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the end of may 中文歌词

歌手:Keren Ann 性别:女 出生地:法国 法国乐坛最受欢迎创意才子BENJAMIN BIOLAY跨刀制作,LADY & BIRD专辑中曾与BARDI JOHNANSSON有过亲密合作的法国神秘女声----"凯伦安"推出的首张个人英文专辑《守候》。出生于以色列,从小学吉他时就开始扒Joni Mitchell的曲子,11岁举家迁往巴黎后竟然得到了Joni Mitchell的赏识而结识了著名制作人Benjamin Biolay,后者的古典音乐背景为她的作品带来更丰富的编配层次。2000年Keren Ann的首张专辑《La Biographie De Luka Philipsen》融入了俄国文学、犹太民谣和法国诗歌、并以Trip-Hop、民谣及法国流行乐的融合形式现身,一举在欧洲赢得巨大成功。一曲《Jardin d"Hiver》更是惊动了80高龄的法国Bossa Nova鼻祖Henri Salvador,后者在自己的经典复出专辑《Chambre Avec Vue》中收录了包括《Jardin d"Hiver》在内的五首由Benjamin Biolay和Keren Ann创作的曲子。 从第二张专辑《La Disparition》开始,Keren Ann在民谣中加入了更多爵士和布鲁斯的元素,据说是因为听了不少Chet Baker和Tom Waits的东西。这一特点在这张《Not Going Anywhere》也有体现,只不过Keren Ann布鲁斯民谣更低调,略带颓废的清淡语调一直贯穿于小夜曲一般的主题曲中,贯穿于《End Of May》梦幻般的和声中,也贯穿于唯一一首节奏强烈的《Sailor And Widow》之中。甚至连像圣诞童谣一样的《Right Now And Right Here》、唯美极致的香颂《By The Cathedral》和带有一丝拉丁吉他色彩的《Spanish Song Bird》,也无一不笼罩在一层感伤的淡淡雾气中。而早先的Trip-Hop节拍表象已然隐匿,转化成为Beth Gibbons似的内在阴郁。除了爵士和布鲁斯的元素Keren Ann还从Chamber Pop以及法国流行乐、Bossanova甚至古典音乐中汲取了更多营养,在这张《守候Not Going Anywhere》你还能感受到Jane Birkin、 Francoise Hardy轻柔细腻的法式流行情歌;Joni Mitchell & Suzanne Vega甜美的北美纽约民谣《Sailor And Widow》;Club 8或者Belle & Sebastian简单清秀的原声器乐《Polly》; Nick Drake式讨巧的忧伤。 有人说Keren Ann的东西适合作为全世界任何一家咖啡馆的背景音乐,显然这也很合理,但窃以为如此华美却又极简矜持的作品更适合于私人聆听。它让生活可以变得轻巧和美丽,"我尽量不记起,胜过再去忘记";也可以暂别执迷和浮躁,面对潮起潮落人来人往却"Not Going Any Where"。生活不在此处的庸俗和别处的虚妄,那么生活在内心,感觉就像当年听见Sparklehorse唱着"我想作一匹马,充满永不蔓延的火焰。" 凯伦安美妙的轻声细语-----犹如易碎水晶玻璃-----又仿若湿润夏季里轻凉的山泉。用爱来《守候》让都市中潮起潮落人来人往的人们暂别心中的执迷和浮躁。 近来开始在英语市场发声的法国女伶Keren Ann注定是个迷人的女子,从她复杂的身世血统(母亲是印度与荷兰混血、父亲是俄罗斯移民以色列的后裔) 到她成长于以色列、足迹踏过荷兰,最终落脚法国的经历,无不令她浑身皆是故事。再凭她散发浓厚法兰西雅致气味,有种贴近凯特圣琼(Kate St. John)单飞时的熟女浪漫与欧陆室内乐质感,宛如更优雅世故的Stina Nordemstam的声腔,怎能不迷倒众生?就算曾经掀起法国电音热的Air、Daft Punk等英勇不再,时尚香颂歌谣派的也有这貌美新女伶Keren Ann 及其帅气制作人Benjamin Biolay的继续唱著优雅与浪漫。 而前者去年的专辑《Not Going Anywhere》正是由当代法国时尚香颂才子、颇有塞吉坎斯博(Serge Gainsbourg)接班声望且娶了马斯楚安尼与凯瑟琳丹妮芙之女的Benjamin Biolay制作 (两人多次合作,连他为爱情喜剧《Clara Et Moi》制作配乐亦不忘让Keren Ann来献唱一曲),展现远较朴素民歌雕琢的格局。新专辑[Nolita] 则是她在巴黎市北郊蒙马特的小公寓内录下大半的歌,然后在纽约制作完成。The New Yorker形容《Nolita》 为“It is New York remembered by looking out a window in Montmartre”(从蒙马特看出窗外遥想著纽约),英法语交错的吉他歌谣,被New York Times誉为:“make a few fingerpicked notes seem to enfold an entire world”(几个拨弦音便彷佛能包裹住全世界),然而那些低郁的氛围并不贫血,在 “Chelsea Burns”有著Velvet Underground的影响,迷离的吉他音墙继续如壁纸大片大片糊起”One Day Without”,前景是她唱著及弹著钢琴;标题曲更将弦乐、喘息声及铜管乐慢慢交织出叫人几乎罹患幽闭恐惧的张力。华美精巧同时摧枯拉朽,闻者皆难忘。Close your eyes and roll a diceUnder the board there"s a compromiseIf after all we only live twiceWhich life is the runroad to paradiseDon"t say a wordHere comes the break of the dayIn while clouds of sand raised by the wind of the end of MayClose your eyes and make a betFaced to the glare of the sunsetThis is about as far as we getYou haven"t seen me disguised yetDon"t say a wordHere comes the break of the dayIn while clouds of sand raised by the wind of the end of MayClose your eyes and make a wishUnder the stone there"s a stone-fishHold your breath, then roll the diceIt might be the runroad to paradiseDon"t say a wordTHE END OF MAY的中文歌词(亲手翻译的,哈哈)闭上你的眼睛,甩个骰子如果我们有两次生命哪一次生命是通往天堂的路什么也不要说黎明破晓五月的尽头风吹起白色的沙子闭上你的眼睛面对耀眼的落日你没有看到过 我的伪装什么也不要说黎明破晓五月的尽头风吹起白色的沙子闭上你的眼睛,许个愿在石头下,有巨毒的石鱼屏住呼吸,然后甩个骰子这也许是一条通往天堂的路什么也不要说黎明破晓五月的尽头风吹起白色的沙子什么也不要说黎明破晓五月的尽头风吹起白色的沙子给我加些分吧?好辛苦啊呵呵

