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lie 的过去式、过去分词和现在分词

过去式:lay。过去分词:lain。现在分词:lying。lie,作及物动词时意为“谎骗”,作不及物动词时意为“躺;说谎;位于;展现”,作名词时意为“谎言;位置”。 lie基本含义 v.躺; 平躺; 平卧; 平放; 处于,保留,保持(某种状态); n.谎言; 位置; v.说谎; 撒谎; 编造谎言; n.谎言; 谎话; [例句]Go and lie down for a while. 去躺一会儿吧。 第三人称单数:lies 复数:lies lie双语例句 Yeah, but why do you lie? 但是问题在于:你为什么说谎? You have hope than those who lie in the grave! 你比那些躺在坟墓里的人都有希望! Do not lie or steal, for you lie to yourself and steal from yourself. 不要撒谎或偷盗,因为你是在对你自己撒谎,你是在偷你自己的东西。


规则(意思是变化规则)的说谎,不规则的躺,躺过(意思是 躺 的过去式是 下蛋)就下蛋,下蛋过去和分词一样。


lie lay lain

lie lie lay 的过去式过去分词


lie 说谎,躺,安放,这三个词的原型,过去式,过去分词,现在分词形式是什么

lie:躺 过去式 lay,过去分词 lain ,现在分词 lying; lie:说谎 过去式 lied,过去分词 lied ,现在分词 lying; lay:安放 过去式 laid,过去分词 laid,现在分词 laying;



lie on和lie in的区别

lie on表示两个地方接壤;一个地方与海岸/滨(地区)紧挨着。lie in表示一个(地方)在另一个(地方)内部。lie的意思是撒谎的时候,过去式和过去分词都是lied,除此之外lie的过去式是lay,过去分词是lain。lie的第三人称单数都是lies,现在分词都是lying。 lie的用法 1、 The cat was lying fast asleep by the fire.猫卧在炉火旁睡得很熟。这句话中lying是lie的现在分词,意思是趟、平躺、平卧。 2、The book lay open on his desk.那本书摊开放在他的书桌上。这句话中lay是lie的过去分词,意思是平放。 3、These machines have lain idle since the factory closed.工厂关闭以来,这些机器就一直闲置着。这句话中lain是lie的过去分词,意思是处于、保持、保留某种状态。 4、The town lies on the coast.这个小镇位于海滨。这句话中lies是lie的第三人称单数,意思是城镇、自然景观等位于、坐落在。 5、The valley lay below us.峡谷展现在我们的脚下。这句话中lay的意思是伸展、铺展、展开。 6、The problem lies in deciding when to intervene.问题在于决定何时介入。这句话中lies的意思是思想、问题、特征等存在、在于。 7、After five games the German team are lying second.经过五场比赛后,德国队排名第二。这句话中lying的意思是比赛时名列、排名。 8、You could see from his face that he was lying.从他的表情上你可以看出他在说假话。这句话中lying的意思是撒谎、说谎、编造谎言。


  lie作动词时有躺下,说谎的意思,那你知道lie过去式和过去分词是什么吗?下面是我为你整理的lie 过去式和过去分词,希望大家喜欢!   lie过去式和过去分词   过去式: lay,lied   过去分词: lain,lied   lay的用法   vt.放置; 铺放; 涂,敷; 产卵   adj.世俗的; 外行的; 没有经验的;   n.叙事诗; 性伙伴;   1. On Sunday Cohen lay around the house all day.   科恩星期天一整天都在家无所事事。   2. Under the newspaper, atop a sheet of paper, lay an envelope.   在报纸下面的一张纸上放着一个信封。   3. Bob slid from his chair and lay prone on the floor.   鲍勃从椅子上滑下来,趴在了地板上。   4. Sailing boats lay at anchor in the narrow waterway.   帆船停泊在狭窄的水道上。   5. He lay beside her awkwardly, propped on an elbow.   他用一只胳膊肘支着身体,别扭地躺在她旁边。   6. A bra and a pair of briefs lay on the floor.   地板上有一个胸罩和一条短内裤。   7. Somewhere deep beneath the surface lay a caring character.   在内心深处的某个角落里埋藏着一颗爱心。   8. She lay at the bottom of the stairs, whimpering in pain.   她躺在楼梯底部,痛得呜咽着。   9. I lay the painting flat to stop the wet paint running.   我把油画平放以防止未干的颜料流动。   10. Edwards is a Methodist lay preacher and social worker.   爱德华是一位循道宗在俗传教士兼社会工作者。   过去分词lain例句   1. The treasure had lain undisturbed for centuries.   那份珍宝安然无恙地存放了几个世纪。   2. I had no sooner lain down than the telephone rang.   我刚躺下,电话铃就响了.   3. The United Nations is resuming a diplomatic effort that has lain dormant for almost two decades.   联合国正重新开始暂停了近20年的外交努力。   4. Upon whose Bosom snow has lain ; Who intimately lives with rain.   皑雪曾落在她怀抱里,她和雨相处亲密.   5. He had lain awake all night, tormented by jealousy.   他彻夜未眠,深受嫉妒的折磨。   6. They had lain on sleeping bags on the concrete floor.   他们就躺在铺在混凝土地面上的睡袋上。   7. " Grain lain " day - bringing gentle drizzles - was not far off.   “ 谷雨 ” 节一天近一天了.   8. This was where Ellen had lain.   爱伦死前就睡在这里.   9. France no doubt would have lain prostrate under the German rule.   法国无疑会屈服在德国的统治之下.   10. The bed had not been lain on, but was smooth and empty.   床铺还没人睡过, 很平整,上面空着.


lay 下蛋或摆放。过去式,过去分词laid,laidlain 铃音或lie的过去分词lie 躺 过去式,过去分词 lay lain

lie lay lain等词语的区别是什么?


蛋,躺,说谎讲时lie lay lain分别是什么形式?

动词原形--过去式--过去分词产蛋 lay,laid,laid躺 lie,lay,lain不规则“躺” lie -lay- lain;躺过/下蛋 lay- laid- laid;不规则下蛋lay-laid-laid。

求Natalie Imbruglia的 歌词中文翻译

torn(中英对照)歌手:natalie imbruglianatalie imbruglia - torni thought i saw a man brought 2 life.我以为找到了生命中的男人。he was warm.他是如此的温煦he came around like he was dignified.他在我身边时是如此有品位。he showed me what it was 2 cry.他使我了解到什么是哭泣。well u couldn"t b that man i adored.于是你就不配当我仰慕的对象。u don"t seem 2 know,你不明白seem 2 care what ur heart is 4.也不在乎,你的心到底在想什么。but i don"t know him anymore.可我不再了解他。there"s nothing where he used 2 lie.他连谎言都没机会说。my conversation has run dry.我已无话可说。that"s what"s going on.这就是现在的情况。nothing"s fine,i"m torn.没有好心情,我的心被伤透了。i"m all out of faith,this is how i feel.我感到信心全无。i"m cold i"m shamed.我又冷又被愚弄。lying naked on the floor.屈辱的躺在冰冷的地板上。illusion never changed into something real.梦想并没有变成现实。i"m wide awake.清晨迷茫的醒来。and i can c the perfect sky is torn.只看到明亮天空被撕碎。u"re a little late,i"m already torn.你来迟了一点,我已伤透了心。so i guess the fortune teller"s right.所以我想先知是对的。should have seen just.现在的情况就是这样。what was there not some holy light.没有几个好夜晚。to crawl beneath my veins now.我心里只有你,但现在。i don"t care,i have no luck.我不在乎,算我倒霉。i don"t miss it all that much.不再想那么多。there"s just so many things.有太多事情。that i can"t touch,i"m torn.我无能为力,我伤透了心。i"m all out of faith,this is how i feel.我感到信心全无。i"m cold i am shamed.我又冷又被愚弄。lying naked on the floor.屈辱的躺在冰冷的地板上。illusion never changed into something real.梦想并没有变成现实。i"m wide awake.清晨迷茫的醒来。and i can c the perfect sky is torn.只看到明亮天空被撕碎。u"re a little late,i"m already torn.torn.你来迟了,我已伤透了心。there"s nothing where he used 2 lie.他连谎言都没机会说。my inspiration has run dry.我已无话可说。that"s what"s going on.现在就是这样。nothings right,i"m torn.什么都不对,我伤透了心。i"m all out of faith,this is how i feel.我感到信心全无。i"m cold i am shamed.我又冷又被愚弄。lying naked on the floor.屈辱的躺在冰冷的地板上。illusion never changed into something real.梦想并没有变成现实。i"m wide awake.清晨迷茫的醒来。and i can c the perfect sky is torn.只看到明亮天空被撕碎。i"m all out of faith,this is how i feel.我感到信心全无。i"m cold i"m ashamed.我又冷又惭愧。bound and broken on the floor.在地板上翻来滚去。u"re a little late,i"m already torn.你来迟了一点,我已伤透了心。



