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真名:骆力炜(电视剧上演员表上的名字:马力伟,马力炜)英文名:MARCO LOK

骆力炜在香港九龙湾长大,八岁时随家人移民加拿大温哥华,至十九岁放暑假回港当模特儿,后来更被赏识到台湾发展,当一切准备就绪之际,台湾却遇上「九二一」地震,经理人公司亦把此计画押,初尝失败的骆力炜感到无助,便回到加拿大散心。在加拿大的日子里,骆力炜得到家人及朋友的鼓励,渐渐体会到要成功非侥幸的道理,故开始增值自己,回港后除了狂煲电影吸收经验外,也有跟罗冠兰学习演戏技巧,骆力炜还签了新经理人,并在杜琪峰、林岭东等导演的调教下,获益良多。从加拿大回国发展的骆力炜,个性活泼开朗,古灵精怪而且点子多。他因为好动,还学过泰拳。入行以来,跌跌碰碰不下数十次,低潮期连住屋租金也成问题,更想过一走了之回加拿大重新生活,但性格反叛的他不想就这样判自己死刑,故决定给自己多一次机会,继续在娱乐圈闯一番事业。 电视剧:   2003年 《三剑奇缘》(又名《少年史艳文》)   2006年 《别说爱情苦》(又名《彩虹上的新娘》)   电影:   2001年 《全职杀手》   2001年 《常在我心》   2001年 《内有恶警》   2001年 《苹果咬一口》   2002年 《恐怖热线2之热血青年》   2002年 《绝世好B》   2004年 《求爱上上签》(又名《性感都市》)   2004年 《天作之盒》   2004年 《鬼马狂想曲》   2004年 《了不起的爸爸》(又名《这个阿爸真爆炸》)   2005年 《借兵》 《借兵》2005年 《凶男寡女》   2005年 《非常青春期》   2006年 《黑拳》(又名《生死拳》)   2006年 《最爱女人购物狂》   2007年 《危险人物》

为什么卢沟桥被叫做Marco Polo Bridge

原因:威尼斯人马可波罗在中国游历了17年之久,见到了当时已经建成的卢沟桥,马可波罗觉得卢沟桥十分美丽,在狱友代笔的《马可波罗游记》中称赞卢沟桥为为“世界最美河桥”。卢沟桥的美从此被马可波罗带到了欧洲,所以在欧洲卢沟桥一直被称为马可波罗桥即Marco Polo Bridge。扩展资料卢沟桥桥面两旁有石栏杆,栏杆望柱头上雕刻着石狮子,桥头立有石制华表。石栏杆共有279个,南面为139个。栏板平均高度约85厘米,断面呈现下大上小的形状,底厚约23-30厘米,顶端厚约20-25厘米,收分表现较为明显。栏板内部涵盖了立枋、瘿项等几部分。寻杖呈八边形,但去掉了四角,瘿项部分并非镂空,隐约展示出瓶形,造型粗壮,同明清时期的宝瓶风格有着较大差异。花纹大多为云头图案,表现出简约的特点,体现出《营造法式》石栏杆的“云拱”之味。裙板部分的构件囊括了上枋及装板等,同明清时期石栏板风格相像,不过整体扁平化特点明显,中部未设置立枋。另外就是部分暗红色砂石,雕刻有宝瓶荷叶,风化程度尚可,推测为康乾时代所做;最后是某些较新的石质,雕刻不够精细,推测制作时期约为晚清至解放前。因其数多,且小狮子多雕于隐蔽处,故明代即有“卢沟桥的狮子一数不清”的歇后语。





腾龙28-200mm F3.8-5.6 Marco 佳能口 镜头











Excel insert row marco

若出现 n 字就在下一ROW插入一空行,marco如下: Sub addrow() For X = 1 To 100 * 2 If Cells(X 1) = "n" Then Rows(X + 1).Insert Shift:=xlDown Next X End Sub 若出现含 n 字 (如: no on non...) 就在下一ROW插入一空行,marco如下: Sub addrow() For X = 1 To 100 * 2 If Cells(X 1) Like "*n*" Then Rows(X + 1).Insert Shift:=xlDown Next X End Sub 2013-09-28 11:09:17 补充: Sorry 睇错问题,我以为是有n就 "插入" ,应为"不插入",marco如下: Sub addrowA() R = 1 For X = 1 To 100 If Cells(R 1) = "n" Then R = R + 1 Else Rows(R + 1).Insert Shift:=xlDown R = R + 2 End If Next X End Sub

合金弹头里的人物Trama Marco在攻击力上面有区别么

- -.没区别


>>>手表基本信息和价格 手表型号:雅典圣马可 San Marco Cloisonn 139-70-9/GH 手表价格:331400 手表品牌:雅典手表 型 号:139-70-9/GH 表 壳:铂金 表 带:鳄鱼皮 功 能: 机 芯:自动 口 径:40mm 介 绍:雅典圣马可 San Marco Cloisonn 139-70-9/GH 珐琅表盘 分 数:3.00 已有3票 评论条数:18

excel公式 宏 marco






毕打自己人 Tina、汝大、Marco分别和谁在一起了?



