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求justin bieber的where are you now的lrc歌词

Where Are You NowBy: Justin BieberOhh, yeahh.Where are you nowWhen I need you the mostWhy don"t you take my handI want to be closeTake my hand and walk with me, yeahWhere are you nowWhen nothing is going rightWhere are you nowI can"t see the lightSo take my hand and walk with meShow me what to be, yeahI need you to set me free, yeah yeahWhere are you nowNow that I"m half grownWhy are we far apartI feel all aloneWhere are you nowWhen nothing is going rightWhere are you nowI can"t see the light


[ti:アナザー:ワールドイズマイン][ar:KAITO][al:nicovideo sm3604990][by:CHHKKE][00:02.09]世界で一番おひめさま/世界第一的公主殿下[00:07.35]分かっているから/已经很清楚了[00:10.83]お前は俺の嫁/你是我的 新娘[00:19.05][00:19.85]アナザー:ワールドイズマイン[00:22.18]作词:あにま[00:23.68]作曲:ryo[00:25.11]编曲:ryo[00:26.51]呗:KAITO(调教:awk)[00:28.04]by:CHHKKE[00:29.16][00:29.86]その一 そういえば髪切った?/其一 这麼说来你要剪头发了?[00:33.69]少しだけ抚でてやる/可以摸摸看吗?[00:36.57]その二 新しいヒール/其二 那是新的鞋子?[00:39.60]それ结构いいね/相当好看嘛[00:41.98]その三 お前の一言には/其三 只要你一句话[00:44.89]余计な言叶なんていらないだろ/不需要多余的言辞[00:48.37]それじゃあほら/你看 [00:50.37]右手が空いてん/右手正空著呢[00:52.21]だから手を繋ごうか/要牵手吗?[00:54.68]そんな强がってることも分かってるさ/逞强的时候我也明白[01:00.34]だから心配すんな/所以不需要担心[01:04.33]今日も今日とて かわいいね/今天也是相当可爱喔[01:06.94][01:07.64]世界で一番おひめさま/世界第一的公主殿下[01:13.08]要望は? はいはい/你的愿望? 是、是[01:16.58]今行くから淋しがるなよ/现在就过去 可别感到寂寞喔[01:19.22]俺を一体谁だと思ってんだ/也不想想本大爷是什麼人?[01:24.74]お前のナイトだぞ/我可是你的骑士喔![01:28.19]みなまで言うな プリンなら/不要跟别人说喔 布丁的话[01:32.10]冷蔵库だ/在冰箱里面[01:34.94][01:44.02]不満も文句言うだけ无駄だ/不满的言词说了也是徒劳[01:47.75]それがあいつの全て/那是那家伙的全部[01:50.88]そうだ、あいつが欲しがってた服、对了,这不是那家伙[01:54.38]なんだったっけ……/想要的衣服吗?[01:56.32]ん、なんだよ? 白いおうまさん?/唉?什麼?白马?[01:59.47]仕方ないな/真拿你没办法啊~[02:00.97]お手を取って メリーゴーランド/呐、手给我 旋转木马[02:04.57]今だけはこれで、现在只有这个[02:06.42]我慢してよ Princess/忍耐一下唷 公主[02:08.89]そんな强がってることも分かってるさ/逞强的时候我也明白[02:14.48]そうか そこまで言うなら/是吗?既然都这麼说了[02:19.18]二、三回小突いてやりますよ/那就戳你两、三下哟[02:21.47][02:22.17]世界でお前だけのおうじさま/世界上只属於你的王子殿下[02:27.34]柄じゃないがでも/虽然这并非我的本性[02:30.74]満更悪い気もしない/但也不觉得哪里不好[02:33.51]これだけ爱されてるお前なら/若是如此被爱著的你的话[02:38.94]いつかはほら 気が付くと信じてる/总有一天 相信你会发现[02:45.90][02:46.60]「キミ」のこと全て/「你」的全部[02:51.30]分かってない 分かりはしない/无法理解 无法理解的啊[03:01.44][03:02.80]いちごの乗ったショートケーキ/装饰著草莓的小蛋糕[03:05.65]こだわりたまごのとろけるプリン/用严选鸡蛋做的柔软布丁[03:08.71]冷蔵库の中眠ったまま/就这样放在冰箱里[03:11.65]こればっかりはため息だ/看到只有这样就叹气[03:14.51]そうだお前はやれば出来る/没错,你想做就做得到[03:17.28]だから覚悟しておくよ/只是要有觉悟唷[03:21.84][03:23.15]当然だろ だってお前は/这是当然的 因为你是[03:25.10][03:25.80]世界で俺だけのおひめさま/这世上只属於我的公主殿下[03:31.31]ちゃんと见てるから/我有好好的看著喔[03:34.74]どこかに行くなんてないさ/我哪里都不会去[03:37.43]たまにはそっと傍で抱きしめる/无预警的 从旁边抱住你[03:42.88]「轢かれる 危ないよ」/「会被撞到的、很危险喔」[03:46.39]やっぱちょっと照れて隠す/果然你有些害羞了[03:49.82]……俺の方に惹かれるだろ?/…被我吸引了吧?[03:55.30][04:01.63]-END-[04:11.75]


不是动态歌词。[00:00:00]XXXXXXXXXX[00:01:00]能看懂吗 前1秒显示XXXXX 在Mp3上和歌曲同名就能放了 。。。。。。。。。。。。。 好像符号有点问题 你自己上网查查去

tom猫的《you get me》歌词,要LRC的,拜托了

wo... yeah , yeah , yeah...Crazy guy boy , we can make really good friends疯狂的男孩,我们可以成为很好的朋友That"s why we meet each other end.所以我们遇见了彼此If you beside me , i"ll never have to pretend to be stronger then....如果你在我身边, 我永远都不用假装很坚强I finally belong here and I don"t feel lonely any more .终于找到属于我的地方,再也不觉得孤单Yot get me and I get you , together, there"s really nothing we can do.我得到你的心,你也得到了我的,我们在一起什么都不用做I"ve got your back and I"ve got yours , too.我会支持着你,我也会永远支持你。Yeah , you get me and i"m pretty sure that i get you.你俘获了我的心,我非常确定也俘获了你的。do do do do do do , do do do do do .... do do do do , oh ho , ow ow...yeah...On the inside I think I was proud the crowd , but on the outside I wasn"t aloud.我的内心激烈的斗争着,但是却不敢表现出来All I wanted is just to be where we"re now , yeah , it"s better than...我最想要的就是像现在这样和你在一起,比什么都好。。。And know I"ll never ever feel lonely any more....我知道 我将再也不会孤独。。。Yot get me and I get you , together, there"s really nothing we can do.我得到你的心,你也得到了我的,我们在一起什么都不用做I"ve got your back and I"ve got yours , too.我会支持着你,我也会永远支持你。Yeah , you get me and i"m pretty sure that i get you.你俘获了我的心,我非常确定也俘获了你的。I finally have someone to lean on. (someone to lean on...)我终于找到可以依靠的人。And you have someone to lean on to... to lean on to... to lean on to...你有了可以依赖的人。Yot get me and I get you , together, there"s really nothing we can do.我得到你的心,你也得到了我的,我们在一起什么都不用做I"ve got your back and I"ve got yours , too.我会支持着你,我也会永远支持你。Yeah , you get me and i"m pretty sure that i get you.你俘获了我的心,我非常确定也俘获了你的。Yot get me and I get you , together, there"s really nothing we can do.我得到你的心,你也得到了我的,我们在一起什么都不用做I"ve got your back and I"ve got yours , too.我会支持着你,我也会永远支持你。Yeah , you get me and i"m pretty sure that i get you.你俘获了我的心,我非常确定也俘获了你的。do do do do do do , do do do do do , do do do do do do ...I"m pretty sure that I get you.我非常确定得到了你的心。do do do do do , yeah , yeah , yeah , ho ho ho...


[ti:Departures ~あなたにおくるアイの歌~][ar:EGOIST][al:Departures ~あなたにおくるアイの歌~][00:00.00][00:01.14]mou anata kara ai sareru kotomo[00:07.61]hitsuyouto sareru kotomo nai[00:14.08]soshite watashiwa koushite hitori bocchide[00:24.42]anotoki anatawa nannte ittarou[00:30.86]todokanai kotobawa jyumonn[00:37.32]wakatteru noni kyoumo shiteshimau[00:44.24]kanawanu negai kotowo[00:50.38][00:53.69]hanasa naide[00:55.76]kyutto tewo nigittete[01:01.01]anatato futari tsutsukuto itte[01:07.63]tsunaida sonotewa atataka kute[01:19.28]yasashi katta[01:24.53][01:26.00]Departures ~あなたにおくるアイの歌~[01:27.50]「罪恶王冠 ED」[01:29.00]作词u30fb作曲u30fb编曲:ryo(supercell)[01:30.50]歌:EGOIST[01:33.50][01:34.58]anatawa iitsumosouyate watashio[01:41.01]okoulasete saiigoni nakasuinda[01:47.37]dakedo atoninate[01:50.89]gomenne teiusonokao[01:55.91]sukidata〗[01:59.85][02:03.42]hanasanaide[02:05.74]kyuto souomoikiri[02:10.84]anatano udenonakaniitai[02:17.67]futaride odekoo awasenagara[02:29.17]nemuruno[02:30.35][02:30.99]mounidotowa ainaite kotoo shitetaru[02:50.42]TVアニメ「ギルティクラウン」EDテーマ[03:00.53][03:03.53]hanasanaide[03:05.53]gyuto anatagasuki[03:11.10]mouichido date walate kurenaino[03:17.48]anatano nukumolika kiechamaeni[03:29.01]takishimete[03:33.84][03:58.45]终わり[04:08.40]

求月に丛云华に风 , 泡沫、哀のまほろば这两首歌的lrc中文歌词,最好是中日对照


Katy Perry Part of me 的LRC歌词

[ti:Part of Me][ar:Katy Perry][al:Part of Me - Single][00:00.01]Part of Me —— Katy Perry[00:00.50][00:01.00] 奶茶. 制作[00:01.55][00:01.95]Days like this I want to drive away[00:09.18]Pack my bags and watch your shadow fade[00:15.07]You chewed me up and spit me out[00:18.86]Like I was poison in your mouth[00:22.71]You took my light, you drained me down[00:26.29]That was then and this is now[00:30.24]Now look at me[00:31.19][00:31.93]This is the part of me[00:34.29]that you"re never gonna ever take away from me, no[00:39.16]This is the part of me[00:41.63]that you"re never gonna ever take away from me, no[00:46.44]Throw your sticks and stones[00:48.46]Throw your bombs and your blows[00:50.22]But you"re not gonna break my soul[00:53.79]This is the part of me[00:56.35]that you"re never gonna ever take away from me, no[01:00.32][01:00.91]I just wanna throw my phone away[01:08.16]Find out who is really there for me[01:14.05]You ripped me off, your love was cheap[01:17.89]Was always tearing at the seams[01:21.86]I fell deep and you let me drown[01:25.38]But that was then and this is now[01:29.26]Now look at me[01:30.46][01:30.85]This is the part of me[01:33.65]that you"re never gonna ever take away from me, no[01:38.10]This is the part of me[01:40.77]that you"re never gonna ever take away from me, no[01:45.44]Throw your sticks and stones[01:47.43]Throw your bombs and your blows[01:49.23]But you"re not gonna break my soul[01:52.83]This is the part of me[01:55.41]that you"re never gonna ever take away from me, no[01:59.89][02:01.59]Now look at me, I"m sparkling[02:05.31]A firework, a dancing flame[02:09.17]You won"t ever put me out again[02:11.78]I"m glowing, oh woah oh[02:16.35]So you can keep the diamond ring[02:19.89]It don"t mean nothing anyway[02:23.58]In fact you can keep everything[02:26.20]Yeah, yeah[02:28.32]Except for me[02:29.50][02:29.93]This is the part of me[02:32.31]that you"re never gonna ever take away from me, no[02:37.25]This is the part of me[02:39.71]that you"re never gonna ever take away from me, no[02:44.62]Throw your sticks and stones[02:46.43]Throw your bombs and your blows[02:48.50]But you"re not gonna break my soul[02:52.03]This is the part of me[02:54.51]that you"re never gonna ever take away from me, no[02:58.83][02:59.57]This is the part of me[03:06.78]This is the part of me[03:14.14]Throw your sticks and stones[03:16.41]Throw your bombs and your blows[03:17.78]But you"re not gonna break my soul[03:21.57]This is the part of me[03:24.09]that you"re never gonna ever take away from me, no[03:28.69][03:29.63]-END-


Days-爱情と日常DIGIMON TAMERS 24——51话片尾曲歌:AiM 作词:うらん 作曲:大久保薫?うらん 编曲:大久保薫 青ざめた空 渗んだ阳の光 どこまでも続く泛蓝的天空 渗入进来的阳光 无论到哪儿都是如此くり返し日々 言い訳と虚言と わからなくて重复着的每天 真实与谎言 我不知道私はただここに生きる 存在意味を问う我只是在这里活着 在找寻存在的意义君は何も言わず そばにいて 微笑みをくれた你什么都没有说 只是微笑着陪在我身边爱情と日常に络む心 キスで埋めてよ将交错在爱情和日常里的心 埋藏在热吻里吧今以上これ以上强く 壊れるくらい抱きしめて比现在更强烈 强烈到可以破坏一切的那样抱紧我もっとキツクもっと もっと…更强烈 更强烈 更强烈……

求泫雅bubble pop 的中文LRC歌词

金泫雅-bubble popBubble Pop!Bubble Pop!Ahh~Oops~从头到尾别想改变我否则干脆见别的女人吧(u uuuu 你) 别发牢骚(u uuuu 你) 晚上出去玩儿又怎样偶尔不接电话又怎样(u uuuu hey)为什么你总是不相信我 (Ooh Boy) 你不要再猜忌我(Hey Boy) 不要再对我祈盼(My Boy) 让泡沫一样的虚情假意Bubble Bubble Bubble Pop!Bubble Bubble Pop! Pop!(Ooh Boy) 实实在在地去想(Hey Boy) 如你所见地看我吧(My Boy) 让泡沫一样的虚情假意Bubble Bubble Bubble Pop!Bubble Bubble Pop! Pop!Ahh~Oops~说话得漂亮一点 笑的时候斯文一点时常联络 (Huh, Huh!)你好样的 Hey (Hey Hey Hey)Bubble Bubble Pop! Pop! (u uuuu)笑着时而又犹豫又怎样喜欢突然又讨厌了又怎样(u uuuu)为什么你总是不懂我(Ooh Boy) 你不要再猜忌我(Hey Boy) 不要再对我祈盼(My Boy) 让泡沫一样的虚情假意Bubble Bubble Bubble Pop!Bubble Bubble Pop! Pop!(Ooh Boy) 实实在在地去想(Hey Boy) 如你所见地看我吧(My Boy) 让泡沫一样的虚情假意Bubble Bubble Bubble Pop!Bubble Bubble Pop! Pop!你不要再猜忌我不要再对我祈盼让泡沫一样的虚情假意Bubble Bubble Bubble Pop!Bubble Bubble Pop! Pop!(Ooh Boy) 实实在在地去想(Hey Boy) 如你所见地看我吧(My Boy) 让泡沫一样的虚情假意Bubble Bubble Bubble Pop!Bubble Bubble Pop! Pop!Ahh~Oops~


没有“到了没”这首歌 是“未满18岁” 上面的人有资格答吗?

