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no matter后面加什么

加各种代词,例如:no matter how/whether/what etc.例句:He visited her every day no matter the weather.无论天气如何,他每天都去看她。 no matter的用法 1、no matter作“无论”、“不管”解,用以引导表示让步的状语从句。 2、句型中的No matter what (who/when etc.)...分别表示“无论何事”、“无论何人”、“无论何时”等,这个从句可以置主句之前,也可以置主句之后。 3、由no matter + what等引导的让步状语从句。 4、No matter后面接关系代词或关系副词引导状语从句在句中作让步状语。 5、matter是不及物动词,基本意思是“对人们有重大关系,要紧”“重要,有严重性”。 6、matter常用于以it作形式主语的结构中,其真实主语一般为现在分词短语、that从句、wh-从句或if/whether从句。 7、在回答别人的道歉时,应该说It doesn"t matter,不说no matter。 8、matter用于医学上,指“化脓”。 9、matter是表示静态的动词,一般不用于进行体。

no matter引导什么从句

No matter引导让步状语从句,No matter what/who/how/where/when…,相当于whatever/whoever/however/wherever/whenever…,引导让步状从时可互换使用。引导名词性从句时,只能用后者。



no matter后面接什么词?

no matter what they do

求一首英文歌,开头是no matter,有点嘻哈R&B风格的。

Akon - Don"t Matter ??

no matter等于什么?

no matter等于don"t worry,

《No matter》歌词中文翻译

Doesn"t matter whom you are with . 你与谁在一起并不重要 Doesn"t matter where you are going. 你去向何方也不重要 Don"t you know I"m still waiting here for you and pray for you . 难道你不知道我仍然在等你并为你祈祷? In the sunny days,sun will light you day. 晴天,太阳会照亮你的一天 In the windy day, wind will leave your way.刮风的日子,风会离开你的道路 I have to say, you"re my treasure moments.我不得不说,你是我宝贵的时刻 Never gonna walk away.永远不离开 In the rainy days,rain will share my tears.雨天,雨会分享我的眼泪 In the stormy days, storms will steal my pain.暴风雨的天气,风暴会偷走我的痛 Just go your way and leave things all behind.好好走下去,把所有事都抛在脑后 Spread your wings and fly away. 展开你的翅膀飞翔 I"m pretending you"re mine. I"m wishing you"ll be fine.我家长你是我的,我希望你一切安好 The moments we share never die.我们共度的时刻永远不会逝去 You"ve made a difference to my life.你使我的生命不同

whether 和 no matter的区别

whether...or... 引导状语从句,不管是...(或是)Ask him whether he can come or not.问问他是否能来。You"ll have to decide whether you want to stay with your sister or you want to go on holiday; you can"t have it both ways.你必须决定是跟姐姐在家还是去度假,不能脚踏两条船。We haven"t decided whether to go by bus or by train, but in either event we"ll need money.我们还没有决定到底是乘汽车去还是乘火车去,但不管用哪种方式我们都需要钱。It makes no odds whether you give me coffee or tea.你请我喝咖啡或喝茶都没有什么关系。It"s quite indifferent to me whether you go or stay.你去也好,留也好,我无所谓。


单独用时有 没关系 的意思;no matter what, who, where无论什么、谁、哪里


nomatter用法如下:1、no matter作“无论”、“不管”解,用以引导表示让步的状语从句,常用在下列句型中。2、句型中的No matter what(who/when etc)...分别表示“无论何事”、“无论何人”、“无论何时”等,这个从句可以置主句之前,也可以置主句之后。3、由no matter + what等引导的让步状语从句。4、No matter后面接关系代词或关系副词引导状语从句在句中作让步状语。5、matter是不及物动词,基本意思是“对人们有重大关系,要紧”“重要,有严重性”。6、matter常用于以it作形式主语的结构中,其真实主语一般为现在分词短语、that从句、wh-从句或if/whether从句。7、在回答别人的道歉时,应该说It doesn"t matter,不说no matter。8、matter用于医学上,指“化脓”。9、matter是表示静态的动词,一般不用于进行体。

no matter咩意思?

更新1: no matter who????系咩意思呀= =???你答了我就比分你啦! no matter = 无论 不论 no matter 后面一定要加上 who what which if how ... 等 no matter who - 不论是谁 No matter who call I won't wer. no matter what - 不论是什么 No matter what happen I don't bother no matter which (e.g. one dog ..) - 不论是那一个 No matter which dress you wear I think it will look nice on you. no matter if - 不论是否 No matter if it's true (or not) I am not interested no matter how - 不论怎样 No matter how I explain to him he seems not understand. No matter 即是无论怎样. No matter what difficulties you face 即是无论你遇上甚么困难. No matter who 即是无论何人. 我给予以下例句. No matter what difficulties you face you should try to overe in order to have your task pleted. 无论你遇上甚么困难 你也当尝试克服 以使任务得以完成. No matter who wants to retrieve the confidential document it is necessary to get the approval from the boss in advance. 无论谁想获取那份机密文件 事先获得老板批准是必须的. no matter ph. 不论 no matter what difficulties you face(不论你面对什么难题) no matter who(不论是谁) no matter who姐系不论是谁 no matter who... 即系 "无论谁......" no matter的意思是:无论 no matter what difficulties you face:无论你面对什么困难 参考: 我

"no matter"和"not matter"是什么意思?

no matter 常与疑问代词what/which/who/whom...或疑问副词how/when/where...连用,表示"无论..."eg: No matter what you say, I will go there. 无论你说什么,我都要去那儿.not matter 通常用于It does not matter的结构,表示"没关系"eg:----Sorry,I forgot it. (对不起,我忘了) ----It doesn"t matter. (没关系)

no matter用法


no matter的用法

no matter 的用法 no matter作“无论”、“不管”解,用以引导表示让步的状语从句,常用在下列句型中:句型中的No matter what (who/when etc.)...分别表示“无论何事”、“无论何人”、“无论何时”等,这个从句可以置...

