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Lydia bought a new brand of bicycle, and Rose did ____. A. alike B. likewise C. likely D. similar


likewise和as well as 的区别


nice to meet you可以用likewise回答吗?

习惯上不会这样回答。回答Nice to meet you, too.


Likewise, the mode of attack varies.同样,攻击的方式也是各种各样的Likewise, Mr. Riley.我们也一样 Riley先生Likewise, we have to think of the collective.同样,我们也得想到集体

英语,【 me too】和【likewise】用法上有区别吗

me too:译为 我也是。我也一样。abstract:"Me Too" is the title of a song co-written and recorded by American country music singer-songwriter Toby Keith. It was released in November 1996 as the third and final single from his album Blue Moon.likewise ["laikwaiz] like or similar mannersome people have little power to do good, and have likewise little strength to resist evil同义词: addition同义词: besides   /   too   /   also   /   as well3.equally同义词: alike


likewise 同样地,也 是副词,可用在句首,例:What is fair for homeowners likewise should be fair to businesses.对私房业主公平的,同样也该对商家公平.alike adj.相似的;相同的adv.以同样的方式;类似于例:We lo...

问题:likewise ,me too, same here 的中文意思一样吗?

根据语境三者有一定区别:.likewise表示也的多作为连词.me too比较常见 放在句末表示和前者一样.same here 是一个小短句 表示也的意思.


likewise 和 similarly 同样地, 相同地基本上没有区别。 also 则有不同意思和用法: also 副词 还,亦,也,而且 Tom has been to Canada. Harry has also been to Canada. 汤姆去过加拿大。 哈里也去过。 ★在口语中,多用 as well 或 too; 在否定句中,则用 either. 连接词 = and. She was noble, also beautiful. 她很高尚,而且长得美。 not only ... but also ...不但…并且…。



likewise的用法 一般是用在句首、句中还是句末? 还是说都可以?

都可以likewise ["laikwaiz] adv.同样地;也例句1.Watch him and do likewise.(句末)留心看着他并且照样做.2.He is our friend and likewise our leader.(句中)他是我们的朋友并且也是我们的领袖.3.Likewise,it"s...


读音:["laɪkwaɪz]释义:adv.同样地;此外;(表示感觉相同)我也是例句:Watch him and do likewise. 注意看着他然后照样做。


一、表达意思不同1、likewise:adv. 同样地;也2、also:adv. 也;而且;同样、conj. 并且;另外3、similarly:adv. 类似地,差不多地;同样地,也二、用法不同1、likewise:通常可以在句中、句首、句尾皆可使用。2、also:只能用于句中,不能单独使用。3、similarly:只能用于句首。扩展资料:”likewise“的近义词:equally1、读音:英 [ˈiːkwəli] 、美 [ˈiːkwəli] 2、表达意思:adv. 同样地;相等地,平等地;公平地3、相关短语:distribute equally 平等分配 ; 水平 ; 等距分布equally with 不下于 ; 一样好 ; 等于equally well 同样地好equally pleased 由衷的赞叹4、例句:Try to get into the habit of eating at least three small meals a day, at equally spaced intervals.试着养成每天隔相等的时间吃至少3小餐的习惯。



翻译Likewise in Chinese painting,the concept of yin-yang can be found hidden in the composition

1,In china they say to understand painting you need to understand calligraphy——the art of writing Chinese characters with a brush。据说在中国,要了解画就必须了解书法-一种用毛笔写汉字的艺术。2,In china they say to understand painting you need to understand calligraphy——the art of writing Chinese characters with a brush。据说在中国,要了解画就必须了解书法-一种用毛笔写汉字的艺术。3,His style embodies the Taoist concept of yin and yang,of everything containing in itself its opposite. 他的风格蕴含了道教的阴阳观念,互不相容又紧密联系的两个对立面的一对性态或属性。4,The Renaissance and the classical period was concerned with harmony,balance and proportion。在复兴和古典时期,着重于和平,平衡与比例。5,Neo-classicism was again a more serious style of history painting showing the heroes of the French Republic and their view of new French state。新古典主义又是一个严肃/正经的历史绘画,描绘了法国共和国的英雄以及对于新法国的看法。6,Romanticism was too concerned with the inner world and inner sense of emotional response 。浪漫主义太过于着重在情感反应的内在世界及内在感应。7,He could like an alchemist,change one material into another,marble into trees,leaves,hair and of course,flesh。 他可以像炼金术士一样,把一个东西变成另一个东西,大理石变成树,叶,毛,甚至血肉。


likewise 和 similarly 同样地, 相同地基本上没有区别。also 则有不同意思和用法:also 副词 还,亦,也,而且Tom has been to Canada. Harry has also been to Canada. 汤姆去过加拿大。 哈里也去过。 ★在口语中,多用 as well 或 too; 在否定句中,则用 either.连接词 = and. She was noble, also beautiful. 她很高尚,而且长得美。 not only ... but also ...不但…并且…。


likewise[英][ˈlaɪkwaɪz][美][ˈlaɪkˌwaɪz] adv.同样地; 也,而且; 例句: Likewise. Where are we putting him? 彼此彼此安排他住哪儿



The book was found (as well)/(likewise) 哪个好 语法都对吗

the book was found as well


你说的likewise和besides 一般连接句子用的 词和词一般很少用 2.老外常用的是as well,然后需要看两个句子的逻辑 比如因果 转折在用词


in the beginning

likewise ,me too, same here 的中文意思一样吗?