bigbang Mad About You 的lrc歌词


谁有pray for you -Jaron and the Long Road toLove的LRC歌词。。求助。谢谢~


少女时代 I got a boy 罗马拼音LRC

Ayo GG,Yeah Yeahsijaghae bolkka?Eomeo yae jom bwara yae,museum iri isseot gilae meoril jalattiae?Eung? Eomeol tto yae jom borago meori buteo balkkeut kkaji seutai bakwieosseo wae geuraedae? Gung geumhae juggetne wae geuradae?marhae bwabwajom Let me introduce myself here comestrouble ttara haeOhYe e OhYe ohneo jalnasseo jeongmal Jiga mwonde?Utgyeo neomukotdae sen geo ani?Nabogo pyeong beomha danda yae eo Geu namja wanjeon mame deureotna bwa Maldo andwae Maldo andwae bwa neomu yeppeo segsihae jyeosseo geu namja ttaemniji? Mureobol ppeon haetda nikka? Neobakkun hwajang pumi mwonji sasil na,cheoeum bwasseo,sangcheo ibeun yasu gateun gipeun nun yeagiman haedo eojil haetda nika?Neo jalnasseo jeongmal jalnasseo jeongmal Oh Ye Oh, Oh Ye Oh,neo janatda jeongmal Oh Ye Oh, Oh Ye Oh,neo janatda jeongmal, Ayo stop,lei me put it down another way,I got a boy meotjin, I got a boy chaghan, I got a boy handsome boy nae mam da pajyeogan, I got a boy meotjin, I got a boy chaghan, I got a boy awesome boy, wanjeon banhaetna bwa,A nae wangjanim eonje i momeul guhareo wa jusil tengayo? Hayan kkun cheoreom nalpume ana ollyeo naraga jusi getjyo? na,kkamjjag menbungiya geu sarameun nae min nachi gung geum hadae ,wanjeon mame deureo mot igin cheog boyeo jwedo gweenohan heulkka? Ou jeoldaero andoeji geuchi geuchi? Uri jikll geon jikijel matji matji geuui mameul modu gajil ttaekkaji geon jeoldaero ijeo beoriji mallageOh,Bameul saedo mojara dad a, Oh, Uri choego gwansimsa da da, Nae mal deureobwa geu ai neone alji? Jom eorijman sogeun kkwag chasseo Eotteol ttaenoppa cheoreom deumjig hajiman ,Aegyoreul buril ttaen neomu yeppeo juggesseo, Oh, Neo michyeosseo, michyeosseo,Oh ,Neo michyeosseo,michyeosseo Nan jeongmal hwaga na juggesseo,Nae namjan nal yeojaro anboneun geol, Magyeonhal ttaen eotteog hamyeon naega johgetni? Jiturada naga haebolkka? Sogsanghael eotteoghae na?maldo an dwael , maldo an dwael, Don"t stop let"s bring it back to 1:40,I got a boy meotjin,I got a boy chaghan, I got a boy handsome boy nae mam da pajyeogan, I got a boy meotjin,I got a boy chaghan,I got a boy awesome boy, wanjeon banhaetna bwa, Eonjena nae gyeoten nae pyeoni dwae jugo,Gwi giuryeo juneun neoneo, Nan idaero jigeun haenboghae jal doel geonikka , I got a boy meotjin, I got a boy chaghan, I got a boy handsome boy nae mam da pajyeogan, I got a boy meotjin, I got a boy chaghan, I got a boy awesome boy, wanjeon banhaetna bwa, ========================================================================我是在罗马音歌词吧转的,楼主叫volishero,排版较乱,望谅解


网- 配词watashi no kawai ningyosuteki na kimono ki se ma shoukira kira kin no kan za shishiawase o a ge ruwatashi no kawai ningyokireina obi mo a ge ma shouakane no sango kazaatautsukushii obi yomegumi ooki yutakana kunihana ga afuremachi kado ni hora kikoeruyorokobi utau koe gawatashi no kawai ningyoyasashiku daite agemashoukurenai iro no kuchibiruase nai younimegumi ooki yutakana kunikaze wa soyogimachi kado ni kikoeru utatowani chikau shiawase otowani chikau shiawase o

那个男人 韩文 lrc歌词








天降之物中的所有歌曲,求,谢谢,除了fallen down ,最好有lrc

天降之物开头曲结尾曲和插曲 OP テーマ「Ring My Bell」(好听) 作词 - 岩里佑穂、作曲 编曲 - 桥本由香利 歌 - blue drops(吉田仁美&イカロス(早见沙织)) ED テーマ「そばにいられるだけで」(第1、13话) 作词 - 三浦诚司、作曲 - 糀谷拓土、编曲 - 水谷広実 歌 - blue drops(吉田仁美&イカロス(早见沙织)) 【STAFF】 原作:水无月すう(月刊「少年ACE」连载、角川漫画u30fbACE刊) 监督:齐藤久(《竹刀少女》、《飞鸟少女☆V3》监督) 系列构成:柿原优子(《星际宝贝》(系列构成、脚本)、《小女神花玲》(系列构成、脚本)) 人物设定:渡边义弘(《竹刀少女》人物设定、《染成茜色的坡道》人物设定) 动画制作:AIC ASTA 制作:空美町新大陆发现部 岬めぐり(第2话) 作词 - 山上路夫 / 作曲 - 山本厚太郎[2] / 歌 - 见月そはら(美名) 太阳がくれた季节(第3话) 作词 - 山川启介 / 作曲 - いずみたく / 歌 - イカロス(早见沙织)、见月そはら(美名)、五月田根美香子(高垣彩阳)、桜井智树(保志総一朗)、守形英四郎(铃木达央) 戦士の休息(第4话) 作词 - 山川启介 / 作曲 - 大野雄二 / 歌 - 桜井智树(保志総一朗) ゆけ!ゆけ!川口浩(第5话) 作词 - 嘉门达夫、青木一郎 / 作曲u30fb歌 - 嘉门达夫 夏色のナンシー(第6话) 作词 - 三浦徳子 / 作曲 - 筒美京平 / 歌 - ニンフ(野水伊织) ふり向くな君は美しい(第7话) 作词 - 阿久悠 / 作曲 - 三木たかし / 歌 - イカロス(早见沙织)、ニンフ(野水伊织)、见月そはら(美名)、五月田根美香子(高垣彩阳)、桜井智树(保志総一朗)、守形英四郎(铃木达央) ワイルドセブン(第8话) 作词 - 阿久悠 / 作曲 - 森田公一 / 歌 - 桜井智树(保志総一朗)、守形英四郎(铃木达央) 初恋(第9话)(经典) 作词u30fb作曲 - 村下孝蔵 / 歌 - イカロス(早见沙织)、五月田根美香子(高垣彩阳) 仆等のダイアリー(第10话) 作词 - 来生えつこ / 作曲 - 来生たかお / 歌 - 五月田根美香子(高垣彩阳)、守形英四郎(铃木达央) チャンピオン(第11话) 作词u30fb作曲 - 谷村新司 / 歌 - 桜井智树(保志総一朗)、トモ子(藤田咲) 赤い花 白い花(第12话) 作词u30fb作曲 - 中林三恵 / 歌 - イカロス(早见沙织)

天降之物fallen down完整版LRC中文歌词

blue 青い空 どこまでも飞んでいきたい 【blue 这片湛蓝青空 无论到哪也想要飞去】だけど飞べるのはあなた 私は飞べない なぜなら 【只是展翅高飞之人是你,不是我】私の翼汚れているから 为什么呢……【只因我的羽翼已不再纯洁】どうか 置いていかないで 【请不要抛下我一个人】あなたの为ならもう一度飞びます 【若是为了你,我愿再度张开双翅飞翔】涙が出るほど きれいな 青い空 汚れた翼で飞んでいきます【我用这被玷污的羽翼,飞向那美到令我流下泪水的苍穹】そして あなたの元へ 堕ちてゆく【然后,朝着你的所在之地,逐渐坠落……】fallen downwhite 白い云 あなたと漂ってゆきたい 【white 这片白云 我想要跟你一起漂浮在天空】だけどゆけるのはあなた 私はゆけない なぜなら【只是能够行走的人是你,不是我】私の梦は「作り物」だから【因为我的梦,只不过是一个仿造品而已】どうか 置いていかないで【请不要抛下我一个人】あなたの为ならもう一度飞びます【若是为了你,我愿再度张开双翅飞翔】私を见放す きれいな 青い空汚れた翼で飞んでいきます【我用这被玷污的羽翼,飞向那抛弃了我的美丽青空】ずっと あなたのそばに いたいのに【因为我想要永远地呆在你身旁】rain白の雨 【黑白的雨】なにもみえない【让我什么也看不见】お愿い たすけて【拜托了,救救我吧】あなたを探して私は飞ぶ【我飞去寻找你】红く染まった翼で【用这双已被鲜红浸染的翅膀】涙が出るほど きれいな 青い空汚れた翼で飞んでいきます【我用这被玷污的羽翼,飞向那美到令我流泪的苍穹】そして あなたの元へ 堕ちてゆく【然后,朝着你的所在之地,逐渐坠落……】fallen down



音乐剧Notre-Dame de paris(巴黎圣母院)LRC格式歌词

les liens d" sang 打印此页 歌手:karemera 专辑:13:13 Quelqu抲n me dise ?partir de quel moment j抋i d関i?br>En t阾e ?queue en train de gerber dans mon 関ierD閖?nerveux dans l" ventre de ma m鑢e 4 kilosJ" balance des coups de pieds elle se met ?perdre ses eaux vais-je na顃re pr閙atur?br>Un doigt sur la g钠hette je suis d閖?pr阾 ?tirer pr阾 ?tuer(Shotgun)Maintenant je sais que nos arr阾s de mort sont sign閟Que nos corps sont libres mais que nos 鈓es sont consign闲sD閟ormais je sais que d抋voir eu ?me porter9 mois dans son ventre elle aurait du m抋vorterDe quoi elle a accouch??Un r闲ugi?politique immatricul?br>Je suis d" ceux ?qui on dit ?premi鑢e vu va te faire enculerP"tite s涡r pleure pas je suis dans le couloir de l扥FPRARER ?Fontenay-Sous Bois 鏰 fait partie du contratQuoi qu抜l arrive on sortira d" ce putain d" SONACOTRAUn an et demi qu" j抋ttends mon tour comptant jour apr镳 jourLe temps te prend de cours sans la carte de s閖ourEt Dieu sait que je l抩btiendrai du premier coup ou en recoursQuestion de vie ou de mort t" as chaud t" as froid tu vas faire quoi gars ?Que je m抏n sorte bless?mort ou indemneJ" garde la t阾e haute de toute fa鏾n c抏st du pareil au m阭eSans piers-pa j" te d閐ie 鏰 avec ce qui reste de mon c涡rOn ne serait pas l?sans Coluche et ses restos du c涡rPas la peine que tu me dises qu抜l y a quelque chose qui ne tourne pas rondJe l抯ais depuis que j抋i pu lire 8.6 sur mon biberon8.6 l抋lcool le seul vice qui s抏st transmis de p鑢e en fils镨a pas toujours 閠?rose mais il n抷 a jamais euDe quoi faire une overdosePourquoi dramatiser ?Au plus j抋vais juste qu抲ne teille de rhum ?tiserAu pire j掗tais juste un peu traumatis?br>Jouons carte sur tableNul besoin d抲n accord parental souhaitableT" as un ref c抏st ton ref et t" as un ref c抏st une puteT" as une meuf c抏st ta meuf et t" as une meuf c抏st une puteT" as un keuf c抏st un keuf et celui l?on le buteM阭e p鑢e m阭e m鑢e j抋i vu des fr鑢es escrocs me sortir leurs crocsJ抋i vu ma propre meuf me verser des larmes de crocoJ 抋i vu des keufs m抋rr阾er les mains en l抋ir n间roEt Veni Vidi ViciJe suis venu j抋i vu et j抋i vaincu car comme p抪a disait toujoursQui vit par le cul p閞ira par le culJ抋i vu nos liens d" sang se taillader les veines dans un bain d"sangTest?le go鹴 de s閞umFr鬺?des pacemakersL抩p閞ation ?c涡r ouvert dans cette pi鑓e m掗c涡reSenti l抩deur de la mortOh mon Dieu que 鏰 pueJ抏ntends encore le doc me direOn a fait tout ce qu抩n a puFut un temps o?on 閠ait tous berc閟 par une cause communeComment 鏰 se fait qu抩n se retrouve dispers閟 dans des fosses communesContrairement ?ce qu抩n ditJ" suis n??Butare dans le centre des banditsCousins cousines fr鑢es et s涡rs sur le point de s" tuerPremi鑢e option gangster deuxi鑝e prostitu闲Shab?mon boarding pass en pleine forme me voiciSur la plate forme de Roissy et si jamais j抋ffiche ce sourire faut pas s抷 fierJ" suis rentr?dans ce bled avec des papiers falsifi閟Plus de chance qu抩n m抏xpulseQu抲ne balle sur six en roulette russeUn homme de moins un homme de plus dont les yeux convulsentCes menottes me torturent j" voudrais cacher ma gueule et marcher comme une tortueRien que pour tuer le temps et tout pour que le temps me tueVoici qu抩n en arrive au meyday meyday Roissy on a un 慴l鑝eY a pas moyen que je guette cet a閞oport je sais d抩?je sorsSi t" entends dire que je suis ?bord sache que je suis un homme mortIls me parlent d抲n paradis blancMais au fond de moi je sais qu抜l y a un enfer noirEt comme P抪a disait toujoursFils 阾re noir ce n抏st pas ce genre d抙istoires qui finissent le m阭e soirJe connaissais le refrain j抋vais qu抡 pas danserMais dans ce monde faut des fois que tu avances ?pas cadenc?br>Je ne peux pas traduire ni te dire ?quoi 鏰 pourrait correspondreIl n抷 a pas de feu pour tout cramer ni de lacets pour se pendreSi il y a un Dieu pour les noirs j抜mplore sa mis閞icorde pas la mis鑢e sur une cordeMargi fait sa pri鑢e il n抷 a plus rien qu抜ls puissent faireIl avait pris un charter <>Comme c抏st dommage ?son 钝eVoyage en 3e classe dans une classeD抲n train d抋tterrissageSauver son enfance est une cause perdue d抋vanceLe mal est fait il a donn?des cheveux gris ?son p鑢e bris?le c涡r de sa m鑢eTout 鏰 pour une chim鑢e 閜h閙鑢eC抏st pas d" chance tu saisL抙orreur est humaine m阭e la vierge marieJ閟us le fils de Dieu a d闰hir?son hymenJ"suis qu抲n sp闰imen de cette esp鑓e humaineEt ils voudraient m抜nterner pour 阾re n?du mauvais c魌?de la m閐iterran闲J抋i chi?la peur et la honteQuand ils ont flingu?mon oncle ?bout portant depuis le tempsJ抋i retenu qu抲n seul passage de l抋ncien testament宨l pour 渋lDent pour dentCar comme p抪a disait toujours c抏st le struggle for lifeEt si t抋s pas de flingue sers toi de tes incisivesEt sois pr阾 ?subir jusqu抡 ce que mort s抏nsuive

teenager life 的LRC歌词[ti:Teenage Life][ar:Daz Sampson][al:][by:slyrt][offset:500][02:58.97][00:00.40]Daz Sampson - Teenage Life[02:59.67][00:00.64][02:59.91][00:00.87]右手无名指[03:00.26][00:01.12]slyrt[03:00.55][00:01.36][03:01.26][00:01.61]期待与你分享好音乐[03:01.48][00:01.85]★ . . .[03:01.69][00:02.14][03:01.91][00:02.39]time: 07.09.04[03:02.45][00:02.64]长度: 4分58秒[03:02.68][00:02.92][00:03.27]What did you learn at school today ? [00:06.16]That"s what the teachers used to say [00:09.27]But they don"t know [00:11.30]Don"t understand, do they ? [00:13.43]Why do they always give advice ? [00:16.72]Saying "Just be nice, always think twice" [00:19.97]When it"s been a long since they had a teenage life [00:23.97][00:24.29]What did you learn at school today ? [00:27.22]That"s what the teachers used to say [00:30.21]But they don"t know [00:32.49]Don"t understand, do they ? [00:34.67]Why do they always give advice [00:37.74]Saying "Just be nice, always think twice" [00:41.61]When it"s been a long time since they had a teenage life [00:45.79][00:46.22]Dwelling on the past, from back when I was young [00:49.31]Thinking of my school days and trying to write this song [00:50.53]Classroom schemes and dreams [00:51.93]Man they couldn"t save me [00:53.19]Cos my days were numbered when I signed down on “Avy” [00:55.99]Teenage kicks running out what could we do [00:58.45]I still show respect to my boys who made it through [01:00.97]And getting told off Mr T how my life would be [01:03.78]Then giving him a signal [01:05.06]So everyone could see [01:06.49]Sunshine and shade [01:07.65]Those girls I"d serenade [01:09.08]Thinking of those sixth form chicks that misbehave [01:11.43]Hoping that those days would go on and on forever [01:14.20]Every day something new [01:15.88]Just friends running together [01:17.01]But suddenly school ends [01:18.62]Your teenage life gone [01:19.66]All your mates are growing up now [01:21.23]They"re moving on [01:22.16]And now I"m looking back [01:23.70]I"ll tell you what I know [01:24.93]Do you listen to your teacher ? [01:26.36]No I don"t think so [01:27.51][01:28.10]"What did you learn at school today?" [01:30.89]That"s what the teachers used to say [01:34.49]But they don"t know [01:36.26]Don"t understand, do they ? [01:38.15]Why do they always give advice [01:41.85]Saying "Just be nice, always think twice" [01:45.07]When it"s been a long time since they had a teenage life [01:49.91][01:50.42]Now if you treat the kids fine, together they will shine [01:51.89]Ooh ooh ooh shine [01:58.89]And if you give the kids time, they won"t do the crime [02:02.38]Won"t do the crime [02:08.63][02:10.26]Now my bad old ways [02:11.83]Were during my school days [02:12.93]Messing on those grade A"s [02:14.39]My life is just a haze [02:15.65]I"m going through the struggle [02:16.99]Five ten and kicking back [02:18.23]So I could lock my flow [02:19.54]Lace it up now on the track [02:20.83]Oh yeh I felt the pain [02:22.23]Whilst chasing all the fame [02:23.62]I"m being told I"m nothing [02:25.00]Just a player in the game [02:26.13]But now I walk tall [02:27.49]Stand proud for you to see [02:28.81]I"m driving these fast cars [02:30.09]It"s five stars for me [02:31.74][02:32.08]"What did you learn at school today?" [02:35.62]That"s what the teachers used to say [02:38.51]But they don"t know [02:40.41]Don"t understand, do they? [02:42.56]Why do they always give advice [02:45.56]Saying "Just be nice, always think twice" [02:49.09]When it"s been a long since they had a teenage life[02:54.95][03:04.30]the end - ! ![03:04.65]