end of may的歌词翻译 让yahoo来帮你

end of may的中文歌词

闭上你的眼睛,甩个骰子如果我们有两次生命哪一次生命是通往天堂的路什么也不要说黎明破晓五月的尽头风吹起白色的沙子闭上你的眼睛面对耀眼的落日你没有看到过 我的伪装什么也不要说黎明破晓五月的尽头风吹起白色的沙子闭上你的眼睛,许个愿在石头下,有巨毒的石鱼屏住呼吸,然后甩个骰子这也许是一条通往天堂的路什么也不要说黎明破晓五月的尽头风吹起白色的沙子什么也不要说黎明破晓五月的尽头风吹起白色的沙子


your eyes and roll a diceUnder the board there"s a compromiseIf after all we only live twiceWhich life is the runroad to paradiseDon"t say a word here comes the break of the dayIn while clouds of sand raised by the wind of the endof MayClose your eyes and make a betFaced to the glare of the sunsetThis is about as far as we getYou haven"t seen me disguised yetDon"t say a word here comes the break of the dayIn while clouds of sand raised by the wind of the endof MayClose your eyes and make a wishUnder the stone there"s a stone-fishHold your breath, then roll the diceIt might be the runroad to paradiseDon"t say a word here comes the break of the dayIn while clouds of sand raised by the wind of the endDon"t say a word here comes the break of the dayIn while clouds of sand raised by the wind of the endof MayTo the girl which shares all colourful days with me -Bonnie-闭上你的眼睛,甩个骰子如果我们有两次生命哪一次生命是通往天堂的路什么也不要说黎明破晓五月的尽头风吹起白色的沙子闭上你的眼睛面对耀眼的落日你没有看到过 我的伪装什么也不要说黎明破晓五月的尽头风吹起白色的沙子闭上你的眼睛,许个愿在石头下,有巨毒的石鱼屏住呼吸,然后甩个骰子这也许是一条通往天堂的路什么也不要说黎明破晓五月的尽头风吹起白色的沙子什么也不要说黎明破晓五月的尽头风吹起白色的沙子

