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红色警戒地图编辑器用不了 red alert 2 is not correctly installed (ra2.mix could not be loaded)他说




玩红警弹出 Red Alert 2 has encountered an internal error and is unable to continue normally.



你可能写错了,应该是“coil 220V”。如是,“coil”是英文线圈、绕组的意思。coil 220V代表继电器线圈的额定电压是220V。



The client has been really demanding

因为前面主语 客户 the client是单数啊。


当一个节点和多个节点建立连接时,如何高效的处理多个连接的数据,下面具体分析两者的区别。1. select函数函数原型:int select(int nfds, fd_set *readfds, fd_set *writefds, fd_set *exceptfds, struct timeval *timeout);参数介绍:(1)nfds -- fdset集合中最大描述符值加1(2)fdset -- 一个位数组,其大小限制为_FD_SETSIZE(1024)位数组的每一位代表的是其对应的描述符是否需要被检查。(3)readfds -- 读事件文件描述符数组(4 )writefds -- 写事件文件描述符数组(5)exceptfds -- 错误事件文件描述符数组(6)timeout -- 超时事件,该结构被内核修改,其值为超时剩余时间。对应内核:select对应于内核中的sys_select调用,sys_select首先将第二三四个参数指向的fd_set拷贝到内核,然后对每个被SET的描 述符调用进行poll,并记录在临时结果中(fdset),如果有事件发生,select会将临时结果写到用户空间并返回;当轮询一遍后没有任何事件发生时,如果指定了超时时间,则select会睡眠到超时,睡眠结束后再进行一次轮询,并将临时结果写到用户空间,然后返2. select/poll特点传统的select/poll每次调用都会线性扫描全部的集合,导致效率呈现线性下降。poll的执行分三部分:(1).将用户传入的pollfd数组拷贝到内核空间,因为拷贝操作和数组长度相关,时间上这是一个O(n)操作(2).查询每个文件描述符对应设备的状态,如果该设备尚未就绪,则在该设备的等待队列中加入一项并继续查询下一设备的状态。 查询完所有设备后如果没有一个设备就绪,这时则需要挂起当前进程等待,直到设备就绪或者超时。设备就绪后进程被通知继续运行,这时再次遍历所有设备,以查找就绪设备。这一步因为两次遍历所有设备,时间复杂度也是O(n),这里面不包括等待时间......(3). 将获得的数据传送到用户空间并执行释放内存和剥离等待队列等善后工作,向用户空间拷贝数据与剥离等待队列等操作的的时间复杂度同样是O(n)。3. epoll机制Linux 2.6内核完全支持epoll。epoll的IO效率不随FD数目增加而线性下降。要使用epoll只需要这三个系统调用:epoll_create(2), epoll_ctl(2), epoll_wait(2)epoll用到的所有函数都是在头文件sys/epoll.h中声明的,内核实现中epoll是根据每个fd上面的callback函数实现的。只有"活跃"的socket才会主动的去调用 callback函数,其他idle状态socket则不会。如果所有的socket基本上都是活跃的---比如一个高速LAN环境,过多使用epoll,效率相比还有稍微的下降。但是一旦使用idle connections模拟WAN环境,epoll的效率就远在select/poll之上了。3.1 所用到的函数:(1)、int epoll_create(int size)该函数生成一个epoll专用的文件描述符,其中的参数是指定生成描述符的最大范围(2)、int epoll_ctl(int epfd, int op, int fd, struct epoll_event *event)用于控制某个文件描述符上的事件,可以注册事件,修改事件,删除事件。如果调用成功返回0,不成功返回-1int epoll_ctl{int epfd,//由 epoll_create 生成的epoll专用的文件描述符int op, //要进行的操作例如注册事件,可能的取值EPOLL_CTL_ADD 注册、//EPOLL_CTL_MOD 修改、EPOLL_CTL_DEL 删除int fd, //关联的文件描述符struct epoll_event *event//指向epoll_event的指针}(3)、int epoll_wait(intepfd, struct epoll_event * events,int maxevents, inttimeout)用于轮询I/O事件的发生,返回发生事件数int epoll_wait{int epfd,//由epoll_create 生成的epoll专用的文件描述符struct epoll_event * events,//用于回传代处理事件的数组int maxevents,//每次能处理的事件数int timeout//等待I/O事件发生的超时值//为0的时候表示马上返回,为-1的时候表示一直等下去,直到有事件//为任意正整数的时候表示等这么长的时间,如果一直没有事件//一般如果网络主循环是单独的线程的话,可以用-1来等,这样可以保证一些效率//如果是和主逻辑在同一个线程的话,则可以用0来保证主循环的效率}epoll是为处理大批量句柄而作了改进的poll。4. epoll的优点:<1>支持一个进程打开大数目的socket描述符(FD)select 最不能忍受的是一个进程所打开的FD是有一定限制的,由FD_SETSIZE设置,默认值是2048。对于那些需要支持的上万连接数目的IM服务器来说显然太少了。这时候可以:(1) 可以修改这个宏然后重新编译内核,不过资料也同时指出,这样也会带来网络效率的下降(2) 可以选择多进程的解决方案,不过虽然linux上创建进程的代价比较下,但是仍旧是不可忽视的,所以也不是很完美的方案epoll没有这样的限制,它所支持的FD上限是最大可以打开文件的数目,这个数字一般远大于2048,具体数组可以查看cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max查看,这个数目和系统内存关系很大。<2>IO效率不随FD数目增加而线性下降传统的select/poll另一个致命弱点就是当你拥有一个很大的socket集合,不过由于网络延时,任一时间只有部分的socket是"活跃"的,但是select/poll每次调用都会线性扫描全部的集合,导致效率呈现线性下降。epoll不存在这个问题,它只会对“活跃”的socket进行操作。这是因为在内核实现中epoll是根据每个fd上面的callback函数实现的。那么,只有"活跃"的socket才会主动的去调用 callback函数,其他idle状态socket则不会,在这点上,epoll实现了一个"伪"AIO,因为这时候推动力在os内核。在一些 benchmark中,如果所有的socket基本上都是活跃的---比如一个高速LAN环境,epoll并不比select/poll有什么效率,相 反,如果过多使用epoll_ctl,效率相比还有稍微的下降。但是一旦使用idle connections模拟WAN环境,epoll的效率就远在select/poll之上了。<3>使用mmap加速内核与用户空间的消息传递这点实际上涉及到epoll的具体实现了。无论是select,poll还是epoll都需要内核把FD消息通知给用户空间,如何避免不必要的内存拷贝就 很重要,在这点上,epoll是通过内核于用户空间mmap同一块内存实现的。而如果你想我一样从2.5内核就关注epoll的话,一定不会忘记手工 mmap这一步的。<4>内核微调这一点其实不算epoll的优点了,而是整个linux平台的优点。也许你可以怀 疑linux平台,但是你无法回避linux平台赋予你微调内核的能力。比如,内核TCP/IP协议栈使用内存池管理sk_buff结构,那么可以在运行 时期动态调整这个内存pool(skb_head_pool)的大小--- 通过echo XXXX>/proc/sys/net/core/hot_list_length完成。再比如listen函数的第2个参数(TCP完成3次握手 的数据包队列长度),也可以根据你平台内存大小动态调整。更甚至在一个数据包面数目巨大但同时每个数据包本身大小却很小的特殊系统上尝试最新的NAPI网 卡驱动架构。

maxwell有限元分析中,coil terminal和winding的区别


Fallen Star 歌词

歌曲名:Fallen Star歌手:Dreamtale专辑:Beyond RealityFallen StarDreamtaleBeyond RealityFallen Star - 《Beyond Reality》dreamtleGazing (at) the skyOn a clear winter"s nightMoonlight lighting the path for meHigh in the skyA star seems to flyA falling star, it will be my guideMaiden is dancingEnchanting the manBut in the end, who"s in command?With his sword of mightAnd his love by his sideHe is ready to face the worldFollow the starIt will lead you so farFollow the lightLighting the nightStar is falling downWhen it reaches the groundI"ll be there to take my tollWith my star-wrought swordI shall honour my Lord- But remember where it came fromBut there, where the star fellA beautiful maiden was dancing and singingStories tell that she descended from the HeavensWith the star...But then came that timeThe time of (a) great fightCries of war rang throughout the whole landWar tears apartIt will sunder the heartBut in the end, love will prevailAnswer the callBut it will take its tollFollow the lightShining so brightStar is falling downWhen it reaches the groundI"ll be there to take my tollWith my star-wrought swordI shall honour my Lord- But remember where it came fromStar is falling downWhen it reaches the groundI"ll be there to take my tollWith my star-wrought swordI shall honour my Lord- But remember where it came fromhttp://music.baidu.com/song/715596



英语句式分析The young clerk expressed full of confidence that he was qualified for that demanding

主语 the young clerk, 谓语, expressed, full of confidence,副词that he was qualified for that demanding 宾语从句。这个年轻的员工充满信心的表示对那个苛求的(工作),他完全合格句子应该差了一个名词做从句的宾语,demanding只能做形容词或 动词ing 形式






eternally 英[u026a"tu025c:nu0259lu026a] 美[u026au02c8tu0259:nu0259lu026a] adv. 永恒地,常常,不绝地 [例句]There they are eternally playing truant.他们永远在那些地方虚度光阴。

fall short of是什么意思

您好:功亏一篑双语对照词典结果:fall short of[英][fu0254:l u0283u0254:t u0254v][美][fu0254l u0283u0254rt u028cv]v.不足; 缺乏; 达不到; 不符合; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Mr kent says he regards the potential obstacles to coca-cola"s china ambitions comingfrom broader political pressures as china"s growth could still fall short of expectations. ----------------------------------- 如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

fall short of是什么意思

fall short of 英[fu0254:l u0283u0254:t u0254v] 美[fu0254l u0283u0254rt u028cv] v. 缺乏; 不足; 达不到; 不符合; [例句]Cupid"s arrow will not fall short of its target today-you can breathe a sigh of relief.今日爱神之箭不会错失目标&你能松口气了。

proceed with disk restore destinatin drive will be permanently overwritten

lz打错了好多字母1.proceed with image file creation进行镜像文件创建2.proceed with disk restore进行磁盘还原/恢复3.destination drive will be permanenthy overwritten目标驱动器将被永久覆盖

Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:


fall short of与be short of 有什么区别

fall short of 与 be short of 都有不足,缺少之意 但fall short of 更强调动作,一般含瞬时之意,陷入短缺,不表示状态 be short of 更强调状态,可与表示一段时间的状语搭配 可配合 fall asleep与be asleep 这组短语的区别进行理解

proceed with partition copy和 destination partition will be permanently overwritten是什么意思

proceed with partition copy 继续执行分区拷贝destination partition will be permanently 目标分区将被永久覆盖重写

I Give My All To You 歌词

歌曲名:I Give My All To You歌手:Rance Allen Group专辑:A Soulful ExperienceOlivia Ong - I"ll Get Back To YouAlbum: Just For YouI can tell youI"m not gonna hideBut somewhere insideI get shy when you"re aroundCruising fellingI go up and downIn and outLand on the groundSo...What is thisWhat"s happenin"What it is i feel for you and you and only youGets me going highThere you areWalking byTwinkle in your eyesI see it everywhere i goTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTake me to fairytale land, you don"t have toLet youself beNaturalCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTell you the truethI just want to be with youCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowI can tell youIt"s more than crushCoz somewhere insideI"m gonna get you tooCruising feelingI go up and downin and outLand on the groundSo....What is thisWhat"s happenin"What it is i feel for you and you and only youGets me going highThere you areWalking byTwinkle in your eyesI see it everywhere i goTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTake me to fairytale land, you don"t have toLet youself beNaturalCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTell you the truethI just want to be with youCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowWhat is thisWhat"s happenin"What it is i feel for you and you and only youGets me going highThere you areWalking byTwinkle in your eyesI see it everywhere i goTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTake me to fairytale land, you don"t have toLet youself beNaturalCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTell you the truethI just want to be with youCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowhttp://music.baidu.com/song/10261281

All I Give To You 歌词

歌曲名:All I Give To You歌手:Phil Fearon&Galaxy专辑:The Greatest HitsOlivia Ong - I"ll Get Back To YouAlbum: Just For YouI can tell youI"m not gonna hideBut somewhere insideI get shy when you"re aroundCruising fellingI go up and downIn and outLand on the groundSo...What is thisWhat"s happenin"What it is i feel for you and you and only youGets me going highThere you areWalking byTwinkle in your eyesI see it everywhere i goTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTake me to fairytale land, you don"t have toLet youself beNaturalCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTell you the truethI just want to be with youCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowI can tell youIt"s more than crushCoz somewhere insideI"m gonna get you tooCruising feelingI go up and downin and outLand on the groundSo....What is thisWhat"s happenin"What it is i feel for you and you and only youGets me going highThere you areWalking byTwinkle in your eyesI see it everywhere i goTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTake me to fairytale land, you don"t have toLet youself beNaturalCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTell you the truethI just want to be with youCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowWhat is thisWhat"s happenin"What it is i feel for you and you and only youGets me going highThere you areWalking byTwinkle in your eyesI see it everywhere i goTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTake me to fairytale land, you don"t have toLet youself beNaturalCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTell you the truethI just want to be with youCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2751129

I will give it all to you 歌词

歌曲名:I will give it all to you歌手:vlad topalov专辑:I Will Give It All To YouOlivia Ong - I"ll Get Back To YouAlbum: Just For YouI can tell youI"m not gonna hideBut somewhere insideI get shy when you"re aroundCruising fellingI go up and downIn and outLand on the groundSo...What is thisWhat"s happenin"What it is i feel for you and you and only youGets me going highThere you areWalking byTwinkle in your eyesI see it everywhere i goTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTake me to fairytale land, you don"t have toLet youself beNaturalCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTell you the truethI just want to be with youCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowI can tell youIt"s more than crushCoz somewhere insideI"m gonna get you tooCruising feelingI go up and downin and outLand on the groundSo....What is thisWhat"s happenin"What it is i feel for you and you and only youGets me going highThere you areWalking byTwinkle in your eyesI see it everywhere i goTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTake me to fairytale land, you don"t have toLet youself beNaturalCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTell you the truethI just want to be with youCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowWhat is thisWhat"s happenin"What it is i feel for you and you and only youGets me going highThere you areWalking byTwinkle in your eyesI see it everywhere i goTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTake me to fairytale land, you don"t have toLet youself beNaturalCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTell you the truethI just want to be with youCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowhttp://music.baidu.com/song/26833960

It All Comes Back To You 歌词

歌曲名:It All Comes Back To You歌手:John Farnham专辑:Then Again ...Olivia Ong - I"ll Get Back To YouAlbum: Just For YouI can tell youI"m not gonna hideBut somewhere insideI get shy when you"re aroundCruising fellingI go up and downIn and outLand on the groundSo...What is thisWhat"s happenin"What it is i feel for you and you and only youGets me going highThere you areWalking byTwinkle in your eyesI see it everywhere i goTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTake me to fairytale land, you don"t have toLet youself beNaturalCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTell you the truethI just want to be with youCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowI can tell youIt"s more than crushCoz somewhere insideI"m gonna get you tooCruising feelingI go up and downin and outLand on the groundSo....What is thisWhat"s happenin"What it is i feel for you and you and only youGets me going highThere you areWalking byTwinkle in your eyesI see it everywhere i goTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTake me to fairytale land, you don"t have toLet youself beNaturalCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTell you the truethI just want to be with youCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowWhat is thisWhat"s happenin"What it is i feel for you and you and only youGets me going highThere you areWalking byTwinkle in your eyesI see it everywhere i goTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTake me to fairytale land, you don"t have toLet youself beNaturalCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTell you the truethI just want to be with youCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowhttp://music.baidu.com/song/31705085

I Give My All to You 歌词

歌曲名:I Give My All to You歌手:Chris Geith专辑:Prime TimeOlivia Ong - I"ll Get Back To YouAlbum: Just For YouI can tell youI"m not gonna hideBut somewhere insideI get shy when you"re aroundCruising fellingI go up and downIn and outLand on the groundSo...What is thisWhat"s happenin"What it is i feel for you and you and only youGets me going highThere you areWalking byTwinkle in your eyesI see it everywhere i goTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTake me to fairytale land, you don"t have toLet youself beNaturalCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTell you the truethI just want to be with youCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowI can tell youIt"s more than crushCoz somewhere insideI"m gonna get you tooCruising feelingI go up and downin and outLand on the groundSo....What is thisWhat"s happenin"What it is i feel for you and you and only youGets me going highThere you areWalking byTwinkle in your eyesI see it everywhere i goTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTake me to fairytale land, you don"t have toLet youself beNaturalCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTell you the truethI just want to be with youCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowWhat is thisWhat"s happenin"What it is i feel for you and you and only youGets me going highThere you areWalking byTwinkle in your eyesI see it everywhere i goTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTake me to fairytale land, you don"t have toLet youself beNaturalCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTell you the truethI just want to be with youCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowhttp://music.baidu.com/song/27056456

I Will Always Come Back To You 歌词

歌曲名:I Will Always Come Back To You歌手:First Call专辑:Human SongOlivia Ong - I"ll Get Back To YouAlbum: Just For YouI can tell youI"m not gonna hideBut somewhere insideI get shy when you"re aroundCruising fellingI go up and downIn and outLand on the groundSo...What is thisWhat"s happenin"What it is i feel for you and you and only youGets me going highThere you areWalking byTwinkle in your eyesI see it everywhere i goTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTake me to fairytale land, you don"t have toLet youself beNaturalCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTell you the truethI just want to be with youCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowI can tell youIt"s more than crushCoz somewhere insideI"m gonna get you tooCruising feelingI go up and downin and outLand on the groundSo....What is thisWhat"s happenin"What it is i feel for you and you and only youGets me going highThere you areWalking byTwinkle in your eyesI see it everywhere i goTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTake me to fairytale land, you don"t have toLet youself beNaturalCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTell you the truethI just want to be with youCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowWhat is thisWhat"s happenin"What it is i feel for you and you and only youGets me going highThere you areWalking byTwinkle in your eyesI see it everywhere i goTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTake me to fairytale land, you don"t have toLet youself beNaturalCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTell you the truethI just want to be with youCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowhttp://music.baidu.com/song/22119341

I Will Come To You 歌词

歌曲名:I Will Come To You歌手:Raymond Cilliers专辑:Suddenly LightOlivia Ong - I"ll Get Back To YouAlbum: Just For YouI can tell youI"m not gonna hideBut somewhere insideI get shy when you"re aroundCruising fellingI go up and downIn and outLand on the groundSo...What is thisWhat"s happenin"What it is i feel for you and you and only youGets me going highThere you areWalking byTwinkle in your eyesI see it everywhere i goTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTake me to fairytale land, you don"t have toLet youself beNaturalCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTell you the truethI just want to be with youCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowI can tell youIt"s more than crushCoz somewhere insideI"m gonna get you tooCruising feelingI go up and downin and outLand on the groundSo....What is thisWhat"s happenin"What it is i feel for you and you and only youGets me going highThere you areWalking byTwinkle in your eyesI see it everywhere i goTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTake me to fairytale land, you don"t have toLet youself beNaturalCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTell you the truethI just want to be with youCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowWhat is thisWhat"s happenin"What it is i feel for you and you and only youGets me going highThere you areWalking byTwinkle in your eyesI see it everywhere i goTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTake me to fairytale land, you don"t have toLet youself beNaturalCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTell you the truethI just want to be with youCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowhttp://music.baidu.com/song/22220646

短语 fall short of 中的 short 是什么词性?为什么?


she will go to france by air tomorrow.对吗


I Will Leave It Up To You 歌词

歌曲名:I Will Leave It Up To You歌手:Mr. Big专辑:畅销情歌精选Olivia Ong - I"ll Get Back To YouAlbum: Just For YouI can tell youI"m not gonna hideBut somewhere insideI get shy when you"re aroundCruising fellingI go up and downIn and outLand on the groundSo...What is thisWhat"s happenin"What it is i feel for you and you and only youGets me going highThere you areWalking byTwinkle in your eyesI see it everywhere i goTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTake me to fairytale land, you don"t have toLet youself beNaturalCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTell you the truethI just want to be with youCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowI can tell youIt"s more than crushCoz somewhere insideI"m gonna get you tooCruising feelingI go up and downin and outLand on the groundSo....What is thisWhat"s happenin"What it is i feel for you and you and only youGets me going highThere you areWalking byTwinkle in your eyesI see it everywhere i goTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTake me to fairytale land, you don"t have toLet youself beNaturalCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTell you the truethI just want to be with youCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowWhat is thisWhat"s happenin"What it is i feel for you and you and only youGets me going highThere you areWalking byTwinkle in your eyesI see it everywhere i goTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTake me to fairytale land, you don"t have toLet youself beNaturalCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTell you the truethI just want to be with youCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowhttp://music.baidu.com/song/353807

