:medical affairs医务; 以上结果来自金山词霸-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

medical secretary是什么意思


medical miracle是什么意思


我参加了医学院入学考试 I took the medical college admission



Medical-implants医用植入设备;医学植入;医疗植入设备例句1.Journal of Long-Term Effects of Medical Implants医疗植入物的长期影响期刊2.Federal regulators said no security breaches of such medical implants hadever been reported to them.联邦政府管理者声称已经报告给他们这样的医学装置并没有安全漏洞。3.Progress in Research and Application of Ti alloy for Medical Implants钛合金医用植入物材料的研究及应用

Bath have long been considered of medical


Experts warn that medical waste from hospitals, if properl...

A                             试题分析:考查非谓语动词。句意:专家警告说,如果医院的医疗垃圾不能正确的处理,可能会导致疾病的蔓延。If 引导的条件句的主语是 medical waste from hospitals ,与handle之间是被动关系,故选A项。        考点 : 考查非谓语动词

翻译medical interest as researchers什么意思???

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