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用living room造句

This is our living room. 这是我们的起居室. There is a TV In our living room 有一台电视在我们的起居室里.


1.This is our living room.这是我们的起居室. 2.There is a TV In our living room有一台电视在我们的起居室里. 3.There is a TV In our living room 有一台电视在我们的起居室里. 4.You can see a bedroom, a living room.你能看见一个卧室, 一个起居室。 5.Anns bedroom is above the living room.安的卧室在客厅的上面.


1. These are living rooms. 2. These are kitchens. 3. These are bathrooms. 4. These arc closets.


kitchen和room和livingroom的区别:kitchen是厨房,room是房间,living room是客厅

in the living room是什么意思

in the living room的中文意思——在客厅living room 英 ["liviu014b ru:m]     美 ["lu026avu026au014b ru:m]    n. 起居室; 客厅We sat in the living room and watched TV.我们坐在客厅里看电视。The cottage had a living room and two bedrooms.那栋小房有一个起居室和两个卧室。语法:用作名词 (n.)介词+~in the living room 在客厅扩展资料in的用法——用作介词 (prep.)The telephone was in the little study on the ground floor.电话在底楼的小书房里。用作副词 (adv.)He is not in at the moment.这个时候他不在家。用作形容词 (adj.)The in part of the machine is very complex.该机器内部结构非常复杂。



英语parlor和living room区别是什么?

英语:1) parlor:是很正式得客厅, 一般用在豪宅或者别墅里。2)living room各种家里都以用,不管是两室一厅还是三室一厅的厅都是living room.


living room是起居室的意思,也就是客厅 而bedroom是卧室的意思,所以不等于.

living room什么意思





living是居住的意思,room是房间的意思,故“living room”表示“起居室、客厅”的意思。一般有沙发,电视,灯具,茶几等等家具。


livingroom的音标为 /_l_v__ru_m/。living room是指客厅,通常是一个家庭中休闲、娱乐和交谈的场所。客厅通常配有沙发、椅子、茶几、电视等家具设施,也可能摆放一些装饰品来增加舒适感和美观度。客厅通常是进入房子后第一个进入的房间,也是家庭成员和客人交流互动的重要场所。The living room is the most comfortable place in my house, where I can relax after a busy day.客厅是我家最舒服的地方,忙碌了一天后可以在这里放松一下。



livingroom怎么读 英语livingroom怎么读

1、living room读音:英 [u02c8lu026avu026au014b ruu02d0m],美 [u02c8lu026avu026au014b ruu02d0m],释义: n.客厅;起居室。 2、living的用法:作形容词时,意为活(着)的,健在的。作名词时,意为生计,生存。 3、[例句]I want to personalize this livingroom.我想让客厅更具亲切感。

living room与sitting room 有什么区别


电脑网络位置有个living room


living room是什么词加什么词合成的?

living room是living加room词合成的。中文意思是:卧室、起居室。

英语作文《MY LIVING ROOM》要11句的

My living room is large.There is a talbe in the midde of the room.There is air conditioning in the living room.It is on the right.The air conditioner is white.There is a television.The television is white, too. It is on the cabinets.I like my living room because it"s very beatiful



关于描写living room的英语作文带翻译

翻译如下living room我有一间起居室。我喜欢起居室那深色的木构件、东方地毯和厚重的家具。在这间客厅,我们粘贴了各种美丽的印花纸。起居室被透过窗帘照进来的阳光染上了一丝金黄色。起居室装饰成淡雅的颜色,显得更加宽敞明亮。我的起居室一头是办公处,一头是舒适的沙发,真是两全其美。我们就坐在客厅的沙发上看电视。I have a living room.I love the living room, with its dark woodwork, oriental rugs, and chunky furniture.In this living room we"ve mixed glorious floral prints. The living room was tinged yellow by light filtered through the curtains. The living room is decorated in pale colours that make it all the more airy.My living room provides the best of both worlds, with an office at one end and comfortable sofas at the other. We were sitting on the couch in the living room watching TV.

living room的living原型是live吗?可以用动词ing变化规则给学生讲吗?


客厅为什么叫living room?

living是生活,居住room是房间,室客厅又叫起居室,因此客厅的英语是living room,是一个复合名词这是我的回答,已尽力,希望能帮到您,并且得到您的采纳,谢谢,非常感谢!

living room的复数?

living room 的复数形式为living rooms.

living是什么意思,living room是什么意思英语

1、living,英 [u02c8lu026avu026au014b] 美 [u02c8lu026avu026au014b] adj.活着的;活的;在使用的;在实施的。 2、Yet plenty has been lost too, even in cultures that still live to eat, take Italy. 然而,人们也失去了许多,即使是在那些仍然为吃饭而活的文化中也是一样,拿意大利举例来说。 3、That is, after all, the primary reason we live — to be of service to others. 别忘了,那是我们活着的主要原因——帮助他人。


起居室(living room)顾名思义供居住者会客、娱乐、团聚等活动的空间。但是起居室这个概念在中国似乎还不是十分盛行,人们更多地接受的是客厅这种说法。所以我们通常理解为客厅


living的中文翻译是“客厅”,是家庭中最常用的房间之一,通常用于接待客人、休息和娱乐。除了livingroom,还有许多其他房间的英语单词,下面我们来拓展一下。Bedroom 卧室:用于睡觉和休息的房间。Bathroom 浴室:用于洗澡、刷牙、上厕所等个人卫生的房间。Kitchen 厨房:用于烹饪和准备食物的房间。Dining room 餐厅:用于进餐的房间。Study room 书房:用于学习和工作的房间。Playroom 游戏室:用于儿童玩耍和娱乐的房间。Gym 健身房:用于锻炼身体的房间。Attic 阁楼:位于屋顶上方的房间,通常用于存放物品或作为储藏室。Basement 地下室:位于地下的房间,通常用于存放物品、做工作室或娱乐室。Conservatory 温室:用于种植植物的房间,通常有大量的玻璃窗户,以便阳光照射。Foyer 门厅:位于房屋入口的房间,通常用于迎接客人和存放外套、鞋子等物品。Mudroom 靴帽间:位于房屋入口的房间,通常用于存放外套、鞋子、雨伞等物品,以便进入房屋前更换。Home office 家庭办公室:用于家庭办公和工作的房间。Laundry room 洗衣房:用于洗涤和烘干衣物的房间。Storage room 储藏室:用于存放杂物和物品的房间。