[A] unnamed[B]unforgettable[Cl unbelievable[D] unreal




Terry的《I Believe》 歌词

歌曲名:I Believe歌手:Terry专辑:Be Alright-GOLDEN COLLABORATIONS-I used to think that I could not go onAnd life was nothing but an awful songBut now I know the meaning of true loveIm leaning on the everlasting armsIf I can see it, then I can do itIf I just believe it, theres nothing to itI believe I can flyI believe I can touch the skyI think about it every night and daySpread my wings and fly awayI believe I can soarI see me running through that open doorI believe I can flyI believe I can flyI believe I can flySee I was on the verge of breaking downSometimes silence, it can seem so loudThere are miracles in life I must achieve

Natalie Imbruglia的《Torn》 歌词

歌曲名:Torn歌手:Natalie Imbruglia专辑:Now That"s What I Call Music! 25 YearsI thought I saw a man brought to lifeHe was warm, he came around like he was dignifiedHe showed me what it was to cryWell you couldn"t be that man I adoredYou don"t seem to know, don"t seem to care what your heart is forBut I don"t know him anymoreThere"s nothing where he used to lieMy conversation has run dryThat"s whats going on, nothing"s fine I"m tornI"m all out of faith, this is how I feelI"m cold and I am shamed lying naked on the floorIllusion never changed into something realI"m wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is tornYou"re a little late, I"m already tornSo I guess the fortune teller"s rightShould have seen just what was there and not some holy lightTo crawl beneath my veins and nowI don"t care, I have no luck, I don"t miss it all that muchThere"s just so many things that I can"t touch, I"m tornI"m all out of faith, this is how I feelI"m cold and I am shamed lying naked on the floorIllusion never changed into something realI"m wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is tornYou"re a little late, I"m already torn. Torn.There"s nothing where he used to lieMy inspiration has run dryThat"s what"s going on, nothings right, I"m tornI"m all out of faith, this is how I feelI"m cold and I am shamed lying naked on the floorIllusion never changed into something realI"m wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is tornI"m all out of faith, this is how I feelI"m cold and I"m ashamed bound and broken on the floorYou"re a little late, I"m already torn.

懂西班牙语的朋友翻译一下Natalie 唱的Me Faltas Tu??






求Natalie的feel good 的歌词

我也在找,没错的话就是这个了!!我同学帮我找到的~~歌名是when i was with you

love you so-natalie 帮忙翻译中文歌词

我试图不让它显示 但我知道我不希望很快我们可以去 从你的方式来对我的权利 看所有的样式,把我热 没有人会知道它曾经 你将成为一个谁利用这个核心,保持它 你有这非凡的方式 得到的是下一个亚每一天 你做一些我无法解释 想借此机会告诉你你是我一 哦,我爱你, 你看我的眼睛,他们会告诉你这个地方可以去 是啊 你知道吗 哦,我爱你, 在这些眼睛看,他们会告诉你,这可能去 我只是想让你知道 圣可以说任何你想要的 无压力"我知道你的事业 我们得到了一个盛传你无法定义 希望大家知道,男孩是我的 我们不会停止战斗,并在持有的方式来瞪着我 你带我有时有 我觉得我失去控制 忘记大家,但是我的手举行 你有这非凡的方式 得到的是下一个亚每一天 你做一些我无法解释 想借此机会告诉你你是我一 哦,我爱你, 你看我的眼睛,他们会告诉你这个地方可以去 是啊 你能感到它 哦,我爱你, 在这些眼睛看,他们会告诉你,这可能去 我只是想让你知道 请注意,此 我会永远在这里 和你没有看 无处宝贝 不要以为一分钟 这种爱将改变 噢,你应该知道, 哦,我爱你, 你看我的眼睛,他们会告诉你这个地方可以去 是啊 你能感到它 哦,我爱你, 在这些眼睛看,他们会告诉你,这可能去 我只是想让你知道 哦,我爱你, 你看我的眼睛,他们会告诉你这个地方可以去 是啊 你能感到它 哦,我爱你, 在这些眼睛看,他们会告诉你,这可能去 我只是想让你知道

谁能提供natalie burks的详细资料?

“Natalie Burks”原本属于Cagnet乐队  而Cagnet也不能算是一个真正的乐队,它只是一个配乐团体,曾经为《悠长假期》和《恋爱世纪》等日剧配乐  "Under the moonlight"正是《悠长假期》中的一首曲子,所以这首歌算是属于日剧类型,同样我们所知的“Natalie Burks”的另一首歌“what will i do”也是出自于此  但是Natalie Burks让人感觉她是一个神秘的歌手。。。因为cagnet出的很多歌,都直接以cagnet冠名,并没有指明是谁唱的。。。郁闷……  同样,cagnet这个鬼乐队也弄得很神秘。。。资料很少,下面是一些简单的资料:   在Universal的网页上,CAGNET的创始人日向大介(Daisuke Hinata)被比作Oceansand,“在文化与风俗的分水岭上,顺着电子乐的潮流,有着百万销量的佳绩”。被这么比喻,自然与其经历有关。17岁离开日本之后,日向大介曾在英国呆过一段时间,白天在摩托车行打工,晚上则在PUB接受blues的熏陶。后来日向大介来到美国进入Berklee音乐学校学习爵士乐。在那里CAGNET成立。乐队成员包括Anna McMurphy (lead vocal), Natalie Burks (backing vocal), Rowan Robertson (guitar), Jimi Paxson (drummer), Perry Frank(bass)。CAGNET的曲风很杂,pop, funk, techno, jazz, R&B... 也正是如此,CAGNET的原声音乐别具一格。    LONG VACATION与LOVE GENERATION是CAGNET作品里我最喜欢的两张。尤其是LONG VACATION,未能就读学校研究生院靠教小朋友钢琴维生的濑名,未婚夫跑掉模特生涯也不顺利的南,两个失意的人走到了一起。CAGNET的音乐悲伤中透着恬静,欢乐中透着无奈。“就当成LONG VACATION吧”,每当听这张原声碟时我也常常这么想。    CAGNET所有作品可以在Hyperdisc Records的网页上查到。值得一提的是《喜剧之王》,CAGNET的作品里算是比较另类的一张。      不过我一直好奇,里面那个男声是谁的,而且关于乐队的成员,我还看到另外一个版本的:    “CAGNET”,由名制作日向大介、成员meo、Phil 、Sista、Space Junkies所组成.



natalie westling和vittoria ceretti为什么分手


求 Natalie 演唱歌曲歌词的中文翻译?

