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Legend of Mermaid把日文的发音翻译成中文


urban mermaid的中文歌词

Urban Mermaid天空蓝的太鲜艳只有笑脸就变阴天问自己 失去的东西并不是全部就这样变成大人但是我仍相信现在I"m a beautiful mermaid想要坦率 为了要更像我自己并不孤单欧闪闪发耀 怀抱强烈的爱向前游因为我喜欢笑容灿烂的我发现了你偷偷偷窥了一下现在的自己也许是 不是特别的却是重要的事伸出的手前端照映出都会的喧闹I"m a beautiful mermaid赤裸 是最像我的坚强因为我知道相信的意义怀抱著温柔的爱向前游欢乐 悲伤都不带走向前行 all my girls…

求真珠美人鱼唱的legend of mermaid歌词!?

Legend of Mermaid歌:中田あすみ、寺门仁美、浅野まゆみ七彩的微风 侧著脸轻轻吹佛想溜走 溜到没有纷扰的角落在黎明前夕 传来优美的旋律记忆里 最美丽 最动人的Me lody展翅高飞 尽情遨游爱上东方蓝色天空 像鸟儿自由是我所追求 最终的梦七大海洋 七彩的梦幻乐园狂风暴雨也不能轻易改变 爱的坚持加上信念 生命从此会不断的蔓延七种国度 七彩的梦幻乐园闭上双眼慢慢地用心体验 即使梦也会有终点就算伤悲也会带著笑脸白云轻飘过 彩虹消失无影踪 淡淡的 叹息著蓝色的忧伤满天的星光透著珍珠的光芒闪耀着和月光将黑暗的心照亮远处传来我已听见 遥远的南方在呼唤该勇敢的去面对长大後 也算浪漫带著勇气开始著奇幻冒险捧著一手编织的满满心愿 也许我也会有胆怯 妈妈的爱会随时在身边星星偷偷降落在梦的天堂一闪一闪像我脸上的泪光 未来不适合去勉强守著梦想原来的模样七大海洋 七彩的梦幻乐园狂风暴雨也不能轻易改变 爱的坚持加上信念 生命从此会不断的蔓延七种国度 七彩的梦幻乐园闭上双眼慢慢地用心体验 即使梦也会有终点就算伤悲也会带著笑脸带著勇气开始著奇幻冒险捧著一手编织的满满心愿 也许我也会有胆怯 妈妈的爱会随时在身边星星偷偷降落在梦的天堂一闪一闪像我脸上的泪光 未来不适合去勉强守著梦想原来的模样顺便推荐一下beautiful withEver BluePiece of lovereturn to the sea mother symohony极光的风

The Little Mermaid是什么意思


the Little Mermaid这是哪个国家的

the little mermaid 《小美人鱼》是美国的!89年在美国上映。属于爱情/动画/奇幻类影片。希望能够帮到你,祝你进步,加油!

Ice Mermaid 歌词

歌曲名:Ice Mermaid歌手:Buono!专辑:夏ダカラ!「Ice Mermaid」作词∶铃木美穂作曲∶柳沢英树歌∶Buono!太阳が络んでくる 缠わり付くような光线で焼けた砂の上で 灼热の恋を奏でましょうでも 私は氷のよう爱を受け 体溶かしては あなたを満たせるから女なら 爱すより 爱されたいもの透き通る思い 感じてほしい打ち寄せる波间に残る白さに情热と快楽と寂しさが溢れているあなたに爱されて 姿変えても思い出と この夏を 忘れないで不器用なほどに まっすぐ爱してるから 热く溶かして月明かりの夜に 深い海の底 光るものこぼれ落ちた涙 逢いたい思いが 涡巻くのでも 私は氷のよう爱の温もりも冷ましては あなたを试せるから女なんて简単だと言わせないもの突き抜ける思い 感じてほしい抱き合えば あなたの腕の迹から少しずつ 少しずつ 溶けてゆく 気づかないであなたに爱されて 姿変えても思い出と この夏は 覚えていて辉きは残る 淡い波の姿で あなたのそばへ打ち寄せる波间に残る白さに情热と快楽と寂しさが溢れているあなたに爱されて 姿変えても思い出と この夏を 忘れないで不器用なほどに まっすぐ爱してるから热く溶かして热く溶かして热く溶かして【 おわり 】



求mermaid feata vol.1假名歌词,就是在汉字后用括号标出假名,不要罗马音

也就我这好心人给你弄这些东西。给分啊!No。とめないで あなたから热(あつ)くなれまだ梦(ゆめ)を见(み)てるの あどけない梦(ゆめ)耳(みみ)にささやいたら目(め)を闭(と)じて溜息(ためいき) あなたのせいよ海(うみ)にとける ムーンライトあびて飞(と)びこむ前(まえ)の爱(いと)しさは伝(つた)えたりしない…ひu30fbみu30fbつ话(はな)せば泡(あわ)となるような わたしは人鱼(にんぎょ)なの波(なみ)が连(つ)れてきた夏(なつ)の恋(こい)は 二度(にど)とこない切(せつ)ないフェスタ波(なみ)と踊(おど)るから激(はげ)しく鸣(な)らしてよ音(おと)の魔法(まほう) 今年(ことし)のフェスタ动揺(どうよう)してるの? 紧张(きんちょう)してるのなんだかわかる 振(ふ)りむいたらわかるあなたから 热(あつ)くなれなぜこっちに来(こ)ないの 意识(いしき)してるの少(すこ)しいじめてみる苦(くる)しげな言(い)い訳(わけ)が あなたらしくてさらに心(こころ) テンションあがる裸足(はだし)で书(か)いた砂(すな)の记号(きごう)さかさまにすれば I love you気(き)づいた时(とき)はどうするの わたしを见(み)ているのつぎは抱(だ)きしめて軽(かる)く逃(に)げて いまが恋(こい)の始(はじ)まりだからつぎに抱(だ)きしめて欲(ほう)しいの优(やさ)しいのね 知(し)りたいのは强引(ごういん)なしぐさ动揺(どうよう)してるよ 紧张(きんちょう)してるよなんどもすねる 寄(よ)りそってもすねるわたしには甘(あま)えてよ波(なみ)が连(つ)れてきた夏(なつ)の恋(こい)は 二度(にど)とこない切(せつ)ないフェスタ波(なみ)と踊(おど)るから激(はげ)しく鸣(な)らしてよ音(おと)の魔法(まほう) 今年(ことし)のフェスタ动揺(どうよう)してるの 紧张(きんちょう)してるのなんだかわかる 振(ふ)りむいたらわかる鸣(な)らしてよ 夏(なつ)の恋(こい)鸣(な)らしてよNo。とめないで あなたから热(あつ)くなれ

求Sarah Khider 的 mermaid song 所属的专辑名

Sarah Khider《Mermaid Song》(美人鱼之歌)传说,在海上的海妖,常化成美丽的人鱼。  她们在礁石上,弹着竖琴,唱着带有魔性的歌。  年轻的男子一旦经过,就会不由自主地被歌声和人鱼的美貌吸引,灵魂被人鱼掠走,这就是 Mermaid Song。        本曲《Mermaid Song》为比利时乐队 Hooverphonic 给 Chivas (芝华士)啤酒写的广告歌曲,歌曲似乎是有两个版本,一个是 Hooverphonic 的《When You Know》,一个是 Sarah Khider 的《Mermaid Song》,但是网上并没有区分开这两个版本,相关资料也是自相矛盾,搜索出来的 MP3 听起来也是相同的。   Hooverphonic 的流派为 Dream-Pop,主唱 Geike Arnaert 嗓音体现出一种古典清新的美感,出色地抒发着乐队标志性的朦胧而轻盈的情感。而广告中配上在冰天雪地的阿拉斯加拍摄的 MV,休闲的画面、优美的旋律,别有一番味道。     歌手(团体):Hooverphonic / Sarah Khider   歌名:When you know / Mermaid    We could be together   Everyday together   We could sit forever   As loving waves spill over     Verse:   The moon is fully risen   And shines over the sea   As you glide in my vision   The time is standing still   Don"t shy away too long   This is a boundless dream   Come close to me my reason   I"ll take you in my wings     Chorus:   We could be together   Everyday Forever   We belong together   Further seas and over   Verse:   In the garden of the sea   I see you looking over   With my wistful melody   You leap into the water   It is no breaths sighing   This is the mermaid song   The singing of my sisters   The sea has drown for long     我们会在一起   每天都在一起   当深情的浪花飞溅   我们会永远地坐着     词:   月亮升上天顶   照耀着海面   你却离开了我的视线   时间停下了脚步   不要回避太久   这是一个无尽的梦   靠近我,我的理由   我将留你在我身边     合唱:   我们会在一起   每天都在一起   无论深海还是海上   我们将在一起   词:   在海底花园中   我看你看过来   随着我充满渴望的乐曲   你落入水中   没有了呼吸和叹息   这是我的姐妹们唱的美人鱼的歌   被大海淹没很久了

