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My Funny Valentine (Arr. Max Harris) (1999 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:My Funny Valentine (Arr. Max Harris) (1999 Digital Remaster)歌手:Yehudi Menuhin&Stéphane Grappelli专辑:Yehudi Menuhin & StéPhane GrappelliMy Funny Valentines - 我可笑的情人节My funny valentinesweet comic valentineYou make me smile with my heartYour lips are laughableUnphotographableYet you"re my favoring work of artIs your figure less than GreekIs your mouth a little weakWhen you open it to speakare you smartBut don"t change a hair for meNot if you care for mestay little valentine stayEach day is valentine"s daybrought to you by McSilencestay little valentine staystay little valentine stay




crimaster犯罪大师镜花水月是最近发生的一个案件,老挝警方接到报案,在琅勃拉邦一座别墅内发生一起离奇死亡案件,警方接到后立刻出警,现场光线昏暗布局离奇死状悬疑,警方已确定四位嫌疑人。下面就为大家带来crimaster犯罪大师镜花水月答案的相关攻略,感兴趣的玩家一起来看看吧!点击查看更多答案:crimaster犯罪大师答案大全答案解析案件介绍2020年11月30日晚22:00,老挝警方接到报案,在琅勃拉邦一座别墅内发生一起离奇死亡案件,警方接到后立刻出警,现场光线昏暗布局离奇死状悬疑,警方已确定四位嫌疑人,为尽快抓住真凶,现将案件信息公开,希望全球侦探提供相关证据及推理死者:瑟提夫嫌疑人:纳信(儿子)、捷安娜(清洁工)、维奈同(管家)、阿丽莎(厨师)凶手:维奈同(管家)答案解析:警方调查后发现,恐吓信的发出人是阿丽莎,同时在最近一段时间,阿丽莎一直在瑟提夫每日会食用的卤猪蹄内加入肉豆蔻,同时现场的红油漆也为其所为。而维纳同口供与现场产生矛盾。综合线索,警方立即传唤阿丽莎和维纳同进行审讯,做进一步调查。最终在漫长的审讯后,维纳同因担心阿丽莎获罪,主动坦白了自己所犯的罪行。迦娜既是阿丽莎的母亲也是维纳同的亲姐姐,同时她也是一名缉毒警察。六年前,迦娜在瑟提夫手底下的卧底,为警方提供大量证据。但不慎被瑟提夫发现身份,后被强行注射毒品凌虐而死。因迦娜的特殊身份,警方并没有告知家人迦娜的真实死因,只说迦娜因意外殉职,并让其唯一的亲人维奈同将尸体秘密安葬。维奈同知道姐姐的真实身份,并不相信警方当时给出的原因。在将阿丽莎抚养成年后,他开始寻找当时的真相。密码:La cifra del.Sig.Giovan法语翻译为吉奥万先生的密码,这本书为吉奥万先生的著作,其中记载了一种多表密码,即为维吉尼亚密码,以你之名,即阿丽莎的母亲名Janna,作为密匙对明文先进行维吉尼亚解密。镜子表示反转,El反转就是13,即rot13解密。解密后得到:slowly wait for death(慢慢等死吧)和a lesson(一个教训)。推理思路:从捷安娜的口供来看,瑟提夫虽然年近半百,但身体强壮,只有最近因肉豆蔻而身体较为虚弱。仅从这条线索来看,男性比女性更容易下手。但因安眠药和肉豆蔻的存在,导致女性也有同样的可能。1.根据尸检报告中的肝脏广泛变性,瑟提夫的日常症状及嗜好卤猪蹄的习惯来看,可以联想到厨师阿丽莎的香料,由此可得瑟提夫日常摄入的香料为肉豆蔻,因大量摄入而导致身体不好。根据janna神秘女子相关线索,可得出janna和阿丽莎之间存在一定联系,根据二人的年纪和阿丽莎的备忘录可得,janna和阿丽莎大概率为母女。2.在提到janna的时候,瑟提夫的反应和阿丽莎的行为可说明瑟提夫放在网站的视频中,长相与阿丽莎相似的那位女士即为janna,联合警徽可初步推断,janna为一名警察,在瑟提夫手下卧底,并为警方提供了大量证据。14年前被瑟提夫发现卧底身份,并凌虐致死。3.根据镜子上大写的JANNA,可联系到阿丽莎,由此推测阿丽莎为给瑟提夫发送恐吓信的人,今天的JANNA较大概率是出自她手。4.根据尸检报告,可以发现瑟提夫死亡之前曾摄入肉豆蔻和安眠药,但死亡时是清醒的,并且看见了什么东西过于惊恐使其精神病复发,这个东西可能是镜子上的JANNA,结合肉豆蔻可以推测出瑟提夫死前曾有幻觉出现。但根据尸检可发现其属于机械性窒息死亡,即被人扼死。5.由此有两种可能性:一为瑟提夫在清醒状态,即有能力反抗时被掐死(指向男性),二为在无能力反抗,安眠药药效未褪时被掐死(涵盖女性)。因其体内发现安眠药的情况,可先做女性嫌疑人的推理。6.首先可排除捷安娜:从动机上来看,其似乎非常迫切父亲的医疗费。如果不及时处理,为了医疗费捷安娜甚至打算将自己卖出去。聊天记录展示了瑟提夫的仇人打算利用捷安娜杀死瑟提夫。打开的安眠药可推测其或许让死者瑟提夫根据物品来看其或许准备了氯化苦除虫剂打算寻找机会毒害瑟提夫,但除虫剂还未开封,即并未使用。窗外的脚印和她屋内带泥土的鞋子可以确认她也去了现场的窗外,捷安娜踩着凳子翻过窗户利用绳子把凳子拉上来后到达现场,脚印覆盖证明捷安娜在阿丽莎后到达,这时维奈同已经在现场发现死者昏倒在地,因此在此时间内捷安娜无法作案,故排除。7.阿丽莎:根据线索可知其身份为卧底警察JANNA之女,同时与管家维纳同有一定的关系,通过囗供和年龄可初步假设二人为舅舅和外甥女的关系。恐吓信和笔记本等线索则指向了阿丽莎的目的一复仇,即阿丽莎的杀人动机。但是根据瑟提夫的日常状态等行为来看,阿丽莎在瑟提夫每日都会吃的卤猪蹄中加入了肉豆蔻,结合阿丽莎的密码可知其主要目的还是恐吓威胁瑟提夫。可假设其现在并没有打算现在动手。但也可作第二种推测,即阿丽莎准备动手,肉豆蔻为减弱瑟提夫体力的一手段。但据死者的尸检报告中生前曾心脏病复发,可知,今晚的晚饭,瑟提夫摄入的肉豆蔻量达到一定的标准,导致其血压升高,心率提高(据此可推测其较有可能已经存在致幻),且根据镜子上的JANNA和恐吓信可知,瑟提夫遭到了一定的惊吓,肉豆蔻为主惊吓为辅,二者相辅导致瑟提夫心脏病发。但尸检报告显示,瑟提夫的真正死因为扼死,且心脏病复发和扼死时间相隔不久。排除原因为其不必要多此一举给自己增加嫌疑,只要让瑟提夫不吃心脏病药,即可让瑟提夫因心脏病复发未服药去世。不必要双线杀人并在杀人后不抓紧时间离开现场,反而留在现场。且肉豆蔻致死需要相当大的量(目前少有肉豆蔻致死的案例),而一个人一般无法摄入如此大的量,及时摄入,出现毒理反应到致死也需要较长时间,足够瑟提夫发觉(同时阿丽莎既然使用肉豆蔻进行杀人即知晓肉豆蔻的相关信息,较小概率会选择在自己的计划中再横添一脚)。同时从阿丽莎手套的泥土与监控中拿着菜进门的线索可以证明阿丽莎没有时间进入现场杀害瑟提夫,故排除。8.排除女性后即剩下两位男性。纳信的动机可根据线索推出是为遗产及公司权位,在监控中可发现8:13邻居目睹了纳信并未进入现场而是在找烟,且烟蒂证明纳信确实在菜园外抽烟。在案发现场仅提取到纳信的一双鞋印,但根据鞋尖冲外可得此为嫁祸(否则应为两对,一对冲内或一对冲外),且墙壁并无翻越痕迹。综上所述可排除纳信。其他线索:根据纳信线索可发现其存在吸毒行为,纳信正是因此而记忆力变差,身体变虚弱。电脑微热可确认其电脑一直开着。捷安娜听到的脚步声为一男一女,男重女轻(一般男性体重较重,女性脚步较轻,同时因走路姿势及身高体重有所差别改变)。阿丽莎化浓妆的行为可能原因为怕自己的长相和母亲相似会引起瑟提夫的怀疑。综上所述只有维奈同有在现场的作案时间。维纳同的囗供漏洞:维奈同在囗供说自己在楼上拿药,但是楼上瑟提夫和纳信的房间都干净整洁,井井有条,不符合维纳同在紧急情况下找药的口供。案情还原:维奈同是阿丽莎的舅舅,为了替自己于14年前牺牲的姐姐报仇,其在抚养阿丽莎长大后,即5年前,经多方调查发现了姐姐死前曾在瑟提夫家中当佣人。于是其前往瑟提夫家寻找证据并和警方取得联系。虽然维纳同已经坚持了五年左右,但瑟提夫生性谨慎,这让维纳同一直未找到瑟提夫最致命的证据和整个贩毒网络核心信息,别墅东西被移动和翻动就是他在查找证据。一个月前,他发现阿丽莎也进入到了这间别墅中当佣人,他一开始就不同意,经常劝说阿丽莎不要再加入到这摊浑水中,劝说阿丽莎等他先找到证据和资料,用法律手段制裁他。但阿丽莎满心复仇,并不听维纳同的想法,于是在25日,二人因此发生了争执。阿丽莎自小是个敏感的孩子。母亲死后长达八年的时间里,她从舅舅的态度看出了当年母亲的死并没有那么简单。阿丽莎成年后,便一直查找母亲真正的死因,最后查到当时母亲曾在瑟提夫的手底下做过事情,之后便去世了。阿丽莎一路调查到达瑟提夫的别墅中,并确认其就是害死自己母亲的幕后真凶。这一事实也通过在别墅里当差的维纳同得到证实能让二人共同找到瑟提夫的,只有JANNA。面对瑟提夫,阿丽莎心存报复,她决定让瑟提夫如母亲一般慢慢的,受折磨的死去。27日,阿丽莎听到瑟提夫侮辱自己的母亲,这让其非常生气,她决定给瑟提夫一个惨痛的教训,并加速计划。阿丽莎知道瑟提夫和捷安娜在晚饭之前吵架了,认为这是一个好机会,且瑟提夫最近一直摄入肉豆蔻粉,身体状态较差,在今晚的食物中,她加大了肉豆蔻使用的剂量确保其达到致幻的效果,又特地加入了少量安眠药,趁他昏睡时,用衣服隔着手机,将瑟提夫的手机设上闹铃使他按照时间惊醒,并设置磁带机自动开启,打算利用瑟提夫喜欢的音乐将其诱导到阿丽莎准备好的陷阱里(因瑟提夫不许他人随便接近房间,故无人前来查看)。20:45纳信出门买充值卡前吩咐阿丽莎为他烹饪夜宵,这也正好给了阿丽莎22:55以摘菜的名义在外面守株待兔,看到瑟提夫进来低头走向磁带机(因为最近瑟提夫经常迷糊的原因,维奈同和捷安娜以为瑟提夫自己放音乐听,且二楼没有主人吩咐,不允许佣人上二楼,同时别墅中大部分房间都不允许随便进入),便用装上消音器的仿真枪打向对面的镜子制造声响,在幻觉中的瑟提夫被声响吓到,并看到镜子上写着JANNA的血字,因惊吓导致本就因肉豆蔻而状态不好的心脏病发作。在发出叫声的同时维奈同与捷安娜一同听到,但捷安娜因今晚与瑟提夫发生的冲突决定先等待一会再查看情况,阿丽莎在窗外看着瑟提夫痛苦的样子随后离开,并把仿真枪与消音器扔掉。维奈同随赶到后,发现瑟提夫拿着随身携带的药和窗外阿丽莎的背影,误以为阿丽莎是为了报复而打算杀死瑟提夫并杀人失败。其深知瑟提夫的心狠手辣,睚眦必报,也为了保护阿丽莎不受到和姐姐一样的伤害,也为了姐姐报仇,他决定解决掉瑟提夫。他迅速走过去打掉瑟提夫的药后将瑟提夫扼死,并掩盖对阿丽莎不利的证据,维奈同收起地上散落的药放回药瓶并放回口袋。但百密一疏,漏下了滚到了隐蔽处的药丸。他迅速到玄关拿到纳信的鞋子,并在窗台印出纳信的鞋印,布置现场以陷害纳信,并将现场处理好。随后其把阿丽莎的塑料bb弹放在自己的口袋并打算随后将bb弹处理完成。这时阿丽莎赶来打算处理现场,在客厅走廊看到维奈同的行动,明白了他所做的一切,阿丽莎呆呆地看着他,维奈同笑着轻声道:好好活下去,我永远爱你!随后上楼,这时纳信抽完烟回到房子内,阿丽莎反应过来立刻大声对着纳信打招呼,暗示维奈同做好准备,并主动跟纳信搭话以拖延时间,维奈同听到后估算好时间做出从楼梯上走下来的假象,正好碰到阿丽莎和纳信从门口走来。最后阿丽莎、纳信和维奈同一起进入现场并打电话报警。阿丽莎佯装受到惊吓发出一声尖叫,随后捷安娜赶来。维奈同对阿丽莎也好,捷安娜对她父亲也好,瑟提夫对纳信也好,且不要被愤怒冲昏头脑,亲人的爱胜过一切的爱。科普:1.肉豆蔻:肉豆蔻为肉豆蔻植物肉豆蔻的干燥种仁,又名肉果、玉果、豆蔻。性温、味辛、微苦,具有温中行气,涩肠止泻之功,用于脾胃虚寒、久泻不止、腔腹胀痛、食少呕吐等症。分布于印度尼西亚、马来西亚等地,欧美地区较常见香料。肉豆蔻含有多种化合物,其中肉豆蔻醚可致幻。肉豆蔻醚是一种机理型CYP1A2抑制剂,其代谢产物为醌类物质。Cocktail法显示,在5种人人肝微粒体酶(CYP1A2、CYP2D6、CYP2E1、CYP3A4、CYP2C19)中,肉豆蔻醚能显著抑制CYP1A2的活性。小鼠灌胃给予肉豆蔻挥发油的半数致死量LD50为7.67g生药kg-1,大多数中毒小鼠做环形运动,呼吸急促,步态蹒跚。死亡多发生于给药后4h内,雌性和雄性小鼠死亡率无差异。目前国内相关研究较少,同时我国市面上少见未经炮制的肉豆蔻,因此可放心购买,但仍建议生活中尽量减少肉豆蔻的使用。据试验可得,煎煮至2.45min时,汤中肉豆蔻醚溶出量达到最高峰,相关数据如下:2.金三角地区:金三角是指泰国、缅甸和老挝三国交界处,是世界上非法生产阿片三个基地中最大的一个。金三角地区的毒品非法生产与贩运经久不衰,长期危害世界。二战后,这一地区经常处于无政府状态,各种武装势力在那里形成军事割据。这些武装集团虽经泰、缅政府军多次围剿,但成效甚微。金三角地区因为经济原因,经济较为落后,豪奢与赤贫并存,因此有不少当地人民去到富豪或毒枭家里做工(多属奴工性质),或者种植罂粟。金三角与金新月、银三角并称世界三大毒品生产地。除了毒品,金三角地区遍布赌场,但随着时间的发展,现在的金三角已没有八、九十年代那么乱了,但仍然属于危险地区。

