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哪位熟悉WORDSWORTH的SONNET:1802 IN LONDON,它的象征意义是什么?麻烦告知,不胜感激!!!

SONNET应该是人名——索尼特,1802 in london应该是1802年在伦敦。


你可以使用百度在线翻译啊 有读音有翻译的

As long as you ___ the money back promptly, I’ll lend it to you with pleasure

As long as 引导的是条件句,不要纠结于语法结构,语法知识为了让你更好地理解句意, 如果你不确定是哪个答案,完全可以把每一个都放进去分析一下, 有时是要靠语感的

第二长河黄河用英语怎么说,为什么用“the second longest ”哪?

the second longest river yellow river .yellow river is the second longest river .

请问黄河英文是什么?除了Yellow River,长江呢?除了long river

黄河就是 the Yellow River或者是Huang He River。长江是the Yangtze River

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那句“Long long ago”楼主就自己加吧 ^ ^揠苗助长春秋时代,宋国有个急性子的种田人,庄稼长出禾苗以后,他每天都去观看,总嫌禾苗长得太慢。一天,他跑到地里去,把禾苗一棵棵往上拔。然后很疲倦地回到家,对家里人说:“今天我帮助禾苗长高了!”家里人一听,赶忙跑到田里去看,禾苗全部枯萎了。揠苗助长这个成语,现在多写成“拔苗助长”,比喻违背事物发展的客观规律,急于求成,反而把事情弄糟。Pulling Up Seedings to Help Them GrowIn the Spring and Autumn Period, there was a farmer who was impatient by nature. He thought his rice shoots were growing too slowly, so he decided to help them by pulling them. One day at dusk, he went back home dog-tired and said to his family:”I helped the rice shoots grow today.” Hearing this, his son hurried to the field, only to find that all the plants had withered.This idiom is now often written 拔苗助长 . It refers to spoiling things because of being over-anxious for results and ignoring the law of nature.揠苗助长春秋时代,宋国有个急性子的种田人,庄稼长出禾苗以后,他每天都去观看,总嫌禾苗长得太慢。一天,他跑到地里去,把禾苗一棵棵往上拔。然后很疲倦地回到家,对家里人说:“今天我帮助禾苗长高了!”家里人一听,赶忙跑到田里去看,禾苗全部枯萎了。揠苗助长这个成语,现在多写成“拔苗助长”,比喻违背事物发展的客观规律,急于求成,反而把事情弄糟。Pulling Up Seedings to Help Them GrowIn the Spring and Autumn Period, there was a farmer who was impatient by nature. He thought his rice shoots were growing too slowly, so he decided to help them by pulling them. One day at dusk, he went back home dog-tired and said to his family:”I helped the rice shoots grow today.” Hearing this, his son hurried to the field, only to find that all the plants had withered.This idiom is now often written 拔苗助长 . It refers to spoiling things because of being over-anxious for results and ignoring the law of nature.

being home alone能不能相当于being at home alone?

1. 解答:这里无须添加介词at,原因在于home在英语中副词词性用的频率也相当高,比如go home, get home,come home,welcome back home等等。2. 知识:home是现代英语常用词,来自古英语的ham,表示“place where one lives, house, village”,也就是“居所,房舍和村庄”的意思。这个用法仍然保留在许多地名用词当中,比如:Birmingham伯明翰,Buckingham白金汉(郡),Nottingham诺丁汉等等。在现代英语中,home常常有四种词性,也就是名词、副词、形容词和动词。其中名词和副词含义的用法比较常见。以home的副词用法为例,可以观察到英语思维不用于汉语思维的重要一面。home作为副词,可以和动词或形容词直接搭配,不借助任何介词。比如on one"s way home 在某人回家的路上,come back home 回到家来,stay home 待在家里,drive a nail home 把钉子顶到头儿。3. 例句:① He left home at fifteen. 他十六岁就离家外出了。② What happened on your way home? 你回家的路上发生什么事情了?③ Welcome back home, my friends. 朋友们,欢迎回到家乡来!

headlong retreat是什么意思

headlong retreat跌跌撞撞往外跑; 落荒而走1.the hall door, the gravel drive, and the front gate were dimly noted stages in hisheadlong retreat.穿过大厅的门、石子路、前大门,他一路跌跌撞撞往外跑。2.The hall door and the gravel drive were dimly noted stages in his headlongretreat.在他落荒而走的时候只隐约记得经过前门和砾石铺的车路。

headlong retreat是什么意思

headlong retreat跌跌撞撞往外跑; 落荒而走1.the hall door, the gravel drive, and the front gate were dimly noted stages in hisheadlong retreat.穿过大厅的门、石子路、前大门,他一路跌跌撞撞往外跑。2.The hall door and the gravel drive were dimly noted stages in his headlongretreat.在他落荒而走的时候只隐约记得经过前门和砾石铺的车路。

teentop alone歌词大意

《Alone》NIEL:难道你自己独自一人生活 我过去也可以吗L.JOE:你真的很漂亮 我对你一见钟情了 已经向我的朋友们 擦了擦口水都告诉他们了 笑起来很优雅 走起路来很性感 没有化妆的脸庞 啪 唦 像汽水一般清凉创造:变红的脸庞 气氛也如此美好 现在是鼓起勇气的时候 UhL.JOE:你和我两人的未来 我们一起描绘着创造:暂时再等一等吧NIEL:难道你自己独自一人生活 我过去也可以吗 啊 不是 没有什么特别的意思天地:坐什么回去 不知道为什么讨厌送你离开 应该要一下拽过来的NILE:你是我的 我会带你离去 Baby you"re so fine you"re so fine Baby never mind never mind 你是我的 我会带你离去 Ma baby now kiss me 该说些什么呢 (I"ll be there)C.A.P:如果你希望的话会向你跑去 (向着前方 向着前方) 会成为明亮的灯塔 不是名字而是叫你宝贝 你就是我所要寻找的另一半 现在堂堂正正地牵着手走吧 只是想想心里都激动创造:为了你而准备的礼物 在就这样全部接受吧 是要送给你的 (I"m so happy)C.A.P:你红色的嘴唇 紧张的see though天地&cap:也不知道是不是有惹到你 现在我很危险NIEL:难道你自己独自一人生活 我过去也可以吗 啊 不是 没有什么特别的意思天地:坐什么回去 不知道为什么讨厌送你离开 应该要一下拽过来的NIEL:你是我的 我会带你离去 Baby you"re so fine you"re so fine Baby never mind never mind 你是我的 我会带你离去 Ma baby now kiss me 该说些什么呢RICKY:So beautiful you"re so beautiful 我会把星星摘给你NIEL:So beautiful you"re so beautiful 你 你 你 难道你自己独自一人生活 我过去也可以吗 心脏bounce bounce 跳动着天地:坐什么回去 不知道为什么讨厌送你离开 应该要一下拽过来的NIEL:难道你独自一人生活 心脏bounce bounce 跳动着 请告诉我电话号码吧 我过去也可以吗 Ma baby now kiss me 该说些什么呢

git clone 的参数`depth=1`有什么用

一、git pullgit pull命令的作用是,取回远程主机某个分支的更新,再与本地的指定分支合并。完整格式:$ git pull <远程主机名> <远程分支名>:<本地分支名>完整格式举例:比如,取回origin主机的next分支,与本地的master分支合并,需要写成下面这样,(1)$ git pull origin next:master:如果远程分支是与当前分支合并,则冒号后面的部分可以省略。(2)$ git pull origin next:上面命令表示,取回origin/next分支,再与当前分支合并。实质上,这等同于先做git fetch,再做git merge。$ git fetch origin$ git merge origin/next在某些场合,Git会自动在本地分支与远程分支之间,建立一种追踪关系(tracking)。比如,在git clone的时候,所有本地分支默认与远程主机的同名分支,建立追踪关系,也就是说,本地的master分支自动”追踪”origin/master分支。Git也允许手动建立追踪关系,git branch --set-upstream master origin/next上面命令指定master分支追踪origin/next分支。如果当前分支与远程分支存在追踪关系,git pull就可以省略远程分支名。$ git pull origin上面命令表示,本地的当前分支自动与对应的origin主机”追踪分支”(remote-tracking branch)进行合并。如果当前分支只有一个追踪分支,连远程主机名都可以省略。