Ever since the day you went away and left me lonely and cold My life just hasn"t been the same ohh baby, nooo When I looked into your eyes the moment that I let you go I just broke down (down) 自从那天你离开我,留下我孤寂寒冷地一个人,我的日子就再也找不到往日的生机了。 哦,亲爱的,当我注视着你的双眼让你离去的刹那,我几近崩溃。Baby if I ever get the chance to be with you again I would sacrifice Cuz the feeling that I feel within No other man would ever make me feel so right Its nice to smile when I get your phone call at night But I"d rather have you here with me, right next to me I miss the way you hold me tight 亲爱的, 如果我还有机会和你在一起,我将不惜一切代价。 因为我和你在一起的感觉是其他任何人都无法给予的。 能在晚上接到你的电话然后满足地微笑固然很好,但我更愿意你就在我身边,挨着我,陪伴我。我多么怀念你紧紧拥抱着我的时刻[Bridge] I gotta let you know I feel so weak without your touch I never thought that I could ever love a man so much I gotta let you know I think that we are destiny For you I"d cross the world, for you I"d do anything 我必须让你知道没有你的触摸,我是多么地心情低落我从未想到我回如此深爱一个男人我必须让你知道我觉得我们是冥冥中注定的为了你,我可以穿越整个世界。为了你, 我愿意干任何事[Chorus 2x] Thats right baby I"m going crazy I need to be your lady I"ve been thinking lately That you and me, yes we can make it Just ride with me, roll with me I"m in love with you baby 是的,亲爱的,我快疯了我想成为你的爱人我最近一直在想,你和我,是的,我们一定会在一起就和我一起飞奔,和我一起运转吧。 我深深地爱着你,亲爱的。Break it down now I"ll tell you what I feel From the moment that I met you its been so damn real My heart seems to skip another beat Every time we speak, I can"t believe I feel so weak Tell me that you really need me and you want me and you miss me And you love me I"m your lady I"ll be around waiting for you I"ll put it down be the woman for you 现在就让我们和好吧,我将告诉你我的感觉。自从遇见你的那一刻起它就如此真实。我不敢相信我竟然感到这样低落告诉我你的确需要我,你想要我,你思念我,你爱我吧。我是你的爱人。我将永远在这儿等你。我将收起所有尊严来做你的爱人。I"m falling so deep for you crazy over for you I`m calling, calling out to you what am I going to do? It"s true and no fronting Its you and no other i can no longer go on without you I"ll just break down (down) 我深深地爱着你,不可自拔。我呼喊着,我冲着你呼喊我究竟应该怎么做?这是真的,没有丝毫欺骗。非你莫属。没有你我再也无法生存。我必将崩溃。[Bridge] I gotta let you know I feel so weak without your touch I never thought that I could ever love a man so much I gotta let you know I think that we are destiny For you I"d cross the world, for you I"d do anything 我必须让你知道没有你的触摸,我是多么地心情低落我从未想到我回如此深爱一个男人我必须让你知道我觉得我们是冥冥中注定的为了你,我可以穿越整个世界。为了你, 我愿意干任何事[Chorus 2x] Thats right baby I"m going crazy I need to be your lady I"ve been thinking lately That you and me, yes we can make it Just ride with me, roll with me I"m in love with you baby是的,亲爱的,我快疯了我想成为你的爱人我最近一直在想,你和我,是的,我们一定会在一起就和我一起飞奔,和我一起运转吧。 我深深地爱着你,亲爱的。

如何评价Natalie Dormer的演技

娜塔莉·多默尔(Natalie Dormer)近期越来越多的出现在美剧迷的视野里,她扮演的角色总是女王范儿十足,让人又爱又恨。细心观察一下不难发现娜塔莉·多默尔在镜头前经常会有的招牌动作——撅起嘴。

求Natalie的歌《energy》 的中文歌词

Natalie - EnergyEnergy, digging on your energyEnergy, digging on your energyEnergy, digging on your energy? (energy)Boy, I"m digging on your energy (Energy)and I"m digging what you telling me (Telling me)so I wrote this little melodydedicated to my favorite loverBoy, I"m digging on your energy (Energy)And I"m digging what you telling me (Telling me)So I wrote this little melodydedicated to my favorite loverI"m lying in bedThere"s thoughts in my headI"m thinking bout youOver and over and over and over againWhat can I tell you, you got me so twistedTossing and turningOver and over and over and over againSo I wrote a song tonight (Tonight)You weren"t begging me to write (To write)Tell me is it cool tonight (Tonight)To don"t know what"s on my mindBoy, I"m digging on your energy (Energy)And I"m digging what you telling me (Telling me)So I wrote this little melodydedicate it to my favorite loverBoy, I"m digging on your energy (Energy)And I"m digging what you telling me (Telling me)So I wrote this little melodydedicate it to my favorite loverRain and shine, sleet and snowWelcome to my miracleAnd I"m digging on your lyricalYour melody is my remedyThe one to call when I"m sipping forWith the candy coated TennesseeJust make a wish.And let"s make it a fish with your boy Baby Bash with some heavenly blissBecause your kisses on my lips, girl I"m ready to rollWith so vicious and bubblicious, the energy"s throwedBoy, I"m digging on your energy (Energy)And I"m digging what you telling me (Telling me)So I wrote this little melodydedicated it to my favorite loverBoy, I"m digging on your energy (Energy)And I"m digging what you telling me (Telling me)So I wrote this little melodydedicated to my favorite loverBoy, you know that I dig youI fell in love when I met youI love the way, you make me feelYour energy is something real (Fa. sho.)Boy, I love the way (I love the way)You make me feel (You make feel)Is something bout you loving meCan"t do without your energyBoy, I"m digging on your energy (Energy)And I"m digging what you telling me (Telling me)So I wrote this little melodydedicated to my favorite loverBoy, I"m digging on your energy (Energy)And I"m digging what you telling me (Telling me)So I wrote this little melodydedicated to my favorite loverEnergy, digging on your energyEnergy, digging on your energyEnergy, digging on your energy?(energy)



求Natalie Alvarado 的一首歌的歌词

应该是这一首~Stay - NatalieAlbum:NatalieTake all I"m going to give to youWhat I have is trueYou"re the one for meEverything I feel inside issweetYou make me love so deepYou"re the one for meI can feel it nowWhat all it really meansit"s beautifulwhat we have is a special thingI owe you for showing meLove is real, taking me far away to a better place[Chorus]Anything you want, anything you need, anything your heart desiresI"m here for you, You take me higherWhat you feel what you say, what you do when you smile, my days are brighterI"m loving youPlease don"t you go awayI want you to staywhere your heart remainsforever, tomorow, today, everyday don"t changeI"m by your sidelooking in your eyesHappy together, foreverI can see my lifeI want you to staywhere your heart remainsforever, tomorow, today, everyday don"t changeI"m by your sidelooking in your eyesHappy together, foreverI can see my lifeNow that I have you here with meI won"t let you leaveI promise you my bestThe things you say to meI melt, I can"t control myselfI promise you my bestThat I can giveComplete happinessSo sure, not a doubt in your mind we will ever fallplease let me continue tobe the one, your only one, yes the one you give her eye[Chorus]Ohhhh oohhh oohh ohhhhh, ooooooh ooh oohh. [x4]

Natalie _______fault with the way her husband eats?

Natalie is always finding fault with the way her husband eats.D是没有错误的,但不是最佳答案。be+always+doing,也就是always用于进行时态,一般表示赞赏、反对、或埋怨find faults找岔子;埋怨娜塔莉总是对她丈夫的饮食方式吹毛求疵。又如You are always coming late.你老迟到。

Natalie 的介绍加Goin crazy中文歌词。




Natalie的《Energy》 歌词

歌曲名:Energy歌手:Natalie专辑:NatalieNatalie - EnergyEnergy, digging on your energyEnergy, digging on your energyEnergy, digging on your energy? (energy)Boy, I"m digging on your energy (Energy)and I"m digging what you telling me (Telling me)so I wrote this little melodydedicated to my favorite loverBoy, I"m digging on your energy (Energy)And I"m digging what you telling me (Telling me)So I wrote this little melodydedicated to my favorite loverI"m lying in bedThere"s thoughts in my headI"m thinking bout youOver and over and over and over againWhat can I tell you, you got me so twistedTossing and turningOver and over and over and over againSo I wrote a song tonight (Tonight)You weren"t begging me to write (To write)Tell me is it cool tonight (Tonight)To don"t know what"s on my mindBoy, I"m digging on your energy (Energy)And I"m digging what you telling me (Telling me)So I wrote this little melodydedicate it to my favorite loverBoy, I"m digging on your energy (Energy)And I"m digging what you telling me (Telling me)So I wrote this little melodydedicate it to my favorite loverRain and shine, sleet and snowWelcome to my miracleAnd I"m digging on your lyricalYour melody is my remedyThe one to call when I"m sipping forWith the candy coated TennesseeJust make a wish.And let"s make it a fish with your boy Baby Bash with some heavenly blissBecause your kisses on my lips, girl I"m ready to rollWith so vicious and bubblicious, the energy"s throwedBoy, I"m digging on your energy (Energy)And I"m digging what you telling me (Telling me)So I wrote this little melodydedicated it to my favorite loverBoy, I"m digging on your energy (Energy)And I"m digging what you telling me (Telling me)So I wrote this little melodydedicated to my favorite loverBoy, you know that I dig youI fell in love when I met youI love the way, you make me feelYour energy is something real (Fa. sho.)Boy, I love the way (I love the way)You make me feel (You make feel)Is something bout you loving meCan"t do without your energyBoy, I"m digging on your energy (Energy)And I"m digging what you telling me (Telling me)So I wrote this little melodydedicated to my favorite loverBoy, I"m digging on your energy (Energy)And I"m digging what you telling me (Telling me)So I wrote this little melodydedicated to my favorite loverEnergy, digging on your energyEnergy, digging on your energyEnergy, digging on your energy?(energy)

