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各位大虾们好!lpc2378 的MiniBus接口的片选信号默认为cs1有效,怎样使cs0有效啊。先谢谢各位了!


Daddy Pop (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Daddy Pop (Lp Version)歌手:PRINCE & THE NEW POWER GENERATION专辑:Sexy M.F.Mother please forgive meI just had to get out all my pain and sufferingNow that I am done, remember I will always love youI"m your sonLittle child, looking so prettyCome out and play, I"ll be your daddyInnocent child, looking so sweetA rape in my eyes and on your flesh I"ll eatYou"ve raped!I feel dirtyIt hurt!As a childTied down!That"s a good boyAnd fucked!Your own childI scream!No one hears meIt hurt!I"m not a liarMy God!Saw you watchingMommy why?!Your own childLittle child, looking so prettyCome out and play, I"ll be your daddyYou"ve raped!I feel dirtyIt hurt!As a childTied down!That"s a good boyAnd fucked!Your own childI scream!No one hears meIt hurt!I"m not a liarMy God!Saw you watchingMommy why?!It"s alrightYou"ve raped!I feel dirtyIt hurt!As a childTied down!That"s a good boyAnd fucked!Your own child(&4)I didn"t touch you thereMama said she didn"t careI didn"t touch you thereThat"s why mama stopped and staredInnocent child, looking so sweetA rape in my eyes and on your flesh I"ll eatYou"ve raped!I feel dirtyIt hurt!As a childTied down!That"s a good boyAnd fucked!Your own childI scream!No one hears meIt hurt!I"m not a liarMy God!Saw you watchingMommy why?!Your own childYou"ve raped!I feel dirtyIt hurt!I"m not a liarMy God!Saw you watchingMommy why?!Your own childI scream!No one hears meIt hurt!I"m not a liarMy God!Saw you watchingMommy why?!Your own child(&3)I fucking hate you! Mother fucker!Mother Fucker! I fucking hate you! Fuck You!You son of a bitch, you fucking ruined my life!I wanted to die!I"m sick of it, mother fucker . . . oh ohWhy"d you fuck"n do it to me?I Hate You!I Fuck"n Hate You!I Hate You!Why?!I Hate You!http://music.baidu.com/song/8446717

help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

它已经提倡英国计算机程序师,被产生使全球信息网有力量的记录的爵士提姆 Berners-李后十五年。 但是他可以曾经想像网会转换我们的生命多少吗?那个词的意思应该是:先锋 which power是有力量的

DELPHI 中如何让edit1.text只能输入数字和字母

你可以先将你抓到的包保存到文件 主要代码: /* 回调函数,用来处理数据包 */ void packet_handler(u_char *dumpfile, const struct pcap_pkthdr *header, const u_char *pkt_data) { /* 保存数据包到堆文件 */ pcap_dump(dumpfile, header,


使用以下步骤对连接Wi-Fi 的 Roomba 执行恢复出厂设置。打开 iRobot HOME 应用程序,确保您的移动设备与连接 Wi-Fi 的 Roomba 位于同一 Wi-Fi 网络中。按SosoImg设置移除/恢复出厂设置(机器人名称)。对连接 Wi-Fi 的 Braava jet 恢复出厂设置。s 系列和 i 系列的机器人:按住 SosoImgHome 和 Spot Clean SosoImg 以及 CLEAN 按钮,直到 CLEAN 按钮周围的白色光圈旋转。e 系列机器人:按住 SosoImgHome 和 SosoImgSpot Clean, 以及 CLEAN 按钮 20 秒,然后松开。900 系列机器人: 按住 SosoImgDOCK和SosoImgSPOT CLEAN以及CLEAN直至所有 LED 灯均亮起。

请批准在系统修改客户的资料 英文怎么说,开头一定要是Pls help to approve

Please help to approve the modification of customers" information in the system


procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);beginmemo1.SelectAll;memo1.CopyToClipboard;end;procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);beginmemo2.PasteFromClipboard;end;


Nowadays cellphones are more and more popular with students. Because they can do many things on them. First they can listen to some beautiful songs or watch films . Second they can communicate with their friends and families anywhere and any time . Third they can play games on them freely. But some students spend too much time on cellphones , which affect their study . So in my opinion we should make good use of our cellphones . And we should not spend too much time on them . And we should see them our tools but not toys .

