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like-minded 都有什么意思

形容词 志趣相投的;看法相同的 相似意向 观点相同的


like-minded[英][lau026ak "mau026andu026ad][美][lau026ak "mau026andu026ad]adj.志趣相投的; 具有相似意向或目的的; 双语例句 1The opportunity to mix with hundreds of like-minded people与许许多多志趣相投的人交流的机会2We continually seek passionate, like-minded people who share our values and provide the kind of creative problem-solving skills that make us a better agency.我们一直在寻找热情洋溢、志同道合的人加入公司,他们认同我们的价值观,具备创造性解决问题的技能,促进公司蒸蒸日上。

It likes ___(jump).横线上填什么词


Does she like jumping是什么意思为什么要用like和jumping

like to do something和like doing something都可以

tutu likes(to jump,jumping)选哪个

从语法上,likes to jump 和likes jumping都对但是从意思上来看,jump跳跃,是一种即时性的动作,likes to jump, 意味着喜欢不停地跳,跳一次,再跳一次,再跳一次...这样会让人觉得tutu有病..likes jumping, 意味着喜欢跳动,jumping在这里是蹦蹦跳跳的意思。所以,除非上下文有其他的提醒,否则选jumping会适宜些。同样的,喜欢吃,应该在like to eat和like eating中选择like eating;喜欢跳舞,更适宜翻译成like dancing...诸如此类。

li ping is jumping like a monkey,为什么jump要加ing形式?



rougelike是欧美国家对一类游戏的统称,是角色扮演游戏(RPG)的一个子类。二十世纪八十年代初,由Michael Toy和Glenn Wichman两位软件工程师共同在UNIX系统上开发,大型机上运行的游戏。其类型始祖游戏Rogue在2009年被游戏权威杂志“PCWORLD”评为“史上最伟大的十个游戏之一”。其本身的理念源自于二十世纪七十年代的游戏,包括Adventure Dungeon,DND/Telengard,Beneath Apple Manor,并利用了一些PLATO系统(即第一代网络游戏),完成了基础建设。目的是在电脑上再现“DND”游戏体验,并且严格遵循“DND”游戏规则的单人回合扮演游戏。rougelike类型游戏特点Roguelike类型游戏在新开局时都会随机生成游戏场景,敌人,宝物等不同事物。而玩家的每一次冒险历程也都将是独一无二,不可复制的。更有甚者,只要玩家愿意的话,可以让玩家连扮演的角色都设置成随机生成的。例如敌人,武器,甚至只是一个角色的皮肤或者场景中的河流等。其实Roguelike类游戏的鼻祖Rogue被普遍认为是最先有图形界面的冒险游戏之一,虽然这种“图形界面”抽象的过分。但是很多Roguelike类游戏出于对Rogue的致敬,会直接使用ASCII字符来表示游戏画面。

Looking like a wooden cabin,中looking是什么用法?

Looking like a wooden cabin,it"s acturally an automatic house . 这句话中,looking like 。。。分词短语做状语

Sound like a stretch该如何翻译才算合适?




Nothing succeeds like success 啥意思

一事成功,万事成功 小子,知道了不?

Nothing succeeds like success是什么意思

nothing succeeds like success(谚)一事成功百事顺; 双语例句1Orpington seems an example of the truism that nothing succeeds like success.奥尔平顿似乎验证了一个常理&一事成功百事顺。2I won the essay prize, then was offered a scholarship: nothing succeeds like success!我的作文得了奖,接着就获得了奖学金,真是一顺百顺!

l like skirts为什么skirts用复数


羽泉冬天里的一把火里面加的fier fier you like fier是什么歌

明天过后 播放歌手:张杰语言:国语所属专辑:明天过后明天过后 - 张杰词:葛佳慧曲:粱伟丰没有星星的夜空没有话题能补充太多承诺从指缝中溜走不敢奢求什么回忆将我们扣留一瞬间亲吻的时候一切就好像轮回般朦胧心动渐渐的失控是否两个人足够捕捉爱的镜头闭上了眼睛记得你的笑容幸福的从容将灵魂都掏空享受一分钟的感动是否爱上一个人不问明天过后山明和水秀不比你有看头牵着你的手 一直走到最后这一刻怎么回头没有星星的夜空没有话题能补充太多承诺从指缝中溜走不敢奢求什么回忆将我们扣留一瞬间亲吻的时候一切就好像轮回般朦胧心动渐渐的失控是否两个人足够捕捉爱的镜头闭上了眼睛记得你的笑容幸福的从容将灵魂都掏空享受一分钟的感动是否爱上一个人不问明天过后山明和水秀不比你有看头牵着你的手 一直走到最后这一刻怎么回头是否两个人足够捕捉爱的镜头闭上了眼睛记得你的笑容幸福的从容将灵魂都掏空享受一分钟的感动是否爱上一个人不问明天过后山明和水秀不比你有看头牵着你的手 一直走到最后这一刻怎么回头这一刻怎么回头

求say you like me中英文歌词对照~~~麻烦认真翻译,别翻译倒土不洋的,O(∩_∩)O谢


The managers discussed the plan that they weould like to see___the next year

把句子补充完整,The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see__(to be carried out)_the next year楼主就知道原因啦句中 省略 to be 一个是将来的,用不定式,一个是被动的,要用被动语态综合起来就排除A,B,D了

The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see____


like sunday还是like sundays

I like Sundays.的意思是我喜欢礼拜天。这是一个一般现在时陈述句肯定形式,一般现在时表示的是经常性的动作或者已经成为了习惯。那么,喜欢礼拜天,不可能是这个或者那个礼拜天,而且所有的礼拜天都喜欢,所以Sundays应该使用复数形式,表示全部都有。



As you like my pleasure 如何翻译?

