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meat 英语

名词:肉类、(某种)食用肉、重要的部分、有趣的部分、果肉、坚果仁例句:Wine vinegar tenderizes meat.酒醋能让肉变得软嫩。Meat and butter were prohibitively expensive.肉和奶油都贵得买不起。The meat in all of the open flasks putrefied.所有开口瓶中得肉都腐烂了。




meat一般为不可数名词,但是它也有复数形式,复数形式为:meats。 meat n.肉类;(某种)食用肉;重要的部分;有趣的部分 复数: meats 例句: The meat isnt quite done yet. 这肉还不太熟。 扩展资料   Put the meat in the fridge so it doesn"t go bad.   把肉放进冰箱里,免得坏了。   The meat needs to stew for two hours.   这肉得炖两小时。   He likes the traditional meat and two veg for his main meal.   他主餐喜欢传统的一荤两素。


meat 肉是不可数名词,没有复数






meat作为“肉类”翻译时可数。作为“肉”翻译时不可数。meats肉类是meat的复数。例句:Some people can live without meat.一些人不吃肉也能活着。 扩展资料   例句:   The most common meats are goat, chicken, beef and pork.   最常见的肉类是羊肉、鸡肉、牛肉和猪肉。   It has excellent organic farms, beautifully crafted cheeses, high-quality meats.   这里有优质的"有机农场,精心制作的奶酪和高品质的肉类。   Many Italian dishes that Americans enjoy are made with meats, tomatoes and cheese.   美国人喜欢的许多意大利菜都是用肉、西红柿和奶酪做的。



meat 可数吗

meat一般来说是不可数名词,意为肉、食物。而泛指时作为肉类讲,是可数的,其复数形式为meats,例如:We ate meats, breads, vegetables and so on. 我们吃肉、面包、和蔬菜等等。常见句型Retail meat prices are likely to be higher soon.肉类零售价格可能很快要上涨。The butcher weighed the meat on the scales.肉铺掌柜用盘秤称肉。His religion forbids the eating of meat.他信仰的宗教禁止食肉。词汇搭配preserved meat 腌肉 raw meat 生肉 red meat 红肉 salt meat 咸肉 等等。


meat的复数形式 meats。 meat n.肉类;(某种)食用肉;重要的部分;有趣的部分; 例句; The meat isnt quite done yet. 这肉还不太熟。 The meat needs to stew for two hours. 这肉得炖两小时。 扩展资料   This chapter contains the real meat of the writer"s argument.   这一章包含了作者的主要论点。   Issues like this are the newspaper"s meat and potatoes.   像这样的.话题是报纸赖以生存的素材。   Put the meat in the fridge so it doesn"t go bad.   把肉放进冰箱里,免得坏了。


食用的肉 重要内容


meat英 [mi:t] 美 [mit]n.肉; 食物; 实质adj.重要的; 基本的肉;肉类;肉食;肉的复数: meats派生词:meatless双语例句1. Remove the meat with a fork and divide it among four plates. 用餐叉把肉叉走,分到4个盘里。2. The government increased prices on several basic commodities like bread and meat. 政府提高了面包、肉类等几种基本商品的价格。3. The meat they"d managed to procure assuaged their hunger. 他们把搞到手的肉拿来充饥。4. They would sell the meat off as pet food. 他们将把肉当作宠物食品卖掉。5. Meat was available once a week if at all. 就算有肉,也是每周才吃一次。


meat作为“肉类”翻译时可数。作为“肉”翻译时不可数。meats肉类是meat的复数。例句:Some people can live without meat.一些人不吃肉也能活着。一、可数名词有单数、复数之分,如:map→maps;onion→onions;baker→bakers。而不可数名词没有复数形式,只有单数形式。如:somewater;alotofbread。 二、单数可数名词表示泛指时,前面要用不定冠词a(an);而不可数名词不能用a(an)。 当一个不可数名词被用于分类的情况时,它可以被当做可数名词。 因此,以wine为例子,wine通常是个不可数名词,即使你喝了一杯以上的酒,你仍然是喝wine,而不是wines。但当我们在做酒的分类时,这名词就变成了可数的:"There are many fine Canadian wines."甚至water这个字在某些情况下也可以变成可数的:"the waters of the Pacific Ocean are noticeably colder this year."有时一个名词可以是可数或是不可数,而它们的意思几乎完全相同: Chilean wine is superb.Chilean wine is superb. Chilean wines are superb.Chilean wines are superb.


