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以my faworice animals为题,写一篇60字的作文

My favourite animalsThere are many animals in the world. They are very lovely . My favourite animals are cats and rabbits. I have a white cat. Its name is Mimi. It can catch mice. It likes eating fish. I have a little rabbit too, I call it lele. It"s pink. It has long ears and red eyes.It likes eating carrots. I often play with them after school. They can bring happiness to me. Animals are our friends.We should love them


My favourite animals There are many animals in the world.They are very lovely .My favourite animals are cats and rabbits.I have a white cat.Its name is Mimi.It can catch mice.It likes eating fish.I have a little rabbit too,I call it lele.It"s pink.It has long ears and red eyes.It likes eating carrots.I often play with them after school.They can bring happiness to me.Animals are our friends.We should love them 世界上有许多的动物,他们都很可爱.我最喜爱的动物猫和兔子.我有一只白色的猫.它的名字是咪咪.它会抓老鼠,最喜欢吃鱼.我还有一个兔子,它是粉红色的,我叫它 “乐乐”.它有长耳朵和红眼睛,它喜欢吃胡萝卜.我经常在放学后和它们玩耍.它们给我带来了很多的快乐.动物是人类的朋友,我们应该爱护他们. 周末愉快!

lovely annimal作文七年级

My favourite animals There are many animals in the world. They are very lovely . My favourite animals are cats and rabbits. I have a white cat. Its name is Mimi. It can catch mice. It likes eating fish. I have a little rabbit too, I call it lele. It"s pink. It has long ears and red eyes.It likes eating carrots. I often play with them after school. They can bring happiness to me. Animals are our friends.We should love them

Hound Dog (Michael Malarkey As Elvis Presley) 歌词

歌曲名:Hound Dog (Michael Malarkey As Elvis Presley)歌手:Million Dollar Quartet专辑:Original Cast RecordingHound Dog作词:小林建树作曲:小林建树编曲:小林建树

michael malarkey个人简介

Michael Malarkey is an actor and composer, known for Ghost in the Machine (2012), The Vampire Diaries (2009) and Impirioso (2013). He has been married to Nadine Lewington since 2009.Plays guitar and sings.Has lived in London since 2006.Studied at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art (LAMDA).Born in Beirut, Lebanon but raised in Yellow Springs, Ohio.His father is Irish-American and his mother is English.

jquery 中slow, fast, normal是什么意思

以下纯属个人理解:$("p").hide();这样是直接消失不带任何效果当你在$("p").hide(“加入(slow, fast, normal)其中一个就会有不同的效果”);

Animal Boy (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:Animal Boy (Live)歌手:The Ramones专辑:Loco LiveKesha - AnimalI am in loveWith what we areNot what we should beAnd I amI am starstruckWith every partOf this whole storySo if it"s just tonightThe animal insideLet it live and dieLike it"s the end of timeLike everything insideLet it live and dieThis is our last chanceGive me your hands"Cause our world is spinningAt the speed of lightThe night is fadingHeart is racingNow just come and love meLike we"re gonna dieI"m not asleepI"m up for the fightInto the magicAnd I don"tWant the concreteI am aliveComes with the tragicSo if it"s just tonightThe animal insideLet it live and dieThis is our last chanceGive me your hands"Cause our world is spinningAt the speed of lightThe night is fadingHeart is racingNow just come and love meLike we"re gonna dieThis is our last chanceGive me your hands"Cause our world is spinningAt the speed of lightThe night is fadingHeart is racingNow just come and love meLike we"re gonna die

Load Optimal Defaults和Load Failsafe Defaults中文是什么意思?

Load Optimal Defaults载入最大性能设置. 一般这个没有保守设置稳定Load Failsafe Defaults是 载入保守设置.就是加载刚出厂时的BIOS设置,通常都是比较保险BIOS设置.当你的BIOS出现问题可以试试这个功能

Load Optimal Defaults和Load Failsafe Defaults中文是什么意思?

Load Optimal Defaults和Load Failsafe Defaults加载默认设置和负载故障安全缺省

She had a very thin face like the dial of a small clock seen faintly in the darkroom in the middle


Be faithful in small things


hostility malice malevolence spite表示“恶意,敌意”之时有何区别?

hostility: The state of being hostile敌对状态malice:A desire to harm others or to see others suffer期望伤害别人或看到别人受苦malevolence:The quality or state of being malevolent.处于邪恶的状态或具有恶毒的特征spite:Malicious ill will prompting an urge to hurt or humiliate促使伤害或屈辱的恶意