求End of May LRC歌词

Close your eyes and roll a dice Under the board there"s a compromise If after all we only live twice Which life is the runroad to paradise Don"t say a word Here comes the break of the day In while clouds of sand raised by the wind of the end of May Close your eyes and make a bet Faced to the glare of the sunset This is about as far as we get You haven"t seen me disguised yet Don"t say a word Here comes the break of the day In while clouds of sand raised by the wind of the end of May Close your eyes and make a wish Under the stone there"s a stone-fish Hold your breath, then roll the dice It might be the runroad to paradise Don"t say a word 闭上你的眼睛,甩个骰子 如果我们有两次生命 哪一次生命是通往天堂的路 什么也不要说 黎明破晓 五月的尽头风吹起白色的沙子 闭上你的眼睛 面对耀眼的落日 你没有看到过 我的伪装 什么也不要说 黎明破晓 五月的尽头风吹起白色的沙子 闭上你的眼睛,许个愿 在石头下,有巨毒的石鱼 屏住呼吸,然后甩个骰子 这也许是一条通往天堂的路 什么也不要说 黎明破晓 五月的尽头风吹起白色的沙子 什么也不要说 黎明破晓 五月的尽头风吹起白色的沙子

end of may 什么意思



endofmay要表达的是对秋天的感伤秋天的味道低调安详略带颓废每日一曲:《End Of May》 - - Keren Ann 的声音简单、矜持、略带...2019年9月4日@假悲伤:这首布鲁斯民谣“End of May”,低调,安详,略带颓废,秋天的味道。

End of May是什么意思


End OF may 的中文意思


End of May 什么意思



74135733 jia讨论

Mayyy me翻译成中文是什么意思

Marry me.嫁给我吧

Mother’s Day is __ may. A.on


of you to keep together because you may get lost A every has B every have C each has D each have

C 【Each 】of you 【has 】to keep together because you may get lost .你们每一个人:each of you ,不能说 every of you ,所以排除A,Beach of you 强调单数,所以排除 D .祝你开心。

can 和 could 和may的区别用法


有首DJ只重复“rock a disco sexy may hand come on now"英文水平有限,大概就是这几句歌词,求歌名。

Ft.Jennifer - Rock Da Disco

Where we love is home, home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts.



Is it in May? 它是在五月份吗?-No,it"s not in May. It"s in June. 不,它不在五月份。它是在六月份。【当看到答句是“yes”或者“No”时,问句通常是一般疑问句】

maya扰乱报syntax error是为什么


oh may 啥意思?? 说是骂人的,到底是不是啊?

你确定没发错吗?你确定不是Oh My! ?如果是Oh my!的话就是“哦,哎呀”的意思,是感叹词

Sometimes it rains suddenly,but later on,it may g


And later on,it may get fine again的同义句 And later_____the_______,it may get fine again

along time


dismayKK: []DJ: []n.1. 惊慌,沮丧,气馁[U]To his dismay, James saw a tear steal down her cheek.令詹姆士惊愕的是,他看到一颗泪珠从她面颊上悄悄滚落。vt.1. 使惊慌,使沮丧,使气馁[H][(+at/by)]The teacher was dismayed at the students" lack of response.老师对学生的毫无反应感到沮丧。disappointKK: []DJ: []vt.1. 使失望He was disappointed that other guests were not coming.其他客人没有来,他感到失望。I"m afraid you"re very disappointed with me.恐怕你对我是非常失望的。2. 使(希望等)破灭,挫败This disappointed his plans.这件事打乱了他的计划。以上结果由 Dr.eye译典通字典 提供

later on it may get fine again

And later on,it may get fine again. = And later (in) the (future),it may get fine again. 注:later on意思是“后来”,常用于一般将来时.

the weather on the ground may soon change

保证答案准确率! 1. = So the weather satellites are greatly helpful to the meteorologists. 2. 这是一个单独的句子么?句首的that有问题啊! 是一般疑问句么?则答案为:May the weather on the ground soon change? 如果是改同义句,则常规变化如下:(That) maybe/perhaps the weather on the ground will soon change. 注:/ 表示可以任意选用其一。 如果你满意我的答案,敬请点击 “选为满意回答” ,谢谢!

desire may be related to an idea or it may not! 请问related 是动词的过去式吗?还是形容词呀!