因为怕被marco的女朋友林翩翩知道。棠真无疑是最隐形的魔女与恶女,当她小时在医院看到林翩翩(温贞菱饰演)需要急救时,她是冷血有心机的,因为她也想占有爱,她喜欢林翩翩的男友Marco ,只不过最后,她的少女情怀有点痴傻,在火车里的一段,才知原来林翩翩也是控制型的魔女。剧情简介在女人组成的棠府里,住着3位不同世代但一样懂人心的女性,由棠夫人(惠英红饰)主持大局,穿梭权贵间,靠着高超手腕与柔软身段,在复杂的政商关系中生存取利。个性如刺猬般的大女儿棠宁(吴可熙饰)为求母亲肯定,勉力配合;乖巧的小女儿棠真(文淇饰)多半静静观察,唯母命是从。









血观音marco 老板娘什么意思


怎样在EXCEL中加入Marco , 然后形成一个命令,点一下可以计算EXCEL中数值。


nightwish中贝斯手Marco Tapani Hietala为什么离队

你既然连贝斯手的名字都说得出,那么你应该都知道些,比如Feel For You、Wish I Had An Angel、Phantom Of The Opera这样的歌我就不用说了 这首


ALT+F11 进入VBE,找到对应的宏F5就可以执行

毕打自己人 (Marco)莫迪高 的弟弟






请问下 MARCO 手表~

>>>手表基本信息和价格 手表型号:雅典圣马可 San Marco Cloisonn 139-70-9/GH 手表价格:331400 手表品牌:雅典手表 型 号:139-70-9/GH 表 壳:铂金 表 带:鳄鱼皮 功 能: 机 芯:自动 口 径:40mm 介 绍:雅典圣马可 San Marco Cloisonn 139-70-9/GH 珐琅表盘

我的手表的标志是一个大M 下边一行写着MARCO 这个是什么牌的表呀

雅典手表。牌子为雅典圣马可 San Marco Cloisonn麻烦采纳,谢谢!



英语中一个人说marco 对答polo代表的意思



全名 Asher Monroe Book  生日 1988年9月18日  身份 美国舞蹈演员,男孩乐队VFactory的主唱,米高梅电影旗下演员。  早年生活  出生于弗吉尼亚州的阿灵顿,在搬到洛杉矶之前,Book就读于著名的纽约表演艺术学校  事业  Book取得事业上的巨大突破是在7岁,当时他在舞台剧《美女与野兽》中扮演chip。2006年,Book成为男孩乐队VFactory的成员。2009年1月27日发行《 Love Struck》专辑。随后他们与华纳兄弟签约。他在2009年扮演《Fame》(中文名为《名扬四海》)中的Marco--一个有抱负的歌手。2009版《Fame》音乐电影是翻拍自八十年代同名电影。该剧导演是Kevin Tancharoen,编剧 阿丽娜布罗什克纳和阿利森伯内特。该片于2009年9月25日上映。

MARCO 是什么牌子手表? 最好有个网站什么的,详细点,谢了!


毕打自己人 Tina、汝大、Marco分别和谁在一起了?