英语中的一些俚语,如:a small potato 小人物

a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush 一鸟在手,胜似二鸟在林 a blank slate 干净的黑板(新的一页,新的开始) a bone to pick 可挑剔的骨头(争端,不满) a cat nap 打个盹儿 a ouch potato 躺椅上的马铃薯(懒鬼) a headache 头痛(麻烦事) a knock out 击倒(美得让人倾倒) a load off my mind 心头大石落地 a pain in the neck 脖子疼(苦事) a piece of cake 一块蛋糕(小菜一碟,易事一件) a shot in the dark 盲目射击(瞎猜) a sinking ship 正在下沉的船 a slap in the face 脸上挨了一耳光(公然受辱) a social butterfly 社交蝴蝶(善于交际,会应酬的人) a thorn in someone""s side 腰上的荆棘(芒刺在背) a turn coat 反穿皮袄的人(叛徒) a weight off my shoulders 放下肩头重担 an ace up my sleeve 袖里的王牌 ants in one""s pants 裤裆里有蚂蚁(坐立不安) back in the saddle重上马鞍(重整旗鼓) back on track重上轨道(改过自新) backfire逆火(弄巧成拙,适得其反) ball and chain 铁球铁链,甜蜜的枷(老婆) beat a dead horse 鞭打死马令其奔驰(徒劳) beaten by the ugly stick 被丑杖打过(生得难看) bet your life 把命赌上(绝对错了) better half 我的另一半 big headed 大脑袋(傲慢,自大) bigger fish to fry 有更大的鱼要炸(有更重要的事要办) bite the bullet 咬子弹(强忍痛苦) birds of a feather flock together 羽毛相同的鸟总飞成一群(物以类聚) blow up in you face 在眼前爆炸(事情完全弄砸了) break a let 折断一条腿(表演真实,演出成功) break the ice 破冰(打破僵局) brown nose 讨好,谄媚 bull in a china shop 瓷器店里的蛮牛(笨拙的人,动辄弄坏东西的人) burst your bubble 扎破泡泡(打破人的幻想,煞风景) bury one""s head in the sand把头埋在沙里(自欺欺人) butterflies in my stomach肚里有只蝴蝶(心里紧张,七上八下) buy the farm买下农场(归道山,死了) cash in my chips兑换筹码(睡觉,就寝) circle the wagons把篷车围成一圈(严阵以待) clean up one""s act自我检点,自我改进 come down in sheets整片整片地下(倾盆大雨) cross the line 跨过线(做得太过分了) cross that bridge when we come to it 到了桥头就过桥(船到桥头自然直) cut to the chase 抄捷径去追猎物(不绕圈子,开门见山,单刀直入) daily grind 例行苦事,每天得干的苦工 days are numbered 来日无多 dead center 正当中 dead-end street 死路,死巷子 domino effect 骨牌效应 down to the wire 最后关头 down under 南边(常指面半球的澳洲) downhill from here 从此都是下坡路(自此每况愈下) drop the ball 掉了球(失职) empty nest 空巢(儿女长大离家) get hitched 拴起来(结婚) get off on the wrong foot 起步便错(第一印象不佳) get the ball rolling 让球滚起来(动起手来) goose bumps 鸡皮疙瘩 hit the road 上路 hold your horses 勒住你的马(慢来) hang somebody out to dry 把……晾起来了(把……坑苦了) in one""s back pocket 在某人裤子后口袋里(是某人的囊中之物) in the dark 在黑暗中(茫然,什么也不知道) in the spotlight 站在聚光灯圈里(出风头) it""s Greek to me 希腊文(天书) joined at the hip 连体婴(死党,从不分开的两个人) jump the gun 枪未响先偷跑(抢先) kick the bucket 踢水桶(翘辫子) kill two birds with one stone一 箭双雕,一举两得 last straw 最后一根稻草 left a bitter taste in one""s mouth 留下满嘴苦味(留下不愉快的回忆) light a fire under your butt 在屁股下点一把火(促其行动) light at the end of the tunnel 隧道末端的光(一线希望) like shooting fish in a barrel 桶里射鱼(瓮中捉鳖) ling winded 长舌,碎嘴 Monday morning quarterback 星期一早晨的四分卫(马后炮) my old man 我的老头(我父亲) out of the pan and into the fire 跳出锅里,掉进火里(每况愈下) plenty of other fish in the sea 海里的鱼多得很(天涯何处无芳草) poker face 扑克面孔(喜怒不形于色) pop the question 提出大问题(求婚) pot calling the kettle black 锅嫌壶黑(五十步笑百步) punch your lights out 揍得你两眼发黑 put all of one""s eggs in one basket 鸡蛋都放在一个篮子里(孤注一掷) put one""s foot in one""s mouth 把脚丫放进嘴里(说错话了) rob the cradle 劫摇篮(老牛吃嫩草) skate on thin ice 在薄冰上滑冰(如履薄冰,身历险境) skeleton in one""s closet 壁橱里的骷髅(不可告人的事) skin and bones 皮包骨 sleep on it 睡在上面(考虑一晚上) small talk 寒喧,闲聊 smooth sailing 一帆风顺 stab in the back 背后插刀(遭人暗算) stallion 千里驹(貌美体健的男人) stud 种马(貌美体健的男人) swing for the fence 打全垒打 take a hike 走路(滚蛋) until you are blue in the face 干到脸发青(也是白干) unwind 放松发条(轻松下来) up for grabs 大家有份 up in the air 挂在空中(悬而未决) when hell freezes over 地狱结冰(绝不可能的事) weed out 除去杂草(淘汰) well rounded全 能,全才 when pigs fly 猪飞的时候(绝不可能) not lift a finger 连手指都不动一动(袖手旁观) wrapped around his/her little finger 化为绕指柔(玩弄于股掌之间)

帮忙翻译一下: Xtranormal: A Glimpse Into the Future of TV Animation Production Over the past year,

glimpse 是 “一瞥” 的意思Xtranormal 是 Xtranormal Technology Inc. 是一家致力于影视制作的公司,没有必要翻译 全句译 Xtranormal:最近一年来对电视动画制作的未来的一瞥



为什么Lake baikal 前不加the 而the Qinghai Lake前要加the Mount Tai和 the Himalayas也

一般说来,表示地理名称的专有名词前都需要加定冠词,如你提到的 the Qinghai Lake(青海湖)、the Mount Tai(泰山)、the Himalayas (喜马拉雅山),不过由于约定俗成,也有个别例外,如 Lake Baikal(贝尔加湖)。

newhalf ,ts, cd, shemale都是什么意思啊 ,与变性有关好像···在看文章是看到

newhalf 好像是指的是变性人...不过不是很确定 ....ts是改变性别的意思,transex,也是指的是变性人,关注中国变性人的tsinchina中的TS就是这个意思~ cd指的是变装者,crossdress,是对一些异装癖的称呼.shemale大致说的就是我们常说的人!妖了,还有LADYBOY这个称呼如果你对这个还有兴趣,你可以去中国天使同盟tsinchina上了解更多的一些知识

weesing animals animals 的歌词

animals animals animalswee sing唱的 the mosquito the mosquito bites, and it bothers mecause it itch itch itches all the night.hes tiny bug, but it bothers mecause he scratch scratch scratches little bites.z z z, zzz, zzz,zzzz, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz........

关于My Festival Animal的英语作文


八年级英语作文 An animal in danger 在线等!

n all the hearts of chinese people,there is the deep love for a special animal, that is our country Mascot--Panda!They are so cute,and easily to get along with,you can be friend of them,playing with them with banboo,their favorate food,taking photo of them sleeping under the sunshine,eatting the banboo,you can feel quite beautiful of the colors black,white,green in you camera view..Except that,Panda always play an important role for internation relation maintainance and development,all the foreign countries which are friendly to China will have the Panda for chinese precious present,so them are very important too.Do you like them too, my friends?


XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); XmlElement root = doc.CreateElement("AmazonEnvelope"); root.SetAttribute("xmlns:xsi", "XMLSchema-instance"); root.SetAttribute("noNamespaceSchemaLocation", "XMLSchema-instance", "amzn-envelope.xsd"); doc.AppendChild(root); doc.Save("TestEE.xml");



as well as other animals hunted

as well as 连接俩个成分是相同的 大象被猎杀,故是被动 选A,过去分词做后置定语,表被动。可以排除B项,C项that后面应该是一个定语从句,少了一个be动词,D项又少了一个that。

Have you wondered why different animals or pests have their particular colors? Colors in them s...