Bauerfeind, LP, Mcdavid, Mueller 哪个牌子的护膝最好?适合长跑


为动态控件添加事件 delphi

简单测试通过,自己稍微改下program Project1;uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, Unit1 in "Unit1.pas" {Form1}; type lForm = class(TForm) public Procedure MyButtonClick(Sender:TObject); end;{$R *.res}var MyButton1:TButton; mForm: lForm;Procedure lForm.MyButtonClick(Sender:TObject);begin ShowMessage("自定义事件");end;begin Application.Initialize; Application.CreateForm(TForm1, Form1); MyButton1:=TButton.Create(Application); MyButton1.Parent:=Form1; mForm:= lForm.CreateNew(nil); MyButton1.OnClick:= mform.MyButtonClick;// Application.Run;end.





delphi 如何通过单击一个窗体的按钮给一个frame的控件赋值


delphi7 自己定义的FUNCTION应该放在哪?

你的函数写的有问题啊~~~函数参数是num1,num2,那你怎么还在过程中定义num1,num2呢?还有你调用也有问题啊!label1.Caption:=mystr(edit1.Text,edit2.Text); 你自己定义函数返回值和参数都是整形,你调用使用的字符串类型,你把函数返回值赋给label1.Caption也不对啊~~~他不是整形啊你写好函数声明部分写在 private或者public下都行type TForm1 = class(TForm) Edit1: TEdit; Edit2: TEdit; Label1: TLabel; Button1: TButton; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } //添加函数声明 public { Public declarations } //添加函数声明 end;添加好函数声明后,将光标放到函数声明上,按下“Ctrl+Shift+C”这样delphi自动为你生成函数定义部分框架,你在begin end;中添加代码即可






这样写uses unit2,unit3,nuit4;


第一个窗体中的按钮名字为btn1unit Unit1;interfaceuses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls,unit2; //引用窗体2的单元文件type TForm1 = class(TForm) btn1: TButton; procedure btn1Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end;var Form1: TForm1;implementation{$R *.dfm}procedure TForm1.btn1Click(Sender: TObject);begin form1.Hide; Form2.ShowModal;end;end.第二个窗体中按钮的名字为btn2unit Unit2;interfaceuses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls;type TForm2 = class(TForm) btn2: TButton; procedure btn2Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end;var Form2: TForm2;implementation uses Unit1; //引用窗体一的单元文件{$R *.dfm}procedure TForm2.btn2Click(Sender: TObject);begin Form2.Close; Form1.Show;end;end.这样就实现了。


你这里存在一个问题,你的FORM2到底是设计时生成的还是运行时生成的,如果是在设计的时候添加了一个form2,那么form2.close只会关闭那个form2,而不会关闭你在运行时生成的那个“newForm”,建议你把句子改为“Self.close;”或者就干脆“close;”这样功能就实现了。你应该可以在form2的代码窗里面看到有这样一句代码“var Form2: TForm2;”就是说,其实在设计时已经存在一个实体的窗,名叫form2,这是delphi自己帮你生成的,就算你没有用“newForm:=Tform2.create(self);”去创建,它便已经存在了,只是隐藏着而已,所以你一大堆"form2.XXX"的语句,都运行到那个幕后的FORM2里去了。如果你要用form1调用form2里面的函数,应该用newForm.XXX,而不是form2.XXX.