和凤姐在一起 真无聊


普通的 牌子 手表向来是每个男士的追求,一款手表可以体现一个男士的身份以及实力。不管你现在的年龄是多大,参与的工作是什么,都应该有一款男士手表。男士手表什么品牌好?看看男士手表品牌排行榜。天梭作为全世界销量第1的瑞士传统制表品牌,以大众能负担的价钱带来瑞士制表传统的天梭,占领搜索榜第一位很正常。在“2011年中国进口腕表零售额”名次中,天梭亦以17.3百分之百名次销量市场份额第一位。浪琴以浪漫优雅闻名的浪琴,不止经典格式如索伊米亚系列等深受中国消费者热烈欢迎,在运动计时领域亦领有盛大传统。说话时的这一年是品牌180周年,推出多款深具记念意义的经典格式,可以称作非常知道中国消费者的口味。瑞表集团对其的清楚定位,可以说功不可以没。欧米茄2011年中国进口腕表销量名次第1,在瑞表集团中霸占举足轻重的地位。它与劳力士的竞争从电影007系列斗到大泰西深处的扎猛子表,而技术与领会艺术品的美并重的星座同轴系列女表,在中国享有大量拥趸。劳力士“金劳”之名不是打哈哈,劳力士在中国的高知名度,甚至于往往令普罗大众疏忽了其在传统制表技艺方面的高明地位。以传统制表工艺闻名的最高级腕表品牌劳力士,说话时的这一年在Basel上的几款新表,变成说话时的这一年表界话题王,搜索量天然高。雷达RADO第1个进入了中国的西方腕表,第1个显露出来在中国大户外广告和电视白报纸广告中的西方腕表,为中国消费者所清楚知道。而雷达一直以来在材质和预设方面的创新,亦令人欣赏。卡地亚Cartier以“圣上的宝石商”创立事业的卡地亚,近年来在高级复杂腕表上的表达非常特别好,浮动式陀飞轮三问、高复杂功能镂空等展览其在高级制表领域的野心。亦是厉峰集团中销量长幼次序第1的高级腕表品牌。而TANK、蓝气球在中国有着极好的消费者基础。香奈儿ChanelChanel的J12领有很多拥趸,说话时的这一年Basel推出的新款白的颜色J12 和PREMIERE 山山茶陀飞轮,更是主将会艺术品的美与高级制表工艺接合的典范。百达翡丽不论什么爱表之人都不会失去瑞士最高级腕表品牌百达翡丽。说话时的这一年百达翡丽第一次为女士推出了超级复杂功能lady first系列,以及高秒飞针万年月历计时腕表5204铂金款,都是说话时的这一年表界关心注视重点。万国IWC以飞行表闻名的IWC,是很多中国人进兵最高级腕表的首选。帝舵Tudor


因为怕被marco的女朋友林翩翩知道。棠真无疑是最隐形的魔女与恶女,当她小时在医院看到林翩翩(温贞菱饰演)需要急救时,她是冷血有心机的,因为她也想占有爱,她喜欢林翩翩的男友Marco ,只不过最后,她的少女情怀有点痴傻,在火车里的一段,才知原来林翩翩也是控制型的魔女。剧情简介在女人组成的棠府里,住着3位不同世代但一样懂人心的女性,由棠夫人(惠英红饰)主持大局,穿梭权贵间,靠着高超手腕与柔软身段,在复杂的政商关系中生存取利。个性如刺猬般的大女儿棠宁(吴可熙饰)为求母亲肯定,勉力配合;乖巧的小女儿棠真(文淇饰)多半静静观察,唯母命是从。




是澳门 不时有首歌 “你可知Marco,不知我真心,我离开你太久了母亲 。。。。。。


Marco 是意大利语男性的名字 Marco = 马可, 来自拉丁语 martius , 起名给那些出生在3月份(拉丁语:martius)的孩子。 这个月竭诚为战争之神,所以marco 是忠诚战争之神 的意思。希望能帮上 (:

marco 是什么意思?





英[?mɑ?k??] 美[?mɑrko?]n. 【地名】【秘鲁、厄瓜多尔、美国、意大利】马科;[例句]We all gazed at Marco in amazement.我们都惊异地注视着马可。









Marcos Hernandez的《Empty》 歌词

歌曲名:Empty歌手:Marcos Hernandez专辑:Endless NightsMarcos Hernandez - EmptySayin I Love YouNever Came EasyI Was too Afraid OfJust Letting GoI Tryed To Get Close WithOthers Before YouBut It Never Happened I Felt So AloneTill You Walked Into My LifeYou Took My Breathe AwayIve Never Been The SameAnd Now Its You I Dream Of Every NightAnd You Lay In My ArmsTheres No Other Place You BelongIm Not Empty No MoreNow That I Have YouIve Searched All Of My LifeFor That Somebody WhoGives Me Your Love Love LoveEven When Times Get ToughI Know Il Never Be EmptyIm Not EmptyIm Not Empty No MoreIm Not EmptyIm Not Empty No MoreIts Hard To Belive ThatSomeone Like You CanEnter The Life OfSomebody Like MeSuch A beautiful VisionI Cant Deneye ThatI Can See ClearlyAnd Your All I NeedYou Know Your Just One of A KindIts The Simple Things You DoThat Keep Me Loving YouAnd i Need You Every Morning, Noon And NightYour IrreplaceableIm So CertainI Know ThatIm Not Empty No MoreNow That I Have YouIve Searched All Of My LifeFor That Somebody WhoGives Me Your Love Love LoveEven When Times Get ToughI Know Il Never Be EmptyIm Not Empty (Il Never Be Empty With You Next To Me)Im Not Empty No More (Il Never Be Empty With You)