小题1:B小题2:C小题3:A 文章主要谈论的是动物使用颜色来保护自己的问题。小题1:B 主旨大意题。文章主要谈论的是动物使用颜色来保护自己的问题。小题2:C 细节题。根据Birds, especially seagulls are very fond of locusts, but birds can"t easily catch locusts because locusts change their colors together with the change of the color of crops.可知C正确。小题3:A 猜测词义题。根据because they have the color much like the barks(树皮) of trees.可知他们的颜色和周围的颜色几乎一样,他们就难以被发现,故A正确。

哈士奇(husky)和阿拉斯加犬(Alaskan malamute)是一回事儿吗?详细点儿 谢谢




请问这for every 100 females 后面是不是加一个born比较好呢?我知道他是状语

加一个born不是更好了,而是错了!事实上,这里的过去分词短语born for every 100 females作males的后置定语,而for every 100 females是born的状语。就好比在句子There are 100 stamps collected for four students.(这里有为4名学生收集的100枚邮票。)中,collected for four students是stamps的后置定语,而其中for four students是collected的目的状语一样。

第一天学SAS,很幼稚的问题 Libname AA ‘d:sas’ data AA.females; set adult; run;

Libname AA ‘d:sas"后面少了分号;Libname AA ‘d:sas";data AA.females;set adult; run;

male to female中文翻译

The male to female ratio was about 1 . 6 to 1 男性与女性患者的比率约为1 . 6比1 。 Natural ratio of males to females born each year 男女婴每年出生自然比率 The ratio of male to female professional officers was 1 : 1 . 24 而男女专业人员的比例则为1比1 . 24 。 When excluding healthcare workers , the male to female ratio reduces to 1 : 1 . 1 如不计算医护人员在内,男女患者比例减至1 : 1 . 1 。 The disease is more mon among male population and the male to female ratio is about 3 . 1 to 1 该疾病在男性人口中较为普遍,男女患者的比例约为3 . 1比1 。 4 . currently available information has shown that male to female ratio of the sars patients is 1 : 1 . 3 4 .现有资料显示,严重急性呼吸系统综合症病人的男女比例为1比1 . 3 。 In 2004 , there were 4 182 new cases of lung cancer , with 2 805 cases of males and 1 377 cases of females . the male to female ratio was about 2 . 0 to 1 . the majority of which was people of age over 50 于二零零四年录得的肺癌新症共有4 182宗,男性有2 805宗,女性有1 377宗,男女患者的比例约为2 . 0比1 ,大部分患者是50岁以上的人士。 I wanted to tell in my own words the story of my gender transition from male to female three decades earper , in 1968 , and then of being outed 31 years later in 1999 , while pving quietly and successfully in " stealth mode " 从1968年开始的31年里,我一直试图以自己的方式讲述我从男性变为女性的故事,并在1999年袒露了这一切,这期间我成功地过著平静的潜藏式生活。 There are three points worth particular attention : 1 ) the style evolution of the ci - poetry by male writers ; 2 ) the changes of poptical and social ethos , the conitant changes of the attitude of males to females " writing , and the attitude of females themselves ; 3 ) the differences beeen males and females in emotion and intelpgence 其中有三点值得注意:第一,男性词作风格演化之影响;第二,政治与社会风习之改变以及与之相伴随的男性对妇女写作之观念的转变和妇女写作观念之转变;第三,男女两性在心理与智力等方面之差异。 The b *** prises more than fifty musicians from all walks of pfe . ages range from seventeen to seventy , with a healthy balance of males to females . musicians rehearse in their spare time and perform styles , from classical to jazz and popular music . members of the symphonic and swing bands , and *** aller ensembles , are university students , full - time workers , or active retirees 本团有五十多位来自各行各业的团员,年龄层从十七岁到七十岁都有,男女生几乎各占一半,利用业馀的时间排练,演出的曲目风格包括古典、爵士和通俗流行音乐;本团管乐团、爵士乐队和重奏团的成员结构,包括有大学学生、职场就业人士和退休人员。


Male to FemaleMen to Women 两个都行

delicate female什么意思



The male voice is deeper than the female . 男性的嗓音比女性的低沉。 Redder than male rubies were the roses . 玫瑰花比上等红宝石更红。 The male heir might bring an appeal . 男性继承人可以提出上诉。 The male gamete could not unite with the female . 雄配子不能与雌配子结合。 "i didn"t either," her male panion said . “我也不知道,”她的男朋友说。 The male bird strutted in front of the female . 雄鸟在雌鸟面前趾高气扬地走着。 She is beautifully dressed, but still in male attire . 她穿着华丽,但仍为男装。 Several other conifers produce *** all male catkins . 其它几种针叶树产生小雄花序。 Responsibipty for debts was shouldered by the male alone . 债务由男方单独负担。 It is conventional male symbol . 那通常是雄性记号。 It"s a monplace male pretense . 这是男人的通病。 White male death-rate increased in a decpning rate . 白人男子的死亡率增长速度在下降。 We need some male subjects for a psychology experiment . 我们需要几个男子作心理学实验对象。 The males are haploid . 雄的个体都是单倍体。 Testosterone is an androgen or male steroid hormone . 睾丸甾酮是一种雄性激素或雄性类固醇激素。 The males in the herd protect the females and the young . 兽群中的雄性动物保护雌性动物和幼仔。 Could the large ones be males and the *** aller ones females ? 难道大个的是男性而小个儿的是女性吗? In many organi *** s the male and female gametes are different . 很多生物体中雄配子与雌配子是不同的。 All the male members of the gens were equally epgible . 凡是本氏族的男性成员都具有同等的被选资格。 A milk cow is a female, a bull is a male of the same animal . 奶牛是母牛,而公牛则是这种同类动物的雄牛。 It is a male dog . 那是只公狗。 The presence of a male cat heightens the female cat"s sexual receptivity . 雄猫的存在,可提高雌猫的性兴奋。 F1 females could be backcrossed to the male homozygous recessive parent . 也可用雌性F1与隐性纯合雄性亲本回交。 Today patricia made some dry ment about a male colleague . 今天,帕特丽夏冷嘲热讽地谈了她对一个男同事的看法。 The male gonads, the testis, pe outside the abdomen within the scrotum . 公畜的生殖腺--睾丸,位于腹壁外的阴囊内。 Veterinarians are frequently asked to certify the fertipty of male breeding stock . 兽医们经常需要检查公畜生育力。 While both male and female songbirds can call, usually only the male sings . 雄鸟雌鸟都会叫唤,但通常只有雄鸟才唱歌。 Migrants, both male and female, seem to e from all socioeconomic strata . 似乎来自各个社会经济阶层的男女移民都有。 The males suspected to have induced inversions were later used to build up stocks . 疑有诱发倒位的雄性然后用于建立原种。 Cirrhosis deaths, in both males and females increased during the same years . 在这些年里,不论男女,因肝硬化而死亡的人数也同时增加。 Among the many passengers on this boat, both male and female, was a spruce young dandy . 船上载着许多男女旅客,其中有一个穿着一身考究衣服的 *** 。 The desire and abipty to carry out a plete act of mating is typical of sexually mature males . *** 和进行完整的交配动作的能力是公畜性成熟的象征。 Though she knew the *** all number of his talents she appreciated his abstract value as a male . 尽管知道他才疏学浅,她却依然珍重他作为男性的抽象价值。 One factor within the crown of monoecious species is the proximity of male and female flowers . 雌雄同株树种的树冠内的一个因素,就是雄花和雌花很接近。 Male pseudohermaphroditi *** has been well-described in the testicular feminizing syndrome of man . 雄性的假两性畸形在男性睾丸女性化的综合症中已有报道。 Without question, black people and women earn less than white males in the american economy . 毫无疑问,黑人和妇女在美国经济中挣得的钱要比白种男人少。 When the male reproductive cell fertipzes the female reproductive cell a zygote is formed . 当男性生殖细胞与女性生殖细胞发生受精时,就形成了一个合子。 The number of male telephone operators over the same span rose 38%, and the number of male nurse 94% . 男话务员在同一时期增加了38,而男性护士则增加了94。

female and male有什么区别?