Natalie的《Goin Crazy》歌词的中文翻译是什么

自从你走了 留给我孤独和寒冷 我的人生就没有相同的 哦,宝贝 当我望着你的眼睛吗 那一刻,我让你走,我就抛锚(下)。 宝贝,如果我有机会的话,我将再次与你的牺牲 因为感觉我觉得没有其他的人在 会让我觉得这样对吗 很高兴我得到你微笑的时候晚上打电话 但我宁愿你跟我在一起 从我旁边 我错过了你抱紧我 我要让你知道我感到很虚弱没有你的接触 我从来没想过,我可以永远爱一个人那么多 我要让你知道,我认为我们的命运 为了你我可以穿越世界给你 我愿意做任何事 那是正确的婴儿 我很着迷 我需要你的女士 娜塔莉 我一直在想了 你和我,我们可以让它 就和我一起坐车,迎头赶上我 我爱上了你(孩子)。 那是正确的婴儿 我着迷 我需要你的女士 我一直在想了 你和我,我们可以让它 就和我一起坐车,迎头赶上我 我爱上了你(孩子)。 打破它现在事情还没有发生,我就告诉你我的感觉 从那一刻起,我遇见你的那该死的真实 我的心好像跳过另一打我们每次发言 不敢相信我感到很虚弱 告诉我,你真的需要我 你需要我 小姐,你我 你爱我 我是你的女士 我将会围绕等你 把它给你的女人 我在深 我打电话是为你发疯了 “你来着 我该怎么做呢? 这是你没有任何其他 我不能再继续 我只会分解(下)。 我要让你知道我感到很虚弱没有你的接触 我从来没想过,我可以永远爱一个人那么多 我要让你知道,我认为我们的命运 为了你我可以穿越世界给你 我愿意做任何事 那是正确的婴儿 我很着迷 我需要你的女士 我一直在想了 你和我,我们可以让它 就和我一起坐车,迎头赶上我 我爱上了你(孩子)。 那是正确的婴儿 我很着迷 我需要你的女士 我一直在想了 你和我,我们可以让它 就和我一起坐车,迎头赶上我 我爱上了你(孩子)。 喔,疯狂,(如何)。 女士(如何)。 最近(如何)。 婴儿



Natalie的《Energy》 歌词

歌曲名:Energy歌手:Natalie专辑:NatalieNatalie - EnergyEnergy, digging on your energyEnergy, digging on your energyEnergy, digging on your energy? (energy)Boy, I"m digging on your energy (Energy)and I"m digging what you telling me (Telling me)so I wrote this little melodydedicated to my favorite loverBoy, I"m digging on your energy (Energy)And I"m digging what you telling me (Telling me)So I wrote this little melodydedicated to my favorite loverI"m lying in bedThere"s thoughts in my headI"m thinking bout youOver and over and over and over againWhat can I tell you, you got me so twistedTossing and turningOver and over and over and over againSo I wrote a song tonight (Tonight)You weren"t begging me to write (To write)Tell me is it cool tonight (Tonight)To don"t know what"s on my mindBoy, I"m digging on your energy (Energy)And I"m digging what you telling me (Telling me)So I wrote this little melodydedicate it to my favorite loverBoy, I"m digging on your energy (Energy)And I"m digging what you telling me (Telling me)So I wrote this little melodydedicate it to my favorite loverRain and shine, sleet and snowWelcome to my miracleAnd I"m digging on your lyricalYour melody is my remedyThe one to call when I"m sipping forWith the candy coated TennesseeJust make a wish.And let"s make it a fish with your boy Baby Bash with some heavenly blissBecause your kisses on my lips, girl I"m ready to rollWith so vicious and bubblicious, the energy"s throwedBoy, I"m digging on your energy (Energy)And I"m digging what you telling me (Telling me)So I wrote this little melodydedicated it to my favorite loverBoy, I"m digging on your energy (Energy)And I"m digging what you telling me (Telling me)So I wrote this little melodydedicated to my favorite loverBoy, you know that I dig youI fell in love when I met youI love the way, you make me feelYour energy is something real (Fa. sho.)Boy, I love the way (I love the way)You make me feel (You make feel)Is something bout you loving meCan"t do without your energyBoy, I"m digging on your energy (Energy)And I"m digging what you telling me (Telling me)So I wrote this little melodydedicated to my favorite loverBoy, I"m digging on your energy (Energy)And I"m digging what you telling me (Telling me)So I wrote this little melodydedicated to my favorite loverEnergy, digging on your energyEnergy, digging on your energyEnergy, digging on your energy?(energy)

Natalie的《Goin Crazy》歌词的中文翻译是什么?

自天您走开了 并且留下我孤独和冷 我的生活不是相同 oh 婴孩没有 当我看了入您的眼睛 片刻, 我让您走我划分了 婴孩如果我再曾经得到机会是以您 我会sacrafice Cuz 我感觉在没有其它人心头的feelin 曾经会使我感受很正确 它好微笑当我收到您的电话在晚上 但我宁可有您这里与我 正确在我旁边 并且我错过您拿着我紧的方式 我一定告诉您我感到很微弱没有您的接触 我从未认为, 我能非常曾经爱一个人 我得到了告诉您我认为, 我们是命运 为您我会横渡世界为您 我会做任何东西 那是正确的婴孩 Im goin 疯狂 我需要是您的夫人 I是thinkin 最近 您和我我们能是做它 乘驾与我卷与我 Im 在爱以您(婴孩) Thats 正确的婴孩 Im goin 疯狂 我需要是您的夫人 I是thinkin 最近 您和我我们能是做它 乘驾与我卷与我 Im 在爱以您(婴孩) 打破它下来我然后将告诉您什么我感觉 从片刻, 我遇见了您它是那么真正的 我的心脏似乎跳其它敲打在我们讲话时候 不能belive 我感到很微弱 告诉我, 您真正地需要我 并且您想要我 并且您想念我 并且您爱我 我是您的夫人 我将是在waitin 附近为您 投入它是下来妇女为您 im fallin 那么深深为您 疯狂您im callin callin 对您 我是什么去做? 它真实没有frontin 这是u 不是没有其他 我能不再继续没有您 我划分(下来) 我一定告诉您我感到很微弱没有您的接触 我从未认为, 我能非常曾经爱一个人 我得到了告诉您我认为, 我们是命运 为您我会横渡世界为您 我会做任何东西 Thats 正确的婴孩 Im goin 疯狂 我需要是您的夫人 I是thinkin 最近 您和我, 我们能是做它 乘驾与我卷与我 Im 在爱以您(婴孩) Thats 正确的婴孩 Im goin 疯狂 我需要是您的夫人 I是thinkin 最近 您和我, 我们能是做它 乘驾与我卷与我 Im 在爱以您(婴孩) ooo, 疯狂, (ooo), 最近(ooo), 最近(ooo) 最近