Amsterdam (2002 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Amsterdam (2002 Digital Remaster)歌手:David Bowie专辑:The Rise And Fall Of Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From Mars (30Th Anniversary Edition)Artist: David Bowie lyricsAlbum: Other Song LyricsTitle: Amsterdamby桃花郎In the port of AmsterdamThere"s a sailor who singsOf the dream that he bringsFrom the wide open seaIn the port of AmsterdamThere"s a sailor who sleepsWhile the river bank weepsTo the old willow treeIn the port of AmsterdamThere"s a sailor who diesFull of beer, full of criesIn a drunken town fightIn the port of AmsterdamThere"s a sailor who"s bornOn a hot muggy mornBy the dawn"s early lightIn the port of AmsterdamWhere the sailors all meetThere"s a sailor who eatsOnly fish heads and tailsAnd he"ll show you his teethThat have rotten too soonThat can haul up the sailsThat can swallow the moonAnd he yells to the cookWith his arms open wide"Hey, bring me more fishThrow it down by my side"And he wants so to belchBut he"s too full to trySo he stands up and laughsAnd he zip up his flyIn the port of AmsterdamYou can see sailors dancePaunches bursting their pantsGrinding women to porchThey"ve forgotten the tuneThat their whiskey voicecroakedSplitting the nightWith the roar of their jokesAnd they turn and they danceAnd they laugh and they lustTill the rancid soundof the accordion burstsAnd then out of the nightWith their pride in their pantsAnd the sluts that they towUnderneath the street lampsIn the port of AmsterdamThere"s a sailor who drinksAnd he drinks and he drinksAnd he drinks once againHe"ll drink to the healthOf the whores of AmsterdamWho"ve given their bodiesTo a thousand other menYeah, they"ve bargained their virtueTheir goodness all goneFor a few dirty coinsWell he just can"t go onThrows his nose to the skyAnd he aims it up aboveAnd he pisses like I cryOn the unfaithful loveIn the port of AmsterdamIn the port of Amsterdam

master bate 什么意思?




Mz (master zero) 是哪一国的潮牌?

Mz 是香港潮牌,集合了美潮、日韩潮、做中国自己的国潮,很棒的品牌。在美国可以看到很多说唱歌手带他家的帽子。

Shangri-La (Digitally Remastered 95) 歌词

歌曲名:Shangri-La (Digitally Remastered 95)歌手:Spike Jones New Band专辑:Ultra-Lounge / Bachelor Pad Royale Volume FourShangri LaI know of a placeWith a pretty faceWhere the river"s flowing through my mindOn a mountain highI can touch the skyWhen I"m thinking of youI just can"t believe that you are mineI just wanna hold you for all timeEvery time I look into your eyesBaby, I"m in paradise-woohEverybody knows you are mySpecial little somethingyes you areYour my Shangri LaEverybody knows that you"re theOnly one I"m wantingyes you areYour my Shangri LaI"ve been all aroundFinally I"ve foundOn a field of dreams an angelBy the ocean blueWith a perfect viewWhen I"m looking at youI just can"t believe that you are mineI just wanna hold you for all timeEvery time I look into your eyesBaby, I"m in paradise-woohEverybody knows you are mySpecial little somethingyes you areYour my Shangri LaEverybody knows that you"re theOnly one I"m wantingyes you areYour my Shangri LaS to the H to the A to the N to the Gto the R to the I to the L to the AShangri LaS to the H to the A to the N to the Gto the R to the I to the L to the AShangri LaYour my Shangri LaEverybody knows you are mySpecial little somethingyes you are(oh yes you are)Your my Shangri La(Your my Shangri La)Everybody knows that you"re theOnly one I"m wantingyes you are(wooh-yea)Your my Shangri La(come on come on)Everybody knows you are mySpecial little somethingyes you areYour my Shangri LaEverybody knows that you"re theOnly one I"m wantingyes you are(oh yes you are)Your my Shangri LaYour my Shangri La