Livingroom在英语中的发音为 /u02c8lu026avu026au014bu02ccruu02d0m/。其中,第一个音节"liv"发音为/u02c8lu026a/,读者可以注意这个音节的音与单词"live"的发音同,是一个重读音节;第二个音节"ing"发音为/u026au014b/,为非重读音节,读起来比较轻松;第三个音节"room"发音为 /ruu02d0m/,也是重读音节,读者需要重点注意这个音节的发音。Livingroom是指客厅的含义,是家庭生活中的一个重要房间。客厅是一个家庭聚集、互动的空间,不仅给人们带来舒适的感觉,而且也展现了居住者的生活品味和文化内涵。在英语中,客厅通常被称为livingroom、sitting room、family room或lounge room等,不同的英语国家和不同的地区可能会使用不同的术语。例如,在英国,livingroom和sitting room的用法相同,都指代客厅;而在澳大利亚,lounge room常常被使用。总之,正确的发音及使用客厅相关的术语,可以帮助我们更加准确地使用英语,达到更好的沟通效果。

living room用中文怎么读


请问 living room,front room,family room 怎么区分

it"s difficult 因为国内的房子没有这么多间 不适合中国国情living简单就是客厅front是前厅 国外的那种房子才有family是家就是家人一起玩的地方 当然是指有小孩子我们没有后面两个 当然你有大房子我就帮你起名denIT worldpanic room

客厅的英文living room

客厅的英文living room读音:英 [ˈlɪvɪŋ ruːm],美 [ˈlɪvɪŋ ruːm]拓展:客厅是家庭中重要的活动区域,通常是家庭社交、娱乐和放松的重点。它的装饰和布置,可以反映出家庭的文化程度和审美品味。一个舒适的客厅可以让人放松身心、打造轻松和愉悦的居住体验。客厅的大小和布局应该根据家庭的需要和灵活性来确定。对于空间较小的客厅,使用清新和轻盈的家具或布料可以增大空间感。而对于空间较大的客厅,则可以通过使用沙发、茶几和其他家具来划分出居住区域。此外,客厅的颜色和风格也应该与居住者的喜好和要求保持一致。客厅的家具摆放非常重要,通常要根据整个空间的结构来选择和布置。沙发通常都是客厅的主要家具。沙发可以放置在房间的中央或靠近墙壁的位置。如果您的房间有窗户或门,那么可以把沙发放在窗户或门的位置上,这样可以最大化的利用空间。此外,放置在沙发旁边的茶几、花瓶、书柜也可以营造出独特的氛围。客厅的灯光也非常重要。选择顶部或壁灯时,要注意其亮度不应过亮或过暗。不同颜色、大小和形状的书柜、装饰画、窗帘、壁毯等,都可以制造出氛围和空气质量的不同效果,为房间带来更多的趣味和艺术欣赏。



living room和sitting-room的区别

living room和sitting-room的区别意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。living room 指客厅,一般是和餐厅连在一起的,sitting room也指客厅,但是不一定和餐厅连在一起。 扩展资料 例句:We were sitting on the couch in the living room watching TV.我们就坐在客厅的沙发上看电视。Ivacuumedanddustedthelivingroom。我用吸尘器打扫了客厅,擦了擦灰尘。Asittingroomcanbetransformedintoaguestbedroomsimplybyaddingasofabed.加上一张沙发床,客厅便变成了客房。


"living room"是常见的英语单词,用于描述住宅中的一个房间。它的发音是 /u02c8lu026avu026au014b ruu02d0m/ ,其中的音标表示为 /u02c8lu026avu026au014b/(第一个音节强调)和 /ruu02d0m/(第二个音节强调)。"living room"通常用于指家庭中的起居室或客厅,是一个用于休息和娱乐的房间。在这个房间里,人们通常会看电视、阅读、和家人或朋友交谈、玩游戏等。由于这个房间通常是家中最大的房间之一,因此它经常用于举办各种聚会或庆祝活动。在一些地区,特别是在英国,人们也称之为 "sitting room" 或 "front room"。总之,"living room"是一个常见的英语单词,用于描述住宅中的一个房间,通常是指家庭中的起居室或客厅。其发音为 /u02c8lu026avu026au014b ruu02d0m/,表示第一个音节强调的 /u02c8lu026avu026au014b/和第二个音节强调的 /ruu02d0m/。