中文姓名    周丽淇英文姓名    Niki Chow出生日期    1979年8月30日星  座    处女座身  高    172cm籍  贯    中国香港体  重    110磅国  籍 中国香港信 仰 天主教家 中 成 员 父母,家姐(周汶锜),哥哥兴  趣    滑雪、看DVD及所有户外活动语  言    广东话、国语、上海话、英语教育程度    中五性  格    可爱、健谈、真诚擅  长    网上游戏、手工制作舞  蹈    中国舞优 点 是个不错的老师,也是个很好的主持;知情达理、善解人意,爱爸爸妈妈,也爱所有的朋友 缺 点 不经意间会有些忧郁个人座右铭: 做最坏的打算,尽最大的努力 最喜爱的颜色  粉红、红、绿最喜爱的国家  美国、泰国最喜爱的季节  春季、夏季最喜爱的食物  日本菜电影2004年12月  鲨胆大话王(配音)2004年06月  爱作战2003年10月  豪情2003年07月  恋上你的床2003年07月  炮制女朋友2003年03月  下一站天后2002年10月  热血青年2001年11月  玉女添丁2001年09月  大头怪婴2001年06月  同居密友2001年03月  百分百感觉Ⅱ电视剧2008年 桌球之父{计划中}2008年 书剑恩仇录饰演 霍青桐2008年 盛装舞步爱作战(客串)2008年    最美丽的第七天 饰演 凌加恩2007年    森之爱情之整容药丸 饰演 阿仪 2005年    天幕下的恋人 饰演 高逸诗2005年05月  秀才遇着兵 饰演 陆拾羲2004年11月  四叶草@赤沙印记(客串)2004年04月  翡翠恋曲 饰演 梁咏思电视电影2003年12月  妒火线专辑2006年08月18日《Pure Niki》2006年04月11日《The Child Woman》2005年08月25日《Nikikaka》

Stephen Duffy&Nigel Kennedy的《Natalie》 歌词

歌曲名:Natalie歌手:Stephen Duffy&Nigel Kennedy专辑:Music In ColorsNatalieGoing CrazyEver since the day you went awayand left me lonely and coldmy life just hasn"t been the sameoh baby nowhen i looked into your eyesthe moment that i let you go i just broke downbaby if i ever get the chance to be with you againI would sacraficeCuz the feelin that I feel within no other man would ever make me feel so rightits nice to smile when i get your phone call at nightBut I rather have you here with meright next to meand I miss the way you hold me tightI"ve got to let you know I feel so weak without your touchI never thought that i could ever love a man so muchI"ve gotta let you know I think that we are destinyFor you I"d cross the world for youI"d do anythingThat"s right babyI"m going crazyI need to be your ladyI been thinking latelythat you and me yes we can make itjust ride with me roll with meIm in love with you (baby)That"s right babyI"m going crazyI need to be your ladyI been thinking latelythat you and me yes we can make itjust ride with me roll with meIm in love with you (baby)break it down then I"ll tell you what i feelfrom the moment that i met you its been so damn realmy heart seems to skip another beat every time we speakCan"t belive I feel so weaktell me that you really need meand you want meand you miss meand you love meI"m your ladyI"ll be around waitin for youput it down be the woman for youim fallin so deep for youcrazy over you im callingcallin out to youwhat am i gonna do?its true no frontinit"s u ain"t no otherI can no longer go on without youI just break down (down)I"ve got to let you know I feel so weak without your touchI never thought that i could ever love a man so muchI"ve gotta let you know I think that we are destinyFor you I"d cross the world for youI"d do anythingThat"s right babyI"m going crazyI need to be your ladyI been thinking latelythat you and me, yes we can make itjust ride with me roll with meIm in love with you (baby)That"s right babyI"m going crazyI need to be your ladyI been thinking latelythat you and me, yes we can make itjust ride with me roll with meIm in love with you (baby)ooo, crazy,(ooo),lately (ooo),lately (ooo)Lately

Gilbert Bécaud的《Natalie》 歌词

歌曲名:Natalie歌手:Gilbert Bécaud专辑:Beaucoup De BecaudNatalieGoing CrazyEver since the day you went awayand left me lonely and coldmy life just hasn"t been the sameoh baby nowhen i looked into your eyesthe moment that i let you go i just broke downbaby if i ever get the chance to be with you againI would sacraficeCuz the feelin that I feel within no other man would ever make me feel so rightits nice to smile when i get your phone call at nightBut I rather have you here with meright next to meand I miss the way you hold me tightI"ve got to let you know I feel so weak without your touchI never thought that i could ever love a man so muchI"ve gotta let you know I think that we are destinyFor you I"d cross the world for youI"d do anythingThat"s right babyI"m going crazyI need to be your ladyI been thinking latelythat you and me yes we can make itjust ride with me roll with meIm in love with you (baby)That"s right babyI"m going crazyI need to be your ladyI been thinking latelythat you and me yes we can make itjust ride with me roll with meIm in love with you (baby)break it down then I"ll tell you what i feelfrom the moment that i met you its been so damn realmy heart seems to skip another beat every time we speakCan"t belive I feel so weaktell me that you really need meand you want meand you miss meand you love meI"m your ladyI"ll be around waitin for youput it down be the woman for youim fallin so deep for youcrazy over you im callingcallin out to youwhat am i gonna do?its true no frontinit"s u ain"t no otherI can no longer go on without youI just break down (down)I"ve got to let you know I feel so weak without your touchI never thought that i could ever love a man so muchI"ve gotta let you know I think that we are destinyFor you I"d cross the world for youI"d do anythingThat"s right babyI"m going crazyI need to be your ladyI been thinking latelythat you and me, yes we can make itjust ride with me roll with meIm in love with you (baby)That"s right babyI"m going crazyI need to be your ladyI been thinking latelythat you and me, yes we can make itjust ride with me roll with meIm in love with you (baby)ooo, crazy,(ooo),lately (ooo),lately (ooo)Lately

印尼最性感主播Grace Natalie私房照

印尼美女主播格蕾丝·娜塔莉照片背景 印尼最性感主播Grace Natalie私房照 3月29日,有着“印尼最性感主播”之称的前美女主播格蕾丝·娜塔莉(Grace Natalie)宣布组建“印尼团结党”,并出任党主席。这位有着中国、印尼、荷兰血统的32岁混血美女在当地颇具人气,给印尼政坛再添热门话题。 印尼美女主播格蕾丝·娜塔莉照片背景 印尼最性感主播Grace Natalie私房照



Natalie的《Pieces》 歌词

歌曲名:Pieces歌手:Natalie专辑:Everything NewPerformed by Natalie, Rob GWritten by N. Alvarado, R. Gallinares, N. PerezChyeaNatalieRob GPickin" up the pieces of my lifeYou know what I"m sayin"It"s going from good to bad and bad to worseAnd now I got you so mad it hurtsHere"s some advice, check itTo find yourself, you have to searchPick up the pieces, know your worthNow let me hear you sayI"ve got to pick up the piecesGet myself back together, for whatever the reasonI still deserve betterI"ve got to pick up the piecesGet myself back together, for whatever the reasonI still deserve betterI try to fall and get upNow you betterAlways seem to rememberThat without you I wouldDie if you ever say goodbyeYou know I"m here aloneI"m lonely and so sadEach day I cryI only cry for you, die for youI live for youWithout you hereI stay adore youI"m waitin" for youI"m lonely for youI never thought I"d feel this wayThe one I love has caused me painI"m waking up everyday hoping the sun will shineThe rain will go awayI"ve got to pick up the piecesGet myself back together, for whatever the reasonI still deserve betterI"ve got to pick up the piecesGet myself back together, for whatever the reasonI still deserve betterToo bad, so sadNow you wanna come back in my lifeBut I told you not onceI told you more than twiceThat you would realize that I am everything you"re gonna needNew girl out there, will never ever love you more than meAnd I did the sacrifices so why put up withLike we never met"Cause I can"t continue to go on hurting like thisI never thought I"d feel this wayThe one I love has caused me painI"m waking up everyday hoping the sun will shineThe rain will go awayI"ve got to pick up the piecesGet myself back together, for whatever the reasonI still deserve betterI"ve got to pick up the piecesGet myself back together, for whatever the reasonI still deserve better (Rob G, let"s go )I know I deserve betterI just wanna earn cheddarI wish I"d learn never trust what I say when I burn letters of loveYou used to write me telling how much you like me and like meI could see you as my wifeyYou show a dark sign like the night the moon coversGuess you"d never known "til they show the true colorsA few of us pay no attention and let it flowBut not me, baby, I"m sorry you gotta goIt"s taking us tollYou kinda breakin" my soulIt"s like I"m sitting in a desert and I"m waitin" for it to snowHit the roadI"d rather be wrong than mistreatedNow beat it, leave me hereI"ll get to pickin" up the pieces of my lifeI"ve got to pick up the piecesGet myself back together, for whatever the reasonI still deserve betterI"ve got to pick up the pieces (tell "em)Get myself back together (here we go), for whatever the reason (yeah)I still deserve better (uh huh)Chyea, chyea Chyea, chyea


