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useless 的比较级和最高级

比较级:more useless最高级:most useless

Maxee的《Useless》 歌词

歌曲名:Useless歌手:Maxee专辑:欧美12月最新单曲Maxee - UselessI say that it"s overAnd almost believed itOur, once perfect pictureIs ripped into piecesLost myself somewhere in usNever seem to be enoughI"m better off aloneBut I can"t leave if I can"t let goIt"s overIt"s bustedWent nowhereIt"s uselessBelieve meI know thisSo why can"t I just walk awayIt"s time that I let you knowReady now here I goIt"s overIt"s bustedI love youIt"s uselessI have got only questionsAnd none of them answersWhat happened to happyAnd our ever afterWhen I gave into goodbyeIs when he looked in my eyes andWe"re back to helloBut I can"t leave if I can"t let goIt"s overIt"s bustedWent nowhereIt"s uselessBelieve meI know thisSo why can"t I just walk awayIt"s time that I let you knowReady now here I goIt"s overIt"s bustedI love youIt"s uselessSo uselessI keep trying to make some sense of itI keep trying to understandWhy you always make a mess of it(here you go again)Inside, I know that we"re throughSo why am I hereStarin" at youYou push awayYou pull me closeBut I can"t leave if I can"t let goIt"s overIt"s bustedWent nowhereIt"s uselessBelieve meI know thisSo why can"t I just walk awayIt"s time that I let you knowReady now here I goIt"s overIt"s bustedI love youIt"s uselesshttp://music.baidu.com/song/20372669


很简单,我教给你,比他们长篇大论的精辟准确,把分给我呵.这两词是use加less和ful两个后缀.less代表的意思就是 无,没有ful其实就是full 充满所以他两分别的意思是无用的和充满用处也就非常有用的意思.其他这样后缀的词语也同解.








意思差不多,但useless有废物 垃圾的贬义

useless unhelpful helpless 这三个单词的区别

useless adj. 无用的;无效的。偏向实际用途unhelpful adj. 无益的;不予帮助的,偏向帮忙helpless adj. 无助的;无能的;没用的,指人的状态

useless 和use 用法上有什么区别呢?

都一样 都是形容词 it"s no use是说“这样做是没有作用的”,但也许在另一种情况下是有用的。it"s useless是说“这是没有用的”,在其他情况下同样是没用的


无用的 形容词

useless answer


用英语翻译 useful的反义词是useless

useful is the opposite of useless

be useless for用法

对....没用it is useless for our healthy———我的回答,如果你满意了,用你小手点一下采纳




It is useless speaking.光说没用I realized it was useless to reason with him. 我知道和他说理是毫无意义的。

useless 和unuseful有什么区别吗?it is useless doing能不能替换成it is unuseful doing ?


helpless 与 useless区别( 希望具体些)



aren"t they?

Depeche Mode的《Useless》 歌词

歌曲名:Useless歌手:Depeche Mode专辑:UltraMaxee - UselessI say that it"s overAnd almost believed itOur, once perfect pictureIs ripped into piecesLost myself somewhere in usNever seem to be enoughI"m better off aloneBut I can"t leave if I can"t let goIt"s overIt"s bustedWent nowhereIt"s uselessBelieve meI know thisSo why can"t I just walk awayIt"s time that I let you knowReady now here I goIt"s overIt"s bustedI love youIt"s uselessI have got only questionsAnd none of them answersWhat happened to happyAnd our ever afterWhen I gave into goodbyeIs when he looked in my eyes andWe"re back to helloBut I can"t leave if I can"t let goIt"s overIt"s bustedWent nowhereIt"s uselessBelieve meI know thisSo why can"t I just walk awayIt"s time that I let you knowReady now here I goIt"s overIt"s bustedI love youIt"s uselessSo uselessI keep trying to make some sense of itI keep trying to understandWhy you always make a mess of it(here you go again)Inside, I know that we"re throughSo why am I hereStarin" at youYou push awayYou pull me closeBut I can"t leave if I can"t let goIt"s overIt"s bustedWent nowhereIt"s uselessBelieve meI know thisSo why can"t I just walk awayIt"s time that I let you knowReady now here I goIt"s overIt"s bustedI love youIt"s uselesshttp://music.baidu.com/song/3488340


是 an 吧

useless unhelpful helpless 这三个单词的区别

useless adj. 无用的;无效的。偏向实际用途unhelpful adj. 无益的;不予帮助的,偏向帮忙helpless adj. 无助的;无能的;没用的,指人的状态




有unuseful 这个词的意思是无用的 无益的uncareful也有 意思是不小心的另外 use 是动词或名词 而useless是形容词 所以useless并不是use的反义词useless和unuseful是同义词望采纳~

useless 和unuseful有什么区别吗


英语不同点 unuseful和useless的区别 ..

unuseful比较少用,指无用的意思 useless也指无用的意思 2者区别在于useless贬义更强,unuseful只是说一样事物没有益处,而useless有没用,废物的意思

useless 是什么意思啊了







英[u02c8juu02d0slu0259s];美[u02c8juu02d0slu0259s]useless造句:1、A:It is useless trying to argue with Shylock Don-t wait any longer安东尼奥:跟夏洛克讲理是没有用的。别再等了。2、He is in great danger of losing all his money if he continues to buy useless objects.如果他继续买这些无用的东西,他就有失去所有钱财的危险。3、It is useless for you to tempt me!你诱惑我是没有用的!4、to throw out a useless card or to fail to follow suit.丢出无用的牌不照样做。5、a useless mouth光吃不做的人, 饭桶6、It is useless arguing with him.和他辩论没有用处。7、She knew it was useless to say that he had let many spring cleaning times pass.她知道说许多次春季大扫除他都没有来许多次春季大扫除是没有用的。8、Those who err, in each discourse, are not inevitably useless in it.在每个论述里犯错误的那些人,他们未必然是没有用途。


无用的,没有用的His advice is useless. 他的建议一点用都没有。


WATER RESISTANT 50M是防水50米的意思,LTD. CN ET06-CO CS630587这是你的手表编号,你这款是东方表的老款,石英的价格在1000元左右,机械的在2000元左右,请采纳!


water resistant是防水的意思。stainless steel back是不锈钢后盖的意思。LE-384是个编号。目前几乎所有钢壳表都有这个标识,30块的表有,20000的钢表也有。不过高端表后盖是不会标识water resistant的,因为默认必须是防水的。我估计你的手表价格200以内