As you like my pleasure 可以翻译为:如你所愿

i like poems作文如何写

Reading poems is not exactly an everyday activity for most people. In fact, many people never read a poem once they get out of high school. It is worth reminding ourselves that this has not always been the case in America. In the nineteenth century, a usual American activity was to sit around the fireside in the evening and read poems aloud. It is true that there was no television at the time, nor movie theaters, nor World Wide Web, to provide diversion. However, poems were a source of pleasure, of self-education, of connection to other people or to the world beyond one"s own community. Reading them was a social act as well as an individual one, and perhaps even more social than individual. Writing poems to share with friends and relations was, like reading poems by the fireside, another way in which poetry has a place in everyday life. How did things change? Why are most Americans no longer comfortable with poetry, and why domost people today think that a poem has nothing to tell them and that they can do well without poems? There are, I believe, three factors: poets, teachers, and we ourselves. Of these, the least important isthe third: the world surrounding the poem has betrayed us more than we have betrayed the poem. Early in the twentieth century, poetry in English headed into directions unfavorable to the reading of poetry. Readers decided that poems were not for the fireside or the easy chair. at night, and that they belonged where other difficult-to-read things belonged. Poets failed the reader, so did teachers. They want their students to know something about the skills of a poem, they want their students to see that poems mean something. Yet what usually occurs when teachers push these concerns on their high school students is that young people decide poems are unpleasant crossword puzzles.

英语翻译 我喜欢的电视剧用英语怎么说 I like the TV series?

我喜欢的电视剧用英语怎么说 The TV plays I like The TV Plays that are liked by me My favourite TV play



求一首英文歌 前奏和EXO的mama 很像 是一个男的唱的 歌词中好像有I don’t like to be lonely 之类的歌词

《草帽歌》中文名称:草帽歌歌曲原唱:乔山中填 词:西条八十谱 曲:大野雄二歌曲语言:中文,英文来 源:电影《人证》插曲歌词mama, do you remember妈妈,你可曾记得the old straw hat you gave to me你送给我那草帽i lost that hat long ago很久以前我失落了那草帽flew to the foggy canyon.它飘摇着坠入了雾积峡谷yeh mama, i wonder耶哎妈妈,我想知道what happened to that old straw hat,那顶旧草帽发生了些什么falling down the mountain side掉落在那山坳out of my reach like your heart.就像你的心儿,离开了我的身边suddenly that wind came up,忽然间狂风呼啸stealing my hat from me yeh.夺去我的草帽耶哎swirling whirling gust of wind,高高卷走了草帽啊blowing it higher away.飘向那天外云霄mama, that old straw hat妈妈,那顶旧草帽was the only one i really loved,是我唯一珍爱的无价之宝but we lost it.但我们已经失去no one could bring it back,没有人再能找回来like the life you gave me.就像是你给我的生命

i would like to meet a warmyou wander什么意思


有一首英文女声歌曲有一句I like happyday......sunshine

moumoon的sunshine girl

he's like a myth啥意思

He"s like a myth他就像一个神话

--- Would you like to try _____ time? --- Sur

D 序数词前加不定冠词a,意为“又一,再一”。

i see this life like a swinging vine swinging my

line 指界限,across the line 就是 “越界” 这里指越过自然和人体的界限。这句歌词是分为两行的一句话,韵脚是 vine 和 line: ~I see this life like a swinging vine 我看到这个生活像是一根多姿多彩的藤蔓 ~swinging my heart across the line 越过界摇荡我心房的 (藤蔓)后面的分词短语 swinging my heart across the line 是名词 a swinging vine 的后置定语,其中介词短语 across the line 又是 my heart 的后置定语 。按韵文格式意译如下: 我知道生活如同藤蔓, 牵动着我的心房震颤。

sql 语句like后面的参数是什么意思?

khcode like "%"+"%" 代表所有khcode kkhname like "%"+"%" 代表所有kkhname zjm like "%"+"%" 代表所有zjm khcode like "01"+"%" 代表所有以01开头的 khcode khcode like "%"+"01" 代表所有以01结尾的 khcode khcode like "%"+"01"+"%" 代表所有包含01的 khcode

英语翻译 .a friendship between gentlemen is like a cu



does sam like tshirt



dee and her brother thomas like to play

dee and her brother thomas like to play迪和她的哥哥托马斯喜欢玩望采纳,谢谢

求一首歌,英文,男声,歌词有句and fire重复了好几遍,歌名好像是什么life like a

set fire to the rain(adele)rolling the the deep(adele)

己所不欲勿施于人用英语怎么说?do not do to others what you would not like to do 这样子讲对吗?


英语love is like a tide怎么翻译?


I will hug you tightly in the arms,and kiss you million of times,like a kiss .是什么意思?


Life is like a ah什么意思?

活着是个遗憾根据“AH”的理解翻译来决定这句的意思,网上有,找给你了:AH百科名片AH,具有多方面的意义:一是作为一个感叹词,表示痛苦、愉悦、遗憾、惊讶等;二是英文的缩写,表示应用托管、认证头、远视散光等;三是犹太纪元、伊斯兰教纪元的拉丁文缩写;四是一首朝语歌曲的名字。目录感叹词英文缩写拉丁文缩写其他歌曲网络协议AH浏览器软件感叹词 英文缩写 拉丁文缩写 其他 歌曲网络协议 AH浏览器软件展开 编辑本段感叹词 表示痛苦、愉悦、遗憾、惊讶等,相当于啊,哎呀。编辑本段英文缩写 A. h = ampere-hour,安培小时,衡量蓄电设备容量的单位,可以简单地理解为:1A. h表示该蓄电设备在供电电流强度为1A时能持续工作1小时。 AH = Application Hosting,应用托管,多媒体术语,应用服务提供商(ASP)向企业用户提供因特网应用服务的业务名称。 AH = Authenticaton Header,认证头,是IPSec的一种重要的数据封装方式,它为IP数据包提供数据完整性、数据源身份验证以及抗重放攻击服务,但是它不提供数据的机密性保护。 Ah = hyperopic astigmatism,远视散光。 AH = auction house的简写,意思是拍卖行。 AH=Adolf Hitler阿道夫·希特勒,希特勒是德国国家社会主义工人党的主席和第三帝国的元首。1945年死杀于柏林。 AH=Ass Hole 骂人的话“混蛋”<美俚>,网上因为打不出单词Ass,所以经常用AH代替~~~编辑本段拉丁文缩写 A.H. = anno Hebraico (=in the Hebrew year) ,犹太纪元。 A.H. = anno Hegirae (=in the year of the Hegira) ,伊斯兰教纪元。编辑本段其他 魔兽世界 AH = 副本哀嚎洞穴的汉语拼音缩写 AH = auction house 拍卖行的英文缩写 武装直升机型号前缀。 aH=安时 1aH=1000毫安时 是电流与放电时间的乘积