形容词 是过去分子从当的


Perfect strangers

有一首男生唱的英文歌。旋律很好的,只记得高潮有maybe you do 什么什么。然后又maybe

Tonight Belongs To U! - JeremihWasn"t looking for it to heal the scarBut today I was riding on lonely boulevardWishing all wasn"t lost and then there there you cameHonestly a star shooting through the sceneIn the sky that"s where we are and I"m tryna catch a beamSee them other girls yeah they tryBut they ain"t fly like youTonight belongs to youTonight belongs to youAnd I"m so glad I found youI"m so glad I found youYou"re all by yourself and I came to helpI was down it wasn"t right you came from outta leftYou made a storm up in ibiza oh oh what a dreamI close my eyes baby now I don"t wanna goI"mma star cause if I"m dreaming I don"t wanna wake upGotta hear it from the steaming full speak right with youTonight belongs to youTonight belongs to youAnd I"m so glad I found youI"m so glad I found youFlo rida ayo jeremih lemme holla at lil mama right quickI know who you are you"re a rider girl on fire ghetto superstarAnd I can"t deny it girl your body"s so damn beautifulLet me see you turn around like ayBaby go on drop it to the ground like ayRed lips yellow bone green like ayEyes popping baby "til I beat the thing rightOh now feeling like y"all finally found outWhat what what what slow downPull the trigger too fast and I"ll bust my gun gun gun gun no conversationDon"t stop with all the shaking them other girls really basicYou amazing so glad I got you girlAnd I"m so glad I found youI"m so glad I found you

maybe, may be,can be有什么区别


may/may be/maybe的区别和用法 请详细说明,谢谢 好的加悬赏分

mayaux.可以; 也许; 会; 但愿; n.[May]五月; 山楂属植物; (五朔节装饰用的)绿枝花枝; (春天开花的)绣线菊属植物; 第三人称单数:mays过去分词:might现在进行时:maying过去式:mightmay be也许,可能; 可能是maybe是副词,意思是“也许、可能”,在句中作状语,相当于perhaps,常位于句首。 在may be中,may是情态动词,be是动词原形,两者构成完整的谓语形式,与主语形成系表结构,意为“也许是、可能是”。 (例如:I can"t find my watch. It may be in your pocket. 我找不到我的手表了,它可能在你的口袋里。 )maybe和may be可相互转换。 例如:He may be in the office. = Maybe he is in the office. 他或许在办公室。 You may be right. = Maybe you are right. 你或许是对的。

maybe 和may be的用法

maybe和may be是两个不同的词组,虽然它们的发音相同,但是它们的用法和含义不同。下面分别介绍一下maybe和may be的用法。1.maybe是一个副词,意思是“或许,可能”,用于表示不确定或推测的情况。例如:Maybe it will rain tomorrow.(明天可能会下雨。)I"m not sure if I can come to the party, maybe I have to work.(我不确定能否参加聚会,可能我要工作。)2.may be是由情态动词may和动词be组成的词组,意思是“可能是,也许是”,用于表示可能的情况或假设的情况。例如:He may be late for the meeting.(他可能会迟到会议。)It may be that he forgot about the appointment.(也许他忘记了约会。)可以看出,maybe和may be的区别在于前者是一个副词,表示不确定或推测的情况,而后者是一个词组,表示可能的情况或假设的情况。3.需要注意的是,在书面语中,maybe和may be的用法需要根据语境和句子结构来确定。例如,在句子中作为主语或宾语时,应该使用maybe,而在句子中作为谓语时,应该使用may be。例如:Maybe he will come to the party.(他可能会来参加聚会。)He may be coming to the party.(他可能会来参加聚会。)

may be和maybe的区别

may be和maybe的区别如下:1、意思不同:maybe意思是大概,或许;may be意思是多半,可能是。2、用法不同:maybe指某事也许如此,含不能确定意味,maybe比perhaps更口语化,且要用于句首;may be,may是个情态动词,无不定式和分词形式,第三人称单数现在时也无变化。3、词性不同:maybe是一个副词,词义相近于perhaps;may be是两个词,may是情态动词。双语例句:maybe的用法:1、Maybe she"ll come this afternoon.她可能今天下午来。2、Maybe you put the letter in your pockets.大概你把信放在衣袋里了。3、Maybe i am going to be an author after all.可能我真会成为作家。may be的用法:1、I can"t find my watch.It may be in your pocket.我找不到我的手表了,可能在你口袋里。2、He may be a soldier.他可能是军人。3、He may be a good man for anything i know.据我所知,他可能是好人。

it may be与 it might be的区别是什么啊


maybe和may be的用法

maybe 是副词,相当于probably, may be是情态动词加动词原形Maybe he is a teacher.= He may be a teacher,望采纳

英语中maybe和may be有什么区别

1、maybe是副词,意思是“也许、可能”,在句中作状语,相当于perhaps,常位于句首.Maybe she"ll come this afternoon.她可能今天下午来.Maybe you put the letter in your pockets.大概你把信放在衣袋里了.2、在may be中,may是情态动词,be是动词原形,两者构成完整的谓语形式,与主语形成系表结构,意为“也许是、可能是”.I can"t find my watch.It may be in your pocket.我找不到我的手表了,它可能在你的口袋里.He may be a soldier.他可能是军人.3、maybe和may be可相互转换.He may be in the office.= Maybe he is in the office.他或许在办公室.You may be right.= Maybe you are right.你或许是对的.

it may 必须加be吗?