meat是可数和不可数两种情况都存在。1.可数的情况meat作为食物的具体种类时,常用来表示肉类中的一个单位,此时为可数名词。例如:“I want to buy two meats”(我想买两份肉)。2.不可数的情况当meat作为无法具体分割的食材概念时,通常是不可数名词。例如:We don"t eat meat(我们不吃肉)。3.区别英美用法在英国,meat有时被使用为可数名词,尤其是在餐厅等场合,经常会把肉品列出来做为可点选项。但是在美国,这种用法比较少见。4.拓展知识:不可数名词的用法与meat类似,很多名词在不同情境下也会因为意思的不同而恰好有可数或不可数两种情况,这也说明“可数”与“不可数”的机制其实就是语言的一种表述方式。一些常见的不可数名词包括:water(水)、money(钱)、air(空气)等。5.拓展知识:表示人生活习惯的名称在英语中,也有许多描述人们饮食习惯的词汇,例如vegetarian(素食者)、pescatarian(吃素但吃鱼的人)、vegan(纯粹素食主义者)等,这些词汇一方面体现了个人的信念和态度,同时也反映了环保和健康意识在当今社会中的重要性。


meat是不可数名词,可以用作名词和形容词,可以翻译为肉、食物等等。 meat释义: n.肉;食物;实质; adj.重要的;基本的 扩展资料   例句   1.Some people can live without meat.   一些人不吃肉也能活着.   2.Ideal with pork stews and grilled meats.   与炖肉和烤肉搭配较为理想.   3.Many adamant meat eaters look to jesus for justification.   很多意志坚定的肉食动物拿耶稣来当挡箭牌。   4.Pork is china"s staple meat.   猪肉是中国主要肉食来源。


meat是不可数名词。meat做不可数名词的时候表示肉;meats可指“各种肉类”,做可数名词的时候表示肉的种类。meat的基本意思是“肉”,指除了鱼和禽类以外的,所有可以被人类食用的肉类,引申可指“主要或重要部分”。meat的例句Cook the meat on a low heat on top of the range.把肉放在炉灶上用文火炖着。The meat isn"t quite done yet.这肉还不太熟。This chapter contains the real meat of the writer"s argument.这一章包含了作者的主要论点。Issues like this are the newspaper"s meat and potatoes.像这样的话题是报纸赖以生存的素材。


meat泛指时,是不可数名词,如Some people can live without meat.一些人不吃肉也能活着。而作为肉类讲,是可数的,其复数形式为meats,如I deal with pork stews and grilled meats.我经营炖猪肉和烤肉。 meat常用短语 meat pie 肉馅饼 coconut meat 椰肉 meat grinder 铰肉机,绞肉机 raw meat 生肉 luncheon meat 午餐肉 meat例句 1.The butcher did me the meat was underweight. 肉店老板骗了我——那肉分量不足。 2.It would do violence to his principles to eat meat. 吃肉与他的原则相违。 3.The meat will rot if it isn"t kept cool. 肉如果不冷藏就会腐败。 4.She gave some of the meat to the cat. 她把一些肉给猫吃了。 5.Most stews contain meat and vegetables. 炖的食物大多是肉类和蔬菜。


meat(肉)是不可数名词,但是表示不同的肉种类时要加s。如:Meat and fish are relatively expensive. 肉和鱼相对来说比较贵。An easy way to cut the amount of fat in your diet is to avoid eating red meats. 减少饮食中脂肪摄入量的简单方法就是避免吃红肉。Use separate chopping boards for raw meats, cooked meats, vegetables and salads. 切生肉、熟肉、蔬菜和拌色拉的青菜时要使用不同的切菜板。


meat是可数和不可数两种情况都存在。1.可数的情况meat作为食物的具体种类时,常用来表示肉类中的一个单位,此时为可数名词。例如:“I want to buy two meats”(我想买两份肉)。2.不可数的情况当meat作为无法具体分割的食材概念时,通常是不可数名词。例如:We don"t eat meat(我们不吃肉)。3.区别英美用法在英国,meat有时被使用为可数名词,尤其是在餐厅等场合,经常会把肉品列出来做为可点选项。但是在美国,这种用法比较少见。4.拓展知识:不可数名词的用法与meat类似,很多名词在不同情境下也会因为意思的不同而恰好有可数或不可数两种情况,这也说明“可数”与“不可数”的机制其实就是语言的一种表述方式。一些常见的不可数名词包括:water(水)、money(钱)、air(空气)等。5.拓展知识:表示人生活习惯的名称在英语中,也有许多描述人们饮食习惯的词汇,例如vegetarian(素食者)、pescatarian(吃素但吃鱼的人)、vegan(纯粹素食主义者)等,这些词汇一方面体现了个人的信念和态度,同时也反映了环保和健康意识在当今社会中的重要性。