Marcos Hernandez的《Say》 歌词

歌曲名:Say歌手:Marcos Hernandez专辑:C About MeWhat I wanted for us isn"t nothingLike the things we do to make us feel this isn"t realAnd although we both know that our egos go toe to toeTo show who really has the wheelWe do not see how easily we come ungluedAnd every word you say to me makes me confusedYou couldn"t even trust me (no diggity) when I left the houseYou need to try to love me (you gotta back it up) when I"m not aroundSo say what you want or say you don"t want me and I"ll be outWell I gotta bounce or say that you want meI am willing to bet that in timeYou would have said the same thing that I didAnd just assuming I"m alright, I must confessThat this loneliness and me dealing with all your shitIt goes right through meSo do we move i know we shouldWhen all the bad outweighs the goodI know we"d be better off aloneI"m not the guy to put up with your prideOh girl i gotta flySo say what you want or say you don"t want me and I"ll be outWell I gotta bounce or say that you want meBaby i"ve cried and prayed that I don"t have no moreMore for you deep insideCan you just please, just tell me nowThat you aint a part of my lifeSo say what you want or say you don"t want me and I"ll be outWell I gotta bounce or say that you want me




在项目设置中,我们会经常使用Marcos,方便进行项目配置,view(视图) / other windows(其他窗口) / property manager(属性管理器) 通过 add new project property sheet ... 菜单,就能发现每一项其实都是一个*.props文件,文件中记录了用户定义的所有marcos 点击 Properties 就能查看 User Marcos 知道了Marcos的本质,同理我们想要在其他项目中使用同一个宏,只需要引入props文件即可,就不用自己再新建一遍了。 在添加vc目录的时候,最后都会使用 AdditionalIncludeDiretories ,排查2个方向但是你会发现cocos2d_headers.props的 Additional Dependencies 并没有变粗:



Nek Claudia & De Marco Tu nu ti dai seama是什么意思这首歌翻译成中文有确切的歌词含义吗

演唱者是Nek Claudia和De Marco,歌名叫Tu nu ti dai seama(印度语)

Lotto的马可波罗鞋为什么叫 Marco Polo,跟马可波罗有什么渊源吗?

马可波罗是世界著名的意大利籍旅行家、商人lotto是意大利运动品牌lotto推出Marco Polo(马可波罗)纪念款有什么稀奇吗


Marco Polo英 [u02c8mɑ:ku0259u,u02c8pu0259ulu0259u] 美 [u02c8mɑrkou02c8polo]n.马可波罗(意大利旅行家,商人,1254-1324)Marco Polo英 [u02c8mɑ:ku0259u,u02c8pu0259ulu0259u] 美 [u02c8mɑrkou02c8polo]n.马可波罗(意大利旅行家,商人,1254-1324)


来自意大利的人气品牌ToyWatch,2006年3月登陆美国,不落俗套的款式以高姿态、低价格直逼大众眼前,旋即形成一股ToyWatch 热潮!每款腕表配搭上透明阿加力胶表带或尼龙表带,超过10个系列100多种款式,玩味性甚重。材料的选用,不但呼应"Toy"Watch精髓,也让腕表异常轻身,适合各界人士配戴。在短短数月内,迅速迷倒前美国副总统Al Gore及好莱坞星级名人如Madonna, Michael Jordan, charlize Theron, Oprah Winfrey, Uma Thurman, Owen Wilson, Naomi Campbell, Jessica Simpson, Katie Holmes, Paris Hilton, Nicky Hilton等。 2006年年底,这股ToyWatch旋风引至香港,城中一众潮流先驱及著名艺人已先后佩戴ToyWatch,如:郑裕玲、Twins、林忆莲、吴君如、古巨基、梁汉文、陈坤、李克勤、王喜、伍咏薇、廖碧儿、薜凯琪、名模陈嘉容等等。 在美国,ToyWatch只于各大高级百货公司有售,如Bergdorf Goodman, Neiman Marcus和Saks of Fifth Avenue处有售。许多型号因备受追捧,而被抢购一空,更创下三个月内美国销售量超过50,000只的裴然成绩。 Marco Mavilla资料 创立ToyWatch的心路历程 出生于意大利的Marco Mavilla 可说是一个不折不扣的钟表狂热份子,自15岁开始便收藏手表,在如此的环境熏陶之下,渐渐形成了独特的钟表鉴赏能力。可是「玩」表「玩」久了,Marco 渐渐觉得市场上没有一款腕表可让他满意, "It doesn"t satisfy my feeling"。结果,利用他玩赏古董表的经验,及由他的家族生意中汲取零售的经验,他便创下极具创意的腕表品牌ToyWatch。 「ToyWatch is my toy. Everyone should have his toy.」道出了Marco视ToyWatch为他心中的宝贝。 虽说是「Toy」,但Marco 对品牌的设计一点也不马虎。2004年年底,Marco推出第一个系列,透明亚阿加力胶表带,感觉令人眼前一亮!时尚的外型,让ToyWatch得到很多国际名人的欢心,荷李活名人纷纷除下动辄数十万元的名表,换上感觉十分轻巧的ToyWatch。Marco 非常感激一班好友的支持:「Oprah Winfrey wears ToyWatch in her show, and have ToyWatch in her magazine. That"s the first step to the brand"s great climbing.」(Oprah Winfrey-美国名咀奥普拉温芙瑞-在她的清谈节目中佩戴ToyWatch,又在她的《O, The Oprah Magazine》介绍ToyWatch,那就是品牌渐露头角的第一步。) ToyWatch哲学"The philosophy for ToyWatch is very simple. It"s affordable luxury." Affordable Luxury ToyWatch大受欢迎,背后当然少不得一套独特的品牌哲学。正如Marco所说,ToyWatch 是一种「Affordable Luxury」,那就是产品设计时尚、素质优良,让普通时尚一族也可感受到国际巨星的最新品味。 Fashion Trend 另外,ToyWatch 紧贴时尚潮流,每一季都有新款、新型号推出,常常让大众保持新鲜感。而一开始,Marco 便对不同的物料深感兴趣,阿加力胶表带一推出便大受欢迎,陆续也会推出其它不同物料的腕表款式,如搪瓷、橡胶等,惊喜源源不绝 最新款的Toy Watch 在上海,重庆,成都及天津美美Maison Mode的Coppelia店内有售。希望采纳