teenage life lrc歌词

[ti:][ar:][al:][by:] [00:02.25]now hear this[00:03.23]what did you learn at school today[00:06.71]that"s what the teachers used to say[00:09.89]but they don"t know[00:11.24]don"t understand, do they[00:13.51]why do they always give advice[00:17.19]saying just be nice, always think twice[00:20.58]when it"s been a long time since they had a teenage life[00:24.42]what did you learn at school today[00:27.97]that"s what the teachers used to say[00:31.44]but they don"t know[00:32.67]don"t understand, do they[00:34.81]why do they alwaya give advice[00:38.47]saying just be nice, always think twice[00:41.93]when it"s been a long time since they had a teenage life[00:45.91]dwelling on the past, from back when i was young[00:48.09]thinking of my school days and trying to write this song[00:50.86]classroom schemes and dreams[00:51.86]man they couldn"t save me[00:53.75]cos my days were numbered when i signed down on "avy"[00:56.20]teenage kicks running out what could we do[00:58.62]i still show respect to my boys who made it through[01:01.71]and getting told off MR T how my life would be[01:04.22]then giving him a signal[01:05.37]so everyone could see[01:06.76]sunshine and shade[01:08.65]those girls i"d serenade[01:09.86]thinking of thoses sixth form chicks that misbehave[01:12.10]hoping that those days would go on and on forever[01:14.82]every day something new[01:17.00]just friends running together[01:18.94]but suddenly school ends[01:20.84]your teenage life gone[01:21.93]all your mates are growing up now[01:22.49]they"re moving on[01:24.80]and now i"m looking back[01:25.19]i"ll tell you what i know[01:25.81]do you listen to your teachers[01:26.73]no i don"t think so[01:28.36]what did you learn at school today[01:31.77]that"s what the teachers used to say[01:35.20]but they don"t know[01:37.79]don"t understand, do they[01:38.66]why do they always give advice[01:42.51]saying just be nice, always think twice[01:46.02]when it"s been a long time since they had a teenage life[01:50.09]mow if you treat the kids fine, together they will shine[01:51.73]ooh ooh ooh shine[02:01.78]and if you give the kids time, they won"t do the crime[02:05.34]won"t do the crime[02:07.99]now my bad old ways[02:11.99]were during my school days[02:13.49]messing on those grade A"s[02:14.83]my life is just a haze[02:16.09]i"m going through the struggle[02:17.61]five ten and kicking back[02:18.72]so i could lock my flow[02:19.95]lace it up now on the track[02:21.27]oh yeh i felt the pain[02:22.69]whilst chasing all the fame[02:24.01]i"m being told i"m nothing[02:25.33]just a player in the game[02:26.63]but now i walk tall[02:27.93]stand proud for you to see[02:29.21]i"m driving these fast cars[02:30.66]it"s five stars for me[02:32.25]what did you learn at school today[02:36.14]that"s what the teachers used to say[02:39.08]but they don"t know[02:40.48]don"t understand, do they[02:42.68]why do they always give advice[02:46.49]saying just be nice, always think twice[02:49.98]when it"s been a long time since they had a teenage life[02:55.30]when it"s been a long time since they had a teenage life


求Ben Moon ft. Veela - Majesty的歌词和中文翻译,有Lrc歌词最好了

It"s not enoughI"ve given upThey"re wielding gunsWe"ve been taken overUncetain hoovesLet instinct chooseTheir every move to leaveUs corneredI know it"s trueOur sweat and bloodAnd armoured skirts crimsonStory book pretty soldiersAs we grow upThere"s nothing leftBow and arrow in handStand up, follow orders.How cruel have we becomeTo know what we have doneTomorrow, another one, "Dear,you"re not here."We watched them leaveLeave our homes - (Forgettable)We embrace steel and now we knowThat we have control.Orient maid, free our souls(Feel the drums and they hum so loudShooting guns from a one man crowd)Geisha of Blades, wise and cold(No fun and no love and not proudWhat they"ve done to a lover"s home town)How cruel have I becomeTo know what I"ve doneTomorrow, another, "Dear,you"re not here."And how we feel, no one can know - (Identical)Our virtues close and personalSo we have control.Sister of Blades, take my soul(Feel the drums and they hum so loudShooting guns from a one man crowd)Release my pain, one handed blow(No fun and no love and not proudWhat they"ve done to a lover"s home town)I"ll be your leader to the other sideNow we ride, inclined, to die - Women like us, I"ve come to findAre seldom blind to life"s many horrorsIn strength they trust, and keep in mindThe people lost and left behindOrient maid, free our souls(Feel the drums and they hum so loudShooting guns from a one man crowd)Geisha of Blades, wise and cold(No fun and no love and not proudWhat they"ve done to a lover"s home town)Sister of Blades, take my soul(Feel the drums and they hum so loudShooting guns from a one man crowd)Release my pain, one handed blow(No fun and no love and not proudWhat they"ve done to a lover"s home town)It"s just a game, not a war(Feel the drums and they hum so loudShooting guns from a one man crowd)We cannot gain as we lose more(No fun and no love and not proudWhat they"ve done to a lover"s home town)

初音未来The secret garden的LRC歌词,要中日对照的

[00:00.00]The secret garden[00:12.56]ひ·み·つ保·密·哟[00:29.48]挨拶に戸惑う寒暄的时候产生了疑惑[00:33.19]あなたを见ているだけで仅仅是见到你[00:38.48]言えない秘密たちが生まれます就有了不能言表的秘密[00:43.92]そよ风に嗫く微风低声私语[00:47.48]お愿い 私よ咲いて请你让我盛开吧[00:52.89]気がついてくれるなら花になり回过神来时候已经变了花朵[00:57.55]ひらり揺れたいわ想要轻轻的摇晃[01:00.84]新しい香りで从未闻到过的清香[01:04.66]何が始まると 信じたくなる季节よ让我确信这是一个将要发生什么的季节哟[01:11.85]かわれ...かわれ...变化吧...变化吧...[01:15.30]めぐり合えた今の色终于变成了今天的颜色[01:19.01]淡く儚くて 切ないけど消えてしまう淡淡的有似真似幻 虽然也有些痛苦但是已经消退了[01:26.32]そして...そして...这之后...这之后...[01:29.61]また流れる爱の歌爱之歌仍会继续流传[01:33.39]春がいけないの偏偏流不到春天[01:36.65]いけないから私は无実所以我也无法开花结果[01:55.72]穏やかな目覚めは静静地醒来[01:59.34]あなたと眠りの国で是因为和你在梦境的国度中[02:04.69]特别な约束をしたからね做了特殊的约定[02:10.11]青空は正しい蓝天是如此的贤明[02:13.75]教えて 私のこころ请告诉我 我内心深处的思念吧[02:19.05]とまらない溜息を隠すには它掩藏了无法停止的喘息[02:23.71]ゆるり溶けたいわ想舒畅地溶化[02:27.20]新しい気持ちで换了全新的心情[02:31.02]何が始まるの 分からないからいいのよ让我明白了不知道将会发生什么 好像也不错[02:38.10]あした...あした...明天...明天...[02:41.53]谁かいつか秘めた谜趁着热切的心情还没有退去[02:45.29]解いてあげたいな 想いがまだ热いうちに想去解开那不知道是谁在什么时候设下的迷局[02:52.43]それは...それは...那就是...那就是...[02:55.84]感じるから同じ梦我感受到了和你相同的梦境[02:59.81]春の游びなら如果是春天的嬉戏[03:02.88]游びながらあなたを待つの我会等着你

求:翼年代记里的you are my love罗马音的LRC歌词(牧野由依唱的)

已发送。发件人:   Emotional -zRん

SUPER JUNIOR 渴望的中文lrc歌词


bigbang Fantastic Baby 中文歌词 LRC


every heart LRC英文歌词的下载地址

是犬夜叉主题曲Every heart吗?在酷狗中搜索歌名试听,就能找到你想要的歌词

跪求every heart英文lrc歌词!!

[ti:Every Heart(English Version)][ar:BoA][al:][offset:500][00:02.72][00:04.72]Tell me babe,[00:07.15]how many do I shed my tears?[00:11.20]Every Heart[00:13.76]Every Heart is not a gentle yet[00:17.94]Shall I do?[00:20.59]I can never say my loneliness[00:24.58]Every Heart[00:27.19]doesnt know so what to say oh what to do[00:31.18](I) was afraid of darkness[00:33.20]cause I felt that I was left alone[00:37.72]So I prayed for help to (the) distant million stars[00:44.82]Round & Round the planets revolve round the sun[00:51.63]And we always seek after love and peace forever more[00:58.24]Growing growing woe baby we can work it out[01:04.99]Look up at the sky[01:07.41]Every Heart is shining all today[01:11.81][01:25.17]Show me now,[01:27.83]What kind of smile do I come across[01:31.89]Every Heart[01:34.42]Every Heart can take a step towards the dreams[01:38.71]All of us what to take a lasting happiness[01:45.37]Whenever you feel sad,[01:47.97]I wanna hold you & give you a sound sleep[01:51.76]Someday Every Hearts gonna free and easy[01:55.51]We have peace of mind[01:58.49]Someday all the people find the way to love[02:05.64]Goes & Goes the time goes on we are not alone[02:12.35]We live on together[02:15.24]and we will find some precious things[02:19.04]Sometime we will smile sometime we will cry somehow[02:25.79]Dont forget believing yourself [02:29.69]Tomorrows never die[02:32.71][02:33.13]There is the warm heart places on my mind[02:39.86]In my earlist days there and its so sweet[02:45.97]There are many stars they have talk with me so kind[02:52.33]They say yes always times a friend of mine so shine[03:02.90]Round & Round the planets revolve round the sun[03:09.51]And we always seek after love and peace forever more[03:16.25]Growing growing woe baby we can work it out[03:22.96]Look up at the sky Every Heart is shining all today[03:29.71]Goes & Goes the time goes on we are not alone[03:36.37]We live on together[03:39.28]and we will find some precious things[03:43.21]Sometime we will smile sometime we will cry somehow[03:49.84]Dont forget believing yourself[03:53.84]Tomorrows never die[03:56.79][04:17.50][04:28.50]END

谁有big big world的lrc歌词?急!!

Big Big World - EmiliaI"m a big big girlin a big big worldIt"s not a big big thingif you leave mebut I do do feel thatI too too will miss you muchmiss you much...I can see the first leaf fallingit"s all yellow and niceIt"s so very cold outsidelike the way I"m feeling insideI"m a big big girlin a big big worldIt"s not a big big thingif you leave mebut I do do feel thatI too too willmiss you muchmiss you much...Outside it"s now rainingand tears are falling from my eyeswhy did it have to happenwhy did it all have to endI"m a big big girlin a big big worldIt"s not a big big thingif you leave mebut I do do feelthat I too too willmiss you muchmiss you muchI have your arms around meooooh like firebut when I open my eyesyou"re gone...I"m a big big girlin a big big worldIt"s not a big big thingif you leave mebut I do do feelthat I too too willmiss you muchmiss you much...I"m a big big girlin a big big worldIt"s not a big big thingif you leave mebut I do feel I willmiss you muchmiss you much...



we are ready lrc歌词,带明星名字的


求银河铁道之夜主题曲One Night的lrc歌词

[ti:One night] [ar:井上ヒロコ] [al:剧场版动画《银河铁道之夜》主题曲] [by:闲风孤云] [00:00.00]井上ヒロコ-One Night [00:04.05]作词:加贺谷玲 [00:05.46]作曲:加贺谷玲 [00:06.26]编曲:加贺谷玲 [00:07.19]※アルバム「Crystal Moment」「银河鉄道の夜サウンドトラック」収录 [00:09.18]※chenxiongkai※制作 [00:10.26] [00:12.06]I am waiting for you 探(さが)してる月夜(つきよ)の记忆(きおく)『我在等待着你 寻找月夜的记忆』 [00:17.97]香(かお)る花(はな)は打(う)ち寄(よ)せる波(なみ)のほとり『散发香味的花儿盛开在波浪边』 [00:23.53]and nothing but you 残(のこ)された风(かぜ)をまとい『除了你没有别的 披着残存的风』 [00:29.27]so I can see the sky『这样我就能看到天空』 [00:34.69] [00:46.30]I wanna show you 叫(さけ)んでる海(うみ)ぬらす雨(あめ) 『我想给你看 呼唤着沾湿大海的雨』 [00:52.16]饰(かざ)られた梦(ゆめ)はいつしか砂(すな)の中(な) 『被装点的梦不知不觉中流落在沙中』 [00:57.82]and don"t cry for you 色(いろ)づいた瞬间(とき)をまとい『我不会为你哭泣 缠绕着着色的瞬间』 [01:03.61]so I can see the sky『这样我就能看到天空』 [01:08.82] [01:09.67]Melody 奏(かな)でる刹那(せつな)を届(とど)けたいだけ『只想传达旋律奏响的瞬间』 [01:16.04]小(ちい)さな手(て)を包(つつ)み込(こ)むように『好像把小小的手紧紧包住』 [01:20.26]あなたさえいれば风(かぜ)は吹(ふ)くの?『只要有你在 风还会吹吗?』 [01:26.38]いつか stand alone ...时(とき)に迷(まよ)った夜(よる) 『一直孤单的站立在迷失了时间的夜里』 [01:31.93] [01:32.55]Let me tell you おどけてる水面(みなも)の光(ひかり) 『让我告诉你 水面闪耀着的奇幻的光』 [01:37.84]染(そ)められた心(こころ)は见(み)えない星(ほし)の辉(かがや)き『感染心灵,使它看不到繁星的光辉』 [01:43.28]and I think of you 止(と)められた过去(かこ)をまとい『我在想着你 围绕着被终止的过去』 [01:49.33]so I can see the sky『这样我就能看到天空』 [01:54.67] [02:18.26]Melody 奏(かな)でる刹那(せつな)を届(とど)けたいだけ『只想传达旋律奏响的瞬间』 [02:24.51]小(ちい)さな手(て)を包(つつ)み込(こ)むように『好像把小小的手紧紧包住』 [02:29.04]あなたさえいれば风(かぜ)は吹(ふ)くの?『只要有你在 风还会吹吗?』 [02:35.27]いつか stand alone ...时(とき)に迷(まよ)った夜(よる) 『一直孤单的站立在迷失了时间的夜里』 [02:40.14] [02:43.45]I am waiting for you And looking for truth But not a sound is heard『我在等着 ,寻找着真相 但却听不到声音』 [02:49.25]Whenever you need any help and my voice Lease let me know『无论何时 只要你需要任何帮助和我的声音 请让我知道』 [02:54.55]Can I sing for you or cry for dream ? 『我可以为你歌唱或者呼唤梦想么?』 [02:58.17]Let the wind blow『让风吹吧』 [03:00.84]So I can see the sky『这样我就能看到天空』 [03:05.96] [03:06.40]I am waiting for you 探(さが)してる月夜(つきよ)の记忆(きおく) 『我在等待着你寻找月夜的记忆』 [03:12.07]香(かお)る花(はな)は打(う)ち寄(よ)せる波(なみ)のほとり『散发香味的花儿盛开在波浪边』 [03:17.78]and nothing but you 残(のこ)された风(かぜ)をまとい『除了你没有别的 披着残存的风』 [03:23.55]So I can see the sky『这样我就能看到天空』 [03:29.46]So I can see the sky『这样我就能看到天空』 [03:35.00]So I can see the sky『这样我就能看到天空』 [03:41.34] [03:47.81] [04:01.08]终わる [04:07.95]

Love You Like the Movies (Anthem Lights) 歌词 LRC 版本

Friday night, date night I say Pick out what you like.I don"t care as long as you"re here. Surprise, surprise. Ain"t that nice. Same old chick flick, Eighteenth time. You know the one with that guy. Half way through, look at you Smiling like you always do And I can"t help but just stare "Cause suddenly, it hits me As I watch you make believe I want to make this your reality And if you"ll be my leading lady, Even though I may look crazy I"ll grab your hand, ask you to dance In the middle of the street Learn to sign, cheesy lines Like Baby, you complete me." And in case you forget Where we"ve been and what we did I"ll write it all down, read it out loud Again and again. I promise if you let me I"ll love you like the movies. Now I"ve never been One of them Guys who could be leading men Just never seemed all that real. Well you"re like 5-6. So was Tom Cruise.True. But here right now With you somehow The kind of love they write about Is the kind of love that I"m starting to feel I"ll grab your hand, ask you to dance In the middle of the street Learn to sign, cheesy lines Like "Baby, you complete me. And in case you forget Where we"ve been and what we did I"ll write it all down, read it out loud Again and again. I promise if you let me I"ll love you like the movies. I"ll never let go, Jack. I"ll never let go. If you"re a bird, I"m a bird. You had me at hello. Like Noah loved Allie Like Harry loved Sally Like Richard loved Julia "Twice!" Like Tom loved Meg And the way he loved that volleyball "WILSON!" The way Demi Moore loved that ghost. "Weird." The way Jack loved Rose "What?" I"ll never let it go, never let it go Never let it go! I"ll never let go! "Dude, you alright?" "I think so." Uh, if you"ll be my leading lady "It just seemed like it hurt." Even though I may look crazy "It did a little." "Key change?" "Nah, I don"t want to." "I feel like we should do a key chan" "Okay." I"ll grab your hand, ask you to dance In the middle of the street Learn to sign, cheesy lines Like "Baby, you complete me." And in case you forget Where we"ve been and what we did I"ll write it all down, read it out loud Again and again. 求翻译中文歌词,不要那种翻译软件直接翻出的Close your eyes, arms out wide I"m the king of the world.Carpet ride, starry nights There"s no way I don"t kiss the girl And in case you forget Where we"ve been and what we did I"ll write it all down, read it out loud Again and again. I promise if you let me "Here"s looking at you kid." "Frankly my dear," I"ll love you like the movies.

