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Legal合法的怎么记?——《秒杀中高考单词》研习群②Brainstorm马老师在《秒杀中高考单词》研习群②中问:“legal怎么记?”记法一、leg是腿,al是后缀的。人正不怕影子歪,行得正,走得直,就是合法的。记法二、词根Leg=law ,单词legal=lawful。拓展1、legal 法律的;合法的;法定的;法律(上)的; 法定权利;依法必须登报的声明;拓展2、illegal 不合法的,违法的;违反规则的; 非法移民,非法劳工;间谍;拓展3、delegate 代表,代表团成员; 委派代表;授权给;[法律]债务转移;拓展4、relegate 使降级;使降职;转移;把…归类;拓展5、legislate 立法,制定法律;〈美〉以立法程序创立;拓展6、legislation 立法,制定法律;法律,法规;拓展7、legislature 立法机关;立法机构;立法部;(特指)州议会;拓展8、illegitimate 非婚生的,私生的;法律不容的;(指辩论等的结论)不合逻辑的; 非嫡出子;拓展9、illegitimacy 不法;私生;反常;不合逻辑;拓展10、legality 合法性;墨守法规;法律上的义务;阿晨老师评曰:脚杆(leg )扯不过大腿(thigh)。因为大腿(t+high)比较脚杆high,所以不要和 Legstrong或者Thigh 讲法律。八字衙门大打开,有理无钱莫进来。Leg是law要牢记,赢了官司输了财。


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谁知道old college try 的典故?

分类: 教育/科学 >> 出国/留学 解析: 首先这个词的意思是:Give something your best shot 例如:"Well I"ve never made my own KD, but I"ll give it the old college try" 或者说:Do one"s utmost, though success is uncertain.尽管成功是没有可能的,也要try one"s best,发挥到自己的极限。 : : Where does this expression e from, and what exactly does it mean? Does it refer to effort put for by students, college as a time of experimentation, or something else entirely?: Effort, not experimentation. : From Eric Partridge, "A Dictionary of Catch Phrases": : "give it the old college try" . . . : Do one"s utmost, though success is uncertain. Gen. US from c. 1960. [Older than that, I think -- R.B.] Paraphrased, if not actually quoted, from one or more of the innumerable "rah rah" college football films of the 1930s and 40s, the burden of which was that you can win if you try, no matter what the odds. Hence often with a certain ironic ist, sometimes being equivalent to "Go through the motions, even if little or nothing is acplished." old college try A wild and desperate attempt to make a play. Sometimes the term carries a hint of showboating. Babe Ruth (_Babe Ruth"s Own Book of Baseball_, 1928) defined "giving it the old college try" as "playing to the grandstand or making strenuous effort to field a ball that obviously cannot be handled." In a column that appeared in the _Columbus_ (Ohio) _Citizen_ (Nov. 26, 1927) and was quoted in _American Speech_ (Apr. 1930), Billy Evans wrote that "I gave it the old college try" is a term "often used in big league baseball, when some player keeps on going after a fly ball, usually in foul territory, with the odds about ten to one he would never reach it. Teammates of such a player often beat him to it by shouting in unison with the thought of humor uppermost: "Well, kid, you certainly gave it the old college try," as he falls short of making the catch." Evans continued: "When some player does something that a professional player might not ordinarily attempt, such as colliding with a fielder who had the ball ready to touch him out, in the hope that he might make him drop the ball, regardless of the danger he was courting, someone is sure to say, often ironically, if the speaker happens to be one of the players in the field: "That"s the old college spirit."" Extended Use. The term was quickly applied to any effort with limited chances of success. From _The New Dickson Baseball Dictionary_ (1999) by Paul Dickson. Everyone was gunning for the Packers, giving it the old college try. (_Time_, Dec 21, 1962)




国外有社区大学(类似大专的学校) college就是university 大学 就是我们所说的大学但两者其实差不多

why college一百字左右的英文短文,附翻译

learn how to learn,how to do and how to be

帮忙解释一下“College is a comma of a sentence of life”这句话


Should euthanasia(安乐死) be legalized?用英语回答 不要太多也不要

Euthanasia,a quiet and easy death,or “mercy killing” as we call it recently has made the headlines frequently.Many people applaud it and argue that euthanasia should be legalized. As is pointed out,to practise euthanasia can benefit both the patient and his family.To a terminally ill person who is suffering excruciating pains day and night or living “like a vegetable”,to be allowed to end his life painlessly is a good release.To his family it is also a big relief considering the financial and emotional drain on them that having to sustain his life entails.