求 mermaid girl 的歌词

I"m a twinkle little mermaid girlWaiting for a honey manDe-dup-i-dip-i sing a songLove me take me thereI"m a twinkle little mermaid girlOh I"m in a heavenly worldDe-dup-i-dip-i call my nameDe-dup-i-dip-i hold me longI lived in an ocean, in a coral palaceGrown up in comfort sweet princessSugar and spices and all that"s niceThe missing ingredient was just your presenceOne day a witch gave me lovely legsTo come up to your sideI know this dreamy world"s a fairytaleBut could you kiss me hereI"m a twinkle little mermaid girlWaiting for a honey manDe-dup-i-dip-i sing a songLove me take me thereI"m a twinkle little mermaid girlOh I"m in a heavenly worldDe-dup-i-dip-i call my nameDe-dup-i-dip-i hold me longBubbles sparkle and disappearInto the deep blue seaI know my life is a sad fairytaleSo could you wipe my tearsI"m a twinkle little mermaid girlWaiting for a honey manDe-dup-i-dip-i sing a songLove me take me thereI"m a twinkle little mermaid girlOh I"m in a heavenly worldDe-dup-i-dip-i call my nameDe-dup-i-dip-i hold me long



Legend of mermaid平假名歌词

  Legend of Mermaid  うた:中田あすみ 寺门仁美 浅野まゆみ  作曲:林 浩司  作词:三井ゆきこ  编曲:林 浩司  七色(なないろ)の风(かぜ)に吹(ふ)かれて  远(とお)い岬(みさき)を目指(めざ)してた  夜明(よあ)け前(まえ) 聴(き)こえたメロディー  それは とても 懐(なつ)かしい歌(うた)  东(ひがし)の空(そら)へと 羽(は)ばたく鸟(とり)たち  さあ、宝岛(たからじま)に 抜(ぬ)ける近道(ちかみち)  七(なな)つの海(うみ)の楽园(らくえん)  岚(あらし)の夜(よる)の後(あと)には  爱(あい)を伝(つた)えるため 命(いのち)がまた生(う)まれる  七(なな)つの国(くに)のメロディア  谁(だれ)もが いつかはここを 旅(たび)立(だ)つ日(ひ)が来(き)ても  私(わたし)は 忘(わす)れない  ゆっくりと 云(くも)は流(なが)れて  虹(にじ)の果(は)てに 消(き)えていった  星(ほし)たちは 真珠(しんじゅ)のように  强(つよ)い光(ひかり) 放(はな)ちはじめる  南(みなみ)の空(そら)から 聴(き)こえる口笛(くちぶえ)  そう、大人(おとな)になる 时(とき)が来(き)ていた  奇迹(きせき)を巡(めぐ)る冒険(ぼうげん)  优(やさ)しい母(はは)の愿(ねが)いを  胸(むね)に抱(だ)きながら 谁(だれ)もが旅(たび)をしてる  星(ほし)降(ふ)る夜(よる)のファンタジア  溢(あふ)れる涙(なみだ)と祈(いの)り 谁(だれ)にもわからない  未来(みらい)を照(て)らしてる  七(なな)つの海(うみ)の楽园(らくえん)  岚(あらし)の夜(よる)の後(あと)には  爱(あい)を伝(つた)えるため 命(いのち)がまた生(う)まれる  七(なな)つの国(くに)のメロディア  谁(だれ)もが いつかはここを 旅(たび)立(だ)つ日(ひ)が来(き)ても  私(わたし)は 忘(わす)れない  奇迹(きせき)を巡(めぐ)る冒険(ぼうげん)  优(やさ)しい母(はは)の愿(ねが)いを  胸(むね)に抱(だ)きながら 谁(だれ)もが旅(たび)をしてる  星(ほし)降(ふ)る夜(よる)のファンタジア  溢(あふ)れる涙(なみだ)と祈(いの)り 谁(だれ)にもわからない  未来(みらい)を照(て)らしてる  我伟大吧~~~~~~


多用于网名。语法标注解释 lucky英音:["lʌki]美音:["lʌkɪ] 以下结果由译典通提供词典解释形容词 a. 1.幸运的,好运的[+to-v][+(that)]A lucky person won the contest. 一个幸运儿赢了比赛。 You are lucky to be alive. 你活着算是幸运的了。 2.碰巧的,侥幸的a lucky escape from death 侥幸逃脱死亡 3.带来幸运的,吉祥的I always carry my lucky penny. 我的吉祥钱币时刻不离身。 以下结果来自互联网网络释义lucky1.但俺不信总是不看看强人写的英语 - 谈天说地 - 冶思智...但俺不信总是不lucky,幸运的;侥幸的中国来我社区-研究生考试大纲中容易混淆的词...lucky 幸运的;侥幸的mermaid英音:["mə:meid]美音:["mɝ,med] 以下结果由译典通提供词典解释名词 n. [C]1.美人鱼2.【美】女子游泳健将



mermaid song歌词

Mermaid Song CHIVAS的广告歌--Mermaid Song,很轻柔的一首歌,下面有英文歌词和中文歌词:)~~ We could be together Everyday together We could sit forever As loving waves spill over Verse: The moon is fully risen And shines over the sea As you glide in my vision The time is standing still Don"t shy away too long This is a boundless dream Come close to me my reason I"ll take you in my wings Chorus: We could be together Everyday Forever We belong together Further seas and over Verse: In the garden of the sea I see you looking over With my wistful melody You leap into the water It is no breaths sighing This is the mermaid song The singing of my sisters The sea has drown for long 中文歌词:)~~ 我们会在一起 每天都在一起 当深情的浪花飞溅 我们会永远地坐着 词: 月亮升上天顶 照耀着海面 你却离开了我的视线 时间停下了脚步 不要回避太久 这是一个无尽的梦 靠近我,我的理由 我将留你在我身边 合唱: 我们会在一起 每天都在一起 无论深海还是海上 我们将在一起 词: 在海底花园中 我看你看过来 随着我充满渴望的乐曲 你落入水中 没有了呼吸和叹息 这是我的姐妹们唱的美人鱼的歌 被大海淹没很久了

Mermaid Blues歌词翻译

Mermaid Blues美人鱼的忧郁Ice has formedAnd there"s snow between the tracksAnd I have seen the surface tear andI can"t look back冰已形成踪迹间有雪我已看过水面的眼泪我不能回头And cool low sunHas blinded you for daysFrom horizon to horizonCan I dream this all away残酷消沉的太阳已使你失明多日从地平线到地平线我在梦中能将这一切赶走吗?But over the waterOver the waterOver the seaMermaid Blues但是在水之上在水之上在海面上美人鱼是那样忧郁There"s you shining brightIn a sea of foolsOh I can sing you out of thisCan shake your mermaids blues你在那里闪闪发光在愚人的海洋之中我能用歌声将你救出吗我能撼动你美人鱼的忧郁吗Come with meFor alone I fear the tideIt"s calling me and dragging meAnd I think it"s time来吧,同我在一起因为孤身一人时我畏惧潮汐它在呼唤我,拖拽我我想时间已到But over the waterOver the waterOver the waterOver the sea但是在水之上在水之上在海面上美人鱼是那样忧郁Shape your mouthTo fit these words of warI see the arrows falling backwardsBurning for a cause使你的口型适合说出导致战火的语言我看到箭矢向后落去有目的地燃烧I"ll swim with youUntil my lungs give outOh I can raise you from the deepOr drown with you in doubt我会与你同游直到我的肺部精疲力尽哦,我可以将你从深处托举向上或者在疑虑中与你一同溺毙But over the waterOver the waterOver the water with youWith you, with you ... 但是在水之上在水之上在水之上我与你同在与你同在,与你同在


We could be togetherEveryday togetherWe could sit foreverAs loving waves spill over

英文歌-乔维怡的-美人鱼之歌mermaid song的歌词?


Hans Zimmer的《Mermaids》 歌词

歌曲名:Mermaids歌手:Hans Zimmer专辑:Pirates Of The Caribbean: On Stranger TidesGimmie, Gimmie, Gimmie Your Love 軽い台词がハマる夜ギラギラしたら素颜は决して 明かさずに运命のように出逢ってしまった、仆达なんてバレる嘘も このGAMEを制す 駆け引きさ今夜 mermaid ねえ游ばない? 気障な美辞丽句を交わして艶色の光が 映し出す はだけた素肌いいんじゃない?そうさ mermaid ねえ秘密を 色々教えてあげるからヒラヒラと泳いで 溶けるまで接吻をして爱の海へDIVEShake Your, Shake Your, Shake Your Hip 安いポーズが似合う夜ギリギリなんて见极めない 堕ちてゆこうこの唇 惹かれ合ってるよ、仆达そんな甘い事も 多分言われてみたい 年顷さ揺れて mermaid ねえ踊ろう 危ないタイプじゃないから本気の恋なのか 火游びの恋なのか まだわからないだから mermaid 二人して 心まで裸にしないか?饰り立てた街で 大胆になろうよ泡のようなLOVE寂しい颜しないで 理性が戻りそうさこのまま骗し骗されたい幻の君に魅せられて今夜 mermaid ねえ游ばない? 気障な美辞丽句を交わして艶色の光が 映し出す はだけた素肌いいんじゃない?そうさ mermaid ねえ秘密を これから作りたいからヒラヒラと泳いで 溶けるまで接吻をして爱の海へDIVE揺れて mermaid ねえ踊ろう 危ないタイプじゃないから本気の恋なのか 火游びの恋なのか 知りたくもないだから mermaid 二人して イケるとこまで行くしかない饰り立てた街で 大胆になろうよ泡のようなLOVE