Mark做名字的时候的意思是 马克。比如 mark twain 意思是 马克吐温。mark[英][mɑ:k][美][mɑ:rk]n.斑点; 记号; 成绩; 标准; vt.作记号; 表示; 给…打分; 在…留下痕迹; vi.评分; 注意; (比赛中)记分; The mark is mine. 标记是我画的。

Marco Polo(马可波罗) was born in Venice in 1254. He was the most famous foreigner to visit Asia(

小题1:the most famous during小题2:called; all the things小题3:few people; him/ what he said小题4:his father travel to China小题5:for almost 25 years 试题分析:这篇短文主要简略介绍了马可波罗的生平及他在中国的事迹。小题1:根据第一段He was the most famous foreigner to visit Asia(亚洲)during the Middle Ages. 描述,可知填:the most famous during小题2:根据He wrote a book about his travels. In his book he wrote all the things he saw and heard. 及常识可知,他写了一本名叫《马可波罗行纪》的书。故填called名叫……的,all the things所有事情。小题3:根据第一段Many people in the west read the book, but few believed what Marco Polo said in the book. 描述,可知填:few people; him/ what he said小题4:根据When Marco Polo was still very young, he decided to travel together with his father. It took them more than three years to travel to China, 描述,可知填:his father travel to China小题5:根据最后一段Marco Polo and his father had been away for almost 25 years.描述,可知填:for almost 25 years点评:本题中个别小题不能直接从文中找到答案,需要自己根据相关内容分析总结。一定要弄懂全文后再动手解答问题。书写答案时,为避免不必要的错误,只要能使用原文的就尽量使用原文回答问题,自己总结的答案注意人称和数的变化,要符合语法规则。

fabrizio e marco- fly away 歌词 是什么意思 那位帅哥靓妹能翻译在下感激不尽啊

Fly Away [Radio Edit] - Fabrizio E Marco歌词:There are times when you feel lonelyThere are times when you feel strongThere"ll be moments when you don"t knowWhat is right and what is wrongNow it"s time to take your chanceNever lose you on defendsDon"t look back, go straight aheadNever stop to reach the skySpread your wings and fly awayLeave your dreams and make your waySpread your wings and fly awayDon"t stop it"s not too lateSpread your wings and fly awayLeave your dreams and make your waySpread your wings and fly awayDon"t stop it"s not too lateThere are times when you feel helplessThere are moments filled with fearsDon"t give up if you should feel likeYou"re drowning in your tearsNever change the way you areOn your way you will get farDon"t look back, go straight aheadNever stop to reach the skySpread your wings and fly awayLeave your dreams and make your waySpread your wings and fly awayDon"t stop it"s not too lateSpread your wings and fly awayLeave your dreams and make your waySpread your wings and fly awayDon"t stop it"s not too late

