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用Ulead cool 3d 编辑的立体文字文件在“会声会影”中如何使用?


halogen free和lead free的区别

1.halogen free 无卤;无卤素(技术);无卤素添加(无卤化)1). Halogen(卤素)是第ⅦA族非金属元素,包括了氟(Fluorine-)、氯(Chlorine)、溴(Bromine)、碘(Iodine)和砹(Astatine)五种元素,合称卤素。其中砹(Astatine)为放射性元素,人们通常所指的卤素是氟、氯、溴、碘四种元素。卤素化合物经常作为一种阻燃剂:PBB , PBDE , TBBP-A , PCB ,六溴十二烷,三溴苯酚,短链氯化石蜡等,应用于电子零组件与材料、产品外壳、塑胶等。此种阻燃剂无法回收使用,而且在燃烧与加热过程中会释放有害物质,威胁到人类身体的健康、环境和下一代子孙。2).无卤化要求 :目前对于无卤化的要求,不同的产品有不同的限量标准:如无卤化电线电缆其中卤素指标为:所有卤素的值 ≦50PPM(根据法规 PREN 14582) ;燃烧后产生卤化氢气体的含量<100PPM(根据法规 EN 5067-2-1) ;燃烧后产生的卤化氢气体溶于水后的 PH 值 ≧4.3( 弱酸性 )(根据法规 EN-5 0267-2-2);产品在密闭容器中燃烧后透过一束光线其透光率 ≧60%(根据法规 IEC 61249-2-21);要求如下:氯< 900 ppm;溴< 900 ppm;卤素总量< 1500ppm2. lead free 无铅的;无铅喷锡,无铅制程,无铅状态;无铅化如:I would like you to send me these cards for my reference if you can cfm lead free.如果你能确认是无铅的,请寄卡片样品参考。




GetBuffer和ReleaseBuffer是从其父类CSimpleStringT继承过来的。GetBuffer的作用是:“Returns a pointer to the internal character buffer”,ReleaseBuffer的作用是:“Releases control of the buffer allocated by GetBuffer.”。这两个函数的常见用法如下:CString str;const int bufferSize = 10;LPTSTR p = str.GetBuffer(bufferSize);_tcscpy_s(p, bufferSize, _T("abcd1234.")); // use the buffer directlystr.ReleaseBuffer(); // Surplus(多余的) memory released, p is now invalid.给GetBuffer函数传递的参数bufferSize,意思是:“The minimum size of the character buffer in characters. This value does not include space for a null terminator.”。对于调用ReleaseBuffer释放内存时,是否应该带参数,msdn是这样说的:“If you keep track of the string length yourself, you should not append the terminating null character. You must, however, specify the final string length when you release the buffer with ReleaseBuffer. If you do append a terminating null character, you should pass –1 (the default) for the length to ReleaseBuffer, and ReleaseBuffer will perform a strlen on the buffer to determine its length.”。因为ReleaseBuffer函数的默认参数是-1,所以通常在调用ReleaseBuffer函数时省去-1参数的书写。

cstring getbuffer后必须要releasebuffer吗

The GetBuffer and ReleaseBuffer memberfunctions allow you to gain access to the internal character buffer of aCString object and modify it directly.Call GetBuffer for a CString object andspecify the length of the buffer you require. Use the pointer returned byGetBuffer to write characters directly into the CString object.If you use the pointer returned byGetBuffer to change the string contents, you must call ReleaseBuffer beforeusing any other CSimpleStringT member methods.Call ReleaseBuffer for the CString objectto update all the internal CString state information, such as the length of thestring. After modifying a CString object"s contents directly, you must call ReleaseBufferbefore calling any other CString member functions.从MSDN的描述中可以知道,GetBuffer让我们获得CString对象字符内存的操作权,这样就可以操作CString对象了。但修改CString对象后,对象的状态信息并没有更新,于是便有了ReleaseBuffer。如果你之后需要继续使用该CString对象,就需要调用ReleaseBuffer。

cstring 类的ReleaseBuffer 要在什么时候用



lead to: 导致例句与用法: 1. Such a mistake would perhaps lead to disastrous consequences. 这样一种错误可能导致灾难性的后果。 2. A full-scale nuclear war could lead to the annihilation of the human race. 全面的核子战争能导致人类的灭绝. 3. Too much work and too little rest often lead to illness. 过量的工作和过少的休息会引起疾病。 4. Discontent in the party will lead to further defections. 党内的不满情绪将导致更多的党员脱党. 5. The Government"s present course will only lead to disaster. 政府的现行方针后患无穷. 6. All roads lead to Rome. 条条大道通罗马。 7. Excessive patriotism can lead to xenophobia. 爱国主义过了头即可导致仇视一切外国人. 8. Such an offence will lead to a summary fine. 这类过错要当场予以罚款。

Define leader and leadership and explain why menagers should be leaders.

【答案】:Students should be able to provide the definiteness in the text-that a leader is son cone who influences others and that leadership is the process of influencing. others to achieve a goal However, encourage students to think about their own defections of who a leader is and how they personally define leadership.