Shades Of Grey (2007 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Shades Of Grey (2007 Digital Remaster)歌手:Edwick Rumbold专辑:Insane Times - 25 British Psychedelic Artefacts From The Emi Vaults《Shades Of Grey》MercenaryLost in the frustrationsPale faces pass me byEyes too blind to see themSee no future, all is left behindI will failCut the life out from me, I"Cause I can"t take itIt"s lost foreverI"ll never be the sameI hide away the shameI"m gonna be the one you hateAnd I will fight away the shameLust of your damnationWaiting for the final highPray for your salvationWaiting as your life will pass you byYou will failCut the life out from you nowYou can"t fake itIt"s lost foreverI"ll never be the sameI"ll hide away the shameI"m gonna be the one you hateAnd I will fight away the shameI"ll never be the sameI"ll hide away the shameLife never let me goI want to see it allForget your past mistakesAnd let yourself awakeFrom the beauty of a single roseTo the night"s clear skyDon"t let is pass you byTake it all inside仇十七 编辑

O Sole Mio (Capurro) (1990 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名: O Sole Mio (Capurro) (1990 Digital Remaster)歌手:Beniamino Gigli&Orchestra del Teatro alla Scala& Milano&Dino Olivieri专辑:Icon: Beniamino GigliO Sole MioAdam LopezShowstopperAdam Lopez - O Sole MioChe bella cosa na jurnata "e sole,n"aria serena doppo na tempesta!Pe" ll"aria fresca pare già na festa...Che bella cosa na jurnata "e sole.Ma n"atu solecchiù bello, oje ne"."o sole miosta "nfronte a te!"o sole"o sole miosta "nfronte a te!sta "nfronte a te!Quanno fa notte e "o sole se ne scenne,me vene quase "na malincunia;sotto "a fenesta toia restarriaquanno fa notte e "o sole se ne scenne.Ma n"atu solecchiù bello, oje ne"."o sole miosta "nfronte a te!"o sole"o sole miosta "nfronte a te!sta "nfronte a te!Ah~~~~~~~~Ma n"atu solecchiù bello, oje ne"."o sole mio"o sole"o sole miosta "nfronte a te!sta "nfronte a te!LaLaLaLa"o sole mio

Nina (Remastered) 歌词

歌曲名:Nina (Remastered)歌手:Udo Lindenberg & Das Panik-Orchester专辑:Das Beste - Die 2Te ... Mit Und Ohne HutSong:NinaArtist:Comedy Of LifeHer name is NinaShe"s sexy like a prima ballerinaI dream of her every dayMy life is not the same without those wonder blue eyesOh baby, babyTell meWhich is the song you like and I will sing itTonite we could be togheterJust gimme a chance to prove that I"m the man of your life.I"ve got youOn the back of my mindHoney be careful you can make me blindKinda dizzy, that"s what I fellWhen I see you walkin" from my automobileSave meTodayWhenever you want toGo farAwayI"m gonna be next toYou allThe wayThe world is a perfect place toBe freeHer name is NinaIn Italy they call her signorinaA natural good vibrationI got to get a sound that makes you think of my loveOh baby, babyKiss meThis moment will be gone within a secondOr maybe will last foreverRemember that I never met a woman like youSave meTodayWhenever you want toGo farAwayI"m gonna be next toYou allThe wayThe world is a perfect place toBe freeSave meTodayWhenever you want toGo farAwayI"m gonna be next toYou allThe wayThe world is a perfect place toBe freeI"ve got youOn the back of my mindHoney be careful you can make me blindKinda dizzy, that"s what I fellWhen I see you walkin" from my automobileAries, LibraI don"t know your signGemini SkorpioIt will match with mineGot to get the papersRead the horoscopeOh SugarIt"s my only hope

master air waybill

Master Air Way Bill(MAWB)为航空公司出的Carrier空运单,称为“主运单”,相当于海运中的MB/L;House Air Way Bill(HAWB)为货代公司出的,相当于海运中的HB/L.


Sega Mark III 于1985年10月20日在日本首发,其竞争目标是任天堂的FC游戏机。作为SG-1000的改进机型,它的架构类似SG-1000 II,但在图像显示芯片和内存数量上有所改进。这套系统向下兼容SG-1000,除了在那个时代的游戏机都附有的标准的游戏卡带插槽,Mark III还有一个“Sega Cards”的专用插口,其功能类似SG-1000的“Card Catcher”配件,用来玩那些比较小和比较便宜的Master System游戏。这种游戏储存在一种小型的类似卡片的游戏卡带上。Mark III在其它地区市场上重新设计成Sega Master System。除了一些外观上的改动,SMS内部架构和Mark III基本上是一样的。真正重新设计的平台于1987年在日本发行,添加了一个内建的Yamaha YM2413 FM声音芯片,连发键,以及 3-D眼镜适配器。而附件都是以前Mark III的时候需要另外购买的。Sega Master System的游戏卡带在日本以外地区发行的版本都有区别于日本版本的卡带形状和针口设置。这通常被认为是用以限制销售区域。与同时代的任天堂那样, Master System拥有自己的吉祥物。世嘉历史上第二位的吉祥物是游戏Fantasy Zone的主角Opa-opa,Fantasy Zone当然也登陆到Master System上,这在游戏Zillion的说明书上也有提及。不久Alex Kidd在事实上成为世嘉的吉祥物,这在Fantasy Zone不流行的西方市场尤为明显。但Alex Kidd未有在官方资料上提及作为吉祥物,或者这只是世嘉针对任天堂的马里奥的一种市场营销手段。当刺猬索尼克在1991年正式成为世嘉的吉祥物的时候,同样有制作Master System版本的游戏,但从未在日本发行。无论是Mark III 还是Master System都没有在日本市场获胜,因为它的强有力的对手红白机,保有日本市场的95%。在日本市场最后一个发行的游戏是1989年2月4日由世嘉发行的Bomber Raid。 1986年6月,这台机器重新设计并以Sega Master System的名字在美国发行,这距离红白机在美国的发行差不多一年了。机器售价200美金。Master System最终也在其他地区市场发行,包括1987年在日本的二次发行,只不过这次叫Master System。到1988年的时候,任天堂控制着83%的北美游戏机市场份额。 。Master System在北美的代理权到了 Tonka手上,但市场份额逐渐萎缩,这很大程度是由于任天堂的政策打压。其中一个政策是,在任天堂的平台上发行的第三方游戏不得在它的竞争对手的机器上移植。这样就导致很多在街机和红白机上名噪一时的大作无法移植到Master System上。 Activision和Parker Brothers是Master System在北美地区仅有的两家第三方软件商,但两家公司没有一家有在Master System上发行过5个以上的游戏,并且这两家公司也在1989年结束对Master System的支持。1990年,世嘉终于凭借他们的Mega Drive获得北美市场的成功并由此从Tonka那里取回Master System的代理权。于是他们有设计出世嘉Master System II,这是一个廉价版的Master System,没有重置键,没有那个基本上没用过的扩展口,以及没有卡片插口。由于3D眼镜需要使用卡片插口连接,理所当然地3D眼镜也不能用了。为了对抗任天堂的超级玛丽兄弟,这台机器没有再用以往的Snail Maze和Hang-On/Safari Hunt,转而使用Alex Kidd in Miracle World作为内置游戏。尽管世嘉卖力宣传,Master System II的北美地区销量却乏善可陈。美国政府的命令下,1991年任天堂取消了原来严格的第三方协议,不过Master System已经山河日下。1992年初,北美地区Master System的销量已经不值一提。Master System美国地区最后一个发行游戏是世嘉自己在1991年秋天发行的Sonic the Hedgehog,之后又有一些欧洲的游戏在加拿大发行。. 在欧洲,Master System非常成功。世嘉在多个国家销售Master System,其中更包括几个任天堂的触手还没伸到的国家。Master System在欧洲有着强大的第三方软件商支持,也有美国发行商在欧洲发行一些由于受到任天堂限制而在美国地区不能发售的游戏。世嘉在德国地区取得了一些成绩,在这里Master System由代理商Ariolasoft在1987年冬季开始发售。在法国,机器则是由维珍集团代理发行。英国的代理商是Mastertronic,这家公司后来被维珍集团收购。意大利的代理商是Giochi Preziosi,发售后的第一年它完胜红白机。红白机在意大利地区只是在Mega Drive发行以后才挣回一点点面子。Master System在欧洲的生命周期也远比其在日本和北美地区要长。它对任天堂红白机的竞争力,甚至说已经打败了红白机,使得普遍评论认为它在欧洲是成功的。这种成功也让世嘉决定开设欧洲分公司。由于它的架构和Game Gear类似,软件开发商得以在开发同时开发Master System和Game Gear的游戏。事实上,很多在北美和日本发行的Game Gear游戏在欧洲发行在Master System平台上。就如在北美那样,世嘉也在欧洲推出Master System II,最初它的内建游戏也是Alex Kidd in Miracle World,后来换成Sonic the Hedgehog。SMS在欧洲地区最后一个发行的游戏是Infogrames在1996年发行的The Smurfs: Travel the World。它的后继机种Mega Drive在欧洲同样大红大紫,世嘉对Mega Drive的支持大概也被延续到这个时候。往后世嘉就集中精力推广SEGA Saturn而结束对这两部机器的支持了。 巴西是Master System大获全胜的其中一个市场。这里的代理商是Tec Toy,世嘉的巴西地区发行商。它在1989年至1995年间发行了至少5个版本的游戏机,并将不少游戏翻译成葡萄牙语.游戏中的角色也为融合当地主流文化而改名(例如,Wonder Boy in Monster Land成了Mônica,Maurício de Souza编写的巴西流行儿童漫画书中的主角)。巴西也出产了很多原创游戏,像 Sítio do Pica Pau Amarelo(基于 Monteiro Lobato 的工作)、Castelo Rá-Tim-Bum(源于 TV Cultura系列)以及 TV Colosso(源于Rede Globo 系列)。巴西地区发行的主机中,最值得关注的是Tec Toy开发的无线Master System Compact 。这台主机用电台频率传送A/V信号,而不需要线缆连接。它在1994年至1997年间生产,是主机收集者们的重点目标。还有就是Master System Girl,类似的设计但主要针对女性市场。对比前者最大区别在于其粉红色的机身。然后,Game Gear上的游戏又被移植到这个主机上,而且有几个原创的巴西标题。Tec Toy更发行了一个授权的街头霸王2。主机生产者明显对巴西人十分了解,所以巴西地区取得了相比其它地区更大的成就。最后的版本是所谓的Master System 3(跟那个实际上是灰色Master System II的Master System III完全不是一回事)。它是一个全新的现代化黑色设计,中间混合蓝色的细节。虽然视觉上有这样的变化,它也没有改名而只是用罗马数字取代了阿拉伯数字。它有131个内建游戏,包括经典的Sonic the Hedgehog、Alex Kidd和战斧。 整体上看,世嘉Master System在全球范围内取得了一定的成绩,但没有在日本及北美市场取得胜利。然而,世嘉利用它的后继者Mega Drive,在欧洲、巴西以及北美市场取得了更多的市场份额。