这不是简称,是昵称。有些昵称是约定俗称的,比如说所有Ben开头的名字都昵称为Ben,或者William昵称Bill。你可以在这里找到常用的昵称。 还有一些昵称是朋友习惯叫出来的。比如说中文里李永健,可以昵称为永永、健健、永健,看朋友都怎么叫了。英文也是如此。

Natalie的《Ooh》 歌词

ooh歌手:natalieAlthazhou制作ooh ooh ooh oohAlways thinkin" of you (always thinkin" Of you (ooh, uh, ooh, ooh))I just wanna touch you (I just wanna touch you (ooh, uh, ooh, ooh))anything you want to (anything you want to (ooh, uh, ooh, ooh))I just wanna love you (I just wanna love you)you make me ooh, ooh, oohbaby ooh, ooh, oohI"m feeling something that I never felt beforeI ain"t toyin" you I want you boyI wanna tell you things I"ve been afraid to sayI want the moon now if that"s okayif I could only get one minute of your timelook in your eyes tell you whyshould let me love you (you should let me love you)so deepthe way that you had meAlways thinkin" of you (always thinkin" Of you (ooh, uh, ooh, ooh))I just wanna touch you (I just wanna touch you (ooh, uh, ooh, ooh))anythting you want to (anything you want to (ooh, uh, ooh, ooh))I just wanna love you (I just wanna love you)you make me ooh, ooh, oohbaby ooh, ooh, oohI love the way that you bring out the best of mejust by the way you, the way you speakso softly in my ear your driving me insanejust by the way you, you say my nameits" unreal, what I feelis it okay, if I stillshow you how I want you (show you how I want you)I"m so amazed with everything that you doboy you make me oohAlways thinkin" of you (always thinkin" Of you (ooh, uh, ooh, ooh))I just wanna touch you (I just wanna touch you (ooh, uh, ooh, ooh))anything you want to (anything you want to (ooh, uh, ooh, ooh))I just wanna love you (I just wanna love you)you make me ooh, ooh, oohbaby ooh, ooh, oohooooh-ooooh, babyI just wanna love you, yeah, yeah, yeahooooh-ooh,ooooh-ooh,I just gotta touch you (feeling you)Always thinkin" of you (always thinkin" Of you (ooh, uh, ooh, ooh))I just wanna touch you (I just wanna touch you (ooh, uh, ooh, ooh))anything you want to (anything you want to (ooh, uh, ooh, ooh))I just wanna love you (I just wanna love you)you make me ooh, ooh, oohbaby ooh, ooh, oohooh歌手:natalieAlthazhou制作

Natalie的energy 的歌词是什么意思?

能源,挖掘你的能量 能源,挖掘你的能量 能源,挖掘你的能量? (能源) 男孩,我对你的精力挖掘(能源) 而我挖你告诉我(告诉我) 所以我说这个小旋律 致力于我最喜欢的情人 男孩,我对你的精力挖掘(能源) 而我挖你告诉我(告诉我) 所以我说这个小旋律 致力于我最喜欢的情人 我躺在床上 有想法在我的脑海 我不由自主的想你 一遍又一遍,并一遍又一遍 我可以告诉你,你让我如此扭曲 辗转反侧 一遍又一遍,并一遍又一遍 所以我写了一首歌曲今晚(今晚) 你是不是乞求我写(写) 告诉我它是凉今晚(今晚) 为了不知道我的想法 男孩,我对你的精力挖掘(能源) 而我挖你告诉我(告诉我) 所以我说这个小旋律 它献给我最喜欢的情人 男孩,我对你的精力挖掘(能源) 而我挖你告诉我(告诉我) 所以我说这个小旋律 它献给我最喜欢的情人 雨和光泽,雨夹雪和雪 欢迎到我的奇迹 而我挖你的抒情 您的旋律是我的补救办法 一个叫当我喝了 随着糖果涂层田纳西 只是一个愿望。 并让我们把它与你的孩子有一些婴儿巴什鱼极乐天堂 因为你的吻我的嘴唇,女孩我已经准备好推出 有这么凶狠和bubblicious,能源的倒掉 男孩,我对你的精力挖掘(能源) 而我挖你告诉我(告诉我) 所以我说这个小旋律 献给我最喜欢的情人 男孩,我对你的精力挖掘(能源) 而我挖你告诉我(告诉我) 所以我说这个小旋律 致力于我最喜欢的情人 孩子,你知道我挖你 我爱上你时,我遇见 我喜欢这样的方式,你让我觉得 你的能量是实实在在的(Fa.资助自置居所。) 男孩,我喜欢这样的方式(我喜欢) 你让我觉得(你让感觉) 你是爱我的东西较量 不能没有你的能量 男孩,我对你的精力挖掘(能源) 而我挖你告诉我(告诉我) 所以我说这个小旋律 致力于我最喜欢的情人 男孩,我对你的精力挖掘(能源) 而我挖你告诉我(告诉我) 所以我说这个小旋律 致力于我最喜欢的情人 能源,挖掘你的能量 能源,挖掘你的能量 能源,挖掘你的能量?(能源

求Goin Crazy Natalie的中文翻译歌词

Natalie Going Crazy Ever since the day you went away 自从你走的那天and left me lonely and cold 留下我孤独冷寂my life just hasn"t been the same 我的生活立刻变了样oh baby no 喔 宝贝 不要when i looked into your eyes 当我深深注视着你the moment that i let you go i just broke down 让你走掉的那一瞬 我快崩溃了baby if i ever get the chance to be with you again 宝贝 如果我有再次与你相爱的机会I would sacrifice 我将献出我的所有Cuz the feelin that I feel within no other man would ever make me feel so right 因为我感觉到没有人能像你让我觉得就是对的人its nice to smile when i get your phone call at night 在晚上接到你的电话 我应该微笑But I rather have you here with me 但我宁可你在我身旁right next to me 就在我身旁and I miss the way you hold me tight 我想念你紧紧拥我入怀的方式I"ve got to let you know I feel so weak without your touch 我应该告诉你 没有你的疼爱我觉得自己如此软弱I never thought that i could ever love a man so much 我从没想过自己会如此深爱一个人I"ve gotta let you know I think that we are destiny 我会让你知道 我们是命运注定的For you I"d cross the world for you 为了你 我穿越整个世界 都是为了你I"d do anything 我愿意做任何事That"s right baby 就是这样 宝贝Im goin crazy 我为你抓狂I need to be your lady 我想成为你的女人I been thinkin lately 我最近一直在想that you and me yes we can make it 你和我 对 我们可以做到just ride with me roll with me 马上和我一同远航 和我一起启程吧Im in love with you (baby) 我就是这样爱你 (宝贝)Thats right baby 就是这样 宝贝Im goin crazy 我为你抓狂I need to be your lady 我想成为你的女人I been thinkin lately 我最近一直这样想that you and me yes we can make it 你和我 对 我们可以做到just ride with me roll with me 马上和我一同远航 和我一起启程吧Im in love with you (baby) 我就是这么地爱你break it down then I"ll tell you what i feel 放下所有 接着我会告诉你我的感受from the moment that i met you its been so damn real 自从我遇见你的瞬间 那是多么真实my heart seems to skip another beat every time we speak 每当我们谈话 我的心跳动着另一种节奏Can"t belive I feel so weak 无法想象 我变得如此脆弱tell me that you really need me 告诉我 你的确需要我and you want me 你想得到我and you miss me 你想念我and you love me 你爱我I"m your lady 我是你的女人I"ll be around waitin for you 我将在这里等你put it down be the woman for you 放弃一切 成为你的女人im fallin so deep for you 我为你沉沦得这么深crazy over you im callin 疯狂地为了你 我在呼唤callin out to you 大声地喊你what am i gonna do? 我该怎么做呢?its true no frontin 你却不在眼前it"s u ain"t no other 我要你 而绝非他人I can no longer go on without you 没有你 我无法生活下去I just break down (down) 我快崩溃了I"ve got to let you know I feel so weak without your touch 我应该告诉你 没有你的疼爱我觉得自己如此软弱I never thought that i could ever love a man so much 我从没想过自己会如此深爱一个人I"ve gotta let you know I think that we are destiny 我会让你知道 我们是命运注定的For you I"d cross the world for you 为了你 我穿越整个世界 都是为了你I"d do anything 我愿意做任何事Thats right baby 就是这样 宝贝Im goin crazy 我为你抓狂I need to be your lady 我想成为你的女人I been thinkin lately 我最近一直在想that you and me yes we can make it 你和我 对 我们可以做到just ride with me roll with me 马上和我一同远航 和我一起启程吧Im in love with you (baby) 我就是这样爱你 (宝贝)Thats right baby 就是这样 宝贝Im goin crazy 我为你抓狂I need to be your lady 我想成为你的女人I been thinkin lately 我最近一直这样想that you and me yes we can make it 你和我 对 我们可以做到just ride with me roll with me 马上和我一同远航 和我一起启程吧Im in love with you (baby) 我就是这么地爱你ooo, crazy,(ooo), 哦 疯狂 哦lately (ooo),最近以来 哦 lately (ooo)最近以来 Lately 最近以来