求like i never left的歌词翻译 whitney的

阿肯的音乐和惠特尼·休斯顿——像我从未离开过 [Adlib介绍-阿肯的音乐(惠特尼)] Konvict 阿肯的音乐和惠特尼,是的 (哦耶)。 惠特尼][第1节- 你有没有希望你能拿回来一些你在你过去吗 如果不是因为我知道我们已经被肯定会持续 我承认我们说,有些事情我们不意味着当我们疯了 但是,我意识到我是愚蠢的,我永远不该转回 惠特尼][钩1 - 因为它是一个冰冷的世界,当你不在那里 很多次,我想拿起电话 告诉你喔宝贝,我想念你的lovin” 我不会踌躇不前,你的女孩回家 [合唱(惠特尼)] (我想要你爱我就像我从未离开过 (我想要你抱着我)喜欢我从未离开过 (我想要你触摸我)喜欢我从未离开过 (来给我错过了什么,是像我从未离开过,是的 -Akon][第2节中, 你认为我们可以在我们之前离开呢 我告诉你,这是我的事,包装和移走 因为我发现没有你我的世界只是一个空的地方 一小步一小步远离你的感觉就像一个万英里远的地方 阿肯的音乐][钩2 - 因为它是一个冰冷的世界,当你不在那里 很多次,我只是想拿起电话 告诉你喔宝贝,我想念你的lovin” 但是我不会阻碍,因为你的人回家,是的 [合唱(惠特尼)] (我想要你爱我,啊)像是我从未离开过 (我想要你抱着我)喜欢我从未离开过 (我想要你触摸我的婴儿)喜欢我从未离开过 (来给我错过了什么,哦)喜欢我从未离开过,是的 [桥(惠特尼)] [惠特尼] 我听够了,我想念你的坏 我怎么做,把过去 是的,你的女朋友也回来了 就像我从未离开过(哦)。 阿肯的音乐][m].北京: 在建筑物,说在那块回来 你和我在一起,我们回到顶点 我们得到的爱,那就不要停止 就像我从未离开过 [惠特尼] 我听够了,我想你坏(我很想念你坏)。记得采纳啊

The flu is believed to be caused by viruses that like to reproduce in the cells inside the human.

对,有两个被动,但句子成分不同。1. is believed是谓语动词。2. to be caused是不定式短语作宾语。

Voted Most Likely 歌词

歌曲名:Voted Most Likely歌手:man overboard专辑:Man OverboardMan Overboard - Voted Most LikelyQQ : 349777127Ruined again, what did I do?I"ve been caught up and distracted by you.I held the moment in the palm of my hands and watched it crumble.I tried to understand how you could be so normaland I could be so awkward day after day.I hate to break the bad news, but I am nothing like you.Still, you call me all day.Why is it that you touch me like you want meand you look my in the eyes like you"ve never seen a boy before me?Meet me at the back door just so we can talk more.Now I"m asking myself what I broke your heart for.I never wanted to embarrass you or say anything that wasn"t true.Left me wide open eating out of your hand.I watched your car leave. I didn"t understand.How I could be so stupid, how it got so confusing…Still tension in the air. If you want to hurt me,then you should just desert me, now since you are aware.Why is it that you touch me like you want meand you look my in the eyes like you"ve never seen a boy before me?Meet me at the back door just so we can talk more.Now I"m asking myself what I broke your heart for.I never wanted to embarrass you or say anything that wasn"t true.I"ll most likely spend tonight alone.I"d throw a party but no one would come.I"ll be waiting outside till your car pulls upwith butterflies slicing holes in my gut.I don"t want to ruin this again.Man Overboard - Voted Most LikelyQQ : 349777127

is like a whole other bag of worms

这是一个比喻吧,心脏像蠕虫一样跳动而不再像是一个泵了 意思是说心脏有点出问题了,无力. like a bag of worms:(functioning) irregularly and without much power

survivor-like TV show 翻译


急求一片围绕what do you like to do 写的英文作文 要求300字

I like doing sports.Because it is good for my health. I also like to play games with my parents on weekends. After finishing my homework in the evening, I like reading books and play games.How about you?

Like A Prayer歌词

Life is a mystery, everyone must stand aloneI hear you call my nameAnd it feels like homeWhen you call my name it"s like a littleprayerI"m down on my knees, I wanna take you thereIn the midnight hour I can feel your powerJust like a prayer you know I"ll take you thereI hear your voice, it"s like an angel sighingI have no choice, I hear your voiceFeels like flyingI close my eyes, Oh God I think I"m fallingOut of the sky, I close my eyesHeaven help meWhen you call my name it"s like a littleprayerI"m down on my knees, I wanna take you thereIn the midnight hour I can feel your powerJust like a prayer you know I"ll take you thereLike a child you whisper softly to meYou"re in control just like a childNow I"m dancingIt"s like a dream, no end and no beginningYou"re here with me, it"s like a dreamLet the choir singWhen you call my name it"s like a littleprayerI"m down on my knees, I wanna take you thereIn the midnight hour I can feel your powerJust like a prayer you know I"ll take you thereLife is a mystery, everyone must stand aloneI hear you call my nameAnd it feels like homeJust like a prayer, your voice can takeme thereJust like a muse to me, you are a mysteryJust like a dream, you are not what youseemJust like a prayer, no choice your voicecan take me thereJust like a prayer, I"ll take you thereIt"s like a dream to meJust like a prayer, your voice can takeme thereJust like a muse to me, you are a mysteryJust like a dream, you are not what youseemJust like a prayer, no choice your voicecan take me there