问: _________ in a seemingly endless war,the gener



新概念英语第2册Lesson13逐句精讲   1.The Greenwood Boys are a group of popular singers.   绿林少年是一个很受人们欢迎的流行演唱组合。   语言点1 a group of pop singers —个流行演唱组合   表达一群(人 / 物)的常用短语:a group of;a crowd of;a party of;a crush of; a flock of;a Horde of;a mob of; a press of; a troop of;a troupe of等;   a horde of mosquitoes 一群蚊子;a mob of criminals 一群罪犯   语言点2 表达“人山人海”:a huge crowd of people; a river / sea of people   2.At present, they are visiting all parts of the country.   目前,他们正在全国各地进行巡回演出。   语言点1 at present = currently = now   语言点2 visit在句中作“巡演”讲,并非“参观”。   语言点3 1) all of the countries / nations 所有的国家   2) all parts of the country 全国各地   3) all parts of the world 世界各地   4) all (over) the world = all the world over 全世界   3.The Greenwood Boys are a group of popular singers.   他们明天就要到这儿来了。   语言点1 will be arriving = will arrive将要到达(二者意思基本一样,但前者更强调计划性)   此句还可改为:They will arrive here tomorrow.   语言点2 arrive^词除了表示“到达”外还有“来到”、“出生”的意思:   Good weather is arriving.好天气就要来了。   My baby arrived last night.我的宝宝是昨天夜里出生的。   Too swift arrives as tardy as too slow.[谚语]欲速则不达。   4.They will be coming by train and most of the young people in the town will be meeting them at the station.   他们将乘坐火车来,镇上的大多数年轻人会到车站去欢迎他们。   语言点1 will be coming by train乘火车来,by train在此作方式状语。(by +交通工具的用法)   I often go to New Oriental School by bicycle.我经常骑车去新东方学校。   语言点2 1) most of the +名词=most +名词:   most of the young people = most young people 大多数年轻人   most of the elders = most elders 大多数年长的人   2) the young people = the youth 年轻人   5.Tomorrow evening they will be singing at the Workers" Club.   明天晚上他们将在工人俱乐部演出。   语言点1 the Workers" Club工人倶乐部;the Workers" Stadium工人体育场   语言点2 总结名词所有格:   1)一般情况下直接加“s” : an hour"s drive开车一个小时;a mile"s distance 一英里的距离   2)以-s结尾的复数加“"”; 不规则复数名词后加“"”: ten hours" walk走10小时的路程; children"s mother孩子们的母亲   3)以-s结尾的单数人名,一般应加“"s”,在笔语中也有只加“"”的情况:Dickens" novels 狄更斯的小说;Bates" voice贝茨的声音   6.The Greenwood Boys will be staying for five days.   绿林少年组合将在我们这儿逗留五天。   语言点 stay一词常表示“停留,保持”:stay single保持单身;stay at home待在家里;stay overnight住一夜   7.During this time, they will give five performances.   在此期间,他们将举办五场演唱会。   语言点1 during prep.在……的期间;在……的时候:during the day / morning / evening在白天/早上/晚上;This little boy fell asleep during the lesson.这个小男孩在上课时睡着了。   语言点2 give performance (to perform for an audience)为观众表演;give a recital 表演独奏;give a solo concert举行独奏音乐会   8.As usual, the police will have a difficult time.   和往常一样,警察们将会面临巨大的工作压力。   语言点1 比较学习:usually, as usual, than usual   usually通常地;as usual和往常一样; than usual比往常(有比较成分)   语言点2 the police为复数含义,表示“警察们”   语言点3 have a good time 过得开心;have a difficult / hard time 日子难过;have a hot time 日子很不好过   9.They will be trying to keep order.   他们将尽心尽力地维持秩序。   语言点 keep相关短语:keep order维持秩序;keep peace维持和平;keep quiet保持肃静;keep silence 保持沉默;keep guard 站岗;keep secret 保密;keep regular hours 早睡早起   10.It is always the same on these occasions.   每逢这个时候,情况都是如此。   语言点 on these occasions在这种场合=in this situation在这种形势下=under the condition在这种条件下 新概念英语第2册Lesson14逐句精讲   1.I had an amusing experience last year.   去年,我有过一次有趣的   2.After I had left a small village in the south of France, I drove on to the next town.   在离开法国南部的一个小村庄之后,我继续驶往下一个城镇。   语言点1 此句时间状语从句为“after +过去完成时”,主句用一般过去时。   语目点2 “动词+ on”表示继续做某动作:drive on继续开车;walk on继续走;swim on继续游泳; ride on继续骑车;study on继续研究   语言点3 介词短语in the south of France 作 village的后置定语。另举例:I like the hills in the west of Beijing..我喜欢此京西部的小山。   3.On the way, a young man waved to me.   途中,一个年轻人向我招手。   语言点1 on the way途中,在路上   语言点2 wave to sb.向某人招手,可用于下列四种情况:1)问候; 2)再见; 3)寻求帮助; 4)发出信号   4.I stopped and he asked me for a lift.   我停下了车,他请求让我捎他一段路。   语言点1 对比学习:   1)I stopped the car.我停下了车。(强调我的动作,文中省去the car。)   2)The car stopped.车子停了。(强调车的动作。)   语言点2 ask sb.for sth.向某人请求某事:ask me for a lift向我请求搭便车;A beggar asked me for money when I was walking on the street last night.昨晚我在街上闲逛时,一个乞丐向我 要钱。   5.As soon as he had got into the car, I said good morning to him in French and he replied in the same language.   当他一坐进车里,我就用法语向他问早上好,他也同样用法语回答我。   语言点1 关于“一……就”的表达:   1)as soon as   As soon as I had entered the bedroom, I got sleepy.我一走进卧室就想睡觉。   As soon as he had seen the water, he wanted to go fishing.他一看到水就想钓鱼。   2)the moment(that)…   The moment I had seen you, I fell in love with you.在见到你的那一刻,我就爱上了你。   3)the minute / second / instant (that)…   The instant my brother had fallen in the water, I jumped into the river.   就在我弟弟掉进水里的那一瞬间,我就跳了下去。   语言点2 in / into + language用/成为……语言   He replied in English.他用英语回答。   Please translate this sentence into Chinese.请把这个句子翻译成中文   语言点3 in the same language作状语。   注意:只有在reply后面有宾语时才加介词。   ——Could you give all of your money to me?   ——“Of course not,” M she replied.(或she replied to me.)   6.Apart from a few words, I do not know any French at all.   除了会几个简单的单词之外,我压根儿就不会讲法语。   语言点1 表达“除了……之外”的重点短语:   1)apart from和exccpt for常用在句首,后不加句子(不包括其后所跟的内容,相当于without )。   Except for being too long, this is a wonderfiil movie.除了有一点长之外,这是一部很不错的电影。   2)except常用于句中(不包括其后所跟的内容,相当于without)。   All students went to the cinema except you.除了你之外,其余所有的学生都去了电影 院。(唯独你没去)   3)besides常用于句中(包括其后所跟的内容在内,相当于with)。   They went to the cinema besides me.除了我之外,他们也去了电*。(我去了)   4)in addition to可用在句首,亦可用在句中。   In addition to this book, I possess lots of books.除了这本书之外,我还有很多书。   语言点2 at all意为“根本”,一般在句子中起强调作用。   You do not know anything about cooking at all.你对烹任根本就一无所知。   7.Neither of us spoke during the journey.   在旅途中,我们两个人都没有说话。   语言点 比较学习“...of+范围”结构的短语:   1)neither of两者中任何一个都不可以(谓语动词一般用单数)   Neither of them has train tickets.他们俩都没有火车票。   2)either of两者中任何一个都可以   Either of the brothers will come.这兄弟俩中会来一个。   3)both of两者都可以   I will take both of the toys.两个玩具我都买了。   4)which of哪一个(两个,三个或以上)   Which of the English books do you like best?这些英语书中你最喜欢哪一本?   5) all of三者或以上   All of boys and girls like to eat candy.所有的男孩和女孩都爱吃糖果。   6) none of三者或以上都不可以   None of soldiers survived the war.在这次战争中士兵们无一生还。   8.I had nearly reached the town, when the young man suddenly said, very slowly, ‘Do you speak English?".   就在我快到城镇的时候,年轻人突然慢慢地问道:“您讲英语吗? ”   语言点1 nearly = almost几乎   I saw almost all students in this town.我差不多见到了这个镇上所有的学生。   语言点2 when在这里不能译为“当……时候”,而应译为“就在此时”,相当于just then。   9.As I soon learnt, he was English himself.   我很快了解到,他自己就是个英国人!   语言点1 as引导从句+主句的结构:   As we know, he is an English teacher.正如我们所知,他是一个英语老师。   As he told, all students went out.就像他说的,所有的学生都出去了。   As the teacher pointed out, one is never too old to learn.就像老师指出的,一个人永远应该是活到老学到老。   语言点2 himself为反身代词,在书面表达中经常出现在句尾表示强调。 新概念英语第2册Lesson15逐句精讲   1.The secretary told me that Mr. Harmsworth would see me.   秘书告诉我说哈姆斯沃斯先生要见我。   语言点1 此句told me that为典型的间接引语表达形式。   My manager told me that business was quite good.我的经理告诉我生意好极了。   语言点2 told me that..., that后为告诉我的内容,为宾语从句,间接宾语。   2.I felt very nervous when I went into his office.   我走进他的办公室时感到非常紧张。   语言点1 比较学习:nervous指对正在发生的事感到紧张;worry指对将要发生的事情感到担心。   语言点2 felt是feel的过去式,feel为半连系动词,后常加形容词作表语,如: feel angry感到生气;feel hot感到热;fal tired感到累   常用的半系动词:feel, get, taste, smell, sound, turn, seem 等。例如:sound good听起来不嫌;taste sweet尝起来甜;smell terrible闻起来恶心   语言点3 比较学习:office办公室(上班的工作地点);study书房(家里的一间房)   3.He did not look up from his desk when I entered.   当我进去的时候,他甚至都没有抬头看我一眼。   语言点1 1) look up向上看,抬头;2)look down向下看,低头;3 ) look up and down上下打量,瞧不起   语言点2 比较学习:desk桌子,指办公桌或写字桌;table桌子,饭桌或麻将桌。   4.After I had sat down, he said that business was very bad.   在我坐下后,他告诉我生意不太景气。   语言点1 此句中after引导时间状语从句。had sat down是过去的过去发生的动作,用过去完成时。   语言点2 主句he said that..,变成直接引语为:he said,“Business is very bad.”   5.He told me that the firm could not afford to pay such large salaries.   他告诉我说,公司现在无力支付这么巨额的工资。   语言点1 此句中包含典型的间接引语,that引导的间接引语为宾语从句。"   语言点2 pay such large salaries = pay such high salaries 支付如此巨额的工资   6.Twenty people had already left.   有20个人已经被迫离开了公司。   语言点 already意为“已经”,该词经常与完成时态连用,强调结果:Have you finished your composition already?你已经完成作文了吗?   7.I knew that my turn had come.   我这时明白下一个该轮到我了。   语言点 turn在此为名词。对比:   1)(口语)Ifs my turn. = I am the next one.该轮到我了。   2)(书面)My turn has come.= My chance / opportunity has come.该轮到我了。   8.‘Mr. Harmsworth," I said in a weak voice.   “哈姆斯沃斯先生,”我无力地说道。   语言点 in a weak voice用微弱的声音(由于心虚或虚弱);in a whisper小声说话,耳语;in a strcmg voice用有力的声音;loud voice高声;low voice低声   9.‘Don"t interrupt," he said.   “别打断我的话,”他说。   语言点 Don"t...结构为祈使句,经常表示一种命令:Don"t look at me.别看着我! Don"t cry.不准哭! Don"t say no.别说不!   10.Then he smiled and told me I would receive an extra &100 a year!   然后他微笑了一下告诉我,我将得到一年1000千英镑的额外收入。   语言点1 receive表示客观上收到,在此并不是马上给钱,只是个口头。   语言点2 would为will的过去式,过去说要在将来加钱,因此用过去将来时。   语言点3 extra意为“额外的”,作定语,修饰pounds,表示额外的钱。   比较学习:extra,more, others, another   1)数量+ extra / more + 名词:two extra / more pens   2)数量+ others:two others   3)another + 数量 + 名词:another two pens, another two weeks