Acusense Biomedical Proposes Solutions to Leakage

Guardians across Time and Space – Automated Chest Sound MonitorEmergency Response Strategies for Health Care FacilitiesTaiwan Nutritional PolicyPrimary Healthcare in Taiwan: How Pioneer Hospitalist System Proves Its Value In response to the growing needs in patient safety and risk management, Acusense Biomedical decided to enter the intradialytic blood leakage alarm market. This alarm is equipped with medical wearable technology, multi-bed monitoring care system and AI prediction program. It aims to solve problems like needle fall-off and blood leakage in hemodialysis catheter, critical care catheterization, chemotherapy catheter and general types. Through leakage prediction and monitoring, patient safety and healthcare quality can be improved. Ranked the Third Major Safety Issue in Taiwan Hospitals – Catheter Dislodgement According to Taiwan Patient Safety Reporting System, catheter dislodgement has been regarded as the third major safety issue for 5 years in a row, representing 13.3% to 15.7% of all abnormalities. During accepting an infusion, leakages may occur due to the facts of restless patients, cognitive impairment, depression or medical staff shortage. While the hospitals fail to provide continuous monitoring, endless plications and disputes are sparked off which burden the hospitals with great responsibilities and costs. Burdens as mentioned here include follow-up medical services like emergent bleeding control, blood transfusion, providing erythropoietin (EPO), hospital admission and legal liabilities like medical lawsuits and claims placed upon medical institutions and staff. Add-on Features from Leakage Monitoring Device “Yogian” Yogian, developed by Acusense Biomedical, is a portable alarm device detecting leakages and needle fall-off from AV fistula, AV graft or central venous catheter (CVC). It is equipped with *** art sensor patch and alarm system. The *** art sensor adopts flexible substrate and dynamic translinear circuits. With multi-channel monitoring technology, it can reach 0.5-1ml threshold value for leak detection to avoid misjudgments and extra care burden. Shaped as thin and hollow rounded, with multi-point fitting design, it can be aligned with the needles and fortably bended around the arms. The alarm device is ligheight and wearable. The sticker patches attached to it can be pasted onto the arms to avoid tangled wires. Yogian has passed clinical trials in Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital Tainan Branch, received certification from Symbol of National Quality and related results been published in International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare held by leading medical journal BMJ. It has been well received by doctors and registered nurses. Medical appliances consultants from WHO also shared their interests towards this device.。 Information No More Blocked by Distance Equipped with wireless Bluetooth technology, the latest generation will send signals to the gateway and display the information onto websites, mobiles and tablets. It can be applied to multi-bed monitoring and remote care for either home dialysis patients or nursing staff to instantly signal warnings. Besides, it can be connected with Wi-Fi hemodialysis machines. Complying with IEC/PAS 63023 standards, it can send wireless detection signals to the machines so that when a leakage occurs, we can stop or slow the blood flow to avoid massive blood loss. To catch on the global catheter market and to embrace the *** art monitoring device trend, we aim to focus on *** art solutions to all kinds of intravenous indications. Solutions associated to ICU, blood stream infections, chemotherapy catheters, hypertonic infusions and intravenous drip infusions are all inclusive. Share the World"s Concern, Patient Safety is Our Drive for Innovation “Patient Safety” is a health agenda for WHA and coincided with Acusense Biomedical"s core value, “Commit to Assist Hospital to Create Safer Environment !” While the technology keeps advancing, how to improve care quality and sense pf trust and safety is the mission we"d like to bear. Taiwan"s innovation and abundant medical experiences allow us to solve catheter dislodgement issues with innovative medical devices for other countries, and moreover, to make contribution to global medical care safety. 话题: AV Fistula, AV Graft, BMJ, EPO, Gateway, Patient Safety, Risk Management, SNQ国家品质标章, Yogian, 即时警示, 管路事件, 远距照护

“bjxx.shx File not found please veryfy the correct filehame was given"什么意思?


求Devics的heaven pleace 歌词中文翻译

上帝,求求你 上帝,求求你 我已沉沦 双膝跪地,跌落在你的庇佑之外 请让我回去,此刻我是如此虔诚 上帝,求求你 我已付出一切 为你吟唱神圣的赞歌 请给我些许回报,请赐我爱情 这是一场怎样的游戏? 请您别再假装没有听见我的祈祷 上帝,求求你 下凡来拯救我 把我的爱人带到我的身旁 上帝,求求你 我久久徘徊在 那扇将我拒之门外的门扉前 请让我进入,现在就进去 亲爱的上帝 我在你的脚边呼唤 我是如此的虔诚 请赐予我应得的 请说,我可以穿过这扇门

I can hardly hear what it is saying on TV. Would you please ________? A.turn it up B.turn i.

B 试题分析:句意:我几乎不能听到电视里面说什么?你能它声音调小一点吗?turn up“调大”;turn down“调小”;turn on“打开”;turn off“关闭”。结合语境,故选B。



Your client is too old, please upgrade it to last version.这句是什么意思?


ductite 和 malleable 的分别是甚么?

ductile 解作『可延的』,即是可以加力拉成线的意思。 malleable 解作『可展的』或『可锻的』,即是可以加力压成薄片的意思。 它们的意思不同,但两个性质通常同时出现。 Metals can be hammered or rolled into shape - they are malleable. Metals can be stretched into wire - they are ductile. 参考: Textbook

What have you learnt about Guy Fawkes’ Day?

Children would burn effigies of Guy Fawkes on that day.


Children would burn effigies of Guy Fawkes on that day.

What have you learnt about Guy Fawkes’ Day()

What have you learnt about Guy Fawkes" Day() A.It is celebrated on November 1. B.It is an American patriotic holiday. C.It has taken the place of New Year"s Day in England. D.Children would burn effigies of Guy Fawkes on that day. 正确答案:D

Leaving (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:Leaving (Live)歌手:Anne Clark专辑:RsvpLeavin"Natalie ColeLeavin"They say that LOVE is a two way streetBut you can"t prove that by meLately it seems that I"m heading down on lonely one lane highwayWell it"s the same old, same oldlike I haven"t been here a thousand times beforeBut this time it"s differentCuz this time I"m not taking it anymoreHey, I"m leaving( hey ) This time it"s for goodYou should have treated me the way you said you wouldHey, I"m leaving( hey ) You can"t make me stayI"m tired of being hurtHurt ain"t no good anywayNow I know it"s gonna be hard on youOnce it hits you that I"m goneAnd all those pretty things that you bought for meYou can keep "em Cuz they don"t make up for the damage that you"ve doneOh you"ll be alright, you"ll be fineIt just won"t be todayAnd as for me, I"m doing better alreadyBut, What a hell of a price to pay!Hey, hey I"m leaving andThis time it"s for goodUh Oh, You never treated me the way you said you wouldHey, hey I"m leaving babyAnd You can"t make me stayI"m tired of being hurtHurt ain"t no good, hurt ain"t no good anywayHurt me soIt"s 4 o"clock in the morningSet to goAnd my bag is packed, I"m ready to goDon"t know what I was thinking butI should have left you long time agoHurt me soAnd thou it hurts me babySet to go, nothing"s gonna make me stayAnd I"m tired, tired of hurt anywayLove ain"t supposed to hurtThat"s rightYou gotta know your wordsAnd I finally believe I"m worth a lotYou"re not the first and you probably won"t be the lastIt hurts so much insideYou"re not the one to blameAnd I"m trying not to blame myselfTill I get over the shameYou don"t knowTake a good lookYou know you"re never coming backNo NeverHey, this time it"s for good( hey ) You never treated me the way you said you wouldAnd I"m leaving, babyBye Byehttp://music.baidu.com/song/3477083

胶纸的要求 release force指的是什么

release force 释放力,释放力度跟我们常说的抗拉力基本上是一个意思release: 放(箭等),投(炸弹);解放,释放(囚犯、俘虏);发行force 力量,武力

private sub button1_click(byvalsenderas system.object,byvaleassystem.eventargs)handles buttON1.CLIC

SQL语句应该改为:strsql = "select 用户名,密码 from 用户表 where 用户名="" & TextBox1.Text & "" and 密码 = "" & TextBox2.Text & """