求 井口裕香 Stand Still 中文LRC歌词

stand still井口裕香突然感到泣不成声 也没办法再去改变什么了如此无数次地说服自己 内心却无法理解这句话曾经想象于未来的彼此 如梦魇般对我穷追不舍如今痛苦不堪希望能忘记的答案 无论如何去挣扎如今已是 没有你陪在身边的日子变得无能为力 连说出一句谢谢也是不堪忍受欲言又止 不禁已声泪俱下“还差一点点”戴上的戒指希望就这样戴着不要拆取下来突然感到泣不成声 也没办法再去改变什么了如此无数次地说服自己 内心却无法理解这句话曾经想象于未来的彼此 如梦魇般对我穷追不舍如今痛苦不堪细数回忆 将之视为珍宝却一个一个地消失不见渐行渐远的身影 迅速的步伐你已经不会再次转身回头了吗“还差一点点”想抱着这种念头尽管是多么地痛不欲生想呆在你身边 你开怀大笑的面容 如今全部于记忆之中 像是一层蜕变后的外皮始终维持着笑容的样貌从那天开始就一直 受困在记忆中的原地两个人邂逅的机遇 对此从来没有感到后悔曾感受到无比幸福 故作坚强地向你说出一句再见突然感到泣不成声 也没办法再去改变什么了如此无数次地说服自己 内心却无法理解这句话曾经想象于未来的彼此 如梦魇般对我穷追不舍如今因痛苦 而铭心刻骨你开怀大笑的面容 如今全部于记忆之中 像是一层蜕变后的外皮始终维持着笑容的样貌从那天开始就一直 受困在记忆中的原地

sona - はらり ひらり(悠悠飘落),LRC歌词,假名注音版

[ti:はらり、ひらり][ar:sona][al:][by:][00:00.91]はらり、ひらり - 悠悠飘落[00:01.27]剧场版动画《遥远的时空中 舞一夜》片尾曲[00:01.51]原名:はらり ひらり[00:01.78]作词:井手コウジ[00:02.15]作曲:井手コウジ[00:02.71]编曲:铃木雅也[00:03.27]演唱:sona[00:04.64][00:05.14]花(はな)を待(ま)つつぼみのようにいま[00:10.00]さきかけの恋(こい)のうた[00:15.56]まっすぐにあなたに届(とど)けたい[00:20.82]幸(しあわ)せであるように[00:25.26][00:27.32]はらりはらり ひらりひらり[00:44.66][00:48.10]ひとりなくことは简単(かんたん)で[00:54.11]ずっと胸(むね)を痛(いた)めていても[00:59.34]かまわないから あなただけは[01:04.50]どうか哀(かな)しまないで[01:09.48][01:10.98]そんなことを想(おも)うようになり[01:15.58]やさしいきもちに満(み)たされて[01:21.24]きづけばあなたが谁(だれ)よりも[01:26.24]大切(たいせつ)な人(ひと)でした[01:30.41][01:31.67]遥(はる)かとおくのときの向(む)こうに[01:36.93]つながる空(そら)に祈(いの)る[01:42.11]はなれていても[01:44.85]同(おな)じきもちを 感(かん)じていたい[01:51.42][01:52.55]花(はな)をまつつぼみのようにただ[01:57.83]あなたを想(おも)いうたう[02:03.06]いつまでも二人(ふたり)がそいながら[02:08.27]幸(しあわ)せであるように[02:20.42][02:25.54]ときに寂(さ)びしさがかげ落(お)とし[02:31.02]宵(よい)のやみにおびえていたら[02:36.68]ひとごとでいい“だいじょぶ”と[02:41.66]どうかてがみください[02:46.36][02:46.82]ゆうまぎの中(なか) いこくを映(うつ)す[02:52.31]しんきろうをたどって[02:57.14]はがくれ路(みち)を あるいていくよ[03:03.49]あなたに逢(あ)いに[03:06.89][03:08.41]花(はな)を待(ま)つつぼみのようにいま[03:13.31]さきかけの恋(こい)のうた[03:18.75]まっすぐにあなたに届(とど)けたい[03:24.49]幸(しあわ)せであるように[03:29.73][03:29.86]花(はな)をまつつぼみのようにただ[03:34.92]あなたを想(おも)いうたう[03:40.71]いつまでも二人(ふたり)がそいながら[03:45.61]幸(しあわ)せであるように[03:51.86][03:53.52][03:55.02]はらりはらり ひらりひらり[03:57.25][03:58.21]终わり[03:59.33]

supernova R-18 LRC歌词

歌手:fear factory 专辑:transgression This ever changing world ever changing meIt feels new pathways for my soul to see(soul to see)It lights so bright, so bright in your eyes (your eyes)Casting off the shadows that darken your mindShine it brighter than the sun blinding every eye I wasFires burning inside me blinding lights for all to seeTo shine brighterTo shine brighterThis storm will rage me to end before the dawnThis star is bright before the end is comeIt lights so bright, so bright in your eyesCasting off shadows that shrouded your (spoken) eyesShine it brighter than the sun blinding every eye I wasFires burning inside me blinding lights for all to seeTo shine brighterTo shine brighterSupernovaSupernovaSupernovaAn ever changing world ever changing meAn ever changing world ever changing meThis ever changing world ever changing meIt feels new pathways for my soul to seeEternallyShine it brighter than the sun blinding every eye I wasFires burning inside me blinding lights for all to seeTo shine brighter (than the sun)To shine brighter (of what"s to come)To shine brighter (burning)To shine brighter (burn)To shine brighter (burning)To shine brighter (burn)SupernovaSupernovaSupernova


only my railgun作词:Satoshi Yaginuma.yuki-ka作曲/编曲:Satoshi Yaginuma唱:fripSide放て!心に刻んだ梦を 未来さえ置き去りにして限界など知らない 意味无い!この能力(チカラ)が光散らす その先に遥かな想いを歩いてきた この道を 振り返ることしか出来ないなら…今ここで全てを壊せる暗闇に堕ちる街并み 人はどこまで立ち向かえるの?加速するその痛みから 谁かをきっと守れるよLooking!The blitz loop this planet to search way.Only my RAILGUN can shoot it. 今すぐ身体中を 光の速さで駆け巡った 确かな予感掴め!望むものなら残さず 辉ける自分らしさで信じてるよ あの日の誓いをこの瞳に光る涙 それさえも强さになるから立ち止まると 少しだけ 感じる切なさに戸惑う事 无いなんて嘘はつかないよ宙(そら)に舞うコインが描く 放物线が决める运命打ち出した答えが今日も 私の胸を駆け巡るSparkling!The shiny lights awake true desire.Only my RAILGUN can shoot it.必ず贯いてく 途惑うことなく伤ついても 走り続ける狙え!凛と煌く视线は 狂い无く闇を切り裂く迷いなんて 吹き飞ばせばいいこの心が叫ぶ限り 谁ひとり邪魔などさせない儚く舞う 无数の愿いはこの両手に 积もってゆく切り裂く闇に 见えてくるのは重く深く 切ない记忆色褪せてく 现実に揺れる绝望には 负けたくない私が今 私であること胸を张って 全て夸れる!Looking!The blitz loop this planet to search way.Only my RAILGUN can shoot it.今すぐ身体中を 光の速さで駆け巡った 确かな予感放て!心に刻んだ梦を 未来さえ置き去りにして限界など知らない 意味无い!この能力(チカラ)が光散らす その先に遥かな想いを- おわり-他整场比赛! 心灵上的梦想未来也难过不知道界限等没有意义!这种能力(性质)光乱飞,在那之前遥远的感情这条路走着的只有平衡无法复原的话… 现在一切壊せる黑暗中堕ちる敢与破坏人到底是多少?持续上涨的痛苦,我一定能被人从。looking !the拉loop this planet to search way。railgun my onlycan shoot it .现在他口中光的速度就可以明确的是,女神”。1950年9月! 要是不漏地希望,自己闪亮相信的那一天的誓言,这个眼中闪着光眼泪连这也是因为站立着。只稍微感到惋惜,踌躇不定的事,我没有骗你竟然没有。宙(天空)飞舞的硬币画弧线来决定命运今天也出台了回答我的心里上sparkling !desire true歌词lights shiny the。railgun my only一定it shoot can要坚持不满脸困惑路收到伤害,也要继续跑着目标前进!凛然的灯光斑斓的视线也没有一个黑暗可以吹き飞ばせ之类迷惑在我的心里大声叫道。为了这个目标,我一个人如果不让等着无数的愿望是,虚幻的,这两只手去。一个黑暗的自学痛苦的记忆深刻沉重摇摆不定的现实渐渐褪色绝望,不想输掉比赛我现在我值得炫耀的所有不见了!looking !the拉loop this planet to search way。railgun my onlycan shoot it .现在他口中光的速度就可以明确的是,女神”。他整场比赛! 心灵上的梦想未来也难过不知道界限等没有意义!这种能力(性质)光乱飞,在那之前遥远的感情-就过去了!Real Force作词∶六ツ见纯代作曲∶菊田大介 (Elements Garden)歌∶ELISA狙いさだめた 指先がさす运命は绝望? それとも希望?ゆらぎの中で 受信してゆく悲しみにも负けない勇気だけをください大切なもの 守るため「强さ」はあると信じてるSaving our future 一绪に明日へのドア开いた空へ飞び立とうとある世界の果てで駆け抜けてくReal Force光を放って!无自覚なまま 生きてゆくのをしあわせと呼ぶなら 痛み选ぼうスキャンしたって 见抜けないほど胸の奥の誓いに 迷いなんてないの微笑みあえた瞬间が涙に変わるその前にShooting our destiny 见えない心の伤を愈すぬくもり包むからたったひとつの愿い贯いてくReal Force奇迹を超えてくReal Force…Keep on believing (ひとりじゃない)Keep on braving背负う未来(あした)が重くても无限の现在(いま)が続くようにSaving our future 一绪に明日へのドア开いた空へ飞び立とうとある世界の果てで駆け抜けてくReal Force光を放って!おわり

求only my railgun的lrc文件歌词


求only my railgun 日语LRC歌词

Only my railgun「とある科学超电磁炮」OP作词:Satoshi Yaginuma.yuki-ka作曲/编曲:Satoshi Yaginuma歌:fripSide放(はな)て!心(こころ)に刻(きざ)んだ梦(ゆめ)を未来(みらい)さえ置(お)き去(ざ)りにして限界(げんかい)など知(し)らない意味(いみ)ない!この力(ちから)が光(ひかり)散(ち)らすその先(さき)に遥(はる)かな想(おも)いを歩(ある)いてきたこの道(みち)を振(ふ)り返(かえ)ることしか出来(でき)ないなら今(いま)ここで全(すべ)てを壊(こわ)せる暗闇(くらやみ)に堕(お)ちる街并(まちな)み人(ひと)はどこまで立(た)ち向(む)かえるの?加速(かそく)するその痛(いた)みから谁(だれ)かをきっと守(まも)れるよLooking!The blitz loop this planet to search wayOnly my RAILGUN can shoot let me 今(いま)すぐ体(からだ)中(ちゅう)を光(ひかり)の速(はや)さで駆(か)け巡(めぐ)った确(たし)かな予感(よかん)掴(つか)め!望(のぞ)むものならのなら残(のこ)さず辉(かがや)ける自分(じぶん)らしさで信(しん)じてるよ あの日(ひ)の誓(ちか)いをこの瞳(ひとみ)に光(ひか)る涙(なみだ) それさえも强(つよ)さになるから立(た)ち止(ど)まると 少(すこ)しだけ感(かん)じる切(せつ)なさに戸惑(とまど)うことないなんて 嘘(うそ)はつかないよ空(そら)に舞(ま)うコインか描(えが)く 放射线(ほうしゃせん)か决(き)める运命(うんめい)打(う)ち出(だ)した答(こた)えが今日(きょう)も 私(わたし)の胸(むね)を駆(か)け巡(めぐ)るSparking !The shining lights awake ture desireOnly my RAILGUN can shoot it 必ず贯(つらぬ)いていく 戸惑(とまど)うことなく伤(きず)ついても 走(はし)り続(つづ)ける狙(ねら)え!凛(りん)と煌(きらめ)く视(し)线(せん)は 狂(くる)い无(な)く闇(やみ)を切(き)り裂(さ)く迷(まよ)いなんて 吹(ふ)き飞(と)ばせばいいこの心(こころ)が叫(さけ)ぶ限(かぎ)り 谁(だれ)一人(ひとり)邪魔(じゃま)などさせない儚(はかな)く舞(ま)う 无数(むすう)の愿(すなお)いはこの両手(て)に 积(つ)もってゆく切(き)り裂(さ)く闇(やみ)に 见(み)えてくるのは重(おも)く深(ふか)く切(せつ)ない记忆(きおく)色(いろ)褪(あ)せてく 现実(げんじつ)に揺(ゆ)れる绝望(ぜつぼう)には 负(ま)けたくない私(わたし)か今(いま)  私(わたし)てあること胸(むね)を张(は)っ て 全(すべ)て夸(ほこ)れるLooking!The blitz loop this planet to search wayOnly my RAILGUN can shoot it.今(いま)すぐ体(からだ)中(ちゅう)を光(ひかり)の速(はや)さで駆(か)け巡(めぐ)った确(たし)かな予感(よかん)放(はな)て!心(こころ)に刻(きざ)んだ梦(ゆめ)を未来(みらい)さえ置(お)き去(ざ)りにして限界(げんかい)など知(し)らない意味(いみ)ない!この力(ちから)が光(ひかり)散(ち)らすその先(さき)に遥(はる)かな想(おも)いを

求lean back [Remix feat. Lil Jon, Eminem, Mase & Remy Martin] lrc歌词

google.cn直接打fat joe - lean back (remix lyrics。第一个就有歌词。。实在是发不了啊。。歌词很暴```力。。网站禁止

的英语歌翻唱 do you love me的lrc歌词有吗??