求:VNT VT6656 USB-802.11 Wireless LAN Adapter 驱动

你用的是不是泰优笔记本? 装个驱动人生吧 我就是这么搞的

VNT USB-802.11 Wireless LAN Adapter


正面上方写着wathree,下方写着quartz,背面边沿写着stainless steel back water resistan,中间写着PKF 6006


wireless mobile broadband 是什么?主要的用途

wireless mobile broadband :无线移动宽带。这是计算机支持无线移动宽带功能。如果你所在地区有无线移动宽带业务,计算机就可以直接使用该功能。服务区内就可以实现自由上网,不用借助路由器之类的有线宽带业务了。据说中国移动有基于3G业务的无线移动宽带业务,没了解过,自己问一下吧。


desperately和hopeless的区别desperately 词性是副词词义:adv. 绝望地; 不顾一切地; <口>极度地; 猛烈地; hopeless 词性是形容词词义:adj. 不可救药的; 不抱希望的,绝望的; 没有希望的,惨淡的; 不可能的;


后来卡奥没死,和小莱莱他们成了好朋友,又和m21 莱基斯 卡基奥成了RK(应该这么写的吧),就是专门保护小莱莱的骑士团,又死了几个长老,又爆出小莱莱每用一次力量就会少生命力,就成立了RK 还有一条,狼人首领和小莱莱是好朋友,后来反目了