meat读[miu02d0t]。1、释义:n.肉类,(某种)食用肉;重要的部分,有趣的部分;<美>棒球球棒等物体最粗的部分;<古>食物;果肉,坚果仁,(蛋的)可食用部分。2、变形词:复数meats。3、词组搭配:red meat红色肉类(牛肉,羊肉等)。meat product肉制品,肉类食品。fresh meat新鲜肉类。white meat白肉。raw meat生肉;原料肉。lean meat瘦肉。chicken meat鸡肉。meat的例句:1、How can you want to eat meat when we have a murder case?我们现在有桩谋杀案你怎么还能想着吃肉?2、He refused for reasons of conscience to eat meat.他为了良心好过而拒绝了吃肉。3、Do you eat meat?您吃肉吗?4、You do not really think people will always want to eat meat?你真的不变为人们总是要吃肉的吗?5、Angela doesn"t eat meat at lunch.安吉拉午餐时不吃肉。6、I don"t eat meat.我不吃肉。7、She doesn"t eat meat.她不吃荤。8、It would do violence to his principles to eat meat.吃肉与他的原则相违。9、They drink soup,eat meat,vegetables and song bread at dinner time.晚餐才是正餐,这时他们会大吃一顿。10、All crows are equally black all wolves eat meat.全国乌鸦一般黑,老狼都是吃肉的。


meat和meats的具体含义不同,meat做不可数名词的时候表示肉;meats可指“各种肉类”,做可数名词的时候表示肉的种类。meat的基本意思是“肉”,指除了鱼和禽类以外的,所有可以被人类食用的肉类,引申可指“主要或重要部分”。meat的基本意思是“肉”,指除了鱼和禽类以外的,所有可以被人类食用的肉类。引申可指“主要或重要部分”。 meat通常不用于复数形式,但meats可指“各种肉类”。 a cut of meat指“一块〔刀〕肉”; a dish of meat指“一盘肉”; a piece of meat指“一片肉”。 Remove the meat with a fork and divide it among four plates. 用餐叉把肉叉走,分到4个盘里。 The government increased prices on several basic commodities like bread and meat. 政府提高了面包、肉类等几种基本商品的价格。 The meat they"d managed to procure assuaged their hunger. 他们把搞到手的肉拿来充饥。




meat英语介绍如下:meat是一个英语单词,名词,作名词时意为“肉,肉类(食用)”。短语搭配如下:Marbled meat,大理石状肉 ; 五花肉。nut meat,坚果仁 ; 将果仁 ; 果仁。preserved meat,腊肉 ; 盐水鸭 ; 腌肉 ; 腊。fat meat,肥肉 ; 冻肥肉。meat filling,肉馅 ; 肉馅儿。Meat Loaf,瑞士肉包 ; 肉块 ; 烤肉糕 ; 肉块合唱团。meat extract,[微] 肉膏 ; 肉汁 ; 肉浓汁 ; 肉类提取物。braised meat,扣肉 ; 红烧肉 ; 炖肉。Walnut meat,核桃肉 ; 胡桃肉 ; 核桃仁 ; 核桃仁儿。双语例句如下:Which do you like fish or meat?你喜欢吃鱼还是喜欢吃肉?Do you like meat?你喜欢肉食吗?Have some meat.吃一些肉。




英文原文:meat英式音标:[miːt] 美式音标:[mit]


meat是可数和不可数两种情况都存在。1.可数的情况meat作为食物的具体种类时,常用来表示肉类中的一个单位,此时为可数名词。例如:“I want to buy two meats”(我想买两份肉)。2.不可数的情况当meat作为无法具体分割的食材概念时,通常是不可数名词。例如:We don"t eat meat(我们不吃肉)。3.区别英美用法在英国,meat有时被使用为可数名词,尤其是在餐厅等场合,经常会把肉品列出来做为可点选项。但是在美国,这种用法比较少见。4.拓展知识:不可数名词的用法与meat类似,很多名词在不同情境下也会因为意思的不同而恰好有可数或不可数两种情况,这也说明“可数”与“不可数”的机制其实就是语言的一种表述方式。一些常见的不可数名词包括:water(水)、money(钱)、air(空气)等。5.拓展知识:表示人生活习惯的名称在英语中,也有许多描述人们饮食习惯的词汇,例如vegetarian(素食者)、pescatarian(吃素但吃鱼的人)、vegan(纯粹素食主义者)等,这些词汇一方面体现了个人的信念和态度,同时也反映了环保和健康意识在当今社会中的重要性。


meat是不可数名词。meat做不可数名词的时候表示肉;meats可指“各种肉类”,做可数名词的时候表示肉的种类。meat的基本意思是“肉”,指除了鱼和禽类以外的,所有可以被人类食用的肉类,引申可指“主要或重要部分”。meat的例句Cook the meat on a low heat on top of the range.把肉放在炉灶上用文火炖着。The meat isn"t quite done yet.这肉还不太熟。This chapter contains the real meat of the writer"s argument.这一章包含了作者的主要论点。Issues like this are the newspaper"s meat and potatoes.像这样的话题是报纸赖以生存的素材。