Bleach Brothers的《Side Step》 歌词

歌曲名:Side Step歌手:Bleach Brothers专辑:Side Step (Clean)Robin Thicke - SidestepOhhhh BabyCome on baby, Come on nowSidestepHey, Don"t you sidestep my loveHuhThey say it aint about your car and your houseOr the money you make and how it all goes downI think that its about keepin ones you love nearThat"s why im on the hop thinking you should be hereMaybe I should hurry up get by your sideFollow you around just be on your timeOr maybe I should just leave you behindMaybe Im keeping you from a chance at a better lifeOhThen I call you and I come out and tell you straight upBaby I, I need your loveAnd you go sidestep, Pull me aroundPut out your hand, Put me on down and IWanna know why, why you don"t need my loveThen you go sidestep, Swing me aroundPut out your hand, Put me on down and IWanna know why, why you aint in no hurry for my loveOhHmmmYou aint in no hurryBabyThat makes me worryOn the telephone telling me tired of being aloneBut we staying up allnightTalking about I aint doing rightBaby come onOh and when I open up and straight up tell youBabyA man needs love tooThen you go sidestepSpin me around, Put out your handPut me on down and I, Wonder why you aintAint in no hurry for my loveCome on nowOhHey babySidestepHeyCome on babyCome on NowHey Sidestep HeyDon"t you sidestep my loveCome on baby uhI drop everything and cancel my plans, uhAnd I come to you hat in my handHoping we can find a new way to understand babeAnd maybe we can be a better woman and manCome on nowOh I need you cause you"re my best friendBut I can"t believe it, here we go againWhen you go sidestepPull me around, Put out your handPut me on down and I, Wanna know whyWhy you don"t need my loveThen you go sidestepSwing me around, Put out your handPut me on down and I, Wanna know whyWhy you don"t need my loveOoohhSidestepSwing it around, Put out your handPut me on down and I, Wonder why you aintAint in no hurry for my loveCome on babyYeah all rightOh Sidestep huhCome on babyCome on nowSidestep heySwing it around, Pull it on downCome onDon"t you sidestep my loveCome on babySidestepHey Sidestep my lovePull me around, Open your heart babyDon"t you sidestep meSidestep my loveCome on nowCome on babyWhooooooo, aahhhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8101408

pretty please chocolate on top 歌词

歌曲名:pretty please chocolate on top歌手:中川翔子专辑:しょこたん☆べすと中川翔子 - pretty please chocolate on top作词:meg rock作曲:YOFFY编曲:大石宪一郎コントローラブルなラブなんて要らない つまんないわがままなものさしで爱をたしかめていたいの王子様なら白马に乗って迎えに来て言叶の裏の裏までpretty pretty please(うそだよ)chocolate on top(そうだよ)8回讯いてくれたら9回目にホントのこと言うわpretty pretty please(そうだよ)chocolate on top(うそだよ)闻きのがさないでね10回目は二度と言わないから恋する呪文はスルリとサスペンス!ひみつの合図はeyesでticklishなあなたの腕すり抜けて逃げるわまだまだ だめよおしゃれと一绪で恋爱には忍耐が必要なのpretty pretty please(うそだよ)chocolate on top(そうだよ)8回讯いてくれたら9回目にホントのこと言うわpretty pretty please(そうだよ)chocolate on top(うそだよ)闻きのがさないでね10回目は二度と言わないから恋する呪文はスルリとサスペンス!王子様なら白马に乗って迎えに来て言叶の裏の裏までpretty pretty please(うそだよ)chocolate on top(そうだよ)8回讯いてくれたら9回目にホントのこと言うわpretty pretty please(そうだよ)chocolate on top(うそだよ)闻きのがさないでね10回目は二度と言わないけどpretty pretty please(うそだよ)chocolate on top(そうだよ)8回讯いてくれたらno no no no no no no no yes nopretty pretty please(そうだよ)chocolate on top(うそだよ)闻きのがさないでねnon non non non non non non non oui non恋する呪文は!内角かためて!スルリとサスペンス!http://music.baidu.com/song/17651273

请跟着我。 Follow me, please.为什么不是 Follow I??或者my


follow me please是升调还是降调

在美音里,强调不同的单词意思是不同的.比如重读follow,表示说话人的命令语气很强,那个please就只是形式了;如果重读me,就是强调follow的人是自己,可能言外之意是don*t follow others ;如果重读了please,可能更带有请求的意思,希望对方真的能够follow自己.同样look at me,用升调强调看着的人是自己,用降调强调的是注意看,别做其他动作.

follow me,please是什么意思


handout leaflets


设计一个日期类Date 私有数据成员年year(int),月month(int),日day(int) int LeapYear(),判断是否闰年(能


to play the rest, please register mummy maze deluxe帮我翻译这句话谢谢

想要玩其他的(游戏),请注册mummy maze deluxe(木乃伊迷宫豪华版?)就是你要玩下去,就要去注册。

《Fifty Shadesof Oral Pleasure》txt下载在线阅读,求百度网盘云资源

《Fifty Shades of Oral Pleasure》(Marisa Bennett)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Um0BEv5yuaNWAxtNqpwnFQ 提取码: r3by书名:Fifty Shades of Oral Pleasure作者:Marisa Bennett出版社:Skyhorse Publishing出版年份:2013-4-1页数:128内容简介:In a time when taboo erotica novels are replacing the books on our coffee tables, it"s no wonder that couples are exploring the naughtiest sides of sex, from silk ties and whips to candle wax and ben wa balls. But what about kink"s greatest predecessor, its founding father--the blow job? Oral sex has been one of the hottest ways to get off since the invention of the mouth, so what better way to get back to your roots and perfect your tantalizing techniques? This sexy how-to guide takes you through the Hers, His, and Us approaches to oral bliss. Get a sexy re-education on anatomy, build your oral arsenal for the most earth-shattering orgasms, bring in the kink, and try new oral positions with the help of some artfully drawn sketches. For foreplay or for your play, read some of the steamy erotica excerpts of oral sex that have been included to get you both riled and ready! Marisa Bennett takes you down lust-paved roadways to erotic oral play and beyond. This enthusiastic, witty, and sexy road map will bring you to the best oral sex you are about to have!

People have been painting pictures for at least 30,000 years.?