male a. 1. 男性的,男子的 A male nurse took my temperature. 一位男护士给我量了体温。 2. 雄的,公的 3. 【植】雄性的,只具雄蕊的 4. 男性特有的;阳刚的 5. 【机】阳的,凸形的 n.[C] 1. 男子 2. 雄性动物 Males are generally taller than females. 雄性动物通常长得比雌性动物高。 In most birds, the male is bigger and more brightly colored than the female. 雄鸟大抵都比雌鸟大,而且羽毛颜色更鲜艳。 3. 【植】雄性植物,雄株 4. 插入式配件 female a. 1. 女(性)的 Sewing is considered a female occupation. 缝纫被认为是女性的职业。 2. 雌的 The hunter shot a female deer. 猎人射中一只雌鹿。 3. 【植】雌性的 4. 【机】阴的,内孔的,母的 n.[C] 1. 女人 2. 雌性动物 This litter produced two males and seven females. 这一窝产下两只雄仔和七只雌仔。 3. 【植】雌性植物



male 和female 都不能加s 成复数吗?

谁说male和female不可以加s成为复数形式?它们的复数形式分别是: males和females

英语谚语:Deeds are males, and words are females 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Deeds are males and words are females 中文意思: 言柔弱无能,行刚强有力。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: The *** all courtesies sweeten life; the greater ennoble it 有点礼貌使生活愉快,多点礼貌使生活高尚。 The *** iles of a pretty woman are the tears of the purse 美女的微笑就是钱包的泪水。 The soul is not where it lives but it loves 心灵不在它生活的地方,而在它所爱的地方。 The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak 心有馀而力不足。 The still sow eats up all the draff 不声不响的猪吃光全部的饲料。 The style is the man 文如其人。 The sun shines all alike 太阳同样地普照一切。 The surest way to be happy is to be busy 要快乐,最可靠的办法是忙碌。 The sweetest grapes hang the highest 最甜的葡萄挂在最高的地方。 The sweetest thing in life Is the welocme of a wife 人生最甜蜜的事情就是爱妻的欢迎。 英语谚语: Deeds are males and words are females 中文意思: 言柔弱无能,行刚强有力。

male 和 female是可数名词吗

是可数. 复数是:males females.


释义:雌性的美式读音:u02c8fiu02d0meu026al英式读音:u02c8fiu02d0meu026al复数:females雌雄:male and female雌花:female flower例句:1、This female singer won the Grammy Award three times in a row.这位女歌手连续三次获得了格莱美音乐奖。2、These female fittings need to be lubricated regularly.这些内孔配件需要定期润滑。3、The proportion of females in the labor force is increasing year by year.女性的劳动力占比在逐年上升。4、We have a female cat.我们有只母猫。

请问:male female是单还是复数?我总记不住单词是否可数,是单是复.怎么办?

male 和female两词比较特殊,即可为单数,也可为复数,如下: 以male为例: Men and boys are sometimes referred to as males when they are being considered as a type. He was very anxious to prove he was a red-blooded male. 但需注意的是复数males/females前不要加冠词the. 可数与否基本是有规律的,排除掉那些物质名词water等,还有一些特殊的,为不可数。把特殊的记住即可。

请问:male female是单还是复数?我总记不住单词是否可数,是单是复.怎么办?

(fe)male 一般是adj,名词时是普通名词,加s即可

Great Females 英语作文?

Growing up, I found that I was often influenced by some women, they may be young, great, beautiful, but for me they are important, change my life.When I was in primary school, I took part in a speech contest with the title of "Liu Hulan" without knowing it. As a result, I used the tone of dying to read Chinese texts for six years in my primary school. She was tied up by the enemy, in the face of the knife, the picture is still engraved in my mind.从小到大,我发现我常常被一些女性影响,她们可能是年轻的,伟大的,美丽的,但对我来说她们都是重要的,改变我生命的。小学的时候我在毫不知情的情况下参加了一次演讲比赛,题目是《刘胡兰》,导致我小学六年念语文课文都是用的即将赴死就义的语气。她被敌人五花大绑,面对闸刀视死如归的画面现在都还刻在我的脑海里。

男厕用male,女厕所用females可以么?还有工具房的翻译是不是tool room啊?

没有这样写的 一般写成 Gentleman 男厕 Ladies 女厕 或 Men Women

male 和 female 有复数形式吗

也有名词词性 分别加s


1 female 也可以指雌性动物 2 如果专门指人的话,从语感上female更加突出了定义性别,主要用在特别要表述女性性别的地方. 3 在英美习惯里,如果口语中用female指代女性有一定的暧昧成分. 而woman只是平常的指代女人,使用起来都没有问题,但是不够生动. 举个中文的例子: 女人和小妞,哪个听上去生动?



Female ,male 可数吗

female的复数形式是 females,male的复数形式是males它们作为一个人两个人的时候可数,作为一类人时不可数



tephritid females 是什么意思?求翻译。。。

tephritid 英语没这个词females 女性(复数,)

Male 和 Female是什么意思?

Maleadj.男性的; 雄性的; 有力的; [植]雄性的,仅有雄蕊的; n.男; 雄性动物; [植]雄性植物; 马累[马律]; Femaleadj.女性的; 雌性的; 能结果实的; 电气设备阴的; n.女人; 雌性动物; 雌性植物,雌株。

male 和female 都不能加s 成复数吗?