当然不一定了只是may后面要用动词原形It may hurt people.它可能会伤害人。为你解答,敬请采纳,如对本题有疑问,请追问。

maybe 和may be的区别

maybe 副词,大概,也许。作状语。

May be 和maybe的区别

may be放句中



may be是什么意思及用法


maybe和may be的用法和位置

Maybe和may be是两个不同的词组,虽然它们的发音相同,但在语法和用法上有很大的区别。1.MaybeMaybe是一个副词,意思是“或许、可能”,通常用于表示不确定的情况或猜测。例如:Maybe it will rain tomorrow.(明天可能会下雨。)Maybe he will come to the party.(他或许会来参加聚会。)2.May beMay be是由情态动词may和动词be组成的词组,意思是“可能是、也许是”,通常用于表示某种可能性或假设。例如:He may be late for the meeting.(他可能会迟到会议。)It may be difficult to finish the project on time.(按时完成这个项目可能会很困难。)3.在语法上,Maybe是一个副词,可以放在句首、句中或句尾,例如:Maybe we should go to the cinema tonight.(也许今晚我们应该去看电影。)We should maybe go to the cinema tonight.(我们也许应该今晚去看电影。)We should go to the cinema tonight, maybe.(我们今晚应该去看电影,也许。)4.May be是一个动词短语,通常放在句中,例如:The exam may be difficult.(这次考试可能会很难。)He may be sick.(他可能生病了。)

maybe和may be的区别

maybe和may be的区别如下:1、意思不同①、maybe意思:(不确定)大概,或许,可能,(提出建议)或许,也许,(赞同并补充信息)或许。②、May be意思:多半。2、用法不同①、maybe用法:maybe普通用词,美国英语多用,指某事也许如此,含不能确定意味。maybe更口语化,且要用于句首,用于礼貌的建议或请求。②、May be用法:may可表示可能性,意为“可能,也许”。它后面可接不定式的完成式或进行式表示“或许已经,或许正在〔将要〕”等。may用在祈使句中加动词原形,可表示祝愿。may用在目的状语从句中作“(以便)能,(使…)可以”,用在让步状语从句中作“不管,不论,尽管”解。3、词性不同①、maybe词性:maybe是副词。②、May be词性:may是情态动词,be是动词原形,两者构成完整的谓语形式。一、maybe的用法在表示猜测某事大概会发生时,如果其中的动作是实义动词,则要用may+动词原形。maybe还是放于句首作状语就可以。1、Maybe she"ll come this afternoon.她可能今天下午来。2、Maybe you put the letter in your pockets.大概你把信放在衣袋里了。3、Maybe i am going to be an author after all.可能我真会成为作家。二、may be的用法may be其实是情态动词+动词原形be(be是系动词原形),意思是“可能是,大概是”,在句子中做谓语,后面加表语(可以是形容词,介词短语或者名词)。1、I can"t find my watch.It may be in your pocket.我找不到我的手表了,可能在你口袋里。2、He may be a soldier.他可能是军人。3、He may be a good man for anything i know.据我所知,他可能是好人。

有没有什么类似may it be的音乐?


有没有类似may it be的歌??

Enya的歌都是类似风格的(may it be就是她的作品),推荐她的新砖《And Winter Came...》以及收录了may it be的专辑《A Day Without Rain》

may it be true

答案为A can 表推测,用于否定句或者疑问句; 而C 中的may 如用在疑问句只是表请求,如: May I come in May(Might) I use you telephone?, 这样显然和语境不符合

恩雅的《May it be》这首歌的中文意思 恩谢

May It Be may it be an evening star 但愿有一颗暮色之星 shines down upon you 佛照着你 may it be when darkness falls 即使黑暗降临 your heart will be true 你将揣着颗真诚的心 you walk a lonely road 孤独地上路 oh, how far you are from home 噢,离家的路途有多远 mornie utúli05 (darkness has come) mornie utúli05 (黑暗已经降临) believe and you will find your way 相信,而且你会找到路径 mornie alanti05 (darkness has fallen) mornie utúli05 (黑暗已经降临) a promise lives within you now 如今希望在你心中不泯 may it be shadows call 但愿阴影的笼罩 will fly away 将消逝 may it be your journey on 但愿你足下的旅途 to light the day 走向光明的天日 when the night is overcome 当黑夜逝去时 you may rise to find the sun 愿你起身迎接朝阳 mornie utúli05 (darkness has come) mornie utúli05 (黑暗已经来临) believe and you will find your way 相信你会找到路径 mornie alanti05 (darkness has fallen) mornie utúli05 (黑暗已经来临) a promise lives within you now 如今希望在你心中不泯 a promise lives within you now 如今希望在你心中不泯

may it be简谱

是《指环王》的那首主题曲么?我把音高(自己听出来的)给你打一下,时长……电脑打不了,你自己听歌去吧……123 235665 3122123 235661(高音)5 3122356 561(高音)5356 53235561(高音)51(高音)2(高音)1(高音)7771(高音) 55434553561(高音) 51(高音)2(高音)1(高音)7771(高音)56 56545535