Glory-Common&John Legend的中文歌词

One day when the glory comes有一天,当荣耀到来It will be ours, it will be ours它将是我们的,它将是我们的One day when the war is won有一天,当战争胜利We will be sure, we will be sure我们将确信,我们将确信Oh glory哦荣耀Hands to the Heavens, no man, no weapon双手交给天堂,没有人类,就没有伤害的Formed against, yes glory is destined武器,是的,荣耀必将到来Every day women and men become legends每一天女人和男人们成为传奇Sins that go against our skin become blessings我们的罪行将化作祝福The movement is a rhythm to us这场运动是我们的节奏Freedom is like religion to us自由是我们的宗教Justice is juxtapositionin" us公正与我们并存Justice for all just ain"t specific enough对所有人的公正还不够One son died, his spirit is revisitin" us一个儿子死了,他的精神还在Truant livin" livin" in us, resistance is us忤逆就是我们,我们就是反抗That"s why Rosa sat on the bus那就是为什么罗莎要坐在公共汽车上That"s why we walk through Ferguson with our hands up那就是为什么我们高举双手要走过弗格森When it go down we woman and man up要我们东,我们就要西They say, “Stay down”, and we stand up他们说,“蹲下去”,我们就站起来Shots, we on the grown, the camera panned up子弹射出,我们的队伍在壮大,摄影机向上平移King pointed to the mountain top and we ran up金指向山顶,我们就向上跑One day when the glory comes有一天,当荣耀到来It will be ours, it will be ours它将是我们的,它将是我们的One day when the war is won有一天,当战争胜利We will be sure, we will be sure我们将确信,我们将确信Oh glory哦荣耀Now the war is not over, victory isn"t won现在战争还没结束,胜利还未取得And we"ll fight on to the finish, then when it"s all done而我们将一直战斗下去,直接结束,直接完成了所有使命We"ll cry glory, oh glory我们将为荣耀呼喊,哦荣耀We"ll cry glory, oh glory我们将为荣耀呼喊,哦荣耀Selma"s now for every man, woman and child塞尔玛现在是每个男人、每个女人和每个孩子的Even Jesus got his crown in front of a crowd就连耶稣也在人群面前有一枚皇冠They marched with the torch, we gon" run with it now他们手持火炬前进,我们现在必须奔跑Never look back, we done gone hundreds of miles永不回头,我们已经走完了几百英里From dark roads he rose, to become a hero他从黑暗的道路走来,荣升为英雄Facin" the league of justice, his power was the people在公正的同盟面前,他的力量就是人民Enemy is lethal, a king became regal敌人是致命的,国王是庄严的Saw the face of Jim Crow under a bald eagle在秃鹰下看见了黑鬼的脸The biggest weapon is to stay peaceful最好的武器是保持平静We sing, our music is the cuts that we bleed through我们歌唱,音乐是我们流血的伤口Somewhere in the dream we had an epiphany在梦中我们顿悟Now we right the wrongs in history现在我们改正了历史的错误No one can win the war individually没有人都独自赢得战争It takes the wisdom of the elders and young people"s energy它需要年长者的智慧和年轻人的精力Welcome to the story we call victory欢迎来到我们称为胜利的故事Comin" of the Lord, my eyes have seen the glory从耶和华而来,我的眼睛看到了荣耀One day when the glory comes有一天,当荣耀到来It will be ours, it will be ours它将是我们的,它将是我们的One day when the war is won有一天,当战争胜利We will be sure, we will be sure我们将确信,我们将确信Oh glory哦荣耀When the war is done, when it"s all said and done当战争结束,当所有的事都说完都做完We"ll cry glory, oh glory我们将呼喊荣耀,哦荣耀

辩论euthanasia should be legalized正方

1. Euthanasia(以下都用E代替) is humane because it helps to hasten the death of terminally ill patients.2. Death, as natural as birth, is sometiomes a hard process that requires assistance, and E is part of such assistance.3. Death is a normal and natural stage of life, so people have the right to die.4. It is ummecessary to maintain life artificially beyond the point when people will never regain consciousness.5 Extending an incurably ill patient"s life means the same as aggravating his pain.6. Efforts should no be made to perpetuate what has become a meaningless existence.7. E can bring mental and physical release to the patient and his family when he is terminally ill and has no prospect of recovering.你可以用这些观点来说明由安乐死是应该合法化的!

急求作文一篇Should Euthanasia be Made Legal In China?

Euthanasia refers to can"t cure patients to stop treatment or the use of drugs, let the patient die painlessly. Definition refers to the patient suffering from an incurable disease in our country under critical condition, due to the extreme pain of spirit and body, at the request of the patients and their relatives and friends, and approved by doctors, employing the method makes the patient in a state of no pain end of life process


卢昕妤(Aries) ; 江雨恩(Emma)

以Vocation Education or College Education?为题写一篇英语作文,越快越好!!!要求120词

Vocation education or college educationWith the increasingly fierce international competion, the human resource"s need in china is increasing. Vocation education is paid more and more attention. As we all know, education give service not only to personal development but also to the social development. Go to college is exactly what some parents always thought would happen to their kids, and they usually thought college education is better than college education. In fact, education can be different but no education is superior than others. Vocation education is a kind of education with marketability, opening and adaptability. It can have a higher charge for its teaching program due to the change of market. The students with vocation education are established in social demand. College education which feature is unified、stable and normative focuse on exploring the social law of development. It may don"t know the certain service recipient. In a short, different educational value means great difference between teaching content. There is no such a problem of which is better when a high school student face the position to choose one of them. The students should choose on the basis of his family ecomics and his own insterst. On account of this, the true integrated development is what we really need.

keep calm and stay legendary

意思为:“保持镇定, 坚持传奇”, “保持镇定, 传奇不断“,”保持镇定, 传奇继续“这句口号最早起源于1939年二战准备时的英国,原来的口号是:“keep calm and carry on". 几十年后,这句正能量的口号被演变成不同的口号,如:“keep calm and stay legendary”,它被用在社区脸书/推特的名字,T-shirt衫上,手机背景图,等等;又如:“keep calm and study on""keep calm and stay organised""keep calm and fight like a man/a girl"等等,太多了。由于起源于英国,在很多post上或logo上,这句话的顶端会有一个英伦皇冠U0001f451。供参考

He slipped and had his leg broken. _____, he will have to be away from s...


Legal representative是法人代表吗?

