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be full of 和 fill with 意思一样吗 有什么区别 有be filled with和 full of 吗

①:be filled with侧重于动作和装的东西 The basketball is filled with apples by the old man. ②:be full of 侧重于状态 The bottle is full of water. 区别并不大,主要看你要写句字时的侧重点full是形容词;fill是动词。 full,fill二者均与“满”有关。 full是形容词,意思是“满的”,与of组成be full of短语。 fill做动词,意思是“装满”,与with组成be filled with,表示“用……把……装满”。另外没有 full of 和fill with





fill ,fill in,be filled with和be full of的区别

fill,fill in,be filled with和be full of的去区别⑴fill意为装满,填满,可作及物动词和不及物动词.常与with连用如:The thought filled me with pleasure.这想法使我心里充满了喜悦⑵fill in意为填写表格,填空.如:Pl...


官方文档中关于schema是这样解释的:  “A schema is a collection of database objects. A schema is owned by a database user and has the same name as that user. Schema objects are the logical structures that directly refer to the database"s data. Schema objects include structures like tables, views, and indexes.(There is no relationship between a tablespace and a schema. Objects in the same schema can be in different tablespaces, and a tablespace can hold objects from different schemas.)”  官方文档里面说得比较明白,schema是数据对象的集合,包括像表、视图、索引、同义词等等都可以说是schema的对象。下面通过具体的例子来加深对user和schema两者区别的认识:  第一步,以sys用户登陆SQL并建立普通用户storm和penguin:  $ sqlplus / as sysdba  SQL> create user storm identified by storm;  User created.  SQL> create user penguin identified by penguin;  User created.  第二步,赋予一些基本的权限给新建的用户storm和penguin:  SQL> grant connect,create table,resource to storm,penguin;  Grant succeeded.  第三步,以storm用户登陆,创建一张表并插入数据:  SQL> conn storm/storm  Connected.  SQL> create table t (id int);  Table created.  SQL> insert into t values(1);  1 row created.  SQL> commit;  Commit complete.  第四步,以penguin用户登陆,看能否查询storm用户所建表里面的数据:  SQL> conn penguin/penguin  Connected.  SQL> select table_name from user_tables;  no rows selected  SQL> show user;  USER is "PENGUIN"  SQL> select * from storm.t;  select * from storm.t  *  ERROR at line 1:  ORA-00942: table or view does not exist  从以上结果可以看出,用户 penguin无法查看用户storm所建表里面的内容,甚至被告知没有这张表。  第五步,修改当前schema为storm,并继续查询:  SQL> alter session set current_schema=storm;  Session altered.  SQL> show user;  USER is "PENGUIN"  SQL> select * from storm.t;  select * from storm.t  *  ERROR at line 1:  ORA-00942: table or view does not exist  仍然不能查看。  第六步,以storm用户登陆,赋予penguin用户查看t表的权限:  SQL> conn storm/storm  Connected.  SQL> grant select on t to penguin;  Grant succeeded.  第七步,以penguin用户登陆,查看storm用户的t表:  SQL> conn penguin/penguin  Connected.  SQL> select * from storm.t;  ID  ----------  1  更简单的,将当前schema更改为storm,可以简化查询过程:  SQL> alter session set current_schema=storm;  Session altered.  SQL> select * from t;  ID  ----------  1