git clone和 git pull 操作都正常,但是不能push,这是为什么

 处理的方式非常简单,主要是使用git stash命令进行处理,分成以下几个步骤进行处理。  1、先将本地修改存储起来  $ git stash  这样本地的所有修改就都被暂时存储起来 。是用git stash list可以看到保存的信息:  git stash暂存修改  其中stash@{0}就是刚才保存的标记。  2、pull内容  暂存了本地修改之后,就可以pull了。  $ git pull  3、还原暂存的内容  $ git stash pop stash@{0}  系统提示如下类似的信息:  Auto-merging c/environ.cCONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in c/environ.c  意思就是系统自动合并修改的内容,但是其中有冲突,需要解决其中的冲突。  4、解决文件中冲突的的部分  打开冲突的文件,会看到类似如下的内容:  git冲突内容其中Updated upstream 和=====之间的内容就是pull下来的内容,====和stashed changes之间的内容就是本地修改的内容。碰到这种情况,git也不知道哪行内容是需要的,所以要自行确定需要的内容。  解决完成之后,就可以正常的提交了。


从字面意思也可以理解,都是往下拉代码,git clone是克隆,git pull 是拉。但是,也有区别:从远程服务器克隆一个一模一样的版本库到本地,复制的是整个版本库,叫做clone.(clone是将一个库复制到你的本地,是一个本地从无到有的过程)从远程服务器获取到一个branch分支的更新到本地,并更新本地库,叫做pull.(pull是指同步一个在你本地有版本的库内容更新的部分到你的本地库)git pull相当于是从远程获取最新版本并merge(合并)到本地 git pull = git fetch + git merge,git fetch更安全一些git clone是远程操作的第一步,通常是从远程主机克隆一个版本库,eg:$ git clone ## 该命令会在本地主机生成一个目录,与远程主机的版本库同名,如果要是制定不同的目录名,可以将目录名作为git clone 命令的第二个参数。eg:$ git clone #版本库网址# #本地目录名# git clone支持多种协议,除了http(s),还有ssh,git,本地协议。git pull 作用是,取回远程主机某个分支的更新,再与本地的指定分支合并。它的完整格式稍稍有点复杂。eg:$ git pull ##远程主机(origin) #远程分之(next)#:#本地分之(master)#如果远程分支是与当前分支合并,则冒号后面的部分可以省略。eg:$ git pull #远程主机(origin)#  #远程分之(next)# 相当于1. $ git fetch origin 2.$git merge origin/next 在某些场合,git会自动在本地和远程分之之间,建立一种追踪关系。比如,在git clone 的时候,所有本地分之默认与远程主机的同名分之,建立追踪关系,也就是,本地的master分之自动“追踪”origin/master分之。git 可以手动建立追踪, git branch --set-upstream master origin/next --->指定master分之追踪到origin/next。如果当前分支只有一个追踪分支,连远程主机名都可以省略。$ git pull 表示当前分之自动与唯一一个追踪分之进行合并。

nike LUNARLON 是什么科技



英语歌曲《Lonely》的歌词    Song:Lonely    Artist:Lou Bega   They"re tellin" me,   the does and don"ts   but nobody"s askin" me   What I desire   (I wanna be lonely)   No record pany callin in today   No stress,no drama, end of delay,   (Refro):   I wanna be lonely,   Baby i wanna be lonely,   I just wana be by myself,   I wana be lonely   Baby i wana be lonely   Final by myself   No mobile rings,   no traffic jams   no date,no stress   and no one that wants my money   just for nothing

执行C语言程序段“struct s{ long a;char b;};printf("%d",sizeof(struct s));” 输出的结果是什么?说明


找一首歌。歌词里有一句“it s been a too long time”

是Cake的Long Time吧

英文慢摇歌词里有to long time是什么歌

应该是 (it s been a too long time)ready for the times to get better -crystal gayleit"s been a too long time with no peace of mind and i"m ready for the times to get better.i"ve got to tell you i"ve been racking my brain hoping to find a way out.i"ve had enough of this continual rainchanges are coming, no doubt.it"s been a too long time with no peace of mind and i"m ready for the times to get better.you seem to want from me what i cannot give.i feel so lonesome at times.i have a dream that i wish i could liveit"s burning holes in my mind.it"s been a too long time with no peace of mind and i"m ready for the times to get better.na,na,na............it"s been a too long time with no peace of mind and i"m ready for the times to get better.(music)it"s been a too long time with no peace of mind and i"m ready for the times to get better.fade out...参考资料:http://mp3.baidu.com/m?

Blondie的《Rapture》 歌词

歌曲名:Rapture歌手:Blondie专辑:The Best of BlondieBlondie - Rapture (Special Disco Mix)Toe to toe, dancing very close.Body breathing almost comatose.Wall to wall, people hypnotized.And they"re stepping lightly.Hang each night, in rapture.Back to back, sacroiliac.Spineless movement and a wild attack.Face to face, sightless solitude.And it"s finger popping.Twenty four hour shopping in rapture.Fab Five Freddy told me everybody"s fly.D.J. spinning, I said, "My, My."Flash is fast, flash is cool.Francois, c"est pas flashe non due.And you don"t stop, sure shot.Go out to the parking lot.And you get in your car and drive real far.And you drive all night and then you see a light.And it comes right down and it lands on the ground.And out comes the man from Mars.And you try to run but he"s got a gun.And he shoots you dead and he eats your head.And then you"re in the man from Mars.You go out at night eating cars.You eat Cadillacs, Lincolns too.Mercurys and Subaru.And you don"t stop.You keep on eating cars.Then when there"s no more cars you go out at nightAnd eat up bars where the people meet.Face to face.Dance cheek to cheek.One to one.Man to man.Dance toe to toe.Don"t move too slow "cause the man from Mars is through with cars.He"s eating bars.Yeah, wall to wall.Door to door.Hall to hall.He"s gonna eat "em all.Rapture.Be pure.Take a tour...through the sewer.Paint a train.You"ll be singing...in the rain.Said don"t stop...do the punk rock. (BREAK)Well now you see what you wanna be.Just have your party on T.V.Cause the man from Mars won"t eat up barsWhere the T.V"s on.Now he"s gone back up to spaceWhere he won"t have a hassle with the human race.Say you hip hop.Just blast off, sure shot.Cause the man from Mars stopped eatin" carsAnd eatin" barsAnd now he only eats guitars.Get up!http://music.baidu.com/song/57579296

Blondie的《Rapture》 歌词

歌曲名:Rapture歌手:Blondie专辑:Once More Into The BleachBlondie - Rapture (Special Disco Mix)Toe to toe, dancing very close.Body breathing almost comatose.Wall to wall, people hypnotized.And they"re stepping lightly.Hang each night, in rapture.Back to back, sacroiliac.Spineless movement and a wild attack.Face to face, sightless solitude.And it"s finger popping.Twenty four hour shopping in rapture.Fab Five Freddy told me everybody"s fly.D.J. spinning, I said, "My, My."Flash is fast, flash is cool.Francois, c"est pas flashe non due.And you don"t stop, sure shot.Go out to the parking lot.And you get in your car and drive real far.And you drive all night and then you see a light.And it comes right down and it lands on the ground.And out comes the man from Mars.And you try to run but he"s got a gun.And he shoots you dead and he eats your head.And then you"re in the man from Mars.You go out at night eating cars.You eat Cadillacs, Lincolns too.Mercurys and Subaru.And you don"t stop.You keep on eating cars.Then when there"s no more cars you go out at nightAnd eat up bars where the people meet.Face to face.Dance cheek to cheek.One to one.Man to man.Dance toe to toe.Don"t move too slow "cause the man from Mars is through with cars.He"s eating bars.Yeah, wall to wall.Door to door.Hall to hall.He"s gonna eat "em all.Rapture.Be pure.Take a tour...through the sewer.Paint a train.You"ll be singing...in the rain.Said don"t stop...do the punk rock. (BREAK)Well now you see what you wanna be.Just have your party on T.V.Cause the man from Mars won"t eat up barsWhere the T.V"s on.Now he"s gone back up to spaceWhere he won"t have a hassle with the human race.Say you hip hop.Just blast off, sure shot.Cause the man from Mars stopped eatin" carsAnd eatin" barsAnd now he only eats guitars.Get up!http://music.baidu.com/song/2787601