Bloodstream (Vampire Diaries Remix) (2010 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Bloodstream (Vampire Diaries Remix) (2010 Digital Remaster)歌手:Stateless专辑:Original Television Soundtrack The Vampire DiariesBloodstreamStatelessWake up look me in the eyes againI need to feel your hand upon my faceWords can relay niceThey can cut you openAnd the silence surrounds youand hunts youI think I might"ve inhale youI could feel you behind my eyesYou gotten into my bloodstreamI could feel you floating in meWords can relay niceThey can cut you openAnd the silence surrounds youand hunts youI think I might"ve inhale youI could feel you behind my eyesYou gotten into my bloodstreamI could feel you floating in meThe spaces in betweenTwo minds and all the places they have beenThe spaces in betweenI tried to put my finger on itI tried to put my finger on itI think I might"ve inhale youI could feel you behind my eyesYou gotten into my bloodstreamI could feel you floating in meI think I might"ve inhale youI could feel you behind my eyesYou gotten into my bloodstreamI could feel you floating in me

Ship Of Fools (2009 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Ship Of Fools (2009 Digital Remaster)歌手:Erasure专辑:Total Pop! - The First 40 HitsShip Of FoolsSung by"Sarah Brightman"Made by"Apple32"Remember the dayWhen I first set my eyes on you andYou said the sameSeemed like everything was right for usEndless nights of lovingAll my doubts and fearswent awaySo tell me what went wrongNow I need youDo anything to get to you"Cos we"re riding on a ship of foolsNow you"re not the sameAnd all that"s left are memories ofThe times we hadSeems like it always has to end this wayBut now I know your secretsAnd the time is rightTo tellTo tell me what went wrongCan you hear me?Do anything to get to you"Cos we"re riding on a ship of foolsDo anything to get to you"Cos we"re riding on a ship of fools

Ship Of Fools (2005 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Ship Of Fools (2005 Digital Remaster)歌手:Van Der Graaf Generator专辑:Vital (Live)Ship Of FoolsSung by"Sarah Brightman"Made by"Apple32"Remember the dayWhen I first set my eyes on you andYou said the sameSeemed like everything was right for usEndless nights of lovingAll my doubts and fearswent awaySo tell me what went wrongNow I need youDo anything to get to you"Cos we"re riding on a ship of foolsNow you"re not the sameAnd all that"s left are memories ofThe times we hadSeems like it always has to end this wayBut now I know your secretsAnd the time is rightTo tellTo tell me what went wrongCan you hear me?Do anything to get to you"Cos we"re riding on a ship of foolsDo anything to get to you"Cos we"re riding on a ship of fools

Ship Of Fools (2007 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Ship Of Fools (2007 Digital Remaster)歌手:Robert Calvert专辑:Lucky Leif And The LongshipsShip Of FoolsSung by"Sarah Brightman"Made by"Apple32"Remember the dayWhen I first set my eyes on you andYou said the sameSeemed like everything was right for usEndless nights of lovingAll my doubts and fearswent awaySo tell me what went wrongNow I need youDo anything to get to you"Cos we"re riding on a ship of foolsNow you"re not the sameAnd all that"s left are memories ofThe times we hadSeems like it always has to end this wayBut now I know your secretsAnd the time is rightTo tellTo tell me what went wrongCan you hear me?Do anything to get to you"Cos we"re riding on a ship of foolsDo anything to get to you"Cos we"re riding on a ship of fools



Time (Clock Of The Heart) (2002 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Time (Clock Of The Heart) (2002 Digital Remaster)歌手:Culture Club专辑:Greatest HitsTime词:山下智久 曲 :Gajin静かな夕暮れの光が差してる海辺黄昏的阳光静静照射下的海边ふざけて砂浜に 二人落书きしてさ我们两人胡闹著在沙滩上涂鸦なにげなく过ぎる この时间でさえも即使是在不经意中流逝而去的这个时间仆にはきっと すごく大切で对我而言也一定是很重要的流れゆく时间の中で 二人步いてく我们两人走在流动的时间中それが何よりも ほしい物だって气づいてく我发现那是比什麽都想要的东西夕暮れのそらに染まる 赤い云のように就像是染红黄昏天空的云朵一样ずっと续いてく想い 今传えるから我现在要将这份绵延不绝的思念传达给你今传えるから

Master & Slave 歌词

歌曲名:Master & Slave歌手:Kiss专辑:Carnival Of SoulsLife, a movie in my headA page of lines we readThe words remain unsaidTime, a race you never winLook back at where weve beenAnd throw the towel inEvery time I see a signTell me whats the bottom lineTell MeI just wanna take my turnNow before I crash and burnHope, a candle burning brightA temporary lightTill we return tonightLove, the mighty drug we craveThe master and the slaveWill rule us to our graveEverytime I see a signTell me whats the bottom lineTell MeI just want a place to rest,Count to four and catch my breathOne, Two, Three, Four...I dont know what to feelDont know what to sayDont know what to doI dont know where to goDont know who to beDont know who to knowLife is never what it seemsIt shakes you from your dreamsWake up and start toEverytime I see a signTell me whats the bottom lineTell MeI just want a place to restStop and let me catch my breathEverytime I see a signTell me whats the bottom lineTell MeForget all that Ive been toldI just wanna lose controlEverytime I see a signTell me whats the bottom lineTell MeI just wanna take my turn

toaster master club 杭州总部在哪里?怎么联系并参与其中?


All My Love (Solo Tu) (1998 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:All My Love (Solo Tu) (1998 Digital Remaster)歌手:Cliff Richard专辑:The Platinum CollectionAll My Love- Cliff RichardAll my loveCame to nothing at all my loveWhen I wake up to findYou were no longer mineAll my loveThrown away after all this timeNow there"s no place for meIn the future you seeI don"t understand youI"ve done all I can doTell me how could I give you moreMore than all my loveAll my loveCame to nothing at all my loveWhen I wake up to findYou were no longer mineAll my loveThrown away after all this timeNow there"s no place for meIn the future you seeI don"t understand youI"ve done all I can doTell me how could I give you moreMore than all my loveAll my loveCame to nothing at all my loveWhen I wake up to findYou were no longer mineAll my loveThrown away after all this timeNow there"s no place for meIn the future you seeAll my loveCame to nothing at all my love...

A Twist Of Fate (Based On Serenade By Schubert) (1995 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:A Twist Of Fate (Based On Serenade By Schubert) (1995 Digital Remaster)歌手:Andy Williams With The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra专辑:Greatest Love Classicslife is a bookeachday is a pageeach word a moment in timeand as you reedthe story unfousit"s there to see in your mindin my berg of memoryare words I don"t understandsomeone else has written therea pen and a different handas I look backand think of the pastwould I have chosen this wayone never knowswhat life has instoreyou live it day by dayA twist of fateIt is too lateI don"t care what you will do"Cause I"m not coming back to youA twist of fateTurn on the the big red light"Cause here I comeGonna tell the worldHe"s the greatest scumWhen you defied my loveI told my heartThat if I fall againI"ll leave this partGive me strength GodGive me faith"Cause I will need you nowA twist of fateI can"t thik straightWhen I"m walking out that doorI"m not coming back no moreA twist of fateIt is too lateI don"t care what you will do"Cause I"m not coming back to youA twist of fateAre you lonesome ?look at your pastWhat did you do to make it last ?Are you It"s the way, I wanna beI know that you"ll be missing meYou"ll be missing meA twist of fateI can"t thik straightWhen I"m walking out that doorI"m not coming back no moreA twist of fateIt is too lateI don"t care what you will do"Cause I"m not coming back to youA twist of fateRAP

MBA(master of business administration)和MOM(master of management)的具体区别和申请条件的区别

MBA是工商管理硕士,都会要求工作经验,所学的课程包括商业的方方面面(accounting, finance, economics,information system, operations, supply chain,human resource),上课都是case study为主分析商业实例,Qualitative+Quantatitive。就业后一般会是manager,director级别,因为MBA毕业生具有把管理学各个分支融会贯通的素质。 MBA社会认可度比较高,是不同于其他master项目的设计给有工作经验人士的advance项目。MOM是管理学硕士,有两个分支-Master of science in management 和Master of art in management 普遍不要求工作经验,所学的课程偏文科,比如管理学理念,管理学史,行政管理。。。课程也多是 lecture,discussion形式。毕业后普遍是行政部门任职,可以使entry level也可是manager level。如果有工作经验,建议申请MBA,含金量高,回报率也要高很多。MBA是商科的最高学位(PhD为学术路线,在此不讨论)本人在Purdue(世界排名前50的MBA项目)读MBA,但我们学校就不设有MOM专业。如有更多问题,可以直接问我。