Marcos Valle的《The Answer》 歌词

歌曲名:The Answer歌手:Marcos Valle专辑:Quiet Nights Of Quiet StarsTickle Me Pink - The AnswerTell me in simple wordsEverything you thought you"d never sayMake me understandBeyond the lies that there"s a master plan"Cause every night I sleep aloneI will admit it"s getting oldJust lying here it feels so coldWhen you"re not picking up your phoneHow could I have trusted you,and everything I thought I knewof loyaltyThe answer deep inside meIs ripping me apartThe truth of who you areHow could anyoneWho said those things you said to meMove onI just need a true goodbyeTo close my eyes to sleep until the dawn"Cause every night you left me thereI"d wonder if you even caredI"d wait for you while you enjoyedThe lonely words that you employedThis can"t be realityWhen everything you meant to meWas loyaltyThe answer deep inside meIs ripping me apartThe truth of who you areThe answer deep inside meIs eating up my heartI don"t know who you are"Cause every night you left me thereI know what I"m worth insideI wonder if you even caredYou can"t take that away you have no prideYou have no rightYou have no rightTo tear me downThe answer deep inside meIs ripping me apartThe truth of who you areThe answer deep inside meIs eating up my heartI don"t know who you are

歌帝梵和Pierre Marcolini巧克力哪个好?

歌帝梵在国内知道的人比较多,但是吃过Pierre Marcolini巧克力的人应该都会更喜欢Pierre Marcolini家的,每颗巧克力都是纯手工制作的,口感非常细腻又有层次感。创始人是“世界甜点冠军”,曾经多次获得各种甜品大赛的奖项。包装也是好看到上头,完全是更高级的选择。我的答案可行吗?可行就采纳吧

英语作文a story about marco polo

Marco Polo as a child, his father and uncle to the East business, Dadu came to Beijing and met Kublai Khan of the Mongol Empire towards today, and also brought back the papal letter to sweat. After they got home, Polo pony every day pestering them about Orient travel story. The story caused a pony Polo strong interest, so he was determined to keep his father and uncle to China. In 1271, Marco Polo was 17 years old, his father and uncle holding a gift and reply the Pope, led by Marco Polo, together with a dozen companions marching to the east. They entered the Mediterranean from Venice, and across the Black Sea, the Middle East after the ancient city of Mesopotamia came to Baghdad, from here to the sea to the Persian Gulf Hormuz on a boat headed for the Chinese. However, when it happened the accident. When they go out and buy things in a town, was eyeing the robber, robbers take them in at night caught them up and they were imprisoned. Midnight, Marco Polo and his father escaped. When they got reinforcements, the robber had left, except his uncle, the other companions also disappeared. Marco Polo and his father, uncle came Hall surgery hereby, have been waiting for two months, did not encounter the vessel to China, we had to change to go by land. This is a road full of difficulties and obstacles, is to make the most ambitious travelers are prohibitive way. They Hormuz from the east, across the desolate desert of terror in Iran, across the steep cold Pamirs, hell and high water along the way, to overcome the disease, hunger and distress, invasion robbers escape, the beast, and finally came Xinjiang, China. One here, Marco Polo"s eyes will be attracted. Beautiful downtown Kashgar, Hotan jade rich, there are always smelling flowers orchard, Mark they continue east across the Taklimakan Desert, he came to the ancient city of Dunhuang, visited the world-famous Buddha carvings and murals. Then, they saw through the Pass of the Great Wall. Finally, through the Hexi Corridor, finally reached the capital - the northern capital of the Yuan Dynasty. This time is the summer of 1275, from them to leave the country has passed the four summers! Marco Polo"s father and uncle Kublai Khan goes to the papal letters and gifts to sweat introduces Marco Polo. Khan appreciated very clever young Marco Polo, specially invited them along the way knowledge about the palace, and bring them back with the most, and later they remain in the Yuan Dynasty official office. Smart Marco Polo soon learned Mongolian and Chinese. He was ordered by Bong sweat tour opportunities around the country, all over the mountains and rivers of China, China"s vast and rich let him stunned. He has been to Xinjiang, Gansu, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Yunnan, Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian and Beijing and other places, has been ambassador to Vietnam, Myanmar, Sumatra. He went, always examine the local customs, geography, human detail. Most of the back after he detailed to Kublai Khan were reported. In "The Travels of Marco Polo", he praised China"s Fan Sheng Changming; well-developed industry and commerce, bustling bazaars, beautiful cheap silk brocade, pet Wei spectacular capital, perfect and convenient post road transportation, general circulation bills and so on. Contents of the book, read the book so that each of them infinitely fascinating. 17 years passed quickly, Marco Polo getting homesick. The spring of 1292, Marco Polo and his father, uncle commissioned by Kublai Khan, Mongol escort a princess to marry Persia. They took the opportunity to put forward a request to return profusely. Khan promised them that after the completion of the mission, you can turn the way home. At the end of 1295, three of them finally returned after an absence of loved ones twenty-four contained. They quickly spread throughout China came back from Venice message, their knowledge aroused great interest. They brought back countless treasures from the east overnight so that they became wealthy in Venice. 1298, Marco Polo Venice and Genoa took part in the war, September 7, unfortunately captured. In prison, he met writer Ruth Qian ladder, so there was Marco Polo dictated Ruth ladder modest record of "The Travels of Marco Polo."