不是的。它的含义与公司的“法定代表人”的含义相去甚远。在多数情况,legal representative都等同legal personal representative,指遗产继承中的遗产的管理人、遗嘱执行人,法院指定的遗产受托人以及未成年人的财产或/和人身监护人。此外,其可在专利法(或版权法)中指专利权人(或版权人)的代理人或律师(包括专利权或著作权人的继承人、遗嘱执行人、保佐人、遗产管理人、受遗赠人、受让人等);此外,它也可指企业、团体等的“按授权委托书指定的法律事务的代理人”。legal representative的基本含义应为“法定代理人”, 即法律事务代理人,其根本不是我国公司等企业或事业实体中的“法定代表人”。法定代表人是指依法代表法人行使民事权利,履行民事义务的主要负责人(如:工厂的厂长、公司的董事长等)。法定代表人企业法定代表人在国家法律、法规以及企业章程规定的职权范围内行使职权、履行义务,代表企业法人参加民事活动,公司法定代表人可以委托他人代行职责。

在英语中college和 university 和 institute哪个表示更高的的学校

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: University 某某大学,如清华大学 college 某某学院,如上海轻工业学院 institute 某某研究院或大专,如清华大学研究生院 它们都是大学,只是university一般指综合性的大学,college指在一个领域开始起家的大学,后来也可以有其它学科,institute研究性强

college 与institute 的区别?都表示学院

Institute一般也译作“学院”,但它着重表示单科的或专科性的院校,例如,在中国,一般的铁道、航空、邮电、美术等学院均用institute一词。college译作“学院”,它是university (大学)的一个组成部分,例如,一所综合大学里设有文学院、理学院、医学院等,故一所大学往往是由多所较小的college合并而成。值得注意的是,在英国,大学称为university,而在美国大学称为college


college 大学school 学院,系institute d带研究的学院管院用的是managementadministration是行政管理


美国的College是学院,一般都是偏重某一些专业。University叫做综合性大学,比如我们的清华北大,专业选择的范围很广,文理都涉及,Univerisity 比College要大。institute是类似研究院,比如中科院啊之类的。

legal requirement是什么意思


hamilton college act录取要求

申请截止日Earlyu2002Decision为11月15日和1月1日,常规录取为1月1日,春季转学生为11月15日,秋季转学生4月15日。本科申请者需提供SAT1或ACT成绩,SAT2为选择性提交。国际学生需要提交TOEFL成绩,TOEFL成绩需要100分以上。录取学生的SAT分数范围在2010-2170。u2002u2002汉密尔顿学院(u2002Hamiltonu2002College)是一所美国顶尖的私立的文理学院,它位于美国纽约州北部的克林顿市。汉密尔顿学院由美国开国元勋之一的亚历山大·汉密尔顿创建于1793年,是纽约州第三古老的大学,在1812年更名为汉密尔顿学院。1978年,在和科克兰学院合并后,汉密尔顿学院由男校变成了男女混合的学校。u2002u2002u2002留学360金牌留学顾问老师指出,作为一个拥有顶尖教学资源和设备的大学,Hamiltonu2002拥有被认为是全美国最好的写作项目和顶尖的经济,数学,以及心理专业。另外,Hamilton的中文和法语专业是被认为是美国大学语言项目的楷模。由于较小的学生群体(全校学生1850人左右),Hamilton得以投入大量的资源来帮助所有的学生拥有出色的写作和演讲能力。同时,学生也获得了大量和教授交流以及开展研究的机会。u2002u2002u2002Hamiltonu2002College作为全美最好的文理学院之一,也被认为是小常春藤联盟(Littleu2002Ivies)的成员之一。有时,汉密尔顿学院也称为“在山丘上的学院”。这是由于学院的位置位于柯利芝山丘的上面,可以俯瞰克林顿的全城风貌。u2002u2002u2002u20022010年录取率为30%。一站式出国留学攻略 http://www.offercoming.com




Legislation是立法,法律之类的law 也是法律感觉这个比较通俗,上面一个更书面regulation:调控,调节,也有规定意思bill:议案,大家要投票的那种,



从宾夕法尼亚州立大学转学去Babson college

PSU is just like a piece of shit

allegro 16.3 visibility标签页无意间关掉了,如何重新打开?急,新手上路,多多指导


technical college是什么意思

technical college(英)工学院;专科学校[网络短语]technical college 专科学校,科技学院,技术学院Ozarks Technical Community College 奥扎克斯理工社区学院McDowell Technical Community College 麦克道尔技术社区学院

John Legend的《Heaven》 歌词

歌曲名:Heaven歌手:John Legend专辑:Live From PhiladelphiaHeaven only knowsHeaven only knowsHeaven only knowsHeaven only knowsLast night was the worst nightBeginning of the endOr maybe it beganBefore it here we go againThings got so dramaticThings got out of handWe said words we couldn"t imagineI don"t understandThere you go with the same old thingWhen things go wrong you always seem to blame meNow I would like to find what secrets hide in your mindWhere the end will goWill I ever knowHeaven only knowsHeaven only knowsHeaven only knowsHeaven only knowsSo let"s make this night the best nightIt"s time for second chanceTurn the beat up on repeat and we can start to danceSometimes when we talking wordsDrowned on by the soundLet"s get back to touch and we"ll get back on solid groundLet"s hold handsLike a young romanceLet"s first kiss like the moment we first didCan we make loveLike back way in the dayWe can lose control, baby don"t say noHeaven only knowsHeaven only knowsHeaven only knowsHeaven only knowsSo will you come back to meHeaven only knowsSo will you come back to meMake this night the best nightIt"s time for second chanceTurn the beat up on repeat and we can start to danceHeaven only knowsHeaven only knowsHeaven only knowshttp://music.baidu.com/song/7888753