以下是我编写的示例代码,完成这个示例,需要三个文件:1. dll工程文件, test.dll:library testDll;uses SysUtils, Classes, Forms, FormDll in "FormDll.pas" {frmDll};{$R *.RES}function GetDllForm: TForm; stdcall; export;begin Result := frmDll;end;exports GetDllForm;beginend.2. dll中包含的窗体,窗体有一个按钮,FormDll.pas:unit FormDll;interfaceuses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls;type TfrmDll = class(TForm) Button1: TButton; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end;var frmDll: TfrmDll;implementation{$R *.dfm}procedure TfrmDll.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);begin MessageDlg("你已经成功使用了DLL窗体。", mtInformation, [mbOK], 0);end;initializationbegin frmDll := TfrmDll.Create(Application);end;finalizationbegin frmDll.Free;end;end.3. 调用dll窗体的文件,testdll.pas:unit testdll;interfaceuses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls;type TForm2 = class(TForm) Button1: TButton; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end;var Form2: TForm2;function GetDllForm: TForm;implementation{$R *.dfm}function GetDllForm: TForm; external "testdll.dll";procedure TForm2.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);var AForm: TForm;begin AForm := GetDLLForm; AForm.Show;end;end.4. 显示结果:


这得看你怎么声明dll中导出的那个函数的给你个例程dll中声明导出的函数procedure ShowDllForm;stdcall;begin if Form1 = nil then begin Form1 := TForm1.Create(Application); Form1.Show; end else if not Form1.Showing then Form1.Show;end;

delphi PageControl 动态打开的窗体无法编辑,如何解决?

1、无法编辑,把这句恢复就可以了,具体原因不是很清楚,无法获取焦点,可能因为Form2窗口类型吧// Form2.ManualDock(MyTab); //融合窗口,没有标题2、在Form2的FormClose事件中加上,Self.Parent.Free,即可释放MyTab


如果你想在其它单元也使用这个函数的话就在Public内定义Public Function Get_item_list(tbname, fdname: String; alist: TStrings): Boolean;然后在implementation下写实现的代码就可以了!其它单元调用之前先uses一下!

Helplessly In Love (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Helplessly In Love (Lp Version)歌手:Debbie Gibson专辑:Electric YouthHelplessly In Loveby Deborah GibsonMy ears are gonna fade awayWithout a word from youMy lips are gonna fade awayWithout kissin" you"Cause I"m missin" youCan"t you see I feel helpless?So alone hereOut of touch with all I loveSo helplessSo helpless in loveForever is so long to waitWell it seems like foreverIt was so much more than fatethat brought us togethertogetherDon"t ya know Ikeep countingthe days "tilI can see you againSo helplessI"m missin" the love of my lifeand my best friendOh, I can"t count the stars in the skyno matter how hard I tryI"m helplessly in love and missin" youCan"t think of anything elseexcept how hard I feelI"m helplessly in love and missin" youI know that it"s so hard to hearthe voice of reasonIt"s like goin" from summer to winterunwanted change of seasonIt"s not pleasin" me babyI can"t see clearlyeven though thesun"s been lifted from my eyesSo clearly"til the day we said goodbyeOh, I can"t count the stars in the skyno matter how hard I tryI"m helplessly in love and missin" youCan"t think of anything elseexcept how hard I feelI"m helplessly in love and missin" youCan"t count the stars in the skyno matter how hard I tryI"m helplessly in love and missin" youCan"t think of anything elseexcept how hard I fellI used to wonder if you felt the sameI know you do and now it"s a different gameWhen someone you love"s been taken awayEven though it"s not for longit seems like forever and a dayCan"t you see I feel helpless?So alone hereOut of touch with all I loveSo helplessSo helpless in loveOh, I can"t count the stars in the skyno matter how hard I tryI"m helplessly in love and missin" youCan"t think of anything elseexcept how hard I feelI"m helplessly in love and missin" youCan"t count the stars in the skyNo matter how hard I tryI"m helplessly in love and missin" youCan"t think of anything elseExcept how hard I fellCan"t count the stars in the skyI"m helplessly in love and missin" youCan"t think of anything elseexcept how hard I fellhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1066033



helpless 与 useless区别( 希望具体些)


useless unhelpful helpless 这三个单词的区别

useless adj. 无用的;无效的。偏向实际用途unhelpful adj. 无益的;不予帮助的,偏向帮忙helpless adj. 无助的;无能的;没用的,指人的状态