meat是肉类的总称,细分的话,猪肉pork,牛肉beef,熏猪肉bacon,羊肉mutton,猪牛羊肉成为红肉red meat,禽类称为白肉white meat 扩展资料 短语搭配编辑 Marbled meat 大理石状肉 ; 五花肉 nut meat 坚果仁 ; 将果仁 ; 果仁 preserved meat 腊肉 ; 盐水鸭 ; 腌肉 ; 腊 fat meat 肥肉 ; 冻肥肉 meat filling 肉馅 ; 肉馅儿 Meat Loaf 瑞士肉包 ; 肉块 ; 烤肉糕 ; 肉块合唱团 meat extract [微] 肉膏 ; 肉汁 ; 肉浓汁 ; 肉类提取物 braised meat 扣肉 ; 红烧肉 ; 炖肉 Walnut meat 核桃肉 ; 胡桃肉 ; 核桃仁 ; 核桃仁儿


meat的读音:英 [miu02d0t],美 [miu02d0t]n. 肉;主要或重要部分meat的基本意思是“肉”,指除了鱼和禽类以外的,所有可以被人类食用的肉类。引申可指“主要或重要部分”。meat通常不用于复数形式,但meats可指“各种肉类”。a cut of meat指“一块〔刀〕肉”;a dish of meat指“一盘肉”;a piece of meat指“一片肉”。meat例句The meat will rot if it isn"t kept cool.肉如果不冷藏就会腐败。She gave some of the meat to the cat.她把一些肉给猫吃了。There"s not much meat on that bone.那块骨头上没多少肉。The meat will scorch if you don"t lower the gas.如果你不把煤气调小一点,肉就要焦了。It"s a clever speech, but there was no real meat in it.这演说很动听,可是没什么内容。




英 [mi:t] 美 [mit]



meat 的分类有哪些?

white meatRed meat refers to meat that appears red before cooking. Beef, veal, lamb, mutton, venison, pork, goat, rabbit, kangaroo, buffalo meat (that is, meat from bison) and beefalo are all red meats. In fact, all meats derived from mammals are red meats. The United States Department of Agriculture considers all meats derived from livestock to be red meats.The color of red meat results from its myoglobin content. Myoglobin is a protein that is responsible for carrying oxygen to the muscles of an animal.Significantly, red meat does not refer to either the degree of doneness, or the coloration, of a meat after cooking. A steak or hamburger therefore remains a red meat whether it is served rare and bloody, or cooked until it is brown or gray, or even burnt to a crisp. And pork, which turns pale or white when cooked, is nevertheless a red meat (despite marketing slogans to the contrary).In contrast, animal proteins derived from birds (chicken, turkey, duck, pheasant, etc.), fish, reptiles (alligator meat), amphibians (frogs" legs), crustaceans (lobster, shrimp, crab) or bivalves (oysters, clams, mussels) are not red meats, not even those that are red, or reddish-colored, such as salmon, red snapper, or cooked lobsters and shrimp.White meat refers to any light-colored meat, such as fish, seafood, and particularly poultry. However in a broader sense it includes any of the meats that are considered to be less fatty in comparison with red meats. The term white meat comes from the fact that the meat of chicken is white in color. Examples of white meat are animal proteins derived from birds (chicken, turkey, duck, pheasant, etc.), fish, reptiles (alligator meat), amphibians (frogs" legs), crustaceans (lobster, shrimp, crab) or bivalves (oysters, clams, mussels). Even those that are red, or reddish-colored, such as salmon, red snapper, or cooked lobsters and shrimp are not red meat; instead they are called White meat, or lean meat. Conversely meat that turns white when cooked, like pork, are not white meat despite advertisements claiming so (however some cuts can be comparable in calories to chicken). Red meat is more likely to give you cancer than white meat red meatRed meat refers to meat that appears red before cooking. Beef, veal, lamb, mutton, venison, pork, goat, rabbit, kangaroo, buffalo meat (that is, meat from bison) and beefalo are all red meats. In fact, all meats derived from mammals are red meats. The United States Department of Agriculture considers all meats derived from livestock to be red meats.The color of red meat results from its myoglobin content. Myoglobin is a protein that is responsible for carrying oxygen to the muscles of an animal.Significantly, red meat does not refer to either the degree of doneness, or the coloration, of a meat after cooking. A steak or hamburger therefore remains a red meat whether it is served rare and bloody, or cooked until it is brown or gray, or even burnt to a crisp. And pork, which turns pale or white when cooked, is nevertheless a red meat (despite marketing slogans to the contrary).In contrast, animal proteins derived from birds (chicken, turkey, duck, pheasant, etc.), fish, reptiles (alligator meat), amphibians (frogs" legs), crustaceans (lobster, shrimp, crab) or bivalves (oysters, clams, mussels) are not red meats, not even those that are red, or reddish-colored, such as salmon, red snapper, or cooked lobsters and shrimp.(来自百度)(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……