De Anza College的进

好像是个社区大学,据说是全美最好的社区大学之一,在加州。你可以上维基百科好好看看。网址:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/De_Anza_College学校概况 戴安扎学院(De Anza College)座落于旧金山南45公里硅谷的心脏地带Cupertino,占地112亩。Cupertino也是很多高科技公司的发源地。戴安扎学院(De Anza College)的名字源于西班牙探险者Juan Bautista de Anza 的名字。 它是美国最大的单校园的社区大学之一,每年秋季入学人数平均为25,000人。每年升入加州大学和加州州立大学的学生总数在全美一直处于前2名的位置。根据不同的课程,戴安扎学院的学生群体也不尽相同。学院大部分的生源来自当地及周边城市,其他的生源则来自世界50多个国家和地区。 美国建筑学会曾多次将戴安扎学院评为“现有最美丽的社区学院”。院内设施包括:大规模计算机中心、网上图书馆、奥林匹克型游泳池、标准高尔夫球场、橄榄球场、以及几个包括在戴安扎学院的佛林中心的剧场。 所有留学生在戴安扎学院第一季度学习之前,参加一个星期的向导课程。其间,每个学生结识国际职员。他们详尽地指导学生,内容包括从适应新环境到注册新课。为留学生提供特别的咨询服务,帮助他们适应美国文化、选择职业、以及转学到四年制学院和大学的三年级。 相关信息  地理位置 国 家 美国   位 置 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd, Cupertino, CA  学生情况 注册学生人数 23,344   国际学生比例 3%  专业设置   Applied Technologies  Automotive Technology  Manufacturing & CNC Technology (Includes Machining, GD&T/CMM, PLC)  Biological, Health and Environmental Sciences  Biology  Environmental Studies  Health Technologies  Medical Laboratory Technician  Nursing  Business/Computer Systems  Accounting  Business/Small Business/Real Estate  Computer Aided Design and Digital Imaging  Computer Applications and Office Systems  Computer Information Systems  申请条件 TOEFL-笔试 500;雅思成绩:5  费用情况 申请费(RMB) 899   每年生活费(RMB) 85,187   每年学费(RMB) 57,830    

帮忙翻译一个句子 急急急中译英“这是历史遗留问题” 要求与 inheritance,heritage,legacy中的一个有关

The Chinese woman today social position and the equal rights arehard-won It is well known, in long is reaching several millenniumsthe feudal societies and in more than hundred years semicolonial andsemifeudal society, the woman suffers grave oppression and misery, notonly has gone far beyond the man, is not sees in the world othercountries. in founds new Chinese in the struggle, the womens ingeneral and the man fight side-by-side, for nationality"s liberationand the national independence, has carried on the unyielding notbountiful key 1949 year, new China was founded, occupies the worldwoman 1/4 Chinese women finally to obtain the historical liberation.in the marital family domain, the woman has already obtained the rightto freedom of choice in marriage, the independent right to name, Hasequally obtained the family asset property rights and the right ofinheritance with the man and so on all sorts of rights.



写一篇以Should college students hire a cleaning person ?为题的英语作文。

as a colleage student, you should do the basic clean by yourself, such as tide up your rooms, clean your wash room, clean your kitchen... because soon or later we will have to take care of ourselves or even our relatives. money can solve something but not everyting, think about it, when you have a chance to clean someting for your lover or for your parents, what will you do? you will say: please wait a moment, i will hire some ayi right away. what a pathetic reaction.on the other hand you don"t have to be jack of all trades. please don"t look down on the cleaning area. there is also a lot of knowledge in this field. some cleaning chemicals are corrosive or strong alkaline basis, some even flamable. some machine, if no training, surely you will injure someone or yourself. so by and large, don"t use "i am busy" as a excuse to escape from cleaning tasks, and aslo don"t try to clean all stuff by yourself. try to find a balance point to construct a harmonious society.

英文legend of the fall用中文怎么翻译?


Legends of the Fall 能帮我解释这是什么意思


walk on two legs 为什么用这里用on

介词on在这里的意思是:(身体重量)由(某部位)支撑 You use on to say what part of your body is supporting your weight. He continued to lie on his back and look at clouds... 他仍旧仰卧着,望着天上的云彩。He raised himself on his elbows, squinting into the sun... 他用胳膊肘支起身子,眯着眼睛看了看太阳。She was on her hands and knees in the bathroom. 她趴在浴室的地上。祝你开心如意!








Song:Jet LegArtist:Simple PlanWhat time is it where you are?I miss you more than anythingBack at home you feel so farWaitin" for the phone to ringIt"s gettin" lonely livin" upside downI don"t even wanna be in this townTryin" to figure out the time zones makin" me crazy[Chorus]You say good morningWhen it"s midnightGoing out of my headAlone in this bedI wake up to your sunsetIt"s drivin me madI miss you so badand my heart heart heart is so jetlaggedWhat time is it where you are?5 more days and I"ll be homeI keep your picture in my carI hate the thought of you aloneI"ve been keepin" busy all the timeJust to try to keep you off my mindTryin" to figure out the time zones makin" me crazyYou say good morningWhen it"s midnightGoing out of my headAlone in this bedI wake up to your sunsetAnd it"s drivin" me madI miss you so badAnd my heart, heart heart is so JetlaggedHeart heart heart is so JetlaggedHeart heart heart is so JetlaggedI miss you so bad [x5]I wanna share your horizonI miss you so badand see the same sunrisingI miss you so badTurn the hour hand back to when you were holding me.You say good morningWhen it"s midnightGoing out of my headAlone in this bedI wake up to your sunsetAnd it"s drivin" me madI miss when you say good morningBut it"s midnightGoing out of my headAlone in this bedI wake up to your sunsetAnd it"s drivin" me madI miss you so badAnd my heart heart heart is so JetlaggedHeart heart heart is so JetlaggedHeart heart heart is so JetlaggedIs so JetlaggedIs so Jetlagged 是不是这个··你自己看看吧

― It will be only 6 months before we take the college entrance examination.―Time flies! _______.