How Am I Supposed To Live Without You 歌词

歌曲名:How Am I Supposed To Live Without You歌手:苏芮专辑:I"Ve Got The Music In Me知行英语Listen and ShareMichael BoltonHow Am I Supposed to Live without YouI could hardly believe it,when I heard the news todayI had to come andget it straight from youThey said you were leaving,someone"s swept your heart awayFrom the look upon your face,I see it"s true.So tell me all about it,tell me "bout the plans you"re makingThen tell me one thing morebefore I goTell me how am I supposedto live without youNow that I"ve been loving you so longHow am I supposed to live without youHow am I supposed to carry onWhen all that I"ve been living foris gone.I didn"t come here for crying,didn"t come here to break downIt"s just a dream of mineis coming to an endAnd how can I blame you,when I build my world aroundThe hope that one daywe"d be so much more than friendsAnd I don"t want to know the pricei"m gonna pay for dreamingWhen even now it"s more thanI can takeTell me how am I supposedto live without youNow that I"ve been loving you so longHow am I supposed to live without youHow am I supposed to carry onWhen all that I"ve been living for is gone.And I don"t want to know the priceI"m gonna pay for dreamingNow that your dream has come true.重复歌词大意I could hardly believe it,when I heard the news todayI had to come andget it straight from youStraightget it straight fromget it straight from the horse"s mouthitthe horse"s ageget it straight from somebodyLet"s get it straightThey said you were leaving,someone"s swept your heart awaysweep awayI"ll get him to sweep awaythe broken glass.sweep awaytake awaysweep awayFrom the look upon your face,I see it"s true.So tell me all about it,tell me "bout the plans you"re makingThen tell me one thing more before I goTell me how am I supposedto live without youNow that I"ve been loving you so longHow am I supposed to live without youHow am I supposed to carry oncarry onWe must carry on till successin spite of the extremely difficult conditions.We carried on the discussionlate into the night.When all that I"ve been living for is gone.I didn"t come here for crying,didn"t come here to break downIt"s just a dream of mine iscoming to an endcome to an endThe summer vacationcame to an end at lastAll good things must come to an end.And how can I blame you,when I build my world aroundThe hope that one daywe"d be so much more than friendsAnd I don"t want to know the pricei"m gonna pay for dreamingpay forI paid £1,000 for this house.Pay forpriceYou will pay for your dishonesty.Pollution is the price we pay foran overpopulated, over industrialized planet.When even now it"s more than I can take谢谢收听知行提示

大家觉得 Luke, Lucas, Oliver 三个英文名字哪个好听?(说出理由就悬赏~)




live out of a suitcase中文是什么意思

live out of a suitcase[英] [liv aut u0254v u0259 u02c8sju:tkeis][美] [liv au028at u028cv e u02c8sutu02cckes][词典](因公)经常出差居无定所,提着衣箱过日子,背着铺盖卷过日子;

《Because You Live 》的中文歌词

歌曲:Because you live收录专辑:【Beautiful soul】发行时间:2004-09-28语言种类: 英文唱片公司: Hollywood Records中英对照歌词内容:Staring out at the rain with a heavy heart心情沉重凝视窗外的雨It′s the end of the world in my mind如同世界末日降临心际Then your voice calls me back like a wake up call你的声音把我唤醒如同晨钟响起I′ve been looking for the answer我一直在某处寻找答案Somewhere某处I couldn′t see that it was right there我所不能见的存在But now I know what I didn"t know但如今终于清晰Because you live and breathe由于你的存在与呼吸Because you make me believe in myself when nobody else can help由于你让我无助时相信了自己Because you live, girl由于你的存在 宝贝My world has twice as many stars in the sky我的世界有如繁星闪烁于星空It′s alright, I survived, I′m alive again正是如此,我重获生机Because of you, made it through every storm因为你 让我闯过狂风暴雨What is life, whats the use if you killed inside如果心中的你幻灭 生活将会怎样 活着又有何用I′m so glad I found an angel如此开心找到了我的天使Someone那就是Who was there when all my hopes fell当所有希望落空时还在支持的你I wanna fly, looking in your eyes凝望你的眼神 我想腾空飞起Because you live and breathe由于你的存在与呼吸Because you make me believe in myself when nobody else can help由于你让我无助时相信了自己Because you live, girl由于你的出现 宝贝My world has twice as many stars in the sky我的世界有如繁星闪烁于星空Because you live, I live因为你存在 我活着Because you live there′s a reason why我找到了理由 只因有你I carry on when I lose the fight当我失败时能够坚持下去I want to give what you′ve given me always我愿永远给你 你曾经的赠予Because you live and breathe由于你的存在与呼吸Because you make me believe in myself when nobody else can help由于你让我无助时相信了自己Because you live, girl由于你的出现 宝贝My world has twice as many stars in the sky我的世界有如繁星闪烁于星空Because you live and breathe由于你的存在与呼吸Because you make me believe in myself when nobody else can help由于你让我无助时相信了自己Because you live, girl由于你的出现 宝贝My world has everything I need to survive我的世界拥有一切我生存的道理Because you live, I live, I live我存在 我存在 只因有你试听链接:

有人知道《becsuse you live》的歌词蛮?


你好,有个问题想得到你的帮助:“主要以……为生”是用“live mainly on

您好,其实两种说法都正确。原因:mainly是副词,副词可以放在动词前或动词后来修饰动词。个人意见:动词后有介词时,一般将副词放动词前面,即"mainly live on"读起来更有语感。


您好,其实两种说法都正确。原因:mainly是副词,副词可以放在动词前或动词后来修饰动词。个人意见:动词后有介词时,一般将副词放动词前面,即"mainly live on"读起来更有语感。

问:mainly的用法?they live mainly …为何不能把它放live前?