Omar Bashir的《Longa》 歌词

歌曲名:Longa歌手:Omar Bashir专辑:Latin OudHawk Nelson - Long AgoCan we get back to the basics?Back where we came from?When we didn"t have no worriesWe were basking in the sunSometimes the least of my problemsfeel like the biggest onesWhen you said that you were leaving,felt like we had just begunIt would be so easyOh, if it was that easyI can"t sleep tonightSo tell me one more timeWhen I dream, it will be you that"s on my mindIt"s my heart you hold, so never let it goI still love you like I loved you long ago..Saw you out on the freeway,and later at the showIt could be my imagination,but I know I"m not aloneAll the lights in the cityare burning out with timeBut there"s a light that hangs above,and it"s keeping us in lineAll this time that"s running by won"t stop until we stand still"Cause we are incomplete until we finally breatheLet"s take a look at the futureSee where we left offI"m so grateful that I found youCause, without you, I am losthttp://music.baidu.com/song/2842922



solon v16一个声道没有声音



挺好的啊 我觉的不错


梭伦(soh林)是一个城市进入凯霍加县,俄亥俄,美国,是一个郊区克利夫兰。这是其中的一部分俄亥俄东北部联合克利夫兰的阿克伦广东都市区,第十五大联合统计区在国。根据美国人口普查局,2012,城市人口约为23160。城市被钱在“最好的生活”多次榜排名第二十三,2009,第三2011,在2015和第十。 该市先后被评为俄亥俄最安全,有一个高等级的公立学校系统,被评为“最佳地培养孩子”彭博商业周刊。梭伦有着雄厚的经济实力和在2013和2014被授予谷歌ecity奖,承认它具有最强的电子商务社区俄亥俄市。



初四英语作文、It must belong to carla

Why Go to School Why Go to School?School is one of the first social situations that you go to outside your family.Your attitudes are deeply shaped by the type of education you receive,by the personalities of your school and its teachers,and by the suitability of the education for your career objectives.Although your first responses to your early educational environment were probably influenced by the attitudes of your family and friends,your later responses to life itself will be greatly affected by how and where you were educated. Both you and your school are responsible for your education;it is a two-way street.Many people today argue that today"s educational system does not meet the needs of its students.If this is true,then the entire system of our education must be examined and reorganized.If the statement is false,then it is the responsibility of the educational system to make people believe the system is a good one.No educational system,however,can do a good job for you,the student,unless you yourself make contribution to the educational process. The main objective of a school should be to teach you to think for yourself,to find your own value,and to develop your potential.School is not a place where you simply learn the ideas of other people or the knowledge written in books. In school,you must always ask yourself questions like these:Whose values am I learning?Where do the teachers" ideas come from?Is everything introduced in the teaching materials right and appropriate for me? The best school is not the one that forces you,the student,to fit it,but the one that tries its best to fit you.So does your school fit your interests and your needs? 很高兴为楼主解答 如有错误请谅解

Roxy Music的《Avalon》 歌词

歌曲名:Avalon歌手:Roxy Music专辑:An 80S SummerAvalon -Blackmore"s night -"Under a Violet Moon"To the days of AvalonWhere magic rules as kingThe moon beneath the castle wallsAs the nightingale sings...The golden birdHe gave to meWhat happiness he bringsLike a star on a Christmas treeAs the nightingale singsAnd so we sat, hand in hand and watched the firefliesAnd never spoke a single wordBut lived to do or dieWe lived to do or dieBack to the days of AvalonWhere magic ruled as kingThe moon beneath the castle wallsAs the nightingale sings...And so we sat, hand in hand and watched the firefliesAnd never spoke a single wordBut lived to do or dieWe lived to do or dieWe read of tales of treasonA soldiers legacyBlood beneath the crimson skyFighting without reasonBut the crime of loyaltyA tattered flag left to fly...Back to the days of AvalonWhere magic ruled as kingThe moon beneath the castles wallsAs the nightingale sings...The branches bentLike an archers bowAs he spread his wingsAnd flew beneath the gentle snowAs the nightingale sings...Back to the days of AvalonWhere magic rules as kingThe moon beneath the castle wallsAs the nightingale sings...As the nightingale sings...http://music.baidu.com/song/2863901

Roxy Music的《Avalon》 歌词

歌曲名:Avalon歌手:Roxy Music专辑:Original Hits - DrivetimeAvalon -Blackmore"s night -"Under a Violet Moon"To the days of AvalonWhere magic rules as kingThe moon beneath the castle wallsAs the nightingale sings...The golden birdHe gave to meWhat happiness he bringsLike a star on a Christmas treeAs the nightingale singsAnd so we sat, hand in hand and watched the firefliesAnd never spoke a single wordBut lived to do or dieWe lived to do or dieBack to the days of AvalonWhere magic ruled as kingThe moon beneath the castle wallsAs the nightingale sings...And so we sat, hand in hand and watched the firefliesAnd never spoke a single wordBut lived to do or dieWe lived to do or dieWe read of tales of treasonA soldiers legacyBlood beneath the crimson skyFighting without reasonBut the crime of loyaltyA tattered flag left to fly...Back to the days of AvalonWhere magic ruled as kingThe moon beneath the castles wallsAs the nightingale sings...The branches bentLike an archers bowAs he spread his wingsAnd flew beneath the gentle snowAs the nightingale sings...Back to the days of AvalonWhere magic rules as kingThe moon beneath the castle wallsAs the nightingale sings...As the nightingale sings...http://music.baidu.com/song/8139671

Roxy Music的《Avalon》 歌词

歌曲名:Avalon歌手:Roxy Music专辑:The Thrill Of It All: Roxy Music (1972-1982)Avalon -Blackmore"s night -"Under a Violet Moon"To the days of AvalonWhere magic rules as kingThe moon beneath the castle wallsAs the nightingale sings...The golden birdHe gave to meWhat happiness he bringsLike a star on a Christmas treeAs the nightingale singsAnd so we sat, hand in hand and watched the firefliesAnd never spoke a single wordBut lived to do or dieWe lived to do or dieBack to the days of AvalonWhere magic ruled as kingThe moon beneath the castle wallsAs the nightingale sings...And so we sat, hand in hand and watched the firefliesAnd never spoke a single wordBut lived to do or dieWe lived to do or dieWe read of tales of treasonA soldiers legacyBlood beneath the crimson skyFighting without reasonBut the crime of loyaltyA tattered flag left to fly...Back to the days of AvalonWhere magic ruled as kingThe moon beneath the castles wallsAs the nightingale sings...The branches bentLike an archers bowAs he spread his wingsAnd flew beneath the gentle snowAs the nightingale sings...Back to the days of AvalonWhere magic rules as kingThe moon beneath the castle wallsAs the nightingale sings...As the nightingale sings...http://music.baidu.com/song/2679165