D 试题分析:本句考察的是谚语。A静以修身;B时间对我们有利;C人多力量大;D分秒必争;句义:—6个月后我们就要参加高考了。—时间过得真快啊!分秒必争!根据第二句义说明要珍惜时间。故D正确。




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Sara Legge简介及详细资料

基本简介 英文名字:Sara Legge 暱称:Sara 出生日期:1984.5.20 出生地:芭提雅 血统:泰国、英国混血儿(父亲英国人,母亲泰国人) 职业:演员,模特 身高:172cm 教育程度:易三仓大学学士 圈内好友: Nam Umthida,Tong Supatchaya 杂志图片 杂志图片(35张) 兴趣爱好:弹钢琴、跆拳道 主要作品 电视剧 [CHITV] Ruk Fan Wan Reudoo Nao 合演B-Mix 《窈窕教主》 《窈窕教主》(8张) [CH3][2005]Nai Krajok 合演 Dan Worrawech [CH3][2009]Yok Lai Mek《云纹翡翠》/《云上的宝石》/《浮云玉》合演Janie,Rome,Andrew Cronin [CH5][2009]Nak Su Nok Sung Wien 合演 Thun Thanakorn [CH3][2010]Suay Rerd Cherd Sode《窈窕教主》饰演pim,合演Janie,Film, Art Pasut Banyam [CH3][2011]Rahut Torachon《敌爱》/《黑帮法规》合演 Ken,Chompoo,Tah 《黑帮法规》 《黑帮法规》(2张) Warit [CH3][2011]Song Poo Ying Yai《两位大人物》 合演 Tah Warit(敌爱男二) ,Tye [CH3][2011]《甜蜜的谎言》饰 Rinlada,男主的妹妹,合演 janie,ken,Nott Vorarit Fuangarome [CH3][2012]Manee Dan Suang《天堂的宝石》合演 Art Pasut [CH3][2013]《火焰玫瑰》(无中文字幕)合演 Art Pasut 《天堂的红宝石》 《天堂的红宝石》(8张) [CH3][2013]《Tai Lom Bai Pak》(拍摄中)合演 Puen Khanin,Techin 电影作品 [2004]Garuda《哥鲁达》 合演Num Sornram [2009]Thai Theif《泰国小偷》 搞怪四人组@甜蜜的谎言 搞怪四人组@甜蜜的谎言(24张) [2010]KonTai Ting Paendin 饰演Buakum


一、广西师范大学漓江学院教务管理系统入口及简介 广西师范大学漓江学院创建于2001年5月,是经教育部批准,由广西师范大学按新机制、新模式举办的全日制应用型普通本科高等学校(独立学院)。学校是中国独立学院协作会常务理事单位、中国教育发展战略学会教育管理信息化专业委员会理事单位、全国(宁波)文化创意产教合作联盟理事单位、广西高等教育学会会员单位、广西“应用技术大学(学院)联盟”会员单位。 学校地处国家历史文化名城桂林市,坐落于漓江之滨、雁山脚下,东向与广西师范大学雁山校区隔路相对。校园占地近900亩,建筑面积21.92万平方米,图书馆藏书76.8万册,建有多媒体教室93间、各类实验实训场所(室)76个(间),总资产近7亿元。学校环境优美,办学和生活服务设施完善,无线网络校园全覆盖,为学子们营造了沐浴书香、畅游学海、静学深思的修读氛围。 学校现有语言文学学院、传媒学院、经济与管理学院、商贸与法律学院、教育与音乐学院、设计学院、体育与健康学院、理工学院、马克思主义学院/至善学院(合署)等9个二级学院,校企共建名淘电商学院、粤嵌电子工程学院、融媒体学院等3个产业(行业)学院。开设49个本科专业,初步形成了涵盖经、法、教、文、理、工、管、艺8个学科门类,以面向和对接现代服务业专业为主体、以教师教育类和人文社科类专业为两翼,以文化创意与教育服务、财经商贸与法律服务、信息与通信技术服务、旅游+运动康养服务4个专业集群为平台的“一体两翼四集群”专业结构格局。建有广西高校自治区级特色专业2个,广西高校自治区级创新创业教育示范专业、自治区级转型发展试点专业(群)、自治区级协同育人(建设)平台、自治区级实验教学示范(建设)中心、自治区级大学生校外实践教学基地、自治区级大学生创业示范基地各1个,以及广西民办高校重点专业和重点支持建设专业8个,自治区一流本科专业建设点2个,自治区级一流本科课程3门。 广西师范大学漓江学院教务管理系统入口: http://www.gxljcollege.cn/jkc/ 二、广西师范大学漓江学院王牌专业有哪些 度自治区级一流本科专业建设点名单:英语、环境设计 广西高校特色专业及课程一体化建设项目:艺术设计 广西高校特色专业:音乐学 广西创新创业教育改革示范专业:汉语国际教育 广西本科学校转型发展试点专业群:艺术设计类专业群 广西民办高校重点建设专业:环境设计、英语、酒店管理、商务英语、财务管理