6-9 DCAC,10, People have been painting pictures for at least 30,000 years. The earliest pictures were painted by people who hun??ted animals. They used to paint pictures of the animals they wanted to catch and kill. Pictures of this kind have been found on the walls of caves in France and Spain. No one knows why they were painted there. Perhaps the painters thought that their pictures would help them to catch these animals. Or per??haps human beings have always wanted to tell stories accord??ing to pictures. About 5,000 years ago the Egyptians and other people in the Near East began to use pictures as a kind of writing. They drew simple pictures or signs to represent things and ideas, and also to represent the sounds of their language. The signs these people used became a kind of alphabet(字母表). The Egyptians used to record information and to tell sto??ries by putting picture-writing and pictures together. When an important person died, scenes and stories from his life were painted and carved on the walls of the place where he was bur??ied. Some of these pictures are like modem ic-strip sto??ries. It has been said that Egypt is the home of the ic-strip. But, for the Egyptians, pictures still had magic power. So they did not try to make their way of writing simple. The ordinary people could not understand it. By the year 1,000 BC, people who lived in the area a-round the Mediterranean Sea had developed a simpler system of writing. The signs they used were very easy to write, and there were fewer of them than in the Egyptian system. This was because each sign, or letter, represented only one sound in their language. The Greeks developed this system and formed the letters of the Greek alphabet. The Romans copied the idea, and the Roman alphabet is now used all over the world. These days we can write down a story, or record informa??tion, without using pictures. But we still need pictures of all kinds: drawings, photographs, signs and diagrams. We find them everywhere: in books and newspapers, in the streets, and on the walls of the places where we live and work. Pic??tures help us to understand and remember things more easily, and they can make a story much more interesting.6. Pictures of animals were painted on the walls of caves in France and Spain because ________. A. the hunters wanted to see the pictures B. the painters were animal lovers C. the painters wanted to show imagination D. the pictures were thought to be helpful 7.The Greek alphabet was simpler than the Egyptian system for all the following reasons EXCEPT that ________. A. the former was easy to write B. there were fewer signs in the former C. the former was easy to pronounce D. each sign stood for only one sound 8. Which of the following statements is TRUE? A. The Egyptian signs later became a particular alphabet. B. The Egyptians liked to write ic-strip stories. C. The Roman alphabet was developed from the Egyptian one. D. The Greeks copied their writing system from the Egyp??tians. 9. In the last paragraph, the author thinks that pictures __________. A. should be made prehensible B. should be made interesting C. are of much use in our life



有首外国歌的歌词是learning is fun

Bring You DownLeft Front TireI feel frustration sometimes when the words don"t come out right.Footprints in the Sand reveals to me a past scene of my life.Please stand by me through the thick and thin, though the trials of my life.He"s dealing with me now...I turn around you"re doing it again... you"re doing it again.I"m not trying to bring you down.I just want you to see what is happening to me.I"m not trying to bring you down.Just understand that I was blind but I"m learning to see.I"ve ran long enough from what I know is right.The sands of yesterday are sliding through the clutched fingers of life.I"m not saying that the fun is gone, or the times we had are in vain.There"s a break in the wilderness.My narrow path is clearing again... it"s clearing once againI"m not trying to bring you down.I just want you to see what is happening to me.I"m not trying to bring you down.Just understand that I was blind but I"m learning to see.I"m not trying to bring you down.I just want you to see what is happening to me.I"m not trying to bring you down.Just understand that I was blind but I"m learning to see.

【跪求】Chloe Lear 的 Girl Interrupted中英对照歌词

由Petula Clark演唱,Petula Clark是70年代第一位女性摇滚人登上Billboard排行榜No.1的女歌手。When you"re alone当你一个人孤孤单单And life is making you lonely,而且生活让你觉得寂寞You can always go downtown你可以去市中心逛逛When you"ve got worries,当你忧虑成疾,All the noise and the hurry周围的喧嚣让你刻不容缓的匆忙时Seems to help, I know, downtown我知道你想要喘口气,寻求帮助Just listen to the music of the traffic in the city来!听听城市交通奏响的乐章Linger on the sidewalk where the neon signs are pretty看看人行道周围的霓虹灯闪烁光芒How can you lose?你怎会迷失在人群之中?The lights are much brighter there那儿的灯光更加灿烂,You can forget all your troubles, forget all your cares and go在那儿,尽情的,忘掉所有烦恼,所有担忧,Downtown, things"ll be great when you"re热闹的市中心,你身在其中,万物皆美好,Downtown, no finer place for sure,热闹的市中心,没有第2个选择,Downtown, everything"s waiting for you热闹的市中心,良辰美景,纷繁美好,一切都在等你呢!(Downtown)Don"t hang around别再四处徘徊,犹豫不决,And let your problems surround you也别再让各种问题环绕在你身旁,There are movie shows downtown市中心的商业街有电影看呢!Maybe you know或许阿,你还知道,Some little places to go to一些地方可以去,Where they never close downtown就是那些不夜城,Just listen to the rhythm of a gentle bossanova来!听听Boss Nova的神圣的音乐,You"ll be dancing with "em too before the night is over你也可以加入他们,闻歌起舞,不醉不休,Happy again再次体会幸福愉快The lights are much brighter there那里的灯光格外耀眼,格外引人注目,You can forget all your troubles, forget all your cares and go你自然可以忘掉你所有的麻烦,你所有的顾忌,Downtown where all the lights are bright,就是那个灯光耀眼的市中心Downtown, waiting for you tonight,市中心,今天晚上就差你一个,Downtown, you"re gonna be alright now来吧,今夜你会痊愈。(Downtown, downtown)Downtown(Downtown)And you may find somebody kind to help and understand you,或许呢,你在这能发现哪个家伙衷心的倾听你的忧愁,理解你的不快,Someone who is just like you and needs a gentle hand to或许还会找到谁像我们一样需要伸出一双温暖的手,Guide them along指引他们前方,So, maybe I"ll see you there嗯,所以说不定我会见到你,We can forget all our troubles, forget all our cares and go来吧,一起忘掉我们的麻烦,忘掉我们的担心—快走!Downtown, things"ll be great when you"re市中心,置身其中,你会发现周围的美好,Downtown, don"t wait a minute more,快走,别再耽搁一分钟,Downtown, everything"s waiting for you你知道,那都在等你……Downtown (downtown) downtown (downtown)Downtown (downtown) downtown (downtown)(repeat and fade out)

【语法,翻译】Nowhere has the world seen such enthusiasm for learning as in our country.