Marco Antonio VáZquez的《Poema》 歌词

歌曲名:Poema歌手:Marco Antonio VáZquez专辑:AntologíA...Marco Antonio VazquezTrack15:Poem* (transcribed by Virgilius Sade)Teeponi yehulanyalayanlayan lanalanyala-la layanya lanlayaroua-haLara-lara lanberhnLa-la, la-la la-lanyaLalalalala-lanayaLanyaloHee-yaa lanyaHee-yaa lanvii(hee-yer-tii...)Hee-yer-tii yahaa...Hee-yaa lanvii...Hee-yaa lanyaHee-yaa yahaa...(nohaha, tiiren...)Hee-yaa lanyaHee-yaa lanviiHeyonlayani lanyaLayanrayan layan, layanLayanlalayan la-la dinan

Marco Baroni的《Vorrei》 歌词

歌曲名:Vorrei歌手:Marco Baroni专辑:Marco BaroniForza MilanBy EricVorreiFrancesco Guccini (中意对照)Vorrei conoscer l" odore del tuo paese, 我想要知道你故乡的味道camminare di casa nel tuo giardino, 想要在你家的花园中散步respirare nell" aria sale e maggese, 想要在田地的咸咸的空气中呼吸gli aromi della tua salvia e del rosmarino. 呼吸你的鼠尾草和迷迭香的味道Vorrei che tutti gli anziani mi salutassero 我希望所有的老人都向我打招呼parlando con me del tempo e dei giorni andati, 跟我诉说过往的日子vorrei che gli amici tuoi tutti mi parlassero, 我希望所有朋友都跟我聊着come se amici fossimo sempre stati. 就仿佛朋友我们一直都是如此Vorrei incontrare le pietre, le strade, gli usci 我想要看看石子,小道,小门e i ciuffi di parietaria attaccati ai muri, 看那一束束墙草轻抚着老墙le strisce delle lumache nei loro gusci, 看那蜗牛壳的纹路capire tutti gli sguardi dietro agli scuri 想要知道百叶窗后目光e lo vorrei 我想要这一切perchè non sono quando non ci sei 因为当你不在时,一切都并非如此e resto solo coi pensieri miei ed io... 而只剩我和我的思绪独自留下,而我.....Vorrei con te da solo sempre viaggiare, 我想要单独和你一直一起旅行scoprire quello che intorno c"è da scoprire 想要去发现周围一切等待着被发现的东西per raccontarti e poi farmi raccontare 为了诉说给你听也为了你让我诉说il senso d" un rabbuiarsi e del tuo gioire; 阴郁和欣喜的意义vorrei tornare nei posti dove son stato, 我想要回到我曾经去过的地方spiegarti di quanto tutto sia poi diverso 想要告诉你过去是如何如何而如今一切都变了e per farmi da te spiegare cos"è cambiato 而你会让我告诉你到底什么变了e quale sapore nuovo abbia l" universo. 而如今世界又有何新的味道Vedere di nuovo Istanbul o Barcellona 我想要再去看看伊斯坦堡和巴塞罗那o il mare di una remota spiaggia cubana 或者是那遥远的古巴的海滩o un greppe dell" Appennino dove risuona 一个回声缭绕的亚平宁山脉fra gli alberi un" usata e semplice tramontana 在树木之间吹过的熟悉的简单的北风e lo vorrei 我想要这一切perchè non sono quando non ci sei 因为当你不在时,我并非如此e resto solo coi pensieri miei ed io... 而只剩我的思绪留下陪着我,而我.....Vorrei restare per sempre in un posto solo 我希望在一个地方永远留下per ascoltare il suono del tuo parlare 为了能听你说话的声音e guardare stupito il lancio, la grazia, il volo 然后傻傻的看着天上的飞机impliciti dentro al semplice tuo camminare 一切都在包含在你简单的脚步中e restare in silenzio al suono della tua voce 而我静静的呆在你的嗓音中o parlare, parlare, parlare, parlarmi addosso 说吧,说吧,说吧,爬在我背上说吧dimenticando il tempo troppo veloce 忘记了飞逝的时光o nascondere in due sciocchezze che son commosso. 我想把自己藏在那些让我感动的蠢话中Vorrei cantare il canto delle tue mani, 想要唱一首关于你双手的歌giocare con te un eterno gioco proibito 想要跟你玩一个完全被禁止的游戏che l" oggi restasse oggi senza domani 那就是仿佛不会有明天一样去度过今天o domani potesse tendere all" infinito 或者让明天成为永远e lo vorrei 我想要这一切perchè non sono quando non ci sei 因为当你不在时,我并非如此e resto solo coi pensieri miei ed io...而只剩我的思绪留下陪着我,而我.....Sei l"unica per me,come sei sempre stata e sempre sarai2010-11-21