Isaac [Live] 歌词

歌曲名:Isaac [Live]歌手:Madonna专辑:The Confessions TourSong: IsaacArtist: Madonna|Imminilalo Imminilaloundaladilim undaladilimundamyroomImminilalo ImminilaloImminilalo ImminilaloImminilalo ImminilaloImminilalo ImminilaloStaring up into the heavensIn this hell that binds your handsWill you sacrifice your comfortFind you way in a foreign landWrestle with your darknessAngels call your nameCan you hear what they are sayingWill you ever be the sameChorus:Mmmm mmm mmmImminilalo ImminilaloMmmm mmm mmmImminilalo ImminilaloRemember, rememberNever forgetAll of your life has all been a testYou will find the gate that"s openEver though your spirit"s brokenOpen up my heartCause my lips to speakBring the heavens and the starsDown to earth for meImminilalo Imminilaloundaladilim undaladilimChorus x2:Mmmm mmm mmmImminilalo ImminilaloMmmm mmm mmmImminilalo ImminilaloMmmm mmm mmmImminilalo ImminilaloMmmm mmm mmmImminilalo ImminilaloHa-hayIn-the-ha-e-ba-lamu-mu-mur-mur-lain-de-car-lo-limgu-lo-mu-ma-lalu-mo-ya-dolWrestle with your darknessAngels call your nameCan you hear what they are sayingWill you ever be the sameChorus x2:Mmmm mmm mmmImminilalo ImminilaloMmmm mmm mmmImminilalo ImminilaloMmmm mmm mmmImminilalo ImminilaloMmmm mmm mmmImminilalo ImminilaloHa-hayIn-the-ha-e-ba-lamu-mu-mur-mur-lain-de-car-lo-lim(Spoken Part)

如何看待 Jimmy Kimmel Live 节目中的言论


林书豪有上过Jimmy Kimmel Live吗??


如何看待 Jimmy Kimmel Live 节目中的言论

合作曲本身非常美好了,在我心目中是伯贤迄今所有合作曲里最好的一首,因为对Some不是很感冒,其实昭宥的一系列合作曲里这首大概也是最喜欢的了。很舒服的情歌旋律,弦乐+钢琴这种强抒情标配不会出错,配器晶莹剔透,和下雨的气氛也很契合。歌词非常走心,尤其是主歌部分,故事性很强,相应地,合作的Part分配也非常戳人:开头是女孩独自看着下雨默默回忆那些小细节,失恋后还很想念的多愁善感;而男声紧随其来(间奏很短所以更戳),转了一个Key立刻进入男生的独白:同一个下雨天,其实我也在想念你,有些后悔最后的分别,原来我们都在思念彼此。Bridge段两个人都在悲伤里有一点希望,又有一点回味,一唱一和交替着,像是遥远的呼应:我们不能在一起吗,我们曾经幸福过啊。然后情感冲到最高点,回到副歌段,之前分隔两地独白的两个声音终于合在一起,是一样的愿望,一样的犹豫,一样的心酸,也是一样的温暖了。对于分手了旧情难忘又无法在一起的恋人来说,互相思念难道不是最幸福的事吗。两位歌手的表现基本无可挑剔,声音的化学反应也非常美妙。昭宥说是合作女王,但其实现在说起来还是两年前的Some,就说明其实这两年的合作并没有达到Some那样的热度。U姐的空气音是招牌,类似的什么空气音气泡音女声韩国很多,但情感表现力能到昭宥这个程度的就屈指可数了。所以对我来说,相比于Some式的暧昧曲,这种感伤类情歌(也包括鬼怪OST I miss you)更能体现昭宥嗓音叙事性的力量。伯贤同样,最大的魅力就是强烈的叙事性和感染力,俗称“会讲故事的声音”。音色上有厚度,不算清亮但辨识度极强,简直是天生为这种强抒情性合作曲而生。去年和秀智的合作,在我心目中是人气效应高于质量。曲子是好曲子,但本身更像是偏向为秀智设计的,从旋律到风格都比较轻巧简单,秀智自己唱的话就还蛮合适她的路线,曲子是甜的,秀智情感比较收,就是甜而不腻的小清新。但伯贤的嗓音可就不是小清新这一挂的了,加上本来情感表现力就强,跟秀智对比起来就难免有种用力过猛且偏腻的感觉。合唱部分就是简单的高低八度也是够亲民的了...总之总体效果,我个人听着总觉得像是伯贤儿过分热情地找秀智唱歌,秀智就比较客气地应几句似的...MV也是,眉目之间都是明明不熟还得强行表现出甜蜜的小小小尴尬...反正也有人觉得很甜很美好,这个见仁见智吧。和K.Will一首好一些,K.Will的声线更圆润一些,两个比较厚的声线对飚起来还是很过瘾的,但最高的部分超过的两个人音色最好的音域,所以效果稍有折扣,而且两个男声合作,辨识度自然也没有男女对唱效果好就是了。所以昭宥才真的是棋逢对手,一个厚重的男生配一个空气音女声,声音是一强一弱,一虚一实,一高一低,情绪强度却在同一个层次,这听着才是最舒心的。伯贤独唱部分转了调,充分呆在最舒服的音域,声音质量简直不要太棒。和声部分终于是正经八百的和声了啊!音域因此也依然舒服。感觉伯贤唱功又进步了……?和风格类似的Beautiful对比的话,在情感和音色把控上感觉更自如更细腻了,情绪铺垫一步步填满,甚至还有小的头音气声处理,到最后和音情绪放开自然动人效果加倍。总之非常满意了。本来我心目中伯贤最适合合作的两类女声,一类是昭宥这种感染力一级的空气女声或是略沙哑的女声,一类是情感表现力一级,但又不是特别强势的,有厚度的蜜嗓女声(想想和声互飚起来得多美妙啊),但后一类的理想合作人选基本已经被粉丝扼杀在摇篮里了,属于有生之年系列。所以短期内我别无他求了,SM日后也请继续给伯贤多接这种本质的抒情曲合作艹国民度吧,solo是早晚的事,求好不求早。16年末还在回答为什么EXO五年了还觉得像新人,17年一转年突然就有点前辈的样子了。各家类似STATION的系列企划第一弹、2017第一首、甚至是OST的第一首——总之跟“第一”沾边的事情好像邀请EXO成了潮流。也难怪如此,话题度、成绩和实力样样在线,EXO是担得起的。昨天睡前倩倩的合作曲一直卡在11有点遗憾,本来想给下雨宝、等等宝和鬼怪宝一起在前十合个影的——前十里有三个EXO合作曲,甚至还有一首是去年的,EXO年关这一波的合作,简直不能更好看了。SM思路转了个弯,效果倒是挺不错——既然SM不擅长做有品质的大众歌,大众好像对SM出品的作品也多少有点成见,那我就把孩子们送出去合作。现在紧接着涩琪、艺声也全都出去合作了,这对艺人来说效果是一样的,只是傻帽爸爸自己大概赚不到版权费了kkk~我前几天还在反思,为什么饭不上别家的大势团乃至登顶团,其中一个重要的原因就是,SM家团体主唱的音色实在是太太太太对我胃口了。SM家空降主唱的习惯大概也从侧面印证了,傻帽家主唱真的都是天生吃嗓音饭的,更何况这些天生吃嗓音饭的孩子还如此努力,不管取得什么样的成绩还都在持续进步着。因此各方来向SM家主唱邀歌,这毫不奇怪,路人成见并不代表圈内想法,实力摆在那儿,业内自然看得清。