求the middle 中文歌词翻译

嘿, 不要写你自己呢。 它只是在你脑海里你觉得离开, 看不起。 尽你最大的努力, 试着尽你所能。 难道你不担心什么,他们告诉自己 当你离去的时候。 它只是需要一些时间, 小女孩,你在中间的骑。 一切,所有的一切都会好的, 一切,一切都会好起来的。(好吧) 嘿, 你知道他们都是一样的。 你知道你在做更好的自己,(你自己) 所以不要买。 现在的生活。 是的,只要做你自己。 不管它是否足够好的(好) 为别人。 它只是需要一些时间, 小女孩,你在中间的骑。 一切,所有的一切都会好的, 一切,一切都会好起来的。(好吧) 它只是需要一些时间, 小女孩,你在中间的骑。 一切,所有的一切都会好的, 一切,一切都会好起来的。(好吧) 嘿,不写自己,然而。 它只是在你脑海里你觉得离开,(觉得) 看不起。 做最好的自己,(尽力) 你能做任何事情。(你可以) 难道你不担心他们的痛苦的心(苦的心) 要说。 它只是需要一些时间, 小女孩,你在中间的骑。 一切,所有的一切都会好的, 一切,一切都会好起来的。(好吧) 它只是需要一些时间, 小女孩,你在中间的骑。 一切,所有的一切都会好的, 一切,一切都会好起来的。(好吧)麻烦采纳,谢谢!

英文地址里的DX是什么意思,county/region ,postcode,country.DX.telephone

猜的 - -!DX (distant radio communication) 远距离无线电通信从逗号来区分的话,应该是三个选项。county/region 县/地区postcode 邮政编码country.DX.telephone 国家.远距离无线电通信.电话 = 手机号码

is filled 和fill with、is full、of、full with的区别是什么?

be filled with = be full of 有be full with吗? ①:be filled with侧重于动作和装的东西 example: The basketball is filled with apples by the old man. ②:be full of 侧重于状态 example: The bottle is full of water. 区别并不大,主要看你要写句字时的侧重点 full是形容词;fill是动词. full,fill二者均与“满”有关. full是形容词,意思是“满的”,与of组成be full of短语. fill做动词,意思是“装满”,与with组成be filled with,表示“用……把……装满”.

fill ,fill in,be filled with和be full of的区别



Schema,即XML Schema,XSD (XML Schema Definition)是W3C于2001年5月发布的推荐标准,指出如何形式描述XML文档的元素。XSD是许多XML Schema 语言中的一支。XSD是首先分离于XML本身的schema语言,故获取W3C的推荐地位。像所有XML Schema 语言一样,XSD用来描述一组规则──一个XML文件必须遵守这些规则,才能根据该schema‘合法(Valid)"。扩展资料:发展历程在官方文档的参考附录里,XSD标准承认受到[文件类型描述|DTD]]和其他早期XML schema 语言的影响,如DDML、SOX、XML-Data、以及XDR。XSD从中吸收了一些特性,然而也在这些特性中有所折衷。这些早期schema 语言中的XDR与SOX在XML Schema发布后仍继续使用了一段时间。不少微软的产品支持XDR直到2006年十二月MSXML6.0的发布(MSXML 6.0抛弃了XDR改用XSD)。Commerce One, Inc支持它自己的SOX schema 语言直到该公司于2004年末破产。2004年十二月,Novell, Inc.购买了该公司,包括那些与SOX相关的专利,据报导是尽力防止被某些不相关的、以打专利相关官司为生的公司剥削图利。参考资料来源:百度百科-Schema


n the middle 在中间;在中部 in the middle of 在…中间 例句: ① A baby is wobbling in the middle of the yard. 一个小孩正在院子中间蹒跚学步.摘自《21世纪大英汉词典》 ② In the middle of the bridge,his old car spluttered out. 在过桥走到桥中间时,他的那辆破车劈啪响着熄了火.摘自《21世纪大英汉词典》 ③ He finally rummaged out her reply in the middle drawer of his desk. 他最后从写字台中间抽屉里翻找出她的复信.



I am the middle child.什么意思


the Middle Ages是什么意思

the Middle Ages中世纪

stuck in the middle是什么意思





中间的,中部的 英/"midi/



be filled with,be full of,fill with区别

be filled with=be full of

the middle of summer是什么意思



middle怎么读一站式出国留学攻略 http://www.offercoming.com

in the middle of 和at the centre of的区别

区别一表示立体事物的中心(如球心等),一般只用centre,而不能用middle.如:the centre of the ball 球心区别二centre 多指物体的正中心,而 middle 则指中间或中部,因而它表示的位置不如 centre 精确.比较:the centre...

in the middle是什么意思

in the middle 在......中间in the middle of the road 在大路中间

fill with 、fill...with 、be filled with 、be full of 的区别.