Noblesse 望的介绍


请问谁有careless whisper这首歌的歌词啊

分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 音乐 问题描述: 我要英文的 谢谢! 解析: 是不是这个 ? [00:05.00]Careless whisper-Wham 无心快语(威猛) [00:27.33]Time can never mend.时光永远无法弥补[00:33.56]The careless whispers of a good friend.好友间的无心细语 [00:40.16]To the heart & mind.于内心深处。 [00:43.36]Ignorance is kind.无知是福 [00:46.06]There"s no fort in the truth.真相只会让你难过 [00:48.66]Pain is all U"ll find.你发掘出的只会是痛苦 [01:05.41]Should"ve known better than.我知道本可以更好些的 [01:42.47]I feel so unsure.我没有丝毫把握 [01:48.11]As I take Ur hand.当我牵着你的手 [01:50.41]And lead U 2 the dance floor.带你步入舞池时 [01:55.06]As the music dies.一曲终了 [01:58.05]Something in Ur eyes.你眼中的遗憾 [02:00.84]Calls 2 mind the silver screen.唤起了过去的一幕幕 [02:03.84]And all its sad good-byes.但对这一切我只能伤感的说再见了 [02:07.67]I"m never gonna dance again.我以后不会再跳舞 [02:09.78]Guilty feet have got no rhythm.因为内疚的舞步毫无节奏 [02:13.67]Though it"s easy 2 pretend.尽管我内心的难过很容易掩饰 [02:16.25]I know U"re not a fool.但我知道你不是傻瓜 [02:19.38]Should"ve known better than 2 cheat a friend.我本不该欺骗朋友的 [02:22.34]And waste the chance that I"ve been given.我错过了本应该把握的机会 [02:26.19]So I"m never gonna dance again.所以我打算不再跳舞 [02:28.93]The way I danced with U.以不去重温与你走过的舞步 [02:44.83]Time can never mend.时光永远无法弥补 [02:51.00]The careless whispers of a good friend.好友间的无心细语 [02:57.34]To the heart & mind.于内心深处。 [03:00.68]Ignorance is kind.无知是福 [03:03.34]There"s no fort in the truth.真相只会让你难过 [03:06.36]Pain is all U"ll find.你发掘出的只会是痛苦 [03:10.19]I"m never gonna dance again.我以后不会再跳舞 [03:12.76]Guilty feet have got no rhythm.因为内疚的舞步毫无节奏 [03:16.07]Though it"s easy 2 pretend.尽管我内心的难过很容易掩饰 [03:18.63]I know U"re not a fool.但我知道你不是傻瓜 [03:22.09]Should"ve known better than 2 cheat a friend.我本不该欺骗朋友的 [03:25.03]And waste the chance that I"ve been given.我错过了本应该把握的机会 [03:28.68]So I"m never gonna dance again.所以我打算不再跳舞 [03:31.27]The way I danced with U.以不去重温与你走过的舞步 [03:40.76]Never without Ur love.从此失去你的爱! [03:59.55]Tonight the music seems so loud.今晚的音乐是如此的刺耳 [04:02.50]I wish that we could lose this crowd.我希望我们能远离这喧嚣的人群 [04:06.22]Maybe it"s better this way.也许这样会好些 [04:09.16]We"d hurt each other with the things we"d want 2 say.我们所说的话将打动彼此的心(也会伤害彼此) [04:12.45]We could have been so good together.我们本好好的在一起的 [04:15.27]We could have lived this dance forever.我们本可以让这舞曲无限延续 [04:18.48]But now,who"s gonna dance with me ? 但今夜谁与我共舞? [04:23.53]Please stay.请留步 [04:25.47]And I"m never gonna dance again.因为我以后不打算再跳舞 [04:28.07]Guilty feet have got no rhythm.因为内疚的舞步毫无节奏 [04:31.68]Though it"s easy 2 pretend.尽管我内心的难过很容易掩饰 [04:34.26]I know U"re not a fool.但我知道你不是傻瓜 [04:37.58]Should"ve known better than 2 cheat a friend.我本不该欺骗朋友的 [04:40.68]And waste the chance that I"ve been given.我错过了本应该把握的机会 [04:44.27]So I"m never gonna dance again.所以我打算不再跳舞 [04:46.98]The way I danced with U.以不去重温与你走过的舞步 [05:03.83](Now that U"re gone)Now that U"re gone.现在你走了 [05:16.29](Now that U"re gone)Was what I did is so wrong.我所为是不是错误的? [05:22.52]So wrong that U had 2 leave me alone ? 错到以至你离我而去?




* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 歌曲名:ENDLESS ANTHOLOGY歌手:Elisa专辑:White pulsation羽根を无くして 気付いた世界ただ 上を向いて 手を広げて 泣いてたそう君が空だったから... UhELISA - ENDLESS ANTHOLOGY作词∶上松范康作曲∶上松范康Feel moonlight 月の永远が欲しかった美しき 悠久のアンソロジー指をすり抜けてく君の薫り连锁(ループ)のワルツ 仆を壊したEndless love song...翼があれば君への场所へと飞べるはずLost eyes, Lost wings わからないよ卑怯な理由(わけ)を并べて名前を叫んだって仆はまだ 消える事ないミラージュに溺れながらただ ただ 笑ってた仆はただ ただ 鸟になりたかった...Feel sunshine その暖かさに逃げたくて救ってよ 光ゆくノスタルジー次の星でも君を见つけたい叶わないプロミス 嘘で愈したEndless dream song爱が生まれた神话の记忆を旅したのLove is all, Love was all 満ち溢れて失う事で存在が未来を侵してく仆はまだ 丘の上で君のない梦に叹いてただ ただ 足掻いてた风はただ ただ 花を散らすように翼があれば愿いも祈りも届くはずLost eyes, Lost wings わからないよ记忆の彼方终わり无く彷徨う缲り返す仆はまだ 消える事ないミラージュに溺れながらただ ただ 仰いでた仆はただ ただ 鸟になりたかった...仆はただ ただ 鸟になりたかった...http://music.b***.com/song/20345759

stage stageless区别


much less用法



1.在半导体芯片行业,企业的模式主要分三种,像英特尔这种,从设计,到制造、封装测试以及投向消费市场一条龙全包的企业,称为称为IDM(Integrated Design and Manufacture)公司。2.而有的公司只做设计这块,是没有fab(工厂)的,通常就叫做Fabless。例如ARM公司、AMD、高通博通等。3.而还有的公司,只做代工,只有fab,不做设计,称为Foundry(代工厂),常见的台积电等。