请教关于no matter的用法,谢谢!


no matter 怎么用?

no matter - 不管不管什么事发生,我还是会XXXXXX

no matter是否倒装

你把它当成含有否定词的词或词组放句首要部分倒装啦! 像,no sonner ,not until,by no means ,neither,nor ,hardly,seldom...等等 而no matter 不是表否定的词或词组.

whether 和 no matter的区别


找一首英文歌,男生组合唱的,歌词每句开头都是“no matter。。”

《No Matter What》-Boyzone[男孩地带]歌词:Chica cha ha haChica cha ha haChica cha ha haChica cha ha haChica cha ha haChica cha ha haNo matter what they tell usNo matter what they doNo matter what they teach usWhat we believe it"s trueNo matter what they call usHowever they attackNo matter where they take usWe"ll find our own way backI can"t deny what I believeI can"t be what I"m notI know our love foreverI know no matter whatIf only tears were laughter(ooh)If only night was day(ooh)If only prayers were answered(hear my prayers)Then we could hear God say(say)No matter what they tell youNo matter what they doNo matter what they teach youWhat you believe it"s trueAnd I will keep you safe and strongAnd shelter from the stormNo matter where it"s barrenA dream is being born(Ooh)No matter who they followNo matter where they leaveNo matter how they judge usI"ll be everyone you needNo matter if the sun don"t shine( the sun don"t shine)Or if the skies are blue(skies are blue)No matter what the end isMy life began with youI can"t deny what I believe( what I believe)I can"t be what I"m not(I know I know )I know this love"s foreverThat"s all that matters nowNo matter whatNO no matter what (no,no matter what)No,no matter whatNo,no matter whatNo,no matter whatThat"s all that matters to meNo,no matter whatThat"s all that matters to meNo,no matter whatThat"s all that matters to meNo,no matter whatThat"s all that matters to meNo,no matter whatThat"s all that matters to meNo,no matter whatThat"s all that matters to me

用no matter 造三个句子拜托各位了 3Q

1. No matter how hard he works, he can not get a promotion. 不管他工作多努力, 他就是得不到提升。 2. No matter how many prototype we make, we just can not get it right. 不管做多少次样品,我们都无法获得满意的。 3. No matter how hard he may try, he will not succeed. 不管他怎么努力去干都不会成功的。 4. Every substance in the world, no matter how different it may seem from any other substance, is made partly of electrons. 世界上每一种物质不管看起来和其他物质多么不同,都部分地由电子组成。 When anyone does something for you,no matter how small and no matter whether he is superior or servant,it is proper to say"Thank you" 任何人替你做了一件事,不管事情多么小,也不管他是你的上司还是佣人,你都应该说:“谢谢你。” No matter how experienced a speaker you are,and how well you have prepared your speech,such a noisy reception as that is apt to be very off - putting. 无论你是多么富有经验的演说家,无论你作了多么充分的准备,在这样嘈杂的招待会上你很难发表演讲。 It doesn"t matter how you"re dressed. 你不管怎么穿都没关系。 She sticks at nothing—no matter how difficult. 她毫不迟疑,不管有多困难 It doesn"t matter how you do it. 你怎麽做都没关系。 You"ll never succeed,no matter how hard you try. 无论你怎麽努力,你都不会成功的。 What did it matter how people talked,he thought. 他想,人家怎么谈论有什么关系。 No matter how rich,one shall not live an idle life 不管一个人多么富有,都不应该过着闲散的生活 We can solve the problem no matter how complicated

求歌曲no matter翻译

《No Matter》是TVB电视剧《妙手仁心3》里的插曲,由一个叫Angel的女歌手演唱。由于这是TVB自己人做的歌,歌手也是TVB的,所以此曲没有完整版,最长的也只有1分40秒,网上曾流传3分多钟的版本,但细听之下就知道是拼接的。推荐此曲的理由和《Viva La Vida》一样——歌词奇美无比!尤其是高潮部分足以当作诗歌欣赏,五星推荐!No MatterBy AngelDoesn"t matter whom you are with.不论你和谁在一起Doesn"t matter where you are going.无论你要去向何方Don"t you know I"m still waiting here for you and pray for you . 你可知我一直在此为你祈祷..In the sunny days,sun will light you day. 在阳光灿烂的日子里,太阳会照亮你的前程In the windy day, wind will lead your way. 在刮风的日子里,呼啸的风会引领你前行I have to say, you"re my treasure moments. 我必须承认,你是我珍惜的唯一Never gonna walk away. 永远不会离我远去..In the rainy days,rain will share my tears. 在下雨的日子里,雨滴会分享我的泪水In the stormy days, storms will steal my pain. 在狂风肆虐的日子里,风暴会带走我的苦痛Just go your way and leave things all behind. 尽管向前,将诸事抛之脑后Spread your wings and fly away. 展翅高飞..I"m pretending you"re mine. I"m wishing you"ll be fine. 我如此奢望你是我的,我祈祷你会一切平安The moments we share never die. 我们在一起的时光永远不会消失You"ve made a difference to my life你是我的人生从此不同And let me realize使我明白The feeling I"ve got deep inside我内心深藏的感情-=The End=-

no matter 一定要放在句首吗

)“no matter+疑问词”或“疑问词-ever”的含义为“……都……;不管……都……”,它们引导的让步状语从句可以互换。例如: No matter what happened, he would not mind. (=Whatever happened, he would not mind.)无论发生了什么,他都不会介意的。 No matter what / which / who / where / when / whose+从句,+主句.(注意从句中的时态一般情况下用一般现在时态。)如: No matter what you do, you must do it well.请比较:Whatever you do, you must do it well. 无论你做什么,一定要做好。 No matter where you go, please let me know.请比较:Wherever you go, please let me know.你无论去哪儿,请通知我。 (说明:这两种句型形式不同,而意义完全相同。) (注意:I will tell whoever would like to read it. 句中的whoever不能用whomever来代替。因为它即作动词tell的宾语,又作后面从句的主语。) No matter who you are, you must keep the law.(=Whoever you are, you must keep the law.不管你是谁,你都要遵纪守法。 但“no matter+疑问词”结构只能引导让步状语从句,而“疑问词-ever”还可以引导名词性从句。例如: Whatever(=No matter what)you say, I won " t believe you. (Whatever 引导让步状语从句)无论你说什么,我都不会相信你。 I " ll eat whatever(≠no matter what)you give me. (whatever引导宾语从句)你给我吃什么,我就吃什么。 Whoever comes will be welcome. (Whoever 引导主语从句) 不管谁来都受到欢迎。 此外,有时while也可以引导让步状语从句,但一般要位于句首。例如: While I like the colour, I don " t like the shape.我虽然喜欢那颜色,但不喜欢那形状。