一个名词,一个形容词。前面有such 了

Please extend due date for revision是什么意思

Please-extend-due-date-for-revision请将修订日期 ------请采纳~

Please extend due date for revision是什么意思

Please extend due date for revision 请延长到期日extend 英[u026aku02c8stend] 美[u026aku02c8stu025bnd] vt. 延伸; 扩大; 推广; vt. 延长; 伸展; 给予; 发出(邀请、欢迎等); vi. 延伸; 伸出; 增加; [例句]The caves extend for some 18 kilometres那些洞穴深约18公里。[其他] 第三人称单数:extends 现在分词:extending 过去式:extended过去分词:extended



maven snapshot和release版本的区别

Maven的Snapshot版本与Release版本1. Snapshot版本代表不稳定、尚处于开发中的版本 2. Release版本则代表稳定的版本 3. 什么情况下该用SNAPSHOT? 协同开发时,如果A依赖构件B,由于B会更新,B应该使用SNAPSHOT来标识自己。这种做法的必要性可以反证如下: a.如果B不用SNAPSHOT,而是每次更新后都使用一个稳定的版本,那版本号就会升得太快,每天一升甚至每个小时一升,这就是对版本号的滥用。 b.如果B不用SNAPSHOT, 但一直使用一个单一的Release版本号,那当B更新后,A可能并不会接受到更新。因为A所使用的repository一般不会频繁更新release版本的缓存(即本地repository),所以B以不换版本号的方式更新后,A在拿B时发现本地已有这个版本,就不会去远程Repository下载最新的B 4. 不用Release版本,在所有地方都用SNAPSHOT版本行不行? 不行。正式环境中不得使用snapshot版本的库。 比如说,今天你依赖某个snapshot版本的第三方库成功构建了自己的应用,明天再构建时可能就会失败,因为今晚第三方可能已经更新了它的snapshot库。你再次构建时,Maven会去远程repository下载snapshot的最新版本,你构建时用的库就是新的jar文件了,这时正确性就很难保证了。

“maven snapshot”和“release”版本的区别是什么?

Maven的Snapshot版本与Release版本x0dx0ax0dx0a1. Snapshot版本代表不稳定、尚处于开发中的版本 x0dx0ax0dx0a2. Release版本则代表稳定的版本 x0dx0ax0dx0a3. 什么情况下该用SNAPSHOT? x0dx0a 协同开发时,如果A依赖构件B,由于B会更新,B应该使用SNAPSHOT来标识自己。这种做法的必要性可以反证如下: x0dx0ax0dx0a a.如果B不用SNAPSHOT,而是每次更新后都使用一个稳定的版本,那版本号就会升得太快,每天一升甚至每个小时一升,这就是对版本号的滥用。 x0dx0ax0dx0a b.如果B不用SNAPSHOT, 但一直使用一个单一的Release版本号,那当B更新后,A可能并不会接受到更新。因为A所使用的repository一般不会频繁更新release版本的缓存(即本地repository),所以B以不换版本号的方式更新后,A在拿B时发现本地已有这个版本,就不会去远程Repository下载最新的B x0dx0ax0dx0a4. 不用Release版本,在所有地方都用SNAPSHOT版本行不行? x0dx0a 不行。正式环境中不得使用snapshot版本的库。 比如说,今天你依赖某个snapshot版本的第三方库成功构建了自己的应用,明天再构建时可能就会失败,因为今晚第三方可能已经更新了它的snapshot库。你再次构建时,Maven会去远程repository下载snapshot的最新版本,你构建时用的库就是新的jar文件了,这时正确性就很难保证了。

SQLServer中delete from tablea & truncate table tablea的区别有哪些?

【答案】:两者都可以用来删除表中所有的记录。区别在于:truncate是DDL操作,它移动HWK,使HWK值为0,不需要 rollback segment .而Delete是DML操作需要rollback segment 且花费较长时间.


这种网站经常被封 既然看 就要有这个觉悟 随便问问 你应该是15到30岁 是吧

做补习老师的好处 haoleav的一篇文章。高分悬赏顺文

孟南,这回你无论如何得帮我个忙。”范建在电话里直对我嚷道,“盈盈死了心要考研究生,一天到晚都在复习呢。昨晚碰上几道英文难题,拽着我帮她查资料。唉,你知道我就那点货色。真是把我害惨了,查了一个晚上,也是牛头不对马嘴。为这事,她一天到晚唠唠叨叨、愁眉苦脸,害我玩得也不开心,唉……”  范建和我是从小学就在一起的死党,很多人都奇怪我们怎么会相处得那么好,因为我们两人的性格和长相差别太大了。我将近一米八的个头,长得堂堂正正,充满阳刚之气,聪明伶俐,学习成绩非常好。而范建长得尖嘴猴腮,猥猥琐琐,脑袋总像少根筋,办事愣头愣脑,功课差得要命。要不是靠着我帮他糊弄过老师,他恐怕连高中都没法毕业。可这小子命好,有一个做水泥钢材生意的老爸,钱多得没处花。而我缺的就是钱,跟范建在一起,我从来不用掏钱。因此我和范建在一起也算是互惠互利,友谊也就建立起来了





填空题:would you please show your new book ____me?



I 是主格,这里应该用宾格me,show me your pencil,而且改成问句更合适。一般如果是让别人给你看看他铅笔,都是用问句邀请的。可以改为:Can you show me your pencil,please?

______me your new T-shirt,please.[怎么填?]


英语:Please show I your new shoes.这句话错在哪?

Please show me your new shoes


please show me your hands.

In parenthood, we learn as much form our children as they do from us. They remind us of a time when


leading to increased profits for the enterprise lead to后不应该加ing或名词吗?


一.完成下列句子的改写。意思不能改变。 1.Can you tell me the way to King Street,please?

1 Can , how2 lost , way3 thoutht to4 donesn"t know too much about5 met greet warmly 都是同义短语替换 可参考【晨曦教育】资料。

please say ……an elephant never forgets为什么用forgets

因为an Elephant 是名词单数 谓语动词用单三 所以是forgets

翻译一句话:An air hostess would take charge of me and Inever had an unpleasant experience.


A flight attendant would take charge of me and I never had an unpleasant experience.


求Linkin Park 《So Far Away (Unreleased 1998)》歌词

"So Far Away (Unreleased 1998)"[Verse:]Save me now from this mess that I"ve createdAll The souls have gone and I"m stranded here with doubt and fear aloneTell me how I"m in fault for all this madnessI don"t know what"s wrong, but I cannot help but try to push it[Chorus:]So Far AwayIn so deep and inside of meSo Hard to sayI don"t want to say it anyway[Verse:]Save me now I"m the mess I have createdAnd my soul has gone and for some reason all I do is push it[Chorus:]So Far AwayIn so deep and inside of meSo Hard to sayI don"t want to say it anywaySo far awayIt"s so far awayIn so deep and inside of meSo Hard to sayI don"t want to say it anywaySo Far AwayIn so deep and inside of meSo Hard to sayI don"t want to say it anyway没错吧~

在线等:what I have learned from my years at university——英语专业考试作文大约400词

ha,it"s very easy you can do it by yourself!!!