Master是学位,即硕士学位。常见学位有:Bachelor(学士学位)、Master(硕士学位)、PhD(博士学位)、Postdoctor(博士后学位)。Post-graduate是学历水平,即研究生学历。常见学历有:Senior Secondary(高中学历)、Post-secondary(大专学历)、Undergraduate(本科学历)、Post-graduate(研究生学历,包括硕士和博士学习阶段)。

英语, 关于 Postgraduate 和 MASTER的区别

简单说这是两个不同的课程:商务硕士学位: Master of business学士后商务证书课程: Postgraduate diploma of business.分别开出是因为招生对象不同,入学要求不同,提供课程内容不同;


master包含在postgraduate degree里面。。。除了master之外,,还有certificate,,diploma。。。undergraduate 通指本科。 postgraduate意为本科毕业后。


Master是硕士学位,Postgraduate Diploma是学士后学位

post graduate和master区别

Master是硕士学位,Postgraduate Diploma是学士后学位。以新西兰为例,master是9级学历,postgraduate diploma是一个学位是8级学历。一般本科生毕业后,如果没有去申请荣誉学士学位,而且本科阶段平均分拿到B以上想继续深造的话,就可以申请master或postgraduate diploma。master的第一年和postgraduate diploma是一样的。只有postgraduate diploma阶段拿到B以上的成绩才能读master的最后一年,也就是论文阶段。否则就只能拿到postgraduate diploma的学位。其实说白了,两个是不同级别的学位,之间就只差了一个论文。拓展资料:硕士:是一个介于学士及博士之间的研究生学位,拥有硕士学位者通常象征具有基础的独立的思考能力。硕士课程主分为两种,分别是修课式和研究式学士后学位:可分硕士学位和博士学位两阶,标志着被授予者的受教育程度和学术水平达到了研究生规定标准的学术称号。学位制度起源于欧洲中世纪,表明被授予者具有何种学术水平和专业知识学习资历,具有一定得身份象征的意义学位:是标志一个人学历的头衔,即一个人通过学习取得学识及相应学习能力程度的标志,由国家授权的高等学校颁发。一般包括学士、硕士、博士三种。学位和学历的区别:学位是学历的标志,不和学校学习的经历或学历挂钩;而学历则必须是学校学习的经历。所以有学历不一定有学位,没有学历不一定没有学位。学位 (Degrees, Academic Degrees): 授予个人的一种学力称号或学术性荣誉称号,表示其受教育的程度或在某一学科领域里已经达到的学力水平,或是表彰其在某一领域中所做出的杰出贡献(荣誉学位)。由具备授予资格的高等学校、科学研究机构或国家授权的其它学术机构、审定机构授予。学位称号终身享有。 起源于欧洲中世纪。专业技术人员拥有何种学位,表明他具有何种学力水平或专业知识学习资历,象征着一定的身份。

Master和Post graduate有什么区别啊?

区别非常大。MasterMaster是确定的硕士学位,比如理学硕士(Master of Science)、文学硕士(Master of Arts)、美术硕士(Master of Fine Arts)、工程硕士(Master of Engineering)。不管是何种硕士,Master都是确切获得了或者能获得硕士学位的。PostgraduatePostgraduate范畴就比较大,理论上凡是获得了学士学位之后,在进行的深造进修都属于Postgraduate。硕士、博士、博士后都属于Postgraduate。不过在英语国家(比如美国、英国、澳大利亚或者加拿大),Postgraduate一般都特指不颁授学位的进修课程,比如研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate)、研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma)等等。Postgraduate不一定能获得学位,这点要尤其注意。






区别非常大。MasterMaster是确定的硕士学位,比如理学硕士(Master of Science)、文学硕士(Master of Arts)、美术硕士(Master of Fine Arts)、工程硕士(Master of Engineering)。不管是何种硕士,Master都是确切获得了或者能获得硕士学位的。PostgraduatePostgraduate范畴就比较大,理论上凡是获得了学士学位之后,在进行的深造进修都属于Postgraduate。硕士、博士、博士后都属于Postgraduate。不过在英语国家(比如美国、英国、澳大利亚或者加拿大),Postgraduate一般都特指不颁授学位的进修课程,比如研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate)、研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma)等等。Postgraduate不一定能获得学位,这点要尤其注意。

post graduate diploma 和 master有什么区别



master 一般表示硕士学位postgraduate 一般指研究生

-----It will _____ determination and hard work to master a foreign language . -----

D .determination是决心的意思,take determination下定决心。 pay for 为····付钱、spend on 在····方面花费CC

Unforgettable (1999 Digital Remaster) (Feat. Roger Webb) 歌词

歌曲名:Unforgettable (1999 Digital Remaster) (Feat. Roger Webb)歌手:Vera Lynn&Roger Webb专辑:Legends Of The 20Th CenturyNat King Cole - UnforgettableUnforgettable, thats what you areUnforgettable though near or farLike a song of love that clings to meHow the thought of you does things to meNever before has someone been moreUnforgettable in every wayAnd forever more, thats how youll stayThats why, darling, its incredibleThat someone so unforgettableThinks that I am unforgettable tooinstrumental interludeUnforgettable in every wayAnd forever more, thats how youll stayThats why, darling, its incredibleThat someone so unforgettableThinks that I am unforgettable too

Boy Meets Girl (2003 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Boy Meets Girl (2003 Digital Remaster)歌手:Norman Wisdom专辑:The Very Best Of Norman WisdomFM Static - Boy Meets Girl (And Visa Versa)There she was,Time stopped when she walked by,She"s an angel of fashion,With her wings flown high,She"s the queen, of everybody"s social scene,You know what I mean?She moves like royalty, in the flesh,Her hair blows perfectly, never messed,Think I have asthma, ‘cause she took my breathe,Away…Let me tell ya…..She moves, just like a rocket,Shooting through the sky, just to make you watch it,And fireworks go off, whenever she comes my wayShe must have been sent, from another planet,To break my concentration,And change, my understanding,‘Cause until now, I thought,That all girls were the same….Now she"s comin" over, what do I do now?Says she loves her Jesus, and she loves herself,Wish I wasn"t wearin" this shirt somehow…It"s too late nowShe moves like royalty, in the flesh,Her hair blows perfectly, never messed,Think I have asthma, ‘cause she took my breathe,Away…Let me tell ya…..She moves, just like a rocket,Shooting through the sky, just to make you watch it,And fireworks go off, whenever she comes my wayShe must have been sent, from another planet,To break my concentration,And change, my understanding,‘Cause until now, I thought,That all girls were the same…


《I wanna be your slave》是Maneskin演唱的一首歌曲,由达米亚诺·大卫、托马斯·拉吉、维多利亚德·安吉利斯和伊森·托基奥创作,属于专辑《ZITTI E BUONI》。

No Gods, No Masters 歌词

歌曲名:No Gods, No Masters歌手:Arch Enemy专辑:Khaos Legions (Japanese Edition)No Gods, No Masters -- Arch EnemyAlbum - 《Khaos Legions》 2011Here I am, back to the wallI picked the fight against the timeFree at last I go my own wayI will resist them till the day I dieee!I am who I amMy time has comeI am who I amTake it or leave itA rebel at heartNO GODS! NO MASTERS!My time has comeThere is no second placeNo perfect worldYour head is wholeFreedom in your heartBE STRONG! TAKE THIS CHANCE!Make your wayA better future comesss!I am who I amMy time has comeI am who I amTake it or leave itA rebel at heartNO GODS! NO MASTER!My time has comeNO GODS, NO MASTERS!NO GODS, NO MASTERS!What doesn"t kill us make us strongerLocked and loaded ready to strikeYou stand loud and proudUnited as one, United As One!!!ERUH! ERUH! ERUH!I am who I amTake it or leave itA rebel at heartNO GODS! NO MASTERS!My time has comeI am who I amTake it or leave itA rebel at heartNO GODS! NO MASTERS!My time has come




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申请Master要相对容易一点,因为绝大部分Master申请者只有学士学位,所以研究生院对他们的以前的论文水平不太强调;但PHD申请者一般都在Master阶段作过研究和论文,所以研究生院对他们的论文水平相对看重一些;除此之外对两种申请者的大学成绩,托福,GRE的要求大致差不多。PHD是研究性的学位,所以加拿大所有的PHD学生都有财政上的资助,以保证他们专注学业;Master中只有research-oriented option的学生才有财政上的资助,而那些course work option的Master是完全自费的。澄清一下,很多人把“财政资助”和“奖学金”混为一谈,其实那是完全不同的:“奖学金”只有优秀的申请者才能拿到,而拿不到奖学金的PHD和Master学生就完全靠“财政资助”,即是通过从事“科研助理”和“教学助理”的工作来得到一定的报酬以支付学费和生活费用;当然是能拿到“奖学金”的PHD和Master学生有更多的钱,但两种学生在上学时都不会有经济上的困难。我在研究生时由于拿到“奖学金”,每年比没有拿到“奖学金”的研究生要多大概一万三千加元,的确舒服很多。希望以上这点信息对你有用。