however与no matter how的区别是什么

However和no matter how都是表达转折的词语,但它们的用法和语境略有不同。However通常用于引导一个句子的转折,表示与前面所说的内容相反或有所区别,例如:I wanted to go to the beach; however, it started raining.He was very talented; however, he didn"t get the job.No matter how则是一个短语,意为“无论如何”,用于表示无论情况如何都不会改变某个事实或结果,例如:No matter how hard I tried, I couldn"t lift the heavy box.No matter how much money you have, you can"t buy happiness.No matter how early I wake up, I still can"t seem to be on time.因此,however和no matter how都是表达转折的词语,但它们的语法和语境略有不同。However用于引导一个句子的转折,no matter how则是一个短语,用于表示无论如何都不会改变某个事实或结果。

no matter后面加什么

no matter后面加关系代词或关系副词。no matter后面加关系代词或关系副词引导状语从句在句中作让步状语。关系代词指的是代表先行词,同时在从句中作一定的句子成分。关系代词有主格、宾格和属格之分,并有指人与指物之分。关系代词用来引导定语从句。关系副词,兼有副词与连接词两种作用,在不及物动词的连接中要求用关系副词。所引导的形容词子句用于修饰主要句子中的某一名词或代名词,被修饰的词称作先行词,关系副词要放在先行词之后。句型中的No matter what(who/when etc.)分别表示“无论何事”、“无论何人”、“无论何时”等,这个从句可以置主句之前,也可以置主句之后。matter是不及物动词,基本意思是“对人们有重大关系,要紧”、“重要,有严重性”。matter常用于以it作形式主语的结构中,其真实主语一般为现在分词短语、that从句、wh-从句或if/whether从句。matter是表示静态的动词,一般不用于进行体。

no matter 和 not matter的意思?

no matter 常与疑问代词what/which/who/whom...或疑问副词how/when/where...连用,表示"无论..."eg: No matter what you say, I will go there. 无论你说什么,我都要去那儿.not matter 通常用于It does not matter的结构,表示"没关系"eg:----Sorry,I forgot it. (对不起,我忘了) ----It doesn"t matter. (没关系)

whoever和no matter who的区别与用法


no matter的用法


no matter和whatever有什么区别?

no matter是不论 你说的应该是no matter what还有whatever 它们还是有些区别的,就是引导的从句不同 whatever可以引导状语从句和名词性从句 而no matter what只可以引导状语从句

no matter是什么意思

无论, 没关系

no matter的用法

no matter 的用法 no matter作“无论”、“不管”解,用以引导表示让步的状语从句,常用在下列句型中:句型中的No matter what (who/when etc.)...分别表示“无论何事”、“无论何人”、“无论何时”等,这个从句可以置...

用no matter 造句

1.No matter what parents do is right.2.No matter how happy he looks like, but actually he is sad .第二个句子有点儿怪= =呵呵。。in one"s heart of hearts 在心里