If You Ever Leave Me (Duet With Vince Gill) 歌词

歌曲名:If You Ever Leave Me (Duet With Vince Gill)歌手:Barbra Streisand&Vince Gill专辑:DuetsLoick Essien - If You Ever LeaveThis is my conversation with heartacheI"ll never understand if I don"t listenI"m trapped inside this place with no escapeSo won"t u tell me what I"m missingWhen my heart is screaming rescue meU will only see it in my eyesIf u ever leaveI want u to take me with uU mean everythingAnd there"s nothing we won"t get thruAnd if u ever leaveI know that I"m gonna need uTo help me outHelp me outHelp me outLa la la la la la la laLa la la la la la la laIf u need me to remember uI"ll take a pictureAnd lock it in my heartOut here in the battlefield I lose all random reasonAnd my feelings and my memoriesI watch them fall apart yeaI"m only humanSo if u cut me I"ll bleed (bleed)U"ve been here it"s so necessary to meThis pain is flling my lungThen it"s tearing my heart apartBelieve me there"s no meaningU can do whateverPlz stay with mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/9094827

If You Ever Leave Me (Duet With Vince Gill) 歌词

歌曲名:If You Ever Leave Me (Duet With Vince Gill)歌手:Barbra Streisand&Vince Gill专辑:A Love Like OursLoick Essien - If You Ever LeaveThis is my conversation with heartacheI"ll never understand if I don"t listenI"m trapped inside this place with no escapeSo won"t u tell me what I"m missingWhen my heart is screaming rescue meU will only see it in my eyesIf u ever leaveI want u to take me with uU mean everythingAnd there"s nothing we won"t get thruAnd if u ever leaveI know that I"m gonna need uTo help me outHelp me outHelp me outLa la la la la la la laLa la la la la la la laIf u need me to remember uI"ll take a pictureAnd lock it in my heartOut here in the battlefield I lose all random reasonAnd my feelings and my memoriesI watch them fall apart yeaI"m only humanSo if u cut me I"ll bleed (bleed)U"ve been here it"s so necessary to meThis pain is flling my lungThen it"s tearing my heart apartBelieve me there"s no meaningU can do whateverPlz stay with mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8812571

clearly divided

which修饰前面的color fields. because是对前面句子的解释.





ccleaner 和 Advanced system care 和 TuneUp Utilities 哪个好?

Advanced system care的专业版很强,,试用版的话,还是用ccleaner360安全卫士清理是不够彻底的,是需要再搞一个软件,建议用ccleaner

谁有LEAN LOW 的歌词?

YOUNGBLOODZ Lean Low lyricsNow everybody pull ya" whips out, get "em shined upHit the mirror make sure ya" boy leaned upBrush up out the clean up, ya" team freezed upI know you knew the name, gull, when you seen usWalkin" up in the V.I.P., I.M.P. when I walked byMan, I, don"t holla at no lame ho"sI go to the bar, get somethin" to sip on, for my folkMan, this is how is goes down, where I stayWhen them Tram boys done had a good dayThen I"ma buy the bar up, later on tear the car upFlip a new one by the mornin", nigga back crunkGood times, if you in the club blowin" good pineFreakin" ho"s while ya" car bein" stripped downSick now, nowhere for her to sit downYa" Escalade, man, it"s sittin" on bricks nowLean low, bitch, to the flo" bitchCan you work it, can you twerk it lemme know?Yeah, I"ma lean low nigga, to the flo" niggaCan you pay what you weight gimme mo"?But can ya" lean low, bitch to the flo"? BitchCan you work it, can you twerk it lemme know?Yeah, I"ma lean low nigga, to the flo" niggaCan you pay what you weight gimme mo"?I pull up bumpin" attic, choppin, whippin" the wheelStraight fresh off that drizzle boy you know who it isIt"s them loud-mouth motherfuckers at it againPoppin" bottles, cuttin" up, livin" life to the endSo lean low, if you feelin" like I"m feelin", let"s goGot a cup, throw it up, now hit the flo"Shawty choosin" wit" a look and I knowGotta lighter, fire it up and just blowAnd just puff till you can"t no mo"We in the mix, backfacin" "cause that"s just how it goAt the bar, we trippin", throwin" it upLike kings in a castle, yeah we toastin" it upSo everybody, clap, and break it down"cause we the same old fools slidin" through yo" townSo on yo" mark, get ready for this whole new eraDrankin" Patnaz is the name, it don"t get no betterLean low, bitch, to the flo" bitchCan you work it, can you twerk it lemme know?Yeah, I"ma lean low nigga, to the flo" niggaCan you pay what you weight gimme mo"?But can ya" lean low, bitch to the flo"? BitchCan you work it, can you twerk it lemme know?Yeah, I"ma lean low nigga, to the flo" niggaCan you pay what you weight gimme mo"?Stay workin" back do", till every sack is soldI"ma hit you in the back wit" hot callicoIf not then my rock, it I can hardly affordOld school at the bar buyin" bottles of MoeWe swervin" Cheverolets up and down the roadWhen you hear "Shorty in town" hide ya" ho"cause aww shit, lil" buddy fire the dro"I stay, fresh a fool, keep a crease in my clothesI"m puttin" on the scene, and let the champagne flowI"m tryin" to get outta here wit" somethin" freaky to pokeYou know what it is, you seen it befo"We call him "H2O, he froze ice cold"What the fuck you sayin"? This shit is fa sho"Tell Sean to keep "em comin", gon" and order one mo"Lil" Girl, work it out on the flo"Post up young G, get drunk some mo"Lean low, bitch, to the flo" bitchCan you work it, can you twerk it lemme know?Yeah, I"ma lean low nigga, to the flo" niggaCan you pay what you weight gimme mo"?But can ya" lean low, bitch to the flo"? BitchCan you work it, can you twerk it lemme know?Yeah, I"ma lean low nigga, to the flo" niggaCan you pay what you weight gimme mo"?Lean low, bitch, to the flo" bitchCan you work it, can you twerk it lemme know?Yeah, I"ma lean low nigga, to the flo" niggaCan you pay what you weight gimme mo"?But can ya" lean low, bitch to the flo"? BitchCan you work it, can you twerk it lemme know?Yeah, I"ma lean low nigga, to the flo" niggaCan you pay what you weight gimme mo"?Lean low, bitch, to the flo" bitchCan you work it, can you twerk it lemme know?Yeah, I"ma lean low nigga, to the flo" niggaCan you pay what you weight gimme mo"?