求类似 Like a star 的英文歌

Wrecking Ball - Miley CyrusWe clawed, we chained our hearts in vain我们争执过,我们亲密过,我们已经心力交瘁We jumped, never asking why我们的感情进行的太快,却从来没有问过对方为什么。We kissed, I fell under your spell我们拥吻过,我陷入你的蜜咒里A love no one could deny没有人可以否认我的爱Don"t you ever say I just walked away难道你不曾了解,我虽然离开I will always want you可是我依然想跟你在一起I can"t live a lie, running for my life我不能活在一个左右着我生活的谎言中I will always want you我依旧还是想跟你在一起I came in like a wrecking ball我像毁灭球一样的闯入I never hit so hard in love在任何一段感情,我从没有闯入的如此艰难All I wanted was to break your walls我只是想要闯入你的内心All you ever did was wreck me你做过的一切已经毁灭了我Yeah, you wreck me没错,你毁了我I put you high up in the sky我把你放上了天空And now, you"re not coming down然而现在,你不想落下It slowly turned, you let me burn感情慢慢变质,你燃烧了我And now, we"re ashes on the ground所以现在,我们烧成落在地上的灰Don"t you ever say I just walked away难道你不曾了解,我虽然离开I will always want you我依旧还是想跟你在一起I can"t live a lie, running for my life我不能活在一个左右着我生活的谎言中I will always want you我依旧还是想跟你在一起I came in like a wrecking ball我像毁灭球一样的闯入I never hit so hard in love在任何一段感情,我从没有闯入的如此艰难All I wanted was to break your walls我只是想要闯入你的内心All you ever did was wreck me你做过的一切已经毁灭了我I came in like a wrecking ball我像毁灭球一样的闯入Yeah, I just closed my eyes and swung我紧闭我的双眼,不停摇摆Left me crouching in a blaze and fall剩我一个人蜷缩在煎熬和迷失中All you ever did was wreck me你做过的一切毁灭了我Yeah, you wreck me没错,你毁了我I never meant to start a war我从没想过跟你争执I just wanted you to let me in我只是想你接受我And instead of using force用非暴力的方式I guess I should"ve let you in我想我早该让你赢I never meant to start a war我从没想过跟你争执I just wanted you to let me in我只是想你接受我I guess I should"ve let you in我想我早该让你赢Don"t you ever say I just walked away难道你不曾了解,我虽然离开I will always want you我依旧还是想跟你在一起I came in like a wrecking ball我像毁灭球一样的闯入I never hit so hard in love在任何一段感情,我从没有闯入的如此艰难All I wanted was to break your walls我只是想要闯入你的内心All you ever did was wreck me你做过的一切已经毁灭了我I came in like a wrecking ball我像毁灭球一样的闯入Yeah, I just closed my eyes and swung我紧闭我的双眼,不停摇摆Left me crouching in a blaze and fall你做过的一切已经毁灭了我All you ever did was wreck me你做过的一切毁灭了我Yeah, you wreck me没错,你毁了我Yeah, you wreck me是的,你毁了我

有一首歌,有中文和几句英文,有一小部分歌词是,love like a boom和blow it u

歌词为"BOOM BOOM BOOM",出自歌曲《Boom Boom Boom》歌名:Boom Boom Boom所属专辑:《Pin.K拼》发行时间:2012-12-10歌曲原唱:乔任梁填 词:拖鞋谱 曲:WaveG歌词:你别光喝啤酒 我就在你身后我可是 情场的 高手你被我 看透 你别害羞能否跳支舞 我有完美的舞步你其实想跟我走可为什么你还不理我I wanna kiss~ok!I wanna dance~ok!请不要假装 给我个机会Boom Boom Boom~I love you!Boom Boom Boom~I need you!我都快要词穷 为何你还不懂Boom Boom Boom~I love you!Boom Boom Boom~I need you!我从来不失手 跟我走 知道你喜欢我你别光喝啤酒 我就在你身后我可是 情场的 高手你被我 看透 你别害羞能否跳支舞 我有完美的舞步你其实想跟我走可为什么你还不理我I wanna kiss~ok!I wanna dance~ok!请不要假装 给我个机会Boom Boom Boom~I love you!Boom Boom Boom~I need you!我都快要词穷 为何你还不懂Boom Boom Boom~I love you!Boom Boom Boom~I need you!我从来不失手 跟我走 知道你喜欢我RAP:我求你快点来坐我这边 为何你却要躲我后面我热情的对你说Say hi 可没聊几句你就对我说Bye Bye通常我是那种万人迷 为何只有你不follow me你的矜持快让我上瘾 必须追到你 you drive me crazy !Boom Boom Boom~I love you!Boom Boom Boom~I need you!我都快要词穷 为何你还不懂Boom Boom Boom~I love you!oom Boom Boom~I need you!我从来不失手 跟我走 知道你喜欢我Boom Boom Boom~I love you!Boom Boom Boom~I need you!我都快要词穷 为何你还不懂Boom Boom Boom~I love you!Boom Boom Boom~I need you!我从来不失手 跟我走 知道你喜欢我

英文歌男的唱的歌词大概有“i like you but just like you""i like about you what you do ,are you do "

You & I歌词:[Niall]I figured it outI figured it out from black and whiteSeconds and hoursMaybe they had to take some time[Liam]I know how it goesI know how it goes from wrong and rightSilence and soundDid they ever hold each other tightLike usDid they ever fightLike us[Harry]You and IWe don"t wanna be like themWe can make it till the endNothing can come betweenYou and INot even the Gods above canSeparate the two of usNo nothing can come betweenYou and IOh, you and I[Zayn]I figured it outSaw the mistakes of up and downMeet in the middleThere"s always room for common ground[Louis and Zayn]I see what it"s likeI see what it"s like for day and nightNever togetherCause they see things in a different lightLike usThey never triedLike us[Harry]You and IWe don"t wanna be like themWe can make it till the endNothing can come betweenYou and INot even the Gods above canSeparate the two of us[Instrumental][Chorus](Zayn)"Cause You and I(All)We don"t wanna be like themWe can make it till the endNothing can come betweenYou and INot even the Gods above canSeparate the two of usNo nothing can come betweenYou and IOh, you and IOoooh You and IWe could make it if we tryOh, you and IYou and I

laughed、liked、shouted、pointed、showed、was walked、

Suddenly he laughed again.突然他又笑了.He liked me .他喜欢我He shouted at his brother.他朝他的兄弟吼叫He pointed to a chair.他指着一把椅子She showed him around the school.她带他参观了学校。We walked into the room.. 我们走进房间。It was rainy yesterday.They were good friends ten years ago.He lived here last year.