Shapeless的《Sheen》 歌词

歌曲名:Sheen歌手:Shapeless专辑:Expect The UnexpectablesheeBabyvox看着穿着大胆衣服的我What you guess? What you guess?你在想什么你我感觉到了你那色咪咪的眼神What you guess? What you guess?不要胡思乱想goShee 感觉吧享受吧就在今晚 hoShee 不要开口用你的眼神跟我说话我要你的触摸Dance like me我希望你能被我Crazy like me深深的吸引今天晚上并不是太长请你与我共舞 all night今晚如果你想更多了解我What you guess? What you guess?你想从我身上得到什么你不要再犹豫了再靠近一点What you guess? What you guess?再往前一步goShee 感觉吧享受吧就在今晚 hoShee 不要开口用你的眼神跟我说话我要你的触摸Dance like me 我希望你能被我Crazy like me 深深的吸引今天晚上并不是太长请你与我共舞 all nightshake it shake it like thisoh like this oh oh ohshake it shake it like thisoh like this oh oh ohi don"t need boys like youso cool wanna party with my girlsits my day go away take a shota long boy and go homeDance like me 我希望你能被我Crazy like me 深深的吸引今天晚上并不是太长请你与我共舞 all nighthttp://music.baidu.com/song/7487918


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英语unless I’m mistaken怎么翻译?


all stainless steel tungsten bezel sapphire wr5atm是什么意思 天王表


teach a lesson和give a lesson有区别吗

teach (sb) a lesson只有“给某人一个教训”的意思.而give (sb) a lesson有两种理解.一是本意“(给某人)授课”,二也可以引申为“给某人一个教训”.如果是“给某人一个教训”的意思时,两者没有区别.

跪求解惑 She has a of dirty clothes. A. mountain B. mountainous C. mountainless D. hill

a mountain of



because ido less exercise是什么意思


guess we red lesson哪一个e的发音不一样?


Marvell Avastar Wireless-N Network Controller 无线网卡在WIN8下安装驱动不成功。设备无法启动。

可能是驱动不兼容吧 现在win8有很多不兼容的

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listlessly的读音:英音["lu026astlu0259slu026a],美音["lu026astlu0259slu026a]。listlessly,英语单词,主要用作副词,作副词时译为“无精打采地;冷淡地”。短语搭配:face listlessly无精打采地面对;initiate listlessly无精打采地介绍;ask listlessly无精打采地问。nod listlessly无精打采地点头;hang listlessly无精打采地拖延;throw listlessly无精打采地投掷;agree listlessly无精打采地认可;wash listlessly无精打采地洗涤;dust listlessly无力地掸。双语例句1、Usually, you would just sit listlessly, too hot to do anything else.通常,你只会无精打采地坐着,热得干不了别的事情。2、The teacher nods and puts Vishal back on the floor, where he sits listlessly before a jigsaw puzzle.老师点了点头,把 Vishal 放回地上,他无精打采地坐在一副七巧板前。3、Huck was sitting on the gunwale of a flatboat, listlessly dangling his feet in the water and looking very melancholy.哈克坐在一只平底船的船舷上,两只脚没精打采地泡在水里,看上去很忧郁。学习英语的重要性:1、学习英语可以提高自己的语言技能,增加一项语言能力。2、学习英语有利于和外国人交朋友,聊天或者一起工作。3、学习英语有利于了解其他国家的习俗文化等。4、学习英语有利于找工作枯樱,例如很多外企,英语都是必修需要。



Scentless Apprentice 歌词

歌曲名:Scentless Apprentice歌手:Nirvana专辑:In UteroArtist: NirvanaAlbum: In UteroTitle: Scentless ApprenticeLike most babies smell like butterHis smell smelled like no otherHe was born scentless and senselessHe was born a scentless apprenticeGo away - get away, get a-wayEvery wet nurse refused to feed himElectrolytes smell like semenI promise not to sell your perfumed secretsThere are countless formulas for pressing flowersGo away - get away, get a-wayI lie in the soll and fertilize mushroomsLeaking out gas fumes are made into perfumeYou can"t fire me because I quit!Throw me in the fire and I won"t throw a fithttp://music.baidu.com/song/1385802

android 中tools:ignore="UselessParent"这个属性的含义

这是忽略lint check。UselessParent说明你的布局有多余的父容器之类的存在。


亲爱的姚瑶: 我妈妈打算今年春天去中国旅游,她想先去北京,然后还想去上海和桂林去看看。你能告诉我们一些这些城市的风土人情吗?她不知道去中国看什么好,她真是啥都想看。 玛丽 亲爱的玛丽: 下面是关于中国的一些事情:上海在中国的东方,那里有很多大的商业街;桂林在中国的南方,去那里她可以看到美丽的山水;我希望她能在北京待一段时间,它是世界最大城市之一,她可以看看长城、天坛和颐和园。她还可以尝尝北京烤鸭;我还希望她能去西藏看看,它在中国的西部,她可以看到布达拉宫和皑皑雪山。 姚瑶 问题答案:1.b 2.a 3.a 4.a