L-O-V-E (Long Version) 歌词

歌曲名:L-O-V-E (Long Version)歌手:Joss Stone专辑:L-O-V-EJoss Stone - L-O-V-EL is for the way you look at meO is for the only one I seeV is very, very extraordinaryE is even more than anyone that you adore canLove is all that I can give to youLove is more than just a game for twoTwo in love can make itTake my heart and please dont break itLove was made for me and youL is for the way you look at meO is for the only one I seeV is very, very extraordinaryE is even more than anyone that you adore canLove is all that I can give to youLove is more than just a game for twoTwo in love can make itTake my heart and please dont break itLove was made for me and youLove was made for me and youLove was made for me and youJoss Stone - L-O-V-Ehttp://music.baidu.com/song/10449302


lon / don 英["lu028cn du0259n]请参考以下口诀:1、先找元音去尾e,一个元音一音节.元音相连听音定,加上头尾是整体.由于元音字母是音节的心脏,给单词划分音节时,首先要找到的就是单词中的元音字母,每找到一个元音字母,就找到了一个音节中,就找到了一个音节.但英语单词词尾的元音字母e常常不发音,这个不发音的e不算成一个音节中,要去掉.2、如果两个元音字母之间有一个或多个辅音字母,那么这些辅音字母是给前面的音节当尾呢,还是给后面的音节当头呢?快步英语解决了这个难题,把它们分成几种情况来处理,并编成下面的又一组音节划分口诀:一靠后,二分手,多个中间偏左右,组合字母算一个,常见组合要遵守.词尾看e加音节,发音不发分两种,双字相连不连手,听音验证最后头,解释意外不发愁.一靠后:当两个元音字母之间有一个辅音字母时,一般把它划分给后面的音节当头.二分手:当两个元音字母之间有两个辅音字母时,一般把它们分开,一边一个.多个中间偏左右:当两个元音字母之间有三个以上辅音字母时,中间的辅音字母要么划分给前面的音节当尾,要么划分给后面的音节当头.组合字母算一个:组合字母指“字母表”最后一列中的固定组合字母,它们组合后发一个音,在划分音节时一般被当成一个字母看待.常见组合要遵守:英语里有一些字母常常组合在一起,但它们不像固定组合字母那样发一个音,而是各发各的音,如pr,pl,fr,cl,sp,st,sk,scr,gr等等,这类组合字母在划分音节时一般不拆开,把它们划分在一起,尊重它们的常见组合习惯.词尾看e加音节,发音不发分两种:单词尾加er、est、ing等第一个元音字母肯定发音的词尾时,通常增加一个音节,并且把单词尾的辅音字母“抢”过来当音节头.单词尾加s、es、d、 ed这四个词尾时,要看e增加音节.若e需要发音间隔则增加一个音节;若e不需要发音间隔则不增加音节.s,x,z,ch,sh连es时,因为e两边的字母发音相同或太相近,需要e发[i:]来间隔,并增加音节;t,d连ed时,也因为e两边的字母发音相同或太相近,需要e发[i:]来间隔,并增加音节.其他情况下e不发音,不增加音节.

Cyclone (Feat. T-Pain) 歌词

o-oh (o-oh)o-oh (o-oh)Baby Bash - Cyclone (Feat. T-Pain)歌词Baby Bash - Cyclone (Feat. T-Pain)演唱者:Now系列欧美经典流行音乐集以下为Baby Bash - Cyclone (Feat. T-Pain)歌词swanananani (nanani, nanani, nanani)ay-ay! a mighty cyclone!she moves her body like a cycloneand she makes me wanna do it all night longwhoo!going hard when they turn the spotlights onbecause she moves her body like a cycloneay!just like a cyclonewhoo!she moves her body like a cycloneand she makes me wanna do it all night longwhoo!going hard when they turn the spotlights onbecause she moves her body like a cycloneay!a mighty cyclone!now look at that peppa"on the back of that bumpa"she aint even playinwhen she"s shakin that ruppa"and oh, you aint know?she gets lower than a muffla"even with her girlfriendsshow stopping with a hustla"the way she move her bodyshe might see the maseratishe wanna put it on metryna show me her tsunamishe make it hard to copyalways tight, never sloppyand got an entourageand her own paparazzinow there she go againridin through the stormy weatha"you betta button upif you wanna go get hercause it is what it iserrybody wanna love herbut when she pop it boyyou better run for coveray-ay!(see it"s a wrap) when she break them boys off a typhoon(it"s a wrap) gotta get that phatty like a boss tycoon(it"s a wrap) now hold it steady cause she make a monsoon(it"s a wrap) now you can google, download the itunessee what i"m sayinshe aint playinyeah, she got them heads turninyou gon" hear it clack, clackwhen them heels get to burninstiletto so fuegoshe got her own labeland got us all doin the tornadoay-ay!ay! ay!shawty got looks (and)shawty got classshawty got hips (and)shawty got asswhen she hit the stageshe drop it down low, likeeer reer reer reer reer reer reer reer reeray!this is cra-zzyyyy!it"s ama-zingggg!it must be the way of the la-dyyyy!(like) eer reer reer reer reer reer reer reer reeroh-oh!eer reer reer reer reer reer reer reer reereer reer reer reer reer reer reer reer reereer reer reer reer reer reer reer reer reerreeroh-oh!http://music.baidu.com/song/59834998

Lonesome Traveller 歌词

歌曲名:Lonesome Traveller歌手:Lonnie Donegan专辑:Rock Island Line - The Singles AnthologyAnita Lipnicka & John Porter - Lonesome Traveller【波兰】安妮塔·里普尼卡, 约翰·波特 — 孤独的过客Where is that lonesome traveller / 那孤独的过客,身在何方Who bids farewell and walks away / 挥罢衣袖,未曾回首Who takes away my dreams / 捎走我所有的梦想To protect them from the day / 不再受岁月的灼伤And where have all the bridges gone / 那昔日的桥梁,而今安在And young lovers burning bright / 还有那干柴烈火般,曾经的情侣You can only see them / 所有的身影隐约可见于Under the blanket of the night / 烟雨朦胧的夜幕里I don"t know where you came from / 我不知你来自何方You just stepped into the light, oh / 就这样骤然间闪亮登场Said that we"re all travellers / 你曾说我们都是过客On this dusty road called life / 行走在这尘土飞扬的人生路上Who will catch the Wonder / 谁会遇到那行奇迹的天神As it rains down from the sky / 飘飘然如雨般下凡到人间Bring back all our laughter / 带回来曾失去的所有欢乐Put the sun back up high / 重又将太阳高高挂回天上And where did all the seasons go / 所有的季节都去了哪里An explosion of shadow and light / 光与影碰撞出绚丽的火焰You can only see them / 所有的身影隐约可见于Under the blanket of the night / 烟雨朦胧的夜幕里I don"t know where you came from / 我不知你来自何方You just stepped into the light, oh / 就这样骤然间闪亮登场Said that we"re all travellers / 你曾说我们都是过客On this dusty road called life / 行走在这尘土飞扬的人生路上Who will lay me down / 谁会把我安葬In the coolness of the shade / 在那清凉的冢荫下Stroke my brow, caress my hand / 谁将抚摸我的额头,摩挲我的手On that eternal day / 在那永恒的日子里And where will all my memories gone / 我所有的回忆,都将栖身何处Where will they go / 栖身何处Will they all fade out of sight / 是否会了无痕迹You can only see them / 所有的身影隐约可见于Under the blanket of the night / 烟雨朦胧的夜幕里I don"t know where you came from / 我不知你来自何方You just stepped into the light, oh / 就这样骤然间闪亮登场Said that we"re all travellers / 你曾说我们都是过客On this dusty road / 行走在这尘土飞扬的路上I don"t know where you came from / 我不知你来自何方You just stepped into the light, oh / 就这样骤然间闪亮登场Said that we"re all travellers / 你曾说我们都是过客On this dusty road called life / 行走在这尘土飞扬的人生路上http://music.baidu.com/song/7652155

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Matchbox Twenty的《Long Day》 歌词

歌曲名:Long Day歌手:Matchbox Twenty专辑:Exile On Mainstreamit抯 sitting by the overcoat,the second shelf, the note she wrotethat I can抰 bring myself to throw awayand alsoreach she said for no one else but you,cuz you won抰 turn awaywhen someone else is goneI抦 sorry 慴out the attitudeI need to give when I抦 with youbut no one else would take this shit from meand I抦 soterrified of no one else but meI抦 here all the timeI won抰 go awayit抯 me, yeah I can抰 get myself to go awayit抯 me, and I can抰 get myself to go awayoh God shouldn抰 feel this way(chorus)reach down your hand in your pocketpull out some hope for meit抯 been a long day, always ain抰 that rightand no Lord your hand won抰 stop itjust keep you tremblingit抯 been a long day, always ain抰 that rightwell I抦 surprised that you抎 believein any thing that comes from meI didn抰 hear from you or from someone elseand you抮e soset in life man, a pisser they抮e waitingtoo damn bad you get so far so fastso what, so long(chorus)it抯 me, yeah and I can抰 get myself to go awayit抯 me, yeah and I can抰 get myself to go awayoh God I shouldn抰 feel this way(chorus)http://music.baidu.com/song/329810