Legacy of the celebrities of the rebirth中午歌词翻译

船长,我的船长》Oh ,captain ,my captain!《劝少年们珍惜时光》及时采撷你的花蕾/旧时光一去不回/今天尚在微笑的花朵/明天变得风中枯萎(丁尼生)Gather ye rosebuds while ye may/Old time is still a-flying/And this same flowers that smiles today/Tomorrow will be dying因为信不信由你,这个房间里的每个人,总有一天都要停止呼吸,僵冷,死亡。我要你们向前到这儿来,细细玩味过去的面孔,你们经过这儿无数次,但从未真正看过他们,和你的差异并不大,对吧?同样的发型,和你们一样精力旺盛,和你们一样不可一世,世界都在他们的掌握之中,他们认为注定要成就大事,和大多数的你们一样,他们的双眼充满了希望,和你们一样。他们是否虚度时光,到最后一无所成?因为各位所见到的……这些男孩现在都已化为尘土了,如果你们仔细倾听,便能听见他们在低声耳语,附耳过去,仔细听,听见了?CARPE...听见了吗?CARPE... CARPE DIEM 及时行乐,孩子们,让你的生命超越凡俗。Becuase believe or not, each one of us in this room is one day going tostop breathing, turn cold and die. I"d like you to step forward of you and peruse some of the faces from the past. They"re not that different from you , are they? Same haircuts. Full of hormones. Just like you. Invincible just like you fell. The world is their oyster. They belive they"re destined for great things, just like many of you, their eyes are full of hope, just like you. Did they wait until it was too late to make from their lives evenone iota of what they were capable? Because, you see gentelman, these boys are now fertilising daffodils. But if you listen real close, you can hear them whisper their legacy to you. Go on, lean in. Listen, you hear it ? Carpe...hear it?...Carpe, carpe diem, seize the day, boys, make your lives extrordinary.《英语诗歌五百年》序言:要完全理解诗歌,我们首先必须了解它的格调、韵律、修辞手法,然后提两个问题:第一,诗主题如何艺术地实现;第二,诗主题的重要性。To fully understand poetry, we must first be fluent with its meter, rhyme and figures of speech, then ask two questions: 1) How artfully has the objective of the poem been rendered and 2) How important is that objective?我们不是在接水管。We"re not laying pipe.惟有在梦中,人们才是真正自由的。Only in their dreams can men be truly free.学会自己思考,学会欣赏文学和语言。不管别人怎么说,文学和语言的确能改变世界。Learn to think for yourselves again. No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world.我们读诗、写诗并不是因为它们好玩,而是因为我们是人类的一分子,而人类是充满激情的。没错,医学、法律、商业、工程,这些都是崇高的追求,足以支撑人的一生。但诗歌、美丽、浪漫、爱情,这些才是我们活着的意义。We don"t read and write poetry because it"s cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering -- these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love -- these are what we stay alive for.(梭罗)死亡诗人致力于吸取生命的精华。The Dead Poets was dedicated to "sucking the marrow out of life".我们是一群浪漫主义者。我们不仅仅是念诗,诗从我们舌间滑落,就像蜜糖。情绪高涨,女人亢奋,灵魂驰骋。We weren"t a Greek organization. We were Romantics. We didn"t just read poetry, we let it drip from our tongues like honey. Spirits soared, women swooned and gods were created.(梭罗)我步入丛林/因为我希望生活得有意义/我希望活得深刻/吸取生命中所有的精华/把非生命的一切都击溃/以免当我生命终结/发现自己从没有活过I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life.To put to rout all that was not life, and not, when I had come to die, discover that I had not lived.(丁尼生)来吧,我的朋友/寻找更新世界尚为时不晚/我决心已定,要驶过夕阳尽头/尽管我们不再有昔日的伟力,可以震天撼地/我们仍有着,同样的英雄的心/时间和命运,使它衰老/但坚强意志仍在/让我们去奋斗,去探索,去发现/永不屈服(Alfred Lord Tennyson)Come my friends, "Tis not too late to seek a newer world for my purpose holds to sail beyond the sunset. And though we are not now that strength which in old days Moved earth and heaven; that which we are, we are;-- One equal temper of heroic hearts, Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will. To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.然后我有了信仰/然后我有了想象/我被他们沉迷的嘲笑所感染/然后我看见刚果河/在黑土地上流过/在森林中划下一道金色的沟壑 (语言的节奏感)Then I had religion, then I had a vision. I could not turn from their revel in derision. Then I saw the Congo creeping through the black, cutting through the forest with a golden track.祝你开心如意!O(∩_∩)O~~


Are you a little girl?

allegro16.6 怎样设定differential pair在不同层面控制不同线宽与间距

约束管理器中的 Electric→Net→routing→Differential partPrimary Gap 差分对最优先线间距(线到线间距)。Primary width 差分对最优先线线宽(线的粗细)。