How to learn English well的英语作文 原创 今晚之前 急用! 谢谢各位~~~

he important part of learning English is the alphabets, the pronounciation, and the vocabulary. If you do not know the 26 alphabets, you will not know how to speak; if you got less vocabulary, you will not able to tell somebody what do you mean; and if your pronounciation is not very good, then other people will not know what you are saying. But the most important part is your attitude. If you want to learning English well, then why not trying to complete these four tasks?

how to learn english要快,60词左右

learning english makes me feel so hanppy. if one wants to learn it well,he needs to find something funny in it. therefore, he can put his efforts in this intersting subject.as far as i think,it doesn"t mean one is good at english,though he does well in the test.it means no more than he knows a lot of grammar.after all , any language covers tremendous knowledge.

please Install the program First


usher in 和bring和lead to的区别

含义不同。usher in有迎来,引领,迎接的含义。bring有带来,拿来, 取来;,引起;,使来;,使朝某个方向运动, 使处于某状态;,使参加;,对(人)采取(法律)行动,起诉的含义。lead to 有导致, 通向,把?带到, 领到的含义。hat reminds me to bring you up to speed on the soap opera. 那提醒我要让你跟上那剧情。To abstract science and religion from their historical context can lead to anachronism.抽去历史背景孤立地考虑科学和宗教可能导致年代误植。The usher seated us in the theatre. 引座员在剧场领我们就座。

lead...to... 造句

The tour guide leads the tourists to the senic spots.

The truth that you leave 有没有歌手唱哦??

Jalam就是Malaj 他还唱了动漫灵契插曲

求the truth that you leave的词

katherine jenkins - how do you leave the one you lovewww.50004.com we"ve been down this road before i can"t take it anymore i have nothing left inside myself to give still every time i see your facei"m falling back into that placewhere everything feels to me like the first timei want it to be possible and i"m hoping for a miraclethere has to be another wayi don"t want to face the truthhow do you leave the one you lovehow do you rise above it allwhen do i find the strength to make itthrough tomorrow when you"re goneand what do i tell myself tonighthow can i ever make it righthow do you leavehow do you leave the one you lovei"m so tired of being strongi"m so afraid of being wrongbut i don"t want to live a lifetime with regretsso i have to let you gowalk away now even thoughmy heart is telling me it"s a mistakebut can i ever set you freeyou"ve been the very heart of methere has to be another wayi don"t wanna face the truthhow do you leave

谁知道The truth that you leave是谁唱的

除了钢琴曲,还有个版本, 由jalam 演唱,取名为deviation ,作为豆花之歌。 歌词: 冰冷刺骨的雪天 寒风中依稀看得见 你寂然落寞的眼 空洞的将我心打碎 或许你没听见 徘徊如从前 自知无奈的回绝 奇迹是否能够出现 还记得是那一年 机缘巧合的面对面 爱如潮水在蔓延 不经意已涌入心间 记忆中的容颜 轻声说抱歉 虽然爱的很坚决 正如命运纠缠的线 回忆 想念 你的 字眼 脑海里仍旧是你的笑脸 指尖 轻触 悸动 不止 一点点 相依 牵手 拥吻 缠绵 注定的爱渐渐应验 背离 伦理 只剩 你我 的誓言 世界末日的时候 我会牵着你的手 看着你的双眸把你记熟 不管别人怎么说 请不要放弃所有 埋葬在一起 不再有哀愁 眼神 亲吻 泪水 约定 谁能见证我们爱的印记 坚持 我们 爱的 决定 不变心 相依 牵手 拥吻 缠绵 注定的爱渐渐应验 背离 伦理 只剩 你我 的誓言 回忆 想念 你的 字眼 脑海里仍旧是你的笑脸 指尖 轻触 悸动 不止 一点点 相依 牵手 拥吻 缠绵 注定的爱渐渐应验 背离 伦理 只剩 你我 的誓言 背离 伦理 只剩 你我 的誓言麻烦采纳,谢谢!

the truth that you leave到底有没人唱?

deviation - jalamhttp://ok.wo99.com/mplay.php?id=1870864

The truth that you leave有没有真人唱的版本?

the truth that you leave本来就是纯音乐 没有带歌词的 不过有个叫Kent.王建(或者人称 影子 )的 用这曲子写了一首歌 叫《全世界恋爱》 下载 http://www.43bai.com/upimg/imgtu/qsjda.mp3 或者看下这个:http://www.piano-china.com/2007/11-13/20071113102118.htm

release liner是什么意思


The truth that you leave 这首歌的中文版。下面有歌词,歌词不一样的不接纳答案!


the truth that you leave qq音乐里的

冰冷刺骨的雪天 寒风中依稀看得见 你寂然落寞的眼 空洞的将我心打碎 或许你 没听见 徘徊如从前 自知无奈的回绝 奇迹是否能够出现 还记得是那一年 机缘巧合的面对面 爱如潮水在蔓延 不经意已涌入心间 记忆中 的容颜 轻声说抱歉 虽然爱的很坚决 正如命运纠缠的线 回忆 想念 你的 字眼 脑海里仍旧是你的笑脸 指尖 轻触 悸动 不止一点点 相依 牵手 拥吻 缠绵 注定的爱渐渐应验 背离 伦理 只剩 你我 的誓言 世界末日的时候 我会牵着你的手 看着你双眸 把你记熟 不管别人怎么说 请不要放弃所有 埋葬在一起 不再有哀愁 眼神 亲吻 泪水 约定 谁能见证我们爱的印记 坚持 我们 爱的 决定 不变心 相依 牵手 拥吻 缠绵 注定的爱渐渐应验 温柔怀念是你 和我 的誓言 回忆 想念 你的 字眼 脑海里仍旧是你的笑脸 指尖 轻触 悸动 不止一点点 相依 牵手 拥吻 缠绵 注定的爱渐渐应验 背离 世俗 只剩 你我 的誓言 背离 世俗 只剩 你我 的誓言

The Truth That You Leave(求原唱 , 加歌词)