Killer Queen 歌词

歌曲名:Killer Queen歌手:Louis Clark & The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra专辑:Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Plays QueenArtist : QueenAlbum : Sheer Heart AttackTitle : Killer QueenShe keeps Moet et Chandonin her pretty cabinet." Let them eat cake ! " , she saysjust like Marie Antoinette.A built-in remedyfor Kruschev and Kennedyat anytime an invitationyou can"t decline.Caviar and cigarettes,well versed in etiquetteextraordinarily nice.She"s a KillerQueen Gunpowder,gelatine.Dynamite with a Laser Beam,guaranteed to blow your mind.{ Anytime ! }Recommended at the price,insatiable an appetite.{ Wanna try ? }....................To avoid complications,she never kept the same address.In conversation,she spoke just like a Baroness.Met a man from China,went down to Geisha Minah.Then again incidentallyif you"re that way inclined.Perfume came naturally from Paris.For cars she couldn"t careless,fastidious and precise.She"s a KillerQueen Gunpowder,gelatine.Dynamite with a Laser Beam,guaranteed to blow your mind.{ Anytime ! }............................................................<Music>Drop of a hat she"s as willing asplayful as a pussy cat.Then momentarily out of action,temporarily out of gas.To absolutely{ drive you wild. }{ Wild ! }She"s all out to get you.She"s a KillerQueen Gunpowder,gelatine.Dynamite with a Laser Beam,guaranteed to blow your mind.{ Anytime ! }Recommended at the price,insatiable an appetite. { Wanna try ? }<Music>You wanna try.............................................<End>..........@@@@@http://music.baidu.com/song/2786312

Killer Queen 歌词

歌曲名:Killer Queen歌手:Queen专辑:Die Hit Giganten - Hits der 70erArtist : QueenAlbum : Sheer Heart AttackTitle : Killer QueenShe keeps Moet et Chandonin her pretty cabinet." Let them eat cake ! " , she saysjust like Marie Antoinette.A built-in remedyfor Kruschev and Kennedyat anytime an invitationyou can"t decline.Caviar and cigarettes,well versed in etiquetteextraordinarily nice.She"s a KillerQueen Gunpowder,gelatine.Dynamite with a Laser Beam,guaranteed to blow your mind.{ Anytime ! }Recommended at the price,insatiable an appetite.{ Wanna try ? }....................To avoid complications,she never kept the same address.In conversation,she spoke just like a Baroness.Met a man from China,went down to Geisha Minah.Then again incidentallyif you"re that way inclined.Perfume came naturally from Paris.For cars she couldn"t careless,fastidious and precise.She"s a KillerQueen Gunpowder,gelatine.Dynamite with a Laser Beam,guaranteed to blow your mind.{ Anytime ! }............................................................<Music>Drop of a hat she"s as willing asplayful as a pussy cat.Then momentarily out of action,temporarily out of gas.To absolutely{ drive you wild. }{ Wild ! }She"s all out to get you.She"s a KillerQueen Gunpowder,gelatine.Dynamite with a Laser Beam,guaranteed to blow your mind.{ Anytime ! }Recommended at the price,insatiable an appetite. { Wanna try ? }<Music>You wanna try.............................................<End>..........@@@@@http://music.baidu.com/song/61960634

Queen组合的"Killer Queen"中文歌词

She keeps her Moet et Chandon In her pretty cabinet 在那漂亮的小阁楼里 她保存下悦酩香槟 "let them eat cake" she says Just like Marie Antoinette “让他们吃蛋糕”她说 活像玛丽.安托尼特 A built-in remedy 这一种内生的疗法 For Kruschev and Kennedy 对于和赫鲁晓夫和肯尼迪 At anytime an invitation 任何时间的邀请 You can"t decline 都无法拒绝 Caviar and cigarettes 鱼子酱和香烟 Well versed in etiquette 诗意的礼节 Extraordinarily nice 格外迷人 She"s a Killer Queen 她是个杀手女王 Gunpowder, gelatine 火力强劲 Dynamite with a laserbeam 带激光束的胶质弹药 Guaranteed to blow your mind 保证让你意乱情迷 Anytime 随时随地 Ooh, recommended at the price 强烈推荐,以此价格 Insatiable an appetite 满足你贪得无厌的脾胃 Wanna try? 想试一下? To avoid complications 为了避免纠纷 She never kept the same address 她从来没有固定住址 In conversation 交谈中 She spoke just like a baroness 她活象个男爵夫人 Met a man from China 约会一个中国男 Went down to Geisha Minah 她立即变为二流艺妓 (Killer, killer, she"s a killer Queen) (杀手,杀手,她就是杀手女王) Then again incidentally 顺便提一句 If you"re that way inclined 对这一口是否您也有兴趣? Perfume came naturally from Paris (naturally) 香水自然是来自巴黎 For cars she couldn"t care less 汽车?她毫不在意 Fastidious and precise 确实毫不在意 She"s a Killer Queen 她就是杀手女王 Gunpowder, gelatine 火力强劲 Dynamite with a laser beam 带激光束的胶质弹药 Guaranteed to blow your mind 保证让你意乱情迷 Anytime 随时随地 Drop of a hat she"s as willing as 她心甘情愿 如帽沿的水滴搬滴落 Playful as a pussy cat 她顽皮有趣 又像毛茸茸的小猫咪 Then momentarily out of action 偶尔什么也不做 Temporarily out of gas 有时又像皮球泄了气 To absolutely drive you wild, wild... 她将完全驾驭你,疯狂,疯狂 She"s all out to get you 而她,你永远得不到 She"s a Killer Queen 她就是杀手女王 Gunpowder, gelatine 火力强劲 Dynamite with a laser beam 带激光束的胶质弹药 Guaranteed to blow your mind 保证让你意乱情迷 Anytime 随时随地 Ooh, recommended at the price 强烈推荐 以此价格 Insatiable an appetite 满足你贪得无厌的脾胃 Wanna try ? 想试一下? You wanna try... 来试一下

Killer Queen 歌词

歌曲名:Killer Queen歌手:Queen专辑:Greatest HitsArtist : QueenAlbum : Sheer Heart AttackTitle : Killer QueenShe keeps Moet et Chandonin her pretty cabinet." Let them eat cake ! " , she saysjust like Marie Antoinette.A built-in remedyfor Kruschev and Kennedyat anytime an invitationyou can"t decline.Caviar and cigarettes,well versed in etiquetteextraordinarily nice.She"s a KillerQueen Gunpowder,gelatine.Dynamite with a Laser Beam,guaranteed to blow your mind.{ Anytime ! }Recommended at the price,insatiable an appetite.{ Wanna try ? }....................To avoid complications,she never kept the same address.In conversation,she spoke just like a Baroness.Met a man from China,went down to Geisha Minah.Then again incidentallyif you"re that way inclined.Perfume came naturally from Paris.For cars she couldn"t careless,fastidious and precise.She"s a KillerQueen Gunpowder,gelatine.Dynamite with a Laser Beam,guaranteed to blow your mind.{ Anytime ! }............................................................<Music>Drop of a hat she"s as willing asplayful as a pussy cat.Then momentarily out of action,temporarily out of gas.To absolutely{ drive you wild. }{ Wild ! }She"s all out to get you.She"s a KillerQueen Gunpowder,gelatine.Dynamite with a Laser Beam,guaranteed to blow your mind.{ Anytime ! }Recommended at the price,insatiable an appetite. { Wanna try ? }<Music>You wanna try.............................................<End>..........@@@@@http://music.baidu.com/song/9682690

Killer Queen 歌词

歌曲名:Killer Queen歌手:Queen专辑:Sheer Heart AttackArtist : QueenAlbum : Sheer Heart AttackTitle : Killer QueenShe keeps Moet et Chandonin her pretty cabinet." Let them eat cake ! " , she saysjust like Marie Antoinette.A built-in remedyfor Kruschev and Kennedyat anytime an invitationyou can"t decline.Caviar and cigarettes,well versed in etiquetteextraordinarily nice.She"s a KillerQueen Gunpowder,gelatine.Dynamite with a Laser Beam,guaranteed to blow your mind.{ Anytime ! }Recommended at the price,insatiable an appetite.{ Wanna try ? }....................To avoid complications,she never kept the same address.In conversation,she spoke just like a Baroness.Met a man from China,went down to Geisha Minah.Then again incidentallyif you"re that way inclined.Perfume came naturally from Paris.For cars she couldn"t careless,fastidious and precise.She"s a KillerQueen Gunpowder,gelatine.Dynamite with a Laser Beam,guaranteed to blow your mind.{ Anytime ! }............................................................<Music>Drop of a hat she"s as willing asplayful as a pussy cat.Then momentarily out of action,temporarily out of gas.To absolutely{ drive you wild. }{ Wild ! }She"s all out to get you.She"s a KillerQueen Gunpowder,gelatine.Dynamite with a Laser Beam,guaranteed to blow your mind.{ Anytime ! }Recommended at the price,insatiable an appetite. { Wanna try ? }<Music>You wanna try.............................................<End>..........@@@@@http://music.baidu.com/song/647775

Even after a good nightu2019s sleep, sufferers of depression may still feel______.