建行快贷显示illegal client time


格式工厂里合并文件之后出现illegal file name该怎么办啊


illegal tender 歌词

歌曲名:illegal tender歌手:louis xiv专辑:the best little secrets are kept"Illegal Tender"LOUIS XIV LYRICSalbum: "The Best Little Secrets Are Kept" (2005)Mischa with luvluvWell it"s a minor altercationDespite your hesitationBy all agrees that you will see how we"re causing quite a sensationSo publication of needing motivationYour mother says it"s OK outside the subway stationYou"re taking off your stripesEven your knees are niceIt"l tease you with a knife until you"re screaming for your lifeI think so tooAnd you surrenderCan I spend you up? you"re my illegally illegal tenderIt takes a lover, it takes a loverIt takes a lover that will love me like no otherIt takes a lover, it takes a loverIt takes a lover that knows I love her like no otherWell it"r a minor altercationDespite your hesitationAnd apart the contrary and impending accusationCinematography that you"re willing but happy to seeA scene that stars you and a girl, you"re both on top of meI looked into your eyesAnd pushed your buttons and leversYou said you"d see until we agree and kindly said whateverAnd you like my loving betterCause you said so in a letter, that said return to senderMy illegally illegal tenderIt takes a lover, it takes a loverIt takes a lover that will love me like no otherIt takes a lover, it takes a loverIt takes a lover that knows I love her like no otherIt takes a loverTwo in the pocket is better than threeTwo in the pocket is better than threeIt"s better than threeTwo in the pocket is better than threeAnd three in the pocket is better than fourAnd five in the pocket is better than sixAnd put them together then pick up the sticksIt takes a lover, it takes a loverIt takes a lover that will love me like no otherIt takes a lover, it takes a loverIt takes a lover that knows I love her like no otherIt takes a lover, it takes a loverIt takes a lover that will love me like no otherIt takes a lover, it takes a loverIt takes a lover that knows I love her like no otherhttp://music.baidu.com/song/735004

这里illegal else without matching if是什么意思???

llegal else without matching if的意思是在服务器端执行,the cube是Microsoft公司开发的服务器端脚本环境,可用来创建动态交互式网页并建立强大的web应用程序。处理包含在用于构建发送给浏览器的HTML网页文件中的服务器端脚本代码。除服务器端脚本代码外,ASP文件也可以包含文本、HTML和com组件调用。扩展资料:浏览器中显示的网页仅是静态的图文组合而已,浏览者可以在网页上阅读信息,但无法进一步地发表意见、查询信息或进行在线购物等商务活动。为此,人们提出了动态网页或交互网页的概念和解决方案。所谓“动态网页”,是指客户端浏览器和Web服务器端可以互动,也就是服务器端可以实时处理浏览器端的请求,然后再将处理的结果作为对浏览器请求的响应(Response)传送给浏览器。由于Web程序开发十分复杂,以至于要制作一个简单的动态页面也需要编写大量的C代码才能完成。于是Microsoft公司于1996年推出一种Web应用开发技术ASP,用于取代对Web服务器进行可编程扩展的CGI标准。

错误代码 ILLEGAL_PARTNER 的另一个问题?

ILLEGAL_PARTNER报错是由pid填写错误造成的 和网站签约没有关系

illegal type是什么意思

你好。翻译解释如下:原文:illegal type中文解释如下:违法类型如果我的回答没能帮助您,请继续追问。

在使用结构力学求解器时,电脑上出现 illegal function call是什么意思?


Illegal username是什么意思?谢谢了


Illegal Attacks 歌词

歌曲名:Illegal Attacks歌手:Ian Brown专辑:The World Is YoursIan Brown - Illegal Attacksalbum:The World Is YoursGunnin" with this US of AIn Iraq and Iran and in AfghanistanDoes not a day go byWithout the Israeli Air ForceFail to drop it"s bombs from the sky?How many mothers to cry?How many sons have to die?How many missions left to fly over Palestine?‘Cause as a matter of factsIt"s a pact, it"s an actThese are illegal attacksSo bring the soldiers backThese are illegal attacksIt"s contracts for contactsI"m singing concrete factsSo bring the soldiers backWhat mean ya that you beat my peopleWhat mean ya that you beat my peopleAnd grind the faces of the poorSo tell me just how come were the TalibanSat burning incense in TexasRoaming round in a LexusSittin" on six billion oil drumsDown with the Dow Jones, up on the NasdaqPushed into the war zonesIt"s a commercial crusade‘Cause all the oil men get paidAnd only so many soldiers come homeIt"s a commando crusadeA military charadeAnd only so many soldiers come homeSoldiers, soldiers come homeSoldiers come homeThrough all the blood and sweatNobody can forgetIt ain"t the size of the dog in the fightIt"s the size of the fight in the dog on the day or the nightThere"s no time to reflectOn the threat, the situation, the bark nor the biteThese are commercial crusades‘Cos all the oil men get paidThese are commando crusadesCommando tactical rapeAnd from the streets of New York and Baghdad to Tehran and Tel AvivBring forth the prophets of the LordFrom dirty bastardsFillin" pockets with the profits of greedThese are commercial crusadesCommando tactical raidsPlayin" military charades to get paidAnd who got the devils?And who got the Lords?Build yourself a mountainDrink up in the fountainSoldiers come homeWhat mean ya that you beat my peopleWhat mean ya that you beat my peopleAnd grind the faces of the poorEndhttp://music.baidu.com/song/10273068


java.lang.IllegalXXXException 一般表示自定义异常(XXX可以是自己取的名字)所以上面是一个自定义的State(状态)异常。自定义异常继承Exception类,然后在里面书写自定义异常的逻辑

这个程序提示illegal break,应该怎么改?

break这组语句已经不属于for循环体了若for循环内含有多条语句的话应该用{}括起来。而break应该用在循环内部 #include <stdio.h>main(){ double m,n,s=1.0; for (n=1;;n++) { m=1/((2*n-1)*(2*n)); s=s*m; if (s<0.0001) break; } printf("最终的积为%f",s);}

为什么用格式工厂转换老是显示illegal file name

视频解码不全 ,,删掉你这个旧版本 去下载一个 3.0以上的版本

Illegal instruction 怎么办

Illegal instruction[英][iu02c8li:ɡu0259l inu02c8stru028cku0283u0259n][美][u026au02c8liɡu0259l u026anu02c8stru028cku0283u0259n]非法指令; 一般会出现在编程语言中,看是在什么环境状态下的Illegal instruction,才能具体的解释下一步该如何操作进行修复,建议可以将问题描述清楚后再提问问题,或问下身边的同事or同学及编程语言的授课老师。

为什么 格式工厂 illegalfilename?