以下是 "lifelong" 的一些常见固定搭配及其英文例子:1. lifelong dream - 终身梦想Example: It has been his lifelong dream to become a successful entrepreneur. (成为一名成功的企业家一直是他的终身梦想。)2. lifelong learning - 终身学习Example: She believes in the power of lifelong learning to expand her knowledge and skills. (她相信终身学习的力量,能够拓宽她的知识和技能。)3. lifelong commitment - 终身承诺Example: Their marriage is a lifelong commitment to love and support each other. (他们的婚姻是对彼此的爱和支持做出的终身承诺。)4. lifelong friendships - 终生友谊Example: They have formed lifelong friendships during their time at university. (在大学期间,他们结下了终生的友谊。)5. lifelong passion - 终生的热情Example: Music has always been her lifelong passion. (音乐一直是她终生的热情所在。)

4-6.Upper Echelons Theory: an Update

今天和大家分享的依旧是Upper Echelon理论,文章刊载於AMR(2007年),而本文则是AMR主编的邀稿,作者在1984年Upper Echelon理论的基础上进行更完善的补充和对理论未来发展的规划。 Upper Echelon的核心是高阶管理团队的管理特征,即高阶管理团队的职能经历、年级、个性、价值观等在面对所处环境时对其策略决策的影响。理论打破了先前仅专注於CEO个体的研究,从高阶管理团队的视角进行探讨,从而增强对实务现象的解释力。其次,理论指出高阶管理团队的人口统计变量能够有效的帮助研究者验证管理特质对策略选择的影响 本文中,作者基於先前Upper Echelon理论提出了2个调节变数:管理量裁权(Managerial Discretion)和高阶管理者职业需求(Executive Job Demands)。 策略管理的观点认为高阶管理团队会影响组织的发展,而竞争学派和制度学派则认为组织的发展有一定的规章和routine,不会受到高阶管理者的影响。面对这一争议的核心就在於高阶管理者/团队对於组织是否有管理量裁权(Managerial Discretion),高阶管理团队拥有越多的这种管理量裁权,其对企业的发展影响越大,相反若高阶管理团队没有这种量裁权,那麼高阶管理团队对於企业的发展没有影响。 其次,高阶管理团队的置业需求,高管工作的难度差异很大,导致这种差异的原因除了自身所面对的任务、所处的行业景气度等,与下属的能力强弱也密不可分。因此,总结而言高阶管理者职业需求(Executive Job Demands)来自於3个方面,即面临任务的挑战、绩效改变的挑战、高阶管理者自身的意愿。面对Job Demands较高的高阶管理团队,如任务艰巨,要求绩效提升高,对自我实现的要求高等等,会更依赖过去的成功管理经验或者过去的管理特质,因此,这些因素对於当前决策有较深影响,相反,面对Job Demands较低的高阶管理团队会更多对当前环境进行分析,选择更适合的策略。 此外,Upper Echelons理论还延伸出2个方向,即内部Top Management Team 权力分配和TMT行为整合。 其中内部TMT权力分配问题产生於 企业拥有相同管理特质的高阶管理者越多,那麼企业的决策月会偏向这些特质,如拥有财务背景的高阶管理者越多,企业决策越偏好并购,因此,高阶管理团队话语权的差异以及权利分配的议题是值得北进一步探究的;其次,在高阶管理团队中,高管与CEO之间会有直接关系,而高管之间往往连接不多(以CEO为核心形成了一个结构洞),因为Upper Echelons是讨论高阶管理团队的管理特质,若高阶管理者不参与集体决策,如在进行产品研发的时候,负责人力资源的高阶管理者往往不会参与,这是讨论高阶管理团队是无用功。而这种现象在实务中较难改变,因此,在研究时要找到合适的群体,进而对其决策进行预测, 针对上述2个调节变数和2个新兴方向,作者又提出一个可行的方法对「 管理特征→(black box)→策略决策」过程中如何探究黑箱内部的过程进行探究。由於每个企业的决策不同,而且资料较难获取,因此,作者提出一种实验法,即模拟决策过程,通过MBA和EMBA等企业界的高阶管理者进行模拟,在这一过程中高管的管理特质资料较好获取,通过模拟又能够使其进行的决策具有一致性。虽然提出了这种理念,但这样的实验在当时还未设计出来。 此外,作者还对Upper Echelons理论的一些发展的方向进行了论述: 1.反向因果关系和内生性问题 Upper Echelons理论只是发现高阶管理团队的管理特质与企业的决策或产出有正向或负向的关系,但未区分谁是因谁是果,例如是有能力的技术人员选择了技术密集型企业担任高管,还是技术密集型企业招聘有能力的技术人员来担任高管?为了验证因果关系,研究者最好通过时间滞後性来对其进行探究;其次,关於内生性问题,高阶管理团队所处理的问题或所进行的决策不一定由於其管理特征适合这一决策,也有可能是因为董事会认为合适。面对这样内生性问题,研究者可以加入工具变相来处理。综上,高阶管理团队的管理特征与企业outcome之间谁是因谁是果的问题值得研究者进一步探讨。 2.不同社会环境 Upper Echelons理论最初的应用主要是在美国,选取的data也多是以美国文化下的高阶管理团队而来的,美国在高阶管理团队的选择相对自由,在法国,高阶管理者往往要出身名校、参加某些特定的社会经济体,特定的年龄层等。因此,对不同文化背景下的高集团管理者团队进行探讨是未来的趋势。 3.高阶管理团队管理特征与薪酬体系 先前研究表明,高管的收入体系与企业的行为有相关联,例如在美国航空业中TMT的构成改变较快的航空公司,其薪酬体系的改变也较快。因此,TMT构成与其薪资结构会有交互作用,进而会影响企业策略的改变。 文章作为一片Editor Forum,对Upper Echelons理论经过20多年的发展进行了补充,也为理论在发展过程中出现的调节、中介变数进行说明,并未未来理论的发展以及理论所面临的问题提出建议。

400字高中生英语演讲稿 You are not alone

Good morning,everyone My name is XXX.I am (a girl/boy) from XXXX,XXXX.I am glad to give a speech for you.Thanks for listening. Everyday ,everytime ,whatever we douff0cwherever we are,we may feel bad,feel lonely.I have thought that I was desert by the world. I believed that I am alone ,and I would not be loved by anyone.I was sure about It ,until one day I know one thing.Since then,I know I am not alone.Wherever we are,whoever we will be,there are some people for you ,forever. u2026u2026uff08one thing that you were moved by someone or some people,to show that you know you are not aloneu3002The people can be your parents ,your teachers,or your friends.Even if he/she is your BF or GF.But you"d better to describe your parents to make description easy.) u2026u2026 Now I know,and I am sure that wherever we are,whoever we will be,there are some people for you ,forever. How about you?I believe all of us can know it,find it ,if you put your heart into it. You are not alone.All the people around you can feel you,maybe they can"t know you well .But it is nothing.I will be with you ,I will follow you,because I know you want ,I will help you.Like the songs say, there are some people for you ,forever. That"s all.Thank you for listening again.