河图 - which heavn is mine lrc歌词



[ti:MEMORIA][ar:蓝井エイル][al:MEMORIA][by:草帽仔][00:00.00][00:00.60]静かに移りゆく 远い记忆の中〖悄然流转 在久远的记忆中〗[00:08.57]思い出に寄り添いながら 君を想えるなら〖一旦轻碰回忆 便会浮现你的面影〗[00:17.22][00:19.00]MEMORIA[00:21.00]「Fate/Zero ED」[00:23.00]作词:Eir, Fumio Yasuda / 作曲:Fumio Yasuda / 编曲:下川佳代[00:25.00]歌:蓝井エイル[00:27.00]by:草帽仔^_^ / QQ:465190996[00:29.00][00:32.85]いつも见惯れてる窓辺に映った〖早已司空见惯 你那映在窗边上的〗[00:40.02]沈む君の横颜〖消沉黯淡的侧脸〗[00:47.61]涙声さえ冷たく呑み込んだ〖然而冷漠无情地咽下泪声的〗[00:54.93]その瞳は明日を向いていた〖那双瞳眸却坚定不移地望着明天〗[01:03.21][01:04.10]逆らえぬ运命(さだめ)と知っても怖くない〖明知此命运不可逆亦毫无半分畏惧〗[01:12.21]心から信じている〖我衷心相信〗[01:18.55][01:19.32]静かに移りゆく 远い记忆の中〖悄然流转 在久远的记忆中〗[01:27.40]君と过ごした证は确かにここにある〖与你共度年华的证据确实存在于此〗[01:34.22]溢れ出す気持ちを教えてくれたから〖把排山倒海的心情告诉我的不正是你吗〗[01:42.28]この世界がなくなっても私はそこにいる〖哪怕世界支离破碎 我仍然屹立此地〗[01:50.26][02:04.65]海に行きたいといつしか话した〖记得我曾经说过想去海边走走〗[02:11.90]君と二人で叶わぬ梦を见た〖你我俩追逐着无法实现的梦〗[02:20.25][02:21.00]降りしきる雪の中彷徨い〖在倾注的寒雪当中彷徨失措〗[02:27.23]伤つく君はもう独りじゃない〖受尽伤害的你 再也不是孤苦伶仃〗[02:35.35][02:36.16]どんなに离れても忘れることはない〖即使相隔天涯海角也不曾遗忘你〗[02:44.10]君が私に光を教えてくれたから〖因为是你教会我何谓光明〗[02:51.11]溢れ出す涙は君へのありがとう〖夺眶而出的泪是致你的感激〗[02:59.05]あの日交わした约束の空は色褪せない〖昔日彼此结下誓言的天际丝毫没有褪色〗[03:07.60][03:10.60]TVアニメ「Fate/Zero」EDテーマ[03:29.64][03:32.64]静かに移りゆく 远い记忆の中〖悄然流转 在久远的记忆中〗[03:40.51]思い出に寄り添いながら 君を想えるなら〖一旦轻碰回忆 便会浮现你的面影〗[03:48.64][03:49.32]どんなに离れても忘れることはない〖即使相隔天涯海角也不曾遗忘你〗[03:57.18]君と过ごした证は确かにここにある〖与你共度年华的证据确实存在于此〗[04:04.14]溢れ出す気持ちを教えてくれたから〖把排山倒海的心情告诉我的不正是你吗〗[04:12.32]この世界がなくなっても私はそこにいる〖哪怕世界支离破碎 我仍然屹立此地〗[04:19.48][04:20.05]あの日交わした约束の空は色褪せない〖昔日彼此结下誓言的天际丝毫没有褪色〗[04:28.02][04:31.47]★→Lrc By 草帽仔‖地狱门歌词组←★[04:36.46]☆→QQ‖465190996←☆[04:41.42]终わり[04:46.54]


给你个网站吧 里面有的 自己弄一下吧

bigbang - love song 的lrc歌词 要中韩对照的,谢谢这里有下载地址的,已经续期了,亲可以去下载哦,或者留个邮箱我发给你。=====BIGBANG知道团队=====

BigBang - love song 的lrc歌词 要中韩对照的,谢谢


Oh My Love的lrc歌词

[ti:][ar:][al:][by:][00:02.38]John Lennon-oh yoko[00:13.27]in the middle of the night[00:18.44]in the middle of the night[00:19.86]i call your name[00:23.59]oh yoko[00:28.94]oh yoko[00:34.61]my love will turn you on[00:43.95]in the middle of the bath[00:49.08]in the middle of the bath[00:50.75]i call your name[00:54.55]oh yoko[01:00.09]oh yoko[01:05.14]my love will turn you on[01:13.85]my love will turn you on[01:31.63]in the middle of the shave[01:36.67]in the middle of the shave[01:38.18]i call your name[01:42.09]oh yoko[01:47.74]oh yoko[01:52.83]my love will turn you on[02:02.92]in the middle of the dream[02:07.68]in the middle of the dream[02:09.23]i call your name[02:13.24]oh yoko[02:18.84]oh yoko[02:24.20]my love will turn you on[02:32.74]my love will turn you on[03:07.56]in the middle of the crowd[03:12.81]in the middle of the crowd[03:13.89]i call your name[03:18.00]oh yoko[03:23.78]oh yoko[03:28.87]my love will turn you on[03:37.94]oh yoko...[03:55.58]john lennon,tells us to love life,and,love everybody!

求西野加奈 esperanza LRC歌词,千千能用的哦~感谢各位大神

[ti:Esperanza][ar:西野カナ][al:Esperanza][by:zerokara@百度西野カナ吧][00:01.43]Esperanza[00:03.73]西野カナ[00:06.13]Esperanza (2011/05/18)[00:08.53][00:09.68]君への思いを 焦がしてく太阳[00:14.11]胸の高鸣りを 止めないで痛いの[00:18.21]叶わない恋と 思いたくないよ[00:22.54]例え未来が 见えなくても[00:27.11][00:28.01]真夏の恋が冻えてる[00:32.20]君の温もりに触れたくて[00:36.44]後どれぐらい泣けばいいな[00:40.68]ただひとり君に爱されたくて[00:45.91][00:46.19]君の笑颜が 眩しすぎて[00:50.43]まるで夏の太阳みたいで[00:54.67]もっと早くに 出会ってたら[00:58.93]一人占めてきたのかな[01:02.04][01:02.28]着信 気にする[01:06.43]视线が 切ない[01:10.67]あの子に なりたい[01:14.91]ただ心だけが叫んでる[01:19.57][01:20.42]真夏の恋が冻えてる[01:24.71]君の温もりに触れたくて[01:28.99]後どれぐらい泣けばいいな[01:33.11]ただひとり君に爱されたくて[01:37.97]もしも私があの子たったら[01:41.60]もっと 优しくできるのに[01:46.41]何が足りないの 何が负けているの[01:51.40]谁より好きなのに[01:55.64][02:04.09]相谈相手に される度に[02:08.38]张り裂けそうな心を隠してる[02:12.67]「愚痴」を闻く度 期待してる[02:16.93]私って狡いのかな[02:20.18][02:20.37]こんなに 近くに[02:24.47]いるのに 届かない[02:28.75]あの子に なれない[02:33.04]ただ心だけが壊れてく[02:37.75][02:38.55]真夏の恋が冻えてる[02:42.65]君の温もりに触れたくて[02:46.80]後どれぐらい泣けばいいな[02:51.32]ただひとり君に爱されたくて[02:55.92]もしも私があの子たったら[02:59.58]きっと 我が尽言わないのに[03:04.24]何もいらないの 何も怖くないの[03:09.38]谁より好きだから[03:13.05][03:20.63]君への思いを 焦がしてく太阳[03:24.72]胸の高鸣りを 止めないで欲しいの[03:28.97]叶わない恋と 思いたくないよ[03:33.40]いつか未来を変えたいから[03:38.30][03:39.76]真夏の恋が冻えてる[03:44.09]君の优しさを知りたくて[03:48.37]後少しだけそばにいさせて[03:52.62]ただひとり私だけを见て[03:57.60][03:57.75]真夏の恋が冻えてる[04:02.54]君の温もりに触れたくて[04:06.73]後どれぐらい泣けばいいの[04:11.06]ただひとり君に爱されたくて[04:15.32]もしも私があの子たったら[04:18.95]ずっと 君だけ见てるのに[04:23.71]何が起こっても 何が邪魔をしても[04:28.84]谁より好きだから[04:33.36][offset:500]


[ub450uc900] uc544uc9c1 ub09c ub110 uc78auc9c0 ubabbud558uace0 [ub450uc900] ubaa8ub4e0 uac78 ub2e4 ubbffuc9c0 ubabbud558uace0 [ub450uc900] uc774ub807uac8c ub110 ubcf4ub0b4uc9c0 ubabbud558uace0 uc624ub298ub3c4 [uc900ud615] ub2e4uc2dc ub9ccub4e4uc5b4ubcfcuac8c uc6b0ub9ac uc774uc57cuae30 ub05dub098uc9c0 uc54auac8c uc544uc8fc uae30ub098uae34 [uc900ud615] uc0b4uac17uc744 ud30cuace0 uc2a4uba70ub4dcub294 uc0c1uc2e4uac10uc740 uc7a0uc2dc ubb3buc5b4ub458uac8c [uc900ud615] uc0c8ub85c uc368 ub0b4ub824uac00 uc2dcuc791uc740 ud589ubcf5ud558uac8c uc6c3uace0 uc788ub294 ub108uc640 ub098 [uc900ud615] ub124uac00 ub0a0 ub5a0ub098uc9c0 ubabbud558uac8c ubc30uacbduc740 ucd9cuad6cuac00 uc5c6ub294 uc881uc740 ubc29 uc548 [uae30uad11] uc544ubb34ub807uc9c0 uc54auac8c ub124uac8c ud0a4uc2a4ud558uace0 [uae30uad11] ub2ecucf64ud55c ub108uc758 uacc1uc744 ub5a0ub098uac00uc9c8 ubabbud574 [uae30uad11] uc6b0ub9b0 ub05duc774ub77cub294 uac74 uc5c6uc5b4 [ud604uc2b9] uc774ub807uac8c ub09c ub610 (Fiction in Fiction in Fiction) [ud604uc2b9] uc78auc9c0 ubabbud558uace0 (Fiction in Fiction in Fiction) [ud604uc2b9] ub0b4 uac00uc2b4 uc18duc5d0 ub05dub098uc9c0 uc54auc744 uc774uc57cuae38 uc4f0uace0 uc788uc5b4 [uc694uc12d] ub110 ubd99uc7a1uc744uac8c (Fiction in Fiction in Fiction) [uc694uc12d] ub193uc9c0 uc54auc744uac8c (Fiction in Fiction in Fiction) [uc694uc12d] ub05dub098uc9c0 uc54auc740 ub108uc640 ub098uc758 uc774uc57cuae30 uc18duc5d0uc11c uc624ub298ub3c4 in Fiction [uae30uad11] uc9c0uae08 uc5ecuae34 ud589ubcf5ud55c uc774uc57cuae30ub4e4ubc16uc5d0 uc5c6uc5b4 [uae30uad11] ub108ubb34 ud589ubcf5ud55c uc6b0ub9ac ub458ub9ccuc758 uc774uc57cuae30uac00 uc774ub807uac8c [uae30uad11] (ud604uc2e4uacfcub294 ub2e4ub974uac8c) uc368 uc788uc5b4 uc810uc810 ucc44uc6ccuc9c0uace0 uc788uc5b4 [ud604uc2b9] ub108ub294 ub098uc5d0uac8cub85c ub2ecub824uc640uc11c uc548uae30uace0 [ud604uc2b9] ud488 uc548uc5d0 uc548uae34 ub108ub97c ub098ub294 uc808ub300 ub193uc9c0 ubabbud574 [ud604uc2b9] uc6b0ub9b0 ub05duc774ub77cub294 uac74 uc5c6uc5b4 [ub3d9uc6b4] uc774ub807uac8c ub09c ub610 (Fiction in Fiction in Fiction) [ub3d9uc6b4] ub04auc9c0 ubabbud558uace0 (Fiction in Fiction in Fiction) [ub3d9uc6b4] ub0b4 uac00uc2b4 uc18duc5d0 ub05dub098uc9c0 uc54auc744 uc774uc57cuae38 uc4f0uace0 uc788uc5b4 [uc694uc12d] ub110 ubd99uc7a1uc744uac8c (Fiction in Fiction in Fiction) [uc694uc12d] ub193uc9c0 uc54auc744uac8c (Fiction in Fiction in Fiction) [uc694uc12d] ub05dub098uc9c0 uc54auc740 ub108uc640 ub098uc758 uc774uc57cuae30 uc18duc5d0uc11c uc624ub298ub3c4 in Fiction [uc694uc12d] ub2e4uc2dc ud55c ubc88 ub354 ub9d0ud558uc9c0ub9cc [uc694uc12d] uc9c0uae08 ub108ub294 ub0b4 uc606uc5d0 uc788ub2e4uace0 [uc694uc12d] uadf8ub807uac8c ubbffuace0 uc788uc5b4 ub09c [ub3d9uc6b4] (ud558uc9c0ub9cc Fiction) [uc900ud615] ub09c ubaa9uc801uc744 uc783uc5b4ubc84ub9b0 uc791uac00 [uc900ud615] uc774 uc18cuc124uc758 ub05duc740 uc5b4ub5bbuac8c ub9c8ubb34ub9ac [ub3d9uc6b4] (ub098ub9ccuc758 Fiction) [uc900ud615] uc9c0uc5b4uc57c ud574 [uc900ud615] uc0acub791ud574 uc0acub791ud574 uc0acub791ud574 uc0acub791ud574 uc0acub791ud574 uc774 uc138 uae00uc790ub9cc [ub3d9uc6b4] (ubaa8ub450 ub2e4 Fiction) [uc900ud615] uc368ub0b4ub824uac00 [uc900ud615] ubb34ub38cuc9c4 ud39c ub208ubb3cub85c uc5bcub8e9uc9c4 ub0a1uc740 uc885uc774 uc704ub85c [ub3d9uc6b4] (ubaa8ub450 ub2e4 Fiction) [uc900ud615] ud589ubcf5ud560 uc218ub3c4 uc2acud50c uc218ub3c4 uc5c6uc5b4 uc774 uc774uc57cuae30ub294 [ub450uc900] uc9c0uae08 ub09c ub108ubb34ub098ub3c4 ud589ubcf5ud55c [ub450uc900] uc0dduac01uc5d0 uc774uc57cuae30ub97c uc4f0uc9c0ub9cc [ub450uc900] ubaa8ub4e0 uac8c ubc14ub78cuc77c ubfd0uc774ub77cuace0 uc5ecuc804ud788 [uae30uad11] ub09c ud589ubcf5ud55c uac78 (Fiction in Fiction in Fiction) [ud604uc2b9] uc6b0ub9ac ud568uaed8uc778 uac78 (Fiction in Fiction in Fiction) [ub3d9uc6b4] uc774uc81c uc2dcuc791uc778 uac78 (Fiction in Fiction in Fiction) [uc694uc12d] ub05duc740 uc5c6ub294 uac78 (Fiction in Fiction in Fiction)

five days LRC歌词

it was love at first sight on the second of july met her on the third floor four times in one night it was a little bit of magic and the time stood still she took me to another side she got the key to my will tell me how could such a good thing only last.... 1-2-3-4- five days once in a lifetime five nights too good to be true the universe is passin" by but i can"t forget our 1-2-3-4- five days sunshine one way trip where she touched my soul when i touched her lips she said: "boy take me to wherever you g o destination anywhere" but destiny said no tell me how could such a good thing only last... 1-2-3-4- five days once in a lifetime five nights too good to be true the universe is passin" by but i can"t forget our 1-2-3-4- five days once in a lifetime five nights too good to be true the universe is passin" by but i can"t forget our 1-2-3-4- 5 days can you hear me 5 nights where you are 5 days can you feel me 5 days you are still my love it was so great when we were together, b aby so great when we were together it was so great, when our days were endl ess, baby so great when we were together tell me how could our forever only last. ... 1-2-3-4- five days once in a lifetime five nights too good to be true the universe is passin" by but i can"t forget our 1-2-3-4- five days once in a lifetime five nights too good to be true the universe is passin" by but i can"t forget our 1-2-3-4- 5 days can you hear me 5 nights where you are 5 days can you feel me 5 days you are still my love it was so great when we were together, b aby (my love) so great when we were together it was so great, when our days were endl ess, baby (endless baby) so great when we were together

郭书瑶 f.cuz- jiggy的lrc歌词下载

get get get get jiggy jiggy…

apologise Lrc歌词 !!!