【答案】:very tired and melancholicvery tired and melancholic 解析:(根据第六段Yuan Yipeng对症状的描述At first,I just felt very tired and melancholic….可知此题答案。)

Killer Queen 歌词

歌曲名:Killer Queen歌手:Queen专辑:Greatest Hits (2011 Remaster)Artist : QueenAlbum : Sheer Heart AttackTitle : Killer QueenShe keeps Moet et Chandonin her pretty cabinet." Let them eat cake ! " , she saysjust like Marie Antoinette.A built-in remedyfor Kruschev and Kennedyat anytime an invitationyou can"t decline.Caviar and cigarettes,well versed in etiquetteextraordinarily nice.She"s a KillerQueen Gunpowder,gelatine.Dynamite with a Laser Beam,guaranteed to blow your mind.{ Anytime ! }Recommended at the price,insatiable an appetite.{ Wanna try ? }....................To avoid complications,she never kept the same address.In conversation,she spoke just like a Baroness.Met a man from China,went down to Geisha Minah.Then again incidentallyif you"re that way inclined.Perfume came naturally from Paris.For cars she couldn"t careless,fastidious and precise.She"s a KillerQueen Gunpowder,gelatine.Dynamite with a Laser Beam,guaranteed to blow your mind.{ Anytime ! }............................................................<Music>Drop of a hat she"s as willing asplayful as a pussy cat.Then momentarily out of action,temporarily out of gas.To absolutely{ drive you wild. }{ Wild ! }She"s all out to get you.She"s a KillerQueen Gunpowder,gelatine.Dynamite with a Laser Beam,guaranteed to blow your mind.{ Anytime ! }Recommended at the price,insatiable an appetite. { Wanna try ? }<Music>You wanna try.............................................<End>..........@@@@@http://music.baidu.com/song/52744881

Till The World Ends歌词。。

this kicked in got your tongs in knots i seespit it out cuz im dying for companyi notice that you got ityou notice that i want ityou know that i can take it to the next level ba-by!if you want this good sh*tsicker than the remixbaby let me blow your mind tonighti cant take it take it take no morenever felt like felt like this beforec"mon get me get me off the floordj whatcha whatcha waitin" for!?woah oh oh oh oh oh woah oh oh oh...watch me move when i loose when i loose it hardget you off with the touch dancing in the darkyou notice what im wearingi notice that you are staringyou know that i can take it to the next level babyharder than the a-listnext one on my hit listbaby let me blow your mind tonight!dj whatcha whatcha waitin" for.woah oh oh oh oh oh woah oh oh oh..see the sunlightwe aint stoppin"keep on dancing till the world endsif you feel it let it happenkeep on daancing till the world ends

一首英文歌,高潮是tell me tell me tell tell ,求知道。。。

Wrecking Ball

killer queen歌词到底表达了什么意义?看翻译也不理解

给你个通俗点的翻译版本——She keeps her Moet et Chandon In her pretty cabinet在那漂亮的小阁楼里,她晃动着悦酩香槟"let them eat cake" she says Just like Marie Antoinette“何不食肉糜?”好个不食人间烟火的皇后陛下A built-in remedy For Kruschev and Kennedy没有人不为她所倾倒At anytime an invitation任何时间的邀请You can"t decline你都无法拒绝Caviar and cigarettes鱼子酱和香烟Well versed in etiquette诗意的礼节Extraordinarily nice格外迷人She"s a Killer Queen她就是那杀手皇后Gunpowder, gelatine火力全开,如胶似漆Dynamite with a laserbeam银瓶乍破,镭射四溢Guaranteed to blow your mind保证让你意乱情迷Anytime随时随地Ooh, recommended at the price哦吼,追求她吧,你绝对不会失望Insatiable an appetite治好你多情的毛病Wanna try?想试一下?————————————To avoid complications.She never kept the same address居无定所,避开如潮的追求者In conversation.She spoke just like a baroness谈吐得体,她活象个男爵夫人Met a man from China哪怕是那东方的古板男人Went down to Geisha Minah也被她玩弄于鼓掌(Killer, killer, she"s a killer Queen)(杀手,杀手,她就是杀手皇后)Then again incidentally顺便提一句If you"re that way inclined你可是下一个追求者?Perfume came naturally from Paris (naturally)别忘了来自巴黎的香水For cars she couldn"t care less别忘了开上豪华的座驾Fastidiousand precise挑剔并且又讲究She"s a Killer Queen她就是那杀手皇后Gunpowder, gelatine火力全开,如胶似漆Dynamite with a laserbeam炸弹迸开,镭射四溢Guaranteed to blow your mind保证让你意乱情迷Anytime随时随地——————————Drop of a hat she"s as willing as她活泼妩媚 如帽沿的水滴搬滴落Playful as a pussy cat她顽皮有趣 又像毛茸茸的小猫咪Then momentarily out of action偶尔什么也不做Temporarily out of gas你也像皮球泄了气To absolutely drive you wild, wild...她将完全驾驭你,疯狂,疯狂She"s all out to get you而你却只能看着她翩翩起舞She"s a Killer Queen她就是那杀手皇后Gunpowder, gelatine火力全开,如胶似漆Dynamite with a laserbeam炸弹炸弹迸开,镭射四溢Guaranteed to blow your mind保证让你意乱情迷Anytime随时随地Ooh, recommended at the price哦吼,追求她吧,你绝对不会失望Insatiable an appetite不管你有多么多情Wanna try?想试试吗?Wanna try?试试看吧~

Killer Queen 歌词

歌曲名:Killer Queen歌手:Queen专辑:Live KillersArtist : QueenAlbum : Sheer Heart AttackTitle : Killer QueenShe keeps Moet et Chandonin her pretty cabinet." Let them eat cake ! " , she saysjust like Marie Antoinette.A built-in remedyfor Kruschev and Kennedyat anytime an invitationyou can"t decline.Caviar and cigarettes,well versed in etiquetteextraordinarily nice.She"s a KillerQueen Gunpowder,gelatine.Dynamite with a Laser Beam,guaranteed to blow your mind.{ Anytime ! }Recommended at the price,insatiable an appetite.{ Wanna try ? }....................To avoid complications,she never kept the same address.In conversation,she spoke just like a Baroness.Met a man from China,went down to Geisha Minah.Then again incidentallyif you"re that way inclined.Perfume came naturally from Paris.For cars she couldn"t careless,fastidious and precise.She"s a KillerQueen Gunpowder,gelatine.Dynamite with a Laser Beam,guaranteed to blow your mind.{ Anytime ! }............................................................<Music>Drop of a hat she"s as willing asplayful as a pussy cat.Then momentarily out of action,temporarily out of gas.To absolutely{ drive you wild. }{ Wild ! }She"s all out to get you.She"s a KillerQueen Gunpowder,gelatine.Dynamite with a Laser Beam,guaranteed to blow your mind.{ Anytime ! }Recommended at the price,insatiable an appetite. { Wanna try ? }<Music>You wanna try.............................................<End>..........@@@@@http://music.baidu.com/song/21229890

求咕咕娃娃乐队(The Goo Goo Dolls)的let love in的中文歌词(英文歌词见补充)

【let love in--让爱进来】(有些地方是意译的 希望满意:)You wait, wanting this worldTo let you in你等待,等待这个世界接受你的到来And you stand there你站在这里A frozen lightIn dark and empty streets宛如光线在黑夜空旷的街道里凝结You smile hiding behindA God-given face上帝赐予你微笑的脸庞,而你却把它隐藏But I know you"re so much more可我知道你不只这样Everything they ignore他们所忽略的一切Is all that I need to see就是我所要看见You"re the only one I ever believed in你是我迄今唯一相信的人The answer that could never be found没有理由,没有原因The moment you decided to let love in你决定接受爱的那一刻Now I"m banging on the door of an angel我仿佛被天使的幸运袭在了门上The end of fear is where we beginThe moment we decided to let love in我们接受爱的那一刻,便不再害怕I wish我希望Wishing for you to find your way希望你能找到自己的方向And I"ll hold on for all you need我会给你一切所需That"s all we need to say这便是我们能说的I"ll take my chances whileYou take your time withThis game you play我会抓住机会在这场爱的游戏里But I can"t control your soul可我无法控制你的灵魂You need to let me know你要让我知道你的心You leaving or you gonna stay你要离去还是留下来You"re the only one I ever believed in你是我迄今唯一相信的人The answer that could never be found没有理由,没有原因The moment you decided to let love in你决定接受爱的那一刻Now I"m banging on the door of an angel我仿佛被天使的幸运袭在了门上The end of fear is where we beginThe moment we decided to let love in我们接受爱的那一刻,便不再害怕There"s nothing we can do aboutThe things we have to do withoutThe only way to feel againIs let love in再次感知的唯一方式就是注入爱,接受爱没有它我们寸步难行There"s nothing we can do aboutThe things we have to live withoutThe only way to see againIs let love in再次感知的唯一方式就是注入爱,接受爱没有它我们寸步难行You"re the only one I ever believed in你是我迄今唯一相信的人The answer that could never be found没有理由,没有原因The moment you decided to let love in你决定接受爱的那一刻Now I"m banging on the door of an angel我仿佛被天使的幸运袭在了门上The end of fear is where we beginThe moment we decided to let love in我们接受爱的那一刻,便不再害怕