请问:谁知道恩雅 May it be 也就是《魔戒》主题曲的歌词呀?

MAY IT BE里有一个很奇怪的词


电影《指环王》的主题曲是恩雅唱的May it be 歌词的中文意思是什么啊??

[ti:May It Be 但愿如此][ar:Enya][al:指环王主题曲][00:00.00]Enya - May It Be 但愿如此[00:04.64]May it be an evening star 祈愿有晚星[00:10.86]Shines down upon you 照耀着你[00:17.69]May it be when darkness falls 祈愿暮色笼罩时[00:24.12]Your heart will be true 你的心依然坚定[00:31.06]You walk a lonely road 踏上孤独的行程[00:37.38]Oh! How far you are from home 哦!家园已万里之遥[00:47.84]Morniutli(Darkness has come) 莫里耶 乌突利耶 (黑暗已经来临)[00:59.52]Believe and you will find your way 信念会指引你向前[01:11.06]Morni?alanti?(Darkness has fallen) 莫里耶 乌突利耶(黑暗已经来临)[01:23.82]A promise lives within you now 誓言在你心底召唤[01:38.77]May it be the shadow"s call 祈愿忧郁的情感[01:44.43]Will fly away 远离你飞逝而去[01:51.25]May it be your journey on 祈愿你不懈怠的旅行[01:57.28]To light the day 点燃白昼的希望[02:03.58]When the night is overcome 当黑夜不再令你恐惧[02:09.34]You may rise to find the sun 醒来时朝阳就会抚触面庞[02:19.94]Morniutli(Darkness has come) 莫里耶 乌突利耶(黑暗已经来临)[02:31.54]Believe and you will find your way 信念会指引你向前[02:43.82]Morni?alanti?(Darkness has fallen) 莫里耶 乌突利耶(黑暗已经来临)[02:55.21]A promise lives within you now 誓言在你心底召唤[03:07.71]A promise lives within you now 誓言在你心底召唤

MAY IT BE出自《指环王》哪一部?具体在什么时间?


请问,指环王的主题曲《May it Be》的中文翻译!!!(把英文歌词和中文翻译放到一起,例如:yes 是的)

Enya-May it beMay it be an evening star祈愿有一颗夜晚的明星Shines down upon you照耀着你May it be when darkness falls祈愿当黑暗降临之际Your heart will be true你的心将会真切You walk a lonely road你行走在孤独之路上Oh! How far you are from home哦!你离家乡多么遥远啊Mornie utulie (Darkness has come)黑暗已经来临Believe and you will find your way坚信信念,你会找到属于你的道路Mornie alantie (Darkness has fallen)黑暗已经降临A promise lives within you now一个诺言现在与你同在May it be shadows call祈愿阴影的召唤Will fly away终将烟消云散May it be your journey on祈愿你的旅途To light the day通向那光明的明天When the night is overcome当那黑夜被征服之时You may rise to find the sun你将起身看见那耀眼的太阳Mornie utulie (Darkness has come)黑暗已经来临Believe and you will find your way坚信信念,你会找到属于你的道路Mornie alantie (Darkness has fallen)黑暗已经降临A promise lives within you now一个诺言现在与你同在A promise lives within you now ……一个诺言现在与你同在

may it be 是什么意思?