你好!male和female用作名词的时候有单复数之分,male的复数形式为males,female的复数形式为females。如果他们用作形容词时谈不上单复数。例如: he is male. 表示他是男的。 这里的male是形容词。 he is a male. 表示他是一个男人。这里的male是名词。 The percentage of males increased with each age group. 每个年龄组的男性比例有所增加。这里的males是名词。希望帮到了你 祝你好运!


female[美] [ ˈfiˌmel]  [英] [ˈfi:meɪl]  adj. 女性的; 雌性的; 能结果实的; 电气设备阴的n. 女人; 雌性动物; 雌性植物,雌株复数:females


emale 英["fi:meu026al]美[ u02c8fiu02ccmel]adj. 女性的;雌性的;能结果实的;电气设备阴的n. 女人;雌性动物;雌性植物,雌株名词复数:females[例句]Female mice deficient in the particular protein showed depression-like behaviours.缺乏此类蛋白质的雌性鼠表现出了类似抑郁的行为。望采纳


  female 英[u02c8fi:meu026al] 美[u02c8fiu02ccmel]  adj. 女性的; 雌性的; 能结果实的; 电气设备阴的;  n. 女人; 雌性动物; 雌性植物,雌株;  [例句]Their aim is equal numbers of male and female MPs by the year 2000  他们的目标是2000年前使国会议员中男女人数相等。  [其他] 复数:females

求female consciousness (女性意识)和feminism(女权主义)的英文定义! 一定要是英文的哦!

Feminism is a collection of movements aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, and social rights and equal opportunities for women.Female consciousness,recognition of what a particular class,culture,and historical period expect from women,creates a sense of rights and obligations that provides motive force for actions different from those Marxist or feminist theory generally try to explain,我觉得他俩是完全不一样的东西 , 一个是一种思想可能会演变成一种行动,去运用和影响自身的生活,但是女性意识是源于生活,没有女权主义那么的极端。(当然,我不是很懂唉,随便发表的一件,至于定义是查的,feminism是维基百科介绍的,那个consciousness是看的一篇文章的介绍,我把连接给你 好了^^)



Animal Instincts 歌词

歌曲名:Animal Instincts歌手:Kajagoogoo专辑:White FeathersSuddenly something has happened to meas I was having my cup of teaSuddenly I was feeling depressedI was utterly and totally stressedDo you know you made me cryohh...Do you know you make me die ,And the thing that gets to meIs you"ll never really seeAnd the thing that breaks me outIs that always be in doubtIt is a lovely thing that we haveIt is a lovely thing that weIt is a lovely thing,The animal instinctooh ohh ohhSo take my hands and come with meWe will change realitySo take my hands and we will prayThey won"t take you awayThey will never make me cry,noThey will never make me dieAnd the thing that gets to meIs youll never really seeAnd the thing that breaks me outIs that always be in doubtThe animalThe animalThe animal instinct to meIt"s the animalThe animalThe animal instinct to meIt"s the animalIt"s the animalIt"s the animal instinct to meIt"s the animalIt"s the animalIt"s the animal instinct to meThe animalThe animalThe animal instinct to meIt"s the animalTt"s the animalIt"s the animal instinct to me徐建华编辑



One____be caerful enough while driving,because a small mistake might cost adriver his life

can 仅共参考


马来西亚雪兰莪州双溪毛糯新村路216-D 座号邮区编号:47000

20,Hala rapat baru 23,kawassan perindustrian ringan kinta jaya ,31350 ipoh, perak ,west Malaysia

巴鲁哈拉喇叭23,kawassan perindustrian ringan近打亚,31350怡保,霹雳州,西马来西亚

200分求改英语作文 (Are zoos cruel to animals?)

Nowadays more and more zoos are founded up to keep animals on the edge of exctintion.Someone thinks that zoos keeping animals let them have a chance to observe wild animals in person.However, I believe that zoos keep animals in cages is absolutely wrong!There are three reasons to surpport my opinion. To begin with,I think animals will lose their natuiral wild quality,no doubt!The best example is a giant panda"s story.The Panda Saving center released agiant panda.Monthes later,it"s dead because of its breaking into a wild panda"s zone and fighting.So I think it"s clear that the animals growing at zoos can hardly survive in nature. Moreover,I reckon that people don"t have the right to put animal into cages!Even that maybe help us to protect the animals,it"s unreasonable.We don"t have the right to do so.We can always see animals in cage turning around again and again,we can notice it obviously that they are annoyed.What if but human beings into cages and let animals see them out side?It totally disobey basic morals to sent animals into cages! The last but not the least,keeping animals in zoos is breaking the eco-environment system.As we all know,nature can re arrange the system gerfectly by itself.If one kind of animals are no longer fit to be alive,they will die out.Stopping it with personal decision is not good for both the balance of the entire biological chain and the animals themselves.I hear that there is a kind of sheep living in America.They will fall down,if you just open an umbrella in front of them.The only reason they haven"t dead out I think is people feel funny by seeing them falling.Isn"t it cruel to animals? In the final analysis ,even though zoos treat animals very well,I insist on that they cural to animals.Nobody has the right to imprison anyone including animal.Tigers,pandas,deers and so on,they are not treated on the fair way!So please show some mercy to them!

After she _____ the zoo ,she cleans the animal rooms and cages.


阅读回答问题: This is my uncle Mr Brown.He is a zoo-keeper.He feeds the animals ev-ery day.

1.teacher, cool, tell story, a big house with us, swim and play football well.2.Climb, swing and eat 3.Feeds the animals and cleans their cages 4.Cage and rope5.It likes to eat fruit and leaves

it is good to keep animals in zoos

1idea2world3food4place5protected6wild7no8around9unnatural10to look

myfavouriteanimals 作文

my favoueite animals is birds. becases I think birde is very very beautiful. my grandfather has two birds,they are lovely.they head is red.they are live in the small cages.I think they are Icarry them away big cages.I put some leaves in the big cages .I feed them some bread,and clean water.I hope they are happy.last year,they have three daughters and one I have six birds.little birds look like balls ,they are ugly.but I like them I like all kinds of animals.animals is our friends.we must protect animals Stop animals go extinct.. 原创

the animals in cages _______ be happy.

can"t 的表达可以比较客观因为客观上被关在笼子里,所以没办法开心起来此处并不是脑力或者体力上不可以开心don"t 的话 一般是接动作 直接接心理状态的话很怪比如 don"t be silly 别犯傻don"t be happy 一般也会是 别开心 的意思而不会是不开心 比较主观


1、B 2、B 【绝对正确,】

why do some people think it is unfair to keep wild animals in cages是什么意

why do some people think it is unfair to keep wild animals in cages?中文译文:为什么一些人认为把野生动物关在笼子里是不公平的?说明:It"s unfair 后面内容为宾语从句。


whydosomepeoplethinkitisunfairtokeepwildanimalsincages? 为什么有些人认为这是不公平的,让野生动物关笼子里?补充:为什么有些人把动物养在笼子里是不公平的呢?~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳!~