exploding like spiders across the stars为什么翻译为


For the rest, he is a mortal man like you and me.

moral man 普通人

sounds like和sound的区别

1.sound的用法: 1)sound作名词,意为“声音”,有可数和不可数两种用法.如: ①Strange sounds came from the next room.(作可数名词) 奇怪的声音来自隔壁房间. ②Sound travels at 340 metres per second on air.(作不可数名词). 声音以每秒340米的速度在空气中传播 2)sound作连系动词,意为“听起来”,“听上去(给人以某种印象)”,常接形容词作表语,不接副词.还可接名词,介词短语或从句.如: ①Your cough sounds better.你的咳嗽听起来好些了. ②That sounds like a good idea!那听起来是个好主意. 3)sound作及物动词,意为“发出声音”、“发(音)”;作不及物动词,意为“发声”、“响”.如: ①The bell sounded for dinner at eight o"clock.晚餐铃声八点钟响. ②A bell is sounded at eight o"clock.八点钟时敲响铃子. ③Sound your horn to warn the other driver.按喇叭警告另一位驾驶员 4)sound作形容词,表示“健康的”、“完好的”、“正确的”、“彻底的”等含义. 如: children of sound mind and body 身心健康的孩子们. a sound sleep 酣睡 另外sound可作副词,用于习语,如: be sound asleep(酣睡着) 2.sound like的用法 sound like 基本翻译 听起来像 网络释义 sound like:听起来像|听看来像 sound like fun:听起来有趣 sound like a ghost:听起来像 下面是有关的例句希望可以帮上你的忙 (1).It sound like bronchitis. 听起来像支气管炎. (2).Ted :You sound like my mama. 特德:你说话挺象我妈妈. (3).It won"t sound like a big deal, 这事听起来没啥严重, 知道了这两个词的用法和词性,以后用时就能很容易区别开了.



Ulike脱毛仪 敏感肌都可放心用的脱毛仪

春天来了,皮肤开始红、热、痒、痛......这些都是敏感肌才有的症状。更让姐妹们苦不堪言的是,想要脱毛,选择一款脱毛仪更是难上加难。大家熟知的丁香医生,通过他的专业判断,倾心推荐一款敏感肌都可放心用的脱毛仪——Ulike脱毛仪。Ulike脱毛仪最大的优势就是脱毛过程冰感无痛,拥有一台Ulike脱毛仪,这绝对是你的专属选择。 通过强脉冲光(IPL)照射肌肤,毛囊中的黑色素会吸收脉冲光,光能转化为热能,使毛囊及周围组织因温度升高发生结构改变,毛囊进入休眠期,从而抑制毛发生长,这是脱毛仪普遍存在的原理。很多姐妹觉得,这样的光电类仪器一定会很痛,即便是买回家,怕操作难或者不敢用。Ulike脱毛仪充分考虑了这一系列用户痛点,采用蓝宝石冰点脱毛技术,让脱毛痛感极度降低,将皮表温度保持在10-30度,全程冰凉,零痛感,实现安全、轻松脱毛。Ulike脱毛仪实现了在家也能无痛脱毛,获得院线级别的体验,这让很多人开始购买Ulike脱毛仪,并很快推荐给身边人,其中,就有敏感肌的女孩,她们用过后,都对Ulike脱毛仪爱不释手。 Ulike脱毛仪之所以能够快速高效脱毛,它具备的功效是永久性脱毛。不同于传统的凹面灯头,Ulike家用脱毛仪的蓝宝石平面头更能完全紧贴下压皮肤,可增大与皮肤的接触面积,吸引更多闪光能量,让脱毛更彻底,比一般的凹面闪光口脱毛效果提升30%-40%,所以,Ulike脱毛仪能够温柔脱毛,同时也实现了高效脱毛。 有实验数据效果显示,受试者使用Ulike蓝宝石冰点脱毛仪后,毛发的数量、长度和密度和使用前相比都具有显著性差异。轻度毛发2周起见效,中重度毛发4周到8周见效,毛发肉眼可见的变细变软,生长速度大幅下降。现在开始脱毛,等到夏天就能自信大胆的展示光滑肌肤,搭配短裙短裤,从内到外透露出美丽。 在家就能轻轻松松脱毛,全程无痛、安全且舒适。Ulike脱毛仪真是为敏感肌女孩量身打造的一款脱毛仪。这简直就是敏感肌爱美人士的福音。还等什么?Ulike脱毛仪你值得拥有。