delphi 代码疑问

if setcap=false then begin Image1.Picture.LoadFromFile("c:g.bmp"); SetCapturecontrol(Image1); end else begin Image1.Picture:=nil; SetCapturecontrol(nil); end; setcap := not setcap; Image1.Refresh; Sleep(100);确实会出现闪烁, 移出鼠标时图片一直为nil。检查一看, 问题出现在SetCapturecontrol 之上, 去掉SetCapturecontrol的两行, 就正常了。 为什么加了SetCapturecontrol就不闪了?这个你就应该自己去了解这个API,去查MSDN,而不是在这里忽悠大家。 碰到问题了首先要学会自己查资料解决。





Sink (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Sink (Lp Version)歌手:King Missile专辑:Happy HourBrand New - SinkI don"t want to let you goBut it hurts my hands to hold the ropeI won"t be such an easy markYou"re no better then they sayAnd all the candles on the cakeAll set fire to the gateTurn the cannons towards the boatMen were drowning in the moatIt was the end of all rowers oarsIf you call then I"m coming to get youIf you call then I"m coming, nowIf you call then I"m coming to get youYou want to sink, so I"m gonna let youAll I want"s some earth and seedBut only grow the things I needBut first I must find my way backAnd you go lay down on the trackAt first I had an even keelBut now I"m not sure what is real.It"s taken me this long to learnThat every dead is ate by wormsAnd once they"re gone they don"t returnIf you call then I"m coming to get youIf you call then I"m coming, nowIf you call then I"m coming to get youYou want to sink, so I"m gonna let youI"m coming to get youIf you call then I"m coming to get youIf you call then I"m coming to get youYou want to sink, so I"m gonna let youThen the fire snuck into your bedroomNow I"m falling asleep to forget youHow darkly the dark hand met his endHe was withered and boney,exposed for a phoneyBut we heed the last words that he pennedHaste to disgrace the traitor.Do not wait til laterI don"t think that you"ve got to pretendI see God in birds and Satan in long wordsBut I know what you need in a friendSo now when I leave you,I hope I won"t see youHow darkly the dark hand met his endHe was withered and boney,exposed for a phoneyBut we heed the last words that he pennedHaste to disgrace the traitor.Do not wait til laterIf you call then I"m coming to get youIf you call then I"m coming, nowIf you call then I"m coming to get youYou want to sink, so I"m gonna let youWell, I"m coming to get youIf you call then I"m coming, nowIf you call then I"m coming to get youYou want to sink, so I"m gonna let youThen the fire snuck into your bedroomNow I"m falling asleep to forget youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/805475

My mother is a selp-employed person 英文作文 50字




抛出异常Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException

Properties properties = new Properties(); 这个Properties类中是你自己写的么,构造函数是什么






你确定 backNews = "该会员名已被使用,请您更换名字" + exp; 没问题么?

请教java.lang.NullPointerException 500错误的问题

此乃大名鼎鼎的空指针异常。可能的原因: 实例化的类的对象没有使用new 在new对象之前就使用对象示例class A{ int i;}以下情况会发生空指针异常------------class B{ public static void main (String[] args) { A hello; hello.i = 0;//空指针! }}----------class B{ public static void main (String[] args) { hello.i = 0;//空指针! A hello = new A (); }}








rs.getString(username) 里面的东西要加引号rs.getString("username") getInt()里面也要加引号因为你的参数应该是int 或者string

myeclipse建立数据库连接的时候,出现错误:Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException


spring 注入失败 一直显示java.lang.NullPointerException

userService没有初始化,肯定为空public void setUserService(UserService userService) { this.userService=userService; }这句话在外边调用过不?没有吧