@@~~~求Marco Carta的Il Cuore Muove中文翻译 ~感激不尽~!!


《Marco Polo》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Marco Polo: From Venice to Xanadu》(Laurence Bergreen (Author))电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: 83uu书名:Marco Polo: From Venice to Xanadu作者:Laurence Bergreen (Author)出版社:Books on Tape出版年份:2007内容简介:What the two came up with was nothing short of a blockbuster. Marco Polo"s “Travels” spilled over with sex, violence, suspense, exotic lands, strange people and bizarre practices. Mongol horsemen thundered out of its pages. Marco dazzled readers with descriptions of the singing sands of the Desert of Lop and a firsthand account of the metropolis of Quinsai, now known as Hangzhou, the most advanced and prosperous city in the world. Marco recounted the cutthroat politics of Kublai Khan"s court in all its delicious drama, complete with power-mad counselors, back-stabbing colleagues and grisly executions.Temptations of the flesh abounded. Marco was forever stumbling into the 13th-century version of the farmer"s daughter joke. Time and again the delighted young man — remember, he was teenager when he set out from Venice — found villagers lined up outside his tent offering their nubile daughters for his pleasure and their honor. His description of Kublai Khan"s sexual talent search, with scouts scouring the provinces to send the best of the best to the emperor"s bedchamber, reads like a fable spun by Scheherazade.Lest readers think his journey was one big Tom Jonesian romp, Marco included the dark side, too. He had to elude marauders, survive shipwrecks and cross treacherous deserts. Anxiety, loneliness and thirst were constant companions. In Myanmar, he survived a night among villagers who regularly murdered noble visitors to trap their souls and bring good fortune to the house. Poor Marco. As he rode into each new town, he didn"t know whether he was checking into the Playboy mansion or the Bates Motel.In the end, Marco Polo"s greatest contribution to history was to deliver this simple news to Europe: The Asians, they"re not so bad. They"re kind of like us. In some ways, they"re better.作者简介:劳伦斯·贝尔格林是位优秀的作家,他毕业于哈佛大学。他的代表作品有《在世界的边缘:麦哲伦的环球之旅》《雅梅斯·阿吉:一个生命》《路易斯·阿姆斯特朗:奢华的生活》《卡波恩:他的为人与时代》《数以千计的呼唤:欧文·柏林的一生》。 劳伦斯的每一部作品都堪称经典之作。



请介绍镜头上的数字、英文分别代表什么意思?适马AF70-200mm F2.8 APO EX DG MARCO HSM

70是广角端的焦距,200是长焦端的焦距; F2.8是最大光圈值---这是一支恒定光圈的镜头; APO是指采用了超低色散(SLD)镜片及特级低色散(ELD)镜片 EX是指该镜头属于适马的专业镜头系列DG指数码与传统SLR相机兼容镜系 macro是微距的意思,不过不是真正的微距头. HSM是适马的超声波马达希望采纳

请介绍镜头上的数字、英文分别代表什么意思?适马AF70-200mm F2.8 APO EX DG MARCO HSM

70是广角端的焦距,200是长焦端的焦距; F2.8是最大光圈值---这是一支恒定光圈的镜头; APO是指采用了超低色散(SLD)镜片及特级低色散(ELD)镜片 EX是指该镜头属于适马的专业镜头系列DG指数码与传统SLR相机兼容镜系 macro是微距的意思,不过不是真正的微距头. HSM是适马的超声波马达.





Marco Econ 问题 - Trade deficit, capital inflow

首先,Balance of Trade包含: i) Current Account (CA) ii) Capital Account (KA) 而CA+KA = 0 如果我地简化分析,可以当balance of trade (NX) = current account 因为事实上佢地都系非常接近 得出NX + KA = 0 所以如果KA上升,NX就下降 An inflow of capital入系capital account 所以就会有trade deficit 反之亦然啦,参考: myself,