no matter 群星 歌词

歌曲名:No Matter What 演唱歌手:英文群星2歌词:Boyzone - No matter what专辑:By RequestNo Matter WhatBoyzoneChica cha ha haChica cha ha haChica cha ha haChica cha ha haChica cha ha haChica cha ha haNo matter what they tell usNo matter what they doNo matter what they teach usWhat we believe it"s trueNo matter what they call usHowever they attackNo matter where they take usWe"ll find our own way backI can"t deny what I believeI can"t be what I"m notI know our love foreverI know no matter whatIf only tears were laughter(ooh)If only night was day(ooh)If only prayers were answered (hear my prayers)Then we could hear God say(say)No matter what they tell youNo matter what they doNo matter what they teach youWhat you believe it"s trueAnd I will keep you safe and strongAnd shelter from the stormNo matter where it"s barrenA dream is being born(Ooh)No matter who they followNo matter where they leaveNo matter how they judge usI"ll be everyone you needNo matter if the sun don"t shine( the sun don"t shine)Or if the skies are blue(skies are blue)No matter what the end isMy life began with youI can"t deny what I believe( what I believe)I can"t be what I"m not(I know I know )I know this love"s foreverThat"s all that matters nowNo matter whatNO no matter what (no,no matter what)No,no matter whatThat"s all that matters to me(THE END)[ti:No Matter What] [ar:Boyzone] [al:By Request] [by:Kate.Gu] [00:00.00]No Matter What [00:00.00]Boyzone [00:01.00]Chica cha ha ha [00:04.00]Chica cha ha ha [00:06.00]Chica cha ha ha [00:12.00]Chica cha ha ha [00:16.00]Chica cha ha ha [00:18.00]Chica cha ha ha [00:21.00]No matter what they tell us [00:26.00]No matter what they do [00:31.00]No matter what they teach us [00:36.00]What we believe it"s true [00:41.00]No matter what they call us [00:47.00]However they attack [00:52.00]No matter where they take us [00:57.00]We"ll find our own way back [01:02.00]I can"t deny what I believe [01:07.00]I can"t be what I"m not [01:12.00]I know our love forever [01:18.00]I know no matter what [01:23.00]If only tears were laughter(ooh) [01:28.00]If only night was day(ooh) [01:33.00]If only prayers were answered [01:36.00](hear my prayers) [01:38.00]Then we could hear God say(say) [01:43.00]No matter what they tell you [01:48.00]No matter what they do [01:53.00]No matter what they teach you [01:58.00]What you believe it"s true [02:03.00]And I will keep you safe and strong [02:09.00]And shelter from the storm [02:14.00]No matter where it"s barren [02:19.00]A dream is being born [02:25.00](Ooh) [02:45.00]No matter who they follow [02:50.00]No matter where they leave [02:56.00]No matter how they judge us [03:01.00]I"ll be everyone you need [03:06.00]No matter if the sun don"t shine [03:10.00]( the sun don"t shine) [03:11.00]Or if the skies are blue [03:15.00](skies are blue) [03:16.00]No matter what the end is [03:21.00]My life began with you [03:26.00]I can"t deny what I believe [03:30.00]( what I believe) [03:32.00]I can"t be what I"m not [03:36.00](I know I know ) [03:37.00]I know this love"s forever [03:43.00]That"s all that matters now [03:45.00]No matter what [03:49.00]NO no matter what (no,no matter what) [04:24.00][04:20.00][04:14.00][04:08.00][04:04.00][04:00.00][03:57.00][03:53.00]No,no matter what [04:26.00][04:22.00][04:16.00][04:11.00][04:06.00][04:01.00]That"s all that matters to me [04:29.00](THE END) 歌曲名:No Matter What 演唱歌手:英文群星2歌词:Boyzone - No matter what专辑:By RequestNo Matter WhatBoyzoneChica cha ha haChica cha ha haChica cha ha haChica cha ha haChica cha ha haChica cha ha haNo matter what they tell usNo matter what they doNo matter what they teach usWhat we believe it"s trueNo matter what they call usHowever they attackNo matter where they take usWe"ll find our own way backI can"t deny what I believeI can"t be what I"m notI know our love foreverI know no matter whatIf only tears were laughter(ooh)If only night was day(ooh)If only prayers were answered (hear my prayers)Then we could hear God say(say)No matter what they tell youNo matter what they doNo matter what they teach youWhat you believe it"s trueAnd I will keep you safe and strongAnd shelter from the stormNo matter where it"s barrenA dream is being born(Ooh)No matter who they followNo matter where they leaveNo matter how they judge usI"ll be everyone you needNo matter if the sun don"t shine( the sun don"t shine)Or if the skies are blue(skies are blue)No matter what the end isMy life began with youI can"t deny what I believe( what I believe)I can"t be what I"m not(I know I know )I know this love"s foreverThat"s all that matters nowNo matter whatNO no matter what (no,no matter what)No,no matter whatThat"s all that matters to me(THE END)[ti:No Matter What] [ar:Boyzone] [al:By Request] [by:Kate.Gu] [00:00.00]No Matter What [00:00.00]Boyzone [00:01.00]Chica cha ha ha [00:04.00]Chica cha ha ha [00:06.00]Chica cha ha ha [00:12.00]Chica cha ha ha [00:16.00]Chica cha ha ha [00:18.00]Chica cha ha ha [00:21.00]No matter what they tell us [00:26.00]No matter what they do [00:31.00]No matter what they teach us [00:36.00]What we believe it"s true [00:41.00]No matter what they call us [00:47.00]However they attack [00:52.00]No matter where they take us [00:57.00]We"ll find our own way back [01:02.00]I can"t deny what I believe [01:07.00]I can"t be what I"m not [01:12.00]I know our love forever [01:18.00]I know no matter what [01:23.00]If only tears were laughter(ooh) [01:28.00]If only night was day(ooh) [01:33.00]If only prayers were answered [01:36.00](hear my prayers) [01:38.00]Then we could hear God say(say) [01:43.00]No matter what they tell you [01:48.00]No matter what they do [01:53.00]No matter what they teach you [01:58.00]What you believe it"s true [02:03.00]And I will keep you safe and strong [02:09.00]And shelter from the storm [02:14.00]No matter where it"s barren [02:19.00]A dream is being born [02:25.00](Ooh) [02:45.00]No matter who they follow [02:50.00]No matter where they leave [02:56.00]No matter how they judge us [03:01.00]I"ll be everyone you need [03:06.00]No matter if the sun don"t shine [03:10.00]( the sun don"t shine) [03:11.00]Or if the skies are blue [03:15.00](skies are blue) [03:16.00]No matter what the end is [03:21.00]My life began with you [03:26.00]I can"t deny what I believe [03:30.00]( what I believe) [03:32.00]I can"t be what I"m not [03:36.00](I know I know ) [03:37.00]I know this love"s forever [03:43.00]That"s all that matters now [03:45.00]No matter what [03:49.00]NO no matter what (no,no matter what) [04:24.00][04:20.00][04:14.00][04:08.00][04:04.00][04:00.00][03:57.00][03:53.00]No,no matter what [04:26.00][04:22.00][04:16.00][04:11.00][04:06.00][04:01.00]That"s all that matters to me [04:29.00](THE END)

No matter.单独使用是什么意思?


No matter 后面能跟句子吗?

No matter whether it is light or dark at that hour, we"ve decided to leave at five o"clock in the morning. 不管到时候是否天亮,我们都已决定早晨5点离开。 这里的whether 去掉可以吗?好象见过单用的no matter + 让步状语从句.(即no matter 后面不跟疑问副代词) 如果no matter 可以单用+从句, 麻烦您举一个例句. (no matter 单用表"没关系"时不必提)另外no matter 后面只能跟whether 而不能跟if吧? 此外: It dosen"t matter/no matter 与 Never mind 均表"不要紧,没关系"时 2者有和区别?

请问whatever和no matter有什么区别,请举例子说明,谢谢

在名词性从句中不能使用no matter whatI don"t know whatever he says.在状语从句中可以互换.No matter what/Whatever he did, I will still love him.