Glay的《mermaid》 歌词

歌曲名:mermaid歌手:Glay专辑:One LoveMERMAIDsong written&composed by TAKURO さまarrebged by MASAHIDE SAKUMA & TAKURO & GLAYイテだつ つめた耳にさきさ刺さるいちごれいくの裏の嘘暴かれるわけも无くまた俺は夜にふふえてる もうオマエには何もおしえてやれないどんば明日が在るのか? 今日を无だにする奴らのために!Come on! Oh Yes drive me mad今は 安らげる场所に背を向けて スリルをどうみやくに打てCome on!Oh Yes drive me madそして 胸に眠る武器をとれ 合図でてんこくを撃てアンセムのように レイジガ爆音で问うそこに何がめるのか?Ride on time答えを闻がせてくれCome on! Oh Yes drive me mad命ギリギリと刻む ビツケビトとそのスビドに抱かれCome on! Oh Yes drive me madそして ゆるぎない决意を乗せて この世の果てまで ゆくのさそして俺が正気をなくしてもlet me liveふり返り 微笑む夜明けに しあおせで あればと愿うCome on! Oh Yes drive me mad今は 安らげる场所に背を向けて スリルをどうみやくに打てCome on! Oh Yes drive me mad命ギリギリと刻む ビツケビトとそのスビドに抱かれCome on! Oh Yes drive me madそして ゆるぎない决意を乗せて この世の果てまで ゆくのさ

mermaid 可以做英文名字吗

mermaid 可以做英文名字。mermaid中文意思是 美人鱼(传说中的)、女子游泳健将。据说加拿大很多女孩子都是这个名字。


"Mermaid″ リツカ作曲/作词: doriki 揺れる鼓动 凪ぐ苍き底(そこ) 摇晃不定的鼓动 平伏了苍蓝的海底 抱かれ 眠れるは笼(かご)の鸟 笼中被紧抱入睡的小鸟 きっと 谁よりも幸せで 一定比谁都更幸福 暗い窓の外も 憧れで织り上げる 漆黑黯淡的窗户外 编织出一片憧憬见つめる恋に 笼は键をかける 笼子 在凝视爱恋的一刻被锁上 伤つける 嘘ばかり それがすべてと 受伤 说谎 这就是当中的一切 窓越しの君 それでも変わらずに 即使越过窗户的你 仍旧没有变改 追いかけて 追いかけて 怖くなかった 追赶著 追赶著 不再感到恐惧水の底(そこ)から 駆け出すは恋 从水底深处奔跑出来的爱恋 あなたのもとへ 行きたいと愿う 祈盼能来到你的身旁(有误!) この足がもし 动くのなら 如果这双腿可以动的话 ただ一度だけでも 迷いなく傍を歩み 即使仅只一次 也不会迷路地走到你的身旁远い场所を见つめるほどに 像凝视遥远的他方般 どこか悲しげな声がしだ 不知哪处传来的悲伤声响 そっと 键が外されたこと 就这样 把钥匙取下 ただ喜ぶ恋は 优しさになれすぎで 只是欣喜的爱恋 太过习惯温柔 痛む足さえ 忘れてしまうほど 就算双腿疼痛 也非忘记不可 初めての冷たさを 梦中で駆けた 最初的寒冷 在梦里疾走奔驰 星を頼りに あなたの笑颜だけ 只有把你的笑脸托愿给星宿 追いかけて 追いかけて 怖くなかった 追赶著 追赶著 不再感到恐惧笼の中から 駆け出すは恋 从笼中奔跑出来的爱恋 残されるのは 置き去りの一人 残留下 是被遗弃的人 爱した分の笼は重すぎる 满载了爱恋的笼子 实在过於沉重吧? 守れなかった 痛いほどに不器用(ぶきよう)ね 无法守护 因为痛楚而变得笨拙 届かない 届かない どれほどに失くしても 传达不到 传达不到 即使哪个会失去 等しく全てを爱しくも 互相抱持相同的爱意 消えてゆく 手を伸ばし 届きかけた指先 也渐渐地从伸出的手心里 触碰的指缝间流逝 そんな世界に生きてる 在这样的世界里生存著谁も救えぬ(すくえぬ)梦だけ残し 谁也没无法互相拯救 只剩下残余的梦 苍い鼓动(こどう)に 足迹(あしあと)は消える 苍蓝的鼓动里 正在消失的足迹 分からなかった 谁に守られて 不曾知晓 是谁在守护著 分からないまま 何もかもを舍てた 直到现在也不曾明了 什麼是该舍弃的?届かなかった 优しさは今も 现今无法传达的温柔 开けてしまった 帰らぬ笼を 最终只能归去 那被开启了的笼子里 见つめてる 凝视

Train的《Mermaid》 歌词

歌曲名:Mermaid歌手:Train专辑:California 37MermaidTrain……………………Only Johnny Depp has ever been to it beforeI stayed there till the air was clearI was … out of tears, then I saw you washed up on the shoreI offered you my coat, thank god this luck can flowCrazy how that shipwreck met my ship was …inWe talked till the sun went downLove on the fugit soundMy treasure map was on your skinBeauty in the water, angel on the beachOcean"s daughter, I thought love was out of reachTill I got her, … I know it could come throughI would have wished in "92, for a mermaid just like youWhoa, just like you, whoaShocks, screams within… wonder what you see in meFunny thoughts sometimes can"t help but wonder about as wellNow life is a holiday, making up for the years I paidThe weight of this heavenly…it went through hellBeauty in the water, angel on the beachOcean"s daughter, I thought love was out of reachTill I got her, … I know it could come throughI would have wished in "92, for a mermaid just like youWhoa, just like you, whoaRescued you bout the … tree, all the girl fish in the sea…they don"t have a handle on you, they don"t have a scandal on you… saving me, once big, all the … in the seaThey all wish that they could be meCan"t swim so I took a boat, to an island so remoteOnly Johnny Depp has ever been to it beforeBeauty in the water, angel on the beachOcean"s daughter, I thought love was out of reachTill I got her, … I know it could come throughI would have wished in "92, for a mermaid just like youWhoa, just like you, whoa. just like you, whoa. just like you, whoa. just like you, whoa.

岩代太郎的《Mermaid》 歌词

歌曲名:Mermaid歌手:岩代太郎专辑:泷神「~Mermaid~」【人鱼姬】5th アルバム 「Heart&Symphony」 track.09作词:六ッ见纯代作曲:中野雄太编曲:中野雄太ヴォーカル:岛谷ひとみあなたに出会(であ)えた奇迹(きせき)【与你相遇的奇迹】あなたと过(す)ごした轨迹(きせき)【与你共度的轨迹】あなたを爱(あい)して知(し)った 胸(むね)の深(ふか)い痛(いた)み【爱上你让我知晓 胸中深深的痛楚】よせてはひいてく波(なみ)に【波浪翻滚涌动】返(かえ)した真珠(しんじゅ)の涙(なみだ)【送与珍珠的泪滴】私(わたし)は空(そら)へと爱(いと)しさ 歌(うた)い届(とど)けるの【我对天空歌唱 对你的喜爱之情】Miss you... Need you... Love you...Blue Mermaid眠(ねむ)れぬ夜(よる)を重(かさ)ねては【交叠不眠的夜晚】頬(ほほ)つたう悲(かな))しみに咲(さ)いた花(はな)【悲伤滑落双颊 花朵绽放其中】帰(かえ)りをそっと待(ま)ちわびて【静静苦等你的归来】色(いろ)あせて人(ひと)知(し)れず散(ち)った【无人知晓时褪色凋落】「あと少(すこ)し绮丽(きれい)なら...」【“如果再漂亮一点……”】永远(えいえん)に爱(あい)されてたの?【是否就能被爱到永远】愚(おろ)かだと言(い)われても【即使被你说很愚蠢】ずっと捧(ささ)げていたい爱情(あいじょう)【也想永远献上这份爱】想(おも)いは海(うみ)より深(ふか)く【思念深过大海】祈(いの)りは空(そら)より高(たか)く【祈愿高过天空】胸(むね)の切(せつ)なさに降(ふ)りつもる 星(ほし)のかけらよ【星星的残片 飘零在胸中的伤痛上】くちびる触(ふ)れあう度(たび)に【每当唇相碰触】爱(いと)しさ辿(たど)った旅路(たびじ)【便抵达爱的旅途】あなたじゃないなら そっと泡(あわ)のように消(き)えるわ【若你不再 我将立刻融归泡沫】Kiss me... Hold me... Feel me...Blue Mermaid呼(よ)び合(あ)うように 惹(ひ)かれあい【像互相呼唤一般 我们互相吸引】见(み)つめあい ぬくもり温(あたた)めあい【互相凝视 温暖彼此】岚(あらし)が去(さ)って行(ゆ)くように【风暴退去之后】心(こころ)だけ 取(と)り残(のこ)されていた【只留下这颗心】谁(だれ)よりもあなたが...【比谁都要……】好(す)きだから気(き)づいてしまう【喜欢你 所以会注意到】あの日(ひ)の约束(やくそく)は【那日的约定】叶(かな)えられずに砕(くだ)けてゆくと【不会实现 将散作碎片】あなたは谁(だれ)かを爱(あい)し【即使你爱上了他人】私(わたし)はあなたを许(ゆる)し【我也会原谅你】青(あお)い海(うみ)の底(そこ) いつか眠(ねむ)りにつく日(ひ)まで【直到沉眠于 蓝色大海之底的那一日】So long... Good bye... Over...Blue MermaidLrc&HURIGANA&Translation by Esperando