我可以肯定的告诉你,没有be filled of和be full with 那就来看下be filled with和be full of的区别吧,:》 ①:be filled with侧重于动作和装的东西 example: The basketball is filled with apples by the old man. ②:be full of 侧重于状态 example: The bottle is full of water. 区别并不大,主要看你要写句字时的侧重点 full是形容词;fill是动词. full,fill二者均与“满”有关. full是形容词,意思是“满的”,与of组成be full of短语. fill做动词,意思是“装满”,与with组成be filled with,表示“用……把……装满”. ⑴fill意为装满,填满,可作及物动词和不及物动词.常与with连用 如:The thought filled me with pleasure.这想法使我心里充满了喜悦 ⑵fill in意为填写表格,填空.如: Please fill in this form.请填写这张表格 ⑶be filled with是fill...with的被动语态,表示被.充满,如: The bag was filled with food by him.袋子里被他装满了食物 ⑷be full of 意为装满,填满,主语可以是人,也可以是物 如:The classroom is full of students,教室里满是学生 The cup is full of water.杯子里装满了水

英语词组 full with,filled of,filled with,fill with 有什么区别?如何使用?

be filled with侧重于动作和装的东西 example: The basketball is filled with apples by the old man. be full of 侧重于状态 example: The bottle is full of water. 区别并不大,主要看你要写句字时的侧重点 full是形容词;fill是动词. full,fill二者均与“满”有关. full是形容词,意思是“满的”,与of组成be full of短语. fill做动词,意思是“装满”,与with组成be filled with,表示“用……把……装满”.


中级的middle school中学





求一首女声英文歌,歌名是什么什么in the middle

the middleuff01uff01

be filled with 和fill with 的区别

be filled with相当于被动语态,被充满fill sth with sth表示用什么填充什么,主动语态意思是一样的

middle和center 做名词用时,有什么区别

Center中心,该词大体上接近于几何概念,即一个圆或一个球内的一点,这一点与周围的任何一点的距离相等,也可喻为政治商业中心.Middle表示的中间,是相对而言,笼统的中部包括了中心再加上中心周围部分,middle可用于空间、时间或某项活动中间. 比如in the center of the park一般翻译成“公园中心”,而in the middle of the park是“公园中部”,范围比center大. middle是指一段的中间 比如,He"s in the middle of line 他在队伍的中间 center是指一片的中间 比如,The bank is at the center of the town 银行在市中心 另外,center有重点的意思,这个含义Middle没有


Middle常常指“中间的”、“中级的”、“中央的”、“中央地带”等含义。具体来说,Middle可以表示以下几个概念:1.位置层面:指的是处于中间的、居中的位置或区域,例如middle school(初中)、Middle East(中东)等。2.时间层面:指的是处于某一时间段或历史时期的中间,例如middle age (中年)、midterm exam(期中考试)等。3.程度层面:指的是处于某一等级、级别或状态的中间,例如middle class(中产阶级)。4.概念层面:指的是中间、中介或连接的概念,例如middleman(中间商)、middle ground(妥协地带)等。总之,Middle是一个英语单词,可用于描述位置、时间、程度以及概念层面,并存在多种用途。







on the middle对吗

结构正确,不过,意思不太明确.有些小错误:most of the water 倒装句, facing...是状语 相当于: Two persons stand in the middle, facing a bottle with most of the water flowing on the floor 两个人站在中间,面对着一个大量的水在地上流的瓶子.