《all hands on deck》的歌词中文翻译

All Hands On Deck-Tinashe所有的手在甲板上tinasheAll hands on deck所有的手在甲板上All in front all in the back just like that, like that所有在前面都在后面就这样,这样I"ma blow your mind take it out on the floor like that, like that我会打击你的头脑把它掉在地上一样,像这样All in the front all in the back just like that, like that所有在前面所有的背部就像这样,这样I"ma blow your mind like that我会打击你的心像Wasted hard浪费的努力When you left me, you left me with no choice当你离开我的时候,你让我别无选择I"m looking for a boy to fill this empty void我在寻找一个男孩来填补这空虚Kiss the old me goodbye she"s dead and gone, dead and gone, oh吻我再见她老的死了,死了,哦Wasted hard浪费的努力You took the last bit of love I"ve ever had你把最后一点爱我You took a good girl and you turned me oh so bad你把一个好女孩,你让我如此糟糕Kiss the old me goodbye she"s dead and gone, dead and gone, oh吻我再见她老的死了,死了,哦All hands on deck所有的手在甲板上All in front all in the back just like that, like that所有在前面都在后面就这样,这样I"ma blow your mind take it out on the floor like that, like that我会打击你的头脑把它掉在地上一样,像这样All in the front all in the back just like that, like that所有在前面所有的背部就像这样,这样I"ma blow your mind like that我会打击你的心像All hands on deck所有的手在甲板上All in front all in the back just like that, like that所有在前面都在后面就这样,这样I"ma blow your mind take it out on the floor like that, like that我会打击你的头脑把它掉在地上一样,像这样All in the front all in the back just like that, like that所有在前面所有的背部就像这样,这样I"ma blow your mind like that我会打击你的心像Wasted hard浪费的努力. use to death do us apart。用死亡把我们分开I watch you fold like a house of cards我看你喜欢的一房子的卡片叠Kiss the old me goodbye she"s dead and gone dead and gone dead and gone吻我再见她老的死了死了死了One by one, I watch you fall down, watch you fall like dominoes一个接一个,我看你跌倒了,看你像多米诺骨牌Take no prisoners,. and destroy采取任何囚犯,。和破坏Baby look at what you"ve done宝贝,看看你都做了些什么One by one, I watch em go down, watch em fall like dominoes一个接一个,我看他们走下来,看他们像多米诺骨牌一样倒下Watch em go down, watch em go down, watch em go down看他们走下来,看他们走下来,看他们走下来All hands on deck所有的手在甲板上All in front all in the back just like that, like that所有在前面都在后面就这样,这样I"ma blow your mind take it out on the floor like that, like that我会打击你的头脑把它掉在地上一样,像这样All in the front all in the back just like that, like that所有在前面所有的背部就像这样,这样I"ma blow your mind like that我会打击你的心像And you know that I tried你知道我尝试Really gave my all真的给了我的所有Everything we built我们的一切了Baby you let it fall, you let it fall宝贝你让它倒下了,你让它掉And now you want me现在你要我Want me back now要我回来And the thing that"s so funny这件事很有趣Is baby I"m long gone, I"m long gone宝贝,我走了很久,我走了很久All hands on deck所有的手在甲板上All in front all in the back just like that, like that所有在前面都在后面就这样,这样I"ma blow your mind take it out on the floor like that, like that我会打击你的头脑把它掉在地上一样,像这样All in the front all in the back just like that, like that所有在前面所有的背部就像这样,这样I"ma blow your mind like that我会打击你的心像All hands on deck所有的手在甲板上All in front all in the back just like that, like that所有在前面都在后面就这样,这样I"ma blow your mind take it out on the floor like that, like that我会打击你的头脑把它掉在地上一样,像这样All in the front all in the back just like that, like that所有在前面所有的背部就像这样,这样I"ma blow your mind like that我会打击你的心像

笔记本电脑里的Scroll Lock键在哪?

您好用虚拟键盘如果你是Vista/7 系统的,在开始-->运行输入 osk.exe就会出现了

键盘上的Scroll Lock键在哪里啊 ?

键盘上的scroll lock键所在的位置一般会在小键盘的上面。当然有的键盘结构不同,还有可能会在方向键的最上面,即home键的上面。scrolllock键怎么用?对于这个Scroll Lock键来说,以前在DOS时代具有的用处很大。因为当时的技术限制,对应的电脑显示屏上仅仅可以显示宽度是80个字符长,25行文字。因此当我们在进行阅读文档的时候,如果使用Scroll Lock键就可以很好的翻滚页面了。 当进入了Windows时代,相关的技术不断发展,这个Scroll Lock键所能发挥出来的作用也就变得越来越小了。就目前来看我们可以用到的Scroll Lock键地方非常小,也就仅仅在Excel中才可以使用它了。当打开EXCEL的时候,如果Scroll Lock键是关闭的,那么当使用翻页键的时候,也就是Page Up或者是Page Down的时候,其相应的单元格选定区域就会发生移动。但如果打开了Scroll Lock键之后,那么就不会出现上述的问题。 扩展资料键盘Scroll Lock滚动锁定键的使用方法:1、首先Scroll Lock按键在电脑的右上方。2、Scroll Lock按键的名称叫"锁定滚屏“,其实就是锁定鼠标光标。3、首先需要打开可以阅读的文件等,并按下Scroll Lock键,右侧的灯会亮起。4、之后在文档中按↑↓键,可以让页面滚动,但是鼠标所示位置不变,不会随着页面滚动,改变光标位置。5、当再次按下Scroll lock,就可以取消滚动锁。6、这是在文档中按↑↓按键,页面滚动的时候,其实是鼠标所示位置在滚动,页面跟着滚动。

键盘上的滚动锁定(scroll lock)有什么用啊?

滚动锁定的用途:1、在Linux的虚拟指令台,滚动锁定用来暂停显示屏输出;相反地,DOS 是以 Pause 键暂停显示屏输出。2、在Opera浏览器中,按下滚动锁定键可以用来启动浏览器内置的语音辨识功能的聆听模式。3、在FL Studio,当滚动锁定被启动,软件将会避免时间标记移出可视范围。4、与FL Studio相反,在Cakewalk Pro Audio中,Scroll Lock 锁定后音乐播放时当前视图(五线谱、事件列表等)不会随播放指针滚动。5、在Windows NT视窗系统中,当登录中一个叫 CrashOnCtrlScroll 的设置被设成激活后,紧按 Ctrl 并按两下滚动锁定键将令系统崩溃并进入除错模式。6、在Combat Arms,一个第一人称射击游戏中,按下滚动锁定键可锁定聊天视窗里的消息滚动。7、在Microsoft Excel,方向键会随滚动锁定的状态而有不同行为。当滚动锁定被启动(点亮),将可用来滚动整页电子表格;被关闭(熄灭)则用来在单元格间移动。8、在一些软件,例如DriveGLEAM,滚动锁定的灯号会不停地被点亮和熄灭,用以获取用户的注意。9、在一些游戏机模拟器和Mugen中,按 Scroll Lock 使得游戏单步进行到下一帧。10、在Hypersnap和枫之谷中,由于 Print Screen 被 Windows 拦截,使用 Scroll Lock作为截屏。参考资料来源:百度百科-滚动锁定

笔记本上的Scroll Lock键在哪?在哪切换?

笔记本的scroll lock键一般在键盘的右上角部分,但不同品牌不同型号的笔记本定义不同,有些与其他键共用,简写成“Scr lk”,有些则以“FN + K”、“Fn+C”等方式与FN快捷键组合使用,如果不设scroll lock键又需要使用时,可以在开始 - 运行 - 输入“osk” - 确定,调出系统的屏幕按键,该键盘为全键盘,包含scroll lock(SLK)键。扩展资料:Scroll Lock键也叫做滚动锁屏键,目前主要出现在台式机键盘上,很多笔记本已经取消了这个键了。Scroll Lock键在DOS时代有很大的用处。由于那个时代技术的限制,电脑的显示屏上面只能显示宽80个字符长25行的文字。这样,在阅读文档时,使用Scroll Lock键就能非常方便地翻滚页面了。在进入Windows时代后,随着技术的发展,Scroll Lock键的作用也越来越小了。现在能够用到Scroll Lock键的地方,估计也就有Excel中了。在EXCEL中,在Scroll Lock关闭的状态下,使用翻页键(如Page Up和Page Down)时,单元格选定区域会随之发生移动。但是当按下了Scroll Lock键后,就不会移动选定的单元格。参考资料:百度百科Scroll Lock键

电脑上Scroll Lock键有什么样的作用

键盘上有3个指示灯,左边两个对应于常用的Num lock和Caps Lock键,想必大家都熟悉,下面为大家介绍对应最右边指示灯的Scroll Lock键: scroll lock Scroll Lock键最早出现在IBM的PC/XT机型的83键盘和AT接口的84键盘上,现在这个键不仅仅出现在PC机的101键盘上,连苹果机的“增强”型键盘上也加上了该按键。该键在DOS时期用处很大,由于当时显示技术,限制了屏幕只能显示宽80个字符长25行的文字,在阅读文档时,使用该键能非常方便地翻滚页面。   随着技术发展,在进入Windows时代后,Scroll Lock键的作用越来越小,不过在Excel中它还是很有用处的:用户编辑Excel时,按上、下键(或使用翻页键(如Page Up和Page Down)滚动时,会锁定光标而滚动页面;如果放开此键,则按上、下键(或使用翻页键(如Page Up和Page Down)时会滚动光标而滚动页面。 好多朋友与键盘做伴N年了都不会碰它一下Scroll Lock,如果向前追溯到DOS年代的话,当时由于屏幕显示为字符方式,每屏可显示25行,每行有80个字符,Scroll Lock键的作用就是在阅读较长的文档时进行翻滚,就像现在有好多网页为了方便访问者而通过双击鼠标进行滚动阅读一样。但到了windows年代,Scroll Lock键基本是退出了历史的舞台,显得英雄无用武之地。不过,既然能在键盘这一亩三分地之上占有一席之地,我们总该把它派点儿用场吧!到天空或者华军下载名为“xCAT-Keyboard Network Leds”(键盘灯显示网络流量)的免费绿色小程序(你可以到百度上输入搜索到),双击就可运行。   想必大家都有上网下载软件时弯腰探头查看主机屁股后网卡指示灯状态的经历吧,因为只要看到了欢快的闪烁的指示灯,就说明下载数据过程是正常的。对了,现在我们的目的就是让Scroll Lock指示灯发挥余热,代替网卡实时地指示下载数据流量!先分别选中“启用程序”和“监视下载情况”,在显示下载流量的下拉列表框中选择“Scroll Lock”,LED闪烁频率选择默认的“1.5秒”就行了,最后点确定就行了。本法简单易行,而且键盘指示灯与网卡指示灯性质都一样,皆为二极管LED灯,即使长时间地闪烁也没事。 在魔兽中有用,冒险岛OL的截图按钮,在QQ截屏时有用,烧录有用!   此外.这个按键还是部分键盘的特殊功能开关.   比如小袋鼠DS-9868发光键盘.很多网友买了该键盘后反应这款键盘不能如网上所显示的那样按键发光.   此时只要按一下Scroll Lock键.键盘的灯光就会亮起来了.再按一下就是关闭.   在启动音乐制作软件 FL Studio 时,scroll lock 灯会亮,退出软件则自动熄灭。当然,在FL Studio里,scroll lock 键并不是为了有趣而弄的。FL Studio 每次被启动时,都会默认打开该(scroll lock)键,当键盘的scroll lock 灯点亮时,那么,FL Studio 中的 Playlist (播放列表)不会随着时间轴自动滚动;当按下 scroll lock 键时,scroll lock 灯熄灭后,FL Studio 中 Playlist 则会跟着时间轴自动滚动。

电脑键盘上的Scroll Lock 键有什么用?