no matter的歌词

Don"t MatterOhOhoohwooeOoohOoohhwooeNobody wanna see us togetherBut it don"t matter noCause I got you babeNobody wanna see us togetherBut it don"t matter noCause I got you babeCause we gon" fightOh yes we gon" fightBelieve we gon" fightWe gon" fightFight for our right to love yeahNobody wanna see us togetherBut it don"t matter noCause I got youNobody wanna see us togetherNobody thought we"d last foreverI feel I"m hopin" and prayin"Things between us gon" get betterMen steady comin" after youWomen steady comin" after meSeem like everybody wanna go for selfAnd don"t wanna respect boundariesTellin" you all those liesJust to get on your sideBut I must admit there was a couple secretsI held insideBut just know that I triedTo always apologizeAnd I"ma have you first always in my heartTo keep you satisfiedNobody wanna see us togetherBut it don"t matter noCause I got you babeNobody wanna see us togetherBut it don"t matter noCause I got you babeCause we gon" fightOh yes we gon" fightBelieve we gon" fightWe gon" fightFight for our right to love yeahNobody wanna see us togetherBut it don"t matter noCause I got youGot every right to wanna leaveGot every right to wanna goGot every right to hit the roadAnd never talk to me no moreYou don"t even have to callEven check for me at allBecause the way I been actin" latelyHas been off the wallEspecially toward youPuttin" girls before youAnd they watchin" everything I been doin"Just to hurt youMost of it just ain"t youAin"t trueAnd they won"t show youHow much of a queen you are to meAnd why I love you babyNobody wanna see us togetherBut it don"t matter noCause I got you babeNobody wanna see us togetherBut it don"t matter noCause I got you babeCause we gon" fightOh yes we gon" fightBelieve we gon" fightWe gon" fightFight for our right to love yeahNobody wanna see us togetherBut it don"t matter noCause I got youOh oh oh oh ohCause I got youCause I got youOooohCause I got you babeCause I got youNobody wanna see us togetherBut it don"t matter noCause I got you babeNobody wanna see us togetherBut it don"t matter noCause I got you babeCause we gon" fightOh yes we gon" fightBelieve we gon" fightWe gon" fightFight for our right to love yeahNobody wanna see us togetherBut it don"t matter noCause I got youNobody wanna see us togetherBut it don"t matter noCause I got you babeNobody wanna see us togetherBut it don"t matter noCause I got you babeCause we gon" fightOh yes we gon" fightBelieve we gon" fightWe gon" fightFight for our right to love yeahNobody wanna see us togetherBut it don"t matter noCause I got you

没什么的英语是no matter还是not matter

not matter:没关系,没什么no matter:不管,无论

no matter 可以引导介词短语吗


no matter 什么意思


no matter 的用法

no matter 的用法 no matter作“无论”、“不管”解,用以引导表示让步的状语从句,常用在下列句型中: 句型中的No matter what (who/when etc.)...分别表示“无论何事”、“无论何人”、“无论何时”等,这个从句可以置主句之前,也可以置主句之后。 由no matter + what等引导的让步状语从句。No matter后面接关系代词或关系副词引导状语从句在句中作让步状语。 No matter what you do, you must be very careful.不管做什么事,你都必须非常细心。 No matter之后可用what以外的关系代词或关系副词。例如: No matter who you are (=Whoever you are), I"ll never let you in.无论你是谁,我绝不让你进去。 No matter which…无论哪一个…… No matter which you choose(=Whichever you choose), you will be satisfied.不论你选择哪一个,你都会满意的。 No matter where…无论何处;不管在哪里…… No matter where I go (=Wherever I go) , I will be thinking of you. 无论我到哪里,我都会想着你。 No matter when …无论何时,不管什么时候…… I"ll discuss it with you no matter when you like(=whenever like). 你什么时候高兴,我愿意同你讨论这件事。 No matter how..不管……如何;无论……多么…… No matter how hard you try(=However hard you try), you will never be successful. 不管你如何努力,你都不会成功的。

no matter什么意思

no matter的中文意思是不管怎样。no matter的用法有以下几种:一、词组no matter可独立成句,也可在句中担当成分。如:1、No matter!不要紧!2、No matter if they do not take this factor into consideration.如果他们不考虑这个因素,那无关紧要。二、词组no matter在it作形式主语、真正主语位于句末的句子中作表语。如:1、It is no matter that he didn"t phone.他没打电话没关系。2、It made no matter to him that his brother lost all his money.他哥哥把所有的钱都弄丢了,这对他来说是无关紧要的。三、no matter与疑问词who,what,where,when,how,if,whether等连用,意为“无论,不管”。如:Don"t open the door, no matter who comes.不管谁来都别开门。2) Don"t trust him, no matter what he says.无论他说什么,都别相信他。四、有时no matter what,no matter who,no matter when等可用于句末或句中。如:1、We have to get to the airport on time, no matter what.我们无论如何也要准时赶到机场。五、有时,在no matter what引出的从句中要省略谓语动词。如:1、No matter what the excuse, you must not be late.不管有什么借口,你一定不要迟到。

matt varnish finish是什么意思

建筑术语“哑、亮面”“粗糙面,光滑面” matt finish,“哑面”,糙面。 varnish finish,清漆涂层 ,亮面。

印刷词语中"matte varnish"和"press varnish"分别是甚麼意思?


dispersion varnish silky matt是什么意思

这几个词基本上都是名词和形容词 ,你的意思是?dispersion n. 散布;驱散varnish n. 亮光漆,清漆silky adj. 柔滑的;温和的;丝绸一样的matt adj. 无光泽的;不光滑的 n. 无光表面;衬边

No matter how frequently __, the works of Beethoven always attract large audiences

完整的句子应该是No matter how frequently it is performed 中间的it is 省略掉了

签证申请中thank you for your assistance in this matter怎么翻译


no matter 和 regardless的区别

no matter 是不管怎样,无论如何的意思。regardless 是不加理会的意思。两者意思相近,要看用在什么地方。

matt coated paper是什么意思

coated art paper铜版纸双语对照词典结果:coated art papern.涂布美术纸; 例句:1.Coated art paper is mainly used for publishing color pictorials, advertisements and packaging.

No matter how wonderful or terrible today is,tomorrow is another day!是什么意思?