Mermaid girl这首歌是出自哪里

Beatmania IIDX 18 Ryu☆写的

真珠美人鱼legend of mermaid歌词

歌词是 七彩的微风 侧著脸轻轻吹佛想溜走 溜到没有纷扰的角落在黎明前夕 传来优美的旋律记忆里 最美丽 最动人的Melody展翅高飞 尽情遨游爱上东方蓝色天空 像鸟儿自由是我所追求 最终的梦七大海洋 七彩的梦幻乐园狂风暴雨也不能轻易改变 爱的坚持加上信念生命就此会不断的蔓延七种国度 七彩的梦幻乐园闭上双眼慢慢用心体验即使梦也会有终点就算伤悲也会带著笑脸白云轻飘过 彩虹消失无影踪淡淡的 叹息著著蓝色的忧伤满天的星光透著珍珠的光芒闪耀著和月光将黑暗的心照亮远处传来我已听见遥远的南方在呼唤该勇敢的去面对长大后 也算浪漫带著勇气开始著奇幻冒险捧著一手编织的满满心愿也许我也会有胆怯妈妈的爱会随时在身边星星偷偷降落在梦的天堂一闪一闪像我脸上的泪光未来不适合去勉强守著梦想原来的模样七大海洋 七彩的梦幻乐园狂风暴雨也不能轻易改变 爱的坚持加上信念生命就此会不断的蔓延七种国度 七彩的梦幻乐园闭上双眼慢慢用心体验即使梦也会有终点就算伤悲也会带著笑脸 带著勇气开始著奇幻冒险捧著一手编织的满满心愿也许我也会有胆怯妈妈的爱会随时在身边星星偷偷降落在梦的天堂一闪一闪像我脸上的泪光未来不适合去勉强守著梦想原来的模样

求 mermaid girl 的歌词 森永真由美的 英文的,要完整的

I"m a twinkle little mermaid girlWaiting for a honey manDe-dup-i-dip-i sing a songLove me take me thereI"m a twinkle little mermaid girlOh I"m in a heavenly worldDe-dup-i-dip-i call my nameDe-dup-i-dip-i hold me longI lived in an ocean, in a coral palaceGrown up in comfort sweet princessSugar and spices and all that"s niceThe missing ingredient was just your presenceOne day a witch gave me lovely legsTo come up to your sideI know this dreamy world"s a fairytaleBut could you kiss me hereI"m a twinkle little mermaid girlWaiting for a honey manDe-dup-i-dip-i sing a songLove me take me thereI"m a twinkle little mermaid girlOh I"m in a heavenly worldDe-dup-i-dip-i call my nameDe-dup-i-dip-i hold me longBubbles sparkle and disappearInto the deep blue seaI know my life is a sad fairytaleSo could you wipe my tearsI"m a twinkle little mermaid girlWaiting for a honey manDe-dup-i-dip-i sing a songLove me take me thereI"m a twinkle little mermaid girlOh I"m in a heavenly worldDe-dup-i-dip-i call my nameDe-dup-i-dip-i hold me long

英文诗歌Leviathan and the Mermaid 利维坦与人鱼(未完)

It was the flowery time of year 这是鲜花盛开的季节 the sky can never be purer 天空无以复加地澄清 The sun gave a brilliant beam over mother earth, 阳光把明媚的光洒在大地母亲之上 Which seems to pour the life into her vast body. 好像要在她广阔的身体里注入灵魂 The little mermaid waited for her fifteenth birth, 小美人鱼在等待她的第十五个生日 That would allow her to emerge into the world earthly. 这样她就可以浮出水面,去看看陆地上的世界 A short glance, or an adventure waited to be taken. 也许只是短暂的一瞥,也可能是一段等待着的冒险 The inner dream of the little mermaid, seemed to be awaken 小美人鱼内心深处的梦想似乎即将被唤醒 See, the youngest princess of the kingdom submarine, 你们看,这是海底王国的小公主 Was dressed in the prettiest attairs by her grandmother, 她穿着奶奶给她准备的盛装 Silently, solemnly did she wandering, 静静地,肃穆地游荡在海里 Scarlet Lily as the crown, which we can never find another, 头戴殷红色百合花冠,在世界上并不能找出另一个 And the mussels on her fish tail, 还有在她鱼尾上做装饰的牡蛎 Which gave an evidence to her royal blood 为她高贵的皇室血统提供见证 Her skin silken against the pearl, now a bit pale, 她的皮肤在珍珠的映衬下如丝绸一般,现在却略显苍白, As if there would come tremendous flood. 好像有巨大的洪水即将到来 It might be real, at the same instant 这可能是真实的,就在此时 A monstrous creature, as we called Leviathan, 一个怪异的生物,我们叫做利维坦 Was secretly watching her aimed prey 此刻正默默注视着自己的猎物 With an eye squinted, another opened widely with envy 她眯起一只眼睛,另一只圆圆瞪起,伴随着妒忌 A scheme was formulated with evilness 一个计谋在邪恶的思想中浮现出来 that was to wreck a ship in navigation, 那就是摧毁一艘航行中的船, Then persuade the mermaid to emerge out without permission 然后劝小美人鱼在不经过同意的情况下浮出水面 Thus she might die by carelessness 这样也许可以让她死于粗心大意 Let‘s take a brief look at the hidden monster 让我们大致地看一眼这个隐秘着的怪物 In onder to understand the peril for our little mermaid better 这样我们就更能理解小美人鱼的危险处境 A body like a whale, or a drip from the aether 鲸鱼一般的身体,或者说像太空滴下的水滴, With fiery eyes, one seemed to devour the other 还有喷着火的眼睛,好像一只要吞下另一只 Driven blind by inherent envy, 她被天生的妒火蒙蔽了眼睛 One to another seemed to convey 妒火像是从一头烧到另一头 If I talk more to you about the mutant offshore, 如果我继续和你谈论岸上这只怪物 We might doubt the God we both adore 我们都会对彼此爱戴的上帝产生怀疑 Now a ship‘s navigating on the ocean waves, 现在有一条船正在海面上行驶 With the shadow like dark clouds on the sky. 形成乌云般的阴影 In the envious eyes of Leviathan it can be a grave 在利维坦嫉妒的眼睛当中,这就是一个为船上每一个人铸造的 For people inside. The ocean was about to fly, 坟墓,海浪汹涌澎湃,好似 Into fury, But with the eyes purest 勃然大怒,但是在小美人鱼 From the little mermaid, it‘s an epitome of paradise 最纯洁的眼睛里,这就是天堂的剪影 Where‘s beyond the place she has been furthest. 象征那个比她去过最远的地方还要遥远的地方 She once wish to go thither, as if with the wings of dream she could fly. 她曾经无比想去到那里,就好像能够乘着梦想的翅膀飞翔 The ship was turned over by the power of Leviathan, 轮船在利维坦的力量下被彻底掀翻 Whose fins spun fast like natural fans 她的鱼鳍就像天然的扇子一样高速旋转 The mermaid, almost out of instinct 小美人鱼几乎是出于本能地 Swam to the ship about to sink 游向了那艘即将沉没的轮船 Where she found a lad whose hair black like the ink 在那里她看到一个乌发如墨的少年 And his skin slightly tanned, she could feel the hearty link 他有着被太阳晒成金色皮肤,她仿佛感受到自己 Between them, or maybe it‘s just what she could think 与少年之间的连接,或许这只是她想出来的事情 She seized the head of the lad, and dragged him ashore 她抓住少年的头,将其拽向岸边 The moments she wished to last forevermore 这样的时光她希望永远不会结束 The stars generously gave them the light 星星慷慨地给予他们自己的光芒 As a leader, to the safest place at the night 像一个导航一样领他们来到夜晚最安全的地方 The mermaid stared at the lad gently, 小美人鱼温柔地注视着这个少年 His roselike lips now cold, breathing slightly 他玫瑰般的双唇如今是冰冷的,伴随着轻微的呼吸 As she was going to touch his lips with hers, 正当她准备去亲吻他的嘴唇的时候 There came a sound from a church that can hardly be heard. 教堂传来了一些很难被听见的声音。 The mermaid hid herself in the placid ocean, 小美人鱼在平静的海水中藏起来 As Leviathan consumed she"s already dead. 利维坦猜测她已经死去 There came a striking young girl, to whom the God has given 远处走来一个美丽的年轻女孩,上帝似乎在她身上 All definition of beauty and life 倾注生命与美的所有定义 She rescued the lad with crowds around 她在人们的帮助下拯救了那个男孩 Lifting him from the ivory ground 将他从象牙色的地上抬起 Little mermaid returned back to the seabed 小美人鱼转身回到自己在海底的家园 She could never afford such a dangerous bet 因为她永远无法负担这样危险的赌注

《人鱼的旋律》中《Legend of Mermaid》的意思!