Linkin Park - In Between专辑:Minutes To MidnightLet me apologise to begin with itLet me apologise for without about sayingBut trying to be genuine Was harder than you seenSomehow I got caught been betweenLet me apologise to begin with itLet me apologise for without about sayingBut trying to be someone elseWas harder than you seenSomehow I got caught been betweenBetween my pride and my promiseBetween my lies and how the truths can sent awayThings I want to say to you get lost before they comeThe only thing that worths was noneLet me apologise to begin with itLet me apologise for without about sayingTrying to regain you trust Was harder than you seenSomehow I got caught been betweenBetween my pride and my promiseBetween my lies and how the truths can sent awayThings I want to say to you get lost before they comeThe only thing that worths was noneThe only thing that worths was noneNow I can"t explain to youAnything i say or do or planFears not afraid of youBut guilts language you can understandI can"t explain to you Anything I say or doI hope the action speak the word they canFor my pride and my promiseFor my lies and how the truths can sent awayThings I want to says to you get lost before they comeThe only thing that worths was nonemy pride and my promiseBetween my lies and how the truths can sent awayThings I want to says to you get lost before they comeThe only thing that worths was noneThe only thing that worths was noneThe only thing that worths was none-= Linkin Park - In Between =-[ti:In Between] [ar:Linkin Park] [al:Minutes To Midnight]

The Love of Death 英文LRC歌词

The Death Of Love 爱之消逝 Cradle Of Filth 污秽摇篮 Where will you be when they tense for warfare? 当他们因战争惊慌失措的时候你会在哪里? What will you see with your innocence there? 纯洁的你会看见什么? Where will you be my darling? 亲爱的你将会在哪里? Where will you be when they tense for warfare? 当他们因战争惊慌失措的时候你会在哪里? Where will you be when God is glorifying? 当上帝如颂歌般的召唤的时候你会在哪里? There we will be between the dead and dying 我们会在已逝与将逝之间徘徊 Where will you be my darling? 亲爱的你将会在哪里? Where will you be when God is glorifying? 当上帝如颂歌般的召唤的时候你会在哪里? Prophecies and glory forge a massive disdain 预言和荣耀伴随着沉重的轻蔑 For lying passive in the shadows whilst the enemy reigns 因为在敌人统治阴影下的卑微伏身 Devoted to the votive,holy standard above 全身心贡献给神,神圣的准则是 ‘By command of the king of Heaven" ‘神的启示" Came the death of love 传来了爱消逝的脚步声 Where will you be when they"re vilifying? 当他们诋毁(我)的时候你会在哪里? How will they see when the truth is blinding? 当真理被笼罩的时候他们会看见什么? Where will you be my darling? 亲爱的你将会在哪里? Where will you be when they"re vilifying? 当他们诋毁(我)的时候你会在哪里? Where will you be when the dark is rising? 当夜幕降临的时候你会在哪里? How will you keep from it"s terrorizing? 你要怎样驱散这种恐惧? Where will you be my darling? 亲爱的你将会在哪里? Where will you be when the dark is rising? 当夜幕降临的时候你会在哪里? Burning was the sunset like a portent of doom 燃烧的夕阳如同世界末日来临的凶兆 On the saintly iron maiden as she fell from her wound 圣洁的钢铁女神(应该是指贞德)倒在伤痛中 But visions and ambition 但是憧憬和雄心 Never listened to submission 从未屈服 And she was on a mission from the highest above 她要完成最重要的使命 To Lord upon the slaughter 主(站)在大屠杀(之上) Like a sword through hissing water 正如(红热的)剑浸入沸腾的水中 She arose where archers sought her 她出现在弓箭手曾经找到她的地方 For the death of love 因为爱的消逝 The righteous death of love 理所当然消逝的爱 Gilles adored her drama 吉尔斯崇敬她的装束 Her suit of pure white armour 她那身纯白的铠甲 Blazed against the English in a torrent of light 暴烈的火苗抵抗着英国人 And as they ralled onto night 他们聚集在夜色中 A cancer fled his soul 弊病逸出他的灵魂 Dissolving… 渐渐消散。。。。。。 Framed amid the thick of fire 烈火中的诱惑 Aflame,a Valkyrie 燃烧吧,寻找英灵者 She made him click without desire 她与他自然而然的情投意合 And in his eyes she swam a Goddess 在他眼中她宛如飘舞的女神 And even when they caught her breath 尽管他们扼止了她的呼吸 Her words would leave a scar 她的话语会留下永恒印记: ‘For only in the grip of darkness ‘只有支配了黑暗 Will we shine amidst the brightest stars" 我们才会在最亮的星星之间绽放光彩 How will you breathe when their wheels are turning? 当他们的车轮转动的时候你要怎样呼吸? How will you know if the sky is burning? 天空燃烧的时候你会知晓什么? Where will you be my darling? 亲爱的你将会在哪里? How will you be when their wheels are turning? 当他们的车轮转动的时候你会怎样? Where will you be when Babel builds my fire? 当(他们)在巴别上堆砌柴火的时候你在哪里 ? Will you not flee and label me pariah? 你是否不会逃走而视我为流浪者? Where will you be my darling? 亲爱的你将会在哪里? Where will you be when they light my pyre? 当他们点燃我脚下的葬火时你会在哪里? Aligned with Joan in all 一心围绕着圣女贞德 That was enthroned and divine 是如此神圣而受尊崇 He swore to score the crimes 他发誓永远铭记那种罪恶 Jackdaws poured on this dove 穴鸟大肆吹捧鸽子 Crimes he knew alone 只有他知道的罪恶 Derived from minds of the blind 源自盲人的内心 The church unfurled for murder perched 教堂成为谋杀的庇护所 Upon the death of love 消逝的爱 Framed amid the thick of fire 烈火中的诱惑 Aflame,a Valkyrie 燃烧吧,寻找英灵者She claimed the skies were lit with spires 她说(巴别塔的)塔尖触到了天空 And in his eyes she swam a Goddess 在他眼中她宛如飘舞的女神 And even when she fought for breath 尽管她为呼吸而挣扎 Her words would leave a scar 她的话语会留下永恒印记: ‘For only in the grip of darkness ‘只有支配了黑暗 Will we shine amidst the brightest stars" 我们才会在最亮的星星之间绽放光彩

wishing for u LRC 歌词

Wishing for u作词:杨柳 刘美含作曲:刘美含制作人:宋予宾 编曲:陆虎演唱者:天娱群星A1: 亲爱的你 睡了吗(魏晨)秒针滴答滴 又一天 过去了(苏醒)想念的心 发了芽 YE~(王栎鑫)盼秋风 送去我 遥远思念(陆虎)B1: 关于你的坏消息(许飞)捂着耳朵不想听(艾梦萌)记忆里爱笑的你那么阳光(厉娜)盼你再次展翅飞翔(许飞、艾梦萌、厉娜)副歌1:Wishing for u(ime)我们永远在你身旁(ime)用爱心编织成希望(朱梓骁)给你力量(至上励合)给你最温暖最坚实胸膛(至上励合)Wishing for u(2010快男)不管前方暴雨风浪(2010快男)相信你仍一样坚强(2010快男)照着你那道光芒(ime、朱梓骁、至上励合、2010快男)那就是我们 满满祝福愿望(ime、朱梓骁、至上励合、2010快男)B2: 生命总是不完美(张翰、郑爽)我们一起去面对(2009快女)想要爱笑的你绽放出阳光(花儿三甲)你一定要展翅飞翔(张翰、郑爽,2009快女,花儿三甲)副歌1:(全体合)Wishing for u我们永远在你身旁用爱心编织成希望给你力量给你最温暖最坚实胸膛Wishing for u不管前方暴雨风浪相信你仍一样坚强照着你那道光芒那就是我们 满满祝福愿望副歌1:Wishing for u我们永远在你身旁用爱心编织成希望给你力量给你最温暖最坚实胸膛Wishing for u不管前方暴雨风浪相信你仍一样坚强照着你那道光芒那就是我们 满满祝福愿望副歌1:Wishing for u我们永远在你身旁用爱心编织成希望给你力量给你最温暖最坚实胸膛(张杰)Wishing for u不管前方暴雨风浪相信你仍一样坚强照着你那道光芒那就是我们 满满祝福愿望(谭维维) 副歌1:(全体合)Wishing for u我们永远在你身旁用爱心编织成希望给你力量给你最温暖最坚实胸膛Wishing for u不管前方暴雨风浪相信你仍一样坚强照着你那道光芒那就是我们 满满祝福愿望

catch you catch me LRC歌词

[00:22.686]会いたいな 会えないな 切ないな この気持ち[00:30.201]言えないの 言いたいの チャンス逃してばかり[00:37.746]だって だって 翼広げ二人で[00:45.639]空をマラソン 梦をユニゾンしたい[00:52.617]ほら Catch You Catch You Catch Me Catch Me 待って[00:56.882]こっちをむいて スキだといって[01:00.260]そう Nice to Meet You Good to See You きっと[01:04.446]私の想い あなたのハートに飞んで飞んで飞んでいけ[01:09.670]迷わない[01:26.503]たまにね なくなっちゃう 身体のバッテリー[01:33.790]あなたの笑颜で いつも充电満タン[01:39.263]パワー爆発しちゃえ[01:41.343]お愿い お愿い まずはお友达から[01:49.178]笑って 见つめて 楽しい毎日にしたい[01:56.334]ほら Catch You Catch You Catch Me Catch Me ゼッタイ[02:00.390]运命だって お似合いだって[02:03.730]そう Nice to Meet You Good to See You きっと[02:08.155]谁にも负けない あなたに世界で一番一番一番一番[02:13.448]コ·イ·シ·テ·ル[02:38.579]ほら Catch You Catch You Catch Me Catch Me 待って[02:42.773]こっちをむいて スキだといって[02:46.191]そう Nice to Meet You Good to See You きっと[02:50.502]私の想い あなたのハートに飞んで飞んで飞んでいけ[02:55.720]迷わない[02:57.558]ほら Catch You Catch You Catch Me Catch Me ゼッタイ[03:01.676]运命だって お似合いだって[03:04.945]そう Nice to Meet You Good to See You きっと[03:09.231]谁にも负けない あなたに世界で一番一番一番一番[03:14.614]コ·イ·シ·テ·ル

lucky twice 的《me and you》LRC歌词

[00:05.08]An an[00:08.95]You"ve been all around the world then search for life[00:12.71]你在世界的每一个角落探寻着人生[00:17.39]And have been lying on the bad time flow to mine[00:21.14]在一个不当的时间随着时间的流逝来到我的身边[00:25.58]Unless like you are always first to ask[00:29.46]尽管像你一般总是首先提问[00:33.89]Daddy used to say that after this is a chat[00:37.77]父亲曾经说过。在这之后是一段闲聊[00:39.77]Yeah yeah yeah yeah[00:41.64]耶,耶,耶,耶[00:43.46]We are always gonna make it[00:45.96]我们总会成功的[00:47.71]We never have to fake it[00:50.14]我们永远不需要去弄虚作假[00:51.89]And nothing is gonna break it[00:54.40]没有什么是可以破坏它的[00:54.52]We just laugh about it[00:56.64]我们总是一笑而过[00:56.84]We just laugh about it[00:58.64]我们总是一笑而过[01:00.21]We are always gonna make it[01:02.46]我们总会成功的[01:04.40]We never have to fake it[01:06.77]我们永远不需要去弄虚作假[01:08.52]And nothing is gonna break it[01:10.96]没有什么是可以破坏它的[01:11.15]We just laugh about it[01:13.40]我们总是一笑而过[01:13.53]We just laugh about it[01:15.59]我们总是一笑而过[01:15.78]You go all around the world i go and see[01:19.53]你走遍世界来寻找,我在你的身边摸摸看着[01:23.72]You believe in being where i like to dream[01:27.97]你坚信我的梦中所见会成为现实[01:32.60]Still we never seem to go our separate ways[01:36.47]但我们似乎永远都不能在一起[01:40.53]Every night you back query honey, how is your day[01:44.66]每晚你回来后都问我 亲爱的,今天过得好吗[01:46.62]Yeah yeah yeah yeah[01:48.62]耶,耶,耶,耶[01:48.80]We and you[01:50.12]你和我[01:50.31]We are always gonna make it[01:52.93]我们会等到成功的那一天[01:53.06]Keep it true[01:54.50]让梦想成为现实[01:54.62]We never have to fake it[01:56.99]我们不需要去弄虚作假[01:57.18]I love you[01:58.62]我爱你[01:58.74]And nothing is gonna break it[02:01.12]没有什么可以阻止这份爱[02:01.31]We just laugh about it[02:03.49]我们总是一笑而过[02:03.51]We just laugh about it[02:05.62]一笑而过[02:05.74]We and you[02:07.00]你和我[02:07.18]We are always gonna make it[02:09.56]我们会等到成功的那一天[02:09.74]Keep it true[02:11.18]让梦想成为现实[02:11.37]We never have to fake it[02:13.74]我们不需要去弄虚作假[02:13.87]I love you[02:15.25]我爱你[02:15.43]And nothing is gonna break it[02:17.87]没有什么可以阻止这份爱[02:18.00]We just laugh about it[02:20.18]我们总是一笑而过[02:20.22]We just laugh about it[02:22.40]我们总是一笑而过[02:22.51]You swim the everglades[02:24.20][02:24.33]Wearing you roller blades[02:25.89][02:26.57]You climb the everest[02:28.14][02:28.32]Twice a day[02:29.64][02:30.76]I read a magasine, [02:32.26][02:32.89]Stare at the silver screen[02:34.20][02:34.51]We just laugh about it [02:36.82]我们总是一笑而过[02:36.95]We just laugh about it [02:38.64]我们总是一笑而过[02:40.29]oh~~[02:51.35]We just laugh about it [02:53.54]我们总是一笑而过[02:53.66]We just laugh about it [02:55.29]我们总是一笑而过[02:55.30]We and you[02:57.23]你和我[02:57.35]We are always gonna make it[02:59.66]我们会等到成功的那一天[02:59.79]Keep it true[03:01.29]让梦想成为现实[03:01.41]We never have to fake it[03:03.79]我们不需要去弄虚作假[03:03.91]I love you[03:05.41]我爱你[03:05.54]And nothing is gonna break it[03:07.91]没有什么可以阻止这份爱[03:08.10]We just laugh about it[03:10.29]我们总是一笑而过[03:10.48]We just laugh about it[03:12.16]我们总是一笑而过[03:12.20]We and you[03:13.91]你和我[03:16.35]Keep it true[03:17.98]让梦想成为现实[03:20.54]I love you[03:21.98]我爱你[03:26.29].



求《功夫熊猫》片尾曲《Kung Fu Fighting 》的lrc歌词

Oh-oh-oh-oh... Everybody was Kung Fu fighting Those jerks were fast as lightning Those kids were fast as lightning In fact it was a little bit frightening But they fought with expert timing But they did it with expert timing Make sure you have expert timing There were funky China men From funky Chinatown They were trapping when up They were trapping when down It"s an ancient Chinese art And everybody knew their part For my friend, ain"t you a stiff Then I"m kickin" from the hip There was funky Billie Jim And little Sammy John He said, here comes the big boss Let"s get it on We took the bow and made a stand Started swaying with the hand A sudden motion made me stiff Now we"re into a brandnew trip Keep on, keep on Kung Fu fighting, had to be fast as lightning Had to be fast as lightning 就是这个了