这个不得不佩服楼主看得细致。查了一下help,上面这样说的:An unformatted file is a sequence of unformatted records. An unformatted record is a sequence of values. Unformatted direct files contain only this data, and each record is padded to a fixed length with undefined bytes. Unformatted sequential files contain the data plus information that indicates the boundaries of each record.Binary sequential files are sequences of bytes with no internal structure. There are no records. The file contains only the information specified as I/O list items in WRITE statements referring to the file.也就是说unformatted文件不仅仅只是数值,还包含 information that indicates the boundaries of each record(每个记录的边界)。而binary则只含有数值。

What the hell’s the matter with you 这句话的 the hell 在句子里是什么成分啊

很简单。。。把 hell 换成 f u c kwhat xxxx is the matter with you 明白了吧。

Matt Bianco的《True Love》 歌词

歌曲名:True Love歌手:Matt Bianco专辑:Samba In Your CasaAhmir - True loveI was thinking bout the way that we beganI started out just to be your friendAs time went on my feelings began to growBecause you blessed me with your touch and your embraceNow when I think of all you"ve done for meBaby your love it rains downAll over my world andWhen I think of all the things you"ve done for meYour love rains downAll over my landYou promised me your loveI promised you my timeWe can take this love to heavenIf you just put your hand in mineGirl my life never beganUntil you showed me how to trustAt times I was afraidBut still you showed meTrue loveTrue love, babyI promise I, I promise I wont changeBabe I"m gonna be, I gotta be the same man you metBut that won"t work unless you"re here with me babyCause you complete, you complete the man I amOhh love Ohh loveI promised you my time I promised ohh love my timeHeavenHand in mineMy life never beganUntil you showed me how to trustAt times I was afraidShowed meTrue loveI appreciate your gift to me, I doI"m the man I am today because of youI am not the man I used to beWas blind, but now these eyes can seeThis love will keep us strong throughout the yearsYou promised me your loveWe can take this love to heavenIf you just give me your handIf you just put your hand in mineGirl my life never beganUntil you showed me how to trustAt times I was afraidAnd you show meShow me True loveYou promised me your loveI promised you my timeWe can take this love to heavenIf you just put your hand in mineGirl my life never beganUntil you showed me how to trustAt times I was afraidShow meShow me True loveShow me show meYou promised me your loveI promised you my timeWe can take this love to heavenIf you just put your hand in mineGirl my life never beganUntil you showed me how to trustAt times I was afraidBut still you showed meTrue lovebaby ...... show me true love

如何翻译 Economics As If People Mattered 这句话?




It doesnt matter(艾莉森u2022克劳斯) 中英文歌词


His politics ___a matter of great concern to his friends.

I choose B

Email address is not formatted correctly. Email addresses must be formatted as @. 这是怎么回事

句子是说电邮地址格式有错,正确格式是 xxx@yyy.zzz希望帮到了你。

Sing You to Sleep -Matt Cab 有歌词的翻译吗?

pop bottle of chardonnay才对吧 虽然网上歌词都是shot Of night... chardonnay是一个白葡萄酒的品种...

sing you to sleep matt cab中文歌词

sing you to sleep matt cab-------------mat cab--------------Baby take off your coatTell me all about your dayAnd if you feel a little stressedI can take the pain awayIf there"s something that your down aboutLet me be your confidenceI"ll be the perfect medicineSo come on and drink me upAnd I know sometimesI`m gonna be a little muffBut I promiseI`ll be there when you get homeLet me sing you to sleepI"m sing you to sleepLay your head on the pillowLet me sing you to sleepI"m sing you to sleepBaby let me ease your mindI"ma sing it like ...nah ~~~la ~~Nah ~~~Let me sing it like ....nah ~~~la ~~Nah ~~~Forget about the ninety-fivePop bottle of shot of night?We can watch a little TVAnd left the whole night awakeIf there"s something that is on your mindWe can leave it all behindTonight we"ll be on get awayJust two of usAnd I know sometimes You"re gonna feel like give it upBut together we will make it through the dayAnd I"ll sing it ,I"ll sing you to sleepI"m sing you to sleepLay your head on the pillow I"m sing you to sleepI"m sing you to sleepBaby let me ease your mindSing it like ..nah ~~Nah ~Let me sing it like ..nah ~You can lay down by my sideI will hold you tightNever ever ever let you goPut your worry and sad aside and I"m make it done alrightBaby let me ease your mindIf you got someone that you love that being a third bitTell me that you love a real peace?And if you got someone that you love that being a third bitTell me that you love a ...Cause I "ma sing it ,I"ma sing you to sleepI "ma sing you to sleep (I will~)Lay your head on the pillowLet me sing you to sleepI "ma sing you to sleepBaby let me ease your mindLet me sing it like ~~~Let me sing it like ...nah~~Nah ~~~

sing you to sleep-matt cad 的中文歌词!!!

Sing You to Sleep -Matt Cab Baby take off ur coat Tell me all about ur day And if u feel a little stressed I can take the pain away If there "s something that U r down about Let me be ur confidence I "ll give a perfect medicine So come on and drag me up And I know sometimes U R gonna be a little wife *But I promise I "ll be there when u get home Let me sing ya to sleep I "ma sing ya to sleep Lay ur head on the pillow Let me sing ya to sleep I "ma sing ya to sleep Baby let me ease ur mind I "ma sing ya like ...nah ~~~la ~~Nah ~~~Let me sing ya like ....nah ~~~la ~~Nah ~~~Forget about the ninety-five Pop bottle of shot of night*We can watch a little TV And left the whole night awake *If there "s something that is on ur mind We can leave it all behind Tonight we "ll be on and get away *Just two of us And I know sometimes (sometimes~)U"re gonna feel like give it up But together we will make it through the day And I "ll sing ya ,I "ll sing ya to sleep I "ma sing ya to sleep Lay ur head on the pillow (I "ll sing ya to sleep )I "ma sing ya to sleep I "ma sing ya to sleep Baby let me ease ur mind Sing me like ..nah ~~Nah ~Let me sing ya like ..nah ~U can lay down by my side I will hold u tight Never ever ever let u go Put ur worry and sad aside and I "ma make it done alright *Baby let me ease ur mind If u got someone that u love like ###U think suit a bit *Tell "em that u love a real peace And if u got someone that u love ###a bit Tell "em that u love a ..."Cuz I "ma sing ya ,I"ma sing ya to sleep I "ma sing ya to sleep (I will~)Lay ur head on the pillow Let me sing ya to sleep I "ma sing ya to sleepBaby let me ease ur mind Let me sing ya like ~~~Let me sing ya like ...nah~~Nah ~~~中文:Sing You to Sleep -Matt Cab宝贝,脱掉你的外套告诉我关于你的一天如果你觉得有点压力我可以拿走痛苦如果有什么东西是你了让我成为你的信心我给一个完美的药所以来吧,把我拖了我知道有时你会成为一个小小的妻子但我保证我就当你家里有让我唱你睡觉我歌颂你的睡眠躺在枕头上你的头让我唱你睡觉我歌颂你的睡眠宝贝,让我来抚慰你的心灵我唱你喜欢……啊~ ~ ~ La ~ ~Nah ~ ~ ~让我唱你喜欢的…算了~ ~ ~ La ~ ~Nah ~ ~ ~忘记九十五夜的汽水瓶*枪我们可以看一会儿电视离开了整个晚上醒来*如果有什么东西是你的心灵我们可以离开这一切的背后今晚我们将和离开*只有我们两个我知道有时(有时~)你会放弃但我们会一起度过一天我要歌颂你,我要歌颂你的睡眠我歌颂你的睡眠躺在枕头上你的头(我要歌颂你的睡眠)我歌颂你的睡眠我歌颂你的睡眠宝贝,让我来抚慰你的心灵我喜欢唱歌..啊……~ ~ LaNah ~让我唱你喜欢..恩……洛杉矶~ ~Nah ~你能躺在我身边我会紧紧拥抱你永远不让你走把你的烦恼与忧愁搁在一边,我让它做的好的*宝贝,让我来抚慰你的心灵如果你有一个你喜欢# # #你认为适合某一点告诉他们你爱真正的和平如果你找到一个你爱# # #一点告诉他们你爱…因为我妈的唱呀,我要歌颂你的睡眠我歌颂你的睡眠(我会~)躺在枕头上你的头让我唱你睡觉我歌颂你的睡眠宝贝,让我来抚慰你的心灵让我唱你喜欢洛杉矶~ ~ nahH ..Nah ~ ~ ~让我唱你喜欢……啊~ ~Nah ~ ~ ~