JLPC1 接口是预留给主机板制造商, 在需要作检测时所使用的


JLPC1 接口是主板制造商预留, 在需要作检测时所使用的。JP就是"jumper",跳线接口的意思。用来调节主板上受保护的设置。如电压、外频等。因主板差异而不同。JLPC1指的是第一个跳线接口,JLPC1指的是第三个跳线接口。电脑主板上的JLPC1接口,是用于在需要的时候,提供COM口,也就是串口功能的。COM口是电脑上早期常用通讯端口,不少主板会提供JLPC1的连接接口,是用COM口挡板及连接线就可以使用COM口了。扩展资料:常见主板标示:PWR_LED(电源指示灯)ACPI_LED(高级电源管理状态指示灯)TUBRO_LED或TB_LED(表示加速状态指示灯)HD_LED或IDE_LED(硬盘指示灯)SCSILED(SCSI硬盘工作状态指示灯)HD+和HD-(表示硬盘指示灯的正极和负极)SPEAKER和SPK(主板喇叭接口)BZ1(峰鸣器)KB_LOCK和KEYLOCK(表示键盘锁接口)TUBROS/W(加速转换开关接口)LPT1和PARALL(表示打印机接口)


Penicillin ,盘尼西林,就是青霉素。benzylpenicillin,苄基青霉素。Penicillin是个大概念,可以通过结构变化等衍生出很多种青霉素。benzylpenicillin,成盐后一般有青霉素钠、青霉素钾和青霉素G。

who can help me?

四、Lili and Lanlan are my classmates.We left Beijing and arrive in Shanghai.Keep on practising English every day.We should help each other.said, learntbest friendAt the same time.五、I will go to Middle school in September this year.Are you excited?

on fhe willpower作文

  Willpower is nothing but the power of choice. When you begin to see the choices in each of the decisions that you make, and start to consciously choose what you decide on, you will develop a good amount of willpower!  1. Become aware of situations where you feel you lack a choice (in other words, where you lack willpower). If need be write it down.  www.idiomsoftware.com  2 Identify a way in which you can do whatever you feel you"re forced to do, but in a way that you will enjoy it. Give yourself a reward every time you do something which you do not like (lacked will power to do earlier) literally you are bribing yourself.  3 If you are a slow learner, force yourself to take action on small decisions, like taking out the garbage. Once you finish the task, look back and feel good for having conquered one small piece of a big task.  4 Move on to big decisions once you find yourself getting more and more successful with small tasks. It is important that you reflect back on your task and feel good for having conquered a task.  5 Become aware of the fact that without will power we are nothing short of weaklings who don"t have any zest.  6 Refuse to be lazy. Overcome habitual procrastination by deciding right this minute that you are hard-working and able to do anything that you set your mind to.  7 Focus on the long term benefit of using willpower and discipline to reach your goal. This alone should motivate you to keep going no matter what.  8 Push yourself to do the next right thing toward your goal. Mental strength comes from overcoming challenges and hurdles. What"s uncomfortable today becomes a habit tomorrow if you push hard through the discomfort of something new and different.  9 Complete tasks done as they present themselves. Waiting for something to happen to relieve you from a task further weakens your mind into thinking you can"t do what you need to do.  10 Set small daily goals and get them done no matter what. Practicing self discipline on a daily basis strengthens your willpower.  11 Start an exercise program or a healthy eating plan and commit to it for a designated amount of time.  12 Motivate yourself to practice willpower by rewarding yourself for your accomplishments. Set up your rewards ahead of time so that you know what you"re working toward.

怎么在delphi中添加一个BUTTON控件 单击一下显示RAVE报表?