近年来, 科技 美容仪器行业蓬勃发展。在家用脱毛仪领域,有一个品牌那就是ulike脱毛仪。通过ulike脱毛仪品牌,我们可以了解一个新兴品牌的爆炸性增长路径。 行业机遇:家庭美容是大势所趋。从用户类别需求的角度来看,在家庭美容仪器新类别的渗透中,有一个从遮瑕膏到美化的渐进发展过程,脱毛仪器已成为家庭美容仪器轨道的重要主导类别,开启了家庭医疗美容战争的第一枪,成为整个家庭美容仪器轨道发展的风向标。 长期以来,脱毛一直是女性美容护理中难以形容的一件事。传统的脱毛膏、剃须刀等产品只能去除皮肤表面的毛发,但不能根除。头发还是会春风吹来。因此,用户往往选择去线下美容院和线下医疗美容场所进行深度脱毛,但线下体验不仅费时费力,而且在体验过程中隐私感不强,容易引起用户反感。 由于上述痛点长期未能解决,大量用户的脱毛需求难以释放。在家的 社会 趋势下,家庭脱毛显然是行业发展的主要方向。 ulike脱毛仪率先在家用脱毛仪类别中引入蓝宝石冰点技术,稳定了家用脱毛仪类别的头部地位。根据该品牌的官方数据,ulike脱毛仪现在在家用脱毛仪行业占有55%以上的市场份额,累计用户超过280万。 光学脱毛仪产品的作用原理是毛囊黑色素吸收光能转化为热能,使毛囊加热进入休眠。与其他脱毛方法相比,光学脱毛可以长期抑制头发的生长。然而,由于传统光学脱毛仪脱毛后的余热不能迅速冷却和分散,很容易引起皮肤烧伤和热损伤,这也成为用户最大的痛点。 ulike脱毛仪通过蓝宝石平面灯的应用解决了这个问题。一方面,蓝宝石透光率更高,光能转化为热能效率更高,能有效刺激皮下毛囊进入休眠状态;另一方面,蓝宝石具有更高的导热性,能迅速冷却周围皮肤,确保皮肤安全。也就是说,通过引入蓝宝石冰点技术,不仅可以更有效地抑制头发的生长,而且可以实现脱毛、无痛、无皮肤损伤的用户体验。 正是通过蓝宝石平面灯头的设计,ulike脱毛仪可以在脱毛仪产品中具有更多的功能扩展性。在ulike脱毛仪的Rose脱毛仪中,蓝宝石冰点屏幕周围有8盏光疗嫩肤灯,利用红光能量在用户脱毛的同时达到嫩肤效果,形成产品差异化。ulike脱毛仪的冰点无痛技术和光疗嫩肤技术已获得国家专利认证,成为ulike脱毛仪产品的竞争壁垒。 值得一提的是,ulike脱毛仪也得到了 时尚 、 健康 等专业领域的认可,形成了强大的品牌潜力。例如,在 时尚 界,ulike脱毛仪与2021年上海时装周SIFS进行了深入合作,成为 时尚 芭莎年度脱毛仪的认可;在专业 健康 领域,ulike脱毛仪还与丁香博士进行了深入合作,通过真人评估和专业报告输出核心内容,创造专业影响力。 在家用美容仪器如火如荼的今天,ulike脱毛仪已经成为脱毛仪器品类的第一条轨道,通过技术沉淀和品牌传播互动,不断积累企业潜力,成为用户喜爱的新兴品牌。ulike脱毛仪通过自己的爆款产品路径打造,为行业塑造了成功的案例模式。预计ulike脱毛仪将继续在家用脱毛仪的轨道上闪耀,不断推动脱毛仪行业的高质量发展。

What_ the pupils like?They like rabbits.

do 主语pupils是复数所以用助动词do.


What are you like?的意思为你长的什么样子?回答是:I have a big eyes and a small nose.

写一篇名叫 I like playing sport 英语作文

Sports have always been an important part of my life. From a young age, I developed a passion for playing sports, and it has shaped me in many ways.Firstly, playing sports keeps me physically fit and healthy. Whether it"s running on the track, kicking a soccer ball, or shooting hoops on the basketball court, I engage in activities that keep my body active and strong. Regular physical exercise not only improves my stamina and endurance but also boosts my overall well-being.Moreover, playing sports allows me to develop essential life skills. Team sports, such as basketball or football, teach me the value of teamwork, cooperation, and communication. I learn to trust and rely on my teammates, understand the importance of sharing responsibilities, and work towards a common goal. These skills are not only beneficial on the field but also in other areas of life, such as school projects or professional collaborations.Playing sports also helps me to manage stress and enhance my mental well-being. When I"m on the field or court, I can immerse myself in the game and forget about the pressures and worries of everyday life. It serves as an outlet for releasing stress and tension, allowing me to relax and rejuvenate. Additionally, sports teach me resilience, discipline, and determination. I learn to push myself beyond my limits, overcome challenges, and never give up.Furthermore, sports provide me with opportunities to make new friends and build social connections. Through team practices, matches, and tournaments, I meet people who share the same passion for sports. We support and encourage each other, and the camaraderie we develop extends beyond the playing field. These friendships have enriched my life and created lasting memories.Lastly, playing sports brings me joy and a sense of fulfillment. The thrill of scoring a goal, the satisfaction of improving my skills, and the adrenaline rush during a competitive game are experiences that I cherish. Sports offer me a platform to express myself, unleash my potential, and experience the joy of accomplishment.In conclusion, I truly enjoy playing sports. It not only benefits my physical health but also enhances my mental and social well-being. Sports teach me valuable life skills, provide me with opportunities to connect with others, and bring me happiness and fulfillment. Whether it"s a team sport or an individual activity, the love for sports will always be a part of me.

这个事情就像一把双刃剑那个英语这么翻译对吗 this things like a sword have two sides


搞笑词典 | I kinda like you

(口语中kind of的说法)有点儿,有几分 used in writing to represent an informal way of saying "kind of" 例句 I was kinda sorry to see him go. 看到他走了我有点难过。 猛烈地;非常地 with a lot of energy and enthusiasm 例句 We cheered madly as the team came out onto the field. 球队入场时,我们拼命欢呼。 I was rushing around madly tidying up the flat before they arrived. 我在他们到达之前忙不迭地把公寓打扫了一番。 (尤指崇敬地)爱慕,热爱;非常喜欢 to love someone very much, especially in a way that shows a lot of admiration or respect, or to like something very much 例句 She has one son and she adores him. 她只有一个儿子,是她的心肝宝贝。 I absolutely adore chocolate. 我非常爱吃巧克力。 怪异的,令人毛骨悚然的;让人起鸡皮疙瘩的 strange or unnatural and making you feel frightened 例句 a creepy film 令人毛骨悚然的电影 a creepy smile 怪异可怕的微笑

i kinda like

kinda = kind of 有一点 ,还挺 . kinda 就比较口语化一点. 两个都可以用.没很大区别.

i like yogurt可以这么写吗?

i like yogurt不可以这么写的,不对。

Helen likes yogurt.如何改成否定句?