sing you to sleep 歌词 ,matt cab唱的

Sing You to Sleep -Matt Cab Baby take off your coat Tell me all about your day And if you feel a little stressed I can take the pain away If there "s something that you are down about Let me be your confidence I "ll be the perfect medicine So come on and drink me up And I know sometimes I‘m gonna be a little muffBut I promise I "ll be there when you get home Let me sing you to sleep I "ma sing you to sleep Lay your head on the pillow Let me sing you to sleep I "ma sing you to sleep Baby let me ease your mind I "ma sing it like ...nah ~~~la ~~Nah ~~~Let me sing it like ....nah ~~~la ~~Nah ~~~Forget about the ninety-five Pop bottle of shot of night?We can watch a little TV And left the whole night awake If there "s something that is on your mind We can leave it all behind Tonight we "ll be on get away Just two of us And I know sometimes (sometimes~)You"re gonna feel like to give it up But together we will make it through the day And I "ll sing it ,I "ll sing you to sleep I "ma sing you to sleep Lay your head on the pillow (I "ll sing you to sleep )I "ma sing you to sleep I "ma sing you to sleep Baby let me ease your mind Sing it like ..nah ~~Nah ~Let me sing it like ..nah ~You can lay down by my side I will hold you tight Never ever ever let you go Put your worry and sad aside and I "ma make it done alright Baby let me ease your mind If you got someone that you love that being a third bitTell me that you love a real peace? And if you got someone that you love that being a third bit Tell me that you love a ..."Cause I "ma sing it ,I"ma sing you to sleep I "ma sing you to sleep (I will~)Lay your head on the pillow Let me sing you to sleep I "ma sing you to sleepBaby let me ease your mind Let me sing it like ~~~Let me sing it like ...nah~~Nah ~~~





subject matter是什么意思






that. matters. 可以表示为这很重要吗

是的。That matters=That counts= That is important.

any matters 什么意思


英语 matter的词性


what matter most是什么用法和意思?what这里起什么作用?


英文单词matter可以怎么用?我以前用 things来代表"事情"这个词,那么可以

matters事态;当前的状况同义词:thingsMatters were made worse by a fire in the warehouse.仓库失火使得事态更为严重。