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so longsuckers是什么意思



Uh uh oh oh ohUh uh oh oh ohHey manTell me what were you thinkingWhat the hell were you sayingOh come on nowStop! and think about itHey nowmaybe you should just listenmaybe you should stop talkingfor a secondShut up listen to meYou"re so obviousyou"re so obliviousand now you wonder whyyou"re the one aloneSo don"t apologizeyou don"t even realizeyou screwed it up this timenow you"re the one aloneUh uh oh oh ohUh uh oh oh ohHey broI"m just tryin" to let you knowyou really think that you"re specialoh come on nowI"ve seen so much betterhey theredid you actually think that I caredDon"t know if you want to go thereoh come on nowkeep on keep on dreamingYou"re so obviousyou"re so obliviousand now you wonder whyyou"re the one aloneSo don"t apologizeyou don"t even realizeyou screwed it up this timenow you"re the one aloneIf youwant tobe myuh uh ohyou knowyou can"tplay gamesand you know what I meansorrybut you don"tget mymy-y-y-yI"m goneyou"re stilldreamingabout meover and over and overand over and over againYou"re so obviousyou"re so obliviousand now you wonder whyyou"re the one aloneSo don"t apologizeyou don"t even realizeyou screwed it up this timenow you"re the one aloneYou"re so obviousyou"re so obliviousand now you wonder whyyou"re the one aloneSo don"t apologizeyou don"t even realizeyou screwed it up this timenow you"re the one aloneUh uh Oh oh ohUh uh Oh oh ohUh uh Oh oh ohUh uh Oh oh ohAlone



求SMAP「 not alone ~ 幸せになろう よ~」中文歌词


Status Quo的《Lonely Man》 歌词

歌曲名:Lonely Man歌手:Status Quo专辑:QuoNana Mouskouri--LonelyID3 Lyric StylebookID3 Lyrics Added by QMusic by Haibin WuI am lonely lonely lonelyI am lonely lonely in my lifeI am lonely lonely lonelyGod help me help me to survive!Remember first time we met day oneKids in the garden" playin" games heaven" funExcitin" and amazin" havin" a real friend of mineFeel my heartbeat and for real friend of mineFace to face and eye to eyeUsin" our hands to buy and supplyChillin" is cool from January to JuneAnd we still stiked together like the glueAnd know the rulesForever you and I and believe it was clearIf I ever should fall I could count on you with no fearRunnin" out of time I see who"s fakeAlone without protection from all them snakesAll for one one for all I was toldBlack white yellow no matter if your young or oldNana"s in the house to let you knowWhat I see is how I feel and damnI am lonely lonely lonelyI am lonely lonely in my lifeI am lonely lonely lonelyGod help me help me to survive!Everybody"s trippin" on meOh lord come help me pleaseI did some bad things in my lifeWhy can"t you rescue me "cause you"ve got all I needI know I got to pay the priceThat"s why I am lonely lonely lonelyI am so lonely lonelyThat"s why I am lonely lonely lonelyCheepin" thru the streets at night after a fuss and fightTears in my eyes I"m a man lookin" for the lightDark is the path I know he will rescue meThe lord is my shephard I"m cool despite emergencyWhom shall I fear exept the godThank you for the blessin" and the skils on the micFive years we know there"s no diggityFree at last see the light in meWhat goes up must come downI"ll be around while you heading towards deathtownAlways look forward hardly never look backSo many tears and the snakes on my jockNow I"m riding in my big fat rideYour ass is late so look for the lineNana in the house to let you knowWhat I see is how I feel so leave me aloneI am lonely lonely lonelyI am lonely lonely in my lifeI am lonely lonely lonelyGod help me help me to survive!Everybody is trippin" on meOh lord come help me pleaseI did some bad things in my lifeWhy can"t you rescue mecause you"ve got all I needI know I got to pay the priceKnock on my door whom you lookin" forA dream or reality enemies at my doorEyes I realize it"s fantasize I must be highSo let me live before I dieOnce again grab the bottle twist the capTo survive your life is yours my life is mineNo emotions in this world full of liesStep my step and be versatileLove peace and crash that"s what it"s all aboutAlone by yourself than you lack there"s no doubt aboutI"m always into something making moves to improveWhat would you do if you where in my shoesBoom a letter oops another suicideMeet me for a ride at the boulevardNana"s in the house to let you knowWhat I see is how I feel and damnI am lonely lonely lonelyI am lonely lonely in my lifeI am lonely lonely lonelyGod help me help me to survive!Everybody"s trippin" on meOh lord come help me pleaseI did some bad things in my lifeWhy can"t you rescue me "cause you"ve got all I needI know I got to pay the priceI am lonely lonely lonelyI am lonely lonely in my lifeI am lonely lonely lonelyGod help me help me to survive!I am lonely lonely lonelyI am lonely lonely in my lifeI am lonely lonely lonelyGod help me help me to survive!That"s why I am lonely lonely lonelyI am so lonely lonelyI am so lonely lonely lonely in my lifeModified : Hibin Woohttp://music.baidu.com/song/8574176

Status Quo的《Lonely》 歌词

歌曲名:Lonely歌手:Status Quo专辑:In The Army NowLonelyAre you lonely for meSunday nightTwo weeks pastThe last timeI saw your faceOur separate wayWe decided to goNow I find myselfSittin" downThinkin" boutEverythingTo this placeWe"ve come to how ?We used to be downMemories of youCould you be thinkin" "bout meRight nowAre you lonely for meAre you lonely for meYou should"nt try to hideThe way you feel insideAre you lonely for meAre you lonely for meJust let me make it rightCome stay with me tonightAre you lonely for meAre you lonely for meI won"t believe we"re throughTell me what you wanna doAre you lonely for meAre you lonely for meHey...There"s a good in good-byeThat"s a lieI wish we could go backWhen we first metHow to forgive and forgetI wish that i could have youRight here, next to meYou"re supposed to be in my armsThrough stormy weatherSafe from harmWhy can"t we be downShow me howWish I could hear from youRight nowAre you lonely for meAre you lonely for meYou should"nt try to hideThe way you feel insideAre you lonely for meAre you lonely for meJust let me make it rightCome stay with me tonightAre you lonely for meAre you lonely for meI won"t believe we"re throughTell me what you wanna doAre you lonely for meAre you lonely for meHey...Lay it on the lineI won"t waste your timeWe can make it workI know we"ll be fineTogether we will startNever be apartAgainAre you lonely for meAre you lonely for meYou should"nt try to hideThe way you feel insideAre you lonely for meAre you lonely for meJust let me make it rightCome stay with me tonightAre you lonely for meAre you lonely for meI won"t believe we"re throughTell me what you wanna doAre you lonely for meAre you lonely for meHey...Are you lonely for meAre you lonely for meYou should"nt try to hideThe way you feel insideAre you lonely for meAre you lonely for meJust let me make it rightCome stay with me tonightAre you lonely for meAre you lonely for meI won"t believe we"re throughTell me what you wanna doAre you lonely for meAre you lonely for meHey...http://music.baidu.com/song/10094962

Llano X4 A6-3650好还是Athlon Ⅱ X4 641好?

这两个CPU性能差不多,但A6 3650比641多了一个核显,价钱也高了一些。

Dillon Samuels和Kyros Christian的第一部片子


long stack是什么意思

long stack长栈双语对照例句:1.It"s the explosive fuse atop a long stack of community woes.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮




ovatlon是什么胎? ovation轮胎是三角洲国际牌轮胎,隶属山东恒丰橡塑有限公司,是一家专业于生产全系列的全钢载重子午线轮胎和半钢轿车轮胎的公司。,扩展资料:,1、轮胎的介绍:,轮胎是在各种车辆或机械上装配的接地滚动的圆环形弹性橡胶制品;通常安装在金属轮辋上,能支承车身,缓冲外界冲击,实现与路面的接触并保证车辆的行驶性能。,2、轮胎的使用:,轮胎常在复杂和苛刻的条件下使用,它在行驶时承受着各种变形、负荷、力以及高低温作用,因此必须具有较高的承载性能、牵引性能、缓冲性能。,3、轮胎的品牌:,经常遇见的轮胎品牌有米其林,倍耐力,普利司通,马牌,韩泰,优科豪马等。在购买轮胎时,不用追求大品牌的价钱较贵的轮胎,只要根据自己的用车环境和行驶风格选一款适合自己的轮胎就可以。 @2019




  ovation  [英][u0259u028au02c8veu026au0283n][美][ou028au02c8veu026au0283n]  n.欢呼; 热烈欢迎; 热烈的鼓掌;  复数:ovations  形近词:riationplationhiation  双语例句:  1  Some people make standing ovation, and are unwilling to sit down again until taking seats on toilet bowl.  一些站起来鼓掌欢呼不肯再坐下,直到坐到了卫生间马桶上。  2  He earned a standing ovation, and it was a reassuring performance from a man who has worried his friends as much as fascinated them lately.  众人起立为他鼓掌欢呼,这样的表现令人感到放心&最近朋友们都很关注特纳的情况,也都很担心。  3  A visibly moved Mike Myers introduced the mighty Wookiee, who walked to the podium amidst a standing ovation.  明显被感动了的迈克·迈尔斯介绍了这个高大的伍基人,后者在众人的起立欢呼声中走上台。  4  I want to thank you for that thunderous ovation.  我想感谢你们雷鸣般的欢呼声。  5  The bravos and the ovation burst forth as though catapulted from the soul of the audience the Ollin Yoliztli Hall.  从奥林·约莉兹特丽音乐厅爆发出的欢呼和喝彩就好像发自于听众们的灵魂。  Ovation,吉他品牌。曾推出了世界上第一把以碳素纤维材料作板面的声学吉他。Ovation雄大的声音能量与各弦之间的声音平衡还是无与伦比的,这种面板的厚度与重量分别只有云杉板的三分之一及二分之一,而强度却比后者高出几倍。因此只需很轻微的加固从而比木结他有更好的振动效果。

Write a brief biography of yuan long ping这句话是什么意思?