plan ,schedule,scheme有什么明显的区别


The Middle(jimmy eat world)歌词翻译

嗨,不写自己掀起了。这是在你的脑袋只有你觉得遗漏,或者瞧不起。尽量吧,你可以尝试一切。和你不要担心他们告诉自己当您离开。它只是需要一些时间,小姑娘,你在该机的中间。一切,一切都会得很好,一切,一切都会好的。 (好吧)嗨,你知道他们都是一样的。你知道你正在对自己的好,(在自己的)所以,不要买英寸现在生活。是的,只是自己。不要紧,如果是足够(足够)别人。它只是需要一些时间,小姑娘,你在该机的中间。一切,一切都会得很好,一切,一切都会好的。 (好吧)它只是需要一些时间,小姑娘,你在该机的中间。一切,一切都会得很好,一切,一切都会好的。 (好吧)嘿,不写自己掀起了。这是在你的脑袋只有你觉得被排除,(觉得被排除)或者瞧不起。只要做到最好,(只做到最好)尽一切所能。 (你可以尽一切)和你不急的(痛苦刻骨铭心的惨痛的心)是gonna说。它只是需要一些时间,小姑娘,你在该机的中间。一切,一切都会得很好,一切,一切都会好的。 (好吧)它只是需要一些时间,小姑娘,你在该机的中间。一切,一切都会得很好,一切,一切都会好的。 (好吧)

the middle前加什么介词


英语A GNU implemention of Scheme怎么翻译?




The Middle 歌词

歌曲名:The Middle 歌手:Jimmy Eat World专辑:iTunes Festival London 2011 - EPHey, don"t write yourself off yetIt"s only in your head you feel left out or looked down onJust try your best, try everything you canAnd don"t you worry what they tell themselves when you"re awayIt just takes some timeLittle girl, you"re in the middle of the rideEverything, everything will be just fineEverything, everything will be alright, alrightHey, you know they"re all the sameYou know you"re doing better on your own, so don"t buy inLive right nowYeah, just be yourselfIt doesn"t matter if it"s good enough for someone elseIt just takes some timeLittle girl, you"re in the middle of the rideEverything, everything will be just fineEverything, everything will be alright, alrightIt just takes some timeLittle girl, you"re in the middle of the rideEverything, everything will be just fineEverything, everything will be alright, alrightHey, don"t write yourself off yetIt"s only in your head you feel left out or looked down onJust do your best, do everything you canAnd don"t you worry what the bitter hearts are gonna sayIt just takes some timeLittle girl, you"re in the middle of the rideEverything, everything will be just fineEverything, everything will be alright, alrightIt just takes some timeLittle girl, you"re in the middle of the rideEverything, everything will be just fineEverything, everything will be alrighthttp://music.baidu.com/song/18270540



in the middle是什么意思

In the middle是在中间的意思。

he ____ the bottle ___wine. 用fill with 的正确形式填空 填什么呢?fill with 一般不都是be filled with

be fillde with 是被动语态,表示瓶子被填满,这里是他主动填满,

fill with、 be full of、 be filled with、 be full of四个语法 的关系及用法 ?

fill with 把...用...充满 (主语是人) 如:He fills the bottle with water.be full of ...充满着...(主语是物)如:The bottle is full of water.be filled with =be full of (主语是物) The bottle is filled with water.

Demi Lovato的《The Middle》 歌词

歌曲名:The Middle歌手:Demi Lovato专辑:Don"T ForgetDemi Lovato - The MiddleI knew where I was going when you left the roomYou"re the kinda guy that makes me want toFollow through to youI"ve been trying to leave you for the longest timeThe second that I saw you I just knew I found my right guyI like it x6I wanna crashI wanna fallI wanna be somewhere in the middle.Somewhere in the middleSomethingIt"s better than nothingI just need a littleI just need a little cuz IDon"t wanna be nowhereBut somethings makin" me go thereSomewhere in the middle with youI like it x6Losing my direction,That"s the way it should beFeeling a connectionWhen you"re standing next to meI wanna be rollingI just wanna be rolling with you.All of the things you sayI like itTaking me far awayI like itI wanna crashI wanna fallI wanna be somewhere in the middle.Somewhere in the middleSomethingIt"s better than nothingI just need a littleI just need a little cuz IDon"t wanna be nowhereBut somethings makin" me go thereSomewhere in the middle with youBaby you take meYou wanna take me from this crazy ??BabyyyyCuz I just need a littleI just need a littleSomewhere in the middle with youCRASHI wanna fallI wanna be somewhere in the middle.Somewhere in the middleSomethingIt"s better than nothingI just need a littleI just need a little cuz IDon"t wanna be nowhereBut somethings making me go thereSomewhere in the middle with youCRASHFALLI like it I like itSomewhere in the middle with youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8267131

is filled 和fill with、is full、of、full with的区别是什么?