听time in oblivion时许了不好的愿望会成真吗


《上古卷轴4》一点就提示就出现“Insert the Oblivion Disc”怎么办?

呐,正常来说“Insert the Oblivion Disc”就是叫你将湮灭的游戏光盘放入光驱里啦,这时只要将湮灭的最小镜像(不知道你有没有)加载进虚拟光驱(DAEMON Tools Lite)里就可以游戏了但是呢,看来你那个是可以直接启动的硬盘版吗?而且你又改了这么多东西,所以还是卸掉重装吧

上古卷轴4汉化补丁怎么用? 补丁中有oblivion_cn.3dm Oblivion_cn.exe oblivion_cn.txt这仨个文件 拜谢了



= =clarinet+piano的二重奏~已发~以上~



Into Oblivion 歌词

歌曲名:Into Oblivion歌手:Godsplague专辑:H8Into Oblivion (Reunion)The days I"ve felt aloneAnd the sea, it brings me back againSo that I can see my wifeAnd I can see my childHome, I"m home, it never changesSame old faces, same old placesI stared into oblivionAnd found my homeI stared into oblivionInto oblivionI"m finding me the homeThat you have never knownWe"ll find in us the faithThe faith to bring you homeI stared into oblivionAnd found my homeI stared into oblivionAnd found my homeI stared into oblivionAnd found my own way back to there (way back to there)Home, now that I"m coming homeWill you be the same as when I saw you last?Tell me how much time has passedHome, now that I"m coming homeWill you be the same as when I saw you last?Tell me how much time has passedHome, now that I"m coming homeWill you be the same as when I saw you last?Tell me how much life has passedI stared into oblivion(And found my home)I stared into oblivion(And found my home)I stared into oblivion(And found my home)I stared into oblivionAnd found my own way back to there

谁能翻译下m83 oblivion歌词啊 听歌不知道歌词 感觉不爽

See the brave new world of man, 为了人类的勇敢新世界 We created with our hands, 我们要用自己的双手去创造 Watch it slip away... 注视着它渐渐滑落 Like a tiny grain of sand... 就像沙子的微小颗粒般 Think of all the sweat and tears, 回忆所有汗水和泪水 Think of all the wasted years, 回忆所有消逝的时间 Does it make you sad? 它是否让你感到悲伤? Just to think of all we had... ? 是否让你珍惜一切拥有……? No more time for laughter... 没有时间去欢笑…… No more time for sorrow... 也没有时间去哀伤…… No more morning after... 不会再有黎明到来…… "Cause there"s no tomorrow now! 那是因为我们已经没有明天! We are standing on the edge of oblivion! 我们正濒临毁灭边缘! Say goodbye to Avalon! 向乐园道别![注:Avalon阿瓦隆(凯尔特族传说中的西方乐土岛,据说亚瑟王及其部下死后尸体被移往该岛)] As it fades into the dawn! 当它融入拂晓中 On the final countdown to oblivion! 毁灭已开始倒计时! Say goodbye to Avalon! 我向乐园道别! As the sacred fires burn! 当真爱燃起时 In the end we all return... to oblivion!! 最后,我们还是会回来……步向毁灭! Have we really come this far... 我们确实正在 Just to watch it fall apart? 只为了目睹它分崩离析? Now we face defeat... 现在我们直面挫折…… And it tastes so bittersweet... 它是如此苦乐参半…… Bow to the hand of fate! 向命运低头! Curse the gods but it"s too late! 诅咒上帝已太迟! From dust to dust... 从尘土到尘土…… There is nothing left for us... 这世界什么都没留给我们…… No more time for courage... 没有勇气…… No more time for honor... 没有荣誉…… No more time for heroes... 没有英雄…… This is Armageddon now! 这里是世界末日的决战地! We are standing on the edge of oblivion! 我们正濒临毁灭边缘! Say goodbye to Avalon! 向乐园道别! As it fades into the dawn! 当它融入拂晓中 On the final countdown to oblivion! 毁灭已开始倒计时! Say goodbye to Avalon! 我向乐园道别! As the sacred fires burn! 当真爱燃起时 In the end we all return... to oblivion!! 最后,我们还是会回来……步向毁灭! How soon we"ll know the power of prophecy! 很快我们就能知道预言的力量! As we approach the hour of destiny! 我们逼近定数的时刻! There"s no way to stop the tide... 已经没有办法停止命运的潮流…… Nowhere to run and hide... from oblivion! 无处从毁灭中……逃避和躲藏! Say goodbye to Avalon! 向乐园道别! As it fades into the dawn! 当它融入拂晓中 On the final countdown to oblivion! 毁灭已开始倒计时! Say goodbye to Avalon! 我向乐园道别! As the sacred fires burn! 当真爱燃起时 In the end we all return... to oblivion!! 最后,我们还是会回来……步向毁灭!望采纳谢谢