回答和翻译如下:Write a brief biography of yuan long ping.写一本袁隆平的传记。


boylonastar和boylondon没有区别。BoyLondon是1976年由Stephane Raynor创立的英国街头潮流服饰品牌,受到Malcolm Maclaren的影响,走上了朋克之路,也曾是80年代音乐和服装文化的代名词。BOYLONDON代表着“朋克、先锋、自由”的精神,秉承着多元化、包容性、差异性的品牌理念不断为这个世界创造着新的可能性。


靠谱。boylondon指BOYLONDON,只有通过boylondon的扫码才能验出真伪鉴定,是非常靠谱的。BOYLONDON是1976年由StephaneRaynor创立的英国街头潮流服饰品牌,受到Malcolm Maclaren的影响,走上了朋克之路,也曾是80年代音乐和服装文化的代名词。





我比较容易相处,英文翻译:I am easy to get along with有误吗?

没错 跟百度翻译的一样

友谊地久天长 英文版 old long since

  auldlangsyne哦~~~我也很喜欢呢~~~阿甘正传中有没有没注意,不过真的很好听~~  Auldlangsyne  AuldLangSyne是一首非常出名的诗歌,原文是苏格兰文,直译做英文是"oldlongsince"或"timesgoneby",意思大概是逝去已久的日子。AuldLangSyne是十八世纪苏格兰诗人罗伯特彭斯(RobertBurns)根据当地父老口传录下的。这首诗后来被谱了乐曲,除了原苏格兰文外,这首歌亦被多国谱上当地语言,在中国各地普遍称为《友谊地久天长》。人们通常可以哼出歌曲的旋律,但大部份人只可唱出歌词的一小段。  在很多西方国家,这首歌通常会在除夕夜演唱,象征送走旧年而迎接新年的来临,它的主调并没有中文版本那样感伤,而这首歌在很多亚洲地区中的学校毕业礼或葬礼中作为主题曲,象征告别或结束的情感。  在经典电影“魂断蓝桥”中,此曲被用作为主旋律。  全曲英文歌词  Shouldauldacquaintancebeforgot,  Andneverbroughttomind?  Shouldauldacquaintancebeforgot  Anddaysofauldlangsyne?  Forauldlangsyne,mydear,  Forauldlangsyne,  We"lltakeacupo"kindnessyet  Forauldlangsyne.  BoneyM.  Wetwahaerunabootthebraes  Andpou"dthegowansfine;  We"vewander"dmonyawearyfoot  Sin"auldlangsyne.  Wetwohaepaidledi"theburn,  Fraemornin"suntilldine;  Butseasbetweenusbraidhaeroar"d  Sin"auldlangsyne.  Andhere"sahand,mytrustyfriend,  Andgie"sahando"thine;  We"lltakeacupo"kindnessyet  Shouldauldacquaintancebeforgot,  Andneverbroughttomind?  Shouldauldacquaintancebeforgot  Anddaysofauldlangsyne?  Forauldlangsyne,mydear,  Forauldlangsyne,  We"lltakeacupo"kindnessyet  Forauldlangsyne.  Forauldlangsyne,mydear,  Forauldlangsyne,  We"lltakeacupo"kindnessyet  Forauldlangsyne.  中文歌词  怎能忘记旧日朋友/心中能不怀想/旧日朋友岂能相忘/友谊地久天长/  我们曾经终日游荡/在故乡的青山上/我们也曾历尽苦辛/到处奔波流浪/  我们也曾终日消遥/荡桨在碧波上/但如今却劳燕分飞/远隔大海重洋  我们往日情意相投/让我们紧握手/我们来举杯畅饮/友谊地久天长  友谊万岁/友谊万岁/举杯痛饮/同声歌颂友谊地久天长

The Long Voyage 歌词

歌曲名:The Long Voyage歌手:hector zazou专辑:Songs From The Cold SeasThe Golden AgeI wished I lived in the golden ageGiving it up on the broadway stageHang with the rats and smoke cigarsJust have a break with Frank and count the starsDressed to the night, we"ve had too muchShiny jewels, casino cashTapping feet, wanna take the leadA trip back in time is all I needOh!Sing it out loud gonna get back honeySing it out loud get away with meSing it out loud on a trip back honeySing it out loud and let yourself freeWhoo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-ooI"m on my way, gonna make it bigGonna make these songs for the chicks to digIt"s really hot and a little bit sourWe"re getting your strength to the maximum powerFlying away from realityWhatever-ever happened to gravity?I see it clear, a shooting starAnd I"m really gonna sing it like da-da-daSing it out loud gonna get back honeySing it out loud get away with meSing it out loud on a trip back honeySing it out loud and let yourself freeYeah!Sing it out loud gonna get back honeySing it out loud get away with meSing it out loud on a trip back honeySing it out loud and let yourself freeYeah-yeah!Woah-oah!Wow!Ohhh silver screen on a rainy daySally balls in a cabaretShaking sticks, oh what a showFresh and jolly, from tip to toeRambling down the boulevardWith a fly, a bird, and a wooden heartMy mind is set, I walk the lineBut I never really thought that it would feel this fineYeah!Sing it out loud gonna get back honeySing it out loud get away with meSing it out loud on a trip back honeySing it out loud and let yourself freeSing it out loud gonna get back honeySing it out loud get away with meSing it out loud on a trip back honeySing it out loud and let yourself free!Yeah!Hey! Hey!Whoo!Ooh!Oooooaaahh!Whoo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-ooWhoo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oohttp://music.baidu.com/song/15850714

友谊地久天长 英文版 old long since

  auld lang syne哦~~~我也很喜欢呢~~~阿甘正传中有没有没注意,不过真的很好听~~  Auld lang syne  Auld Lang Syne是一首非常出名的诗歌,原文是苏格兰文,直译做英文是"old long since"或"times gone by",意思大概是逝去已久的日子。Auld Lang Syne是十八世纪苏格兰诗人罗伯特彭斯(Robert Burns)根据当地父老口传录下的。这首诗后来被谱了乐曲,除了原苏格兰文外,这首歌亦被多国谱上当地语言,在中国各地普遍称为《友谊地久天长》。人们通常可以哼出歌曲的旋律,但大部份人只可唱出歌词的一小段。  在很多西方国家,这首歌通常会在除夕夜演唱,象征送走旧年而迎接新年的来临,它的主调并没有中文版本那样感伤,而这首歌在很多亚洲地区中的学校毕业礼或葬礼中作为主题曲,象征告别或结束的情感。  在经典电影“魂断蓝桥”中,此曲被用作为主旋律。  全曲英文歌词  Should auld acquaintance be forgot,  And never brought to mind?  Should auld acquaintance be forgot  And days of auld lang syne?  For auld lang syne, my dear,  For auld lang syne,  We"ll take a cup o" kindness yet  For auld lang syne.  Boney M.  We twa hae run aboot the braes  And pou"d the gowans fine;  We"ve wander"d mony a weary foot  Sin" auld lang syne.  We two hae paidled i" the burn,  Frae mornin" sun till dine;  But seas between us braid hae roar"d  Sin" auld lang syne.  And here"s a hand, my trusty friend,  And gie"s a hand o" thine;  We"ll take a cup o" kindness yet  Should auld acquaintance be forgot,  And never brought to mind?  Should auld acquaintance be forgot  And days of auld lang syne?  For auld lang syne, my dear,  For auld lang syne,  We"ll take a cup o" kindness yet  For auld lang syne.  For auld lang syne, my dear,  For auld lang syne,  We"ll take a cup o" kindness yet  For auld lang syne.  中文歌词  怎能忘记旧日朋友/心中能不怀想/旧日朋友岂能相忘/友谊地久天长/  我们曾经终日游荡/在故乡的青山上/我们也曾历尽苦辛/到处奔波流浪/  我们也曾终日消遥/荡桨在碧波上/但如今却劳燕分飞/远隔大海重洋  我们往日情意相投/让我们紧握手/我们来举杯畅饮/友谊地久天长  友谊万岁/友谊万岁/举杯痛饮/同声歌颂友谊地久天长