meat 英[mi:t] 汉语谐音:迷特 美[mit] n. 肉; 食物; 实质; adj. 重要的; 基本的; [例句]Meat and fish are relatively expensive.肉和鱼相对来说比较贵。[其他] 复数:meats











  meat是指鸡、牛、羊、猪等陆地动物的肉(不包括鱼),肉类,是动物的皮下组织及肌肉,可以食用,其富含大量的蛋白质和脂肪,以及卡路里,其属于酸性食物。   肉类食物中,人食用得最多的,是畜肉和禽肉这两种。提供畜肉的家畜主要是猪、牛以及羊;提供禽肉的家禽主要是鸡、鸭以及鹅。


meat作为“肉类”翻译时可数。作为“肉”翻译时不可数。meats肉类是meat的复数。 例句:Some people can live without meat.一些人不吃肉也能活着。 扩展资料   一、可数名词有单数、复数之分,如:map→maps;onion→onions;baker→bakers。而不可数名词没有复数形式,只有单数形式。如:somewater;alotofbread。   二、单数可数名词表示泛指时,前面要用不定冠词a(an);而不可数名词不能用a(an)。   当一个不可数名词被用于分类的`情况时,它可以被当做可数名词。   因此,以wine为例子,wine通常是个不可数名词,即使你喝了一杯以上的酒,你仍然是喝wine,而不是wines。但当我们在做酒的分类时,这名词就变成了可数的:"There are many fine Canadian wines."甚至water这个字在某些情况下也可以变成可数的:"the waters of the Pacific Ocean are noticeably colder this year."有时一个名词可以是可数或是不可数,而它们的意思几乎完全相同:   Chilean wine is superb.Chilean wine is superb.   Chilean wines are superb.Chilean wines are superb.


meat是可数和不可数两种情况都存在。1.可数的情况meat作为食物的具体种类时,常用来表示肉类中的一个单位,此时为可数名词。例如:“I want to buy two meats”(我想买两份肉)。2.不可数的情况当meat作为无法具体分割的食材概念时,通常是不可数名词。例如:We don"t eat meat(我们不吃肉)。3.区别英美用法在英国,meat有时被使用为可数名词,尤其是在餐厅等场合,经常会把肉品列出来做为可点选项。但是在美国,这种用法比较少见。4.拓展知识:不可数名词的用法与meat类似,很多名词在不同情境下也会因为意思的不同而恰好有可数或不可数两种情况,这也说明“可数”与“不可数”的机制其实就是语言的一种表述方式。一些常见的不可数名词包括:water(水)、money(钱)、air(空气)等。5.拓展知识:表示人生活习惯的名称在英语中,也有许多描述人们饮食习惯的词汇,例如vegetarian(素食者)、pescatarian(吃素但吃鱼的人)、vegan(纯粹素食主义者)等,这些词汇一方面体现了个人的信念和态度,同时也反映了环保和健康意识在当今社会中的重要性。

英语里的meat ,是指猪肉、还是牛肉还是羊肉?



meat是不可数名词,可以用作名词和形容词,可以翻译为肉、食物等等。 meat释义 [英][mi:t][美][mit] n.肉;食物;实质; adj.重要的;基本的 例句 1.Some people can live without meat. 一些人不吃肉也能活着. 2.Ideal with pork stews and grilled meats. 与炖肉和烤肉搭配较为理想. 3.Many adamant meat eaters look to jesus for justification. 很多意志坚定的肉食动物拿耶稣来当挡箭牌。 4.Pork is china"s staple meat. 猪肉是中国主要肉食来源。


泛指时,是不可数的。e.g. Some people can live without meat.作为肉类讲,是可数的。e.g. We ate meats, breads, vegetables and so on.(这里指好几种肉类)


音标为 :英[mi:t] 美[mit] 不认音标可读汉语拼音:蜜特,特轻读



meat怎么读 meat如何读

1、meat英[miu02d0t]美[miu02d0t]。 2、n.肉; 肉类; (某种)食用肉; 重要的部分; 有趣的部分; 3、[例句]Cook the meat on a low heat on top of the range.把肉放在炉灶上用文火炖着。 4、[其他]复数:meats。

为什么外国商场对肉类的翻译是BEEF AND PORK 而不是 MEAT?