求devotion的my prayer歌词,带时间的那种,我要编辑成.lrc格式的!最好直接是.lrc的下载网址。

[ti:my prayer]devotion - my prayerby:mcmcdarkpal(spoken)dear god:(敬爱的神:)i know that she"s out there...(我知道她不在这里了)the one i"m suppose to share my whole life with.(她,那个我想要与之共度一生的人)and in"ll show her to me.(但是我相信,某个时候,你将会让我再见到她.)will you take care of her,(你能不能帮我好好照顾她,)comfort her,(让她过得舒适,)and protect her...(保护她)until that day we meet.(直到我们见面的那一天)and let her know...(还有,让她知道…)my beating with hers.(我的心……为她而存)in a dream i hold you close(我常常梦到紧紧的抱着你)embracing you with my hands(用手将你拥入怀中)you gazed at me with eyes full of love(你用充满爱意的眼神望着我.)and made me understand(这让我明白了)that i was meant to share it with youmy heart my mind my soul(我真的愿意全心全意的和你分享我的一切,)then i open my eyes(然而当我睁开眼睛,)and all i see reality shows i"m alone(看到的却是我还是孤单一人.)but i know someday that you"ll be by my side(但我知道总有一天你会出现在我的身边,)cause i know god"s just waiting till the time is right(因为上帝正在安排这个对的时间.)god will you keep her safe from the thunderstorm(上帝啊请让她平安,不遭受风暴;)when the day"s cold will you keep her warm(当天气寒冷,让她温暖.)when the darkness falls will you please shine her the way(当黑暗降临,照亮她的道路)god will you let her know that i love her so(上帝啊你能不能让她知道我是如此爱她;)when theres no one there that she"s not alone(即使世界上没有其他人,她也不会孤单;)just close her eyes and let her know(只要她闭上眼睛,她就能知道,)my heart is beating with hers(我的心只为她存在.)so i prayed until that day(我祈祷那天能出现,)(prayed until that day)when our hearts will beat as one(我们感受到彼此的心在跳动.)(when our hearts hearts will beat as one)i will wait so patiently(我会一直耐心的等待,)(patiently)for that day to come(为了这一天的来临.)(for that day to come)i know someday that you"ll be by my side(我知道总有一天你会出现在我身边,)cause i know god"s just waiting till the time is right(因为上帝正在帮我们安排这个时刻.)god will you keep her safe from the thunderstorm(上帝啊请让她平安,不遭受风暴;)when the day"s cold will you keep her warm(当天气寒冷,让她温暖.)when the darkness falls will you please shine her the way(当黑暗降临,照亮她的道路)(shine he the way)god will you let her know that i love her so(上帝啊你能不能让她知道我是如此爱她;)when theres no one there that she"s not alone(即使世界上没有其他人,她也不会孤单;)just close her eyes and let her know(只要她闭上眼睛,她就能知道,)my heart is beating with hers(我的心只为她存在.)is beating with hers(ooo)(一直为她存在...)my heart is beating with hers(oooo)(我的心只为她存在.)it"s beating with hers(一直为她存在...)god will you keep her safe from the thunde

super junior a cha中文歌词lrc

A-CHA 韩文歌词ub9c8ub9c8ub9c8ub77c ub9d0uc544ub77c uc81cuc81cuc81cubc1c ud558uc9c0ub9c8ub77c ubd10ubd10ubd10ub77c ubd10ub77c ub0b4 ub208uc744 ubc14ub77c ubd10 uac00uc9c0ub9c8ub77c uac00uc9c0ub9c8 ub108ub294 ub0a0 ub5a0ub098uc9c0 ub9c8ub77c uc790uafb8 uc5b4ub51c uc790uafb8 ub610 uac00ub294 ucc99 ud558uc9c0ub9c8ub77c ud558uc9c0ub9c8 uadf8ub7f0 ub9d0 uc880 ud558uc9c0ub9c8ub77c ub9d8uc5d0 uc5c6ub294 ub9d0 ub531 uc811uc5b4 uc9c0uc6cc ube44uc6cc ud754ub4e4ub9acub294 uac74 ub108uc758 ub9c8uc74cubfd0 uc544uc2acuc544uc2ac ub9e4ub2ecub9b0 ub09c uc0acub791uc758 uc2a4ud30cuc774ub354 uc870uac01uc870uac01ub09c ud37cuc990 ub2e4uc2dc ub2e4 ub9deucdb0 ub098uac08 uc218 uc788uc5b4 uacb0uad6d ub10c uc544ucc28 ub10c uc544ucc28 ud558uac8c ub420uac78 uaf2d uc544ucc28 uc774ubbf8 ub54c ub2a6uc5b4 uc790uafb8ub9cc uc544ud30c ub09c uc544ud30c uc65c ubaa8ub974ub098 uc624 ubbf8uccd0 ub098 uc9c0uccd0 ub124uac8c uac07ud600ubd10ubd10ubd10ub77c ubc14ub77cubd10 uc624uc9c1 ub108 ud558ub098ubfd0uc774ub2e4 uc138uc0c1 ub0a8uc790ub4e4 Huh ube44uad50ub9c8ub77c uc6c3uc9c0ub9c8ub77c uc6c3uc9c0ub9c8 uc0acub791uc744 ube44uc6c3uc9c0 ub9c8ub77c ub54cub860 uc720uce58ud55c ub0b4 uace0ubc31 ub9d8uc744 uc5f4uc5b4 ud68cuc624ub9ac uce58ub294 ub108 ud1a0ub124uc774ub3c4 uac81 uc5c6uc774 ub6f0uc5b4ub4e0 uc6a9uac10ud55c ub3d9ud0a4ud638ud14c ub5a0ub098 ubcf4ub0bc uac74 ub0b4uac00 uc544ub2cc ub110 uc0bcucf1cubc84ub9b0 ub450ub824uc6c0 uacb0uad6d ub10c uc544ucc28 ub10c uc544ucc28 ud558uac8c ub420uac78 uaf2d uc544ucc28 uc65c ub108ub9cc ubab0ub77c ub0b4 uc228uc774 uac00ube60 ub610 uac00ube60 uac00ube60uc628ub2e4 ub610 ub2e4uccd0 ub0a0 ubc14uccd0 ub110 ubabb ub193uccd0Oh My Gosh. ub108uc758 uc5b4ub460 ubc1dud600 Do It Do It ub09c Original Hey, Baby Love Crash ub9c8ub9c8ub9c8ub77c ub9d0uc544ub77c uc81cubc1c Do Not Break ubd10ubd10ubd10ub77c ubd10ub77c ub0b4 ub9d0 uc880 uc798 ub4e4uc5b4ubd10ub77c uacb0uad6d ub10c uc544ucc28 ub10c uc544ucc28 ud558uac8c ub420uac78 uaf2d uc544ucc28 uc774ubbf8 ub54c ub2a6uc5b4 uc790uafb8ub9cc uc544ud30c ub09c uc544ud30c uc65c ubaa8ub974ub098 uc624 ubbf8uccd0 ub098 uc9c0uccd0 ub124uac8c uac07ud600 uacb0uad6d ub10c uc544ucc28 ub10c uc544ucc28 uaf2d uc544ucc28 uc65c ub108 ud558ub098ub9cc ubaa8ub974ub2c8ub0b4 uc228uc774 uac00ube60 ub610 uac00ube60 ub3ccuc544uc11cuc9c0ub9c8 uba40uc5b4uc838 uac00uc9c0 ub9c8ub77cuacb0uad6d ub10c uc544ucc28 ub10c uc544ucc28 uaf2d uc544ucc28 ub5a0ub098uc9c0 ub9c8ub77cuc790uafb8ub9cc uc544ud30c ub09c uc544ud30c(韩文歌词来源:NAVER官网 转载注明)中文翻译:说说说吧 请你说 拜拜拜托 请你不要做 看看看吧 请你看 看着我的眼睛 请你不要走 不要走 请你不要离开我 总是假装去哪 总是又去 请你不要说 不要说 请你不要说那样的话 不喜欢我之类的话 正好保留撩去并空出 动摇的只是你的心 惊险地 纠缠着我的爱情蜘蛛 一片一片 我再次迷失了全部 停止就能走出去 结果你会变得 A CHA 变得 一定会A CHA 的时候已经晚了 只是经常痛 我很痛 为什么不知道呢 疯了 我累了 被你囚禁 看看看吧 看看吧 仅仅只有你一个 世上的男人们 Huh 请你不要比较 请你不要笑 不要笑 请你不要嘲笑爱情 有时只有我的告白 能让你打开心扉 刮着旋风的你 龙卷风 大胆地投入 勇敢的 Donkey hote 离开放手的的 不是我而是你 忍住恐惧 结果你会变得 A CHA 变得 一定 A CHA 为什么只有你不知道 我呼吸困难 又困难 困难到现在 又受伤 献出我自己 无法错过你 Oh My Gosh 照亮你的黑暗 Do It Do It 我 Original Hey,Baby Love Crash 说说说吧 请你说 拜托Do Not Break 看看看吧 请你看 请你仔细地听我的话 结果你会变得 A CHA 变得 一定会A CHA 的时候已经晚了 只是经常痛 我很痛 为什么不知道呢 疯了 我累了 被你囚禁 一定 A CHA 为什么只有你一个人不知道呢 我呼吸困难 又困难 困难到现在 不要转身 请你不要走远 结果你会A CHA 你会A CHA 一定会A CHA

求could this be love 艾薇儿婚礼背景音乐的Lrc歌词,和谱子!!是数字的那种!!!!

创建与歌曲同名的记事本,粘贴以下内容保存后,将扩展名改为lrc:[00:15.16]Woke up this morning,[00:15.16]Just sat in my bed,[00:18.46]8 a.m first thing in my head,[00:21.43]Is a certain someone,[00:24.41]Who's always on my mind,[00:28.47]He treats me like a lady in everyway,[00:31.44]He smiles and warms me through up the day,[00:35.05]Should I tell him I love you,[00:37.45]Wish I knew what to say![00:41.33]Could this be love that I feel,[00:44.18]So strong, so deep and so real,[00:47.24]If I lost you would I ever heal,[00:50.66]Could this be love that I feel?[00:54.11]Could this be love that I feel,[00:57.83]So strong, so deep and so real,[01:01.45]If I lost you would I ever heal,[01:04.46]Could this be love that I feel?[01:09.36]The way he looks,[01:09.36]So deep in my eyes,[01:12.72]Our hearts are so warm,[01:12.72]I just wanna cry,[01:15.38]Then he's so hardworking,[01:18.40]He wants to be someone.[01:21.81]Should I tell him that I love you,[01:26.26]What if he doesn't say it too,[01:30.71]I'm getting so nervous,[01:32.46]What should I do[01:35.58]Could this be love that I feel,[01:38.77]So strong, so deep and so real,[01:42.24]If I lost you would I ever heal,[01:45.57]Could this be love that I feel?[01:49.37]Could this be love that I feel,[01:52.55]So strong, so deep and so real,[01:56.15]If I lost you would I ever heal,[01:59.48]Could this be love that I feel?[02:04.23]Will it be my turn,[02:06.70]Two hearts beating together as one,[02:11.18]No more loneliness,[02:14.35]Only love, laughter and fun[02:18.02]Could this be love that I feel,[02:19.90]So strong, so deep and so real,[02:23.18]If I lost you would I ever heal,[02:26.85]Could this be love that I feel?[02:30.07]Could this be love that I feel,[02:33.43]So strong, so deep and so real,[02:36.94]If I lost you would I ever heal,[02:40.37]Could this be love that I feel?[02:44.59]Could this be love that I feel?

求ice cube hello lrc

Ice Cube-Look at these niggas with attitudesLook at these niggas with attitudesLook at these niggas with attitudesLook at these niggas with attitudes-Hello-Dr. Dre-I started this gangsta shitand this the mutherfuckin" thanks i get?-Hello-MC Ren-I started this gangsta shitand this the mutherfuckin" thanks i get?-Hello-Ice Cube-The motherfuckin" world is a ghettoFull of magazines full clips and heavy metalWhen the smoke settle, i"m just lookin" for a big yellowAnd six inch stelletowsDr. Dre --hello-- perculatin" keep "em waitin"While you sittin" here hatin", your bitch is hyperventillatin"Hopin" that we pentratin", you gets natin" cuz i never been to satanThe hardcore administratin" gang bang affiliatin"MC Ren will have you wildin" off a zone and a whole half a gallon--Get the dollar---9 1 1 emergency--And you can tell "em--It"s my son he"s hurtin" me--And he"s a felon--On parole for robbery, ain"t no copin" a plea, ain"t no stopin" a G

求泫雅和张贤胜《Trouble Maker 》专辑的lrc格式的中文歌词


keep the faith LRC歌词

Keep The Faith 歌手:Bon Jovi Mother mother tell your children That their time has just begun I have suffered for my anger There are wars that can"t be won Father father please believe me I am laying down my guns I am broken like an arrow Forgive me Forgive your wayward son Everybody needs somebody to love (mother, mother) Everybody needs somebody to hate (please believe me) Everybody"s bitching "cause they can"t get enough And it"s hard to hold on When there"s no one to lean on Faith: you know you"re gonna live thru the rain Lord you got to keep the faith Faith: don"t let your love turn to hate Right now we got to Keep the faith Keep the faith Keep the faith Lord we got to keep the faith Tell me baby when I hurt you Do you keep it all inside Do you tell me all"s forgiven And just hide behind your pride Everybody needs somebody to love (mother, father) Everybody needs somebody to hate (please don"t leave me) Everybody"s bleeding "cause the times are tough Well it"s hard to be strong When there"s no one to dream on Faith: you know you"re gonna live thru the rain Lord you got to keep the faith Faith: don"t let you know is never too late Oh you got to keep the faith Faith: don"t let your love turn to hate Right now we got to Keep the faith Keep the faith Keep the faith Lord we got to keep the faith Walking in the footsteps Of society"s lies I don"t like what I see no more Sometimes I wish that I was blind Sometimes I wait forever To stand out in the rain So no one sees me cryin" Trying to wash away the pain Mother father There"s things I"ve done I can"t erase Every night we fall from grace It"s hard with the world in yours face Trying to hold on, trying to hold on Faith: you know you"re gonna live thru the rain Lord you got to keep the faith Faith: don"t let your love turn to hate Right now we got to keep the faith Faith: now it"s not too late Try to hold on, trying to hold on Keep the faith Everybody keep the faith

求mc光光girls go crazy的lrc歌词

创建与歌曲同名的记事本,粘贴以下内容保存后,将扩展名改为lrc:[00:09.73]跳动的节奏举起你的手[00:11.92]听我的歌就得跟着我走 [00:14.20]清醒的给我再喝点酒[00:16.54]strong the shirt everybody had flow [00:19.09]如果你们不知道情歌该怎么唱[00:21.23]让我来教你们觉得怎么样 [00:23.70]civil 的感觉真的很棒[00:25.98]这舞步那姑娘学得很象 [00:28.24]mi ni ne ha 你说 mi ni ma ne ho[00:30.55]招牌的哥们都不中用 [00:32.95]低音的节奏是 咚咚咚[00:35.20]我撞你的下面是 bom bom bom ! [00:37.57]天真的女孩寻找真正的爱[00:39.91]那哥们办事真他妈快 [00:42.29]我在角落装深沉的帅[00:44.62]躲在角落女人们在卖 [00:47.03]three sex night di your fire[00:49.34]正确的思想是 for one night [00:51.76]怪就怪在这破状态[00:54.05]crazy的灯也把我贯坏 [00:56.41]怎么都感觉都觉得不一样[00:58.58]我不是孙悟空也没有金箍棒 [01:01.05]anything 一样能变长[01:03.69]让你的j矜持都变样 [01:05.52]come on , now ! [01:06.14]bo we the ring has girls go [01:08.40]we T the glaw has girls go [01:10.68]see from the naca has girls go [01:12.92]oh my god ,oh, oh my god ! [01:15.51]hold the bance has girls go [01:17.83]run and run has girls go [01:20.10]show from the dala has girls go.[01:22.43]all the arund do the money has girls go [01:24.59]在我周围对着一群群的 party girl [01:27.27]看着有点稚嫩穿的却很早熟, [01:29.19]飘着超超超短裙 上衣不系纽扣[01:31.85]那穿上高跟鞋的大腿没有一点坠肉 [01:34.34]20年后残存保守全都没有保留[01:36.56]对于这一点我表示全都能够接受, [01:38.92]不停的出汗,不停的喝酒[01:41.17]摇摆身躯总能踩准节奏,呵呵呵! [01:43.87]暧昧的空气今天迷了双眼[01:45.78]导致我不断幻想着激情的瞬间 [01:48.06]忽然一朵玫瑰主动送到身边[01:50.38]我今天只带了钞票没带名片 [01:53.23]灯光迷幻我嗅着你的长发[01:55.10]今天你是我的queen我是你的陛下 [01:57.50]齐发红唇蝎子在耳朵边上讲[01:59.92]种种的潮湿不勉让我有点紧张 [02:02.16]oh baby 你屁股不要摇的太快[02:04.52]肾上腺素让我心跳的有点厉害 [02:06.94]我去下卫生间你可千万别走开[02:09.29]关了门马上那个美女就过来 [02:11.70]身体的渴望让我肢体不断摩擦[02:14.16]汗水的气味好象也施了魔法 [02:16.58]激情瞬间没有什么适合不适合[02:18.89]放纵过后也别问值得不值得 [02:20.73]come on , now ! [02:21.37]bo we the ring has girls go [02:23.66]we T the glaw has girls go [02:25.77]see from the naca has girls go [02:28.21]oh my god ,oh, oh my god ! [02:30.79]hold the bance has girls go [02:32.94]run and run has girls go [02:35.35]show from the dala has girls go.[02:37.38]all the arund do the money has girls go