See the brave new world of man, 为了人类的勇敢新世界 We created with our hands, 我们要用自己的双手去创造 Watch it slip away... 注视着它渐渐滑落 Like a tiny grain of sand... 就像沙子的微小颗粒般 Think of all the sweat and tears, 回忆所有汗水和泪水 Think of all the wasted years, 回忆所有消逝的时间 Does it make you sad? 它是否让你感到悲伤? Just to think of all we had... ? 是否让你珍惜一切拥有……? No more time for laughter... 没有时间去欢笑…… No more time for sorrow... 也没有时间去哀伤…… No more morning after... 不会再有黎明到来…… "Cause there"s no tomorrow now! 那是因为我们已经没有明天! We are standing on the edge of oblivion! 我们正濒临毁灭边缘! Say goodbye to Avalon! 向乐园道别![注:Avalon阿瓦隆(凯尔特族传说中的西方乐土岛,据说亚瑟王及其部下死后尸体被移往该岛)] As it fades into the dawn! 当它融入拂晓中 On the final countdown to oblivion! 毁灭已开始倒计时! Say goodbye to Avalon! 我向乐园道别! As the sacred fires burn! 当真爱燃起时 In the end we all return... to oblivion!! 最后,我们还是会回来……步向毁灭! Have we really come this far... 我们确实正在 Just to watch it fall apart? 只为了目睹它分崩离析? Now we face defeat... 现在我们直面挫折…… And it tastes so bittersweet... 它是如此苦乐参半…… Bow to the hand of fate! 向命运低头! Curse the gods but it"s too late! 诅咒上帝已太迟! From dust to dust... 从尘土到尘土…… There is nothing left for us... 这世界什么都没留给我们…… No more time for courage... 没有勇气…… No more time for honor... 没有荣誉…… No more time for heroes... 没有英雄…… This is Armageddon now! 这里是世界末日的决战地! We are standing on the edge of oblivion! 我们正濒临毁灭边缘! Say goodbye to Avalon! 向乐园道别! As it fades into the dawn! 当它融入拂晓中 On the final countdown to oblivion! 毁灭已开始倒计时! Say goodbye to Avalon! 我向乐园道别! As the sacred fires burn! 当真爱燃起时 In the end we all return... to oblivion!! 最后,我们还是会回来……步向毁灭! How soon we"ll know the power of prophecy! 很快我们就能知道预言的力量! As we approach the hour of destiny! 我们逼近定数的时刻! There"s no way to stop the tide... 已经没有办法停止命运的潮流…… Nowhere to run and hide... from oblivion! 无处从毁灭中……逃避和躲藏! Say goodbye to Avalon! 向乐园道别! As it fades into the dawn! 当它融入拂晓中 On the final countdown to oblivion! 毁灭已开始倒计时! Say goodbye to Avalon! 我向乐园道别! As the sacred fires burn! 当真爱燃起时 In the end we all return... to oblivion!! 最后,我们还是会回来……步向毁灭!

Oblivion (One Stolen Kiss) 歌词

歌曲名:Oblivion (One Stolen Kiss)歌手:Sissel专辑:My Heart-DeccaLacuna Coil - OblivionIt"s a fairy tale,But the story"s out of dateNothing that I have or try to sayKnow that that the road is lonelyI will need some helpKnow that this life is crazyI will need some helpThere"s a place far belowThe darkness deep withinIt"s a place I don"t belongCome set me free from this oblivionOn the side of meOn the edge of agonyNothing left for me that I can fakeYou know that the road is lonelyI will need some helpYou know that this life is crazyI will need some helpThere"s a place far belowThe darkness deep withinIt"s a place I don"t belongCome set me free from this oblivionIt"s a fairy tale,But the story"s out of dateNothing that I have or try to sayAnd I... I keep wondering awayI"m so deep in disarrayI keep wonderingThere"s a place far belowThe darkness deep withinIt"s a place I don"t belongCome set me free, set me freeI keep wondering (set me free)I keep wondering (set me free)I keep wondering (set me free.Come set me free, set me free)I keep wondering (Set me free)I keep wondering (Set me free)I keep wondering (Come set me free from this)

Julian Lloyd Webber&John Lenehan的《Oblivion》 歌词

歌曲名:Oblivion歌手:Julian Lloyd Webber&John Lenehan专辑:Classical SamplerLacuna Coil - OblivionIt"s a fairy tale,But the story"s out of dateNothing that I have or try to sayKnow that that the road is lonelyI will need some helpKnow that this life is crazyI will need some helpThere"s a place far belowThe darkness deep withinIt"s a place I don"t belongCome set me free from this oblivionOn the side of meOn the edge of agonyNothing left for me that I can fakeYou know that the road is lonelyI will need some helpYou know that this life is crazyI will need some helpThere"s a place far belowThe darkness deep withinIt"s a place I don"t belongCome set me free from this oblivionIt"s a fairy tale,But the story"s out of dateNothing that I have or try to sayAnd I... I keep wondering awayI"m so deep in disarrayI keep wonderingThere"s a place far belowThe darkness deep withinIt"s a place I don"t belongCome set me free, set me freeI keep wondering (set me free)I keep wondering (set me free)I keep wondering (set me free.Come set me free, set me free)I keep wondering (Set me free)I keep wondering (Set me free)I keep wondering (Come set me free from this)