热浪球爱战中natalie是谁演得 dguang

  ssica Cambensy  Jessica Cambensy ,菲律宾裔美国人,全名Jessica Tess Cambensy,1988年出生于美国芝加哥,从小在伊利诺伊州和肯塔基州长大,现居美国伊利诺伊州的Des Plains,家中有一个妹妹叫Tara Marie(她妹妹的博客有两个一个在MySpace一个在Xanga都有,说到她姐姐是个模特,很为她骄傲,还贴了照片,说实话她妹妹Tara长得很难看,但是可以看出来跟她五官还是有相似之处的,Tara比Jessica小2岁)还有一个半血缘的哥哥(不知道是同父异母还是同母异父)在网上搜可以搜到貌似MYSPACE的一个交友网站,里面她自己说自己是菲律宾人,她妹妹博客的档案里也说自己是菲律宾人,大家就不要再猜她是中美还是中法还是德日混血了,搞不好人家一点中国血统都没有。MM从小就是在家上学,而且她还透露单相思一个叫Rick的男孩,不知道是不是她男友?  Jessica14岁就做模特了,2003年参加了在纽约举办的国际模特联合会(IMTA)举办的选秀比赛表现不俗,所以赛后立刻被数家模特经纪公司相中签约。   16岁开始在香港发展,先后为倩碧,欧莱雅,Max Factor拍摄广告,这些广告在CosmoGirl,Marie Claire等时尚杂志上都可以看到。她还在香港本地以及内地很多杂志当过服装模特。   目前在香港发展。  参考资料百度上有哦,答题不易,给个好评吧亲~~~~!  参考资料:

谁有natalie schwamova的资料

Natalie Schwamova ,捷克钢琴家。1999年8月生于捷克布拉格。从五岁时开始弹钢琴。六岁进入布拉格音乐学校学习。2014年natalie赢得了捷克斯美塔那国际钢琴比赛。2015年作为最小参赛者入围了肖邦国际钢琴大赛。






【中文名】:唐诗咏【原 名 】:唐思盈【罗马拼音】:Tong Sze Wing【英文名】:Natalie Tong【花名】:日本妹【生日】:1981年05月03日【星座】:金牛座【身高】:165cm【体重】:43kg【籍贯】:上海【国籍】: 中国香港【语言】:粤语、英语、国语(少许)【喜爱】: 小型赛车,睇戏【偶像】: EASON,KELLY CHEN【最喜爱动物】:猫,狗【最喜爱颜色】:白,蓝【学历】: 中五毕业,一年秘书课程【中学】: 循道中学【入行经过】:99年读书时於铜锣湾时代广场逛街时,被模特儿公司发现。


很高兴回答您的问题, 据我所知,Natalie 的昵称是Nat ,其涵义是“在圣诞节出生的孩子所取的名字。” 若该英文名的使用者信仰基督教,这绝对是一个好名字,很适合,也会代表着幸运的~ 谢谢







Natalie ["ntli] 中文音译:娜塔利 其他音译:那塔丽、娜塔莉 名字性别:女孩英文名 来源语种:拉丁语、古英语 扩展资料 名字印象:非常上进,喜欢自由而且有个性。有深度,敏感,气质幽雅,头脑聪明。在经济方面尤其出色,有良好的数学能力,因此可能在经融业发展。做事有条理,因此适合担任领导的职位。态度总是有所保留,因此人们很难了解你。 名字含义:圣诞节出生的人,“圣诞节‘的意思 捷克形式的纳塔利娅(见NATALIE)。圣诞节出生的人 从晚拉丁语名字纳塔利娅,这意味着“圣诞节”从拉丁natale多米尼。这是4世纪的烈士Saint Adrian的"Nicomedia的妻子的名字。她在东正教中被尊敬为圣徒,这个名字传统上在东方基督徒中比在西方更常见。它在美国由女演员娜塔莉·伍德(1938-1981),谁出生俄罗斯移民普及。

Trust Me I Lie 歌词

歌曲名:Trust Me I Lie歌手:Nicole Scherzinger专辑:Killer LoveTrust Me I LieNicole ScherzingerI won"t tell you, I won"t let you seeWhat she mean, cause you mean everythingWhen you"re there i"m scared of the way I feelI don"t want to be so vulnerableSo I act like I don"t care at allBut it won"t mean nothing without youIt"s the truthTrust me I lieWhen I say I don"t need youWhen I say I"ll be alrightIf I have to be without youTrust me I lieWhen I say I don"t love youAnd you"re the last thing on my mindBaby you can trust meTrust me i...Trust me I lieWoah woah woahYou"re telling me sometimes I turn awayCuz i"m afraid of what my eyes might sayI told you to see what I really feelSo I keep up I can act so toughSo you never know I care so muchBut I don"t care about nothing else but youI lieWhen I tell you I don"t careLieI"m just afraidPlease don"t believe one word I sayTrust me I lieI lie, baby I lieBaby I lieI lieTrust me I lieOoooh oooohTrust me I lie


爱琳威尔 Dell旗下专业高端游戏电脑


真命天女 凯莉米洛满天星光 夜空闪耀空气中漂浮 暧昧情调能不能 听见我的心跳爱的电流 在我们之间 围绕绚烂霓虹 微微闪亮只看见 你那清澈双眸像流星 划过闪亮银河悄悄坠落 在我心田我是你的真命天女爱我 爱我 疯狂 爱我我是你的真命天女爱我 爱我 疯狂 爱我我是你的真命天女爱我 爱我 疯狂 爱我心跳如雷 兴奋难耐这一夜 欢愉永无休止不停歇 请保持对我放电来吧 接受我 强烈感觉浓情蜜意 拉近你我能不能 试着抚摸拥抱我只想着那种感觉紧紧依偎 在你怀中我是你的真命天女爱我 爱我 疯狂 爱我我是你的真命天女爱我 爱我 疯狂 爱我我是你的真命天女爱我 爱我 疯狂 爱我爱的电波 正在传播能不能 感觉我的心跳不顾一切只想 吸引你靠近我你会不会 自投罗网收工 哈哈 希望是这个啊 (*^__^*)

Shades的《I Believe》 歌词

歌曲名:I Believe歌手:Shades专辑:ShadesWe dont" have to rush it babyLet"s slow it downWe got plenty of time to fool aroundIf you really love me babyThen you will waitThere are plenty of girls that won"t hesitateBridge:I"m not tryin to disThis is how i feelShadesCouz i want what we haveTo be so realMy momma always told me that true love will lastDon"t you know that one night stands are a thing of the pastChorus:I believe that love should be much more than sexCan"t you see that sex ain"t nuthin if you don"t love meLately i notice that your shy in a wayIs it couz i haven"t givin you any playI"m not tryin to tease youI can"t give you my allAnd get nuthin back(Bridge)My mother always told me that true love will lastDon"t you know that one night stands are a thing of the past(chorus 4 times)It"s the fallin in loveThats makin me feelIt"s the being in loveThat makes the sex more real!(chorus til out)