为啥会出现 illegal case和illegal break啊 非法的case和非法的break



java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException 违法的监控状态异常。当某个线程试图等待一个自己并不拥有的对象(O)的监控器或者通知其他线程等待该对象(O)的监控器时,抛出该异常。例子://计算线程//获取计算结果并输出package com.intlgj.thread; //获取计算结果并输出 public class ReaderResult extends Thread { Calculator c; public ReaderResult(Calculator c) { this.c = c; } public void run() { synchronized (c) { try { System.out.println(Thread.currentThread() + "等待计算结果。。。"); c.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println(Thread.currentThread() + "计算结果为:" + c.total); } } public static void main(String[] args) { Calculator calculator = new Calculator(); // 启动10个线程,分别获取计算结果 for(int i=0;i<5;i++){ new ReaderResult(calculator).start(); } // 启动计算线程 calculator.start(); } }

Illegal request code!什么意思?


C++,为何出现illegal indirection?

问题在于你的#define r 5.0;应该写成#define r 5.0 //没有分号如果有分号,编译器就会理解成s=PI*5.0;*5.0;;当然就会出错了.

content is illegal


程序中illegal break是什么意思,哪错了



  在Java编程中,IllegalArgument异常是一种常见的异常类型。IllegalArgument异常通常是由于传递给方法的参数无效或不适当而引起的。当方法检测到参数无效时,它将抛出IllegalArgument异常。在处理IllegalArgument异常时,开发人员通常需要查找导致异常的代码并进行修复。通常,这涉及到检查方法的参数并确保它们满足预期的要求。  解决IllegalArgument异常的最佳方法是在编写代码时预防它们的发生。这可以通过检查方法的参数并确保它们满足预期的要求来实现。如果参数不符合要求,则应该抛出IllegalArgumentException异常,而不是让程序继续执行下去。这可以帮助开发人员及时发现问题并修复它们,从而避免更严重的后果。  另外,还有一些方法可以帮助开发人员更有效地处理IllegalArgument异常。例如,使用JUnit测试框架可以自动化测试代码,并帮助开发人员捕获异常。此外,使用日志记录工具可以帮助开发人员跟踪代码中出现的任何异常,并帮助他们确定异常的来源。  总之,IllegalArgument异常是Java编程中的一种常见异常类型。开发人员应该在编写代码时预防这种异常的发生,并使用各种工具和技术来捕获和修复异常。这可以帮助确保代码的健壮性和可靠性,并确保程序正常运行。

为什么用格式工厂转换老是显示illegal file name




java. lang. IllegalArgcationException是什么异常

错误:java.lang.IllegalArgumentException非法论据异常,也可称为非法形参异常。argument不是参数的意思,是争吵,争论;论据,经常用args用作形参。在SSM动态javaweb服务器框架中,经常看到这个异常,很多人说这是参数异常,检查自己在ioc容器中配置的参数是否正确,其实这是项目使用的Java编译器(即Javacompiler)使用的jdk版本和Java的运行环境(即jreJavaruntimeenvironment)版本不匹配造成的。如果jdk使用的是1.7,jre使用的是1.8,就会出现这一异常。即使是低版本的编译器,高版本的运行环境,也会出现这一异常。解决方法如下:第一:修改Java compiler和jre1、在eclipse-window-preference-java的里面的installed JREs和Compiler2、Compiler就是修改编译器的Installed JREs就是改变运行环境。按道理说只要jre的版本高于jdk(即Compiler)的版本,就能运行,因为高版本环境兼容低版本程序。但并不是的,jdk1.8的修改很大,就算前高后低,仍旧派出这个异常。所以我们都把他们修改成1.7版本。Compiler改成1.7。按下图改成1.7,然后右下角apply就行了。3、修改jre为1.7,看下图,电脑里装了三个jdk版本,选择jdk1.7,然后spply就行了。第二:修改tomcat服务容器的JRE1、因为tomcat是基于java编写的服务容器,所以它是需要java运行环境的。其实这个更容易开发人员忽略,但是这个更重要,因为动态web工程最终是在tomcat里面运行的,而tomcat的运行jre直接决定web工程的jre,而上面配置的就直接没用了,因为用到tomcat了,是web工程,不是纯java工程。修改tomcat的jre,window-Preferences-Server-Runtime Environments ,电脑里装了两个tomcat容器一个7,一个9,选择一个然后Edit。2、Edit就是配置的意思,及配置这个选中的tomcat。下面就是配置界面,选择jdk1.7,然后Finish就就ok了。这样,java.lang.IllegalArgumentException问题就得到了成功解决。

刚开始学modelsim,编译通不过,提示是Illegal reference to net "c". 程序如下:

output [7:0] c; 这句 改为 output reg [7:0] c; verilog里一般不声明输出类型的话 默认是wire型的如果你想在输出处寄存一下:比如使用always语句,则必须声明为reg类型

下面程序错在哪里??? illegal continue :什么意思? illegal break :什么意思??

A break statement is legal only within a do, for, while, or switch statement.A continue statement is legal only within a do, for, or while statement. (MSDN)你的for语句后面加了 ; continue break就不在for循环里面了,就是illegal...
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