小学英语教案:Unit7 Lesson37 Fruit教案

摘要: 一、教学设计思路本课是本单元的第一课,主要目的是学习六个水果的英文名称词,并使学生能用简单的句子表达对各种水果的好恶。新课标提出学习英语的最终目标是让学生学会用英语做事情。所以,在教案设计之初,我就本 一、教学设计思路 本课是本单元的第一课,主要目的是学习六个水果的英文名称词,并使学生能用简单的句子表达对各种水果的好恶。新课标提出学习英语的最终目标是让学生学会用英语做事情。所以,在教案设计之初,我就本着这一目标设计每一环节: 首先,通过计算机课件将所要学习的生词和句子整体呈现给学生,使学生对所要进行的语言活动得到足够的语言储备。 其次,针对学生年龄特点设计了一项能使学生感到真实有趣的任务:为制作水果沙拉挑选水果。让学生们通过调查其他同学对各种水果的好恶完成一项调查表,并做出汇报。 最后,设计时给孩子们留有充分的活动时间,使孩子们对所学知识得以不断巩固,并在听取他人汇报时将自己所要用的语言加以不断完善,能在现实生活中真正运用本课语言。 二、教学背景分析 (一)教材分析 《新起点英语》是为北京市海淀区以及其他经济与教育发达地区中小学开设英语课程而编写的,中小学衔接,小学部分共12册,每学期一册。教材的设计为话题—功能—结构—任务相结合,并将多元智能因素贯穿始终。 教材编写指导思想: 1.注重素质教育,关注情感发展。 2.双向式交流,跨文化交际。 3.以语言位媒介,融合各学科知识 4.发展学习策略,培养学生自主学习能力。 本册书的体例: 本册书共八个单元,其中四、八单元为复习单元;每个单元设六课,其中 1-3 课为第一层次学习内容,主要以学习基本单词和句子为主。第 4-6 课为第二层次学习内容,在学习第一层次内容的基础上,适量扩展话语、平行学科知识和双向文化等内容。在这六课中,第一课大多以生动的画面和优美韵律的歌谣呈现本单元的基本词汇。 本册书一共有六个话题:School, Body, Animals, Numbers, Colours, Fruit。所有话题都与学生自身密切相关,为学生所关注。 本课介绍: 本课是第七单元的第一课,主要内容是学习六种水果的名称词,并能用简单句子表达自己对各种不同水果的好恶。它由两部分组成:A项是本单元的话题,结合儿歌形式,引入六个有关水果的单词。B项是根据A项学习内容所设计的练习活动,要求学生听录音,巩固所学六个有关水果的单词,并复习有关数字的词汇。 (二)学情分析 《新起点英语》一年级上册面对的是英语学习零起点的孩子。通过一个学期的学习,目前孩子们已经能用简单的英语说出10以内的数字和一些常见的颜色词。孩子们的这些知识储备将成为本课知识学习的支柱力量,在本课学习后孩子们应该能表述水果数量和颜色以及对某种水果的好恶。 (三)对教学方式、手段和技术准备的说明 《新起点英语》在教科书的前言部分有这样一句话:“教育部在新课程设计中,强调学科之间的整合,强调信息技术的应用。”故此从教学目标的实现方式看,笔者尽量多地采用了多媒体技术。比如在学歌谣的时候,笔者将教材内容动漫化,并引导学生边模仿边做边说。充分体现“动中学”、“学中做”的原则思路。既使得语言教学不突兀,又能提升气氛、调动兴趣,同时有效提高课堂效率。 三、本课教学内容框架设计 教学目标: 1.知识目标:通过学习使学生能理解儿歌内容,能说出六种水果的名称词。 2.能力目标: 通过课堂学习操练,使学生能用英语表达自己对某种水果的喜好。 3.情感目标:通过多种活动形式,激发学生英语学习情感,使之积极参与课堂活动。同时教育学生互相谦让。 4.策略目标:通过设置小组学习任务,发展学生个性,培养学生创新意识及合作学习意识。 教学重点: 词汇: apple, pear, banana, peach, melon, orange 句子:What do you like? I like... 教学难点: pear, melon, orange 中元音的发音。 教具准备: 教具:图片、词卡、实物、计算机课件、调查表。 学具:课本,调查表。 四、教学过程设计 活动一: Step One: Getting the pupils ready for class. T: Are you ready for class? SS: Yes! T: Let"s begin our class, OK? SS: OK! T: Now, Class begins. Ss: Stand up! Step Two: Greetings. T: Good morning/afternoon, class. Ss: Good morning/afternoon, Ms Wu. T: Nice to see you! Ss: Nice to see you, too! 活动设计:师生问好,日常用语对话。 设计意图:以平等的口吻与学生交流,可有效拉近师生距离,使课堂气氛和谐融洽,能很快将学生带入课堂。 活动二: Let"s chant. Red, red, I like red. Green, green, I like green. Black, black, I like black. Blue, blue, I like blue. Pink, pink, I like pink. Green, green, I like green. White, white, I like white. What colour do you like? 活动设计:让学生边听录音边跟唱儿歌。 设计意图:通过说唱歌谣,调动学生情绪调节课堂气氛。同时复习“I like...”句型,为新课作准备。 活动三: Step one: Lead in. T: You can chant it very well! So, you can get the prize. I will make some fruit salad for you! Do you know salad? (Show a bottle of salad dressing and a bowl of fruit salad.) Do you like salad? Fruit salad is delicious. For me,(Show an apple)I like apples, I like the apple salad. (Face to one of the pupils, and show a pear.) Maybe you like pears, so you like the pear salad. (Face to another pupil and show a banana.) Perhaps you like bananas, so you like the banana salad. (Face to the whole class.) What kind of fruit salad shall we make? It depends on you! 活动设计:教师用语言导入,明确教学目标。 设计意图:本环节为布置任务,目的是让学生明确本课学习内容及学习目的,即让学生对为何要学习做到心中有数,从而激发学生的学习热情。实物教具的利用可增强学生对新知识的感性认识,有利于学生理解。 活动四: T: (Point to the screen.) What do you see in this picture? Ss: I see an apple, a banana/ peach ... 活动设计:学生根据教师提问将自己感兴趣的水果名称说出来,教师将相应水果图片贴在黑板上。 设计意图 1:本环节为知识整体输入,使学生明确本节课将要学到的知识有哪些。语言点落实到单词阶段,即此环节的学习结束后,学生对本课所呈现的六种水果应有一个清晰的概念,同时能用英语说出两三种自己感兴趣的水果。能力强的学生可能说的更多,这样也可使各种层次的学生都有所得。 设计意图 2:以课件形式呈现多种水果图片,供学生选择性地学习。学生自由发言,说出自己已记住的水果名称词,这样不仅可以让学生学会合作学习,同时也能兼顾到不同层次的学生,给他们最大限度的发展空间。 T: (Give the pupils some samples, and ask them to speak out the sentence. For example, show an apple.) An apple. T: (Show two apples.) Apples. I like apples. u2026 u2026 I like apples. What do you like? I like pears. What do you like? I like oranges. What do you like? I like peaches. What do you like? I like melons. What do you like? I like bananas. What do you like? u2026 u2026 T: Do you want to know what kind of fruit your friend like? You can go and ask him or her now. u2026 u2026 T: Now, let"s do part B. 活动设计:首先,教师利用实物教具教给学生如何用英语表达自己喜欢的水果。其次,教师有选择地提问 10 名学生(不同层次),进行机械操练。最后,教师组织学生进行自由问答活动。 设计意图:因为“What do you like?” 和“I like...”是学生熟悉的句子,在教师做了大量的示范后,让学生自由问答可增强他们学习的实效性,并使他们意识到用英语交际的快乐,从而体验成就感,同时为后面的小组活动做语言准备。 《Unit7 Lesson37 Fruit教案》由英语我整理,更多请访问:https://www.liuxue86.com/english/

Nevertheless的《Topics 》 歌词

歌曲名:Topics 歌手:Nevertheless专辑:In The Making...Topics for the light we sike great youGet the tiree where she cry the sleepI herd sayThe skow get winde oneI loney see the neke fere clke the OKBut not sure OKAnd we for the tipeThey me the cay time sinkeWhere new the srope And everyone other knowWe sike we now newThey fill hard ploodCause"s every what knowwe shose what sock by we canIt"s ture lineAnd side we canIt"s ture lineHe"s can be the class cost heastHoppile pI herd say lay now clock"s othe dayI herd sayThe skow get winde oneI loney see the neke fere clke the OKBut not sure OKAnd we for the tipeThey me the cay time sinkeWhere new the srope And everyone other knowWe sike we now newThey fill hard ploodCause"s every what knowwe shose what sock by we canIt"s ture lineIt"s ture lineCoat coat save we have be had fill the by manTo desk lineThe fill we shide and othe fill closeThey mills closeWhy did you closeAnd we for the tipeThey me the cay time sinkeWhere new the sropeAnd everyone other knowWe sike we now newThey fill hard ploodCause"s every what knowwe shose what sock by we canhttp://music.baidu.com/song/25412489