台式机的有用。开启小键盘区的按键的隐藏功能。随着技术发展,在进入Windows时代后,Scroll Lock键的作用越来越小,不过在Excel中它还是很有用处的:用户编辑Excel时,按上、下键(或使用翻页键(如Page Up和Page Down)滚动时,会锁定光标而滚动页面;如果放开此键,则按上、下键(或使用翻页键(如Page Up和Page Down)时会滚动光标而滚动页面。


如今,键盘是工作和生活中不可或缺的电脑外设。因为常年的按压摩擦,很多常用键上的标记都很模糊,比如左侧的26个字母键,回车键,空格键等。但有些钥匙新的跟新的一样,一次都没碰过。例如,按钮在右半部,但这些键可以 不要被忽视!让 让我们来看看这些按钮的含义和功能。1、Print Screen打印屏幕键是一个屏幕复制键,通过它可以快速抓取当前屏幕内容,然后粘贴到绘图或Photoshop等图像处理程序中进行处理或保存。但是由于大多数人习惯用QQ自带的快捷键Ctrl Alt A或者微信里的快捷键Alt A来截图,所以用这个抄屏键来截图的人并不多。用法:屏幕显示要拍摄的页面,点击键盘上的打印屏幕键。然后按Ctrl V将图片粘贴到对话框、绘图软件、PS等软件中。如果您想要抓取当前活动的窗口,您只能通过在使用Print Screen进行屏幕截图时按Alt键来抓取当前活动的窗口。2、Scroll Lock scroll lock是电脑键盘上的一个功能键。按下此键,在Excel中按上下键时会锁定光标并滚动页面。如果松开此键,按向上和向下键将滚动光标并锁定页面。3、Paus Break可以暂停一些程序的执行,尤其是DOS程序,在Windows操作系统下很少使用。进入操作系统前,自检界面显示的内容,按下暂停中断键后会暂停信息滚动,再按任意键继续。在Windows操作系统下,按Windows图标Pause/Break调出系统属性。4、Insert插入键主要用于文本输入,一种是覆盖模式,光标位置新输入的单词会替换原来的单词;另一种是插入模式,一般情况下常用。新输入的单词被插入到光标位置,原始单词相应地向后移动。在打字的过程中,如果光标变成了正方形而不是通常的竖线,应该是你不小心按了 quot插入密钥 quot,然后再按一次以返回正常模式。那 键盘中冷门键的引入。你还想知道什么钥匙?分享到评论区吧~王者之心2点击试玩

笔记本电脑里的Scroll Lock键在哪?

Scr lk 就是Scroll Lock键,只是简写而已crollLock键是多数键盘上都带有的一个按键。它最早出现在IBM的PC/XT机型的83键盘和AT接口的84键盘上,现在它不仅仅出现在PC机的101键盘上,连苹果机的"增强"型键盘上也加上了该按键。该键在DOS时期作用很大,能帮助人们方便地翻滚页面。拓展资料:Scroll Lock键的功能:Scroll Lock键在DOS时代有很大的用处。由于那个时代技术的限制,电脑的显示屏上面只能显示宽80个字符长25行的文字。这样,在我们在阅读文档时,使用Scroll Lock键就能非常方便地翻滚页面了。在进入Windows时代后,随着技术的发展,Scroll Lock键的作用也越来越小了。现在我们能够用到Scroll Lock键的地方,估计也就有word和Excel中了。在EXCEL中,在Scroll Lock关闭的状态下,使用翻页键(如Page Up和Page Down)时,单元格选定区域会随之发生移动。但是当我们按下了Scroll Lock键后,就不会移动选定的单元格。在word/excel按上下键滚动锁定光标同时滚动页面!如果没按这个键,按上下键就只是移动光标不会滚动页面!

键盘上的pause break和scroll lock键分别代表什么意思

pause break 怎么是重启键的 ?应该是 暂停键阿。

键盘上的"Scroll Lock"键起什么作用?


scroll lock的键在什么地方?

笔记本的scroll lock键一般在键盘的右上角部分,但不同品牌不同型号的笔记本定义不同,有些与其他键共用,简写成“Scr lk”,有些则以“FN + K”、“Fn+C”等方式与FN快捷键组合使用,如果不设scroll lock键又需要使用时,可以在开始 - 运行 - 输入“osk” - 确定,调出系统的屏幕按键,该键盘为全键盘,包含scroll lock(SLK)键。扩展资料:Scroll Lock键也叫做滚动锁屏键,目前主要出现在台式机键盘上,很多笔记本已经取消了这个键了。Scroll Lock键在DOS时代有很大的用处。由于那个时代技术的限制,电脑的显示屏上面只能显示宽80个字符长25行的文字。这样,在阅读文档时,使用Scroll Lock键就能非常方便地翻滚页面了。在进入Windows时代后,随着技术的发展,Scroll Lock键的作用也越来越小了。现在能够用到Scroll Lock键的地方,估计也就有Excel中了。在EXCEL中,在Scroll Lock关闭的状态下,使用翻页键(如Page Up和Page Down)时,单元格选定区域会随之发生移动。但是当按下了Scroll Lock键后,就不会移动选定的单元格。参考资料:百度百科Scroll Lock键

Scroll Lock键是什么键?

Scroll Lock键也叫作滚动锁屏键。ScrollLock键是多数键盘上都带有的一个按键。它最早出现在IBM的PC/XT机型的83键盘和AT接口的84键盘上,现在它不仅仅出现在PC机的101键盘上,连苹果机的“增强”型键盘上也加上了该按键。该键在DOS时期作用很大,能帮助人们方便地翻滚页面。键盘上的三个灯的意思:键盘上的第一个灯叫作numlock数字键盘指示灯,可以开闭或开启数字键,开启numlock键,键盘上右面指示灯上NUM就会亮。键盘上的第二个灯叫作caps lock大小写转换指示灯,可以开闭或开启大写字母键,开启该键,输入英文字母时,都显示的为大写。第三个键Scroll Lock滚动锁屏键。ScrollLock键最早出现在IBM的83键盘和84键盘上。如今这个键早已是键盘的标配之一。

叛逆的鲁鲁修中“All Hail Lelouch”是什么意思


笔记本scroll lock键在哪


键盘上的滚动锁定(按Scroll Lock)是什么意思,具体有什么作用。


scroll lock是什么键的缩写

屏幕滚动显示锁定键。scroll lock (滚动锁定键)计算机键盘上的功能键,按下此键后,鼠标的滚动键不能使用。Scroll Lock键最早出现在IBM的PC/XT机型的83键盘和AT接口的84键盘上,现在这个键不仅仅出现在PC机的101键盘上,连苹果机的“增强”型键盘上也加上了该按键。该键在DOS时期用处很大,由于当时显示技术,限制了屏幕只能显示宽80个字符长25行的文字,在阅读文档时,使用该键能非常方便地翻滚页面。随着技术发展,在进入Windows时代后,Scroll Lock键的作用越来越小,不过在Excel中它还是有点用处:如果在Scroll Lock关闭的状态下使用翻页键(如Page Up和Page Down)时,单元格选定区域会随之发生移动;反之,若要在滚动时不改变选定的单元格,那只要按下Scroll Lock即可。部分品牌键盘,将Scroll Lock键映射为实现其他功能的功能键,例如键盘背光开关键或键盘锁定键。在启动音乐制作软件 FL Studio 时,scroll lock 灯会亮,退出软件则会自动熄灭。原因是FL Studio 每次被启动时,都会默认打开scroll lock键,当键盘的scroll lock 灯点亮时,那么,FL Studio 中的 Playlist (播放列表)不会随着时间轴自动滚动;当按下 scroll lock 键时,scroll lock 灯熄灭后,FL Studio 中 Playlist 则会跟着时间轴自动滚动。另外在linux中这个键有个非常有趣的功能。进入tty模式,如果按下了ctrl+s(大多数情况下属于误摁),此时屏幕就会锁住,无论使用什么办法(补充: ctrl+q 可退出该模式),都无法继续在此模式下继续工作,并且再按ctrl+s依旧无效。此时的解决办法就是按下scroll lock键。

Scroll Lock键有什么用?

Scroll Lock键现在已经在系统里基本没有用了。但是只在某些应用软件里,偶然发挥作用。具体作用是:在EXCEL中,在Scroll Lock关闭的状态下,使用翻页键(如Page Up和Page Down)时,单元格选定区域会随之发生移动。但是当我们按下了Scroll Lock键后,就不会移动选定的单元格。在word/excel按上下键滚动锁定光标同时滚动页面。如果没按这个键,按上下键就只是移动光标不会滚动页面。在Scroll Lock关闭的状态下,使用翻页键(如Page Up和Page Down)时,单元格选定区域会随之发生移动。但是当我们按下了Scroll Lock键后,就不会移动个选定的单元格了。Scroll Lock键在DOS时代有很大的用处。电脑的显示屏上面只能显示宽80个字符长25行的文字。在我们在阅读文档时,使用Scroll Lock键就能非常方便地翻滚页面。在进入Windows时代后,Scroll Lock键的作用也越来越小了。现在可用到Scroll Lock键的地方只有有word和Excel中。扩展资料键盘上除了Scroll Lock键的其它键的作用1、Esc键:英文单词escape的缩写,翻译成中文为逃脱, 逃跑,漏出, 泄漏之意。所以这个键中文称之为逃逸键,所以根据含义理解,这个键的作用就是从当前状态逃离,也有“取消”的感觉,所以无论你在做什么操作,然后你不想干了,你可以尝试按一下Esc键。2、Tab键:Tab键是tabulator的缩写,翻译成中文是作表的人,制表机,通常我们称之为制表键。它的最原始用处是用于绘制表格,准确地讲,是用来绘制没有线条的表格——因为早期的电脑不像现在的图形界面可以用鼠标来绘制,通常都是用键盘控制字符的对齐。为了使各个列都可以很方便的对齐,在制表时,就需要频繁地使用到这个键,这也是它的名称的由来。在现在电脑使用中,这个键的功能也从原始功能进行了升华,通常是跳格,从一个格子跳到下一个格子,或者从输入框跳到下一个输入框,或者一个焦点跳到下一个焦点。3、Caps Lock键:全称是Capitals lock,Capitals有大写字母的含义,lock即为锁定,所以这个键的功能就是大写锁定,就是我们键盘上默认输入的是小写,如果你想持续输入大写,那么你就按一下Caps Lock键,接下来输入的全部是大写,再按一下就又变回小写,相当于一个大小写切换的开关。4、Shift键:shift有换挡的含义,键位我们称之为上档转换键,键盘左右各有一个,功能相同,这个键单独按是没有任何效果的,都是跟其他键配合使用。比如我们看到键盘上有一些键位上有上下两个内容,拿数字1键来说,上面是个感叹号!,那么按住shift按数字1键敲出来的就是感叹号,这就是换挡,如果按住shift键同时按字母键就是大小写变换。在大小写变换的使用上,Caps Lock键是总开关,而Shift键是临时切换。5、Fn键:Fn是Function的缩写,Function有功能的含义,所以我们称之为功能键,Fn也是单独按没有反应,与其他键组合使用达到控制目的,他的不同点在于它是电脑更高层的功能控制,例如Fn加F1~F12中的某一个来控制wifi开关,不同电脑的这种控制可能不同,并没有统一的标准。参考资料来源百度百科—Scroll Lock键

英文歌:when i was small the merry christmas tree was

应该是《first of may》,原唱是BEE GEES, 张学友、莎拉布莱曼在演唱会上都唱过,可以搜索视频看下。 歌词大概是这样的: when i was small, and christmas trees were tall, we used to love while others used to play. don"t ask me why, but time has passed us by, some one else moved in from far away. (chorus) now we are tall, and christmas trees are small, and you don"t ask the time of day. but you and i, our love will never die, but guess we"ll cry come first of may. the apple tree that grew for you and me, i watched the apples falling one by one. and i recall the moment of them all, the day i kissed your cheek and you were mine. (chorus...) when i was small, and christmas trees were tall, do do do do do do do do do... don"t ask me why, but time has passed us by, some one else moved in from far away.