Joy And Pain (Digitally Remastered 99) (Feat. Frankie Beverly) 歌词

歌曲名:Joy And Pain (Digitally Remastered 99) (Feat. Frankie Beverly)歌手:Maze&Frankie Beverly专辑:Inspiration/Joy And PainJoy and PainRonan KeatingHeaven ain′t your place girl , not now anywaysAnd in this hell yeah yeah , you can"t eraseAll of the pain , that you′ve been givenThat ain′t the reason yeah , that you′ve been drivenWatch the hand as it′s movin′ ,24 times aroundEvery second′s like a minute ,till you′re back on the groundI′ve felt joy and I′ve felt pain (girl I′m sorry)I′ve felt joy and I′ve felt pain (girl I′m sorry)I′ve felt joy and I′ve felt pain (girl I′m sorry)But I know I′m gonna see you againGirl we had our chances , we knew from the startThat we could take heaven yeah and tear it apart tear it apartYou gotta take a chance girl , you gotta lead me by the handMany miles been between us since I walked awayGirl I′m sorry what I did to you , this time I′m here to stayI′ve felt joy and I′ve felt pain (girl I′m sorry)I′ve felt joy and I′ve felt pain (girl I′m sorry)I′ve felt joy and I′ve felt pain (girl I′m sorry)But I know baby I′m gonna see you againBut I know yeahI′ve felt pain I′ve felt joy yeahHeaven ain′t your place girl , not now anywaysAnd in this hell yeah yeah , you cant eraseAll of the pain , that you′ve been givenThat ain′t the reason yeah , that you′ve been drivenWatch the hand as it′s movin′ ,24 times aroundEvery second′s like a minute ,Till you′re back on the groundI′ve felt joy and I′ve felt pain (and the girls say)I′ve felt joy and I′ve felt pain (and the girls say)I′ve felt joy and I′ve felt pain (girl I′m sorry)I′ve felt joy and I′ve felt pain (girl I′m sorry(X3)But I know I′m gonna see you again

The Opener (Live) (Rudy Van Gelder 24Bit Mastering) (2000 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:The Opener (Live) (Rudy Van Gelder 24Bit Mastering) (2000 Digital Remaster)歌手:Art Blakey And The Jazz Messengers专辑:Meet You At The Jazz Corner Of The WorldThe Courteeners - The OpenerI"ve been away, I"ve been workingBut now I"m back I need to know if you"re still thereAnd I need to know if you still careOf course you do, of course you doYou were made for me, and I was made for youSome things change, but the majority stands stillAnd I need to know if you want toAnd I need to know if you willBut I was made for this place, and I was made for youI don"t know if you would welcome me back withopen arms through the doorI don"t expect anything but please know that I love you for sure.Please be sureI miss your eyelashes and the streets where I grew tallI miss getting piss wet throughGetting to yours and getting warmI miss stopping over and borrowing someone else"s clothesIt"s so nice to be home, you"d never have known thatI"d even been awayI miss the city I love but I"ve been having an affairWith L.A and New York, DundeeAnd Doncaster if I may dareOf course I do, of course I doBut I was meant for this place, and I was meant for youAnd Doncaster if you should care.My heart is here, here to stay...

Dark Horse (Live) (2004 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Dark Horse (Live) (2004 Digital Remaster)歌手:George Harrison专辑:Live In JapanAmanda Marshall - Dark HorseIndian summerAbileneYou were new in townI was nineteenAnd sparks flewThey called us crazyBehind our backs"Romantic fools"We just let them laughBecause we knewIt may be a long shotWe may be lonely down the lineBut love knows no reasonAnd I won"t let them make up my mindMy money"s riding on this dark horse, babyMy heart is sayin" it"s the lucky oneAnd it"s true color"s gonna shine through somedayIf we let thisLet this dark horse runStars are brighterIn a desert skyNo need to wonderOr justifyWhere this will leadI wear your locketOur picture"s insideInscription says, "The joy"s in the ride"And I believeSomething so sacredIs something worth this kind of fightCause love knows no patienceYou can"t please everyone all the timeMy money"s riding on this dark horse, babyMy heart is sayin" it"s the lucky oneAnd it"s true color"s gonna shine through somedayIf we let thisLet this dark horse runSo rareSo sweetTogether babyWe can be freeMy money"s riding on this dark horse, babyMy heart is sayin" it"s the lucky oneAnd it"s true color"s gonna shine through somedayIf we let thisLet this dark horse runIndian summerAbileneYou were new in townI was nineteen

master schedule是什么意思

主要图表, 综合图表;设计任务书;主要作业表

She-Wolf (2004 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:She-Wolf (2004 Digital Remaster)歌手:Megadeth专辑:Cryptic WritingsShakira - She Wolf / 夏奇拉 — 狼女翻译:Tony Chang @ LK 歌词组 翻译分队SOS she"s in disguise / SOS,她全副伪装There"s a she wolf in disguise / 有个狼女全副伪装Coming out / 要出动A domesticated girl, that"s all you ask of me / 你只是想让我,做驯服的美女Darling it is no joke, this is lycanthropy / 宝贝此非儿戏,而是化狼秘籍The moon"s awake now with eyes wide open / 月亮已醒来,圆睁着双眼My body is craving, so feed the hungry / 我欲火难当,快饱我饥肠I"ve been devoting myself to you Monday to Monday and Friday to Friday / 我把一切源源不断奉献给你,昼夜不息,周而复始Not getting enough retribution or decent incentives to keep me at it / 而你却奖惩不足,赏罚不明,我的专注已难以维系I"m starting to feel just a little abused like a coffee machine in an office / 我感觉受到了一点虐待,活像办公室里的咖啡机So I"m gonna go somewhere closer to get me a lover and tell you all about it / 所以我要到某处为自己找个情人,再给你讲整个经历There"s a she wolf in the closet / 衣柜里藏着个狼女Open up and set her free / 打开柜门由她去There"s a she wolf in your closet / 你衣柜里有头狼女Let it out so it can breathe / 放它出来透口气Sitting across a bar, staring right at her prey / 她坐在酒吧里,紧紧盯着猎物It"s going well so far, she"s gonna get her way / 一切进展顺利,时机渐渐成熟Nocturnal creatures are not so prudent / 夜行的动物,并非很睿智The moon"s my teacher and I"m her student / 月亮为师傅,我来做弟子To locate the single man, I"ve got on me a special radar / 为锁定单身男人,我配有特制的雷达And the fire department hotline in case I get in trouble later / 再带一部火警热线,以防日后发生不测Not looking for cute little divas or rich city guys I just want to enjoy / 我不要窈窕淑女或者纨绔子弟,我只想开开心By having a very good time and behave very bad in the arms of a boy / 玩它个天昏地暗,在某个男孩的怀里放荡不羁LRC translated by Tony Chang from LK Lyrics Group







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master card, visa card, Credit card, debit card

master & visa 跟中国的银联一样。外国是没有银联的。国外用的就master或visacredit card: 信用卡。 先用后付银行debit card: 银行卡,户口有钱才能刷。没钱用不了





Wearing The Inside Out (2011 - Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Wearing The Inside Out (2011 - Remaster)歌手:Pink Floyd专辑:The Division Bell (2011 - Remaster)From morning to night I stayed out of sightDidn"t recognise I"d becomeNo more than alive I"d barely surviveIn a word...overrunWon"t hear a soundFrom my mouthI"ve spent too longOn the inside outMy skin is coldTo the human touchThis bleeding heart"sNot beating muchI murmured a vow of silence and nowI don"t even hear when I think aloudExtinguished by light I turn on the nightWear its darkness with an empty smileI"m creeping back to lifeMy nervous system all awryI"m wearing the inside outLook at him nowHe"s paler somehowBut he"s coming aroundHe"s starting to chokeIt"s been so long since he spokeWell he can have the words right from my mouthAnd with these words I can seeClear through the clouds that covered meJust give it time then speak my nameNow we can hear ourselves againI"m holding outFor the dayWhen all the cloudsHave blown awayI"m with you nowCan speak your nameNow we can hearOurselves again

Dutch Master的《Pride》 歌词

Are you happy now 你现在开心吗?Are you better off 你现在好些了吗?Are you a bigger man 你变成一个大人了吗?Are you loving it (tell me) 你喜欢它吗?(告诉我)Your last words echo on 你最后说得的话在回响Does it still feel good 依然感觉很好吗?Does it keep you warm 让你感到温暖吗?Does it easy the misery, the misery 痛苦是否很容易来临?Your Pride, foolish Pride 你的骄傲,你愚蠢的骄傲The battles won 打赢的战役Was it worth it? 它是否值得?You"re nobody"s fool now 不现在不再是任何人的傻瓜You"re lonely but right 你很孤单,但你选对了路Your Pride, foolish Pride 你的骄傲,你愚蠢的骄傲The battles won 打赢的战役Was it worth it? 它是否值得?You"re nobody"s fool now 不现在不再是任何人的傻瓜You"re lonely but right 你很孤单,但你选对了路Do they think you"re strong? 他们认为你坚强吗?Do they cheer you on? 他们为你鼓掌吗?Just Cause you"re won the game 只是因为你赢得了这场游戏You put me in my place 你把我放到了我的位置Was it worth it all? 所有这一切都值得吗?To just give it up 为了这些放弃一切When I do anything for you 当我为你做任何事的时候[Chorus] Hey look at you 嘿,看看你You"re got it all 你会得到一切的Still walking tall 依然昂首稳步向前You never fall 你永远不会摔倒The one eyed King of the blind 盲目之王的一只眼睛It must be sweet to never beg 从不乞求一定很好It must be nice to never crawl 从不缓慢前行这一定很好To be too good for it all 为了这一切这都太好了