be filled with = be full of 有be full with吗? ①:be filled with侧重于动作和装的东西 example: The basketball is filled with apples by the old man. ②:be full of 侧重于状态 example: The bottle is full of water. 区别并不大,主要看你要写句字时的侧重点 full是形容词;fill是动词. full,fill二者均与“满”有关. full是形容词,意思是“满的”,与of组成be full of短语. fill做动词,意思是“装满”,与with组成be filled with,表示“用……把……装满”.

英语短语fill with 和be filled in什么区别

fill with 表主动,装满充满,Water fill with the bottle。be filled with 表被动,被装满,充满, The bottle is filled with water。


diagramn. 图表v. 用图解法表示, 图示schemen. 方案, 图谋, 体制v. 计划; 策划, 密谋; 设计; 拟订计划; 搞阴谋tablen. 桌子, 工作台, 餐桌v. 把...放在桌上; 提出; 搁置; 把...列入议事日程其实只需要对比各个单词的意思就可以区别这三个词汇了吧.

be full of,be filled with,fill with的区别和意思


英语作文:my expencien of learning english

I′d like to introduce myself to you. My name is Fan Shi ze. I was born in Beijing Tongzhou district. I′m seventy-four years old. I have retired from Beijing mining department. I used to be a senior accountant. I′m living communication community of Haidian district. I have many hobbies, but I′m very interested in English. Before I retired, I had been very busy because our company business was very bad. I almost had meetings every day. After retirement I was no longer busy at my work.In April 2008, I participated in the vigorous mass campaign for welcoming the Olympics and learning English. At the same time, I joined in a team of public order and showing the way. Studying English is always important in my life, I think it is very interesting. English and computer will be the most important in the 21st century. I have been learning English for four years. I think studying English is for adapting to the times, improving Beijing foreign language environment to achieve the goal of a world city. Facilitate foreign exchange and communication, it′s strong in people′s mind, improving our immunity and good for our health.For making more progress, in my opinion, it′s important to lay a good foundation. If myself don′t practice spoken language, I will lose myself interest in English. I should read more , write more and practice more. I always want to improve myself in my English. I usually recite new words and expressions at nights and recite the notes at every morning. On the weekends I never go out of the living room, because I must review English and do homework. I often go to English films and listen to English radio programs, which are also good ways to learn English. I think it helpful to speak English. I have spent quite a lot of time learning English, but I still don′t know much about English. I like speaking English very much, but my grammar is not good, I am frightened to talk with foreigners, I sometimes make some mistakes in spoken English test, and I have many difficulties in understanding spoken English. My memory is very poor since long time, in order to remember the words and sentences, except to take course. I also need to practice what I have learned from class. I found my way to learn English, I usually review lessons first, while I′m doing physical exercise in the park in the morning. I start to recall how to say ‘please keep off the grass" and ‘what is it tense?"When I stretch my body beside a tree , I try to understand the tree′s name ,some are peach trees and some are pear trees with flower blossom in spring. I also found another good way to practice. One day I read newspaper there was a short article both in English and Chinese in the paper. It said ‘Chinese people were friends of people all over the world", I read English first and try to understand the meaning, the checked in Chinese, sometimes I hit it. I really enjoy speaking English with primary or secondary school students, because they can correct my pronunciation. When I have my Chinese accents, we can talk about their campus lives and how to speak English well. I ′m just a beginner of learning English, I can speak English only a little. To meet the needs of our times, I must study harder, I should have a new start. No pains, no gains. Gread efforts will be rewarded by great progress. Though I′m no young any more, I as if still have many energy, I wish us youth forever.

fill with 和be filled with?