Helen doesn"t like yogurt.

选择题------( ) yogurt would you like? ---- Two。

A spoon是可数名词,复数加S

i like all rides

源于网络翻译,仅供参考i like all rides我喜欢所有的游乐设施。重点词汇like喜欢; (与 would 或 should 连用表示客气)想; 想要; 喜欢做; 像; 如同; …怎么样; 比如; 相似的; 相同的; 相类似的人[事物]; 喜好; 爱好; 种类,类型; 好像; 像…一样; 仿佛; 如; (非正式口语,代替 as)和…一样; 大概; 可能rides搭乘; 乘,骑,驾( ride的第三人称单数 ); 穿越; 飘浮希望对你有帮助

找一首英文歌 男生唱的 开头音乐很轻是合唱 歌词是 I dont want feel like……高潮有两句

lutricia mcneal——stranded 应该是的

what day do yon like best什么意思

what day do you like best 你最喜欢哪一天

dance like a monkey歌词


I would like tell you tha

I would like to tell you that.对应的中文意思:也许我愿意告诉你那件事。

I like to see it lap the milesAnd lick the valleys up

I like to see it lap the milesAnd lick the valleys up,And stop to feed itself at tanks我喜欢看它一泻千里的样子看它轻抚山谷在池边顿足小憩And then, prodigious, stepAround a pile of mountains,绕过层叠的山峦又汹涌前行And, supercilious, peerIn shanties by the sides of roads在路边的木屋中傲然俯视众生And then a quarry pareTo fit its sides穿过形状各异的险峰一石激起千层碎浪And crawl betweenComplaining all the while又在络绎不绝的低诉中悄然匍匐in horrid, hooting stanza;Then chase itself down hillAnd neigh like Boanerger在大自然的骇人嗥叫声中冲下山坡追逐自我也会像野兽一样嘶鸣Then, punctual as a starStop-docile and omnipotentAt its own stable door然后,如天上星辰般守时在它自己永恒的门前温柔而驯服地安静下来


1. 你喜欢什么动物 I Like Pandas I like animals very much.I usually go to the zoo to see animals on weekends. My favorite animal is panda,they are so cute.They have o big and black eyes,they are very shy,so if I want to see them,I have to be quiet.They like to eat bamboo.Do you know where do pandas e from?They are from China.Do you like them?Go to the zoo to see them. 2. 你喜欢什么动物 I like the rabbit I like a lot of animals. but I like the rabbit, because it is really cute,It has a long long ears, red eyes, and short legs, it likes to eat vegetables, It favourite food is carrots,I like the rabbit very much. 采纳我吧 3. 书面表达 你喜欢什么动物 I like dog beacuse I think dog is only one of animals best one forever that"s what I think and dog is very good like when a person gave to the dog something to eat and the dog well think this person is a god but when a person gave cat some thing to eat and the cat well thing they are the god. And some dog even prettier then cat that"s what I think. And some dog also have very good *** elling then the other I like dog most.。 4. animals i like作文120字 I like animals very much. My favorite animal is panda, but I also like other animals. I like pandas best. Because I think they are very interesting and cute. I like tigers and penguins, too. Because I think tigers are kind of cute,and I think penguins are very beauitful. I dislike lions, because I think lions are too ugly. I think animals are our friend. 5. 以I love 为题写一片你喜欢的动物的短文不少于六句话(英语) My family has a dog, called Han Han. It is a Scottish Collie, very strong, is male. Every time I came home from school, it will run over to lick my nose. Sometimes while I do not pay attention, put I fell to the ground and kept licking me where to lick, where to lick, I lick it too was laughing, I had to surrender. It is a lovely dog, my best friend, my good friend from *** all to large, from its birth to now, it has acpanied me for 8 years. It now has its home, with its own lovely children, six *** all dogs. Because the dog too much, I had the heart to give the neighbors three dogs, although they do not live together, but we will go out every day walking the dog, the neighbors, too. Every evening, they all play together, all running together, I believe they will both cherish it every evening. This is my dog, I love my dog, and you like them?作文网(e79fa5e9819331333335343964zuowen.zxxk)原创作文 未经允许禁止转载。 6. I like 动物 英语作文50次7年级我喜欢兔子 I like animals. Therefore going to the zoo is my favorite passtime. I also keep five animal pets. I keep a dog, a cat, a rabbit, a guinea pig and a hamster. I feed them regularly with good animal food. I walk my dog and cats everyday。 7. 四年级的i like dog作文 I like dogs very much. Because they are very honesty. I think dogs are people"s good friend. I have a dog. I call it "Dolly". It is 3 years old. It is white. It has o big eyes, and its eyes are brown. It has four shourt legs. It likes paly balls. I like play with it. It always walk after me. I go to the park, it goes after me. I go to the supermarket, it goes after me. I go to the gardern, it goes after me. It is so cute, I like it. (希望我的回答对您有帮助,请放心采纳。) 8. I like animal英语作文 I want to tell you something about my favourite of all the animals, I like giant pandas best. Giant pandas are beautiful black and white animal. When a giant panda was born, it looked like a white mouse and when it grows up, it looks like a bear. I think it looks lovely. It usually eats bamboo shoots and leaves. I hear that giant pandas ate meat long long ago but now they never eat meat. It lives in bamboo forests so it can climb trees. I like it because it can make me happy. Many people say China is famous for the dragon, but I don"t think so. I think China is famous for giant pandas. The Chinese government often sends one or o giant pandas to the other countries as a present. This year, the Chinese government sent o giant pandas-- Tuantuan and Yuanyuan to Taiwan. They live in the zoo now and they are popular and wele in Taiwan. A lot of tourists to Taiwan would like to go and see them. But the number of giant pandas is getting *** aller and *** aller. Many hunters kill them for their fur and farmers change the nature reserves to make more farmlands. I think giant pandas need our help. We should take actions to protect animals. Encouraging hunters and farmers to leave reserves is the most important. Though I"m still a student, I can write to newspapers and magazines about protecting animals. I hope animals can live a happy life.。 9. 以I like写一篇作文,60字,学霸们帮帮忙 Smoe people say that money is the best thing in the world. But I consider reading books as the best and the most precious thing one can ever have. Reading books is very important. First of all, it is knowledge that makes society develop and by reading books you can get all kinds of knowledge. Furthemore, reading books makes you a qualified person and makes your life enjoyable. One is never too old to learn. No matter what time you rcalize the importance of reading books, you can enjoy it during the rest of your life time. Love books, for they are your best friends. 读书的好处 有人说世界上钱最好,我认为读书最好,而且读书是无价宝。 读书是很重要的。首先,知识使社会进步,通过读书你可以得到各种知识,另外,读书使你成为一个合格人才,使你生活愉快。 活到老学到老。不管你什么时候意识到读书的重要性,你都可以享受到余生读书的乐趣。热爱书吧,书是你的挚友