Dutch Master的《Pride》 歌词

Are you happy now 你现在开心吗?Are you better off 你现在好些了吗?Are you a bigger man 你变成一个大人了吗?Are you loving it (tell me) 你喜欢它吗?(告诉我)Your last words echo on 你最后说得的话在回响Does it still feel good 依然感觉很好吗?Does it keep you warm 让你感到温暖吗?Does it easy the misery, the misery 痛苦是否很容易来临?Your Pride, foolish Pride 你的骄傲,你愚蠢的骄傲The battles won 打赢的战役Was it worth it? 它是否值得?You"re nobody"s fool now 不现在不再是任何人的傻瓜You"re lonely but right 你很孤单,但你选对了路Your Pride, foolish Pride 你的骄傲,你愚蠢的骄傲The battles won 打赢的战役Was it worth it? 它是否值得?You"re nobody"s fool now 不现在不再是任何人的傻瓜You"re lonely but right 你很孤单,但你选对了路Do they think you"re strong? 他们认为你坚强吗?Do they cheer you on? 他们为你鼓掌吗?Just Cause you"re won the game 只是因为你赢得了这场游戏You put me in my place 你把我放到了我的位置Was it worth it all? 所有这一切都值得吗?To just give it up 为了这些放弃一切When I do anything for you 当我为你做任何事的时候[Chorus] Hey look at you 嘿,看看你You"re got it all 你会得到一切的Still walking tall 依然昂首稳步向前You never fall 你永远不会摔倒The one eyed King of the blind 盲目之王的一只眼睛It must be sweet to never beg 从不乞求一定很好It must be nice to never crawl 从不缓慢前行这一定很好To be too good for it all 为了这一切这都太好了



La Voce Del Silenzio (2001 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:La Voce Del Silenzio (2001 Digital Remaster)歌手:Mina专辑:Del Mio Meglio BoxsetLA VOCE DEL SILENZIO by Andrea BocelliVolevo stare un po" da soloper pensare tu lo sai,e ho sentito nel silenziouna voce dentro mee tornan vive troppe coseche credevo morte ormai.....e chi ho tanto amatodal mare del silenzioritorna come un"ombranei miei occhi, e quello che mi mancanel mare del silenzioritorna come un"ombrami manca sai molto di piùci sono cose in un silenzioche non aspettavo maivorrei una voce,e improvvisamenteti accorgi che il silenzioha il volto delle cose che haiperdutoe io ti sento amoreti sento nel mio cuorestai riprendendo il posto chetu non avevi perso maiche non avevi perso maiche non avevi perso maivolevo stare un po" da soloper pensare tu lo saima ci son cose in un silenzioche non m"aspettavo maivorrei una vocee improvvisamenteti accorgi che il silenzioha il volto delle cose che haiperdutoe io ti sento amoreti sento nel mio cuorestai riprendendo il posto chetu non avevi perso maiche non avevi perso maiche non avevi perso mai.

La Voce Del Silenzio (2001 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:La Voce Del Silenzio (2001 Digital Remaster)歌手:Mina专辑:Canzonissima 1968LA VOCE DEL SILENZIO by Andrea BocelliVolevo stare un po" da soloper pensare tu lo sai,e ho sentito nel silenziouna voce dentro mee tornan vive troppe coseche credevo morte ormai.....e chi ho tanto amatodal mare del silenzioritorna come un"ombranei miei occhi, e quello che mi mancanel mare del silenzioritorna come un"ombrami manca sai molto di piùci sono cose in un silenzioche non aspettavo maivorrei una voce,e improvvisamenteti accorgi che il silenzioha il volto delle cose che haiperdutoe io ti sento amoreti sento nel mio cuorestai riprendendo il posto chetu non avevi perso maiche non avevi perso maiche non avevi perso maivolevo stare un po" da soloper pensare tu lo saima ci son cose in un silenzioche non m"aspettavo maivorrei una vocee improvvisamenteti accorgi che il silenzioha il volto delle cose che haiperdutoe io ti sento amoreti sento nel mio cuorestai riprendendo il posto chetu non avevi perso maiche non avevi perso maiche non avevi perso mai.

Shame, Shame, Shame (1999 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Shame, Shame, Shame (1999 Digital Remaster)歌手:Bryan Ferry专辑:Let S Stick TogetherA-Teens - Shame Shame ShameCan"t stop me nowHear what I sayMy feet wanna moveSo-get out of my wayI"m gonna have my sayI"m goin" to every discothequeI"m gonna dance dance dance ooh"Til the break of day I sayShame shame shameShame on you.If you can"t dance too.I sayShame shame shame...Shame on you.If you can"t dance too.Don"t stop the motionIf you get the notionYou can"t stop the groove"Cos you just wanna moveGot my sunroof downGot my diamond in the backPut on your shaky wig womanIf you don"t I ain"t coming back.I sayShame shame shameShame on you.If you can"t dance too.I sayShame shame shame...Shame on you.If you can"t dance too.If you don"t wanna goRemember one monkey don"t stop no showMy body needs actionAnd I ain"t gonna blow.Yes I"m goin" outAnd find a dancing manIf you really think you"re fastThen try to catch me if you can.Shame shame shameShame on you.If you can"t dance too.I sayShame shame shame...Shame on you.If you can"t dance too.Don"t stop the motionIf you get the notionYou can"t stop the groove"Cos you just wanna moveI got my sunroof downGot my diamond in the backPut on your shaky wig womanIf you don"t I ain"t coming back.Shame shame shameShame on you.If you can"t dance too.I sayShame shame shame...Shame on you.If you can"t dance too.Shame shame shameShame on you.If you can"t dance too.I sayShame shame shame...Shame on you.If you can"t dance too.

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Lullaby Of Birdland (1992 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Lullaby Of Birdland (1992 Digital Remaster)歌手:George Shearing Quintet专辑:The Best Of George Shearing, Vol. 2 (1960-69)Lullaby Of BirdlandJUJU作词:George David Weiss作曲:George David WeissLullaby of birdland, that"s whatI always hear when you sighNever in my woodlandCould there be words to revealIn a phrase how i feelHave you ever heard two turtle dovesBill and coo when they loveThat"s the kind of magicMusic we make with our lipsWhen we kissAnd there"s a weepy ole willowHe really knows how to cryThat"s how i cry in my pillowIf you should tell meFarewell and goodbyeLullaby of Birdland whisper lowkiss me sweet & we"ll goFliyin" high in BirdlandHigh in the sky up aboveWe"re in loveAll because we"re in love

Lullaby Of Birdland (1992 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Lullaby Of Birdland (1992 Digital Remaster)歌手:George Shearing Quintet专辑:The Very BestLullaby Of BirdlandJUJU作词:George David Weiss作曲:George David WeissLullaby of birdland, that"s whatI always hear when you sighNever in my woodlandCould there be words to revealIn a phrase how i feelHave you ever heard two turtle dovesBill and coo when they loveThat"s the kind of magicMusic we make with our lipsWhen we kissAnd there"s a weepy ole willowHe really knows how to cryThat"s how i cry in my pillowIf you should tell meFarewell and goodbyeLullaby of Birdland whisper lowkiss me sweet & we"ll goFliyin" high in BirdlandHigh in the sky up aboveWe"re in loveAll because we"re in love

Anarchy In The Uk (1993 Digital Remaster) 歌词

Anarchy In The Uk演唱:Sex PistolsRight ! NOW ! ha ha ha ha haI am the antichristI am an anarchistDon"t know what I want butI know how to get itI wanna destroy the passer by cos II wanna BE anarchy !No dogs bodyAnarchy for the U.K it"s coming sometime and maybeI give a wrong time stop a trafic lineyour future dream is a shopping scheme cos II wanna BE anarchy !In the cityHow Many ways to get what you wantI use the best I use the restI use the enemy I use anarchy cos II wanna BE anarchy !THE ONLY WAY TO BE !Is this the M.P.L.AOr is this the U.D.AOr is this the I.R.AI thought it was the U.K or justanother countryanother council tenancyI wanna be an anarchistI wanna be an anarchistOh what a nameI wanna be an anarchisti Get PISSED DESTROY !

Anarchy In The Uk (1993 Digital Remaster) 歌词

Anarchy In The Uk演唱:Sex PistolsRight ! NOW ! ha ha ha ha haI am the antichristI am an anarchistDon"t know what I want butI know how to get itI wanna destroy the passer by cos II wanna BE anarchy !No dogs bodyAnarchy for the U.K it"s coming sometime and maybeI give a wrong time stop a trafic lineyour future dream is a shopping scheme cos II wanna BE anarchy !In the cityHow Many ways to get what you wantI use the best I use the restI use the enemy I use anarchy cos II wanna BE anarchy !THE ONLY WAY TO BE !Is this the M.P.L.AOr is this the U.D.AOr is this the I.R.AI thought it was the U.K or justanother countryanother council tenancyI wanna be an anarchistI wanna be an anarchistOh what a nameI wanna be an anarchisti Get PISSED DESTROY !