七彩的微风 侧著脸轻轻吹佛想溜走 溜到没有纷扰的角落在黎明前夕 传来优美的旋律记忆里 最美丽 最动人的Melody展翅高飞 尽情遨游爱上东方蓝色天空 像鸟儿自由是我所追求 最终的梦七大海洋 七彩的梦幻乐园狂风暴雨也不能轻易改变 爱的坚持加上信念生命就此会不断的蔓延七种国度 七彩的梦幻乐园闭上双眼慢慢用心体验即使梦也会有终点就算伤悲也会带著笑脸白云轻飘过 彩虹消失无影踪淡淡的 叹息著著蓝色的忧伤满天的星光透著珍珠的光芒闪耀著和月光将黑暗的心照亮远处传来我已听见遥远的南方在呼唤该勇敢的去面对长大后 也算浪漫带著勇气开始著奇幻冒险捧著一手编织的满满心愿也许我也会有胆怯妈妈的爱会随时在身边星星偷偷降落在梦的天堂一闪一闪像我脸上的泪光未来不适合去勉强守著梦想原来的模样

mermaid girl中文歌词

歌名:《Mermaid girl》歌手:森永真由美谱曲:中原龙太郎编曲:中原龙太郎歌词:I"m a twinkle little mermaid girl.我是一只闪亮的小美人鱼Waiting for a honey man.在等待一个完美男人De-dup-i-dip-i sing a song. De-dup-i-dip-i唱着歌Love me take me there.爱我就带我走吧I"m a twinkle little mermaid girl.我是一只闪亮的小美人鱼Oh I"m in a heavenly world.我在一个天堂般的世界De-dup-i-dip-i call my name. De-dup-i-dip-i呼唤我的名字De-dup-i-dip-i hold me long. De-dup-i-dip-i永远和我在一起I lived in an ocean, in a coral palace.我住在海洋的珊瑚宫殿里Grown up in comfort sweet princess.是在舒适的环境中长大的甜美公主Sugar and spices and all that"s nice.酸甜苦辣都是那么的美The missing ingredient was just your presence.所缺少的,只是你的出现One day a witch gave me lovely legs.有一天,一位女巫给了我美丽的双腿To come up to your side.让我来到你身边I know this dreamy world"s a fairytale.我知道这梦幻般的世界是一个童话But could you kiss me here.但是在这里你能亲吻我吗I"m a twinkle little mermaid girl.我是一只闪亮的小美人鱼Waiting for a honey man.在等待一个完美男人De-dup-i-dip-i sing a song. De-dup-i-dip-i唱着歌Love me take me there.爱我就带我走吧I"m a twinkle little mermaid girl.我是一只闪亮的小美人鱼Oh I"m in a heavenly world.在等待一个完美男人De-dup-i-dip-i call my name. De-dup-i-dip-i呼唤我的名字De-dup-i-dip-i hold me long. De-dup-i-dip-i永远和我在一起When the sun is gone, stars appear in darkness.当太阳落下 夜幕降临Noticed you"ve chosen another princess.我发现你选择了另外的公主Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme.欧芹草 鼠尾草 迷迭香和百里香Dance alone with smile for you till sunrise.和你欢快的跳着舞直到天亮That day I gave her my clear voice.那天我将我清澈的声音交给了她Instead of a shiny day.而不是那耀眼的天I know this silent song"s a fairytale.我知道这首无言歌是一个神话Ah could you hear me please.你能听到我的呼唤吗I"m a twinkle little mermaid girl.我是一只闪亮的小美人鱼Waiting for a honey man.在等待一个完美男人De-dup-i-dip-i sing a song. De-dup-i-dip-i唱着歌Love me take me there.爱我就带我走吧I"m a twinkle little mermaid girl.我是一只闪亮的小美人鱼Oh I"m in a heavenly world.我在一个天堂般的世界De-dup-i-dip-i call my name. De-dup-i-dip-i呼唤我的名字De-dup-i-dip-i hold me long. De-dup-i-dip-i永远和我在一起Bubbles sparkle and disappear.水泡迸发而消失Into the deep blue sea.在那蓝色深海中I know my life is a sad fairytale.我知道我的命运是一个悲伤的通话So could you wipe my tears.所以你能擦干我的眼泪吗I"m a twinkle little mermaid girl.我是一只闪亮的小美人鱼Waiting for a honey man.在等待一个完美男人De-dup-i-dip-i sing a song. De-dup-i-dip-i唱着歌Love me take me there.爱我就带我走吧I"m a twinkle little mermaid girl.我是一只闪亮的小美人鱼Oh I"m in a heavenly world.我在一个天堂般的世界De-dup-i-dip-i call my name. De-dup-i-dip-i呼唤我的名字De-dup-i-dip-i hold me long. De-dup-i-dip-i永远和我在一起

Mermaid song 又是什么意思?




mermaid purse有没有毒



谁(だれ)とも违(ちが)う君(きみ)だから もっと知(し)りたいのさ 见(み)えない心(こころ)の影(かげ)も 见(み)えそうな灯(あか)りもあふれる想(おも)いこぼれて 抱(かか)えきれないなら不器用(ぶきよう)でも仆(ぼく)なりに ぎゅっと手(て)を握(にぎ)るんだ见(み)つめるよ ただひとつ 君(きみ)がカタチにしていくものが二度(にど)と来(こ)ない 「今(いま)」に键(かぎ)をかけるからたぎる仆(ぼく)の胸(むね)の水面(すいめん)に 踊(おど)る君(きみ)はそうMermaid时间(とき)の流(なが)れを止(と)める このgood feeling!愿(ねが)う君(きみ)の期待(きたい)に応(こた)え 笑(わら)える仆()になるよこれからも今(いま)以上(いじょう)によろしくスローモーションで感(かん)じて 噛(か)み缔めていたいのさつまらない诱惑(ゆうわく)なら とうに振(ふ)り切(き)ってるんだ途切(とぎ)れ途切(とぎ)れの声(こえ)でも 波(なみ)を打(う)つ鼓动(こどう)さ仆(ぼく)が受(う)け止(と)めたいから そして伝(つた)えるから息(いき)をつくタイミングで 果(は)てしない道程(どうてい)のgame of love情热(じょうねつ)を重(かさ)ねて大人(おとな)になるよ騒(さわ)ぐ仆(ぼく)の胸(むね)の隙间(すきま)に 揺(ゆ)れる君(きみ)はそうMermaid声(こえ)が届(とど)いて响(ひび)くまでずっとcalling!早足(はやあし)の街(まち)を追(お)いかけて 踬いて転(ころ)んでも仆(ぼく)だけはずっとそばにいるから寄(よ)り添(そ)い歩(ある)く それだけじゃ伝(つた)わらないふたりの明日(あした)を一歩(いっぽ)一(いち)歩(ほ) 歩幅(ほはば)あわそうたぎる仆(ぼく)の胸(むね)の水面(すいめん)に 踊(おど)る君(きみ)はそうMermaid时间の流(なが)れを止(と)める このgood feeling!君(きみ)の悲(かな)しみ全部(ぜんぶ)抱(かか)え 笑(わら)える仆()になるよこれからも今(いま)以上(いじょう)によろしく

観月ありさ的《Mermaid》 歌词

歌曲名:Mermaid歌手:観月ありさ专辑:Innocence「~Mermaid~」5th アルバム 「Heart&Symphony」 track.09作词:六ッ见纯代作曲:中野雄太编曲:中野雄太ヴォーカル:岛谷ひとみあなたに出会(であ)えた奇迹(きせき)あなたと过(す)ごした轨迹(きせき)あなたを爱(あい)して知(し)った 胸(むね)の深(ふか)い痛(いた)みよせてはひいてく波(なみ)に返(かえ)した真珠(しんじゅ)の涙(なみだ)私(わたし)は空(そら)へと爱(いと)しさ 歌(うた)い届(とど)けるのMiss you... Need you... Love you...Blue Mermaid眠(ねむ)れぬ夜(よる)を重(かさ)ねては頬(ほほ)つたう悲(かな))しみに咲(さ)いた花(はな)帰(かえ)りをそっと待(ま)ちわびて色(いろ)あせて人(ひと)知(し)れず散(ち)った「あと少(すこ)し绮丽(きれい)なら...」永远(えいえん)に爱(あい)されてたの?愚(おろ)かだと言(い)われてもずっと捧(ささ)げていたい爱情(あいじょう)想(おも)いは海(うみ)より深(ふか)く祈(いの)りは空(そら)より高(たか)く胸(むね)の切(せつ)なさに降(ふ)りつもる 星(ほし)のかけらよくちびる触(ふ)れあう度(たび)に爱(いと)しさ辿(たど)った旅路(たびじ)あなたじゃないなら そっと泡(あわ)のように消(き)えるわKiss me... Hold me... Feel me...Blue Mermaid呼(よ)び合(あ)うように 惹(ひ)かれあい见(み)つめあい ぬくもり温(あたた)めあい岚(あらし)が去(さ)って行(ゆ)くように心(こころ)だけ 取(と)り残(のこ)されていた谁(だれ)よりもあなたが...好(す)きだから気(き)づいてしまうあの日(ひ)の约束(やくそく)は叶(かな)えられずに砕(くだ)けてゆくとあなたは谁(だれ)かを爱(あい)し私(わたし)はあなたを许(ゆる)し青(あお)い海(うみ)の底(そこ) いつか眠(ねむ)りにつく日(ひ)までSo long... Good bye... Over...Blue MermaidLrc&HURIGANA by Esperando