Pianoboy 由 jalam 演唱,取名为deviation ,作为豆花之歌。 歌词: 冰冷刺骨的雪天 寒风中依稀看得见 你寂然落寞的眼 空洞的将我心打碎 或许你没听见 徘徊如从前 自知无奈的回绝 奇迹是否能够出现 还记得是那一年 机缘巧合的面对面 爱如潮水在蔓延 不经意已涌入心间 记忆中的容颜 轻声说抱歉 虽然爱的很坚决 正如命运纠缠的线 回忆 想念 你的 字眼 脑海里仍旧是你的笑脸 指尖 轻触 悸动 不止 一点点 相依 牵手 拥吻 缠绵 注定的爱渐渐应验 背离 伦理 只剩 你我 的誓言 世界末日的时候 我会牵着你的手 看着你的双眸把你记熟 不管别人怎么说 请不要放弃所有 埋葬在一起 不再有哀愁 眼神 亲吻 泪水 约定 谁能见证我们爱的印记 坚持 我们 爱的 决定 不变心 相依 牵手 拥吻 缠绵 注定的爱渐渐应验 背离 伦理 只剩 你我 的誓言 回忆 想念 你的 字眼 脑海里仍旧是你的笑脸 指尖 轻触 悸动 不止 一点点 相依 牵手 拥吻 缠绵 注定的爱渐渐应验 背离 伦理 只剩 你我 的誓言 背离 伦理 只剩 你我 的誓言 试听点击: http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/LVttUpMQaeE/request_from=cpr 如果您不理解豆花是什么意思,请点击: http://baike.baidu.com/view/454006.htm 2. 由KenT(中文名:王健, 曾以JAY的影子作为名字发表过一些网络歌曲。是乱感觉团体的一员)作为伴奏演唱过。取名为全世界恋爱,在他的新专辑中收录了全世界恋爱这首歌,但是歌词方面作了些改变。 原先歌词: 王子手中透明的水晶杯 映出辛得瑞拉心底的自卑 我怎可能变成公主 搭在你肩上我的手背 变成欲放害羞的花蕊 小丑也只好自吹自擂 (枉费华灯可以这样美) 我也只好扮成傀儡 (谁知水晶鞋却不会被连累) 等你终于找到我 精灵帮我描好眉 她们都说我很美 我想参加王子的舞会 好想全世界都恋爱 无异无顾 没人反悔 好想全世界都恋爱 所有人笑得明媚 钻石大的像颗眼泪 似乎拥有全世界掌声赞美 男女主角心相联 找到我 精灵帮我描好眉 她们都说我很美 我想参加王子的舞会 好想全世界都恋爱 无异无顾 没人反悔 好想全世界都恋爱 所有人笑得明媚 钻石大的像颗眼泪 似乎拥有全世界掌声赞美 男女主角心相联 好想全世界都恋爱 无异无顾 没人反悔 好想全世界都恋爱 所有人笑得明媚 钻石大的像颗眼泪 似乎拥有全世界掌声赞美 男女主角心相联 女巫与魔鬼不准入内 妒嫉或虚伪都无所谓 她只在乎你的存在 连芦苇都爱上狒狒 要记得事在人为 我要参加你的舞会 恋爱中的姑娘从来都愚昧 恋爱中的姑娘从来都愚昧 na hu yeah 恋爱中的姑娘从来都愚昧 试听: http://box.zhangmen.baidu.com/m?gate=1&ct=134217728&tn=baidumt, 全世界恋爱%20%20&word=mp3, http://www.43bai.com/upimg/imgtu/oqWdmJY2.mp3,,[%C8%AB%CA%C0%BD%E7%C1%B5%B0%AE]&si=%C8%AB%CA%C0%BD%E7%C1%B5%B0%AE;;kent;;624920;;502124&lm=16777216&mtid=1&d=9 新专辑中的歌词: KenT - 全世界恋爱 作词:海雷 作曲:KenT 编曲:江建民 王子零点筑成一座堡垒 灰姑娘辛德瑞拉心里跳芭蕾 爱就像复燃的死灰 手握一支水晶色玫瑰 嘴角上扬微笑花也醉 小丑让寂寞永远沉睡 (华灯星光吊坠一样美) 经过几世纪的轮回 (透明水晶鞋韵开了Melody) 不要在乎我是谁 上帝恩宠这一对 赐予幸福很完美 手牵着手十指在约会 好想全世界都恋爱 无异无顾 没人反悔 好想全世界都恋爱 北斗星每夜明媚 钻石大的像颗眼泪 童话续写恋爱的橘橙香味 男女主角心相连 不要在乎我是谁 上帝恩宠这一对 赐予幸福很完美 手牵着手十指在约会 好想全世界都恋爱 无异无顾 没人反悔 好想全世界都恋爱 北斗星每夜明媚 钻石大的像颗眼泪 童话续写恋爱的橘橙香味 男女主角心相连 wo~~ 好想全世界都恋爱 无异无顾 没人反悔 好想全世界都恋爱 北斗星每夜明媚 钻石大的像颗眼泪 童话续写恋爱的橘橙香味 男女主角心相连 女巫与魔鬼不许入内 嫉妒或虚伪都无所谓 她只在乎你的存在 连芦苇都爱上狒狒 要记得那个是谁 屏风隐约童话很美 恋爱中的你们把梦给了谁 恋爱中的你们把梦给了谁 恋爱中的你们把梦给了谁 试听: http://music.soso.com/music.cgi?sc=mus&pid=mus.res.lis&gid=&cin=&ch=s.m.res.listen&ty=lisns&song= 全世界恋爱&singer=kent&append=0希望采纳

The Truth That You Leave.这首曲子是谁写的?有词吗?有人唱吗?

曲作者:Piano Boy由 jalam 演唱,取名为deviation ,作为豆花之歌。 歌词: 冰冷刺骨的雪天 寒风中依稀看得见 你寂然落寞的眼 空洞的将我心打碎 或许你没听见 徘徊如从前 自知无奈的回绝 奇迹是否能够出现 还记得是那一年 机缘巧合的面对面 爱如潮水在蔓延 不经意已涌入心间 记忆中的容颜 轻声说抱歉 虽然爱的很坚决 正如命运纠缠的线 回忆 想念 你的 字眼 脑海里仍旧是你的笑脸 指尖 轻触 悸动 不止 一点点 相依 牵手 拥吻 缠绵 注定的爱渐渐应验 背离 伦理 只剩 你我 的誓言 世界末日的时候 我会牵着你的手 看着你的双眸把你记熟 不管别人怎么说 请不要放弃所有 埋葬在一起 不再有哀愁 眼神 亲吻 泪水 约定 谁能见证我们爱的印记 坚持 我们 爱的 决定 不变心 相依 牵手 拥吻 缠绵 注定的爱渐渐应验 背离 伦理 只剩 你我 的誓言 回忆 想念 你的 字眼 脑海里仍旧是你的笑脸 指尖 轻触 悸动 不止 一点点 相依 牵手 拥吻 缠绵 注定的爱渐渐应验 背离 伦理 只剩 你我 的誓言 背离 伦理 只剩 你我 的誓言
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