You Know I still Love You BabyAnd it will never change 我爱你I want nobody nobody But YouI want nobody nobody But You不管谁先伤害谁我只需要你安慰I want nobody nobodynobody nobody乱了心扉 我不属於谁别装作无所谓 刻意忽略我的美高脚酒杯 已斟满颓废心慢慢在破碎 变成一种负累我就像 受伤的玫瑰需要你浇灌着泪水你掩饰这伤悲 连头都不敢回像独自长达三年的憔悴I want nobody nobody But YouI want nobody nobody But You不管谁先伤害谁我只需要你安慰I want nobody nobodynobody nobodyI want nobody nobody But YouI want nobody nobody But You不管谁先伤害谁我只需要你安慰I want nobody nobodynobody nobody慢慢体会 幸福的滋味只要与你相随 世界都变得完美将犹豫剪碎 爱那麽的昂贵脱去了防备 在心里面陶醉这份爱 好像初生的花蕊别轻易 就让它枯萎未来要怎麽追 请不要不理会只想和你 紧紧的依偎I want nobody nobody But YouI want nobody nobody But You不管谁先伤害谁我只需要你安慰I want nobody nobodynobody nobodyI want nobody nobody But YouI want nobody nobody But You不管谁先伤害谁我只需要你安慰I want nobody nobodynobody nobodyI don"t want nobody bodyI don"t want nobody body遇见你 相信上帝 才能让我安稳入睡I want nobody nobody But You(Nobody but you~)I want nobody nobody But You(Nobody but you~)不管谁先伤害谁我只需要你安慰I want nobody nobodynobody nobodyI want nobody nobody But You(nobody~)I want nobody nobody But You(No~body)不管谁先伤害谁我只需要你安慰I want nobody nobodynobody nobodyBack to the dayswhen we were so young and wild and freeNothing else mattered other then you and meSo tell me why can"t it bePlease let me live my life my wayWhy do you push me away?I don"t want nobody nobody nobody nobody but you




Lyn-时光倒流 uad6cub984uc5d0 ube5buc740 ud750ub824uc9c0uace0 【透过云的阳光越来越模糊】ucc3duac00uc5d0 uc694ub780ud788 ub0b4ub9acub294 【在窗边散落的】ube57ubb3cuc18cub9ac ub9ccud07c uc2dcub9b0 uae30uc5b5ub4e4uc774 【雨声般冰凉的记忆】ub0b4 ub9c8uc74c ubd99uc7a1uace0 uc788ub294ub370 【抓住我的心】uac08uc218ub85d uc9d9uc5b4uc838uac04 【被越来越强烈的】uadf8ub9acuc6c0uc5d0 uc7a0uaca8 【思念锁住】uc2dcuac04uc744 uac70uc2acub7ec uac08uc21c uc5c6ub098uc694 【无法使时间倒流吗】uadf8 ub54cucc98ub7fcub9cc 【像那时候一样】uadf8ub300 ub0a0 uc548uc544uc8fcuba74 【像那时一样拥抱我的话】uad1cucc2euc744ud150ub370 uc774uc820 【就没关系了 现在......】uc816uc5b4ub4e0 ube57uae38uc744 ub530ub77cuac00 【沿着被雨水淋湿的街道】ud568uaed8ud55c ucd94uc5b5uc744 ub3ccuc544ubd10 【回顾在一起时的记忆】ud750ub824uc9c4 ube57ubb3cuc5d0 ub5a0uc624ub978 uadf8ub300uac00 【在模糊的雨水中想起你】ub0b4 ub208ubb3c uc18duc5d0uc11c ucc28uc62cub77cuc640 【我的眼泪忍不住从眼中流出】uac08uc218ub85d uc9d9uc5b4uc838uac04 【被越来越强烈的】uadf8ub9acuc6c0uc5d0 uc7a0uaca8 【思念锁住】uc2dcuac04uc744 uac70uc2acub7ec uac08uc21c uc5c6ub098uc694 【无法使时间倒流吗】uadf8 ub54cucc98ub7fcub9cc 【像那时候一样】uadf8ub300 ub0a0 uc548uc544uc8fcuba74 【像那时一样拥抱我的话】uad1cucc2euc744ud150ub370 uc774uc820 【就没关系了 现在......】ud769uc5b4uc838uac00 【散落着的】ub098uc640 uc788uc5b4uc8fcub358 uadf8 uc2dcuac04ub3c4 uadf8 ubaa8uc2b5ub3c4 【和我在一起的那些时光和你的模样】ub2e4uc2dc uadf8 ub54cucc98ub7fcub9cc uadf8ub300ub97c uc548uc544uc11c 【再次像以前一样拥抱你】uc2dcuac04uc744 uac70uc2acub7ec uac08uc218 uc5c6ub098uc694 【无法使时间倒流吗】ud55cubc88uc774ub77cub3c4 ub9c8uc9c0ub9c9uc77cuc9c0ub77cub3c4 【只有一次也好 最后一次也好】uad1cucc2euc744ud150ub370 【就没关系了】

家庭教师 Funny sunny day 歌词lrc

Funny Sunny Day(Japanese Version)[家庭教师ヒットマン REBORN! OP7]作词:Mika Arata作曲:SxOxU歌:SxOxUanshinkan nante naku teiikanjouteki mondai ha sute tetanjunmeikai na hibi nimeikaku na kaitou nante nai sais it crazy? joukyou ha just hazy?douyattatte machigatte iruyoude is it dummy? genjou ha just rummy? sousa zenbu just a joke! funny day funny face funny placekishimu sekai defunny day happy daywarau koefunny day funny face funny placehibiki watare ba nanimo kamo kae rareusa ronsou ha heikousen deiikekkyoku ha souzou ga subetemaikai aimai na kun nisonzaikan hamou kankei nai sais it vicious? hontou ha just precious?dounattatte koukai nanteshinaideis it dummy? shinken ni just silly? shinpainai sa ...for todayfunny day funny face funny placehikaru mirai nisunny day shiny day same ru yumefunny day funny face funny placekagayaki dase bananimo kamo kae rarerusawoke up in the nightwas it just a dream?all i did was "laugh"no need to worry.... no worriesfunny day funny face funny placekishimu sekai defunny day happy daywarau koefunny day funny face funny placehibiki watare ba nanimo kamo kae rareusafunny day funny face funny placekagayaki dase bananimo kamo kae rarerusananimo kamo kae rarerusa 给你发过去了

FUNNY DAY的罗马音或拼音lrc歌词

Funny day[00:01.33]Da la la la la dum da la la la dum da la la la la dadum da la la la la la dum[00:08.79]Da la la la la dum da la la la dum da la la la la dadum[00:15.20]Wo—ah- It"s a funny day[00:19.18]Just wanna runaway[00:20.75]Nomather what they say[00:23.22]Rock and roll like a rolling stone[00:26.19]You never be alone Wo—[00:30.73]We got a secret for all the creeya[00:34.06]Everywhere I go is got some meeya[00:37.94]Just till I need is singing together boys just wanna fun[00:45.21]I keep singing my melodiiya[00:48.59]Everything I do am on my cheeya[00:52.31]Just till I meen single together girls just wanna fun[00:58.58]Oh girls just wanna fun[01:02.10]Wo—ah- It"s a funny day[01:05.89]Just wanna runaway[01:07.70]Nomather what they say[01:10.08]Rock and roll like a rolling stone[01:13.20]You never be alone because the night has gone[01:16.83]Wo—ah- It"s a funny day[01:20.36]Just wanna runaway[01:22.08]Nomather what they say[01:24.49]Rock and roll like a rolling stone[01:27.67]You never be alone wo---[01:30.50]I wanna give you my heart[01:33.83]Just wanna be like a star[01:37.41]I never sing that you wonder baby I can touch(笑)[01:44.67]Da la la la la dum da la la la dum da la la la la dadum da la la la la la dum[01:51.68]Da la la la la dum da la la la dum da la la la la dadum da la la la la la dum[01:58.99](Wu la la la la a )da la la la la la lum[02:06.16](wu la la la la a )[02:13.47]We got a secret for all the creeya[02:16.90]Everywhere I go is got some meeya[02:20.83]Just till I need is singing together boys just wanna fun[02:28.04]I keep singing my melodiiya[02:31.31]Everything I do am on my cheeya[02:33.79]Just till I meen single together girls just wanna fun[02:41.46]Oh girls just wanna fun[02:44.99]Wo—ah- It"s a funny day[02:48.92]Just wanna runaway[02:50.54]Nomather what they say[02:53.11]Rock and roll like a rolling stone[02:55.93]You never be alone because the night has gone[02:59.87]Wo—ah- It"s a funny day[03:03.19]Just wanna runaway[03:04.86]Nomather what they say[03:07.33]Rock and roll like a rolling stone[03:10.40]You never be alone wo---[03:13.28]I wanna give you my heart ah- ah- ah- ah-[03:28.01]I wanna give you my heart[03:31.15]Just wanna be like a star[03:34.73]I never sing that you wonder baby I can touch[03:41.99]Da la la la la dum da la la la dum da la la la la dadum da la la la la la dum[03:49.00]Da la la la la dum da la la la dum da la la la la dadum da la la la la la dum[03:56.31](Wu la la la la a )da la la la la la lum[04:03.43](wu la la la la a ) da la la la la la lum

龙井说唱 Forever young lrc 歌词

做自己想做的事儿, 走自己想走的路.不管开心或是难过结果都是喝到吐.有羡慕嫉妒恨,但对朋友绝对是祝福我扛起了责任可自由依旧是生活的态度只喝加了冰的啤酒, 没有接不了的忧愁笑着往前走的痛苦不值得我们回头不是时间手里的玩偶,别拿年纪当什么借口给自己找个理由, 或许我能玩转地球我知道有很多的梦想真的无法实现可还会带着激情面对即将到来的一天下一秒对这一秒来说充满新鲜感青春就是保持着这秒到下秒之前Forever Young 没错我们从不回头Forever Young 没错我们从未停下Forever Young 没错不管谁在看着Forever young. Forever ever ever YoungFoerver young….我走过快乐走过忧伤看着走过的时光我有过失落有过遗憾虽然也曾受伤永远记得眼泪和微笑分别的那种滋味我能做到的也许只是抹去眼里的泪水别在乎了, 看看你现在周围的一切无所谓了, 也许这首歌你又听了一遍日历上难免记录一些酸甜苦辣想想我们还年轻, 又何必再挣扎我忘不了咱们共同用的最初的梦想那一直都在我们血液中流淌有挫折有难过, 甚至不知所措奋斗着拼搏着, 付出还有执着经历着那些人情世故和是是非非虽然错综复杂但是早已学会了面对不管你是谁, 抬起头发看看明天的太阳会发现依旧力量它就在你的肩膀Forever Young




国王皇后歌手:大嘴巴 专辑:国王皇后 u2022 搜索"国王皇后"LRC歌词u2022 搜索"国王皇后"mp3 u2022 下载"国王皇后"铃声[ti:国王皇后][ar:大嘴巴][al:王元口力口][by:活在当下]大嘴巴-国王皇后(remix)专辑:王元口力口(升级盘)oh my pretty girl 屁股扭一扭要把你占有国王就是我oh my party boy 屁股扭一扭记得要温柔拱我当皇后国王皇后各过各的生活国王皇后各有各的tempo国王皇后各玩各的花火国王皇后今天终於碰头pretty girl pretty girl pretty girluh oh 举起手party boy party boy party boyuh oh 跟我走闪过一眼陌生的甜瞬间让我失眠身体语言让我倾斜但愿停格不变oh my pretty girl 屁股扭一扭要把你占有国王就是我oh my party boy 屁股扭一扭记得要温柔拱我当皇后k.i.n.g.下达命令黑桃红心不要分心别怀疑谁占便宜我想要创造双赢亲爱的queen 赶快靠近不要犹豫 it"s u n me太偏心你要小心别担心会很有趣国王皇后总算碰到对手国王皇后现在开始交手国王皇后绕了一圈地球国王皇后爱到无药可救pretty girl pretty girl pretty girluh oh 牵我手party boy party boy party boyuh oh 带我走爱的音符正在起舞 oh love 升空幸福四个脚步用心纪录 oh yeah 把你征服oh my pretty girl 屁股扭一扭要把你占有国王就是我oh my party boy 屁股扭一扭记得要温柔拱我当皇后

this is the new shit求这首歌LRC歌词,要有中文翻译的

Everything"s been said beforeThere"s nothing left to say anymoreWhen it"s all the sameYou can ask for it by nameBabble, Babble, Bitch, BitchRebel, Rebel, Party, PartySex, sex, sex, don"t forget the violenceBlah, blah, blahGot your lovey-dovey sad and lonelyStick your stupid slogan inEverybody sing alongBabble, Babble, Bitch, BitchRebel, Rebel, Party, PartySex, sex, sex, don"t forget the violenceBlah, blah, blahGot your lovey-dovey sad and lonelyStick your stupid slogan inEverybody sing alongAre you motherfuckers ready for the new shit?Stand up and admit it, tomorrow"s never comingThis is the new shitStand up and admit itDo we need it? NO!Do we want it? YEAH!This is the new shitStand up and admit itAre you motherfuckers ready for the new shit?Stand up and admit it, tomorrow"s never comingThis is the new shitStand up and admit itDo we need it? NO!Do we want it? YEAH!This is the new shitStand up and admit itNow it"s you-know-whoI"ve got the you-know-whatI stick it in the you-know-whereLet usWe"re entertaining you所有的一切以前都已说过没有什么再可说得了您可能自讨苦吃咿呀作声时, 咿呀作声, 母狗, 母狗反叛者, 反叛者, 党, 党性, 性, 性, 不要忘记暴力胡说, 胡说, 胡说得到了您的lovey-dovey哀伤,并且您愚笨的口号在大家沿咿呀作声唱歌的偏僻的棍子, 咿呀作声, 母狗, 母狗反叛者, 反叛者, 党, 党性, 性, 性, 不要忘记暴力胡说, 胡说, 胡说得到了您的lovey-dovey哀伤,并且您愚笨的口号在大家唱歌是您贱人,准备好新的粪的偏僻的棍子站立并且承认它, 明天从未来这是新的粪站起来并且承认它我们需要它? 不!我们是否想要它? 呀!这是新的粪站立并且承认它咿呀作声, 咿呀作声, 母狗, 母狗反叛者, 反叛者, 党, 党性, 性, 性, 不要忘记暴力胡说, 胡说, 胡说得到了您的lovey-dovey哀伤,并且您愚笨的口号在大家沿一切唱歌的偏僻的棍子说,在没什么左再之前说当它完会一样您可能自讨苦吃名义上是您贱人,准备好新的粪时?站立并且承认它, 明天从未来这是新的粪站起来并且承认它我们需要它? 否!我们是否想要它? 呀!这是新的粪站起来并且承认它现在你知道我有的它是你知道什么我黏附它在你知道您知道为什么, 您现在不关心你知道我有的它是你知道什么我黏附它在你知道您知道为什么, 您现在不关心你知道我有的它是你知道什么我黏附它在你知道您知道为什么, 您现在不关心你知道我有的它是你知道什么我黏附它在你知道您知道为什么, 您不关心咿呀作声, 咿呀作声, 母狗, 母狗反叛者, 反叛者, 党, 党性, 性, 性, 不要忘记暴力胡说, 胡说, 胡说得到了您的宝贝鸽子哀伤,并且您愚笨的口号在大家唱歌是您贱人们,准备好新的粪的偏僻的棍子?站立并且承认它, 明天从未来这是新的粪站起来并且承认它我们需要它? 否!我们是否想要它? 呀!这是新的粪站起来并且承认它让我们有趣的您让我们我们有趣的您的我们

《天降之物》伊卡洛斯《Falling Down》 LRC歌词


Eminem的『by my side』的lrc歌词[ti:By My Side][ar:The Automatic][al:Not Accepted Anywhere][00:00.00]The Automatic - By My Side[00:47.62]The things that run in my blood[00:49.32]I just gave up so fast[00:51.94]I have nothing left to give[00:54.72]Secrets stuck in themselves[00:56.51]I"m sick of hiding the answer[00:58.47]From the question here[01:01.68]What did I find in my head[01:03.41]And know what conviction[01:05.56]And I find I have got none[01:08.75]That Little ?[01:10.87]Radio single went out[01:15.57]Is this the end of the world[01:17.75]I cant tell its been like this so long[01:22.72]Is this still you by my side[01:25.19]I cant decide if you were here at all[01:29.54]Is this the end of the world[01:36.76]Is this the end of the world[01:46.44]Lets look back[01:48.67]I cant remember when[01:51.55]the last time anything I said[01:55.71]Meant anything[01:57.22]But things change things change things change[01:59.99]Just as I slipped into the gaps[02:03.84]Between reception bars[02:07.59]And I found myself wanting[02:12.12]Is this the end of the world[02:14.59]I cant tell its been like this so long[02:19.12]Is this still you by my side[02:21.62]I cant decide if you were here at all[02:25.99]Is this the end of the world[02:33.02]Is this the end of the world[02:57.53]Don"t look back[02:59.23]I set traps[03:00.84]For myself to keep me on track[03:04.41]Don"t back track[03:06.17]Realise that the best defence is[03:10.16]attack!!![03:13.97]Is this the end of the world[03:16.35]I cant tell its been like this so long[03:20.79]Is this still you by my side[03:23.47]I cant decide if you were here at all[03:27.76]Is this the end of the world[03:34.85]Is this the end of the world
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