J.J. Liefers的《Oblivion》 歌词

歌曲名:Oblivion歌手:J.J. Liefers专辑:OblivionLacuna Coil - OblivionIt"s a fairy tale,But the story"s out of dateNothing that I have or try to sayKnow that that the road is lonelyI will need some helpKnow that this life is crazyI will need some helpThere"s a place far belowThe darkness deep withinIt"s a place I don"t belongCome set me free from this oblivionOn the side of meOn the edge of agonyNothing left for me that I can fakeYou know that the road is lonelyI will need some helpYou know that this life is crazyI will need some helpThere"s a place far belowThe darkness deep withinIt"s a place I don"t belongCome set me free from this oblivionIt"s a fairy tale,But the story"s out of dateNothing that I have or try to sayAnd I... I keep wondering awayI"m so deep in disarrayI keep wonderingThere"s a place far belowThe darkness deep withinIt"s a place I don"t belongCome set me free, set me freeI keep wondering (set me free)I keep wondering (set me free)I keep wondering (set me free.Come set me free, set me free)I keep wondering (Set me free)I keep wondering (Set me free)I keep wondering (Come set me free from this)


曲名:OblivioN作曲:ESTi流派:Dramatic Trance原画人物设计:D-myo动画监督:NG、Tari、ECO来自音乐游戏DJMAX中作曲家Esti的经典神作。这首音乐也收录在DJMAX_OST的音乐集中。R2Beat中也有这首歌曲.难度为3.0(STAR)/4.0(MOON)。






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上古卷轴4 走路骑马慢,小卡 但目录下oblivion.exe却不卡,但中文又乱码

3DM的夜光版绝对是神啊 下这个吧

上古卷轴4最小镜像 是不是把整个Oblivion-teeny.iso(压缩包)加载就可以了

用虚拟光驱加载最小镜像 就是那个ISO文件 Oblivion-teeny.iso 主意 不要解压 直接加载 加载完运行游戏




《Oblivion》(David Foster Wallace)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码:nljm书名:Oblivion作者:David Foster Wallace出版社:Abacus出版年份:2005-04-28页数:336内容简介:"A visionary, a craftsman, a comedian ...He can do anything with a piece of prose, and it is a humbling experience to see him go to work on what has passed up till now as "modern fiction". He"s so modern he"s in a different time-space continuum from the rest of us. Goddamn him" ZADIE SMITH A recognised master of form and a brilliant recorder of human behaviour, David Foster Wallace has been hailed as "the most significant writer of his generation" (TLS). Each new book confirms and extends his genius, and this new short story collection is no exception. In the stories that make up OBLIVION, David Foster Wallace conjoins the rawest, most naked humanity with the infinite convolutions of self-consciousness - a combination that is dazzlingly, uniquely his. "Wallace"s talent is such that you can"t help wondering: how good can he get?" TIME OUT作者简介:大卫u2022福斯特u2022华莱士(David Foster Wallace),美国后现代派小说巨匠,与乔纳森u2022弗兰茨一起并称当代美国文学“双璧”。华莱士以过人的洞察力和天才的文学禀赋,惊人的语言游戏和庞杂的人物情节,戏谑的文字风格和深沉的哲学思考,为世人描绘出光怪陆离的生活中那些内心的茫然与孤独,其文风独树一帜,可与后现代派小说前辈约翰u2022巴斯、托马斯u2022品钦相媲美。


《湮灭OBLIVION》百度网盘txt最新全集下载:链接: 提取码:syoc简介:创世之时起源以及灭亡是在一起的,这形成了凡人无法理解的绝对完美。后来。在完美中出现了瑕疵,但这个瑕疵具有完美没有的,最后瑕疵被装入一个容器中。这个瑕疵形成了所谓的物质界/概率轴,某些高等的存在们为了研习它,统治它,成为了所谓的众神与外神。但你们浪费自己转瞬即逝的生命,试图去洞悉一个你们永远都无法看透的真相,为什么会这样?你们的世界,你们自己的形象都是这些超越你们的想象的意志泡腾出的梦。总有一天,很快就会来到这天,这个梦之泡沫就会破碎。至少,它会的话。在你们翻页把这个故事当作一个有趣的事情遗忘之前,好好思考这一点:也许从始至终就不是众神或上位者的游戏,也许这一直都只是我的游戏。



翻译一下歌词 oblivion

见勇敢的新世界的人, 我们创造了与我们的手, 观察它溜走... 像一个微小的一粒沙子... 想想所有的汗水和泪水, 想想所有的浪费几年, 它是否让你难过? 只是想我们已经... ? 没有更多的时间进行笑声... 没有更多的时间悲痛... 没有更多后,今天上午... "的原因,没有明天了! 我们正站在边缘的遗忘! 告别阿瓦隆! 因为它消失的黎明! 在最后的倒计时遗忘! 告别阿瓦隆! 作为神圣的大火烧伤! 最后我们都返回...遗忘! 难道我们真的走到这一步... 只要看它四分五裂? 现在,我们面对失败... 它的口味,使苦涩... 屈从于命运之手! 神的诅咒,但为时已晚! 从尘埃到尘埃... 没有什么留给我们... 没有更多的时间进行的勇气... 没有更多的时间进行荣誉... 没有更多的时间进行的英雄... 这是世界末日了! 我们正站在边缘的遗忘! 告别阿瓦隆! 因为它消失的黎明! 在最后的倒计时遗忘! 告别阿瓦隆! 作为神圣的大火烧伤! 最后我们都返回...遗忘! 多久,我们就会知道权力的预言! 当我们接近小时的命运! 没有办法阻止的潮流... 无处可运行和隐藏...从被人忘却的! 告别阿瓦隆! 因为它消失的黎明! 在最后的倒计时遗忘! 告别阿瓦隆! 作为神圣的大火烧伤! 最后我们都返回...遗忘!