求翻译《everybody lies》的歌词,以下是英文原文,拒绝直接用在线翻译软件翻译的那种词不达意的。


whenyoubelieve歌词 中英文歌词

英文版: Many nights we prayed With no proof anyone could hear And our hearts a hopeful song We barely understood Now we are not afraid Although we know theres much to fear We were moving mountains long Before we know we could Oh yes, there can be miracles When you believe Though hope is frail Its hard to kill Who knows what miracles You can achieve When you believe Somehow you will You will when you believe In this time of fear When prayer so often proves in vain Hope seems like the summer birds Too swiftly flown away And now I am standing here My hearts so full, I cant explain Seeking faith and speaking words I never thought Id say There can be miracles When you believe (When you believe) Though hope is frail Its hard to kill Who knows what miracles You can achieve When you believe Somehow you will You will when you believe They dont always happen when you ask And its easy to give in to your fear, ohh But when youre blinded by your pain Cant see your way safe through the rain Thought of a still resilient voice Says love is very near There can be miracles When you believe (When you believe) Though hope is frail Its hard to kill Who knows what miracles You can achieve When you believe Somehow you will, how you will You will when you believe You will when you believe Just believe You will when you believe Just believe You will when you believe 中文版: 多少个夜晚我们在祈祷 不知道是否有人听到 心中的希望之歌 我们几乎不能理解 现在的我们不再害怕 尽管未来还会困难重重 我们竭尽全力 很久之后 才知道我们可以创造奇迹 噢 耶 会有奇迹出现 只要心存相信 尽管希望渺茫 却也很难被扼杀 谁能料到 你可以创造怎样的奇迹 心存相信 你就一定会创造奇迹 心存相信 你会创造奇迹 面对恐惧 祈祷往往也变得徒劳 希望就像夏天的鸟儿 转瞬即逝 此刻 我站在这里 莫名地 内心如此充实 追求信仰 字字句句 从未想过会出自我的口 会有奇迹出现 只要心存相信(只要心存相信) 尽管希望渺茫 却也很难被扼杀 谁能料到 你可以创造怎样的奇迹 只要心存相信 你就一定会创造奇迹 只要心存相信 你会创造奇迹 奇迹的发生并不总是如你所愿 人很容易向恐惧低头 噢噢 当你被痛苦蒙住了双眼 在风雨中看不见未来的出路 想想耳边一直回荡的声音 它在说 爱就在你身边 会有奇迹出现 只要心存相信(只要心存相信) 尽管希望渺茫 也很难被扼杀 谁能料到 你可以创造怎样的奇迹 只要心存相信 你就一定会创造奇迹 你一定会 只要心存相信 你会创造奇迹 只要心存相信 你会创造奇迹 只要心存相信 只要心存相信 你会创造奇迹 只要心存相信 只要心存相信 你会创造奇迹

outdated client是什么意思






Karlie Kloss(卡莉·克劳斯)在微博晒出与男友约书亚·库什纳(Joshua Kushner)相识于什么?


Linux系统NFS服务限定client端用户的额度, 怎么做?


电影Shelter中Lie to me的歌词谁知道

lie, while you"re even earlydeny, that you"re in any hurrycry, and tell me not to worry‘cause what i don"t know, is never gonna hurt mebreathe, now baby don"t feel guiltydeceive me, then just walk awayleave me, the truth will only kill meit"s gotta be, it"s gotta be this wayone more bad excusebefore you turn me losegive me something to remember you bycouldn"t you offer mea little dishonestypromise me you"ll tryyou"ll lie to mego, your plane is not gonna stayslow, so i can take it inand so you say you"ll see me laterwhen you know you won"t see me againplease before you let go of metake me one more timeappease me, tell me that you love methat you haven"t gone and change your mindone more bad excusebefore you turn me losegive me something to remember you bycouldn"t you offer mea little dishonestypromise me you"ll tryyou"ll lie to melie, while you"re even earlydeny, that you"re in any hurrycry, and tell me not to worry‘cause what i don"t know, is never gonna hurt meone more bad excusebefore you turn me losegive me something to remember you bycouldn"t you offer mea little dishonestypromise me you"ll tryyou"ll lie to me我也找了好久...嘿嘿~





lay lie 所有的意思、用法、过去时过去分词,以及辨析


laid. laying.lay.lain.lying.lied 这些词怎么造句??

Iwaslaidupwithacold.我因感冒而卧床休息。Thehenswerelayingatthesamerateasusual.母鸡产蛋率和平常相同。Pleaselaythepackagesonthetable.请把包裹放在桌上。Ihavetowarnyouthathismotiveshavelainhidden我不得不提醒你他的动机还不明。 Lyingnorthofthechurchisagirls"seniorhighschool位于这座教堂以北的是一所女子高中。Hewasashamedthathehadlied他很惭愧他说了谎。 如果满意,谢谢采纳


lay(放,搁;下蛋) lie(躺,位于) lay的过去式,过去分词,现在分词分别是:laid,laid,laying lie的过去式,过去分词,现在分词分别是:lay,lain,lying 所以应注意的是, lay做动词原形时解为放,搁;下蛋,此外可以表示lie的过去式! lie说谎,lie平躺,lay放置,下蛋这几个词语怎么区别记忆啊? 原形 过去式 过去分词 现在分词 lie lied lied lying 说谎 lie lay lain lying 平躺,位于 lay laid laid (现在分词是什么)放置,下蛋 巧记lie和lay 躺 lie,lay,lain,lie in bed again; 撒谎 lie,lied,lied,don"t be a liar; 产蛋 lay,laid,laid,a hen laid an egg; 放置 A loy picked it up,and laid it in the bag. If you like, you can lie down on your bed, laying yourself in a comfortable position, and lie to yourself that you don"t like lying there, or you can imagine where you would like to lay the eggs after the hens lay eggs. lie lay, lain, lying 躺,卧 He was lying in the shade of the tree. 他正躺在树荫下。 She lay down on her bed. 她躺在床上。 保持;处于(某一位置) The factory lies to the west of town. 工厂在小镇的西边。 The plates lay on the table. 盘子在桌上。 lie in state (尸体)供人瞻仰 lie low 躲藏 lay laid, laying 放,置 Lay it on the table. 把它放在桌上。 摆放好 to lay the table 摆好餐桌(摆好餐具) 使平息;使消失 The rain laid the dust. 雨压下了飞扬的尘土。 产,下(蛋) The hen laid three eggs. 母鸡下了三个蛋。 打赌 (常与on, upon连用)指责 处于某种情况;落到某种地步 The city was laid in ruins. 这城市成了废墟。 提出;宣称 to lay claim to a title 宣称有拥有权 (常与with连用)铺设;覆盖 to lay a carpet on the floor 在地板上铺地毯 〈俚〉性交,与人睡觉 lay hold of 紧抓住 lay n lays 位置 〈俚〉与人性交的女方,与人睡觉的女方 lay about 攻击;拳打脚踢 lay in 贮藏 lay into 攻击;拳打脚踢 lay low 打倒;摧毁 使生病 lay off (临时)解雇 停止 Lay off hitting me! 别打我了! lay on 提供;供应 lay it on 添油加醋;夸大其词;逢迎,奉承 lay out 布置;安排 设计(建筑等) 打倒,击倒 花费 lay up 贮存 使卧病在床 使(船)进坞修理


lie lied lied lyinglie lay lain lyinglay laid laid laying


lie-lay-lain躺 lie-lied-lied说谎 lay-laid-laid放置

关于lie 的过去式,各种形式,以及易混词,什么lay ,laid之类的

lie的过去式是lay, 过去分词:lian, 现在式:lie, 现在分词:lying。名词:liar易混淆词:(同音字)lye然而laid是lay的过去式以及过去分词

A.lay B.lie C.laid D.lain选择题,要有解析

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