第一个应该是 fill sth. with,属于主动语态,第二个 be filled with 是第一个的被动语态。

be full of,be filled with,fill with的区别和意思

三个都是充满的意思~ be full of中full是形容词,of后多跟名词. 单看fill其实是动词. fill with=be filled with filled是fill被动形式,在词组中当形容词来用.

plan ,schedule,scheme有什么明显的区别

PLAN, 计划schedule, 时间表,日程表scheme, 计划提纲,方案

filled with做什么成分

作状语。fill with解析:作不及物动词,也可作及物动词,用作不及物动词时,主动形式常含有被动意义,用作及物动词时,可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词for的宾语,还可接以形容词充当补足语的复合宾语。fill with释义:(使)充(挤)满,使满怀(某种情感等)。fill with用法:fill with表主动。例句:To fill with switches and other information.译文:要使用开关和其他信息填充的。

be filled with 和fill with 的区别

前者表被动,the box is filled with food,后者“用...把...充满”fill the box with food


这是目前Apple Podcast中国区罕见的音频纪录片播客,也许也是Podcast中国区历史上的第一个,某些主题可能是中国音频纪录片的首次涉足。 Page Seven每次时隔2个月精心雕琢,才会更新一期。哈哈,至于为什么叫page seven, 没有为什么啊!名字这些都是来自突然的灵感的。比如在想名字的时候发现一本书正翻在第七页,然后就觉得这名字不错~

Documentary L C Irrevocable L C Confirmed L C Transferable L C Standby L C

【答案】:Irrevocable L/C$Documentary L/C$Transferable L/C$Confirmed L/C$Standby L/C

college 和 school 的区别

college n.(综合大学中的)学院(独立的)学院, 高等专科学校; [美]大学(单科); [英]大学预科; 公学, 书院(专指中学程度的公立学校)职业学校, 技术学校(法国的)私立高等学院团体, 学会, 社团学校的建筑物, 校舍〔俚〕监狱, 感化院; (老弱病残者的)收容所a college of agriculture 农学院C-of Justice 苏格兰高等法院C-of Surgeons 外科医学会college forest 实验林 =sundae)圣代(顶部加水果奶油等的冰淇淋) college living 大学牧师的薪水 college man 高等学校毕业生college pudding 一人一份的葡萄干布丁 college woman 女大学生, 高等学校毕业女生college ice ( 现代英汉词典college n.学院;大学The college is located next to the airport. 学院在机场旁边。Their son will start college in January. 他们的儿子将于一月份开始上大学。公学;书院协会; 社团;学会the Royal College of Nurses 皇家护士协会 简明英汉词典college n.(综合大学中的)学院, (独立的)学院, <美>大学, <英>公学, 书院, 高等专科学院, 大学, 学会school n.(鱼及水族动物)群, 队school of fish 鱼群a school of dolphins 一群海豚习惯用语school up 成群游近水面 现代英汉词典school 1 n.学校上学;受教育;求学; 授课时间There will be no school tomorrow. 明日学校放假。Children who go to school are schoolchildren. 上学的孩子叫学龄儿童。(大学的)院,系,研究所学派,派the Dutch school of painting 荷兰画派school 2 n.(常与of连用)鱼群;鲸群词性变化vt.(常与ton连用)培养,训练;教导(常用过去分词,与in连用)受过…教育 简明英汉词典school n.学校, 学院, 学习, 授课, 求学, 全体学生, 学派vt.锻炼, 教育

class 和 course lesson 做课讲时的区别?请用最简单的方法说明,

class是最口语化的课,一般意义上的上课take class,have class 而course是课程,更具体也更正式,比如你在大学是读些什么课程的就要用course 而lesson与class基本相同,有些时候可以互换,但是 前class侧重于课业的形式,而lesson侧重于课业的内容.比如说:“I have two classes this afternoon.”时,讲话人所强调的是“两个45分钟”的课业形式,而当他说:“I have two lessons this afternoon.”时,则着重强调“两个学科”的课业内容. currilum则侧重于总体学科,是一个概括性的词汇