Oblivion - M83&Susanne Sundfor遗忘Since I was young, I knew I"d find you 因为我年轻,我知道我一定会找到你 But our love was a song sung by a dying swan 但我们的爱像一只垂死天鹅的绝唱 And in the night, you hear me calling, 在夜里,你会听到我的呼唤 You hear me calling 你能听到我的呼唤 And in your dreams you see me falling, falling 和在你的梦中你会看到我坠落,坠落 Breathe in the light 在光里呼吸 I"ll stay here in the shadow 我会呆在阴影中 Waiting for a sign, as the time grows 等待一个随时间而增长的迹象 Higher, and higher, and higher 看着它长高,长高,再长高 And when the nights are long 而当漫漫长夜时 All those stars recall your goodbye, your goodbye 所有星星都会记起你的再见,再见 And in the night you"ll hear me calling, 在夜里,你会听到我的呼唤 You"ll hear me calling 你将听到我的呼唤 And in your dreams you"ll see us falling, falling 在你的梦里你会看到我们一起坠落,坠落 And in the night you"ll hear me calling, 在夜里,你会听到我的呼唤 You"ll hear me calling 你能听到我的呼唤 And in your dreams you"ll see us falling, falling 在你的梦里你会看到我们一起坠落,坠落 Breathe in the light and say goodbye 在光里呼吸并说再见 Breathe in the light and say goodbye. 在光里呼吸并说再见


1. Obligion名词 意识不清,被遗忘的状态。Eg: they drank themselves to oblivion; his name will fade into oblivion.2. Forget 动词,忘记之意






1. 遗忘2. 无意识


oblivion是名词,有:神智不清;湮没;被遗忘;无意识状态;沉睡;昏迷;被忘却;被摧毁;被毁灭;被夷平的意思。记忆:obliv忘记+ion状态—遗忘例句:Many ancient cities have long since passed into oblivion.许多古代的城市早已湮没。Howeve,the unique quality educational standard was in oblivion going with the development of history.但这种独特的素质教育标准,却在历史的发展中被遗忘了。


名词 n. [U]1.被遗忘,湮没Many ancient cities have long since passed into oblivion. 许多古代的城市早已湮没。 2.遗忘,失去感觉I sank back into oblivion. 我又什么都感觉不到了。 3.【律】大赦,赦免

Sheryl Crow的《Live It Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Live It Up歌手:Sheryl Crow专辑:野花Sheryl Crow - Live It UpYou get high-jacked, waiting at the bus stopBy Jesus, who"s working at the pawn shopEscaped by, barely in the pictureBut never far from the lensYou"d never risk it, inherently self-consciousSo twisted, resting on your haunchesSo mystic, paintin" in a ponchoYou better get readyEverybody"s out to have a good timeLive it up, like there"s no time leftJust like there"s no tomorrowLive it up, like there"s no time leftAnd there"s no time to killLive it up, like there"s no time leftAnd no time left to borrowWhy don"t you try to get it right this timeGet it right this timeYou get worked up, jammed and overloadedYour time"s up, before you even know itBut you can"t stop, working on the outcomeYou"re hawking your latest sinsPut on your backpack, take a trip to nowhereYou"re sidetracked, on your way to somewhereYou wind up right back where you startedYou better get readyEverybody"s out to have a good timeLive it up, like there"s no time leftJust like there"s no tomorrowLive it up, like there"s no time leftAnd there"s no time to killLive it up, like there"s no time leftAnd no time left to borrowWhy don"t we try to get it right this timeThis timeNo reason to worry, even if it isn"t goin" our wayForget about tomorrow, because all we really have is todayLive it up, like there"s no time leftJust like there"s no tomorrowLive it up, like there"s no time leftAnd there"s no time to killLive it up, like there"s no time leftAnd no time left to borrowWhy don"t we try to get it rightWhy don"t we try to get it rightWhy don"t we try to get it right this timeGet it right this timeGet it right this timeAll right

求助各位达人,iherb回来的nature’s way alive 多种维生素真假


Spotlight (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:Spotlight (Live)歌手:Mutemath专辑:Armistice LiveMute Math - SpotlightAhh, aah, ahh, aahAhh, aah, ahh, aahAhh, aah, ahh, aahAhh, aah, ahh, aahYou got a whole lot left to say nowYou knocked all your wind outYou just tried too hard and you frozeI know, I knowWhat do you say, what do you sayJust take the fallYou"re one of usThe spotlight is on(Ahh ahh)Oh the spotlight is on, ohYou know the one thing you"re fighting to holdWill be the one thing you"ve got to let goAnd when you feel the war cannot be wonYou"re gonna die to try what can"t be doneGonna stay stay out but you don"t careNow is there nothing like thatinside of you anywhereOh just take the fallYou"re one of usThe spotlight is on(Ahh ahh)Oh the spotlight is on, yeah it"s onBecause everyone would ratherwatch you fall (we"re all in trouble)And we all are (we"re all in trouble)And we all are (we"re all in trouble)Just take a fallYou"re one of usThe spotlight is on(Ahh ahh)Oh the spotlight is on(Just take the fall)Now you"re one of usNow you"re, now you"re,now you"re, now you"re one of usNow you"re, now you"re,now you"re one of usOh the spotlight is on(Ahh, ahh..)
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