August Rigo的《Wreckless》 歌词

歌曲名:Wreckless歌手:August Rigo专辑:Music of My Life (Bonus Track Version)August Rigo - WrecklessAh yeah, got something to sayGot something to say girlCome kiss me one last time for roll time sakeI"ve made a big mistake but girl tonight pleasecan we forget that I"ma joker I"ma fool girlyou always knew girl, just let me remind you bout.Waking in the morning, racing in the morningit"s when we get it on andmake it in the bedroom, remember when they ask you girlChorus:"Cause your heart is ready girl and mine is wrecklessgirl your heart is ready to love but mine is wreckless.So I don"t wanna slow you down, slow you down no girlgirl I don"t wanna slow you down, slow you down no"cause your heart is ready to lovebut mine is wreckless, wrecklessGirl let me put it on your properbut in the minute since I saw yougirl you know you want to don"t you be shyI still remember how your lips tastegirl I"m reminiscent asking you to listendon"t you miss.Waking in the late night, while I"m holding you so tightdon"t tell me that don"t sound rightknow this ain"t the right way"cause baby I just can"t stayChorus:"Cause your heart is ready girl and mine is wrecklessgirl your heart is ready to love but mine is wreckless.So I don"t wanna slow you down, slow you down no girlgirl I don"t wanna slow you down, slow you down no"cause your heart is ready to lovebut mine is wreckless, wrecklessI know your favorites spots I give it all I gotyou thought a matter is girl I am focusedscream at the top of your love and tell me I"m the oneI"m sorryCause your heart is ready girl and mine is wrecklessgirl your heart is ready to love but mine is wreckless.So I don"t wanna slow you down, slow you down no girlgirl I don"t wanna slow you down, slow you down no"cause your heart is ready to lovebut mine is wreckless, wrecklessSo I don"t wanna slow you down, slow you down no girlgirl I don"t wanna slow you down, slow you down noSo I don"t wanna slow you down, slow you down no girlgirl I don"t wanna slow you down, slow you down noOhh girl, no I don"t wanna slow you downno, I don"t wanna slow you down girlGot something to say don"t watch your..in your way no no nono no no, yeah them tears you crybaby seeking for the moment that we"re saying goodbye no noone last time, gotta do one last time no morehttp://music.baidu.com/song/54526492

seamless tunnel啥意思

  seamless tunnel  无缝的隧道  tunnel 英[u02c8tu028cnl] 美[u02c8tu028cnu0259l]  n. 隧道; 地道; 烟道; (动物栖息的) 穴;  vi. 打通隧道; 挖掘隧道;  vt. 在…挖掘隧道; 在…打开通道;  [例句]the motorway tunnels under the Hudson river.  哈得孙河下的高速公路隧道  [其他] 第三人称单数:tunnels 复数:tunnels 现在分词:tunnelling过去式:tunnelled 过去分词:tunnelled


一、意思不同:朗文当代英语词典(Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, LDOCE)的until词条有一处用法提示:Use "unless" to say that something will happen or be true if something else does not happen or is not true : Unless they get protection, they will not testify.除非他们得到保护,否则他们不会(出庭)作证。也即,unless适用于根据一定假设,对未来发生或不发生的事情进行判断判断判断,而“离开房间”、“不离开房间”,虽然跟有没有完成考试有关联,但这并不是需要判断的事情。换句话说,难道最终还会有学生“不离开房间”吗?每个学生都会离开房间的,这毫无疑问。二、作为从属连词引导的从句常用一般现在时表示将来不同unless引导的条件状语从句和until引导的时间状语从句常用一般现在时表示将来。例1:除非邀请你否则别进来。误:Don"t come in unless you will be invited to.正:Don"t come in unless you"re invited to.例2:除非他来,我们不可能去。误:Unless he will come, we won"t be able to go.正:Unless he comes, we won"t be able to go.三、作为从属连词引导的状语从句可转换为省略式创新句型不同unless引导条件状语从句和until引导时间状语从句时,如果主从句主语一致(或主从句主语不一致,但从句主语为it),从句谓语部分含有be,可将从句主语和动词be省略,构成省略式创新句型。例1:I won"t come to see you unless I am asked to.除非你邀请我,我才会来看你。解析:因为主从句主语一致,从句谓语又含有am,所以可将从句主语I和动词am省略,构成省略式创新句型:I won"t come to see you unless asked to.例2:The soldiers will not cross the river unless they are ordered to.除非接到命令,战士们不会过河。解析:因为主从句主语一致,从句谓语又含有are,所以可将从句主语they和动词are省略,构成省略式创新句型:The soldiers will not cross the river unless ordered to.注意:until也可作为介词。例如:I have remembered her until now.直到现在我还记得她。