深度学习中 Batch Normalization为什么效果好

深度学习中 Batch Normalization为什么效果好?作者:魏秀参来源:知乎这里分五部分简单解释一下Batch Normalization (BN)。1. What is BN?顾名思义,batch normalization嘛,就是“批规范化”咯。Google在ICML文中描述的非常清晰,即在每次SGD时,通过mini-batch来对相应的activation做规范化操作,使得结果(输出信号各个维度)的均值为0,方差为1. 而最后的“scale and shift”操作则是为了让因训练所需而“刻意”加入的BN能够有可能还原最初的输入(即当),从而保证整个network的capacity。(有关capacity的解释:实际上BN可以看作是在原模型上加入的“新操作”,这个新操作很大可能会改变某层原来的输入。当然也可能不改变,不改变的时候就是“还原原来输入”。如此一来,既可以改变同时也可以保持原输入,那么模型的容纳能力(capacity)就提升了。)<img src="" data-rawwidth="776" data-rawheight="616" class="origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb" width="776" data-original="">关于DNN中的normalization,大家都知道白化(whitening),只是在模型训练过程中进行白化操作会带来过高的计算代价和运算时间。因此本文提出两种简化方式:1)直接对输入信号的每个维度做规范化(“normalize each scalar feature independently”);2)在每个mini-batch中计算得到mini-batch mean和variance来替代整体训练集的mean和variance. 这便是Algorithm 1.关于DNN中的normalization,大家都知道白化(whitening),只是在模型训练过程中进行白化操作会带来过高的计算代价和运算时间。因此本文提出两种简化方式:1)直接对输入信号的每个维度做规范化(“normalize each scalar feature independently”);2)在每个mini-batch中计算得到mini-batch mean和variance来替代整体训练集的mean和variance. 这便是Algorithm 1.2. How to Batch Normalize?怎样学BN的参数在此就不赘述了,就是经典的chain rule:<img src="" data-rawwidth="658" data-rawheight="380" class="origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb" width="658" data-original="">3. Where to use BN?BN可以应用于网络中任意的activation set。文中还特别指出在CNN中,BN应作用在非线性映射前,即对做规范化。另外对CNN的“权值共享”策略,BN还有其对应的做法(详见文中3.2节)。4. Why BN?好了,现在才是重头戏--为什么要用BN?BN work的原因是什么?说到底,BN的提出还是为了克服深度神经网络难以训练的弊病。其实BN背后的insight非常简单,只是在文章中被Google复杂化了。首先来说说“Internal Covariate Shift”。文章的title除了BN这样一个关键词,还有一个便是“ICS”。大家都知道在统计机器学习中的一个经典假设是“源空间(source domain)和目标空间(target domain)的数据分布(distribution)是一致的”。如果不一致,那么就出现了新的机器学习问题,如,transfer learning/domain adaptation等。而covariate shift就是分布不一致假设之下的一个分支问题,它是指源空间和目标空间的条件概率是一致的,但是其边缘概率不同,即:对所有,,但是. 大家细想便会发现,的确,对于神经网络的各层输出,由于它们经过了层内操作作用,其分布显然与各层对应的输入信号分布不同,而且差异会随着网络深度增大而增大,可是它们所能“指示”的样本标记(label)仍然是不变的,这便符合了covariate shift的定义。由于是对层间信号的分析,也即是“internal”的来由。那么好,为什么前面我说Google将其复杂化了。其实如果严格按照解决covariate shift的路子来做的话,大概就是上“importance weight”(ref)之类的机器学习方法。可是这里Google仅仅说“通过mini-batch来规范化某些层/所有层的输入,从而可以固定每层输入信号的均值与方差”就可以解决问题。如果covariate shift可以用这么简单的方法解决,那前人对其的研究也真真是白做了。此外,试想,均值方差一致的分布就是同样的分布吗?当然不是。显然,ICS只是这个问题的“包装纸”嘛,仅仅是一种high-level demonstration。那BN到底是什么原理呢?说到底还是为了防止“梯度弥散”。关于梯度弥散,大家都知道一个简单的栗子:。在BN中,是通过将activation规范为均值和方差一致的手段使得原本会减小的activation的scale变大。可以说是一种更有效的local response normalization方法(见4.2.1节)。5. When to use BN?OK,说完BN的优势,自然可以知道什么时候用BN比较好。例如,在神经网络训练时遇到收敛速度很慢,或梯度爆炸等无法训练的状况时可以尝试BN来解决。另外,在一般使用情况下也可以加入BN来加快训练速度,提高模型精度。诚然,在DL中还有许多除BN之外的“小trick”。别看是“小trick”,实则是“大杀器”,正所谓“The devil is in the details”。希望了解其它DL trick(特别是CNN)的各位请移步我之前总结的:Must Know Tips/Tricks in Deep Neural Networks 以上。*********************************************************************************************************

lua ffi怎么释放malloc内存

将数据以链表形式顺序存放,新数据总是放在表尾,待处理的数据总是在头结点下的第一个结点,处理完毕则释放空间。 #define BufferSize 1024 // 合适的大小你知道的 typedef struct node { char *buffer; struct node *next; }*linkList; LinkLis...