初音未来 Mermaid 歌词







mermaid 美人鱼是一种传说中的海洋生物,长有女人的头部和上身,却生有一条鱼尾巴。从词源学看,这个词由两部分构成。mer- 是拉丁语和古法语mere 海,maid 是英文少女的意思。



The Clancy Brothers的《Mermaid》 歌词

歌曲名:Mermaid歌手:The Clancy Brothers专辑:The Best Of上戸彩 - Mermaid作词:PIPELINE PROJECT作曲:PIPELINE PROJECT编曲:PIPELINE PROJECTガラスのような儚い十代 / 玻璃般易碎的短暂青春裏すみっこ迎える最後の夏 / 在角落中所迎接的最後夏日违ういつもを探し出したくて / 希望能寻觅出截然不同的事物乾いた空に梦を并べるの / 与梦想并列在乾涸的天空中グングン スピード上げながら / 渐渐的 加快速度夕立なんかも気にせず / 即使到了黄昏也不在意明日なんか待てない / 因为明天是不会等人的裸足で青い夏泳ぐMermaid / 光著脚在蓝色的夏天裏游泳的Mermaid火伤しても古い地図ならいらない / 即使被灼伤也不需要的古老地图地球をはみ出すくらいのEmotion / 就像要满溢出地球般的Emotion神様はなんも禁止なんかしてない / 上帝也无法禁止青空が笑ってる / 湛蓝的天空在微笑著息も出来ないくらいの海风 / 让人无法呼吸的海风ここから始まる夏のRevolution / 从这裏展开夏天的Revolution谁かと歩いているよりも / 比起跟谁走在一起胜手に走り出す方が / 不如率性的跑出去今の私らしいよ / 这样比较像现在的我向日葵みたいに笑ったMermaid / 像向日葵般微笑著的Mermaid海と空が决める常识それでいい / 照著海与天空所决定的常识就好日差しに溢れる自由がHalation / 阳光中充满著满溢的自由Halation迷ったら思いきり波を蹴飞ばす / 如果困惑的话就不顾一切的踢著海浪吧In the name of dream裸足で青い夏泳ぐMermaid / 光著脚在蓝色的夏天裏游泳的Mermaid火伤しても古い地図ならいらない / 即使被灼伤也不需要的古老地图地球をはみ出すくらいのEmotion / 就像要满溢出地球般的Emotion神様はなんも禁止なんかしてない / 上帝也无法禁止 湛蓝的天空在微笑著青空が笑ってる / 湛蓝的天空在微笑著Mermaid...In the name of dream


SSI系统mermaid意思是:SSI系统美人鱼。重点词汇:mermaid。英['mu025c:meu026ad]释义:n.美人鱼(传说中的);女子游泳健将。[复数:mermaids]短语:The Little Mermaid小美人鱼;美人鱼雕像;美人鱼;小丽人鱼。例句:用作名词(n.)Have you read the story of mermaids?你看过关于美人鱼的故事吗?The little mermaid took the prince to shore.小美人鱼把王子带到岸边。




n.美人鱼;女子游泳健将;变形复数:mermaids英英释义mermaid[ "mu0259:meid ]n.half woman and half fish; lives in the sea用作名词(n.)Have you read the story of mermaids?你看过关于美人鱼的故事吗?The little mermaid took the prince to shore.小美人鱼把王子带到岸边。Quickly, the little mermaid dived under the water.小美人鱼很快地潜入水里。权威例句The Mermaid and the Minotaur (Book Review)The mermaid and the minotaur: Sexual arrangements and human malaise.Sirenomelia: case of the surviving mermaidFrom the Mermaid to Anal Imperforation: The Syndrome of Caudal RegressionThe platypus and the mermaid, and other figments of the classifying imagination /The cyclops and the mermaid: an epidemiological study of two types of rare malformation.

the willow maid中文歌词翻译

The Willow Maid 歌词:A young man walked through the forest with his quiver and hunting bow He heard a young girl singing and followed the sound below There he found the maiden who lives in the willow He called to her as she listened from a ring of toadstools red She looked at him serenely and only shook her head. "See me now, a ray of light in the moondance See me now, I cannot leave this place Hear me now, a strain of song in the forest Don"t ask me, to follow where you lead" A young man walked through the forest with a flower and coat of green His love had hair like fire her eyes an emerald sheen She wrapped herself in beauty so young and so serene He stood there under the willow and he gave her the yellow bloom "Girl my heart you"ve captured oh I would be your groom" She said she"d wed him never not near, nor far, nor soon "See me now, a ray of light in the moondance See me now, I cannot leave this place Hear me now, a strain of song in the forest Don"t ask me, to follow where you lead" A young man walked through the forest with an axe sharp as a knife I"ll take the green-eyed fairy and she shall be my wife With her I"ll raise my children with her I"ll live my life The maiden wept when she heard him when he said he"d set her free He took his axe and used it to bring down her ancient tree "Now your willow"s fallen now you belong to me" "See me now, a ray of light in the moondance See me now, I cannot leave this place Hear me now, a ray of light in the moondance Don"t ask me, to follow where you lead" She followed him out the forest, and collapsed upon the earth Her feet had walked but a distance, from the green land of her birth She faded into a flower, that would bloom for one bright eveHe could not take from the forest, what was never meant to leave

Maid Cafe 是什么意思?


Maid For Pleasure 歌词

歌曲名:Maid For Pleasure歌手:The Damned专辑:So Who"s Paranoid?The Power Of Pleasure(嗨吗)Now it"s time to danceThe discotheque is farbut i can hear the rhythmSo now i stop my carI"m going to the barAnd finally starDancing all aroundPlease, take my handsAnd bring me to the moonflying togetheryou make me feel so fineand now i"m gonna tell youyou are the only onei want you tonightit"s the power of pleasurethe power of danceto the discoon the dancefloorso welcome to my lifeif you wanna movethis is time to make a partyit"s the power of pleasurethe feeling i needto the discoon the dancefloorso welcome to my lifeif you wanna movethis is time to make a party2009年最新女生非主流Now it"s time to danceThe discotheque is farbut i can hear the rhythmSo now i stop my carI"m going to the barAnd finally starDancing all aroundPlease, take my handsAnd bring me to the moonflying togetheryou make me feel so fineand now i"m gonna tell youyou are the only onei want you tonightit"s the power of pleasurethe power of danceto the discoon the dancefloorso welcome to my lifeif you wanna movethis is time to make a partyit"s the power of pleasurethe feeling i needto the discoon the dancefloorso welcome to my lifeif you wanna movethis is time to make a party

Dungeon&Maid_1080游戏显示不全,打开游戏两边有黑边怎么办 血条什么的都看不到



不可以 —— From Windows Phone 10



Made By Maid 歌词

歌曲名:Made By Maid歌手:Laura Marling专辑:I Speak Because I CanThey dance like sirens, hoping the sun would come out againAnd I was born in the fog of that dayCan they hear a babe over all the faith,Or have they forgot what it was that they madeCrawled out of the fog, found a river,Found a log and floated awayDidn"t think I"d be coming back this wayBut my feet are resolute;Found their root and brought me back to its placeAnd on the hill where I was born,There is no rose but just a thorn;They cut it off each year and give it awayBut can they hear a babe after all these days,So left to wander blind, I find myself in cautious times,And they say, "Love"s labor is never lost; labor on to this very day."So I walk into the fog, found a babe atop a log and all aloneTook him under, took him on,Taught him everything about the world I"d come to knowAnd he blames me for every wrong ever he madeI am blamed for every wrong ever he madeForgive me I am only a maidBut I can see a babe under all that blameAnd I am forgot from the day I am laid