我有一款ENICAR 男式手表,后面写着 AUTOMATIC 21Jewels 2158-51.305 STAINLESS STEEL 不明白是什么意思



新概念英语第四册惯用语整理Lesson46   1.benefit n. 好处,利益 vi./vt.对…有利,有益于   benefit concert 慈善音乐会   例句:We need to let everyone know about the benefit concert, but we don"t have much money for advertising.   我们得让大家都知道慈善音乐会,可我们没有多少钱做广告。   2.form n. 类型,种类;表格;形状 vt.形成,构成   application form 申请表   例句:It"s difficult to fill this application form for me.   我填这份申请表有困难。   3.harmony n. 1.协调,融洽2.(声)谐调,和声学   in harmony with 和谐相处 (to stay peacefully with)   A:I wonder if our children will still be able to breathe the clean air, drink clean water and see the blue sky.   A:不知道我们的孩子们是否还能呼吸清洁的空气,喝到干净的水,看到蓝色的天空。   B:I agree with you. I think it"s time man learned to live in harmony with the earth instead of just exploiting it.   B:我和你想的一样。我认为是时候人应该学会与地球和谐共处而不是一味开发它了。   4.rush vi.催促;冲,奔,急速流动 n.冲,急速进行;热潮   there is no rush 不着急,慢慢来(对照同义习语:What"s the rush? Take it easy, Take things easy)   A:If you"d like to take the package with you Miss, it won"t take long to wrap.   A:小姐,如果你想带着这个包裹走的话,一会儿就可以包装好。   B:There"s no rush. Could you please have it delivered this week?   B:不着急。你能不能这个星期送货?   the more 更多   the more the merrier 人越多越好(常出现在晚会场景中,表达人多多益善,人越多越高兴)   1.A:I"d love to come to your barbecue on Saturday but my cousin is arriving from California that day.   A:我很愿意参加你们在周六举办的烧烤野餐,可是那天我的表兄从加利福尼亚来。   B:That"s no problem. the more the merrier.   B:这没问题。人越多越开心。   2.A:Shouldn"t we invite more people to the dance?   A;我们为什么不邀请更多的人参加舞会?   B:The more, the merrier.   B:人越多,越高兴。   the more..., the more... 越...越...(the higher degree of... leads to the higher degree of...)   例句:The larger the diamond is, the higher the price is per carat.   钻石越大,每克拉的价格就越高。   5.vain a. 1.虚荣的2.高傲的   in vain 徒劳,白费力气   例句:AII his explanations were in vain.   他的所有解释都是徒劳的。 新概念英语第四册惯用语整理Lesson47   1.alienate vt.1.使疏远2.转让,让渡   alienate from 隔离,疏离(separate from; not belong to particular surroundings)   例句:Hemingway became part of a group of Americans who felt alienated from their country.   海明威和他周围的一群美国人都感觉疏离了自己的祖国。   2.car n. 车,汽车;(火车)车厢   car dealer 汽车代理商(person in charge of the sale of car)   例句:1.Used car dealers say they can"t keep "Bugs" on their lots these days.   二手车代理商们说这些日子以来他们的停车场总是留不住“甲壳虫”车。   2.You probably read consumer guides, visit car dealers, and talk to other people about their cars.   你很有可能会读消费者指南,找汽车代理商,并且与别人谈论他们的汽车。   3.contrary prep. 与…相反   on the contrary 相反;另一方面(quite opposite to what has been suggested)   例句:Lots of people think this simply suggests that once a person becomes a criminal he will probably remain a criminal. But of course it doesn"t necessarily mean that at all. On the contrary, it could equally suggest that being in prison actually makes people more likely to commit crimes. .   很多人认为这仅仅意味着一旦一个人成了罪犯,很有可能他永远都是罪犯。当然事实不一定如此。相反,这还意味着进监狱实际上更有可能使人犯罪。   4.crowd n. 人群 vi. 聚集   beat the crowds 躲开人群,避免拥挤(avoid the crowds)   例句:The only way to beat the crowds when you do grocery shopping on Saturday is to be here when they are open at nine o"clock sharp.   如果你想在星期六买杂货时避免拥挤,的办法就是在9点整开门的时候赶到这里。   5.deal with 对付,处理(handle, tackle, cope with)   例句:1.They do not trust their children to deal with crises.   他们不相信自己的孩子能够应付危机。   2.I had to deal with so many courses last term that really had a hard time.   上学期我要应付这么多门课程,以致学得很费劲。   3.When you take the subway, you don"t have to deal with the traffic.   你乘地铁的话,就不必对付交通拥挤了。   6.Dutch n. 荷兰人,荷兰语 adj. 荷兰(人)的,荷兰语的   go Dutch [口]各自负担自己费用(go out for fun together but have each person pay for himself)   例句:Last time you paid for the bill. Maybe we can go Dutch this time.   上一次是你买单,也许这次我们可以各付各的账。   7.get away 出去   例句:I"d like to get away for the long weekend, but I don"t know where to go.   这个长周末我想出去,可是我不知道去哪儿。   8.hand in 交上去   hand in交上去,对照(同义习语turn in)   例句:1.Irene left no stone unturned in her research, and handed in an excellent paper .   艾琳的研究详尽彻底,并且交出了一篇出色的论文。   2.Could I hand in my paper a few days late?   我的论文能不能晚交几天?   A:I can"t remember the due date for our final paper.   A:期末论文什么时候交我记不清了。   B:I think it is the last day of class, But Professor Merdoks said not to wait until the last minute to hand it in.   B:我想是上课的最后一天。但是莫多克教授说不要等到最后一刻。   9.heart n. 心,心脏   at heart 内心深处;实际上(in one"s real nature in reality)   例句:1.Although I live in London now, I"m still at heart a countryman.   尽管我目前住在伦敦,但内心深处我仍然是个乡下人。   2.His manners are rough, but he is a kind man at heart.   他虽然态度粗暴,实际上却是个好心人。   10.management n.1.管理,经营2.管理人员   go into the management 进入管理阶层,成为管理人员(to be a person in change of business)   例句:I want a better job. I want to go into the management.   我想找份更好的工作,我想进入管理阶层。   11.overwhelm adj.非常强烈的   be overwhelmed with 忙着做   A:I haven"t seen you at the student center all week. Have you been sick?   A:这周我都没在学生中心看见过你。你病了吗?   B:I"ve been overwhelmed with my history paper.   B:我正忙着做历史论文呢。   12.worth adj.值…钱的,相当于…价值的;具有…的价值,值得… n. 价值,价格,作用   be worth the wait 等得值得,值得等   A:I"m never going to trust the restaurant critic from that magazine again! that didn"t taste anything like the meal we had in Chinatown.   A:我再也不会相信那个杂志的餐馆评论家了!那儿的菜吃起来和唐人街的没法比o   B:It definitely wasn"t worth the wait.   B:等那么长时间真不值。 新概念英语第四册惯用语整理Lesson48   1.reputable n. 声誉好的,有声望的   such a highly reputable 声誉如此高   例句:It is certainly surprising that such a highly reputable magazine should print such childish drivel.   声誉如此高的杂志竟然登载这样幼稚可笑的胡言乱语,确实令人诧异。   2.reserve vt.1.储备,保留2.预定n. 1.储备(物)2.保留地   on reserve 给某(些)人保留,不外借[限图书馆内阅读](kept for sb.and only permitted to read in the library)   例句:The book has been put on reserve by Dr. Smith. Unless you have his written permission, we won"t let it out.   这本书由史密斯博士定为馆内阅读的书,我们不会借出,除非你有他的书面许可。

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捷波朗Revo Wireless耳机怎么通过蓝牙连接

耳机支持蓝牙3.0版本的稳定连接,通过蓝牙连接到手机或者其他支持蓝牙功能的移动设备之后,即可聆听设备上的音乐或接听手机上的通话,跟着小编具体了解一下吧。连接到蓝牙设备1. 将手机上的蓝牙功能打开。2. 将耳机的电源开关拨到蓝牙标志位置档位,并按住 3 秒钟。3. 将在耳机里听到进入配对模式的提示,而且蓝牙指示灯将闪烁蓝色。4. 按照语音提示的配对说明来配对到蓝牙设备,如果有需要输入密钥,请输入“0000”。5. 连接成功后,手机屏幕上会显示蓝牙耳机的标志。王者之心2点击试玩

捷波朗Revo Wireless耳机怎么控制音乐

耳机通过无线或者有线连接到手机上之后,在手机播放音乐即可在耳机上聆听,无线状态下可以直接通过耳机右侧的触控区域对音乐的播放进行控制,有线连接下也有线控可用,跟着我了解一下吧。 以无线方式控制音乐 连接手机播放音乐之后,轻按多功能按钮可以暂停手机音乐的播放,再次按下可以恢复播放。 以有线方式控制音乐(视电话而定) 通过3.5毫米接口连接线连接手机时,耳机线上是有一颗线控按钮的。 播放音乐时,轻按多功能按钮可以暂停音乐播放,再次按下可以恢复播放。 轻按两下线缆上的多功能按钮可以切换到下一首,按三下线缆上的多功能按钮可以切换回上一首歌曲。

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