在delphi中拖放RvProject、RvSystem组件,并且把RvProject的Engine属性连接为RvSystem1。RvProject1的ProjectFile属性,选择为我们刚才保存的.rav文件。再在form1上放置一个Button,添加click 事件,代码如下:procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);beginRvProject1.Execute ; //或者 RvProject1.ExecuteReport("Report1");end;  运行程序,点击按钮,就可以看到我们想要的报表了,您可能注意到,打印设置,报表预览的窗体都是英文的,如何使它显示中文我们在以后会介绍,不过我们刚才在窗体中放入了RvSystem组件,有TitlePreview、TitleSetup、TitleStatus三个属性,更改后可以看到我们窗体的标题栏显示的是您所希望显示的中文标题。RvSystem组件有很多我们需要的属性,将SystemPrinter的Orientation属性设置为poLandScape,则报表显示为横向的。将SystemPreview 的FormStatus属性设置为wsMaximized则报表预览的窗体最大化显示。

Ralph Lauren的polo和lacoste的polo比较



爱情公寓第二季? B、1965 D、1961正确答案 B 1965年 不过劝lz 还是选D吧(去官网)选D 我们的曾老师 就不会走了




wd5000lplx是机械硬盘,西部数据500GB 7200转 32MB SATA3 黑盘。西数黑盘为企业级黑盘,与普通家用硬盘的区别主要是速度和耐用度、寿命是不一样。,主要是寿命方面,MTBF(平均无故障时间)一般是100万小时以上。





antique sculpture是什么意思?




peace sculpture

peace sculpture 和平雕塑sculpture英 [ˈskʌlptʃə(r)] 美 [ˈskʌlptʃɚ]n.雕刻(术),塑像; 雕刻品; 刻纹vt.雕塑; 以雕刻装饰; 侵蚀vi.雕刻1. He studied sculpture because he enjoyed working with clay. 他学习雕塑是因为他喜欢玩黏土。2. Many pieces of sculpture are dotted around the house. 多件雕塑作品散落在房子各处。



Word文档 想把sculpture移到The的下面为什么移不动?



sculpture[英][u02c8sku028clptu0283u0259(r)][美][u02c8sku028clptu0283u025a]n.雕刻(术),塑像; 雕刻品; 刻纹; vt.雕塑; 以雕刻装饰; 侵蚀; vi.雕刻; 1This gallery"s got all kinds of Canadian art* Painting, sculpture, prints, photography, and carvings.这家美术馆收藏各种艺术品,有油画、雕塑、版画、摄影作品以及雕刻品。


菩提心,菩提是梵语,翻议成中文,觉悟,智慧。菩提心很广泛的,历代祖师的说法也不同。《观无量寿佛经》讲,菩提心即至诚心、深心、回向发愿心,具三心者,必生彼国。《大乘起信论》也讲三心,即真心、深心、大悲心,三心合而齐发为菩提心。义趣同《观无量寿佛经》完全相同。 当代佛门大德黄念祖老居士在《净宗心要》说,菩提心是大智慧、大慈悲、大愿力,三个一体这样的心。藕益大师在《弥陀经要解》中,一语惊天地:“深信发愿,即无上菩提,合此信愿,的为净土指南,由此而执持名号,乃为正行。”大师以前的祖师大德们,从来没有这样说过。

The objects on display were pieces of moving sculpture,sculpture后面为什么不加s

pieces 加了~


- -!貌似一个是sculpture是动词,figurine是不动词!!


可以通过以下方法记忆单词sculpture:1. 分解法:将单词分解成音节,例如 sculp-ture,然后逐个记忆每个音节的发音和拼写。2. 联想法:将单词与具体的形象或场景联系起来,例如想象一个雕塑家正在创作一尊雕像。3. 重复法:反复朗读和写下这个单词,以加深记忆。4. 记忆联想:将sculpture与其他类似的单词联系起来,例如scissors(剪刀)和capture(捕获)等,以便更好地记忆。


1, 用copyFile复制文件,CopyFile("C:\Autoexec.bat", "A:\Backup\Autoexec.bat", False);2. 可以用shellExecute加载已有的exe文件(应该也可以调用inf文件),比如运行记事本:uses ShellApi; // 加在开头units 中ShellExecute(Handle, "open", "c:Windows otepad.exe", nil, nil, SW_SHOWNORMAL) ;

2019lpl夏季赛宣传片背景音乐 我知道是top of our game,关键在哪下

her pace, passed directly by人君子是不声不响,不愿分

delphi中用 CreateThread()老提示[错误] Unit1.pas(153): Variable required



这样有很多好处,比如说类的静态变量的初始化什么的都可以在这里做. Delphi For...Delphi2009在线程方面的也进行了不小的改进。在System单元中多出了一个TMonitor