不可以的, 从Windows Phone 10打开不是什么问题都能拓展的

minute maid 起源 ,我是指英文,为什么它会作为饮料“美之源”的英文名

你有这个问题可能是把二者的方向搞反了哦^-^ 其实minute maid 是全球最大的果汁品牌,是可口可乐在全球使用多年的果汁品牌,最早可追溯到1946年4月15日第一批从美国佛罗里达运出的冷冻浓缩橙汁,此举标志着现代果汁制造业的诞生。可口可乐希望借新果汁引入这一全球品牌。但问题在于,Minute Maid针对全球不同市场有不同的产品定位,并对应着各具文化特质的本地翻译。如何把一个50多年前诞生的英文翻译成汉语 是一个很大的难题。 可口可乐(中国)饮料有限公司市场总监林邦源的办公桌上曾放置了关于Minute Maid的100多个中文名译名没,但无一令他满意,以至于和记者谈及此事,林完全想不起其中的任何一个。正当困顿之际,公司内部的头脑风暴会议上,林邦源建议从列有全部员工名字的电话簿中寻找灵感。 在电话薄上,“林邦源”这个名字以一种前所未有的形象进入他的眼帘。1964年林邦源出生之时,香港水源缺乏,父亲专门在他的名字中放了一个“源”字,意在丰饶繁荣、源源不断。现在,这个“源”字被套用在Minute Maid的中文翻译上——朗朗上口、同时接近英文发音的“美汁源”由此诞生。按照字面意义,“美丽之源”、“美好果汁之源”皆能给人很好的遐想。这三个字一从头脑中迸出,林邦源就认定为完美的译名。所以呢 是先有MINUTE MAID 的品牌 然后后来将其翻译成美之源了呀:)

maid latte什么意思


maid with the flaxen hair是什么乐器

maid 是女佣的意思。scheduledadj. 预定的; 排定的; 规定价格的; 严格按时间表生活的; vt. 将…列入计划(或时间)表; scheduled maid ——按定期上班、计付工资的女佣。on time 固定短语按时,准时; 以分期付款方式; 正点; 顺时; on time maid——按时计付工资款的女佣。二者区别就在于付款工资方式不同。



英语拼音,请问 mild[maid] wild[waild]是开音节吗?为什么呢?







操作方法如下:1.打开手机更多设置 打开手机设置,点击“更多设置”。 2.打开单手模式设置 点击“单手模式"。3.启用单手模式 点击启用单手模式后面的开关,启用单手模式。此外,还可以下载专用单手模式APP,通过此软件来开启单手模式。


呵呵,前面的朋友回答的很好,maid 通常是指女佣人 servant 是指男性仆人或者佣人 ~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳!~

双语安徒生童话:冰姑娘(10)The Ice Maiden(10)

  X. THE GODMOTHER   At Montreux, one of the towns which encircle the northeast part of the lake of Geneva, lived Babette"s godmother, the noble English lady, with her daughters and a young relative. They had only lately arrived, yet the miller had paid them a visit, and informed them of Babette"s engagement to Rudy. The whole story of their meeting at Interlachen, and his brave adventure with the eaglet, were related to them, and they were all very much interested, and as pleased about Rudy and Babette as the miller himself. The three were invited to come to Montreux; it was but right for Babette to become acquainted with her godmother, who wished to see her very much. A steam-boat started from the town of Villeneuve, at one end of the lake of Geneva, and arrived at Bernex, a little town beyond Montreux, in about half an hour. And in this boat, the miller, with his daughter and Rudy, set out to visit her godmother. They passed the coast which has been so celebrated in song. Here, under the walnut-trees, by the deep blue lake, sat Byron, and wrote his melodious verses about the prisoner confined in the gloomy castle of Chillon. Here, where Clarens, with its weeping-willows, is reflected in the clear water, wandered Rousseau, dreaming of Heloise. The river Rhone glides gently by beneath the lofty snow-capped hills of Savoy, and not far from its mouth lies a little island in the lake, so small that, seen from the shore, it looks like a ship. The surface of the island is rocky; and about a hundred years ago, a lady caused the ground to be covered with earth, in which three acacia-trees were planted, and the whole enclosed with stone walls. The acacia-trees now overshadow every part of the island. Babette was enchanted with the spot; it seemed to her themost beautiful object in the whole voyage, and she thought how much she should like to land there. But the steam-ship passed it by, and did not stop till it reached Bernex. The littleparty walked slowly from this place to Montreux, passing the sun-lit walls with which the vineyards of the little mountain town of Montreux are surrounded, and peasants" houses, overshadowed by fig-trees, with gardens in which grow the laurel and the cypress.   Halfway up the hill stood the boarding-house in which Babette"s godmother resided. She was received mostcordially; her godmother was a very friendly woman, with a round, smiling countenance. When a child, her head must have resembled one of Raphael"s cherubs; it was still an angelic face, with its white locks of silvery hair. The daughters were tall, elegant, slender maidens.   The young cousin, whom they had brought with them, was dressed in white from head to foot; he had golden hair and golden whiskers, large enough to be divided amongst three gentlemen; and he began immediately to pay the greatest attention to Babette.   Richly bound books, note-paper, and drawings, lay on the large table. The balcony window stood open, and from it could be seen the beautiful wide extended lake, the water so clear and still, that the mountains of Savoy, with their villages, woods, and snow-crowned peaks, were clearly reflected in it.   Rudy, who was usually so lively and brave, did not in the least feel himself at home; he acted as if he were walking on peas, over a slippery floor. How long and wearisome the time appeared; it was like being in a treadmill. And then they went out for a walk, which was very slow and tedious. Two steps forward and one backwards had Rudy to take to keep pace with the others. They walked down to Chillon, and went over the old castle on the rocky island. They saw the implements of torture, the deadly dungeons, the rusty fetters in the rocky walls, the stone benches for those condemned to death, the trap-doors through which the unhappy creatures were hurled upon iron spikes, and impaled alive. They called looking at all these a pleasure. It certainly was the right place to visit. Byron"s poetry had made it celebrated in the world. Rudy could only feel that it was a place of execution. He leaned against the stone framework of the window, and gazed down into the deep, blue water, and over to the little island with the three acacias, and wished himself there, away and free from the whole chattering party. But Babette was mostunusually lively and good-tempered.   "I have been so amused," she said.   The cousin had found her quite perfect.   "He is a perfect fop," said Rudy; and this was the first time Rudy had said anything that did not please Babette.   The Englishman had made her a present of a little book, in remembrance of their visit to Chillon. It was Byron"s poem, "The Prisoner of Chillon," translated into French, so that Babette could read it.   "The book may be very good," said Rudy; "but that finely combed fellow who gave it to you is not worth much."   "He looks something like a flour-sack without any flour," said the miller, laughing at his own wit. Rudy laughed, too, for so had he appeared to him. 双语安徒生童话:冰姑娘(10)The Ice Maiden(10)

Bloody Maiden 十三鬼之岛的漫画剧情


Bloody Maiden 十三鬼之岛的作品资料

作品译名:Bloody Maiden 十三鬼之岛作品原名:Bloody Maiden 十三鬼の岛连载杂志:月刊 Dragon ACE 出版社:富士见书房


HELLO MAIDEN是杭州名闻服饰有限公司旗下品牌。杭州名闻服饰有限公司于2017年05月08日成立。法定代表人黄昌明,公司经营范围包括:批发、零售:服装服饰,箱包,鞋帽,皮革制品,羽绒制品,针纺织品,日用百货,工艺美术品,珠宝首饰,玻璃制品,橡胶制品,塑料制品,陶瓷制品;服务:服装设计等。工商信息经营范围:批发、零售:服装服饰,箱包,鞋帽,皮革制品,羽绒制品,针纺织品,日用百货,工艺美术品,珠宝首饰,玻璃制品,橡胶制品,塑料制品,陶瓷制品;服务:服装设计。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)。统一社会信用代码:91330104MA28RKA97R。组织机构代码:MA28RKA97。注册号:330104000451636。经营状态:开业。公司类型:有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股)。成立日期:2017年05月08日。法定代表人:黄昌明。营业期限:2017年05月08日-2037年05月07日。注册资本:500万(元)。审核/年检日期:2018年12月29日。登记机关:杭州市上城区市场监督管理局。企业地址:浙江省杭州市江干区杭海路238号森禾商务广场1幢2202室。