也许是、但愿如此 《指环王》的主题曲是恩雅唱的 May it be 歌词如下:[ti:May It Be] [ar:Enya] [al:] [by:] [00:00.00]Enya - May It Be [00:04.64] [00:04.66]May it be an evening star [00:10.86]Shines down upon you [00:17.69]May it be when darkness falls [00:24.12]Your heart will be true [00:31.06]You walk a lonely road [00:37.38]Oh! How far you are from home [00:47.84]Morni? ut¨05li? (Quenya: Darkness has come) [00:59.52]Believe and you will find your way [01:11.06]Morni? alanti? (Quenya: Darkness has fallen) [01:23.82]A promise lives within you now [01:38.77]May it be the shadow"s call [01:44.43]Will fly away [01:51.25]May it be your journey on [01:57.28]To light the day [02:03.58]When the night is overcome [02:09.34]You may rise to find the sun [02:19.94]Morni? ut¨05li? (Quenya: Darkness has come) [02:31.54]Believe and you will find your way [02:43.82]Morni? alanti? (Quenya: Darkness has fallen) [02:55.21]A promise lives within you now [03:07.71]A promise lives within you now


中文名称:may it be歌曲时长:3:33所属专辑:指环王(魔戒)主题曲发行时间:2001歌曲原唱:Enya歌曲语言:英语歌词:English Quenya Lyrics by Roma RyanPerformed by EnyaMay it be an evening star祈愿有一颗夜晚的明星Shines down upon you照耀着你May it be when darkness falls祈愿当黑暗降临之际Your heart will be true你的心将会真切You walk a lonely road你行走在孤独之路上Oh! How far you are from home哦!你离家乡多么遥远啊Mornie utulie (Darkness has come)黑暗已经来临Believe and you will find your way坚信信念,你会找到属于你的道路Mornie alantie (Darkness has fallen)黑暗已经降临A promise lives within you now一个诺言现在与你同在May it be shadows call祈愿阴影的召唤Will fly away终将烟消云散May it be your journey on祈愿你的旅途To light the day通向那光明的明天When the night is overcome当那黑夜被征服之时You may rise to find the sun你将起身看见那耀眼的太阳Mornie utulie (Darkness has come)黑暗已经来临Believe and you will find your way坚信信念,你会找到属于你的道路Mornie alantie (Darkness has fallen)黑暗已经降临A promise lives within you now一个诺言现在与你同在A promise lives within you now ……一个诺言现在与你同在

may it be 的歌词是什么(请附中文版)



May It Be Written: Nicky Ryan and Roma Ryan Artist:Enya(恩雅) May it be an evening star Shines down upon you May it be when darkness falls Your heart will be true you walk a lonely road Oh! How far you are from home Mornie utúli05 (darkness has come) Believe and you will find your way Mornie alanti05 (darkness has fallen) A promise lives within you now May it be the shadow"s call Will fly away May it be your journey on To light the day When the night is overcome You may rise to find the sun Mornie utúli05 (darkness has come) Believe and you will find your way Mornie alanti05 (darkness has fallen) A promise lives within you now A promise lives within you now 祈愿 祈愿有颗暮星 光芒照耀着你 祈愿当黑暗降临时 你的心依然坚定 你走在孤独的路上 哦!你已离家多么遥远 黑暗来临 信仰会指引你找到你的方向 黑暗笼罩 这诺言现起与你同在 祈愿阴影的召唤 终将烟消云散 祈愿你的征程 会将白日照亮 当黑夜被压倒 你将奋起去找到太阳 黑暗来临 信仰会指引你找到你的方向 黑暗笼罩 这诺言现起与你同在 这诺言现起与你同在

求MAY IT BE 的歌词及译文


歌手恩雅《may it be》的中文歌词

May It Be may it be an evening star 但愿有一颗暮色之星 shines down upon you 佛照着你 may it be when darkness falls 即使黑暗降临 your heart will be true 你将揣着颗真诚的心 you walk a lonely road 孤独地上路 oh, how far you are from home 噢,离家的路途有多远 mornie utúli?? (darkness has come) mornie utúli?? (黑暗已经降临) believe and you will find your way 相信,而且你会找到路径 mornie alanti?? (darkness has fallen) mornie utúli?? (黑暗已经降临) a promise lives within you now 如今希望在你心中不泯 may it be shadows call 但愿阴影的笼罩 will fly away 将消逝 may it be your journey on 但愿你足下的旅途 to light the day 走向光明的天日 when the night is overcome 当黑夜逝去时 you may rise to find the sun 愿你起身迎接朝阳 mornie utúli?? (darkness has come) mornie utúli?? (黑暗已经来临) believe and you will find your way 相信你会找到路径 mornie alanti?? (darkness has fallen) mornie utúli?? (黑暗已经来临) a promise lives within you now 如今希望在你心中不泯 a promise lives within you now 如今希望在你心中不泯

指环王主题曲May It Be 歌词的中文翻译.