BEEF AND Pork 牛肉和猪肉。 meat 是 它们的上义词,意义广泛,可以指红肉 ,red meat指,pork, beef ,limb,mutton。区别于 poultry 家禽。


meat可指任何一种肉,是泛指,pork是猪肉,是特指。meat可以分为:猪肉pork,牛肉beef,羊肉mutton,羊羔肉lamb,鸡肉chicken,鱼肉fish,鹿肉venison,鸭肉duck,火鸡肉turkey,肉馅mince牛排steak,瘦肉leanmeat,肥肉fattymeat。猪可食部分名称:猪大排-Pork chop猪小排-Pork Sparerib五花肉-Pork Belly猪心-Pork Heart猪头-Pork Head猪舌-Pork Tongue猪肚-Pork Tripe猪腰-Pork Kidney猪脚圈-Pork Knuckle猪肝-Pork Liver猪蹄膀-Pork Ham Leg猪手-Pig Trotter



相同字母,可组成不同单词,如,meat,mate ,tame, team

etp=tep,petdgo=dog god mad-dam aetm = mate,meat,meta,tame,team.abet = abet,bate,beat,beta.aerd = dare,dear,read.aceht = cheat,tache,teach,theca.aceehrt = cheater,hectare,recheat,reteach,teacher.

Meat was roasted on spits.

Meat was roasted on spits.烤肉已经在咝咝地冒油


发音一样,都是长音 i:

为什么2 plates of meat用are,而2 kilos of meat用is?

您好,2 plates of meat 用 are,而 2 kilos of meat 用 is 之所以会如此是因为(概念)上的区别:1)2 plates of meat 中的 plate 是独立存在,表示(2盘肉),此时每一盘肉都是独立存在的,而且没有说肉的分量是多少,仅仅是两个盘子上都有肉,而且应该是对等的,此时 of meat 会被作做是(介词短语)充当(后置定语)修饰 plates,所以谓语动词和 plates 的单复数需要一致;2)2 kilos of meat 中的 2 kilos 表示(2公斤),表示这(2公斤)的肉是在一起的,2 kilos of 也就是 a kilo of 会被看做是(量词)用来修饰肉的,因为这(2公斤)并不是2个1公斤,4个0.5公斤,而是1个2公斤的整体,也就是(1袋/1包)2公斤重的肉,所以此时可以拓展为 a bag of two kilos of meat(一袋2公斤重的肉),因为肉需要有东西盛装,那么 of two kilos of meat 就变成了(介词短语)充当(后置定语)修饰 a bag,也就和 bag 的单复数需要一致了。但假如是 two bags of two kilos of meat(2袋2公斤重的肉,也就是每袋是2公斤,共4公斤分成2袋包装),此时的谓语动词就是 two bags of two kilos of meat 就是 are 了。或者改成,two one-kilo of meat(此时的 two 会被视为 2 个独立包装的,也就是每袋是1公斤重,2袋1公斤重的肉,此时也需要用到 are,而不是 is。所以 two plates of meat are 和 two kilos of meat is 中的主谓一致是概念上的理解,导致的主谓一致的用法,而不是语法中的主谓一致了。比如:Tomato and egg is my favoruite Chinese dish.这里的主语用了 and 并列,按照语法谓语动词也需要用到 are,但 tomoto and egg 翻译过来,对应后面的(中式菜肴),也就是(西红柿炒鸡蛋)这道菜了,只有西红柿没有鸡蛋,或是只有鸡蛋没有西红柿都无法称为(西红柿炒鸡蛋)这道菜,所以这里的 and 起到的并列是(概念)上的并列,而不是语法上的并列,此时的谓语动词就使用 is,而不是语法意义上并列的 and 了。希望这样的解释可以帮到您。

带骨头的肉用英语怎么说?是用meat with bones还是meat on bones?

Brings bone"s meat

meat 各种肉类用英语怎么说 跟杰森老

pork猪肉beef 牛肉chicken鸡肉mutton羊肉狗肉 dog meat鸭肉 duck meat袋鼠肉 kangaroo meat兔子肉 rabbit meat

smelling burnt, Frank took the overdone meat from the stove的错误在哪及为什么?