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这还用中文?位置-乐手(乐队)应该很清楚啊Numbers from the Beast: An All-Star Tribute to Iron Maiden.Release Date: 2005.10.11Tracklist:01. Run To The HillsVocals - Robin Mcauley (Msg)Guitar - Michael Schenker (Msg)Bass - Tony Franklin (The Firm, Blue Murder)Rhythm Guitar - Pete Fletcher (Pygmy Love Circus)Drums - Brian Tichy (Billy Idol, Ozzy Osbourne)02. Wasted YearsVocals - Dee Snider (Twisted Sister)Guitar - George Lynch (Dokken, Lynch Mob)Rhythm G - Bob Kulick (Paul Stanley Band, Meatloaf)Bass - Jeff Pilson (Dokken, Dio)Drums - Jason Bonham (Ufo, Bonham)03. WrathchildVocals - Paul Di"anno (Ex-Iron Maiden)Lead Guitar - Alex Skolnick (Testament)Guitar - Chris Traynor (Helmet, Bush)Bass - Frank Bello (Helmet, Anthrax)Drums - John Tempesta (Helmet, Rob Zombie, Testament)04. Flight Of IcarusVocals – Tim "Ripper" Owens (Judas Priest, Iced Earth)Guitar - Doug Aldrich (Whitesnake, Dio)Bass - Jimmy Bain (Dio, Rainbow)Drums - Simon Wright (Dio, Ac/Dc)05. Fear Of The DarkVocals - Chuck Billy (Testament)Guitar - Craig Goldy (Dio)Bass - Rickie Phillips (Styx)Drums - Mikkey Dee (Motorhead)06. The TrooperVocals - Lemmy Kilmister (Motorhead)Bass - Chuck Wright (Alice Cooper, Quiet Riot)Guitar - Phil Campbell (Motorhead)Guitar - Rocky George (Fishbone, Suicidal Tendencies)Drums - Chris Slade (Ac/Dc)07. Aces HighVocals - Jeff Scott Soto (Yngwie Malmsteen, Talisman)Guitar - Nuno Bettencourt (Extreme)Bass - Billy Sheehan (Mr. Big, David Lee Roth)Drums - Vinny Appice (Black Sabbath, Dio)08. 2 Minutes To MidnightVocals - Joe Lynn Turner (Deep Purple, Rainbow)Guitar - Richie Kotzen (Mr. Big, Poison)Guitar - Bob KulickBass - Tony Franklin (The Firm, Blue Murder)Drums - Chris Slade (Ac/Dc, The Firm)09. Can I Play With MadnessVocals - Mark Slaughter (Slaughter, Vinnie Vincent Invasion)Guitar - Bruce Kulick (Kiss, Grand Funk Railroad)Bass - Marco Mendoza(Whitesnake, Thin Lizzy, Ted Nugent)Drums - Aynsley Dunbar (David Bowie, Whitesnake)10. The Evil That Men DoVocals - Chris Jericho (Wwe Wrestler, Fozzy)Guitar - Paul Gilbert (Mr. Big, Racer X)Rhythm G - Bob Kulick (Paul Stanley Band, Meatloaf)Bass - Mike Inez (Alice In Chains, Ozzy Osbourne)Drums - Brent Fitz (Vince Neil, Union)11. The WickermanVocals - John Bush (Anthrax, Armored Saint)Back Vocals – Jason Miller (Godhead)Guitar - Scott Ian (Anthrax)Bass - Blasko (Rob Zombie)Lead Guitar - Jeff Duncan (Armored Saint)Drums - Ben Graves (Murderdolls)Maiden HeavenRelease Date: 2008.7.16Tracklist:01.Black Tide - Prowler02.Metallica - Remember Tomorrow03.Avenged Sevenfold - Flash Of The Blade04.Glamour Of The Kill - 2 Minutes To Midnight05.Coheed

maiden name是什么意思

maiden name 英[u02c8meidn neim] 美[u02c8medn nem] n. (女子的) 婚前姓,娘家姓; [例句]Her maiden name is Li.她娘家姓李。[其他] 复数:maiden names

【译】Two Maidens

have you ever seen "a maiden"? i am referring to what road pavers call a "maiden," a thing used for ramming down the paving stones. "she" is made entirely of wood, broad at the bottom, with iron hoops around it, and a stick run through it at the upper, narrower end, which gives the maiden arms. 你见过“一名少女”吗?我提及的正是铺路工叫的“少女”,那是用来击碎铺路石的东西。“她”是用整个木头做的,底下宽宽的,铁圈箍着它。一根棍子在上面刺穿它较窄的一端,这就是少女的手臂。 two maidens like this were once standing in the yard shed, among shovels, measuring tapes, and wheelbarrows. now, there was a rumor going around that they were no longer to be called "maidens," but "stamps" or "hand rammers"; and this is the newest and only correct term in road pavers" language for what we all in olden times called "a maiden." 两个像这样的少女站在院子的棚子里,周围有铲子,测量尺和独轮车。现在,他们周围传出了谣言,说她们不再被叫做“少女”,而是“手槌”。现在在铺路工人的语言里最新也是唯一正确的术语,在过去被叫做“少女”。 there are among us human beings certain individuals we call "emancipated women," such as institution superintendents, midwives, ballet dancers, milliners, and nurses; and with this group of "emancipated," the two "maidens" in the yard shed associated themselves. they were known as "maidens" among the road pavers and would under no circumstances give up their good old name and let themselves be called "stamps" or "hand rammers." maiden is a human name," they said, "but a "stamp" or a "hand rammer" is a thing, and we certainly do not want to be called things; that"s insulting us!" 在我们人类之间有一种被称为“自由女子”的人群,比如私立学校的校长、助产士、芭蕾舞者、女帽制造者和护士,这群人被称为“自由者”。院棚里的两位“少女”联想到她们自己,她们因为“少女”为铺路工人所知,在任何情况喜爱她们都不会放弃自己的旧名字让他们自己背叫做“手槌”。“少女是人类的名字”她们说道,“但是手槌是一个物件,我确定不想被叫做一个物件,那真是侮辱我们!” "my betrothed is liable to break off our engagement," said the younger of the two, who was engaged to a ramming block, a large machine used to drive stakes into the ground. in fact, he did on a larger scale the same sort of work that she did on a smaller. "he"ll take me as a "maiden," but i"m sure he won"t have me as a "stamp" or " hand rammer," and so i"ll not permit them to change my name." "as for me, i"d just as soon have both my arms broken off!" said the elder. “我的未婚夫可能会违反我们的婚约,”那个和打桩机定了婚的年轻的少女说道,这个打桩机是一个巨大的机器被用来向地上打桩的。事实上,他在较大规模上做打桩的工作而她是在较小的规模上做一样的工作。“他是要和一位‘少女"结婚,但是我确信他不会和‘手锤"结婚的,所以我不会允许他们改变我的名字的。”“对我来说,我宁愿打断我的胳膊!”年长的少女说道。 but the wheelbarrow had a different idea, and the wheelbarrow was really somebody! he considered himself a quarter of a carriage because he went about on one wheel. "i must, however, tell you that it"s common enough to be called "maidens"; that isn"t nearly so distinctive a name as "stamp," because that belongs under the category of "seals." just think of the "royal signet," and the "seal of the state." if i were you i would give up the name "maiden." " "never!" said the elder. "i"m much too old for that!" 但是独轮车有不同的想法,独轮车是重要的人!他认为他自己是马车的四分之一。因为它用一个轮子走路。“然而我一定要告诉你,被称为‘少女"是很常见的,但是被叫做‘手槌"确是很独特的,因为你的名字可以去印章类目里去,想象一下‘官印",它盖上一个章就产生了法律效力。如果我是你我会放弃‘少女"这个名字”。“永远都不会!我不会幼稚到干这种事!”年长的说道, "you don"t seem to understand what is called the european necessity," said the honest old measuring tape. "people have to adapt themselves to circumstances, limit themselves, give in to the needs of the times. and if there is a law that the "maidens" are to be called "stamps" or "hand rammers," then by that new name she must be called. there is a measuring tape for everything." "well, if there must be a change," said the younger, "i"d rather be called "miss," for "miss" reminds one a little of "maiden." " "but i"d rather be chopped up for firewood than change at all," said the old "maiden." “你好像没明白它被称为欧洲必需品,”诚实的老卷尺说道。“人们必须适应他们自己的环境,限制自己,适应自己的时代。如果法律说“少女”应该被叫做‘手槌",那么它必须被叫做新名字,任何事都要有个尺度。” “好吧,如果一定要改变,”年轻的说道,“我宁愿被叫做‘小姐",因为‘小姐"还能想到一点‘少女"。”我宁愿作为柴火被切碎也不要改变。”年长的小姐说道。 now it was time for work. the "maidens" rode; they were put in the wheelbarrow, which was respectful treatment, but they were now called "stamps." 现在到了工作的时间,“少女们”被放到独轮车,这是一种尊重的待遇,但是她们现在叫做“手槌”。 "maid--!" they cried as they stamped on the paving stones. "maid--!" they almost said the whole word "maiden," but they didn"t finish; they had decided not to say any more about it. but among themselves they always spoke of each other as "maidens," and praised the good old days when things were called by their proper names and those who were "maidens" were called "maidens."and "maidens" they both remained, for the ramming block, the big machine i told you about, did break off his engagement with the younger; he would have nothing to do with a "stamp" or "hand rammer"! “少--!”她们在路上颠簸的时候叫道。“少--!”她们几乎就叫出整个单词“少女了”,但是她们没法完整的叫出来,她们决定不再叫了。但是她们自己之间总是互相叫着“少女”,然后称赞着曾经事物都被叫作适合的名字,“少女”被称为“少女”的时候的好的旧日子的时候。她们都保留着“少女”的名字,因为我之前告诉你的那个叫打桩机的大机器,毁了他和年轻的少女的婚约;他不想和‘手槌"或者

maiden name是什么意思?




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“we all at the period of maiden hood ”该如何翻译?


maiden voyage什么意思

maiden voyage英 [u02c8meidn u02c8vu0254iidu0292] 美 [u02c8medn u02c8vu0254u026au026adu0292] (航天器、船的)首航例句In 1912, the Titanic sank on her maiden voyage. 1912年,“泰坦尼克”号在处女航中失事沉没。

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