到目前为止,掌握的内存开辟方式有:int val = 10//在栈空间上开辟4个字节int arr[10]//在栈空间上开辟40个字节的连续空间而这上述的方法都有两个特点:开辟的空间大小是固定的数组在申明的时候,必须指定数组的长度,它所需要的内存在编译时分配。但是对于空间的需求,不仅仅是上述的情况。有时候我们需要的空间大小在程序运行的时候才能知道,那数组的编译时开辟空间的方式就不能满足了。这时候就只能试试动态内存开辟了。2. 动态内存函数的介绍2.1 malloc和freeC语言提供了一个动态内存开辟的函数://返回类型:void*指针,参数要开辟空间的字节数void* malloc(size_t size);1212这个函数向内存申请一块连续可用的空间,并返回指向这块空间的起始字节的地址。如果开辟成功,则返回一个指向开辟好空间的指针。如果开辟失败,则返回一个NULL指针,因此malloc的返回值一定要做检查。返回值的类型是 void* ,所以malloc函数并不知道开辟空间的类型,具体在使用的时候使用者自己来决定。如果参数 size 为0,malloc的行为是标准是未定义的,取决于编译器。举个例子:#include <string.h>#include <errno.h>;#include <stdlib.h>int main(){ int arr[10] = { 0 }; //开辟40个字节的空间 int* pa = (int*)malloc(40); //如果为NULL表示开辟失败 //打印错误信息结束程序 if (pa == NULL) { printf("%s ", strerror(errno)); return 1; } //正常使用 for(int i = 0; i < 10 ++i) { *(pa + i) = i; //等价于p[i] } for(int i = 0; i < 10 ++i) { printf("%d ", *(pa + i)); } return 0;}123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627代码中数组的开辟形式与动态内存开辟的形式有什么不同呢?首先它们的存储区域是不一样的,内存分为栈区、堆区和静态区。栈区是用来存放局部变量、形式参数和临时性的变量等堆区是用来存放malloc、calloc、realloc和free开辟和操作的空间。而int arr[10] = { 0 };这是在栈区上申请40个字节,通过int* pa = (int*)malloc(40);申请的空间则在堆区上,malloc申请的空间如果不够大,可以调整,而在栈区申请的空间大小不能随便乱动。上面代码中虽然最后没有free(释放)掉申请的空间,但是并不意味着内存空间会泄露,当程序退出的时候,系统会自动回收内存空间的。内存泄漏:这块空间分配给你,你用完之后不还回,这时这块空间你不用了你也不还,别人也不用不上了,如果永远不还,就意味着永远也拿不到该空间,这就意味着这块空间丢了,也就是内存泄漏和malloc相关的函数是free,专门是用来做动态内存的释放和回收的,函数原型如下:void free (void* ptr);11free函数用来释放动态开辟的内存。如果参数 ptr 指向的空间不是动态开辟的,那free函数的行为是未定义的(error)。如果参数 ptr 是NULL指针,则函数什么事都不做。int main(){ int* pa = (int*)malloc(40); if (pa == NULL) { printf("%s ", strerror(errno)); return 1; } //正常使用完后释放,相当于把该内存空间 //还给操作系统了 free(pa); //然后把pa赋值为空指针 //这是因为虽然释放了该内存块 //但是pa依然记得这块空间的起始地址 //所以要让pa彻底“失忆” //不让它在指向这块空间 pa = NULL; return 0;}12345678910111213141516171819123456789101112131415161718192.2 calloc除了malloc,还提供了一个函数叫 calloc, calloc 函数也用来动态内存分配。原型如下://返回类型:void*指针,参数:要开辟数据的个数,数据大小所占的字节数void* calloc (size_t num, size_t size);1212函数的功能是为 num 个大小为 size 的元素开辟一块空间,并且把空间的每个字节初始化为0。与函数 malloc 的区别只在于 calloc 会在返回地址之前把申请的空间的每个字节初始化为全0。比如:#include <string.h>#include <errno.h>#include <stdlib.h>int main(){ //开辟40个字节的空间 int* pa = (int*)calloc(10, sizeof(int)); //如果为NULL表示开辟失败 //打印错误信息结束程序 if (pa == NULL) { printf("%s ", strerror(errno)); return 1; } for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { printf("%d ", pa[i]); } free(pa); pa = NULL; return 0;}1234567891011121314151617181920212212345678910111213141516171819202122在这里插入图片描述calloc = malloc + memset.2.3 reallocrealloc函数的出现让动态内存管理更加灵活。有时会我们发现过去申请的空间太小了,有时候我们又会觉得申请的空间过大了,那为了合理的时候内存,我们一定会对内存的大小做灵活的调整。那 realloc 函数就可以做到对动态开辟内存大小的调整。函数原型如下:void* realloc (void* ptr, size_t size);11ptr 是要调整的内存地址size 调整之后新大小返回值为调整之后的内存起始位置。这个函数调整原内存空间大小的基础上,还会将原来内存中的数据移动到新的空间。比如说:int main(){ int* pa = (int*)malloc(40); if (pa == NULL) { printf("%s ", strerror(errno)); return 1; } //赋值1~10 for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { *(pa + i) = i + 1; } //这时空间不够用了 //使用realloc来扩容 //把要调整空间的起始地址 //和增添后的空间总大小传参 //原来大小40,再增加40,所以是80 realloc(pa, 80); //那么这个函数在内存中是怎么工作的? //下面解释 return 0;}12345678910111213141516171819202122231234567891011121314151617181920212223realloc在调整内存空间的是存在两种情况:情况1:原有空间之后有足够大的空间情况2:原有空间之后没有足够大的空间画图解释两种情况:在这里插入图片描述第二种情况,返回的新地址可以直接在赋值给pa吗?其实是不可以的,如果realloc函数扩容失败了,返回了一个空指针赋值给了pa,pa本来还是指向原来的空间,结果为NULL之后连原来的空间都找不到了,因此正确的做法为:int* ret = (int*)realloc(pa, 80);if (ret != NULL){ pa = ret;}//使用;pa = NULL;123456789123456789做一个小转换就可以了,这样pa得到的才是有效的地址。realloc(NULL, 40) == malloc(40)11如果频繁地开辟动态内存,会造成内存和内存之间存在空隙,也就是内存碎片化,如果这个碎片没有好好利用,就会导致内存的利用率和效率的下降。效率下降是因为申请空间是在堆区上申请的,而堆区是操作系统管理的,所以使用malloc等函数申请空间是调用操作系统提供的接口,然后去堆区上申请空间,每次申请都要打断操作系统的执行,然后让操作系统帮我们去申请 ,而申请是需要浪费时间的,所以频繁的申请会导致效率的下降.3. 常见的动态内存错误对NULL指针的解引用操作void test(){ int *p = (int *)malloc(INT_MAX/4); *p = 20;//如果p的值是NULL,就会有问题 free(p); p = NULL;}12345671234567合理的修改应该是对p进行判断:#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>#include <errno.h> void test(){ int* p = (int*)malloc(INT_MAX / 4); if (p == NULL) { printf("%s ", strerror(errno)); //报错打印错误信息 return 1; //然后结束程序 } *p = 20; free(p); p = NULL;}12345678910111213141516171234567891011121314151617对动态开辟空间的越界访问void test(){ int i = 0; int* p = (int*)malloc(10 * sizeof(int)); if (NULL == p) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } for (i = 0; i <= 10; i++) { *(p + i) = i; } free(p); p = NULL;}123456789101112131415123456789101112131415一共就开辟了10个整形大小的空间,而循环访问到了第11个元素,即使是动态开辟的内存,也不能越界,因此循环条件该为 i< 10即可。对非动态开辟使用free释放void test(){ int a = 10; int* p = &a; free(p);//ok? p = NULL;}12345671234567此时运行程序会崩溃,因为p所指向的空间是栈区上的,并不是动态开辟的,free所释放的空间一定是malloc、calloc和realloc所开辟的。使用free释放一块动态开辟内存的一部分void test(){ int* p = (int*)malloc(100); p++; free(p);//p不再指向动态内存的起始位置 p = NULL;}12345671234567当对指针p进行++操作后,p就改变了,不再指针这块空间的起始地址,因此最后释放p会导致程序崩溃。对同一块动态内存多次释放void test(){ int* p = (int*)malloc(100); free(p); free(p);//重复释放 p = NULL;}12345671234567这也会导致程序崩溃,第一次释放已经把p所指向的空间还给操作系统了,但是p存放的还是刚才那块空间的起始地址,是个野指针,结果又释放一次,这下给编译器整不会了,我都帮你释放了呀,你咋还让我释放,那我就报错。所以要么释放一次p,要么释放一次把p置为空指针,然后再释放一次也不会有什么影响。动态开辟内存忘记释放(内存泄漏)void test(){ int* p = (int*)malloc(100); int flag = 0; scanf("%d", &flag); if (flag == 1) { return; } free(p); p = NULL;}int main(){ test(); return 0;}123456789101112131415161718123456789101112131415161718貌似逻辑没有什么问题,但是这段代码存在内存泄露的隐患,在test函数里,如果flag输入了一个1,那么函数调用直接结束,下面的释放和置空永远都没有机会执行,返回到主函数,test的栈空间销毁,那么p所指向的空间,程序就再也找不到了,那就意味着这块空间泄露了。这里的泄露并不是说真实的物理内存不见了,而只是临时分配给程序的那部分空间不见了,程序关闭会自动回收。忘记释放不再使用的动态开辟的空间会造成内存泄漏。动态开辟的空间一定要释放,并且正确释放 。4. 几个经典的笔试题请问以下题目中运行Test 函数会有什么样的结果:void GetMemory(char* p) { p = (char*)malloc(100);}void Test(void) { char* str = NULL; GetMemory(str); strcpy(str, "hello world"); printf(str);}int main(){ Test(); return 0;}1234567891011121314151612345678910111213141516首先调用Test函数,创建一个指针变量str并赋值为NULL,然后调用函数GetMemory,参数为str,那么形参也要创建也一个指针变量p来接收,p也是一个空指针,然后用malloc函数来开辟一块100个字节的空间,并把这块空间的起始地址交给p来维护,因为形参只能在本函数内部使用,出了函数形参p销毁,但是malloc开辟的空间并不会销毁。该函数调用完毕后回到Test,因为是传值调用,并没有传str的地址,所以操作形参并不会改变实参,此时的str还是一个空指针,下面紧接着对空指针str进行字符串拷贝程序会崩溃,因为空指针没办法解引用操作,所以最后printf会打印空,至此程序结束,而GetMemory函数内部用malloc开辟的空间也找不到了,所以也就永远没办法进行释放,这就导致了内存泄漏。简单来说上述代码有两个问题:1. 解引用空指针崩溃,存在内存泄漏。修改:GetMemory取出str的地址传参,形参用二级指针接收,然后解引用一次找到str,用str来维护malloc开辟的空间,最后使用完毕释放str,置空。-----------------分割线------------------char* GetMemory(void) { char p[] = "hello world"; return p;}void Test(void) { char* str = NULL; str = GetMemory(); printf(str);}int main(){ Test(); return 0;}1234567891011121314151612345678910111213141516首先调用Test函数,创建指针变量str并赋值为NULL,然后然后调用GetMemory函数,该函数内部创建数组p,然后返回p也就是数组首元素地址,出了函数数组p的空间就销毁了,此时把这块空间的地址赋值给str时,str的所指向的空间的内容是未知的,因为销毁后空间还给了操作系统,所以里面的内容如果被其它数据使用覆盖了,那么内容是未知的,也有可能没覆盖。所以如果没有被覆盖,可以打印出hello world,否者打印乱码。因此该程序的问题是返回了局部变量的地址,出了作用域销毁后返回了一个野指针。-----------------分割线------------------void GetMemory(char** p, int num) { *p = (char*)malloc(num);}void Test(void) { char* str = NULL; GetMemory(&str, 100); strcpy(str, "hello"); printf(str);}int main(){ Test(); return 0;}1234567891011121314151612345678910111213141516这题和上面的第一题相似,只有一个问题就是使用完后没有free掉这块空间,这就导致函数调用完毕后再也无法找到str所指向的那块空间了,也就相当于内存泄漏。修改:free(str); str = NULL;-----------------分割线------------------void Test(void) { char* str = (char*)malloc(100); strcpy(str, "hello"); free(str); if (str != NULL) { strcpy(str, "world"); printf(str); }}int main(){ Test(); return 0;}1234567891011121314151612345678910111213141516当free掉这块空间后,此时str依然指向那块内存空间的起始地址,但也是一个野指针,str != NULL为真进入if语句后,对野指针指向的地址进行字符串拷贝,因为那块空间已经不属于我们了,会造成非法访问,所以程序会崩溃。也是一个野指针问题。修改:在free后要及时把该指针置空即可。