Delphi7中线程execute调用变量时提示Access violation at address 00000000

Constructor HQDBHandle.Create(tHQDBStrList:TStringList); //重新定义你的构造函数要重载begin Lock := TCriticalSection.Create; HQDBStrList := TStringList.Create; HQDBStrList := tHQDBStrList; FreeOnTerminate := true; inherited Create(False); //把构造函数放在第一个end;

delphi 写日志文件I/O error 32



Delphi同步互斥总结 多个线程同时访问一个共享资源或数据时,需要考虑线程同步,Synchronize()是在一个隐蔽的窗口里运行,如果在这里你的任务很繁忙,你的主窗口会阻塞掉;Synchronize()只是将该线程的代码放到主线程中运行,并非线程同步。 临 界区是一个进程里的所有线程同步的最好办法,他不是系统级的,只是进程级的,也就是说他可能利用进程内的一些标志来保证该进程内的线程同步,据 Richter说是一个记数循环;临界区只能在同一进程内使用;临界区只能无限期等待,不过2k增加了TryEnterCriticalSection函 数实现0时间等待。 互斥则是保证多进程间的线程同步,他是利用系统内核对象来保证同步的。由于系统内核对象可以是有名字的,因此多个 进程间可以利用这个有名字的内核对象保证系统资源的线程安全性。互斥量是Win32 内核对象,由操作系统负责管理;互斥量可以使用WaitForSingleObject实现无限等待,0时间等待和任意时间等待。常见的线程同步方法如下:1. 临界区临界区是一种最直接的线程同步方式。所谓临界区,就是一次只能由一个线程来执行的一段代码。如果把初始化数组的代码放在临界区内,另一个线程在第一个线程处理完之前是不会被执行的。使用方法如下://在窗体创建中InitializeCriticalSection(Critical1)//在窗体销毁中DeleteCriticalSection(Critical1)//在线程中EnterCriticalSection(Critical1)……保护的代码LeaveCriticalSection(Critical1)2. 互斥互斥非常类似于临界区,除了两个关键的区别:首先,互斥可用于跨进程的线程同步。其次,互斥能被赋予一个字符串名字,并且通过引用此名字创建现有互斥对象的附加句柄。 临界区与事件对象(比如互斥对象)的最大的区别是在性能上。临界区在没有线程冲突时,要用10 ~ 15个时间片,而事件对象由于涉及到系统内核要用400~600个时间片。Mutex(互斥对象),是用于串行化访问资源的全局对象。我们首先设置互斥对象,然后访问资源,最后释放互斥对象。在设置互斥对象时,如果另一个线程(或进程)试图设置相同的互斥对象,该线程将会停下来,直到前一个线程(或进程)释放该互斥对象为止。注意它可以由不同应用程序共享。使用方法如下://在窗体创建中hMutex:=CreateMutex(nil,false,nil)//在窗体销毁中CloseHandle(hMutex)//在线程中WaitForSingleObject(hMutex,INFINITE)……保护的代码ReleaseMutex(hMutex)3. 信号量另一种使线程同步的技术是使用信号量对象。它是在互斥的基础上建立的,但信号量增加了资源计数的功能,预定数目的线程允许同时进入要同步的代码。可以用CreateSemaphore()来创建一个信号量对象,因为只允许一个线程进入要同步的代码,所以信号量的最大计数值(lMaximumCount)要设为1。其实Mutex就是最大计数为一的Semaphore。使用方法如下://在窗体创建中hSemaphore:= CreateSemaphore(nil,lInitialCount,lMaximumCount,lpName)//在窗体销毁中CloseHandle(hSemaphore)//在线程中WaitForSingleObject(hSemaphore,INFINITE)……保护的代码ReleaseSemaphore(hSemaphore, lReleaseCount, lpPreviousCount)4.WaitForSingleObject函数的返值:WAIT_ABANDONED指定的对象是互斥对象,并且拥有这个互斥对象的线程在没有释放此对象之前就已终止。