笔记本scroll lock在哪里

笔记本的scroll lock键一般在键盘的右上角部分,但不同品牌不同型号的笔记本定义不同,有些与其他键共用,简写成“Scr lk”,有些则以“FN + K”、“Fn+C”等方式与FN快捷键组合使用,如果不设scroll lock键又需要使用时,可以在开始 - 运行 - 输入“osk” - 确定,调出系统的屏幕按键,该键盘为全键盘,包含scroll lock(SLK)键。扩展资料:Scroll Lock键也叫做滚动锁屏键,目前主要出现在台式机键盘上,很多笔记本已经取消了这个键了。Scroll Lock键在DOS时代有很大的用处。由于那个时代技术的限制,电脑的显示屏上面只能显示宽80个字符长25行的文字。这样,在阅读文档时,使用Scroll Lock键就能非常方便地翻滚页面了。在进入Windows时代后,随着技术的发展,Scroll Lock键的作用也越来越小了。现在能够用到Scroll Lock键的地方,估计也就有Excel中了。在EXCEL中,在Scroll Lock关闭的状态下,使用翻页键(如Page Up和Page Down)时,单元格选定区域会随之发生移动。但是当按下了Scroll Lock键后,就不会移动选定的单元格。参考资料:百度百科Scroll Lock键

如何开启键盘上的scroll lock键?

笔记本的scroll lock键一般在键盘的右上角部分,但不同品牌不同型号的笔记本定义不同,有些与其他键共用,简写成“Scr lk”,有些则以“FN + K”、“Fn+C”等方式与FN快捷键组合使用,如果不设scroll lock键又需要使用时,可以在开始 - 运行 - 输入“osk” - 确定,调出系统的屏幕按键,该键盘为全键盘,包含scroll lock(SLK)键。Scroll Lock键在DOS时代有很大的用处。由于那个时代技术的限制,电脑的显示屏上面只能显示宽80个字符长25行的文字。这样,在我们在阅读文档时,使用Scroll Lock键就能非常方便地翻滚页面了。在进入Windows时代后,随着技术的发展,Scroll Lock键的作用也越来越小了。现在我们能够用到Scroll Lock键的地方,估计也就有word和Excel中了。在EXCEL中,在Scroll Lock关闭的状态下,使用翻页键(如Page Up和Page Down)时,单元格选定区域会随之发生移动。但是当我们按下了Scroll Lock键后,就不会移动选定的单元格,或在Word/Excel按上下键滚动锁定光标同时滚动页面。如果没按这个键,按上下键就只是移动光标不会滚动页面。

collins English Chinese dictionary

柯林斯词典是英英词典,下面重点要介绍的是这本《柯林斯高阶英英词典》 ,对于初学者来说,它可能是最适合入门的一本英英词典。词典最大的特色有两个,一个是英文释义采用整句释义,一个是五星词频。什么是整句释义呢?就是结合语境用整个完整的句子来解释单词。比如” habitual” 这个词,词典是这样解释的:A habitual action, state, or way of behaving is one that someone usually does or has, especially one that is considered to be typical or characteristic of them.我们通过这个解释马上可以学到habitual是用来形容action, state, way of behaving的,这便是这个词的使用范围。再如,hail的释义为:If a person, event, or achievement is hailed as important or successful, they are praised publicly.这里不仅告诉我们hail的对象一般是person, event 或 achievement, 还说明hail经常用于被动结构,而且与as连用。这种解释形式对于加深学习者对单词的理解和使用是非常有效的。柯林斯词典的另一个特色是它采用的五星词频。柯林斯词典有一个高达2.5亿的语料库,从语料库中筛选出了最常用的14600词用五星标注。其中五级(最常用词,以下逐级次之)680词,四级1040词(累计1720词),三级1580词(累计3300词),二级3200词(累计6500词),一级8100词(累计14600词)。根据语料库的统计结果,掌握五级四级的前1720词,就可以读通英语资料的75%,掌握五、四、三、二级的6500词,就可以读通英语资料的90%,掌握这14600词,就可以读懂任何英语资料的95%,即从理论上说,任何一篇100词的文章里大概只有5个词不认识。想读外刊读原版书的同学可以尝试着去掌握这15000个词汇。

Scroll Lock键是什么键?

Scroll Lock键也叫作滚动锁屏键。ScrollLock键是多数键盘上都带有的一个按键。它最早出现在IBM的PC/XT机型的83键盘和AT接口的84键盘上,现在它不仅仅出现在PC机的101键盘上,连苹果机的“增强”型键盘上也加上了该按键。该键在DOS时期作用很大,能帮助人们方便地翻滚页面。键盘上的三个灯的意思:键盘上的第一个灯叫作numlock数字键盘指示灯,可以开闭或开启数字键,开启numlock键,键盘上右面指示灯上NUM就会亮。键盘上的第二个灯叫作caps lock大小写转换指示灯,可以开闭或开启大写字母键,开启该键,输入英文字母时,都显示的为大写。第三个键Scroll Lock滚动锁屏键。ScrollLock键最早出现在IBM的83键盘和84键盘上。如今这个键早已是键盘的标配之一。

scroll lock键是什么意思

滚动锁屏键。Scroll Lock键是叫滚屏锁定键,按一下这个键,滚屏锁定键的指示灯会亮,它在以前DOS下面是完全不起作用的,只有在像Excel这样的电子表格软件中,它具有锁定光标移动键的作用,此时上下光标移动键不再移动光标,而是带动整个电子表格移动,这个键一般是不用的。总结。总而言之该键在DOS时期作用很大,能帮助人们方便地翻滚页面。随着Windows系统的发展,此按键便失去其意义。如今在word和Excel中,在Scroll Lock关闭的状态下,使用翻页键(如Page Up和Page Down)时,单元格选定区域会随之发生移动,除此之外,此按键无任何作用。


如果Scroll灯是亮的,想关灭,找到键盘上Scroll Lock键点击一下就行(Scroll Lock 按键在指示灯附近,即home键正上方,不同键盘可能略有差异,仔细赵找)

键盘中的“Scroll Lock”是什么键?

该键在DOS时期用处很大,由于当时显示技术,限制了屏幕只能显示宽80个字符长25行的文字,在阅读文档时,使用该键能非常方便地翻滚页面。随着技术发展,在进入Windows时代后,Scroll Lock键的作用越来越小,不过在Excel中它还是有点用处:如果在Scroll Lock关闭的状态下使用翻页键(如Page Up和Page Down)时,单元格选定区域会随之发生移动;反之,若要在滚动时不改变选定的单元格,那只要按下Scroll Lock即可个人觉得还可以这么用1 在QQ上的动态影片截图,能用上它 2 在某些软件或游戏中,是快捷键如打开EXCEL,然后按上,下,左,右,是不是单元格在移动?如打开SCROLL LOCK键,再按上,下,左,右,是不是整屏在移动?

按scroll lock,为什么键盘上很多键不能用了?

键盘按键不好用大都是键盘损坏或连线(连接)问题,检查一下,换个新键盘价格也便宜,有30多块钱就能买个差不多的键盘了。 scroll lock滚动锁定键按下此键后在Excel等按上、下键滚动时,会锁定光标而滚动页面;如果放开此键,则按上、下键时会滚动光标而不滚动页面。 Scroll Lock键最早出现在IBM的PC/XT机型的83键盘和AT接口的84键盘上,现在这个键不仅仅出现在PC机的101键盘上,连苹果机的“增强”型键盘上也加上了该按键。该键在DOS时期用处很大,由于当时显示技术,限制了屏幕只能显示宽80个字符长25行的文字,在阅读文档时,使用该键能非常方便地翻滚页面。 随着技术发展,在进入Windows时代后,Scroll Lock键的作用越来越小,不过在Excel中它还是有点用处:如果在Scroll Lock关闭的状态下使用翻页键(如Page Up和Page Down)时,单元格选定区域会随之发生移动;反之,若要在滚动时不改变选定的单元格,那只要按下Scroll Lock即可。 让Scroll Lock有英雄用武之地 好多朋友与键盘做伴N年了都不会碰它一下Scroll Lock,如果向前追溯到DOS年代的话,当时由于屏幕显示为字符方式,每屏可显示25行,每行有80个字符,Scroll Lock键的作用就是在阅读较长的文档时进行翻滚,就像现在有好多网页为了方便访问者而通过双击鼠标进行滚动阅读一样。但到了windows年代,Scroll Lock键基本是退出了历史的舞台,显得英雄无用武之地。不过,既然能在键盘这一亩三分地之上占有一席之地,我们总该把它派点儿用场吧!到天空或者华军下载名为“xCAT-Keyboard Network Leds”(键盘灯显示网络流量)的免费绿色小程序(你可以到百度上输入搜索到),双击就可运行。 想必大家都有上网下载软件时弯腰探头查看主机屁股后网卡指示灯状态的经历吧,因为只要看到了欢快的闪烁的指示灯,就说明下载数据过程是正常的。对了,现在我们的目的就是让Scroll Lock指示灯发挥余热,代替网卡实时地指示下载数据流量!先分别选中“启用程序”和“监视下载情况”,才显示下载流量的下拉列表框中选择“Scroll Lock”,LED闪烁频率选择默认的“150毫秒”就行了,最后点确定就行了。

笔记本电脑scroll lock键在什么地方?