The "c" indicates "cleared." The allocated memory is initialised, or cleared. The initialisation value used by calloc is 0.

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Malaguena Salerosa 歌词

《Malaguena Salerosa》演唱:Chingon所属专辑:《Kill Bill Volume 2 (Original Soundtrack)》发行时间: 2004年04月16日 歌词:Que bonitos ojos tienesDebajo de esas dos cejasDebajo de esas dos cejasQue bonitos ojos tienes.Ellos me quieren mirarPero si tu no los dejasPero si tu no los dejasNi siquiera parpadear.Malaguena salerosaBesar tus labios quisieraBesar tus labios quisiera.Malaguena salerosaY decirte nina hermosa.Que eres lin........da y hechicera,Que eres linda y hechiceraComo el candor de una rosa.Si por pobre me despreciasYo te concedo razonYo te concedo razonSi por pobre me desprecias.Yo no te ofrezco riquezasTe ofrezco mi corazonTe ofrezco mi corazonA cambio de mi pobreza.Malaguena salerosaBesar tus labios quisieraBesar tus labios quisiera.Malaguena salerosaY decirte nina hermosa.Que eres lin........da y hechicera,Que eres linda y hechiceraComo el candor de una rosa.Y decirte nina hermosa.

《The Male Brain》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《The Male Brain》(Louann Brizendine M.D.)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: 3wxf书名:The Male Brain作者:Louann Brizendine M.D.出版社:Broadway出版年份:2010-03-23页数:304内容简介:From the author of the groundbreaking New York Times bestseller The Female Brain, here is the eagerly awaited follow-up book that demystifies the puzzling male brain. Dr. Louann Brizendine, the founder of the first clinic in the country to study gender differences in brain, behavior, and hormones, turns her attention to the male brain, showing how, through every phase of life, the "male reality" is fundamentally different from the female one. Exploring the latest breakthroughs in male psychology and neurology with her trademark accessibility and candor, she reveals that the male brain:*is a lean, mean, problem-solving machine. Faced with a personal problem, a man will use his analytical brain structures, not his emotional ones, to find a solution.*thrives under competition, instinctively plays rough and is obsessed with rank and hierarchy.作者简介:【美】露安.布哲婷博士( Louann Brizendine, M.D.)哈佛医学院、耶鲁医学院等名校深造,主修过神经学、心理学等学科,以研究脑部荷尔蒙为主业,创建女性与少女情绪与激素诊所,现为资深心理医师。曾著《女人的大脑很那个》出售27国版权,全球销量破百万。

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