此时就称互斥对象被抛弃。这种情况下,这个互斥对象归当前线程所有,并把它设为非发信号状态;WAIT_OBJECT_0 指定的对象处于发信号状态;WAIT_TIMEOUT等待的时间已过,对象仍然是非发信号状态;Delphi 常用的临界区对象TCriticalSection(Delphi) 、TRtlCriticalSectionTRtlCriticalSection 是一个结构体,在windows单元中定义; 是InitializeCriticalSection,EnterCriticalSection,LeaveCriticalSection, DeleteCriticalSection 等这几个kernel32.dll中的临界区操作API的参数;TCriticalSection是在SyncObjs单元中实现的类,它对上面的那些临界区操作API函数进行了了封装,简化并方便了在Delphi的使用;如TCriticalSection.Create,TCriticalSection.Enter, TcriticalSection.Leave等;通过调用上面响应的API函数实现。线程同步的多种办法中,使用临界区最简单,也是效率最高的办法(CPU占用时间最少)使用临界区代码如下:先声明一个TRTLCriticalSection类型的全局变量varMyCs:TRTLCriticalSection;在程序开始或建立线程之前,初始化InitializeCriticalSection(MyCs);//初始化临界区在程序结束或所有线程结束后,删除它DeleteCriticalSection(MyCs);//删除临界区再在线程中要同步的地方加入EnterCriticalSection(MyCs); //进入临界区try//程序代码finallyLeaveCriticalSection(MyCs); //离开临界区end;补充今天遇到的关于Application.ProcessMessages同步的问题:有一个函数Fn按执行顺序可分为A->B->C3大块,其中B块有要绘制各种窗口界面的操作很复杂且耗时较长,并且里面用到了Application.ProcessMessages,程序运行测试时发现如果在Fn执行B绘制窗口的过程没结束时又调用Fn函数去绘制其它窗口就可能会导致程序崩溃,一开始尝试用TcriticalSection变量解决,完全没用,最后用增加一个全局变量的方法解决:定义一个全局Boolean型变量flag,设定初始值为True,改造Fn函数的逻辑为A-> if flag thenBeginFlag:=False;B;Flag:=True;End;->C问题成功解决。顺便总结Application.ProcessMessages的作用:运行一个非常耗时的循环,那么在这个循环结束前,程序可能不会响应任何事件,按钮没有反应,程序设置无法绘制窗体,看上去就如同死了一样,这有时不是很方便,例如于终止循环的机会都没有了,又不想使用多线程时,这时你就可以在循环中加上这么一句,每次程序运行到这句时,程序就会让系统响应一下消息,从而使你有机会按按钮,窗体有机会绘制。所起作用类似于VB中DoEvent方法.调用ProcessMessages来使应用程序处于消息队列能够进行消息处理,ProcessMessages将Windows消息进行循环轮转,直至消息为空,然后将控制返回给应用程序。注示:仅在应用程序调用ProcessMessages时勿略消息进程效果,而并非在其他应用程序中。在冗长的操作中,调用ProcessMessages周期性使得应用程序对画笔或其他信息产生回应。ProcessMessages不充许应该程序空闲,而HandleMessage则然.使用ProcessMessages一定要保证相关代码是可重入的,如果实在不行也可按我上面的方法实现同步。

紧急!请教高手,Delphi 程序出错

GlobalData: array[1..Maxsize] of integer;


兰博基尼Aventador SVJ在Aventador S基础上采用了更加夸张的车身空气动力套件,其前保险杠,侧裙及尾部扩散器的造型都更加复杂,相比普通的S版本更具攻击性。与此同时,SVJ还配备了大型尾翼和中置双出排气,战斗气息更加浓郁。6.5升自然吸气V12发动机,但经过进一步升级调校之后,最大功率770马力,峰值扭矩720牛 米,2.8秒即可破百,极速超过




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