笔记本的scroll lock键一般在键盘的右上角部分,但不同品牌不同型号的笔记本定义不同,有些与其他键共用,简写成“Scr lk”,有些则以“FN + K”、“Fn+C”等方式与FN快捷键组合使用,如果不设scroll lock键又需要使用时,可以在开始 - 运行 - 输入“osk” - 确定,调出系统的屏幕按键,该键盘为全键盘,包含scroll lock(SLK)键。Scroll Lock键在DOS时代有很大的用处。由于那个时代技术的限制,电脑的显示屏上面只能显示宽80个字符长25行的文字。这样,在我们在阅读文档时,使用Scroll Lock键就能非常方便地翻滚页面了。在进入Windows时代后,随着技术的发展,Scroll Lock键的作用也越来越小了。现在我们能够用到Scroll Lock键的地方,估计也就有word和Excel中了。在EXCEL中,在Scroll Lock关闭的状态下,使用翻页键(如Page Up和Page Down)时,单元格选定区域会随之发生移动。但是当我们按下了Scroll Lock键后,就不会移动选定的单元格,或在Word/Excel按上下键滚动锁定光标同时滚动页面。如果没按这个键,按上下键就只是移动光标不会滚动页面。



scroll lock键在键盘的什么地方

笔记本的scroll lock键一般在键盘的右上角部分,但不同品牌不同型号的笔记本定义不同,有些与其他键共用,简写成“Scr lk”,有些则以“FN + K”、“Fn+C”等方式与FN快捷键组合使用,如果不设scroll lock键又需要使用时,可以在开始 - 运行 - 输入“osk” - 确定,调出系统的屏幕按键,该键盘为全键盘,包含scroll lock(SLK)键。扩展资料:Scroll Lock键也叫做滚动锁屏键,目前主要出现在台式机键盘上,很多笔记本已经取消了这个键了。Scroll Lock键在DOS时代有很大的用处。由于那个时代技术的限制,电脑的显示屏上面只能显示宽80个字符长25行的文字。这样,在阅读文档时,使用Scroll Lock键就能非常方便地翻滚页面了。在进入Windows时代后,随着技术的发展,Scroll Lock键的作用也越来越小了。现在能够用到Scroll Lock键的地方,估计也就有Excel中了。在EXCEL中,在Scroll Lock关闭的状态下,使用翻页键(如Page Up和Page Down)时,单元格选定区域会随之发生移动。但是当按下了Scroll Lock键后,就不会移动选定的单元格。参考资料:百度百科Scroll Lock键

scroll lock是什么键盘?

scroll lock (滚动锁定键)计算机键盘上的功能键。最早出现在IBM的PC/XT机型的83键盘和AT接口的84键盘上,该键在DOS时期用处很大,由于当时显示技术,限制了屏幕只能显示宽80个字符长25行的文字,在阅读文档时,使用该键能非常方便地翻滚页面。在一些特定的程序如EXCEL中,我们按键盘上的方向键时,会将光标移至下一个单元格中。但当该标示灯按亮后,按键盘上的方向键,会锁定光标而滚动页面。拓展资料"NumLock"键(数字键盘键),电脑开启的时候就会自动点亮的。灯亮的时候如果需要输入数字的时候就直接从数字键盘上输入即可;如果这个灯未亮的话,那按数字键盘的数字键是没反应的,该键一般在数字键7的上面。“caps lock”字母大小写的切换键,也就是大写锁定的意思。该键在字母A的左边,也就是在shift键的上面。同时在输入字母的时候就是大写字母了,如果没有亮灯的话就是小写字母。


首先呢,要告诉你的是这个键现在的用处不是很大,不过DOS时期用处很大,由于当时显示技术,限制了屏幕只能显示宽80个字符长25行的文字,在阅读文档时,使用该键能非常方便地翻滚页面。不过现在呢,在Excel中它还是很有用处的:用户编辑Excel时,按上、下键(或使用翻页键(如Page Up和Page Down)滚动时,会锁定光标而滚动页面;如果放开此键,则按上、下键(或使用翻页键(如Page Up和Page Down)时会滚动光标而锁定页面。自己在excel里面试试你就知道了

戴尔笔记本电脑键盘怎么按出scroll lock键?


scroll lock键是什么意思?

Scroll Lock键也叫作滚动锁屏键。ScrollLock键是多数键盘上都带有的一个按键。它最早出现在IBM的PC/XT机型的83键盘和AT接口的84键盘上,现在它不仅仅出现在PC机的101键盘上,连苹果机的“增强”型键盘上也加上了该按键。该键在DOS时期作用很大,能帮助人们方便地翻滚页面。键盘上的三个灯的意思:键盘上的第一个灯叫作numlock数字键盘指示灯,可以开闭或开启数字键,开启numlock键,键盘上右面指示灯上NUM就会亮。键盘上的第二个灯叫作caps lock大小写转换指示灯,可以开闭或开启大写字母键,开启该键,输入英文字母时,都显示的为大写。第三个键Scroll Lock滚动锁屏键。ScrollLock键最早出现在IBM的83键盘和84键盘上。如今这个键早已是键盘的标配之一。

scroll lock是哪个键啊?

scroll lock (滚动锁定键)计算机键盘上的功能键。按下此键后灯亮,在Excel等按上、下键滚动时,会锁定光标而滚动页面;放开此键后灯灭,则按上、下键时会滚动光标而锁定页面。Scroll Lock键的开发启用及作用:Scroll Lock键最早出现在IBM的PC/XT机型的83键盘和AT接口的84键盘上,这个键不仅仅出现在PC机的101键盘上,连苹果机的“增强”型键盘上也加上了该按键。该键在DOS时期用处很大,由于当时显示技术,限制了屏幕只能显示宽25行、长80个字符的文字,在阅读文档时,使用该键能非常方便地翻滚页面。扩展资料:与Scroll Lock键一起作为常用的按键的有:Num lock键和Caps Lock键。1、计算机中NUM LOCK 就是副键盘中数字键盘的开关。在这个键的键盘指示灯关闭的情况下,小键盘的按键用来移动光标(上下左右、行首、行尾等等),否则在这个键的键盘指示灯打开的情况下,即锁定数字键,小键盘的按键用来输入数字。2、Caps lock键 为大小写锁定键,为大小写切换之用。当按下Caps Lock键后,键盘上的大小写指示灯会亮起来(在右上角标有A的标志),再次按此键,就会关闭大写,同时指示灯熄灭。参考资料:百度百科—scroll lock百度百科—num lock百度百科—caps lock

scroll lock键是哪个?

就是左边的SHIFT键,左边的Ctrl键。位于主键盘区的最左侧,从下向上数第二行,“Z”键左边,CONTROL键便是位于Shift键的下方了。常规键盘具有CapsLock(字母大小写锁定)、NumLock(数字小键盘锁定)、ScrollLock(滚动锁定键)三个指示灯(部分无线键盘已经省略这三个指示灯),标志键盘的当前状态。这些指示灯一般位于键盘的右上角,不过有一些键盘采用键帽内置指示灯,这种设计可以更容易地判断键盘当前状态,但工艺相对复杂,所以大部分普通键盘均未采用此项设计。扩展资料:常规键盘快捷键按键 目的Ctrl + C 复制。Ctrl + X 剪切。Ctrl + V 粘贴。Ctrl + Z 撤消。Ctrl + Y 恢复。DELETE 删除。Shift + Delete 永久删除所选项,而不将它放到“回收站”中。拖动某一项时按 CTRL 复制所选项。拖动某一项时按 CTRL + SHIFT 创建所选项目的快捷键。F2 重新命名所选项目。CTRL + 向右键 将插入点移动到下一个单词的起始处。CTRL + 向左键 将插入点移动到前一个单词的起始处。CTRL + 向下键 将插入点移动到下一段落的起始处。CTRL + 向上键 将插入点移动到前一段落的起始处。CTRL + SHIFT + 任何箭头键 突出显示一块文本。SHIFT + 任何箭头键 在窗口或桌面上选择多项,或者选中文档中的文本。Ctrl + A 选中全部内容。F3 搜索文件或文件夹。Alt + Enter 查看所选项目的属性。Alt + F4 关闭当前项目或者退出当前程序。ALT + Enter 显示所选对象的属性。Alt + 空格键 为当前窗口打开快捷菜单。Ctrl + F4 在允许同时打开多个文档的程序中关闭当前文档。Alt + Tab 在打开的项目之间切换。Alt + Esc 以项目打开的顺序循环切换。F6 在窗口或桌面上循环切换屏幕元素。F4 显示“我的电脑”和“Windows 资源管理器”中的“地址”栏列表。Shift + F10 显示所选项的快捷菜单。Alt + 空格键 显示当前窗口的“系统”菜单。Ctrl + Esc 显示“开始”菜单。ALT + 菜单名中带下划线的字母 显示相应的菜单。



键盘上的scroll lock键有什么用?

「Scroll Lock 键」源自于IBM的键盘「Scroll Lock 键」可以追溯到IBM的键盘,按键本人在上图的右上角。而后续的键盘制造商沿用了该按键。而用处在于控制方向键的卷动范围。简单来说,你可以打开你的Excel,现代少数仍可以使用「Scroll Lock 键」的程序。当「Scroll Lock 键」off,灯没有亮的状态下,移动你的方向键将会在储存格中跳动。当「Scroll Lock 键」on,绿灯亮起时,移动你的方向键将会卷动整个页面。好,这是你唯一有可能用到的功能了。剩下的就当做我在讲古:在Linux的系统环境下「Scroll Lock 键」可以用来暂停屏幕输出;Windows NT可以用Ctrl并双击「Scroll Lock 键」令系统崩溃并进入除错模式;在Opera浏览器中,按下「Scroll Lock 键」可以启动浏览器内建的语音辨识功能。如果你不是每天要跟报表相处的人,「Scroll Lock 键」对你来说就是一个无用的按键。「Scroll Lock 键」没有被淘汰的原因,大概是键盘制造商体贴那些仍使用老旧软体的使用者,又或者移除了之后没办法完全对称底下的Insert、Home、Page Up会很不方便。
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