Touch My Hand [Remastered] 歌词

歌曲名:Touch My Hand [Remastered]歌手:David Meece专辑:DavidDavid Archuleta--Touch My 孤独的小贝制作Saw you from the distanceSaw you from the stageSomething about the look in your eyesSomething about your beautiful faceIn a sea of peopleThere was only youI never knew what the song was aboutBut suddenly now I doTryin" to reach out to you, touch my handsReach out as far as you canOnly me, only you, and the bandTryin" to reach out to you touch my handsCan"t let the music stopCan"t let this feeling endCause if I do it"ll all be overAnd I"ll never see you againCan"t let the music stopUntil I touch your handCause if I do it"ll all be overAnd I"ll never get the chance againI"ll never get the chance againI"ll never get the chance againI see the sparkle of a million flashlightsA wonderwall of starsBut the one that"s shining out so bright is the one right where you areTrying to reach out to you, touch my handReach out as far as you canOnly me, only you, and the bandTrying to reach out to you, touch my handCan"t let the music stopCan"t let this feeling endCause if I do it"ll all be over,I"ll never see you againCan"t let the music stopUntil I touch your handCause if I do it"ll all be over,I"ll never get the chance againI"ll never get the chance againSaw you from the distanceSaw you from the stageSomething about the look in your eyesSomething about your beautiful faceCan"t let the music stopCan"t let this feeling endCause if I do it"ll all be over, I"ll never see you againCan"t let the music stopUntil I touch your handCause if I do it"ll all be over, I"ll never get the chance againI"ll never get the chance againI"ll never get the chance againTrying to reach out to you, touch my handReach out as far as you canOnly me, only you, and the bandTrying to reach out to you, touch my handYeah, yeah, yeah

Cry Me A River (2006 Digital Remaster) 歌词

Cry Me A River演唱:Michael Buble整理:fai1492Now you say you"re lonelyYou cry the long night throughWell, you can cry me a riverCry me a riverI cried a river over youNow you say you"re sorryFor being so untrueWell, you can cry me a rivercry me a riverI cried a river over youYou drove me, nearly drove me, out of my headWhile you never shed a tearRemember, I remember, all that you saidYou told me love was too plebeianTold me you were through with me andNow you say you love meWell, just to prove you dowhy dont you cry me a riverCry me a rivercause i cry a river over youover youNow you say you love meWell, just to prove you doCome on and cry me a riverCry me a riverI cried a river over youI cried a river over youI cried a rivernow you can ture cried me a rivercried me a river

Rime Of The Ancient Mariner (Live) (1998 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Rime Of The Ancient Mariner (Live) (1998 Digital Remaster)歌手:Iron Maiden专辑:Live After DeathIron Maiden - Rime Of The Ancient MarinerHear the rime of the Ancient MarinerSee his eye as he stops one of threeMesmerises one of the wedding guestsStay here and listen the nightmares of the Sea.And the music plays on, as the bride passes byCaught by his spell and the Mariner tells his tale.Driven south to the land of the snow and iceTo a place where nobody"s beenThrough the snow fog flies on the albatrossHailed in God"s name, hoping good luck it brings.And the ship sails on, back to the NorthThrough the fog and ice and the albatross follows onThe mariner kills the bird of good omenHis shipmates cry against what he"s doneBut when the fog clears, they justify himAnd make themselves a part of the crime.Sailing on and on and North across the seaSailing on and on and North "til all is calmThe albatross begins with its vengeanceA terrible curse a thirst has begunHis shipmates blame bad luck on the MarinerAbout his neck, the dead bird is hung.And the curse goes on and on at seaAnd the curse goes on and on for them and me."Day after day, day after day,we stuck nor breath nor motionAs idle as a painted ship upon a painted oceanWater, water everywhere and all the boards did shrinkWater, water everywhere nor any drop to drink."There, calls the Mariner,there comes a ship over the lineBut how can she sail with no wind in her sails and no tide.See...onward she comesOnward she nears, out of the sunSee...she has no crewShe has no life, wait but there"s two.Death and she Life in Death.they throw their dice for the crewShe wins the Mariner and he belong to her now.Then...crew one by oneThey drop down dead, two hundred menShe...She Life in Death.She lets him live, her chosen one."One after one by the star dogged moon,too quick for groan or sigheach turned his face with a ghastly pang,and cursed me with his eyefour times fifty living men(and I heard nor sigh nor groan),with heavy thump, a lifeless lump,they dropped down one by one."The curse it lives on in their eyesThe Mariner he wished he"d dieAlong with the sea creaturesBut they lived on, so did he.And by the light of the moonHe prays for their beauty not doomWith heart he blesses themGod"s creatures all of them too.Then the spell starts to breakThe albatross falls from his neckSinks down like lead into the SeaThen down in falls comes the rain.Hear the groans of the long dead seamenSee them stir and they start to riseBodies lifted by good spiritsNone of them speak and they"re lifeless in their eyes.And revenge is still sought, penance starts againCast into a trance and the nightmare carries on.Now the curse is finally liftedAnd the Mariner sights his homeSpirits go from the long dead bodiesForm their light and the Mariner"s left alone.And then a boat came sailing towards himIt was a joy he could not believeThe Pilot"s boat, his son and the hermit.Penance of life will fall onto Him.And the ship it sinks like lead into the seaAnd the hermit shrieves the mariner of his sins.The Mariner"s bound to tell of his storyTo tell his tale wherever he goesTo teach God"s word by his own exampleThat we must love all things that God made.And the wedding guest"s a sad and wiser manAnd the tale goes on and on and on...and on

Rime Of The Ancient Mariner (1998 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Rime Of The Ancient Mariner (1998 Digital Remaster)歌手:Iron Maiden专辑:PowerslaveIron Maiden - Rime Of The Ancient MarinerHear the rime of the Ancient MarinerSee his eye as he stops one of threeMesmerises one of the wedding guestsStay here and listen the nightmares of the Sea.And the music plays on, as the bride passes byCaught by his spell and the Mariner tells his tale.Driven south to the land of the snow and iceTo a place where nobody"s beenThrough the snow fog flies on the albatrossHailed in God"s name, hoping good luck it brings.And the ship sails on, back to the NorthThrough the fog and ice and the albatross follows onThe mariner kills the bird of good omenHis shipmates cry against what he"s doneBut when the fog clears, they justify himAnd make themselves a part of the crime.Sailing on and on and North across the seaSailing on and on and North "til all is calmThe albatross begins with its vengeanceA terrible curse a thirst has begunHis shipmates blame bad luck on the MarinerAbout his neck, the dead bird is hung.And the curse goes on and on at seaAnd the curse goes on and on for them and me."Day after day, day after day,we stuck nor breath nor motionAs idle as a painted ship upon a painted oceanWater, water everywhere and all the boards did shrinkWater, water everywhere nor any drop to drink."There, calls the Mariner,there comes a ship over the lineBut how can she sail with no wind in her sails and no tide.See...onward she comesOnward she nears, out of the sunSee...she has no crewShe has no life, wait but there"s two.Death and she Life in Death.they throw their dice for the crewShe wins the Mariner and he belong to her now.Then...crew one by oneThey drop down dead, two hundred menShe...She Life in Death.She lets him live, her chosen one."One after one by the star dogged moon,too quick for groan or sigheach turned his face with a ghastly pang,and cursed me with his eyefour times fifty living men(and I heard nor sigh nor groan),with heavy thump, a lifeless lump,they dropped down one by one."The curse it lives on in their eyesThe Mariner he wished he"d dieAlong with the sea creaturesBut they lived on, so did he.And by the light of the moonHe prays for their beauty not doomWith heart he blesses themGod"s creatures all of them too.Then the spell starts to breakThe albatross falls from his neckSinks down like lead into the SeaThen down in falls comes the rain.Hear the groans of the long dead seamenSee them stir and they start to riseBodies lifted by good spiritsNone of them speak and they"re lifeless in their eyes.And revenge is still sought, penance starts againCast into a trance and the nightmare carries on.Now the curse is finally liftedAnd the Mariner sights his homeSpirits go from the long dead bodiesForm their light and the Mariner"s left alone.And then a boat came sailing towards himIt was a joy he could not believeThe Pilot"s boat, his son and the hermit.Penance of life will fall onto Him.And the ship it sinks like lead into the seaAnd the hermit shrieves the mariner of his sins.The Mariner"s bound to tell of his storyTo tell his tale wherever he goesTo teach God"s word by his own exampleThat we must love all things that God made.And the wedding guest"s a sad and wiser manAnd the tale goes on and on and on...and on



Gimme Shelter (24-Bit Digitally Remastered 02) 歌词

歌曲名:Gimme Shelter (24-Bit Digitally Remastered 02)歌手:Grand Funk Railroad专辑:Paint It BlackRolling Stones - Gimme Shelter(M. Jagger/K. Richards)Oh, a storm is threat"ningMy very life todayIf I don"t get some shelterOh yeah, I"m gonna fade awayWar, children, it"s just a shot awayIt"s just a shot awayWar, children, it"s just a shot awayIt"s just a shot awayOoh, see the fire is sweepin"Our very street todayBurns like a red coal carpetMad bull lost its wayWar, children, it"s just a shot awayIt"s just a shot awayWar, children, it"s just a shot awayIt"s just a shot awayRape, murder!It"s just a shot awayIt"s just a shot awayRape, murder!It"s just a shot awayIt"s just a shot awayRape, murder!It"s just a shot awayIt"s just a shot awayThe floods is threat"ningMy very life todayGimme, gimme shelterOr I"m gonna fade awayWar, children, it"s just a shot awayIt"s just a shot awayIt"s just a shot awayIt"s just a shot awayIt"s just a shot awayI tell you love, sister, it"s just a kiss awayIt"s just a kiss awayIt"s just a kiss awayIt"s just a kiss awayIt"s just a kiss awayKiss away, kiss away

Lady Stardust (Demo) (2002 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Lady Stardust (Demo) (2002 Digital Remaster)歌手:David Bowie专辑:The Rise And Fall Of Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From Mars (30Th Anniversary Edition)Lady StardustArtist(Band):David BowieBY:拉登快跑People stared at the makeup on his faceLaughed at his long black hair, his animal graceThe boy in the bright blue jeansJumped up on the stageAnd lady stardust sang his songsOf darkness and disgraceAnd he was alright, the band was all togetherYes he was alright, the song went on foreverYes he was awful niceReally quite out of sightAnd he sang all night longFemme fatales emerged from shadowsTo watch this creature fairBoys stood upon their chairsTo make their point of viewI smiled sadly for a love I could not obeyLady stardust sang his songsOf darkness and dismayAnd he was alright, the band was all togetherYes he was alright, the song went on foreverAnd he was awful niceReally quite out of sightAnd he sang all night longOh how I sighed when they asked if I knew his nameOoh they was alright, the band was all togetherYes he was alright, and the song went on foreverHe was awful niceReally quite paradiseHe sang all night long

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