根据语境三者有一定区别:likewise表示也的多作为连词me too比较常见 放在句末表示和前者一样same here 是一个小短句 表示也的意思.



thank you very much. 同样地可以用likewise单独回答吗

likewise adv. 同样地;也,而且

likewise与 like的区别



like 和 likes 的区别和用法分别是:作谓语动词使用时,表达“喜欢”。like 用于除单数第三人称以外的所有主语,likes 用于单数第三人称。例:They like to play outside. (他们喜欢在户外玩耍。)He likes to play inside. (他喜欢在室内玩耍。)作名词使用时,表达所喜爱的事物。like 为单数,likes 为复数。例:He has different likes and dislikes than many others. (他有着和很多其他人不一样的好恶。)

likewise likely

第一题选 B likewise,副词 同样地 likely是形容词去除,same必须前面加the,才表示同样的,alike是相似的意思 第二题选 C 日本人生活的真实状况,real right corrct都是正确的意思,true有正确的意思,也有真实的意思


likewise adv.同样地, 照样地, 又, 也 n.同样地Go and do likewise. 去照样做。Watch him and do likewise. 留心看着他并且照样做。Likewise, the mode of attack varies. 同样,攻击的方式也是各种各样的。Preserve likewise, the rights of inferior places; 同样,保持下属底权利;This reform likewise requires the Kuomintang"s consent. 这一改造,同样须得到国民党的同意。He is our friend and likewise our leader. 他是我们的朋友并且也是我们的领袖。Mary must go home now, and Alden likewise. 玛丽现在要回家,奥尔登也要回去。They go on foot and I do likewise. 他们步行,我也同样。Likewise 相当于too,also.但是更为正式,并可能暗示各成分之间的平等和相似: You forgot to mention that her parents were likewise going to attend the ceremony.你忘了提到她父母也打算去参加仪式。


likewise 同样地,也 是副词,可用在句首,例:What is fair for homeowners likewise should be fair to businesses.对私房业主公平的,同样也该对商家公平。alike adj. 相似的;相同的adv. 以同样的方式;类似于例:We looked very alike.我们长得很相像。They are much alike in character.他们的性格很相似。

帮忙分析一下这个英语句子:Likewise, build a relationship with?



likewise后面不用加逗号,直接连着单词。如下所示:These requests are ignored. His requests for rent are likewise sometimes ignored.这些要求被置之不理。他关于支付租金的要求有时也同样未被理睬。词义辨析:also,too,as well,either,likewise这些词均含“也”之意。also比too正式一些,语气较重,只用于肯定句,一般紧靠动词。too语气较轻,多用于口语,在肯定句中使用,通常位于句末。as well一般不用否定句,通常放在句末,强调时可放在句中。either用于否定句,放在句末,之前加逗号。likewise是书面语用词。


表示相同关系。likewise英 ["laɪkwaɪz]     美 ["laɪkwaɪz]    adv. 同样地;此外;(表示感觉相同)我也是。They went on foot and I did likewise.他们步行去,我也步行去了。also,too,as well,likewise区别:1、also比too正式一些,语气较重,只用于肯定句,一般紧靠动词。2、too语气较轻,多用于口语,在肯定句中使用,通常位于句末。3、as well一般不用否定句,通常放在句末,强调时可放在句中。4、likewise是书面语用词。

英语,【 me too】和【likewise】用法上有区别吗?

me too和likewise虽然都可以理解出“我也是”的意思,但用法上是有区的。1、词性不同。me too是一个短语,意思是“我也是”直接指明了主语“me"即第一人称“我”。可以表示第一人称的感觉、想法、意愿等较为宽泛的主管意思。而likewise则作为一个介词时,意思较多:同样地;类似地;也; 还;亦;而且。如果要表示感觉相同,而且仅仅是表示感觉相同的时候,则可以用likewise,此时的意思可以理解为:“我也是”,“我有同感”。2、应用场合不同。me too较为口语化,而likewise更加的书面。扩展资料:likewise的近义词:similarly:相似的;类似地;差不多地;同样;也。me too的近义词:same here:我也一样;彼此彼此。在用法上,与“likewise”相比,“same here”更加的接近“me too”。


likewise是同样地;也的意思。likewise是一个英语单词,美/ˈlaɪkwaɪz/,英/ˈlaɪkwaɪz/,adv.同样地;也。双语例句1、I choose the black one, and he does likewise.我选择了黑色的那个,他也是。2、Her request of saving water is likewise refused by them.他们也同样拒绝了她节约水资源的要求。3、You can do likewise, but it is somehow awkward.你也可以那样做,但多少有点尴尬。4、Just water these plants twice a week, and likewise the ones in the bedroom.这些植物一周浇两次水,卧室里的那些也一样。5、Her second marriage was likewise unhappy.她的第二次婚姻也不幸福。6、She seated herself, and asked him to do likewise.她坐了下来,请他也坐下来。7、The mother said likewise: "What a clever Elsie we have!"母亲也说:“我们的埃尔西多聪明呀!”


likewise [副词] : 同样地 ; 也一般用於句末, 也可用於句首.I"m leaving and I suggest you do likewise 我要走了,建议你也走.I told him to watch me and do likewise. 我叫他仔细看著我,并且照样做。To achieve this goal, you must have ambition; likewise you need to exert great efforts. 要实现这一目标,你必须有雄心壮志,同时还得十分努力。Likewise, students feel that ... 学生们同样感到…Pleased to meet you! Likewise! 很高兴见到你! 我也是!