the 应该是the "s


“meat”的英语读音为英音:[mi:t],美音:[mit]。“meat”指“肉”,为不可数名词,是普通用语,可笼统地指猪肉、牛肉、羊肉、鹿肉、鸟肉、鱼肉等。如果用于某些及物动词(如see,smell,hunt等)或无人称动词(如age,wither,rust等)的宾语,则表示“鲜肉”。如果用于某些名词(如butcher,sausage等)前,则表示“生肉”。如果用于某些动词(如cut,cook等)的宾语,则表示“熟肉”。此外,“meat”还可指“食物”,在美国常用“food”泛指“食物”,而在英国常用“meat”泛指“食物”。例如:“We should not eat too much meat or food high in fat.”意思是“我们不应该吃太多的肉类或高脂肪食物。”在使用“meat”时,需要注意的是,“meat”是不可数名词,因此在表示数量时,通常使用“a piece of meat”、“a piece of beef”、“a slice of pork”等短语来表示一块肉、一块牛肉、一片猪肉等。此外,“meat”也有复数形式,可用于表示不同种类的肉类,例如“meats”、“beefs”、“porks”等。总之,“meat”是一个常见的英语单词,可以用于表示“肉”或“食物”,需要注意其用法和语境,以避免使用不当或产生歧义。


如果fish表示个体的鱼 则单复同形 即单复数一样,如a fish, two fish如果表示不同种类的鱼 可以用复数形式fishes表示

to consume highly grain-intensive meat products翻译



meatball,英语单词,主要用作名词,作名词时译为“肉丸子;笨蛋;乏味的人;“肉丸旗”(指日本国旗)”。单词用法柯林斯英汉双解大词典meatball /u02c8miu02d0tu02ccbu0254u02d0l/ ( meatballs )。1.N-COUNTMeatballs are small balls of ground meat. They are usually eaten with a sauce. 肉丸 [usu pl] 。短语搭配large meatball 狮子头Meatball Sundae 肉丸冰淇淋营销学 ; 肉丸圣代Meatball Noodle 狮子头面 ; 详细翻译Meatball Marinara 百味牛肉丸instant meatball 即食贡丸steamed meatball 蒸肉圆Meatball head 丸子头pork meatball 猪肉丸[例句]Effects of Processing Factors and Formulating on Quality of Meatball。肉丸加工工艺及配方对其品质的影响。



是cut up the meat 还是cut the meat up




Sweet-meats are candy, while sweetbreads, which aren’t sweet, are meat.

sweet meat(果脯,蜜饯,糖果) 是一种糖果,而并不甜的sweetbread(牛或羊的胰脏,杂碎),是肉

meat pie 加s吗 I like meat pies.为啥加apple pie 不加?

可以加 如果是复数的话apple pies也可以加


spoileral使用方法,spoileral是日本的一款知名游戏修改器,这个修改器的特点是通过加载不同游戏的ssg文件。 而达到修改不同游戏内容的目的!

Do you like meats ? 修改病句

Do you like meat?

In addition to rice, we need to _______ our diet with fish, meat and vegetable.


there (be)lost of meat in the ice box

There is lot of meat in the ice box


We had a good time at school .We had fun at school .

meat puppets的《in love》 歌词

歌曲名:in love歌手:meat puppets专辑:monstersSand man walks the islandsOver corals bayWishes balanced captivePushing time awayIn love...Disappearing picturesFalling from the skySandman in the shallows askingHow"d I ever get so muchIn love...Meat PuppetsIn love...Sometimes always capturesAlways slips aroundLove is linen shroudedAnd floats like lion downIn love...THE VOIDTOUCHDOWN KINGYou almost see those little wing shoesLike a light, almost shining through the airHe"s a touchdown kingThe air is energy whenever he"s aroundWith bolts of lightning from the groundLike the wind, almost flying through the airHe"s a touchdown kingHe"s had some hard breaks on the wrong side of the lineTime and time again he"s out of timeLike the wind, almost flying through the airHe"s a touchdown kingThe air is energy whenever he"s aroundWith bolts of lightning from the groundLike a light almost shining through the airHe"s a touchdown king