May it be an evening star衷心祈祷,夜里有颗星,Shines down upon you照耀着你。May it be when darkness falls衷心祈祷,黑暗降临大地之时,Your heart will be true你的心依然真诚。You walk a lonely road寂寞路上一人独行,Oh! How far you are from home哦!远离家园。Morniutli(Darkness has come)[1黑暗已经来临,Believe and you will find your way坚定信念,你终将走向真理之路。Morni?alanti?(Darkness has fallen) 黑暗已经降临,A promise lives within you now众人的承诺与你同在。May it be the shadow"s call衷心祈祷,阴影的召唤,Will fly away终将烟消云散,May it be your journey on衷心祈祷,你的冒险之旅,To light the day终将照亮白昼。When the night is overcome当黑暗势力被征服,You may rise to find the sun你将起来去找寻太阳。Morniutli(Darkness has come) 黑暗已经来临,Believe and you will find your way坚定信念,你终将走向真理之路。Morni?alanti?(Darkness has fallen) 黑暗已经降临,A promise lives within you now众人的承诺与你同在。A promise lives within you now众人的承诺与你同在。--END--

maybe与may be的区别



这是情态动词被动语法的用法。表示表示某物可能被...。如。the room may be cleaned by lily

英语中maymaybemay be,的比较与用法。

may是情态动词 表示“可能” 用法和canmust等是一样的maybe是一个副词 意为“可能”maybe表示“可能是”例如:1.Hemaydolikethat.他可能像那那样做2.Maybeheisateacher.可能他是个老师。3.Hemaybeateacher.他可能是个老师。

maybe与may be的用法区别是什么

maybe是副词,相当于“perhaps”,意思是“也许,大概”,常常放于句首,在句子中作状语。may be其实是情态动词+动词原形be(be是系动词原形),意思是“可能是,大概是”,在句子中做谓语,后面加表语(可以是形容词,介词短语或者名词)。例句:Maybe she is right.She may be right.她可能是对的。在表示猜测某事大概会发生时,如果其中的动作是实义动词,则要用may+动词原形。maybe还是放于句首作状语就可以。例句:She may come tomorrow.Maybe she will come tomorrow.她也许明天来。

may,maybe和may be的区别


it may be

不可以. may be分开来,may表示“可能”,be是后面接的be动词(因为may是情态动词所以be要用原形) maybe连起来表示“可能”“也许”,做副词

跪求恩雅的may it be下载链接。。。。

Enya - May It Be已经上传,请下载。谢谢采纳。

求!求!求!在哪能下载到这个 May It Be—Enya(指环王之魔戒再现主题曲)我给加分,跪求,我太喜欢这个


为什么who can it be不能who may it be


求跟may it be一样的伤感歌曲

because of you 也不错, 不过你应该听过的吧、far away from home 这首歌旋律好 寓意也不错My all 也行 很棒因为我很少听英文歌 我只知道这么多。。

求像I see fire,May it be这类的悠扬大气的英文歌曲,越多越好啊。

breaking free/batter man/

指环王1中的主题曲,《May it be》什么时候在电影中出现的啊?只记得一

开始的时候好像是concerning hobbits




不是Howard Shore楼下的说的是歌手名

May it betxt全集下载


may it be是魔戒哪段的插曲?


求Enya的《may it be》这首歌的歌曲链接

ENYA的may it be中文歌词大意是什么?

May It Be may it be an evening star 但愿有一颗暮色之星 shines down upon you 佛照着你 may it be when darkness falls 即使黑暗降临 your heart will be true 你将揣着颗真诚的心 you walk a lonely road 孤独地上路 oh, how far you are from home 噢,离家的路途有多远 mornie utúli05 (darkness has come) mornie utúli05 (黑暗已经降临) believe and you will find your way 相信,而且你会找到路径 mornie alanti05 (darkness has fallen) mornie utúli05 (黑暗已经降临) a promise lives within you now 如今希望在你心中不泯 may it be shadows call 但愿阴影的笼罩 will fly away 将消逝 may it be your journey on 但愿你足下的旅途 to light the day 走向光明的天日 when the night is overcome 当黑夜逝去时 you may rise to find the sun 愿你起身迎接朝阳 mornie utúli05 (darkness has come) mornie utúli05 (黑暗已经来临) believe and you will find your way 相信你会找到路径 mornie alanti05 (darkness has fallen) mornie utúli05 (黑暗已经来临) a promise lives within you now 如今希望在你心中不泯 a promise lives within you now 如今希望在你心中不泯 参考资料:在上面引用的

May It Be 中文翻译

这段歌词的两句精灵语应该是Mornie utulieMornie alantie其中末尾的e上都有两点,utulie的左起第二个u上有一格accent mark由于字符比较特殊,所以竟然演变到以乱码传播了,而且到处都是带乱码的歌词

电影《指环王》的主题曲是恩雅唱的May it be 歌词的中文意思是什么啊??

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