matter的变形 短语 句子

mattern. 物质;原因;事件vi. 有关系;要紧n. (Matter)人名;(英、法)马特;(西)马特尔短语White matter 白质 ; 脑白质 ; 黑质 ; 白质纤维Matter wave 物质波 ; 德布罗意波Subject matter 标的物 ; 主题 ; 标的 ; 题材Degenerate matter 简并态物质 ; 简并物质 ; 简并态Soft matter 软物质 ; 软事物advertisement matter 广告 ; 广告邮件 ; 广告招贴gray matter 灰质 ; 脑灰质 ; 开 ; 灰质硬盘版extractable matter 可萃取物质 ; 可萃取物 ; 可萃取事物mineral matter 矿物质 ; 矿物质物 ; 矿质 ; 灰粉vi.1.有重要性;有重大关系;要紧:The tool matters a great deal to him.工具对他来说极其重要。This computer program matters very much.这套电脑程序非常重要。2.化脓;出脓:The wound began to matter.伤口开始化脓。短语1.a hanging matter 可处绞刑的罪2.a matter of大约;大概…的问题;…的事情3.a matter of congratulation 值得祝贺的事4.a matter of dispute 引起争论的问题5.a matter of fact事情,事实;实际发生的事【法律】 事实问题(与a matter of law相对)6.a matter of form 形式(或礼节、礼貌)上的问题7.a matter of law 【法律】 法律问题8.a matter of life and death 生死攸关的事情,极其重要的事情9.a matter of notorious fact 众所周知的事10.a matter of opinion 看法不同的问题;有不同意见的问题11.a matter of prudence 需慎重考虑的事12.a matter of regret 一件遗憾的事,一件憾事13.a matter of surprise 令人惊异的事14.a matter of taste (或 habit) 属于审美观点(或习惯)的问题 a matter of course 通常,照例,自然,不用说 a matter of fact 实际上;事实上;其实 a matter of routine 按照常规,作为例行公事 matters stand 就目前情况而论,在目前的情况下[亦作as the matter stands]19.(as) near as no matter [口语]差一点,几乎20.back (或end) matter 书籍正文后面的附加资料,书后所附参考或补充材料(如附录、索引、参考书目等)21.brute matter 无生命的东西22.carry matters with a high hand 采取高压手段;盛气凌人;专横跋扈23.face a (或the) matter out 拒不认错;厚颜无耻地应付过去;不让步;坚持到底[亦作face it out]24.for that matter就此而言;在这方面;至于这个(或那个),关于那一点其实;说实在的,而且[亦作for the matter of that]25.front matter 书籍正文前的材料(如序言、目录、卷首插图等);文前事项;前页;扉页 matters (或things) stand 实际情况如何 the matter of 在…方面;就…而论,关于,至于[亦作in matters of]28.Is (there) anything the matter with someone (或something)? 某人(或某物)有什么问题(或毛病)吗?29.It doesn"t matter. 没关系。30.It is (或makes) no matter. 没关系。31.let the matter drop (或go, rest) 听任事情自然发展32.mail matter [美国英语]邮件33.make a matter 引起一场风波,大惊小怪34.make something a matter of conscience 凭良心做(或对待)某事35.matter at issue 正在讨论的问题;争论点36.mend matters (或the matter) 改进事态[有时用反语]37.mince matters (或the matter) 粉饰;遮遮掩掩,说话故作委婉,说话婉转 [现多用于否定句] (或not a) laughing matter(s) 需要严肃对待的事;不是开玩笑的事;正经事 matter不要紧,没关系,无关紧要[常作be (或make) no matter]不论…,不管…(与what, when, where, which, who, whom, whose等连用) matter how (what, when, where, whether, who)… 不管怎样(什么,何时,哪里,是否,谁)41.not matter a farthing 无足轻重,无关紧要42.not (to) mince matters (或the matter) 直言不讳地说,坦率地说,直截了当地说,毫不客气地说43.nothing is the matter with … 不怎么的,…没什么44.on the matter of =in the matter of45.plate matter [美国英语](报业辛迪加分发给各报业的)铅版新闻稿46.The matter stands thus. 事情就是这样。47.there is someting the matter with… 出了问题(或麻烦)[亦作something is the matter with] make matters (或it) worse 更糟的是…,而且更坏的是49.What matter? 这有什么关系?(或:这无需担心。)50.what matter if 即使…又何妨51.What"s the matter? [口语]出了什么事?怎么一回事?52.What"s the mather with…?[口语]…出了什么事?…生了什么病?…怎么啦?[戏谑语]…有什么不可以?…有什么不好?


Stuff: 泛指东西 例如: I have no time for these stuffs! 我没时间管这些东西!staff: 工作人员matters: 作名词用 大意指的是"事情" 例如: it is a matter of time,用作动词则有某事重要的意思,例如: The final exam matters! 意思是期末考很重要

英语what is the matter是啥意思




that matters 是怎样的用法?


英语 有图!!坐等 matters为什么要加s

有关matter 和count的英语句子,请进!


matter matters是什么牌子?几何控的异想世界

matter matters是一个设计的很特别的包包品牌,这个牌子的包包款式都是按照几何的图形来设计的,而且配色上面也是很少女的色系。下面我给大家讲讲matter matters是什么牌子? matter matters品牌介绍 2012 年,Matter Matters 由香港设计师 Flora Leung 在英国伦敦创立,独特的平面视觉语言及趣味大胆的撞色搭配,让一切都变得有趣起来。起初,Flora Leung 擅长运用七彩的几何形状组合和大胆撞色,到后来创建自己的品牌,更原创出独具特色的几何手袋配饰单品。短短三年时间,标志性的几何立体作品被大家记住,并在世界上占有一席,包括巴黎 Colette、Le Bon Marché 及伦敦 Fenwick 都有贩售。 Matter Matters 集合了上世纪 80 年代 Memphis、Art Deco、Bauhaus 后现代主义美学,将几何形态、高品质羊皮及树脂用料,以及色彩的魅力发挥到淋漓尽致。Flora Leung 表示,她花了大部分时间去研究颜色运用及手袋外形的可能性,最后将不同形状拆解、再合并,计算好每个手袋的实际容量,用最 sharp 的颜色,配合意大利的牛、羊皮革,制造出打破传统的设计。仅从颜色上,果库君即看到 David Hockney 及 Edward Hopper 作品的影子。matter matters怎么样 Matter Matters是今年最让我惊艳的品牌之一,小众到小红书上根本没有这个牌子的功课。但是它柔和的冰淇凌色与极简的线条碰撞,玩具一般的视觉效果都让我wow。背带部分的链条也采用玩具式的设计,但是肩背处拼了宽宽的皮带,不会压得肩膀痛,特别人性化。 matter matters购于上海买手店!香港设计师的牌子吧,知道人非常少。基本不存在撞包的风险。包包从颜色到设计都非常糖果!完全减龄必备~同款还有个粉色一样可爱。matter matters设计风格 Matter Matters的作品总有一种力量让人不自觉地被快乐感染。明亮的色彩,趣味的图形,总能触及内心的纯真。 成立于2012年的 Matter Matters,已步入品牌的第四个年头。这四年间,产品品类从手袋扩展到配饰、服装、丝巾,但始终不变的是其鲜明的品牌风格。作品深受上世纪二、三十年代装饰艺术(Art Deco)、包豪斯学派(Bauhaus)与八十年代 Memphis 等后现代主义美学的影响,自成一格,无需 Logo 也能带来强烈的辨识度。 色彩一直是 Matter Matters 最显著的特质。尝试了两季柔和粉色系列后,18SS, Matter Matters 选择了浓郁而稳重的配色。海蓝、棕黄、翠绿……这些颜色在 Flora 手中被搭配得恰到好处,既有适合春夏季节的明快感,又不显得过于喧嚣。包包保养注意事项 1.保持干燥、存放于通风清凉处。 2.切忌曝晒、火烤、水洗、锐物撞击和接触化学溶剂。 3.手袋未经任何防水处理程序。沾湿手袋.请即用软布抹干。以防留有污演或水印而使表面出现皱摺。如果在雨天使用。应特别注意。 4.不宜随便使用鞋油。 5.磨沙皮切忌湿水,应以生胶擦及特别用品清洁护理,不应使用鞋油。
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