影片单词“action movie”“comedy”“documentary”“thriller”分别是什么意思?


documentary collection是什么意思


curriculum lesson class course subject lecture program 区别

区别如下:class是最口语化的课,一般意义上的上课take class,have classcourse是课程,更具体也更正式,比如你在大学是读些什么课程的就要用courselesson与class基本相同,有些时候可以互换,但是前class侧重于课业的形式,而lesson侧重于课业的内容.比如说:“I have two classes this afternoon.”时,讲话人所强调的是“两个45分钟”的课业形式,而当他说:“I have two lessons this afternoon.”时,则着重强调“两个学科”的课业内容.lecturen 侧重于“演讲,讲座:program:程序,大纲、节目


class是最口语化的课,一般意义上的上课take class,have class而course是课程,更具体也更正式,比如你在大学是读些什么课程的就要用course而lesson与class基本相同,有些时候可以互换,但是前class侧重于课业的形式,而lesson侧重于课业的内容。比如说:“I have two classes this afternoon.”时,讲话人所强调的是“两个45分钟”的课业形式,而当他说:“I have two lessons this afternoon.”时,则着重强调“两个学科”的课业内容。curriculum则侧重于总体学科,是一个概括性的词汇

in 1492,Columbus and his crew arrived ___was so called the New World by the westerners.

不能,答案是:in what.解释:1. 根据句意和结构可知,what was so called the New World by the westerners为介词in的宾语,即宾语从句。arrive是不及物动词,不能直接加宾语(从句),所以必须先加一个介词in(the New World为大地方,所以用in最合适)。2. 该宾语从句明显缺少表示事物sth的主语,所以用what代替并引导此从句。which一般用于定语从句,但是此时从句前面没有表示地方的名词/代词即没有先行词,排除;which如果引导宾语从句,则其意思是“哪一个/些”,则该从句前后必须有限定的范围方可,排除。如:I wonder which you like best of all these colors. 其中of all these colors即为限定范围。


lessons英 [u02c8lesns] 美 [u02c8lu025bsu0259ns] n. 教训;课程;功课( lesson的名词复数 );一堂课

The bicycle was invented in the 1880s


雪地单车Icycle-OnThinIce 最后那辆自行车在哪里找到???


校园口语第二课:Select courses

1、I have made up my mind what courses I am taking. 我已经决定选什么课了。 make up my mind 决定做某事,可以跟从句,也可以跟动词不定式。 E.g.:I have made up my mind to get the first prize of the marathon competition. 我已经下定决心要赢得这次马拉松比赛的第一名。 2、most of the students are still shopping around, looking at various courses. 部分学生还在观望,先了解一下各门课的情况。 shopping around:观望 此外还有逛商店的意思 Some housewives make a habit of shopping around to get the best buy. 购物时货比三家,是家庭主妇的好习惯。 3、well, I have put off doing my science requirement till now. I haven"t learned any science courses for three years 是这样的,我已经拖了三年没选理科课程了。 science 理科 liberal arts: 文科 college of arts文学院 4、because you are major in MBA. I figure that you know more about the MBA 因为你主修MBA.我想你对MBA的课都比较熟悉。 major in 修……专业 专攻…… major in computer 主修计算机课程 figure 数字 体型 这里是“认为”接近于think 5、I took that class last year but I flunked it, so this year I have to take it again 我去年修了这门课,但是考试没通过,所以今年我还得再修一年。 flunk 不及格,挂科 也可以说 fail a class/course retake:重修 I failed this class last semester, so I have to retake it. 我上学期没通过这门课的考试,我要重修这门课 6、There are final exams and the students, if they pass, are given three full credits for these subjects 期末会有考试,如果学生通过了考试,他们会得到三门课的全部的学分 Credit:学分 two-credit course 两学分的课程 Credit system:学分制 7、conversation Lihue: I"m coming to see you about selecting courses. 我来是为了选课的事情 Professor: yep. What are you thinking about then? 好的,你是怎么想的呢? Lihue: I am planning to do three elective courses besides the three required ones 我打算选三门必修课和三门选修课。 Professor: how many credits in all? 总共多少学分?