AMD Athlon(tm) 5200 Dual-Core Processor多少钱?哪年出的?

你好,这个系统又名AD5200,2.3G主频。11.5倍频。是AMD 2010年下半年推出的一个低端产品,用来取代AD5000。采用了45纳米,K10技术,940接口,和5200+比,可以支持DDR3内存。目前电脑城购买价格是240到260元,性能一般,不过可以开双核。 以上是小泽为你回答,满意要给好评哦。

AMD athlon(tm)5200 Dual-Core Processor是32位的还是64位的?

64位的 AMD早就是64位了 INTEL近期也全部64位了

国外的几种cms 像joomla Drupal plone 哪个更好 各有哪些优缺点 学习他们各要什么基础 学习哪个更有前景



Long Gone Missin (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Long Gone Missin (Album Version)歌手:Trey Songz专辑:Trey DayThe Prince is back!May Day, Trey DayMister Thanksgivin"Street anthem, DJ dramaTalk to "em Trey!So here we go with this againRunnin" at them lips againYellin" in my ear and shitAll I hear is whisperin"No matter what it isShe always start to bitchin" andTrippin" andI almost start to call that girl a bitch againSo I blaze out the houseIn a rage out the houseShawty got a sharp tongueShe spit blades out her mouthI throw my stunnas onI chop blades out the houseShe get ta growlin and I"m outIt"s like a cage in the housePhone on silent and I"m wilin" cuz I"m "boutFive shots of Henny inMan, I"m makin" plenty friendsBlack, White, DominicanBack right, I break it in(Crystals to hurt Burt)I need to take it in (Let"s Go!)I been drinkin"Tryna take my mind up off all the yellin" and all the screamin"But all that it"s doin" is takin" me far from your lovin"Got this girl in my ear, tellin" me what I don"t need to hearSippin" what I"m sippin and she bout to catch me slippin"I"m long gone missin",long gone missin"And I"m up in this club with all of these womenThis one she said she wanna get me aloneYou bad as hell, but girl I gotta go homeI"m long gone missin", long gone missin"And I"m up in this club with all of these womenThis one she said she wanna get me alone.You bad as hell, but girl I gotta go home.Now she"s grindin"And the way she poppin" that thangDroppin" that thangReminds meIt ain"t a girl in this world like minesWish she come find me(Hope you hurry up)It"s gettin" heated up (got me heated up)If she keep it upWe gon" be leavin" here(I"m sippin)Sippin" what I"m sippin" and she bout to catch me slippin"I"m long gone missin",Long gone missin"And I"m up in this club with all of these womenThis one she said she wanna get me aloneYou bad as hell, but girl I gotta go homeI"m long gone missin", long gone missin"And I"m up in this club with all of these womenThis one she said she wanna get me alone.You bad as hell, but girl I gotta go home.Now I look aroundAnd all I see is cuties,Booties bouncin all around.I"m tryna keep myself from goin" downWith all the love I give you all you ever do is frownAnd I"m "bout ta get caught out thereSippin" what I"m sippin and she bout to catch me slippin"I"m long gone missin",Long gone missin"And I"m up in this club with all of these womenThis one she said she wanna get me aloneYou bad as hell, but girl I gotta go homeI"m long gone missin", long gone missin"And I"m up in this club with all of these womenThis one she said she wanna get me alone.You bad as hell, but girl I gotta go home.I"m long gone missin",Long gone missin"And I"m up in this club with all of these womenThis one she said she wanna get me aloneYou bad as hell, but girl I gotta go homeAnd I"m outTrey Songz - Long Gone Missin"http://music.baidu.com/song/8397956

Leo Kottke的《Watermelon》 歌词

歌曲名:Watermelon歌手:Leo Kottke专辑:Six And Twelve String GuitarWater Me作词:BONNIE PINK作曲:BONNIE PINK歌:BONNIE PINK小さな嘘で世界が振り向くのなら嘘つきになろうあなたに书いた手纸で泣いてくれるなら何万通も书こうある事无い事书こう月灯りででも书こう乾いた砂漠に凛と立つ花は枯らさないでと叫ぶの“Water, Water me!”(水を、私に水を)伤も痛みも愈えてゆくのなら ずぶ濡れでいいとだから“Water me!”(私を润して)なぜだろう なぜこんなにも爱する気持ちが时には过ちで时には丑くて时には情けなくて白い烟に咳き込んだ花は私を见てと叫ぶの“Water, Water me!”(水を、私に水を)それで全てがきれいになるなら一滴だけでいい“Water, Water me!”(私を润して)谁しも自由に饥えていた 模范などない教室の隅あきらめ颜で泣いていた友よ 微笑んでこの水をあげようこのペンをあげよう一つの本当をあげよう终わりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8548675

NAT ADDERLEY的《Watermelon》 歌词

歌曲名:Watermelon歌手:NAT ADDERLEY专辑:Introducing Nat AdderleyWater Me作词:BONNIE PINK作曲:BONNIE PINK歌:BONNIE PINK小さな嘘で世界が振り向くのなら嘘つきになろうあなたに书いた手纸で泣いてくれるなら何万通も书こうある事无い事书こう月灯りででも书こう乾いた砂漠に凛と立つ花は枯らさないでと叫ぶの“Water, Water me!”(水を、私に水を)伤も痛みも愈えてゆくのなら ずぶ濡れでいいとだから“Water me!”(私を润して)なぜだろう なぜこんなにも爱する気持ちが时には过ちで时には丑くて时には情けなくて白い烟に咳き込んだ花は私を见てと叫ぶの“Water, Water me!”(水を、私に水を)それで全てがきれいになるなら一滴だけでいい“Water, Water me!”(私を润して)谁しも自由に饥えていた 模范などない教室の隅あきらめ颜で泣いていた友よ 微笑んでこの水をあげようこのペンをあげよう一つの本当をあげよう终わりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/10293338


watermelon英[u02c8wu0254:tu0259melu0259n]美[u02c8wu0254tu025au02ccmu025blu0259n, u02c8wɑtu0259-]n. 西瓜名词复数:watermelons[例句]Don "t understand how the colonel connected with watermelon?你能理解上校和西瓜之间的关系么?




watermelon【不是派生词】英 [u02c8wu0254:tu0259melu0259n] 美 [u02c8wu0254:tu0259rmelu0259n]n.西瓜1. This kind of watermelon is remarkable for its size. 这种西瓜个头儿大.来自《现代汉英综合大词典》2. I bought a watermelon and some peaches.我买了一个西瓜和一些桃子.来自《简明英汉词典》







watermelon怎么读 watermelon读的方法

1、watermelon;英[u02c8wu0254u02d0tu0259melu0259n];美[u02c8wu0254u02d0tu0259rmelu0259n] 2、n. 西瓜; 3、[例句]The watermelon has gotten bad.西瓜坏了。 4、[其他] 复数:watermelons.


watermelon ["wu0254:tu0259melu0259n,"wu0254-] n.西瓜
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