what ________specials___(特色菜)would you like ?这里的可用单数吗

what is specials food would you like?因为 special + s 是单数的情况下才加的。如果要用复数那得What are special foods would you like?

英语歌Days like masquerade的中文歌词

《Masquerade》为当红女饶舌歌手麻辣鸡Nicki Minaj第二张嘻哈流行专辑《Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded》豪华版中的曲目。该曲也作为了2012 adidas<全倾全力>广告背景曲,Nicki Minaj本人也参与了广告的拍摄。歌名:Masquerade演唱:Nicki Minaj词曲:Onika Maraj,Lukasz Gottwald,Benjamin Levin,Henry Walter歌曲时长:3:48所属专辑:《Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded》(Deluxe Edition)发行时间:2012-04-02唱片公司:Cash Money Records音乐风格:Synthpop, dance-pop中英歌词:Feel the beat at the drum随著鼓声的节奏Move like you really wanna be number one你像是要成为头号巨星一样的摇摆You could beat out the comp你可以不随著谱的规则来演奏Run like you really wanna be at the top你就像要成为最颠峰的角色而演出Stop" adrenaline by cause停止,肾上腺素激增是因为You have been identified as a hustler你已经被认定是一个骗子了Topical discussion repeat it like a percussion谣言八卦不停地重复就像停不下来的节奏Chuck the douce up" and tell "em is just love潇洒的道别,并告诉他们:这就是爱阿Damn digged a dug该死的,我真的超爱这样Like "em run state mag cause we living it up就像不断散波的杂志媒体,因为我们正活在当下Shelve tops is on现在杂志已经上架了And I pop it" like i"m popping我上了封面,我懒得再去诠释Like a popping sin call每次都是多说多错And now" I don"t wanna take you而现在,我不想再抓住你If we fall dow如果我们坠落了Don"t get upset" and now it"s just the beginning不要难过,因为这只是个开始而已And we"ll figure it somehow而我们该去想办法盤算一下Right now masquerade" master the mary go round现在开始伪装吧,把一切耍得团团转Right now masquerade" master the mary go round现在开始伪装吧,把一切耍得团团转Right" now" it"s something you created就是现在,你去搞点东西出来It"s never ever too late这永远都不会太晚It"s never ever too late这永远都不会太晚Right now现在Okay to make a mistake好吧,去弄些大问题出来Yeah baby this is your day耶~宝贝,这是属於你的日子It"s time to masquerade是时候开始伪装了Bass bass低音声Feel the bass in ya face感觉重低音袭上你的脸庞Hit the finish line抵达终点线First place in the race在这场比赛得到胜利Yes" king kong on ya chestyes~挺著金刚般的胸膛Running and i"m coming up拍打著迎接我的到来Baton to your left把棒子交接给你Yup" you could be who you want耶~你现在可以变成你想成为的那个样You could be who you is你可以变成你想要的样子Never be who you aren"t不要变成你不想的样子Never ever fall on the pressure永远不要被压力给压垮了Desperate times" get desperate mesure要是没希望了,就破釜沉舟给他一击吧Damn digged a dug该死的,我真的超爱这样Like "em run state mag cause we living it up就像不断散波的杂志媒体,因为我们正活在当下Shelve tops is on现在杂志已经上架了And I pop it" like i"m popping我上了封面,我懒得再去诠释Like a popping sin call每次都是多说多错And now" I don"t wanna take you而现在,我不想再抓住你If we fall dow如果我们坠落了Don"t get upset" and now it"s just the beginning不要难过,因为这只是个开始而已And we"ll figure it somehow而我们该去想办法盤算一下Right now masquerade" master the mary go round现在开始伪装吧,把一切耍得团团转Right now masquerade" master the mary go round现在开始伪装吧,把一切耍得团团转Right" now" it"s something you created就是现在,你去搞点东西出来It"s never ever too late这永远都不会太晚It"s never ever too late这永远都不会太晚Right now现在Okay to make a mistake好吧,去弄些大问题出来Yeah baby this is your day耶~宝贝,这是属於你的日子It"s time to masquerade是时候开始伪装了I"ma call ya afro cause you never bald我或许称你是个黑鬼,因为你从不枯燥F-ck all you bitches and i"ll never call去你的,我可从没讲过Next day" suck my test day第二天,就是我该死的测验日I aint" playing games我可不是玩游戏而已Bit my check mateRing 019" ring 019" ring 019拨打019All my party people let me ya one time我派对上的嘉宾,这次就让我..Right now masquerade" master the mary go round现在开始伪装吧,把一切耍得团团转Right now masquerade" master the mary go round现在开始伪装吧,把一切耍得团团转Right" now" it"s something you created就是现在,你去搞点东西出来It"s never ever too late这永远都不会太晚It"s never ever too late这永远都不会太晚Right now现在Okay to make a mistake好吧,去弄些大问题出来Yeah baby this is your day耶~宝贝,这是属於你的日子It"s time to masquerade是时候开始伪装了Right now

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