meat的读音是:英[mi?t]。meat的读音是:英[mi?t]。meat的例句是用作名词(n.)The meat will rot if it isn"t kept cool.肉如果不冷藏就会腐败。meat的意思是n.肉;主要或重要部分。一、详尽释义点此查看meat的详细内容n.(名词)肉,肉类食物内容实质肉食餐食,餐肥肉食用肉,食用肉类有趣的部分重要的部分,主要的部分让某人非常开心的事可吃部分v.(动词)用饭二、双解释义n.(名词)[U][C]肉 flesh of animals, especially mammals rather than fish or birds, used as food[U]主要或重要部分 chief or important part三、词典解释1.(供食用的)肉Meat is flesh taken from a dead animal that people cook and eat.e.g. Meat and fish are relatively expensive.肉和鱼相对来说比较贵。e.g. ...importedmeat products.进口肉制品2. see also: luncheon meat;red meat;white meat3.喜欢做的事;感兴趣的事If you say something ismeat and drink to someone, you mean that they enjoy it very much.e.g. What normal people considered pressure wasmeat and drink to him.一般人认为有压力的事情在他看来却是快乐无比的事。4.最基本的部分;根本部分;关键If you refer tothe meat and potatoes of something, you mean its most basic, simple, and essential parts.e.g. What they want is themeat and potatoes of how we"re going to improve this country and get our country moving again.他们想知道的是我们如何改善国家、让其恢复活力的基本方法。四、例句The meat will rot if it isn"t kept cool.肉如果不冷藏就会腐败。She gave some of the meat to the cat.她把一些肉给猫吃了。There"s not much meat on that bone.那块骨头上没多少肉。The meat will scorch if you don"t lower the gas.如果你不把煤气调小一点,肉就要焦了。It"s a clever speech, but there was no real meat in it.这演说很动听,可是没什么内容。This chapter contains the meat of the writer"s argument.这一章包含著作者论证的主要部分。This is the meat of the editorail.这是社论的中心内容。五、经典引文The horses could not travel all day without rest or meat.出自:S. JohnsonHe had..meat and drink enough.出自:ShelleyOne man"s meat is another man"s poison.出自:Proverb六、情景对话感恩节A:I will be home for Thanksgiving so save a little turkey for me.我会回家过感恩节,所以请留点儿火鸡给我。B:Save the darkmeat for me.为我留份儿鸡腿。The Meat-(肉类)meat的解释A:What kinds ofmeat are most popular in your country?在你们国家人们最常吃哪几种肉?meat的意思B:We usually eat chicken, pork and beef. You eat these meats? a lot in your country too, don"t you?我们通常吃鸡肉、猪肉和牛肉。在你们国家你们也大多吃这些肉,不是吗?A:Yes, we do. We also eat mutton.是的,我们还吃羊肉。B:I"ve heard that people in your country like mutton chops.听说你们国家的人喜欢吃羊排。A:That"s right. Mutton chops taste so good. We eat them with sauce. Have you ever tried?是的,羊排吃起来味道不错。我们总是蘸着调料一起吃。你吃过吗?B:Yes, I have. I tried once when I visited your country last year. I think they were very tasty. Can you cook them?吃过,去年去你们国家时吃过一次,我觉得味道很不错。你会做吗?A:Certainly I can. I"lI buy some from the butcher"s? and cook for you next Sunday.当然会了。我到肉店买些肉下星期天做给你吃。meatB:That sounds great?. I"ll bring a bottle of wine then.那太好了。到时我带一瓶酒来。Cooking-(做饭)A:I"d like to help pitch in with? dinner.我想帮忙一起做饭。B:Really? You"re joking.真的吗?你在开玩笑吧。meat是什么意思A:No. I"d like to do something special for you on your birthday.没开玩笑。我想在你的生日为你做点儿特别的事情。B:I"d like that. Alright, put on this apron first.好啊,那你先把围裙带上吧。meat的意思A:OK…Now how can I help, hon??好的…现在,我怎么帮忙,亲爱的?meatB:Hmm, let me see… Boil some water and then whisk two eggs.嗯,让我看看…烧点水,然后再打两个鸡蛋。A:Easy. I could do that with my eyes closed.(after a while)Done.这容易。我闭着眼睛都能干。(过了一会儿)做好了。B:Not bad. Okay, now take somemeat and potatoes from the fridge.也不错嘛,现在你从冰箱里取一些肉和土豆。meat的意思A:How many potatoes do you need?你需要几个土豆?B:Three. And bring four bell peppers?.三个。再拿四个青椒。A:Gotcha?… OK. Here they are.明白…好了,拿来了。meat的近义词B:Now wash them, then dice the potatoes and bell peppers. Then slice themeat.现在把它们洗一下,然后把土豆和青椒切成丁儿,然后再把肉切成片。A:Where"s the peeler?削皮刀在哪儿?B:It"s in the cabinet… Adam, the gas cooker doesn"t work.在橱柜里…亚当,煤气灶坏了。A:What? Oh, shit! I cut my finger.什么?哦,该死!我切到手指了。B:Let me take a look at that… I can"t stop the bleeding. We need to go to the hospital.让我看看…我没法给你止血。我们得去医院。A:I guess cooking is not as easy as I thought.我想做饭并不像我想的那么简单。七、词语用法n.(名词)meat的基本意思是“肉”,指除了鱼和禽类以外的,所有可以被人类食用的肉类。引申可指“主要或重要部分”。meat通常不用于复数形式,但meats可指“各种肉类”。a cut of meat指“一块〔刀〕肉”; a dish of meat指“一盘肉”; a piece of meat指“一片肉”。meat的相关近义词fleshmeat的相关临近词meaty、measurement、Meath、Meati、Meats、meatal、Meatta、meatus、Meathe、meatmen、Meatchi、meatome点此查看更多关于meat的详细信息

One man’s meat is an other’spoison 谚语的意思是什么!!



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