course是一门课程。比如说语文,数学。 session是一段时间,可以是一节课,也可以不是。 lesson是一节课,更准确的说,是一节课的内容。 this term i"m taking five courses->这学期我上五门课, today"s lesson will be on grammar. the session will take place in room 101今天的课讲的是语法。这堂课将在101室上。








在装备里把吸钱的【就是类似抽风机的那个红色的】卸掉 然后安绿伞之后只要不碰到就不会吸钱了 靠楼主技术




りんごは赤い 赤くてうまいringowa akai akakute umai刑务所で食べたら さらにうまいkeimushode tabetara sarani umai野良犬は噛む どうせまた噛むnorainuwa kamu douse mata kamu腕まくりして こっちから噛ますude makuri shite kocchi kara kamasuバイトの面接 准备万端baito no mensetsu junbi bantan准备だけやって応募してないjunbi dake yatte oubo shite nai若手の顷の自分を见てるようでwakate no korono jibunwo miteru youde可爱がりつつ出る杭打つkawaigari tsutsuderu kuiutsuほったらかしで腐っていますhottarakashi de kusatte imasuにっこり颜に刺さってるダーツnikkori kaoni sasatteru da-tsuめんどくさいから なんもしないmendo kusai kara nanmo shinaiじっぱひとからげの负债 jippa hitokarage no fusai「あいつ本当にめっちゃいい奴。」とaitsu hontou ni meccha ii yatsu to言ってる奴がめっちゃ嫌な奴itteru yatsuga meccha iya na yatsuこの世界を救ったヒーローもkono sekaiwo sukutta hi-ro-mo一部の人には好かれてないichibu no hito niwa sukarete naiネットで検索 携帯プランを贤く选んでnettode kensaku keitai puranwo kashikoku erandeソシャゲ课金で月200万soshage kakinde tsuki nihyakuman平身低头 诚心诚意 谢りながらheishinteitou seishinseii ayamari nagara巨大な斧を担いでるカスkyodai na onowo katsuideru kasuほったらかしで腐っていますhottarakashi de kusatte imasuにっこり颜に刺さってるダーツnikkori kaoni sasatteru da-tsuめんどくさいから なんもしないmendo kusai kara nanmo shinaiじっぱひとからげの负债 jippa hitokarage no fusai深夜头上にたまってるガスshinya zujou ni tamatteru gasuまったりムードで重罪科すmattari mu-dode juuzaikasu天竺着いても なんにもないtenjiku tsuitemo nannimo naiじっぱひとからげの未来jippa hitokarage no mirai.comりんごは赤い 赤くてうまいringowa akai akakute umai刑务所で食べたら さらにうまいkeimushode tabetara sarani umaiりんごは赤い 赤くてうまいringowa akai akakute umai死刑の前なのに やはりうまいshikei no mae nanoni yahari umaiほったらかしで腐っていますhottarakashi de kusatte imasuにっこり颜に刺さってるダーツnikkori kaoni sasatteru da-tsuめんどくさいから なんもしないmendo kusai kara nanmo shinaiじっぱひとからげの负债 jippa hitokarage no fusai深夜头上にたまってるガスshinya zujou ni tamatteru gasuまったりムードで重罪科すmattari mu-dode juuzaikasu天竺着いても なんにもないtenjiku tsuitemo nannimo naiじっぱひとからげの未来jippa hitokarage no miraiほったらかしで腐っていますhottarakashi de kusatte imasuにっこり颜に刺さってるダーツnikkori kaoni sasatteru da-tsuめんどくさいから なんもしないmendo kusai kara nanmo shinaiじっぱひとからげの负债 jippa hitokarage no fusai元気はないけど生きていますgenkiwa naikedo ikite imasuほんのり うすら笑っていますhonnori usura waratte imasu何にもないけど ちょっと期待nannimo naikedo chotto kitaiじっぱひとからげの未来jippa hitokarage no mirai.com
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